IMPROVISATIONS. Though tlie constant love I share, Yet its gift is rarer; In my youth I thought thee fair; Thou art older and fairer. Full of more than young delight Now day and night are; For the presence, then so bright, Is closer, brighter. In the haste of youth we miss Its best of blisses: Sweeter than the stolen kiss Arc the granted kisses. Dearer than the words that hide The love abiding Are the words that fondly chide When love needs chiding. Higher than the perfect song For which love longeth Is the tender fear of wrong That never wrongeth. She whom youfh alone makes dear May a while seem nearer; Thou art mine so many a year, The older, the dearer. —Harper's Magazine. A Sail Case.—A very touching case of mental alienation in a charming young lady is described by a careful observer. Not long ago her mother found her in her room energetically darning stock ings, and soon she appeared in the kitch en and assisted that wondering dame in making and baking bread and pastry. Alarmed by these fearful signs of intel lectual disorder, her fond parents imme diately sent for a skillful physician who watched her through a keyhole while she sewed buttons on her father's gar ments and mended those of her little brother. Much affected the venerable man remarked that never, during a med ical practice of twenty-five years, had lie known any young person to manifest such symptoms as these. The most heart-rending phase of all, however, was shown the other day when her kind father, with a faint hope of rousing her from her sad state, gave her S2OO and told her to buy a new dress. Alas! 'twas useless. She instantly observed that she didn't need a new dress and if he would let her keep S2-5 to pay a poor widow's rent she would much rather he would take the rest of the money for himself. For a few moments that grief-stricken old gentleman gazed upon his helpless child, then hiding his face, muttered be tween his sobs, "Her mind is gone! her mind is gone!" A MISTAKEN IDEA. —IT is singular to what an extent people believe happi ness depends on not being obliged to work. Girls are considered well mar ried if their husbands are wealthy; and boys are considered provided for if enough can be left them for support and enough surplus to play business with. Bosh! Honest, hearty, content ed labor is the only source of happiness, as well us the guaranty of life. The gloom of misanthropy is not only the great destroyer of happiness we might have, hut it tends to destroy life itself. Idleness and luxury induce permanent decay much faster than many trades do which are regarded as most exhaustive to longevity. Labor in general, instead of shortening the term of life, actually increases it. A bore —the man who jiersists in talk ing about himself when you wish to talk about yourself. A .New York paper says the up-town cat neighborhoods are thick with boots and "shoos!'' A Vegetable of Prey.—Writing to the Minneapolis Tribune, a tourist describes the acquisition of that wonder of the vegi table world, the Dtoncoa Jftutpula, or Venus 1 ily-trap. It was only a dried siK'cinien, for the plant is a native of but a single locality on the face of the globe: the low, sandy savannas near Wilmington, X. (_'. It belongs to the small but remarkable elass of plants which have the habit of feeding upon animals. In short, it is that phenome non in nature: a carniverous vegetable, which will not thrive unless nurtured upon meat diet. The peculiar ingenuity of the contrivance by which it captures its prey is a distinguishing character istic of this species. Each leaf is tipped with an appendage shaped like the open covers of a book with the comers round < d and the edges fringed with stiff bris tles. This proves a deadly t rap to every insect that alights on it, for instantly, 011 feeling the irritation, it shuts togeth er as if by a spring along the midrib, and, interlacing the bristles, holds the luckless victim until his struggles and life cease together. Hut this trick of tly catching is not practiced for wanton ness merely. Strangest part of all the proceeding, as soon as the insect is in closed in this living prison, from nume rous minute glands immersed in the texture of the walls, the saliva-like li quid, a sort of gastric juice, is given out that moistens and dissolves all its soft parts, which are then taken into the sys tem of the plant by absorption. When the nutritive portions of the insect have thus been consumed, the trap slowly un closes and is ready for another action. This process is repeated with rapidity but once or twice, for, as in all cases' where plants have the capacity of mo- 1 tion, the sinews of the leaf grow stiff! with age, it loses its sensibilities and gradually decays. A waggish journalist, who is often merry ove.i his personal plainness, tells this story of himself: "I went once to ' a drug store for a dost? of morphine for I a sick friend. The night clerk objected ; to giving it to me without a preserip-' tion, fearing I was going to kill myself. ' T'shaw! said I, k do I lwk like a man I who would destroy himself?' Gazing steadily at me, he replied: T don't! 1 now. s. i nis to me, if I looked like v-u, I should be greatly tempted to killi myself.! 1 ELDRIDGE BROTHERS, SPECIAL AGENTS FOK WOODWARD & BROWN, WEBER, MATHUSHEK, and CHICKERING IP I A IT O S , ALSO, George Wood's Celebrated Organs. PILLAR'S NEW MASONIC IIALL BUILDING, (.Year Howell House,) WELLS VALUE, N. Y. Dealers in all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHAN DISE, SHEET MUSIC, Ac. TUNING ami REPAIRING PIANOS A SPECIALTY. We Invite the Public to examine and criticise the WOODWAKD A BROWN Pianos, and GEO. WOODS' Organs. 2446-tf 11. D. TREAD WELL, —OF— Weilsvilfe, fa. Y., Has Just returned from New York with a large stock of Scots and Shoes, % LEATHER & SHOE FINDINGS, LOOK AT THE PRICES! WOMEN'S SLIPPERS from soc. to 81.73 " LEATHER LACE BOOTS 90e. " 1.75 •' MOROCCO " " gl.oo " 1.25 MEN'S THICK BOOTS 2.30 " i.oo " KIP " 2.75 " 4.50 Small Nboes, from 30cents"upwards. Sole Leather, so rial 31 cents per pound. Stioe Findings of ail kinds, verycheap. Rememtier the place,—directly opposite the Howell House. 11. 11. TKIIADWELI,, AGENT. Singer, (Jrover & Baker, leather and common Needles, Thread and Oil kept constantly on hand. A. M. Roynolds, A<jc,it. J. GLASE & SON, Carpenters & Joiners, Coudersport, Penn'a, CONTRACTS taken for all kinds of BUILDING— and material, furnished. DOORS, BLINDS and SASH kept constantly o:i hand or manufactured to order. CASH paid for PINE LUMBER. J. GLASE k SON. The SINGER is the best machine for all work. According to sworn returns there were over 4 ">,<>oo more sold last year than any other kind made. A. M. Reynolds. Agent. PHOTOGRAPHS ! HAVING arranged my Light so as to obtain all those One CJrndatioiiH ol" Sliade so essential to a BEAITIFCL PHOTOGKAPII, I re pectfully solicit your patronage. I make all the leading styles of Photographs and Ferreotypes, j from a CARD PICTTRS to a LIFE-SIZE PORTRAIT —finished in INDIA I TST XT „ WATER COLORS or OIL COPYING of OLD PICTCKES made a special A large Stock of Walnut, gcsnrootl and OMU j Picture Frames Square and Oval, | OS HAITI) AND FOR SALE. 1 All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. IY!. T. LYNDE Photograph Gallery, SECOND STREET East of MAIN, (Dike's Building,) COUDERSPORT, PA. 1 ' ENOCH MORGLAYN'S SAPO L ! O is a substitute for Soap for all Household purposes except washing clothes. SAPO L S O for cleaning your House will save the I labor of one cleaner. Give it a trial. SAPO L I O I for Windows is better than \\ lilting or i Water. No removing curtains or car , pct *- _ SAPO L I O cleans Paint and Wood, in fact the en tire house better than Soap. No slopping. Saves labor. You can't aiford to be with out it. SAPO L I O for scouring Knives is better and elean j er than Bath Brick. not scratch. SAPO L ! O is better than Soap and Sand for polish ing Tinware. Brightens without scratch tag. SAPO L I O polishes Brass and Copper utensils bet ter than Acid or Oil and Kotten Stone. SAPO L I O for Washing Dishes and Glassware is in valuable. Cheaper than Soap. SAPO L S O removes Stains from Marble Mantels, Tallies and Statuary, from Hard-finished Walls, and from China and Porcelain. SAPO L I O removes Stains and Grease from Car pets and other woven fabrics. j Thcrp ii 110 onearlirle Known that will | do so many Kinds nf work and do it as ' well its well as hapolio. Try it. HAND 8 A P OLIO a new and wonderfully effective Toilet Soap, having no equal in this country or abroad. HAND S A P 0 L I 0 as an article for the Bath "reaches the foundation" of all dirt, opens the pores and gives a healthy action and brilliant tint to the skin. HAND S A P 0 L I 0 Cleanses and Beautifies the Skin, In stantly removing any stain or blem ish from both hands and face. | HAND S A P O L I 0 is without a rival in the world for curing or preventing roughness and chapping of either hands or face. HAND S A P 0 L I 0 removes Tar, Pilch, Iron or Ink Stains a Grease; for workers in Ma chine shops, mines. Ac, isirvalnable. For making the Skin tvhite and soft and giving It a "bloom of beauty," it Is unsurpassed by any Cosmetic known. HAND fS A P O Li I 0 costs 10"to 15 cents per cake and everybody should have It. \ou will like it. Don't fail to try these Goods. ' liny if ef your merchant If He hits It or will procure it for you. !t not, write j lor our Pamphlet."Ail about Ko polio," ; and it u ill be mailed free. ENOCH MOKGAN'S SSONFTS. 20 Park Place, N. Y. 244Ga2G-eow Before* purchasing elsewhere call ami examine the SING Bit MAC 11 IN E. A. 31. Reynolds, Aycnt, ojice in oimstcd mock, CoucLersport, Pa. OYSTERS. A. H. PEiRCE, Wholesale and Relail OYSTER DEALER,! j COUDERSPORT, PA. j Oysters by the Can. '.mart. Gallon. Hundred and Thousand received daily. ' Families, Parties and Festivals supplied on short notice. The Trade furnished at reasonable rates. ! Give me a trial and I can suit you. | 24-221 A. H. FEIRICE. i Old Sewing Machines of any make repaired in a workmanlike manner. A. M. REYNOLDS, Aycnt. \ UTICA STEAM EIGINE CO. (Formerly WOOD A M ANN.) STATIONARY & PORTA3LE STEAM ENGINES. The Rest ami Must Complete Assortment in the Market. These Engines have always maintained theverv highest standard of excellence. We make the manufacture of Engines, Boilers A Saw Mills a spe cialty. We have the large st \ most complete works of the kind in the country, with machinery aped- We keep constantly in process large numbers of Engines, which we furnish at the very lowest prices and on the shortest notice. We build Kn gin.-s specially adapted to Mines, Saw-tnills. Grist mills, Tanneries, Cotton-gins, Threshers and all classes of manufacturing. We are now building the celebrated I.ane Circu lar Saw-mill the best and most complete saw-mill ever invented. We make the manufacture of saw-ndll outfits a special feature of our business and can furnish complete on the shortest notice. Our aim In all cases Is to furnish the best ma chinery in the market and work absolutely une- I quailed for beauty of design, economy A- strength. Send for Circular Rnd ITloe List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. a4~ttr*gp I TIC A. V. V. D. B. NEEFE, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKER, Cur. EAST and WORCESTER Sis., Coudersport, I 3 iv., will carry on the following branches of business Wagon Shop. There will be made to order and kept on hand all kinds of Lumber Wagons, with Bodies, Wliif llctrees, Neck-yokes and Steel Spring Seats; Platform and End-Elliptic Spring Wagons; | Side, or Concord, Elliptic Spring Top and Open : Buggies; Sulkies; One-horse Wagons. Ox and Horse Carts, Sleighs and Cutters will be made to order on short notice. Repairing of all kinds of old work done with neat ness and durability. I j I | ;! IJLACIESMITII SIIOP. ! ! i Horse ami Ox Shoeing; Ironing of all kinds of I ; Wagons, Sleighs and Cutters. Picks, Clevises, ( . Chains, Hooks, Drag-teeth, Hinges, Bolts for j Carriager, Plows, etc., and repairing of all j 1 kintls of Mill Irons and Fanning implements.! I PAINT SHOP. 1 Tainting of all kinds of new Wagons, Carriage?, Sleighs and Cutters, and special attention paid to the cleaning and painting of old work. Sign and Ornamental Tainting done to order with neatness and dispatch. * (Trimming JftQp. j All kinds of Carriage, Stage and Coach Tops, j Cushions, Falls, Dashes, Lazy-Backs, Shaft j Trimming, and all work in the line of Trim j wing done in good Style. 1 Notice Is given that I have changed my place of business from Brookland, Pa., to this place and have built a new Factory—3o xl 2 ft., —in j which the four brahclies of business will be carried on, ami will be pleased to receive the custom of my old patrons. The best of Lumber, Iron and Trimming Material that can be procured will be used on the work. Orders by mall will be promptly attended to. I). C. NEEFE. 2125-° R. H. GOODSELL, Cdrpcntd' and Joiner, ! SOUTH SIDE of tho RIVER., (above EAST Sired,) Coudersport, Pti. CONTRACTS taken and materials furnishedfor all kinds of BUILDING PLANING and MATCHING done.— MOULDING of all descriptions. SASH, BLINDS and DOORS on hand or manu factured to order. CANi II paid for Pine Lumber. Your patronage is solicited. Si. 11. GOODSELL. L. 3. COLE & SON. PROPRIETOKS OP TUB Blacksmith and Wagon-snap, Soicni Street, (between Main & West,) —yorth Side.— COUDERSPORT, PA. WAGOy . r CARRIAGES a SLEIGHS of rill ile-tcriptl'Ytu manufactured to suit customers ami warranto*. Repairing; always attended to promptly. Competent and experienced inaa ploy in both shops to attend to the calls of cus tomers. Charges reasonable for cash or ready a . '-•123 L,. B. COLE & SO M. H. B!RC£, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN ?2TTNTRCID JSIJARUFA, OIL CLOTHS, ETO,, Xo. 310 Main Si., 2434 iy BUFFALO, N, Y. "asnon sp|] IJMUJ paskipuud spooS uo Sl3i sSvmw uro sjdutoj&uo upntuq snomcj Apßnbo jaqjo sn ipi.yy SB 'orovaor • vyMH.) aK.IIKHiI.I.i IIUBJJI i>oJt:jq.llß.> A'USllf .Hit JO bJ3JtII.>BJIIUBJV "A .V 'OUAelcTlil •JOOJIS IJtto.i OFI V I* '*CO V Slfk'VGY *li& EASSETTS LIVERY Corner MARKET and HUNTER Streets,; (SO I' Til SID Eof the El I 'Eli.) I I WOULD respectfully invite the attention ot tho j public to my LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT 3 , with the assurance that I can meet every a liiauil for a lirst-class turnout. Having purchased the Livery of Antes Yr have the only Establishment of the kind in'thl : section. j J. M. EASSETT. 132- tf John V. Brown, PROPRIETOR OF LINE OF STAGES j BETWFEN Couclersport & Wellsville (Ha OS TIM TO. PA.) Persons going to OSWATO by stage, and desiriu* to return same day, w ill be accommodated at stage rates. Passengers wishing to reach any of the neighbor ing towns will be convoyed by Livery at reasonable rates A good Livery rig kept constantly ORT hand or I passengers by the stage. OSWAYO HOUSE. (JOHN V. BROWN, Propr., OSV.'AY O, I A . 114-tf Edward Forster, DEALER IN Groceries & Provisions, MAIN STREET above SECOND, COUDERSPORT, PA. j A FULL SUPPLY OF FLOUR, SUCXALT, SPICES, SYRUP, CHEES , HAM, FISH, TOBACCO, SNUFF. &c., &c., KEPT CONSTANTLY ON IIAND. j A specialty made Teas and Cotiees, of which I have the Larijest anil Best I Stock in town. All Goods sold CHEAP for CASH only. Call and examine before purchasing elsewher . EDW ARD FOItNTER I ZPL-A-UsT AND ! ORNAMENTAL I ,5 OH SMTTRVTSXC; I I PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT TIIK OFFICE OF TIIE JOURNAL AND NEWS ITEM. New SINGER Sewing Machines ex changed for ones of any kind or make, by A. M. REYNOLDS, Agent. THE "SHYER TOJTGUE" For PARLOR, CHURCH and SCHOOL. MANUFACTV RED BY E. P. NEEDHAM I SON.! ESTABLISHED IN 1546. Nos. 143, 145 and 147 East 22d St., New York. | Kespot l ibio parties applying for AY sIN see- ! , TIONS still misapplied will receive prompt atten-1. I tion and Uneral imlu, '-nts. Parties r< -doing at . ! A iJi: 'air ■ from our AUTHORIZED AGENTS I I;I v onl.-r | from our factory. BOWL for AN Illustrated price | FRENCH'S NEW HOTEL. j COR. CORTLANDT & NEW CHURCH STS., N. Y. ■ CN THE European Plan. RICUAWD ]'. K: :: VRR. s ,n < f the L.tte Co' Rich- ' j an! French, 'IF Free.. H'. Hotel, I A taken T'ii II - : tel, newly fittel up ami entirely renovated the I same. Centrally located In the business ran of I the city. Laities' and GetiUeiuens' DINING l< out - Attached. la 4 j AGENTS WANTED. I IN everr eonnt\ of •a< H STATE. fora new Nation- ■ IA! nook." (TILK LIVE.- AM) PORTKAIJS .I-' i I TIIK PR KM'!•:> .< with FA-' simile EOPV of tie* J Declaration of indegcu L.M E, THE Gnnstitation of I the L'nlte.| STALES at i \.MI I NITON'S Farewell Ad j dress, with LE fine steel plate.. FOR Circular,- ari L ! Terms AD less .Ldiuson Wilson .V Co., 27 LIT .'K- I ham St., New York. 1;U j The very best plan BV which yon ean ot.tain I. if" Insurance IS th" Low Premium, Ail Cash, stock I'lan, It funds! :ES ' the largest uiuout.; OF ii.. UT.I WE for A given sum I of money. The coutract is plain and deliuite, i without complieati.Nl, mystery or uncertainty.) The policy IS always worth its face, the premium ] never increases. It is the most satisfactory and , - economical plan for the insurant. THE TK IT EL- ! MIS ISSFKAXCK COMPANY*, ot Hartford, Conn., ! | grants Life Insurance upon this excellent plan, i lis security is unquestioned. Apply to any Agent I , or send for Circular. sur f J Agents wantec for tne New Book. Epidemic & Contagious Diseases - with the newest and U -t tr .eui.-T T for all eases. J ; The O,D'. thorough work of the MART in the worid. 'DUO! RET Smallpox, Yellow Fever, Cho lera,l .AMU;;-' •>" - NO FMfitlLY SftFE WITR.OUT IT, and ail tmy it. Has M rhroman ;!- , lustrations. ' The biggest chance of THE season ■. J J for agents. A Mr- - li. K UOODSL'EKII & CO., : • J .;7 Park Row, New York. 4r4 GOOD AGRXRAWAKTED FOB ! LVKKSKOUWS MI X SMIVSH AN . 1.1 < . \V. GI T: * SON, M. I. Sells rapidly. One agent sold 100 in one week. Apply AT once to XL N. MO KINNEY A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. R-I TTTOR SALE. —A large IWI; of Timber and Iron 1 ! JJ Ore Lands In Middle PI r - ivania; estluiat- ■ ' I to cut IPI, TIL*),OOU feet of ..mind wiiiteoak, white AN I j yellow pine ami hemlock, BA and near fioatieg • , -dreams with steam -aw-N . . ooiu, I LE., on the ; Susquehanna. AJ ply to I*. U . SiiEAFER. !'■ TTS ! vilic, Pa. HOR4 , ADORN Yoar HOBlMvitl newChromol ; I lie pair sent for fifty cents. A large discount to I I Agents. Address W. F. CARPENTER, Foxb RE. j Mass. 60R4 j 0" /F| run WEEK II CASII to Agents. Every-11 j tiling furnished auil exjienses paid. £U'4 A. COULTER 4 CO., ( harlotto, Mich. 1 i The La Croix Medical Dispensary, KSTARLILHI L> IN ls.-?7, | a 1 is the oldest W most succe-.-ful insi'tution in this ' eountr; I • r T':■ - treatmeut of Chronic and * •xttgi ' DISEASES For terms of treatment •■all, oi ADDRESS , )IV mail, with state:! T tit of ■ E ', s. H. I.UN:-DON, .. I 1.-4 ii' Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. 1 ; IA GREAT Or FER!' will dispose of 100 PIANOS A ORGANS of Unit- | classnntk(rs, in, 'tiding W ATERS', a! extremely 1 low pries for cash, or part cash, and balance in J small monthly payments. New 7-Oetavo lirst- ■ < class PIANOS, nil modern improvements, for | L $27.', I ASH. organs $.V>, $75. DoFHI.K IFKKD , f ORGANS, $100; 4 STOP, $110; s_sTOP,F 120, ami ' - upwards. WATERS' CONCERTO PARLOR ORGANS are the most beautiful and perfect in tone ever | made. The CONCERTO S TOP Is the best ever j 1 placed in any Organ. It Is produced by a third j set of reeds peculiar!) voiced, the EFFECT of •) which is MOST CHARMING and SOUL-STIR RING, While its IMITATION of the HUMAN I' VOICE Is SUPERB. Verms liberal. lutsnu I TED CATALOGUE MAILED for one stamp. A liberal ' discount to Ministers, Churches, Sunday-Schoola, Lodges, etc. AtiEVTS IVAM'EI). 47r4 WANTED. General and Local Agents, for the Bartram ! < Sewing Machine, inwde at Danburv, Conn. The! ! stillest, fastest and easiest Lock-stitch, straight . NEEDLE Machine in the market. We give better i I terms than any other company. : I Address John A. Genl Agent 4"r4 Clan IM ry . 4'OIM. ! WALLACE V COMPANY'S CREAM TABLE CHOCOLATE ; No boiling necessary. A cup of delicious Choco late made with it In two minutes. No waste. Packed in pound jats. Vanilla or plain, one doz. In box. I'nequaled as a confection for lunch, spread on crackers, with a glass of milk at hand , to drink. For making Soda Water Svrup or fla voring Ice Cream it is superior to any Chocolate ! made; and for Chocolate Cake, nothing else will be used where this has been tried. For sale LO J. T. WARREN A CO., Cincinnati, O. 47r4 Write fora Price List to J. II .iOIIXSTOY, Great Western Gun Works, No. 179 SMITHFIBCD ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. I Breech-loading shot-guns, S4U to SNOO. Double Shot-guns $S to slfW. Single Guns $7. to S2O lfitles $- to $7.1. pi'volvers sstos27>. Pistolsfl tosS. DUN Material, Fishing Tackle. Large discount to deal ! ers or clubs. Army guns, Revolvers, etc., bought or traded for. Goods sent by Express C. O. I>. to be examined before paid for. 4R4 "WORKNIFV Class FEMALE, SG<)A OlKllljrt iai>b w ,... k guaranteed. Re spectable employment at home, day or evening • no capital required; full instructions'and valuab •• package of goods sent free bv mail. Address with 6 cent return stamp, St. YOUNG ,v CO. , 47R< H3 GrecnwioU St., N. y { ir. T. >l. M,., r , (s , s DYSPEPSIA CU::;-; I ! Dr. 81 u I i plk'DL Constipation, v . I I ach, water B I thlrty-Uve yea, soever failing". 1 I ! stiuate cases, sold t, v ,j rUj J .. ,r * - ' [ on application. ' * * r ' uu-, ,1 $3,000 fbr 2C ;• 1 mT * m Railway p., Assurance to., of Hartfoj ' for sale at railroad .stations w ■ j Ticket. " WYCMIfiC SEMINAR, COMMERCIAL COI.IL', Oneof the largest Boanling s . In the UnPed Stat.... six lary taeti. s, i 'omm, vial c. .... , giaphing. Terms low. fail n iier 3rd. Send for t 'atal. ■ LAND, A.M., or L.'l. V.i i pOLLEGIfITE ICOIYWER JIA! WSTIT Tr ti ica. < i.mi. Prspa itory i ireidars sent on application. \\n": | Principal. ' " . Columbia Classical Int^. A Boarding School f.-r Young M. , Gir uiai's address REV. li. s. ,\: : • i ; linn ia, l'a. V FORTUNE.—How? By . Ntocha and gnl:.'. i I will pay 800 to SIOOO a month I 1 1 sent free. \\. F. IHRHEI.I .it,, ; ! Brokers, 39 Wall St., New York. !'. 1 525 IIjZLY I'ADZ FACT By all who will work for us. If en do not find us all square, we will git •'] Inr f-.ry, ur boitble. Send stamp : - O. H. BliK LKY * Tekt . 1 Having rvigge l weiu \yc ar> , q dt atli with AS! -:r1A or PHTHISIC I myself i,y eouipoundiiig r<,t - i liHllng the Medicine thus obtain,• |- discovered a most wonderful reii, cure for Asthma arid it- kindred u ..J ranted to relieve the.sev, rest | an so the patieid can li - i .".vn to i •• fort ably. ONE TRIAL I'AGKAbi MAIL FREE OF (1! \U(.K. \, ' . GLI.L, Apple Greek. \\ ayne Co., < >•. PATENTS OBTAINED No fees uuiesa MII cessfU. No tees charge for prelimimirv seari'h. s, " CONNOLLY BROTHERS, lOSS.F, delphia, l'a. A 6os N'intft st, Washing' •, Cu i, On I'crilay! Agentswai 4> J 'f working peop „t vMing or old. uiake more money at their spare moments, or all the'tice-, t thing else. Particulars free. Addr,-- >d)N A GO., Portland, .Maine. GETTY SB! li(, Katalysine Wa- Is the nearest approach to , sneelli, , •. ere, 1 , for Dyspep.ia. Neuralgia. Rte . , i ". id, iliabei, s. Kidnev A I erally. It restores museular pow - r i. ■ ie. It i iires Liver Complaint, Ghr Files. ('o<,stl|s.tion. Asthma, < a'ar: tis, Disea.-e ~f the skin. Gel," ,i it , • vous Prostration from Menial,,r L: - , en. it IS the Greateat Antblotc ever < - ] Excessive Eating or Drinking, it ■ . stomach, promotes dig"-cm A r,. J almost immediately. Nohouseh,,; isiw... ] out it. For sale by all Druggi.-ts. or a history of the sqnugs. ntc'li, ■ J of the power of water ovr diseases, ; . | <at res and for test iuiuii;front di-tii g:.;. j send for pamphlets. WHITNEY HHte.'.i Agents, -2-27 s. Front st„ Philadelphia. JT GETTYSitrwi Senrxu G'l. ( ■\L,l- j.-*- made rapidly with stencil tin * ontflts. Catalogues A fu /rrr. S. M. NI KNCFK. 117 Ham vf si. i. - H-W 'TIS !HSE, or the Mustache 4r Whiskers in42,hm, ! : • SKfKKT and 100 others. Gamblers' Ti i-.r ogy, Ventriloqnism, In ail tba origim ! < U< IN DERS. Mailed for 2.Y eetit... A, Gl' l l EL, < ■ rfb ge I••• i. Domestic PEERLESS PAP; PA TTEItXH. ELEGANT IN DESIGN. FAULTLESS? AGENTS WANTED. Sen! fortiila'." I><nn".ti' Sowing tlacliiiie N. V, "YOU ASK! I'LL TELL THE NEW DEPARTURE J AGENTS WANTED. Fxclt;-:v irr ' The book will sell itself. Father. V :•' Brother, Minister, Merchant. Ma er. Miner, Mariner ami Yourself i- Alone, in if. sndf, - Gsr r <H" . MAN A WKBLTKR, '*< N. Bth st.. Bulla f i V¥e V/ant an Agent In till - town diip to eanva-s f,fle ::•. , ■ and fast selling book ~y Dr. JOIIN < •••• The Science of a New Li it, eoriiiuen,led and endorsed by pi • er-'. physicians, religious and u:.,ri.. •'• other nook like it published, f i per •inb , rl. Address, row \N .ltd.. 47r4 139 Kightl, v *.. Ne V ' 12,000.000 ACRES CHEAP FA I! M v . The Cheapest Land in M:: 1.-i -j Union Pacific Pail read L In tho Great Platte Vallep .'i.tHMt.DHD acres in (' uirtt! >Du N, for saie in i,., t. oi 1.,,;, a • •: on five ami ten year." credit at six I advance interest required. Mild and healthful climate, fei ' dance of good water. i ME BEST MARKET P Mining regions of Wyom N , ; a lieing supj'Ued i v tie ' Valley. Soldiers entitled to a Homester' 160 Acres. THE BTST LOCATIONS FOR COLOMES FREE HOMES FOR ALL. M, '- eh, i-'c Government land-, [s nf. Homestead law, near tin- Gre;, 1 It. • ; Rood markets and all tlie eniiveiut'i, - " settled country. Free pa.-. sto pur,-lias, r< ~f L 1J j Sectional Maps showing tie ' . .., - tion ~f Descriptive Panudilet, witl; !i ' 1 mailed free everyw here. Address O. K. P A VP. 43r4 Land Oomr. V. P. Ii- •- (,,,ai ' CHEAP FARMS FOR SALE NEAR CH!l ;; lI7HY GO TO KANSAS OR M \? yon can buy as tine faniiiiu,' sun ever shone on, improved n i from s2r) to f4u an a- re, ra: gins' tr- ' ; acres, within from 3(f to sj miles ft > one of the finest dairying . uuufr: - : . Five railroads now running thr< , and 4 or A more being oiistru i ". •' ..,1 good improved farms for sale , l'" ; *P- \ \M 41j4 Crown Point, Lake 0" STEVENSON & FOS STATIONERS. PRINTERS. BINDERS. Btf" MAKERS. AND WHOLK-Al.n I'KG ''' " P ~|j SK' ; Flat papers, book papers, ruled heads, cards, printing ink-. <' ■' \ Give us a call. C'or. Wood v. >■. sg and st Third Ave., Pitt.-i'urgti,' Established lie-Established inE- G. G. Hammer Manufacturers of Fine and 1 j ami superior In stylo and .fam v most or any other Furniture House - ■ mountains. . fl Photographs and Pie e I or when In the city don't forge' the lasge Golden Chair, , j ■ 46, 4s, anp 60 SEVEN : - k 243djty s '** ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers