1 c f f o'luthU' iiMilin ! I I l I l i I H I I i i I' li ' I I I. I e. V .1 I' I ir II I W i! h I i ' n . . I Ml. , I II I I I It " f i vV, v .st t l ii! !'i M 'Hi 1 I 'hi w c ml 1 . 1 1 i' I 'tlri 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ' . lli it 1 1 1 l k t ' :' 1 1 I ! "I, "II I I i I I I ., I : I In J I S ' 1 1 ll III. II 1 1 II 1 1 e I i I II 1 1 1'l il' I" 'I . Il""ls ll It ll pi cpl f i'Iii-h Hi'1 i. in nnd inuf iurt if fool. i in .til i lif I i -t ! H ! I v ! in. I Mie Inilf tin' di-l: lets n! e "t fid li . hi-sili ill I !,-! - -li....!- ( !' I'.r Hi'.' . .., ' i l I All) I! I I', VS. Wcilneiuay Mornina July 21 18(U To our rations ft ' I Il M l".lnm III lili. I I 1 1 I ' -1,1. ,. Il . .,' . il . ' I t ' ' .I .Ml, i j , 1 1 ii . ' i , l,-i i, 1 1 ,, i I l 1 1 ' ii Ir Ii , ri! tin i i I , i,', .1 i.i. i n , 'I ,i' I ii Ii I li i n Mill 'I llli'lrt t llbill tin ''lllllV ! l i ''It ll',"t, Ii. ii lli-liit'i e III liii Ii 1'HI r, mil i 1 1 - 1 i I'M I i i i"H i. ii or 'I 'ln. mi. Il'l I p'th 'I I II,. II I ll ' lli, III''! lnllY I'llK ' "I l.liy t l I "I '" III I M M w mil'l l,i' mi mi " .-ii' n I 1 h. -e hi i i.i . i' ' Illll I' Illll 'It 1 ll l"l lgli , t.j , ,11, Hi III nil) liillieul'y, timidly fiilMing lln1 input by il mil' ,i 1 1 ii 1 1 1 y Tn tiln li.l. .j I I ... ii. ,. i , r j ,,,, . , i' In Mi I inn, I ! " I , , I I M ' I II I'l Ii " I, III I ,l,ll..lll I b'l ' ' , ,llllt N lill' H't ""' In M,i I ii. w I "i ,1' i till II' m i;',.l "' '" ' I II.' I l ilM I 1 1 1 1 1 I rUine Im I II Hi' l.,..l .i, I' 1 1 pin r 1 1 1 1 1 1 in i ii kri i i In i i 1 1 it 1 1 1 . i i,i i, ill' lliii P (') i II ll'P II,. H . 't ', I 1 (,. I ' , !! II., , ,1 'I, l I . . I 1 1 " I 1 1 1 ' I i i , , M(M,. l .1 il Iff I'M ihl I, it ,li l, i, I I II I III I II I I I'M II II t l' 1 ..i' r. t it i. '. I I" ' ill III ', It. I'. Il ,., ili I 1 1 ' 1 1 1 i i , . 1 1 1 1 1 1 i , II" I Im "I It n; ' Il.l I HI iii iik in tli I ll,,. I 'tiii, , i'l ll,.' n l I M il m il' i ii :il l f I'. Hi' i' i i.i i i I il,, l,: I'' I nit, in I Mill i Im til, on I I ll'M o it . i -ii i Ik 'in '.' tali" Il. . i . 1 ' , HHk.l . '.'i.i I i I. I. .1 II I I ! I I. II II I I I I. I , ,1 . I , . . ..,..... (.1 -Si l. Il. ...... . . . .. . , i"'i ni mi. lie i nili'l Hi" Ml. .nil, mi ,. (In. i'.,'" '.III,., in i, ,ii it. i, niiin i i it... i it i ii, Mm i,n in t ., i. ,. ,,,, , (In ii i ii ni I lli '. ,i ik ti m, (,,., , n ,1, , ii k , ,, Mi I I, i I ll, ii .i I . mi, il i i, i,,,, , n,,, i( Inn tnl i iV nil I i.n, , , ' ' "" i i ........ i i. i i . "i f 1 1,.,, I., i, I ilm i ' t ,ti l iiini! tln nil' nl IM'-', liliiD uliili ii ''"'" " -i"i-. .,,..1, -.. ... ,,.,, ,!,,.,,,,, v , ,. (,.M!ll lii.jo,iii,t .j, ,,',,, ' "" nun ii ii i' K i'lin n tl in to lit l,y I In- " I '! I . . I lv t . h o 1 1 mi I . I o-. i I. Imvo H. ,,i ,.mI .u ll in mi ,t , iiml lit.' in- m I,,,' ,r ..n ,,. ,',', ''J' run il " l,;,li l i'l!, I In' " 'l ' " I , I 'Ii, ii. . ii i., .it l ,i i.. . . I I... ... ...I .. . i ...... , ' ' ' i l i 1 1.., . i l ii iii ii iii i "ii " f . i,t -ii i'i i i . i n i nr 11 i'l pill I IllM I II ,n, I , l' III In hi- nl I 111 1. 1 1' 'I III)? H ". if I nl, ll, ', it. Hj'tli i.l I " ,..,M I .,.,,,,l i Hil III i. i I 'M I.i , mi' I I Inn ' "i t'i "nl I in I I l,r it , mi 1 1 . i, , 1 1 1 1. 1 1 ll I'i mil i :i' ' ll'iil-HI . ; I t 1 1 11 ti iv mil' 1. 1 an in ii iij.m mi in iw'iiuiM uir i'in ni iii" nut', 'H. lit I I'll!"!' I'l lil'I'l I'M'lllllI i I'l to im j (ll it , i. Hit. m,, j, 1 , (( ,. ii.iiiiii i" ft i ni 'ii. ii.iui'ii, mi, I i'l I t.i 1 im n i imi iiiji il,,. hi ni i,f ,. i ,(l i,i ,) in lln-S null'. I ii, ,ii to i iii i . , M ii, i Mi' i iilii lii'li'il l Ht'iiill riillilif. tin? lit j I In' j.'..l im iniii'iil ii ill ii,,.. .J'' l '' I Iciilliiii i.i l!n i' miiiIi v In tin' iliitin i'l i lijo. tin lit n i li.ii i tt.l.i, , 1,1 lh I" il. I i f l it t.i i ; . 1 1 i , "ii ..I H.. . . i. ""ii,,. in t nl I ' ill HHII" I'Mltlt !l l if I'llll I'. iliinilit nnl tin. war fully 'M,;''' UI'"M '!"'' Mini i y lv t hoi r ins.mr Irnt tu oiilmit llie mnil ttili. n, .uul mill I mil imuiliiv, Tim ,, 1,1 iv.i . 'i'". ,i ,,",ii. I,,,"'l",lr' vv'' IVininn'o ll,iii2 it it 'io iim'I.'mi lor l:i.n ,ii..l lln,.,. I. iv I .All minor. r f.hli dli'l ill 'in Ii in in i- " in llu'Sonal" tilu. tl.oii(.'l.t ns I,- ilnl, toili u... S w r , i i,-', .1,. , , .. . ..,,. wonlil Im lor tlii'lutino Mi'lliii',1 rT tin? , ... mi., . .... .. . 7 I i im i ni i ,t.ii ii ill l.iUi' in, In'.. Ili.it tl i? I'i il'-li lli-ivoi pi"i'i,t ::iin'lii'r i iIip i''?tiiiii"iii'''niiMit iT inniii'iiriitrd lln-n i'iHiil vnhiiiii' ot Tin' li"niliii iin mi- ly i imii i tnmi ly iMii.iit lii( i, iiikI Minny iliT lln- I'lT-i'iit 'io.i ii'lo in. As lii't i'VPii look I'I'.'ii loiiiiil n(.'ninitt (uir i'O'iii tv". k' i .iiti' iv.m iliiti',1 on tin-ITtli of Ju- Iry. In tin' liilo wnr with .Miwii'n, th" Iv. nii l liiiinrVii'il I . Milin'i iln'i s iiimv Mini tnt? of Cn'tN "Viilfil ll," 1 oniloli , i i i , i i . . i ,i .i i v v t i i i , Si'inii il, I it'OM I'd, iiml i I ' 1 1 C tliu liittli'H thiiiK im' il"Mri' to t.ilvi-ii'lviinlit " ol llii'in. ..','. uiul tin? .Ni'iv oi lv y' lio.i' hoiiliili'il ' " Ol till' I'OlllltrV. I. I! III'O Mil l.-lll'il llui ivnr Voiinti y, if llip Miohl.oi' t'nion . I"t -im vou. only rnli't uinli-r tin' l.iiiini l 'nl their fiic-il li'inli'i.H liii'i'ly, (li.lilnif."-, I li;iV" n,lv;-f 1 'I I' m to - t i m-ist i. h li.-iti'i- nipi'lv ol' liooki in Mime ii'li"ol. 1 l P. i "ii I (tli t ii 1 1 1 1 i' unity rt'i 1 1 limit's Intel ill Is'iS, ';V.I, Till, j:iv';M"ii I'llt m l I'llll s.llil'.lv'tii'll. i 'no liunlii"! M'i'l tivinti 1". .in- i:li io I iiioii.il i'"i tilii iiti'i a ni l ol ivliolil 1 : 1 1 1 lT ( I in .ninini.'i' t Iml I i.i "'ol in m 'inli r a laruo iil:iiorilv L'nM' mi'l'lliiii; tT'iotl ml ihi,M ion, ! I'.ii 1 1 lov ill ii'iin'inlu'r I lint liii Iii s ntiin ilio -auii- krv-t.nli'. initl I'alnx'fsloii tlioiili in nlinoil i'.".y ni'i.Hili.il 'I ll.,.,. , ,lu(l l"ili .Inly Wn tliiit tl,.- :,i,,l Tom Cm m in, Imtli 1,1, ollioinli in i"'.ul.l Im l.ronglit loa rl.vo in Unity il.iys, l.t'io iv.ii loiniil noli. ) ,im to c inil'lair. . , . .. , : . i nr noi Inu.s vooiu r il' tlii'V ;'onKl till tli.'ir somo tivontv uuvo vi-iv i.o'.r mUiv i 'ii l,,,,y ",,,k U"M 'M, a l,al'r W;,s rrs.Wtivo .vernnicnt, iI.mi..iiiii'i1 lllllls ""'. '" '"-" inilcil; mu'Ii tcfti'lii'i-i lia.l l-i-tlvr ..U'liv tlial ofllio I itill'tlny i, iiml Hint. fur- the vinr mi.l tin- ooiiiitiy uitl. nil the M'n.'l-" national IronMirv any I ln I'lfoi'i't "i nullify youisi-lvt's l?fnro un -, ni.-li. 4 tin l'li'ditli'iii's Mi.ssnj;.. lat ,.- 1 ni ninl malioo nl thi-ir loiiunnntl, ihii:h ''' Ii''''- s"('li ni.'ii uro n liliahtin' cms.'. ilortaluni! to in.ili iit;! ollii i'. ,. i , .., ,, i, i ,.. ,i,.,.,i,i i,,' c.i. i to our nuv. l vvi'iuy liii ci' lonclu'l s rri'i'ivi-'l " oillifi' I i'ouiilp'1 n full nuni'u'i '.o boni" tencliiTs fit in.;- in uiif , two i r lln t e The iiroliaLli' sc.iri'ily of toachfis on a,; couui of Ui'j u ar iniliu'.'s ni" to lu lioi t' that 1 shall not ho al'lo to raiso tin.' stnn - till of ijii.ililicaliolis t li u j'le.si'lil Vfal .'itovi' tho hu t . On" liin'.Ji'cil unci l.ii'ly fiht li'.iihi.'r ".au;ii)"il within the year mho n'lu'iinl only i ejected. In some. districU the attondaiu'o o! tearhei's and peonlo was iuite resin etahh' in quantity and iiialily. In ten district" I failed to ill ..el fi I In r leathel" or direc tors. In eonseiinencL1 of this failure 1 y ivi jirivatn nudionce to more than lifty leach el's ; tin's was attended with frreal h.ss ol time in visitulio'u. No .-ui liticates anr.ul lod. Mor.il Instruction i yiven in three, fourths of our school- o li r hy ,scri'tuie readings, text-hook, oraily or l.y 'ieeeit. I nunt, however, with truth, hut with i lain t.ay, that its many schools no such nistructioti is given in any way w hatever, as far as I could sc.? or learn. All the schools in every district were visited once, eleven excepted; twenty tight twice, and nine a third time. The ineraiie length of visits was ninety lninu.es. Ths whole r.uinhcr of director in the oucty when tho Hoards ara full is oicr hundred and eighty ; tint more linn two it a:iy true accoinjiai.ied meat visitations'; ii'.n'h more f - jin-1 . t ly none. .N'o County Institutes this j o.ir politi- ;.! ex"lteinelit in the tall, ami war excite .nent in the ci'ii::g seem to fn: bid t' c:. ' In the District!; ol' l'.eecnria, Hiirns d", 1 itieiith and Morris, Instilutes wcr.i heiiij jno evening everv other week, in I wo ol which the pood etlecls on the districts Here very evident. I In l'iko the directors had a clause in j their articles providing that tho teachers fihould establish and atteii 1 an Institute i one day in every alternate, w eek during ; thl term; bul -om:: lea-t'ii or othei . it never was carried into opeiati in. j I should he glad to see lids feature o! tho sstei:i can ied into ellect in c ry district at the conmu'iicemen I of the. next term. j lietriet .Secretaries aetii'; h distiiet Su. , lierinlendetits none were worthy cf the j name. j Ucconlinjj Seoretariei of t!ie li lard ie- ; i.'t.ive from two dollars and (illy cents uj to ten dollars each nniiuallv. cam l I ... 1. .: I r . i . . . . . , , i,'...iiiii',i:iiiiiiiiiiiii'it'i. ,itt ,' . .. ,.. h . ii.i'fii'i'iii. ,,, -ti...i..i 1,.,. i:...,....,...i... ... - - ,.j ii..titii . 1 1 ii iti.it jv , .";i ''iii t'i t- i iJiiiiniiiar or iii all. in writing, three wa-j I 'ally I'liperi almost invariahly oinit, an The leaden of tin- I'.lnck Ko.iihlican i the lovea grade as low as four was given I issue in nil lloliidav 4th of .Inly, Christs inirly, and their Hiiti.-h allies have alwayj tn.i-, New Years, I'lmt days &.c, and' hren 'inilii; ngi inst the vital niteiest ol why should not the weekly luijieri he our country, except in the jiresenl "lire shown the Mime ler. iti ? I pressihlo eoiillict,'' It hccuis that while the American Aholilio' ists can rejoice at ntteuil''. to do so, as it would lie to eiideav or to slay th" wntei's ol' tin; Niagara w lh an ii lit'ii'd hand. Mis remarks were critiei.ed l.y Mr. Lane, ol' Indiana, fur a short lime, who siokc in favor ol war ; iiml said, in allu ding t j thn writ of ,,('. ,i.v C"ipis, that lie wnssori v when i; was suspended, thill the carcass of Baltimore reliellioii had not hci'ii suspended with it i in inoi ion of M r. Wilson, the nil'ject w ill he inailo ihe Kpecial order for Tin's di.y, whi'h Mr. Suulshtil) will spclik. .Mr. 1 i-sm ntleii inoveil llie liinnl niii'lo !dr. Lincoln nnil the Right of Kevo- lution. No nun) in nil the South from .Jell" tin I'a- I.XTKA Si WHIOX Wasiiixlton, .July hi. SI'. NAT'. The hour having nrrivi'd when the res olution einloisini: it! I the nets nl the Press j ident was to he nude, the special order. iMr. Hreckini idee took the Iloor and prospemve. iioeiauou oi un- slaves , , ,,.,. and the destruction of our Cm.sli'utionnl j sckkcii or ..ox. jon r. n n cck i x m im.k. i i . . . . . t . v.. .1 : t. i . l ..i. .. l vis .'own to the mnilie.t luvspap, r oliloli . ,,, , 7 , , , Mi. 1 icsi'ient il Ihis weie hut an ordi- ... 1 1 .. I der at the idea ol civil war, ami leKi'u narv occasion. 1 should content invsell to assist his co-ln'ocrer and former ally in witlia vote, hut I .un unwilling to allow the destruction ol our i:isl it i.tions. It js ' un M-"iuimn u. pass . .ino.ii express,. not cieti Tojmhs, nor Illicit, ucr Yancey ever pi oclaiincd the jusli'ication of the conduct tiT the people of seciih'd Stales in more euipija I ic and uuetpiivocal terms than did llie piesenl l'residt!iit of tin? 1'iiitcd Slates as u ineniher of Jongross in HH, and fur tin? thir l time we give the .'I'lhiwing extract from his speech on thai occasion. This speech, the liiinml of the Id instant said, ''was made thout lhu lime lluiijrirv was rising in ar:ns a a :.st i the Austi iar. L'overnmeiit." This is true. I!ul unloi tunately for the .icran, Mr. Lincoln forgot to 'ii'.'iition anything about Hungary in that speech Hunga'y is not nieiitioncd fumi the beginning lo thecjd of it and a rofeuuice to it will show that he was talking about Mexico and the Mex ican war, h -i i ii ii like Tom (Airwin, taien : In- wrong side in that nieiiioialile strug gle. We have not the lull speech before Uii, but have the nuthcity of a co-temporary, in whose verHcity wc have full con lis d( lice, f.'i' this fact. Mr. I.inco'.i' sai 1 : THE THIRTY SEVENTH CONGRESS- pi iation bill be c.uisidcied. The hill was p.ts-eil The Senate w..nt into nxeculive session. Adjourned. THE WAR NEWS ! THE BATTLE AT BULL'S RUN. v Wasiiimitun, .Inly llMli, lSiil. I ling l.i.ii.,,, ins hm . '' to our on n ti n i s bv ih ;.i "Mi. charges of (lu ir guns. " L The biittcry o Mjov 1 ) l)llt . l'ickens, ni l ived at .'i iit:evil. ,i ,' r; IIOI'll. ' ''''''J!. THE VERY LATEST We learn by last night',, Um;i . IVde.al army ntlmked the Ilebol, : i un on 1 huisday, w hieh i ; forluna'e at this time for the counlri that our old enemies cannot bin inciiizu in letrercncc to the dist.uction of our gov fl'Mlllf lit. The present Atluiinistration has ex hausted every effort, and they may sue-i ceetl vet in ciideHioring to enlist thesyin' r.iy oiinion ami protesting against acts eiiuiui'i a'i d in t he i cs dut ion. the C"Ult.,l ; draw u I a tle.with great loss on fnii I he light was renew ed at Marian,,, miles di-lant on Sunday nioinin', o'clock and eoniinuetl uiitil tj,' both nrinii s seemed willing lo the day, the lesult being in fnvor o '' I'i del al Army. The attack 'Us n on Monday iimining with seeming in l.nnr of our troop;, u,eii iUiUo o l that r.muieg.v.d w as 1 einji tutf by Gen. Johiisui, and uUo from inond and Straw ab.irg, when Cur were imiiictliately driven link wi ''ol. Uiehardson, represi-ntat ivo from panic among our troops fcildenly o Illinois, in rived here al two o'clock to day ; red iiml a regular stampede look 1 1 from the se.it of war. Cp to the time he I , i,i, ... n .. . ' " . . I Ill ll. II I' I IIIW I'll Mil llll.l, ,1 i. " i' i i iiiimi ii in : :i, . , " ,u "'' I'ft l'lull's 1.UII, at eight o'clock this mor- I he wol ds ol i he resolution admit that ning, there hntl been no general fight a f-lainl nt Ceiitrevill nor .i ..... i i i . uie ncis w ere r oi none ov i. ongres' in aecoi dance w ith I he coiistito t ion. I should like to know, Mr. J'resideiit, ho.v the coiistitulioii ii.ve.-ts Congress wiih the poner ol lini-, as It wishes, in deiniufviiig the I're.sidelit. pathy and aid ol ijucer. Victoria and her j Abolition coiiiforte; s u assist them in since j C 'leiilny al -ix o c ock. I I. or w ei c, ho wet ei , oi'c.isioiial shot- by sk ir inihers on both sides, (i. n. M', I..wi liil.'i Died Col. 1; it l.ai lii sL e.Miiiiine I he loc lull i'IH's, theii- extent lln'lli.tr 111 ', ilnpossibl i.'llteinilt ' - "H "iir fw l ;" a Will f, K make one. AWw,' i'l- l'uii'lhx, ! i.i . . i 1 Illll Ktl'l was mail J I t !ie Tl e ident has violated the laivs i engaging the toe. he has also viol tleil thf cuiistil u lion, lor Col. 1! chanlson says (ii n. Mtliowcli he Is sworn to see th it t hose law s nre ex- , t hins thai fori v will cm e: llie no in her oi their pcsenl .laikcbin crusade against : rented. To declare tin Congics bv u I killed and w oun led, and of ihe-e three slavery, but this has proved a failuie thus .i01"1 resolution, can iedeuiiuly t:,e I'i esi-! were killed, twenty-nine wounded and neni lor uny acuon ne lias taK mi. Is to ji lgii. misii:g. give the Tresideiil a precedent that he i Col. Mt'Clernand, of the House o( r.ep niay always billow. 1 tleny thai Congi ess I reseiilal i es left 'he headiuartei' of tin can -t' the coi:litution i i' her as a means ! ai iny al (.'em rev i!le al nine o'eloek Ihi ol eiicroai.hmeiil or ol iudemnilicatlun. ! morning, bunging tiie oilicial lei nrt nl Mr. I'lesldelit, 1 intend tospe.ik only ol , the battle at bull s i.'uu. lli'ic nicJ thisi those acts ol the President eliiinieiateil in alti i iiti, n. I id.-on that In- should I tl. .:t nil- was mo fearful thiit tliewh " at.oi.sof the ,.,ieu,y'.s ;,,1.mv Kn.11K.tl ,,.. VZ01, , , .1, etc, betore again , k i far, and t'.ie duty is tint assigned to our old domestic enemies, commanded by the dictatorial mandates o t Ahiahnm Lincoln I and his Abolition cohorts. We have not 'yet hung our harps upon the willows, , k now ing that the I 'einoci at ic party and dieir friends, Iiiim- in io instances tli- in .he 1 esolu i ion, and which I denounce as oohl usurpations, in.l am sosry to see the I'litcirnic. (ifi). Mcllow'el ,VJ(; the roar of the retreat, hut Im.',, s-lcpt but little lor three niglils . came f ninjiieteiy exhausted. 1 he -c.v i i.rk citiaves surd W Ji'U o:ii ni iui.1 men. Ami (,tla.rr,,, iiiicnts huffei't'il ti dreadful loss, buU is utterly impo.ssible :.t this time t state the loss on either side, our lo. is ihonMit to be immense stated r umphed over both Foreign and domestic I hot'"', 'U llie tloul oi l he American Somite, enemies, ami we belieic that a . irnih.r i ''t-"a,,", " '";1 "'"ing lo eud'ii,c those .,, .i---. lacts. i am ot the opinion that the Trcs- su.cess will yet crown their joint olio: Is u.lt j ,t. 1.l.1,.;kl. p in lesciinig the country from thei.ipen-j p,y wluit. aulhoritv has ' .aiiii"-ville road v Itu 1 view ot the pesitions i.f the tin i o more priuiiiueni I, il i.'i'i... li ne I. I, nl i iij i,,,,,, lro-. Last, night, aft. r the fi.ing ceased, tieii j.'i'l'M.i. while lln-iv is no 'i.v.;!'t tlio U M-linecK l-ilcn.Ji- pioeeeue.l up I lie , ,1 t IC l'i'H'S Was en 11:1 V severe Tl,. ii in un, : , ".ii.tin-..: s ,.,',: i'..,i;a,'. . V .. . v ., I ....... . V ll,tK' and the est 1 oint battery, k. cig;lit thii ly-t wo pound rilled cannoL. the rresidenl A iii 'To cnine into hendmiai lers fnmi 'ding grasp of despotism which now hangs i established a hlockado tT the Southern the enemy's camp to-day, representing 'Af4tio.pL uuf.rl,,;;- being inclined and ,, vet our National Capital, and restore 1 l""'ts "'ilniiv Smator hen: tell me '.' himself tu be a ei v.ir.t of Col. .-'ontaiin', having the power, have the Kit. lit to rise!,,, J,.,t,..i,,,. lo our .hsn- irte,l ' V "a' U"' 4"lup " ''"'h empowers the ; who m-says w as k ided togoiher with .1 ii i. mi, I l. .,k e off 1 1... r y ist in . ... ti-.i.-n ntfti I , I : I 1 esl'le ihat suits them better. Thin i.( a h.i.tl . i' i.c4V. n " fM'. r'vihl a right which lie hope and believe is lo liberate the world. N"r is this rie.hi e.'nfiiutl to cast in n hii li ti e J. . '. p,; j..' nf un r.M.-'.lllg gov -eii'iiit lit may choose to exeit ise it. A";, I, ;-'', i, ol such people t hat ( ., vit p". o l.itici,i.:e, and m..ke rni lit owx of s) mic-h of the terriio'.y as they inhabit. More th.'lll this. a VAJOKITV r ANY I'OKTIi.N of such people may revolutionize. I'lttii.ti th i .'i ?) i.H,r,'', iiileriiiingled viith, or near lb . lit lie :n, who may oppose their movements.'' COIIIltT, Si.-natoi Show me the clausp which cun. nt to do so. Will any i sav that the constitution iloes ! .... ... .. , ii. . I In? oucstion came uii at ne hist scs- "Ila o our people are baiikuipt, !iiitl . . , . ' , , , ., ,. . ' ' , hi' ,,i sion ot l,i ngrcss, snt the late N I a tor Clie ,'ourth ol .licreuiainder will he so , lllm y (. , ,,,.,.,.,, lln. st.ule is lo da's we ,. ,!y ,.,t ., , ., ,., u..a w as u naoswcntlile, ,l s.a monlhs and yens i autal is Kile ... di.--tl(,u.jn ,,at AM i.,.,.,,,,,., :lt. U, I- 1)111 Illll tC IIUL'a I I it" UUA I H'l .1 IMI , - 1 i 111 lit 'i " i I wharf Wa er an.l ste.u., turn'tiie wheels ! ,u,";t ,0 t0'". ,V""Ki b" 10 ""-i'1'1' s,l,,,1''. ,vl"'''' t-ontiiiued a' o it , i.ii i i - i ' ii men i . ol our niaehi.iciy as listlessly .'in, I Inmlv as ; (,.l(1(, () vour i .u n i ci in 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ei ;.i un.. i s i-tu- l.et any di'dili '. .11- I t. I- , . . :.i ... : , . , . I t ll Hill I III lieSi'ltlll ,s lltl umiis toward V ii-liti oiwl. In vour own . , ., .. 1 "' . , . . Ithananv other othcer. .. ,11. i.lllits Hilt i i ..ii . 'i'i . it ii i ue i , i . ii,. ; large ni'inoer ol tlie enemy. I he Conlt dt rates v, ho . ere ii: the en gagement j t the run are .-aid to l.n tlit.se who w.-re driven back IV o u i ai ions poind I. etween I".iirf:' Curt I ! , m ,e an.l C.-nl re ville, in a hhli.i'i in leiiilnieenieiils v ho wee l.ro'.iL'ht no frnin Mai.ass.i, duriiiL' live Senator show me I li'mi fioui mi? clau.-c ! l'esl'ile the va: io.is i um.irs. the ondl oncica uiJie lion u imi. ins tl ii ec.o-e ot ve an.l a larc tunuuiit nt muskets, hi, sacks, and some regimental wngot Many bairgiagie wagons were eni't;,. by the tcains'tirs to facilitate tl rcircal, and the horses allojieil sens the field. t'ul. Wih-ov. Iitld Col. CiilnciOll.lbtolf, ' er of the iseei et.ii v o War, are uvjoii'tl j killed. 1 Great alann cxisii in W.isiiiDjj'lonil:'; j Stcnibja! an.l Tdcj." ph cjiiitnunicuii hai c bet li cut oil so (ar as the pullii'j; o.iy , ...,., ,., ,1 u',. -i ''"'""i "v wiiviv our iiinivu Ceit-'.iiilv. language c.nir.ot '.!,, yo,.',- be more rM,7. '', ri of the Iig Uethel I'ierc ? btrioe. Ill IV l.e c i i : artel itvl . a .lr.nvii i.,iil, '. r . i i. . . i .... i i i , . , .' .it v., ....... 1 1 r. .1 .1. i . i . i . i ...I. . . t , . . . , . . . ..Ilt'l .1.1 1 'It I ' l- l 1 1 t 1 1 ' I lS II 1 . !' ": I'." II" IM ,',:, l ,V I ,,. ....... .. ' . ..I ..I'll til ..tit Mi. lilt I.lUll 1W ie!ire-entalives I'.Ke lorcsi nees i.eiore tiie .,,,, , , , , . ' . , . ' I,,,,., :,..,.. I'lM.iiie-.ioii has no worth in 1 ou"l,.v !l I 'I m k :i i J wa- :,o. instituted ; I'av sand en I reinh meut: i r. mix h hieh I 'S IK? doubt w it!) a li ll mber of paper ii surpl..s su JJ'l.V ami stinted i.eiiiand." We take llie i.boie uaibrg from the r.laek K.-jiubliciin bible, i 'Tin- 7'i7.ie . . i i . , . i .-oine no, noi even iluinig t..e tn.'ililes ol Soutli Carolina, in 1.1'J, and 1 ;ru-i the lime u ay j e". ctiiue In ii il w ill nut b tie.isuii : . . : r . i l . , ,, " . 1 pcr.n 'c.l aiel t'iri'i I. ''.I y . i c i ii'',' '"'''''. l.lacK liejiuliliean l.ible, i he I41i.nu'-) lo lu.oi. tain t lie in: slit uu.i;i. bio improvement worth n 'ining ; '.!, .. cli 'Vs Mr. I-iec-!", "havo the right tosh.,ke which expresses ...ore truth than is tw.,., i-m-kimMge .elerie 1 at I , .,.1I .... ;C,,..l .! , ..... ....,'. I . I, .Oil,.. ,.,.v..i, t .....1 Corn, a ! . f.inii.1 in iiml .n...r. o olhel- l.n i, ,.-i " " I "'" ol 1 '"-' niovemeiit can be laid to olii charge. A'-j ,.iV one t hi.t suits them better." Surily has it n-iibuted so largely lo bring '''. tate ri'-hts ami im'hhlu'Vl ". -i . :lV - " '',"!." ' r .,in.l i,t'rt'll,:ni,l,.'.,l. n . . . I!', . .1.,,, I ..... .... . . . . . . c ' " ' " "W IU'" s"'?. SOICl' 11 Is! l! .... , j 0 - i . " .... "... ,,, l-...,l sui; not r. in, , il . 1 amine, ami ileioia lion un oil Us. t Is o wl.ieli wvm n. i-ul . . , . I : , I Directory, which is the backbone ol the , ,. , , , , .. ...v v, ,...-...,,,,,:., ,,.. ;ll !Ue sen 01 coniunl toil on persons una propcr.v tlut svstein. and regular attendance of pupils M'Any people, any w hei e' have this right probi ley ihe leal author ofour eahiimlics, ,'"'"' "7" i i the nght ol caucus every-, war, that t!,e ( . .ii.t.-.ler ;los h,l yestenlav j i,, iH-ir march to Tiirfax Comt m .1 ....I.. . ,.. ;. . i..... I i ... .. , u. I ; l.. ..,..1 l,...,',,n.,i I .....r,! 1....... ,l..ln..,,i..,l ' " '':o a ie.il right the i '.;,,.' ol liuht.-, ; uievai ds ot oil I MM tn. ins at the .1 unci Inn. I vi l,i,.l.-n i.,i.. I. .,.,. ...ji, it vi ie I 'iv ' iv .'lui'i ii.iu air ii , ,i,i'iii,ii',iiuii,iiiu , .'ii i.hiivui, j. .. .... ... ,.,... , 1 ..,,.,',,, rt , I i I , , . , , ,i , .' "" I '-is .1 i.y in attendance is the greatest drawback! ,t j. Mt ,.,css,).v tl;t . people ' to carry out the unholy .chemes of thev .'jer hk ' Ye'" Mr V ' l'','''. l'"" ' ' "u"liu-'1 '" " o houses were huintsl.- ue have lo contend w-,1. ! ' oi M 1 e i;iiaiiiiionsi eiiht-r. The i-reat ' Abolitionists, and pei ur National' it belongs to tlmse'to w hmn the IvSiij . . , V " ! ytVT Public sentiment is niostlv lavora 'Ie to' , 1 : i , i . . , , .. . I alir iiDm i .'wi Tl... U',U :,K wlioio nrmv is tlisgi aci U tv tti the school .svstem ; it is take,, ,o .? ., lis-; I'cinocratie doctrine that the "majority destruction. lo .b-s.gi.a.c as ;, ",,1,1,,, p ople. , ' h J " " . "".r.11.". !'-1 conduct of a f, w, and ft is ,,ecn. ...1 f .e. tl on ,1, oeea-lrin.illv I hea, it ,1,- shall r. Ie." w.ns his stand ard linn. Nor We advise it cok not to L-et alarmed to U V ?"xUl " U r' ,"u-1" uhtained ; "' 11 "- "'"'" " l"l',ll .,' , UM ,.,',. ;0 cxamnlM .J ' I I. l. I.,-. ....,.! ., ........... .. . t ..I'll'l locke.l lip III en,' ei.llstlti.no,,. hi,, i;i;ir4lt,l,St.,r .1 Su:tt (.1 the Co1- visit eon.li.Mi iiiiiii.hin.'nl. on llu. (lni I , the chlcl tlorv ol tiie llrillsh iiet.i.le. I. .1... r ..... i ' i ! i . . . , . i , ' nut linn siyine in ii.ti vi'i. sin. tut. inn . neeii noi a inat j iiriiaineni n one can fi.l.r.ttr H'',t III l.i.'s Iii v, .Ii i,y l!!-Sf,l. I P.M. From careful impiiry and j er- ors tieii. l aiterson luet to issue a mw lar order, threat;ning deatti to a ly of hn coips who should repeat the rutr, sou.e of his troops committed at Martini- (ieneral P.utler, too, at Fortress limit thev .l.ri i'l (,"1 their lire. fiie m "inbei's of the Ilo'.lse who w itness ed tiie light w. re Me si -. MeCIt-rnaml, j Ivci i.i.r at i ir.sy.-. i. S it m v : ) n'l ,w Kieh.ir l-on, Lovi joyand l ogan, of till '(.H'TKTuE.-tlcn. Me!.nveil his imuh mis; N.'cll, of Miisouri ; Inmii.ot I udi-'ladmirable order against the few npn ' ana, nnd Kx-Kei.re-ent.ttive II j.u I, of i his tiemn who have tlis ri-.w...! il.. j injured (he gov ei nment, mill iivakew McCh-ni'ind's belief, fri-ini the good cr.u-o by the outrages tliey lui IV OCL'llll. eit w i l h? sc loo s ol Ins countv lor the i , n , , . . . i i.i i'.i i 1 1' ". s liouln act as a iiony, or a- a wlioio: 'Ml IUI1I U.t'P, ."I"""-" ""I '"'-', , ., . . . ..... , . , , ., . ..1 -.I.- ,. 1 ... I :. I ... t . '-!- 11. VC. ..III.. , vancement has not been as maiutc-t as I ' 1,1,1 - i"n ion oi sue,, p, opie inai can, aun c.vu i ignis, nav e iceii wipe-.. o,u oy -i- ... e ,voi. . ...u ;l ,"iiai cu ..,..,1,1 . ,.i il I I.,. n ;.,. ,ii,n- leiololioni . ..i.,l nv.Lf.il,..;,. ..in, 1 1,P i.vesr n t A , 1 mi u ist i a! i.i'i u i I h a .7i-.i,e I eallllot I lllls inva'le tills sailed 11-hlofa x ...... v s . .... "' J i i.i.. ,-... .. i, .Ol,,.,,,, l;.i. ... ...... i ..i :....! t' ",. 't , I nrovement in public sentiu.cl.t lavorable i out of sn nnieh of t ten hon- a. ..-. ,',. beeomin.. tlm Car of Hussia. but our ' . . ' . .' " v ' ' '-"-"M .. '" J" inimoer oi w oumieil lung rt n.tee.itlm. nrl urn.ieeu l, ,.,1 ; , . . . . ... . llOCsll Willi ItllpUlllIy. I n t lie f c. leial S I, Ie n .1). II n t s to si x t v n nd .,. , . , ', ,' T, , I I ow aiiniiaolv does tins l,ini;u!ige l il'IiIs are not ;ul gone el, now ionj we: Such a I him: was never bi'fofe known ' i ! k lil.-tl -it I'oi-i v ;..i-..r,l ,. i i- i . . i within that period which is not likelv to , , . , ' , , , -,, , ,, , " I i .1 b 1 "'on. mio.mi. , 1 ,n. mih i ,u 101 ij . scleral aiiiputuliond was obliged to take measures tn wet be . ver estima'ed. apuy 10 1 11c ouinern people . 11 lie inn imii ue aoie 10 reiaiu 1 ueui none can ien. .. "eiieison in one- nine uiougui nt as io im loriaor nave nlreivly taken place. 1 1 he horrid violence pe, peltmled by oa No new or untried phms for next vear , been their feed attorney and advocate, ho The President who a few month ago took "'""'d like to suspend Ihe wut, but he. The wounded lor the greater part are ',, I his troops in thai vieiniiv. All succf im- e been matured, nor is it intended to eouid not 1, ivo justified their case better, a scleir.n oath to Mil -port the Constitution, ,, '' "". ,l l1 t0 ,,."n' ! '"ilf 10,0,1 at ,iie o1.'1 sfonti ",lil( i f"l generals havo been rigi'.l on thispoi. s'xej'iment ui.or. anvthinc of doubtful . en -. .1 1- r .1 1 .1 1 . , , ., .1 ami lie tin.' not utlempt it. 1 he coastitus . every nttentiou is being paid to their ( The liuke of Wellin"toii showed tho cuir iiXncy. a"l""fc Iher,,...o..ty'-the tnionmen or tho has the honor (!) of doing exactly the ie-,,0M 1K, ci,Hf,llllt, t!ie Kxecutive ' comfort Fourteen of the o'ead were bur- : ,v ,u! 1 mercv. and Niuioieon ihe.i, 1 1 e opposition to the county superin- v"lltl"ll' of 110 uecouut. "A majority of vets.-, and wo havo 110 doubt that Mr. ; more than any oilier oliicer when it speaks,' ied with military honors. There has been j er pel milted his troops to pillage or ten l.'iicy that has Leon h it lo exist, is I the people may revolutionize, mMoi; Jov:n Lincoln w ill prove as successful in split-. o) ll'c w rit. j no firing at Hull's Kun to-day. The Con-'. Jer. The only instance in whirli Boni- f.c! giving awnv, nud a j rudent couise ' the ininoritv." This is good Stales Kighis ting up the Constitution and llio CnioiC Ill'rf 51 r' 1,,le('kin,i,1o quoted fiom , federates are still in possession of their ! (Kirte mllered'it was once, end Hist pi.i ued by that cthci r will enable him to doctrine and tl c verv do 'trine that his as he was ir. the nil business in Illinois . -evr ? I.-r Jtisiice. .principal batteries: Then pickets a..-' in his eaiecr. It was in the case ol Tint lih Iinto han.ionvlhe most .liscor.lant u,, n ,M " t'-cje j ao.ti.nc that lias 1 In wa. ir. tl.e S. .1 bu.i u 9 in Jl n.ois. 1 e; ;Ulej t0 lhL. Merryman case, and p.oaei. lo w uhin one hundred nnd lil.y , Italy, where his little pnrrism l,-:-...nts of i.ut.lie Opinio,, i relation lH..,'"",,l,U! t0t,O!' S,a,es a a umt " "vor,,Ils t.ine that tho I nion said that the newspapers had denounced lyauls of our own. treacherously murdered. He ga& A few Hoards of directors not having 01 ' es.si unce. couia not enuure hall slave mm Halt iree ''ge lanei . nut. never nttempteil to re- n 11 it i lie am ot a spy-glass inrg.; Lxalies : tou n up to plunder but after thieeW the I. 'at- of the Count v supei intpti lent he-! Such were the sentiment of Mr. I.in- is about beinc iiracticallv demonstrated '. e llls 1i5l'ents, anil these abuses of ol Cnnteilerntcs were seen moving at right 1 ne Pl,i, ,c COu!d bear such sceiioc nolof fore their eyes, continue to employ teach-1 co!n in HSTS, when our country was n- crs v,iui(VJl, certuicates. 1 ins course is bv him to very reprehensible, and cannot longer be gaged in a contest with n foreign foe. Nor being practically demonstrated ,lUe ''is aiguuients, and these abuses of ' of Confederates were seen movi , ,,.. .1 ,, press will yet recoil on their 1 and left, anoi -cully extending ) the very letter. ' . ,..i, ...... ... ,, ,-....,.!, f v.... i' ..... . . . j.i-ie 1.11. ji ecKin: nigo j inn- ojiei ,n ions. eulogized .luiige lnney lor his Ability and their base . nnd ho never allowed a remtitloM They ate not retreating, 'it nrierivnrcN. I5iif.aii?s are now b, in' iietivelv erected! HeK.ii,l iw.lir.i- ..n.l mnealitv l commaiiiliiig the eii- ; ,.Miit. c.i .1,. a..c,.m . noti on the Federal side , .... . .. . ...al ....l'... T.'-.I. . . ... . ..." tel'iateU. there is no justice in subject- uy "K puun.-u uicni now i',r 1110 mini ""-''" ..wu.s. i,u j ih.ih- eum nge, uun saiu nr was ' ne most inusir:- inji one class of teachers to the ordeal of time lor the purpose of tratifvini! "an in- l'01' f 0I"' exchanges ridicule the eflbrts.ous American living or dead. ....v.;,.i;.m. n. I l.t mi.iiIu.. .,-0 ... . .. .. r .i. 1. : 1 :.. : .. m 1. I Addrcssinc himself I . tin- SVnnlA. Mr I i-linr-ieli-r. .... . t,-i-- ., tense iiatriil 01 llie Kepuli in 11 patty ui uie 1 ii'sui'iu 111 aiifin umg 10 i.iuck- ... ., " ,. : , ,' , , ,...i.,.l.n,.K- ,.; ., ,.,,- 1 1...... - 1 1 1 1 J .0 , Ureek 11. rule., viiil i..,. .,,! .-..l ,lr,(l.,.. l..-,.. rt . ....... I. .-1. 1. ...1.1..1. 1 1 . 1 1 It 1 1 111 101 1 11111) till Ulll.V , I 1,1 l' luei uiu ions trse.iii". , ii n i e rem -en , .,. i : , . , , . , -,, t i .1,. m,a ...ilmrn ,..!..;.,. .1..., , I,- r.. ,, . v,,, , ui,ii, v.. i.,i, t ... n... i i-i..i.-i- it ii i. ,i ien i or I . . . . , - .j. In i ...o 'ti!n or visit s. U III.-mI sel,o,.ls the whole auntry will Inve:- Jo the Soulhe. n po. ts, ins.air.g that the m.mrior . uvouoio n,,, rove what Federal troons have inet. tho movement torio.is that battles after Leinff f Teachers next year mav desire the sane!''111 "-s-ly to eoirect an error of t he .ei-r- blockade is not eilcctual and therefore you are unable to ui'fend as being just against tho enemy will be more carefully won have boon lost ae;ain bv t lie 9- pi ivilogsml claim this as a precedent, m.Mrio ami to show that wo did not and wrong aim useless. in.ii lonsiiiiuiomn. and there would be n end to I he dilli- ,1,. r,t ".ic,.o.,...." f. t: i We think this is all a mistako n re ore M r. P.rcckini idge spoki , , , -v " ... . ... .'1 1 . j ,111111, 1 1 . - - - . ..... . .1 I .-'iillc. ' I-.., ii...... ... . ... were unjustly imprisoned. ... ..... . .. . f'.,,vv....'vr,. ....,. t.i .v.-i, ...... , . tl' . - . . . t . , . . U won lit lie well it parents ami iluvct- , , , ,. , , . . , , . . . , . ,. . in-umuy mo n iismngt n jail. Jto men t lie nay. i ncy j.avc cronstrueteii loin- , , i . ,.Uc.Uh on could visit the schools ...o.e f.e.pienS ' """""" I""'""'"-- communi - nsnen hi an, couniry, noiw it .isianuing . ,,rueeeded lo eiiuuieiute the acts against por.try touts with their blankets thrownl1 u 0 engaged in u, aim u i "."'"' ly, ti.me of them visit verv often, and ea'.ion hist week signed "A Lover of the inexperience, of the President in gov w hieh ho protested as incorporated in the j over stacked arm. There is plenty of.V necessary to hold a tight .vein up some not at all ; true, there cro a few wor. Truth." w hieh was intended as a renlv ti ' cnimental afi'iir. Tho bloekiub. i cor-; reiolution, atlirininc the law in eonncc- food here for the troops, includinir fresh troops, and visit I heir outrages llf1 thy exceptions. . 'a communication Published two week, tnir.lv n success, not only nr ..r -..oris "!,h P:u"h M""!"!"" 5 them , beef. The indications now are t hat there ' unarmed citizens with the most ti. r . 1 i i ... j u'i'ii v iiuuiut i im it'ittiiii'is i lanni in with eommondi)'lo zoil lo mko im- irovoniiMii in outer aonnnr.ioLis oi icurr . .. . i ti ii.iii i i iu.si i i t i ir ."iv ii i emy s works, w Inch are of a substantia,: 1 ' 1 . , , ,ri illll l.s 1 1 I 1 ,1 1 1 1 IU IIIMII U,lll"' It 18 W ig fair!! d as being just against tho enemy will be more carefully w on have boon lost again by the planned and of grentor magnitude, than diligence of tho victorious t roobs i" u? of thoso win. j was at first contemplated. j,,;,; p,.(),K.nsity Tho tendency .l.n.idcUed The Federal iroops ato all -Var lor!,. .J buift ho m0,lI wnM i ti jiii i. i in i lieu i ii u- 1 1 ,.(i . it. tiie acts against por.try tents wi eorporatod in the vcr stacked a law in eonncc- food here for tl ' " ' . . . ' 1 , were the power In dcclart. war. lo raiso will not be a ecneial loi waril m,iv,.in..ni :. I . t;.. C..,.t,i t(b previous in our paper, sigue.l "S,,r.t of aud rivers blockaded, but every business ,, kU,.IMHl 1U,MM,S, to rrovi(, a, mnin. befo.e Sund.i)' morning, unless the enen.v ' , , , , .'s i,, -h ioh (icD.Mt' '. l.'ur eorresnor.Uent (toes not deem nveilUO in the COUntrv lias shaiml 'he tain the nnvv. ilinuin,. ,,toi...v Item (I. a sK.ill nrnvnkn nun i ..... . . i... ij .. J ' ft -- f - ,11. 1 1'.. , ...1 .. Trl IIV I" J '"tt 1 11 S HI 111 I .. .1 1 V . i v . . Special alti ntion is being paid to the inc. so tht they may ho able the better it worth while to reply to this lover of same faie. and if the Present blockade, is Treasury without due appropriations be to givo those instruction in those namod truth, stating nt the same time that the,' continued for one year longer the whole '!'" l"!,,lo1' "''''ingeiueiils " "'0 .lights of, hospital depurtnient, and acliye prepara-l! in toe law ; ior nisiiiuci, iii.u icaciicrs ..,-, T , .. ., . , .,, , , , ... ,, mo j.eui'i.-, on uicir I'loiieriy, on meir , tious are oeinii mane to proviile lor llie . I iMiihiupi, out, ns me papers, on their r ghi to bear linns. care of the sick and wounded. CIS ... I I ,. , ... .,, , , ..n,,n.,l knoiv loo mueh oi en ii. I ho lno-t ... -u s t.ou.n.g inu.e ou.my w, ,,e o.inhrupi, Ulll IIS '" papers, on their r ehl lo bear in-tini. ! care nf t ho siek ivn,.,l,.,l ( Ine mi.n m liivu-.-iril to lil'l'SCVVe olumentaiy branch ; they are also shaping "or leM lu an extract from a sermon I ies nlcnt says in his late message to Con-, He said that should the resolution pass , The batteries of tho Confederates wcro intoirritv of the L'liion, and l)Ot " tiieu-coursfl towards obtaining tho coualy I reached in the Methodist (.hurch at gross "a popular dcniaml" has resulled the country wouIJ stalk on giant strides scientifically worked in the notion of yes ' ldunder fi-rtif:c.ili. . , , Luthersburg two weeks ago by the Kev. ! in numerous violations of the Constitu-, f1 military tKt.otism. Ilelerdiy. " ' . . If oiber teachers ooulitbc in. ucc. to ti() . ft r . . . .R ,.,,..., Billed fo the freedo,. of tho pre.,s. the 1 his afternoon General Order, No. 18.! .... ,f . . .,. fir fcom0 otW iniiaie tins example suocessiuiiy, uny , 1 uestrucnon r.i uio m. i.ouis Mate Journal, was reaii to all the troops under (ieneral; 1 ' .null! would be more fortunate in procuring ems " ' 'n-i'-iy ti,n umi, n me nr- u. un.- uuuuuj . i no uesiruction ot uio ( w hero lie said an oliicer UaJ suppressed il McDowell h command, both at Centrei ' P"1'1"5 ''igiiway nits teen so fie-- wlioio country is the orly national idea ev with lour hundred soldiers as his Mir-, vi lie and Fairfax Court House, prohibits , Hlockadc l" that corn is selling m er advocated bv tho IJlaek KenublicAii , r,int- ing thelts of every description nnd kind ,.-.wi..rn Ktatrs At ri,,ht rents a bushel. I to them i i r;i (tiii.il u n in v' " ' . 1 iml, n. thorn will ho no lurliicr u"" ,' (-!- ployiaent, and would likely obtain better liclc publislicd was a correct sample of compensation for their services than 'at the sermon preached by tho gentleman T-iTon i t 1 ivoi, uti. u mi i i I - rrescut. .ii:s.sk HKiK.iMALL. urwensvillo, C,il, ) ... month, -JVl,. V,H. ,' ' uu'''.v 's,,l' alluded to, it must have been a Cwn-.iij party, and they should have credit lor be' production. ing nittional for once, ral,t' ing thelts of every deseri,tion nnd kind ,Ven tern states at eyd cents a bushel. I llestatedthat W lushingtoli had earned and enjoining respect for persons and ' llvlH ., -i. .,. ,..iVii furmeri ibc-11 thirteen colonies through tho Hcvol.ition property, stating that the loast penalty '8hould th,nk cur Mle11 n Without SUSIiCndillL' tho h bens corpus, for a violation t hnrnnf u-nil I l.a ir.r:.rer- ContlllllO to rl - C- Of a-h iJt I.IU'CU 11 II 1 . I i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers