The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, May 25, 1867, Image 3

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    gify Columbia gPg+
Columbia Pa.
Sat!Waal!, ;lay 25, IS6V.
~, 3 1MUNIC tTIONS, letters, contributions, generally of
Inerit and interest o the reader, will be acceptable
t:sl Toro Mends front o 1 1l trisr.ors.
P.nsoss who wish their advertisements to reach
• the greatest number of persons, will do well to avail
themselves of the superior inducements offered
• through the columns of the Cotentin. SPY. It posse?-
, es large advantage over any other newspaper; its
average weekly circulation being more than thirty
• per cent. greater than nny other paper published in
this vicinity, and promises to be more than one
hundred per cent. greater, in less than six months.—
In addition to this, the patrons of the SPY are of the
class that advertisers wish to reach—liberal minded,
and intelligent people, thereby making it the most
lesirable medium for all classes of advertisers. This
fact should have a great weight with advertisers.
RELIGious NoncE.—Bishop Erb will
preach in the "United Brethren" Church,
of this place, on to-morrow, at the hours of
10 A. M., and 71 o'clock, P. M. The public
are invited to attend.
EXCUrtsION.—A party of gentlemen,
from our neighboring cities, embarked on
a raft, at this place, on Tuesday morning
last. They were bound for the "bottom"—
Peach Bottom, we nnea u.
Fin.E.—A. fire broke out in the oil house
of St. Charles Fe mane, on Saturday eve
ning last. No damage was done of any.
eon,equenee. The firemen were on hand,
Ds IN TIIE WOODS.—As this is
the clay the "Vigie" holds their " first of
the season," we urge all who aro fond of
" tripping the light fantastic" to spend a
day in the woods with the boys.
VALuABLE STocK yott SALE.—itten
lion is directed to tho advertisement o •
Edward J. Evans & Co., near York, Pa.
They otter at Public Sale, Valuable Dur
bain Stock.
ICE.—The Columbia ice company com
menced, daring the week, to deliver the
"cooling luxury" to their patrons. Owing
to the changeable state of the weather there
has not been ranch of a demand for the
A GAME.-A game of Bast 13a11 was
Played yesterday afternoon, between a nine
of the Tyrolcans of Harrisburg., and a
"scrub" nine from the "Columbia" of this
place. The game resulted in favor of the
Bor,T,Ls;l:ua has opened a first
class confectionery store and ice cream
saloon, at No. 1, Wolf's row, Front street,
where he keeps a choice assortment of
good things. - Lovers of tee ereani should
wend their step; toward No.
Tuts l'Ettioutc.ti.s —NY. U. Iless Itas
all the late Periodicals for sale at his coun
ter. Harper's Monthly Magazine, Atlantic
Monthly, Our Young Folks, together with
all the leading publications of the day.
New books, new stationary, fir.., just re
HORSE KILLED.—A valuable horse,
belonging to James Bennett's ear team, was
chocked to death, on Monday morning last,
The lead horse of the leant limped off the
high stone wall, along the railroad, on
Front street, pulling several other horses
over with hint, and. one of them getting en
tangled in the chains and harne , s, Wit 4
chocked to death before he could be released.
young friend, Lieut. Thomas M. Fisher,
\•••ho vas lately commissioned to a :Second
Lieutenency in the regular army, has been
ordered to report for duty to the command
ing, officer at Fort Columbus. Now York
Itarhor. His regiment—the ti.3d infantry—
is now in Idaho. lie left on Thursday
morning Last
NEI)" BASE BALL CLErit.—A bat4e ball
(AIM was organized in this place, on Mon
day even ing„2.oth inst.,whieh will be known
ns the " Mutnal.' • The following named
persons were elected °Meer.;
President, George Young„ Tr. ; Vice Pres
ident, 'Randolph; Secret icy, W. I[.
Fry; Treacnrer, B. F. Steiger; Captain, J.
C. Clark; Direetors..Clui4. Young, Frlllik
ifeitsline, and J. C. Clark.
HALDiotAN's scent determined to take
the lead in the dry goods trade, in Colum
bia. They hat.," lately made great improve
ments in their store, doubling its capacity.
They Mier a splendid assortment of dress
goods, just purchased at the lowest prices.
Moslins, calicoes, cassimeres, etc.. at cheap
er rates than ever. Their merchant tailoring
establishment is a perfect success, and all
who want cheap an el fms h. io bfr trm en ts,
should go to Haldeman 's.
WORTHY or• os.—'otnewliere
out in Ohio, an anti-swearing society has
been formed by the young 111011 of that
town, and fines are imposed upon members
who are guilty of profanity, the proceeds
being devoted to the pun:h . :Aso of newspa
pers and periodicals. A societyof this kind,
embracing all the young men of Columbia
—and perhaps some of the older men, too—
would yield a handsome revenue for in
vestment in newspapers and works fo• the
development* and cultivation of the intel
KNIGII vs TOlvt,.t.ll.—The rand Com
mandery of Pennsylvania will hold its
foul teenth annual conclave in Pittsburg,
commencing on the 11th of June. On the af
ternoon of the 12th there will be a pantile of
the Sir Knights in full uniform, and they
will proceed to the Academy of Music,
where au address w.ll be delivered by Rev.
Robert 11. Patrison, 1). I). The installation
of grand officers will gate place at the same
time. Coitnnbia Ctiminandery, No. 13, of
Lancaster city, will attend in a body. It
promises to be one 01 the largest demon
strations of Sir Knights that has ever taken
place in this State.
Poor eltt:SH ED.-31r. Al phew , Dale.
of Meelmnivsburg, Pa., a runner of individ
ual cars, on Fast Freight, of the Penn'a
Railroad, had his right foot badly crushed,
on last Monday afternoon, by a car wheel
passing over it. The accident occurred on
Front street, and we understand be was at
tempting to get on his train, whilst in
motion, but his hold slipped and he was
thrown to the ground tad partially on the
track. lie was carried into the American
House, and his foot dressed by Do. Brtther
and Craig. He was taken to liarrisburg,
in the evening, where he remained until
Tuesday morning, when he was token to
his home, in Mechanicsburg_
UNCLAIMED LETTERS.— List or letters
remaining unclaimed, in the Columbia Post
Office, up to this date:
List.—Miss .1'111D:1100s, Mrs. M.
A. Eveland, Miss Martha Miles, Mrs. Julia
Rush, Miss Mary Shertzer, Mrs. ,John
Thence, Miss Lizzie Witmer.
Gentlemen's List.—James Allen, Jo,:ph
Clinch, Jos. Cainbell. Oeome Eigelberger,
Daniel D. Forry, Hiram A. Gins,` William
Batten, William Homan. (2), Alonzo Mil
ler, (2), Daniel Myers, John Muckfee, Wm.
H. Miller. George Miseivenkbuck, Henry
Moore, Charles i‘leckley, Thos. MelCeen,
David Martin, Wm. Jones. John Jenkins,
George Reese, Chums. P. Stroman, (2), E. G.
Smyser, Francis Shawahrook, Michael
Thulpin, T. L. Wiban, W.M. Wilson, W. H.
DON'T fail to read J. A. IVEYERs' ad
ASCENSION DAY.—Thursday next will
be Ascension Day. It is a festival held on
Holy Thursday in commemoration of oar
Saviour's Ascension into Heaven after His
resurrection. In Allentown the merchants
have resolved to close their stores and cele
brate the day. Bruner's Store, in Columbia
the great Dry Goods Mart,will be kept open
during the day, so that strangers coming to
town will haven chance to purchase his
cheap dry goods, boots, shoes, &e.
nicranErt.—The Grover 6; Tinker machine
thr excels any other machine for dress
niaHn and fre•lernl fctn ft; .I,c. Tile Sti lath
also, is more beautiful and durable than
any other stitch known. The machine is
so simple in its combination of parts and
its practical operation, that it is very diffi
cult to get it out of order. and any operative
can manage it. It is the only machine
which has yet succeeded in embroidery.—
W. G. Case ttc, Son are the authorized agents
for this valuable machine. They can he
seen in operation at any time, during the
clay or evening, at their store. Cantu - id ex
amine them, before purchasillZ elsewhere;
if you want a good and reliable sewing
Foote and Sister and Col. Small, assisted by
a talented troupe of vocalists and instru
mentalists. will give three of their unique
entertainments at the Odd Fellows' Hall,
Wednesday evening and Thursday after
noon and evening, May 20th and 30th. The
following is front the Baltimore Gazette:
"In all our experience—by no means a
limited one—we have never come across
such an extraordinary and novel exhibi
tion as that of Messrs. Effinger et Foote,
the first performance of which was given in
the spacious Hall of the Maryland Instr
trite, last evening. It is, in !het, a, rare
coin hi nation, by which the Curiosities of
all classes may be gratified, while the finer
feelings of our nature are pleasantly re
freshed by strains of harmony that fall
ravishingly upon the ear. Never before,
perhaps, was a combination of so very di
minutive people thrown together. Corn.
Foote and a diminutive little creature
known as the Fairy of the West. must take
procedenee of all pretenders. These won
derful curiosities, assisted by Col. Small
and a talented musical company, form a
combination, which for real merit is excell
ed by none."
llu,u PRICES.—Many persons were
surprised to find at market last week, that
our bntehers demand live cents per pound
inure for beef, than formerly. F lenr, too.
has gone up to tigures idniost out of the
reach of persons with a limited income. We
are not familiar with all the causes which
contribute to this state of affairs, and if we
were it would be practically useless to talk
against them.
Prices must be left to lie regulated by the
regular influences of supply and demand.
But undoubtedly a good reason for the
enormous expense of house-keeping in this
country is the ignorance of our people in
regard to the economy of cooking and se
lecting articles of food. And if it is of little
use to try to discover the reasons for the preg
ent excessive prices of provisions, Si) much
the more should they lead people to inquire
how the articles obtained at so clear prices
can be prepared for the table in a cheap and
at the same time acceptable way. If we
cannot economise in the porchay, at least,
we can in the use; and if we can learn to
make a clear article go twice as far as ono
for which we formerly paid half as much,
we are in reality, living as cheaply as
An adjourned meeting, of Council was held
on Wednesday evening last. Present—Mr.
Supplee, President. Met,srs. Bachman,
Gassier, Green, Minich, Shreiner and Upp.
Mr. John Eddy was elected Borough Tax
Collector, for 1867. Salary, 5 per cent. on
all collections.
On motion of :Ur. Green, it was
Rootral, That the Road Committee be author
ized to appoint a person to superintend tlu• eon
struction of the culvert in Bridge street.
The Road Committee reported the Rego
lator's (sit mate of the cost of opening; 3rd
Street from Walnut to Gay, Gay to The
Marietta Turnpike, and 4th Street to the
Marietta Turnpike, which was road and
ordered to be filed.
On motion of Mr. (4os:der, it, wg:
<xi, That an alley or court he opened or re
opened fourteen feet wide, extendlng from (Mr
Street to the invidlim Ilne or properlie, of .Immpli
IL inmc, :Alkluod Collins and Jo,eph
runnum re. er the silo 01 the "hi hilly, hetWeell
Said ItehltS, 41 rear of the properne, of Claude.
Pantie. Wm. I Mriloll, and Whet,. and hl 17•unl of
the hIILI,ON or.i,, , eph•ryson and :%tiehatti Cullia.,
and noarty paranet with rottnatm. Street.
On Inniirni or Mr. Shreiner, it was
Rnoterd, That :h•d Street be opened front Wal
nut SO tut to the Mtu•tetttt turnpike, and au :up
proprial ion of slllLii) be mule h n • that purpirw;
and that the Road I'ollllllin,, ne atithorizeit to
putt It tinder coutraid.
.01.1.)11.:12S' Olt PHA
orplunn., connected with the M .1 fly
So Idiot's' Orphan School, were in town, on
Thursday and Friday, of this week, and
gave two of then• excellent entertainments.
During their stay, the Loy. Mi(' several
parades in our streets, headed With martial
mush, and they indeed 3tresented ii line mid
real soldier-like appearance—kept step and
marehed amazingly well. They are uni
formed according to the regular State
style—gray pantaloons, blue jackets, &e.
Their exhibition, en Thursday eve
n ing, was held in Odd Fellows' Hall,
to a large and attentive audience.
On Friday evening they exhibited in
the public school building, nu Cherry
street, and W1.4'0 also greeted with a large
audience. 'l'lle exercises were conducted
in e very creditable manner, and reflects,
well upon both teachers and scholars. The
school numbers 118 scholars—J9 females
and 79 stales,—'J6 of the scholars being
present. We were pleased to see the inter
est sea is of our citizens nianifested ill be
half of the little ones, by entertaining them
at their homes during their stay hero.
The school is under the charge of Mr.
Caruthers and W. Shuman, men well
lilted for the position, and who man ifest a
deep interest in the 01111,13 in which they are
CAs ES. —The following eases
were before Samuel EV:111S, Esq.
Tforer and COnrCrSiOn.—GCOrgo W. CaleY
bronalit suit against Henry _Minna to re
cover pos,eiNion of eight geese. D. appear
ed, however. that two of the geese returned
to the premises of the plaintiff a few days
ago. After hearing sumo twenty-live Wi t
lICSSI2:4 its to the ownership of the geese, in
question, the plaintiff failed to establish his
claim to any but the two, having pos,ession
of the:c, of course, he could claim 110 dama
ges, unless he proved that the defendant
plucked them whilst they were in his pos
session, which the plaintiff proceeded to do,
and allowed fifty cents damages. The de
fendant had to pay fourteen dollars and
eighty-lotu• cents costs ; also, we infer that
no one connected with the case gained any
thing but the Constable and Justice, as
not of the witnes , eA were "pilots" it.
steersmen" on the river. (;Dose feath ers
itt Washington, e., are a dear article.
Layerag.—John Buxton %V!as :wrested
by Com:table McGinnis, upon complaint of
John C. Bryan, who keeps the Jefferson
lionse, for larceny. The defendant has
been employed on the railroad for it short
time., and was discharged a few days ago
for drunkenness. IZe hat been boarding at
the complainents, who Ims noticed that the
defendant's conduct has been strange, he,
getting tip all hours of the night, and ab
senting himself front the premises. A few
days ac.-o a shawl, table corer, and a num
ber of other articles Ino. been missed. as
certaining, that the defendant sold a table
cover for tiny cents. whielt was worth two
dollars and a half. he was arrested and the
table cover revowereil, which was identified
as the property of deponent. The defend
ant has evidently seen better days, and has
been demoralized by the too free use of
that fell destroyer, rum.
In default of bail, he was committed to
prison to answer at August Sessions.
MECHANICS.—There is, in all parts of
the country, a general complaint of the want
of Mechanics—especially those engaged in
building. Carpenters, Stpnecntters, Brick
layers, Masons, Plasterers, are in demand
everywhere, and work is waiting in almost
every town for workmen to do it. And yet
in the midst of this, we see young men—
stout ancl able-bodied—enquiring for em
ployment in stores, in places as school teach
ers, or in some light business of fancied
If these young men could bring them
selves to understand that the calling of a
good mechnni , - is always respectable, and
a skillful mechanic more than merely re
spectable, and like sensible men, learn seine
of tllc3: traces, illey would render society
a service by their useful labor, and would
place themselves in a position of indepen
dence, that would far exceed anything they
are likely to attain in the light and genteel
callings they are crowding so unprofitably.
Let a young man who is heart sick, with
the disappointments he encounters in
seekin; genteel employment, or ashamed
of being a burden at home, set about learn
ing a trade,and he will find immediate em
ployment, and feel respectable in. the con
sciousness that he is doing something of
use, while he tits himself to enter the world
with the ability to make a livelihood inde
pendently of the changes of time, or
vicissitudes of trade. The man whose skill
is wanted, never wants the means of living.
The true idea is to choose the business in
which the mall is wanted, more than he
wants the place. Ire then has command of
the situation, and can sat his own price
upon his services. But when a man wants
employment more than he is wanted, he is
a slave to the situation. This is a view of
the subject that we commend to our young
men all over this country, where there is
such a disposition to get agencies, and
peddle in sonic way—or "make a living
w ithout work" by labor and anxiety tenfold
more painful and wearing upon soul and
body than steady mechanical labor.
STATED MEVAINn ua Ont; NC11,...—M et.
May 17th. ISV, T. It. Sapplee, President in
the chair. Pres( ni..---Messrs. Bachman,
(.treen, Minieh, Stipplee,
Shreiner, Sourbeer and lJpp. The minutes
of April 19111, and May 3r..1 and lam were
read and approved.
The Road Committee submitted the
Regulator's estimate or the cost or opening
Third street north, which was ordered to
be tiled.
The Finance. Committee an hmitted the
following statement 01 . the Borough Finan
Receipts from January Sth, to date
()Mei s paid, iron' Tan. it it,
Balance iii TrelISU
Bounty Pawl—Ba!ante n Treasury
%.eeount, credited with Dog Tax, up to
May 7th 71,00
Received from .Taeob Auwerter, Chief
_BurgeNs, mom Jan. 12. th, to this date
for Fines. 77.70
Licenses for eirew,es and Concerts 18.50
The Market Committee reported the fol
lowing moneys Collected and paid to the
Rent of Hall
Table Rent..
On motion of Mr. Lipp, it Wtlti
Resol erd, That n prate:along for the collection, of
Borouah Tax for 1:,67, will be received by Council
at its next meet lug.
On motion of Mr. Mullen, the regular
order of business was suspended to give an
opportunity to a number of citizens, who
uOlO preset, to state their wants.
Mr. John Krodel asked I hatarrangentents
be made so as to enable the property own
s on the East side of sth street, between
Union and tlherry, to make pavements
along their properties.. Referred to the
Pavement Committee.
He also asked that measures be taken to
abate a nuisance occasioned by water col
lected in two unused cellars, adjoining his
property in sth Street. Referred to the
Sanitary Coinmittee.
Benjamin Johnson, colored, asked that
suitable damages be awarded him for that
part of Pis property which the Borough
was about taking from hint in the open
ing of sth Street, ball - Cell Union and Mill.
On motion of Mr. C 4 os,sler, it was referred
Io the Road Committee.
On nietion Of Mr. Green, the Ibhlowing
preamble and resolution were adopted:
Witt:tutAs. me ,luties of the Ittlrgess have
I,er•n increased ity the adoption of the new imnr..
ler, (Well eying a great part of his time, therefore
Pii , eirot. That the Itnrgl•ss shall receive for his
serviet, the ,ton of the Hundred t
per iontion.
On Motion of Mr. Clip, it wits
J, Thal the Sanitary 'otinittet• lie aut -
orized to pt•orure a piece of Jaunt, in witleli to
hury anitanis 'tilled by ot•der of the itorottah
tin motion of .Mr. (seen, it vu,
That the Pavement Committee have
power to authorize the Supervisor to notify the
owners of property nn t he west slit.. of .ith St Feet,
he! weep Union anti Mill, to make pavements
along their several ).ropert les.
Wt Motion 01 Mr. Minieb, it was
Re,01,4; That tile Itoatt Cononittee be instruct
ed to extend the :Ointment:. of tile hrill.4 - tt tont
met., on the extension of 4th Street t-ontlt, 10 the
full width of the Ntreel.
Oil motion of Mm. Shreiner, it NVti,
Twit the rood (20,131111 u,, Le rt,d,t
to in,truct the Regulator la make au ci-,1 ulnae
oi the cost o 1 Ith Street, north to the Marietta
turnpike, iirdStreet to Clay, and (lay to Rh Street.
cotnlnunieation was received i'roln
7,etty re,lilintr near tins corner of 3rd and
Cherry streets. contplainin4 of the lied c.ot
claim' Or the ero, , ,ing , ; :it said point. Com
plaint waq al,o wade of the bad condition
()flit() erossing on the lower SI4 Ic Or 2.11 d and
Walnut streets.
On motion of 31 r. Oos,ler, the cro , sings
complained of were ordered to Lie repaired.
A petition waq received from the Trmao?s
of the Vigilant Fire Company, pro. ing
(2ouncil to appropriate j:323. to a1(1
Company in defraying the expenses incur
red in putting their lion,e and apparatus in
good order. On motion of Mr. Gossler
appropriation witn made.
On motion of 'Air. (to.sler, it was
Rauh ed, That the Borouzh liegulator he au
thorized to make an e,tunate 01 the co•-t. of open
lug the Cemetery Road, and report to the Rual
Bills to the :onotolt. of $109.61, were read
Old ordered to be paid.
On motion of .l r. I it NV:IN
/2.,,,!en/. That. When Council adjourn. it do so to
in t ,t, ott Wetinc,day, May :...211.1, idiwk.,
P. M.
On !notion acijournetl
[Fur tiny `:ipp:'J
Mu. Enrroit.-1 WU:" very glad to see that
the Mercantile Appraiser had sufficient
discrimination to divide the publication of
the list of dealers of the County, between
the papers of the city and the lead ing paper
outside ; and in doing so selected the two
live Republican weeklies of the County.
The A:ram/tier used to be the recognize'd
organ of the party, but since it has gotten
into the lianas of the 'kit tnalites, who now
control its columns. it has become, on the
one laud a sleepy concern, zind on the other,
a sewer t b rough which, weakly, flows abuse
of men, who have at all times labored to
build up a party upon sound Republican
pet nei p I es. There is, after all, an aptness in
its condition, because you know, Mr.
EDITon, that stagnant water is generally
the home for the little wrigglers, votamonly
eallod tad-poles, and 1 know of no butter
title to apply to the fellows who are wont to
meet in, and about thepoor Alrannnerollice.
JAcK seems to be doomed to disappoint
ment ; he tried to be Senator last 11,11 by
riding two horses, but toiled as all such
Charlatans ought to ; then he winded to
he Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth,
but here he again "slipped tip ;•' then he
tried his hand on Flour Inspector, but again
•• vaulting ambition overleaped itself."—
Then lie tried to get Andy Johnson to make
him Naval Officer, but agatn lie "shot his
arrow over the house and hurt his !mailer."
ld 11011 he is waiting, Mac Caw bee like,
for something, "to turn up." These V81'1.•
oils disappointments have so soured him
that he goes snapping and snarling like a
hungry cur, so that it is even 1111.1.11 e to Pia
hill/ 011 the head.
The titet is, J.kot: is badly played out, and
the E.Laminer shows strong :symptoms of
going off into the sweet embrace of the
Copperheads; let hini ~ c o! and the party
may well say ;god raldance, A;(7. :Mr.
Hartman should bear in mind the table of
poor Tray echo was found in bad company.
John has really sonic life in hint, and does
amount to som ct hing, while Kline is strong
ly suspeeted of being a little eoppei y ; in
deed, tt is doubted in sonic quarters wheth
er lie ever voted the Republican ticket.
JAcit: tries to imitate Alex. McClure, but
makes a very bad counterfeit of it. ; Aleck
has brains, and can write and say smart
things. JAci.:, has never been accused of
anything of the kind.
hope, however, that this last disappoint
ment in not getting the :Nlereantile List to
publish, will not sour him so very badly
but that he may live' long to enjoy hi,
laurels won at Bull Run.
Mr. Editor, yen will please sendl my paper
to the Aanheitn Station by Dr. Melllnwer,
as I can get it that way earlier than by the
[For the 'Spy.")
EDITOR OF TRH SrY :—Tho Cormorants
which have their nests on the cliff's, near
the hole in the wall, have become greatly
enraged at Julius L. Shuman, Mercantile
Appraiser, for having the audacity to pub
lish the Mercantile Appraiser's list in the
Columbia ,Spy.
The old grandmother of that voracious
covey of Sea Ravens, also charges the
County Commissioners with complicity in
the same heinous (Aimee, as a punish
ment for opposing their acts, in increasing
the County Tax, which increase, by the by,
was fully and satisfactorily explained by
the Commissioners, at the time, and ap
proved by every intelligent tax-payer in
this community. And it is with deep re
gret we have learned that an additional
building will have to be erected by the
Directors of the Poor, causing a still further
increase of taxes, if the supporters of the
said Cormorants adopt the course pursued
by those greedy birds, amongst which,
though lame and unsonnd,. are some that
are very prolific.
The old woman in her lamentations,
saith : "This document has, for time
whereof the memory of man runneth not to
the contrary, been published in the Exam
iner and Herald, and paid for, and for that
reason it should have been CCM tinued. And
those editors, who have, for the same length
of time, published the list without pay
should still continue so to do," i 9 tho
liberal inference.
- -
If Agur was making his confession of
faith at this clay, he would surely add the
Examiner and llcrald to the things that are
never satisfied. The sentence would then
read thus: There arc three things that
are never satisfied; yea five things say it
is not enough—the grave, and the barren
womb, the earth that is not tilled with water,
the fire, and the Examiner (tad Herald that
is not filled with the Mercantile Appraiser's
list, and paid for, saith not. It is enough.
May 20th, 15(37. Cosov.
[For the 4.5133-.*l
Enrron :—This season, which is just
now opening, bids fair to be ono of the
most exciting that our :National game is
likely ever to know. This place sports
some five or six very good clubs, at present,
although one was disbanded a few dayti
since, (the Shawnee.) A new el ub has re
cently been tbrmed, styled the " Mutual."
and is composed principally of the !mak
'men who were led hop! the "Columbia,"
wholly by one Clark, and with the ex
pectation that a certain crack player would
join with them and be their pitcher. Now
this Clark had gained for himself a little
notoriety last season. whilst playing with
the "Columbia,' • and this season, becamo
conceited, so ntuc•h so that lie flit:ight he
could run the club Imnsolf; bat being taught
otherwise, became indignant and resigned.
Ills influence reached this far—a few mem
bers were lost, but without whom the club
will suffer no drawhark whatever, as we
learn several new members have been se
cured in their stead, Despite all the petty
doings and howling of these aforesaid gen•
flown, the '• Columbia" is still on her (et's.
and expects 50 to he wail knocked off, to
accomplish which would be no easy task.
Are not some of the truants sore and
would they not er3iel back again, had they
dare? ,Sefnh.• - FLY-CA're
SYT: I l't
t_. i 4. .
Deaths and Marriages are published in this paper
wahoin charge. When accompanied by commen
taries, whether prose or poetry, five cents per line
will be charged. Font ml notices ten cents per line
payable in advance.
On the Lith inst., at Perinea, this county, by
IteV. S. J. Thomas, TII031.1:,.! SEVELE to Ptioonr:
TrAWouszcsi, both of West Coln, Chester co., Pa.
On the to inst., by lice. Jacob Broyhill, at
the residence of the bride's father, dotes
Rustr, of Pcipum t wp., to MAirrnA
of sitrasburni township.
On the lath inst., by Rev. D. hertz, at Ephrata,
RO Lomos: IlitowN, of Browmgown, to 5.511.111
lii, 01 New Berlin.
Oil the alid inst., at Sq..Taines Church, Lancas
ter, by Rev. J. I. Mombert, B. D., Unottou NA r
)1.5 1.11 . .1ZZ! C, eldest daughter (11,1 mos 5.1 fend-
5 r 0
On the fah inst., M.% ito,titivr A., willow of the
late Fleury Hal,leman, caged to years.
On the Ifith Inst., In Mount Joy. WILLIAM, son
of George :Ina Ann Emil:ins, and late of the 79th
P. V.
Iu c,aulabla, on Tuesday evening theflist
DAISY M., infant daughter of Geo. W. and Celle
Ihunbright , aged II months.
Titus early in the spring I into of Life, like a ten
der bud, just bursting Into bloom, the heart of
little DAISY yielded its life to the chilling totteh
of death. Though stricken with grief is the fond
mother's heat!, and heaviness laid gloom over
shadows the titther's brow, they have the cumu
lation that little DAISY'S spirit. beyond the
storms of life, has found repose.
The flower that blooms the fatre:t
Is the foren est to loony;
The prize we love The tleitrest
Is the first to pause away.
Reported expressly for dd inna.r, liy Janney
& .Andrews,ronimission :Vivrelnuits,No. 123 .11ar
ket street, I'lli'llidelphia.
PI i Tr-tiff:A - Ali (A, May 23, 1897.
Flour—Extra Family 'l9 ,".091,17 50
•• Extra superfine 12 .30(fr 11 lin
• Superfine 9 00 , ,, 10 00
.11., flour 7 7 5' 8 Ou
Wlleat 3 :3fica, 3 :30
Rye 171)5 1 7:3
('orn 1 Dol. 1 '.....!
I );it , Si), 83
Clover seed
Timothy well
lard, - 0 lb
froth r, is 4
dozen is m tu
milow, i B,r 14)1i
Very little doing in the grocery market at
present. relined Sugars are higher. till lower
grade., are looking up. Flour i, dull and Mau
tire at our quotations. Wheat i, quiet but um
e h a t t uen. sale, of 0111 afloat. were !M.P. at
sl;2ll.'ir for prime State. Yellow Oat, are in
delliand at Sl gen: , 1,::: hold lino. Euus are
arriving - liter - , hill a fittle exertion NVin Move
1111,111 at our 4 111 , t 1011 , . Gold rules:lt MA! thix
Revortea Weekly try Clarke & Tru,cott. Corn
mi,ton Merebnitts. No. small Clay Street.
II turtmonn, May 21d, .1:•67.
We;tern Extia
Ib)lvara .ttleet Extra
•• Soper
CoßN—Priiiie White, ....... 1 15
" Yellow, " ....... 1 IStitl Ltil
NVi,terti Mixed it , ...... Oil
WHEAT—lied I .......... ......... ....... w 3 25
" White C bushel 3 Si
Crushed, 1 , 11,
A White, 1 , Pl..
yeIIOWS of lower grad.
Golden Syrup
In half bids. se, and in kegs 10c. adddional
No eharge for l'aekage.,
Co FFET:—IIio, lair to good, 110,:1411:4; prime to
ehoice_lt.3,4ll9; Lutuayra, 1 reii ; rotor, 21)1020 1 4, net ea,lt in Gold.
Fitanr and Grain Market.
Reported weekly for the "Spy," by (Irorle
t'or.t. - miA, May Wirth, lSt:.
Family flour, white whom( , 111 (pa
Extra family llour 1 5 15
Superilm. 1100 r 1:i 09
Ily, flour, kllollel
White Wheat V la1 , (11el 5 15
Roil Allient :: 90
Rye 1 10
Corn 1 10
Cial,, :12 11 kS 6.1
Col bin Produce Market.
1201,1•3113r.t, May .22,1. ISM.
Polatoes. 4 • .t 1.3f,r.1 till
14. t.,, per dozeu lA.l‘ 20
But tor, per lb 2. - iii!:lli
l'llielcens, j.- , Pair I 00(a I tr,
I..ard:e th 14.. II)
Sale,, " UV , LI
limn% IS
Tallow 10/5 12
I', am iry l-,.40ar la6p. 15
Columbia Lumber .:llarket.
teported fort ht• - Columbia Spy," by Fla 11 It
.t. 7 Martin, Susquehanna Planing Mills, Front
St rtml.
COLI/MIII,t, Zany 2.5 t 14 , NM.
Whim line Culling., or Nlll/11/k's
......$l// 000,.1c to
•• " :NI (ontsnon :.!1 1467 2.5 14
••" 211 Common ill 14
•• - lgt Common /11) (,o,n al 00
" " Panne! SO (0
" .101.1 and Sea:1111m; no 00
Iremlaelc..Toist and Seanlllom. ...... ..... 10 000 20 00
,\sll And IRO' 1111/11(o.45 1.1
Dres..ell flooring Board, . - ,..i: ...%; oim 111 111
('lorry I:, 00
Poplar *25 00:'.5 15 no
Walata Nook .10 7.5 oo0::::: Oa
Pielwts I (ended 12 (h', IS III)
Plasterim; I.:alt 5 00
Shinah, 20 Melt 10 (0025 00
Mine)] ' 4 3 14 8 110(1/ JO It)
1:001111./..:1.8/11 .: (X 1
Columbia Coal Market.
Iteirorted Areekdy for tills paper, hy Bruner &
Moore, Whole•ale and Retail ihader, in I 't1:11.
IitII.V3IISIA. May with 1 , 4.
Bali iinnre t•o. Lump Coal, deUvered ...... ......51; (0
No 1,2, A: a, 1 50
•• Nn..l.
'• 'No. 5, '• I 7.1
Matti* . stove and egg, 'I 119
Shamokin Egg and Stove
" Red APM.
Lyßea , : Stnve and EL-4
" Sun.
Maltby stove C egg., by ear. gross
Slattitukett broken egg mud stove
Lyir.egs Valley, .).:tgt,
stove and egg,
At J. A. METERS' Drmriitore,
apr. Odd Fir Hall
S inrm SI)
2.2 a,
512 500,1:1 .50
11 50,112 l 0
11 30
10 tkliti;l2 30
15 5 ,4
11 3 4
I 11'
el •
Our motto Is "EXUELSIOIt," and we aim to
follow It. Our facilities for obtaining, noc and
fresh goods are not excelled by any; we buy for
CLOSE eAsn, and 'acct our stock enu.soNALLy ;
by this means we can otter the articles in
our trade at tmtygt rates, and can guarrantee
them. Attention is ITlVited to a few *PEctA.I.-
Bowden's Moth Pacltet. Parrigh's Camphora
ted Vetlvert, two articles attracting attention to
prevent the TaVagf`r: of Moths
FINE Orr.•; Of Lemon, Peppermint, 'Winter,
Birds' Baths, patent and common Founts, and
Flavoring ExtraClN Mid Valll/111 Rents.
Conks in great Nitriety.
Carriage Sponges 1111.1 Chamois Skins.
Besides a very full Stock at Drugs, Medielnks
and Druggists sundries.
The testimony of our patrons Last season is
sufficient evidence of Its excellence and superior
ity, made from the best. English SonA, kept in
IRON Fountains lined with ronestat N. There
is no taint of copper Or other poisonous metal.
Our Syrups are made from Punk FRUIT .Tutcy,s,
and the entire apparatus is open at all times for
Inspection, which is Invited.
Air -Remember the place.
MEYERS' Fatally Medicine Store,
Odd Fellows' MM.
May 25,*67,) Columbia, Pa.
Pleto<ie Room:: with llo:u•d IN offered to
respcel aide person., Apply to
:Alay 25. 3t..1 Loyast St., bet..lth at 31h Nts.
Whereas, Letters Testamentary to the
tst7tte of CONKLIN, deceaced, Into of
West Iferapfleld township, have been eranted to
the stil2scribers, All persons indebted to the
saki Pistate„ HIV requested to make immediate, and those having c l aims aeoinst the
Estate of said decedent, will retake
the tattle-
known to John M. Grater. at Moan (NUM.
.101I\ M. GUIDER,
May al, 811 Executors,
AI I EETING )1: COE. /RAD )11s.
_ L y Th.• in an Act,
emit il, an Act to Incorporate the Caledonia
and ...tintlt Mountain Pali ItoatlCompanY. Passed
at the last session of the Lettislatine, xvill meet
at the " In Nowville, Cumber
land county, on Tuestlt*:, Juno Ilt It, IStir, to open
Loot:., 1 . 4,01V0. ,tll , - , 111.111 , 11 , 1111(1 do other things,
lots to the prol miens of said ( barter.
OF 1)1;R - 11AM C.I.TTI,E,
On TUESDAY . .. ING7,,by postponement
frinil 31:W.1122ft, III:- oD necount of the violent,
V(' kill uell at
the Mrlil c•fiohn Evan, Esq., 3 miles
the llmongli of York, I'm., it lekrtm number of
1:(311-RED 1111111201 c.‘ TTLE,
endwaeha 13u td..s, Cow:, alai Hut rl , , or various
eu sail to Cf1111111l•Ili, at and
will b.. p ,holthi !he Wmther be unrnor
able. it will he conduensi under cover..
TERMS—Four month, credit, on negotiable
note, with approved ellflOr,er. or a per vent. orr
fur mall. HIM"' D .1. EVANS fi Co.
9YES ! OI'ES !
Adios and Gentlemen draw thl. Ivan thl , I+
the place to buy your
.fit W. If. BOLLINGER'S.
Wholesale and Ref nil Confect iinitsry,
Front Street, No. I Wolf's How, or opposite the
Columbia Bridge, where you will flod the Largest
and Best Assorted Stock in Columbia, MI till
will be slid at. this lowest Market linteq.
Itl.l, ...All orders will lie duly attended "01.
\II kind , of
Si iglu - To.y.
M:111111:10 :111(1 Coll , ialltly kept on hand
POll [ES. - I.3_\L c.,
AT Sirolry NOTICr;
Ir. l u
N. 1, Wolf's Row, Front St
:%llty '25, 1 znol
„_ .... .
SUMMER 1.:001)s.!
lioisii•ry, Wore., Notions,
The attention or the Lin in
vited to a •plendal a,sortnteta of
Of the mint ele.irahle .tyles 111111 hthrlea., and :all
t 10 \ocrltl.•ti of 1110 Mlnnolt•
LADJEiv (;001)S
Conibrl• s, Plain and
Striped Ca nislied and :ski rt ing
r:nalwie,.Plidn,Stripell.l'lalit and I)ot led
Swiss, Prem.]. Muslin.Tarletan,
Nia•rilework, Edgings and In
serting., Handkertliiets,
Collars, aa...
iENTI.I•:MEN )1. - 1.1 , NOT/Cr
ch ,, 14 ,t•let t
cAssoi ERE:: &c.ENTs
.iit examination of inyStock: is , ollcitetl. which
cannot tail to convince inly 011, Hutt I Ills is I
plaIN2 111: (1114 )1):: (A EAr.
trh-Wll,l. zs'oT RE UNDEItSur.Io.
kV L'4l,)S, W[I.COX at: Gnus,
ELIA l' IIC 1r) - 1:, f,r Salo and to Eon!,
Warrantod Lt givo entire sal Ist'ael
nll-tiecond hand GROVER h HAKEE 7.%1.N
-CIENE.S, to goof ordor,curni‘hed when
nt sthout halt price.
\V. (;.
I. See.anl and Lnetd.
Columbia, Pa
May is, • .7
Locust St., recur Si•cond.
Columbia. Pa.
'l•ht• Board of 1 h•t•eror' of the K.II'I , F.MAN
JAW , : (lIMPANY have the: dip' declared a Divi
dt•ud of per rt•nt. tot tln• Capital Stork of the
Company, out of t he earnltme , of the Comp:up•
for the po.t year, payable 011 Jrmand.
M. M. :- , TIZIcKLEIt.
?tag Is-:tt•r.
11111ut;;; & B 11( YS. ANI)
WE'rff El Z.,4 1 , 1 EL Sb:El”4—ff frE•sli Had full
.1. A.
PnovkA, sTonj
l',.1111111,i;i, I'JI
urowEnir. , . GEtis.
11l alscny , I:rt• 1 , on 11:111.1 t hr• \t•rc hest
1 , 1,11. :-.OA I ,
1.3111.. FRI - IT.
11.1316. SPICE. ,
COFFEE. s•rmt . cit.
SEGA RS. 31. ,1.1 , 31: , .
ToR trCo I. , EI:A iis.
Also,Futte- 1- ;rix,rit• , .. Nat lons, I .rlegl Frill
We Intend to keep lite Good , atilt, mid to
sell Its Client, It , :toy sltothtr ..tore,
W.. I hcrotnrr portl•ni of j.nblio patnonakt,
If. .k 1
ikr_l N I 1,1,A 14: A_N;
I'ItIME LOT. ..I%itaglit Belau. IO 10 , 111.1
to Milt plireillO.en... twetved at
Ator.2o,•tr;.: Drtigt•Attin,
Locw.t, St., near Second,
Columbia, rtl.
(7,L ./1,, p WASTED BY TIIE
t j, A .. / itunm.Gri of COLUM 1311.
."11L. , 01.vxm. That the Fimmee Con Mit h.e he
authorized to advertise fora loan for the use of
the Borough. to the amount In P 15,000, and that
said loan may Ix- ITeeiVeci W 1131101111 IS from $lOO
to $lOOO, and the bonds of the Borough be given
for the .tune. Said beam. to rl,lll oue 'Op live
As per the above resolution. ihe Nl nanco Cont
i-n(lWe tisk bids for the amount. stilted. It
be proper to NI.. 1.. it 1M t Ilor(otan tti entirely
out of debt, and Ir., 11 . 4.11.1 PAIMIttY no.. Persons
having looney to loan. will orldres. or eall at the
()aloe of A. ts.itllEEN.entilrittnti of (1(211(121(We.
A. rt. uitm , :s.
( 4 1111EINrout.
coltimbia. May tub, Pig:, tll
.11:DEN SEEDS from J. .1. MEYERS'
thswary. [April
The following is a list of the Vendors of
Merchandize in Lancaster county, with the
Classification of the same, agreeably to the
provisions of the several acts of Assembly.
The amount of licenses to be paid each
class, is as follows, viz:
14th class pays S 7 00 7th "
13th " 10 00 nth '`
12th " " 12 50 sth "
11th " " 18 001 4th '
10th " :5100 3rd "
Slit " " 25 00 2nd "
kith " :30 00 ls 4 "
An appeal will be held at the Commis
sioners' °dice, in the City of Lancaster, on
Monday, Nay '27th, when and where nll
persons who are improperly rated, (or think
themselves so,) may attend if they think
proper. You are also required to pay said
license on or before the first day of July
next, without any further notice from the
Cyrus Mahn, var 14;.Mi11er tt Roldenbush,
Jut) Musser, mdse 13 anise 14
L. Hemming, vsr 14 J Eisenbrand,
Levi Saucier, tin 14, mdsu 11
Ferguson cf: Feree,B Caned - , Incise 13
mdse 12'Eng.le & Furlong.
J. M. &J. Ilex Berger incise 11
mdso 14 .f M Ritz, incise 14
J. P. Russel, varotnsher Coulter,
Ferree & I ! H incise 1 I
Baugh, 13:
S. If. Miller, incise l4!.1 B Bowman, gro 14
If. E. Shimn,mdse 112 j M - Lila, tin 11
J. B. Mu.selman, 114enj Lueh, shoe 14
indse 1.3!
Geo. W. Compton, IS. B. Shader, mdse 13
mdse 1311. F Shirk, incise 13
Cowen S. Rozen, IS,uni Tyson, mds 14
mdse 14
John Bnehter, S $.5
F. S. Bletz, coal and Allen Richards,
lout, 10 confectioner 14
F. S. Blot; Incise 12 Isart. Snyder, sad 14
A Bruner &Son, him- PS Mc'Pogue, do 1:3
If Snydan, grocer 1 1 2 0 a n ( i l d i s 4. e "cle"rnitil'
NV Righter, loin 12,Ge0 .1 Smith, conf 14
Cooper & Peart, coallit Ward. tobacco 14
and lumber 13 , 14 .11 Booth, tobae 14
Geo Bogle, Into 10IJ C Filthier, sad 14
,Jas Burrell, lulu 121 J Rumple t Son.,
Bachman & Martin, 1 hardware 11
lumber 14;J Rumple & Son.,
1 0 Bruner, intiso 131 tinware 14
II II Perry, drug 14:11 Wilson, furnishing
Fendrich & Brother, i Store 14
tobacco BrJas Schroder, shoe 14
R Williams, drug 14iG V.' Case & Son„
Stunt Grove, shoo 14' mdse 5:
Ed Spering, iew 14:Marg't Turner, gro It
LI F Brooks, hat 1-1 Wlf l'fahler, rum- I
F Seim ber, cloth 11l ishing store 14
W 3lathiot, var 11' II F Appold, gro 12
John S Sill ith, emit:l4 r WU I less, book 14
J&J Vaughemlum 11 J A Moyers, drug 11
Tiros Collins, min 11 11 Mullen & Bro.,
\V Rosenthal & Son.,, grocer 11
clothier 14'Ed Reuss, indse 11
A S Green, coal 13 J \V Steamy . 1 .: Co.
M S Shuman, conf 14 (now Patton,'
1) llanauer, cloth Cl, mdse 12
L Ehrhart, shoe 14illeo Tille, grocer 13
P. Shreiner .0 Son.. - !John Shenberger,
jewelers 141 furniture 14
Il Blumenthal, ;Geo Seibert, Earn 14
clothier 141.1 Sherick, shoe II
P I Weimer, loath 14 1 Benj Barr, grocer 14
.1 Mathiot, grocer 14 Fred Bucher, gro 11
1 fen ry Rice, cloth 14 .Jas Hollingsworth,
John J MeTagne. I grocer 14
liaise 12,M Kugleman, gro 14
Mack & Peek, lob 14,.1 B Metzger, gro 14
Bruner & Moore, II - 1 Dearback, grocer
coal 11, pro 14
Martin Smith, gro 1411enj Herr, indse 13
\Villiam Gorden. ,NV 11 Ifardman,grol4
grocer 14:11 II Wolf, pro - 14
Jos Morentz, gro 141 John bagel, conf 14
It .1 Haldeman, 111, .1 Fry, gents furs
indse 110 store - 14
.1 F Cottrell & Bro., :Fred Groh, cold 14
hardware 11:.I G Bullock, gro 14
.1 S Snyder. noise 14lNVin Harm, gro 14
J C Bucher, [Mate HiWilliam Crewel her.
1) McCanby, pro 14 1 confectioner 14
Morgan Hays, pro 14 , David Mullen, pro 14
I.•c erk,ll
Andrew Zeller, :P Riesinger,
Charles Bush, rJames Leeee,
John Shomair, 'Jacob If Wissler,
P Buchner, George Young,
Charles Penile, Farrell & Right,
August. Shuler,
R Hlnilton, I:3lCharles Grove,
Martin. Smith, 13,1 C Bucher,
Jacob 1' Wissler, S I Geo Young,
Win Goodman, 8 SSIS I t Lock :aril, S
I. Deitrich, S 5
131LL1.1.11 DS.
Farrel& llight,lbil:33o
John Smith, lcath, I 4 1A It Royer, coal
E Marling, nu. Ne. 141 lumber, 14
Ilontzers, Shirk ;A C Snader, mdse 14
Co. coal and luta 13 , ,J B nal:, 12
A 11 Redding, mils 121
Israel \V Mentzer,
Jer. Irwin, $ $5 I R Sherman, ti 5.5
Bruner tO Moore, Flickering, zmis 13
coal andlum, 13;.1no Rinehold, leth 14
Samuel Lutz, mils 14i-l\V Mintzer, Inds 13
Jos Lutz, incise, 13;Jer West, mdse 13
tL Ii Eberly, incise 141
James Showers. S I
B Camoly, nuts, 13,W 1, Dobbins,mds 13
:Moore Webb, IW 11 Gillespie,
14i mdse. 13
A bra 1111111Lowyer, :flenj llosb clothier 1-1
!tour and reed, 14.11 .Ntartill clothier 14
l'ril plc Oz \Valle!, • P I;rtmer, mils 13
mdse, 1::!C 1: Henry loath 14
1) Davi,., incise, 1331 Andrews IndKe 11
E Ilrenennin 0; Co. !,lolin Erb mdse 14
cool and lumber 11 C S Zoreher mdse 1-1
S "..%1 11 ess, drug 111 . ..N1 Ilarnish Juin 14
D S Clark, oys. S
Isaae MeLaughli n ' ohn P Good.
Wiley L Co. grain ; II (rider, gro 14
14. P Sides, shoo 14
1' Mann, shoe 14'5 Haekenberger a:
It Metzler 6: Bro Son, drugs, 1-1
muse, 14 Adam us a: Co. nuts 12
Smith Kurtz,nd 14 A Collins, liaise 12
Smith 0: Sholl', and 12:Bean K Bro, loin 14
James INlurphy has John Seim - 111(1.z 8
S H Eberly indsu 12 1 SP Weidman Inds 13
David Martin,
Thomas Zell, cola 13, luutbcr, 1:;
SI? Eagle Co hn 10 , ..M IL Sehoek, gro. 14
Mns , ,elutan&Watts 1.1 1: Strickler nub; 10
10,ino :Markley cent' 14
Benj l'rico, con f. 111 U Bowman, ilrng 11
F'k lin Panlis. gro 14i.lohn Shertzer, tlll 14
11 F Fletcher. II S Book, tobacco 14
grocers, 11 II I.,ightner, gin 14
,17 ;
John 1111derluant, S
EAIING 110C5.E25.
Fred llest•r, :\l.
DRUM 0 I t. 1.2.
J B Patton, ind,e 14,G W loath 11
1 1 1 'Watson, Inds() 14:11utter Huber,
J Ankron, Inds 11 nuke 14
Nl:ir m
Boyd ,tsh, a 13'W Bunting, m. 1 ,0 hi
F MeSparren, Irusey A: Morrison,
noise 14 1 mast. 11
1) Brown, nu - I , e 13,
EP 1 1 RATA.
.1 11 Royer, mike 13 Sant Hull, cloth 11
E Stober, nalNe 13 Jacob Ream, tin 14
Baer .11 Royer,nal, 13 A Bowman, sad 11
1. Zigler, anise 11 , A 1. Lanz, Inds,: 11
t: rosy 'c Sharp, Incise 11
" 11
. ,
mdse 121
Senor A: 13rollior, ISmiluel Wolf, void
coal lumber 1O and 'timber 12
Fa•uncht ..l: Gorga , . 1.1 S 111101:t.r, mike 1-1
coat lumber 1. 1
A liallatthor, S ;35
TEN PINS ,t 1.411.1.1--11ths,
S 1•2 Billiard.,
.Jaeob Hollinger, ;W . 'AI Smith, pro 14
intim , 14 11 Cdtlben.on. itids 13
II Beideill.ach, ; :\I en tzer & Ifii , orc„
id,e lii! hariie , .; 12
I' 11 (urinal', iii,i,c 14 .1 Wit wer, jeweler 14
New Doll: old i ' o ulp,,iZiiiiniertuall & ...kf ar
rittke 1) till, , esving mach-
Brubaker & Siaith, , toes 14
harnes , 1:1 A I loti-Yr, tild,e 11
.Ino Black, drug 14'.1noSwigart, md , 12
A Diller & Co nal.; 11,11 Mentzer & Co.,
NV Eliniaker, gro 141 Ind. , 13
Abraham Settlev, j Isaac 11011,
1::: S llaturnottii, IA M Brubaker,
rildsc 14' dry goods 14
.1 S Wallace & Bro., '.4 11 &S S High,
mdse 121 mdse 12
iNI E & _I Bank, 'Lcvi ...leutzer,
ind,c 12 mdse II
(1 W Scnsenick, ,f Garmaii, ind , e 11
lentil 14 , 13otrann A: Cline,
.1 S NVeaver ttr. Son., i nal-e 13
liid.c 12:
EARL W17..5"1'.
S Seldoinricl:4 7 e, Slt Brown, and 14
mdse - 11 1. Brown, md-,! 11
Kurtz, nid. 13,
Lattser IValters.
mdse. 12
.1. L. SHUMAN,
Mercantile Appraiser
F Elothertnel,slme 14 Lynch &SW: ey, nb, I.
Krenenum & Co. floss, drug 14
liranaker, drag l ItJaeol, Dyer hard 13
Wagnpr, shoo 111A:troll Dhsi tiger, nulg
Reldcr& Hulsey, hard 131.1 Itaxstre,..m, mds 12
it nottlitan, saddler 13 Gl,ll, coal 13
'Mary A Harmony, den W
Keno' Sldetz,
.. 10 00
110 00
..100 00
.150 00
..200 00
Henry - Shletz,
Hemel, mdse 10,111 st & Gilbert, lentil 1
Henj Witmer, mdse 11;TilOh lloughtin, ttn.6o 1
J 31.01 . -aughixt, Incise 11.
31 &E li Brown, Ind.; 13..1 no W Swift, mdse II
A. Lewis, mdse. 14 Boyd J.: :Niayer, coal
Cummings & Tontpson,l and lumber 11
Hulse 14 C C Caullinan, turn 14
J A McConky. incise 14 I.; W Zook. mdse 14
Hiestant 4: Stauflir,'Ring - wall A: Davis,
coal and lumber 14 1 mdse I
II Hoffman, mdse 14 John Stucker, gm I
John Stofer, mdse, 13 D Mohn, feed I
II K. Miller, mdse 14 A Holesworth, con( I.
Ttlngwall. A: Davis, 13 1
- -
M G Spindle, coal, 14 Martin Siple, shoe, 11
Isaac Conklin, mdse 19 S N Haldeman, mdse 12
Win Roberts, shoe 14 HE Miller, mdse 14
II M Cohn, cloth 14 Sam lirnelthart. coal 14
John Devlin, !lithe 14 John KendM, anise 13
11 Snookers, drug I I Fred Grant, indse 11
John Bomberger,teed II S It Kauffman, lentil 14
David Slaughter, Ile
John 1f BulauwB, 8 1
.1 1,1 8:held:, I:0111, 111111, I mdBe, 11
Joel 31iller, n I-o II) \V GilleBple & Son,
John Blukley, 111(iSC 111 Illarq: 11
A Bruner i Son, " " " coal A: lum 12
coal and lumber, 121.1 P Ronlc, coal, lum Ia
I) Dent llngcr, milBe 11111 Freeland, mdse 12
Jacol nitklll•,
S F Gall, todse 11:31 H Krider, noise 10
C:3l Ile , sler, mdse 111Sanil lless,coal, lum 12
D Wolf t Co. him, Sr 13,
A Hershey& Mulcts 12, Edy & Son, nubve
D Lea fevor, noise L E Eby & Miller, Kst , l 14
Samucl Brno, coal, 11;A &J 11 'totter, nlOO 10
r. Eekert., I Daniel Leafever,
(;roll; nid.r, Il' .11 II Wenger, gr hi
C artm, nul , e, 13 , merchant, 13
Ul3 Swope, 70(1m., It My(1 , 4.10,1 , 0., 10
LrrrLE 131t1T-IIN,
2;ll.l)oter.llerty. cloth, 14 .1. 4 F Incise 14
Joy C :son, 11 Ilawley. mdse, 13
mereleintlize, 11\', liains. Incise 13
Olmstead, raise, 11' 31, utast , 11
T B ,ehter, inft , e, 14 W Smith, nuts•, 14
11 U Bowman, mdse, 14;
John S Ilost , •tter,
WOrieSS, Whl IP. coal jArnat 4: Boyd, !tithe 12
and lumber hard. lie 1) 11 Ilaekinam, incise, 14
.1 11 Kline, coal 13:8 Ensminger, drug 14
Bomberger& llro rinds 1114 $1 Hahn, mdse, 13
Wat.on jolt 0 Dyer, hard. 18
Jewelry, 11!f; II Danner. nuke, 13
nsuninel thdts. toll cu 1141 I fogentobler, cirri 11
(.* fleitl; moue, IliE Cramer, con f It
4q). 31v1114.1e. ,111.0 e, 141
.1 B. Hoffer, Variety, 14 II Bechtold, liaise, ii
N Ebv, incise, 11 M Martin, sad 11
Henry li urtz, leather 14 A C CUIaI, cont . 11
Mrs tlibbersomvaely 11, (lei Wenger, shoe 14
L Rich:seeker, hatter 14'4 'Myers, hardware, 12
S 211 Hoffman, sniffler 111 W 1 Gast, grocer, 14
Gain . s: Events, masc. 13 Cleo Buelcms, shim, II
P sihertger, tin, 11'.111 (1 renter, cloth, 11
Kerns, jeweler, I 1'.4 M Culp, mast:, 14
John MeDonnel, are 14 !John Patterson. coal, lo
W Kuhn, gumunth II It 4' Eberly, hard 11
f' Burid, tin 11'.1 11 Furgeson, eon(' II
S Bowyer, sad 14 , Meek Bro., mdse, 13
W D Blensinger, ilrg 11,P A Pyle, drug, 14
John MeDannel, James Mooney,
Frank, 1.A . 11 Culp,
Greider a, Frank, 8!
lARIET'rA I; OEOI7 11.
N & 13 Heistant, 11:Patterson & Co. hard, 12
A. N Cassel lumber, 11 , Spanglor Rich, lads 10
r A Shaffner. I Fllenry Wolf; variety, 11
Frederick 'lass. shoo I 1 Bowers &Stacy, Olds, 11
Leonard Price, colll 1 Idlthart. 113110. 14
Thomas Stence, shoo lEd 131 _Vol hies. rata;
WH (4 rO,ll, coil I, Lilt . ; F llclli nger, sail, 14
A iBuminey, Coal, 14..11t 13,8tele, Own 1I
Coble & Bro, 11l lii, 14V04111 Kline, leat her, I
J A Wissner, tobacco IF.John detleries, coat' 11
John Bell, clothier, 14 Franklin Curren, con 11
Gable&Sl rloklor mds 11 (4 W Shultzbach, lea 14
It Carroll, tobacco, 11, W MeAlrer„ feed, 14
It Clayman. sad 14 i .Tohu Cline, 'amber, 11
A Lindsay, shoo 14 Sern & Vogle, cloth 14
N Oyer, clothier, It Kline & Bro., cloth, 14
Il llothe, Jeweler, 14 N Porheart & Tiro " 14
John Spangler, hard, 12} Kahn A. Rats, " 11
John Roth, con fee, 1 1!Al Arnold A. Bro. '•1 1
IT Landis, drug, 1411 - , D LealmY. " 1I
7.31 Roth, variety, 1 11(100 A Klugh, " 14
Jacob Chnan. shoe, 14, (' Sommers 6,-, Son, ,/1
„T I mhotT, confection, 11 sonnebar oz, Co, "
Briton& Musser,drug 14,11 •• 11
A Landonderfer, ?Fred Ilnkel,
Frederick ItaNs.
Cleo (loodman. i I. Yost,
Charles Shillow, P
Henry Niirer,
Geo neck - minx., S , A McMichael,
1311 EWERS.
J I:mlininn, 13111 11 Benjamin, 12
Geo. (1 oralman. 1 I
:S 1 ART IC TowNsu IP.
H Itrobers.on, an4m• 111E11as .nine 1, ❑also
Iteest, C Eon. I I ;Joseph Engl.., "
'fripple Warfel. Intl 11' Henry Bober, " 11
.1 I,loller, Ild store 131Killeffer A: Grad, Inds it
J;te Hertzoc, nub,: 111 Henry Lavan, feed 11
1., 13 Daniel, " 13 1 .1aenl; Warfel, cant - 11
Tripple &Witmer, nut 13131 It Innuel, !wise 13
Ali 1.:1,e, - 131Jos Knotwell, cant 11
li Bowman, " 12' NI I: blank, mdcc 11
Jos Ii Ktdwell, ant II;
John Glick, I Henry .1 Con,teln
Adam Berger,
Frederick. Seller. S
11 Omsk :son, noise IttlJohn It Long, noise 14
J C Pinkerton, " 11 I
P K.iet
E 11 F....boislinde, ..1 1.../anan, Imp &coal 1I
1,1,1..... 1 l ', , ..1. ', Wit mor, masc. 10
11 W E.ltrilNliado a:Brit...l I.C. 11'Itnier, cold and
leather II lurnbor 10
1' Eal. .1: Bro., 87,1. , 1;7 J I.ol , llgll.l..ather II
J S Etanenszy, $1
LTQuon sToBE.
A E. Wittiuvr,
PeIV/ . Se'b.f . ', coal 141) II Kauffman. nnlso: II
7I FluvcUor, nall,e It: ryd Flrrtln,•C, "
H R ••____l::____
John Ilarr, leatiwr II !
igsTl L LER
P 11.0V1 1.) FINC 1 , :.
.1 II ildorbrimd, nel , 11 1 -1 1 - 1 11e,ir, n m.,,, 11
Thom.. 11, Mkom nick II:1141311, oz I lelm, m.l , e II
11..'.P110. 1114 . r .' Aaron Ifyer. flake II
Kauffman." ` 41 :%1 N Brubaker, "
:Slartiff Imhoff, 11111. e 1-I . .lo.Ma•ter.on, "
J 0 \Valln.r. i.nal Win 11,1: Baldwin. Ind, 1::
.1 lliini.don. drug, 11; - del Plank. •• 13
Kerzi , nt.. NVillliiiii, trail lill \V Buidainun. .. 1.2
`lt Park. grain 1114 . r 11; 31,4 'ltiriat.Wil..iin " 11
I i n ar t Ili.nniaton ind 1.;,.11: Blanl:, " I ;
I.; Pugh, coal I I!II.Ni`S\ Ilaw..i.r, •• 1:
ll.iu.ton .1: inn. nut. 1 lillidiry NVor.t. " l',Z
11...1,11,:. - A-..l l iiii, " 1 l'.iiiiiii l':it li in. •• 11
ii.: 1.; Wi.nd snit," 111.1* . :11,11.4 ing. kilter II
.1 M Hier A, 1111., 11111, 1 i;3torsli 0., \l'alkoi. nl.l 12
.1 .1.111.11 ..t. Moore. ma. 11: W:ilk, . 4 . l'o„ coal 12
3 II I.ntilielt4, pro 1 i' , :r,i.t A. 1:,,,j, •• 11
W 11. 1.e.,11. ma, I.:'
S'lliASl;l:li3.; 'l'o \N".NSIT IP.
Herr, Itroneankil c Co..!Jaooh !had:, Ithh-e II
eoat and Itialher II leathor It
1-;TE.ASBUItI; 11,(111011G11.
3gthMelnlial. haddlcr Ilia II MatS l l.4ll, lolls 14
Levi Weidlcy. cloth 31(.: ' , NOV I
Ketiettt.ty & Co. dry 111.1 Howznali, con(' 11
Howe, uui.o 11'.4 IF Lcfcser, 'mkt, II
A spcillonn, colic lliAJlnte‘citincr, cold
\V idles, " 11:A 11 - & H
Jon 'loll. litkrdwarc 11: pro
Jtohn Lanlqat,
I.: uul.t• 11;11 A Hank, egntl - 4 . 4 . 1I
John 11 Wi,sler. Ina. I:11E Huoh, cloth 13
Inmu• Bitch, cloth
llombert.t,r 1:cof l • IN 711.1 , e It
coal tuttl lumber 1tt,.1 I) Wither... Awe II
T. 1411.1 3. et: II ttehner, !Dielmt littlN II
111({.e• II .A R Shoht•r. ••• 13
John Shenk. tlrtig 1-I;.lSelthltorith.te, II
frn fltoNtetter, var 14 Peter Bentz, 1.0111 8101
Gott Gritler. t.litte , II lumber II
(' s j T,1111.13 . .t. J: clia•7
Edward Sturgis •
cswro'N Bono
Enrlinra Kahl, N John Mill..r, 11
110 do 1.4.11 r 11.1, 1. Saylor. - 14
.TI, Shunnan. lumlx , r 13 N Urban a_ r u , , rods 11
.1 E Intrr, I.IJ M \V.:4l..llll'er.
John Boar's ions Gerhor, 111
.1 :...111.•0t1,..r a Son 12
I.l.o.ll,MeC:rnna ( " o . IlYwrll:ura•l'larlc.nil.s.ks :.',O
.. •• stot•lz , :(M) , " " elCch '250
•• ,x,12 :;( , 0 124441, Ilotillomoit &
.F.X/li/ , ,:\ I,..‘VOY&Ce.. /1)) , ! Co., ./000
" • ' PNO, i 2.14.! " " ',tell,: 5 1 ,0
" ../01.1i.4 2.10: .. " e.X1.7/1 51141
lialr a: l'lrtrlv44 - 1, 10,kli
//I L/AA /11)S ,V. TEN l'l NS.
Pruner & Burnet I, .3 .1 Est)lenian,l.l alleys, 40
Willard lahlos, :A1,1., 11 Frli•li, 3 alleys, 30
Jos Prick. 11.11'd tab su,
A stroblo it Co.. S P 11k:singer, 7
.1 A sprilluer, 7 , 11 Frnk, 6
1. Knapp.
.1.1,1,11 11.-aelzer, C.l l Wlttllnger, Sr„, S
4 ,1: ::11sliler.
11 7..u1pf0l & 1:o., 6 1 .3tilin Ara.ld, 8
11 .losoplt Sampson. II
Ilernti ..i. Bro. 10 Geo Spurrier, II
;NI Vern ..t. Itathvioi. IPJK li lestvr. I I
iNleEvoy & Gerhart, 1-11 A Ilonliia, II
s 1: Itattb, 11 1 E .1 Ensinan„ II
J A Erben, II Coleman & Bro. II
.1 K Snailing, /1 1 C Itersh & Co- 13
ti Krlauvr. la 1.1 Rettlua, 14
hMiaM ,., a l, l=f2MaNA
G M Pennock, 11G Sener lc Son
31 , 5
B B Martin , 7 Coonly St W,xahrard, 14
Ehler, Breneman& Co 11 PM Gorrecbt & Cu., 11!
11 Baumgardner, 3
13 &
G Gingrich,
13 Royerßro.
14 Jacob Gruel,
14 E Day,
14 E Sand,
- -
J It Rover,
W C F Sheer,
31 Sharp,
C I3oetner,
Eleholtz S Bro., 14IRlunIllt.r,
A Adler,
J G Getz,
Trager S Bro,
John P, :queer,
J B Marti n,. Wentz .5: Bro.,
1..) Bair & Co.,
P K Brenernan,
Lane & Co.,
(E Pahnrstock, 10
Brenner & Hostetter, S
John H,
P Long & Nor:len*, 12
A Scheetz. 10
J 1 Geisenimrger, 13
George Fahnestoek, 13
Stein 4.; rnish, 14
Fi B Parry,
I.IA. Miller,
'J F' Long Sona,
B Markley - ,
11 Hertz.
B N Muhlenburg,
J Long, 14,
I) McCormick, 14;
Thomas Ellmaker, 13'
Gruger & Ricc, 13
C A Ireluitsh, 13''
J Smith, 11
II: G linker, _
.... 13
John Eshleman.
J lithiumll,
B Reese &Shultz
John Schoenberger,
John P Dostman,
J Baiter,
II St roble,
John Franciscus,
S Erfsinan,
Jacob mtgs . .
John Mattern,
lirich & Leary,
C Gasser,
Mary Short,
Jacob USW nger,
F Waltz,
It Bright,
J Wittlinger, sea.,
It linglileznan.
Henry Trewet.e,
1J Bls,lnger,
F Suter,
John ScheUrenbrand,
George Kretner,
Wlttlinger, Jr.,
Huber 6:Stolle,
Jacob Nehr,
C Brecht,
J A Springer.
L Knapp,
tI Zaeptel,
H Sellcenberger,
S Reese,
G W Brown,
Springer t Co.,
Henry Roth,
Levi. Roth,
John K Fisher,
3 .1 Springer,
A Myers,
R. Frank
George Spong,
Owen Hoppel,
M IL Mercer,
F J Selietilng
,John McGeehan, 14
'Charles Krieg, 14
F Isaman, 14
•I. Goss, 14
14,George Shindle,
John Doubt , 14
John Ochs, 14' 1' Perisek, 14
Thos Holt, 14 John Wevel, 14
JosePil Gorlaeli, 14 John W Hubley, 10
Jim Fubredbaugh 11 J E Weaver, 10
81 Shreiner, 14 \V II 31111er, 10
II A Gable, 14 Bowers ,g Clarkson, 11
E V 13eit2.. 13 A 11 Rlngwalt, 13
Casper Miller, 14 ;11 .S.:J Bursk, 9
P Blessing. 14 +John Fondersmith, 12
E Steward, 14111 Miller, 14
Henry Keller, GIP Glnder, 14
C Dice, 111:4 Warren, 11
E Dorwart, 111Davld King, 1-1
1' Finger, IPS Rife, 13
C Sadler, 1 tlllenry Fisher, 14
Albright A. Co., G , A Steward, 14
81 Wulf, 111 Vondersmith 1.4 13r0., 14
Geo Wissensel, 141 A D Rackafeller, 13
Isaac Swope, 111 Henry Loyd, 14
U. Snyder, 111 Win Blickenderrer, 12
sno Blank. 1415 P Clem., 14
W Bestol.l, 14 1 J Lawrence, 14
El Keller. Itl Wm Gilmore, 14
Charles Petcri, 131 J It Smelt z, 14
Elias Rudy, 111 E L Reinhold, 11
C SherwlM, 14 Jimmy - Markley., ti
C Doffnum, 11!.1 Ilertz.og, 14
Chas Seliwelthel, 111 Jackson Wisner, 11
Mars'y Wit (mire, 14;F Sutton, 13
C 11 Miller, 11IS Vandersall, 14
George Sheaffer, 11IF Stahl, 14
P Kirehof, 14IGeorge Earnest, 14
Adam Finger, 11 Theodore P Weldler, 1:1
Lewis hurl, 14!L S Hartman, 13
G3l Steinman .4.: Co., 21A W& J Russel, a
Diller ..t. Groff, 9:John May, 11
I lishult 4 A, Bro., 12
I 11Jhn M Green, 11
12 1
Geo 11 Spreeher, 10 1
II 7, Rhoads 3: Bro., 13! Henry - Shank, II
II 31 Dvsart, 11'11 L ..t: 13 1 Z:ilint, lit
Theo Woll, 11 'shim it: lark- ii, 13
31 Shreiner, 11
LEATir En.
11 p Locher, 1311/ Daveler, 11
111 Wiley. 133Thos silvlic, 14
It It sinaling & Co., 121 J Fl 13ownrall, 4 I
li C' Loeher,l4: Miller, 1 ;
W.brio - & Leber, 12, R Melded ..t I.e.,mr, 1.
.1 It Watkins, 11 Ismat Mish I,r, 11
II ES:ay:l.o:er, 12!.1 Rohrer, 11
F: ,'Bober, 1_; Charles POl.-2-, 13
5.t J sitelnhanser, II 1 511 Kevimi... 11
C Shank, 81Samuel I:4 , :incet , s
,4 a` Doehler, SiJos Bear, S
J S Kauffman, 8I elms Timmons, s
Reese & lintinagle, 8l Fred Waltz, s
Henry Diet rich,
John Schlereh, 141
C II Kryder, 8 1
I4;11 Z Yeeker, .14
141 A 3131ey, 14
14 111 81111cr, 14
Chrl , illtli S F'atc, 1
Win Miller, 14 W 11 Gable, I 1
P MeConomy, - [4 E Wiley. 14
Jacob Flick, 14 31 Deiefiler, II
A N Breneinnn, 14 E Went, 14
E Kietler, 14 F Klnzler, It
James Coyle, 14 Theo MlUer, 11
J 0 Shenk. 14 C Gast, 14
J Marshall & Son., 11 A Rock, I I
I 1 , Abel, 14!
Henry G Lipp, 14,5 Gable, 14
Denver & Sehaum, 114
.1 R MeNanchton, 1'44.7 II Ostermayer, It
John Hull, 1410 G llerr, 1.1
P (4 Ebernmn, 14 1 3 H Long, 1:1
Saml Patterson, I-CIS Gable, II
G Ilelse, 141KIllian A 4 Bro., 14
11 C Penult li, 14:J Welehans, 13
I' I. Calder, 13 1
A K llonnieler, 14
14 1
(' Shentrer, lit Jacob Loeb, 13
Jos W Green, I t Thomas Grieves, I 4
J 31 Groves, 13 Ii Gundaker, 11
James Prangley, II II Strauss, 14
Jacob White, 11,1 E, Zentmyer, 11
J Loeb & Co., 141.1n0 F Kaempt, 14
P Weber, 111Jos Marks, Il
Annie Duncan, 13' Lewis Smith, 14
Moritz Wensumsky, 14',V,' K Helnitsh, 11
All Bltner & Bro., 14 1
May 11-111
C Forre.t.
John C Houser,
F Carson,
E Stone,
T R Torr
I , Simi 11,
M tfaverbw,b
M Sheaffer,
J Refnorhl
T rik: 213110 REFitiGERAToR
IN warranted the hrht land° yet Invented f
keeping 'neat,. (ruin, vegetableb, nplk, Sr.,
hot Weal her. Read:
" Your Zero Refrigenttor used last year k.•pt
meats, fruits, &e.. requiring a low• temperature,
perfectly sweet, and the consumption of lee tes.
than any other kind I ever saw•. In short, v.
could not now• be Induced to do without it. All
that is necessary to malt, it very saleable I•
knowledge of its merits."—L. I. Wheeler, 1 ,,
William street.
"1 ant much pleased with your itefrit,erab.•.
It did UN g(N)11 service last sumnatr."--Mrs. lit..-•
tits brooks, Staten Island.
."r‘r., much cannot be said in its favor. in nn
estimation. It is decidedly superior to anyth
of the kind now in the market. It has given
best satisfaction in eery respect: -lam , -
1.. Baldwin, Ilutison City, N. J.
Judge :storm, of Cincinnati. Ohio, ra -
. . .
" Vou r Itetrlgerator give-s perfeet{...t I•lation. It
pre•erved vozetztblos, null:, and 41,t
-ter, .luring the hottc,t month, of our v;
'llettnos, Edit or of the Cult ator
I ry Item lenotzt, ••Thy -
tattoo to the prescr‘ntitot of meat., Oz.'''.
are undoubtedly correct.''
.11,1 , 1 X. M.
OM Six Tit AVENuE,,•,•11 Thirty-11W' and str..o.„
11, If. N.•sr 1",,r1c.
I\ r ()
1 : 1 11 0 ( : " . 1 1i1nual meeting, of St !;11 , •141..r,.. am!
Etoetion fur a Proddent and 1 - 1 , ..• 1 th, , t00.,
of the Kauffulan Iron Cmalattly, w, .11 I. 114.1,1:t:
the 01114.4. of J. Kau ffinan, tl,•• 114 ,rougl
01 Columbia, Va.. on Saturday. Ni.. J...1;1.1 , 07, at
,:eloek Ito0111.:1: ,•;.; %NE,
may 11-'67-2t rvtury.
The subscribers haying pu rebased fratil the P. R.
It. Co., a part of the property es-::..ed by them sit
uated in the Southern part of the Borough, are
desirous of selling Lots for building purposes,
and are now ,repaired to otter them to the pub-
It' at reasonable rates.
By calling at the office of A. S. Green a plan of
tine exten , fi am of the Borough through the prop
erty, %bowing the streets, alleys, Se. , earl be seen,
and terin-. tondo known.
may I ',37-Itu
: COAL !
t-ee qu,danons under proper head in SPY.]
All Coal sold under its right name, and must
stand on its ow❑ merits. We will sell to the
el t mons of Columbia, at
by t•AltAp, as low as the lowest in price;
and res high as the highest in quality.
Haying the agency of several :Allies, we can
supply any amount. _ _
ixat3Nrat s: :sloonE
CtiNIP.ANY, of Philadelphia, having declared a
on all premlunts paid in It4lti, those entitled to
the %stime, Will please call upon me, at my calico
in Walnut Street, above Front, and receive their
F. X. ZIEG . V v II ri
Columbia, t.
:Nifty Ist,',-. '67% 3t]
THE Srlcsi•BlßElt lI.tS FOR SALE
a superior lot of well seasoned
whirl he will sell in lots tosult purchasers. All
orders . bort at the ColuMbla Poet (Mice. or de
li%ered to hnn to person. will be promptly
attentleti to by
31fly J
B. F. HE/SE.