The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, March 28, 1863, Image 2

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15te ittAttibia,
SATIIIIDAT, BIAr1::2.8, 1863
attostiott of the reader 7 -ii directal
*0 the edoertisvnient (ff . ' .31orkle.o'i,141m all
.Vedicince to Lie jottud antother Column of
Air ,poper. -
New "Pnblications
Conorrs Lvov's Uodey for April has
same to hand, A good number, - profusely 'il
lio,trated, especially with delineations of the
fashions. Whoever fails to be fashionable
thhtele in the LeStra Book, cannot lie licked
into 'shape by human ingenuity. Goiloy
haasts-thesubject. • -
ArhaNric .Mos•rnt.Y.—The April Atlantic,
although rather behind its Mardi predecessor,
is a line .number. Beside a good story it Con
'lemma number of excellent papers, the mo s t
invetesno.: among which are A gass u rian
t each," ths "Vicissitudes of Keels' reins,"
by Joseph Severn, end IL:. _Marvel's -.Wet..
msather Wort." The-poetly 1,, I this nimiher
ds inferior to the general Att.nau: product.
March nittn-er of this monthly contai. "The
'Science and Ait of War,' Amnstican tt. a.
:tory," “Money and Credit," "ht.-getter - alive
'Gas Furnace„ - "The Diamond and its yera•
gonsr".hssi.les much useful information cun•
tallied in several “departments.”
-Tug Tit ‘rpga's Dt uGNT.Eft. By Gasrave'Aim.
tad. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson at Bros.
Messrs. Peterson send us their recently
published translation of the "Trapper's
•Daughter," one of the celebrated series of
French Indian tales, by Gustay.. Aimard..Thts
'series has been likened to Coop:l.'s '
sstniking Tales," but there is no point of re•
semblance between the productions of th. two
authors. The characters in - both are Amer•_
can Indians, but they ale so ditterently de•
/Acted that th.y might as well be drawn from
siattves of different continent. But this if:fret ,
once does tot interfere with ihe interest nt
"Frenrli • ' Indians when they are skilduily
worked into fiction aetb.7; 'ase lit thts work.
The scene is laid on the Western Praries, and
wild adventure is described. It is a book that
will plea9a ail who love excitement and scene*
"of strife.
Aidyettage fiery goods. Give them ' a
F. Bruner has a fine stock of new goods
which be offers at 10.. y rates. lie also adv.-
gives a second band buggy and harness.
See P. Shreiner Fs Son's new advertisement.
Miss Caldwell will open a Select Sabot?' on
April 13th.
Trtz FORTY Fir:qr.—lt will he seen by the
letter of "45," that the Forty-fifth regiment
ttas gone to Kentucky. The nlirees of the
regiment will be found in the letter.
Tim Itivrat.—The river is high, and on
the. rise (Friday afternoon). The latest
yews from "up river" represent the streams
as high, and eighteen inches of snow an the
ground; so we may 0000 look o Suet of
rafts from the headwaters.
ANornEtt SQUAD.—On Tuoiday afternoon
die second squad of colored yoluntoers for
the 54th Mass. Regt. left this . placo. The
following is the list:
William Lee, Simon Meilstm, i t illiam
Nelson, Lewis Robinson, JAtt Young, Ily.
Malvin and Ilenry Young .woro rejected
on examination a; Pailadelphis, an) have
returned. These boys should till make good
REY. E. DORSEY.—We are sorry to learn
that the connection of Dr. Dorsey with the
.English Lutheran Church of this place has
terminated. During his ministry Dr. Dor
sey has made many friends in our town,
within And without his congregation, who
part with him regretfully. • Ills services to
the church hare been exceeding - great. By
Ills personal exertion he has succeeded in
Almost freeing the church from a debt which
was cinching the life out of it. The Doctor
goes to Waynesburg, in thi+.•State, We
have not learned who is to replace him here,
Usion: LcAcurc.- -.Owing to venous em
bat rassing influences which delayed the issue
of the Spy last week we omitted publication of
the Organization of Union League, on Saturday
14th lust We have now received the Secre
tary's cninutes too late for more than mere
record of the officers of the Organiza
tion. The Fundamental Articles are identical
with those of the Lancaster League, published
by us march lst.
The ofileers are:
President. F. K. Smith.
Tice Presidents. Col. James Myer., Rudolph
'Williams, C. S. Rle.illinan, John A. Hook.
.grandiez Committee. S. G. II s , J. W.
ilouston, Jas. .1. R. Rachman. G.
Brandt, George Bogle, 'nos R. Suppler., JAS.
Schroeder, John Finger. Dr. S. Armor, Henry
U. Minteh, Jacob S. 31iller, John Pcart.
Treasurer. Shoch.
Vecretory. George W tl fnr3.
Zie room fur meeting has yet been selected
./1111lrell, 20 , 18G3.—Council met. The roll
was called, and Messrs. Danny nn I Herr
reported -abeent.- The minutes of laet meet
yam:reed 1144 approrel ,The -following
bills were read and ordered to be paid:
James ffenry, $1,25; Felix Lyle. 1,37:
:Samuel Waites. $25,00; Small llogentogler,
$2,00; W. Timmy, PO; Jae. If rg,entegler,
12 et; D. S. Chalfant, $30,00. Bogle moved that the lamp - lighter's
santy be increaged $l4, from' tpril let,
,rie2t; agreed to.
, „ Mr. Eberleiu that the high ea:unable be
-Allowed 1.2 cents fur each meal furnished to
- .
lagrante, after time data; agreed so.
2 .ll.4ommanication was read from '.fransi
Myers; nog:, relative to the bA condition
stf."o few bal.:Argil gar:leaf road, conneotialt
*be terminus of the Colombia and Marietta
Turnpike with Commerce street. the only
entranim - to.ttte town from the west. instead
of being macadamised, filth-and. offensive
flirt meets the' pedestrian, right - .. pn the
'•fhreslthofd,, otiftettowN the ftrcatcr part .t:f
Alta yea, makingan unfavorable impression
-aspen sil stranikeni coming . :into - . etre: pther
*Sett'deali"atid baiidrio" fps ,ri,ierooesa..
• -I]taferred.te-tbe road•oommitiee. - '
Kr. Bogle girtrnotioe that - et the next
iltatedmeetiiti Lie ipalgi "intrialui?e , it rue°.
introit tuebange the regulation cialte -Mar-
Ast., toome*to permit iatiolcaters and -others
'Attmlingmtarket to tiell their , pip:lune _ea
^ moan an they arrive at tttimerkeLhosemli '
012 motion, adjourned.
DJCATIILOT.TIfO.II.IB G. in isor.—The name
of Tbinnska.R. Wilson was published last;
week aracinethii names of the desertetii
trine Co.
._li, Regt. Penna. Resertes.
Ile had been absent from the regiment for
71 long timeirithe9t leave, and was supposed
to pace deserted. Ile was at home _sick,
and,beforevicot•ering started to return to
his regiment' Whilst !dill sufferingl,from'
distase; Ile got on board a canatiAdt, -
owned by Wm. McConkey, Esq.;-cilWrigl.te
rille, which went adrift at:sume "point on
the Potomac, and was captured by the
rebels, the crew, with Wilson, being taken
prisoners to Richmond. This occurred
during the w:uter, and the friends, of the
missing soldier in this place were entirely
ignorant of his fate until Thursday last when
Capt. Hogentogicr, of the captured canal
boat, recently released by the rebels, re
turned and brought the sad intelligence of
Thomas Wilson's death, on Feb. oth, in n
111,1nonti flospitai. Capt. II , gent,igler'
brought With him the following hospital
record and rertilicate:
rirm No. ^,tl..
Citi Leg,
..Irnit e
Ii cLnr.e•l,
0 Fe! , , 1863
.I).s<rt.e, C. Ili trrhrut,
I certify r,, the death or 1 , 11,. luau.
NV. w. OuGAN.4,
As-4. Sarg,eo/1 iu charge, Dint. T1. , ,, t .'1,_
12 Feb. PBO2,
lifelmond, Va.
Thi. takes from a Grace soldier
the stigma of desertion. and' the record
should be altered accordingly. l[nwevei
sad his fate, it must be a e nnfirc to leis
friends that 'hit is not among the- st:nlkersc
from duty. Pour fellow! ne did pond ‘ser
vice in his company, and was deserving of
a happier fate. . ,
Osa or rue BRATS Summits wno RAVE
GONE.—Although we had heard of the death
of private George LI. -C.), I, 23d
Reg't P. V., lad December, in 'the Alexan
dria Branch Hospital, we, only learned the
particulars a few days since. At White
Oak Swamp private Kline received a severe
bruise over the; spine, from-a piece of
which disable.' -him and sent him to the
hospital.fur a time. After apparent recov
ery he joined hie company and went through
some of the hard marches terminating•in the
battle of Mountain and Antetam. In
the latter battle, in a hand to hand eneoun
tar with three rebel cavalrymen, he strained
his back in lifting the last of his foes—a
Lieutenant—from his horse on the point of
the bayonet, and after some further service
was compelled to go into the hospital again.
Here, after apparently almost recovering,
he was suddenly taken worse, and died—
the attendant surgeon thinks from the effect
of the old bruise. His father , . Dr. Kline, of
Chestnut Hill, proceeded to Alexandria last
month, and brought the remains of his son
home for burial. The funeral to. , k place on
the Ist of March. • Klein was one of .the
brave.t buys wit' left, this part of the coun
try. He was out in the three months ser
vice, iu Capt. Itatubo's Company K, 2.41
Regt., and again enlisted fur three years
with Cant. C. C. Haldeman. Great syropa
thyde felt for Lis father, who, loses, a noble •
sun, the prop of his declining,years.
ANoriee. Rat o.—On Monday afternoon
our town was startled from its propriety by
the sudden appearance in our - streets 'of a
marshaled batiallian, which made a tri
umphal entry, marched through' the streets
in taken of possession; and after an undis
puted occupancy of about an -hour. retired
in good order. There was niuch stir on this
sudden appearance of tin fermilabla a force,
but the militia were not called ent,PrObably
from the fact that the raid was enthrellun
cepected. We are credibly informed dat
the invaders crossed nor pielcet line's en
tirely unchallenged. Nu formal surrender
1 1 of the town was ClOirtAnd6,l.. aril the keys of
the barengel (lock-upl were seffered to re
main in the ban Is of Ugh C instahle %Veites.
The only Brigadier Oeneral in town at that
time, we are 11 tppy ti state, eecapel cap
ture. We are compelled to awarl a meas
ure of credit to the invading force, inasmuch
as private private property was Str; Oily re
speetel; but e,nsiderin4 the Ulm that no
armed opposition was off:red. the wanton
injury intliete I upon the Hower of our
youth wee of unprecedented barba..ity. NJ
lives have been lost, but many of the most
severely wou nded are, we fear, put hopelees
ly hors tie cuwbat. Some of them would not
briug twenty-tive d Alsrs as substitutes,
The ioradang force was under en nmond of
of Oen. Tehady, of Litiz, and consisted of
the faculty and pupils of the Litiz Female
Seminary- They were gelded. in fact con
veyed to teem by It, Crane, Eel., Superin
tendent of the Reeling arid Columbia Rail
head, in the cars of the company. The
neat time a similar raid is contemplated: we
hope Mr. Crane wdi give Columbia timely
warning, that the citizens may prepare a
warm reception. We warn the people of
Litiz to be on the watch, f...r some Sae day
they will, in return fir our 'surprise of Mon
day, find their beautiful team surreunded
and taken possession of by a horde of, Co
To a. INA R E A ots..-...4 la rvey Goodall,
who will be remembered as formerly . Editor
of the Lancaster. Inland Daily, turns , up
after a leog silence as publisher of the Tar
Eagle" at Columba+. Kn.. a patriotic sheet
of about the size of a Sunday School "Track."
The little paper is a uprightly one, and gives
no quarter to either"rebs"or "Copperheads."'
May , the Eagle increase and multiply , arid
may the Editor Shrive always.
Army Correspondence.
.13ALTJNOIS, MD , MlLrell 24, 1863,
Ores Sort—We are again on the move.
On: friday-we received order* to - prepaTe
five days' cooked rations to go on board
transport vessels nest morning. •Owiig to
• the tearible.saow storm we were permitted
to remain in campquietly - until Monday.—
Oirr,regintent then embarked onethangand
-steamer-diary ..Washingtorte Andy/eters a
pleasant trip reached Baltimore same night.
We delieriertkis moraing, and 214rsome
delay got onboard theeera of the Baltimore
and Ohio Bitilroadrand! will start for the"
West this evening, ,t P. It. It. - I
teoped we would go rig viorkrind Harris- .
burg.-but we'. - Won't. My ehums . :4erry Long,
?Mike -, .lFith myself haEitrranged a
pltM to fall out of the eitrp at York, and of
coUrse,would have beenonspollecl, to run,
afief =the titan—via Colunitda.'-'4:iiir Girls
will have to-kiss other chaps now. Mike
swears aX the bad luck; so do I. Rumor
says we go to Kentucky. Send the Spy,
and tell our damsels to address. Company
"K "45th; ,Itegt. Penna.
Coryis - iia bincinnOti,
7 46."
C.tur NE6E. Betz. PLLsn, Va.,
,21, 15t1.3.
FRIEND f. i.e . :— I believe it'will riot be dis
pleasing .to the folks at home to be kept in
formed how the "Bowery Bc6 , s" are getting
along. They are doing very well, although
we have -very disagreeable weather: it has
Leen snowing and raining for two days, and it
will be another hackset to the army. But we
have been caught. in the same hind of storms
before, and are• getting used to them. When
it was snowing the very hardest the Serg,eant
l'ildjor stepped up-to Sergeant White andgave
rim a detail for picket, and in the mud and
snow.away the boys had to travel. They look
ed very queer in the morning, when they
crawled oat of their little muslin houses and
found they pad to tramp out about five miles
to the picket tines; but old "li" is al ways ready
for everything and anything. We were all
ready and off we started in a good walk and a
beaky laugh from or Dld Santy." On the 15th
we vacated the miserable quarters which we
firit occupied and took up new and more corn.
fortable ones, where - we are well situated, well
fed and weWclothed:•
Tina. C. Wilson,
l'enua.. •
.Fob., 1 S&3.
We don't see a..tipour friends of the 45'1i did
not like the "Army of the Potomac." Was
it because , they :were too near the rebel If so
we should like, to bear from .them. They
should not fear for •the e'Bowery Boys," for if
they have a chance they will give a good ac
count of themselves.
We were happy to meat with our oZoo•Zbo"
friends of the 23rd, on the sacred soil of Vir
ginia, and also our old friend John Sheets, of
the tst Penna. Cavalry. They all have a great
deal or Confidence in our Commander-in• Chief,
and are satisfied that he, will lead us on to
We were very sorry to' find that one of our
company, (a corporal who had just been pro'
moted,) desertea us while we were leaving
Washington; but L am pleased to tell you that
he is not a Columblin. He was formerly from
Lancaster city. The health of the company
in general is - very good. We left two sick be-.
hind at Washington and we hope their health
will soon return and they may speedily join
their company. The Ist Sergeant has not
much trouble in making out the sick report,
for there is not much of that done in the com
pany. — Our Captain's friend the .6 little doctor' .
says that Company $ is too full of devilment
to be sick. The K's do not like to take qui
nine for It is not healthy. Our Columbia friend
Dr. Hottenstein (formerly surgeon of this re
giment) hes been promoted to Division Medi
cal Director, on General Doubleday's Staff,
and has proved himsella very efficient officer. I
We are very well pleased with our officers. i
We have the best captain in the regiment. A
better Man has not left the bank. of the Sus
quehanna than Capt. G. H. Erisman, for he is
as a father to the men under his command.—
His delight is to be with his company, and to
have his men as comfortably siroited as he
can. He always provides for his men before
he thinks or himself. We are very well
pleased with the promotions that were recent
ly made, especially that of Ist Sergeant Al
bright, for he is bold the office and
he was well thought of by the men. lie al
ways did his duty faithfully as a company offi
cer, and we hopo he will continue to do so as
acornmissioned officer. I must not omit men
tion of our Adjutant J. B. McClain.. He is
from Jefferson county and is a gentleman and
it soldier, and one of the best Adjutants that
I ever drew a sword in the Army of the Poto
mac. Ile ever looks to the welfare of his men,
and especially Co. K, and if every other officer
would forsake us the Adjutant would stand by
us; and we hope that if there be any promo
tions in the regiment Adjutant McClain will
be the man.
You will hear from us often, as 1 hope. to
continue the correspondence.
Tours, Truly,
, tosic OF MR Bowcay BOYS."
Operations , at nclithurg —Repot fel Eracna
of Mine? Btifs:
Sr. Lorta. March special despatch
td the Democrat, from the fleet below, dated
the sth inst., Rays the rebels continued shell
ing the canal at Vicksburg:, somewhat re
tarding the prosecution of the Work.
The river hal fallen, and the fetes of an
overflow of our camping ground had sub
AU was quiet at Greenwood. Iloth
parties were repairing damages. air pree•
eat force there Will regarded as insufficient
to reduce the rebel fortifications.
Levees were being ens, which it was
thought would result in drowning the rebels
out. -
Rumors were in circulation of the eraca
ation of Manes' "Bluff, end that the Bth
Missouri had gone garrison that place.
If this report is true, it Toro-shadows the fall
oretacention 'of Vickaburg,
. The-Democrat learns that st - % gentleman
who bsitjasrarrived from •Vioksburg. states
Abet:the-steepest - with the Bth
-Missouri resit:mite had succeeded in enter
ing the Yazoo river above Waif.
Her course was through the Cypress bayou,
whioh debouebes --in-the Yazoo opposite
Johnson's planttition. Where.Veneral Sher
oann's troops Linda-last December; thence,
through Steele's bayou into the SunfloWer,
which. eat psis" into tthe ICasCio' river 20 miles
above Haines' Bluff. •
-aTew stoitaer -Di ligthritilie 'lleaeipenied
bye light guobost. , . 'eo'ou es it was found
pour4ble4o get through four iron-elude
" ' 41 ." •
- . Oar Ufutim asit alsovaya that —thousand
nseatuni goise'np berate this moven:sot was,
wide:l - 4310 free eats' thin'' be placid *be
tween /Ulnae' bluff sod Yazoo city, which
will enable us to operate in the rear of our
former position, and bring the enemy be
tureen two fires. ,
It is also believed that our fleet - can navi
gate the bayous and enter the Yazoo above
Yazoo Pass, by'whiolt means our ,gunboate
con co-operate with our forces at Green
wood; reduce FOrt Pemberton, and' then
throw• thpireembined strong - at against Yazoo
city and flank - the rebel position. The
enemy being thus turned, Vicksburg till
undoubtedly be evacuated.
The batteries at Haines' Bluff were built
so as to sweep down the river, and are
powerless from any attack from above.
A consrmation:of these tidings is anxious
ly looked for. •
CAIRO, March 24—Memphis papers of
Sunday last have been received here.
They contain a report of another canal,
or cnt-off, having been opened from the
Mississippi, 50 miles below St. Helena, into
Hier ricer, Washington lake, and also into
Sunflower river, by which access is gained
to Yazoo city and Haines' Bluff.
They also report that two of Admiral
Parragut's gunboats had reached the lower
mouth of the Vicksburg canal, and one small
.boat bad passed into lake Providence.
The water was rushing into the lake at a
rapid rate. Greenwood was held in check
by a rebel battery.
CAIRO, March:-1, 7.50 P. M.:---Hon.
Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy: I
ha% e just received a communication &Om
Lieutenant Commander II B. Breese, dated
Black Hawk, Maroh 10th. The Admiral
has got through_ S'teel's and the Black Bayou
with fire iron clads, and with the Price into
Dear Creek, and is making all haste 11.1 r the
Yazoo river. , Doubtless ho is there now.
General Sherman and his troops are fol
lowing him up. A. M. PENstocs..,
Fleet Captain and Commander of Station.
CINCINNATI, MAITCIa 23.—The Yaztio ex
pedition has came to a stand still. The
Commercial's special from Greenwood says
the Chilicothe in the last engagement was
temporarily disabled by shot battering the
sides to her purr holes eJ that they could
not be moved.
Battery Wilson has been dismounted and
the gun returned to the gunboat. The De-
Kalb and our fumes are acting, on the de
Fort Pemberton is being strengthened by
the rebels, but is nearly under water, and
the widening of the breach in the levee at
the head of racno Ph 99, it is thought, will
drown them out completely. That work is
being done by troops from Helena.
Q timby's division was on Coldwater riv
er on the 20th, and with geod weather would
reach Greenwood in two days. The gueril
las trouble the brats in that river and the
Tallahatchie, and have killed three or four
The moat important intelligence is the
discovery of a new pees from the Missiesip.
pi through the Sunflovrer into the Yazoo
river. Through [hie a large force can be
thrown on Yazoo city, which being taken,
they can g) up the Tallahatchie to Green
w..od and co-operate in the reduction of Fort
Tile Monitor gunlymt Lafoyette is report
ed up the Yazoo above llainei' Bluff. Oth•
er gunboats have gone up. Stirring news
is expected from that quarter.
The reported evacuation of homes' Bluff
is not credite<l. The rebels will not aban•
don tit it till forced to, ur after deciding to
evacuate Vicksburg.
Surrender of the U S. ' , ones at Noun!
SterHai —l:spectel Attack on Paris.
CINCINNATI, March 22.—A special de
spatch from Paris, Ky., to the Commercial,
says:—The Rebel Col. Clarke surrounded
our forces at M mat Sterling, Ky.. at 2
o'clock thin morning. Oar troops, amount
ing to only 2.1 J men, fbn A ht for four hours
from the shelter of the h ,u.e in the town,
but were finally compelled to surrender.
The rebel.; then burned the place.
It is beNeved that Col. Clarke, intends to
attack Paris, Ky., to•night.
CINCVSN IiTi,MAT - 01 24 —"rho Commercial's
Murfreesboro' dispatch states that reliable
information from the south represents that
the evacuation of Vicksburg is biing advo
cated, for the purpose of massing the troops
wtih the army of Middle Tennessee for
strategic advantages.
Prominent rebels claimed that Rosecrana
would be obliged to repeat General Buell's
movements of last year.
Within the last tour days the rebels have
made several recounoisiances, causing con
siderable picket skirmishing along the
whole front. They do not appear to be
anxious to bring on a general engagement.
Smell parties of guerillas have appeared
along the Nashville Railroad, attempting to
capture trains. No serious damage has
been done so far. The road is heavily
Paroled prisoners from Ntount Sterling,
Ky., have arrived. confirming the reported
capture of thet'place.
Culonei Garrard attacked Clarke's*forces
yesterdev, near mount Sterling, driving him
tow ardsOri ing,sv le.
•Nitw Yo It, March 21. 7 —The 'Port Roils!
New South, of the 14th. ea't's that Jackson
ville, Florida...was taken by a• colored • tiri
gado on the 10th inst. Th e rtegroes be
haved with propriety, and none, of,them
were injured.
" On' the 11th inst., Col. hlontgotittirj... with
200 men, had a•sharp skim:eh:throe miles
from town. with 200 Rebels.. Baldwin, the
junction of tho Jacksonville and. Tallhantee
and the Cedar Kaye Railroad, is ,sopposed
to be the point aimed at by the expedition.
DisINTICRIMID . rolar.—Weste your old
coat a week looger; and your hat a 'month.
Old bate feel beet, so do old bcota; bus the
latter having a sole above pavements, some
times wear out: Sod 'create s'neceseity for a
new - pair, aodifyoeiilo riot get them "irOur
.feet get !lamp. you cat** -a odd; and babas
the nee/Ind:y..9E usityrsunteshing to.tmarvit.
Try Di:riles PdhennzelVidera. onljf2s cents
a box. wild by all Druggists.
Grand Jurors
To serve in the Court of Quarter Session:com
mencing on the third Monday in April,
(20th) 1863. 1
John A. Brush, Washington.
Edward Blickensderfer, City.
John Binkley, East Lsmpeter.
Benjamin Bauman, City.
John Clark, Manic. •
• John Dyer, jr" Manheim borough.
.- Samuel F eltz, Caernarvon.
Samuel IL Good, Brecknock.
Isaac Graff, Strasburg township.
Benjamin Good, (B's son,) Brecknock.
Jocob Hacker, Clay.
Samuel IL Iless, Conestoga.
Daniel Herr, Columbia.
Jacob Kepperling, Providence.
Christian B. Kendig, Strasburg tap:
Christian K. Long, Rapti°.
Henry S. Libhart, Marietta.
William A. Morton, City.
Benjamin F. Rowe. Providence.
Alexander Sturgius, Warwick.
Samuel Wolf, Ephrata.
George Wiant, City.
Christian Widrnyer, City.
Henry Zwally, West Earl. •
Petit Jurors
To serre in the Court of Quarter Sessions, corn
mencing on the third Monday in .April
John Allen, Sadsbury.
Isaac Bradley', Fulton.
Michael Ream, Salisbury.
William P. Brooks, City.
George Buckwalter. East Lampeter.
Peter,Brubaker, Rupho.
William G. Baker, City.
Almus Brubaker, Manor.
John H. Bushong, Lipper Leacock.
James Coyle, City.
John Dougherty, City.
P. G. Eberman, jr., City.
Benjamin Eshleman. East Lampeter.
Peter Fraley, Columbia.
Jacob Grabill, jr., West Earl.
Jacob E. Graybill, East Donegal.
Jacob Hollinger, Mount Joy borough.
John Hossler, Ranh°.
Jacob Hershey, Leacock.
Elias Hobinger. Mount Joy township.
John M. Hershey, do. du.
Michael L. Hoqvor, Lancaster tap.
Isaac B. Jenkins, Little Britain.'
John Kurtz, Caernarvon.
Samuel Kissinger, City. .
John Kenedy, Fulton.
John Kline, Nlarietta.
William Locher, City.
Besijamin R. Long, East Hempfield.
John Lintner, Manor.
John 11. Miller, West Lampeter.
Jacob E. Mellinger, Manor.
John S. Mann. Manor.
John Myers, West Ilempfield.
J. P. Marshal, West Donegal.
Jacob W. Nissloy, Mount Joy township.
William Noble, Sadsbury.
John G. Offner, Paradise.
Henry B. Paiiver. Mount Joy borough.
James Richards West ['emptied.
Charles Rakestraw, Leacock.
Daniel Rife, Earl.
Isaac Rutter, Salisbury.
Abraham Snavely, Perinea.
Jacob Seitz, Manor.
A. Sutton, Earl.
Jacob Wolf, West Earl.
Hiram Wilson, Columbia.
Petit Jurors
To serve in the Court of Common Pleas corn
mencinp on the fourth .21/mday in April,
(27t/r) 1863.
Jacob Brubaker, East Coca]ico.
Samuel M. Brua, Leacock.
Henry Bowman, jr. Providence.
Elias 13och, Warwiel.
Abner Cnrter, Little BrPain.
Joseph S. Detilin,ger, West Hempfield.
Henry Fraily, City.
John Friday, West tlernpfield.
Solomon Gregg, Drumore.
Charles Grove, Columbia.
George S. Gyer, Warwick.
Henry M. Gish, West Donegal.
John Homelier, Burt.
John Ilippy, Columbia,
Lyman Iluff, Conoy.
Daniel Herr, (Pequca,) Strasburg twp.
John Hamaker, West Donegal.
Miller Harm, Cotentin.
George Kindig, Manor.
John Kendig, Conoy.
John Leaman, City.
George Long, East Donegal. '
Samuel M Long, Drumore.
James McCullough, Culerain.
Gilbert Maxwell, Fulton.
Ambrose s.lcConomy, City.
Frederiek Myers. Providence.
Henry F. Mu.selman, East Donegal.
James Patterson ' Little Britain.
John 31. Royer, Ephrata.
Allen Richards, Columbia.
Solomon Shell, Me - tint Joy township.
Amos B. Shuman, Manor.'
Marks G. Wenger, Upper Leacock.
.fames Wright, Little Britain.
Samuel Truecott, Columbia.
EDITOR SPY Dear Sin—Wit!, your promi•aion
I Ix' -II to an y to the 'cadet• of your Pitnrr %hut I will
•cud by return mtol to nil wherrebth st.(froe) a recipe.
with fu:: dtrcrnun• for moktiot and Lining a •imp'
Warts bir Main, then will etrretintily remove, in 10
dny, Pimple-, It he•, Tun, Fr••akte•, and a:I tin
punne- of ill, hkln, lentesng the some soh, clear,
entoot It and !moat:fol.
/ well irl.n mail free. to having l3nld Ilea& or
Bore File/41,4mph. .iirretron , niii information that
will mutat: them to start a fall growth of luxuriant
hair. vetil•kl• I, or a inew.t wit..., tit lee,. titan tin dnyw
All application,. by 'return snail without
Lbarge. lte•pectfully your.:
'llllof4. F. CHAPMAN.
Chemt.l, No. Ml limad , fruy, row York.
Februnry 2:4
HAI•E Yon•Corart, Smut TnrtoAT, WCILIC
Have you Itroneh n i•, Ohms:
Have you wee Ir Nerve... Disturbed Sleep?
Have you Liver Complaint, Blood Sinning?
Have you Pninp. Side, Urea, &c.
Have you any ' , proem. of Consumption?
No remedy Ilef, ever been so .ucce•sfal
As Dr Swayne'• Compound Syrup si NVild Cherry.
Quick relief is pure to be, obtanind and permanent
eaten obeinimea, where patient. had been given up
to site by phyicuut• and friend-. •
how tunny die of Connumpuon from neglect to ,
ploy propeurenteily? tits nyiten Compound y Syrup
of Wild Cherry. cures nit llama Morn, lung com
p:alum Thirty yearn' experience bar provers tie great
superiority over 01l other rensedir,
t7qqqqqmkqqq s ;ggcl
A goo. of Dr. Swayne', Sarsaparillar.d Tar Pills,
enreor meet n week. %Intl eure Ike moat olrainate
hrodarhr, Fever. Jaundice Liver Compiaint. Coluvr
tires, Biliouroras Female &r. They are
great beceerti3ing purgative. Wheels there je
headal•hr. pain or Ferenc.% of the tidal.* accompanying
your cold or cough take a door or two of these ,Phila,
in coml.-coon with Ike Wild Cherry. „It will rep:love
the .• . . r • -‘
Prepared only by. Dr. Swavae k Son, Phileda..
Sold by Mattel' & Cava; and 'A: natal' K Co4'Co
lumbla, and all good stolekeeperr, (See Adv.) •
Feb. 7, thAT.
TO coNsurirri*Es.
The advertiser having been restored to Idalih In
lear weeks. by a very simple remedy. rifler having
sulfered severs( ears with a severe lung affection.
and that dread disease consmnption—ls anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means of core.
To all who desire it. he will send a copy of thoPre
scriptlnn used (free orchsrae.) with the directions for
prrnn ring and stoic the same. which they will find a
µ..11 core for- commotpsion. rinthma. brOaChiliO,
The only object of the advertiser in sendiag the pre
scription in to benefit:the abliteted, and spread inform
mina which he conceives to he invaluable; and he
bops. every sufferer will try kis remedy. as it will
cost them nothing. and may prose a blossom. • • •
Pantos wishing :he preseopdon will (dense address
•••• *ay. E.DWA RD A. WI imoN,
.10.Willtamdiumb, Kings county, New York.
Dee 'dt4ra
'Oa Monday, Feb. Shb, 1R 13.1 n Emmen Din. Griapi
Richmond, Va. Timm. G Co, K, 542 Rep.
Prima Utterran, in his 20M year.
II ALPE :MAW Cliftir.,os44BlnE
COLUMBIA, PA. -.;,k,
Our Assortment is as Large Varied arid
Complete, as any Former Season,
We are now offering many Goods
To which we invite the SPECIAL'•ATTEIQTION of
N. B.—We are prepared to supply COUNTRY STORES _with
the BEST MAKES of Cotton Goods
AT VERT zcvni" adit_szt
Columbia, March 21, 19.63.
A Reverend Gemlsmen having been restored to
health in a few days.ofler undergoing all the u•unl
Townie Emil irregular expen•tvo modes of treat:nem.
without snore-s. ron•iders it Lin stirred duty to coin•
muilicate to his nillnited follow creu:ure• the mean.
of cure. Genre. on the receipt of an addressed mice:-
ape, he will send (tree) ,copy of the prescription used
Direct to Dr. .1 Olill M. Duvall, 186 Fulton street
Lirooklyn, N.Y. Jul). 17, ISO.
WILT. open ri Select School, in the upper morn
• • of the Brick Slicool tlouee,coi Second etrcet, on
ItIOND4,If. April lath, tEna, where all the tato,lielt
Branches will lie faithfully taught.
MT - Terms 62.00 per gunner.
Morel, 2. 4 , 11,83 2t
Bargains, Bargains.
DELAINEM BELAINES!! doper than cali
coes • ':25 per emit. less than morally a•ked
for the carne goods elsewhere. Ladies call nod see
them uud be con•ineetl or w hat we .ny.
Corner Second and Locust sit, Cummins,
11.15 T received new anti novel elyles vases. DisheP,
Goblets. Tumblere. &e., &e. The ban cent
le the town, at
Oppce.ile Odd Fellows' MI Columbia. Pa.
f sc r hs. now it roll Vile of goods which
a he oirer- fur %ale Hi ressonatile
Alerrimac. Cachet:a., Batumi', American,' York.
lialailoofl. MUM. 'Allen Prints. Check', Ilickety
IOmPV. Blue Unita, _Tact:togs. -Minims. Flannel. nit
color, ttatineict: for Boy. , and Alen , s Wear. Black
and 131 u.: Cloths. Cat.simerett In great variety. 'brunt,
Coating Lure:; a1,.0. Tx dird Linen, whiett elm
need for u great many fai'rpo•tett, a. a soltuitote for
'Corner Third and Union at.
ITAMS, Dried Bser, Dried Peaches, Prunes,
Soup kleaa.; Dried Apples Baker ' s Ch.-months
un extra aritele of Green and BMA Tea., Cu'innii'.
lewd, Lemons. Cranes Chewing Tobaceo.'Smisk - -
nig Tolmacco, Rye, Wheat and (.ermine Cutlet; M.o.
Turkey Coffee. Coat Oil. Lett Ssrup end Raking Mo
iasnee. A large *look of Queensmire.
Thild and Union sta.
1 - 1 pale b% li. F. DEL NED,
glar.ta,' Third and Onion an..
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry.
SIIREZER & SON haring lately re
" • eeived large neeesttitnit to their already varied
and beautiful etoek.s•naounce to their then& that
they are prepared to •ell all strueles in their line
the loreesteash pricer: T:leir stock Is scleeted with
'We greatest en re from the bent factories, and warrant
ee to be as' represented We Invite special atteution
to our large assortment of
~•' , - .
Cold Chains; 'Bream . Pin•. Ear Spectacles,
ware, and Fine Jewelry every- description. •
Purchaser. will find it to their advantage mean and
eaatnineovr fine stock. before waldarthettpurcbaaes,
CLOCUS. — A eomPle:e anortment.of clocks of
every aty te. 111 good running order sad warranted
(Jive u• a tat) and_see for younelves, , ,
Erne/I:aunt promptly attendid to: '•
, t, ' P. tiMIKKINER &BON.
• Front mreei, above Walnut.
~C olembia. March 21 2 .4E63 • . . - ,• • '..
3, .FlRsT r cr..Aama
;330111.111112N4 -13017.30, win
I be opened by kitty Del.eit. on Ole Fop' oi April
-.ext. in thetion.e formerly oecuplieO by Reiter Arend',
la Walnut *trees, above Fri Pl. For term.. Jr..N.IIKAY
I. • • • • • • • Mots: DioI:LETT.
-gare621,113 ,s 4
Adoilnistratpept, . •
ESTATE of tr , nri Ileise,late of West l!eiopfield
totrusbrip.dreo.Ded. - • -• ' •
Letters of Edwin steads:ton said estate baying been
granted to the undersigned.elpersons Indebted there-
to are requested to wake inetsediate•settkotent, and
those haying views 'or demands against the Came.
will present them' without -dewy for netilement to the
undersigned, residing in said townsh
IfENSY Adininistratsr.
Mare- 21, 19534 f
- • • . .--••• NOTICE. .
WnEREAS, Letters Tootamensory on the Melo Of
'Jobn %Violet late or the borough of Colombia.
.county°CLAM:osier. donenoodAavo been otantedeo3
the euhgrriber; residing to West Ifempaeld town
obi% ar. pennons indebted 'to Wahl elate* orovolgiegtee
to trudge imosedsatm,payment. sod there having claim
Sett leleleUt
to evirgl ittundati outhestirentell'
March 211, lONA Axecotor.
_our customers.
WE ',epee in die your early otte , ion to our
spring esslee i II of dreste goods—linglbdt. French.
and American Clitatzes. fitnghams, hlu.lnut. he . he
oho, new '110.: Spring Baliticirals, and bargains in
Indies' and musses Hooped Skirl.
Mininaut 11u Dank.
Attention, Gentlemen!
have 'usi r ctivcd our firs' supply of new style
Sp ing Cosslineres, to which wr rscipactAilly tali
the nuen•tou of nll who diwire it handsome pair of
punts nod vest lo match or re foil null. Monne give
us It cull 11 C FON riensmairs
!Hutch 24 '133 Cosh Store, udjoiidng the Hunk.
VOTWIrIISTANDING the great advance hi nil
kinclaior" paper, we are prepare•l to offer ns usual
great bawl's. , In uluis until' Buyers are invited to
call and judge for them•elves, at
rolnr2t:Gi. FONBERSMTI'II.
White Fee here. )u el reeelred nt
• 11. C. - FONIMRSNII7II.`ii
People , . Ceti, Store.
QIIGAR Penn. Tnm Thumb:Penn: Early Werwie
Lorge White Mnrrotefu'P.•a•. Extra Daly May
Pern, for spring pi:anti:lg; els o. Rutty Va lent I ne' Ilea :IN
E 1111) Mohawk Large While Kidney Henna,
Limn Beni, for .tile iu later or small quitntnien; to.
Mether with a large out will aeleetet st,sortment of
fresh and reliableVarden,Seed4o.f the Drug S.ore of
'Loetiod ',tree!.
?drawl 21: '63
.a.reh st:tarpet Warehouse, ,
No. 832 ARCH Street. tvi:n dooss,betow Ninth,
"south side; PHItAbEEPHIA. -7 •
HI .ulAcriber ha• ju.d. received (, spring trade
L well .elected viocic of Engii.i iind American
embrneiqg ell the •new styles Or the 'hest nulk - 4-
I.onghl previous ro flue' late udvahee 'for
well he cold sit tow prises. "
Velvetf. Three'eePlyet. Ingrains au& Vdtie
twee. Carpettne.e—with ea e mock t ' •
• • :
PO.OlOll. who ere about furniehing. are requested 'to
mill, nil examleeption of, the above goode,previoue to
reeking iherr -cleeriene an •uch inducements will be
held out as cannot furl to plee.e.
baa Arch street, P/Irlad'or
NJ:trel::2l, )03 3m
Millinery and Straw Goods.
WE have the pleaoro of id waling you that
we , ore now prepared to otror 1 at our •ttd
. kt mud N0..1{Y,3. I ti, and 107, North Second et
Philuda"n well sole ted otoolc pr.,:
in every variety, of the latest impor‘itions, and of
nhwest and most fashionable styles.
will rompriare'Very • `'-- Donnete, Hate and
..Trinntaxa to -be found /it t t ae. of Ad /latest and
tno , t approved *lmpel' and at, &die, in early
call, I german 3 Yours, Reapectfot l•
!gnarl' 14: 1e•h1..41. • ,1 it WARD.
WISER SIAS: Leitenitif:Ailirirititiiitlon de basis man.
" mem testament, winter.. on the erate , or Miehoel
B. , Wittek, te theAtarattet oP Polsinbid. Calmly , or
lamenoter. deeeitoed. here
,beeit. granted Mite sab
se titer, rmith rid in %Vett , Ilemnfield :iitenshir;
restate indebted id wad estate err requested to mote
immediate payment. Slid those bating *Woos against
the oameoysti pseeditt.thgta. gulp outhArted for
Fe tilemeet l'lrelitti ER,
Marc li 21. 1663 61 A dae. d:
• DlllllO/tltlolll •
TIIB partnersb ip of the sinderaluned, ander th e Ann
of,llaldeman Jr. Jaekeeat, is Ali day dilsolired by
mutual moment, • I • .n
John A. Jac 'mon Min eontiane ihebustmea at •the
old stand, and mill settle the bomness or the late firm.
• 11/11..DEVAN.
• •‘", ~ : ;•1"...L 4 .7011N..k.43ACT1L. 4 0P1-
,Colzuabia,Slanb ,•,,•• , 111411117 13 1 (
• - •
PRIV AlLiplit JU114.1
Tn t , 'SURSeRtBER &art at private' salt,
-3rAWLotaf.4roaadwith- -
ABMktifflillgigtriektip Again
at llievemtert 13ded - did Union edisefifikke Awe , " IL V. Bruner .
This Is . commodious,, and at • Modems
stand is named to in tbe.borough of Celstabia.
The building in o briek,,,isrolind.a.haif stories With ,
withlsoeM,yalmmtendracip an alley.
Mali, Proper y,105.. Wasted in the Improving quarter
of the toese:aud is Ina/eats/Mg ealoateicar fee , "
For terms address 1.0.
Bog 21, Columbia P.O.
Or apply . to It. F. 1111.UPISII.
Columbiailltareb V. G it On the ?remises.
'a~. ~,i-
_• - 4.-
To the Ladles!
Just Received,