Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 24, 1853, Image 2
proceedings on habeas, corpus almost the only authorities bearing on the questions arising outoftho subject, are the opinions _j>fBtate Executives. Solar as I have been able to examine them I find them against the position ussumed by your Excellency. Theso controversies imvo had reference mainly to the sulficincy of affidavits, the /orms of requisition and to tlio construc tion that should bo given to the terms “othercrimcs” as used in the Constitution. Prior to the act of 1839, Air. Edinun Randolph, then Attorney General of the POSIT-OVOI' TilL HIKE BLACK MAN United States, in discussing the very point In tho East, and to some considerable raised by your communication of the2d, degree every whore, except where tho An says, “In tho present instance n grand glo-kiaxon race prevails, there is little or no jury convened before two oftho Justices of prejudice founded on the distinction of col the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania have or. Tho avenues of preferment are open made it (tho chargo ofgulltjand thus have to all; and ho who is indus furnished tho ground lor bringing tho fore- trious, persevering and accomplished, in going persons to forma,l trial. Should such his business or profession whatever his n procedure as this, bo declared to be in- complexion rnny so, whether ruddy, pale, competent ns n charge, the object of this brown, or black, is most certain of success. £ article in the Constitution must either be But it is notpo with us. It is no mutle'r defeated or bo truly oprpessive. I'br, be- whether tho prejudice that prevents tho twcon an indictment and trial there is no amalgamation of tho Anglo-Saxon and Af intermediatc examination of the facts and riean races has arisen from the mero force to wait for the ezaminalinof an absent of circumstances, or was implanted for culprit- , before a demand would compel a wise and holy puiposes by the Creator, at judgeniciit to bo rendered behind his back, or before the dispersion at Babol, which is Governor of Georgia, in a most probable. It is enough that it exists ; /-ommuniculion to Gov. Seward, of New and exists with such a resistless and per- York, in Juno 1841, when insisting upon vading force, that on assimilation of the the delivery of n fugitive on a requisition races, if it wero even desirable, is übso-j susluined by affidavits only remarks ; lutoly impossible. j “The object of the Constitution is to se- Tho freo black man, w ith us, is neither j cure the arrest of a criminal in the State a free man or a slave. 110 is cut olffrom to which they may flee, to he tried in-the the protecting caro which the interests, if State withinWhoSo jurisdiction the offence not the humanity, of tho owner oxtends to was committed and not to try them before the slave; and yet, ho is subject to all the ! arrest in the State where they may be prejudices of color, and denied many of the found. All that tho Constitution intends privileges accorded to tho most ignorant j is, that when n person charged with (reus- and depraved white person. To a great] on, felony or other crimes, in ono State Latent, tho free people of color in the Uni- j shall oscapo iplo another, the officers of| led States are n sort of intermediate class, 1 the Uniteu or if your Excellency ploase, of j having no bonds of common interest, no (ho State in which he may he found shall ties of sympathy; and uregencrallyindo arrest him upon the sumc evidence of guilt lent, improvident, and ignorant, and the moro than would have justified his consequence is, that collectively they are arrest in the State whenco lie lied. An in- the most depraved and unhappy race on the ] dictment is nothing more, than an accus- American Continent. ! ation or charge of crime,” and “it cannot Tho only hope of tho freo black man is] he pretended that the evidence on which removal to another continent, beyond tho, the Grand Jury based their chargo should barriers of thoso prejudices and circum-] be communicated to enable your Excel- stances that oppress him here, and to n| fency ’ to determine ffvJtetJicr their conclu- soil and climate for which ho is suited.—; sionsioere erroneous in laiv." It is impossible for him ever to be happy] Thatlearned gentleman further roninrks, “that no discretion to pass upon its suffi ciency was intended to he conferred upon the Executive upon whom tho requisition is made, by the act of Congress requiring a copy of the bill of indictment to accom pany tho demand in certain cases, and yet tho submission of a copy of the bill of indictment would “not bo an idle cere mony,” nor tho provisions of law direct ing it “unmeaning and useless,” for as the till of indictment is an authority in the Stato whoro it is found to, tho presiding judge to issue his warrant for the apprehen sion of tho accused, so is on authenticated eppy of it authority in the State to which ho may havo fled for a warrant or order for his arrest there.” In a cuse before Judge Ray, of South Carolinu, decided in 1841, “where certain persons were brought before him by ha beas corpus, who were under arrest by or der of the Executive of South Curoiina for ■he purpose of being delivered to an agent of the Government of New York, who had demanded them as fugitives from justice in !hat atnte, bills of indictment having been found against them, their discharge was moved for on various grounds; but the judge decided that ho had no power or .authority to discharge the prisoners, or in jiny way whatever lo interfere with the ■mandate of the Executive—that the ren dition of fugitives from justice, is a minis terial duty imposed upon the Executive au thority, by tho Constitution und laws, and ihat it might be considered as a case ex cepted out of the State Habeas Corpus act by the constitution ond laws of the United States." the plea that an impression was created or an understanding had between il*o attorney's in the trial for the freedom of Rachel and Eliznbeth Parker, I cannot nee that it can relieve yon or myself from mu obligation to carry out the demands of the law, in the prosecution against Rl’Crea ry, I cannot doubt that Judge Bell and Judge Campbell, attorney’s on the part of Pennsylvania, as well also as the attorney’s on the part of your State, did. what they considered to be right under all the circum stances. But I cannot recognize no official connection between the trial for the free dom of thu Parker Girls, and the prosecu tion against Thomas M’Creary and John Merritt, for an offence against the laws of this State. Judge Campbell did not ap pear in the deforce of the Parker Girls, in the capacity of Attorney General but as one of the attorney’s selected by the Gov ernor, under the resolutions of the Legis lature. His powers were the same as those of his associate, Judge Bell and no more. But as Attorney Goneral, under a late law of the Stato, ho could exercise no greater than an advisory power ovor the pro ceedings. The power to stay the prose cution against the accused, is vested sole ly in the Court and District Atjorney, of Chester county. Had these ofticinls seen in the proceedings in tho case of the Park ier Girls, reasons sufficient for entering n nolle prosequi, the prosecution would have terminated. They deemed it to bo their duty, however, to send tho case to the grand jury, and a bill of indictment was Sound against tho accused. On tho pre sentation of a copy of this indictment I - conceived it to be my duty, under the law, |o nwke a requestion on your Excellency for the nrresrand delivery of tho accused" and I can see no relief for them, save in n trial by a jury of this State. Whatever facts and circumstances there may be con , nented with tho trial for tho freedom of; Parker, which should be plead in defence of M’Crenry and Merritt, will, be subject matter for flic consideration of tho C,onrt and jury, when inquiring into the I'sicfe of jhe .ease. ; v ' , ; ' In conclusion allow rue to express my regret that a difference of opinion should havo arisen between your Excellency and myself on any subject, and. to say that I sincerly trust this unpleascnt nflui r may not, to the slightest extent, disturb the ■am icable relations w’bich Imyo so long existed between tho people of tho two States. With the highest consideration, I ro main your Excellency’s obedient servent, ; \VM. BIGIILER. among the whites. The frequent conflicts between tho free blacks and tho whites in our principal northern cities, arid the ex clusion of them, or attempts to exclude them from entering many of our free States, show that to them, cn our soil, freedom carries no healing on its wings ; and liberty, that blesses all besides, has no blessings for thorn, and tho glorious flag that hos animated tho hearts of freo men on so many fields of battle, and car ried our commerce over the whole world, has nothing but stripes and imprisonment for them. Another part of their misery is, their subjection to a feeling of inferiority. Noj man can flourish and grow in u stato of! conscious inferiority, any more than nveg the dark. But tho black man cannot come out into the sunshine of heaven's equality among while people. The free peoplo of color are not at home amongst us. The All wise Creator has placed upon the black man tho mark of, seperation. Man being gregarious und so-! ejal in bis habits, it was necessary for tho! subduing of the earth, to the nrls of peace, that men should be dissociated, segregat ed, and driven out from their cradles. It is a blessing, therefore, that there are caus es sufficient to prevent the perfect assimil ation of all the races into one. It is not ' one of the least indications of Divine good ness, that there are such a variety amongst' the races of men, as to render their seper-! ation not only desirable but necessary, nnd j at the same time, also, to fit them for dif ferent climates and pursuits, so that the whole oarth may be the home of man, and made contributory to his welfare. j The black man, socially and politically,; ,can never mingle with the wlmo man us| his equal, in tho same land. It is worse \ than visionnry ; it is vnin and mischiev- ‘ ous to labor to bridgo the gulf that ihe A I- ’ mighty has made impassable. And I re gard it, osn most wise and necessary pro vision in the constitution of Liberia, that' it forbids a white man to own a single loot of soil in that Republic. No dream of Ihe Arabian Nights is more fruitless, than the aUempt to make the white and the black man stand uponMhe same platform of po litical and social equality. Thejf cannot sit down together, as equals, on the same soil. The one or the ether, like Pharoah’s leankine, will devour the fat and well-fav ored. The one must increase, while the other decreases. Tho only relation that can subsist happily, and for the good of both, between tho white and black man on this continent, is that of master and slave. To muke them live together ns equals is impossible. "Like cliflii llml li.ivo rent iiaun 1.-r, A (irrary sou now roll, ticlwi-ou : Bui mutlifcr lirui, nor Irosl, nor iliumlcr. Shull ever ilo uwny. I ivoen, Tlio marks of dial wimli anua hath lict-n." If the black man is released from invol untary servitude,ho is still n slave amongst us. There is not really a free black man, i from Canada to California. Wherever hoi goes, he must carry with him tho titles of his freedom—and if found without his manumission papers, he is cast into prison. Nay, he must produce tlio evidence and the seal of tho very court in which the evidence of his freedom is recorded. And into many parts of our country, ho is for bidden to enter at nil. There is no place hero lor him to rest his foot, or for his children to riso to comfort and honor. — There is no bright prospect before him— there is no clear sunshine of tho present |day,and thero is no hope for tl>o future; nijd gloomy as nro his personul prospects, lt)o most withering, crushing, virtue-ex tinguishing, of all that is before him, is the absence of hope far his children after him. To my mind, the bitterest portion in the cup. iff Ihe poor of Europe, is that they liave no hope for their children. Parents might be content to be starving operatives, and even to perish without living out half their days, if their childern could rise to anything bettor. But what hope is there that .they, themselves, or their children, cap ever become any better off than they arp now? They are doomed to tread round iand round in the mill of toil nntf burjlen bearing, ignorance, stupidity, and hope less suffering, and bo the hewers of wood and drawers of water from father to son, and from age to age. And consequently, overy stimulant to virtuous action, every industrious habit, is taken away. And just so it is, nnd so it will bo with tho [so-called free people of color in the United Stales. Of course thero are exceptions, and 1 hope thero will bo many tnoro; but the general mass are, and will be such as I am describing. The number of free people of color in the United Stutes,is now computed nt half a million ; nnd if Wo fold our hands, their natural increase, and the augmentation of their number by emancipation, will soon swell this class of our population, until it can only be toldby millions. The red mun, the .black man, nnd the white man, have j been living face to lace for upwards of two 'centuries, on this continent. It would seem bo tho uppointinent of Providence, that | tho first should pass away from the earth, jand also, that the time had now come when j the other two, tho free black and tho white man, should follow the example of the Patriarch Abraham and his nephew—that they should sepurnte, nnd then one go out on tho right hand to the homo of his fath ers, and the other to remain lo possess the continent before him. But is it feasible ?j Is it practicable to removo tho peoplo of color to Africa, that aro I'reo and may be emancipated ? We answer unhesitatingly, it is. Minute calculations have often been made, showing how it is practicable to re move tho whole African raco to the land of their fathers, should the nation desire to do so. Tljc estimate, so far as time ami expense aro concerned, is easily made.— We have an instance in modern times, showing how great may be thcemigration of persons with slight help from tho gov- ! ernment. The present year (1852,) it is j estimated that over 200,000 emigrants' havo left Great Britain. Within live years j a million and a halfof persons havo eini-i granted from Irelund alone, and chiefly to ! this country. And all this bus been done i without materially deranging the com merce of any nation. It bus been done! in tho orderof commercial marine. What,| then, might be done by judicious assis- • tanco from our government towards send- | ing tho free blacks to join their brethcrnl in tho country of their ancestors ? The j same activity that brings the Irish to i America, in ten years, would transport; the whole of our negro population to Afri-' ca. —Address of Rev. Dr. Scott to Louis - j iana Slate Colonization Society. FROM CALIFORNIA The United States mail stnurnship Phil adelphia, Lieut. McKinstry, United States navy, commander, arrived at New Or leans on the 10th instant, from Aspinwall, with the California mails and 100 passen gers. She brings dates from San Fran cisco to the 18th ult., and from Panama to the Ist. John Nesbitt, an assistant engineer, was insjiently killed while in the discharge of his duty, by having bis head caught in part of the machinery, as tho ship was enter ing tho harbor of Aspinwoll. The intelligence from California, though not of important interest, is yet gratifying on the whole. I Agricultural affairs are improving in a I corresponding ratio; and a're found profit able enough, we rejoico to say, to render them u fair rival even for mining oper ations, successful as these are proving.— This cannot but be a matter of deep con gratulation to all who desire tho solid and permanent improvement of our glorious “Golden State,” and the advancement of the real interests of tho republic on the shores of tho Pacific. The mercantile, community do not, how ever, seom so well satisfied with the state oflheir affniis as ihe other classes have every reason to bo, gratefully acknowl edge themselves. Nevertheless, wo can not sec a single reason given for their 1 complaints of depression, nnd are rather 1 inclined to consider them as mere ebulli i lions of impatience than the result of ac | tunl want of a fair share of prosperity. I Affrays, murders, and Indian ravages -still forma numerous portion of the inci dents related in the California papers. Tho papers give on account of a horrible murder perpetrated on three horse-dealers who were crossing the country with a troop of horses for a market. They burnt the bodies of their victims, and made off their animals and other property. One'fff them riding one of the stolen horses, how ever, led to a suspicion of tho robbory, and inquiries nnd searching soon led to the dissovery of some of the remains of tiio murdered men, the detection of tho! crime that had been committed, nnd of its * savage perpetrators. The robbor Joaquin was still at largo, eluding all pursuit, and pursuing his brig andage with impunity. Thero would seem to he little doubt, however, that the efforts being mado must soon put a check on his career. Bills havo been passed to provide for the suppression and prevention of gamb ling, und for the better observation of tho Sabbath, by prohibiting public amuse ments, &c., on that day. fast train on the Pennsylvania Rrilroad, a few days since, wbenmeur Grecnsburgh, attained tho extraordinary speed of eighty miles per hour. A perfect ly straight stretch of ten miles was run in soven and a half minutes. (KrThc Parker Vein Company have, 1 at their Jackson mine, in George’s Creek, a lump of coal intended for the World’s Fair, fourteen feet long and fivo square, nnd weighing about twelve tons. THE REPUBLICAN* I CORRESPONDENCE OF THE REPUBLICAN. r "'' r '~ j sketches of the Mississippi Valley.—No. 8. I CLEARFIELD Pa., June 24, 1853. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. Canal Commissioner, THOMAS H. FORSYTH, Of Philadelphia County , Auditor General, EPHRAIM BANKS, Of Mifflin County. Surveyor General, J. PORTER BRAWLEY, Of Cmwforcl County. STANDING COMMITTEE MEETING.—Tho Democratic Standing Committeo of Clear field County for the year 1853, will meot nt the Court House, at 4 o’clock P. M. on the 4lh day of July next. By order oftho Standing Committee. The following persons compose that com. mittee: Mnj, V. B. Holt, John ShoafT, F. G. Miller, J. M. Cummings, G. B. Goodlnn der, J. Stites, Francis Coudriet, G.S. To, Richard Hughs, Thomas Owens, John L.Dundy, 11. J. Hite, I. VV. Gra ham, Philip Hcvener, C. Baker, VV. S. Roy, Martin Nichols, jr. Samuel C. Thomp son, J. A. T. Hunter, VV. F. Johnston- Elias Horn, G. VV. Shoafl - , J. B. M’Ennl ly, J. H. Fleming. readers will certainly deem it a sufficient apology for any deficiency which may appear in the present number of our paper, when wo inform them that tho whole task of issuing it, besides doing a considerable amount of job work, devolv cd upon two of us. D. W. Moore Esq., senior editor, being absent. We expect soon however, to be favored with more help, und will thereby be allowed sufficient time for the selection of copy, &c., and bo enabled to give our readers n greater amount, and perhaps better quality of read in'. matter than is contained in the columns O of our paper this week. Post Mnster at Spruce Creek, should be aroused from bis slumbers by somo means. Papers for this place still continuo to find their way into the through mail, and nfler making a tour out west, return sometimes much the worse for it, and of course without unv news in them. And wo also know that scarcely a mail returns from the west that does not con- tain several, and sometimes a great many 'documents, for Centre county, returned 'from Cunvcnsville. And on one occasion jut least, quite a bundle for Spruce Creek was also returned by the vigilant officer above referred to. Should such things be !allowed to continue 7 And if so, bow long ! must wc suffer 1 OirCharlcs Terpc, who our readers will remember, we noticed in our last paper, had been arrested and lodged in tho jail of this county, on suspicion of having murdered his son, Charles W. Terpe, who disap peared from Brady township, some months since, was released from jail on Tuesday last on a writ of habeas corpus, and had a hearing before Judge Shnw, was acquitted and permitted to return to his family. Wo were not present at the examination of tho witnesses, but are informed that the grounds for suspecting this old man as the perpetrator of so horrible a crime, were slight, very slight indeed. Nothing how ever, has been heard of tho whereabouts of the missing man. The Lady’s Book, for July, which is on our Inblo, is tho commencement of the 24th year of that work. Tho taste of its lady readers are especially regarded in this number. Including tho Fashion plates, drawings, &.C., this No. contains 44 en gravings; tho contributors number 03, filling 100 pages. Terms S 3 pop yeur; 2 copies 85, <J-c. (t!7“We invite tho attention of the read ers of this paper to the adverlieement of Dr.S. Rose’s Celebrated P'amily Medicines. Dr. Rose being n regular graduate of med icino, and having had in Philadelphia the! pnst thirty years an extensive practice,! commehdg his preparations to the public. They arc extensively used in Philadel phia, and other parts of tho Union, and are now being introduced throughout this Stato and all parts of tho world. Laying of a Cobnkb Stone.—Tho ceremony of tho laying of a Corner Stone of the German Reformed, Church, on the road lending from Luthersburg to Punxsu tawney, will take place on Saturday the 2d of July next, commencing at 10 o’clock, A. M. Tho public are respectfully invited to attend. 03“ We would direct the attenliou of tho reader to the column headed f‘no\v adver tisements, ’’ as there dre many notices con tained therein, the perusal of which might prove beneficial to some. (Krlt has been exceedingly warm and sultry in this region for several! days, and vegetation i? suffering much for want of rain. «-■/. Eleven miles below Pittsburgh, ns you float down the Ohio, on the left, you .pass Middletown, a small village in Allegbeney county; and eight miles below that, on the right, is Economy, a settlement which i was made by George Rapp, a German, I who, with a number of his countrymen of I the religious order called Harmonists, who first settled in Butler county, Pn.; from thence they all removed to tho Wabash, j | and built the village of New Harmony.— j They numbered then n6outeight hundred.) New Harmony was purchased in the year 1814 by Robert Owen, and Rapp and his followers established themselves at Econ omy. In 1852, a number of them seced ed and joined Count Leon, who claimed ) to bo a special messenger sent from Heav en to establish a Zion in the west. They settled at Phillipsburgh, opposite Beav er, but tho society soon went down. Tho Harmonists hold their property in com mon. They have a number of good mills l, ero —besides they have factories, and are engaged in tho manufacturing of nearly all tho different kinds of goods in the world. The population of Economy, according to the last census, is about one thousand four hundred. As much ns this society has been ridiculed by other sectarians, it has toj be admitted by all who know anything concerning them, that their honesty, in dustry. sobriety, and morality is irre proachable. Mr. Rapp died in 1847, at a very ad vanced age. Ho was highly respected by all who knew him, and was well qualified for the station he occupied as the head of his community. Freedom is n small village six miles below. Population six hundred. Beaver, five miles below, in Beaver, county, nt the mouth of Beaver river, is a j very thriving town, possessing great ndvnn-1 (ages from the water power derived from the Falls of Beaver. A brunch of the Ohio canal extends from Akron in Summit co„ Ohio, to the Beaver division of the Penn sylvania canal, near New Castle in Mer cer county —length eighty-eight miles. The Benver division of the Pennsylvania canal, runs from Reaver to the head of slack water navigation oil the Shenango side—distance . thirty-one miles. Numerous mills and! manufacturing establishments are in oper-1 ation in and around Beaver, and several j small villages are scattered along the river, within a short distanco of it. Population oftho neighborhood exceeds ten thousand. Vnluc of property in the county, four mil lion, four hundred thousand dollars. Between Beaver and Stubenvilio you puss Georgetown, Glasgow, Liverpool and Wellsville, which each number about 800 6ouls. Stubknville, is situated on an eleva ted plane, on the right hand side of the Ohio, 71 miles below Pittsburgh, and con tains a population of about eight thousand. It also contains eleven churches, five pub lic and four select Schools, one male Aca demy, and a splendid female Seminary, with nbout 15U pupils, employing ten or twelve teachers. The building cost forty thousand dollars. There are about thirty stores, three printing offices, and one daily paper. In the town and vicinity, there are three large flouring mills, a paper mill, owned by Thompson Hanna—one of the largest and best in tho western country. Five woolen factories—one of them manu facturing into cloth sixty thousand pounds of wool annually. Two cotton and two glass manufactories, three air foundries, a steam saw mill, two breweries, and sev eral manufactories of coperasin the vicin ity —making about one hundred and sixty tons per annum. The town is in a highly prosperous condition. About one thousand persons ar.o employed in its various facto ries. In the neighboring country, much attention is paid to tho raising of Marino and other superior breeds of sheep.— Through a great portion of this region, there are inexhuustiblc beds of stone-coal. It is the county seat of Jefferson county, Ohio. VVellshukg, seven miles below on the left,formerly called Charleston, is the coun ty seat of Brook county Virginia—three hundred and seventy-three miles from Richmond tho capitol of the State. It was luid out in 1789, and contains a population of about two thousand. It contains six churches, one whito (lint glass manufacto ry, one glass cutting shop, one paper mill, one cotton factory, sovernl ware-houses’, six (louring mills, one woolen factory, one newspaper printing offico and one Bank. Tho manufactuoing of earthen and stone ware is carried on here extensively. About fifty thousand barrels of (lour are annually shipped from this place to New Orleans and other ports. It was formerly the residence of Capt. Samuel Brady, the famous Indian hunter. Bethany, eight miles east of Wellsburgh, is the residence of Dr. Alexander Camp bell, founder oftho religious denomination generally known as Campbellite Baptists. Tho Dr, hus established a College here which is in a flourishing condition. It was built in 1841. Wnrrenton, and Martinsville on tho Ohio side, below Wellsburgh and Wheel ing are two flourishing villages,and contain about eight hundred inhabitants each. Wheeling, 97 miles below Pittsburgh, is tho county seat of Ohio county Virginin. It is two hundred and sixty-four miles from Richmond, and threo hundred and fifty one from Washington city. It lies on both sides of Wheeling creek, over which there is a beautiful stono bridge. The city stands on a high bank of the river, sur rounded by bald hills, in which abundnnee of stone coal is found. It contains a pop ulation of about fourteen thousand—has fourteen churches, two Academics, two banks and a saving institution, a large number of stores and commission houses, four iron foundries, four steam engine fac tories, eight glass houses, four woolen and cotton factories, two paper mills, four saw milK throe white and eheet lead and cop. peras factories,, two daily, 8n« weekly and] one semi-monthly paper, - together with ] many flourishing mills in this vicinity. AI Telegraphoffice is established hero. There is over 20 steamboats owned here. The Baltimore and Ohio rail terminates hero for the present. Tho mouth of Whee. ling creek is celebrated ns having been the site of Fort Henry, which was besieged in Sept. 1777 by u party of nearly fivo hundred Indians, led on by the notorious Simon Girty. It was manfully defended by only forty-two men, of whom 23 wore killed; and tho Indians after fighting all day, were compelled to retire with a los9 of from 00 to one hundred, The object of greatest interest to tho traveller, is tho wire Suspension Bridge, that spans the Ohio nt this place; built nt a cost.of nearly $200,000. Tho span is the largest in tho world, being 1010 feet. It is 92 feet tffiQve low water mark, 21 feet wide, and suspended by twelve wiro cables, each 1380 feet long, and 4.inches in diamater, and each containing 572 strans of No. 10 wire. There iso carriage way of 17 feet, and two foot paths—each 3} feet wide. Tho towors on the Wheel ing side are 153 i feet above low water mark, and 60 feet above tho abutment on which it stands; on tho other side they oro 21 feet lower. This stupenduous structure was built by n compapy of capitalists, who obtained a charter in 1847. Big Grave Creek, at Elizabethtown, 13 miles below Wheeling affords some matter of curiosity to tho traveller. A short dis tance up the creek is the largest Indian mound perhaps in the United Sta'es. It is between thirty and forty rods in circu.m ferenco attho base, and about seventy-five feet in height. Its sides is covored with high and aged trees. There is an obser vatory on tho top, erected by Mr. A- B. Tomlinson, in 1837. It is well worthy a visit from those who would wish to view one of those singular remains of a mce long since passed away, and of whose his. lory so little can be discovered. Tho mound may bo seen from steamboats pass ing up and down tho river. Opposite Grove Creek, in Ohio, in 1790 stood a Fort called Fort Pillies. Yours truly, Ramhu.k Washington, Ind., May 29, ’52. LATER FROM MEXICO. (From the Ntiv Orleans Delta, June 12.) Tho U. S. mail steamship, Texas, Capt. H. Pluce, arrived ut 1 o’clock, P. M., yes. terday from Vera Cruz, which place she left on the Bth instant, ut 10 o’clock A. M. The Texas brought among her passen gers, Gen. Almonte, (Mexican Minister to the United States,) lady, sister and daugh ter, and Sr. Pacheco, (late Minister to Fiance.) The Texas also brought $123,- 801 35 in specie. Senor Lucas Alaman, Secretary of For eign Affairs died in thecapital,at 2 o’clock, on the morning of the 2d instant. One of the papers announce that Gen. Arista, instead ot',going to Europe, slop-j ped on the wuy in order to go to Washing ton. Two executions took place in Vera Cruz, on the 29th, in consequence of the late riot in that city. The prisoners were tried according to the general ordinance of the army. It was prated that Aparicie Gonzales and Victoria VAUo were at the head of the insurrection, and the forme; was condemned to death. Aparicio Connies and Carlos Centfm; were shot on tho 28th, nt 11 o’clock in ‘r morning, Tho President of the Republic has grant ed an exequateur both to Alexander Pleas ants, United States Consul nt Minntitlan, and to Joseph Bernard,^ ppoinled by the French Legation ns Vice Consul at Puebla. Trnnquility is restored in Chiepns.— The chief of tho insurgents, named Neve dun, was killed lately in a contcst'with the troops. The decree against the press has killed oft’ nearly nil the journals in the country. The Trait d'Union says 'hat tho sum of 82.0,000 hns been raised bv private sub scription in Chihuahua, to aid Gov. Trias in preparing for the defence of tho Valley of Mecilln against the Americnn invasion. Wo previously announced this as a forced loun, on the authority of tho Mexican pa pors. Tho Mexicans appear to be under the impression, in the city of Moxico,4||tt the dispute about this territory has been set tled. Tho report that President Pierce had officially disapproved of Gov. Lane’s proceedings, and had recalled him, to be replaced by Mr. Merriwether had caused this belief. Private letters slate the number of per sons killed in the late revolt nt Vera Cruz to havo been7o, and 130 wounded. Many prisoners were made by tho Hoops. Tho city is now quiet. The Pacific railroad houtk. —Cap- tain Gunnison, of tho United Stntes topo graphical engineers, has been in this city since Saturday, organizing his party foru reconnoissnnce and survey of a route pf the Pacific railroad—if such a thing cap be found—along the line designated bv Colonel Benton in his application for Lieut. Beale, and which the administration re. fused to commission him to perform. Captain Gunnison’s party, will be compos edof about twenty scientific gentlomcn, and he will be accompained by Mr. Rich ard Kern, whoso letter, read in the Senate by Senator Gwin, first brought public at tendon to the advantages of the Albu* querque route for this road. At Weston they will bo joined by some thirty dragoons as an escort. They will mnke as much expedition as possible, and will winter at Salt Lake city ; from that point their reports will be sept to Wash mgton, in time for the action of Congress next spring. Tho corps will leave this city to-morrow. • ‘ [St, Louis Republican , June 8. * Buchanan, it is said, will snip for England on the 9th of July.