T he Potter Journal Axn ITEM. —SLSrC2" ?A., JUrch 12,1373. r j i i... i'. , I' ||a s | i. T£,-- " Si - I >, J *: ; : 9 * f S ' - fc i i ... i ' J I -j |J| J J i ;j 11 s | j I uLiii w i £ j> ®a! ® 7 < 5 7 I 3Vi U r. t- ; : £ i cs -a * I I I Trr = >- * J e * $ o o *• * 3icrr and *irrra bouts. Coudersport Market. kbrat-N". 1 bile per buh. *l.9© Kt-i winter '• - l fift ft i.7 v ", Na 1 -pring " " LSO if. l.ui (hi* " " *>■ .*© " •• _.V) Bnt.* " " -'*> *' —M lT •• •• ■•- tf uioe" -V. n ,+n Jr.. 18 1~0 *t 2.00 toil 15.W ftv~ " t ..16 .<* ftp.-er .... d Jf* I" tloz. *V ,t" I Tie lertr.l of Managers of the Potter ft Agricultural Society will meet 3 . of the Comity Co—liußiop l- i th* veiling of Wednesday next. 1 j -t. "qvcial attendance re ->l. a- iini*>rtnt business will be >.; ted ior consideration, lb .nler <>f the Board. > ¥ II AMI l, TON, Itf. Ste'J. HOB. (. S. Jones HITS our thanks for a > } "f tie- Adjutant General's Report r •..-*• fir a copy of Leg || Book for 1 -7.;. I flktfcr morningof Thursday, the6th I ■: rurn d in lJlo>~hurjr. Tio r ty. which destroyed very nearly y ■ tin- business portion of the town. ■ meter was 21 below zero ■ 9,* tire engine froze up and liecanie ■ v after about three hours use. ■ . -a the only recourse was to jwils. the citizens used those indus •>;> and finally tlx* tire was mtbducd. ■ v>| Itonnel, of Wellsboro*. has leased !' I one House in that village for a <.;-rnnof years and changed the name Ilimine] House. F4. J-.iinial Jfc Item: I was glad to no r- . your }q*-r of Feby. 2>th that 1- Library Association of your place i etermined to assist me in getting - . t<. my problem, publisher! in tiie .:.m 't May lntli. 1572, by referring I W. I>. Weaver —I stlfipKie that f"-'- t'::e Teacher of your Academy. i- - he j> a hie to tind the answer •>y uwillfavoi me. and yourrea.b f N' *-ni!iv. hy publishing it and the k obtained. O I iw.i Iridic night There was a danc- i onse ot Mr. Yncuot,' I .us*. .He, During the evening M. !>• well, of Liliertv. McKean ! i 'S *■:.. was present, got "sleepy'" i i down on a bed Lit one of tle j \ * He remained unde' the influ- ; j the deejt drowsiness that had ] y r - him for some time, and when . t v- found he had l<een relieved of " Ket-:.,k l ojitaining lou.no jn .ii <1 aiso .tf tw. watches and ] •Hi :les, making hi? entire loss; • The pocket-ta>k was ( ' pteket f his vest, and this ! -i. ' it <t[(en to get it out. ik'Hei! IKMI three arrester!, one • 1 ite com-iuded not to pne iarther as he had no evidence ii and the other two were [ Justice 1- B. I [ !<? r '- the case. T "p has committed an nnuiiti •■f villainy, and we liO|>e they " * 1 Tought to justice. Ii ;, the loth, the stage fort Allegany went out for the first time. On I ' wa> >o\ere<l with several; and during the day L . 1 "Wnenced ninniug. From nntil the loth of this month I : • t>:nipterl sleighing, a peri-' I " months and twenty days./ r " - ace this side of Esquimaux I* show a longer "run" we.would <;r it, hut sltould hardly care j •> ai tliat country. ri r occurred at Knoxville. Pm. I v.'it of Feby. 3d which 1 a goxl deal of excite- P U ; At vicinity. In the A jUaU-r I ra Navies gives a detailed I- " t,e transaction, which is '- v the affidavit of John M. ft -- . l ''' s statement on tlie ' l "d aDive a man from Pot ft ,v .. al the liotel in Ktiox ■ch l! X,r f *ih>n. with his wife ft 1.-,*' H i? d tWu "ieces, who lived ■ ~n t . 1 " fc I,iiU > and his wife oecu- Kir nn • T Hl ! d t,Mf l *° a rooru •ia course ,tf the night the girls came to the door of the man's room and on being admitted said two men had entered their room from the window and attempts! to violate their persons. The landlord was aroused and on investigation the evidence pointed unmistakably to a couple of-young men fron Addison. X. Y.. who occupied a - room adjoining that of the girl's, as the peqietnitors of tlie deevl. In the morning the uncle of tlie girls refused to take any steps to apprehend the villains, and continued his journey. The two young men from Addison in the course of the day, Feby. 4th. boast ed of what they had done. About ten days afterward the man and his family, including the girls, re turn's! through Knxvil!e. bat h*r still rtfiLittl to I"kf any ttrjts to pr<jsecntt thf nf'ndtr*. The girls were respectively thirteen and fifteen years old. The conduct of this man is deserving of the sewn st censure. God save hi 11ieoes from such a guardianship. I rofanity has lwcotue so prevalent of 1 ite that it seems to be necessary to re buke even ministers of tlie Gosi-l for their irreverent language. Tlie New York OWrrer under the bead of " Pi <> fauity of Preachers" gives the following as an instance that lately came under its notice: A clergyman was advocating the so called "Religious Amendment." to the . Constitution. He said the Constitution was once regarded as a ssicred instru ment, and to alter it .a sacrilege. But it has lieen amended sixteen times: se curing to negroes, and all men. equal rights, "and nowexclaimed then-ver eiid gentleman, "we waul to make one more amendment to secure the rights of ALMIHIITV Gop." T c jx'liteiuss an observance of th- set fi'inis of society, or rather an atten tion t< the wants and feelings of those with whom we are associated? Me have l*e-n induced to ask this question by reading in some of our ex- L-liangt - that old story of tlie thn*e ]n-- cise ladies who went visiting to a cer tain place where szreeii peas were plact d on the table at dinner. The season was early , the jx-as were large and nice, but the forks had only two prongs, and would not hold a pea. so that tle se la dies h-ft theirs untasted on their pi; tes. while tlie family used their knives, and enjoyed tlie meal. Were these ladies martyrs to jK.lite ness, or fools who were violating its fundamental principles? Does not }>- liteness require of us to adapt ourselves to the condition and ways of those with whom we associate, and if need be lay aside for the time being the habits of higher refinement that may cause them to Pel awkward or inferior? ffe fake the following complim 'lit aIT | notice of the financial condition of this County from the Wiiliamsport <•'•(z/h A" llullftin. POTTER Cor N'TY,— From, tlie Aiuli tors" reimrt for we learn that tiie exjiei ditures of Potter county amount-' I O, s l#.7ii).U, and th- r---iptji. j were $27,780.63, leaving a bakuct in favor of tlie county of This is an encoiiiaging statement and shows that the affairs of Potter are well man aged. Not for many years have the streets of >t Williamsjmrt presented such a s]x- L -- tacle at present. In all of them there are Ix-ds of solid ice. from six inches to a foot in tliickness, while in many of those not much used by vehicles there are pile- of snow and ice from one to four feet in height. This is something very remarkable, indicating very clearly the severity of the winter, from which we hojie shortly to emerge. We take the aliove from the William sport N'", of March 13. It shows tie progress of spring down that way. / The closing exercise- of the winter, term of the Graded School icnrml last Friday. There were general re views of the studies of the term, and a spelling contest. One hundred words were spelled. Two prizes were affixed. \ the first being Holland's last volume of poems, the " Lao<-oon." Eugene Baker having silled tlie largest numlier of words received this yuize. AVeapjiend the list of words used on this occasion. ( The spring tenn of two months in length commences next Monday, the 24th. We hope to see a large atten dance. < Colonelcy Separation Buoyancy Innuendo Gingham Crucible Gazetteer Infallible Indelible Sanhedrim Sadd ucees Rhetorician Omniscient Supersede Valise Malfeasance Gymnasium Amanuensis Prairie Biscuit / Ihphtheria Antityj* Caisson Bissextile Coliseum i Gherkin Coksseum / Magnificence Zephyr Syzygv Minion Icicle Triple Complaisant Savior i Postilion i Saviour j Postillion ? j Raspberry Neighl<or Mortgage Solii-m Lattice Mortise Sacrifice Decalogue Etiquette Augur Waggery Discipline ] Condensable Accessible Spigot Expressible Ewer Harass Witticism Syncope Surveillance Immigrant I>eopard Juicy satellite Exaggerate Acme Believe Receive Indigenous I'biquity Erysipelas Stationery Seizin Terrify Macerate Crystallize Picayune Ptarmigan Ebullition Corvet t \ying Corvette i Emissary Roguish Synonym Imjiassable Invincible Canoe Chandelier Accomplice Apathy stanchion Outrageous Pachyderm Medicine (Tiiaiautee Ouiutilliou / Aqueduct Portemonnaie Primer Visible Verdigris Measles Stalactites ■salable * IWarrifd. _ _ ,Hore-snn(lfr, AlHaymoud.Pa ,March 9th. ly Kt-v. J. L. Swain. XI r. LEROT L MOOKE and Miss Axsu r E Sicsraia. [ of KayiU'.nd.y " DIED. (leiii-sH'. March Mh. I 4 "Mr-. Xitrv Pjr. 1 ; in UK- Ssnh year of her age. Another of tin- iHooeers of Potter County gone to her re—t. Mrs. I'ye and her hu-band settled in Allegany township nearly forty years agoy Her service- in sickness among the early settlers are still gratefnilv retnemlwred by the older in habitants in this jttrt of the County. ft Earth." ui>u thy rugged breast Now Jet thy weary hand mac! re-t. Wiuie free from mortal care and blight Her soul expands in purei liirht. B* ilotircs. To rereicr j/fornpt attention commu nication* in relation to subscription* and Ojdverti*imj should be addressed to S. F. HAMILTON, Publisher. HAY! Cirsit futility, for sale by L. HEXDRICK. SWEDEN. POTTEK CO.. PA. W. R. Elliott's Illustrated Plant and Seed Catalogue mailed fret- to all api'li wtiits. W. R. ELLIOTT, o2j 114 Market St. Pittsburgh. Pa. Tbov wishing to purchase ligiit wag ons and buggies should examine the stock of L. 11. Cole A Son, at their shop on Second street. They can show you specimens of both that for material, workmanship, style and finish art* equal to any in the states. ''h,ippe I H'tM'lt. fi-'e, ri>'.jh •.tn. nj-1.-s , ai, sait-rueinn, ami t :ii r eniam-oe- *<!- :iid cured, u>l tlieskin uiade stt'i and mimith, > a.-ing th* Juniper Tt<r {toup, r->d '.e ' v v s.- ••ell, Uaza-d Jt i .... ,-.i- Von*. ;te certain a'.-I ; .'.*t the JiiiJje-r T s .ap, as tlitre are Biaay ; -on':i— hu.iat;* t_- i.,a<le ah cu.-uuioii far. i 3- S: lis HtPTIOXS to the KnfTnlo IHtiljr **Ex prcs*" alii iiir.Eliuißi Daily "Adtrr* 1 i-er" ree iviil ,md fere, .irded 1 * • ' -ly Arthur B. Mann. We call tlie attention of our readers to the adverti'iu"iit of Tlrns. McDow ell A Co.. on second ]sge. Thos*- visiting Port Allegany for the punatse ot trading will find it for their interest to give them a call. T7tr 'fhrreslrtnd fttrrelett Co '-Lirer Oil 1- I II BE aHi A * a.- —.. ■ •>.* fit- --.111--. fr..M freak,adcrtwl V . . ClwmA i/m >r>!it Co., x\ h Vnck. It i als<d.;tely ... ; i'j- U.-ut- * h*i have ouee tdkei, it |ire!<-r t.. all .rte era. llij-i> tau.- tare iMiei it -'tj-rior tuant . of Ulc other oil? lu market. :-l Ueport oi* tllrKlirnj Tp. Vmlitois. I'eb. S2, -ToriENTef Frso- By '"a.-h on liau-1 © u " Baia'ne *>u u J*rt"fi ..U|*i|. ... S-! 5.- . •• Oii'imislvDTni eertincate 197 ; To or>sers .wit-tau-iing i*3 Surplus .. St 3 Vl w. 1! M .-n:-*.-.} W '. C. -.rsvr:e, v \. NTXsrv, ti ',*f v r> fi. V. Bi.-w r. E. O. REES, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER, DEVLKIi IN Wat'hei. Clocks, .1 eyvclry, Silvcr-phtt *'d Ware. i V SiH't'iadcs. I'isliitig Tliekle, Guilt* :iil Ainiunnitioii, Ac., Ac., Ac. ot— VVALTHAM WATCHES SOLD AT I'RICL I TsT Of • HOWARD A < < i Hrm'dviiy. -V ) . Bsi All : v ' Btnq r I ... J. -V lad • • - . ECOND STREET, East of MAIN ST.. ! else's nuMNiJ i COUDERSPORT. PA. SI'IISCHI 1* E FOR THE 1 JOURNAL L ITSM AUDITORS' REPORT " for 17 Q : ' ;1 Statement a>J It err ifj.< and t>rp?*di i ture* of Potter Comity for the yea* ■ • ending 31, 1872. Jrf- Kirrs.—<'■■in'm yand. Unseated & seated land* ret'd *i *3l < ollevti>rs for *72 and [>rev. vr* 5.646 43 < n iudjouents .539 2S HT Reynolds "2*71 J Saie f UuiN '2J7 32 It*'ticm|Hion o( land* '.. 41 <4 Fuel I bit*) logfliUil* .%*5 it - 19,331 .* Sitf-iil Final. Collector* for '7O 71 and 72 21 •'-'> '4 l"u* td *.v s'td I'd- rvtd for "To 2-594 do "71 2W41 Total amounl of rmipit #27,7 Hi K EirrNwrnttt-Oimty Fund. It L White 'in r's wage* for 7) - (iW'Cdlvin do "71..-#> W L.Stark wet her do 71.. li RJ. Whit- wage* ill lull fo. "72.. 325 G W oiv in do *72.. I'O .1. D Esles do 72.. H25 I I, R Coir rlerk hire. 71*' I>O Lairabce eom'r* eiuusrl .... St' Election expruse* !604 17 • Printing balance for "71,. 15> I*# for tS 2fiu , Clerk of quarter —->**•* 122 •§> t I'rot honotary's fees SI "5 j Clerk ft Jury com'r< J" * .Stationery... 117 iT ! Jury fee* Potter co re EuUiia t}. -4 ■*,* J Auditors' wages : 14 . Repairs to public buildings 49 *7 ■ Jail expense* fiTT® ' OMWMmlfe (xists 552 76 MaqfieboM 27 94 < 'onuier's inquests 47 OS State tax . • 545 Teaclo-r*' institute I*l 1§ Iter'irder's fi-cs 4 So Tahiti}: M L French to a*yium... 91 SB Incidental expenses 1 A sscssors" w age* ♦*! J6 1 laiitage* bv r<>ails I 42 ' Road vow* 4*2 "41 Bbrrv killed by dog* USB Wolf and wiideal bounty Constable it-turn* 31965 survey ing tchw•! di*t: ict 42 42 • Buarag prttuMnh East, jwnit y 77 M Jury commissioners' fee* 17 22 Itcfcrree*' fees : 3J TiPlnf B lßlflm to tartan etc. 272 7*. •!•> p: i*otirrs to penitentiary "47 :>• ' Tip*iatf wages 120 Councilor 01 Mate t ix due roiu'w'itll for '7l .. 616 91 SbrtiTifeet l'.iTii Judgment favor Ricliardvin 3376 ' ! Western penitentiary ...".. f>i 62 . Cas*ia Prouty at asylum 2*096 i Tending tovvu clock 2*. - •; J -ate* jury fn-s .. ♦ 02 TraVOI v.' jury fee* _ ... 4T7'112' Co*ts on laivt* l■hi in to county . '*>7" j \ iewnn! L>li)an*nh*' and ier mania state road "V) o0 : Kepair* to oMirt hoiL—- SJtvi I it*i i ranee id ■ludgntmt favor Joseph Mann... C*4.; t'* A'i- rift F' H'l. fj'"l7 57 Jail furniture *4 42 " i"i llil on Uiud to 1 I'm li**.. . jtv p jo do j* A s4/-l.i.in- jr .Ji< do I t: TVvker W do do :323 do do .... 144 • To'a! i'\|*-nitllure* ' 1".7J1114 l.'xi ess of receipt* over exj-ndtturpi * V_t"4 49 We .i- c- ti y irrat the f-r-. aio. %t*teineatsf receipt* and -x|>et. liiurro ai th- r-ontyef Putter for the ycrnr !*7J i* cro-cl. a. u i 1 *i>|e ,ir ujn. ifce recerd* :■! voucher* ;u thi.- ..flic* lt!'t: li. W. COLT.* L It. CoLr, C!-rk. L t>. E#ics. 14 L )s'aic,. ' -maiincr' OflScr, Jma 4, "7. /.viiir*. >'•/!' nf'itl t tf,r fund* of !*> >tter ' ntut fy for th>: ycttr ending lh'c. yj, '72. t " h F 'Tl'f lne on jiidgiueiit fav. Joseph Mann..., Vdini Sjtt i'tl F nul. Ihu' nn lumd* in 1 Kenw>n ii" Joseph Mann.. .V*i ' do I. It lleeker ... 17ijOl> do do .. ♦•*■*' Oh " do - do ... !!•**• do do ... 2P'UI' Tola! indebted!!*** ( . Cbtmfi/ F'lw'. lnc from unseated laud* b-r "72 '"• do s'tetl I'd* ret'd for "72 *! "."• do cilWtor* for lso* .. p; * uo do , 1<72 <1.94 do K" Austin 7" do H T KeytioW* 2u>. .'J do Cameron cotint} *•' • >7 >f . \ mount ilii' Ox fund Sjfci"l FJ'ivl. From un*'ted I'd* for "7i tk s"tel I'ds ret'd .. .'.">7l do cidlo-tor* t>C 'l9 t .'sh in Treas. hands . ">l'i77 — tkofdsd . :7.ls"' l -1 Baiats-cof lud. ldedne**..,. . 11.41f Jt-m Fnml. fit l*ue from <-oiks-tor* 24*>7" In Treasurer's liand* if* T>>tal aiiK>unt due comity 4V>i'j Wc d. eerti y ti.at thr f- ree.sisg stateu *ni wf th* fuijd- of P.Kter c> uiity on tbf first tlx* ef Jannxry. l*7:i j, corn-el, a wili ifj, M tij.n th- rie-ird- xuJ Tuuthers in our olSee. G. W. Colvi*, -Ittrnf: K. L. WHITE. L B tow, Clerk. L. l>. bru. ()•! rr. _ | " l||| ; ;*gggl2agttgrgpt|t| ■s ji r i US- r" ; ~ I __ 7 ~ Zu.J * _ _ A. L oaBVEI.Ttmc., In account with for 1572. The (inoßtf*lth. • }srmtt>t> Tuxes. • . .. Receivedfntn eolhaem*for "70 .... Is 4 -• do do '7l .... my. do do "72 14< 72 By commission on 2i7: :J7 r spr ct 17 17 " Rei ciht of State Tr-a* -SUP r- 9*2 i lla" due hy Co Treas 1651-5 A'-f'U/""*' License. Uut p>*r re|>rt J L llanev App'ar ♦" 50 .Tl*>* license M V Purpic liot in list) — 4P) r o By >-omiuis*i..n <m 4410 in $ 5 pret 3' ~C Anit dui a* j.r rej*trt Auditor General for I*7l 2* 22 Adver'x' a;>p'**-m't iti Itetn I do Journal... '• 39 hi an Tr>-.i* rs-eeipt .... gs M 410 -50 l- 1 . JVrfftr*" XJcrrtv, f Received at Ktref r> .latea AS 4*3 •.> . By on §m _ t *- State Cri-.xs' receipt "* Tax vn I/vrriK Reed on E D Herr Judgt r Potter co "71.. 9 G7 1. do Kieh'dson do "7j-2 15 7* do bond - 4 Mann for •• uk>* "72 555 r do do Vusl Bettxon 12 do 15 do do 6n<>- do 12 do IS do do 17u> do 6 do 2 lt< d>> do AIIKI $ Nam 12 do iv. O" io .■ -P ASt<-Ntinsirl2do 15 "b do 2 eo-Jo* M.iun 12 d> 7J> do H rr tr Potter co do 97? ■ Ral due Co Treas ' a #11663 j B> commission on #lls 7-"> .1 7-J sv .. Tr *as Nov I',. "72 .. W96 ; do do Jan 17, "77 ... 16 29 W# J, certify thit wr '&** *Xaaiß*d th* ec>'UiiU !4 | * o< * '** t!,<rn of A. L. HXIT-T, Tr*urer of P -Utr _ county, with th C< of pennx. xsd fina X- tb* ii.w t b is>rr>-ct nod in xr* rdnnc. with xhove statements. J. JJ. COI.R, 1 f *■- > Auditors P. >N. Have*. } j A. L. SASTZT, Treif. In account with for 1*72. Potter CJounty. CUewTv F'tftA. i Becd of collectors: *>. 9 94; ">7, 1 s#; "69, _ j \ "'- 1 ; *7l. 7tt"> 17; "72. 492.7 i 5.4". ' Uecd from Ults td Ids as tu ret d for "To t s 27 V r d> . Tto "71 6.194 "7 ! Recti 011 judgt rr I' I.om k col 24 25 do KuLalia tiHitsane |a*r 235 i no J LyMan-bail E Eee*- fformer Co tr-:ts) ' lte- 't of II 1 Key 11'-W* >1 fre'v t;t<i re" *7l ;.•* Tl do P \ steN>in#iii fulHan jiii |..t V7f. . do SSeplH-n llorfon on sale of land* '<9 72 do Rish Hiji; lon lands frotu tax sales 415; do sundrx jktrltes for firewood sold fl Bal due from Itog PM -lan 1. "71 Ba! from Ami s rej.n Jsnl, 72 2.1 ■_ .rj 421,273 41 By eomniission on 41 s , •*"> 17 T'soj By • Tiler* ret'd and <-an> *:-t: , 72—Feb 24, .'2>4 77 Meh 2 2"74 "1 June 13 21ii; .1 Jnlv 24 3671 b> Mpt2l 227:0 Nov 9 2'-73 12 ltec 12 5*9 43 7:s—Jan Z< 951 56 217U2 03 le-s apjiihsl *|iccial f un<l 41.34 > Balance due by Treas §:' s iu7 "7' j Sjfi'ii FiTl't. ' Herd fr-mi ooileetor.*: 76. 2596: 71. •; 72 I>7* 45.. .1-7 .0 ' uns'td i ds a s'td ret'd f>r 7" 2 94 '*• do do >1 25*9*1 j 4 7.44 V 24 ' ; B> luil luc co fuiid* Jan 1, 72 203 ft! eomin'n on 7.349 24 <n 1 p• . 2": T orders reld a can - :*ee •<> Td*i 41.'4 * i 4'vC 47 , j Bal due by c> treas :.**l7 77 J ! tCfj Fowl. j Reed from collectors; "7<J.7i>;: 71.1**71; 72. 316 79 "04 7* Hal |*r And's rtp. Jan 1. 72 2 - ' ii viz:> ■. Bv tell ,t wt <v. fund Jan 1, 71 .... 3d' 22 41 MMMMm o4 74 21 19 orders ret 'd and ''unoec-d 1 C! 27 ' Bill line by CO treas *2* 59 I JteetemptiOH Fund. llei'd from \ B Morton date co treas: |1 oil "7<7. Hebron-s p Reynold* PC 79 d" o'oa wl 49:12My1\ 'na-sß.s* 117 14 do 1.54 a Kulalia-A Roun*vi!le oj do do -K"n*v"leAt;rTun"n 11 74 244 • ' '72.1 iil'2-rrs-dou "*'aWh"t'n-s>ld APi on#- *7y ! M-j.tis_ •• },rja Hei-tor K's- h'rs-Wt obl> .7 *< , J 4 - " 4932sylvania-S Ros* 124 1' Nov 15- " 197 a 9 467s siimniit do .. 27'§"< ! j - " Toa " do do .. 12 Is . - " lb', a 2K§J'J|S'> do do .. 2; 79 Ainoutit in hand of A L Harvey * 446 o . We bet* by certify that we b*vc exxrelued th- s'- • ♦ f-uut* \ ucli'-ri A. L. ilirfpr, r of I p.-o. e rown* , witv -si ! - j:::r fl r c-< ratal fhed. j iat* vel :ui,ed ( and find ihcu t , correct: sh< wing Ihe cev ' crl ha'nces due as -lated. J. I|. i OLE, J. M. II vmt.Tus, I>. W. II WES. A'jdit-r*. : A e H AaV£y, Zrc#-., In accmnt >nth The x-vfral Townships. AliK'tt Tuwusliip. To Road taxes re-sl on uns'td l'ds: To. 176 .7; 71. 19.7 iC 71 61 . do *'ted I'd* ret'd 1 :• S|ss ial Ri.sol taxes on uns'td for 71 .. 357 04 ' 749 Bv conirs order* on Road tax 7] i"4 lo Spec'l do "4 74 s os Bal due In Treas 1.41 AllejflK'iiy Township. To Hisnl taxe- pssl mi un*"ld I'd-: 'ib, !'■ TP. Ii •: 71. 112 4" .. 29 9o do -id re 31. 7". 11 4": 71. 1" * ... :i si , Sjs-i'T r'd Uix > on tios'teti I'd* •b. :4 it;; 70. 39 74': 71. 7u 1:1 :r. do -'lisi ret'd 70. 12 5.3; 71. 1- 71 2 "-4 Bounty tax ihi uns'ted l'ds for 7" 22' 67 'By commissioners order? in fall. • 34 ;* Hingbaiu Township. To R'd taxes uns'td I'd* 70, 7* 4. ; 71. 12 Its > spel Rd t'x do 7u. 27 4'; 71, 4ii*; .77.72 Bv comnirs order? in full ? 1* 1" ) Clam Township. 11l Kd tax uns'td for 7". 144 b" 71. If i? sr. ** Special K'd tax uns'td l'ds 71 7 .' d" s'td ret'd 71 l'C >l2 By eommr? order? in full .. § : *42 H> Coudersport. To Boro tax uns'td 70.1 •> 71. 9 • _"4 > td ret'd 70. 0 ■'; 71. XIC > 92 Poor tax s'td and uns'ted 71 !'' 4 By coinmrs order? in full 7 '.*• Eubilia Towusliip. To K'd fax un*t<l a td rrtd 7o ... '* s un*'ted I lls ret'd 71 *v sjtvial roal tax uns'td for .1 l4 ** 19. iC Bv commissioners' ttnlers l'.'l 7" Bal.iii 'e due by tre:ts 4 127 To Timt tax uie'tii for 71 17'.'70 in Ea*i Fork di*t '7l is* *4 a By commissioner* order.* iu 1 all 379 ~A E;ist Fork District. To Kd tax uus'ld 7", 2S 7. ; 71, .17 7. . '*74 47 lly cotiiiurs orders in full 'i7i 47 (ienesot Townshi]'. To Rd tai HI a*>ij for ' * . ': s'-u re; ti 'To, 2 it: ".i, .*' >: 7 '.7 .spel ia> tUL*°id 76, 7'2 77 : 71.715S i*4 72 , I'isvr Co *7O, :*>:: 71. 25t*i 72.. do *td rctl'i'O. 1 o7: 71,11-' 2 .".2 74 *7 * v 7i'> By coinniis-ioin r* 1 Tilers 'R7 95 Balance dne by T rea* 4 si Marrison Township. To K'd tax uns'td 7n. 49 92; 71, t& •• 24 Sj-d do 7". 24 41: 71. is f*3 4'. 44 142 u* R> eommr? orders 1"6 45 ; ' Bal due by Trva 36 23 Hebron Towusliip. To Kd tax ui<*td 70. IstV': 71, 99 36 l"7 seated ret'd 71 13 22 spec! r'd lax uwtd 7b 21" I'J roor tax un< td Th. 15; 71. .32 CT h'. ■.' scaled reld 71 IB 72* 3 . H> ciHninrxorders. t5 Bal due by Trea* V 64 25 ITectoi Township. ] To K <1 tax uns'td 7c. 227 22 5 71 22b K 4-47 2- Slic'l do To. 113 61; 71, 11" OS.. .. 223 69 do J'td ret'd 7". ] '•; 71, "90 1 99 Poor tax wis ted 7n '4; sij do seated ret d 7" C 57 By commissi •hot* order? in full }7:j 27 Homer Township. ( To K <1 tax unstd 7n, 77 '2d; 71. 29! 9 . 335 72 M--1 do T>. '- 1 31; 71. 149 23 1> "i do a'ted ret d T 1 51 16 oi Bv 00111 ir, r order* >n fu!f 49* 77 J:ick#on Township. To K'd tax unytd T'Us7T; 7:, 75* *" 7' S[*Cl do 7\ 216ns; 71.21*'- 5 .to ti By eommr* rder* -. 7;-' • Balance due bv tres- 4 Keatinp Township, i To R'd lax unsJd To, IS .7: 71. 2u7 75 2> 47 ' Poor tax uiisTd for To 62 42 21* M By commrs orders 255 1 Balance due by treas 4 13 M IC>sw:iyo Township. To Kdtaxunstd 7<.77b9-: 71. "< r >9 ]l-C ' Sjw-l do 7". 207 49; 71. 21 4v 71* :■? do sealed ret d T' R.i l'oort X unslilT". A.749; 71,.21 49 71> ■* . | do seated ret d7u 6' >77 12 ; Bv commissioners orders 2S>: j Bal due by trea? * 77 12 Pike Township. ! T Koad :xx on uns'td • 325 99474 : 7u,094 74 : 71.i l -* .'** 75 ■ j iis-v'l un> td To, 54737; 71, ;> -4 71 do std rttd Tixlvi'; 71, 0W I*> P'Xrt xunstd7a:W7T7;7l.M:-4 65571 do s teil ret d 70, 1 Hi; 71 "6s ] lis Ikmntv tax un* td 71 132 S3 do std ret d 71 S 3453941 ' By emuiis*i>Hien> -wder* 376 Bal due bv treas * 77 '9 I'leasaul Valley Township. jTo Road tax unstd 79. 929 ; 71, 92" 1* 'S > SjieeU! r d Tax ousted To 929 f. r By coinmis-joiier? orders 2." iUlaie-e due by Treas j j I Itoukt Township. To K'd lax uns'td '7Q.2249: *71,216-; g.J.' ! S|ei l do 7ix la 7"; ".1. . . 95 7 By commissioners onter* :;i Balance due by treas 4 :.vi 1 **h:roit T"wnsii:p. : To lt d tax Uii*fd 7b. 12 T'2: 71. 31 .'J 4; . seated ret'd '7l 1 Sjir-c i r'd Ults Id '.IJ. '1 ••*: '.l. ?1 41 *td ret ii 7Ml<; 51, 2 A 5 4 r ->r tax unstd 70. .v, u* : 71. 3 -r M 41 Std re! d 50. I ll>: 71. 235 744.". '2is-'- Bv eoniintssioners order* -_l'i Balance due tu trea* t I; "stewarilson Township. •To ltd tax iui*td 'O. ~s : 71. .'CSoi: 64424 S* ido To, u2i* ; 51, (231.51 12* 1. 12 11 | By cojurors order* l'-'o Ba!an>?'due by troa?... 4 :>'• 41 Tnwtj.*hip. ' To R'd tax 1:11*61 ' O, 95; 51. <"<■ 4. ■ seated ret ii 7u 4 95 Poor t v ;:ii*td ■ 51. 4. .* std ret'd 70. 1 17; 51. 195 ;7r Bounty tax un* td i.'9 .1 ?td ret'd 7o k 17 lu.fii tj By civn.iiiissioiiers or er* 9 2 • B;il due by treas i 6 4-i ] >weden Township. • ft Cicvt *a\ Ttll- td 7 . 4t .-<>; 71, 4"4<"> . . *: I. •siw' I do 7". 4.' lr'; 51. 40 4 *:•> un std r t'd 51,7- ,4'. *• 11 Poor lax do To, H *•; 71. Ilk *l4 do un* td 50. *1.51; 71, 50"... lij4 63 04 7f. j . Bv coiiuiii**ioie-rs ufvjer* in fnß.. 12'5.'2J 1 \s4iiici Township. By c.ijomrs iwder* Tfos 21C a.7 *' i To Roail tax illiild; 70, J>.' ••; 51. 4*9 'J . Ssl 7" * ,S !*,• iiuuii on 1* :>■ 73 17 57 J Uy ciHuinrs iirdns N<s 4 * .4*'■ 1 To?s|>ecia! K cul tax 71 . "*44 71 319 | Mfrnuii#39 13 !ui- A I Ilarvt-y to T|< for over ia>i!n-oi. ,#xii Fly-sacs Township, j To km 1 tax un-t i 5! '■ .4 >P—I ••• .1,. •m> sl : ret J "Tu. s jT gz 1 z Poor t'x >'o 4 o • o unst'l 70.74 1 5:: t. 4. >. 1*17? : .1. *2 >4 ;• ißy eeuiiii*son- r* or er* -A-i i ; Bal "ue lx !. § >! 4* I^-wis\iiie. .To Hiiro tax un* t 1 70, b s'; "!, oo< . 1 4*, I'll! ; < o 70, 2 to; 'it, tub. ...4 Pi.wr i'i) 7' -; 4o # '■ ?5 West liruiieh Tow lisliip. To K Itax un*t I7. 4SJ9::: 71.'*>*4 ue 77 s'i ■ lei .i 09 Jl"l 5v I" 4 .Sin* I •o 00 l7'.i> • >■• uo*t i 7.5 .. i;t. ; 51. ~ ijM3 !5 jrv v. RftsnnMrncnHrsci? !7s.i j Bal -'ue by treas. 4 456 J Wlutfton Township. jToKM : L:X un< t'l 7'l. 's* I'- ;"7!, *•' '• .-7>- }" s>4-ei.ii r'o tax 110* t" i '7l til' -a By cooiini**ioiiers or-'e-r* in fnlt s ftu 1 A. L. HAa~I7, Treai., ut i(ivt with f/ir s< rt rut lb: 1572. Mate Ihunl ( ominissiotM r*. Fort-si iitui** vV Fiveinau Hun. Tax Fulaiia t|i 5". let t'.': 51. i\.y h7 lr." 56 , healing 5".7>*'2. : 7!. •_ 77 IIJR Iti to ->i|llllli—jolOT*' or-h e- jo folt. * ll'.s- j < oioiers|?>i t v\: >! ijn? ti. Km ptrei ImiMMM Min to Rn IHaper v i~r* in tuUiiki tjfur'i rt .0 Kealiug i'o < 0 Rou'-t ! n . M ' By ••r-.er* in i -iuoiu*-a>-iier* io udi. . . . *■> 7 Ilopjier lltm.se A IS!)*. I Tax Abbott tj> uii*3 1 .9 ■-7 ; '7l. '.94 7r, .<* -j J .MeU c.*"ij " s"i, -?•?■*; 51. .02142 719 4. ■ W Branch " s'*, I}* *•; 71, 0j'..5 KH s". By or >r* Co vsuomis-HMier- m full s .(5 9 0 , Ex ttiausx iili- vN. Cennjini;t. Tax Jaeksofi uur-Ae i 7", ,7a 44; 71, "a 41 .. ll*** t Silimoit " *. ; 51, 'j: . . 17.5 .6 . S?f en " ('9. 4 -7: ".*4 9*; .1," R *66 w Brcli " >, ao;;'ii, situ :*• c By or-'er* • •>Coiiuui*i' 1. r* ii foil § *4 • 4' Potter A: Clinton. Tax Atibott on*! 1 7. I'' l *: 71.10' It r * '. Steiv '.*!( - I,' 77 94 I*4 -4 ! By or- er* commissioners t - Balance due by Tress r - ■, Luuilmt A Whartn. Taxes "nun* ii- n - - * W li.irt"!i f"i *" ■ J | ic— eiwuniissiou at 4 jierci ao.Vi Aiui'uul : ucbv Treasurer ? 9 Wc a< cr*:fy th'. we >(•.• exxiuiu- ! ;dc ECC/6 r tnU Ytwcli*T oi A. L. Ijarvt-r, r. :a accuMUst n:tk S etc 9Ct fZ# > To* Dfoiji" J 1-4 I-<nl i •. >svu--r5 .td sud la. :h* ■ wra*. 'kiilbCti •> SlaAvC. 11. i bT>, J. M. liiMiirov, J I*. U . ii 4 ;v. JtftifW*. | 1 SASTST. Trtai. r YJt: lit rt' -tJUiil II ii 1 the Neveral V-liml r>ilrifl*. I *NV[ru. scau ' Hi-. 4. Total. K". In. 1*79. JffL Abhotl District. ?**huoJ 4I -4 .... .... '.•?* Bulging UJ 61 471 Tt# Pi !-4i vPici> vt Co. •*oriiiiiiMlouTs ;>*i c AIH-Jhenv District. - 1 n II *Z 7t b ' 2 tr. 1: mi u Hui}<liD|f 75 70 340 !- if? 554 VS iti Ziti y* By ir*lrr? v 1 Co. comwibekjorrr2 .. frt Z*i < liinirhain District. school 51 w Si 07 .... *j# te- Building 1* 6t J# C? 0.19 tu J By onicr* •>< co. con>r>jissiot.er! ... :"si" Btilaare ilueby Treaeurt-r To % Clam District* Srh<K>! ?1 74 74 S to *" '7l9\ Uuii'ilDg .... i7 SB I **£ *4* 40 V" A -"4 ,J RT r fit C rrifmntoi • G-ndersport District. ' School 1-4 96 . ~ * **J4 Trout F.tr Tor* Htst, r-f* w ser- rjt . c: 4* s: f-y crJer- of - Balance Jw • i rHL-tfre? .>l7 1# Hulkliug 14 .... •** From Kaid Fori. lust. 14*7* I ... ' ••- ■ lv> V" " B> r>iei> of I <>.cnuttiiu ir- '•'* *" Btltiicf due by Treas 4*99 Euiaii;i District. School ssw66 56 i 45 u -i Bulkkiig Iditi 45 u* . '•* 414 w* <O6 36 By orders of Co. ■. .inaUihft> SCfi 5* Genesee District. School SI 77 i; ... 375 1M U Bj order of Co. con tutodonera 145 (W Balance doe bj Trea. 1 t* Building si 77 04 ! ss ::• BT orders of Co. cvanMuadotn -> 145 Balance due br Teas. 116 Building SI 77 64 10 .... 4*9 164 16 I Bj orders of Co. eMßalmuurn - I*s Balance due by Trea* 1 IS Genesee Independent District. | Building *5 61 *5 6 si *s • Bj orders of Co. eouiiui>viouer 51 *- Harrison .District. ! School ;76 Si*6 * i Bonding it 41 f.t 33 *4 J6 Bv orders of Co. couunhwionerK .. M 3n 1 Hebron District. School *TJ 1 *i •+ .... !38 *ss.. Building *l3 61 35 u Sir 314 os *: u Bj orders of Co. carafanSonciß- -*i J lfect<r District. School 1416- IST SI 1 !•' 1 US :r-7. Ballding 113 61 13161 1 lor 253 640 t>7 By orders of ( >.riim)-sl"iier- .'4O '• Homer District. School 44 41 193*7 si. . Building < > 0 si; y< By yrders of .'o. bicksoii District. School 2w 23 ttbi'ti .. By order of Co. commissioners Balance doe by Treas 11? ti Keating District. School 3c o4 *lO OC ... " By orders of Co. 1-0011111661010 rs i& •. Balance due by Treas IS J (Jswayo District. School 411 71 466 VI 766 K>7 K\ Building 411 11 45> *4 *34 t~ 16.1 By orders 0/ c o. mrubMows 1-11 Pike District. S-hool 451 91 40U >5 1 se <4 *. ! By order* of Co. coiuiuisaloiiers saw Balance due tit Treas ... 4* ■'* Pleasant A'alley District. school 14 05 lli*> *4 Bj order of Co. manWiiwn lc Baiarice due by Treas 1 ■*• Building 9 4 S3 11 Bj order of Co. commissioners ft -6 Balance due bv Treas 61 I'ortage District. s-tiool 361 I* ... *fr. . H> order f Co. coiunassiviiers -.4" <<a Halt nee due i,v Treas u 7.' Buihtiug 50 si 5" 3i By '."del of Co. (.UIBHIM- nrr.- . Balance due bj Tr-a* 5 -t Koch t lUstrict. 4*-4 140-1 .'i* i By order of 13. commissioners 100 it- Balance -lue by T reaa. 31 d Bur'Hng 4* s4 I*l' si Iv" ! i- • Jer of 00. coraiuissloneT* ... i-"-o <SJ B:-lance due In Trras a .1 ShaiMii District. School 63-6 35 55 i- 5>4 .' ■ 63 By ordr of co. commlsuHiners sSftl Balance due by Treas tl\' Building 63 36 60 1: 372 103 rs By order of co. commissi* "icr* -H?i Haiauce due ly Treas 2" Su icanlson Dbtrict. VIKIOI 7SM 5* 757 94 sr V By <>nier of 00. eoanuisafouers . '.4 Balance due by Tra- l-e >- Building 316*1 .. 3!.', 3" By 'roiers of 00. COBinrtudoner- .. .. .. *SO Balance due by fmi- -'i >innifiit District. 346)5 tec 9'. * 1 -jr. Bj opJer of co. ootamfcadoucr- 6-6 •' Bafcsn-e d'iebv Treae 31 Sweden District. Schwl >4 3V SO 91- . .. 5<6 111- i- Bj order of co. commissioner* 165 w Baiau-■. due by Treae sac KilUding 64 a fS33 .... 516 17.. 4- By order of co. couiimssioners 5 4- Btiaivce due by Trea? 15 bo sylvania District. school 316 IS 31; 19 i*i 51 By order f co. corauiksloner* <vi Btiauce due by Treas 14 i Building 73 19 73 45 146 54 Bj order of on. . oiitmiaaiODert 14" iai Balance dnt >y Treae 6aa Ulysses Di-trict. School t4 *9 4! M it) !.v> ..7 Bj '-Pier of co. C'luuiiseiouen- I*s'• baJats e dug bj Treas. ; X- Building *4 74 *3 79 ISO C- 6: B> onicrof • o. co.noo—ionet* 47 f" Baiimv Otic bj Treae 4 61 Lcwisville lyistrict. S>:)KR>l sll . . *li West Branch District.' School be- 57 467 71 *l . s6V .'a h 'infer "f "o. 'xnuuiwsio-jer- 773 vo Brto-. '- dUe Ui let- .. .'. 94 54 liOil.Ji 'C 3*6 93 366 *3l 7. *6 oed 4; Hi uri'-.r of co.'.-oiuiuisaOiier- i- j iio.a nee >iue Oj i rea.- *6 41 Wliaiiou District. School 594 90 636 :7 !i49 77 By order of co. conmfwloDer* i v/j ;-j Balance due by 1 rrae 79 77 Building 1-9 44 4"ill 69 593*7 By order of co. couuiusai utra o6 • Balati'-e due by Trea? 35 93 \\ r hereto certify that >•> sac examined tt Ac couiiie auvi Vouchers of A- L. HuicijUn Treij-urer Tester County -hi aceoniit irirti the aeeeral Ses-jol Bistrieu aiJ cvuuty auj tad larm coireci: ra *- iug the accetal Balance, -K-I wnt> in ihi above sial- BU'UI. J. U. Cull, ) J. M lli*iLTo, - Autlli -rt D. w. Hani, i Statenifnt nf jury fee* receiced by S. I'. I{eyjtuUL>i Sherijr oj i'otter coun ty during lS>72. J. Ziuiuicnnaii r*. A. liuiislVer rf of.. 4(w J. Stone " i- bans & 11. BiH-itr. 404 Keating a CO. " Bari-ara Barr, -< at, 406 do. " W Non.- 1 M A iixc-rlh 400 h r-tteu.-e Cat gh •* WashiugtoD Clinton 400 J. I'otter, etc., "M. V. lTirpie, * s44<y 4 ■Villet* 35U *9. le77i .. H. CO'i. 3. y. liAHHTOS. I'. W II %v gs, fentort
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