TIMER' DAYS. LATER FROM EUROPE: ARRIVAL.OF THE ASIA: Opening . of the British Parliment.— .Priparationsfpr the .14)npire in. France. The , Cunard :steamship Asia, Captain Lou, reached her dock at Jersey City, shortly after -one ,o'clock - this morning.-- Shefleft Liverpool ! on Saturday the 6th inst., iindbrings eighty passengers. The Political news from Europe is of no importance whatever. Commercial "affairs remained much the same as at the sailing of the Atlantic. The London Daily News acknowledged the receipt of . six shillings in pence, to head a penny subscription on behalf of Mrs. Stowe, authoress of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Father Cavazzi Is on the eve of em barking for America. Ampng the passengers by the Asia is Mr. William Mere, British Consul at New Orleans: ' . 4 , Are4ltes IN ENGL!AND.—Botllhouses of "Parlament met on Thursday, the 4th inst., j at 2 o' e lock.•!. The cemmissionere to rep resent the Queen in the House of Lords, Were the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Northumberlend, !lie Marquis of Salisbury, and , the Earl of Lonsdale. A crowd or 4 'the commons". appeared at the bar hear the writ read; after which the House adjourned. The House of Commons assembled at the', same 'hour as the 'Lords, and there was a good attendane.e of members, new' , and old: Baron. Rothschild appeared among them: Afterottending at she bar, of the" Lords to hear the commission read, I the, HouseZorganized with Sir D. C. Mar- ! chant in - the chair, and proceeded to elect the Speaker; Mr. R. Palmer proposed, and R. Grosvenor seconded the re-election of the Hon.C. Shaw Lefevre, which was carried unanimously. Sir It. H. lngles,' herd John Russell; * Chancellor of the Ex chequer, and Joseph - Hume, congratulated the Speaker, and the House adjourned. On Friday, the members of the lower' House were again summoned to the bar! , of the Lords,w hp the Chancellor signified' the Queen's approbation of their choice of a Speaker. A number 'of peers took the oaths and their seats, and the House 'ad journed. . • ~, On the returns Of the Commons to their own apartment, the Speaker returned thanks for ..his re-election. Swearing in of the members was then proceeded with for an hour or two, after which 'the House' adjourned. Macnulay's address to the constitu cncy of Edinburgh has attracted attention, as well from its; eloquence as political tone. / (it may be , 'remembered that that distin guished gentleman is just recovering from a nillness, which it was feared would prove ! fatal.) • He professes himself unable to! forsee,. from the 'language held by. the 1 members of the government, what their cenduct be on the subject of protec tion ;' but he thinks he can predict that the reform effected by Sir Robert Peel is sere. Personally he (Macauley) is earn est in favor or free trade, and is prepared to go further towards universal suffrage, than he once thought it possible he should.\ Famicu,•—•The Senate met on Thurs day, the 4th, for 'the purpose of settling the preliminaries for the establishment of theEmpira. • About all the public know is; that ten members voted that the people shoulikbe.'consulted. M. Fould, Minister! of•Sinte,'declated that the government did not eppose the , -proposition, which was then ! referred to "a special committee, whose re- ' port would be presented on the 6th. ! It is stated in Paris as certain, that the! • Senatus, Consulte will declare the Imper-1 ial crown heriditary in the person of Louis! Napoleon, end his male descendents; and in the event of his not leaving male heirs, then, in the person of his adopted son ; should the latter die childless, afterwards ! -. in the per Son of ex-king Jerome and his Atl-el-Kader continues to be the lion of * the daY: •He had a second time visited Louis Nispolben; und was entertained with! a review of,cavalry. "VioidrllegO,Fonberteaux and Philippe Faure, sighing- themselves "the commis sion of!rihe demPeratic socialist proscribed in France, residing in Jersey, and metin general. liSenthly, October 31; 1052," warp - theirhrethern in France to abstain from voting for-the Empire. The &ea * which 'cities not stick at terms, is publi§hed in the London Morning - Adver ' awl' of the sth inst. ..tiThe Russian and Prussian Ministers have received sudden ' orders from their governments no longer , to absent them selves..freei'llieir posts at Paris,• and M. ,Catitelhejac has in like manner been immediately to return to St. Peters burg. The quidnuncs are trying to Worm some dipldmatic secret out of these hasty movements... • The !gel/cal-lent- bps 'ntad9 en 'offer Purehise‘;.,-the,•!ToU Cies irial . Deb,4l, she vieW:of gett i ng rid influenc ,A deputation::,from the!London sta • ItiCti Cerripattg;forthe junction of the At lantic and Pacific .oceane, . had had sever 'conferences-with the Council of Surveil,. lance, on final !arrangements for carrying out the project. ...SPAlN.—The'Co'uricil :of "Mieisters met On the 29th ult., to decide' the question of the creation !of , ,rt ColciiiiaDeptirtm ent. The Catalina Pailed.from Barcelona on 'tl;e2sth Ult.:, -having, on board fivehun .d red Men, to Ann force the "gn,rFisttps, in bubs." •!! • prznel , has resumed its • ~character. as, Pelitical jotirn, and avows its intentions of :continuing . its hostility to the preseritgoVern.ntent. '.• .\ is•Critiniated from returns already • received, that! ' , John P. Hale linslakeno total of 120,000 Votes in the . United States,, . for President=being -atime' - 30;900 less, Allen Pititce's majerity.4,l36 that Gen:•;Pieree', le elected, over .all,Competitore; by a hand.' ! 292; some tnajoritY. Bdren r°' eived . • ASPECT OF THE npvouvrio The following is the tale of tie tre , mendous avalanche, of 1852, including the popular vote, to wit : STATES FOR SCOTT. Massachusetts, 7,l23.lVermont, 8,000 Kentucky, 1,000 . Tennesse, 1,800 FOR PIERCE. Maine, 11,0001 Louisiana, 1,000 N.Ha mpshi re 14,0001 Texas, ,000 R'de Island, 1,100 Mississippi, '2,000 Connecticut, 3,000 Alabama, 4,000 New York, 25,000 Arkansas, 6,000 N. Jersey, 5,720 Ohio, 17,000 Pennsylvania 19,390 Indiana, 15,000 Delaware, 23 Illinois, 12,000 Maryland, 5,500 Missouri, 12,000 Virginia, 9,516 Michigan, 7,000 N. Carolina, 000 Wisconsin, 2,000 S.Carolina, (by Leg.) lowa, 4,500 Georgia, s,ooolCalifornic, -1,500 ' Florida, 5001 - - MARRIED.—At Warriors Mark, on Thursday Nov. Itith, by the Rev. George ; Guyer, Mr. John Lever of Phillipsburg, to Miss Mary Burkett of flalf-Moon, Cen- tre county DIED.—On the 17th inst., in t roo :- vine, Jefferson county, the Rev. Dr. Gary Bishop, formerly of this place, aged 64 years, 1 'month and 2 days. On the 18th inst, John D., son of Wm. and 11Ihrgaret Daniels, of this county, aged 16 years and 11 months. NOW Alvoirtlectaimonnta. __— Tremendous Excitement ! A GRAND EXPOSURE OF NEW GOODS. WALLAIDT , t EMI, K,E3 1v ,1,D:1. :tri; aa lo : ; ce tctheold i r patron s , r4,,reo.na2n d,tattleyta,eisti e/ I mm•the enstl C heapest. and most , ----- ---- One or the Largest, --- , rill: O NLY PORTRAIT OF WA.SlitlitauN • varied assortments of goods ever bro't PUBLISHED, to this or any other place. JUST . T. B. WELCH'S MAGNIFICENT Laccilocearon'am ocillc. The atrention of the Fair Sex is particularly Invited to their PORTRAIT OF 'WASHINGTON . Sto-k cons'sting Dent/ or Moos do lore, Cashmercs.,Mous 1 de Lamm., French 1 • nines, Comm'. Minnows.. like. Engraved (by permission) Irons Stewnrt's only on GENTLEMENS' WEAR. geed pbrlreit, irt the Atherunm, , Bunton. WEAR. T III`t invert, M erit . lip under the supetintentlance Their a.untroent is at meetly l ets. Si Cl^ths. Cm. I of 'mom Ad but.m. Kin . the eminent and hi,thly sirneres—p lain mid Inecy—Sattinets. Silk and Satin Vesting,. tined en st. lathe only oared li seinen of Washlogioe Ow fix ,of PVArV quality and Prim- pub tined It hes been aharectenzed m the greatest work of READY—MADE CLOTHING, I at. ever produced in this country . As to its fidelity , we refer i to the letters of the aeopted son of Washington, GEORGE WASHINGTON PARK °USTI:3, who says, is a I aithl al A vete nail Stook elan WU, sizes and qualities. made in i renitiontaition of the celebrated original." and to CHIEF the West and but style, oy the best workmen, and of the yell i JU6lll.a: 'Asa work Supreme Court ofthe Cattail:Detre beit maomal /7401 who 121711. work of art its excellence and beauty roust BOOTS and SHOES, strike every one who sees it ; and it is no less hatter la MI I to tolls. in day.his country. It le my gad tory; e A vary levee assortment—for Ladies'. Jent emens', Mime. to have lean Boys' and Children.' wear, him in theist my boyhood. and his %MAO., • appearance is strongly impressed on my memory. The pot Hosiery misuse , Parfumerr.Fancy Goods. Such as Ladies' " it /you nave issued appears to me to be an exact lisemss. Dress Trimmings, a r e. Bre.. &to rearesenting perfectly the express= as well an the Corns nod Gr)Ceriell. Hardware. Drugs and. Utieennrere, of every features of th e lace." And says SENATOR CAM, "It is a :We anti gun It o , equal to the but, and the v-ry oheapestv" Idedike ienteseniation of the great original." PRESIDENT They ni.o.hnv on hood FLANNELS, TI;;KINJS, lAN- L RAE sa s. • the work appears to me to have bees, ENS, MUSLIN& SHAWES and in short goods of all kinds I' ll ll6 5 y execut ed and nlv worthy the patronage of t ile:onion , execute ern ent to cult both town mad countre. het public." Saes M A RUI IANT. I the eminent portrait l ain.ai. litSrl'all mad judge for yourselves. Remember tho,OLD ter and the purist of Stuart, "your print to my mind, s STAND Maiket street, nest the Diamond. remarkable than any other I have seen. fur presenting the whole twill. idea, toy of the original portrait, together with the ',Clearfield. Nov 25,i113;2. noble arid dignified repose of air and manner which all who , ever saw him considered a marked chat...selenium of the him- DAGUERREOTYPE LIKENESSES. ohms men it commemorates.' For the nouns el Lill/ picture we would refer every lover of T C. FULLER. Dagnerman Artist,. is at present In Washington to them:omit luelf,to be seen at theofboe of this - Cienrticld. wham tie is !prepared to take iLikenesser In paper nod to the letters of the following Artists, States:nen. the mint approved style, and et rates Se ressonnble as any of J i and Scholars, accompanying it : Ids predoonson. He may by founttlup enirsJover Eq. W ' Jurists &Ili —Mardian tied Ellant, of New York; Nestle, lay's o ffi ce Persons desirous of nbtaieing Likenesses of themselves, Ro ' A ltana ! el. and Lemuel ' . of Pg. ladelphiat Chester II ardi rig. of Roston ; Charles Frage'. of Charleston. 0. II; and to the their friends will °lease ca •I soon, as his stay will be short. adopted son of Wnshington Sloe. George, W. P. Cloth, him November IN, Iftitl toll an ants. STAIESAIEN.—His Excellence Millard Fill. .------____ more, May it General Winfield Scott. lion. George M. Del lea, Hon. Wm. R. King, Hon. Daniel Webster. Hon. Lio n Bort Hon. Lewis thus Hon. Win .A. Graham. Hon..Joh 11 . Keened,. Hon. It. C. Winthrop. EL. D. JURISI ri OUNTRY MERCHANTS, in =Moir their ;lutetium, : f f., R .,,,, it . Taw. l i on. J oh! , li u „ ti„,,, J o b t ; :1101,eagi. 1 ..) should not vaginal these desirable and saleable articles I lion. Reim (biome. SCAIOLARS.—(.Andes Folsom, 5 ri.. Their manufacture hn. bran much it:11E11'0nel recently, and the well KM:MU Eibutrian of the Roe on Atheneum, who says. they are made very durable. Particular attention as request• ed to thel wauld ratner owe It than any printed copy I h et Wool Lined Gloves and'lllttens. lord , . I moo; " E P. Whathie, Itictiard Iltireth, Hon. Edward Ev LL. I).. Jared sparks. EL. U. W Wm. IL Prescott. Li... D.. Washington Irving. Keith W. Emerson. FAQ , Prof. T Thee are indispensable in cold and wet weather.—Ladles I C. Upham. J. I' Headley,Green Halleck. H. W Long• will find tr ue Gloves mei i I inkany work that will soil the i !ellow, Wm Edmore Simms: and FR IM EUROPE. Lord hands, at he same time that they will care the worst Salt 1 Pallocril. T. B alcCattley . Sir Archibald A 4 Eon. Lord Mayor Rheum or Cheeped hands itrimadiniele• They are made allot Loudon, ae., lac. tam THE PREL B. throughout the lengths to protect the creel nod wrists. entire II mon r eve wi th one voice proclaimed the merits of For sale by W lI.COX, nit.iNossz. co. No. i 3 Church this knuerb engravlng• Alley. Philadelphia. troodyears's fai l'hestnnt street. do To eaable all to possess this valuable treasure. it is sold at z. II Phillips. Pittsburgh. Pa Feleoner fit Haskell, Bette the low price of FIVE DOLLARS per ppy, , more Md. H. .W. Shafer Charleston, S. C. Sari and Hick. Published by GEORGE w C HI LDS. on. Cinemnatti, 0 no, end by all Rubber Dealers in the Union N. W. corner of Fifth lied Arch stmts. Ptuladelshia. For sale at retail by Country Merchants generallr. J. W HUDSI HS. Nov lid. 18511.-Bm. Sole Agent for Western Pennsylvania This Portrait can only be obtained from Kit. HUDSON . or from his duly authorized Agents . Arraugernenos have le-emmeoe with the Post Office [Wart me at. by which cootea of the Portrait can be sent to any point ye' mail. in oerleot order. iPanons, by remoung FIVE DOLLARS to .1. W. HUD , SUN, Pittsburg. Pa , will have a copy oli the Partnnt sent to them tree or Postage. Magnitment Gilt Frames, got up expressly for these Por traits, furnished at the low pnoe of FIVE DULEARza each. JUST PUBLISHED. A MAGNIFICENT PORTRAIT OF 'eV ...f1V11 , 12 illro b'et.(2MlZOgi ' a Engruved by T. B. WELCH, Esq.. tutor the origin• n 1 Portrait painted by T. SULLY, Eaq. This Portrait will be a motels for the Washington , and is in every respect at well got up. Price FIVE DOLLARS per copy. Addreis as aoove. Nov. 111,163:1.-4t. Sheriff's Salebf ReallEstatc . a Ettß Y so v eh t o na uC )f or ge d gi w ug g a r jo ie m u m Ez on 9 Re e a t i l o ' fß Clearfield county, and to me directed, will ne ex posed to public sale, at the court noose le rho borough of Clearfield. on MONDAY the 2ilth day of DECEMBER next. at 1 o'clock. p in., the following described property, A certain Lot of Ground, situate in the borough or CIA diet& end known as Lot No, 11R'i, in the plan of said borough. fronting on Locust street, and bpunded by Lots No. 152 and 130. wit a Two Stor Dwelling-Dense thereon ervoted. Sal. zed and h token in Inca y ution and to ba sold as the !nein:TO ol Anotow Shugart. ALSO, icpY virtue of a similar writ, issued out of the tamp court. LP end to me directed. will be exposed to publiniale at th. , some time and place. the following described property. yiy.— A certain Tract of Lentil situate In Blade township. Clear field county. beciuntog at a post. thence along the turnpike east werdly about 54 peruhes to a poet', thence a scatheasterlY 0011T.0 about I 2) 'Perches. thence by Boneall's land. thence west HO paining to a sager corner. thence by rss duo of tract south tia perches to a hemlook corner, thence west 57 perches. thenceity the late Ilene Dentate' , lend north lei perches. being_liatia of the storeys known as numbers 1998 and 3577. containing acres end parches. with a hewed lON Mille. and Stable, and ablut 12 acres cleared thereon. Seiz• oil and taken in execution and to be' cold as the Property of Samuel C. Flemming. . ' 4 —; ALSO, BY virtue of a writ of Pieri Faclaslissued out of the same Court cs,d to me directed will be exposed to public stile. at the same time and place, all t the following_ described prem. ism, in to eta in the borough of orWerity , li tr. Clearfield county . to wit:—A a certain Lot or piece of ground. situate on the south side of State street. at the distance of about 120 feet westwerd from l'hompron Street, thence extending west ward iki feet end estending in depth out 189 feet to aSO feet alley. being the:same Oternitol conveyed by John Patton to Jesse Richards, and by him contracted to George O. Pass- B m a o r t n e.. ahnadvion4;4ll.oeumennoedriTcted.. aT Seizedv aStttooikyent.' Te m a: execution r a n d to be sold an the properly 01 George C. Passmote. bY A. CAI.DWEI.I, Sheriff. Sheriff • Ofilcei Nov. '22, 1852. —..... Trial List for December Term, 1852. soli g hburger & Bloom, vs. Benjatniialloom. Philip Antes, vs. Bigler and Reed, John Chase, vs. Samuel Ardry. George Rahorn, , vs. Everhart itahorn. Wrn. El. Newcomer, vs. Benjamin Hartshorn, George, W. Long, vr. limo Smith, wit t y,a W.ll BlOoth use of I.Sinithvs. Peter Blown. William W. Wilson, vs. NVilliam.Bloom. M'Cracken,J Vs..llSolidsberger&lroom, Isaac• Wilson, . vs. ,Christian Shoff,. H. Philips vs. Samuel Hagerty, Nloses,Pelten, vs. Moses Ruheson. • J. Wilhelm end D;Wann vs. J. Blair Moor!). • • 11,VILLIAM.PORTER; Prothonotary. Nov, 26,1852. • LIST OF GRAND JURORS, - ' For Deer term, 1&5 2 . .. . . George Hall . Pumpmaker bawreaca tovnublp Jelin ireaamont Farmer de. do Richard dhart Jr do , do Co World Hoover .do ,• • do do Alien Mitchell do - do do • Jacob Uollah • do .do do 8.8. Clomson CarpeneEtr ~' do do .1000 Byer VIUMOT Bduomside do James MoNlynay Merchant , do David Motiraohen Framer ,, Mill d odo H. Postlethwait do. • Brady J. Posrlethwait •. do do James A . wcods., do . , . , , b d i n orril , do Thomas .Jr •. d o , Bradford do, • John Hoover Veva Final do do do Joseph Bothroar ' - MiiiPT do i 'do" James Alexander '' Farmer Dan 0 b l ade . 'l'allor J mob Darla: . . ' irmarmith Z 1 . W do ood ward do C a rwensvilla hor. do AT. Doolsif A'. 'V Farmer .:. riketo wnsb ? 'John P. Dal, •.' , : do ~. do ' o John Weld.H. - ' '' Becomi a do B. G. Lamm. ~' do "; , Hatton . do • IDESSOLUTEON.- , Nuki r ,„,°%litlai A tigvemn . . th a t i t t he aro P ir iu ro h A t t eir r i. BOYN rvlt•aadar ablaaruCK. CON NUN . . node:the llama of OONKIAN tX.I„ was Dissolved on the 26th day of Oa über. A. V. 18511. • . Frron dr. BOYNIXSN. November 1r5,1165 • goo." .L'si . ALLAgiu Aduuk tit ORPHANS' COURT SALE oil Of Valuable s Real Estate. BY Virtue of an ord. r of the Ornhans' Condor Clear fi eld county, granted at Dmsernber term, MI, there will be exposed to POEM: SALE ort 'TUESDAY THE TWN TY•eIftBT DAY ` OF DECEMUBIL next, at the Court Dense, in the borough of Clearfield, the following described Farm 0f , 125 Aticres of Land, Situate in Pike township, Clearfield county, late the estate and residence of John Fnlierton, decorated. ndloining lands of Daniel Bally, Alexanderlialdweli, and others; having thereon erected , A Two Story Log House, and a Large and COM7IIO- :14 ..: ;?" : '1 1.11,. .% dious Barn, and having about 85 acres cleared, and a nriviyg Orchard. For lumber Particulars apply to the subscribers at and pear Clearfield. TERMS. One-TIMM or the purchase money to be paid at the can. (inflation of the sale, and the..balance in Three Equal Annual Payment., with interest. to be secured upon the premises be Mort/zoo and Judgmeat Bond. lip Order of thtt Cond. WM. AH F ULI ULL .ER E T RT ON ON. F. " Of the Estate of John Fliertohn. deceased. Novamberlo. 1B 'J NEW GOODS. 11111 , E Subs a orth t er w onid o Informlithe th oaltizonsa:f Cleerfosld L'EleVilinti/Y;nonildisiVille/rlTtesrialr(y;' at Ik e l ettom j l t i j o ß n i se ' gr.. reedy occupied by Wing 8c Getehel. Idoraidala, a Lane, Splendid 4° Cheap. 1 Assortment of Good., compting of every style and quality of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Cut lery, Hardware, Boots, Shoes and Bonnets, Confectionary, Clocks 4- Watches. ALBO: n largo and well selected Nock of Ready.lllude Clothing, Drugs 4- illedt. tines, 4-c., 4-c. In short all kinds or (lows tonally keptin &Country Store All of which he Is determined to soil CRIMPER THAN EV. Eli BErt)RE wen:at:Ll IN I HAlAttrl ELM Sit ItINTY EDMUND F. BRENNER. Morriseale, Nov. le. 1P52. --.-------- public Vendue. T4iiii °"°wlrNNloth!=jee.rbe et .IU i7onitg2d%tyo Nov •ber, invlant. to wit : Horses, Cows, Your , ' Cattle, Sheep, 0 Hogs, Hay, Waggon, Plouults , 0 9 Harrows, Sleds, Besides a number of Household and Farming Utensils to on • therein to mention. Sale to commene• at 10 o'clock. a. tn., when due attendance will be given. and terms of sale etude known,by. MOSES N 061.1118. Lawrence township. Nov. 10, M. __ . _ GRAYDONS' FORMS. NEW AND FOYJRTEI EDITION. ..N o Attorney. Magistrate or man ot Business. should be without North American and U. S. Gaz,lte. Just Published. GRAyDON'S leottatS.—New and Fourth Edition.— Forms of Conveyancing, and of Practice in the Courts of Common Picas. Quarter Sessions. Oyer nod thenTerier. the tin creme and Orphans' Coasts. and the offices of various Ctrfl Oflitmrs anti Justices of the Peace. Fourth °ditto's. Re %Med, Corrected, Enlarged, and Adaped to the Precast State of the Law:, With romans Esplanatory No es and Referau• cm, and a New and eery Comprehensive lades. Ily Robert E. Wright, Esq. In One thick Octavo Volume. Pone °nig THREE DOLLARS and Fal( CENTS. RECO al MEN DA (LON. In the Preface to Brightly's Blum Fifth Edition. the fol lowing language is nsed—'• In this work (l3ipn's Justice) and its 00121P5111011. "Graydon's Forma," (the rePatation of which willwell established as to need no eulogy.) the Magistrate Clad all the information necessity r to a correct discharge of the important duties confided to him by tue laws of Penn sylvania." COMPANION TO THE ABOVE, MINN'S XIMMITOJE 9 . .._ . VUSINESS MAN'S LEGAL , GUIDE. TREATISE on the 011 ice and Duties of Aldernien'and AJustices of the Pow, in the Commoujeseltli ol pnnu. sr I vania.includin g all th e required Forms of Process and Docb ket Entries, and embodying not oniy , whatev Lana order ed valuableto Justices of the Peace, but to Ten• ants and Capered Agents. and making the volume what it purports to be, A Balk 1,31111/Uulde rot Business Mtn, by John Mane late Alderman in the city of' Philadelphia. - Filth edb Brightly. ised,. Corrected. rsnd Greatly Enlarged. P ric eyF. 0. Esq. In One thick •Volume. Octavo. only FOUR 1)01,14AR8 Judge GIBSON says of Blue's Justice, that "It Is not only the best, but the only very good work that we have on the subject." IN PRESS, - ,1 And Speedily to be Published. rpROUBAT AND II &LIPS PRACTICE. —New Br. Third 1 Edition. Greatly Enlarged and lu`Proved. under the Editortai, Direction of Frauds Wharton, Esc., A_gthor or Amenoan Criminal Law." &a.. &a. In two Volumes. Elso. TRPUDAT ON THE LAW OF WILTED PARTNER SHIP lu the United Sta A m erican Francis J the latest authorities. Familia and., BY Francis J. Troubat, Fre ln One Volume. Bro far Orders or Letters of Inquiry from the CoUSLUY prompt. ly attended to. KAY & lIIICITAKR. Law Publishers and Booksellen. 111, Margot Sheet, Philadelphia. Nov.lo, 1862 --Bm. , . , THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WI La. be in session 011 MONDAY the Innh, del, of Deo. Al! rr l e t .ne baying any manlier or bobtail With them can than an d theta attend. . G. B.GOODLANDEH, Clerk. Nov. 10, 1852. THRESHING 'MACHINES. the bed stile now in Ira, manufactured at St:attar!!lle O F Clarion count/. Fl. . rot sale bs It. °AURA, Amt. Erept: 232 1111.91tPHANS' ,C . OURT SALE:tik I tN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Cie lulled county, there will be exposed to nubile We by out oil on the Pretalses: on Saturday the 4th of December next, at 5 o'clock, nil the followleg described premises, late the es tate of Thomas Merges deo'd., situate in Decatur township. Clearfield county Pean'a. Tor. The entilvided halt of nne hundred acres of improved lean adjoining lands of John Goss on the will, of Ono Kephart withe west end south, and logoWlter 1.1. blecten barn the bea r ing orchard a one and half story house, a log bars, a bearing orchard and Fifty Acres of Cleared Land thereon. (Subject to the Hants of Susanna Morgan under the will o James Morgan deceased.) TERMS.—Cash at the confirmation of the sale. JONATHAN KEPHART. Administrator. Certified from Record, X 961, PORTER, Clerk. October 5. 1852. MI Orphans' Court Sale. BY VIRTUE of an order of the Orphans' Court of Clear. field county, there will be exposed to public side at the town of New Washington in said county on Tuesday the 30 th ofNov. at 2 o'clock, p. m. the following valuable late the promos of JONATHAN PBAKCB, deo.d. • sin About 12 .Acres of Unimproved Land. Sittlate ill Chest township, in site county and lying uponthe bank of Chest Creek. hounded on the exit by limos of H. II Hurd. on the south by Cnest Cree Is, on the west by lands late of Jonathon Pearce, on the ninth and east by lends of Hurit WSW Pearce. nail A.l), Knepp. The land is eliginly pitied for lumbering. TPRNltt.—One third at time of vile and timebalnce in two tami-aunual payments with Interesi from of sale. JEil-F. HUTTON. JOHN BY Eft& WEAVER ministrators. eILLAIEL. WEAVE October 5.1832. 1 5 ORPHANS' COURT SALE. liii Of Valuable Timber Land. B Y virtue of en meet of the Orphans' (Mart of Cloarliold County , there will be osoosed to militia sale et the town OATWashington on WEDNESDAY THE YIRST OF 1) 1.11; LafillEtt, A, D. 1852, et 2 o'clock, p. m.. all the folio winv doscrithid Valuable Lot of Timber Land, Late the estate of James Carrel. deed, slam n to chan , own. ship. Cienifield county, Pa. hot:Laded on the east by land sold to Simon Rorabough, on the north by land bat/no:Abed to Eliza '