The potter Journal ' AND UEWS ITEM. No. 13. v - ;: -S3SrOST,I?A., October 15,1373. ■ <h"01 9e a ,, i>weil to run over one y ,n!'- |> ue notice win lie given of year in-' ~'jf n it paid the paper will be expiration > op i>e.! t „ each address denote the IM 6 * Ul o>'hkh Ibe paper is paid. For in "'J ,i,, ngtnes 2 -1 or r-1 denote that Vol. 25, No. 1. IBEPAI*' S. F. HAMILTON, Publixhtr Coudersport Market. iri t \ o 1 white. l**r bnsli. SI.BO *" IW.-int.T. - MM.I.W .. :: '• so@l ;™| Oats. " u .80 Corn, 0.00 (d 2.50 ! HEANS. * U .35 (d .40 \ POTATOES, " U JSO 2.00 I onkmS ' ' . * . "PER ton. 12 (d Sls. •i tt> .00 (d .08 : Hides. - i, .28 i B,,ttKr ' " ". doz. .15 ! I _ rue l nlr. vedto be a veiy dec ided success. Though the I exhibition was not as extensive as it , louHit toliaveiieeiMiorasitmiitlit xerj , HSHV have made had the ienple of tlie j , otiiitv generally taken hold of the en-1 terprise, ret there was a good show of | -irtiek-s and everything was of good ' a iity. We did not see anywhere on ;l,f grounds or in tl e building a poor !,'rtipje and scarcely one of medium , i (pmlitv. i The first day Wednesday) the exhi-. 1.,.N v. re entering their things and f .;ivg thnn arranged, and but few " i" in attendance, but the see ...i'aud 111ird days the crowd was large .- Ifvrvi > nicd interested. "We ( - , i;t lv heard the remark made, ''this . . ■ _'i mi 1 for the fust time but next! ... we will do a great deal better." show of horses was good, esjK*- ( I'young horses. The faet is, our ;• li v a good deal of the horse : Did it ! s manifesting itself in pro ng <enie line animals. We noticed . : .'others No. 1-9, a three-years old j f good size, trim built and clean *,!: No. 2. a span of two-year old ■\."\iy. not so large as some but well . ug and wiry, exhibited by Syl- j Joins: No. 98, a three-year ol'd i' animal, exhibited 1y J. W. N >. 4. a span of two-year old "-.exhibited by F. A. Nelson, snug L':. ti:, shape and very large, the kipst one weighing a little over elev ii tl;-, d; a span of carriage horses, i' IN. laugy, good roadsters i show of cattle and sheep was not but there were some line animals, t •>. lis and 159. two calves, exhibited E. M. Eessenden. were good; we also t.'nd a line rid and white cow that in '1 to puss- >s nearly every requisite good milker. Fred Ventzer had on Anion a lilt steer live years old that s very suggestive of ju cy beef-steak. T.i I KM;. NO. 20. a Cotswold buck. "1 by Almeron Nelson, that u 250 pumds. Nt>. 12. four Lei sure sheep (two bucks and two •> .exhibited by A.!!. IVirce, whose wis very long; they were large, ••king animals. * -n- weie several wagons on the L. I>. Cole A: Son had a buggy ! tw , platform-spring wagons that -h ;iiid neatness of ajqtrarance i< in are favorably with the work "p in the country. We noticed " a wry line light platform-spring : by a Cortland county sliop. ■ ■ e was other work of this kind, all was good. W. 1?. Gordnier exh bit ion a portable steam en-> >aw-mill that was a novelty stniction, to say the least, f show of grain and garden vege sivas not large, though there were K Vf, ry line specimens. Oftlieform ' lli-nton exhibited a sample of a he stated yielded 50 bushels ' acre and weighed 40 pounds to h A. V. Lyman a bushel of; white winter, very plump, full H -H. K. Young a basket of corn ■ planted tlie 2oth of May ami !i iuin r 5, that he stated yielded s. j, j~a f () j| (( , . lcre> of tlie ■ A. W. llossmau had a sample i> lb >• ]Mtatoes thai we think H -' we ever saw. They were ai ze, smooth and fair. There sotni- tine squashes, pumpkins, ' ainl onions. ' se factory of Ilale 1). Young. - "n. was represented by a large •ad we saw also several tulw of i'. would be hard to beat any ■T; . display w >uld compare u that of any county in the dt- noticed particularly a few K,,.'' { " Hreunle had ten varieties . e '- v :i ' So samples of fall <i t! grapes. L. 11. Kinney had H.' hes of apples, all of them ■ - "amlsonie fruit. No. <3. a b;ts- H 1 i;ui rab apples, large, by L. Ao. ,3. ;i sample of grapes by H ul Near. No. 9L sample of rus ■ Xo - ,ar B'<' yellow a.- ,' J " 'cdliug iipples, hirge and ''J A. H. Greenman. No. ■ a "d striped apples by I>. 33, very large green s - -A. Ayres. .Sample of T Cra,) ai),)les , l y Sylvester bgf here were others equally •cce not the room to men- The Ladies' Department was not so well tilled as it ought to have lieen though there was a good display of home made carets, lied-quilts and spreads and embroidery. We saw one pair of fringed mittens that for shape, neatness ; of execution and real service could not i be beat. There were a few specimens of wax flowers that were nice. No. 121, by M iss Rosa Koon, No. 51, by Miss Fr. 11k Brown and No. 4. by Mrs. L. C. Ross, j A. Knappe, of El vn Mile, exhibited some eggs laid by a Brahma hen that were the largest we ever saw, two of j them measuring seven inches (each) i around and each weigh ing'a quarter of ' a pound. There was a sample of bricks on ex jhibition. made by Win. S. Brine, of I Roulet, that were equal to any tire-made j brick in the world. Major .J. M. Kilbourne had a few ar j tides on the ground that were brought in too late to lie entered, but were as j good as any of the kind in the Exhibi tion. He had a basket of twelve-row* d corn planted May 28 and September 8. and said to lie just as it was husked | without selecting—that wasa tine speci men of grain. lie also had samples of the red astrachan, pippin and greening apples. These notes are necessarily incom eomplete. AVe have mentioiu d the best of what we saw, but it was impossible to notice particularly all there was in the Fair, much less to give an account | of it. He are Requested to say that the Board of Ma nagers of the Agricultural Society found it impossible to prepare the List of Pre miums awarded at the late Fair in time for this week's issue. for the Chicken. Major J. M. Kilbourne told us the fol lowing circumstance: Last spring his wife procured a doz -li eggs of the black Spanish variety and set them under a lieu of the common breed. Some of the eggs failed to hatch, and after hatching : accidents happened to the chickens un til tlie brood was reduced to a single black Spaniard. This grew and tiiriv d j until it was about as large as a pigeon, when two young chickens just out of the nest were placed with the same hen and ;iii attempt was made to have her take care of them together with lier own chicken, but biddy couldn't see it and in i vident disgust abandon* d the whole lot. Bit the little Spaniard was equal to the emergency, and from lieing a | ' chicken at once became a matronly lien, looking after the little ones, hunting j food for them, hovering them at night and clucking for them with a!l the dig nity of an old in n. The chinks are now well grown and bung of the Shanghai breed are larger than the Spanish, but they still follow her and at night, gath ering, one on either side, cover their , heads with her wings and feci safe. -l. C. Ol Is at home to attend election. Heavy. A few days ago 1). Wordeii, of Bing ham, sold to a drover named Reming ton, a f..t sheep of the native limit that weighed 21 >p*> mils. Toe price paid for it was SI 2. The I.rahril.'e<l Put in an appear nice here on Thursday ' of last week and during the remainder i of the Fair made things livelier by tli ii music. Their performance was excel lent. Theatrical. Ro:-se's star Combination gave enter- j tainiuents here during every night of j the Fair last week. They labored un der some disadvantages, but their act ing was very good. Friday evening they played • Ten Nights in a Bar-room " with tine effect. n.aat 1 liursday And Friday much people were in tawn. The ricdion. Vest*:dev, passed off quietly in this Borough, though nearly everybody was at the polls. There were 1 _'s votes cast, which is the largest number ever polled here. Of these G. S. Jon s, for Repre sent;!! :ve, received 7s and Conrad Hol ler.! ck 50y The vote in Eulalia town ship for the same ofliee stood: Jones.">s, j IIo!! iilieck 33 —b ingatie. No returns ar< in frirni any other localities this! in* ruing. A few Words PernrnM. Ai irreconcilable difference of opinion ! i:i political matters having arisen IK 1 -; tw. * ii Mr. Col* 1 and myself, that gentle men has deemed it due to himself that he should retire altogether from any i Luther editorial mmageinent of tnis ape ". Acqu e c'ng in his decision, we ] taKe his nanle from its accustomed] plate and shall hereafter be solely re-j sponsible for the editorial conduct of tiie Free Press. C. M. BKKCHER. 'i'hc above paragrapli taken from the AVcllsville Free Press of last week ex p'ains itself. llcSloo alons the Pltenix. En. JOURNAL: The last week's tran sactions in our locality would not over burden the columns of any periodical. On the fourth inst. Albert AVilber, of this town, while threshing buckwheat in his barn, was struck in the side by the barn-door, which was blown shut by the high wird and knocked him down, fracturing a rib. Mr. \\*. has been un able to attend to business since. The chestnut crop for 173 is a suc cess in these parts. The burs are well idled and rapidly opening. ('has. Cal ling of oitr town shot at a I>ear a few days ago, within about a mile of w 'uuderlinville, but missed him. K. S. M. £oral Notices. | The Singer Machine Still Trinniphant. At the last Fair of tlie Potter County Agricultural and Horticultural Soviet v. held at Coudersport Oct. lit. 1873, the Singer took the first premium. with the Howe and Remington Sewing Machines opposing. Tin* Singer was operated by A. M. Reynolds, the Howe by I oyster Bros, and the Remington by the Agent from Bingham. TExamination of Teachers willbe held f j ;us foil >\\s: j Ellisburg .... Oct. 28 Bingham Centre, - - - " 29 Harrison Valley - " 30 Sunderlinville - - - " 31 Lewisville - Nov. 1 j Sylvania(Burleson Schoolhouse) " 4 ; Roulette .... "6 - Oswayo - - - - 44 71 Sharon (Nichols Schoolhouse) " 8| Raymond Corners - - - "11 Hebron (Green man Schoolhouse) " 13 Coudersport - - - " 15 Teachers will provide themselves with paper, |>en and ink. Beginning Nov. 20 T will hold special examinations each Saturday at Couders-j port till Dec. 21. This will* lie done to* accommodate only those who cannot attend any of the other examinations. All, and especially Directors, are cor dially W. Alle.V, • OoCDEKSrOKT, Oct D, 1871 CO. Sil/nU. Tin-: October number of the Clnctn-■ j nati M'mthhj is on our table and is. as usual, tilled with the choice st of reading. The editor, under the somewhat |ieculi ar title, of "Tubs without Bottoms, 1 " j gives some excellent advice to young' men in business on the art of getting j rich; lieing an admirable sequelto one published a few months ago, on "Why ; Money is scarce," address* d tothe fann ing portion of the community. Their j club list is now so perfect that any one wishing to subscribe for any magazine ! should do so in connection with this one. Send stamp for sample copy to It. s. THOMPSON \ Co., 123 Mam street. , Cincinnati, Ohio. A WONDERFUL INVENTION RECENT- ' I.Y PATENTED.—ALL elegant -little in strument which combines t welve prac- i tieally useful tools, viz: pocket-rule, ruler,square, bevel, screw -driver, chisel, compasses, scissors, buttonhole-cutter. J pajrt-r-knife, eraser and JM-ncil-sharjH-n-; er. The article is made of steel and evi- 1 dently durable. Agents are wanted in ! every town. The proprietors offer to send steel polished by mail, post paid, for iifty cents; silv; r-plated, one dollar: gold-plated, two dollars. Persons Cesir ing an agency, or to obtain the tools, should apply at onee. The proper ad dress is Combination Tool Co.. Nassau street. New York. Also, the new re volver lightning trap, which winds UP! like a clock; kills rats, gophers, squir- J rt Is, mice, etc.; throws them away; and sets itselt its quick as the indicates. — ( hie trap sent by express for one dollar. ,V Hint t lloiiMWlt'pn.—Hew to Keep Kin-lien Ware Clean anil Bright.—Every house : wife of neat am! tidy Iribits takes especial de light in keeping all the tin. copper ami iron ware of her kitchen as<- ernand bright as painstaking lahorcan make them. A pride in tiiis direttion is . oiiiim-mi.ihlc, and always imels the smi ing approval . f the "tyrant ni.iu." wao pays the h msehoal bills. R. iiiemler that SA FOLIO i tlie only tiling on e.irtu that will make an old tarnished tin pan ~ra i nsty ketl Jeshine as bi iuht ! as new. And by the u df Sap-rin i' is the easi est and 'p'i- kest tiling in the world tokeepevrej utensil in a high state of j>o!isii. Demorest's Young America, with all its useful, interesting and piquancy of ! material for the young folks, is now l j ready for October. Y<>untj America for I 1N74 is to be furnished at $ 1, with a val- • j liable premium to each subscriber. This | will lie good news to the juveniles. Ad dress W. Jennings Demurest, S3S Broad ' way, N. Y. Tlic October number of Denioms/.V Minllthj Mufiziii* is fully equal to its usual excellence, including entertaining stoi ies. fashions, and household and oth er matters. The extraordinary offer] Demurest i- making to his subscribers. ! of the largest, best and most popular oil cbromos. The Old Oaken Bucket," "Captiv. Child." Home, Sweet Home." ill three iJerome Thompson, ant| "Af ter the Storm," by Dellass, as a premi um to each Yearly Subscriber, at S3 each, is truly wonderful. Seethe October nnmlter for full par-j ticulars in regard to these splendid pri-1 zes, or address W. Jennings Demon st, j , S3S Broadway, N. Y. JOHN (fii3ir.Kol) has now got the, Kxox & JONES 1 Mill In full blast. 1 No more break-downs; no more freezing ; up. Satisfaction guaranteed to all. Come early and get your grist ground the same day. Fresit ground Flour. Feed and Meal always on hand. The Singer St ill Triumphant.—At the Vienna Exhibition the Singer received the Medal of Merit, the Medal of Pro gn ss. and three other Medals forsupe -1 riority of .product inns. These are the highest Sewing Machine A wards at Vi enna- Ttie Singer received all the Med als award d to either of the competing .Machines, and two Medals more than any other obtained. Then, in the name of truth, what is it that prompts peop'e i : to claim recoinnr Dilations for the Di ploma of llonor? The fact is no Diplo ma of Honor has been given to any Sew - I ing Machine Company. ' What poar short sited worms we he. J xve kan't kaikiiate With any degree Of sjutantee What's gwilie to le our fate." We etui calculate, however, with rea sonable certainty on getting Better Lumber Wagons, Better Carriages of all descriptions, Better Sleighs, Better Cutters, Better Trimming, Better Painting, Better Horse-shoeing, and Better Repairing of all kinds At COLE'S Shop than any other place ! in Coudersport or in the County. h-ve-tf i) OYER WHEEL CO.. f 375 West Third St., CINCINNATI, O. Manufacturers of the celebrated sarven Wheel, the Rover Combination and Old Style Wagons. Also Carriage] and Wagon Woodwork of every de scription. Actual wear and hard usage is the lte-t test of the strength and durability of ;i wheel, and they have proved the Sarven Patent to wear longer than three or four sets of the best old-style wheels. When about to purchase a buggy, car riage or wagon, see that your carriage maker uses our make of the Sarven wheel. There are so many inferior pa tent wheels in the market that it will lie to your interest to stipulate for the Sarven —as it is now conceded to be the only |ierfe,-{ly reliable wheel in use. Thompson Jt Maim have jul iv a full st<x-k of wall-paper and window curtains, which will be sold cheap for cash. Call and examine. Belter lhau Gold.—A certain amount of greenbacks, national or fractional currency invested with C'. H. Simmons, tlie Regulator man for dry goods, gro ceries, boots and shoes. Shcpart!, at Simmons' Regulators, says he will give a laboring man or lady j more goods for the same amount of mo ney than any other man will in the Uni i ted States. Don't forget that C. 11. Simmons, the | Merchant Prince of Wellsville, is yet in trade larger than ever, and that his j twenty-five years' experience in this | market enables him to give his custoiu : ers the best goods and latest styles at | the lowest living rates. Be sure and ; call and examine his stock, and ho con ■ vinced that a dollar saved is worth two | earned. To iiic Citizens of Pennsylvania. — ' Your attention is specially invited to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive suliscriptions Ito the Capital Stock of the Centennial ! Board of Finance. The funds realized front this source are to lx* employed in the erection of the buildings for the In ternational Exhibition, and the expenses connected with the same. It is confi dently lielieved that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patriotic commemora tion of the one hundredth birthday of | the nation. The shares of stock are of ; fered for $lO each, and subscribers will receive a handsomely steel engraved ! Certificate of Stock, suitable for fram ing and preservation as a national ine -1 morial. Interest at the rate of six percent, per annum will be paid on all payments i of Centennial Stock from date of pay ment to January 1, l\7ii. Subscribers who are not near a Na tional Bank can remit a check of post oilice order to the undersigned. FREDERICK FUALEY, Treas., 904 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Tlie SINGER is a lock-stitch machine 1 and makes a beautiful, even and uniform ■ stiteh which will not ravel and is alike j jon both sides. It hems, braids, cords,! : tucks, embroiders, ruffles, fells and does j all kind* of work on the finest muslin or tlie heaviest full-cloth. The people come more and more toC. 11. Simmons 1 Regulator stores for dry goods, clothing, groceries, boots and i .-.htx-s and everything that families use. j ; Their stock is large and also well suit ed to customers as to pi ice. Come one, I s come all without delay and prove the truth of what we say. NATIONAL Line of Sieamslijs. I STEAMERS SAIL WEEKLY TO AND FROM NEW YORK, OL'EENS'ROW N AND MVK&I'OOC. \ND EVERY FORTNIGHT TO AND FROM NEW YORK AND LONDON. Comprising the Powerful, Very Fast, First-Class, j New Iron Steamships. FOR LIVERPOOL, CAAA 7)A, G It BECK. EG ri'r, wzw/.r. J/AZ r, EKA.Vrz. I FOP. LONDON, UOL/.A.V7), 2JE.WUA 7?K, E.VG ZA.V7), RFIEVRX/R.V, ET i'/.r, I/EZ VETIA. I AVERAGE TIME OF LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS- ' TOWN LINE ABOUT NINE DAYS. i The Company have added recently to their al , ready splendid Heel six NF.W STEAMERS, which ! are the largest, and have proved to he among the fastest, In the worhL These tiditkHMl ateemern enable aa to mrMt Increased and unsurpassed a<- -omodations for our passengers, and really makes this the loading liiic on the Atlantic Ocean. . The "National Line steamers" are celebrated for ■ speed, atreugth and sea-going tflialttles: are divid ed into Air, Water-Tight and Eire-Proof Com ,>nrtii> /tfs thus obtaining security; and ire fitted up iu every respect with all the moAyrv im/ii'oreiiierit* to insure the comfort, convenience | ami safety of passengers, to whom trood treat ment an i kind attention is always given. Per son® i isiting the <>id Country, or sending for their : friends, should certainly avail themselves of the j ■ many advantages of this weil-knowa, favorite j ' Line: the best and cheapest between Europe and I Amerii a. • Great Reduction of Passage. To FROM j To or from Qneensfown, Liverpool, Lon don, t ardiiT, Bristol, lilUfOW or Londonderry sv'J s3l J do Hamburg, Antwerp, Havre, Rotterdam, etc 35 36 j do Bremen, Goftcuburg, Chris tiana, Copenhagen, Mauheiin, Mavanger, Druntheiui, Paris, etc'. 36 40 I Children under Twelve Years, Half-Rate. In- ! fauts mi ler one Year, Three Dollars. No Charge for Infants on Outward Tick ets. •YO7X' —'l'hese rules of passage ore much cheaper than any other first- Class Zine crossing the Atlantic. Fteerape passengers will be supplied with as j much pri T.-ions and water as they may wish to use; the provisions are of the best quality, and { are examined an 1 put ou txtard under the inspec tion of Government Officers, appointed for that | purpose, and arc cooked and served out by the i Company's Stewards three times a day. Each Passenger is assigned a separate ierth; m a ivied couples berthed together; single females placed in rooms by themselves. They are re- 1 ipilred to furnish themselves with bedding, mess tins, etc. Ten cubic feet of luggage (c/jnal to two large ; trunks) allowed to each adult. An experienced Physician attached to each Steamer. Medicine and medical attendance free. Cabin Passengers provided with elegant accom modations at low rates. [IKE OK EUROPE, BANK DRAFTS issued from XI to Xfifioo, at low est rales, payable on demand in any part of Eng land. Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Also, Drafts for any amount, payable in the principal cities of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Prussia, France, Spain and Italy. The arrangements in this branch of our busi ness are very extensive and complete, giving us facilities which enable us to sell at banker's low est rates. Those who have hten paying a high price for their remittances should call upoD us and avail themselves of our low prices. For PASSAGE, BANK DRAFTS or any further In formation, apply to S. F. HAMILTON, AGENT. L. B.COLE Ji.SCI.. rKOPKIItTOKS or THI Blacksmith and Wagon-snop, Ss:2nd Street, (between Main & West.) j - North Side,— I COITDEESPORT, PA. ———. WAGON , CARRIAGES a BLEI OIK of nil description * manufactured to suit customers anl warranto*. ' Repairing always attended to prompUT. Competent and experienced workmen kept in eia j ploy in froth shops to attend to the calls of c.w ' turners. Charges reasonable for .-ash or ready a . 3423 L. B. COLE & SON Before purchasing elsewhere call and * examine the SINGER MACHINE. A. M. Reynolds, Agent, OjJice in Olmsted Block, Couiersport, 'a. j ELDRiDGE/BROTHERS i ii SPECIAL AGENTS FOB j WOODWARD &c BROWN, WEBER, MATHCSHEK, and I CHICKERINQ PIAFOS, j ALSO, George Woods' Celebrated Organs. , PI'LLAR'S NEW MASONIC HALL BCILDTNG,' . (X'- ir Howell Housr,) WELLSVILLE. N. Y. Dealers in ai! kinds of MUSICAL MERCHAN DISE, SHEET MUSIC, Ac. TUNING and REPAIRING PIANOS A SPECIALTY. ' We invite the Public to examine and criticise the ! WOODWARD a BROWN Pianos, and GKO. WOODS' I Organs. 2446~tf j i . 1 J. GLASE £ SON, j Carpenters & Joiners, Coudersport, Penn'a. ■ CONTRACTS taken for all kinds of BUILDING— 1 and materials furnished. "iOORS, BLINDS and SASH kept constantly on hand or manufaf .tared to order. I * 1 CASH paid for PINE LUMBER. J. GLASE & SON. The SIXGER is the ljest machine for all work. According to sworn returns there were over 4-5,000 more sold last! year than any other kind made. A. M. R()tlOl(Is, Agent. t ; OYSTERS. I A . H . P EIRCE, Wholesale and Itelail OYSTER DEALER, COUDERSPORT, PA. Oysters by the Can, Quart. Gallon, Hundred and Thousand received dally. Families, Parties and Festivals supplied on short | notice. The Trade furnished at reasonable rates. Give nie a trial and I can suit you. 2G221 A. H. PEIRCE. By - V Old Sewing Machines of any make: repaired iu a workmanlike maimer. A. M. REYNOLDS, Agent. BOOTS and SHOES ! John Denhof, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens that he continues the manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES at his new Stand, MAIN STREET below MARKET, (South of the Bridge,) ALL work done in a workmanlike manner reasonable rates, AND A GFXLD FIT GUARANTEED Giv him s e*t|. WIHG- .AXTID SOlsT, "THE AMERICAN FiANO," No. 417 BROOME STREET, Now York, UNSURPASSED First premiums wherever exhibited—Prices low for the quality—Large price* i allowed tor sjecoud-hand iustruiueuts 111 LxcLumge. From Mr. Edward Hoffman, the celebrated Pianist. [ I conscientiously believe that your Piano is in every respect a most *na</n -ft i cent Instrument. From the "Independent i The American Piano has deservedly become a very popular Instrument. j i fer Responsible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. Send for Circulars to j., 420 _ s WING & SON, 417 Broome St., N. Y. Lewisville GRADED SCHOOL. I ! Fall term opens the FIRST -jay of SEPTEMBER, i 187a B. B. Slado, Mrs. B. B. Blade, Principal Assistant Miss K. E. Cushing, Instrumental Music. j TUITION. ! Primary Department, per term 1 00 I Intermediate do., do 500 I High school do., do 600 • Instrumental music 10 oo j | Tuition must be arranged in advance. i Classes in this term will be arranged to accom ; tnodate those designing to teach during the com i iug winter. The Potter County Teachers' Institute will be | held at Lewisville iii couneetion with this term. I Board, including lights and fuel, eau be ob ! tained for 50 cents per dav. Good rooms can i>e | obuiin-ed by those who desire to furnish their own j board. SETH LEWIS, O. H BASSETT, Secretary. 30—tf President i SPRING. 1873. Thcs. McDowell k> Co., DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, POnT ArjUSGA-KTY, 3?A. We would respectfully cull the attention of the people of POTTER COUNTY ! to our large and complete assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, READ Y-MADE CLOTHING, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, I FLOUR. PORK, . SALT, FISH, FEED and MEAL, PAINTS and OILS, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, GLASSWARE. dr.. dr., ,fv-., I which we are offering at GREATLY REDUCED PRI< KS. owing to the increased I facilities afforded by the completion of the Buffalo. New York & Philadelphia Railway, and we can and will sell goods as low as they can be sold this side of | Canada. Fresh ground Feed and Meal kept constantly on hand. M e are daily receiving new goods, thus keeping our stock, in all departments t . .... FULL AND COMPLETE ; at all times. - 4 - 9 -a Tfcog. Jk'Dowcli A Co. THE ; Coutapn Hotel A X D General Stage Office Has 6r'n REFITTED and RiiFrRNiSHED/rom GA?Jv£7 to CELLAR i and is near open to the PUBLIC. The TABLE vilt he kept in FIHST I LA*B style, inrt no trior or expense spared to make it a FIRST-CUSS HOTEL GOOD STABLIXG, and care/nl Hostlers I always in attendance. | The OLD-TIME popularity of the Hotel trill be FULLT MAINTAINED by the present Proprietor, irho notr solicits the patronage of travellers and he public generally. D. F. GLASSMIRE, Jr., • 131 PROPRIETOR Insurance Company of North America, OF PHILADELPHIA. The Oldest Stock Insurance Company in the United State*. ASSETS, Jnnunrv 1, 8 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. ISSETS, January X, 1873, & 1,102,802.4,8 Tlie above-named reliable ompanien are represented in (ou dersport by -iy ARTHUR B. MANN. I W. W. MOORE, t DBALXH IN I MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, AMERICAN AND IMPORTED . MARBLES, Are.. I! 1 ! Third St., opposite Court House Squirt, COLDI P.SPORT, PA. All work done In a workmanlike manner an-l ders sent by mail promptly attended to. My prices are the lowest lit this section ot the fouutry. 8448 i THE BAKER HOUSE N. E. cor. SECOND and EAST Street*, (Sa:of Court House Square,; COUDERSPORT, PA. Has been purchased by BROWN & KKI.LY (formerly of the COI DERSPOKT HOTEL.) The House is completely furnished from top to bottom, and has all the conveniences desired by the people ; the table is the best in Hie County : the barn is under the charge of thp best ostler in the State; and. in short, everything w ill lie done that can bedoneto make it comfortable forstran gers or others who visit the house The long experience of the Proprietors in the Hotel business makes them peculiarly able to cater to the varied wants of the travelling public Tbey solicit their old custom, believl g tha they are able to supply the BEST OF TUE EBST to all. BROWS £ KELLEY, 133 Proprietor*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers