r CO. DIRICTCI Y - 0? h'JL .j 'cseury, c. trsT. ?d J;c lav !n Jun, in -March, 4il. Mouday in Sept. l:iJ continue to weeks If necessary CO' i.NU IiTRICT OFFICEH3. . n. Samuel Linn, Bellefunte. ..- .'uxct Hon. J. D.Thoinrson.Curwensville lion. James moom, sorrcst, ...... Edward Perks, ; c:.: juit .ry, 1). F. Utswcilvr, ... ,': K.o. Isaiah U, Bargor, l..:ict Att'y, WM. M. McCough ..,u.-r, C. Krauer, . Surveyor, II. 11. Wright, . I.t.mri, Tho. Dougherty, Auios Read, Conrad Baker, .iwn, M. L. C. Evans. U- Woodward, y. F. Couteret. ClenrGolJ, Glen Hop. Clearfield, do Ausonvillo. i'ika tp. rcnnfield. LeeontesMill Coroner, County Sup'L Heury W. Par. 0. B. Sandford, LIST OF POST OFFICES. Towuklpt, Pott OJJlc, Potlmatltrt, Becenrla, Glen Hope, Win. 8. Wrigh " t'tabville, Theodora Weld, " Hcgnrty'e X Koads.Sam'l. Hegnrty, tn, Bower, W. McCrackon, " Chest, Th.A. M'Ohee. " Cush, J. W. Campbell, " OsUnd, II.L.IIendersn, Blooar, Forrest, Jamea Bloom, Hoggs, Clearfield BrUgo, Jainei Forrest, Bradford, Woodland, William Albert, jrrady, Luthersburg, R. II. Moore, " Troutrille, Chas. Sloppy. JtTe.-srp Line, John Heberiin, xen Washington, J-.., ualluher. BnrnslJe r . C. Jrrin, Jnck Patehiu, Jacob Boiee, O. Toier, jr. Wm. Mellarvey, . A. Farbcr, Al. A. Frank, P. A. Oaiilia. J.K.W.Srhnorrs T. W. Flcadnir,' Patoblnvilla, E.ist Kldj, Hard, Mctiarvfy, Wetovr, Clearfield, VrcDghrllif, Kartbaus, C.ftititV), CurwiovlU Curwer tvilla. D;c;t;r, Pbllipiburr. Cer'.ro eountv West l)ecatar, Uscev.'a M.l.t, Marrnt), Little Toby, J "eonle's aiula, i:td bat-l;', branaai'.on, Smitb'l ililss, Madeira, Tyler, PenuBelJ, Ansonville, Salt Lick, Kew Mulpcr Kylertown, Morrisdale, T. F. Boaii. ii, I'd. W illiami, i. McClellan,! C. Mijnot, I vTilliaui Carr, ! A. 11. Shaw, i T. II. Force, S: A. llegarty. ' '.'ba. J. Pusey, j lavid 7:!er. 1 f erfssn, To, wirard, m 6cre, H ' Kkr.bMaa, r.-a, 11. Woodwail, ( Eli la Chase, O. llJckidorn, ! M.O.Stirk, J as. Thompson, j J. C. Brenner, j P?r 4. Pit, Lumbar City.i JI.W. Spencer, A. C. Moure, T. II, Fleming. BenJ. F. Dale, O.K. lirabaker. Grampian 11 I vurwensville, Bloomingvilla. I'ctaa, Rckun, Wdward, JeRries, James LockeU, JThi Post Office will do for Chest township. IWU1 answer for Ferguson township. JOHN L. CUTTLE' ! Atornj at Law and Real rotate Agent, i Qtfier on Market tt. Oppatilt iht Jail, RESPECTFULLY offer bis s.rrleee In sell-'-f and buying lands In Clearfield and ad oc'.nl euani:a ; and with an experience of over 'tu'j years a a Surveyor, flatter himself that fct sxi render aatisfactien. Feb. '13 tf. w 1 J1CLI.I.IPUUII, Arroaicir AT Law. Clearfle d, Fa. Office on Market i: ret one door east of the "Clearfield County " " may t, Uti-Xt. ' I.AURIK . IILAKELY, Attorrej tnd Counsellor at Law, .". ill .'tend to all baslncs entrusted to bis t? E'i't and adjeiiHDg countio at St. Mary' 'nfnr P. 0.) Ip 29, 6 roo pd. rmm s j. mtullougii, Attorney at Law. . adjnining the Bank, formerly occupied by i McVr.aily, Ktq., Market itroet, Clearfield, . Vill attend promptly to Co llcctinns, Sale C Lasds, Ac. Doe. 17. '02. ROBLAT J. WALLACE, Attorubt at Law Clearfield, Pu, Office in Skaw's Row, op j-s't the Journal office. dec. 1, 1S58. tf t. 1. CaASS. WAt.TJR BARlttT CIS AN S and BAItUET, AHutneya at I. aw, alfiy a, '63. Cliarpirld, fa. " rHOiTwoobs PRACTICING Physician, and Examining Sur (reon for Pension. Office Southwost corner Beeond and Oherry itrcots, Clearfield, Pa. January 11, 186. ly CrREIUS HOWB. JUSTICB OF THE TeACE.1 For Dxcator Township, will promptly attend to all business entrustod to his care. P. 0. Address, Philipsburg Pa. Ang. list 1S61 I" EVER FLEQAL, Justice of the PearHj Lif. J thersburg, Clearfiold county pa., w;ll attend promptly to all business ontrcsted to bis care. Luthersburg, April 4, 1801. J. T. KRATZER, MERCHANT, and dealer ia Dry Goods Clotlllnir. IInr.lr nn Provisions. Ac ' ! Front Street above the Academy Clearfield Pa. April XOth IS 04, !i. W. i'MTTir m : nnf,:).iTS, and dealers In Dry Ooo;!?, ll.-ocories, Hardware, (Jueontwnre, and ' CTrv:bin inunlly keyt by the trade. Store on pt.iyvj.vu street, i.ol'iw Judge Lcennrl's, o eite the Presbyterian Church, Clearfield Pa. Deo. 4, m. ;po- Ja. McNui-ray. DEALKRS IN I V -M ' 1 . . Kit!. In T., aew Washtnston.Clrarneld County, l'a Ju'y 1st lt3G3.-tf t : " ''""' T "- . - vv .a , , V. 1 townshin. d- .in-. .u imona uu iriends and tli. ..i.ii. V,V""' ,n" n nas taken out a Llrensa a, . AUCTIONEER, and will att.n.l i ' .i. " "n r el halfj in any part of the county at the shoneu olce, and at the most reasonable charges, d- CuVw,..uf, ,c"onI1Jr 7 '"r, either at lurweosvill, or BloomviHo. April t, '04. tf. jfem t?PJl' .Dr!?? Pccu. "ccived regularly Clearfield I). W. McCTJBDY, A. B. PrincipaL " " QMter will p.n 00 Monday th. '.i WrfiWMa Terms of UitaV. X ii oilows: 'LtkF'i' B,Prin? 'ho, branch met us? ur,,i"",Mln(t.WritiBg,Arith. tt. ??nhy Inll Oramier and oa1 60 GREAT EXCITEMENT in GLEN IIOP NEW STORE AXD JEratTOES Gj-CD CD 2D 32 3 fPHE undersignec" avlng removed hi store J to lbs now bu nling opposite tbo Union llouso, on Pina street, Glen Ilupe, Clearfield co. Pa., ia now offoring to the public THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC AT THIS Vl-ACH; I ALL OF WHICH WILL DE SD AT rnicES to suit the timks. Hi stock ha been (elected with particular regard to the want of the people, and embracer DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, UAliDWARS, yrEEXSWAKK, hats a is d cat!, Toots and siufa MuNC-WAUK, WILI.OW.WARK, RKADY-MADK CI.nMUMi, ROCEKIKo, XAUTIIKNWAUE, OILS AND PAINTS, FLOUR AND IUCON, 0LAS3 AND NAILS, F1SU, SALT, ETC. OP' EVERY SIZE ASD rATTERS Together with all other article necessary to complete the asssortment of a first class country (tore. .&9-A11 kinds of LUMBER and Country Pro. duce taken in exchange for goods, at the hlgV st market price. "J' .bia) A he Is receiving new supplies of rood weekly from Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, the publie can se at once that he will always be prepared to supply any article 1 in the market. JOII.V ROBSON. Glen Hope, Dec. 23, 1S63. The Kcasoii wliy Everybody purchase their CLOTIIINO o ItEIZEN'STEIN BROS. & CO. Became they soil so very cheap for Cash ; Because they keep the bc?t goods; Because their Clothing is well niado A fashionable Because they keep tho largest assortment; Because they get New Goods every week ; Because they give every one the worth of his mon'y Bocause they take the advantage of nobody; Because they treat tlioir customers well ; Because everybody likes to doal with them ; Because they sell cheaper than the rest ; Because their Clothing are well sowed A fit well Bocause they can suit everybody ; Bccauso their Store Is so conveniently situated; Because nobody loaves their store dissatisfied; Because all who deal with them are suro to cat again, and send thoir neighbors ; Because they have purchased their Stock at such reduced prices that they can afford to ADVERTISE! These aro a few of the reasons why they sell so .encap. j Tl-A11 kinds of Country Troduco taken al tho bighost inarlict prteiMt ! RKI ZEN. STEIN BROSA Clearfield, Nov 11, ISC,, 3m. ! , T. MrCLOKRV, Practical Survryor.of ;sJ fers his prefcssionnl nrvics to tho pooi le oi ticarncld county. Having purchasod the In struments, Drafts, Ac, of the late Thomas l'.oss, ,, 0 a.' D? wm D? TeDilJ 10 Bt!eD', t0 bUMnc ' .n residence with Robert Ross, one mile from Pur-! mile ! "onsville, or 1 let wensvi'1". n I !r"icd to bim at Cur- f.i y i np. 27 '64-ly. STCVBS. e : il.' r in crior to acc(immo.l..te the Curwei.ivfKe, and the public j I J, c:'..i::-.s or g.-mraily, hss.-i t re?:vcu a lot of for wood or e..fll. n'.lcl, h. .11! .11 ..t ..... ehuip for cash or produce. . 1 - - '..r.-.-rv VI U.II 1 JOHN l. THOMPSON. Kov. 4, l03-tf. A IS'0. STOVT. IMIr..-Fi,r sale at the ehesp , of Jxhn D. Tiioiopson, in Curncnsville, i.t ; cents ptr pound. Kov. II, )' o3 ITEIJOGRAPllicT TIIIE undersigned, having coniplotod V. A. ogiaph Gallery, in Shaw's Row, f west of the Mansion Houo, Clearfjelii, Pbot donrs i a., is ii-jw reaay ia Trait on ll in want i r Mvrt- (Dflj.es ll'Gfffite. ' Wy arrangements are such as will enable me to furnish thoie beautiful productions of sun druw-1 ing in the highort style of the art Having fitted ' P my rooms at a considerable expenso, with a ow to the comfort and pleasure of my patrons, 1 ; "ope, by strict attention to business and a de.lre w please, to merit a libeml .W. .r i,n. I Co. L.' Di M nJl0M Alt Hafloirau Pirbaa. of r!ctCrciraUCnli0" 8iron " ying all kind. - d inn.'rZ.'" V' of .rholo8'PWng lif """" IL BRID fe. Foil Sale! ! EXTRA FAMILY FLOP R. bv lb TlnrrM .nj' cava ior sai cy m lubserilier JAMES L. LKAVY. j Nov. 2.v, 1861, tf. NEW FIRM. CARLISLE & CO, DEAL EMS IX FOREIGN AXD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, (iliOCERIES, L UMBEL', SHIXGLES,dC.,diC. PIIILIPSIUTHG. Ceutre county, Pewi'a. I ,T i i . Have received nml tiro USt opening .V.... ...... .... JU.TI WJ.V1 the largest assortment of he best, CHEAPEST, AND MOST SEASONABLE GOODS Eser brimjJll tt (' seeffim tiling NOTI0N.5, HARDWARE and QUEEKSWAEE, I, a ilics1 Furs! 1 1 hxvU, Nubias, Sontas, Balmoral ! unci Hoop Skirts ! UATSiCArSl . ' liUOLS i 551IOLS Ready Mads Clothing, of Latest Styles i:ClIO(M.. HOOKS k STATIONERY Drug.s, OiLs Paints, Putty Si Glass! Rii-e-Flour Farina and Corn-Starch tU tL-OII. I. AMI'S WOUO AXII WIL LOW W ARC Trunks $ Carpet-Bags ! pirra, tobacco and seoaiss i Fish, Salt, and flails! Ceil sm3L L2i2isd Oils! Fi.olr, Feed and Provisions ! And all articles nsually kept in a fint-clajs roubtry store all of which will be (old m j j a KjllCdl) JO) LaS ll ! or approved produce, Lumber or tblngl. Philipsburg, Kov. 18, lS03-tf. Cheap Fsii'iiitiire ! DESIRES to inform his old friends and eus t mors that, having enlarged his shen and increased hit facilities fur manufacturing, he ta no prepared to make to order furniture may be desired. In good style and at cheap rate. f.J fach. Hemo.tlvhas on hand at his ..furni. s asn. lie mostly nas on nana at his "Furni ture Rooms," a varied ssrortuivnt of lleady-uiade Furniture, among which ars . Niirnnna nnrl Slirlrv.nnnrla ' "ul,,uoi V ardrobes and Uook-Caso ; Centre Sofa, Parlor Brcnkfiut and Dining Extension Tables. Common. French-Tost cottage, Jenny- Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS of all. KINDS, WORK-S TANDsj HAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, Ac' Hocking and Arm Chairs, Spring. Seat, Car.e-Bottoai and P.irlor Chairs and Ceinmon and otlier Chairs. I 0 OKIXG-GI.A SNES Of every description on band; nnd new glasses for o!d frames, which will be put in on ve ry reasonablo terms on short notiee. He a'?o keeps on hanu, or furnishes to or der, Hair, Corn-Husk, Hair and Cotton top Miittrcoj. rCFHSS, Of every kind. Made to o'.!ir, anilfuuerals nttended with a ILaarse, vhenever d-vired. A2k rir.tiiidone to order. Tlio rui scribcr ah9 mauufacturei, and ha constantly en band, Clement's Fatent Washing Ma?liin ! Tho bc?t now in ufc. Thoso inc; this machine never need bo without clean clothes 1 He also has t lCV & 1'UtCnt L Hum, A ""Pcr;or. "rl cI-. A family using this Churn I never noed bo without butter! I nu mo nuuvo aun many oilier r.riiciei are lur ; rifhed to cuntoiucrs cheap for ..'ash or exchanged fur approved country produc . Cherry, Muplo, , Poplar. I inwooj and ctber Lunjber suitable for tabin. t MorH, taken in exchange for furniture. iWl'.i'iiK iiiber :ht bov m on Market stroeL tlo.ir.'iel-J, Pa., au 1 marly Cionite the "Old Jew Stor" JOHN GULICU. 'b im- v iM U 17. (? I? B U oc 'a i? 8 u t a IsCTHFRSBCRC, OI. .AJ.r-l.ZT) COUNTY, PA. 1. )':'?, Proprietor. ;, isc;i. ly. 11 V..U Muule I,;.; .' Assistant Assessor of tlio l'Jth Cui:.'tion District of I Pennsylvania, and a Licciiro as Auetioneer hav ing been granted to me by the proper authority, ' I would inform tho eitizeni nf Clearfield county I thnt I will attend to "calling sales" whenever desired In any part of tbo eountr. Chariroa u.Uuwte. Address JOHN L. KKAMS. Dec. 10, ISPi-if. Clearfiold, Pa. f. b. Any person " eallmg - sales withont a license it subject to a penalty of $0, which will bo enforced in accordance with the law, against u pureous violating me statute. CARPETING Ingrain, Cotton, homp, SUsr, floor 011-elotbs, Broca telle, Door mats, Ac. J. 1'. UKA I ZEU II OUSEnOLDGOODS- Tinware. Queensware, Ing Ulosses, Lamps, Wall Cloeks, Nails, Glass. Oils, Paints, Taer.t all price, J rajer, at all prices at J.I JUJATZEJTS. MOUNT VERNON HOUSE Second Street, above Arch, riliLADELrlllA. . A. V' "''AIR. Proprietor. t JV.f ,t.?.M,Eurf Uw'" AtlM ) J p. 31, I6EI-1 y. IfSS-SSS; , way betwoon Clearfield and Curwonavllro boros'. ! way between Clearfield and t'urwonavllta boroi', ia prepared to furninh all kinds of Fruit treat. f (Standard and Dwarf,) Evergreens, Shrubbery, drape Vines, Gooseberries, Lawton Bluckberry, Strawberry and ISueplserry vlnea. Also, .S'iborian Crab trees, yuiuce and curly scarlet libeubarb, ire. Orders promptly attendod to. Address J, D. WRIGHT, Cvrwcntullc. sept. 14. 'CI. ly , KTH frame Dwelling bouie, Storehouse. log Barn, and other out-buildingr, anda growinir Orchard of thriving troe. The title is undinnu- ; table, l'or Terms, apply to the undcrsiirucd. in Lawrence township, Clearfield county, Fa, J. K. READ. Tiik jiortiMnr t;iiiit or inf'Tliim wiiirli wc can M l;nni.i iurk rjes Kii.ntfi,,i.ii,,.,.......m. !,;A'U'-"irinnjH'ti,iu Fiit:i:n F'V1L"3 "lu V11''' ""' ' s v. C-'Ji-"VV Vlv' v i go r i tin iti-t 1 1 m , . -.-irr; fall into (ltM.riltT ' J- - ik:v'liu ...in. iiciion, .":m I to nll,l l cy. The siTofultma ( ontiiniinaiimi U vn- riniir-ly ciiiisffl l y uu riMirinl ilista'c, Inw living di.,r.U-n-.l .liu'oMi.m from milii-althr f.Hiil, iinj.un- iir. lillli imd filtliy lialiit!', t'io (ii'iii'L'.-iinif vices, nml, nliovo nil, ly tlio Viinruil nurrtioii. Whatever lo Us onj;i:i, it H l.ercilit.uy in tho con litulion, (U-ic-in.liiiif "from iiareiili to children until i tll. tiiiril r nil timrlli I'.MUTfiliull r inilnoil it ! i,..,.,,! to l.e llw roilof ll!in ho i.tvs. " I will I isit the iniquities of thu futliors upon their chihlren." Tho ilisenc. it oripnuti tako va.inuj linme", rcconlin;;' to the ordain it iill u k. : tho liinjis. Scroful.i proihic ! tuherrleK, rul finally (.'.)! u n ipt ion ; til tho Claims, .htts wlticii Fiipiurulo nul I com.! uli ouu (ores; in I lie Monutcli nml .honils li rnnj,'eiuenti vhith produce iiuli- j i:Vsti..n, dy,,.ei,M.i, nml liver complaint,; on f 1 1'1-' eruptive nml cutaneous iith.tion-. 1 lirsr, nil lm in the tat v origin, require tho Mine remedy, viz.. piinlication nml m iora tion of tho Llood. Purify the Mood, nml these dangerous ili.-tcinpors leave you. Willi feeldo, foul, or corrupted Mood, volt fnnnot have hcullh; with thnt "life of' the fle.ih" healthy, yuu cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayor's Sar3aparill;t i crnipoumled from the most effectual nntl ilotcs that medicul science has discovered for I this etllietinj,' d'uteniper, and for the cure of 1 the disorder it entaila. That it is fir supe rior to any oilier remedy yet ileveil. m known l y all who hnvc (jiven it a trial. That it doe combine virtues truly extraordinary in their fleet upon this rl.i. of comphiints, iii indispulahlv pMitrn In the rrnt inultilude of pnhliely knuun and rcniarkahle cures it has made of the following diseased King's Evil, cr Glandular Swellings, Turaor3, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sore, Erysipelas, Er.se or St Anthony's Fire, Suit Rheum, Scald Head. Conehs from inocrcuioiii aeposiis in tno lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, ifeuralgia, jlTyapopRia or Indigestion, Syphilis and tnberculonf deposits in tho lungs, White Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Disease, ! Female Weaknesses, and. indeed, the wholo Iscriff of eunitiliiiiits lliut arise from iiinmritir of the blood. Minute reports of individual case niny he found in Attu's Auiui ac A i. max ac, which ii furnished to thv drniis for irratuitous distribution, wherein may l.e leaned thu directions for in n. . Mid n?ee of the reuiarkahhi cures hii !i il I ;i leade when all other rrmedies had f ih d to rrt'oid ..i:..c 'ei.... ...... i.. ...i .. ( r,.iL.f , ' , V , V . ' " f " M K, ,TS 01 "i0 C"U""-Vl '" "r,lrr 'very reader iiiay have neces, t H.ine one wnii can spcnK lo nun 01 ns i-cnclits irom personal experience. Scrofula depresses the 1 ' m rl,,, nr"' leau-K its victims far , moru Mil.ject to disease and its fund results ' n, .. .,rn l ii, i;..,.;..r,. n . , tends to shorten, rtid does irrciillv shorten. i li. o nvorage ilunition of human life, i he vast importrme of these cons ideraiions has led us to spend yenrs in perfecting a renirdv I which is adequate to its cure. 'This we now oiler to the public under Ihelinnie of A ykh's ' SAi:sAr.vmij.A, nllhoUKh it is ioiimh.suI of i ,!.,..,.. ..... ..e .. i .i... i. . . .... ..,, r..i..- .i iii, ii i-Aiirii lie I cbl I f Sanwurilla in nllerntivo v... ... Itv is. ..: i .. .. . .. . . i.-v . ! .ml on n ay protect yourscU tiom the suller- out the foul corr...t.on. that rot and fester ii I n. 1. niu . tiiiri... i,i it.u .. ....... .,r .i; uou onier oi uiee ujsoniers. rurue in nit- oioou, luiruo out tue causes oi iiisease. and vigorous health will follow. By its pecu liar virtue this remedy stimulates the vital functions, nnd thus expels the distempers which link within the system or hurst out on any part of it. Wc know the public have been deceived I ly many compounds of Sar$iiarilla, that promised much und did nothing; hut they w ill neither he deceived nor disappointed in this. lis virtues have been proven bv alnin- l slant trial, and there remains no question of Its s urpnssiiiK excellence for the cure of the afllictiuir iliscusca it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very (liflerent medicine from any otlier w hich has Ut'ii Ufoie the people, nml is far more ef fectual than any other w hich kits ever Wen available tu them. AYER'3 CIIEUHY rECTOHAL, Tlio World's Groat Remedy for Coughs, Colda, Incipient Con sumption, and for tho relief of Consumptive patients in ndvanced btages of tbo disease This h s been so lontf used and so titii vei sally known, that we need do no more tluin assure the publie that its quality is kept i:p to the best it ever lias been, and that it may lie relied on to do nil it lias ever done. Ticparcd by Pit. .1. C. Avr.H & Co.. J'icctical ami Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists every where. .f-a-Sold by C. D. Watson and Hartswick A iiusion, v-iearncld j t. A. Irvin, Curwensvillo I roster A McGirk, Philipsburg j S. Arnold. Lu thersburg j and by dealer everywhere. 1 September 14, 'C4, 1 yr. Chop PI inn I Plicr. I J 20,000 jS Bushels superior R"YE-C II OP received and fur sale at V.I 73 por hundred. JAMES TK3T. Thilipsburg, Aug. 8, 1SS4. pd. J. 0. BLACKWELL, WITH GEO. W. HEKP & CO. CLOTHING, Also, Jobbers In Cloths, Cansimcrcs nnd Sattinets, Sit. 433 Slarket street, North (id between Fourth and Fifth, PUILADKLP1UA. TZT Call and m ef tosiv tock. iwiuiu i uii Mist., niiinmcr itooqs. gingham :r "vr" .f w. IMIE (ubcriber offer for salo on reasonable. .CHINTZ at Senaation therms, a Farm in Beccuria township, one , T-v-wr ! PRINTS at mile South of Beecaria Mills. It contain llfty , K,W !fiIf)VFS t a 1 00 err)l-otnpt Still ona Bush ! NEW FIRM. BOINTON, SUOIVERS & (.UAH AM. BOYNTON, 61I0WKK3 A GRAIIAM-.ue-cessors to Boynton A Showers respectfully announce to tho public that they are now open ing an extensive assortment of SUMMER GOODS '!. M .t..J in n..t.. .- BOIM0, 8U01VERS & GRAHAM, fflf gJJ; - - J . jriiuuiion ii tin- ci.ntitu!ii.tv. of they offer to oll 'at shingly low pfj, iimliit U'Ick ivf m. n. It .(cntrsidcring thoir eost 0 (or cash or opprtv t illuT p.o'l u'i s or i. ,4 country produce. Xbcif clock of DRY GOODS CANNOT EE SURPASSED! tustomer can there find , CA LI CUES WITH FAST COLORS 1 rinrfiTi.'n . . ..... ;UI.UTI1SI C A SSI ME ICS I VESTINGS LADIES' SIIAWL3 ! GENTS' SHAWIjS ! L. . . . . I "ATS k CAPS ! BOOTS 4 RIIOEfiJ 1 ' CARPETS k OIL-CLOTHS! OUR STOCK OF " A T di efATV C? M 1 i I t"T II f I 1 I. i sT IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing NOTIONS! - NOTIONS! NOTIONS Scarfs! Hcad-Xcts ! Xeck-Ties! S:if fliols ' l'nrl. Mnnnnina ' llnwhoa ' 1 liyioni ptllC .illUUlllS : rinct nvm i rm i zvr iva , Ilr&, 10JJACCO & &LG AUS ! t UMEItl OP ALL KINDS I Or anything else in tlio Notion Lino ! ALSO, HAllD-TTARE ! Q .u c c n s w arc, GROCERIES AND PllO VISIONS ! All of tb best quality, and selected with special regard to the trad of Clearfield county. AI F. liOYNTOX, JOSEPH SHOWERS, KhWAKI) OKAII.V.M. Clearfield, July 27, ISM. I American $oiisr, ! MA IX STREET, liR'tnh I A,', '.I H. 11. M K A N S rSOI'RIKTOit. Oct. 19 ly Furni for Sale. rpilE subscriber eflers for sale, on reasonable X terms, 70 . rres of Land, more or less, sit uuie in Uirard township, Clearfield connty, wilh about 40 acres cleared, with buildir.gs, Ac, erec ted thereon, being the same premises purcbed h Smith ifr Kini from Oeorgo U. Smith. For terms and particulars pply to the undersigned at Clearfield, Pa. 'I ll OS. J. McCULLoUGII. Sept. 14, isfii. tr. BONNETS Fashionable Bonnets, huts. Nets Caps, Shakers, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes Crape, Bonnet Silks and Millinery (ioods gener ally, cheaper than the cheapest at .1. i . KRAZER S. 1 New Watch and Jewelry Store. ! Q LAL'CIIMX, having purchasod the '"'or1'" o( hi 'il10 rn", is now going it "n own '?ook i,n ,he tnp f"nerly occupied i by them on Second street, where be is prepared . i ... I.. ' .to uP..h" rf ru,ntlon " Vl workman "y doing all work entrusted to hnn on short no j in hf bcet nneri and on lhe m0st reB, , enable terms. Defvinithe eountv. all he k. I. . fair triu, and a continuation of the pa.roa. ... t..... .r -..i .1 t --i a. .l '. . age heretofore extended. Look out for the sign of TU E BIG WATCH. N. E The Cash will bo positively exported hen the work Is delivered. S. Jli L. Clearfield; April 7, ISSt. y no WARD ASSOCIATION' " Philadelphia, Pa. Disuses of the Ncrvons, Seminal, Vrinnry and , Sexuul Systems new and reliable treatment j In reports of tie Howard Association, sent by ! mail in senled letter envelopes, free of charge Address, Dr. J. SK1LLEN hOIMillTON, How. . ard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Phil , adelphia, Pa. j)2-'64 ly WATCH & JEWELRY i rilHE undersigned respectfully, I iuformshis customers and the public generally, that he has Just received from the East, and oi cn, edathis establishment in GRAHAM'S BOW Clearfiold, Pa., a fine assortment of Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry of different qualities, 'from a single piece to a full sett, which he will ! sell at the most reasonable prices for cash, or in ' exchange for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at the nu.it reasonable prices. " I ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry; carefully repaired and It orrniilcrt. A continuance of patronage is solicited, Sept. 19, I860. II. F. NAUoLE. MUSICAL GOODS Flutes, Violins, Fifes, Ilnrmonicans, Preceptors. Muic Taper, Vi olin Bows, Bridges, Strings of the best quality at J. T. KRAZER'S. Susquehanna House, ICRWEXSVILLE, Pa. j W . W . WOKKALL, Proprietor. THIS large and commodious HOTEL Is do ligbtfully located cn the bank of the Sus quchanna, in the borough of Curwensvillo. The present proprietor will spare o effort to render his customers cemfortable, and hopos U merit a liberal (hare cf publie patronage. I HIS BAR AND TABLE Will be well supplied with every thing the mar ket affords. Raflinen will alwavs find his "latch string" out. Mar. 23, '61. tf. BOOTS and Shoes a complete assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses', Boys' and Children's Boot Shoes and Guilorsat J. P. KRATZEK'S. ' QTAPLE Dry floods Cloths, 'Casslmeres Tweed., S-ntinetts, tsilkwarp Muslin, Linen, Prints, at the KJ Cloak-cloths, i Flannels, Ticking, (old prices at i RICHARD LIOSSOP, I TniF" A TMWTO I F0EE1GN and DOMESTIC GOODS I MUSLINS I T.Wf k I V t7C3 Snsation 'Sensation at At at Sensation price, Price. Price .'. Sensation (SHAWLS BONNETS at at at JouauiiOQ Sensation Sensation Trice price UlLUKfcD I MUSLINS j pncei All to be Jiadat M0SS0P81 LINEN at C CRASH at CURTAINS at FABLE CLOTHS ni Senation priZj Sersatifwi FRINGE at t MOSSOfs-. LACE at Sanaatinn (HOSIERY at Sensation RIBBONS at Sensation TRIMMINGS) 'of all kinds & at Sensation ! in ny quan'ty pncei prices price price Always on hand at MORSiiPs' CAS51 MERES at at at at at at vcnation Sisneation price prices prices prices prices S ATT 1 NETS TWEEDS JEANS I VESTINGS SHIRTINGS Sensation Sensation Senoation Sensatiou USUI 101) hfjgg. at Momh. CLOTHING uchl as Coats, TunH, Vests, Under Shirt, Flannel Shirts, Boots, Shoes, Hals and Caps, at sensation price Now for tale at KOo.SOrS II A a 1) W A It I. i Futh as Snws.nail.s Forks, Knives, St'ikca, Hinges, LIQUORS, each us Viut, Brandy, G in, W h iskey, Cognac, etc, etc., FRUITS, such as Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Filberts, Ac. GROCERIES, say Flour, Ham s, Shoulders, Sujtar, Molasses, Coll'ee, Tea, C r a c k e rs, Spice;, Candk, fit sensation price at M0SS0P3'. at sensation prices at sensation prices at MOSSOIV. at sensation pncei Coal Oil, etc., etc. A! way? al MO.S.SOrS'. prices prices pricos prices piiccs prioo At the stora of RICHARD MOSSOI'. MOSSOP Always kerps .in hand lull assortment of all kinds of pooth rpmed for the acooumodalion l the publie.. Nov. 12. P"!!. . " NEV FIRM. IIARTSWICK & HUSTON DRUG3ISTS MAHKET Street CLKAIiTIELD l'A. KEEP constantly on haul a hryt und and iccll selected stock of I) It UGS and VII EM 1C A f.S PAIXTS OILS AND VARS1SI1 PERFUMEKV A TOILET ARTICLES. BLANKS, BOOKS AND STATIONARY. TOBACCO & SEGARS. And a general assortment of VARI- trr.it. , ATI Lb and Tancy ARTICLES. V,' respectfully invite a call, feelinf confi dent that we can supply the wants of all, oa 1 1"! to their L terms to tueir satitlsction HARTSWICK A BTSTOX. Clearfield April 27th 18M.tr DISSOLUTION. The psnnerAip beret, fore existing between Ibe ttndertigsed, la the publientiib Of the CUnrfitld RrpMiran, was dissolved by mutual consent oa the 14th of July, 1SI14. I The Bonks are In the hands of the junior part ner for collection. Those patrons knowing tlin selves indebted to the late publisher.' fur either subscription, advertising, or job work, are re spectfully invited to call and settle their accounts at their earliest convenience. j D. W. MOORE, G. B. UOOI'LADhB. i ronnEnLT at tb belle voste rot susr chasos flack or ii'fisesi. IIAUPT & Co. HAVING- leased the Foundry and MscniM Phopsat Milesburg, known ns "GKbbN?, lOL'SDRY," are prepared to n 'jf:ifturc sr.J repair Steam Engines, sweep nnd tresd power Threshing Machines, New World nnd Hathswa; Cook Stoves, Wagon Spindles, Plews.and Cssf ings of all kinds at short notice. lheyaboba both at Belleforto nnd Milesbnrg.a variety ol Cook and Parlor Stoves, fur sufl coal, of l'itls burg manufacture. Cull and ts for yuorielvca ISAAC IIAl'PT is spent for the York, Wyom ing and Columbia Insurance Compotiies. jy20,61-ly . Antional Motel, MAINE. STREET, CURMEXSVILLE, TA., WIu. A. MASON. Proprietor- riHHS long cctubliihcdand well known 11 J. TKL, situated in ths west end of the towa hns beonremoddlod, enlnrf ed and iuiprovsd, ans the proprietor respectfully annonnces to his ns frinn.!.. anil to the travellinc public, l"1 i he is now prepared to accommodate all who mJ favor him wita a call. . , Ample, safe and comforUble stabling war taehed to the premises, aud trusty attondoDU will always be on hand. Charges moderate Feb. 12, lS62,-lf. WANTED A large lot of ' FLAX SEED in exchange lot GOODS at the Cheap Store of JOHN D. THOMPSON. Curweusvillo, S'pt. Id, ISn-1. c j iitios ah . ... l.Ari.)iv eauti I l.iei i.'.i. nil (.ciiivii. n.v - . ed i sgaiust baying or selling a J'",If!,r o .. M .. In th nnuesainn of Joan iii"' jr., of Knox 'township, a. th same belcigi BLACKING tit .eiuatinn : ROTES at sensation I TOW I ER :it sensation SHOT ul stnsaiion LEAD ;.t sensation CATS at cnsation me and is la nt ns on ioa -r C0RA1 BAKSF.. Kev. 2, Hl. Aag. 1 tf. J. T. KRATZER'S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers