-* ■ - -& jWfr The Potter Journal A;-. I> MKAT S lIliM. COUDERSPORT, PA., Feb. 28, 1873 ©rate Aid for the Centennial. We h'>iie thr people of Pennsylva nia afe not to be tax ■ I to raise funds to enable Philadelphia to hul l her great Centennial exhibition iu 187b. If that is a Philadelphia affair then Philadelphia should sustain the bur den and expense of preparing for it. If it is a national affair the nation may foot the bills. In no way can it be shown to be right to compel the| people of the State at large to contri bute to it any more than other citi zens of the L". S.— Montrose Repub lican. Those are true words fitly spoken, and we trust the country papers will speak at once. There is a strong lob by influence already at work to push this scheme through regardless of the wishes of the people—an influence as demoralizing as any ever brought to bear ou the members of the Legisla ture, and yet the very men and news papers of Philadelphia which de nounce the Legislature most fiercely for its corrupt legislation are endors ing and approving the champaign suppers and lobby influences put in ' motion to secure an unconstitutional' appropriation of a williou of of the money of the i>cople. If the Legislature has any self-re spect this scheme will fail. By all means let every man and woman iu the State contribute accord ing to their ability and disposition to the success of the Centennial. But let the Representatives of the people keep their hands out of the State Treasury. We are glad to know that Hon. C. S. Jones, Representative of this Dis trict can, neither be coaxed, dined nor threatened, into the support of this scheme to divert a million of dol lars from the Sinking Fund into the hands of the gentlemen who run the Centennial. We say out of the Sink ing Fund , for there is not a dollar in the Treasury, except what is required to pay the ordinary expenses of the Commonwealth, which is not consti-j tntionally pledged to the sinking fund j for the purpose of paying the State ; debt. Every member who shall vote for this scheme will not only deliberate ly violate the Constitution of the State, but he will vote to increase the burdens of the people for the benefit of the wealthiest portion or the State. — ♦- r AN article iu last week's JOURNAL u Making Honest Politicians," was, by mistake, not credited. It. is from the X. Y. Tribune. As THE present term of our school w ill soon close, people who are inte rested in it, whether by its teachers j or scholars or by its influence on the well-being of the community, or all should make some effort to j visit it and be am* £ j ud 5 e for sclves of the work it is doing. There being three departments it, takes some time t<> become well ac- ! quainted with its workings; but who that has children there does not feel. that it is one of the. best places to go —one of the most pleasing and im portant visits to make? A LETTER from 41 A Friend," in this paper gives some good suggestions. If our friends in various parts of the County will kindly send us what they have of information useful to outside readers as well as to our own people, j we will hope to do something toward making this region of country better known. The New Mill. The old chrysalis so long known as "the old tannery," has at last been j transformed into a steam sawmill, where one can hear the whirr of ma chinery, the driving of teams, un loading logs, and loading and piling of boards and timbers. The smell of the fresh cut pine and I hemlock wood is pleasantly familiar to ns old settlers of Potter County j who can remember when "every sec-! ond house was a sawmill," while the rolling volumes of white vapor shin ing in the sun along the hillside and the whistle that betokens the engine inside an* equally pleasing to those who come from older places where steam machinery has long been uat-1 unitized. j A correspondent of the Beaver! Radical says : Politicians are beginning to agitate the question of calling a State Conven-j t ion to nominate candidates for .Supreme .Judge aud State Treasurer. The Ix-gis- j lature has not yet passed a bill for the aleetion of a State Treasurer, but will' doubtless pass one providing for an elec tion in Octotier. The present able State 4 ' ■ -4—, - c; ' —-W-~ z £'-- tt r; ■ TrTasifter'is strongly' lie ;U* candidate, and if he consented, would have no opposition: but he dec-lares em phatically that he will not !>e under any circumstances. It is not known as yet who will lie candidates. Hon James L. Graham of Allegheny, is spoken of, and the party can present au better Utah {yi'. the position. He is probably the only j man in the west who could get the nomination, owing to the fact that the west has had the oiiice for six years, but it is very doubtful if he would ac cept as it is understood he is a candidate for Congress when his term expires in the Senate. If he Is not a candidate the ' convention should take Coleman of Leb anon, Judge Olmsted of Potter, Brooks : of Delaware, Iloyt of Luzerne. Lilly of Carbon, or some men of like character who would command the confidence of the people, and unite the whole party in Ids support. For Supreme Judge, Hon.W. 11. Armstrong <>f Lycoming, is oftenest spoken of, and the selection would be so fitting and popular that there is little doubt he would be nomin ated if a candidate. We beg ledve to suggest that the latter nomination would l>e the more suitable for "Judge Olmsted of Pot ter." His eminent legal ability, and his experience of judicial duties would seem more fitting for a Supreme Judge. We hope the nominating convention will see that they cannot do better. EDITOR JOURNAL A ITEM.—I thank you for your notice in the last num ber of your valuable paper of the i birds—those happy enliveners of our i | forest homes. Can you not induce! the citizens of our County to watch the coining of those which pass only a portion of the year with us and re port their first appearance, j The gay tones of tin; Blue Jay at tracted my attention on the Ist of , February,and on the 2nd I heard the cheerful notes of the " J'hcebe" bird. Have they spent the winter with us, or were thpy harbingers to notify us of the coming of their fellows ? *** We arc glad of OUT friend's timely suggestion about the birds, and hope our young readers will give their at tention to this subject, and send us the results of their observations. Last winter about this time flocks of small brown birds came to onr doom, ate the crumbs we scattered, and i ! cheered us with their lively twitter-' ings, for they did not sing. They ! were more slender than any snowbird ; with which we are familiar ; iu size and shape resembling the yellow \ birds of summer—that feed on thistle down. Subsequent observations con-; I vinced us that they were the yellow : birds, but having never seen them before in such numbers or at that • season, it may have been a mistake. Who can tell? * DEARJOUKMAL. —As [ have known you for many years and feel pretty well acquainted, I trust you will bear with me for a little while. It gives me great satisfaction to notice what a good substantial newspaper you are becoming; continually progress ing in your usefulness, you are tak ing firm hold of the hearts of the people of Potter. But your influence j does not end within the borders of I •that .Forest Land. The "Outside; World " is commencing to realize : * that you are lighting with the foes of truth. Yet the field of battle has ! been so long hidden from its sight by Nature's obstructions, that now, as by the invention of man, it is being' brought into a closer connection, its first important demand is for a clear er representation. Many have in-, quired of me what kind of a land or j country it and iu what way it Was favorable for settlement; liO* much the land was worth and what kind of soil; what kind of timber; how much cleared land, etc., etc. Those few descriptions in the ITEM a i short timeago were good in their way, but rather short, and consequently ! diil not give a very good idea of either the superficial or latent wealth of Potter. Would it not be a great aid to the settlement and building up I of the County to have each township fully described in their regular order? No doubt you have often thought of ■ this, but what we need in this day I and age of the world is action aud i earnest, heartfelt work. May it not tie possible for you to ' attract the attention of the people to this matter that they will, of their own free u-ill, furnish you with good, thorough descriptions,so that you will be able to give the inquiring ones a full map of GOOD OLD POTTER ? And I think that after they had been pub ■ lished in your columns, it would be ! a good thing if the County should I j print them in pamphlet form and { send them through the country.! Would it not bring forth an hundred fold ? Earnestly hoping that Potter will < not be divided nor deprived of any ol her land, I am ever your true FRIEND. ONE keep-clean is worth two make cleans. j, i.— -—£- —— .w u; . - teg- wgF In aci-ordaiice with previous instruc tions the Poland Investigating Commit tee lias rei>orted a resolution for the expulsion from Congress of Messrs. <Jakes Ames and JfSs. Committee found AmeypnHty t U.u Uuaiii. AloUilieiXumpaui at much below its leal value to mem ber# of with the ilia tftyesg in tent of corruptly influencing their legis lative action. And it found Brooks guilty of causing fifty slum's of Credit Mobilier stock to lie conveyed at a low price to his son-in-law for his own use and profit, while a Government Direc tor of the Union Pacific Railroad Com pany. In regard to the other members impli cated. tlie committee makes no recom mendation for Congressional action. It finds that they wi re not aware of Allies' corrupt motive in offering them tiie stock. They were not aware, moreover, that there was such a connection l>e tween the Credit Mobilier Company and the Union Pacific* Company, that an interest in the former would inllu euce their official action in regard to the Union Pacific Road. The dUferenf degrees of impropriety on the part of the members who invested in Credit Mobilier stock IS hi!tided to. but the general sentiment of the committee |Ctilimte3 nearly all such members, and does not feel at liberty to express a decided opinion- as to the one or two doubtful cases. The Poland Committee is composed of two Democrats, two Republicans and one Liberal. If has performed its la borious and t cykhf duties conscientiously and thoroughly. As the sentiments of I a majority of the committee are adverse to the Administration, it is evident that their decision is not based on partisan grounds. It is clear that Ames deserves expulsion, and as Brooks was certainly , the most guilty of all the Congressmen connected with the Credit Mobilier Company it is right that he should lit* expelled if any one is. But the whole subject is now in the bands of the House. We must wait for a full report of the committee and for the debate 1 on the subject Itefore making any extended comments on the justice of the commit tee's views. It seems plain to us, how ever, that the committee were as severe and comprehensive in their recommen dations as the evidence before them warn a it ed. — liujf'alo Express, Schuyler Colfax. This is a dark time in Schuyler Col fax's life, but if there be such a thing it*, the world as charity, and if men are bound to stand loyally by a friend in trouble he ought not to lack sympathy and support. Not that any man is bound to defend a friend who is proved a scoundrel, but that every man is hound , to see that his friend is proved a villain lwfore he deserts him. As we often said about this very case —a life above re proach ought to count for something, even against circumstances heavy with suspicion. The whole question now, resolves itself into this : Does Schuyler Colfax deliberately and systematically lie? His political enemies say he does, and thus easily dispose of him, as they think. The World, in a most brutal article, distinctly so says this morning. The Tribune at least intimates that it thinks as much. But not having our selves any political or personal reason for hunting Mr. Colfax to his ruin, and finding in his statement nothing inher ently improbable, and that it is backed i by other good testimony, and that some 1 of the evidence of the accuser has been . greatly weakened, and that the charac ter of the latter is indubitably had, —we feel bound to believe that Mr. Colfax ' tells the truth. We say this not merely because we want to think so, though we deem it 110 shame that we do want to see the man vindicated. We should hope to be capable of despising ourselves 1 if we should ever be found wishing for ! the disgrace of any man. But we say we believe -Schuyler Colfax ujton the [ ' plainest and most commonly accepted ! principles of evidence and justice. We ■ do not claim that he has disproved all ' the charges against him. It is frequently impossible for a man to pro\ e a nega- j | live. But it is sufficient in the case of j a man of good character that he should i j prove another hypothesis under which he will stand innocent. Mr. Colfax > does this, and, if his strong and solemn denial of the charges made by one wit- 1 nessof doubtful veracity is not enough, his assertion of a theory which accords with the idea of innocence should ix : sooner believed than one which accords ( with the idea of guilt. We do not ex- : peet to convince Mr. Colfax's enemies or the enemies of the Republican party, i that Mr. Colfax is an injured and ma-; ligned man. But we rejoice to be able j ! to announce our own thorough and un-\ . shaken belief that -Schuyler Colfax is 1 I not a liar, but a man of honor and truth;! ! that he isuot a villain, but the victim of a villainous conspiracy.— Pater sou Press. - Proceedings. REPUBLICAN ELECTORS.— At a meet ing of the Republican electors of the county of Potter, held pursuance to the call of the County Committee, at the Court House in Coudersport on Thurs- j day evening, February 20th 1873. John M. Hamilton was chosen to lie chair man of the meeting and A. 13. Mann secretary. On motion I)an Baker was elected chairman of tlie County Committee for : the ensuing year, and "the chairman of the meeting was instructed to appoint! six other persons to constitute the bal ance of said County Committee. Under the above instructions the! chairman. J. M. Hamilton, named the ' following tire persons: George W. Col viu, R. K. Young, R. L. Nichols, C. G. Hushing and Don. John M. Kilbourue; the chairman of the committee desiring to appoint the sixth as his secretary. Thf" rt-mnifttee were then authorized ■ .to .->dlfcet a delegate to the State Con vention, when such convention shall be called, and the meeting adjourned. J. M. HAMILTON, Chainaan. A. 13. MANN, Seaj. POTT KIT COUNTY AGRICULTURAL Sot IETY.— At a meeting of this Society lield ut the court house in Coudersport - on Thursday evening, February 20th ■ 1-73. the president of the Society John M. Hamilton, in the chair. A. B. Manp • was chosen secretary- pro tail. On motion it was resolved that a fair ■ lie held this coming fall by the Agricul tural Society. A committee of arrange ' ments to consist of nine persons to be appointed by the president. Under the above resolution the presi dent appointed the following commit tee: R. L. White, Chairman; S. P. ■ Reynolds; J. M. Spafford; N. 11. Good ' sell: O. J. liees; L. \V. Lyman ; Chaa. Knickerbocker; Edgar A. Hall; Ben jamin Rennells. The proceedings of this meetiug were ' then ordered to be published in the JOUIIXAI. and ITEM, and the meeting , adjourned. I; J. M. HAMILTON, Pres. i A. B. MANN, Secy., pro tan. I'eu and Scissors. HAVANA, Feb. 14. —The news of the abdication of Amadous and the procla mation of the Spanish republic was pub lished this afternoon. It had the im mediate effect of unsettling business and advancing the premium offered for gold to 23 JKT cebt., but there were no sellers. Gen. Ceballas will Issue a proc lamation on the new condition of politi cal affairs, declaring that everything will remain as lathe 1 to respecting Cu ba's relations with Spain, and he, as well as other Spanish otlicials, will Obey whatever government is constituted in Spain. The most intense excitement exists among the people. The city, however, is tranquil, and as yet there are no indications of any disturbances. A DISPATCH from Iloni" says the ab dication of King Amadou* was received in that city with satisfaction. Neither King \*,*i-w- Kmnmici uui tne Italian Government gave any advice to Aina deus. The latter telegraphs to Rome frequently giving information concern ing the situation and his purpose. MIGUEL ALDAMA pledges himself to give toward the cause of freeing Cuba an amount equal to that contributed by the rest of his countrymen in the United States. It is expected $200,000 will lie collected within a few weeks. PREPARATIONS for the forthcoming, inauguration ceremonies are conducted on a most liberal and extensive scale. The indications are that it will lie the grandest display ever witnessed in Washington. ROBERT EMMETT, for many years a j i lawyer in this city, and nephew of the 1 | celebrated Irish patriot, died at New : Roehelle to-day, aged 81. I EXTENSIVE sponge lieds have been | found at La Joila, on the -San Diego j coast. Most of the sponge of commerce is procured from the Mediterranean Sea, | more especially about the islands of the • Archipelago and in the Levant. The new discovery in California will nu i doubt lie of importance to commerce. ( I WASHINGTON, February 10. —Gener-j al Butler's bill providing for a large in- 1 | crease iu the salaries of the President, j ' Members of the Cabinet, Senators and j Members of ('ongress, met with a signal J . defeat in the House this afternoon. I * GREAT changes have taken place in | the City of Rome since it has become j the capital of Italy. These changes , tend to make it a brighter, livelier, more 1 prosperous place, and will be generally | regarded as for the better; except by the artists who liked Rome because she was old, musty and rather the memory of a past age than a real city of the nine teenth century. Since the inauguration of a liberal policy by the Italian Gov ernment business has started up, the: population has rapidly increased and j j the city has been crowded with visitors, j The authorities are rebuilding a largel portion of Rome which had fallen into ' , decay, and are intending to make it one' of the grandest capitals in Europe. 11 We're in a pickle now," said a man i iin a crowd. "A regular jam," said an other. "Heaven preserve us!" moaned j an old lady. AN applicant for a pair of boots at one of our shoe stores was asked what number he wore. As soon as he could recover from his surprise: "Why, two, of course!" "You can't do it, sir! You are a fool, sir!" said Humphrey Davy in 1813, when a man told him that cities would soon be lighted by gas. LIFE out-weiglis all things if love i lives within it. ! THE mother's heart is the child's school-room. | To KNOW how to wait is the secret of j success. GOOD weather for the overshoe busi ness. Tin: charades published last week ! have brought some answers, for which | we return thanks. Hope to be fa vored with some questions, puzzles, - etc., *l*©, we prefer original to se lected ones. 1 CHAKAML My first is damp; my secoud is i more so; my third is a natural weap on, and my whole one peak of the [Alps. : • TRANSPOSITIONS. t i Fill the blank sjmces with the same letters, making different words. 1. That is of the right 2. There is of that getting I into the This was just driven into the ANSWERS. MR. EDITOR.—I cannot find in our Bible just the exact words you used in question; am not able to answer them all correctly. 1 cannot find a proper name signifying a "mountain ' : of strength," but will send what I have, guessing that the word Zion ' may mean the said mountain. Abed-nego, 'servant of light'; Ab la-Abi, 'my Father'; Abiel,'Gocl, my Father'; and a great many other ' names signifying the kind of father. Zion, ' Monument raised up'; Abra ham, 'father of a multitude'j I)ru sillali,'watered by dew'; Abel, (a , city,) 'mourning.' Very repectfully, GERTRUDE BOYINUTON. 1 AM not good at guessing but yet I surmise That for cunning a type your first ul | ways applies; Whilst the loss of the head—from his name not from liim — Supplies an apt symbol of the stupid or grim— In your second, when daintily handled 1 j "or worn, There's a charm which the hand of a belle may adorn ! And the wigfit who beholds, is not guilty of theft If beheading the name he secures what is left. i Of your whole let ine say 'twill millen nium prove To pheasants and rabbits when Pox-en wear Glove-n. 11. ttoulev, fa. Kel". VI, 1873. To THK ITE.*: I semi you the answers to char . I rades, if not mistaken, j No. 1. Foxglove. ! No. If. "Dear Grace" Is a woman's name quite pleasant to the ear, The Green is a color fair By nature held moat dear, • | The "Wood" when living, is the home Of creatures wild and fleet, When dead, it often shelters man From cold and from heat. The Indy I have never seen Vet know anil love right well The lirst, second, third and whole I'll "he flu* lirst to tell." _____________________ For Sale. onnn AI RES OF HEMLOCK LAND, with ' steam Saw Milll, Staining, Dwelling Houses, Blacksmith Shop, etc., thereon, situated on Ynnngwmuan's Creek, Potter county, I'enua., I known as the "BLACK FOREST" property. ALSO, ; FIVE ACHES OF LAND, with Dwelling House, i liarn, Out-houeses, ete., at North Point station, on the Philadelphia ft Erie Railroad. Buildings— ! New House with 15 rooms, combining all the moii i ern Improvements, Running Water, Bath Room, i with liot ami cold watef, Heater and Range; with or wltuout Furniture. ALSO, A GENERAL STOCK OF STORE GOODS, with good will and fixtures, at North Point station, along the Philadelphia <t Erie Railroad, one of the hest locations In this part of the State for general merchandising. \ Persons wishing to to engage In the Lumber or | Merchantile business will find It to their interest , to examine the above properties. iß'-for further particulars, address J. 11. BAILY A CO., Youngwomaiißtown, ; 29 -4 Clinton county, Pa. I ' : COUDERSPOKT CLOTHING STORE! ALL KINDS OF Ready Made Clothing, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES ! I AKD GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Constantly on hand and for Sale as CHEAP aa the CHEAPEST!! MEN and BOYS SUITS to corresiiond witli the SEASON. * This being the only Establishment in this place devoted exclusively to the (Clothing business I can sell CHEAPER to my Customers than those who do not make CLOTHING a SPECIALTY can afford to. Call and see my stock and I will guarantee satis faction. M. L. GRIDLEY. i Thcs. McDowell & Co., DEALERS IN 'I .8 ,cr-t General Merchandise! FOJRT ATiTiE&APTY, PA. ; We would respectfully call the attention of the people of Potter Coin fi to our large and complete assortment of * S y•' U ' DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKER}' BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, * REAJjI.XrMADE CLOTHING, ■ c * '7*s' •■" J ~P'' *■' 'ZI v? SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, FLOUR, PORK, SALT, Frs]J i FEED and HEAL, FOUNTS and OILS. j HARDWARE, NOTIONS, GLASSWARE, <fr., dr., r • i which we are offering at greatly reduced prices, owing to the inerny facilities afforded by the completion of tlie Buffalo, New York A r Railway, and we can and will sell goods as low as they can Ik* sold this 1 Canada. i i [ | Fresh ground Feed and Meal kept constantly on hand. I •' ' V We are daily receiving new goods, thus keeping our stock, in all departing! FUI/L ANI) COAIPEETE at all times. 2429-4 Tlios. McDowell & (9. !•: - •'> i * Y' ' ' / ' 3DOA.2STIE3 AIsTID WI3STG "THE AMERICAN PIANO," No. 1: i BROOME HTUKMT, New Yorfc, t ■ * *. * V " " UNSURPASSED va r " First premiums wherever exhibited —Prices low for the quality —Large pra , allowed tor .Second-hand instruments in Exchange. * i * ..11 ' . •" 1 * • * : From Mr. Edward llojfman, the celebrated Piantbt. I conscientiously believe that your Piano is in every respect a nityrj . cent Instrument. ...... 1 ; From the " Imleitejuleht? 1 The American Piano has deservedly become a very popular Instrument,. Responsible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. .Send for ( ireuhiivj DOANK & WING, 423 Broome Si., N. i. I S. F. HAMILTON j ... BOOK d- JOB F|/^M " ; * S. W. corner MAIN and THIRD Streets, (OVER TIIE POST OFFICE,) COUDERSPORT, PA. BASSETT'S LIVERY, ■ ■ Corner MARKET ami HUNTER Stmts, (SOUTH SIDE of the lilVEIt.) I j '*! I WOULD respectfully Invite the attention of tin public to niv LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT, . r r | with the assurance that T can meet every de inand for a first-class turnout. Having purchased the Livery of Amos Yelie, 1 have the only Establishment of the Kind in this section. J. M. BASKETT. 132-tf | | Edward Forster, I • I'hALHK IV Groceries & Provisions, MAIN STREET above SECOND, COUDERSPORT, PA. A FULL SUPPLY OF FLOUR, SUGAR, SPICES, SYRUP, CHEESE, HAM, FISH, TOBACCO, SNUF|F, &c., &c., KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. A specialty made of Teas and Coffees, of which I have the Largest and Bent Stock in town. All Goods sold CHEAP for CASH only. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. EDWARD FORSTER L. B. COLE & SOH, CKOIKIKTOKs Of TJl* Blacksmith and Wagon-sfief Second Street, (between tfain i West) . —Sorth Sulr.— COUDERSPORT, PA. HAGOXB, CARRIAGES UTK . SLEIGHS 'if nil ctusvrijitfnt manufactured to suit customers and wurritMied Repairing always attended to |., no, o> Competci.t and experienced workmen X , tii,o'| ploy iu both shops to attend to tie rails of >' | tomers. • Charges reasonable for cash, or n art) p.u. 3413 L. B. COLE & SON 4. ,T . ; FOilTIIRE!! W. H. COATS & SON. WHOLESALE: AND RETAIL DEALERS IN 1 PARLOR CHAMBER, —AND— COMOIf FURHTUK WELLSVILLE, N. Y. Do not fail to go and see their large stoeX i Goods. They manufacture about fifteen different .!•* of Chamber Sets, of Walnut, Ash, and Psir: ' Wood. These sets are sold to the Wholesaled throughout Western New York, Ohio am! syivama, and have no superior for work in style or finish. ALL PAKLOIi WOlG> Is made of the beat material and - represented. They are extensive manufacture-' COMMON FURNITURE. and everything is made from kiln-dried M® 1 * and warranted not to come apart. (| All will do well to patronize this firm ant 85 SO per cent. Thev'do not pay profits to city i ufacturera, or freights to railroad companies. |y Go and see their extensive stock. They ■ SSpri niz Beds of all prices, Beddi"' R, all kinds, Kxtension Tables ! " A Walnut, Looking-Glaasea In "o t and everything usually kept in Furniwre ■ !•.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers