D. B. NEEFE, I CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKER, . for. EAST and WORCESTER Sts., C.'ovidersi>ort, fa., will carry on the following branches of business Wagon Shop. There will be made to order and kept on ham! all kinds of Lumiicr Wagons, with Bodies, Whif fletreej* .Veck-yokes and Steel Spring Seats; Pint forrhj and End-Elliptic Spring Wagons; Side, or Concord, Elliptic Spring Top and Open Buggies; Sulkies; One-horse Wagons. Ox and Horse ''atts, Sleighs and Cutters will be made to order on short notice. Repairing of all kinds of old work done with neat ness and durability. •BLACKSMITH SHOP. Horse and Ox Shoeing; Irontng of all kinds of Wagons, Sleigh" and Cutters. Picks, Clevises, Chains, looks. Drag-teeth, Hinges, Bolts for Carriager, Plows, etc., and repairing of all kinds of Mill Irons and Farming Implements, i PAINT SHOP. Painting of ail kinds of new Wagons, Carriages, Sleighs and Cutters, and special attention paid to the cleaning and painting of ofcfwcCk. Sign and Ornamental Painting done to order with neatness;and;dlspati,;i. All kinds of Carriage, Stage and Coach Tops, Cushions, Falls, Oasucs, Lazy-Backs. Shaft Trimming, and -II work in the line of Trim ming doue iu'good Style. Noil ce is given that T have hanged my place of business ffrom Brookland", Pa., to this place and have ncilta new Factory—3o x 72 ft., —In which iue fonr brahchen of business wit! be carried on, and will lie pleesed to receive the custom of my old patrons. The best of Laruoelron and Trimming Material that can be procured will be used on the work. Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. 0. B, NEEFE. 2-12V-0 IT. E. (tOOESELL, Carpenter and Joiner, SOUTH SIDE of the RIVER, (above EAST Street,) Coutlornport, Pa. CONTRACTS taken and materials furnished for all kinds of BUILDING PLANING and MATCHING done.— MOULDING of all descriptions. BASH, BLINDS and DOORS on hand or manu factured to order. t'ASH paid for Pine I.ui.ii>r. Tothe fi!. may be eontiiiw , -onage Is solicited. old and grey. N. H. K(H)IBELL. ♦ S- F. Hamilton, run ti nun Book & Job Printer, S. W. Corner | TIM & Main Sts.. i / (SECOND FLOOR,\ I COUDERSPORT PA wAS 1ISTOS V> IVEKSITV >1 edi ca 1 St* Ji o o i BALTIMORE, 3VU3-, ]N>v o|M'u: STUDENTS CAN ENTER AT ANY TIME. The Clinical advantages of the School are unsur passed. FEES including Dissection & Hospital tickets. 86.1. For Catalogues containing full par ticulars apply to Prof. C. W. CHANCELLOR, H< an, 129-t Balthnore, Md. Agents! A Bare Chance. t Wo will pay all Agents S4O per week, in cash, j who will engage with us AT ONCE. Everything lur- , tar* tone****. Mi.'h. Labor Savers, Read.! I have constantly on hand the new SINGER SEWING MACHINE | with nil the latest improvements. j' The , SINGER "is a lock-stitch machine, and { ntakesa beautiful,even and uniform stitch which j will not ravel anil is alike on both sides. fl flems. Braids. Cords, Tucks, Guilts, liinds, ! Trims, Embroiders, Ruffles, and does all kinds of I work on the finest muslin or the heaviest full cloth. It is the best machine for all work. Over 52,i>0 more "SINGERS" sold last year than any other kind made, —according to sworn returns. All EXTRAS kept constantly on hand. OLD M ACHINES of any make repaired in a workmanlike manner. - {jewing Machine Oil always on hand. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and examine I the SINGER MACHINE. Offleeill Olmsted ItlocK, (Secant! Floor). A. M. REYNOLDS. 122-lyl! Agent. PHOTOGRAPHS! | II AVISO arranged my Light so as to obtain all tliose line Gi'ntlnf ions oFSlmtto so essential to a BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH, I re spectfully solicit your patronage. 1 make all the leading styles of Photographs and Ferreotypes, fromaCAiti) PICTURE to a LIFE SIZE POKTKAIT —liuiniMrf - INDIA INK, WATER COLORS or OIL. j COPYING of OI.D PICTURES made a sjvcialty A large Stock of j Walnut, dUosfuoort and (OUt Picture Frames, Square :m<l Oval, OX IIABO AND FOE SALE. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. M. T. LYNOE j Photograph Gallery, SECOND STREET East of MAIN (Dike's Jinihlimj,) COUDERSPORT, PA. BOOTS and SHOES! John Lenhof, WOULD respectfully Inform the citizens that lit contiuues'the manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES at his new Stand, MAIN STREET below MARKET, (South of the liridyc,) AI.L work done in a workmanlike manner, it reasonable rates, I AND A GOOD KIT GUARANTEED. Give him a call. HARRISON KOON, WACON MAKER, Second St., bet. Main and West, (Opposite Perk in" s Jtlaeksniith Shop.) The subscriber gives the practical experlenetnf Thirty-five Year* in this business to his patrons, and is prepared to <b> All Kinds of Work IN HIS LINE, WITH GOOD MATERIAL and Workmanship. Special attention paid to Repairing. Hall T. Nelson's MEAT MARKET, THIRD STREET, (Between MAIN and BAST Streets,) Coudersport, Pa„ Will be constantly supplied with BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, and PORK, Of tho very best the country will afford. HALL t". NELSON. GO TO H. T. NELSON & CO FOR TIIE CELEBRATED LOCK HAVEN FLOUR. lOr kl TC Wanted for the great work of the AuL.ll I O vear, by the autlior of "God in History;" handsomely illustrated by Gustavo l)ore, Nast of Harpers Weekly. S others. En dorsed bv college presidents and eminent divines, its title and contents will insure for it thousands of readers—why"! Because nothing like it lias ever been pubfisned. For proof of tins, send stamp & see circulars & terms before engaging elsewhere. E. B. TREAT, l iiolislier, 129-4 803 Broadway, N. V. 5000 Agents 'Wanted at Once for our New Book. The Life of our Great Li and his Resurrection from a LIVING DEATH, by STANLEY. For full descriptions and terms address imme diately, HI'BBAUD BROS.. Publishers, i 129-4 * Phi hula, or Boston. Young men. teachers, ladies or minis ters! Agent* wanted iii every county for "The, ! People's Standard liihte." MO illuatratioua. Extra terms. rospectus free. Address Zeiglei X Mc™ rd i 129-4 "" .IIS Arch st., I'liilada., Pa. LiCHT IN THE EAST. I The most comprehensive and valuable religious ' work ever published ; also forour new Illustrated I Family Bible, containing nearly Ouu tine scripture illustrations, a Dr. Smith's complete Dictionary ' of the Bible. Send for prospectus* circulars, awe , i will show you what agents say of this, the lu st A' : cheapest FaciUa Jtihle, A how fast they are sell- I ing if. NATIONAL PUB. CO., Phila., Pa. 34-4 LOOK! Free to all! e-| k PER WEEK TG AGENTS, MALE Oil EE I v'" male. To all who will write for an Agency i we will send a copv of that Wander of BY/reEo, the I Uostra fed I lorn of7'ten /v. Itoontainsovel" 5n beautiful illustrations, A will he sent.free to all who may write. I.GARSIDE, Paterson, N. J. !!4 f \ - cannotdobettcrthan securcanagen -AgUIlUs ~y f or x. S. Arthur's great work , Three Tears in a Man Trap, i a companion to the famous Ten Nights in a Bar-room. I Nearly SO,OOO Copies have been sold ; and 1 its |N>pularity is still on the increase. Due single j agent has sold ujnvardsof 1000 copies. Secure ter ritory at once. J. M. STODDAKT <X < 0., Publishers, i ' Philadelphia, Pa. i:! 4-4 Cheap Farms! Free Homes! On the line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, 12,000.000 acres of the best Fanning & Mm erai Lauds in America. 3.000.000 acres in Nebraska, in the Platte Vallev, now for sale. Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, I for Grain growing and Stock raising unsurpassed by any ill the United States. CHEAPER is PRICE, more favorable terms given, ; and more convenient to market than can tie found elsewhere. Free Homsteads for Actual Settlers. The best loeatioii tor Colonies —Soldiersentltled to a Homestead of 16 acres, i Send for the new Descriptive i'amphlet, with new maps, published in Etigiish, German, Swed- I i isli and Danish, mailed free everywhere. Address O. F. DAVIS, 1 | Ll3-4 Land Com. U. P. K. R.Co., OMAHA, NEIL 1 r— OMpen/s want absolutely the 1-estsell- PiTfev ing books? Send for circlllarsnf Feat's [j Q l'nabricif/ed /Hits. Ft unity fiiOte. HI W ()ver 1100 pages in by 12 ins. 2nd luges ]' ,/f'Way Bible Aids. X, . Arabesque *ti.2"\ Giit edge. ! clasp, *8.27, Full gilt, 2 clasps. *U.dU. 8.1-1.- i DEN, the White Chief, for winter evenings, 30th 1 lnoOready. JMe American Farmers' Horse Hook \ —the standard. 4fitli 1000 ready. Epizootic treat ments, etc. C. F. Vent.N. Y. A Cineinnati; Ycnt I & Goodrich, Chicago. 134-4 I SOMETHING NEW. l> salalde \ l| til I a artieles.sellat sight. Caialogues Tw- \ X-TI-I , i & ° lM ' s:, niple free. N. Y. MTg \\ AN 1 LD.' I C 0.,21 CourtlaudPst., N. \. 9-4 rTTIIIS IS NO HUMBUG ! QC I By sending 03 CENTS with age, height, color of ev>W'AvM-.ry"itrYl'ii ure'iuis'lia ml I <>r wife with date of marriage. Address W. F< >.\. I P.O. Drawer No. 20, Fultonville, N. Y. 12".-4 R- R R. RADWAY S READY "RSLSEiF CURES THE WORST PAINS la from One to Twenty Idinut r. NOT ONE HOUR I lifter reading this advertisement need anv one SUFFER WITH PAIN. LABWAY'S HEADY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. It was the first and i- Tlio Only Pain Remedy that instantly stops the most excruciating pnins. nllnvs and cures Con-estioi.s. whether of 'ire i.unem,str.iuach, Bowels, or Other giamlsot i rjjatis, I i by m•• application, IN FIIOM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. No matter how violent or excruciating the p, e , RHEUMATIC!, Bed-rid,l n, bifirii,, <Ti |.l. ■!, N.r- I Vims, Neuuigic, or prostrate,! with dtarase may sinter, UADWAY'S READY RE' WILL AFFORD INSTANT K.\sK INFLAMMATION of Til K KIDNEYS. i , ! I.AMMATION Of Tlll- ji! \TtDFII i INFLAMMATION of THE f.otVKI.s CONGESTION of XHE I.T'NDS I SORE THROAT, DL KFH'U LT HRK.\ Till \,; PALPITATION of Till-; LL.VUT HYSTERICS, CROUP, DU'IITIiEIiI CATARRH, J N i'LUENZ V HEADACHE, TOOTH AC HE. ' NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS. AGUE ClltLl.. The application of the It fndt- !{elr-rt t!,epnrt or parts where t!,e pain or itilti, ,!t , \alt', eas- and comfort. Twenty DROPS in half a tcimhUr of VENTER wflin a • f-w moments cure CRAMPS, SPASMS Sofl't I, Sl'OM.tcll. IfE.t RTHIRN. Sfl'K lIF. \D \c IIP D!ARRIIF.A. DYSENTERY. ' Oi.lt . WIND i\' THE It itVFLS. and all INTERN AL PAINS Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rat*, xvav'E It -ndv Relief with t 1 ■ ••:. A f-w di. SIN water will |weven sickness or pnlns fr.-,„ elnuec ~f i I ■r. D isle t r "i,an Frcucfi Brandy or Bittvrsaa 1 :i otiruuhi! t. FEVER AND ACIF-. FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty cents. Tlora I i not a renicbnl agent in this v. or! 1 that will enra T | Fever and Ague, and nil other Ma'ari.ms. 1ti1i,,,,, ■ j Bcarlet, Typhoid. Yellow, and other Fevers tnlded bv KADtVAI S PII.LS) so quick as RAD\VAY'S I RKAI't RELIEF. Fifty cents per bottle. ,S,iu by DrttggiSs. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRING AND PURE lilt "IT RLOOD-IN t'RKASE I>F IT.ESII AND WEIGHT—c I.E t H SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION hi? ,p; CURED TO ALL. D??, RADWAY'S I SARSAPA RI LLIAN RESOLVENT •, ! 11 As MA DE THE MOST ASTONISH INO CURES- So QUICK. St) RAPID ARK THE CHANGE."! Till' BODY UNDERGOES. UNDER THE IN FLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL • ' MEDICINE. THAT '{ Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. I THE GREAT BLOOD FUKIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RB j I StHX'ENT communicates through the Blood. Sweat, , Urine, ami other fluids aud juices of the system the j vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the bodv with new and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis, <Vn ] sumption. Glandular disease. Ulcers In" the Throat, i Mouth, Tumors. Nodes 111 the Glands and other parts | of the system. Sore Eyes. Strumous Discharges ftx>m j the Esrs, ana the worst forms of Skin diseases. Eruptions. Fever Sores, Scald Head. Ring Worm Salt Klieum, Ervslpelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges. Night Sweats , Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Mod ern Chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to any person using it for cither of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them, f Not only does the SansArARTLiTAX Rrsoi VV-CT excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it is th. only positive cure for Kidney Ac Rladder Complaints, Urinary, and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes ! Drossy. Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine! | llri.ht's Disease, Albuminuria, and In all cases wlo ro there are brlckdnst deposits, or the water is thick , clouly, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid darn bilious appearance, aud white bone-dust de- , positx, and when there is a pricking, burning sensa tion when passing water, and pain ill the Small of the flack and along the Loins. Price, ii.ou WORMS • —The only known and sure Houicdy for I Forms — Pin, Tape, etc. Tumor of 12 Years' Growth i Cured by lteNoiveut. lteNoiveut. BEVERLY. MAM., Ju!v IS, Pr. RtnwAY I have had Ovarian Tuinor hi th# ovaries i and b i. All th Drftora said *• ther* was no lu-lpforit." 1 triv every thiu that wa* rvcomuivtidrd; but nothing helpe<lpie- I your Resolvent, and thonL'ht I would try it; but had no fiuth in it, bvcaute I had f. r twelve veers. 1 bottles of the Resolvent, ami one bux of Radwj/'s Pills, ami two hot tin of your Kt-iuh Uvlief; and therv s not a sipn of tnnv.r to be seen or felt, and I feel Utter, smarter, and happier than I have for twelve years. The wwst tumor was in the left side of the b,wrls t over the I write this to you for the benefit of others. Yon csi publish it if yon choose. HANNAH I*. KXAPP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS J perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet pum, iurge. regulate, purffy, cleanse, an i strengthen. Rally's rllla, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases. Headache. Constipation, Costiyeness, Indigestion, I>yspe sia. Biliousness. Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Tiles, and all Derange- j meat* of tho Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a ; positive cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mer- ! curVj minerals, or deleterious drugs. Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Cooitipstlcn, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in ths Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, I>iguat c/ Food, Fullness r Weight ia ths Stomach, Sour Krurta* tions, Siukiug or Muttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swim- ' nung of the Head llumsd and Difficult breathing, Flutter ing at tbe Heart, Cnoking or Suffo.-sting Sensation when in , a Lying Posture, Dt:une?s of Vision, f>oU or Wei>s bsf-rru tbe Sight. Fever ani Dull Pain lu the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness <f the Skin and Eyes, Pain la . tbe Side, Chest, Limbs, and sudden Flushes of Heat, burning In the Flesh. few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the ' system from all tbe above-named disorders. Price, at cei.ts per box. SOLD BA' DRUGGISTS. READ " FALSE AND TRU E.'' Send one tcner- Ftamp to BADWAY A CO., No. S7 Maiden Lane, New-York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. CRUMBS OF COMFORT The Ladiea' Friend. Ask your procer for it. BARTLETT'S BLACKING always grives satisfaction. Try It. PEARL BIsUE for the laundry has no equal. Sold ho (tracers. I 11. A. BAKTLETT A Co.. lift, 117 N. Front St., i'hiia., 143 Chambers St., N. Y., 43 Broad St., Bos \ ton. 7-l THE Great South American BLOOD PURIFIER! JUIIUBEBA! is unoxiualleil by any known remedy. It will ennl ieate, extir;ate' x thoroughly destroy all jioison oils sitlistanees ill the Blood and w ill etfeetlialh • ilisjwl all predis|M>sitioii to bilious derangement Is there ivant of action in your l.ivei A Spleen ? Unless relieved at onee, the IIIIMM i lteeomes impure by deleterious secretions, pro tliieinii scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches, Eel oils. I'ustnlcs. Canker. Pimples. Ac.. Ac. Have y oil a Ityspcptie Stomaeli? I'll less ili-rc-t 'at is promptly aiildd. the system is de bilitated with loss of vital force. |iovcrty of tin Blood. Dropsical Tendency, General Weaknes ' , or Lassitude. Etave.t 011 a ealtness ol'the intestines! You aie in da 11 tier of Chronic Diarrliu'a or tin ilrcadful Intlamimition of the Bowels. Hat e yoit it ealtnes* of the I'terine 01 I'rinar.t Organs? You must procure install relief or you are liable to suffering worse thai 1 death. 1 A re you dejected, drowsy, dull, o k*|tressed in si>irils. with lie;Vd;iehe, tia< kaelie ! coated lonixue and bad tasting moutli? For ;i certain remedy for all these ditOMN ' ' weaknesses and troubles: fir cleansing ami pit ' ! rifyiiij: the vitiated blood and impartinc vijtor ti ' : all the vital forces; for building u)t and restorini • the weakened constitution USE JURUBEBA . which is pronounced by the leading medical an - thorities of London and Paris "the most power fill tonic ami alterative known to the medica • ; world." This is no new and untried discovery i but has lonjj been used by 1 lie leading physician ' of other countries with c'o nderfui remedial re I , suits. Don't uenkoii iiiui impair the dijiestiv organs hy eat hat ties and physics. I hey give mil; j temporary relief—lndigestion, llatuleTiey x ily Itepsia with piles and kindred diseases are stir Ito follow their use. Keen the blood pure, am j ; health is assured. JOHN Q. KELLOGG. is Halt si.. New York , : z7-4 Sole Agent for the United States. ! I'riee One Dollar IM-C Bottle. Semi for circulai - among all classes, old people, the midilh W I aged, those who are iiist entering life, an h.fj youth of both sexes nuy and read with th 1 greatest profit. ' rlollu .friend's Scrrrt • LU Din Lkwik' last and Wst lwek. 1 > It is meeting with Hie greatest.success W J ami there's. U O.VK T J.V /T. ' -ptf i Send for our eireulars etc.. which ar 1 sent free. GEO. .M.UI.EAN. I'hilad'a. 27- ' "tIT.INTI'.II. —A reliaide and iuteiligeiif ma >1 of good athlrC'ss, to engage in a de-iraM aud lucrative business producing trom *1 .raxt t > I fs.nao per year. Adilress.l. B. Folll) A Co., Net L r 1 York; Boston; Chicago; or San Francisco. 24 i Agents wanted for the new and startling nryil ill History, by the uuLlnn ,",I."'.G'r.L' • ! Miff!)".' r ov'VTuiiieni 'divines. 2fi K. 1!. TKEAT, Pub., SUS Broad way, X. Y. ' \ ' I ' 111 "' FASTEST SELLING BOO] ins, lM t , ie m:irk( . t js r s \ RTHC it- Three Years in a Man-Trap. ! selling nearly Ten thousand a month. Circular j free. J. X. STOUUAKT A Co., Pub's, I'hilad'a. 27 ' AGENTS WANTED. —Address for the mos j liberal terms ever offered. THE DtscoVEltEl DISCOVERED i The adventures of a most adventurous life. > I large oefe.vo volume, splendidly illustrated. Con i tains incidents of the wonderful career of tin Great Traveler, the Country, Animals, Natives limiting, Ac. The best digested Cyelopcdia o | African knowledge and LIVINOSTONKV e\|>h>ra . tjoits KYKK published. Full aeeount of how STVN IKY Ftu M> LIVINGSTON"!?. The ou|v IMMII; emlors hd bv the Press. Send fl for outfit, or write D J \\ . FEINT A Co., Philadelphia, Pa., or Spritigiield, ; Mass. ' jt7-j Agonts "Wantod for God's Six Lay's Work; Or, SOIENO AND THS 3ISLS. This book gives the very cream of Science, mak ing its thrilling realities, beauties, wonders, and sparkling gems a hundred-fold more Interesting than lletion. Every man, woman and child wants jto read it. It is endorsed by the Press, and Min isters of all denominations. Sales immense. Agents report 52—45—44—50-—*7 and 96 copies per ; week". Great inducements to Agents. Kmploy ! ment for Young Men, Ladies, Teachers and Cler gymen in every connty. Send Mr Circular. Also, agents wanted for the pi:pi.i, k siwiiAitn rniTiox OKTlir 11491,Y' Itlltl.K. Over 550 Illustrations. All our own Agents for other Publi-hers, tire selling this Bible ; with wonderful success, because it Is the most val ; liable, beautiful and popular edition now in the ' market, and Is sold at a very low price. Canvass j ing books free to working Agents. Address ZIKGLERA M't'l lthY, ; 27-4 274 Main Street, Springfield, Mass. DUTY 6FF TEAS"! Extra Inducements to Clubs SEND FDR NEW CU B CIRCULAR! j liii'licont.'iins full c\p!an:it ions of I*rnniuins&c\ The Way to Obtain our Goods. i Persons living at a distance from New York, can club together and get them at the same price as we sell them at our Warehouses in New York In order to gel up a club, let each iterson wishing to join say how much Tea lie wants, and select lite : kind and price from our i'riee List, as published ,in our circulars. Write the names, kinds and amounts plainly 011 a list, and when the club is complete send it to us by mail, and we will put each party's goods in separate packages, & mark the name upon them, with the cost, so there need l>e 110 confusion in distribution—each party get ting exactly what he orders, and 110 more." The funds to pay for goods ordered can be sent by drafts on New York. I'osr office inonev orders or by express. (>r we will, if desired,send the goods by Express, to " collect on dclirery." An elegant Kngraving. perfect likenesses. 22 x 2S ins., sent by mail sl., also Campaign Goods 1 silk Grant Badge 1 plated 2.7 c. Sample latest stvles wedding cards, notes, e. 27c. A. DEM AKESt. 123-4w Engraver, 192 Broadway, N. Y. ft PCW TC I Kcnd for circulars and stieeial Hulß I O ! terms for'".MeClellan s Republi canism in America." The fastest selling lxiok out. J. M. STODDART CO.. 123-4w Publishers, I'hilad'a* AGENTS WANTED FDR LIFE IN UTAH HKJ.FC an E.V7'OS K of the MUCK FT It ITES and .trrsTEV JES of AfO7i.HOATS.rr, With a full and aid hen tic history of Polygamy by J. 11. Ul vDEE. Editor of the Salt 1-ike Jie/eir ert. Agents are meeting with unprecedented success, one re|>ui"ts Ist", subscrilters in four days, another 71 in two days. Semi for Circulars and see what the press savs of the work. Address 27-4 NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Phila., a j THOMK< >N'K It 'Oft L 7>- It EA Y/ h .\'_E7J 7kri TJEA'T CloYeFiiiim Corset. No Corset has ever enjoyed such a world-wide popularity. The demand for them is constantly increasing, I because THEY GIVE UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION, Are Handsome, Durable, Economical AND A PERFECT FIT. Ask for THOMPS\'k U F.X I" IS I; 61.0vE-T'lL 1- !" ING being stamp. | ed with the name THOMSON, and ttieti aue-mark ' a Crown. Sold by mil First-class 7>ealers. 123-4 \TT"ANEr>— Briwr/encttf Hook Agents and \\ tawsserx, In all icirtsef tlie t'. s. to se THE MEMOIR OF ROGER BROOKE TANEY, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the U 8 J®"No book heretofore published fn this country throws so much light upon our Constltuth>nal and Political History. It is ;t work ef extraordinary interest and of pennanent value to the Historian, the Lawyer, the Statesman, the Politician, and every class of intelligent readers. air-Sold by Subscription only—Exclusive Territory given. oi* For terms, for this aud other popular works. INVALIDS, DON'T DESPAIR! Thousands have found relief, and thousands will turn to this Medi cine after exhausting their purses ; ami patience in search of health. Giddiness of the head, dullness of the mind, feet- Id breath, coated. tongue, loss of appetite, pains i and weakness in the stomach, enlargement of the ' liver, veltowuess of the skin, constant fever and ' thirst," with a total disreilsh for business, pleasure, or any kind of employment.—KAHKNKY'S PAN ACEA, If taken and persevered in for a few days, will remove this whole class of symptoms. —The fluids of the lK>dy become pure, and uilud clear, the stomach strengthened, the tongue clean, the appetite improved, ami the whole system so lien etitted that disease, in bad weather, is less liable to atlliet you. | 1 >ll. P. FAHHNKVS 3 £ - C'KLEItK ATKD Blood Cleanser or Panacea. As a medicine for children, fhe Panacea is, in everv wav, calculated to take the place of the end less Variety of drugs which are annually sold for that purpose, and which arc often very Injurious. A medicine which possesses the qualities of a ca thartic as well as a mild alterative, and which is capable of arresting disease without the least in jury to J the chiM is nf Incalculable value to every mother. As a Cathartic, it is very effective, yet ft docs not, if given in proper quantities, cause nausea or distress in the stomach or bowels. II is very pleasant to the taste, which is a very impor tant feature as a medicine for children. As a pre ventive of disease it is unprecedented, as it acts directlv upon the digestive organs and the blood. In all scrofulous diseases, it is the most effective medicine ever offered to the public, ami, if given regularly and perseveringly, those eruptive dis eases socotinnou in children may lie entirely erad- Ica ted. Prepared by P. Kahrney 's Bros. A Co., Waynes- Itoru, Pennsylvania, and lilt. P. FAMKNKY, HO North Dcarlatru Street, Chicaga. Price s!.2.*> per l!tle: for sale by Whole sale ami Retail Dealers, and by P. A. NTKIII!INS, .IK., 24 4 Cou'lersporf, Pa. A Great Combination tun! the very ls-st business opportunity ever of fered. is to"le found in an Agency for taking , subscript ions to HENILY WARD BEECHER'S Great I.ITKKAKY. FAMILY NEWSPAPER, with which is given a wav the largest and If-t Premium Picture-ever offered, the new and ex quisite *12.00 rVK. i -en oLKO<; it.-i T/I called ••l'ef's I'arailise." are the choicest class of French Art-Printing in oils —thu ) rfrrti<m of <)il-cl>roino)—\\'e also give the superb iln pair of Geimim* Freiicli Gil Cliro lllOS. •• Hl'i/e dorr Ac" a f'otf .-txfrrp," sub jects LIFE SIZE —charming fac similes of origi nal Oil Paintings. This |ia|x*r has the largest circulation in the world. It will next year Is* made better than ever. Serial tales by world-fa mous authors, l„ M. Alcott, Edward I'gglcstt>n, Harriett Reei-her Stowe, elc. New and brilliant contributors. Illustrated Holiday Xoiiiifr and back Nos. of Miss Alcott s story />'<". The most taking "< om bin it ion!" The Imy, >t coin missions One Agent iiitide tsuuiu mouths; a not It er Vtti In .'IS days: another fcd.lO in one week • : one it; 7,00 in one dav. ami many others from ♦-" I and *ln and *4(iper day. This year our offers are ■ even more proliluble. No waiting for the premiums. 77i" Sahscriher '■ < !•>(■* t/fm f/x-n he /</.* his Siihsfri/itioii. GOOD AGENTS WANTED! Intelligent men and women wanted every ' where. To get good territory, exclusively as . signed, semi eaiiv for circular and terms! .1. 1!. , FORD N CO.. New York : Boston, Mass.: Chica go, 111., San Francisco, CaL delicti ! AGENTS. now is your chance! LIVINGSTONE' LOST AMI FORM The onlv hook on the subject 1 hat tellstlie whole story, liou't Is* humbugged with any other. • This Ha- ncarlv sun pages. 4~ZO fullpage AM - : ftwww -rtf if<n"n?f.c 'iT.vhtst I ritory address al once I). ASH MEAD. --'-4 711 Sansoin St.. Phiiadclpliia. Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOR Prof, Fowler's Great Work On Manhood, Womanhoo t, and their mutual In tcr-rclations; Love, its Laws, Power, etc. Set.d for specimen pages and clreulars, with terms. Address NATIONAL I*l "BLINKING CO., . ■47-4 Philadelphia, lVniia. The immense |0 000 IN Cf.'E MONTH, <ur LIVINGSTONE 28 AFRICA is having l'Kti\T> it tiaivK ALL OTHERS; the book . flu* MASS ICS WANT. It goes like WILDFIRE, over ti'ii pages, only £2..">' i. More Agents Wanted. NoTH K —Be not deceived by iiiUrepreseiit atioiis made to palm off high-priced Inferier works, 1 'out send for circulars and see I'UOOK of statements ! lino great success of our agents, l'ovket com pa n i.m, worth $P>, uiaiied free. JIFBIIAl!D BROS., Publishers, > * 7*a Sansoin Street, Philadelphia. S Agents Wanted for AINTS .VfNNERS fip the LJ itsitU.K. Its Patriarchs, Kings, Prophets, Rebels, Poets, t Priests, Heroes, Women, Apostles, Politicians, Rulers an I Criminals. Genial as po-*trv and ex citing as romance. Its execution is faultless; its ; illusiratiotis ;ire iiiagniilcent. Ii is just the ismk i for the masses, or all who love History, the Study ; of Character, or ( heerful reading. Extra terms to Agents. Send for ctrenlar. Also. Agents want- i cd fo: t!i People's Standard Bible with J .s'vi Idiistrailous. Our own Agents, and vgents lor other Publishers, are selling this Bible with wunderfill .-iicress, because it is the most popular : edition published. Canvassing bonks free to working Agents. Addres,ZKIGLKK A- M'CI'UDY Philadelphia, I'a.: Cincinnati. ( Mil..; St. Louis Mo * Spriiigilelil, Mass.; or Chicago, m. ' ' BRIGGS & BROTHER'S floraTTOTk ! FOB JANt'ARY, IS7B, NOW OFT. Issued as a : Quarterly. The four numbers sent to anv a. Id less, by mail, for 2ft Cents. The richest and" most in-I structlvc Illustrated and Desrrlpthe Floral (ingle ever pirtdfslied. Those of our patrons who order- ! ed Seeds last year awl were credited with 2V„ will : receive the four numbers for 1 sol.Those who order ! Seeds this year will lie credited with a subscription I for 1574. The January number contains nearly t IfOO flugra v tug*, Wo Kuperb C'otorerf 7'late*, suitable for framing, and also Tinted Tlate* of our gorgeous Floral Chromes; infor mation relative to Flowers, Vegetables, etc., and their cultivation, and all such matter as was for merly found in our Annual Catalogue. You will miss it if yon order ,VA'A*7>.S*before seeing Virion* Jr Zlro. '* 17,' '/ /-."li J, ?". We challenge comparison on quality of Seeds and sir.es of pack ets. (Mir" CalenderAdvance'Sheetand Trice List for /&?.?," sent free. Address BRIGGS A BROTHER, Seedsmen and Florists, HOCHESTKH, N. Y. IDOHST'T lie docel veil, but for coughs, colds, sorethroat. hoarseness & bronchial affections. use only WELLS'CARBOLIC TABLETS UnrllilrtiK imitation* are on tlie market, j but the only scientific preparation of Carbolic Arid for Lung diseases is when ehemieallv eoni bined with other well-known remedies, as in these TAIU.KTB, and all parties are cautioned against using any other. In nil eases of irritation of the inueoiis lneni brane these TAHI KTS should be freely used, their cleansing S healiutr properties are astonishing. IJ- unriosl, ii, err neglect a cold, it is easily cured in its incipient state, when it Ixvoiiieschron ic the cure is exceedingly difficult, use Well's Oar- Ixilic- Tablets as a specillc. I "rice 2V. ism Box. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, Send for circular. 18 Piatt St., N. V., 28-4 Sole A stent for the V. S. TO BOOK CANVASSERS. VNKW WAY of running a Umk. Can sell thou sands per week. Address MURRAY HILL PUBLIBIHNG CO., 24-4 129 East 29th-st., New York Cltv. , FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. -MM h-legantly Bound Canrutting tiool for the best and eheapest Family Bible ever pub lished,will be sent free of charge to anv book agent. It contains over .ton tine Scripture Illustrations, ami agents are meeting with unprecedented sue eess. Address, stating oxnerience, etc., and we will show you what our agents arc doing. 23-4 NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., l'liila. Pa. SESLET'S f ju I m J BLiEiiDfT krfcsl Aixlominal supporter ami Pile Pipe—Relief and Cure for Rupture, Female Weakic aaea and Piles —indestructible, ligir, bare, cleanly {steel springs coated), never rusts, breaks, Umbers, nor soils, af fording comfort, safety, cleanliness, and durabili ty. VuiversaUv approved by the Medical Profes sion. aud all who wear them, as the best and most satisfactory appliances known. Bent by mall or express. Establishments, 1347 Chestnut St., Phil adelphia, and 737 Broadway, New York- Careful and correct adjustment. Experienced lash lu at tendance*. 83-4 Vinegar Bitters. Purely Vegetable. Free from Alcohol j DR. WALKER'S I California Vinegar Bitters. vinegar Hitter* arc not a Vile F„* p , Drink, made of Poor Hum. Whiskt v |> ■ f- Spirits and Refuse Liquors, docton-d"'spirts I and sweetened to please the taste. eadei •• Tonics," *' Appetizers, "Restorer*," A that lead the tippler on to drunkenmn* an ruin, but are a true Medicine, made* from t native roots anil herbs of California, free all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the fir*-; • Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the si. tern, carrying off all poisonous matter aoi I restoring the blood to a healthy condition. riohing it, refreshing and invigorating boe I mim! and Ivodr. Tliey are easy of adiuiafetn 1 tion. prompt "in their action, ceriavn in tneir I results, safe and reliable In all forms of .|i*ear '■> sfo Person can take, thesr Bittern I cording to directions, and remain lougun * f * ■ provided their bonus are not destroyed bj i mineral poison or other means, and the organ* wasted beyond the point ofrenair. I)>-*lc|* or liulignllon. tleurtache i Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs. Tightness offt. s Chest. Dizziness, Sour Enictations of theStna -| ttch. Bad Taste in the Mouth. Bilious Attacks,p, : pit ut ion of the Heart,lnflammation of n- i.i ;nn Pain in the regions of the Ktdne.vs.aMi a hun.ir*; | other painful symptoms, are the offsprings y 1 Dyspepsia. In these complaints it hasm. :l | and one lioltlc will prove a better guaramet | its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Female lotiiiilainl*. ill young or c: married or single, at the dawn of womanhos 'I or the turn or life, these Tonic Bitter* Uispitt, 1 decided an influence tliat a marked iuiptgr. b uicut is soon perceptible. For lihltßiiiuiatory nml CKroili Übeiiniatisui and Gout, Dyspepsia oris< | gestion, Bilious, Remittent and Interautte: I? Fevers, Diseases of the Blood,Liver,Eidneypg I Bladder, these Bitters have been most succosa 1 Such Diseases arc caused by Vitiated Blood,*tn H is generally produced by derangement of s II Digestive Organs. Tle>* arc a <ieitlc Purgative aa wtl n* a Tonic, posf.-ssiiig also the peculiar r:- i of acting as a powerful agent In relieving c | gestion or Inflammation of tl.e Liver and vy -j coral Organs and in Bilious Diseases. For.Skin I)l*ce*. Eruptions,Tetter.Si . Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Ptmples,Pustules.i!o:.i I Cart "uncles, lUng- worms. krald-Uead. SoreEya 3 Krysi|claa, Itch, Scurfs, Dlscoloratlons ot tp I Skin, 11 umora and Diseases of the skin. :1 whatever name or nature, are literally dug :; S and earned out of the fyvem in a short tine 1 the use of these Bitters. One iKittieinsiichmnl will convince the most lu" redulous of thnrcn: | ative effects. ( Irwuse tlic Vilint :<1 Diood irhtliwl you find its impurities htm-tiug through ifl skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or sires : eleanit | when you find it obsiructed and biuggish in if* B veins : cleanse it when it is foul: your tc.rr will tell you when. Keep the blood purr, i the health of the system will follow. Grateful Thousands proclaim Viswn Birrrns the most wonderful luvigorauttln; ever sustained the sinking system. Pin. ln|>r, ollil ollirr Wsriiii, in the system of so many thousand*, are rdr tu.illy destroyed and removed. says a diiim gnlsiivd physiologist: There is scares,'v an in vidnalon the face of the earth whose hody i>f erupt from the presence of worms. It is "t l. on the healthy elements of iho body that word exist, imt u|h>ll the diwased humor* and *i deposits that breed these liviu" *i:*'iisteni t disease. No system of medicine, no v crmlfugn no anllielminitlcs, will free the system frorL worms like these Bitters. Mechanical Disease*.—Persons engage in Paiut* and Minerals, such us Plumlied. Tvyt setters. Gold-beaters, und Miners, as birr a< vance in life, are subject to parali.us of tb Bowels. To guard against this, take a Cost i WAI.KKK'S VINBGAR BITTERS twice a week., f Uillou*, Heuilttent, and lnleriuh teni Fevers, which are so prevalent in ih> : valleys of our great rivers throughout iho I mW| States, especially those of the Mississippi, nt,: 1 Missouri. Illinois. Tennessee, Cumberland, Zr kan*a. Red, Colorado, lirazos, Rio Grand* | Peart, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoki James, and many others, with their vast tribu tsriss. tiiroughout our entire country duncj Hie Summer and Autumn, and remarkahlr wj doting season* of unusual heat and drrnrssTrn invanatily acconipanicil by extensive' drrsnr* ! meiits of llnv stomach and iircr. and other at-1 domina: viscera. In their treatment, a purr: . tivr, exerting a powerful Influence upouil.fv ! various organs, is essentially necessarv. Th*-: ■ Is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Po. . I WALK Kit's VINEGAR IIITTERS, as thev w | : speedily remove the dark-colored viscid mat:"! | with which the bowels are loaded, iti iii* sar*| ! Hnie stimulating the secretions of the livir ar | generally restoring the heaithv functiow ofi -m t digestive organs. Scrofula, or Khig'a Evil, ffiitf I ' ings, Fleers, Erysipelas. Swelled neck Goitre.l scrofulous Inflammations. Indolent In.farrr: I Hons, Mercurial Affections, Old Sore*. Kra; t* Hons of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In ID** t as in all other constitutional Diseases, WAl.eki: < I I INEGAK BirrERS have shown their great cor- T tivc power* In the most obstinate and iutrac: I able cncs. , Br• Walker'* California Vlnre" I' Kilters act on all ttiese cases in a mails'i manner. By purifying the Blood they renv • I Hie cause, and by resolving awav the effect* ' S tlie inflammation (the tubercular deposits r | affected parts receive health, and a pennsatt f cui c is effected. Tlic properties Of DR. WALKER'S VlvEGlt f BITTKILS are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Canmr. fe ative. Nutritious, Laxative, Diurcitc. Sods | tlve. Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Alterative. | and Anti-Bilious. The Aperient and mild Laxative prop* | ties of lK. WALKER'S YINKGAH BHTEKS the b-st safe guard in case* of eruptions to! 1 malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and H soothing properties protect the humor* of it* 1 fauce*. Their Sedative properties allay painir f the nervous system, sfomach. and bowels, eiiiie from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. | Fortify- the body agnlnn disensr L* #1 punfymg all Its fluids with Vinttoaii liirtM' F * No epidemic can take hold of a system 12U 1 fore-armed. Direction*—Take of the Bitters on rKt I to bed ai night from a half to one and oart** \ wine glassful!. Eat good nourishing foobnth | is beef-sieak. mutton chop, venison, na.-:t| aitd vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely vegetable lagre |g ilitsnts, ami coniain no spirit." it. it. MCDONAI.D &. Co., DmggiHis and Gen. Agts., San Francisco. Ci., [ A cor. of Washington and Charlton St.. S.I |! SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS A DEALERS- j S4ti3-<4 U/A NTrn IF YOU WISH TO Bl 1A J WiHll I LU. SKWIM, MACHINE fori use, or act as agent, address WASHIXf SEWING MACHINE CO., Boston, Mass. tb| rpo THE WORKINU CUM. 1 mate, fk' a week guaranteed. Res|s ' , - , j employment at home; day or evening: it' ■>'' ' required; full instructions ami valuable ps'icl of goods to start with sent free hv mail. with 6 cent return stamp, M. YOUNG A I'O -23-4 is courtlandt St., New s OAgents Wanted Oaml Charts. Also, for our Sewing fti.'i '• lAnen Thread. floototSOOcleared pern ' 14%''% good, active Agents. Applv at oncet- H UV-'t t D. L. GUERNSEY, Concord.> m _ —Ja SeirreederT> _A Sj lewart-Durner Improved, Unrivaled, Unequal 24 4 "Burnt any the Coal. Fru.it N, WARKKN A Co., 2:16 Water St.. * * * 1 Warn Da® First Presitßi 9 lio iav' Double Elevated Oven, Warming Closet. Frk\ £.ll Door, Fender, Guard, Dumping SShaking < Wk Direct Draft. I ULI.EK, W ARK EN &C km 20-1 230 Water St, N ||| VfllTW easily mud e with our Stencil .Wk 111 IJ it| Jn Y Key-check outttt. CirciilarV/,! 1 Stafford MTg.Oe . v*uib r a New York. §§B BWteate?: and (iRUAys, of .m Jlrtt class mnker*A n •. Jj iny Waters', at VEUT LOW rmcas ft'* ( ® fsirt cash, atul tnt<,n<.e intmaU MOTRYV .H rnents. Xewl-octace first -clsM TIA >' * , .m sii improvement*. for cash. v>a , S n CoyCKJITn rA It LOR OttOA> J ' f beavttyvl style and perfect tone ov mo . ig|j 'vMrated -lutshs/uts mauvce tsits* # Mu&c AtorcHondw.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers