The Pctter Journal AXl> t\j ew 3 XX E ivl. : "" 3 27.1873. v . ri[U"U shall t*- allowed to run over one mar-ears. I>ue n itiee will be given of 1," iU' iJ aad il not paid the p after wig be S. F. HAMILTON". - I'n>'.i#krr Couderspcrt Market. ■v t X 1 white, per bush. SI.BO Red winter, 1.60 (ai 1.75 V i spring, *' 1.50 (a 1.60 ctits, • 7-. - - - -'*>& ...... - 44 .35 (a .40 1.-5 • : . . - per too, 15.00 !*■ . . - "lb .06 ('i .08 i—, - " ft .18 v .. - - - " doz. ,12i jiltn. if ■ ■■ Ravm-nd e< fails 1 j... . .. lij. ■. ij muiib -at ion in print, he • , i ,; v i m:-:: I'tl t! at Me pub - • ..thing without the ant', r*s name, i ether t i;>t V unite is published • -n. iter for tl •■m to d- <'ide. V.ut eve . s tiee the com muni it i-n. Vo Caper N>*t fl>' L. The Fourth f July will int- Herewith iar r gnJai i .-iiws* to it'll ail extent . i.<> ! ;>}- r will l< issued from this 1 ... With t e nst of the world we 1 pu t'm- taking a holiday. I 1 c i haiiFf in Par of Publication. —The a 1 j... i.t arraiiaiii. .it ti.e mails that r p .c;gh the '...-tern Kill of the • a i iomj>el -uiging of our day • • .it :i. -> that on and after h . J •. t :t paper will be i I , ..Pit .ft' 'uoftln; lav and I :n rnmg n.aus. |„; Halloa I> .i iul't. I . i ( strong agamst C. ' I' lauiton. broh ti ■ ... ■> -' la-nL ol rl'i.txiii! ■ • I. iin • . C> mpa. y. * ■ - :in tie disag; - 1 I • . X . .• w re i t tit-it ■ litin". The : * ■ . . niisr.'p - iga- I I M Maurice l ix\ r. Cm.- - FLYSN s Hf TEL. .I'Hl* f-Ti. ■ ■ 11: IT' ill: —1 ! • ' I! - !!:• - \ H' - v : is called the "Civil [ ■ - 1 - for 11)1 : >-<•! -\ . . ■ n-\t Sunday nioining H. \V. I |'*E OJ I ft v i ■. ea* w 'lk < i IK * ■'•ad at a Jeillt || Mr. t f ant*. b> low || X ar -to V- put on el || ; d vigorously, pj • | I' ti I >ad • ! '' I . • ted effort In each * L tei hilly increase our I | hi I | I K f ..iinn . i | 1 a d -e f I I *a i■ i!ii !'■: h■- 1 A I i et lt .- : \\ dave- i :t I • i - "s to trail] ? " ■ - - susxiected foul play, had the woman arrested, and in e mi; my with Dr. Hart man jh t form; da mortem. 1 iie -i m a?h and were taken to Phk.tdelp 1 i br Dr. Iftirttpy. where it was anahzrd and found to contain strychnia. Tiie woman has rates c >u ft s>d and is in cusiody awaiting her trial. There are other parties iraplicat*- ed in the affair, for-whose arrest war rants have bee issued".—if 11> acs txit. Dr. Hartley was formerly a resident of Coudersport, where he has numerous friends. Comiiip. 'J he Fourth of July, the glorious Fourth, is coming, and Brown Kel ley have prepared to give the young people "f this place and vicinity an op;ortu nity t<> enjoy themselves by "tripping it on the ligiit. fantastic trie,*'or any other kind of a toe? Ye who love the terjisi —we can't master t hat ph ise—but what we mean is, let all who love to il met come to the Baker House next Friday evening. We sir*- informed That R. K. 1 dung. Es'j.. allows ama teurs to fish in ids trout pouil for a dol lar a "throw" with the fly. -Wore about I he Bailroad. In an -iher place we publish, a commu nication on the Pine Creek Railroad. <ince its contents wt re in tv- we learn tiuit an Engliadi ctan|any havl-advanced a million and a half of dollars to prose cut- th.; wi rk. and the remainder. ine four millions, will be coining in go* 1 season. Tin- corps of engineers are now "ti Round Island.— lit/'-' >r->. 1)> ■ - nt. M e publish the above without know ing how much of truth there may b in the story regarding trie English com; a ny. The communication referred t • c ; !.t;. : us simply one ide; .—that the' airthor lielieves the r ad will lie built. Tl:is i.b a is evolved with a long talk ub ut Billings. Ross, Tamerlane and an ant —ail mix 1 together. M'e endorse cue otuuiou tiau. the road will be built, but concerning that ant we had rather i. d commit our- Ives. - •w many t nnes the story oi Tamerlane. >r some <.ther barbarian, ami the ant ' bj -t to 1 dig i id griwt mar.v : . ni'ir rehear s it sis ti. • igii he wer 'ou.-l rrOCOMtiBE*. Tin ■ .j< , l±—L. -T. Cr.tis . i'v*. \\~. Arnold. I• i \in for a cow. T ■ ■ r - I /• ~ i c . T t • ~.;i. iiir u. ■ m..,u.. ken for want of an a; ■ : Mor . ' x ' . L : i - ' . ' i I' -am t. vns'mp; I. -phWo d ' .Y. -* Bra;.' h t ,vi;.-', ; Fox t . '• L Kni i u-k r. for use. >-. Wt -t 1 '■ - \. Ili-yn. i is. wi-i-.vvand adiaiuisiratrix. 1 . : " ' . . ' : OWT. 1 ip; F. w. K: ox rs. W: art on i . X. \Y. ll< . ring; Ilemy A:.da- n. ( '! ■" . iVj-.i'ils t Wi:.-;... ; Xor- j ' hip -ji dgn. i.t f..r want < ; a plea. J. < L -1' MOV was ipj-.ii;' i gu; - Mi .yWto x and Wm. L. Will- t i. c. 11. II •" r J. K. Harri". "Ri 1 ■ . t si: "'M i. t b-' el.'-r- d ;or wai.t of • ble foi tuw it'n. June 14, rule made ab : E ■' l-T. - mmit Townsliip, M;n tin Watson. Jury called, who " it, ■ 14. —Archibald stout . Jam :s Warm r. jr.dgm at 1 r want : a pi*—.t. The court ord-red a venire t bei-.oMrd or the usual number of grand jurors ' nd forty-eight traverse jurors for a ; mm of Oyer and Terminer on the third ■loud..;- ot > p: uibi r. Adjourned without day. limited A Lurrnlii'e lave j>i-t moved into their new office ipposite the court house. hanipion. Cncle Bill Aekl'-y claims to lie the hampion tishennau of this region at •re.-* nt. lie says that Tuesday he lished rom the bridge ox . the Allegany on la Emporium road to the Westerman lam. taking all day. and did not catch trout. He thinks such an exploit is x aid to beat. A ell-ville -to have a grand Fourth of July cole- 1 >ration. :i -; why. you never mean to say. w m. you haven't spoken to her e f c; ,s •Not yet.' an-w. red Tom. clieer- t 1 Iv—'Time enough for that, you ow. a tier I had spoken to yon." a , Mother, a-a minister's widow, was li 1 t much given to the idle mirth a it i as the crackling < f thorns b* der a pot, but now she leaned tl .1 r.n.l till Jiw tjeif- ' -• i> i i: i>. C.l ..1 t-T. l.Br. i:- [ T(J rtcewe prompl a&rduM commu-j i 't'iv.lS tit n; it tor. tu .-ub ana advert fot addr^med r to S. F. HA MIL TON. Fubhjsfur. >i, ~ c" - - J n - I; ~ g : 1 f 7 _ iT7TT I rz c 1 I • f , . j 2 * f- . | -i ! s ?Os x 2 2 : d o- 1 [ : j ■IBt <? - £tXj C i m la= c ™ 1 :: : - ti I 577 i s < ill I£fa £ £ F-' < ji, 5 i- ri t] i 111 % ' £ ' Ss' % . H I Ss9 2J S ... ; . ~ "77 W®will send the Journal for one year to any club of FIVE new subscribers on payment of £ "1.50, and to any one sending $ 15.00 for ten new subscrib ers, on" year, we will send ono copy . free for same time. THE "Niiti-.'.ial I. Eof Steamships" ben W 'ndevfnlly imp;-, ved in the last two years, by the building of FIVE NEW STEAMERS, several of which Lav made s n. of the fastest runs on t record. The Line between New York. ' I • ■ tist iwn and Liverpool is composed i . tl.- -in -* ceh'a..::-d .-o-.ini-rs in the * v, >rld and their averagettinm n is not far . i tion for steerage pa&se:._ rs is of th i > st character, comprising nnny com forts and c nveniences not u> be found nd fi in Bids' <'..d;ff, tfl g-w and I ?. nd-; -v I by Line. Tl.. I. d.-n Lit;-- is' -.mi -< lof the older j tl i n lo and fn in the south of England ..nil ntiiit nt of I-ii. 1 :• lis steam- • rsn. : > . f: st ; • ti,. •' j siown <S Liverpool Line. Thin Company has '■ iv nin favor "f '1: -ap passages tl -::il guaiAUte s to sell tickets at . i'-v *r rate- than any other Line cross ing the At. int; n a fact tiiat sl.oull In* em nib.-red by those visiiing the Old s. F. HAMILTON. Atj Cc®3< - - t. pa. / lAMI. to th T " " C \ . :t ' •• : r-i of J a."i - tr ■a ;- d heifer. The o'.iat;' will pt'-ase e >r- ' >r- It tt ii:,.T;jnc J". l-Ti-Jt \ "The I r '"i - 'o ~ ,1 Wc-d, or five years in the territ )ries," by J. H. Be.idlp. Ti , engravings ar fine, the printing v, 11 ai d cl ally done, the pajier good ai 1. from what can be gathered fi in the f w pages sent us. we think it prom is < well to be an interesting b ••• >k. f i'.M.'.llo Bslij *'F*- pri " J liuira llhilj "Atlver iscr" .■■■:. : Arthur B. Minn. 0-'PUTPA LIST MEETIN Cl. — Tli ko - lists of Sharon a: d vicinity will liold a meeting in Lilieily Hall, at J Mfi.LP* :T. Friday. Saturday and .■ - . Tin-re will pr sent, as sjn-ak- ,s and 1 st-uy diums. tin- following jiersons: — ■' Mrs. Wo.rdruff. of Eagle HarboioN. 5".. R. F. Lichfield, of Ellicotl ville. N. Y.. fbeorge W. T yjor, of North 011 ius. N. Y.. Mr. Green how, of Hornells ville, N. Y.. and others. The pub;. • a.<- invited ... ■ . Steam Engine*.—XV. . tf-iitninirf jii tchiiiints. r,; iL 'herie-r- iode-ir iiip ii. j>e,veil -.*e eiißijitete and secure enrfiie-. i- : ■ New Vuri:. Til- • ir-'ir-> of t i- ■• nt ri are atv.-.v- te-ted Lef .reo i#tsr iL-ir works, ami ■ i : !hi "host 1- ill 'U'tnti >:i of tli'-se 1-i in - - oil- -li evii by the in in .fa -airer- who th ' .v.- f'lnii-tw-dover f"rthe n-eof thepeopv i>. ■ u-t-i i.ft •• T'nii'-.. XXV Li ; t!>e full- j e-t -arit in ."••(• 'inni. nding them to our friends 13 and the uubiie. ] traits in Europe fund shed at reus". - ah'' r<i'-s by S. F. HAMILTON. n Ayent. X Ureal Horror tleie Aveij Willi.— H'.'.wt .-le aii, liorfjr to i.:a- men oat . . fr't-.p nits, j*jve 'he dome-tie hearth a wide _ I never irhed i-ofore. and wiia? with th- .i-s.-orn . id f IV labor ft huadreii per cent., tie inse it r-moves ; art. cr- - 0.11 - • • h hardly any ' usaai time. The Seashore. —This xveatber is well calculated to remind 11s of the seashore with its cool and invigorating breezes and delightful bathing in the breakers. The ( olumbia House at Cape May will l e ready for guest-June 28. and Mr. Bolton informs us that his prosjiects , are go -d for a full house. The Colum bia is located directlx upon the beach and has a finely shaded lawn. As a fanblx resort it ha- no sujierior at the >■-ashore. It liaslong leenconceded that ( Max e\ Is -ill tl' r -• i-i'le re sorts fi>r the safety and smoothne-s of it- 1-e.ich. It is the only ; >iut uponour coast where ladies and children can p bathe with entire security at any time of t he tide. A!ijiiiii?>lr..lorN Xohfe. - ... I--. iit'l' aixvi Hi-is. . . • • 1 lI.VN' is MAOINNIs .. >:t .4- ••• .n r The BaHalo, d i'hiia. ibil! way (oniony ; offer ij: sale, AT A BARGAIN, the hoaas reaaia over aad abrve these alrealy retired bv the Towns themselves—being of the Towns along the line of its Haiiwsr, viz.: S6OOO of Olean, N. Y. SISOO of Machias. N, V.—ssoo retired on a Kind. S4OOO of J ranklinvibe, N. Y. SSBOO of Yorkshire N. Y. —$200 re tired on a Bond. The Bon is are of fi y.i en- a.••earing Interest a : seven per cent., and are a "fBST-CLAaB* SAFE "ECL Kirl'For particulars aldress H. 1.. Lyman. Treat., P. O. Drawer IT". Ecu ai.O, X V. 1 he Sixoer is a lock-Stitch machine ' and makes a beautiful,even and uniform stitch which will not ravel and isalike , <>n both sides. It hems, braids, cords, ! tucks, embroiders, ruffles, fells and docs j all kinds of work on the tmest muslin or the heaviest full-cloth. "W"**-' "• > ' asret.t- a 1 Pt 'Hers for our > PHEBS AND STRAlNEft. — Presses and strains herbs, vcgetaMes, lard, tal-I . . ri■ tis. '■heese, • Over Ct'.trio sold in a few • Sells quick. Every family wants it. la* Ma-hu>e and 'iber esta'jlisiied agents an tiudiug this very profitable. Circulars Free. I LITTLEFIKLD \ DAME, 102 Washington Street. Boston, Mass. E. O. REES, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER, DEALER IX Watches, Oloolvs, ,T ewelry, Silvcr-phited Ware, < i losses & Spectacles, Eishiurr Tackle, (inns tut'.l .Vutiuiinition, &c., \e. WALT HA M WATCHES SOLD AT PRICE LIST OF I It )\VA RD & CO., 565 /' t-hray. X. Y. Hepaiiiing a - n, • • r manner and War. rimed. SECOM* STREET, Ea-t of MAIN ST.. DIKE'S rriUDINo, COUDEP.SPORT PA. A.M. Reynolds haa constantly on band 1 .],• new SINGER -EWIXG MA CHINE, with all the latest iinprovc nents. THE CGaiersprt ii , \ AND , General Stage Office 9&S V* BEFITTED f.'i BllF' K-NIMTIi/r . | nd is note or- n to the PUBLIC T'-e TABLE trill O : n rn:-T "La?? style, -n ' nolihor or ■ rpense tp ired to mak ~ i". * FIRST-CLASS HOTEL GOOD 57.1 BLISG, and carefu U-'-Mkrs ' Ixcays in attendance. 2 •: old-time x irity of th- II : "I vill be ' '"LAT maintained '■>/ th- pre- nt Proprietor. he public generally. I>. F. i.LASSMIKE, Jr., racPßiEToa Old Sewing A! ichines of any make v f epaued in a workmanlike manner. A. M. REYNOLDS, Aynt. ( The Baker House a C. E. cor. SECOND and EAST Streets. ~ (Has*. cf :curi 2scire,) ■ i 1 COUDERSPORT, PA. IJ:i ben purchased by BROWN & KEI-LV formerly of the Cor per?port Hotel) The It .-=<■- i- completely furnished from top to : •.•ttom. and .CI the convenience:- desire.i by lie people; th- table is the best in the County : he larn > under the charge of the v.f ostler ■> . hi State; and. in short, every!hinit will be done ! hat run i* . Line to make it comfortabh for stran ;ers ->r others who visit the bouse. T! ■ ' : ,\; • :i' ts •' -1 the Pi •;•••.' -rs in the I -tel bu-ines? ntakes then peculiarly able to atertothe varie l wants of tlie travelling public. T: ev s-."i it t! ir .in. believi it that 1 y are able to supply the best of the ebst io BROWN A KELLEY. 2 Prapr utters so- t TJ £E riANO," No 'IT I>T>OOAIE STUEET, New York, —UNSURPASSED First premiums wherever exhibited—Prices low for the quality—Large prices allowed for S-. ,iid-iiand instruments in Exchange. From Mr. Edtvird II if rutin. Out celebrated Pianist. 9 I conscientiously believe tlWt your Piano is in every respect a . ost magnitt cent Instrument. From the " Independent." The American Piano has deservedly become a very popular Instrument. iiTßesponsible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. Send for Circulars to ■ 2429-54 AVIXG & SOX, 417 Broome St., X. Y. j : . . S. F. HAMILTON i Book d- Job Bbixteb* w_- . - c S. W. corner MAIN and THIRD Streets, (OVEE THE POUT OFFICE,) COUDERSPGRT, PA. SPRING. 1873. Yhos. McEcwell a Co., DEALERS IN • i GENERAL M ERCHANDISE, POUT AIjUEGAINrY, r*A. We would respectfully call the attention of the people of Pottf.r Cot*nty to onr large and complete assortnipnt of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, , BOOTS and SHOES. IIATS and CAPS, READ Y-MADE CLOTHIXG. SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIOXERY, FLOUR. PORK, SALT, FISH. FEED and MEAL, PAIXTS and OILS. HARDWARE, XOTIOXS, GLASSWARE, \ <sce... Ac., Ac., r which we are offering at greatly reduced prices, owing to the increased facilities afforded bv the ci'iunletion of the Buffalo. New York A Philadelphia , Railway, and we can and will sell goods as low as they can be sold this side of Canada. Fresh ground Feed and Meal kept constantly on hand. j We are daily receiving new goods, thus keeping our stock, in all departments, FULL AND COMPLETE I at all times. 24-29-4 Thos. McDowell A Co. Insurance Company of North America, 1 The Oldest Stock Insurance Company in the United States. ASSETS, .Taniiarv 1. 1873, 3.370,738.01 * Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS, January A. 1070. S 1.X02.Q02.40 I The above-named reliable Companies are r presented in Cou dersport by 2439-1 y ARTHUR B. MANN. L. B. COLE 6c SON, or mi Blacksmith and Wagon-shop, , Se::~i Street, betxc-ez biair £ Test,) Scrrth fruit,— COUDER SPORT, PA. WAGoys, CARRIAGES and SLEIGHS of a" description* manufactured to suit customer* e<l warranved. Repairing alarsatteaUeJ !opromptly. i Competent and experienced worhmenPbpt In em ploy in both shops to attend to the oi cus tomers. Charge® reasonable for cash or ready pay. L. B. COLE & SON M. H. 3IRGE, IMPORTER AND DEALER IX hangings, <!JltnTJctD oil. CLOTHS. Etc., Xo. 218 Main St., 34a* 1 r BUFFALO. N. Y. .Al-Pttg -ortion sim tnoy posvq.uud spooS no *iaa siaAiie tic.> bjous .suiy '-pmuq si.omvj MTn ,s- s* DohTflOX PKi.wHh:, K UKTHd,, puig iKOjqo,aj Aitsnf out jo sj-untjsjnusK A V OIAvTJ.III 'ws iJwod oc v if "OO V SVWVCJV "IAI *v Edward Forster, DEALER 19 Groceries & Provisions, MALN STREET aho re SECOND, COUDERSPORT, PA. A FELL SCPPLT OF FLOUR, SUGAR. SPICES. SYRUP, CHEESE, HAM, FISH, TOBACCO, SNUFF. • <src., <stc., KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. A specialty made of Teas and Coffees, of which 1 have the Largest and Host Stock in town. Ail Goods sold CHEAP for CASH only. Cat and examine before purchasing elsewhere IDW Altn FORSTER EfISSETTS LIVERY, Corner MARKET and HUNTER Streets (SOUTII SIDE of th< EIYER. j I worm respectfully invite the attention of the public to my LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT. with the a-i trance that I can meet every de mand for a first-class turnout. Having purchased the Livery of Amos Telle, I have '.tie only Establishment of the kind in this section. J. M. BASSETT. 132-tf Cnited States Internal Revenue. Notice to Special-Tax Payers. The law of December M, 18T8, reqnlre* every per son engaged in any Iwlwiiw, av.,canon or employ ment which renders him liable to a SPFXTAI, TAX. tr. prt>ri/r" and plitc Cf.nsjf novtsly in his a taUisf, merit or place of tMaeH A. STAMP denoting the payment of the Special Tax before commer. ing :,us:ness. The tax-- embraced w .thln the provisions of '.aw above quoted are the following, viz.: Rectifiers 800 00 Dealers, retail liquor" 2.0 op wholesale liquor li <>o " In malt Uquors, wholesale bo on •* " retail 2" on in leaf toba -, - 45 on Retail dealers In leaf tobacco 800 00 (and on sales of ver SICK>, fifty c. rr- t every d' car In excess of fiooei.i Dealers in manufactured tobacco. ft oq Manufacturers of stills 80 00 and for each still or worm manufactured to oo of tobacco io oo ■ of cigars 10 00 Peddlers of tobacco, i st clas.- more that: 2 horse* AO 00 •• 2.1 clftsts 2 horse* 2ft ■'*< '• 3d •• (1 hor-e) 15 oo • •• 4th " on foot or public conveyance 10 on Brewers of >-- than #*> barrels .v> v> .v-o barrels or more . 1 *> Anv person who sha 1 fall to t ;.h t! o f-.regt : g requirement* w.-l be subject severe penalties. s; . • ;, v. tl.r the I nite.t f:ib are reminded 'hat ifcev must make application to the Voile tor r Depart coOeetori of their re - for the Si<e< i ti-'. x;• • at, e->.m t.-tng May 1, IST3, without f rftrth-' .-v.-e (iMirge Knbh, OS Tnt Ale- 1-A //./if. P. 2~ui-*' wiritamaport.Pa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers