gify Columbia gPg+ Columbia Pa. Sat!Waal!, ;lay 25, IS6V. ~, 3 1MUNIC tTIONS, letters, contributions, generally of Inerit and interest o the reader, will be acceptable t:sl Toro Mends front o 1 1l trisr.ors. TO ADVERTISERS. P.nsoss who wish their advertisements to reach • the greatest number of persons, will do well to avail themselves of the superior inducements offered • through the columns of the Cotentin. SPY. It posse?- , es large advantage over any other newspaper; its average weekly circulation being more than thirty • per cent. greater than nny other paper published in this vicinity, and promises to be more than one hundred per cent. greater, in less than six months.— In addition to this, the patrons of the SPY are of the class that advertisers wish to reach—liberal minded, and intelligent people, thereby making it the most lesirable medium for all classes of advertisers. This fact should have a great weight with advertisers. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. RELIGious NoncE.—Bishop Erb will preach in the "United Brethren" Church, of this place, on to-morrow, at the hours of 10 A. M., and 71 o'clock, P. M. The public are invited to attend. EXCUrtsION.—A party of gentlemen, from our neighboring cities, embarked on a raft, at this place, on Tuesday morning last. They were bound for the "bottom"— Peach Bottom, we nnea u. Fin.E.—A. fire broke out in the oil house of St. Charles Fe mane, on Saturday eve ning last. No damage was done of any. eon,equenee. The firemen were on hand, promptly. Ds IN TIIE WOODS.—As this is the clay the "Vigie" holds their " first of the season," we urge all who aro fond of " tripping the light fantastic" to spend a day in the woods with the boys. VALuABLE STocK yott SALE.—itten lion is directed to tho advertisement o • Edward J. Evans & Co., near York, Pa. They otter at Public Sale, Valuable Dur bain Stock. ICE.—The Columbia ice company com menced, daring the week, to deliver the "cooling luxury" to their patrons. Owing to the changeable state of the weather there has not been ranch of a demand for the article. A GAME.-A game of Bast 13a11 was Played yesterday afternoon, between a nine of the Tyrolcans of Harrisburg., and a "scrub" nine from the "Columbia" of this place. The game resulted in favor of the Harrisburgers. Bor,T,Ls;l:ua has opened a first class confectionery store and ice cream saloon, at No. 1, Wolf's row, Front street, where he keeps a choice assortment of good things. - Lovers of tee ereani should wend their step; toward No. Tuts l'Ettioutc.ti.s —NY. U. Iless Itas all the late Periodicals for sale at his coun ter. Harper's Monthly Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, Our Young Folks, together with all the leading publications of the day. New books, new stationary, fir.., just re ceived. HORSE KILLED.—A valuable horse, belonging to James Bennett's ear team, was chocked to death, on Monday morning last, The lead horse of the leant limped off the high stone wall, along the railroad, on Front street, pulling several other horses over with hint, and. one of them getting en tangled in the chains and harne , s, Wit 4 chocked to death before he could be released. ORDERED 'l7O REPORT FOR DIiTY.-0111* young friend, Lieut. Thomas M. Fisher, \•••ho vas lately commissioned to a :Second Lieutenency in the regular army, has been ordered to report for duty to the command ing, officer at Fort Columbus. Now York Itarhor. His regiment—the ti.3d infantry— is now in Idaho. lie left on Thursday morning Last NEI)" BASE BALL CLErit.—A bat4e ball (AIM was organized in this place, on Mon day even ing„2.oth inst.,whieh will be known ns the " Mutnal.' • The following named persons were elected °Meer.; President, George Young„ Tr. ; Vice Pres ident, 'Randolph; Secret icy, W. I[. Fry; Treacnrer, B. F. Steiger; Captain, J. C. Clark; Direetors..Clui4. Young, Frlllik ifeitsline, and J. C. Clark. HALDiotAN's scent determined to take the lead in the dry goods trade, in Colum bia. They hat.," lately made great improve ments in their store, doubling its capacity. They Mier a splendid assortment of dress goods, just purchased at the lowest prices. Moslins, calicoes, cassimeres, etc.. at cheap er rates than ever. Their merchant tailoring establishment is a perfect success, and all who want cheap an el fms h. io bfr trm en ts, should go to Haldeman 's. WORTHY or• os.—'otnewliere out in Ohio, an anti-swearing society has been formed by the young 111011 of that town, and fines are imposed upon members who are guilty of profanity, the proceeds being devoted to the pun:h . :Aso of newspa pers and periodicals. A societyof this kind, embracing all the young men of Columbia —and perhaps some of the older men, too— would yield a handsome revenue for in vestment in newspapers and works fo• the development* and cultivation of the intel lect, KNIGII vs TOlvt,.t.ll.—The rand Com mandery of Pennsylvania will hold its foul teenth annual conclave in Pittsburg, commencing on the 11th of June. On the af ternoon of the 12th there will be a pantile of the Sir Knights in full uniform, and they will proceed to the Academy of Music, where au address w.ll be delivered by Rev. Robert 11. Patrison, 1). I). The installation of grand officers will gate place at the same time. Coitnnbia Ctiminandery, No. 13, of Lancaster city, will attend in a body. It promises to be one 01 the largest demon strations of Sir Knights that has ever taken place in this State. Poor eltt:SH ED.-31r. Al phew , Dale. of Meelmnivsburg, Pa., a runner of individ ual cars, on Fast Freight, of the Penn'a Railroad, had his right foot badly crushed, on last Monday afternoon, by a car wheel passing over it. The accident occurred on Front street, and we understand be was at tempting to get on his train, whilst in motion, but his hold slipped and he was thrown to the ground tad partially on the track. lie was carried into the American House, and his foot dressed by Do. Brtther and Craig. He was taken to liarrisburg, in the evening, where he remained until Tuesday morning, when he was token to his home, in Mechanicsburg_ UNCLAIMED LETTERS.— List or letters remaining unclaimed, in the Columbia Post Office, up to this date: List.—Miss .1'111D:1100s, Mrs. M. A. Eveland, Miss Martha Miles, Mrs. Julia Rush, Miss Mary Shertzer, Mrs. ,John Thence, Miss Lizzie Witmer. Gentlemen's List.—James Allen, Jo,:ph Clinch, Jos. Cainbell. Oeome Eigelberger, Daniel D. Forry, Hiram A. Gins,` William Batten, William Homan. (2), Alonzo Mil ler, (2), Daniel Myers, John Muckfee, Wm. H. Miller. George Miseivenkbuck, Henry Moore, Charles i‘leckley, Thos. MelCeen, David Martin, Wm. Jones. John Jenkins, George Reese, Chums. P. Stroman, (2), E. G. Smyser, Francis Shawahrook, Michael Thulpin, T. L. Wiban, W.M. Wilson, W. H. Walmsley. DON'T fail to read J. A. IVEYERs' ad vertisement. ASCENSION DAY.—Thursday next will be Ascension Day. It is a festival held on Holy Thursday in commemoration of oar Saviour's Ascension into Heaven after His resurrection. In Allentown the merchants have resolved to close their stores and cele brate the day. Bruner's Store, in Columbia the great Dry Goods Mart,will be kept open during the day, so that strangers coming to town will haven chance to purchase his cheap dry goods, boots, shoes, &e. TnE ONLY MACHINE THAT WILL EM nicranErt.—The Grover 6; Tinker machine thr excels any other machine for dress niaHn and fre•lernl fctn ft; .I,c. Tile Sti lath also, is more beautiful and durable than any other stitch known. The machine is so simple in its combination of parts and its practical operation, that it is very diffi cult to get it out of order. and any operative can manage it. It is the only machine which has yet succeeded in embroidery.— W. G. Case ttc, Son are the authorized agents for this valuable machine. They can he seen in operation at any time, during the clay or evening, at their store. Cantu - id ex amine them, before purchasillZ elsewhere; if you want a good and reliable sewing machine. THE LITTLE PEOPLF. COMINU.—Corn. Foote and Sister and Col. Small, assisted by a talented troupe of vocalists and instru mentalists. will give three of their unique entertainments at the Odd Fellows' Hall, Wednesday evening and Thursday after noon and evening, May 20th and 30th. The following is front the Baltimore Gazette: "In all our experience—by no means a limited one—we have never come across such an extraordinary and novel exhibi tion as that of Messrs. Effinger et Foote, the first performance of which was given in the spacious Hall of the Maryland Instr trite, last evening. It is, in !het, a, rare coin hi nation, by which the Curiosities of all classes may be gratified, while the finer feelings of our nature are pleasantly re freshed by strains of harmony that fall ravishingly upon the ear. Never before, perhaps, was a combination of so very di minutive people thrown together. Corn. Foote and a diminutive little creature known as the Fairy of the West. must take procedenee of all pretenders. These won derful curiosities, assisted by Col. Small and a talented musical company, form a combination, which for real merit is excell ed by none." llu,u PRICES.—Many persons were surprised to find at market last week, that our bntehers demand live cents per pound inure for beef, than formerly. F lenr, too. has gone up to tigures idniost out of the reach of persons with a limited income. We are not familiar with all the causes which contribute to this state of affairs, and if we were it would be practically useless to talk against them. Prices must be left to lie regulated by the regular influences of supply and demand. But undoubtedly a good reason for the enormous expense of house-keeping in this country is the ignorance of our people in regard to the economy of cooking and se lecting articles of food. And if it is of little use to try to discover the reasons for the preg ent excessive prices of provisions, Si) much the more should they lead people to inquire how the articles obtained at so clear prices can be prepared for the table in a cheap and at the same time acceptable way. If we cannot economise in the porchay, at least, we can in the use; and if we can learn to make a clear article go twice as far as ono for which we formerly paid half as much, we are in reality, living as cheaply as fore, ADJOIIRNED MEETINC (0 , OorNci An adjourned meeting, of Council was held on Wednesday evening last. Present—Mr. Supplee, President. Met,srs. Bachman, Gassier, Green, Minich, Shreiner and Upp. Mr. John Eddy was elected Borough Tax Collector, for 1867. Salary, 5 per cent. on all collections. On motion of :Ur. Green, it was Rootral, That the Road Committee be author ized to appoint a person to superintend tlu• eon struction of the culvert in Bridge street. The Road Committee reported the Rego lator's (sit mate of the cost of opening; 3rd Street from Walnut to Gay, Gay to The Marietta Turnpike, and 4th Street to the Marietta Turnpike, which was road and ordered to be filed. On motion of Mr. (4os:der, it, wg: