~~~.a 15te ittAttibia, SATIIIIDAT, BIAr1::2.8, 1863 attostiott of the reader 7 -ii directal *0 the edoertisvnient (ff . ' .31orkle.o'i,141m all .Vedicince to Lie jottud antother Column of Air ,poper. - New "Pnblications Conorrs Lvov's Uodey for April has same to hand, A good number, - profusely 'il lio,trated, especially with delineations of the fashions. Whoever fails to be fashionable thhtele in the LeStra Book, cannot lie licked into 'shape by human ingenuity. Goiloy ex haasts-thesubject. • - ArhaNric .Mos•rnt.Y.—The April Atlantic, although rather behind its Mardi predecessor, is a line .number. Beside a good story it Con 'lemma number of excellent papers, the mo s t invetesno.: among which are A gass u rian t each," ths "Vicissitudes of Keels' reins," by Joseph Severn, end IL:. _Marvel's -.Wet.. msather Wort." The-poetly 1,, I this nimiher ds inferior to the general Att.nau: product. A mEn x t v EXMAN(II ANT) RENIEW.—The March nittn-er of this monthly contai. "The 'Science and Ait of War,' Amnstican tt. a. :tory," “Money and Credit," "ht.-getter - alive 'Gas Furnace„ - "The Diamond and its yera• gonsr".hssi.les much useful information cun• tallied in several “departments.” -Tug Tit ‘rpga's Dt uGNT.Eft. By Gasrave'Aim. tad. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson at Bros. Messrs. Peterson send us their recently published translation of the "Trapper's •Daughter," one of the celebrated series of French Indian tales, by Gustay.. Aimard..Thts 'series has been likened to Coop:l.'s ' sstniking Tales," but there is no point of re• semblance between the productions of th. two authors. The characters in - both are Amer•_ can Indians, but they ale so ditterently de• /Acted that th.y might as well be drawn from siattves of different continent. But this if:fret , once does tot interfere with ihe interest nt "Frenrli • ' Indians when they are skilduily worked into fiction aetb.7; 'ase lit thts work. The scene is laid on the Western Praries, and wild adventure is described. It is a book that will plea9a ail who love excitement and scene* "of strife. NEW ADVEI:TISEMENTS.—SIVIICy St Bull:CIS Aidyettage fiery goods. Give them ' a call. F. Bruner has a fine stock of new goods which be offers at 10.. y rates. lie also adv.- gives a second band buggy and harness. See P. Shreiner Fs Son's new advertisement. Miss Caldwell will open a Select Sabot?' on April 13th. Trtz FORTY Fir:qr.—lt will he seen by the letter of "45," that the Forty-fifth regiment ttas gone to Kentucky. The nlirees of the regiment will be found in the letter. Tim Itivrat.—The river is high, and on the. rise (Friday afternoon). The latest yews from "up river" represent the streams as high, and eighteen inches of snow an the ground; so we may 0000 look o Suet of rafts from the headwaters. ANornEtt SQUAD.—On Tuoiday afternoon die second squad of colored yoluntoers for the 54th Mass. Regt. left this . placo. The following is the list: William Lee, Simon Meilstm, i t illiam Nelson, Lewis Robinson, JAtt Young, Ily. Young. Malvin and Ilenry Young .woro rejected on examination a; Pailadelphis, an) have returned. These boys should till make good ouldiers REY. E. DORSEY.—We are sorry to learn that the connection of Dr. Dorsey with the .English Lutheran Church of this place has terminated. During his ministry Dr. Dor sey has made many friends in our town, within And without his congregation, who part with him regretfully. • Ills services to the church hare been exceeding - great. By Ills personal exertion he has succeeded in Almost freeing the church from a debt which was cinching the life out of it. The Doctor goes to Waynesburg, in thi+.•State, We have not learned who is to replace him here, Usion: LcAcurc.- -.Owing to venous em bat rassing influences which delayed the issue of the Spy last week we omitted publication of the Organization of Union League, on Saturday 14th lust We have now received the Secre tary's cninutes too late for more than mere record of the officers of the Organiza tion. The Fundamental Articles are identical with those of the Lancaster League, published by us march lst. The ofileers are: President. F. K. Smith. Tice Presidents. Col. James Myer., Rudolph 'Williams, C. S. Rle.illinan, John A. Hook. .grandiez Committee. S. G. II s , J. W. ilouston, Jas. .1. R. Rachman. G. Brandt, George Bogle, 'nos R. Suppler., JAS. Schroeder, John Finger. Dr. S. Armor, Henry U. Minteh, Jacob S. 31iller, John Pcart. Treasurer. Shoch. Vecretory. George W tl fnr3. Zie room fur meeting has yet been selected 1 1 F.00ZEDING9 OF COUSCII, --CoLOMBIA , ./1111lrell, 20 , 18G3.—Council met. The roll was called, and Messrs. Danny nn I Herr reported -abeent.- The minutes of laet meet yam:reed 1144 approrel ,The -following bills were read and ordered to be paid: James ffenry, $1,25; Felix Lyle. 1,37: :Samuel Waites. $25,00; Small llogentogler, $2,00; W. Timmy, PO; Jae. If rg,entegler, 12 et; D. S. Chalfant, $30,00. I.lr. Bogle moved that the lamp - lighter's santy be increaged $l4, from' tpril let, ,rie2t; agreed to. , „ Mr. Eberleiu that the high ea:unable be -Allowed 1.2 cents fur each meal furnished to - . lagrante, after time data; agreed so. 2 .ll.4ommanication was read from '.fransi Myers; nog:, relative to the bA condition stf."o few bal.:Argil gar:leaf road, conneotialt *be terminus of the Colombia and Marietta Turnpike with Commerce street. the only entranim - to.ttte town from the west. instead of being macadamised, filth-and. offensive flirt meets the' pedestrian, right - .. pn the '•fhreslthofd,, otiftettowN the ftrcatcr part .t:f Alta yea, makingan unfavorable impression -aspen sil stranikeni coming . :into - . etre: pther *Sett'deali"atid baiidrio" fps ,ri,ierooesa.. • -I]taferred.te-tbe road•oommitiee. - ' Kr. Bogle girtrnotioe that - et the next iltatedmeetiiti Lie ipalgi "intrialui?e , it rue°. introit tuebange the regulation cialte -Mar- Ast., toome*to permit iatiolcaters and -others 'Attmlingmtarket to tiell their , pip:lune _ea ^ moan an they arrive at tttimerkeLhosemli ' 012 motion, adjourned. DJCATIILOT.TIfO.II.IB G. in isor.—The name of Tbinnska.R. Wilson was published last; week aracinethii names of the desertetii trine Co. ._li, Regt. Penna. Resertes. Ile had been absent from the regiment for 71 long timeirithe9t leave, and was supposed to pace deserted. Ile was at home _sick, and,beforevicot•ering started to return to his regiment' Whilst !dill sufferingl,from' distase; Ile got on board a canatiAdt, - owned by Wm. McConkey, Esq.;-cilWrigl.te rille, which went adrift at:sume "point on the Potomac, and was captured by the rebels, the crew, with Wilson, being taken prisoners to Richmond. This occurred during the w:uter, and the friends, of the missing soldier in this place were entirely ignorant of his fate until Thursday last when Capt. Hogentogicr, of the captured canal boat, recently released by the rebels, re turned and brought the sad intelligence of Thomas Wilson's death, on Feb. oth, in n 111,1nonti flospitai. Capt. II , gent,igler' brought With him the following hospital record and rertilicate: rirm No. ^,tl.. Name, Citi Leg, ..Irnit e Ii cLnr.e•l, 0 Fe! , , 1863 .I).s