The Potter Journal AND jjEW® "" --RIS3FWER, PA., JULY 23,15T?. WW ** jf C.-ip.ioii Shall l* ai'owed to run over one * ii iranrs. Due notice will be given of yrtr - u„ u ami if not paid the paper will be tiP ' iA . S. F. HAMILTON, PuNisher Coudersport Market. So. 1 White, iter bush. SI.BO Red winter, " 1.60 (at 1.75 \*o 1 spring, " 1.50 (ao 1.60 * . - - " .40 rtats. .. - .7o " 2.00 @ 2.50 JSw'- • " , - - " 1.50 2.00 . per ton, 15.00 . - " ft. .06 (a .08 !!,leS - " . ft. .18 l mT - -" - " " oz. .12* pt > - |,„r L*T*l L larn .lv taken up this week by the k'lieultural Society, but we willingly j Lie the room, I relieving that the doings L- fi.>ll Society in its efforts to adtttnee L agricultural interests of the County U of as much importance to our read- L as auvtliing we can Lpointmeutof judges fur the coming ■ Fair shows that the Society is actively 1; work. IdjAnrnrd. The Constitutional Convention, after j oany baffled efforts, has at last taken a I i-cess until September Ist. Many of he nr uihers, among whom was Hon. S. Mann of this County, persistently : imposed such adjournment, time after j hpe voting tlie projMjsition down. The reason urged by advocates of the ' l-asure was that it would lie unsafe as ' ■AI as unpleasant to remain in the city i [uongh the hot weather. Why didn't the jfopleof our Borough rn<i a deputation down to invite them - here? They could have prosecuted vir business in this quiet little town • 'liit fear of cholera or yellow fever [ID BP, on our part, would have had a x weeks" study under our very noses f interesting as any zoological garden itbe world. tro!:*l. bast Thursday Gen. Thomas C. ; f Cincinnati, Ohio, and Ilugli ; ' une. <>f Wellsboro, Pa., stopped over j .;i ,-t the Coudersport Hotel. They ■> on th. ir way to visit tiieir brother, ■ LK. Young. Esq., on freeman Hun. \ttr Anil*. I: rty years ago when our senior tdi <first came to Coudersport, the place <s blessed with a weekly mail from >\ shore. Letters and pipers were ; I nearly a week on the way from Lirieiphia, Now under the advanced -r f things with a railroad within j hours drive, it only takes four iys for a letter to come from Phila ia or Harrisburg, and the Buffalo of to-day —arriving at Port Alle £T at eleven o'clock at night—reach 1 re in just twenty-three hours from at time. Verily, what a blessed mg is progress! How our fore-fathers st have suffered for their lack of a:l facilities. How thankful we old be that we live in this enlight i"l ageyliow grateful to the 8.. N. Y . P. If. W. for their accommodation 1 ithe matter of mail. But the subject i ens out too large—we will drop it. j nional Guard. T ?a and McKean counties have each j : izcd a company of National Guards tkr the late act of the Legislature, have not heard of any in this coun jet. j ■riled. Thursday morning the Osborne -•e at Ilomellsville N. Y. caught and was entirely destroyed. We < ' u : '" 1 h-am the estimated loss. bee Factories. ' :i re informed that Wm. Ferris, i sc Lewisville, is successfully operat s* a small cheese factory and produc- ! * excellent cheese. We have not the number of cows that fur with milk. He first started a e dairy, but to accommodate his l ~ .i'rs gradually enlarged his facili-j ctil now he is running a respecta * f-Kd factory. learn that the factory of Ilall' ""?• Bingham, is doing finely and j general satisfaction. Who is JOVUVAL: At a recent religious •ng in Raymond a very uncommon ► as seen. There sat in adjoining !*•" the representatives of four gene-, Ly - a great grandmother, a grand " • mother and her little daugh ' --d a short time ago it might have Vai d that, by bringing one from a state. Mich..) there could have U '"Wed to the group a venerable' ' .'*' * tat grandmother—thus repre "Ve generations. RAYMOND. 'dnesday Owen Metzger, son [u, H Metzger, of this place, with • uers. was at work on his fath ■■■ m Hebron. During a shower " s^,e lter in the old mill on the kn own as "Metzger's mill," \ V and make a smoke gnats, built a fire in the l! ' r the rain was over they re iki v-, f lheir work - supposing the fire to-pr . y° ne out that there was no y ' it, but some time af s&, -1. discovered a heavy body i!;,. y-y rom the direction of the Ijja, ' ia> tening down found it in! 1 - rp n a? too far advanced ! to adroit of any efforts to put it out: The engine had been removed, but : there was a shingle-mill, about ten thou ! sand shingles and a wagon-box in the building, all of which were This was the first steam-mill bum in . j this part of the County, and was erect " i ed nearly, if not quite, thirty years .ago. f The building burned lias been steadily . in use from that time up to quite a re j cent period, and some of its timbers ' j would have been a terror to builders of '; the present day. Out Side. t At Williaimport not long since a gay , company determined to spend Sunday f in a festive manner and on Saturday ; night provided a keg of lager, which ) was deijosited in a stable. Next day, , after all had assembled, the keg was tapped, but while the rest were watch ing with parched lips to see the fragrant 1 beverage gurgle forth some malignant j wag of the party conveyed a d< >se of cro ton oil into each one of the tumblers. I That company took one drink around — and collapsed. The next day they could j be seen on the streets looking pale and haggard, but they did not call for beer. Fruit, Raspberries are plenty, both on the bushes and in market. The blackberry crop promises to Ire a large one and from what we have learned from various parts ol the county there is every prospect of a fair crop of apples. Agricultural Society. At a meeting of the Board of Mana gers of the Potter Co. Agricultural So ciety. held July 18,1873—Almerou Nel son. Chairman —the following commit tees of Judges for the coming Fair were appointed: JIOB.SES. ' L. W. Lyman, W. L. Starkweather, S. P Reynolds, A. B. CroweH, John Havens, of Hector. CA TTLE J. ML Lyman, Johnson Chase. Wm. It. Greenman. F. A. Nelson, A brain Bennett. R. L. Nichols. Asa F. Raymond. SHEEP. ; Lyman Nelson, W. 11. Hydons, G. W. G. J add. Peter Beutmau. B. L. G rover. S U7-VAL dr. Nelson Clark, Jolin Mahau, i Julius Neefe, Jacob Peet, William Smith. | POVLTRY. I Joseph Slonehani, J. M. Kilbourne, | Thomas Coulston, James O. Nelson, Sylvaults Jones, Henry Harris. ISVTTER mid CHEESBr — ! J. W. Stevens, Mrs. Wm. Ayres, ' ' Joel L. Raymond, " Henry Nelson, Norman Chapman, " Joseph Mann, Mrs. rrudentr Boyington. DAIRY and GRAZIXV FARMS. Israel Dodge, Chas. Monroe, Josejili L. Nelson, Jacob Herriiigtoo, A. W. Andrews. PLOWIXG MA Daniel Clark. Sr., Alfred Ayres, A* W. Ilosstii.iit, Scnoca Pomeioy, * i James Kees. OR AIX. HA r and ROOTS. Lyman. Samuel Wine car. George H. Smith, Lenny Lyman, William Perkins, Ira Hackins. Lyman Co, vln. GRASS SEEDS. : A. L. Harvey, William Snyder. J. H. Hegye, E. A. Wagner, A : W, JottcS. f-A RDEX vegetables. Benjamin RemieUs Cyrrnus S. Jones, i Henry Yeiltzer, Cliarles Meine, M. !>., P. Biirdick. SUGAR and IIOXEY. Edwin Lyman, O. T. Ellison. M. D-, 1 | Edward Dodd, Henderson Corsaw, A. W. Lathrop. OB (IfARB and G A RDEX FRUITS. j Jas. A. 11 Green man, Edgar Peet, | Isaac W. L'omids. Alvah Carpenter, Jerome Harvey. LUMBER. James L Barclay, J. E. Terwilliger, William C. (Juiinby. I>. Y. Stevens. I Fred. Devenport. HOHE HOLD MAXUFUCTURES, dr. Mrs. Isaac Bensc.n, Mrs. M. T. Kent, •> " O. P.. Webb, " J. Spafford, " Samuel Thompson, " K. V. Hamilton, " I>an Baker. " A. G. Olmsted, Mrs. George Nelson. MECITAXICAL and FARMIXG TMPLE HEX IS and HA X UFA CTURES, dr. A. D. Hi'!. J. L. Peiree. ; D. F. Gtussffiire, George C. Lewis, L. W. Lyman. GEXTS' DISCRETIOXA R Y. Arch F. Jones, C. A. Downer, W. H. Metzger, Seth I awls, H. J. Olmsted. D. C. Larrabee, F. W. Knox, J. M. Spafford. G. W. Stillman. LADIES' DISCRETIOXART. Mrs. C. H. Armstrong, Mrs. Sobieski Rnv=. i " J. W. Allen, " J. S. Ross ! ** A liner on Nelson, " E. O. Rees. " Arch F. Jones, '• W. H. Metzger, - Mrs. D. F. Glassmire. Trtlnrrifrt. Dimon-Kilbourne. —At the h*se of the bride's father, in Hector, Pa . July 4.1*73. bv Elder C. P. Kilbourne. Mr. Cuvros Di WON and Miss DEI.RAINE L KILBOt'RNE. both of Hector. Wellsborough pajvrs please copy. Dll :i). ' In Allegany, Potter Co.. Pa., on Monday. July 7. 1X73. after a brief illness ..f one or two da vs. James McNeil, in the SBih year of his ■ age. The deceased was born in Connecticut, and re - b d more than fortv vears in Cortland county. N. \ and while there" was a ven active, influ ential citizen—a merchant—and for several years a jirofessing christian. In his last days his mind seemed impaired and clouded, but I** died with out reproach on Ids character. R Coral Notices. We will send the Journa.l for one year to any club of FIVE new subscribers on payment of t "AO. and to any one sending 115.00 for ten new subscrib ers. one year, we will send one copy free for same time. A splendid stock of Paistey shawls may tie found at Simmons" Eegulato at ! prices far below their present market value. • offt r for sale, at par and accrued t * * interest, the bonds of the School - District of Renovo Borough. ? These bonds are $ 15,000 in amount and mature in D 76. *77 and *7B: bear in- I terest at rate of eight per 'cent, per au - nura, pay aide semi-annually. Interest . and principal payable in New York or • at our Banking House, B. B. CALDWELL A CO., S P.ENOTO, Pa., July 23, 1573-if Bank ert f T> Better than Gold. —A certain amount ; of greenbacks, national or fractional | currency invested with C. H. Simmons, the Regulator man for dry goods, gro , ceries, boots and shoes. ROYER WHEEL CO.. 375 West Third St., C T NCIwan, O. , Manufacturers of the celebrated Sarven Wiieel, the Rover Combination and Old Style Wagons. Also Carriage and Wagon Woodwork of every de scription. Actual wear and hard usage is the best test of the strength and durability of a wheel, and they have proved the ! Sarven Patent to wear longet than three or four sets of the best old-style wheels. When about to purchase a buggy, car riage or wagon, see that your carriage maker uses otg make of the Sarven wheel. There are so many inferior pa tent wheels in the market that it will be to your interest to stipulate for the Sarven—as it is now conceded to lx j the ; only perfectly reliable wheel in use. 2511 Shepard, at Simmons' Regulators, says lie will give a laboring man or lady more goods for the same amount of mo ney than any other man will in the Uni ted Staies. "IT"*'ANTED. —Two enterprising men * to sell Elkis Ilowe Sewing Ma chines. Inquire at our office in Couders port. LOYSTER BROS. j 244L-tf Great run oil a well known Institu tion.—The famous Regulator man, C. 11. Simmons* Nos. 2, 3. 4 and -5. Wells ! ville, N. Y. has recently been subjected jto an extraordinary pressure—the pres ! sure of crowds of sufferers that have leen in the habit of buying from small dealers and paying enormous prices. Money Iteing scarce, they have seem ! ingly all made a grand rush to the place • where they get the greatest amount of ! goods for the smallest amount of mon ey. The popularity of this establish ; ment is boundless and will last, for it is built on a solid foundation; one lnin i dred thousand dollars leing the corner stone. This well known establishment might justly be called a savings bank from the numbers of dollars it has saved the people for the last ten years. From its very infancy high prices have had to vanish like dew before the morning ! sun. 1 farmers wishing to purchase MOW ING MACHINES, will do well to examine the ••New Model Buckeye" and the " Im proved Wood." 24—4-0 j Sold by W. T. DIKE, Agetit, Coudersport, Pa. The people come more and more toC. | 11. Simmons* Regulator stores for dry ! goods, clothing, groceries, boots and shoes and everything that families list. i Their stock is large and also well suit ed to customers as to price. Come one, : eotne all without delay and prove the truth of what we say. The SINGER is a lock-stitch machine 4 and makesa beautiful.even and uniform stitch which will not ravel and is alike ;on both sides. It hems, braids, cords, i tucks, embroiders, rufiles, fells and, does : all kinds of work on the finest muslin or the heaviest full-cloth. The sickly seas- n is at l and: the great heat makes the system feeble and debil itated and unable t-i withstand the sud den attacks of disease. But the regular t use of Robrer's Wild Cherry Tonic will invigorate the system, brace up the shat j tered forces and enable each organ to perform its proper functions. It will cure any case of Diarrhoea. Dysentery or Cholera Morbus in a few hours, and to those suffering the horrors of that terrible disease. Dyspepsia, it is inval uable. THOMPSON & MANN, 1 2440-3 m Wholesale and Retail Agents. COYDERSPOKT, PA. Don't forget that C. 11. Simmons, the Merchant Prince of Wellsville. is yet in trade larger than ever, and that- his twenty-five years' experience in this market enables him to give his custom ers t lie best goods and latest styles at the lowest living rates. Be sure and call and examine his stock, and lx- con vinced that a dollar saved is worth two earned. An Act of Cruelty.—Chapped bands and face are the most serious annov.uiees that farin : ers and peoide who labor urach out of doors ex ; peril uce from exposure* Exposed jievsotis. es pecially children. repeatedly suffer intensely from i great cracks in the hands that often bleed. 1: i> cruel to allow one's self or otoersto suffer in this . ! way when the means of positive prevention are so easy to be had. and so cheaply, as to pay fen ' cents for a cake of Hand Sa polio. Han i Si) ml to j is not onlv better than the costliest soap for re moving dirt but it prevents chapping and renders the skin soft and pliable. Sold everywhere. 50-2 ~ " TIME TABLE. BUFFALO, N. Y. & PHILADA. RAILWAY COMPANY.—Time Table adopted MON DAY, June 30,1873. NORTHWARD. ! " r STATIONS. Sight Niag- Loral Through Exp. ara Freight. Freight. Exp. a. ii. p. in. Emporium 310 5.25 6.00 am 7.30pm Keating Summit 3.W 7.25 " .. . Port Alieguuv ... 4.12 6.24 H.,35 " ILOO Olean . 52" 7.25 12.00 m I.3'am Buffalo 8.2" 9.45 5.15 pm * SOUTHWARD. Philad'm Night L>cal Th'gh STATIONS. i Bait. Express. Freight, Express. a. m. Buffalo 8.30 am iVJOpm 6.15 am § Olean...*. 10.47 '• 9.4"- 12Wm Port Allegany 11.4-5 - 11.00 " L3spm 4.12 Keat'e Sum't 11.40 *• 3.4;; " ■ Emporium 12.45pm 1230 am 5"0 i-10 * Stops at Jnnetlon. 6.10 a. m. § Starts at do., 7.0" p. in. H L. LYMAN. .1 P. YEOMANS, . Gen. Pass. A,7t. Superintendent 1 DAILY STAGE. F. Ghissmirc, JL/e FROTKLBTOE OF 1 OAiLY STAGE TO AND FROM PORT ALLEGANY, f AND EXrRESS AGENT. t Mag? will leave Coudersport at a- m.. arriving [- at Port Allegany j u time lor the trains. Leave I'ort Allegany on arrival of 11.45 a. m. train 1 south. 2440' i ""Is the Orphans' Court f the • ;In the matter of the j Countvof IVttertn tV.lhei estateof JOHS Hs*. | mina Moiu, Clins. P. Mais*. , t St SICMAS.X, la'.e ' A. Sackmaun and , of the tow nship of ' threeniinurehiidren f names ■ Abbott in the tint unknown) of JobnOttoAn j ty of Potter, dt-e'd. drew Sarkmanu, late jf X. J Y. city, deceased. TAKE NOTICE, on the jietition of the widow of said decedent, a citation lias been granted bv ' the Orphans' Court of Potter County to the ad ministrator and heirs-at-law of Jons HENRY SACKMAN. deceased, to show cause why sale of the realestate of said decedent should riot be or ■ dered letumable on the 15th dav of September next. tiefore the Judge of said Court at Couder -1 sport at 1 o'clock p. m.. at u hlch time and place ' . vou may attend if you think proper. ! ' OLMSTED & LARRABEE. 2506 Attys for Petitioners. j - Coudersport. July 23, 1873. " i ANN A. KEIJ.Y "] i by her next friend, | In the Court of Common JAMES NELSON. Y Pleas of Potter Co., No. „ , '"*■ I 47. Feb. Term, 1873. S. D. KELLY. j Libel in Divorce. S. I). Kelly, the Respondent above named, J will please take notice that a subpoena and alias . sulipoma have been issued and returned nihil: you are therefore herebv required to appear on ' the first day of u< \t Court. .Sept. 15,1873. to an- . - , swcr to the complaint made in this case. -! S P. REYNOLDS. Sheriff. i Coudersport, July 23.1873. 2506 : Administrator's .Notice, "VfTHFREAS. letters of administration to the > * estate of KELUFN E KEST. late of Pleasant ' 1 alley twp.. Potter Co., deceased, having been • j granted to the subscribers. all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. and tbo* having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent will make known the same without delay to . ; IXircas M. KENT, EHNEST WEIGHT. • | Pleasant Valley. June 16, 1873.-6 'Adm'rs. j BOOTS and SHOES ! Mm Denhof, ■ I WOULD resjieetfuliy inform the citizens that he continues the manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES at his new Stand, MAIN STREET below MARKET, (South of the Bridge,) ALL work done in a workmanlike manner reasonable rates. ANI) A GOOD FIT urAK.YNTF.ED Give him a call. A BEAUTIFUL $8 CHROMO , FREE TO ALL LOVERS OF ART AND LITER Y TUKE "VIVE will send the Beautiful f'bromo entitled VV "The Uuwelcome Visitor." postage ;■ e paid. as a premium to every subscriber to our monthly magazine called the ]> UMI? I. E J] EE , 1 contains thirty-two large pages, besides the eo ver. tilled vita the t-est and most interesting reading. Price, only S ! a Year! Sand on your Dollar and get a dollar magazine and an eight dollar eliromo in return. Sample j copy set free on receipt of stamp. Vie want and will liberally pay .v G i : > r s . Send stamp for particulars. Address BUMBLE BEF. Albion. Illinois. .504* NATIONAL Line of SteamsMps.; STEAMERS SAIL WEEKLY TO AND FROM ! NEW YORK, Q1" KEN STOW N AND LIVERPOOL, j AND EVERY FORTNIGHT TO AND FKOM NEW YORK j AND LONDON. Coinprt.-ing>fee Powerful, Very Fast, First-Class, New Iron Steamships. . * FOR LIVERPOOL, CAA'A U.-i, GIiEECE, EGl'7'T, A'VW/.V r, EE* .VCE. FOR LONDON, EOLLAAD. 77EA~AfAJ?K. EAGLAAT), TEE QUEEA'. EE/A', EEL EE TLA. AVERAGE TIME OF LIVERPOOL AND QI'EENB- j TOWN LINE ABOUT NINE DAYS. Tlie Company have added recently to their a!- ' ready splendid fieel six NEW ME RISFKI'S. which . are the largi t, and have proved to be tituong the fastest, in the world. These additional steamers enable us t-o provide Increased and unsurpassed accomodations for our passengers, and really 1 makes this the leading line on the At at.tic Ocean. The "National Line Steamers" are celebrated for speed, strength and sea-goingqua'it. aredivid , ed into Air. li" iter-Tight ani Eire- Proof Com partments. thus obtaining great security: ar; l ( , fltted up in every res;.< ,-t with a the mod*m , improvements to inst:re the comfort, convenience and safety of passengers, to whom good treat , ment and kind attention always erven. Per sons visiting the Old Country, or set. ung for their friends, should ceitainly as ail then.selves of the 1 luauy advantages of this welbkno*n, favorite, i Line: the best and cheapest between Euro is? and America. Great Reduction of Passage. To FROH • To or from Oueenstowi?, Liverpool, Lon don, Cardiff, Bristol, Glasgow or Londonderry $29 s3l < do Hamburg, Antwerp, Havre, Rotterdam, etc 35 36 do Bremen, Gottenbnrg, Chris tiana, Copenhagen, Mauheiui, Star anger, Drontheim, Paris, etc 38 40 ' ] Children under Twelve Years, Half-Rate. In- i funts under One Year, Three Dollars. No Charge for Infante on , t Outward Tick ets. A"OTE:—77iete rates of pottage art much , cheaper than any other First- Clatt Line crossing the Atlantic. Steerage passengers will tie supplied with as much or Visions and water as they ma* wish to i use; the provisions are of the best quality, and | are examined and put on board under the inspec tion of Government Officers, appointed for that j purpose, and are cooked and served out by the Company's Stewards three times a day. Each Passenger is assigned a separate berth; ' married couples berthed together: single females placed in rooms by themselves. They are re quired to furnish themselves with bedding, niess i tins, etc. : Ten cubic feet of luggage (equal to two large trunks? allowed to each adult. An experienced Physician attached to each - Steamer. Medicine arid medical attendance free. Cabin Passengers provided with elegant accom modations at low rates. EXCHANGE ON EUROPE, BANK DRAFTS issued from XI to XWGO, AT low est rates, payable on demand In any pan of Eng land, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Also, Drafts for any amount, payable in the principal citierof Norway. Sweden. Denmark, Austria, Prussia, France, Spain and Italy. ■< The arrangements in this branch of our busi ness are very extensive and complete, giving ns facilities which enable us to seli at tanker's low est rates. Those who have bten paying a high , price for their remittances should call upon us and avail themselves of our low prices. For PASSAGE, BANK DRAFTS or any further in formation. applv to S. F. HAMILTON. AGENT. : WIKQ J±2<TJD sonsr, "THE AMERICAS" PIMO," No. -AIT" BROOME STREET, >ow York, UXSURPASS EI > First premiums wherever exhibited—Prices low for the quality—Large price® allowed for Secoud-haud Instruments in Exchange. From Mr. Edward Hoffman, the celebrated Pianist. I conscientiously believe that your Piano is in every respect a moat magnifi cent Instrument. From the 4 ' Independent.'' The American Piano has deservedly become a very popular Instrument. 63TResponsible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. Send for Circulars to ■ w , WING & SON. 417 Broome St., N. Y. Lewisville w. w. MOORE, GRADED SCHOOL. dealer in r,,wianam MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, B. B. blade. Mr*. B. B. Blade, Principal Assistant "ias U. E. Cashing. Omenta.' AMERICAN AND IMPORTED TUITION. Primary Department, per term 400 AT \RRT ,FS frf Intermediate do., do 500 AXC... High school do., do 600 liistruinenLil music 10 Ol 1 Third St.. opposite Court House Square. Tuition must be arranged in advance. Classes in this term will le arranged to accom niodale those designing to teaeli during the com COLDE RSPORT PA iug winter. ' * The Potter County Teachers' Institute will be held at Lewisville iu connection with this term. Board, including lights and fuel, can be ob- AU work (lone iu a workmanlike manner and or tained for 50 cents per day. Good rooms can be , . .. obtained by those who desire to furnish their own dere sect by mail promptly attended to. board. SETII LEWIS, O. R. BASSETT. M . v prices are the lowest In this section of the Secretary. 50-tf President country. 5446 SPRING. 1873. THOS. MCEOV/ELL & CO., DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, rOHT XAIjIjEOAISrY, rA.. W e would respectfully call the attention of the people of POTTER COUNTY to onr large and complete assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHIXG, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, FLOUR. PORK. SALT, FISH, FEED and MEAL, PAINTS and OILS, HARD TEA RE, NOTIONS, GLASS IF. 1 RE, Ac., tfv., which we are offering at GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS, owing to the increased facilities afForded by the completion of the Buffalo. New York & Philadelphia Railway, and we can and will sell goods as low as they can lie sold this side of Canada. Fresh ground Feed and Meal kept constantly on hand. TVe are daily receiving new goods, thus keeping our stock, in all departments, , FULL AND COMPLETE at all times, 2429-£ Thos. McDowell & Co. THE BAKER HOUSE Coudersport Hotel I AND < East of Court House Square,) Genera! Stage Office COUDERSPORT, PA. Has been REFITTED and m rrHSisnm from ; Pip77tr* r ' (■-, P7TT TiT? .J w_ —; Has been purchased by BROWN & KELLY (formerly of the CotT'ERSPORT HOTEI.) and is no tr open to the PUBLIC. The House is completely furnished from top to Th- TAhl.Es> ' >e l"pt in FLKST-CLASS style, hzgtom, and has all the conveniences desired by and no labor or expense spared to mak-e it a the people ; the table is the best in the County : the barn is under the charge of the best ostler in [IDCT PI ACQ UfITCI trie 6a/{ and, in short, everything will be done rind I uLHOO iIUILLI thatcanbedonetomakeiteanifortableforstran gers or others who viit the house. GOOD STABLISG, and careful Hostlers always in attendance. Tlie loDg of the Proprietors in the Hotel business makes them peculiarly able to The OLD-TIME popularity of the Hotel will be cawr tothe varied wants of tlie "aveUing pubUc. rt'Li.T MAINTAINED by the present Proprietor, They solicit their old custom, believi g that icho now solicits the jyitnynage of travellers and'.. ~ . , they are able to supply the or THE eb* to fhe public generally. j all. I). F. GLASSMIBE, Jr., BROWN* A KELLEY. 131 PBOFRIETOR. 133 Proprietors. Insurance Company of North America, OF ph; The Oldest Stock Insurance Company in the United States. ASSETS, .January 1, S 3.3r0,?3^.1)l Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS. January 1, 1878. 9 1,162,602.48 The above-named reliable Companies are represented in Cou dersport by 2439-1 y ARTHUR B. MANN. L. B. COLE & SON, PBm-BrtTOfcS ftp TM Blacksmith and Wagon-shop* „ Seicni Street. ; between Haia & West.) —Forth Side,— COUDERSPQRT, PA: ' WAQOXB, I CARRIAGES hit* SLEIGHS of all description* • manufactured to suit customers an<i warranted. Repairing- always attended to promptly. Competent and experienced workmenicept in em ploy in both shops to attend to the calls of cus tomers. Charges reasonable for cash or ready par. i<*3 L. B. COLE & SOI* M. H. BIRCE. | IMPORTER AND DEALER IN paprr s>inoinfis, fcOmlloto) Scaurs, OIL CLOTHS, Etc., No. £lB Main St., j 24*4 iy BUFTAXO, N. Y. vsnoH sttji IUOJJ pasvujjud spooS no .fiOJ s/sjsis uo sjautujsuo spuwq snouivj i[[*llb jaqjo sa His * 'ojjvhOt. PKi*aHO „IV.IIKH>I<L. j putug pajsaqaiaa Ajisnf out jo twajnj.>B;naK A 'V 'OlYLlim ' H*>d OA y it C oo y swvav *IAI *v >j BASSETT'S LIVERY, Corner MARKET and HUNTER Streets, (SOT7TH SIDE of the DIVER.) | I woo.p respectfully invite the attention of thß | public to my ' LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT, with the assurance that I can meet every de mand for a first-class turnout. Having purchased the Livery of Amos Telle, I have the only Establishment of the kind in this section. J. M. BASSETT. 132-tf John V. Brown, FROI'KIETOR Or LINE OF STAGES BETWTEN Coudeisport & W ellsvllle i ' f (Via OS VTA TO, PA.) 1 Persons going to Oswato by stage. and desiring to return same day, will bo accommodated at stage rates. i Passengers wishing to reach any of the neighbor ing towns will be conveyed by Livery at reasonable rates. I A good Livery rig kept constantly on hand for passengers by the stage. OSWAYO HOUSE, (Jobs V. Brows. Propr.,) bSW AYO, PA. | 114-if Edward Forster, P7AI.SK I* ' &roceries & Provisions, MAIN STREET above SECOND, COUDERSPORT, PA. I > A FULL SUPPLY W : FLOUR, SUGAR; ) j SPICES, SYRUP, CHEES , HAM, FISH, i TOBACCO, SNUFF; Sec., See., kept coxst'Axtly ox hakp, i A specially made Teas and Coffees* of which I haft the Largest isncl Best Stock in town. ( All Goods sold CHEAP for CASH only I Call and examine before purchasing elaewtor EDWARD roRRTEi |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers