The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, January 05, 1861, Image 3

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14 our eite few domestic reinedic. %Mid, bare come
Sao getrend tt.e and Com r. "wit flout pioffortr. It to the, of. cimpbo shod,- burntici.siu oil vlortonoi .es
repiedy- unequalled. .11 4 or (Jan-. C.,&
inroiseo. Soreuro-, Surmise+, rilieuinaii.m.
;OW It:Vive at, 0:1 et nod Wolooln. it bog . mit nit
•cima I. It it rd-o wilt, great tootteetat. for Tooth
-ache. Ileoddielie, Neural gin, Dore 'lii toal. Colic. Dint
rhcco, 110 and other similar troultietrioneautl
putnital affeetion., while is promptly urr,-.1. 01 Hein
,mrlitoget. liitadrrtlt of oily nhriwts uc, n daily iii dick
!practice,- mid glee tt their 1111(11111i1 fi-61 n - cotruntpla
• Loos. Sold by nut tumid. on.ldroleic-..ruto
F. It CAI PIIREVS ec CO.. 5132
Sole Prop 61M, and e r+.
!Dr A.M. RA Ntco, Odd Slim,' Aileid. for CO'
it Uoy IY. loll)
ILT 1110 Coldineelinl. earlier I'rouf add Lora-t
!JOT COFFEE— TEA, Oy.trr. in g.r.od
ge,Wrla re Ire Arnow. irre perved up 01 ita) hour, day
or uip,id. '1 hel , ed Luger ulwn). 161 , 1 ,
L . . 1 4. Lk" . 1:11RIS3IAN 8. lI.ANNERY.
•NOTIC-131. .
meeting. of the t.titelatoldera of 41, re
l. lumina Ma onthe tiring Compony .ear he 'l,rll.lof
th.•ir offive ou Nloodar. .1 y 14. 186 I, trowren tire
4, ourr. of Olm and three o'clock V M,. for the purpo.r•
of electing. one Pre-ideal riot 1,,,C Mittl 3 r2r 4 . l. ". .erve
the canning ye:n. T. R. :AU
Cat. Dee.V9. 19%114t Secretary.
fkii Sari:4 of Prime linel:wlient Jo .4 been
Vltt received by the Rubsei 'het, h be
InweA market price..
AI -n. a large qunimtr fir...l-ram
A pgu,Es. OF - .DIFFEREN 4.` VA RI ET I E. 9.,
hit gralird fruit. For <a o. the bat ro.l. 1.als1:”1, or Trien•loc.
OYSTERS! OYSTERS!'r b ❑ie quor tor in the thot_ coo he ctitnlci t ed
oli time S. II I.OOKAR.D.
Co a. Drc. tIO.ISGO4 11.elleytte
Cheaper than laver.
, - & - r AI. rar & CASE have ju.l added to their alrently
Jl heavy g , oek of goods. a large :11,41 (0 1 ,14444orlovirot
ag•Dry Mod.. Vailry .00ds Noticao, Chathung. 114 , 01,
andr•hove. Grim. cm., Ste tyre bought ot
rel!iterd Pule, rao-rd I n r•r111 pall' ant!
will be 301,1 to palge4 10 still Uie Mtn', II 3 CPU .•ant
JeUrglllll3 buy your good. tat the 1:11eap Store of
Dee. thl tOfU Alikl.TlsY & c
(CS. Maltby's Baltimore Oysters Cans
. and f a r aalu by
Cola Deg.:29,1:5U. - 111.41LTFIV & CASE..
iIiST received. 100 Iteanei of Wrapping Pnper. nt
•1 ci• er i n,n. J. /MAMA.: dc.
Colo. Dec. t. 0.1, 1:60 Locti-t eitreet.
A Three-story Brick house in liraluoi street
vi Irh tol modern com(,. mit iid etonvemiences—.,de.
)ard. dr.•p Itri alsll.good
TWO 101 4 to tiVatou: e;rotet, G• 1 feet from by neer •200
icet it di pit.
iaige ore wagon and lied and tw•o.ta:ll n•.r g ons
ror. Appl) HOUEUT 1 - 1A3111.11).).
tlolu. Deo : /a, Isoo4lnill
Uv TnunzDax, JANUARY 31, 1861
fp HE subseriber. mairoini•innor of the ertate of
I knee. rr.. dee , d .I.f Virtue of on Order of the Or.
idisue Cnurt of lark . au e 7, in piiy debts, will .ell ul
pith he role, ou the premise-ohe followsur, vnlumble
/cut estu C. v
• • No. 1, A TRACT OF LAND,
ni New I" eraoM. York county. on the Nor h.
i•rn eeriral anoui :30 ACHN.S.
ireveral of whirl, are 'I 1.11111:It-LAND and the re-idur
I/I ai high slaw of 'ripe ioiloovemriop a .NNW STOltli AND IVA It 1.:130[1.4i. on excel.
and other Tinav, inn fir•i-tiote A P PI.E
ORCHARD nil tire rusi. I. one. ul Illy fa , ' ho,.
Jliras .05- or. thin , a ha is line of :\orilavni
It uthvney.
.I‘ , ll,liniug No I void.ittaireir 'Nor 15 ACHES. a pollion
yl}Llch is Timber-Nina • 1 lie iiiiprk.v.irries.tb lire
A Uri. k
A.% LI U.S,
Agiiis nearly new.
- - -
4t.djotiting 2... unwitting nhout 20 Aar...a, a la-ge
tuition uf which Tint Noland.
al-o m C1.C1114 C 101 l %sill. tine Station a Sid.
lin; or Switch, a Po-t Offire. and a I trial Agracy.—
War amnion in k °own a. fit rve M. edam
frlie Warts will Inc so el , :eparate.y or together to -nil
Znirt.lll3ll.l , .
in' Any per4ott a i Ling to rho the property will
f t 'e t.c rail on Or K W. Fret., sr-Wing on lite 'tread
er*. or on A. C. Free
Pale to 1 11 111/1111 1 11110 at 11 n't•lnek A NI • 'Alien attend.
elite %ill be given and lean. ni.,1111• known by
Dec 29,5G0..1t
s ivonrriY. or ANY CioNFIDENCE Fon RE-T,RING
, vive the greitt di•eovery or l'one. Wond.
.11 have SlAll . lllll . ed u•ot old) in human Ills rO-10r II cc.
lout prow.. In hal, It I-Covered .outethinq 111 I would
wollore reeult..ideitlival, but 11,) hove oil ennie nod
gave. bring met] away I.) the wolvlettut o.
Prof. 1 $ V prepirtostot. trod fume i+0• 1 0 foreed 10
.11uve the field to it, levletlet. Read 1111. t foil •
014 Illgl-•-•
mil , . Arril I ids. ?t.£l.
Pace.O J. Wor.D.& t tenor I wrote
you in thrai come , rung;our-villualdts Hair lirornie•
litre. and which - stn.' have•bc.l in thi• voquity
:out etoevrbere. ha+ to numerals, enguiric+
on:el:Dig the :net+ :a the ea•c. The moos ries ale.
l• it is fact of my habitaiinn nrd Inmsr. n
r to the column. coml. 1. II true or on , bin. ill
eottlained; third, doe• my Wilf .1 111 rnniiunr tot lee 111
good 'eider tool of isoturo 1 eolne TO all / eau mold.
wer Vs. M 1 lush ise yen to tie, Ilmll
Jo oily "taste of us) life for 411 yetsr. .nu
. and heti,. rotor. IP the -41 MI" II true of in)
oht•Leia. mid tt ecuily run., t. 5- not geneinits
t.tie. to• That the stlhattsoc, i. ven.osed otf by fooluelo
I 1011 of the face. *l.Oll If c i.e acre lord b!.
sag she titer ill clo-r (.01 Ifeellesn Mall' th e %slake,"
:he sumo rault ro tow a• the heir. I hat C. I, CII
in the rreript of 11 grew her o: let.. r•-f.ons all
pmts. of New J.:10g...1id, at Li. g if Inv hair F 1 11 I
4-Dilation , to be good; u s 1 lt,,. I. 10011
maim facture atm oare of t arias,- rem:penile", n. troll
It Istecito tlouhl. Ivan hotel, /.1.10.1 lid :Old II ill
II ed. not r nly with 1111 l Mt) g 0.1,1 f m l roan. oth to
Injury* I In/41.• not :tool son 3.10.1 orstive of
au) arrount foe •.1111111 :oaf )c: in) hair s- a- ;
Doi a. to, r toad looolseto have ream 1 11,1 Wi Is
Il• I um now ill year. 01 I :out 170 a gray In
m)bruit 01 011 (1/3 tier: anW Is, prove .11.• ... I, I •end I
)0u a loot of lily hair take, oil die week I re•
relvral your favor or lion runirt I.crite. summer. I
tar ohich IPM very gentend. 1 guVe 1110 an the ids '
.mud iheolo nadoet 41 theirs so tty It. moos .tint -LIT 4
time: 011111 ah . tr, Scla I. Mild sh e u i t ~,e t
mit!, umvr coal FLU reSol. 1 wal l
sun +end me is to-I by whirls I e.os er.tati la
the itettlOrallve. I•y nomy. ‘ , ..llr.wahotst matter
ill from you. A pure ue nett. oI I in•nre
i behove where good cf.,. do lilt zs lion-. I I- (11 life
by the Intparts tar.iele. w loch rm., the
•rsttir of the govt. I dorm a in) fllll% ‘l.l
to keep you llivilrl•ed of the mm .1111041 eller. no my
hair, nail u-surr all who enquire of me of my uto
shaken opinion of its v 411140.1, result..
I rentals:, deur oir. yours, AC. R ATAI ON D.
Aaron. Ron. Ky.. Nov 30. 1.9.54.
Pita,. 0. J. Woos): Oro r Mr:-1 would ecriaml) he
!sng you a great eajuouce not to male thaw., to the
'world. the woluterfubne well a. the unexpected result
,1 have eXpeCteni ed (ions using era bottle of your Hair
Reottruitve. Alter using evety siud
eattaut, hut without AtICI.C.I. nod foaling my head
bendy destinue or Iwo - , i Wan. filltl Innuced to try to
Itiltlie of your Ilalr Flcsior.itive. Now, candor a n d
police rappel mono 01 . 11 1011 MC 10 whoever may rood
thi•, that I pow pos•e-t a new ninth ben otiful growth
at hair. which I 311)11. rlrolloll 111• C rx lice ail 1 112 lid•
•outer than the origitnil wit-. I Mill theft:bet, lake
eCtraSiOlt to reentrant sid hi- I nvalstable lettietly to ALL
who) mny feel the necco+sly of it
Respectfully 3 ours, • n S. nnocr..
E. Ft —TM , testimonial of my approbation for y our
valuable medicine las yen are aware of) utt-ola.ord:
• -but it $Oll Mink at wariby a place among the tent,
laPen tf you wish; .1 not destroy and pay 1.01 dug.
Yom,., &r Hey. S. A 11.
Depot. 441 Broadway, and so'd by all
throughout the %%odd.
The Remorstme 11 , pot up fit bottle• of three •i,r=.
via. large. medium. and •molt; the ..tonll I.ollle hold•
a port. and retail. for one 001111( per 1/0111e1 the me
/Wan hotd. at leapt “VelalY per Crl.l.lorm • it, T.0'4,01'-
41011 than the small, 1'013114 (use 101.11 411/11,11-• Oes 1.0111,
!Urge- licsid...l .1.5011. 40 per . eta tam, to plopoo
l.oll.llllollolllli. for sliver dollars
0.3 wo•to Prop.-J..4er.. alt m n.dwa y.
Sere Y0r1..4.404g 11j Miarket N.rri. Mn Ana .t 4141 U 341411 knoll PrUI, I I.:S :tod Fnu. y 444.4“1.4
1.44. c. 151 14.1Q40.3m
Tine Love. and (ferinue• 01 the Poets. Elii , r , l LI)
Iliednt Hear)
F ilo,htioril. $(0,111111% Nu-mated
Hoz/a:law rlf.t. 6 - il Flifee Ti.. ro i Coldly. 'I tolne. Pliborated by Finy bile rii.
I. 1, DIES' ANT' T1111.110R1,.N.,-- ' T
hn roe , ' of the Nloe'ernili ei-bia 11. Wat.lratetl
Pot*. e1n.11., n. 11111.8 ., I Irolitlreel and Tht.ty.Ttes, h., 1 , ,,..;:,,,,,,,,44.
?..It:tai.. pre.. Fel,. Tim Iliad , in. A Gift Hook for all pea mii-. Illuy•
D..••• Hooii.. Tdoitilonki ie.. 'ruled with i welt, 11Z1.11 , 1 Kiln, a CIIIZ,
1i.V.N . 1 . 1.1 . :ii EV ., I I.r Sooveme willery Au 11i,-,need Cori 1300 k.
4110 , h.„ 1.0%,101.10.5, erniirtio-ited viitli Tliii ire. Iteuniiit ity Fan-lied Eit•
Vesimiga. 'Om tel. gr.vilig..
(.Inver, Nivetitler•, The A ilionite souvenir Walt Twelve E'egnni
Hocerr. lia• . &e.. . Poritait• on sleet. tram o:rrnial Pit Ittre - -
ALL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICE*, , 1: ; ,1,1,.. 0, 1.0 Fontatne Idd...boleti
-10 wit the timer. at HALDEMAN'S I :14enicite-to of flume. Au Illuctated Annual far all
Cola. Dire. 2 . 1 1 KO. Cheap Cush Sore. , Sea -nay.
Togrthi t h e ith alt ot the mit•t cleiaat and latert
MUSICAL ACADEMY, Book. of •eoicon.
IBELINWAST3IIII.. PAL; ; Juven0..23:4J.......tca to ...I . 7 ,,.,Qt very low
' prl..C..
Tlll6 raiser:lam are navy giving iitHruetions on the I Rader, Bible.. rewire 800 k... Player Elecikv.bound
Piano, Guitar and in Voval Music. and wou'd re. I in v. 41,0, C.if, Aloroeco, Ciaops and lime, very
11104 dully retro the Limber of Latirssier and Corium-ellen p.
tas, va eorne of 144 numesaaa :Mamas who have placed i Game : Gamer! Gamer! of every desCr:pitan at
theteslaughteis under our charge. low prier..
Terms Iran:onion-55 per Quarter. I Moveable Toy Rooks in great variety
fir For further 1110011311hOn pierce - rail at the reri. %Witting Dert; Of ft OorWOOOT a n d Itshf.parly, Port
detme Of Ile ualmember. 10. 15 South Lime street. the I selerlio.... ',ow...dr.:tr. decrutg it mon mate their
du clang recently_ roeetopied hi nee, Theo. A ilopkins , tit. rod Chrtoiss• move them sent any time between
Al R.S. , Goi.ATF.Si &- DALI4.IIrEn.-. 4 5.,,,t4 4 .4.,.4 win, eve.
• ' Teacher.. of AluCe. I Purehicar. cid dii well to end and ei.anittte oul
N. 11. Agents for tim• sale of Conrad :Holier.' Prize welbreleeted •Icelo before noirehoo•iite e I.e wbe re.
Medal Pianos, eompvi-ing nmaditerent stt he.. at line I lnifsi Sal TER'S Cheap Book Slate.
manufaeturers price, aim wurnonted rot ten It ar.. I No h! A. eila Quern rhoree. 1.11 , e5.t , e
Dec..Tah Ifereild ...0.. it d 0... te Esamiiii o nitre
. .
7 1r, RESII Ull . 4.4.:tuulterriep. Nltnce Mcat. Viet. re.,
tt: l'irserves, Jeldes &c., Ac., ::tn. :VI• RA
Dec.f.l.l€6o.- • nuttily Grucczy
quir. o,ll.*Cliner I. prepared io furnira rurallici wi:11
Ell. - Y', EST i 0 Y Sl' MIS
Vroogltilft Cotymbi3.lllla7ce or anal) ennotilie, Tll,l.
nre c' bed 114. 13olloonre
sofirk/IL will pir. ;J. 1. 4. 11.1 . 6 , der: to the ftv<luni all? 111
'lb- ;cur of lh 10u... L. EICH
Cola. lAki 4t
TUE untler-iguetl offer.. for wife. at n grew liar.
el.tht. the deaannle Tlll{l2E STO !MICK
1)W I.. 1.1.11%(: lit il.;14: pstuaie tit Front I.lreeo.
th.u.s uo UV rtrirtt-1,5 On , / Nand; Ala)er.. Termc racy.
If oat 7 ,141 .I.thoury lel. I. still then let tiered
.leut. ?ram the,llir-Iw.f Al rtl Ice.. lip•
t •ty tv Jel ,:tif IVATT... J Ifl 1.. MOWN.
1:71K1 tf
'I T is ordered by the Court that adjourned Courts for
.1-Gl. be hold for toe mai nod d-eisont of ouse iu
the Commott Neu-, Orphans' Cour. dud (juarier
swot :1-
One seek cranium, nig ou bl outlay, the 1!-I , s of March.
• to hoe Dee.
To continurane week from ilme +mil day+ re-pro iv.
um! ale onnelt longer 0- Ole bib , inen4 ft quit,
the trier- on the 114 i f or n.: r rnotein in the Orphan.' Court
%hall he Inken up 11111 the hr-t d.,}s of said term+. nut)
pro •eetled With aural di+oased of. utile., euntinucd by
coe+ent or eau,: chow.
The en-e+ Hie trrgnment ti-t in the quarter Se—inil+
ital. lie Wren up oil the V% ethic-day of -old terms it
not piece:tied In the of 1111 1 (kph n' our
rind if so. the r.i-e- me ilie Quart, r Se•c. on+ Vti I he
conthiencval at the of the 0 phalli+ . Court
TI e nrgnmrnl of the eam in the common fleas to
or morn+ e Tour.d.le or the wr, k. if not prevented
by the ilipliate:Cou.l or (?natter une 1 - 11- 1 ••; 111
1111/lof •lie -aid Coeri will I c
itiket, up at tlie :el/11111011011 of the ,m-c• in the tu
COllll, and praiiertled in until enipo+cd of Mlle. , I'o/1 .
tllllll . ll ly /eOllllll.llll 01 racer -basso.
.1 1 'i 4 11.11011 . 1 1. 00defed that the ab-race of miouneel at
C.e.t me appoint, d for ea-ie.-mentioned It the
,prceednig macro. -hall. be um emt-c to cuspeod tiro
e,,ling., r, alt. Hall.-•' by .con-rot or iegal grounti
f,r n . ... be ..boek'il.
A ILIOURN.EI) JUICY THIAI.S-11i4 , nnlesed by Ow
Co: .i alai adjoarla4.l Cann- .or 4.1.4. y l'. l ' .1-in ita' Cam
pion l'a a- , 444 i.r- tirin as got{aw•:
.G. , la. Wolk et.llllnri. I, g the IM Monday. 41h reltrunry.
.. 4th .• 95th retorual}
.. •• .. 4 h " 271 h Alay,
- , r an,
•• 4. , l l .o t :, ad j
?ad "-r; , a , ata..
•• 4• 3rd .. ut, O. sober.
- .• 4 a - .•
1-t 2011 ne • el . ll boor
And such r ther,period- mat arpoittied at the
atm. ot Court, 01 hl their to gala, te•m•.
'7l:he fotegoiagout t.e pallll-ho,l in tot lire new-p..130,-
ip .;sl% sew Comely of Latino-ter. three • 11C1,..140t . 0 .
11111, , 111 canny :ot the exproto, Of the county—hi:l loin.
kre.oetolcol or the eOlllllll.O 0114.0. caw«
, o• Ci, IRII.I Zll 1;11 At I'IN, Pintley.
ON Saturday, January 121 h, 1861, at 2
0 t.:01.k. I'. M. Ilk tiler ul situdiy n:
drain: F;XP011111 , I.ev.uf t nritt• nod I , ter, 'sant it
OW 01 11/0 Cott of eoinaniut of i.nue.,•ter c o o n .
15 nod to roc dire:fed. 1 of l rzpo.o io public gale or
0111, r v at: hr Cona in the I ity ol Lancitriter.
the following It-t4l e,
and lot of Cronin]. -itniite.
11 nig. nod briny nu the nerni tact rode of rlOllll
nt the borough rt. Columbia. bounded null de-er: bed no
fonows, to wit:—th , the by front 'greet. on
the •oullt-euxt by I r..pot iy :gamier. Oa he
nor li-el,-1 1,, ..010.111.1,•11 11,1,1 011 the nortlb. , A,o
bs 'app.:os'ot Thsiddliti.; S.everii containing to front
:3 feet more Dr ...X ending at depth to Coin
m e r e , V , I) It cal 1e.... stubll two- 11
goii (mins DWE G 1.1.1 N I lOU., E. ,
alt tree
an I other innitorem-iii.. le woo
A• the • roper: 5 K Wing .t
Lting, hl, m
Sexed and when rxrcanon. and to I.r• .n. 1.1 by
S. W. I'. 110V1) sic rid'.
Rh. rr• Office. Lanea.ler, Dec. 17. 1:1.10
Dec. n.
TO the stockholder• of the R.c.olioc and Colomlda
Railroad Company, mut On Kleenon wit! be held
at John Michael'- Rotel. to the edy Cl latneavier, Oil
Ine Pills (lay ut Junuat), A. Lt., IeGI. ot
o'cloek in tlt.,, fur the purpose bt ebonite
Pre•ideot and twelve Directors. to Inatome the af
fairs of said Company al by law provided
Dze. 15. 183N3t L4cere.ary.
/1111 E Alyea }car. 0: Loravolled ruccuP. ;Mending
1 the
It awe alit Ir ii at lat.uc, hold word thaoLghout every
ynn rice of the rothelt
li oder tlu• ci la. co of ahi. pepolor lostoution. over
three booth Ilthoototh liothea lirive learved to vppre•
et .e—by hruuniid ,vrrk• of :irk on and
rhOlee Itlethle.a. Oil their intheO. the great hell.
r:Veil from beethilOlC a olthoerther
Dubs (W. II are now la•Ilig re, owed ita a ratio'un.
pal aueled will! Om: of any previous year.
Any pe•rsne C . lll Ilee•fl, a al,Taa, by •ab•e.ibing
Three I collars. fr.r .11104 osuta the% will reve,ve
I.l—The !arge end guava; meel gag!a,leg, 30 x 80
1nd..., ,„,,,led
2.!— . Mnit
One ropy. one year. of that elegantly ak:ro
3 I —.1 . (V1.1r nom smolt• Ournitt ILr u•amnl. 10 " I'6v
Lnalivry of l'istioingt 549 Krnudway. N Y."
In audit 01 10 the nl 0, C twin fit-, sla•rn will given
To sta./Jr - OR,-, n. gran,: on. pi,enlum., over
Five Hundred Beautiful Works of Art,
enmniedlic valuable poinilog•. marble.. 1131r11111.. out
1hnct.1.r.10,0.11%a truly 101 1 !!!! .11 hrarfit
-'191,. Wtp.•ll, I ugtaell e. %,111iIII every auti.etiber toil
receive. ukoeff Niu.ori.log los is
one ail.. eogroviiii.. eve:
Ito. voutery. If 1.11011. .1 11.1 r II se
and -tipple. nod In printed 1111 bray) plot.. mg...v.31 1 h)
Illelor•.1t1:1111/Ig II MOM risI•11, 41(11:11III•1 t .1111.11.1 ,
for nt!, or. a In r purist or offiec
tuhjn•t i. ,hr orleitrotea •ce•ne Sir .10101 Falk erre
et 10 I Mee, the n croft. V 1 .101•11
hive tree, g oth.-reti for Iva • ravged reciment " It
you'd i.ot Lou foriii•liv/ by the *rad! for to.,
dolt.. r..
'l'ne Art Sournot i• ion *l,ll known in 111 ,, whole
nt I tit ry to ;wed cotnntrod:slioot. It 1. a inrignitieently
,Ihi-Irord fief:pinto. or A.i votslamittg E•c.iy... Sto
ne.. Poem., p. Sc. ,he ‘ery be•l water... in
'fur Engloviii:, 1.1 ..eni to any mi.t of the country by
nu t, being pavitt d 111 a ey'llid:r posuoge
erli.perorliOn• n ill he tee. it-41 Evrillog of
the 31-1 of .I.niu try. 1.411. nt %Well linty ihr
wilt eltro• 11.1. t the piemlion. hn gor,ii in a.b,
No 'tenon is resittoedl to a .ingle sob r.lptimi.
teMi flog $l3 are entitled to five tn.•
and to nor eXtnl enc.'. an lug for their tioolOe„
ti.thsei quint, (.nut I,nitfornot, the Vanillin.
I'm rico Conti re v. mull be 8.1.30 lit-read of SA. m Or .
der to clef. ny rain.
PM oath. r rewt.eulisr. amid for a rope of the rie.
gantly 11;110,1...4 Art ..huritat. proitoiti.emt for lined
..ntue-t $l nir., Zlltr tit AMC, tea 1. 1•011.:11111. IV:AA/num
of l'retta am. and numerous sup. tl. elig.o tong.. lieg•
War prio C. SO unman, eju omen eOnte-•
tow, vet, wilt he sett to thine In -uteriti,e,
n o rrer g o Cl 15 loptillitr. or COlll .11.1111rO.•
C 1. DER ItY, Arianoi t:
11,011dW.W. New Vo.k.
N. S Arc rlonona t•••CCIV. a al d nowurund by
Wm. V. Lloyd. A gtill lor Columba. l'a Iy.
Spounnon l'auvrnving. um" .%rt Journal inn IT ..1..C11 It
w. Alolaits% a. [Leo. 13, L%tl.
86 0 .
kluz.l:s for Holiday gall..
1011s,111 , ,All•Eit. No al Noro, Mreel of•
rI 1,. to the 1 . 4111111 • . Gil Om arty - del"
43,1 IIlot•Iral , Rork, l'rcp.zied nod arr.loz, J
rre-•ly 101 the
The fnil..w•.ug are u f.•ta' of the Mil 03 that scull be
co•.l only
o.l * I :. • .mtj OM/ We,. no
N ml : 4 1* rt. liy rrenk I:. Good •
llt..Nes AND rELLOW Ccrizerf...-1 limehy offer my
sis,weinietilirte•for the office of 11:gh VelmaMe
tit Vie enitulay. Juitualy election. proinietiw. if elected
lo fulfil till isic Uuttoo of the office to the best of my
thy• SA L Wei I'M • .
Oulu Dec. tit?, l POO 3t
Ttin rranted to lie the puge.juiee °fool. nmive Color,
lin moat 111 l efa: nl.O. LlNcLberry cud_
lAities for eztle M RANIAO'S -
Der. 15. ISM. - Family-Grover) , S.:ore.
Rni%in. in Vt'bole, !lair, gunner and
BAKING "for.A.scs,—N. Oni.EANs Nrw Cnnr,
Good Cuba Sugar at 7 cts per Pound,
1 0 & 11 r•. BRUNEI 'S
Carr. Third and I.'llloll Sts
Cola. Dec 15, I ..K.O
A•tOteltile Judge- 01 Coon of (;0111.
trio,, rr and for dr.* minty of totienvter.:lll(l
A•triOttill ill-liee-•orthe Court of Cryerand Termorer.
.11111 Genera: JAI it divery, rind :loaner SeAl‘imi. at
:he retire. in nod for the county of Laura-ter. have
Ili it Preeept to me directed, requittrig me.
among other thing.. to ton hr Plthile PrOCIIIITIIIIIOn
thlOUtthellit 11:111i*Viek.11101 a Court of Over and
l'e.ininer and Ovnera I Jail Delivery; Moo. - il Court
of llenerul Qiini ie . r , e-tt , io.l- of the Peace and Jail
Delivery. writ eommenre at the Court flou-r. in the
eo of haner.ter. in the Commonwe dri, o f p, oo‘y i.
I I:II MOND.% N. (tilo) 1961.
lit our-airnee of which precept. 1W ULIC
IS II ItathlllV f:IVEN.IO the , Mayor and Aldermen of
.lie city of I.anert-ier. in ...lid county, and all the .lasf
er. of the Pe.ree. the Coronet. sad Corhauble, o•
ihe nod ray and euunly of Lancaster. Thal they br
t Hen and there to their own proper parson.,with their
reeord. and ex.rtnination 4 , and Inquokitiona. and
I heir oilier reineinhrancef. to do tlin..e thing' which
o their oilier% appertain, in then behalf to be dune;
uul al-n all thir, who will pro-eeute agowrt the
prvamer.l.Vllo Ore. Or thou .11.11 1 he. tit the Jail of the
county or Loooo‘ior.llth to Le then and there to
Oro . -ecure &ISOM-111mM tl.• -toil , tor ju-t.
Doted at Lancaster. the I tub 11.13 of Dee..
s it% (t(iYD. Sherifr.
N.B.—Punctual wlentlohee of iC a J ld %Vll
li•trettlier. Ile expecte.' am! tequir.•J no the
firt=l Any of the ..e.nott . .. AhActutrn and Ju.owecof
the Prate ore required hr lie nn • er of Court. allied
Nile.ll.l, their reerW1112:1111e. to Smoot . :
Er..., Clerk of tender 'tee-coo-. witLio one week
from the day of final a eitolt to :ltd in de
fult thereol,llte Moro..trolet . nonla w • Ill no; hetil
towed Dec.
111 , T received Fity 'luxe- Vlma% 'fwerrry-fore Half
el haze-. I ~...C/, C.u,d.v. e:lntls To), Nrw• Voture-,
C. roll Curr..l%, Figrt. flommouy, Crunbelr c., sot
dine, Miro, Nlral. I r•• 1. I'vatellea, arid in fact evt ry
iburg you %runt for the Ihrio:ny ut
Dr c. 13.1-GO. ranilly Grocery :tore.
ARE now prepared to receive, and forward
FaEmil t on the Philndelpli n II 'vision. 10 no
i loin all 14011011- where they have news. at the follow
in .r rates per hundred pounds:
First Class. Secoed I Inns. Third Casa. Fourth Cloys
23 cents 21 cents. IC cents. 15 cents.
Flour iii car loads, 23 crate per barrel.
l'ie 1 lend, 111 cents per lOU pounds
First Class. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Class.
23 cents. 20 Cents. 17 cents. 14 cents.
Flour. 24 cents per barrel.
Pig Metal, Id Cent. per tun pounds.
Sl.ipmeni- Ilmde 10 PIIISInirg and ad Intepnedinte
.1.1101,.... Woo*. !!!!!! 11..
1,,,ci,.... Second Clo--. Third nu... Fourth cla•s.
d 075 do 4U
Clour per borrel. Srl eent.t.
ID' cr..11.0.1.-0.1-igned to •1nti.,.....11,•1.. Inc COM
pun) ha- uo nem. mu, I he „ w .„„,,,.
Articles of st Class.
hooks, Fresh Fish.
Hoots asu.. Shoes. :Nets in bugs.
Cedar and Wotalen IVnrc. Ponta. Sr Ale in bottles
Dry Goods, Pouter , n roars
Eggs. I'ork. (fresh.
Furtutare, Paltry. jdressee.
Feathers, \\ - rapping PnDer
Articles of tr.d Class
Apples. Molasses,
Cheese. ' 'Melons,
Clover and (11.2.0 Seed, 011 in Cask' nr borer,
Crockery, Parr in bole,
Candles. Pasteboard.
Casks or Brarels, (empty.) Peaches, (dried,
Groceries. Printing Paper
Guns and Rifles. Paper II endings.
!leering in boxes and kegs, Queens scare,
Hardware, Sweet Poutioes,
!lops. Tobucen In bales,
Iron. (hoop. band or shet , ) Te. 2.
I.etilber, Type.
Liquor 111 wood, Tallow, •
%Inrble t.laba & Marble Turpentine, (ern<
Mutsu:news. Varnish.
Articles of ad Class,
Palab - am,
Coffee Ttinitp3,
Dales green,) Vinegar,
Law. Wane lend,
Oyntc—t & Clnina. (in shell.) Window a laas.
Tobacco, itruttlutuetored,)
Articles of Itll Class.
CotICA, nonin,
Cotton, Salt.
l'inh. Palled. Tobacco, (leaf.)
Dram of all kinds,
Anil. and : 1 1nkes, Tar.
Pitch, Wld.tkey.
All I'n,glan pa} able on delivery.
11. 11. TIOUSTON.
General rr..ighl Agent, Phila.
For further :dominion, apply...a
S. 13. Kt:SO. 4 IO'N. rronbt.., Phila.
E K. BOICE. l'r.nght As Columbia,
11. AI VERS. I're3gla Agent, Latteuttter.
Colotnban, Dec 13, 1340
liore New Goods
JC-T reerivel', :I—orirneot of l.n.11,•• Shoe..
I.oir+l .s.yze Orountl rigured De I.naue... La.
ft. A . Long and -laitmre CI(Itil, Cal.61111.•10.• mid
Ve•11110 tOr gentlEnwn. All nie lovit,l if cull and er•
utruue I U. At. If. I' MI l' lift.
enfumbia. Der 1.1!..G0
"Unquestionably the best sustained
Work of the kind in the World."
1I F: ntro , popular Monthly in Om ,vorltl.--Veto
No Al31;Z:12 , 11r in r.iirnpr nr .%Tri•••rirrt RC, well
I. noon; now* •0 Moor rroder.; and. We May .
1 One Is,. eerlvril Co 1., rgr n I r. 1 ,111.• oI 11,I•
intrniiini (Min 11,,.
Oculthy.,ll, , f•lflPO. elr eutmo pn rnitr,,l iner.attirr
I, 0, of 1110 'pour S r•irolr
nrvt r loot it u,r re 0.1401 , 411 ef nn ..inn. nor
lion a more woti. Ill•Ift Slurp. el, 'lag.-
I+r• —:lleihodist rintalalit 01,111.M0r, 1.
TV6,111)41‘ 14.1 • reirilll,l riPbe.t.
tied tnto.i la-iing luxury tor cue .... •y nt.n wee hence. -01 ter. it . ft, one steel hat Ileut
Ofplltte. eVer weal •otor? INA the • one 1111,01.111 l ill
efotfteP. t• g, it.rotture PPP Pate 11111111 Of
a -alt•tott lei dung it oiuuunu el! If tile..., bort.. acid
-eta ttttt••at• if Lye It IrollelPfl P•I ••11.0er all. it the
humor Ilint rerre•thett. the plea, tu•rte. toot braig P
pepl e •11111 e. Pllfl pie.-utte of ti truth 10
loot bra ti t loud the ha r p, occnointo too of the teal nod
tatogul otre. stt ninon wilt. It oo Otte tOn liven life
above the amnia'. are lo lie put into Illefttll'e oppo.ilo
to dollar: a•id cvlm, the:: )01.1 cony be mot that if
11.c.per were !love or four time,, tt would
To 1 1, 1 3 i e puce It 14 a Ni.tgozioe proper. whit
the ilea and put 1.0. e of a Mer,ll2llle-1101 a 600k : 1:01
whale pemotheal. nor let ft tqfpplief of li jilt go ,
-ip and 'icily)' noeedo e•--but n Nlntnetne ilott
eery fof inierentne. it ti , it. loud attractive.
to et atm . s catty —Southern 7Yinet•
The Va4lllle. 141:1,111.1, a
burr/ of nn-rell.oteau. rt,11:111r. ..LIVIS eat, not hue
fittalt , t, me wme 1•0111ropp• Lilt Other ettlllictlitott
atm In,, come Lind, our mitre —Zoltan Courirr
n l•• the Ite.n•u-ittineil tort. of the
land 111 the 61/ gunge; that i- to any 111 tine Prot to'
9.fendul c. 0.)" torn thr Editor's l'al.'r Pre
ninny. piece —X Y. Christian Arltorate and J4,tirnal.
We titu.l reier 111 feral.. Of cuing)• to the high 'Wife
stud ettfled ear. lielleeS of Ittlurpre Jour.
mat vent. it montlll% coreol.ttion of 11 . /01.11 1711 UOO unpie.
11l a I/0-e pages are to be 'mold some of the choicest
intni and treorr.ll reading of the do y NVe •peule Of
I his wouk to 4 m 1 evt.lenee of the Acne• neon people,
nod the nortularlty it has a, quirt d as Melded. Each
itunelter romaine rutty 144 pug., of thstrot tire matter.
upprnprintely illn•totted wnn good wood -cute; and it
ronnititte , in 11,1:: intstithl) nod the more
til ii ;tt sophical gu.inerly, thentlett with the I,e-t ten"
turf- 01 the daily joie flail Is hits great power m hhe
erratum and di... Inn. wino ai ri b^r oi to : t p.e. t .
.4.71(fk.1 Ltf.raft.tlt
The Arsearate m he olqutaed of llor.4seller.. re.
r odic a I Arent, or from tire Publi.hers. of Tnerh 1)0L-
Likit+a, or TorKere 7t: t: CnN7- a Nunsiwr. The
:Pena-umlaut Volume, u• endtplele.l, neatly bound in
Cloth, are ...A at rwo Dollsr• earl]; mod Muslin Co
•r• rise furoi•hed 10 rho-r Who uri..h their truck Nu m.
hers umto.rol) bound. at Twora)..Lse. C'snia each.—
Tsremy Volumes arc now ready, buuud m Cloth, •rid
alum as llali Colt.
The rublt.her- will supply Speeiczen Numbers
gratuitously to Agent, and rominamets. and will
make litterul arrshartnetits with theta for eareutadhs
the Magazine. They will also .upp.y Cluh. of Two
retson. at rive Dollars a year or Five Person* at
Ten Dollar-. Cl, rgymen and Teachers supplied at
Two Dollar• a year. :5 urnhertl iom the eammenee.
went eon now Le supplied. Alms.lbebottud Volume.
The Magazine wraiths ot er seven and not inert
eigtt cutter.. The romage upon earl; Number.
which 11104 hr pntd quntteely in advance at the alter
where the Magattne a. reeerved.r. Tuaaa Csicr.t.
HARPED es. BUOr1111:Vitl.
Ili tUnt Square. !St ‘r York.
I lit. - 1" RICEIVED ti . it - 1 2 1iliallitiNeee Crop Mo
t , elear a. Honey; also. the best "'y'
Sytup•ra enttunlan. at A. M - RA 51110'S
Vomit grocery Store, Odd l'elloarb Jlal I.
Cola, 151,60.
TRU,St_O,I7 7 S TEA;
A LSO. Slut ngitue Tea., P., art:toted to Ipe tire bet: lent
il voki iii this male', it' they do not give vaii•fuettott
:he motley will be rt food! d, Young 11) son and Muck
Teas at fu ri. per Lb.. at A. 111. RAM et Ps
Dee. IS. 1&!1.P. Faulty Grocery Stop d.
As. I G now: will set ve the skiver's Cobtm
-4J Lla. every - Tbur-doy. with fresh ny c.
i5r....“1 will vivo- dy bring : , 1.11.1011 and Whbe
which he will sell on reasonable term,booing lc:olden-a
nil. • Yours #:s.. CIIAS.II GROVE
Order- I,f! at A M RAMBLYS firneery Siam will
pi.lripteitennet,. J Dee. 1,
Splendid Stock of New Firs.
I'ESING flailed:l a magnifieent a-sartment of new
and genuine. LA IT RS,
Mink Alarien Sionc Marlon in 1,0.4,
Marten in set., Sqinrrel in ot-bi,
Black Sable in -et., Drown Sable in
4 : 4 e err Ata ren rn
ill nil the prrvatling s.t) h iU at vrt y low prirea.—
Coln. Ile, I, Clwor, Cade
Yo. 32, North Queen Street,
S the Cheapest place in the City fo gel
Bowel!anent,. Ilook•. Stand and %Yorke., in every
deo:mete:it of Literature; elan. Sohocil Bnok•. mat
Schutt! Stationery. Trenpricag all the various Read
mg and Spelling !look.. A mimetic.. A Ignhre.. Cram
m..r.t. Et; ino.ogie•. Die tontines. Ilt•tortes, l'hileso
piTes. and all the School Bonk• used in the variou•
reline and S1.1100:1, of the City end County
it pet 'ter ari h Copy and CoutpcTition Book., Letter.
Cap and Note Paper. Blank llook•, Shure; Lend end
Slate Veiled 4. Penn and I folderdLelc.lnk•noul-.. asters
and ihe mast Toitplrie :le:torment of School Station:
cry on hand and fur sate et the lowell prices of ugly
place in the .it C.
Dottie. for 1.411 Diiric. for ISM! very Ori".
A Invin..e4 its. , Cl! Aim t sacs inr 171! Ann mitt.. for VI:
All kind.! All Ided•t All 1.11.1... %Vho!e-ttle and WWI:
aeltele 110 l ou hand ;Iron:pH% fura.khod
witttottt extta t btu gr. at J(11IN
Chrllp fool. Stale
No :Catch Qatten Sir tel. twit .lour to the Elmm
and lie runt ("iliac. La:lean:cr.
D.•t•. I. IK3a.
, Tixins'" for the Holidays,
120NDErt-w rill hag ju-1 reeeived at la. Itorei
11111 .upply of Raw-ea, ruerant,
Cra itherrie Vuto.s.x tx Or R Lett. ako Vc,e Ground
Spsee-; Refilled tVlllte nod Brawn Sugar., sond extra
New Or;eon. Mal.t.-e. 0.3 r baktax. ALL at rrtlueed
',tee.. 20 111.1,be-t -Levy "arra,' in now
ready at 11. 0 FOND1:118.1111T1I'S
Ore 1200. $ are., Loeu4l tl.. Cnlttinlan.
Relief for the "Crisis."
is order ihot nor arid all other. whn Troy
1 lime o lode -"VIDE AVATER CANAL AItINI,V
on band. iont be relieved or Ihr,
ter.;' we give uoliee podino will lie ta
ken in • for grad. :n e•iher .0 0 re., of
ihr gub<eriber. 11. C. ro
Dec. P, 1640. People: C. 0.11 mote.
'IIIB subscriber offers at Private Sale his
Como.o t m Jr fmin to, n nil LI,. Chu-toolMore
land, with 211 311•1, 1 5 of grnand ou the norlll ...le of the
m 811.11114 5 arre.. Inn, or le-, col the mow h. lhu tee
!moo of eh-
me 111101 lie In; Mont) dud eilliVellienee ill
the n"icl,hnrhanl—Mail,.
morn ni.ting n 11e..11111111.1.1 V. 1111.11 prove!. 2 ,priiign
wl execl!eni watt, supply !he dwciling.-pring-linii-e•
w.1.11-hon-e barn vatil and p,4 Mee. with nominee.. W3l
- 'f l oe 1101.1, t. •111131 1 e Ipol orIMITIO,I3I,I3ft and emend
.•a-fly 11.• rul.lrgr,l Tho n.O Inc lye and tin.
lieu,) higlik fern • g:. ily and pin.
IlUellVe. W 1 II el.° eV mull of t oty ; , ..tid in 3113L0111.01ee
—l3ll l llldllle hay foope toe.. 11111 11,,
There In 3150 3111 of 1:ill urea,- penele .111(1 ape
ple—ooWhearllitr, A. • T h ,•,- Ia a co „ ve „, c ,,, l „„.
oil, Iran.... ern!. tar !porn The horn 311111 .4114181 g Well
outlet, f mile ;Mom—, :even-Med, coill.1tp11.:1e
00 the south -tar a neat cottage and a tenant liou•e,
and %visa of gond water.
The Iwo 1100 e of ground tan be sold .erterateiV or
together J Ii MIFFLIN.
N. B To any am de , iritig to enlarge 1111 n loot hem
31 ennvenient Mem meinermoity off. I 111 the Cole of
27 fore. on the rant—p irt of th- original tr.cet—now
offeeed ni out lie 'ale II) ,l O. Ile,.
Cola. Nem 24. IVGm.
A •m,lllrr
lirnrory C4r/ICS rroot .Old t•:n:l)l: ` Is.
Nov. t!I
The Best, Cheapest, and most Success
ful Family Paper in the Union.
Pnee Pitt Cent- a number; $2,50 per year
ritnE etttietr. the :rod the vah.te of the
1. rooteot... llt re h• n ttotnitlete htFtttry et 0,1,1 3
all the public event- of the ye:of—there ore tonoltt
ti ddddd 00 the leatline topre..—there Pre the
grarriid tritium. (riot tolwav• triettil. however. but
strolountity 111-trarttve) of the Lonutzt r—their on- rite
tole. atud ..tot Dteken... Thoekerrty. kr
—their are the new and old—nod, above trlt, there are
rho.e Uot Ault woott rot repreicentoliohc of POPie.1100•
rttrt melt no.l thing-. of lo!lie• owl ftototintic. :Ind"(
co.ouoi anti enoot,be--01l eoot..toeil within It ..ine,te
vett/010.0011 to he had for o [felt. It t. ri ;Twol pie
tore nook of the liumato Ilk of the eittrteenth ettnturv.
11l n il ph0.1.4 all I •li uru rly oli uatm.t. Ever)
...der., moreover. m.ty brine. e-ted by ti—
the old nod thouttlatfol. they otette and ^.ov: the ot to or
the 4.104.1 and the w 1111 l sva —N. Y. ref>, illg
We would not Qrt orlon mill n•o-ntino Ilarprr•r
WeeAly it w e eerie nol ,veil oatt-fied that it (um.
ii; paper publl-l u •d in the Ileum! SI:11r, and 1 - 0 r that
eamt. and that alone. we de•-Ire In are it undermine
and root nut a eer:nin Lind aim:mime too prevalent.
a.lllell [dual, the amoral. of its read err_ ettiote• their
for ..•n-ill.. leading. and I. attagellier In its
elleet. --New Lon.inn Lerwer
A= ll•irpei'- I.n. done much to drive alit
the 1110 w-covered lot. mare ti vi •'101,1., I.r glad
in see thi. nr.v Weekly I :Ile theW.l. e of I 110, naner•
far .r,
tt. York E. angel4t
Veek It) pron. r •i7e. for lotiflleff.
aliff X , V11.111 nppu. lenity' far.,, , i• .1 fur ~ny of,
1.0.0 W 00... Inc R ,...rc.• v on the tomtit , : .14
it i- m lee. 111 ill, no I.y Wing Ilarpers Week If
tom 1 Midi 1 Jock onlan.
e:rar tYpe. fl. enterNiainz
irly. C bun ju-i enure-m- 81)1111 liar of
ice t:n t e, in% eiettanity wriitea and la-I 1 Vel.l I
Ulla rorre.pOotleoer. fill roru6tne In Janke it
the node I nevi.-.viper of onr retniiry.
ever) tinnily M 0..) prize, In eatt,len.ed weekly ...(n
tniiry rtireiroi and Ito tieurie al.*.
, oPerior to tint r0w:41.41 m nay °liter journal.
lief nK piitilv-ned MO. m a fora, for pr... rI1:111011
handing II" Olken raze of a• it de-ea Vt.+ Ia be. If *VII:
Ire fiolall it• weleo,ne. n rotor.. 1110.1 for
ale la ally a • 11e day it Waif
fi ci peru-rd.-31r Con Will illy (If Inquirer.
fl. , •prr'• tVreltly is clertroil fled. unit back num
r- nw be furtttplit tint any um,
fir Copy for Twomy Wrckr. SI 00.
floc• Cory 1014/Jle Cello. 4.50.
Iloe Copy for Two Von,. 4.110.
rive Copir• for Ono Your. 0 00.
Twelve Copier for One Year. 20 00.
'l'wootyGve Coro , . for one Veor. 40 014,
An Est•n ropy will I, allowed for every Club of
Tw.lor or •rw,qo y fine Sulworiberl.
Vol.. 1.11.. nod 111 for Ve.tr4 (057. IPSO. nod
1 4 59. of ...11A RPE WEEKl.Y.'huro4o.onoly bound
ut ClOill VIM., PI WC 58 5 0 rm•h,urr flow orvely.
Il A liPElt h 0/1411T11C11. 4 ,
Nov 7.1.1: 4 60 Franicho Alpoorr N..w Vork
l C
i Ps I :) i).YOVY : 3 9 4 ; - 7 — )
I-I It Mara)• TrUdy
Oil It !N. 110 ,mrl..
;let II polishes over I 11-I
4.1 t. It It zentsrstneol
!.111, It piodncr• to din in po', loos
11 -mails the greatest Reeves of he..t.
It is just what every noway reeds.
I. preserves tl-em! One third Irmger' our third
xsitsves wits lt,v ose-thirri irlo.Cirr I.r I-tn+
this. Time trit.l money saved. It has stood Ilse se
Leadbeater's Renowned Liquid Stove
Greetest %wavers . of the Ole 1114 i trill con
vince you. Addre.•.
ADIJEATER & CIL !Sole Maoufaeturer•.
do 920 Market .t.. Pb ihutflobia.
lareold by all respeemble dealers. 13rA
dirvnuni In the Trnde
crence.l2 nod 20 Cenec
Pot op for Deniers to ....• cow:fluky: four and
eight dozen. A •pteudul LithngraPh , c obnw rand a..
•outp.tnie- earl. package. Every :Writ/law ehoutJ
male u note of Liquid
Nov V: r.(l
TFi Fa2l•=criber har nil hand a ,urply of Crnnlierriei•
, nand Guil. 11. sur D., NI.
Nov. di. rm.. Cor. l'rnni and Union 1,14.
13 RIM r. ,fic:sli Loyer, Bunch, trecillee• and Valencia
1. Halpin.. a toll supply al 11. 9I: V DAM , :
Grocery Wore. Cyr. Trout :lad i.0,:t1,1",:i.,
Nor. 21. lOW.
IN I lin ”nmeef the rrnrlwt A supply or o:‘,.
clop Figqjuct t revived :It 11. SI" V DA lI'S
(,1,1•11.:-tottf.C.,r. Front anal 1. 4 •1. I/ $144.
No, :11.1,60
l'e ar 11 e•
:1 of fiat-rate yualny', ou L:nid a,
IL SI:VDAII . I. 4 .
rcrery Store, Cur FlWltand I ,oru-i
Nov. 21.4,430.
rat,'Opening of New fors
T Fondervoittli , s Stores ibis day. A choke scicc
fli chit of 1'1,r., including Sable. Slone and :hunt
laritn.ritch.Squirrel.llluc. Black and Mown Coney.
kr.. Carte, Victorities, MatiT. and Cutfr, for laii,en and
children, all twirler to order 111 the Lea style aud ma
terial exit-re -sly for our ...1,. to M. Inch WI! 1V+111.,111,113
invite the artenlion of the Ladten of Coluirthm and
vicinity li, C. I'ONI/SRSM
C la. Nov. Pecs:des Store.
A t cl 7111,1 Cl
I ' ,I7A I TI ' A
N0v.24. 1 , 10. Trout Street.
Jl;x'l'reeelvrd a arl.v..upply 01 Fr. -h Ground Mark
Pepin r. warranted pure, at the Drug Sion. of
Nov. V.& 1.60. rrnot
Commonwealth Fire Insura.nce
nr the Strve of Penn. , :lortme. Common
V wen ith Itai!ding, No. 613 Che-tirt Street, 1i i!a
Capital Sfilo WO—P.4M up Cs:piia‘. SMO.OOO.
e; 1
DI121:0TOR , ::
Darid .Ir.ene. M. D., Jahn JI. limier.
John M. WIOIIIII, phess Cou'ler,
Edw." rd C. Kor,.:111, 7 lenrret W
John K, e r. Henry J r ,
'Thomas S. Snwel rt. Clow,. I. va..eul
JIJIIN M W 111 Pre e.. 1. at .
S...mrEJ t MocoLSeermary.
For /11.UnI:Ire Y la C. x. z:,.&
Qoinetiollg Wultll konWura. 1 loLvr In.l fr , r4Vsglnr
CI offer for sn'e. al .21 cent+ per cutot. a Jul of Coal
ml eqtril In II noI I.7eller 111/10h •int In lid+ plurc, in
prose. VOllOl a ie oily neet.•-..y In Iry rl
1:. 1%
ITissolnlion of Partnership.
twin Co•Partm•r-Ilip her, rt . .ornz ht•tween T
1. S H ..1“1111 told 11. IC FnarvrSl , In 11,
of ili.• (;n1.1.t 1.11)illy
401V,1111,11:ty by mniu 11 1.0.1.eizl
gum Skit; and Pre.eript , on Ila.,ite-• will be rnn•
I tinned at rb.• oil .land I.y the uuder•igncd. a. par••
n.. - . under the firm an IIIIr or Dr II Joh". Zr. Co
and under the .norrvi-on of J. 1)1..1,n who nill
{I or it hi- undivided iitien . :Lut.
ll .101 IN,
11. R. IiNOTVVrI.I,
C 01... Nov. 1, ISGO
"Panic" Goods from New York.
vE b have
ugns, j o s e t rt t . l etili El_ at
, ou r
s stores, g r eat
& r. _
from tire New 1 . 0•1.11,i1krli “., , h•ttiva. pa n+rutnriy
tiro, who h eve or, n eo onfo.ints.tte ns to Inse gnr
na,nl.l on the r' fll'l eliiiilloll%. Will Liter Cr. oil.
Po.tuni y '0 0 eve . 13 per rent in O tr mid d i
L ge. a ;Mo lion of mom.% hock' I.y nt rang.
trig ihrir et ern, r of the Sr.,.,'' of the sohowv t•
ber—npro-tte Odil rel;ol.,s'llzt.l or ..41j,ming ihe Co
,n) .1'1•1;o Ct 1110114; Ilno.nri..—
C.IN tit 11 C. I'UNIJI:itS
Nov 2. 1510 Levu, r.tree.t.t;o'urnhirt
JO 'el: St! .
D rtektn;•, Mire"... 37 u•,1,-.
te ot. 1:1:US
Coin Oct ISO Cor Toir.l nod Inion.
AMES I Boots ',idle , Goat Dont, %sill, heel,
/Jl.lltileß Kid Lloo s with lieel+,ll.adie• °met, I:nois
SVIIII 11(101$ Will, hi el-. Mr....e•
Willlolll 11. el ..1101 %hip Siloe. 41.:51.)
Ileols Kip l-10. , is
I he, h 1„.. „pm Oln fir•l
will lee vl .1 • (Mat! V. 4141,
I e •GU. I. 0. a. 11. I'. 111:1*Nntl.
rnlll:-ub.eabrr-:rye Lr .yaw 0( it Boy (rile tiliono or
.ixi,•••II 5 02, old Ic p,, , tn,1) to le, ti the. Lthiel.-
cllinfilitg A pvi)
eA It I Elt Craelirtln r
Colt. Nov 13.1 , 611 ti
at G 2 et, In: In, I y
N1;10,1,, mand *1 lb
Alslll.le Stood at Si
i•luted tir .le "kale at SI '2l SI CAP
Hell St le Nlaoble .1;1nd:11.1.10 St a-,
fi lobe i.ll le %IA rifle Sl.awl .0 *I 02
Ifni II nut :a 70
Winging tot AI .37
Lamps at $1 V _
Call apa ex value OLI r chart. I,e,eOr • ;t1 , ...11•15t1g
re. .1 ••• r. S. 1 0
04.1 111.1 0 4.1. (1 , 1111••11 r bra._
I,tlit nitrrinc Intni,. go Iko In lb J tlil. We tail! nl.
I, ant' 014.110.6 r 1 . 4101 or I) I 111.111 In hnn, 17071
1111 fIOIFOO l .”141 nll T.11W11.1/•, for 50 rt. at thr
, i.nEN AIM{ l'A It Dit lli; S'FOlt
W ...velvet! n••nrlme..l . m - plain and
loin . 1t!rl• ! C . lll and
.1 S 11E1.1X:1' I'.& CO.
Nlor•ur Drug Nom
.114 ,
), vis 1.69
i - IPENING this Morning, a Beautiful Assort
_ 7 .g...n1 mit gnon, I•uL,gl.l in New lull.
and Phi...delyinn.
The once-t 10.11 VI) /CF:
Mr A r
Ti... W Cont.
Tip. roll it..:.
111. Core
Ti., Ora.", C:efli, &C.
cloth- of evrry 1.1.1. Dr. A- good. of ever.
...evl/P- , -or le, rrols ... , 1 ,0, rd 141 N. 1 .0111
ME ALI:NTS-, ta.
A brawifill n•.ormwiti. awl lute.t .t) le •:
Broth n
tlenwh 1x3117, 11..inket : 4 1ww's.
Fiettell Low: n'aliket Situ. I,
S.cituSlrowl-,etnhrt.conc evcry
%%.. rt.-pet:ll , olc 11,110 "11,011.1 to our lurk of
Co:tones, Oa...lnterco and
trig. ct•tlity .411 chrapors-, ally fil011• to tutu hoe
ver ever ofreoc.l. 11.1.I.111•N
Oct '47. Car up Ca•li :4; ore.
nstl RarLwheat Ftour. to I.ti ri , , m rolnli
r ior lf rUVl)l\l' 2
Utoro-ry Store,l'or.lor ,t 515.
Nov. 11, I 4tAl.
C LARE: oolelil.'t• rrno I for mn rkl s
&P., for .ale by H. %VILMA Nri
VU Cola l'a.
THE undersigned, Assignee of Jitney Pfnh.
I ler. of Culmultin ha• for so:e n larpe cork of C.-
d.,. 1% I How. Tco and COOret-t% or.; Coot and PridOr
StovrP, of all the Improved ttlyte.c. Cutlery.
Spo•nt... cke ; n steuerscl n...ortmeut of llonne•rururnt,
theare, • which he trill .ill at ...cry low Pita
co.c for Ca-ti. to elo, oat the convent
Country Sterel.reperA are to examine the
-lock I..vvr)clo.. will pocwitely In, .0141
as pmtible . %t hese Oct 1 , 1111.1,1,:t. Are con.ider•
site. rearoctuble el. grail nr. apotovect •c•
curtly. Store oppo-tte the U.:111.. CLU 1.1 ,
:T. IE6O A•riviee.
THE substriber has taken the Old Gallery.
.mr! to lA, 'wt., the be, and
{..r•ore• ever tr Aro in CohanLa.* He ydded
IC star W. thu.o of 11, .n.,-n•
and ha• romplrtels refitted die e•.oh6-htrent.atw is
prepared to take Iv.rrtt•pr•, 11 9 1.enngs..nli, Mesgo.
ITpes. Anthem pr., M.•lratotypes
In the n.••t aq it, 'situ at prices at ht. Is site
unheard of for he•spite".
I.llenrs.e.. warranted. and a •ati-fsrtnry picture
farm-had wathnur repealed attintga. Ile
tnmaore of the Watts! patronage :starts's extetated to
taw etsitahlndonent. Cat: mud examinee rpenlmea• at
the tonrn, ti. 16. Corner front ;Allot l.oeu•t stree t•.
hi-i story. Entrails eoo Locus• I. teat
Oet 2tl. larri. R 7. SI LITTLE.
REApY-3pluE ruo rumu.
m EN'S and Cloy.' Reariy.rnadeClothiur in great on.
I JJ, rirly• very Cheap; all goods war-arAed a. nitre.
rented. fur vale by UAL:rill' & CA .-Al.
columilia. (ler 27, IWO.
tOrerrd in tbi-Tollarr: °sm. and per. r F nr ~
•u7r tov
Co'.. rl.t r 7 51/11.11.:V V Cv'E.
Tllli I: subFzirt3ter i i tmise the an viii of
kt . Fll(2,:a 1? )!. 'variety siititl..:lvt:tyv;,-irik of
Pew-, Codee•.:f II:: a r-, H .11• F.r.
with a aria :04 stn0,1110:11 01 iittittek e<ping t,.0.0
lie, ,I 'n- the it,t‘t , !itt 1:11.15,
Nov. 2.1, ISGO
THE Subscribers !lige iqtit opeoet a large
9.sorttne it Ist 4,4.0,11 41 0 nooll+. .fs
ttlitelt they lenultt Invite lie ..:leJ+lloll of •It • .41 r,
gent, :1 . .3', I'oll-1411117 n , run,. roll :••• yier. Dres< silks.
truon :M et+. to $1 per tt arrf, rtettelt :it eristo..
C , t+l.turrei. Col•urg.. Alpnt a<
Flmtneloflo Gnu", St.are Cloth, C.l.hitnerrh. Suutto 1.. Yet-ti a,<. Calf
po lid .alow
Shoe-, Queete.wat . e, (.10C, WI, :4:1 , t I'rOVI,OII..
eviller owl] Clt rt , ” r gneull itratalty Li pi to eountr)
f Wiitell they ottil .eil at tire Very lowe-t
rush p. t ee< Count ^y produce of al; Lind- taken lu
exchange lot good at the Ittglitttt trittrltet peer
Thankful for the a 'Nth:ly litteruf patronage bet.totteed
upon Ito m, they Would ray to their customer.. anti
t ire ennitoutiltrin geperal, that try rair Deul.rg. sad
-Inlet tetetittott to tot.tinet,, they hope to ttleA II .1 ,on
of the ram, Ala L . l lIC & CASE.
• •
1.c.cu21 Sl., Oppo-ite .1 Rumple & Ihrdware
Slow. ;1)4 v., x.Olll
inziLADEzlrizazi. pasixxorrs
A clock rf fnc rden0,.E. 1 ,1.4, awl Ana n ait
tiotha, rus-Interi..i. :tad Vestmtti, lOrly arid
Cotita•y trade. ts tilt nit uoappioarlt ible lit.•ortinent al
Heady-tootle Clothirg at the In, e+l crab Once..
fEr'llut Otte Plice i 1-I.ed. nod a Gtit or tiorio-te
a ooh and ukt• pra•en red with each article cold
Pirelierairraltetit on paid tO• he eti.tomerdepar m ot.
nail game/It= math. mud -en, to any addre.%
In ittattoerating new -y.tent of doittr, hu.o e-F
M.A.,. die 510 t.. ., wood nopwp. on the Mord- of the
pritrotat or hot e-tattl.annent. Ihrit he co-1 of Ite gift to
deducted ('rain. and :in' added to tint price of tiw
t i t l e frir I r a ni ... o ar-1y lie rein-Ole e•deli
hint to cog thur: nit.: at .14- paint. tart: •, to r.••,1-
,2.0. 3 r. noiaor it•Ve prow.
- t.l
tt.tN VIII E
Clur Pz,c,
No Go; •Ili
tle t 9P, I
•r. cryvt al
0 priri•ll•• tae frllo‘,.. the 1,,,,,0n•s
1:1.• 11.1,14—ate 4n ii, g.1.4.1411011-
cart,ae. ni Chico New Geo L:ii, week_ 1 . .11110-
tia•weel •ti If) the te,aotte rot •Ippitt, or
, 1': In .11141 I' tar) .
eh I.:to+-y l'o it,. 41 A:•-avoni4 and •n:id
I .1,1 Freaett ledly the rtretate.i aad
W.. CV., !art — ele-e1
no;‘,oeletita,, ,o i I . ...hrnero-.lrool ('op-
aaa La, I,a.t.'lo,"Del.t WI, • °hi In 00h,..,
AI top sent-elite- in travehlig dren- good-, entire
e^\- Ia tlu t 12 are 111 A.
J S. lA:U.I:T r,
If Juii
H It. KNOT wr.t.t
Cola. Oc: 11, 1.G3
OF Nr..177 GOODS.
MW eAlltiting the largest, most desira.
bk. nuJ f•lgt•npes• gnmi4 r ntir•re.l; Iva
New Volk and (wrirteutt- ro.-
amyl , r• nip to 111•1,1•11 cur food, valifitirn ly
IleV.lg :111 will I r pir,c.4•l4. tothe Vartely .qttalit)
17.11111,!y cll.:, o f raj' or
Lupin . * !'•e: - ..en ',Lurk
rind in sill eltlOT.t. I,tlolll's rrel , ell
rnik•l ppinit
Inv.lll vim.. bouquet.. poll,
•pols out double width
•1 Ir. all vviic.l t intl d Cia-lim• tea. I. :1471, it (MM.
1 , 1411,11.. 1•10111 . Otioinais.
100 di. 1 It tOn pier, 11:$121,1-
, Pl,lll, .lUli 4-4 Chintz.,
50 wee, 1 . 01,U.g. 9111.11104. in :Intl color.
eat' r1:1 , 1
.10.11,.. 1.1410 Clo.v,eg -tt.eles. Altai. le
:141d Velv et%
ctrl In. Inn •ron I.rovh.. lofty, mad .cota rr. pl u n
Ithic4 nud pl,u•l Flasart : 4 1.1., I. 141• re :tied (Mil
then 's z-baw;. lair p-e••rd ! , 11 tuvla
Tlte I•rgrn mast entnpit 10 il“Or1111f111 tVit rver
oftered, mitt 01 toital4ally /Ow rrICI . S. We in, • I
11111 r 1111,1110.1 10 our Caul, Dt purulent DO)• l'a••1-
mere, &
lanketok. 4VOO/op Car.
ertet, engn.oriuble•. II 4 Lineal Shirtio 11.. t
bl 0.0100 111.11 0111 1 1C 1 1. 1 1.Clie01:01.1•1. 0 , 1, 10C,L01.0. 00.1
1 . 011011 PII I O I . I r Good, n 4 ...a 0 1.1 ten 11 in
To 1.1” Octal . , 1.01 ) 10 4 .0•14 11012, 1.11.011
rms. I 1 Etc otilon '1..1.10 et Sr
1 . . 1 .1110.T1NG , vriy lot of 'wt.,. .13.404, ap,,l
at redue,d
Ft. Inn 011..C1.0T11.1..—Fr0:1111 rir.llo arJa
A 15... v. In:
TABU, Otl. CLOTIII.—FrOITI I yard 10 2 ynril. w.d...
1•1)11W r lln 4r. —A romplett...•miltWill. 13.111ey •
Wit uo, ) 4 100e ti c
C.orrr oulto. 1.410,•, an.: Cotton Car
pri C .14
y ~p
1 no atinvn e omprin.i 02117 portion nr our
good 4. If I.D1:11AN'•
Cola I`GO. CLrnp C:.11 Mont
\IOW opening a very •large and • complete
lls.•ottlaw:4l :ompoia34l4. gond, i'lle,rprr Oran
boor A m). t wog lt. nas. n
lioco -turn r..
CIIILcI.4 or c0 , dm..,,
pm: 10 know tn.! /37.nrrnan. a nut m C,tre S'ilenrC
1 . 4.11/prl . t. iloidi, ‘l held
4.1,0.2.111 in•ILI .4
1:c0n... for
o.lli-1, int %%•:01.11.g .
I..irls,fe (tAtter-. dauble curd,
Moroeco Muir,
hac.• 0000liolcol In in Ik Ihe Des! Work. ni
mew Inn: reduced pr rr.. i. rUgh our pint a ;s u e
e hnoe In enlatge nor I , Ualot-sa by no duo g .
Nose. colicis- CI CO utnln.l, 100t...t the al.ny.•
nr :OW worn too otone to I,nneroorr Rive
tonan II 1 . ..M1L:U.1 vve !eel aut,fird boa (Si I be
11:•• .11,1 ‘Volk Of every eharnen.r for
Isn't , . nun] elool ah.v•t v. balia.
b.-Month. r li, 1,60
F ,,i t tr, . r .111 r. e :10 14. re. imt 4U.0 of oil
11O l vt).1 . 11 of 1 , ,r nr,..,d
Thl. Med le 11, ~,, ght the Ms, miraculous
et.t• • ill deli, 2 . 4. a -o•
earn nt p. l'Anerr O. ro m•moo4.
Imp P. 0. 'be 1,00.
(1 11. ot.t.lForn r Irrr
r.etivr A 1110.1...,.
Il I . I -u
I 4411 If ff
Lit err, 1.0.• al A ppetite,
ezithit-• :"tomarth.
rthathe Coathl.tito- 'lad Alt 11,1 A•ca luring %heir
n:azot intatith •tht , . al ilia 1:1. oil
‘v.,• re Cr ia the at Da,. to Mo• !lent). m N a mer
100 . 0.f00. who on the 31•. cu. of :Lotto,. tt,„4.
anti:too 1.. f.•ea y. that la• in• tr 1,1
for the vale al .."•er lit tater Ithr i on 0,
',lathy and hi Dr. Nth. 10 , 1 of dm 11 ha 1... Col •1.;.• tit
Oarttatath (01 1.1 tthal ocAtli etglti nth..
withgtotolat; wbath. In. ao•e. Wad n mat tan of ht
lett 01,4: vve, eattrt•ly r.n.vl ow s • lie and Riot,
1111 all lo pe. %PO,. lie 1 t et...1 of the ••Illtoot 41 , tie•r. ••
art wn• illtinrrlt In Ire 11 1 , 0111,4 t•0r..,1 ;urn.
tool •zatlr Ilact4ured. thaft• no q tools
but WlOil ill, of W1:n..1,4 . motil Nor td tit. ate. To,
lull rarttetth.r. at Ind) fur .1,11
etreolor, orltteh ran I.e ha 1 01 out) of Ilte
\Ve Vier :0 of Sane!. 01 Fide.-
ton. A FITI , IrOIIg ononly. 1 . tired of Scroflua uftet
bet g aitoltle to trl 0101 orb, 1 fir Cir -
TV 111 C C 1, 40 of it lath• to all taw' le. elcathela
%tat t% pr ulth .1111 aft• 4 a tth Z. , erot.fla In as
wnul (attn. • • -
To /hr. t• n( neurp• Mr', 1 re.f.'in_ to ,
matt insttshw r,..ut0l • .* llO W11..01.1.14 1.1111•1-
rd woh Caotrer thso A rnt but culo, 110, olr. J1:41
nor.c. If Nw-11 , 1r, 11164 Nlet:renr)'••
Tter p.n tlrulars ail the w C ...ic---41ver. • of
t•y of 11, 1145.•1 Scan-her—nye)
t. 1.41 In: bun,: at. ”lal . to he had of oily 01 the
m 1 rooptit tnr.
I.staolatorF (nettle rn-lahafoe are and lie.ef the
Peatata Ru Ithaal Depot, llnitid e) otah re Pea
11(.1.Ieo II e• ref .V. ho Amotot, lett•botc.
AGcNT. FLbli Cot Front -i.e....
Dr. XV. S McCort.,, 0,11 11.01. .
ad 1. taa. betlett la Co ..I...oitten ,talottat Drag 'tore.
:. 4 rirt. 15, leGft•Gtn
The Nutual Life Insurance Company
OV NEW 1 10111.11 E,
AVtiRTII OVER $13,000,000.
m il pr env um. ure I °souk 11.1, in tun., n•i,er Con,
/ the Viv Wend • h the bee. ORVI.TRIt.
Th. n •orletly Mtatuni ensin.,l) Then . vt , nn
nO p:ofits I/Lions to he ‘.l
au red.
S. W. corner I oath noci %Y.gintol worm,
T/IlloAut:LrtitA FIF.FP.I2I7.VCCS:
Thonaa• Rohn., Job. WO .I.
Slobleral I. Puerto .I:rnrc. /I Smart,
°row. S troud, /F:
John H Myere. J Toher I.ranong,
Jo , rh P.oter.on„ ‘Vninon Invioh,:,
John AL Atwood. A nliwq. retro . .
'llona, 11. Powert.. I•earr. %T. Toland.
Wonam Alegre. 'I inns W,,t.,nn.
inn‘j every 1110 , 11Trillorn may be had gray
mon oppluikuo tt. It 1 , 11141) 1, K. IT D.
of D I 111:1 * NI IR. II 1)
lrsJ. 1-:r.
cor. now und 17:11LAISti,
..\%.,. 607 Chcslaut Stied
511,11% I.S
21.1 11041.1.
RI .•umnt,r Digordrr,
%Ali Ith-nen
.01,Tt6er ;9:I• B ,Ullph'lll. I••c`r ' S9. Sri7 ,
Hat:, n h:el.l heCarl rc coui , niaul
f ir.l •
Vrow. ar.i '71,•
Dr. •Dr Eser.weiiils Tar arid Wood Zia:
tlaa. Pectoral, -
TS the BESTitiErtif!ilVErimll4 . world, far Cr
Cilrenf entitlitt i.J Colal-. c0..!..1:14. r
thinn,DttlL.A.lll3 l'alp , 'ltt nit: c flew
ll4pilter, 1. all for aliet. , •.l/14/•C it•is ,, ter •
• s afire etC wiil• all •;.n.t•rpt
i the ant) t•;11••1..11:d U :i1.•:1 rrt,:;•ltt)tif •.• &tor ,
uccu! nO.arlf .1 In the tl.,lit a' 1,17 , :.
rangprepar ed . .. 3 rll eoral 1 • 1. a . 1, ' r
r. 10! no, of g V, • Nr , rIV,ICV• .c•• .n• •UN •-• •
tannic..4'••••ra•t•- '0 0:i .12 , 11•• , •
I' :•• erilete.llo :Le titi:lo , l4 1 . / . • t:•• a• - t • :••
Uf — Try rt :ler! !•0 rwtt.tir , cd 1%.,1 it
ItioCait of Ilroari..l ;;;,„.
Prier for: COO , .r 0•1;••
remedy for thar.har. I. 1/3 . ..ra1e,),..1" •• t r •
be-.aorl a!! Bo 4a..1 Aft:allot:4 Try I, I'ro •-'S •
par 1.0 , 14•,,
I Ci .. " 11.4 11.,:iri.v.r are 1 . r. - : ire.; n,•') '•••
IN. A. 1;11 , 1•::\ tVIII N. Drov.:l-;
N Coiner and at• I• 6 e
by every ler•roe:al.le pfllg . ;l-1 and .:tr
Morlieme lit rouallout lice Star.
Jalle 16 tooll ly
IPr. Dariuslam , s
I rinv inethcinc luau been u•trel by the "public for
5 ear., with mere:,-i ny favor. I, is It e 011101.1,1.
Is cure Dy<peroin. Norvouge..vo. Ileart-Iturn, .
Pa 1,... lVi,th in the t•itoumeh. or Pam. tit the few....
Hew:ache. neewsme.3.. Kidney Coo plan t.. Lo -
It'. Doi rtum Treme.....lntempernowe. •
It t , it , nnto. ca. Calalttrotec, I iv To. ate., but :I. It 1.
lotoxat-ale or
A.:. merheine. quick and e'ertual. emine I'
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The umiersigned having need Profem,r
with the must satisfactory result., and hosing full e! .01
dente la their genuineness, purity, and effiency, theca fully
recommend them to all persons who wish to have Aare, re
liable, and efileaciaus remedies at hand for private 0: do.
'nestle use.
The Rev. IVrn. llnsmer, editor of "Tim Northern In I--
pendent," Auburn, V, Y the Rev. E 11. rusty,
Rector of St. Peter's C11%11,11, Auburn, N. Y. ; the Rev. I! '
Ives, Chap.:Tat of the Auburn State Prison; the It '
Spencer M. like, Rector, New.lledford, Muss the Lc ,
Allen Steele, tics-York Conference ; tire Rey. Soo— /
Nichols, Esst-Genesee C‘o.fcrencr, N. Y. • the Rev. P. S
Pratt, Dorset, Vt. ; the Rev. Joins 11. Roble, Du17..1e ; A. C.
Gaut, Fom • Utica, N. Y ; the. lion. Neal Dow, Portland,
Me. ; the lion Sohn) Icr Colfax, South•ltend, tot ; the lion
George ihtmphreys, N. Y. , Henry D. Cook, Esl., iLl't.r of
The Ohio Stale Journal, thdambus, Olio, the Hoe. R. 11.
Graham, Moline, 111., the Ilan. Thom. J. ch Ise, Id, • •
cello, Fla.; the Ilan Joseph Benedict, Eden, N. Y.; 1V •.
Bristol. Eye , N. Y. ; A. S. Pond, Esu , N I ;
Janay Piankett, Ilse , Nashville, Tenn.
N.,. l —For Fever, Congestion, end Inlturanation.
No. 2—For Worm Fever, Worm slallo, Wetting the fir •
No. ll.—For Code, Crying, Teetffine, and Wakefoiness ' I
No. —For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantunt, and Sur-tare
No. s.—For Coilr, Griping+, Dysentery, or Illoody
No. f —Per Cholera, Cholera Morena*, Vomiting
o 7 —Per Coughs, Colds, Tullornon, and Sure Throat-
No. S —For Tooth-ache, Fat:cont.°, and Neureleto
No S—Por Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of the
Ilea I.
Na. Hi—Degrees!' Pltts—For Weak and Derange
stomach, Constipation, and Liver Complaint.
Ni. It —Fon Foe toe leaset.L•ernes, Scanty, Poit.ffil, Gr
Ilimpressed Periods.
No. 13.—For teucorrhea, Profuse Menses, earl Deana;
Down of Females.
Ni, ll—For Croup, Hearse Cough, Dad Ilreathire•
No. 14—Stir R.figUld Pius—Poe Erysipelas, Erutlon,,
Pimples en the Face.
No. l&—ltuireu 4:11C Pttos —For Pain, tameness, or S,re
nets in the Chest, Ds.ek, Loins, or Limbs.
A.—For Fever ant Aiiue, Chill Fever, Dumb ,A,%fue, Oi I
Illemenaged A7.11V..
P.—For Idea, or tree line. !Morns' er Externs'.
O s Wes., or Inflame] Eyes and tja.ll.l. F
Weak. CV' Marred
C.—For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, ehl cc nit/
obsorunion or profuse discharge.
W. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating its violence one
shortening its course.
In nil acute diseases, leach u Fevers!, Intlenualtiors.
Diarrhea, Dysentery. Croup. Rheumatism, and such crop.
Live diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, thy
advantsse of eying the proper remedies promptly ht tie
Ideas, and In all such cases the specifies act like a charm
The entire disease is often arrested at once, and la ail 01.1
the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease she. t
mud, and rteelered less dangerous.
Coughs and Colds, which arc of such frequent OCCllTTctte
and whi,h so often lay the foundation of diseased istet,
bronchitis an I consumption, may all be at once cored 17
the Fever and Cough Pita
In all cbroole diseases,such an Dyspepsia, Weaktlerrni
Conotipohen, Liver Complaints, Piles, Female Debility, ant
/rregulerities, cell Headachy!, Sore or Weak Eyes. Cabo
Snit Ithent., and other old eruptior.s, the case ilr.s
whose proper application will afford a cure in almost every
instance. Often the cure of a sloee chronic dliteulte, seen
ate 14 sixtieths, Piles or Catarrh, headache or Female Svc:A
nne., his more that paid for the case tea times over.
Case of 26) stale norplele, in rnorocoe, and Ilool: /5
Case of ?,./ send.., and hook, plaM. 1
Co. of I}numbered bor.., wnd ?look i
("wee of 6 boxes. nankbonel, and &lot. .... ..
.0,e.: numbered Luxor rrlth dlroedlone.... .. . .25 ter..
imgle lettered bourt, .1 It 14 directions . ..110 vmdw
! ergo oast of l.: oz slats, for planters and ; .n4m - ..0 . •2.1
rem ASTRWit OA itITMS:C.-:-Opprel<o.l. sh,reo
Ity caching, attended wilts Cough end Elxpectoratio.! Trio..
30 cent.. per bog.
NI LA R Drscaancrs Asp Dr trete". —Discharges fror- the
Ear, the remit of Markt 'Fever, Al.osles„ er Ilercurlun
For It n!sce in the fiend, hardness or Hearing. and ILing
o r e
D the Ilan, and F.onache. Price, 1!.0 cents rxr bet.
Ena fLcr.ors. A.—Ehlargctl Viands, Enlarged and induct
rl Tonsils, Seeilinrs and Old Floers,,ficrofulous Cachou of
Children. Pet:eh:A cants ter box.
roe haleasAL lIRVLITY —Physical or Nereoux Wetlenves.
Caber the result of .sfeforw., Ise/wive aleticotion, or ha.
I tJahnie DischArce.. Price, MI cents per box.
oa Worst! —I lull Accumulations, Tumid Berellinys,
.csnly Secretion!. Price, f.d rea's per wx.
Fun era-Sanixesw—Dcathly Ancw‘ Vertigo, Souses.,
Vomiting. Sickle," from riding or motion. Price, 5,11 cents
per box.
Fce URRART Plum—For Gravel, Benal Calculi, D.C.
auk, Painful Crissatico., PisenSes of the Kldnej s. Price,
tents per box.
Foa Eneneat, Dertnoos.—lstsoluttary Discharge.' a• I
Conerquent Presersolon and Debility, Uad 'kook. of Ft
tfabits. The most =tees...fat and eniclont remedy knot
and may be relied upon as a cure. Price, al* full direc
tions. BI per box.
Persons *be wish to place themselves under the prefer
'tonal care, or Co seek advice of Prof. Itrwrinurra, wan ds
so, at hls edict SC2 Broadway. daily from I A.M. to r.u.
or by letter.
Leon own' the rot; calla ay a came of wbat kind you
rhoo.e, and back*" the amount In • current note or lit , anya
to our addrn.", duly f,f4 Broadway. Nre.170.".
and the inadletne wtU be returned by mall ot etprem.,
hoe of entree.
A . G orrs Aswro...-sr. desire an attire. efficient Arras
nu• the sale of our Ilmandiaato every tows r commons
0,4 4 4 Asks. batPeos Dr. lIWIIIII4= 4 4 111.4.
Stbea DV 4.. Mt
• to. %mit.. Ac, ust,4
M N 14,1