Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 12, 1862, Image 1

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I I I 1 I '
i. 11 I'.i
44 W 6 i
Lh . . ... M
n W. Vf-OnF.
0, Cl'OULANPn. i
vnr.i'TM.r..?. r :;r
Tl'.KWS Si I'o per Ai iii i; il nd i;i 'idvniio.
ni:vm:i:ii'!-oi,. ii no
vol-. WML Wiioi.K no if:'.,
( i, i:in ir.i.n. ,. vi dmxiw, tin l. tr.r.j.
I hf fur Si,im-'hia.r.
LK f-r u 4-lltii. - i i i;- -I.
,.' a!.-il !. " ' : ' '! '" :
Sil n-t d-nn t., u- -
Liilaur i.- 'in' r."' ' i .. .
IV. le i left arc c -T n :.r .
Scll'.h li-.v.r:- rr. i'?i"i;n:
Life ft th", 1'iiih fi.n'.i 'in
Act vf, I.", t .in. i.i'
r.l!iwf.nvnurr.-.iliv:'i'H! '
wsy is it to sat iy tt.tin ! Our Im-V'1-'
ones arc Lo'indio-: ami uu-;.t.anl .
l!A.'nii ro i scarcely nny rroi
i'i' religion
i in. ly nn I..'
if'tfllilK -s ,
r-il truth Hint God's tin lights
Ire ifiliii higher tl;,TI l!intf' o!' l,,lln-
FWHome ran never be tr:ir.-ft"-rod,
nevt-r repotted in the cxjii-nnnct. of ft:i
ii;ilivi'lu..i. Tin- :n.v i'o:i-fi l.iU"! !c :
viiUl love liy tin; inn'x'fiic'; ami sport- of
'hilllioo'i is tho .m!y homo o! ill- Inman
jlIlnw li'Tj ly ui.' clirf tiluM l.c in
Ollr hv:l' t-, wl.rll IV C ill."' 5U! t ..! .. li II I
our 1'i-ver ansttcrutl ! iu-l''.i'l '!'?'( Iin'
n.netliat tli.-y will 1" i-o. i!" I'" V n' "!,'v
ntr-rr".l tit' in f.iitli. (r.J arc in necorJ
r.ilh Ui? 'vill "f'iO'l.
scft To imL'O ff n.ii-ti iiiity hom tlu'
lives of orilniiii y uo'i.inal Cisrist j.m-. is
: ... . . i . 1
......... -- v , ,
KK l&i firS
iiicj lue .j."- i - c e
iu IccsnJ.
i, tf you want to gain any man'. ?ooJ
opinion, take particular cme how you L-?-
have the fir-t time you are in company
with him. The light you appear in at
first, tt one who is" nt-ii her ini linal lo to
..iiiii ft iubL a? h ...'uu. ..'v. .- j t- w ,
lhink well or ill of you, wi.l (.tron-r.y
jirpjudico him Hlicr for or against you.
jStTlt is snid"the undevout a-tror.otaer
is mud," that, with God before him in all
the wisdom and glory of the heaven?, he
recognizes not his being and hand ; so id
so is the undevout common mind, mad
that, with God before hi? eyes, in the dai
ly miracles of life, giowth, thought, he
never recognizes him.
B6,.Let us lemcrober that whatever be
the i'uiportanee of theology in the history
of U;e world nod of the chutch, to us, m
livrluaJl, th vital thing is practical
rhri-tiai.ity. To think right, and to do
wrong, is so much the greater condemna
tion. IVtter to lo a sectarian on the side
of C'hri-t, than an inCdcl jigain.-t Him
lU v. J. C. ZachoK.
Bgi.TrxT3 as ?t i torts. TIow often
bare 1 found a text cf Scripture prove a
word in seas.-n to my heat t '. How often 1 o.i-hid CR.iv a tear with this
tioii'ht l.ti'iine"--. r.
Mildicr of .leiis C'liii.-!," "J Tit.i..
livery Zion bound l ilgritn .-!.o.
his Walit-t .veil store 1 . ;.ii .-:.. ii ;
ct-pts find j rrr.-.i -(-.;. for t.'icj wiii
iu:J drink to hi::i on his w.-y h.-i.
a vl
ii , 'o. 1
II l:i.v.-l
... .t
pn,.M. n
c...x-e "a i
will su;;i r in th
ex i :iM'l i
.-. Iver.-itv
'I'l.ev cannot ciieo.-'J
siiail oveitake tlicni.
hi-ov.n ih-tii y. Th llie 'le.'.t for!
oi'iion w hethi-r to .li.
No one is li
v 1-rtve f:o
t . r o
a: i:
..I ti
r I - -it
1 . .
uwv thoo5-- wheiner t!:ev v.'i.i r
solemn liabilities ;.!id inevital Io c.-i;
of in.,il:.l t;.i-tc;iec with (.kd.iT '.vi:L
cut him.
L-'i.I.iTTi.L 'J'liiw.s Trovn rxTui.. V,
sre to apt to b": et our aeSnid uepei .1. nee
on I'rou'l.iii. e, lor tie1 i ire.iio-: 'in-e-'
every iiist .i.t. The nm-t trivial ivii.l
tiiav iieteriiiir.'-our si ne in the v.oii i.
Ttiri.ii.g ir. nne stu-et in-'.e ul of iniotlier,
a: ay bun,; si .:.ip .r.v wit'. j-i rs :.
U 111 oil We sho'.ibl !l"t nl In ! .' . i V .;, v , a
and this in. ,y led to a ti.ori ;.f o'. i .-.
vets, w !ii, ii tn iy detei u.'iue the l.u; pi
nes or mi-eiy ol our iivos.
pullesl less s pi; it, so. k to bo (,uiet in
'!iriU Make yom-e.f happy m him.
i earc. in whal-o ver s t;.ti- you arc. to be
ex.-Vent. Lin l something useful to do.
:. if already 1 ! with l.ib-r. re
rri'.r thai our Father is plonlied by n
fcutlitul loi ui.-iiice of even the n.i.ii)e-t
k:tHs-ot life. LViihiuIht that you are
tls ol.j-.-t of the Creator's indi idual care.
That you are never f.ugotlcn by him. and lie suffering can touch you which he
te, Del kuow, and which be will not
l.rfp i-.hi to bear. Cultivate resignation
JKKrui rc-tgnation.
B'Jii.Io not alieaipt lo bring your po
litical opinions into tl.e church at all.
Foiiiieinns ao always glad to use the
iurch to lurthcr their parlies, and ill
gladly do il if Christians will allow them,
Tail Chrirt Las declared that his kingdom
is not of this world. We do not say" that
Christians tdiould not be politicians, and ad
vocate earner lly feaile-Iy,in aiapropri
ate places nd on propel iM-casio'is, those
views of civil afl'.nr nd of State and Na
tional policy which they believe to le
1,-ight. Far from it. They must be pood
'Uuf-iis, and render to Ciosar the thins
that are I'-a-ar'a, as will as to God th
t hings that re tiod's. They should cai ry
"wei.- religion into their politics, but i .(
V'VTrj-ia'u-i iie tiuir rfriru.
8iJ'-aiw;iNC ins Strkah. When en- named Doran was murderel mysteriously,
fiheers would I rklgo a strcana, they often nd the offer or a Ll-?ral reward failed to
carry over at firr-t but a single thread. de-tret the murderers. Lately the reward
t itb that they ne.t streUh a wire across, j increased to $2.i, and Tatrick Kyan. (one
Then ktrand is added to strand until a , of the suspected parties.) write a letter to
foundation is lid for planks; and now j one of the surviving brothers of the mur
the Uld engineer finds sole footway, I nd ,l,c;re'l man, saying. If you don't want to
walks from side to ide. So God take loose your many, you draw it back,' and
uom u. soma poldcn.lhra.ideM pleasure
and stretches it hence into heaven. Then
H takes a child, and then a fiiend.
Thus ho bridges death, mid teaches the
thoughts of tho most timid to find their '
way hither and tbitbor U-twecn tho two might as well be in prison ; the worst pria
pheres. I rD! arc col ftonc.
'....-.I' i . )
' : if. !!.. : i . i
' J i.. i
'i .'..ii ' .'.-
.it .i
' 'U' ! . :
I), i.f i ' 1 1 1 - '
itii.lti.l ..t' 1.1.
in:'. ; ;i'
: a ii t.i.-ij
'I ,1 I -rv I
!! in
: i i ' n :
i.'.l . i:, I
I. "AIT,
"' C.U1,
1 In- i.iu! :.
. ; !.-.. :ii t. . t ;' ,:!...
it-. i li. i- i.'i.lria- :
t . i.t '.'l it I'.tv, is
: I. .!, v
'. '!..: k ..r i :. :;:.!.
' L'l'H'H'il t ") lil.liif r- : .-.h i';-. ik.(,, i l
.ii.'i -. i.t ,vi-,'i,:i '
lil.tK.i.-, ifi-M '! In
l.'i ti.i-i: . I i.p w lmii
u.i; ' I . . .ii.;-iT
t-artv i 1 1 ir v . . t
H!-H T'I.'C'-'IH"1 lll'C n
wain roa-l 1 t--i : i n ir ti o:n tiie n.uo ol .?,.hu .
t ton l trick . f r- ,,-,.''. .i . ,i
!' 'nl win li
rt,:tti.: f "..',..) u.wui-u, Mai liji-Luip, !o.d-
"'n ll'i oii-li iMtli. iiitvii.I.tii; to a-i-etxl tlio
-v.-iu im- nniii . M niuii, aim ny t nut
rout icl'iiiii tin- Mininnt whero our artill.'.
ry n:it I'd-t.-.i. J'.nt upon arrivinc r.t the
rroi-s-road-near the centre of tow n, they
n cre sari.ri?e.l l.y a vo.Icv cf
t:v I
ril a 1.
fu.'tit :! M--Oiii in-
M- 'e-iii in -
f.i-.i.y, i !ii!. ha.l hiliu
IV.'in i. -v 1 y tin. .i;i,
.l.eon ci .i.valed
Ui' .-o.irs-e
'our .Yi.-iil- i cii' : u:-: i-el :r.i niirnie.I,
i a- hv tl.i.t vo.'. y 7 o! li.oin were fh-.nioun-t.-.l
i'V the fiiiliiiL' of their horse?, hut for
it:inat. ly none of them were seriously in-
). A general --crainl,h cnsueil. eve v
i K -nun i. i iiini-u.i ;uia seeesn lane t ie
f indm1?t-, 7- touted Ly the
l.rare I.i. ul. tLiiil, nnd away went the cut'
alry ii,ovs thuii.ler rollinp up a hill
; 1 ill four of them regained and
j mounted their Lem-s. Our two lucdieal
friends ,luned lorwarJ ii on the main
. road and gained the submit of the hill to
j the rijrht in salcly, amid the shouts and
. i! ... r l i i . . .
cheers of our artillery men.
On a.-king lr. Hoop wiiy he incurred so
gieat risk, he rej.licd, "why, sir, I trust
ed in God and Lieutenant Muhlenberg's
parrot gun."
After w? got nafcly moored in 1 Uncock,
the Doctor showed me a draught of all the
main ron-i, mountain pa-os, bv-j-aths,
rippUs and fords on the river from Sir
John" run to Hancock, and .ound uji by
saying ho had not seen a grove of pine
timber worth 10 cents an acre in a'l Mor
gan county. 1 l-lievo if he would see a
rell taking aim at him from behind a
pine tree, he would stop to count how
many saw leg-; it would make before he
w on. 1 retreat . The Doctor is very popu
lar in his regiment, and is always ready to
serve the private cr the commander, and
never at a lss for a remedy. His Assis
tant, Dr. Ke Hi. k, of i'i:t;
is a
i ave
i u young i'i:.r.. r.
I- pn-f. -i.,n. U
.,1 1 i-is fair to
si the '.Tl., le.
.e ::i li:
;:re .
le.l iv
i t!i-'i:
i 1
;;tel iw...,
II II, 'e i 1
.t.-.i" i'h
;. ti... :. i.
i'.h cli'.ci rs, aiui
to foiio-v and t j f ii:
: ) t
-- 'th to f.
r !
i el - i..V
i. .,. a. ray
i c :ii jelc'
a : r i i t, nn til
w hen the re..
. :; it-"i. c.ius
ie ill tile ex -Was
the 1
Mill to take
Lei". me tie
.--pi. -
A l..e lae
r.--d ti..
e - n-.f-.v!
; pt r .
r.t it,
it 1 re
' I.i.
1 iir-i!
r ,-; toe
o ih.i::
"i i'i I. 1 -I
r '
' 0 '-
a ' i a:-i -ink,''? in tt.C
i i ivae of i -pt. Cur-io-e
li ".:i'e was Theodore
i- j ml' ir.a county. IV,
i a;
1 ! . V .
v. !,e.l. and bis bo-iy was tiofecov
n.creare many others w -1'. known
whom I would like to mention.
01. 1.
to Vf..).
but tin-.e is precious inlhenrmv. K. H.
vbaw. r( your j.ince. i- conneefed with the
Losi :tal iitpaitment of the iC:, nn 1 is
vrryl.i-hly compliinented by Dr. Hoop
r.s b. im' a very trustworthy and brave
yonp in ir.
'I'he next day Seeesh came over with a
fiag of truce, in the hards of Col. Ashby,
and demanded an unconditional surren
der of the l.iwn, to which Col. Murray re
plied. "I! Gen. Johnston wants the town
why don't lie com" over find tke it. Snr
ren br i a thing entirely out f'f my line
of business." I'.ut, Fee liere," savs,
"if you don't surrender Gen. Johnston
will sliell the town." "Very well." said
t!:e Colonel, "let 'em fdiell." As Colonel
hby was RlKut to leave lie says to Col.
Murray, "What regiment did T understand
vou to sav was coming?" '"Good morn
ing." replied Col. Murray, "we'll meet you
in Dixie."
They inside the attack, buf few rounds
from Lieut. Muhlenberg's pop-gun soon
made them soadaddle.
The next day Gon. Williams, with Lis
r.rigade, arrived, but I have not time to
record anything concerning it.
I hope you will not forget that a ncw?
paper from home is always welcome to a
soldier. Yours, " S. F.
A MrtpRER .Si'rkemirrh IIiMsrxr. In
onvnng to give himself up and stand tri
al. On the day named, the nth inst-, ho
surrendered hi.uclf to tho officers.
r"dr a man is odious in society, Le
I li i; i vi I '; -
'! U i .
NlMV .
i I l.lci
i-n ....,;i.!ci:. t ti."
" 'i In: fl.'i i
i " ' i .! i 'll tii V.T (Oil I I.:.'. i' .-1 u.. i :i
in t-.i. fi. i jt! (,,,.,, i
Kt'1'ji.-ic nn I Al' mm y " iv li i ! 1 i. a
1 :
. . U 1 1 -
In... i.-, nu.tvii Li... k t.l looiv t, i
lll'l t M II nl' lllf'll. tlif I. ill' iT .1;.
i ..lri.-l fi.' Iiiiii'li-.'.i ti.i.ij.s c.,-1
in the !.'..:!. . I i in. ,i tl.. v i.
U l.i n
1 .1
lill.V. tl II ' I .. f.'-j. :!.: II ill 111;. I,.,;- .-, u !, , ;v ,.,
in U'ui.l U.f L i .'i'i , :..i,'l .: -.... .
ot ;i f-t..!lil tiotliiii;.' ..;,:,; i.-u iil lr. i' !imu
i-'-i't'Z iir ili.ivn. Tin- i lacirr
w iio hit in-li.-.l tin-,.r ,: r,-k s i..r tlu-'.
Jn-iill .. -n 1 i omni; t I im oiHimp li-i.i :
' i;r ( 1 i.i'i- wi.ii li houi.i onlv I'lit.Ui- j
tO-.'l'll's li.l,'. 'I'lio r.hUuM-'l I'I
I'll t :.t.'-in v io i.I.l u iii-kcv. k.-r.i.'in-.) .
mi i.n.l i iii.ii.lii't i li...-. Inrt. ;.!,...) 1,. .1... I
l"ni(.ii city t.t J'.jltitnoiv. ". Ik-
! eii'hn c d trcni this snurro t. -n il. Io
nion coui;i not d.-ink it
ll was t'.i) mi il -e-
oUs. Anoiii. r . o.nti.u l. Ice won 1.1 l,;n c
I he.-n a luxury to the fohl it t s it m.s .-.i a
I tun. Water we wtro bhn' t of. Oil wo
: were : Lm t ol - it -., ;i
, Si
, Sloin; w.ij null i L','. .-..m, :. i. n Ail ..I
theso tno- t excJu-i.t b.iilasi. would
, il b; ! , ii.-ved that we look mi Iminl ni.r
iron at ?n n ton as ballast, knowing when
we st il ted tve fshould have toca-t it over
board. Yet such is the, f.iet. The gunboat
Lancer arrived at Hulteriis lnle!, short cf
coal ami water, and yet she throw ovt-l To
tons of iroc sl.Ton worth. Tl.o .ioner
threw over ?l,.'iw worth. In all, .fV-t'"
worth of iron was cast ovei board, yet we
were short of water.
The pilot, wo worn told, were ail Union
Ilatteras Inlet was Union, and New York
subscribed !?r:,000 for the inhabitants, be
cause they were all Union. Yet one of the
pilots hired t y us went over to the enemy
and informed them of everything- ; and as
for the inhabitants of Hattcras liih't, they
are too ignorant to know the- Miilerencc
between Union and Secession. It is all ; experience trachea us that :1 ere
are no Union men there : that the U.tKKl
ritles a.-ked for, if they hud been granted,
would now be, on Koanokc Island, undtbat
the jS.lKiil sent to North Carolina, for the
benefit of Union men. all lest to us.
Tho South are in earnest nnd we are at
play. We had to pay SsUi) in secret ser
vice money to those self-same Union men
!o know whether Jloanoke Ls'.und was oc
cupied or not. I'rkfiy iciterating the facts
contained in my first d.ppateh. and calling
attention to the rascalities of these stean s
boat contractors, and other contractors,
and asking the ublic to pause in the con
td.ipl.ition of a set of scoundrels who 1 avc
allowed the lives and the lie.illh i f !,('".'
l lie 1 1 to be p. n.I.-d by tueir
p. n::.-.l by tueir mm
tiuir 'vat-. r-i a-ks, 1 will conclude by sla
ting the p(.-:tioii ol aii'airs. l lie naval gun
boat h;.ve c.v--.'d the -'.-wa-h." 'lie half
of ion lU:rn !.. -'s ve.- ... Is have done like.
iv;.-i. S.-veu tii, -u and lr , ps aicr.ileiy;-. 'ili .-e v.-.-. ls i.h.e'.i can net e re--"ill
1 c ii Levi ,1 oi t!. ir t ri i ps. and wiii
.1 on (iht-r xe.-. i.;. Yt --els in iv i t
iiiiuted. Watt r v. as st aix-e f.r a lime.
! he rations veto rather siiel.t. I'.ut the
w Ii ,! army of 1 ",l' 'ti in- n have coi..l, iom
in tl.t ir K-tu ral. He is c, t'.-- ready to ir
Lev? ti.e nan:-, of a slup'.vre. k d crew, oi
Wie ll.e ill .i:s of a se.'i.. r. Ii; th-.i storin.
o'l , ii, I'U ,. .'.lit. Sll.l ,
l l . .1 .... .1 '
a... I Jv.,-.--.:i.i ni. ine .-Mnericaii i .
i' ioved bv ail. They have 1 utii ir. I..-
bravtry tin y have eoli.l.i, n-'e in his ju .--ment
and their exp-. i i.-nce te.u he- lie. in
th-.t G -ii. Puiii-i -Jj will ii.-v. r brim.' back
tile !.jir Oil hi- si. u ! ! or iiriiiiie 1 by deli al.
but rat'ne: tnat it will .slrr.e re.-; lend nil
in it torv. W. il.
F;na Ar.MC Hon,;., N. Y., Jan
"Fox' sake !?:
! the nejro an 1 stii.eto :i:n
.inuit i.-
.. ,.e . i. .,.:,..... ,,, t;,.s;, t ri.,-
.1 v. ..... , 11,1- , it.... . ... . ....... .
.' .- '.''..'.-s.tys, as ii toiiche. u; .
abolition fallacie-, and f.-reibly a-ks ;
"Where ale thos,. g.-tieral nprisiii.
the slaves, so l onii'iently j r..
1 ;.,
certain ini.irters. i.s the i'lcvit able result of I
a civil war? Whe-e :lte, t!io-e servile
butcheries that heated imaginations c ei
i'lrc I up as the i.r.ib.ble icsult of ur do-
mestie conflict ? iitiivctsa' i
11-vn.f ..fti... t.l ,vi.:.t, v,.,...i.-..i
to deplete the Souihcin States of the
braivnv sons (,f toil,' and lead tl.e:n to
safe reYuge in the Ntrth? There have
FK 'V! t!io EL Kit sir
len no insurrections, and there m e like-I"1
ly to be none. May not. therefore, the
.u.i;i;.sr.;-.. l,.,.- ,:.... l, cMially mistaken in m ,nv
other notions that they inconstantly find
pertinaciously forcing upon the public ?-
The holiday season is over, who,, custom
ailowstheilaresot the South almost .
rr..irt..i.,.i i;i.n l...... i .1
ol no gi-antic revolts, such as have been:!" i'''l-''Vl'''M'';dioi1 with ihreo
promisej as following the occupation of hunu.'od thousand oi l,ie.o .tegroi's, and
he southern country bv the Federal troops 1 'IU"f 0,'lv U " '"""' ! ..
!--. ;i.;i, i,1ir'tn'.rM.t!.r,1.r.,. olmoii idea carried out, four millions of
Of pretended consideration for a rae, who
can hive no a ppreciation of such sacrifices
for their Lcueli ?"
.. .
Dratt ms Nn;..ERiTi.s. Tiiero is one
:.. v: .1. -....... I ..i .:.i.,r
lit h i li vv..n:.3 t.'u.'. i;, .1,. i,i
J ,i . . j, i ,i
ilic uii. ii.u I'l'ui.i'in ui. i. int.
r ...or l -. : : ,,
,i,e, ,',uu ilr,,,,, -u, ,, ,,so i"f
continually sending to that body. Tass a;
law requiring the signer to every frre nes
rro i.eiaiion lo lrf drafled into the armv.
r i. , r .. i ... .- .:..t.'..
an.imai.o io permiu. gumu m , . ta
uuty incessnnuy, an., to mu., ... ;
icrcoi rse w .in no one n,, , gg.-rs , . ... , rau ins(
would dry them up and rid the National destruction of .ouliie... society.
Leg,slature of a u.rly nuisance. 1 hese n.MlU MamI, on , -p, .
nigger wor.L.ppers are not in .the ' W : ca,.-. TUtfotiii. and pledgeJ to a policy
any extent unless hob ing en issions. wltloh, if carried outmust end in -.ini-and
some plan ought to f "';', Veal frclom." Ihut is. in degrading
ty they coula Ik, compelled to render tho (wi.nt ..flV0 mili(1ll5 of white (Vmaiviant
country a service ,ns teadof a dis. lu Go.l.forbiddon find impU
iuuu vj tiiu iiie iiu in
IWnn a pickpocket pulbj at your.
WAtch, tell Lira plainly that you hare no
time to spare. i
o'livu y.'
"'IM.- I v ,-..
I li..'
I 1 I!
: i im
In ! , i
1 11
n . ! i Im .i ,i ,-',;: '
the j . i
: s . . i 1
v.l.., :
v. Io I i"
i., , . In C"l ; I-- !!.,.-..-'v
p I I ' i 'li. Li" !.:
Il l- r. l ! -') I II. -I 1 .',
-i t the r.'1 li '1 "ol I in' ''l, th --lu i '
': t! '' -, S in". , theiiis. '.Vi- ,
'!: I .-. i:!. tho I 'inl-iole-
a i i'i i
i A V
i.o.ii' ; Hi i : 1 .Hi
' I - J 1 1 0. o-c il' '1
ill.! I'ti.'l. Ml I 111 .
ti.iil sun-i 'in I tl.,'111 a. to bo .mi;.; on-
lib!.' to coiui.i'elieiid the folly of 111.' iitl.'-
;lion a-'..i:d. Vo;:M yo'.i not prefer ll.e
j "abolition of slavery'' to disunion '.' W on!
you not prefer tlu .le-trurtion of society
t0th.i tep.ii ilion ol the Stale.-'.' in fact,
I would von not prefer making an attempt
! to set a-ide the Almighty, nlnl to re-ere.ile
i the lie -to. lii'.lier the neei.Ie of thi
I . ' i , i ,..,,,,,.., I. , i.i , ., ,i
y 'i, . .. r . ..ill . i. i v. in ' . , i ji ui 1 . 4 in. 111.11.
of ti.e "aiiti, slavery" lunacy of the North '.'
The (picslion is not onlv ab-ur.l whol
ly lunatic witho'il the lenioteri element
of cinr.ijon K'li.e in it oi cbotil it. Il is
like askii' a n i!' lie win. Id not preier
to cut hi-i leg oil to biinvi:,g ins nose, oi
rather to lube the small pox than go homo
in tht! evening, or if ho would not be will
ing to take sti iehi.ine in ti e morning ra
ther than go without his breakfast at the.
ti.-ual hour. I'm what arc thein '.s invol
ved in the general question, that ignor
ance, hate, ptejiidiee, and iiu-
reason so u:r.Me up togetliorr n e are n
nation of twenty-livo millions of the brav -
est. freest and noblest white men on tho
earth. Pur political system rests on nat.
ura! duality, eooal rights, the same liber
tv nnd tin; Mime duties for all ; and thus
calling into full and healthy activity all
the capacities of all our people, we have
advanced nnd secured n greater amount ol
happiness, within the last eighty yearn,
than the world has witnessed ol -cwhere in
live hundred yean.
Our system of State sovereignty and
general Federation, or local State govern
ments, charged with all domestic, inter
ests, and a Fedcal government charged
with all tiiose interests that connect us
with the rest of Christendom, are the
lst political arrangements iho wen Id has
ever seen, and for eighty year not one
conviction for treason nor a diop of blood
has beeu a! i to suppoi t thorn. This has
n so, not nl. me because these political
forms have been wise or pcrlect, hut bc
'jauso th ev were in accord with all wants.
all interests, .11 the instincts and desires
of the people, and unlike the systems of
the I ld Woild, that eonslaiitlv
,- conflict
the pen -
w i'ii the iio-tiiicts and hbet'V of
I'h-, outs Lave harnioiiied with them, and
ail iveie left In e and -.ilal to secure tiici.
own wi'lfaic and li.ip-iue--'. In addition
to ; he w Lite oil iisliip or poliliea', oi-.
phi of these States, we have some four
uiiilioti- of iieL'ioe.s a subo: dir. ale race
whe-e presence in our ini,!;t, as a r.,.liiral
sub. li-iii inn in Ameiie.m foeicty, iris giv..
ill lis C." It V!. ws '.''. Ih. l'.lltlll.ll l j'.i.llltV
1 of our own l iee. and ici d--:vd r .. tie.-.ble
th lliii I io. 1 of i.i City I. lid ."I'.la'iilV
I p. a:'.: : 1 i;V .';! l- ui
! V. iiiell, ill u i ill inn to thus
I 'h'tl. h i lb,. U bite label ing
i 177e, i
ir.i r, .; !'bv
el.:. :.
the. '..
; ' pr.-:::ai-ti.- ;u;hv.;
ii.i.n. La. : -1 ',' i :i th.. na i
v of the ri. at : dapb s, cot-.'t.d.t.v--,'
Mid !'i"U"!.L the
' '
- ,
ill 'I I lollop,
11, sllj IV. r e
v, ,:. ; i
ia- r.
into !-.1 . ; 1 1 t on t'i tii i;'.'. at '
I I. el
i ii;-"
i a-- a
: e-1
J 'ut u, i an-1
in i to the latest
le, a pni p.- spi in;-
as-u:;:: s a n, ;:r,j t
.',. i.i ! avows i
gein-i al 'ons
s :ip in tho
be,-,. eod
s dt'si.-n to
MVl I litil. I'.t
i ail i.i-fl u
l," l r to ell
pcpiilati 01,
i;-:v:.i ,,-y
iii Ih
,: tut- eoiiiaei".
1 !' II--' -'. ' .-.
I. g '111 11- "i.le
ol ll.e
luen; f.
i u;. t
, :,1, eil i
ci' the it hi
.n:.'i, and
.. m" t,.:li
ill's pariy,
bll!'.r a
l. .io,
Willi t
:0',"i:l "iiii-
paltird t r.
Or in
, oilier woi .
, , .
ir, I I
are i
, i
, a. i l mis"'
it. iicro
- r lute nn ii. or liifii lil.e tl.ein.-elves
pt in c ior, i:,-el .oi using the coni-
I iikoi g .veriiiii.'iit iu ai. the States lor for.
ci'iu' t ,.i a. v on liio-e w J,o have these
i ii"s'i.-)es in t.ieirini
I Ih p-o;..e e! the .Vnitu were .t.sul!e-l,
!wrotigen. wronged, but in
1 10""! "1. 1,1 !'! !" :vl":e '
.no. i ... i 'i ti." aiteiiipt to ,:i i 1
lh,"v '"t0 '.'i",l :'" 1 ' , 'HH'
I subieet run. intone. 1 the sa
loai ' Mill a '
ie find ruin!
i''1 ,,v 1l,',!:'Uon. ' 1 i0sr M-'.'ls s,s.
I "u'n', wl,,.'lV.,,'r '," ! or in t ,
N "'"' . 1 "''.e dii.civni-e between the
l-,t, 0' 'hVV r-U",nI.Illr0""1
anJ the w!.., citi.-n ol Illinois ,,, l,;di-
una. eoiiM..s in tiiu lactiiiitiiio i-
sul'o.tbnato ugroes , b- orte I into im-
j'""'"1. fr0",,.,l .w'lh l'"'V-hvo m.L
i l" of T'1' ,v,"l0.UM wou, i fi":lll.v
.work on a common destruction of our
Di iiio. i alio institutions, and the coiumoi'
le-'i adation of the laboring millions ev-
, 11 i .1 .. 1 1 r
cry where. Hut the outh, rendered fn.n
- . i .. . i. r ,.p , :....! . 1 ..
lienv i uu i'lio a..-. ,,t n ei-.iiwii,ii imii iv in
, North.rushed headlong into secession,
' . , , , . . von . ,.
; reeo .:Zo .1,.
F.derul Govcrnnient with
, avowed a desiirn to use tl,..
government hitherto so belief.
lous equality with four millions of negroes,
11,0 two great soctionsof tho Hcpublio now
6u1.nJ r,4CC t0 in daidly conllict. And
tl i wuen itiuj arrayed that tho more de
A to!.: , n if
i ir' i
," I
t 1
.1 '!!
I i
! u
ii i
il t.
'.III :, Vie
' i,t in. t in:
l"l '. . 1 1. I '"
ll'l-l (.'!.'.
M ll.e I ,
i'.r n.
, thin
"per, ei lie
tlii ui i
1 1
L .-;i-i . Uli'l ,-,' ,r
H'l pt- i .in. i,. I lull.
rive :n i-n in arms or. the Voloniac
K'Vef f'e'il to I, nee il. on lliii Sonlh.
or to ilretii-lo tlin
, .
olves mlo "luipartiid
freedom" with ti.-groes ; hut if we could
ever such ; crime against "God
and humanity," in. I such treason to their
race as eve
as I'm- oil' a.-conipli-hed
of Use
i tin'. . 'oiiiion wiii
e , I , 1 1 1 1 I'll 1 1 1 . 1 1 I "ilifl i'i- ill-
would bo the extermination
s ami leiiO'Vsl.'ip nnd lialerin-
ty wilh the negroes. As dei lured by 1 1 l-ii-
: i
I oik, the.eght mi, ion-, of while, nen
wmiien will he under the sod before
the 'Abfiiilion' idea is foicL-'lon the South,
and llieretoii! all the cfl'ort to "aboli-
iveiy" cm or c-.mhl possibly ell'ecl,
would lm llie I rut err. ie n it . lour mil liuus
of negnie- in-lead ol' the eight m Ihons of
our ow n blood. Thi- is no fancy sketch
of the possil.ili:ies they would prefer, ex.
termination, not fiom pride, or vanity, or
egotism of any kind, but because nature
1 herself wcul I demand it, because God Al
mighty has so created and so ordained
things that it would lie better, immesiMir"
able better, for tlm-c eight millions of
1 !'"' untamed white men and women to
untamed w hite men and
, "'i.v P'iiu ") inn sworn man io equal-
ie, Internize, amalgamate and rot out
tiuougii impartial freedom 'wwii negroes..
In view ol these things, or ol the facts in-
volved. wh:,t nonsense, and indeed what
crime to talk t i the -'abolition of slavery," ,
when all Hint could be possible would I e
the ,,,, t,o:o eight millions of people ol
own rate, and fraternization with four
millions of naturally subject negroes !
( iO(Cils((l.
The KximhUnii Iii .S.H'.oinaA (J ratal .V-
i; i 'c. cl A gentleman who returned from
f il
put! b'oyal a few days since has I'm rushed . Ilueiice to keep that State in a hostile at
the boston traveller with some interesting littidoto tho Federal Government. lie
informal ion in relation to the Sherman cx. was seventv-oue years" old when he died,
pomtion. Ho left J luton Head on I ues-!
day, the 21st of January, at wh ich time it
was expected that there would be an ad-j
vance toward Savanrnii llie next day ;
I liirteen gun limits were furnished witlii
j eoal and water on llie ".0th. Troops were
"eing taken on board several transports,
' Mi'-l it "'.-is believed they would follow the1
; gunboats. A ship, which the Confederates '
had sikik in i;,,. channel in Iho rear of;
Foil Pul.,.-ki, fad been removed, sevend j
steamers, including tho -Maylh.uer, hiivitig
tul.' ii part m toe ta-k o pulling her out.
mi .
Silliro-Ol ei, a ret'leiv t,fill,r,,. ......1.1 '11... ...... ,1 ll .T ll. !,.,..
sollli! I',,:"1'! laell al I 1 litoll lik-.i'loil lhe
l'.Uh. Ail the bands were consolidated,
i.n 1 the let'., ,v was a very lino one.
The number oi men at .'eatifort is ton.
Tin y are in possr. -ion of the whole island,
although their pickets do not ex tend otiite
up lo llie f.-rry l.y w hi.-h tii" mainland is
.,'1,1-1. 1
iv ii to th.
a.-iiiei. an
I - 'I.le'lel'.il " pickets come
i v on the oiler side el the
I eau
1 lliai
.,!:! tl
ie Seen !n in I he l-l.'Uid.
they hate halteiie.- that
,e :.pi I'.,;ie!l to lhe f.'l'iy
1 1 I
ae : con,:::
in the ,1
l !." y.hnl.
' I !.. ,i!h
in :
. Most o! Ih" -1,1.1
I'ised by lhe ineii
-s ill (ho
camps is
til" I.ivh!
ill.' lie' ii;
ni.'l i; e
iMt.iont ,i
r I. -thin:;, to
r o w.-iriii dur-ri-
' at iiivhl.
!!,. at lliii,-,,,
o eoii'litioi,
I eporls ol iho
our inf : i;i :nt
: 'b!y with the
li','-t s .vcie ii,
;-. . ,ie w ,
but a eol-
1 I'',
i'l'i i
i,i, r
-.-11) 1
1 ,-:
i:n i
ii :
; ii ::;. -i
l i
1 c '
I -at tlll V u 1:1
a e.
! ii '; on tii" P'.'.i.
i bleolll -it i'e.'ufoi t.
A al .v ;,:! I ao co. t
tl a. ps ha i I Li l, 1 :c!
n iv:
A, :.
in reach of our
H"j"h ;an-;s of
11"L'1'0' .. It, I
at 'li -atit'ort
sonic ":,! i,r
-1 a 1 -it u oi k upon plantations
o' l '';, Point. Tliero were
'. coiiii-aiands at n place on I
lllitoil lb. ::d l.n Of. n a
fe.v were emp'.,iyctl as
"!', iltaiiy Pay.
ervaiils by olhci-rs,
1. 'it a m.i; ,, :iy at1'- ue-cro'o'i as I eing good
for n, .thing I ut ci'iisiiiiting their rations.
V.'.e:i oii. o thev are well filled they
. I n:l bi hit 1 b work again 1 l t font y -four
11,,.,,, V. ,f 1 1...-,,' ,,!!, 1 lii ,,.
", ; , " " I " i "
" r"'l-,'l'i eiiher way, as no limine cm
I oe pi.rc'M lit"'" iii"in. ,-o:ue w no ran I'.tav
when th expedition first lauded would
icturii .-.gain if allowed.
fur. Pool: or Paiiis.-It appei rj from a
i report presc-meil by the 1 1 elect ol the lo the Munieipie t ouncil that the
indigent poor in l'Ai is arc lenienlablv in
creasing. The number amounted iu lsV.i
to 70,0011, in the year 1m;u to 1,(.m. i, and
at present tl.: y amount to the formid ible
figure of lO.i.liuO. The expense of prima
ry ins'lruot ion in thi city of Paris for the
ensuing year is estimated at 1 1,-41111, 1 Mil if.,
being ,"i"i,(i l'lf., morn than it cost the city
last year- The expense of primary instruc
tion in the city ol Paris is set down next
yearat 3,l,"ti,oMiif.,beiiig an increase of I -10.
(MM. over this present year, and of Slo.uOO.
over the year 1V.I. Thero are in Paris
4PJ public and gratuitous establishments
for olenientary instruction, liS private es
tablish in en Is, likewise prat ui tons, but sup
ported by the city funds. These estab
lishments ,'illord education to 71,800 chil
dren. Tim l'erfec's report states that 3,
OiHl.O'Klf. have been expended for each of
tho last two years on public monuments
in the city of Paris.
C-.An Irishnnn who got a situation in
the west end of London, on entering a
room where thero was a vaso with gold
fish in il exclaiiued,-
"Well, this is tho first linio I ever av
smoked herring alivo."
y Jolm Tyler.
I'i. i. ; t .'
1.11 'I 1' I' died ill
I. ' ' '0' i. ' l'-el..e, l:!. ; He
:i l! I.; i " o., '., '') (be
'1 . i.u i., . . . ' ', and at the jig.. .,f
',. ' ii fa. ad.e.itted t. the bar. I w o
l j : i . :
nil. ill 0'
- Vir-i,
I V the
- .he w . i !,,, -, i: a tie ! !
::i be -hit'iiv In i.-bl,
h :ii !i oi the lion, lolm
of tl
I ."pli -o, a v.ieiiney oeeuncd in the l.'ep-.
re.eiit.ition in Congress- in the kiehi'iond
.listi ict, Mr. Tyler was elected to Dial po
sition, in which ho conti'Uicd till
111 I . celllhr.)'. 1 SOft ll.o ( i nl inrnulor 1
' ...,,, ,.!' Mr io. I ,i to
..,.H.V,.-..I.,1..,..,,II,.T li.', .1111, A..1.
,vas ..j,,,.,, hllmwl,, lle con-
tinned tolili that ofliro till 1827, when ho
was chrsen by tho Legislature to till the
oliu'o ol liuieJ Mates Senator, nia'io va.
i.e(,nt llV the expiration of tho term of the
j (,,,) f,
lohn 1,'aiidoltih, lie whs early no
r his opposition to llie lu-incipal
. .,.,,,.,.,, f :.. i.,,,!.,,.'. A.i,,,;.,!.,-
i , ;',, iui ),,. Voire bill' was before
: Senate, le.. opiosed it in an animated
, i,. ,- , i.'.,,,.,!,, ...,! ,ii,i,. n,
ill was pas-f d, Mr. T!t-r being tho only
Senator who recorded his vote in the neg
ative : the other opponents of the meas
ure having absented themselves from tho
Senate Chamber while it was being adop
ted. In lSiii!, ho was re-elected to tho
Senate, but he resigned before his term
expired, mid returned to his homo in Vir
ginia. In Is 4' , he was elected, by tho
Whig parly, Vice President of tho Unitod
Slates, on the death of President Harri
son, in April, Is II, he succeeded him to
theolliceol i resident. At the close of
jlis tmn ie retired to his mansion, near
'oll.ess Monroe, where ho resided when
tiic present rebellion broke out. In 1801,
Mr. Tyler was appointed by Governor
I.,.t(.K.ri onoof liio Virginia delegates to
t1(. -called i'eaee Congress, convened io
Wa-hiiiLtnn. Ho was elected President
f that body, and although, during tho
sessions, he prolessed to be an ardent
friend of the I'nion. he eni-lv disliiiPiiish-
! ed himself as one of the most active insli
j gators of tho existing rebellion. On the
adjournment of tho Peace Congress, he
repaired to lrgirna, and was elected ono
. I nf 1 1 rf. " .'i,i,i',.u.,.ilalivAo in I l.n l?nl.f.t i.rh
tress. In that body he exerted all his in
and leaves a wife anl several children, by
each of his marriages, among whom aro
Kobei t Ty ler and John Tyler, Jr., u lo
formerly resided in Philadelphia.
A Gtt.ixn Uat Hunt. Tho Circlovillu
(.)., Watenman tells of a movement
among the farmers of one of the townships
of Pick .way county to rid their barns and
stacks of rats S itne forty wo citizens
formed r-n .-issociation, and divided equal'
le, twenlv-onnnn .1 side, and then pro-
ceeded Io hunt, nnd get nil tails as best. ro as follows :
"The party or side that produce tho
least court of rat-tnils on tho lit'lh of
Dcf i nihcr, were to pay Ahram Dennis,
landloid, two doll.ns each for self and
partner, the privilege of tho ball-room
and enjoying n social dance, and the win
iiing parly to go in fi eti of charge."
On the appointed evening the rat&tailsj
beg in lo pour in by hundreds and tlious
amis A coiniuilteo was appointed to
naike count, and tho following was the
iv.-u.l. . hole number kroilueod was 17.
i - -.
o7d, making an average of -111! to each
1.1.1:1 in t in- hunt. hie side beat the oth
er by '2,1 ) The contest being over, snip
per was ..ei yed, of whit. 1 1 one hundred
a tnl set en t y-live per: ons partook. After
the supper the parly proceeded to tho
ball-in.iiii, danced all night and went
homo Willi the girls in tlie inoining.
The Wiiteliinaii estimates that the kib
lie:' of these rats will save Ho, I '0 bushel
of giam iu ii ear.
Sri,i,:.. D,:T!..- -Dr. Hall, in his ,!.,ur
fvi'ef . ''., says that very for sudden
deaths which we taid to arise, from disi
ease ol the heart do really arise from that
ejus... To ascertain the real origin of
sud leu deaths, tl.o doctor says lhe exper-
iiiictii has bo'-n tried in Kurope, and re
poitc'i to a seuiiiiiic congre- field in
Sti-.tshuio'h. Sixty-six cases of sudden
deaths were made tho subjects of a thor
ough post nioi k in examination. In those
lines only two wero found who had died
liom disease of iho heart. Nmo out of
tho sixty-six died from apoplexy, while
there were forty-six cases of c ingestion of
the lungs ; ti,at is tho lungs were so full
of blood they ci'il l not work, there not
being i . .01 ii enough for n stiliicieiit quanti.
ty "I an to enter lo support life. The
"".'tor goes on in enuineraio ino causes
that may produce congestion of Iho lungs.
They are cold feet; tight shoes; tight
clothing; co.'tiveness ; silling still until
ehiil' d through after being warmed by la
bor or a rapid walk; going to suddenly
from a cIom" heated room into the col J air,
especially alb r speaking ; and sudden do
pi essing rows operating on tho blood.
These can ;es cf sudden death being known,
an avoidance of them may Bervo to length,
en our valuable lives, which would other
wise be lost under tho vetdict of a heart
complaint. That disease is stipposod to be
incurable, and hence men may not take
the pains they would to avoid sudden
death if they knew it lay in their power.
frayA young girl in Paris lately took n
dislike to her boarding'sehool, and com.
ing home at vacuiion, refused to return.
Her parents placed her under strict Bur
veillance, as they feared sho meant to
commit suicide, but she managed to pet n
pair of scissors, nnd so far succeeded iii
getling her tongue out that her power of
speech is despaired of by the surgeon in
&4j"Fame comes only when deserved,
ar.d tlieti is incvita'.lo us dostiny, for it j-destiny.