iHANKMivixo. ififiufiria ojunin nittdorit. YuIipIm . (iuiii inuii - It 11 ii I to I f I - - .. - fc ,H, if-t-i ttXin.V tlioinwi.l li'M. ,...li(' TIMK OF llot.lHN.M'nl . ,,,, million i'.r liculH, lls'i'l)'U'l tho M Monday In .fsimnr)-, I M Monday !n .tune, ... .1 . M Mimdiv In Van h. ltd MiimIh. In i.i A ii -i. nil I 1 1-1 ll luilil' 1 MO HI II I 111 I'll I. ... . ' . i "i' ' I I to tln I Ih'oik1 l tno ,M ..( Mia if In I hi I luiiiii' i'l tno .Most . I 1 - V .... I Mi'itttnl. I hi iimriil ( Dinrnri Willi tiiviiiity,tlii(miniiiiinii willi i.-shciico t ) i m t if n'rfi'( t cannut I n t Iiiivp rli'im.i- I'll MUllO Jiortidll (if tllO tllillt tllilt clings to irriiit; Immunity. A juviplo liavo olVrri'il tlu-ir mhiI ti il'iitc to tho Sui nf mo I!uKr of nntionaliticn; tlioy liavc invoked tho Mowings (' Jlim that ordains, "On oartli, pence ami oiiil will to men." TIioho uncivil rit rs Imvo l"on jioil'onnt'd while we nre in the midst ot'liavou and destruc tion Of tm h ) rnr.atid rutilltiu two weeks If mi-i-oury. . COt'NTV AMI DISIIUDT OKtK'K'lH. Pret'l Judge Hon. Hniiiiirl l.lnn, ItcHi-font. A'te Judgi-s Mini. J. II. Tlioini mm, Cur n ctisi illc. lion. J ii in i lllooiu, Purred, Hhcilfl, IMwnrd IVrks, lleiiioolil, I'riilli'iiiiiliiry, 1. F. Ktw oiU-r, " Reg. A lieu. I -iii ii h II. Ilargor, " District Ail'r, Inraol Ti'fl, " Trcusiiroi, Jnn'i'li Hiiiit, On. Surveyor, II. II. Wright, Commissioners Jacob Kunu, Tlmii. Dougherty , A ititin Head, Auditors, Charles Worrell, II Woodward, RICIIAIID MOSSOr, TmM)ili KIT I OUI'.Ki.N ami M)M;sT('(it)()lS (iV.n 'tithl, I'll. DR. A. E HILLS I)';.: sa MI'SI.INM PKI.MNIS (nl'.ruus ALPACAS lit III nl nt Sk'ti'iition Seiisiitinn Nfiiiiiiiiin S-nsiilinti iriee pi i-i-s jiiiren prie.rit i .lu.-tt leeeivnl lit MOSSUl'S'. Pil Nil MA MS lit Si'iiHivtioii initios V V ('..nlnrMl t!:p hands that have heen raised Coroner, J. W. Potter, llll'Tl lInio. I.ul hers burg, Or. Hill. Clearfield. N.Wash'gton IVnnlU hi. Lcconn-s .Mill llocenriii, m tliaiiktulnexs and adoration are rei with tlio l-lood of His n eat m en, horn in his iniMe, and created to live in harmony and fraternal concord. The brows that have bowed in worship have tho mark that His Angel lixed upon the forehead of the first murder-: ' cr. The hearts that Bought to he, " Kanctified liv hnmblcnvsH and piety, 1 ..." i i i i IlliHiin, have boon lor two long, cruel years n,,BRs, swelling with piido and passion, and Bradford, canliering with hatred, intolerance, nnd the lust of vengeance. . It is nnt . those who are drawn, up in hostile ur- Hurnrido, ray arid who slay thoir fellow men i upon tho actual fiattlo-field, who are guilty 'i'ho necessities of their posi-;(lu.t, tion, and the delirium of the fight " absolve them from the grout ,,(fip(,"-'ciar()l,l pibilitv; but those who, in cold blood, : cvi,lt(tii in council chamber, in churches, and' l.i.t.intl. ll,.ii. I ... it i 1 1 i I t'iW.t'.i n n ii '. li:ilV.llll VIIVII 11 IIIMIIIII I l'in, ll III I ll I l. , . and sustain the sentiment of nnimosi-1 .. ' (y and vindicliveness, or partisan bit-' " tcrness, or of obstinate pride, or of J,n?1",on fanaticism, or of avarice and ambition, ijir'r,i that feeds this withering firo of civil I ' strife with them the holy exercises """J'pn. Yesterday if not a mockery mnl'n.xi,' 1 County Siii't. C. 1). Siui'llurJ, Clfnrl'wlil. ('Ill NT. , 1' 1(1 NTS (il.tiVRS CKAVATS ! SHAWLS I HONNKTS ('i)l.okKI) I MUSUNS I.Is-T Of I'OSTOKl' lCKS. ' (lj)im, I',ihIiiI'1'I en, (Jlon 1 1 !-, Win. S. Wriitht, t tnlmlU, Tln'inli.ro Wvlil, Ili-Riirty i . IlonilK.Siim'l. lli-jfirly III .etlKllll(ll pI'KCH lit NetiKHtion pliceg at Seinntifln prieeH ul Scn.Halion price ul MOSSOl'S' nt Sennlion prioes nt Sennation price at Sciiu'ition prices of sacrilege, must have wrought some degree of purification. Lot us hope, then, that main' who in their relentless hearts have devoted the people of the South to extermina tion many who have rejoiced at the record of suffering and devastation written among the ruins of Southern homes many who have not been ap palled at tho bloodstains that track j tljpir path to power many who see not the spectres of the slain, and hear not the wails of the bereaved, while they count tho profits that have ac crued as their jirrsnit share of our national misfortune, let us hope that they have been inspired with but ever 6o liitle of His mercy, forbearance and gentleness to whom they render ed thanks. jV. V. iV. llnwrr, W, McCnu'kiMI, t lii'M, Th. A. M Ulii'O. Cimli, J. W, Ciiuiilall, O.-Ii'ihI, ll.lj. Iluiiili'mon, Knrrviit, Jiinu'ii llluoui, Clciirlli'lil ilriitgr, Jiimi'i Fur mat, V.'illinniii' drove, Juii, K. Wumun, IiUtliernliurg, It. II. Monro, 'J'roulvillo, CIihii. tlniiy, Jrfti'mon Lino, John I'ulicr In, Ni-w Wnnliiiiirton. Jn. tliilliilmr. llurnniilv, 1'uli liiin illp, Kimt Kidj;i', ll.inl, Mi-darvf r, Wc.-tovor, Clrarlii'lil, Froni'livilln, Knrlliiun. Ciirwpnsvillo Curwinvillp, 1'hi il)iir-, Went Di'rulur, Onceulii Mill., .Miirron, Little Toliy, Lniiiiti''0 Millf, ll.iKI Hills, SliHWHVillo, (IrHliuin'iin, Sinilli'ii .Mills, Jladeiro, lluftun, T3I1T, " l'l-nnliolJ, Jiirilnn, Anmnivillp, Kiir.luui", Suit I. irk, Knox, Now Millport, Jlorrin, Kylortown, " Morri.nlnlr, IVnn, Lumber City, " (iruuiiian II lis, Tike, Curwuimvillo, " llluiiiHingrillo, I'nion, lUtolun, Womlwiiril, Ji'tlrios, Thi 1'oiit Oflii-o will do fur Chest tow n.lni. f 111 answer Or rerjjnson townliii LIXKX ut CltASM m CUKTAIX.S at I'AIU.K CLOTHS at All to bo !md at MOSSOl'S', Kuixtii: Hi SeiiHntiun Seii.suiiiin SetiHiiiion Seumition Scn.iiilion price price prices price priceB at MOSSOl'S'. nt nt ut SeiiHHtion Stnntion Sun.tHiion LACK MUSI KUV ltlllllONS Tit I M MINGS ol nil kinds &, in any iiunn'ty Alwavson linnU nt MOSsttp.S prices price price nt Sennlinn price? CASMMKltKS SAT'f'l XKTS TWKKDS .) KAN'S V KSTIXGS SlIlliTlNOS nt Ht kt nt ut nt nt sensation pricoi- CLOTHING suehl 11 Coat, Punts, Vests, I'nder Sli'n t, 1'huiin'l Shii'th, liuulH, Shoes, ILua nnd (.'tips, Now lor snle nt MOoSOPS' M A It D V A ft K I until n Siiws.nuil Forks, Knives Spikes, IliiiKo THE "K ErUULlCAN." Term ol SurKci'iiuoii. If paiit in ailvanec, or within three months, $1 25 (f li i'l nny time within the ) c;ir, - - . 1 60 tf iaid utter the oxiiiration of tho yoar, . 2 00 W. C. Irvin Juek I'alrliiii, Jaiiuh lliiiiio, H. Toer, jr. Win. .Melinrvey, S. A. Fiirlier, M. A. l'riink, 1'. A. (iitulia, J.F.W.Seliinirri T. W. Fleming, Cenlro county, 8. Kailulnii'h , T. F. llualicli, Ktl. Williams. Jus. McClolliin, I ('. Miiriiot, 1 Williiuu Carr, A. II. .Shaw. T. II. Forcee. ' A. ti. Fox, Chas. J. Fucy, Duvil Tvler, L'lua Chase, (i i n, V Ii iskey, ( 0 . Ilvekmlorn. I'muim oin uii I , . r KU I l "5, hucIi as ..... ................ Vml j Jl. W. Spencerj F,i?s. Filberts 1 t ' T. W. Fleming CnOCF.lt I F.S, say Iienj. F. Dale, Flour, Mams, II. E. llrubaker. Shrill Ii a a Wiih.ik James Loekctt, , ti,.u. ' ...ir. ' l'lmn...-3) VUlll'U, Tea, L' r 11 c k e rs, Spices, Candles, Coal Oil, etc., etc. iN'nsnlion SyiiMiition Sensaliori Sensation Sensation Sensation price prices prices prices prices prices nt MOMOIW. I LlQl'tlRS, such 1 Woiiilwanl, s me, Hinn.ly, V.., V ,V.p J such as I Itaisins, I .'i ts, &c. j nt sensation jricef nt Mossors. nt sensation prices nt sensation price at MOSS0PS'. nt sensntion price- One Square, rwosiunres, : One column, EXCHANGE OF PEIS0NERS. Tho difficulty nbout tho exolmnpo of friBoners grow nlmost wholly out of the refusal, on to pnrt of the rebel, to cx chango the negro soldiers and their ofli COl'S. WtuMngtor star, Tho abovo is tho first intimation wo have seen from a Washington journal of the real canso of the difli- cnlty in relation to the exchange of prisoners. V by is tho fact nuppi-essed,! Half column,; that our Bolilicrs aro sutlering conhnc inont in Richmond, simply because Jefferson Davis refuses to place them on an equality with negroes, while Mr. Lincoln demands that they shall lie? Wo can easily understand whv tho Abolition journals would bo anx ions to conceal this fact from the friends and relations of tho poor men now undergoing tho suflering of a tedious imprisonment, but why do Democratic journals suppress it ? Our noighbor, tho Worhl, is noted for finding fault with almost everything that Mr. Lincoln docs, except carry ing on tho war, that it goes in for tooth and nail, but it has strangely omitted to ventilate this subject as it deserves. Aro tho Democratic jour nals who support Mr Lincoln's war policy, prepared to insist that Jeffer son Davis should give up tho cardin al doctrino which tho Democracy of tho North stand on, that tho negroes arc ot the equals of tho white, citi zenship? Tho Inst time that the equality of negroes to citizenship was presented to tho voters of tho Stato ofj ow Y.irk, they decided against it by some L'tH 1,0111) majority. Do they ask Davis to admit that which they them selves spurn with contempt? Do they pinposo to fight him into sub mission to the creed of Garrison and rhillip,? Abovo all arc tho 1'rieinU and relatives of these men now sufler ing from imprisonment, prepared to sco them pine and die far nwav from home, simply becauso Mr. Lincoln in sists upon degrading them on a level with negroes, which Davis objects to and resists? This is tho exact state of tho case, and wo defy the whole crowd of Abolition euitors to gainsay or deny iL Tho momont Mr. Lincoln admits that negroes arc not the equals of while men, everv northern prisoner now in the South can be re Htored to liberty and home 7).. u 7 OmCR ON MARK TT STKKKT, CLrAhFIKI.il, rr.NX'A o. 11. (otiin.AMiF.it, a co Publishers, I'.LACKINO ! liol'KS : roWMEK ! SHOT Ilka i) iCAl'S Alwnv nt MOSSOPS nt nt nt at nt nt conation betisMion Fensnlion sensation sensation sensation prici piict price price price price- Terms of Advertising. Advertiromentn are inserted in the Republican t ttie lollowing rates : 1 Insertion. One square, ( 10 lines,) $ SO Two Bqusren, (20 linos,) 1 00 Three squares, (20 lines.) 1 60 3 menths t : $2 50 : : 4 00 : : 5 00 t t 0 00 : i 8 00 : : 14 00 Over three weeks and less than three months 25 cents per square for each insertion. llusiness netices not exceeding Slines sre In sirted for ti a yer. Advcrtis.Mr.9iUs not marked with tae number of osortinns desirotl, rrill be continue! until forbid and charged according to trwse terms. 2 do. 75 1 50 2 00 A tno's. $4 00 A 00 8 00 10 00 12 no 20 00 At the store of RICHARD MOSSO!' Always beep nn hand n lul assortment of nil kinds of noods renuirei 3 do. j for the accommodation of the public, tl 00 I Kov. 12, 1862. 2 no 2 50 12 mo $7 00 10 00 12 00 14 00 13 00 35 110 W -V L T : II 15 A 11 It K T T , Attorney nt I. aw. nAYINO reined his commission in the ar my, snd resumed tho practice of Law, may bo conultedon professional bu.-iness at his oflioo on Sei-oDil street, Clearfield, Pa. All business promptly attended to. Feb. 11, '6:t. GHKATEST BATTLK ON RF.CORD! I500 Killed nrufWounded, and 3(V"0 taken Prisoners ! WITH CAM l EQUI PACK AND 70,000 Contrabands freed from the BONDS OFJLAVERY ! ! "I?VERY man that has read any thins; of the Ii rBlit history ol thi H'i4 must finally come to tlio ronclusmii that the Confeilemte Oorcrn mcnt would bo broken down. It was only a ques tion of time. Hut now wc have the above (Jlori oui soul-stirring news to cheer us up ; nnd thr only draw-bark to our joy and ploriOcation is the imminent danger of tho Contrabands coming North to "eat out our substance," nnd to wear out ur sliocs ! llut of one thing the pcoplo of Clear field county may be assured, nnd that is, that FRANK SHORT for short called Sitort-er is selling lloots ,fc shoes ns choap ss any other man in me county; anil ll you Uon t believe it. M. W. .SMITH A CO. MI:HC!IAXT., and dealers In Dry Goods, (Iroceries, Hardware, Queensware, and x!,.?!.U'U" 7 . yt. ? lhe,trn(le- , Sturc on Just give him a call on court-week, oral any other i, . '"", """f"1 " . 11 "oe r yourselves, lie wuld just ro ute tho Pros hytcnun Church, Clearfield 1'a. mind the public that bis shop is now on Market Dec. 4, 1861. street, in Shaw's Row where you will find him 1r.r. ,mi ,,,,, . 'j"" o Short as usual if not a littlo ,Krtcr ot JOSLPII K. iM'MUKKAY .CAsnthnnhowouldliketobo. yy? 5a-tT g? rr!T5t Vf ' All kinds of wofk on hands and made to order IjvTi ri A' i r T n iv it iTis ?. on hrtnotiec,and as wellmade, and as good fits A A J I) h A L A A I A A I M Ii A Ji as ran be "Peered" up here or elsewh.ref New Washington, Clrni field County, Pa1. iW-I;n't forget tho shop on Market street, c-uaw B now, UirVCHV OPIJOBM ItOV. Jl. II. July 1st 18G3.-tf LCTIIERSIfl' RG, CLKARFIKIjD county, TA. : in I Swoope's office. CUirfield, June 11, 1S02. F. SHOUT. WILLIAM SCHWEM, rrnprirtor May 19, 1863. ly. CVRENirs HOWE. Justice of the Peace. For DsciTcn Township, will promptly attend to all business entrustod to his care. 1'. O. Address, l'hilipsburg l'a. Aug. 21st ISfil I) 1 1. M. WOODS, Shoes U DANIEL CONNELLY begs leave his friends, nnd the citizens of to inform Clearfield nnd vicinity generally, that ho has taken tho shop lately occupied by George Ncwson, in Shaw's How, where he intends to be ready ntall times to wait upon those who icny favor him with their custom. He will guarantee his work to be as well exe cuted as car. bo made elsewhere, and nt quite as reasonable prices. He is bound to win the good Book. l-aTi'ifr. Linooln, it its said, iuih orna merited 3,000 nocrrccs with military oftieinl soldier straps. But ho has or namented tho wrists of twice that number of white, men with hand-cufl'a. That is a fdory to the Uepubliean par ly sdionlder-strajis for negroes, and hand-tulTn for wluto men ! li-An hour's industry will do moro to prodttco chocrltdnesji, suppress evil humors, nnd retrieve your affairs, than a month's moaning. o?Nowly a bundrod thousand majority in Ohio go for tho war. How many of thorn will uo to the wfti'T I TJHACTICINO Physician, and Examining Fur- opinion of all who walk in shoo-K-ather whether jl geon mr Tensions. Ulliro hoiithwest corner innle or Second snd Cherry streets, Cloarfiol.l, Pa, . January 21, 1863. ly. ' or fomalo nnd all be asks is a fair trial. Clearfield, July 8, 1SC3 y DR. J. W. POTTER. Physlrlan and Surgeon, has permanently locntid at Frenchville, Covington township, oil ers his professional services to the surrounding community. May 8, 18olT I. P. KlfAKIt, MI'.llCIIAXT, and dealer in Hoards and FhingU-s; firain and Produce. FRONT Street abovo tho Academy Clearfie.d Ta., Dee. 4, ISfil. S. W. TtlflMPSOy. t... u-iVTriw rplIOMI'SON A WATSON, Dealer, in Timber! (Clearfield liridge P. 0.,) Clearfield county, Pa, Aug. 19, 18B3. vry tioods, Dso. 24, 1SC2. For Srtt-A UGUT GON, entirely new, wtll painted and finished.and substsntial in every particular. For sale at a barKnin. C. L. BARRETT. Clearfield, Ta. April 15, tf. D. O. nt SH. T. J. Vri.LOCOH. BUSH k M'CULLOUGII, Collection Office, Cl.RARTlELD, Tx. toTls GitAtiAii's New ISiildino. Feb. 5, 'G2. , Groceries Lumber. Ac Bmnsidc, Ta W. W. SUA H', rilTSICIAN A, SinOEON. WILLIAM A. WA1.1.ACI. JOUK O. DALl WivLLAOlS & MALL, Attorneys at Law, CLEARFIELD, PA. L. J. CRANS. WAI.TF.R BARRET, CltAXS and BAKJiET, Attorneys at Law, May 3, '63. Clearfield, pa. HAS permanently locatod at Ehawsville, Pa . ' Tvr iu -. .r. " where he respectfully solicits a share of i W t r, - ,'olTi. Attorset ai publio patronage. May 27, 18f.3.-y I Crani V, -L ' P'- 0nicB wilh L J' 1 i vi, tsq., on Peeen- treot. DANIEL GOODLANDER. JUSTICE of the peace Luthersburg, Clearfield Co. Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to re.sj jh Mareh JS, 1SH0 Tj. pd, March 28, 1862, tf. 4TL C'e"fleId' Offlo. in bkiw's Bow, op ntM Ihjl Tnniisial .in III h-1 In In rin lii imt- rmis Hint pmfi ssinn l linini.s rniinnn . u till In Ins oRn-a ail i ... . , i.'L Hie time, ami ho will 'l Tl TlNTd' lO Ibireliire be iin.ble ' ,V Jy-U:wftj i'iikc Pri.l.-ssi.ini,l S'J', ,y'i,,..'K Visits lu an of his Vj-iv '.r " niTM-tiiiued places this s ii iii me r i but limy be found nt his ofTu-e on the snuihwci-t cur lier of Front a ml Main sln-etsnl all times, evi'pt whin iintiee nppeura in the town psprrs to the contrary, July t, '();(. tf. . I V ' NKW (100 OS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF tyniuir Sc Summer (JnmU AT Til E ('11 EAT CASH STokE. rsow Dl. wm. It. liunns DENTAL REMEDIES WOULD, THE BEST ARK IN THE ISSl ItINd FINK TEETH AND A tsWF.KT UHKAT1I, AND CL'KINO TOOTH ACIIR AM) NF.UHAf.OIA. Do vou wish to bo blessed with snd admired for Pkaiii.t Wbitr and Pound TEKTH f I mil Just receiving ami opening a carefully siderlid stoik of K,rlng and Fuimner gnuds ol almost ov(?ry description, A buauiilul asaoriiueni of l'riuls and Dry gnuds, of the newest and latest styles. Also a grent variety iif useful nn linns. J)UY-(;o())S AM) .NOTIONS. Lonnets, Shawls, Hats nnd Cups, lloots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, ti censwure, Drugs and Msdicines, Oil and Puints, Carpot .t Oil Cloths, G U () C K R I K S . j Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel in A J and t barrels, I of the best quality, all of which will be sold at I llie lowest cash or ready pay prices. ! My old friendi and the public generally, are l't0 rrrHM-iiuiiy invitcu i ran Good At tlicir oMptnntl in m,...s v,nnrnf O1 Dr. Uhi. II. Hind's l inhalltd Tootli I'uwder, warranted free from acid, alkiui.or nny injurious substnriro. Price, 25 cents per box. . IJli- lie ware ol llie ordinary chenp Tootli Pow- J ders, which whiten but deslrey. i Du you wish to In eerlain that your IiREATIl is pure, sweet, and ngrevnlilo to liiisbiiml or wile, lover or friends? I'so Dr. Iliird'sCi-loliiateil ! Moiitli Wash. Price :7 cents per bottle. This astringent wash is also the host remedy in ' Iho world for Canker, Had llrcnth, bleeding ! tliuos, &to Mouth, etc. It has cured hundred. 1 Do vou. or vour children sullsr from TOOTH - i I ml I.' I .. . .... .. .. . i . ... . ai ii r. ( net siurii'N oinic Drolls. Price I j rents ner botllo. Are you afflicted wilh NKl KALfilA ? rtet llr. iVui. 11 llurd's Neuralgia Plasters. The most elTeetive and di'lghtl'ul remedy known, fiir pains in the face, chest, shoulders, buck, or any part of tlio body. Tt.i.ir A.. ...11. ...I l.l: ..... ......I 1 j iiu, nuiiviii mil uiisii-r, mi rii'iiou iiini , n charm pain away. Try them. Price, 1 5 and .17 Common. French Post cents. Slailed on recemt of unco rall I V ii,. i ... . w l,.. l. Iliey will sell at , ,",, ces, siiiouk which will ,a f,,un,i 1 IT '! Hi , Jl t""1' C Ij I 1 L E n To which Ihev invite lW m..:.i ... ' public, rnibraeiiig heavy' Hilver-ill?, h "'"1 I'uller knives of th, be,' H Cru-arius. Also a genenil as,rllll "jW cartridges-all of which will be sola ..IS ble prices, w liij ' They continue to manuf.ctnre ,n ki), 1 lin-warc, Urasa Kettles, S,J Pipo. eto., which cannot bo (urpiis.edi. ! ' tion of the Stato. ' """l-ii, ' They also have on hand Plttkbiirdi t, among which aro Steel tentro Lever 1 speciiuiiy invneu t rail. f " ) ier flgricoli.JT N. ll.-All kinds rtOllAlS and approved I"'"? l c, ' tt'XTWY PHUbUVt: taken in exchango ol COOK btOVCS, Parlor and f ,,.0,'". .. - Stoves a general assortment, and of it. Mearfield, June 2JS(I3 WM. F. IRWI terns, f,.r salo nt reasonable IpX.,' ""S Cvllfil I I'll I'll if ' Coal Oil, Coal Oil VIIL.II III UII III l j,an( 0il8 un(, Yarnishos.a " Paints, Oils and Vurnishos, a eonerat.. mltv. Nuils. Irn-.,i, (llass. null v. variety ; in fact almost every thins t, the nublio can be found in ii,-;. . . , ""i it l Iff. vt a w :r. p tsp KSIHKS to inform his old frieml. n,l e,,.. the publio can be found in thei, M.L.1 t mers that, hnvin? eiiliirieil hi, .l, J snd nf prices thnt cannot be bei.l. increased his facilities lor manufacturing, he is I()V IS tl)C tllllC to tillrrL now preparvd to make to order fiirniliirn Toothache i he desired, in good stylo and at cheap rates for i,"" f . I I B'm'.o IHMi. He mostly has on bund at his "Furni- r i V , i V lnc" !,, luro Koosss," a varied assortmont o iJl" . ,h'r te0Tt ' 3?.c? b ot , . . J je;iienuier, ineir esi.iijiuhmnni i. a tho For sale at nil the best stores throxghout country. I Cai tioK. As there nre dealers who take ad vantage of our advertisements to impose upon j their customers inferior preparations, it is neres sury to insist upon having what you cull fur, and , vou will ciKT tiik bk.st, thoroughly tested, uml I prepared by nn experienced nnd scientific Den-I 'ist, Treasurer of the New York State Dentist's Association, and Vico President of the Kw York Oily Denial Society. Address WM. II. HUM) CO, Tribune Buildings its York. Jan. 21, IS6;t. I Vurnil.... i : .1. . iiuiuu huil-11 lira Bureaus and Side-Hoards, Wardrobes and liook-Cases: Centre, Sola, Parlor iJrenkfiist and Diuing Extension Tables. Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS (,rHll KINDS, WOUK-STAXDS HAT-HACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac. Hocking and Ann Chairs, Spring Sent, Caiie-lluttorn and Parlor Chairs and Common and other Chairs. loo a a a - a l a ss t:s 3 j Of every description on hand ; and new glasses lor old (rallies, which will be put in en ve ry reasonable terms on short notice. He also keeps on haiu', or furnishes to or der, nnir. Uorn-llusk, Hair and Cotton top Mattrossos. COFFINS, of every kind, Made to oder, and fuuernls attended with a Hearse, -vhenever desired. Also, House Painting done to order. The iil scribor also uiauufuctures, and has constantly en hand, Clement's Patent Washing Maihinp, The best now in use. Those using this machine never need be without clenn clothes ! He also has A" A """Si AM FS T. kr.OSARR WM, A. WALLACE. risanr, risscT, Sitnliiiiji anb CoIItdioir 5tc or LEONARD, FINNEY & Co. C L E A Ii F I E L D, CLEA11FIFLD COUNTY, PA. BILLS OP KXCHAMflK.iCOTPS Aim nBAPTS DISCOLSTKn IU .I'OSITS It Ht l .l VP.li. (fnllfttinnt made, and prorrrtt promptly remitted L1..!,.., .... .1. 'i.i vu me .iiu-s ruiiNiaiiiiy nn lianil. jW'Offieo on Second St., nearly opposite the Rulkloy's I'alcnf. Lumber Dried by Superheated Steam. fpilK undersigned respectfully informs the pro J. pla of Clearfield and tho adjoining counties thai he has the agci.ey of the abovo Patent, and will sell Individual, County nnd Township rights for its use. Tho Lumber dried by this process is stronger, finishes better, i easier on tools, and requires less timo In drying than nny other pro ecsi known and drying I inch lumber perfectly in S6 hours, and better thsn many months under the old system using the same amount of fuol per day that a roonunon kiln consumes. The cer tificates of a number of resident mechanics, well known in this community, is amply sufficient to eonvirce the most skeptical of its practical utility. Parsons desirous of purchasing rights will address JOHN h. t'UTTLK, July 1, lSf.3. Clearfield, Pa. L. CUTTLE, and Heal I '.state Ai'rnt f .....,. joiix Attorney at I. aw CI.K A It r I KI.D. PK.WA OjhWan MiirAetst. Oppimle the .nil, KK.-rKCTKl LLY oilers bis s rvlces in sell, ing nnd buying lands in Clearfield nnd ad joining counties ; and w ith an experience of over twenty yenrs as a Surveyor, Batters himself that ne cn rendir satisfaction. And i Offers Cor Salo KKMI acres of coal and timber Land, situnti in , Decatur township, Clearfield county, in luts to suit purchasers, locnted near the Tyrone and ! Clearfield Hailroad. I 'HHHt acres of first rale furm mil liml,.. l,.n,l i in Hell township, Clearfield county, situate on the j Timers 01 v.urry s nun. Mi'il acres in two lots, otieof 1I2J uni the oth er of 5il acres, suitable for Farming purposes, sit uate in Highland township, Elk county. PQ-Uenoral warrantee deeds for all the above 'l"- Keb. IS. '63. v. Coal! Coal! ' BE subscriber respectfully announces to the X citizens of Clearfield and vicinity that he is now prepared to supply the Very best quality of COAL at the shortest notice. The arrangement is designed to be permanent, and a full supply will always be kept on hand. miCE.'S rilits it the Bank. 7 rents delivered. iNpP-For the piblic convenience, Orders for Coal will be giveu at Kratzer's storo. JOHN FEENEY. Clearfield, April 8, 1S03. 6m. - -vmi is on da ! Struct, Clearfield, l'a, where, juu ero J? J to the very best advantage, " I y-fl-Old silver, copper, brass, pewter caniinifs will bo taken ill oxi-hamm r. - May 21). ISC.I. aiEKHELL r.iMii.Y Hl.ick, Jlitrk lilut, 1 l.i'jht lilue, ViiirA Itlitr 1 (Vomt ffniurii i Jhtrk Itrvtcit, j l.iijht Hruivn, SitujF ttruu-M, CriwHtm, i Jtiirk J)rnht I Lithi Ihnb, llnrk Irrern, Li'jht (irreHf rr uyeing SiKi ))ule ,! .M;Iej Shawls, S,arfs, Drosses, Kilihuna, Gkn bonnets, iu,,, Feathers, Kid Olinw Childfeu's Clothing, nnii ill Unj, of Weariug Apparel, il-c,, fa HaTASAVlNH OF so PKU CENT; ier 25 cent! you enn color as uisny rM, would other ;8e cost five times that ta-m nrious . ninli s can be produeed froa ,( Dye. The process is simple, and nj j, us lhc Dye with peri'i'rl ruciess. Directions in English, Fnoih mdCq inside of cai h package. ' . I For further information is Dyeing, mdi a perfect knowledge of what culurs in ba ' nptrd to dye over other, (with nan; tii rec!ies), purchase Howe A Steveoi' Irtlj Dyeing and Culnring. Sent by miioin of pricit 10 cents. .Manufutursil ky 1 ! iidwe .f smtss, I 2f.. llroailHir. (U , For snle by Druggits and Dealeri Kajk CUimH10Cr 4-11 l!lli3. Valuable Timber Land and SAW-MILL PROPERTY FOE JJAM. THIS fine property is situate in Girard town snip, Clearfield county, Pa., and contain! NEW FIRM.. 1 IIARTSW1CK & MUSI DRUG8ISTS. ! MAKKKT Street C'LKARFIELDj KKKV ennsttinthj on himlak and ami well selected stnrk of I J)IU'aSind CHEMICALS PALVTS OILS AXD 1'lfl.VJ PErtFLVKRV k Tdil.ET ARTICls BLANKS, B00K3 AXD STATFCJl And a general assortment of Tl AT1K.S and Fancy AHTICIl ' respectfully invite a tall, Willi dent that we can supply the wstitl o(i terms to tlu-ir saiirfai-tinn. JIAKTSWICK 4 Hta Clearfield Aj.ril 27th IStU. tf GREAT ATTRAl For Salo. atmut 1,700 ancs of Land, tract No. 5,!6ft. ami parts of tracts Nos. 5:(B5 and 5:n'.7. These I lands aro yet heavily TIM IIEltE '), wilh a quan tity of PINK, OAK and HEMLOCK. A STEAM SAW-M11.L Incomplete running order, capable of cutting' Three Million Ftct of Hoards per annum, with all the nvcessary roads, railroads, f c for putting stock to the mill; one large Mansion House, six tenant houses, storo house, School House, three barns, a blacksmith)! nn ntnl nil necessary outbuili.mgs are npen the property.- ever offered to tho good people cf There are about 70 acre cleared land, under and its vicinity, nnd which he iU si good fence, and a Plank Koad toward tho river rates than any bouse in the county, for getting lumber to market. I This vnlualle property is situate upon Pandy 1 riOTHIW, 4T HKnrfr'D IJ Creek, about 4J miles from tho river, and is pop-. L1'ullu-Nlj AI HLDL I tu l uissmj unown ns ino Frenchville Steam-Mill Property, Not Defeated fJlHE subscriber having returned frss ..-. .11. I'LFrillll UN UII..I a and most carefully selected AssortDMin' FALLfScJVllMTERCOa r,.ni t- i ni i -.1 t x reucu viae aieam-iaui Property, .S aC,,")ai,n n,, HIafkfmitbsW. .ndl. now offered at PRIVATE SALE upon ogctber with the necessary water power for saw- , reasonable terms. All kinds of sawed lumber ing. all in good condition, for sale at a barga.n. ,n be safely and economically liken to market Hie above property is situated in tho borough ' from the point indicated. necerr,.D"Vr'l,'.n V0'' !' 'h r M Application can be made to either of the ZXZl' ZlZlrTu'"!. ?' t bW .d. WJ ' Cl-Oeld, Clearfield , .V - - ' j county, l a., eillier Personally or bv utter. For further iaformation arrlv to HENRT KEUXS. Carweasville, Aug. 10, '03-tf. New Goods ! l.KIiD, WEAVER k Co., Are Just open ing a splendid lot of the most carefully selected ever brought to the place which they offer to their customers, and the public generally, at the very lowest figure the mnrkcts will afford. June 10, IX6J- Wool and Flax Spinning Wheels, TlfARH ANTF.I), Manufactured and kept on T bands by the undersigned, who invites tho people of Clesrfield county to embrace the oppor tunity now offered to secure one of these superior Machines. They will bo sold cheap Oik not reiiW. Cnll at the Old Shop In Curwensvillc. WM. P. CHAMBERS. May 8,1863. y JAS. T. WM. A. LEONARD, WALLACE, SepL 9, 1863 New Jersey Lands for Sale, ALSO, f-lt'ITAlU.K for ()rjnsi Punrhns P.r. 3 berries, Strawberries, Blackberries, Currants, rfc, of 1, 24, 6,10 er 20 acres each, at the follow, ing prices for the present, vii : 20 acres for $200, 1 10 acres for $110, 5 seres for 9(10, 2J acres for 940, 1 acre for $20. Payablo by one dollar per week. Also, good Cranberry lands, and village lots in CHETWOOI), 25 by 100 feet, at 910 each, raya-1 Me by one dollar a week. The above Innd and 1 farms are sitaa ed at Chetwood, Washington! township, Burlington county, New Jersey. For' ... u,.u..u.,, wppiy, wun a r. u. Stnnp, for a circular, to B. FRANKLIN CLARK. JL.nrim.C,tr Ure0t' NeW Y'k' N' Y' New Watch and Jewelry Store. Pugar from 12 to 15 (('' He.-t Syrup Bt 87 w" And all other groceries at the sW Iioots, Shoes and SlioeTiJ ofall kinds, C7iMP tBW Lndies who wish to make a g should cull and exnmino the assort Wi4sir fees S;:i ;hero they will find the very UUid! i rrost fasWf malile patterns of ,r I FRENCH MEKINOS. HELAIm ALPACAS, n.AlDS, 4 J I Ryo, Oats, Corn, Fish, Boo. J sold at the lowest prices for cash, of" f for Country produce. TIlnVfrd 1. ii. . Curwcnsvillo, ScpteoiberMl MOITXT VFIIVOV 0. ' i V A I A I A J Rpennrl Street. nilLADELPUW Proprietor. ' A,iMtie I Shaviug and Halr Dressing. C lauciilin, having purchased the IEMIAIINORR1S respectlully announces1 brKiJ"'"6'.' 0',hl' la.,e V, is now going it TEREMIAH NORR1S rosnectlolW nnoimci,. ft to his friends of Clearfiold and vicinity tbat h has returned to his old stand, and is well pre pared to render the most perfect satisfaction to alt who may desire his professional services. tiearnoiu. April 9, '62, a. i iir.Aiit (Late of the "Surf Home, oopt. z.i, ise.i-i y. - THOM AS J. M tt LLOLGH Attorney t l' ridi .ininlnir i In Bank, formeriT i ii M.r..iii. Kn.. Market stre i D. tt'lll .inn.l nrnmntlV 10 ,illi nnwui f. . ef Lands, Ac. . ur..i vvnoi oslte the Journal ol0o. dec. 1, mi.-tr GOODS at th Cheap 8tnW 0r - , J.?US D IHOMrSOK CurwswTill, Sept. 16, 1153, . . on bis own hook in the shon formarl niconi.i by them on Second street, where be is'nretiared to keep up his repuUUun as a oomploto workman ' xx pi it:IM of W001, Dyaoing all work entrusted to him on short no- fll I ))) for which th ''l r '? ""- S'w'lUe paiX"11 . tRiflr Clearfield, May 13, 193, . . , i vumni iurniB. xeiyiog tno aounty, all be ask- WANTEl) A larC lot of U,v Jair trIaI nd Hnuation of the patroai " VI IT PTi t. u , horetofore extondod. Look out for the den of r bA a ofctU in exthanco for TIIK Kin wito w 1 W Tl "TL . ., . .... . -iss bun wm oe positively ipctod JJ thorsburg, tiearnem "', when the work is delivertd. 6. II. L, promptly to all business eutrafts I EVER FLEUAL," Justice of JJIsj J thorsburg, Clearfield i i vitatseia, Mrca , 1S"3. y jMhtrthnrg, Ar "ol
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers