Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 26, 1852, Image 3

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Opening . of the British Parliment.—
.Priparationsfpr the .14)npire in. France.
The , Cunard :steamship Asia, Captain
Lou, reached her dock at Jersey City,
shortly after -one ,o'clock - this morning.--
Shefleft Liverpool ! on Saturday the 6th
inst., iindbrings eighty passengers.
The Political news from Europe is of no
importance whatever.
Commercial "affairs remained much the
same as at the sailing of the Atlantic.
The London Daily News acknowledged
the receipt of . six shillings in pence, to
head a penny subscription on behalf of
Mrs. Stowe, authoress of "Uncle Tom's
Father Cavazzi Is on the eve of em
barking for America.
Ampng the passengers by the Asia is
Mr. William Mere, British Consul at New
Orleans: ' . 4 ,
Are4ltes IN ENGL!AND.—Botllhouses of
"Parlament met on Thursday, the 4th inst., j
at 2 o' e lock.•!. The cemmissionere to rep
resent the Queen in the House of Lords,
Were the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of
Northumberlend, !lie Marquis of Salisbury,
and , the Earl of Lonsdale. A crowd or
4 'the commons". appeared at the bar
hear the writ read; after which the House
The House of Commons assembled at
the', same 'hour as the 'Lords, and there
was a good attendane.e of members, new'
, and old: Baron. Rothschild appeared
among them: Afterottending at she bar,
of the" Lords to hear the commission read, I
the, HouseZorganized with Sir D. C. Mar- !
chant in - the chair, and proceeded to elect
the Speaker; Mr. R. Palmer proposed,
and R. Grosvenor seconded the re-election
of the Hon.C. Shaw Lefevre, which was
carried unanimously. Sir It. H. lngles,'
herd John Russell; * Chancellor of the Ex
chequer, and Joseph - Hume, congratulated
the Speaker, and the House adjourned.
On Friday, the members of the lower'
House were again summoned to the bar!
, of the Lords,w hp the Chancellor signified'
the Queen's approbation of their choice of
a Speaker. A number 'of peers took the
oaths and their seats, and the House 'ad
journed. . • ~,
On the returns Of the Commons to their
own apartment, the Speaker returned
thanks for ..his re-election. Swearing in
of the members was then proceeded with
for an hour or two, after which 'the House'
Macnulay's address to the constitu
cncy of Edinburgh has attracted attention,
as well from its; eloquence as political tone. /
(it may be , 'remembered that that distin
guished gentleman is just recovering from a
nillness, which it was feared would prove !
fatal.) • He professes himself unable to!
forsee,. from the 'language held by. the 1
members of the government, what their
cenduct be on the subject of protec
tion ;' but he thinks he can predict that
the reform effected by Sir Robert Peel is
sere. Personally he (Macauley) is earn
est in favor or free trade, and is prepared
to go further towards universal suffrage,
than he once thought it possible he should.\
Famicu,•—•The Senate met on Thurs
day, the 4th, for 'the purpose of settling
the preliminaries for the establishment of
theEmpira. • About all the public know
is; that ten members voted that the people
shoulikbe.'consulted. M. Fould, Minister!
of•Sinte,'declated that the government did
not eppose the , -proposition, which was then !
referred to "a special committee, whose re- '
port would be presented on the 6th. !
It is stated in Paris as certain, that the!
• Senatus, Consulte will declare the Imper-1
ial crown heriditary in the person of Louis!
Napoleon, end his male descendents; and
in the event of his not leaving male heirs,
then, in the person of his adopted son ;
should the latter die childless, afterwards !
-. in the per Son of ex-king Jerome and his
Atl-el-Kader continues to be the lion of
* the daY: •He had a second time visited
Louis Nispolben; und was entertained with!
a review of,cavalry.
"VioidrllegO,Fonberteaux and Philippe
Faure, sighing- themselves "the commis
sion of!rihe demPeratic socialist proscribed
in France, residing in Jersey, and metin
general. liSenthly, October 31; 1052,"
warp - theirhrethern in France to abstain
from voting for-the Empire. The &ea
* which 'cities not stick at terms, is
publi§hed in the London Morning - Adver
' awl' of the sth inst.
..tiThe Russian and Prussian Ministers
have received sudden ' orders from their
governments no longer , to absent them
selves..freei'llieir posts at Paris,• and M.
,Catitelhejac has in like manner been
immediately to return to St. Peters
burg. The quidnuncs are trying to Worm
some dipldmatic secret out of these hasty
movements... •
The !gel/cal-lent- bps 'ntad9 en 'offer
Purehise‘;.,-the,•!ToU Cies
irial . Deb,4l,
she vieW:of gett i ng rid influenc
,A deputation::,from the!London sta
• ItiCti Cerripattg;forthe junction of the At
lantic and Pacific .oceane, . had had sever
'conferences-with the Council of Surveil,.
lance, on final !arrangements for carrying
out the project.
...SPAlN.—The'Co'uricil :of "Mieisters met
On the 29th ult., to decide' the question of
the creation !of , ,rt ColciiiiaDeptirtm ent.
The Catalina Pailed.from Barcelona on
'tl;e2sth Ult.:, -having, on board fivehun
.d red Men, to Ann force the "gn,rFisttps, in
bubs." •!! •
prznel , has resumed its
~character. as, Pelitical jotirn, and avows
its intentions of :continuing
. its hostility to
the preseritgoVern.ntent. '.•
is•Critiniated from returns already
• received, that! ' , John P. Hale linslakeno
total of 120,000 Votes in the . United States,,
for President=being -atime' - 30;900 less,
Allen Pititce's majerity.4,l36 that Gen:•;Pieree',
le elected, over .all,Competitore; by a hand.'
! 292;
some tnajoritY. Bdren r°' eived
ASPECT OF THE npvouvrio
The following is the tale of tie tre ,
mendous avalanche, of 1852, including the
popular vote, to wit :
Massachusetts, 7,l23.lVermont, 8,000
Kentucky, 1,000 . Tennesse, 1,800
Maine, 11,0001 Louisiana, 1,000
N.Ha mpshi re 14,0001 Texas, ,000
R'de Island, 1,100 Mississippi, '2,000
Connecticut, 3,000 Alabama, 4,000
New York, 25,000 Arkansas, 6,000
N. Jersey, 5,720 Ohio, 17,000
Pennsylvania 19,390 Indiana, 15,000
Delaware, 23 Illinois, 12,000
Maryland, 5,500 Missouri, 12,000
Virginia, 9,516 Michigan, 7,000
N. Carolina, 000 Wisconsin, 2,000
S.Carolina, (by Leg.) lowa, 4,500
Georgia, s,ooolCalifornic, -1,500
' Florida, 5001 - -
MARRIED.—At Warriors Mark, on
Thursday Nov. Itith, by the Rev. George
; Guyer, Mr. John Lever of Phillipsburg,
to Miss Mary Burkett of flalf-Moon, Cen-
tre county
DIED.—On the 17th inst., in t roo :-
vine, Jefferson county, the Rev. Dr. Gary
Bishop, formerly of this place, aged 64
years, 1 'month and 2 days.
On the 18th inst, John D., son of Wm.
and 11Ihrgaret Daniels, of this county, aged
16 years and 11 months.
NOW Alvoirtlectaimonnta.
Tremendous Excitement !
1v ,1,D:1. :tri; aa lo : ; ce tctheold i r patron s , r4,,reo.na2n d,tattleyta,eisti e/
I mm•the enstl
C heapest. and most , ----- ----
One or the Largest, ---
, rill: O NLY PORTRAIT OF WA.SlitlitauN •
varied assortments of goods ever bro't PUBLISHED,
to this or any other place. JUST
Laccilocearon'am ocillc.
The atrention of the Fair Sex is particularly Invited to their PORTRAIT OF 'WASHINGTON .
Sto-k cons'sting Dent/ or Moos do lore, Cashmercs.,Mous 1
de Lamm., French 1 • nines, Comm'. Minnows.. like. Engraved (by permission) Irons Stewnrt's only on
pbrlreit, irt the Atherunm, , Bunton.
WEAR. T III`t invert, M erit . lip under the supetintentlance
Their a.untroent is at meetly l ets.
Si Cl^ths. Cm. I of 'mom Ad but.m. Kin . the eminent and hi,thly
sirneres—p lain mid Inecy—Sattinets. Silk and Satin Vesting,. tined en st. lathe only oared li seinen of Washlogioe Ow
fix ,of PVArV quality and Prim- pub tined It hes been aharectenzed m the greatest work of
at. ever produced in this country . As to its fidelity , we refer
i to the letters
the aeopted son of Washington, GEORGE
WASHINGTON PARK °USTI:3, who says, is a I aithl al
A vete nail Stook elan WU, sizes and qualities. made in i renitiontaition of the celebrated original." and to CHIEF
the West and but style, oy the best workmen, and of the yell i JU6lll.a:
Supreme Court ofthe Cattail:Detre
beit maomal /7401 who 121711. work of art its excellence and beauty roust
BOOTS and SHOES, strike every one who sees it ; and it is no less hatter la MI
I to
tolls. in
day.his country. It le my gad tory; e
A vary levee assortment—for Ladies'. Jent emens', Mime. to have lean
Boys' and Children.' wear,
him in theist my boyhood. and his %MAO.,
• appearance is strongly impressed on my memory. The pot
Hosiery misuse , Parfumerr.Fancy Goods. Such as Ladies' " it /you nave issued appears to me to be an exact lisemss.
Dress Trimmings,
a r e. Bre.. &to rearesenting perfectly the express= as well an the Corns nod
Gr)Ceriell. Hardware. Drugs and. Utieennrere, of every features of th e lace." And says SENATOR CAM, "It is a
:We anti gun It
o , equal to the but, and the v-ry oheapestv" Idedike ienteseniation of the great original." PRESIDENT
They ni.o.hnv on hood FLANNELS, TI;;KINJS, lAN- L RAE sa s. • the work appears to me to have bees,
ENS, MUSLIN& SHAWES and in short goods of all kinds I' ll ll6 5 y execut ed and nlv worthy the patronage of
t ile:onion , execute ern ent
to cult both town mad countre. het public." Saes M A RUI IANT. I the eminent portrait l
litSrl'all mad judge for yourselves. Remember tho,OLD ter and the purist of Stuart, "your print to my mind, s
STAND Maiket street, nest the Diamond. remarkable than any other I have seen. fur presenting the
whole twill. idea, toy of the original portrait, together with the
',Clearfield. Nov 25,i113;2.
noble arid dignified repose of air and manner which all who ,
ever saw him considered a marked chat...selenium of the him-
DAGUERREOTYPE LIKENESSES. ohms men it commemorates.'
For the nouns el Lill/ picture we would refer every lover of
T C. FULLER. Dagnerman Artist,. is at present In Washington to them:omit luelf,to be seen at theofboe of this
- Cienrticld. wham tie is !prepared to take iLikenesser In paper nod to the letters of the following Artists, States:nen.
the mint approved style, and et rates Se ressonnble as any of J i and Scholars, accompanying it :
Ids predoonson. He may by founttlup enirsJover Eq. W ' Jurists
&Ili —Mardian tied Ellant, of New York; Nestle,
lay's o ffi ce
Persons desirous of nbtaieing Likenesses of themselves, Ro ' A ltana ! el. and Lemuel ' . of Pg. ladelphiat Chester II ardi rig.
of Roston ; Charles Frage'. of Charleston. 0. II; and to the
their friends will °lease ca •I soon, as his stay will be short. adopted son of Wnshington Sloe. George, W. P. Cloth, him
November IN, Iftitl toll an ants. STAIESAIEN.—His Excellence Millard Fill.
.------____ more, May it General Winfield Scott. lion. George M. Del
lea, Hon. Wm. R. King, Hon. Daniel Webster. Hon. Lio n
Bort Hon. Lewis thus Hon. Win .A. Graham. Hon..Joh
11 . Keened,. Hon. It. C. Winthrop. EL. D. JURISI
ri OUNTRY MERCHANTS, in =Moir their ;lutetium, : f f., R .,,,, it . Taw. l i on. J oh! , li u „ ti„,,, J o b t ; :1101,eagi.
1 ..) should not vaginal these desirable and saleable articles I lion. Reim (biome. SCAIOLARS.—(.Andes Folsom, 5 ri..
Their manufacture hn. bran much it:11E11'0nel recently, and the well KM:MU Eibutrian of the Roe on Atheneum, who says.
they are made very durable. Particular attention as request•
ed to thel wauld ratner owe It than any printed copy I h et
Wool Lined Gloves and'lllttens. lord , .
I moo; " E P. Whathie, Itictiard Iltireth, Hon. Edward Ev
LL. I).. Jared sparks. EL. U. W Wm. IL Prescott. Li...
D.. Washington Irving. Keith W. Emerson. FAQ , Prof. T
Thee are indispensable in cold and wet weather.—Ladles I C. Upham. J. I' Headley,Green Halleck. H. W Long•
will find tr ue Gloves mei i I inkany work that will soil the i !ellow, Wm Edmore Simms: and FR IM EUROPE. Lord
hands, at he same time that they will care the worst Salt 1 Pallocril. T. B alcCattley . Sir Archibald A 4 Eon. Lord Mayor
Rheum or Cheeped hands itrimadiniele• They are made allot Loudon, ae., lac. tam THE PREL B. throughout the
lengths to protect the creel nod wrists. entire II mon r eve wi th one voice proclaimed the merits of
For sale by W lI.COX, nit.iNossz. co. No. i 3 Church this knuerb engravlng•
Alley. Philadelphia. troodyears's fai l'hestnnt street. do To eaable all to possess this valuable treasure. it is sold at
z. II Phillips. Pittsburgh. Pa Feleoner fit Haskell, Bette the low price of FIVE DOLLARS per ppy, ,
more Md. H.
.W. Shafer Charleston, S. C. Sari and Hick. Published by GEORGE w C HI LDS.
on. Cinemnatti, 0 no, end by all Rubber Dealers in the Union N. W. corner of Fifth lied Arch stmts. Ptuladelshia.
For sale at retail by Country Merchants generallr. J. W HUDSI HS.
Nov lid. 18511.-Bm. Sole Agent for Western Pennsylvania
This Portrait can only be obtained from Kit. HUDSON . or
from his duly authorized Agents .
Arraugernenos have le-emmeoe with the Post Office [Wart
me at. by which cootea of the Portrait can be sent to any point
ye' mail. in oerleot order.
iPanons, by remoung FIVE DOLLARS to .1. W. HUD
SUN, Pittsburg. Pa , will have a copy oli the Partnnt sent to
them tree or Postage.
Magnitment Gilt Frames, got up expressly for these Por
traits, furnished at the low pnoe of FIVE DULEARza each.
'eV ...f1V11 , 12 illro b'et.(2MlZOgi ' a
Engruved by T. B. WELCH, Esq.. tutor the origin•
n 1 Portrait painted by T. SULLY, Eaq.
This Portrait will be a motels for the Washington , and is
in every respect at well got up.
Price FIVE DOLLARS per copy. Addreis as aoove.
Nov. 111,163:1.-4t.
Sheriff's Salebf ReallEstatc
. a
Ettß Y so v eh t o na uC )f or ge d gi w ug g a r jo ie m u m Ez on 9 Re e a t i l o ' fß
Clearfield county, and to me directed, will ne ex
posed to public sale, at the court noose le rho borough of
Clearfield. on MONDAY the 2ilth day of DECEMBER next.
at 1 o'clock. p in., the following described property, A
certain Lot of Ground, situate in the borough or CIA diet&
end known as Lot No, 11R'i, in the plan of said borough.
fronting on Locust street, and bpunded by Lots No. 152 and
130. wit a Two Stor Dwelling-Dense thereon ervoted. Sal.
zed and h
token in Inca y
ution and to ba sold as the !nein:TO ol
Anotow Shugart.
icpY virtue of a similar writ, issued out of the tamp court.
LP end to me directed. will be exposed to publiniale at th. ,
some time and place. the following described property. yiy.—
A certain Tract of Lentil situate In Blade township. Clear
field county. beciuntog at a post. thence along the turnpike
east werdly about 54 peruhes to a poet', thence a scatheasterlY
0011T.0 about I 2)
'Perches. thence by Boneall's land. thence
west HO paining to a sager corner. thence by rss duo of tract
south tia perches to a hemlook corner, thence west 57 perches.
thenceity the late Ilene Dentate' , lend north lei perches.
being_liatia of the storeys known as numbers 1998 and 3577.
containing acres end parches. with a hewed lON
Mille. and Stable, and ablut 12 acres cleared thereon. Seiz•
oil and taken in execution and to be' cold as the Property of
Samuel C. Flemming.
. ' 4 —; ALSO,
BY virtue of a writ of Pieri Faclaslissued out of the same
Court cs,d to me directed will be exposed to public stile.
at the same time and place, all t the following_ described prem.
ism, in to eta in the borough of orWerity , li tr. Clearfield county .
to wit:—A a certain Lot or piece of ground. situate on the
south side of State street. at the distance of about 120 feet
westwerd from l'hompron Street, thence extending west
ward iki feet end estending in depth out 189 feet to aSO
feet alley. being the:same Oternitol conveyed by John Patton
to Jesse Richards, and by him contracted to George O. Pass-
B m a o r t n e..
ahnadvion4;4ll.oeumennoedriTcted.. aT
Seizedv aStttooikyent.'
Te m a: execution r a n d
to be sold an the properly 01 George C. Passmote. bY
A. CAI.DWEI.I, Sheriff.
Sheriff • Ofilcei Nov. '22, 1852.
Trial List for December Term, 1852.
soli g hburger & Bloom, vs. Benjatniialloom.
Philip Antes, vs. Bigler and Reed,
John Chase, vs. Samuel Ardry.
George Rahorn, , vs. Everhart itahorn.
Wrn. El. Newcomer, vs. Benjamin Hartshorn,
George, W. Long, vr. limo Smith, wit t y,a
W.ll BlOoth use of I.Sinithvs. Peter Blown.
William W. Wilson, vs. NVilliam.Bloom.
M'Cracken,J Vs..llSolidsberger&lroom,
Isaac• Wilson, . vs. ,Christian Shoff,.
H. Philips vs. Samuel Hagerty,
Nloses,Pelten, vs. Moses Ruheson. •
J. Wilhelm end D;Wann vs. J. Blair Moor!).
• • 11,VILLIAM.PORTER; Prothonotary.
Nov, 26,1852.
- ' For Deer term, 1&5 2 .
.. . .
George Hall . Pumpmaker bawreaca tovnublp
Jelin ireaamont Farmer de. do
Richard dhart Jr do , do Co
World Hoover .do ,• • do do
Alien Mitchell do - do do •
Jacob Uollah • do .do do
8.8. Clomson CarpeneEtr ~' do do
.1000 Byer VIUMOT Bduomside do
James MoNlynay Merchant , do
David Motiraohen Framer ,, Mill d odo
H. Postlethwait do. • Brady
J. Posrlethwait •. do do
James A . wcods.,
do . , . , ,
b d i n orril , do
Thomas .Jr •. d o , Bradford do, •
John Hoover
Veva Final do do do
Joseph Bothroar ' - MiiiPT do i 'do"
James Alexander '' Farmer
Dan 0 b l ade . 'l'allor
J mob Darla: . . ' irmarmith Z 1 . W do ood ward do
C a rwensvilla hor.
AT. Doolsif A'. 'V Farmer .:. riketo wnsb ?
'John P. Dal, •.' , : do ~. do ' o
John Weld.H. - ' '' Becomi a do
B. G. Lamm. ~' do "; , Hatton . do
Nuki r ,„,°%litlai A tigvemn . . th a t i t t he aro P ir iu ro h A t t eir r i.
BOYN rvlt•aadar ablaaruCK. CON NUN . . node:the llama
of OONKIAN tX.I„ was Dissolved on the 26th day of Oa
über. A. V. 18511. •
. Frron dr. BOYNIXSN.
November 1r5,1165
goo." .L'si . ALLAgiu Aduuk
Of Valuable s Real Estate.
BY Virtue of an ord. r of the Ornhans' Condor Clear fi eld
county, granted at Dmsernber term, MI, there will be
exposed to POEM: SALE ort 'TUESDAY THE TWN
TY•eIftBT DAY ` OF DECEMUBIL next, at the Court
Dense, in the borough of Clearfield, the following described
Farm 0f , 125 Aticres of Land,
Situate in Pike township, Clearfield county, late the estate
and residence of John Fnlierton, decorated. ndloining lands of
Daniel Bally, Alexanderlialdweli, and others; having thereon
, A Two Story Log House,
and a Large and COM7IIO-
:14 ..: ;?" : '1 1.11,. .% dious Barn, and having
about 85 acres cleared,
and a nriviyg Orchard.
For lumber Particulars apply to the subscribers at and pear
One-TIMM or the purchase money to be paid at the can.
(inflation of the sale, and the..balance in Three Equal Annual
Payment., with interest. to be secured upon the premises be
Mort/zoo and Judgmeat Bond.
lip Order of thtt Cond.
F. "
Of the Estate of John Fliertohn. deceased.
Novamberlo. 1B 'J
11111 , E Subs a orth t er w onid
o Informlithe th oaltizonsa:f Cleerfosld
L'EleVilinti/Y;nonildisiVille/rlTtesrialr(y;' at Ik e l ettom j l t i j o ß n i se ' gr..
reedy occupied by Wing 8c Getehel. Idoraidala, a
Lane, Splendid 4° Cheap.
Assortment of Good., compting of every style and quality of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Cut
lery, Hardware,
Boots, Shoes and
Bonnets, Confectionary,
Clocks 4- Watches.
ALBO: n largo and well selected Nock of
Ready.lllude Clothing, Drugs 4- illedt.
tines, 4-c., 4-c.
In short all kinds or (lows tonally keptin &Country Store
All of which he Is determined to soil CRIMPER THAN EV.
Eli BErt)RE wen:at:Ll IN I HAlAttrl ELM Sit ItINTY
Morriseale, Nov. le. 1P52.
public Vendue.
T4iiii °"°wlrNNloth!=jee.rbe et
.IU i7onitg2d%tyo Nov
•ber, invlant. to wit :
Horses, Cows, Your , ' Cattle, Sheep,
Hogs, Hay, Waggon, Plouults
, 0 9
Harrows, Sleds,
Besides a number of Household and Farming Utensils to on •
therein to mention.
Sale to commene• at 10 o'clock. a. tn., when due attendance
will be given. and terms of sale etude known,by.
MOSES N 061.1118.
Lawrence township. Nov. 10, M.
__ . _
..N o Attorney. Magistrate or man ot Business.
should be without North American and
U. S. Gaz,lte.
Just Published.
GRAyDON'S leottatS.—New and Fourth Edition.—
Forms of Conveyancing, and of Practice in the Courts of
Common Picas. Quarter Sessions. Oyer nod
thenTerier. the
tin creme and Orphans' Coasts. and the offices of various
Ctrfl Oflitmrs anti Justices of the Peace. Fourth °ditto's. Re
%Med, Corrected, Enlarged, and Adaped to the Precast State
of the Law:, With romans Esplanatory No es and Referau•
cm, and a New and eery Comprehensive lades. Ily Robert
E. Wright, Esq. In One thick Octavo Volume. Pone °nig
In the Preface to Brightly's Blum Fifth Edition. the fol
lowing language is nsed—'• In this work (l3ipn's Justice) and
its 00121P5111011. "Graydon's Forma," (the rePatation of which
willwell established as to need no eulogy.) the Magistrate
Clad all the information necessity r to a correct discharge
of the important duties confided to him by tue laws of Penn
.._ .
TREATISE on the 011 ice and Duties of Aldernien'and
AJustices of the Pow, in the Commoujeseltli ol pnnu.
sr I vania.includin g all th e required Forms of Process and Docb
ket Entries, and embodying not oniy , whatev Lana
ed valuableto Justices of the Peace, but to Ten•
ants and Capered Agents. and making the volume what it
purports to be, A Balk 1,31111/Uulde rot Business Mtn, by John
Mane late Alderman in the city of' Philadelphia. - Filth edb
Brightly. ised,. Corrected. rsnd Greatly Enlarged. P ric eyF. 0.
Esq. In One thick •Volume. Octavo. only
FOUR 1)01,14AR8
Judge GIBSON says of Blue's Justice, that "It Is not only
the best, but the only very good work that we have on the
IN PRESS, - ,1
And Speedily to be Published.
1 Edition. Greatly Enlarged and lu`Proved. under the
Editortai, Direction of Frauds Wharton, Esc., A_gthor or
Amenoan Criminal Law." &a.. &a. In two Volumes.
SHIP lu the United Sta A m erican Francis J
the latest
authorities. Familia and., BY Francis J. Troubat,
Fre ln One Volume. Bro
far Orders or Letters of Inquiry from the CoUSLUY prompt.
ly attended to.
Law Publishers and Booksellen.
111, Margot Sheet, Philadelphia.
Nov.lo, 1862 --Bm. ,
. ,
WI La. be in session 011 MONDAY the Innh, del, of Deo.
Al! rr l e t .ne baying any manlier or bobtail With them can
than an d theta attend. .
Nov. 10, 1852.
the bed stile now in Ira, manufactured at St:attar!!lle
O F Clarion count/. Fl. . rot sale bs
It. °AURA, Amt.
Erept: 232
1111.91tPHANS' ,C . OURT SALE:tik I
tN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Cie lulled
county, there will be exposed to nubile We by out oil on
the Pretalses: on
Saturday the 4th of December next,
at 5 o'clock, nil the followleg described premises, late the es
tate of Thomas Merges deo'd., situate in Decatur township.
Clearfield county Pean'a. Tor.
The entilvided halt of nne hundred acres of improved lean
adjoining lands of John Goss on the will, of Ono Kephart
withe west end south, and
logoWlter 1.1. blecten
the bea r ing
a one and half story house, a log bars, a bearing
orchard and
Fifty Acres of Cleared Land thereon.
(Subject to the Hants of Susanna Morgan under the will o
James Morgan deceased.)
TERMS.—Cash at the confirmation of the sale.
JONATHAN KEPHART. Administrator.
Certified from Record,
X 961, PORTER, Clerk.
October 5. 1852.
MI Orphans' Court Sale.
BY VIRTUE of an order of the Orphans' Court of Clear.
field county, there will be exposed to public side at the
town of New Washington in said county on
Tuesday the 30 th ofNov. at 2 o'clock, p. m.
the following valuable
late the promos of JONATHAN PBAKCB, deo.d. • sin
About 12 .Acres of Unimproved Land.
Sittlate ill Chest township, in site county and lying uponthe
bank of Chest Creek. hounded on the exit by limos of H. II
Hurd. on the south by Cnest Cree Is, on the west by lands
late of Jonathon Pearce, on the ninth and east by lends of
Hurit WSW Pearce. nail A.l), Knepp. The land is eliginly
pitied for lumbering.
TPRNltt.—One third at time of vile and timebalnce in two
tami-aunual payments with Interesi from of sale.
WEAVER ministrators.
October 5.1832.
Of Valuable Timber Land.
B Y virtue of en meet of the Orphans' (Mart of Cloarliold
County , there will be osoosed to militia sale et the town
OF 1) 1.11; LafillEtt, A, D. 1852, et 2 o'clock, p. m.. all
the folio winv doscrithid
Valuable Lot of Timber Land,
Late the estate of James Carrel. deed, slam n to chan , own.
ship. Cienifield county, Pa. hot:Laded on the east by land sold
to Simon Rorabough, on the north by land bat/no:Abed to
Eliza '<mammoth on the west by (bed creek and tract in
name of John tiestor., and on the south by Mod bequeathed
Ito Eliza Her .trauth on the west by Chest creek,and tract au
name of Thomas Gest . Jr, and on the land be
ritleallied to Raphael Wood, containing about nitny acres and
allowance being pert or land on curvet sold by A. %Steed
to said James Currey.
TERMS —One tialfof the purchase money on confirmation
of sale. the balance in cu mouths thereafter. with interest, to
be secured by i admen bond on thn premises
October fr. 1853
IN PURSUANCE of en order or the O•ohans' Court or
i Court oonu ty th,..r. Will be expolett to public! sale at
thehaute tn the Borough of 4fieartieid, on
Monday the 20th of December next,
Au the following described
I.lllaZilli Lazu..aialszle
Situate in Jordan township. Clearfield county.
Pa vizt—All
the right title and interest ofJona'n ft Amos do/d. in and
to a coma [on parcel of lund, part of survey in cacao of
Christ= Neff, rind a t him improvement right connected with
the house and enmities, and lately occupied by ham.
TERMS --Cub at the confirmation of the snle.
D. W. MOORE. Adm'r., de heals non.
October 5,1852
Attention Regulars!
wrOlf . .tvill meet for parade drill. of the
fown Helix) the Borough of Clear.
ti id. on
The 27th day of November next,
at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Each member will pnivide himself with
two rounds of blank Cartridge, and be in
„nee punctually at the hour, with hie arms
and equipments in good order.
By older of the Captain,
October 5, 1852. •
Estate of Adam Wisegarver, dee'd.
Tim: IS HEREBY GI V 4SN, That Lettars of Admin.
Nistretion hove been granted to the subscribers on the
esate of ADAM WISEGARVEH.Iau. of tirade township.
Cleu t rfield county, deceased. All persons indebted to said es.
tate me requested to make payment to either of the meson
hers. in Brady township.. on or below the nth day of Decem•
ber nest—end those having demands against the same will
Present them duly austoostienles 3 for Pettiest:lea.
HENRY liN ARAI, I Adm'rs,
Wady township. Nov. 4, 1e62.
A"peno.nre cantionvd agal pet purchasing a Judgment
Now. dated Ootob 31 V. li4sv, for eIFTY SEVEN VOL,
LAMA. and forty eight oenu. given by me to CORNEIAUS
not pay
GREGORY . l have not,received value therefor, and will
It unless compelled by lew•
Nov. I it., 1.4551.—Pd
For Dec. term,ls.
Samuel Mitchell Farmer Lawrence township
Wilson HOCI•el do do do
bent. Sparkman do do do. la,
Chester Munson do . Morris do
John W. Wright do linocada do
James Taylor Sadler Brady do
Daniel Horn Farmer do do
Day id Welty do do do
Andrew Poets do do do
John Noires do Beggs d 6
Jacob Coder Tailor do do
Joseph Russell Tanner Penn do
William liewit Farmer Huston do
PP. HurathalMerchant Br d
adford do
!Micheal cools • Farmer do o
Washington Gardner Shoemaker Burnside do
A. Ramsey ' Farmer do do
W. B. Bohner' do Karthans do
George beecitijr. do Piko do
Robert Ross do do do
Thomas Rend do Goshen do
John Nell do % Chest' do
Livid Erhart do Ferguson do
Archibald Henry Carpenter Curwensyilks bor.
Isatusecofield Laborer ' , Clearfield do
Simon isrouley Vermer ' Woodward do
Thomas Henderson Blacksmith do do
William emi'h do Covington do
Leone Waiters do Bell do
W W Cathcart do Jordan do
Pater Bloom "-do do do
Joseph Patterson 'do do do
Christian Erhard ' do do do
John M. Chusu Merchant do do
Wilinf Murray Farmer Girard do
JostPh GO" do ' i Uecatur do
aniiotarro Notion.,
NOTICK is baths , given, that tho following accounts
have been examined and passed by me. and remain filed
of record in this place for the inspection of heirs, legatees,
creditor*, and all others in any other way interested, end will
be presented to t h e next Orphans' court of Clearfield County
Tuesday held
h a e
t l he t Co ay u o ho D u esoe.
etxhe, Boro u con h
fi o r f m C at l i e o a na e n l d .
L. The account of Lewis R. Carter, administrator of Thomas
Carter. deoessed.
2d. The account of J. W. Lull, administrator of Charles B.
Ross. deceased.
13/1. The account of Simon Thomp son and Anna Or'. Admin.
IstrnlonofdamuelOrr, deceneed W .
M. PORTER, Register.
Register's office, Cleareld, Novanber Id, 222.
and.2oo Acres of Land
RE slibse.ribers offer for BALE or RENT their SAW
TIMM , LAND, site In Penn towaelo„
constr. This ureoertY plumes many advantages as a Lam.
Wog erlaMlshmant. bales situate rive r an d ream know it as
Big Run, about miles from the in the midst of
an eitestive timber region.
The proaert, will certainly be Bold or Rented. The terms
will be favorable. and posseuion given immediately.
or Fa' Anther pa t iatilBlll ep ply either to Hugh Leavy. at
Clearfield. ur to Chug and Daily. on the Gramptaahlllsouno
the PPG Intl.
WILLIAM tn. Auk.
Jane 18.1853
ma ma momat. a
Eetablished 18 year& ago by Dr. KINEELffr,
corner ofThird and Union et mete, between
Sprite° and Pine ate., Philadelphia.
IGIITEEN yearsof extensive and uninterrupted practice
'Dent in this city, have rendered Dr. K. tan malt ex port
and in west ul practitioner, for and near. In the treatment of
nil direases of a private nature. Pa sone atilloirxl with ulcers
on the body. throat or loge. palm , u the bead or bones. mer
oureal thou maim, strictures, MVO, (Invitee arising from
youthful excerres or impurities of the blood whereby the con
stirntion has become enfeebled, aro all treated with succors.
fie who places binned under the care of Dr. K.. may tell. l
&oar!y confide in his honor as a gentleman, and oonfidentlY
rely upon his skill ao a physician.
Young men who have Minted themselves by a certain prat.
Lice indulged In—a habit frequently learned from evil com
panions at school; the effects of whlch are nlghtly,telL even
when asleep. and destroy both mind and body, should apply
immediately. Weakness rind irwnstitalional debility, lose of
'muscular energy. physical Iterated° and general prostration,
irritability and all nervous affections. indigestion. sluggish.
nese of the liver, and every disease in any way connected with
the disorder of the procreative. functions cured, and fall vizor
Copy of a Letter from Mr. William Abbs, Builder of
' Gas OVcne, of flushcfiffe, near. Huddersfield,
dated 15 ay 31st, 1851.
To Profector 11041,UWA it
SIR-1. 'uttered for ti petted of thirty Stara from n Ind leg.
the result or two or three different accidents at Gas Worell t
accompanied by Imbed° symptoms , 1 had recourse to a
variety of morticed - advice, without deriving nay benefit.
and was told that the leg must be amputated. yet in %MO.
'llion to that opinion, your Pills and Ointment have 14110ted
a complete enTo in so short it time, that few who] had nal wit •
osswd it could credit the fact. •
(ilgned) WILLIAM AM.
The truth of this statement can be 'Stifled by Mr. sv.r.
England, Chemist, 13, Market street, fluddorslield.
xtract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turner, of
Penshurst, Kent, dated December 13, 1850.
To Professor 1101,L0W AY—
DEAR 13I8—My woe had inbred from Bad Breasts far
more 1 hen ;ix mouths, and darter the whole period had the
best medicine attmdauce, but all io no use Slaving berms
heeled an awful wound in my own lee by your unrivalled
mediate°. I determined again to vs your Pills and Orritmeit,
and therefore gave them a trial id her Oars, and fortune* It
. was 1 did so, for in lass than a month a perfect oars eras it.
011 4 71 , DOuLARS VORPEIT —DR. HUNTER WILL i fectrd. and de rived nefit that various other brationes of sae
A: forfeit 150 il failing to cure any ease of secret diwasethat family have from their °Oils really adonishrug. 1 now
may come under his care, no matter how long standing. or I axonal) , recommeepthem to all my fri eds. (Sigtrepi)
how r.filictiug. Either eox am invite.' to his Private Rooms ( REDERICK TURNEFL
35 North Seventh street. Philadelphia without rear of later.' These Pius should he used conjointly with the Ointairiat in
Mutton from other patients. Strangers and others who have I the following oases :
been unfortunate in the relection Os a Physician ate invited i Bed Legs, Bail Breasts, Burns, Bunions, Bite of *
to call. 1 Moscheices and Sand Plies Coco bay. Chiego.loot,
IMPOTENCY.—Through unrestrained indultenoe in the ,
wives. by excess or self.abuse the evils are name Ws.— i Chi I hieing Chapped h nds Grans, (Solt,) Cancers.
— n ,
Ereinstate impotency, lam eatery seminal discharges. wart. , Contracted and stiff Joints, Elephantiasis, Fistiliall.
d or therm:nes. oof memory, a (lister a for fermate social. 1 Gout. Glandular Swellings, Lumbago, Piles, Rheu.
general debility, l
ieconstitution.' derangemeeiti ere care so
fallow If noessary, consult thu Doom with confidence.— 1 matism, &Ads, Sore Nipples, Sore Thronts.iSkin.
lie offers a perfects ure. discuses, Scurvy, Sore. heads, Tamoura,:incers ,
READ AND REPLECT.—Tha afflicted would do well to
reflect before trusting their bealth, happinets. and to many Wounds, Yaws.
oases their lives, lathe hands of physicians ignorant of rho Sold at the estat,lishment of Professor HALIA)WAY. OH.
elegiac maladies. It Is certainly impossible tor one man to Strand. (neer Temple Bar heretion.) and by all respectable
uudentand ..II the ids the humeri family are subject to. Eve- Megabits and Dealers in Medicines throe boat the British
ry respectab Physician has. nit Peculiar branch, in which he a MK°
Empire, and donor of the United States. i Pots t ..
is more success' ul than
brother wormers, and to that he °Hie.. and ell Wu. each. Wholeeale by the principal Drat.
devotes most of Ms t me and study. houses in the Union, sad by Memos. A. B. & D. SANDS. ri.
V EARS Into atm:nal, exclusively devoted to the stadK i York.
sod treatment of diwases of the ' , usual organs. together wit There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sites.
ulcers upon the truth , . throat- nose or logs.. pains in the head. 1 N. 11.—Direotione for guidance of patients Or ere!! dleindet
or hones, mercurial rheumatism, stria tires. gravel. invented' I are wheel to earn Vet. ir let. IA 16)1—lys.
ties, diseases !Milne from youthful excesses, or hlSPorhiaS of
the blood, whereby the constitution. has become enfeebled.lE W GOODS•
enables the Doctor to offer speedy relief to all who may place I
themselves under his care.
Medloine forwarded to any part of the United id
Price Five and Ten Dollars per package.
Sept. 7. 18i2.-IY. l tvotilit) respectfully Inform the Peelle, that they hay*
, Vir entered into co-partuenbin intheMERCANTILE and
1 SHOE BUSINESS. and have just received from Philadel
phia their Mond and handsome assortmentlef
nail eandl. Wfaintair GOalitlp
O f all kinds and latest tyl, which. having been Ptitellueed
a' usustially low rates, s they es are enabled to dist to the potato
A Vigorous Life, or a Premature Death
Kinkelin on Self-Preservation—Only 24 cents.
This gook just published Is filled with mein! information. on
the infirmattes and disase , of the Generative Organs. It ad
theist.. itself alike to Youth, hlnnhood and Old Ace. and
should b tend by oN.
The valuable Mulct, and impressive warning it elves will
Prevent years of misery and tottering, end save annually thou.
snarls of lives.
Parents by rending It will learn how to prevent the destruo•
lien of their Children.
•s,•A remittence of 25 cent'. enalmed inn letter, addressed
to Dr. KINICELIN. N, W. corner of Third and Upton streets.l
between einem and Pine. Pitiindeldbia. will ensure a book
under cover par return mail.
Persons nt a distance may address I.h. K. by letter. [Post
paid.] and be cured at home.
Packages of Medicines, Directions. ito., forwarded by send
Ina a remittance, and pat up rococo from damage or curiosity.
itook.l.loilers. NEWS Age Ai, Pedlars. Canvassers, and all
others supplied with the above work at very low rates.
Octoberl/X , 5 2 .—ly.
"Every Family Should have a copy.
An invaluable Book, only 25 cts. per copy
LP BOOK rot:, TUE APPLA ED. Containing an out
line of the Origin. Progress . Treatment and QOM of every
fprm °faults., contracted by Promiscuous Sexual intercourse,
by Self•abnie, of by 13.guld Excess, won advice for their pre
vendor!, written in • famidar style. avoiding all medical tech.
nil:14110w. end every thing that would offend the ear aide
miner, from the result colsome twenty years' saccesslul prac
tice, exclusively devoted to the cure al diseases of a delicate
or private nature
To which Is added receipts for the care of the above disown.
and a trestles on the Causes, Symptoms and Cure of the Fe
ver and Ageu, for Twe nt y.Five cents a copy , Six copies one
rioller ; will be forwarded to any part of the limited BOOM by
mall, free of postage, I.ldress, postage pail .. Bin 196, Post
00loe." or the Auther,l33 North Seventh Se Street, Philadelphia
pt. 3, 1852 —IP.
PitlA, Invite the Ladles of the City and Country to call and
examine his solely. id stock of Trimmings. which has been
selected with the utmost care.
'Mr O. being enalded4 from his experience in the business.
to take advantage of the wholesale market. Is able to sell as
low as any other estlblishment. Mr U. wits formerly prin.
°mai conductor of the extensive business of Mr. W.! Hurst.
man No. 1304 Chestnut street, and his extensive expenence
will Lea guarantee of his ability to do justice o r his customers.
Ills Neck com,prises the tol'owing—bile., Wosted, and Cot
ton Curtain Fringes. Binding, flurels and Cord—Silk and
Worsted Bliad d o —tilik, Woollen and Cotton Hosiery, and
G over—Combs. Brushes, Sops, Perfumery , ttc.—Woollen
arid Cotton knitting and Darning Yam—Porto Mounares.
Furnished Work. Boxes, Bracelets. and Fancy Articles genet.
ally. Call and examine for yourselves.
Sept 99, 1.853.-6 m
SMarket Street. abovePth. Phliadeltihia. Under the new
arrangemekt. the cars wit D epot .
arrive from Pittsburg• Harrisburg
ego . will run to the New Depot. cornet of 601101011 6th and
Market. In order to accommodate the pabtio we will always
have our Coach at the New Depot on the arrival of the cars to
carry pauenzers to the Allegheny House, which is to thecae.
tie of the City Oar old friends will mease ride down and all
who wish to patiosise a thaws with a Good Table Clean Beds
and eccommodeting P.. 1 •• 1111(1 w 111 'cease give on a mill.
Terms—One Dollar per day.
bot 16.1852.--6 m.
500 Agesttm Wanted.
VW V irSTATErs. active and entemnstrig men. to enitsgein
the gale of some of the beat Books published in the country.
men of good address. pouncing ragman capital of from
$ll5 to Loch inducements wilt be otlered as to enable
ifigai to make from Tlitte,e, to TEN dollars a day profit.
lie Boots published by as are all useful in their character.
extrr.mely popular, and command large Wes 1./Octaves they
are offered.
For further particulars, addregs. (postage pbr. Gaid,/
Ruccenors to W. A. Leary itt
No. 18tf North Second Rueet. Philadelphia.
eept. 18. 1852 —Sal.
Commercial Hotel.
TILE Subscriber having leased the Public House. formerly
known as the American house, No 18 South Sixth street.
between Market and Chestnut streets. has changed tae name i
of Osmanli to
9PL!n® Comaranoreimli 181otoR,
flees leave to inform his triends and the Public.. that this
house has tr.dergone a rborough remodelling. repairing, re
Painting and reoarrering. fro attic to basement. An entire
new o..tfit of luinitare, beddin m
g. Ate.. tic.. has been procured
from the most celebrated Manufacturers in this city.
From the central loestion and to close proximity to the
Railroad repots. Steam aoat banding , . Places of Amusement.
Fashionable Thanes hfares and Pablo Souring, ti offers in•
ducoments to the Merchant visiting the city on business, or the
Traveller seeking pleasure To termites and females visiting
arded 'o m ak e chg. everye
their s
visit a will
greeable be offer and pleasant. ed. and every eamfgrt
A share of *ha public patronage n respeotlully solicited.
t3opentendent. is rap netor.
Soot 3. 1851.--Ons.
IMILLY 1gE0910.1E3.5,
i mPUBTERS and Menu I Worsts of VAR F wrtri GS. and
1 dealers in CANTON and COCOA MA'rrINGI3. ato.
Corner of Twelfth and Market St's. Phllad'a.
Invite attention to their extensive nuortment of *operar new
styles of Littlish Velvet, 'repostry Brussels. and Rich Ingrain
and Yenning' Cuttletings, of their own Importation. Also to
thrlr largo stock of well seasoned Floor Oil Cloths, in all
widths. from one to eight yards. 'Jur stook of LOW PIX.R.ILL
INGRAIN CARPlact. of our own manufacture embraces tba
best variety of well made goods ever put in this nopket—all of
which will he offered on the most favorable terms.
Anson ir1.1135:1.-311
BOOTS & SHOES. {s,-, •
9 , 4
12 ESPECTI , ILLY s anooanoes to the
.ILL citizens of,Clearfteld and vicinity.
that he has commenced the badness of roaraufnoturr
lug BOW t!. and 1:311013A of every description, in the bor•
oush of Clearlleld. In the ship nearly opposire the Academy,
on t-'rout street, where he may be boa nd at all times ready an d
noxious to accommodate all who may favor him with their
Fine and Coarse Boots and Shoes, and
,sll4Tare of every description.
Will be on hands, and tnasufmature I in a sty id superior to
any heretofore mad In the county,. and at such prices as will
not fail to give entire aatlifaction.
Rafting and Lumbering Boots.
fiend!! also manufacture an artlokt of BOUTS for Rafting
and Lumbering in. and for other rough outdoor work, which
ho particularly recommends as a superior art
to icle.
Ocber 6. 1852.—tf.
New. Store.
Te undereigned hes opisned a MEE IitIGLEN HOPE
Clearfield uouray. mamas he intends keeoluz constentlY
on hand a GOOD AdSOILTDIENT of all things usually kept
In count°, stets.
All •
klnds of riOdlloo taken tits:change tor grad E e.
Glen Rope, Oct. 7.1839.—8 in. • ,
rtiotice to Surveyors..
Acompasses. Meridian Line , for the'adjustmesr of Surveyors'
compasses. has been marked and established by the
commissioner'. in the borough ot•Cloarfteld. Also, a Legal
Standard or Measure of two pole chain. amenably to an Act
oiltacembly of girth AtirU, (See Yarophlet Law'. Page
ow.) war:rovides tor penalty of tors dollars for every no•
lotion °fadd b-p ist:l by Burveyors. • , ;
By order or the County Connotational.
Camintationers' Woe, Oot. 15.19511.
IS' Y9P.. 11 -, REM ‘ . • l
. .
Extract ai a Letter from Mr William Gslcan. dill)
St. Mary's Stroot,Waymatholatod May 15,1891.
To Professor HOLLOWAY,
611 L—At the age of 16 my wife 'Cabo 'fs now 61) caught a
violent cold. which salad In her legs, end ever 'Moe that theta
they have been more of less BM. and greatly Inflamed. Het
agCi na s were distraeusg. end fax months together the wee
deprival entirely of rest and sloop. Eitel remedy that midi.
as men advised wee trled, but without effect ; her health. BO
feted severely. and the state of her legs was terrible. I had
often rendyons Advertisements. and advised her to try your
Pills and thaittnont ; and. as a last resource, after every other
remedy had proved uealme, she consented ts do ao. eine oom.
menced six weeks ago, and strange to relate, lsnow in goon
health. floc logs are painless.. wither:it seam or gam. and her
sleep sound and undisturbed. Could you have witnessed the
sat ferin gs of my wife daring the last 43 years, and contrast
them with her present enjoyment of health. yon would indeed
feel delighted in having been the means of no greatly Olivia
dna the sat ferias 1 of a rellow•creattire.
"(Blasted) WILLI/IDi CALPIN.
the very
It would be almost impossible to eiumegpte the Viol arti
cles co,iprisiog thus stock of goods Jest rammed —hat they
invite all to Goole and see for themselves, assuting than Mak
they will get
More Goods for the same money than at
any other Store in Curwensvillet
They haven't kinds of
And all other articles usually found in a wall famished stows.
To render their establishment well worth a visit at all times
the) will continue to receive, fo r Ladies
seams Memos% hew
inflolles of seasonable Goods for Ladies' and Catalano's'
want. so as to be always ready to otter the choice of Euteta
Tiny would also gall ettention to their apartment of
Krilloots and Shoes,
Where they always keep on laud a large and well assorted
MOKOOCO. CALF. KIN, and all binds of Gantlets:me
Alm. •
Ladies' Fine Shoes,
SLIPPERS of all kinds. qualities and stem.
Also—Boys' arid Mines' GAlTeu.s and t3IIOES of all
M they keep constantly n lot of the best practical workmen.
and Manufacture their Shoes theyican warrant theca to be
made of the best Material. and In
PRO and latest my lae.
1:51rIlIDEd and COUNTRY UCE taken la ex
°hßlZlfE°l4"B°24l,-1- Their establlsment Is One door West of
John Draucker hotel. Curwensville.
Oct. Vb. INA —Sat.
.41. Lp 1p cmt csaal as
For the Triennial Assessment.
APPEALS will be hold by the County Commistissees is
the respective boroughs and townships. as !Mows:
Goshen town.hip, '1 uesday November ilth, as School Douse
near A. Leonard.
Gina! township. Wednesday November 10th, it Oungress
111.1 School Boom,
Covington townshi p, Nov. 11, at house of Jacob Maurer.
Benham; do Nov. IX,
at house ol J o e m s at Fame D se ai Wiltne House.
Muston do Nov. 15. on.
Fox do Nov. ler, do John 1. Bundy.
Union do Nov. 17,, do It, W. Moore.
Brady do Nov. 12. do W. D. Poly.
Penn do Nov. Id. do Samuel Smith.
Bell do Nov. 00, do Asaph Elds.
Chest do Nov Siii. do JamesUare7.
Burnside do Nov. 21, do John Young.
Ferguson do Nov. 24. do I'. B. Davis.
Jordan do Nov. 25. do Jamie McNeal.
Beodaria do Nov. P. do S. M. Smith.
Woodward do Nov.lfl do Daniel Ikea.
Decatur do N0v.22. do JOllll GOlt.
Morris do Nov. Bo. do James Lohman.
Bradford do Dm t. do War. Hoover.
Boggs do Deo. 2. do Andrew Chou.
Pike township and Curwensville borough nide" Dee. It. at
the house of Isaac liloom.N.
Lawrence township and Clearfield borough. I:Saturday Deo..
Ruh" cam, hour-.
The Astessors are reanesled to be present with their ddpit.
pates, On the day of the Ap peal inm is ta k esper townships add
trorotighs. to anat. in correcting and in' making a
Wooer orstormorm.
An APpeel will also be held on Fintardcy the Oh day of
December. at the Commismonen' orlice, for the purpose of
equal zing and ailjartaig rue Valuation of Unseated Lands
thronebout the county, at which time and plane, all holders
of Unseated Lund. Agents. am.. Mailing corrections. are re•
quested to attend.
W Al . A LE X AN 0 EFL t COnl'in.
Attest—Cr . U. GOOD leA N DER. Clerk.
eornmissioners' Oilier) 1,erit.25.18
Valuable Real Estate
rrll ERE, will be expoud to public sale, at
nv Auctnn, at th e
. premlres
Itl DAY Td.Y4 lath DAY NiuvpauEit,
cot, WI that
Valuable Farm and 'Tractlof Land,
kidnaps in DOCCellia townshlpi Clatulitli counts, about ate
half mile from the town of Glen Roos, immediately on the
Glen Hope and Little Bald Eagle turnpike, nod within half a
day's ride or the Ventral Railroad, oontalaive
- 103 Acres, more or less, having
'r` °;.f- 70 acres cleared and under good
1 4r fence. AlsO; a goad House, Barn,
anda young and thriving' Ore&
ard, ...
Lite ti. *rowdy or Josue LEONARD and JACOB
LEONARD. deoemed.
The Utle ti ladtroutable. POSllBllioft will be given eithe
let day of April,ltria.
TEttatri—One.Third of the Durables money Oath at thne
of sale. and the balance in two annual Day:nem( thereattex.
Executor Jit.Tonstae.
October 14. 1852.
Court Proclamation.,
tuIIEILBAS. The Honorable JOHN 0. KNINC. Prof.
Vis dent Judge of the Court of Common Pseas of the Righ•
tenth Judi lel Dotict, composed of the couaties of Comp
field, (Nation. Je ff erson and Vostok o . and she Honmatdcs
RICHARD tifiliW and JUIIN P. HO YT. Allloolllth Jaded ,
10 Clearfield count,. hove maned their precool bearing data
the TWENTY...FIFTH day of Deptamber, IVA to me ditto
ed. for holding a
At Clearfield. in tad for Cleaitl&d county, on toeTnlttb
MONDAY of Dec. nest—being the 20th day of the month.
To the COMO) r. Justices °rum Fence. and Constables to WM
persons. county of Clearfield. 'to isupear la thew owa proper
with P.olle. Records. Int Mations. Examlnatlonsjthp,
other do those:thiamin which thew oMeer.
and in thew behalf appertain it be done., and wltomialb
and other persons. Prosecating bs behalf of the COMMollniWilliii
against any Plllloliera. art requited m be than 094 van
tending, and not depart seltbout..leave‘isi th eir " •
GIVEN under my Mod at Clatufteld, Mit lOtb day of Nimer.
In the year as our Lord ane thodeand eight bitheifeldtait
Fifty two, and the lietenthketrentli year of Juasplatti 111-
5,000 to 30',000'Aire o"LanirWOOted.
TATANTAD To L'OROEIMM 600 `to 80,00 Arm o
V V Unimproved Lepd la Penevyi pm! e,gr_Wellterre, Vii
&la. fur Which i Alla and CITY FitorzurY. ,or MEP
dli"l46E.ZtliogstaiV"'lBbVineitgiAL & mfrs.,
_I Dora Street, rhilln i felptu 0,
gept. 8,.1832,•413111