FUND'S EXTRACT OF lIA:VIANIELIS;OR • DESYIRIYY RR 14 our eite few domestic reinedic. %Mid, bare come Sao getrend tt.e and Com r. "wit flout pioffortr. It to the, of. cimpbo shod,- burntici.siu oil vlortonoi .es repiedy- unequalled. .11 4 or (Jan-. C.,& inroiseo. Soreuro-, Surmise+, rilieuinaii.m. ;OW It:Vive at, 0:1 et nod Wolooln. it bog . mit nit •cima I. It it rd-o wilt, great tootteetat. for Tooth -ache. Ileoddielie, Neural gin, Dore 'lii toal. Colic. Dint rhcco, 110 and other similar troultietrioneautl putnital affeetion., while is promptly urr,-.1. 01 Hein ,mrlitoget. liitadrrtlt of oily nhriwts uc, n daily iii dick !practice,- mid glee tt their 1111(11111i1 fi-61 n - cotruntpla • Loos. Sold by nut tumid. on.ldroleic-..ruto F. It CAI PIIREVS ec CO.. 5132 Sole Prop 61M, and e r+. !Dr A.M. RA Ntco, Odd Slim,' Aileid. for CO' it Uoy IY. loll) gON'TINENT4I,X, SA..T.OON. ILT 1110 Coldineelinl. earlier I'rouf add Lora-t !JOT COFFEE— TEA, Oy.trr. in g.r.od ge,Wrla re Ire Arnow. irre perved up 01 ita) hour, day or uip,id. '1 hel , ed Luger ulwn). 161 , 1 , L . . 1 4. Lk" . 1:11RIS3IAN 8. lI.ANNERY. •NOTIC-131. . • meeting. of the t.titelatoldera of 41, re l. lumina Ma onthe tiring Compony .ear he 'l,rll.lof th.•ir offive ou Nloodar. .1 y 14. 186 I, trowren tire 4, ourr. of Olm and three o'clock V M,. for the purpo.r• of electing. one Pre-ideal riot 1,,,C Mittl 3 r2r 4 . l. ". .erve the canning ye:n. T. R. :AU Cat. Dee.V9. 19%114t Secretary. DXFGEIVIZIEIAT FLOUR.. fkii Sari:4 of Prime linel:wlient Jo .4 been Vltt received by the Rubsei 'het, h be InweA market price.. AI -n. a large qunimtr fir...l-ram A pgu,Es. OF - .DIFFEREN 4.` VA RI ET I E. 9., hit gralird fruit. For , illg Port. We would not Qrt orlon mill n•o-ntino Ilarprr•r WeeAly it w e eerie nol ,veil oatt-fied that it (um. ii; paper publl-l u •d in the Ileum! SI:11r, and 1 - 0 r that eamt. and that alone. we de•-Ire In are it undermine and root nut a eer:nin Lind aim:mime too prevalent. a.lllell [dual, the amoral. of its read err_ ettiote• their for ..•n-ill.. leading. and I. attagellier In its elleet. --New Lon.inn Lerwer A= ll•irpei'- I.n. done much to drive alit the 1110 w-covered lot. mare ti vi •'101,1., I.r glad in see thi. nr.v Weekly I :Ile theW.l. e of I 110, naner• far .r, tt. York E. angel4t Veek It) pron. r •i7e. for lotiflleff. aliff X , V11.111 nppu. lenity' far.,, , i• .1 fur ~ny of, 1.0.0 W 00... Inc R ,...rc.• v on the tomtit , : .14 it i- m lee. 111 ill, no I.y Wing Ilarpers Week If tom 1 Midi 1 Jock onlan. e:rar tYpe. fl. enterNiainz irly. C bun ju-i enure-m- 81)1111 liar of ice t:n t e, in% eiettanity wriitea and la-I 1 Vel.l I Ulla rorre.pOotleoer. fill roru6tne In Janke it the node I nevi.-.viper of onr retniiry. ever) tinnily M 0..) prize, In eatt,len.ed weekly ...(n tniiry rtireiroi and Ito tieurie al.*. , oPerior to tint r0w:41.41 m nay °liter journal. lief nK piitilv-ned MO. m a fora, for pr... rI1:111011 handing II" Olken raze of a• it de-ea Vt.+ Ia be. If *VII: Ire fiolall it• weleo,ne. n rotor.. 1110.1 for ale la ally a • 11e day it Waif fi ci peru-rd.-31r Con Will illy (If Inquirer. fl. , •prr'• tVreltly is clertroil fled. unit back num r- nw be furtttplit tint any um, fir Copy for Twomy Wrckr. SI 00. floc• Cory 1014/Jle Cello. 4.50. Iloe Copy for Two Von,. 4.110. rive Copir• for Ono Your. 0 00. Twelve Copier for One Year. 20 00. 'l'wootyGve Coro , . for one Veor. 40 014, An Est•n ropy will I, allowed for every Club of Tw.lor or •rw,qo y fine Sulworiberl. Vol.. 1.11.. nod 111 for Ve.tr4 (057. IPSO. nod 1 4 59. of ...11A RPE WEEKl.Y.'huro4o.onoly bound ut ClOill VIM., PI WC 58 5 0 rm•h,urr flow orvely. Il A liPElt h 0/1411T11C11. 4 , Nov 7.1.1: 4 60 Franicho Alpoorr N..w Vork ( A z: .LEAD BEATER'S l C i Ps I :) i).YOVY : 3 9 4 ; - 7 — ) LIQUID STOVE-POLISH! SEVEN REASONS WET IT IS THE REST. I-I It Mara)• TrUdy Oil It !N. 110 ,mrl.. ;let II polishes over I 11-I 4.1 t. It It zentsrstneol !.111, It piodncr• to din in po', loos 11 -mails the greatest Reeves of he..t. It is just what every noway reeds. I. preserves tl-em! One third Irmger' our third xsitsves wits lt,v ose-thirri irlo.Cirr I.r I-tn+ this. Time trit.l money saved. It has stood Ilse se vrre•ttc-ts. TRIUMPIIANT, TRIUMPIIANT. Leadbeater's Renowned Liquid Stove Polish. Greetest %wavers . of the Ole 1114 i trill con vince you. Addre.•. ADIJEATER & CIL !Sole Maoufaeturer•. do 920 Market .t.. Pb ihutflobia. lareold by all respeemble dealers. 13rA dirvnuni In the Trnde AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHEW crence.l2 nod 20 Cenec Pot op for Deniers to ....• cow:fluky: four and eight dozen. A •pteudul LithngraPh , c obnw rand a.. •outp.tnie- earl. package. Every :Writ/law ehoutJ male u note of Liquid Nov V: r.(l _ • ICA A N'S FIR TFi Fa2l•=criber har nil hand a ,urply of Crnnlierriei• , nand Guil. 11. sur D., NI. Nov. di. rm.. Cor. l'rnni and Union 1,14. ;RAISINS! RAISINS! 13 RIM r. ,fic:sli Loyer, Bunch, trecillee• and Valencia 1. Halpin.. a toll supply al 11. 9I: V DAM , : Grocery Wore. Cyr. Trout :lad i.0,:t1,1",:i., Nor. 21. lOW. FIGS.! PIGS: IN I lin ”nmeef the rrnrlwt A supply or o:‘,. clop Figqjuct t revived :It 11. SI" V DA lI'S (,1,1•11.:-tottf.C.,r. Front anal 1. 4 •1. I/ $144. No, :11.1,60 J)RWD :FRUIT' l'e ar 11 e• :1 of fiat-rate yualny', ou L:nid a, IL SI:VDAII . I. 4 . rcrery Store, Cur FlWltand I ,oru-i Nov. 21.4,430. ~Fi rat,'Opening of New fors T Fondervoittli , s Stores ibis day. A choke scicc fli chit of 1'1,r., including Sable. Slone and :hunt laritn.ritch.Squirrel.llluc. Black and Mown Coney. kr.. Carte, Victorities, MatiT. and Cutfr, for laii,en and children, all twirler to order 111 the Lea style aud ma terial exit-re -sly for our ...1,. to M. Inch WI! 1V+111.,111,113 invite the artenlion of the Ladten of Coluirthm and vicinity li, C. I'ONI/SRSM C la. Nov. Pecs:des Store. Rrowu'z A t cl 7111,1 Cl I ' ,I7A I TI ' A N0v.24. 1 , 10. Trout Street. Jl;x'l'reeelvrd a arl.v..upply 01 Fr. -h Ground Mark Pepin r. warranted pure, at the Drug Sion. of It. WILLIAM S Nov. V.& 1.60. rrnot Commonwealth Fire Insura.nce Company, nr the Strve of Penn. , :lortme. Common V wen ith Itai!ding, No. 613 Che-tirt Street, 1i i!a lelphrt Capital Sfilo WO—P.4M up Cs:piia‘. SMO.OOO. e; 1 DI121:0TOR , :: Darid .Ir.ene. M. D., Jahn JI. limier. John M. WIOIIIII, phess Cou'ler, Edw." rd C. Kor,.:111, 7 lenrret W John K, e r. Henry J r , 'Thomas S. Snwel rt. Clow,. I. va..eul DAVID JAYNE. JIJIIN M W 111 Pre e.. 1. at . S...mrEJ t MocoLSeermary. For /11.UnI:Ire Y la C. x. z:,.& ColuittLia. Qoinetiollg Wultll konWura. 1 loLvr In.l fr , r4Vsglnr CI offer for sn'e. al .21 cent+ per cutot. a Jul of Coal ml eqtril In II noI I.7eller 111/10h •int In lid+ plurc, in prose. VOllOl a ie oily neet.•-..y In Iry rl 1:. 1% rrow I=El ITissolnlion of Partnership. twin Co•Partm•r-Ilip her, rt . .ornz ht•tween T 1. S H ..1“1111 told 11. IC FnarvrSl , In 11, of ili.• (;n1.1.t 1.11)illy 401V,1111,11:ty by mniu 11 1.0.1.eizl ISIMMI CONTINUATION OF BUSINESS. gum Skit; and Pre.eript , on Ila.,ite-• will be rnn• I tinned at rb.• oil .land I.y the uuder•igncd. a. par•• n.. - . under the firm an IIIIr or Dr II Joh". Zr. Co and under the .norrvi-on of J. 1)1..1,n who nill {I or it hi- undivided iitien . :Lut. ll .101 IN, 11. R. IiNOTVVrI.I, C 01... Nov. 1, ISGO "Panic" Goods from New York. vE b have ugns, j o s e t rt t . l etili El_ at , ou r s stores, g r eat & r. _ NIC STRICKEN GOODS," from tire New 1 . 0•1.11,i1krli “., , h•ttiva. pa n+rutnriy tiro, who h eve or, n eo onfo.ints.tte ns to Inse gnr na,nl.l on the r' fll'l eliiiilloll%. Will Liter Cr. oil. Po.tuni y '0 0 eve . 13 per rent in O tr mid d i L ge. a ;Mo lion of mom.% hock' I.y nt rang. trig ihrir et ern, r of the Sr.,.,'' of the sohowv t• ber—npro-tte Odil rel;ol.,s'llzt.l or ..41j,ming ihe Co LeinliLi ,n) .1'1•1;o Ct 1110114; Ilno.nri..— C.IN tit 11 C. I'UNIJI:itS Nov 2. 1510 Levu, r.tree.t.t;o'urnhirt Guovs, JO 'el: St! . D rtektn;•, Mire"... 37 u•,1,-. te ot. 1:1:US Coin Oct ISO Cor Toir.l nod Inion. LARGE S'I'OCK OF Boors AM) SHOES. AMES I Boots ',idle , Goat Dont, %sill, heel, /Jl.lltileß Kid Lloo s with lieel+,ll.adie• °met, I:nois SVIIII 11(101$ Will, hi el-. Mr....e• Willlolll 11. el ..1101 %hip Siloe. 41.:51.) Ileols Kip l-10. , is I he, h 1„.. „pm Oln fir•l will lee vl .1 • (Mat! V. 4141, I e •GU. I. 0. a. 11. I'. 111:1*Nntl. MOW WANTED. rnlll:-ub.eabrr-:rye Lr .yaw 0( it Boy (rile tiliono or .ixi,•••II 5 02, old Ic p,, , tn,1) to le, ti the. Lthiel.- cllinfilitg A pvi) eA It I Elt Craelirtln r Colt. Nov 13.1 , 611 ti NEW STOCK OF' COAL OIL LAMPS. PRICES reduced since CI'RTIN'S ELECTION. at G 2 et, In: In, I y N1;10,1,, mand *1 lb Alslll.le Stood at Si •• i•luted tir .le "kale at SI '2l SI CAP Hell St le Nlaoble .1;1nd:11.1.10 St a-, fi lobe i.ll le %IA rifle Sl.awl .0 *I 02 Ifni II nut :a 70 Winging tot AI .37 Lamps at $1 V _ Call apa ex value OLI r chart. I,e,eOr • ;t1 , ...11•15t1g re. .1 ••• r. S. 1 0 04.1 111.1 0 4.1. (1 , 1111••11 r bra._ PIRICE RE DUCF:D I,tlit nitrrinc Intni,. go Iko In lb J tlil. We tail! nl. I, ant' 014.110.6 r 1 . 4101 or I) I 111.111 In hnn, 17071 1111 fIOIFOO l .”141 nll T.11W11.1/•, for 50 rt. at thr , i.nEN AIM{ l'A It Dit lli; S'FOlt Sill DES! SHADES! W ...velvet! n••nrlme..l . m - plain and loin . 1t!rl• ! C . lll and .1 S 11E1.1X:1' I'.& CO. Nlor•ur Drug Nom If VIVIIIA GOOD'. .114 , ), vis 1.69 ISO . i - IPENING this Morning, a Beautiful Assort _ 7 .g...n1 mit gnon, I•uL,gl.l in New lull. and Phi...delyinn. . The once-t 10.11 VI) /CF: Mr A r 11.11.412-. Ti... W Cont. Tip. roll it..:. The 111. Core Ti., Ora.", C:efli, &C. cloth- of evrry 1.1.1. Dr. A- good. of ever. ...evl/P- , -or le, rrols ... , 1 ,0, rd 141 N. 1 .0111 ME ALI:NTS-, ta. A brawifill n•.ormwiti. awl lute.t .t) le •: Broth n tlenwh 1x3117, 11..inket : 4 1ww's. Fiettell Low: n'aliket Situ. I, S.cituSlrowl-,etnhrt.conc evcry COATING, CASSIMERES, x vEsTINcs. %%.. rt.-pet:ll , olc 11,110 "11,011.1 to our lurk of Co:tones, Oa...lnterco and trig. ct•tlity .411 chrapors-, ally fil011• to tutu hoe ver ever ofreoc.l. 11.1.I.111•N Oct '47. Car up Ca•li :4; ore. BUcK WHEAT FLOUR. nstl RarLwheat Ftour. to I.ti ri , , m rolnli r ior lf rUVl)l\l' 2 Utoro-ry Store,l'or.lor ,t 515. Nov. 11, I 4tAl. C LARE: oolelil.'t• rrno I for mn rkl s &P., for .ale by H. %VILMA Nri VU Cola l'a. BARGAINS: BA/tea/DI b: THE undersigned, Assignee of Jitney Pfnh. I ler. of Culmultin ha• for so:e n larpe cork of C.- d.,. 1% I How. Tco and COOret-t% or.; Coot and PridOr StovrP, of all the Improved ttlyte.c. Cutlery. Spo•nt... cke ; n steuerscl n...ortmeut of llonne•rururnt, theare, • which he trill .ill at ...cry low Pita co.c for Ca-ti. to elo, oat the convent Country Sterel.reperA are to examine the -lock I..vvr)clo.. will pocwitely In, .0141 as pmtible . %t hese Oct 1 , 1111.1,1,:t. Are con.ider• site. rearoctuble el. grail nr. apotovect •c• curtly. Store oppo-tte the U.:111.. CLU 1.1 , :T. IE6O A•riviee. sKY-LIGHT TICTURE TILE ORIGINAL GALLERY, IN NEW lIANDS. THE substriber has taken the Old Gallery. .mr! to lA, 'wt., the be, and {..r•ore• ever tr Aro in CohanLa.* He ydded IC star W. thu.o of 11, .n.,-n• _ • A SKY LIGHT, and ha• romplrtels refitted die e•.oh6-htrent.atw is prepared to take Iv.rrtt•pr•, 11 9 1.enngs..nli, Mesgo. ITpes. Anthem pr., M.•lratotypes In the n.••t aq it, 'situ at prices at ht. Is site unheard of for he•spite". I.llenrs.e.. warranted. and a •ati-fsrtnry picture farm-had wathnur repealed attintga. Ile tnmaore of the Watts! patronage :starts's extetated to taw etsitahlndonent. Cat: mud examinee rpenlmea• at the tonrn, ti. 16. Corner front ;Allot l.oeu•t stree t•. hi-i story. Entrails eoo Locus• I. teat Oet 2tl. larri. R 7. SI LITTLE. REApY-3pluE ruo rumu. m EN'S and Cloy.' Reariy.rnadeClothiur in great on. I JJ, rirly• very Cheap; all goods war-arAed a. nitre. rented. fur vale by UAL:rill' & CA .-Al. columilia. (ler 27, IWO. BOPTS AN!) IDHOES. tOrerrd in tbi-Tollarr: °sm. and per. r F nr ~ •u7r tov Co'.. rl.t r 7 51/11.11.:V V Cv'E. Tllli I: subFzirt3ter i i tmise the an viii of kt . Fll(2,:a 1? )!. 'variety siititl..:lvt:tyv;,-irik of ALL KINDS QV GROCEIIILS. Pew-, Codee•.:f II:: a r-, H .11• F.r. with a aria :04 stn0,1110:11 01 iittittek eI KDICINE. F ,,i t tr, . r .111 r. e :10 14. re. imt 4U.0 of oil 11O l vt).1 . 11 of 1 , ,r nr,..,d Thl. Med le 11, ~,, ght the Ms, miraculous et.t• • ill deli, 2 . 4. a -o• earn nt p. l'Anerr O. ro m•moo4. Di•c Imp P. 0. 'be 1,00. (1 11. ot.t.lForn r Irrr r.etivr A 1110.1...,. Il I . I -u I 4411 If ff 12= Lit err, 1.0.• al A ppetite, ezithit-• :"tomarth. rthathe Coathl.tito- 'lad Alt 11,1 A•ca luring %heir n:azot intatith •tht , . al ilia 1:1. oil ‘v.,• re Cr ia the at Da,. to Mo• !lent). m N a mer 100 . 0.f00. who on the 31•. cu. of :Lotto,. tt,„4. anti:too 1.. f.•ea y. that la• in• tr 1,1 for the vale al .."•er lit tater Ithr i on 0, ',lathy and hi Dr. Nth. 10 , 1 of dm 11 ha 1... Col •1.;.• tit Oarttatath (01 1.1 tthal ocAtli etglti nth.. withgtotolat; wbath. In. ao•e. Wad n mat tan of ht lett 01,4: vve, eattrt•ly r.n.vl ow s • lie and Riot, 1111 all lo pe. %PO,. lie 1 t et...1 of the ••Illtoot 41 , tie•r. •• art wn• illtinrrlt In Ire 11 1 , 0111,4 t•0r..,1 ;urn. tool •zatlr Ilact4ured. thaft• no q tools but WlOil ill, of W1:n..1,4 . motil Nor td tit. ate. To, lull rarttetth.r. at Ind) fur .1,11 etreolor, orltteh ran I.e ha 1 01 out) of Ilte \Ve Vier :0 of Sane!. 01 Fide.- ton. A FITI , IrOIIg ononly. 1 . tired of Scroflua uftet bet g aitoltle to trl 0101 orb, 1 fir Cir - TV 111 C C 1, 40 of it lath• to all taw' le. elcathela %tat t% pr ulth .1111 aft• 4 a tth Z. , erot.fla In as wnul (attn. • • - To /hr. t• n( neurp• Mr', 1 re.f.'in_ to , matt insttshw r,..ut0l • .* llO W11..01.1.14 1.1111•1- rd woh Caotrer thso A rnt but culo, 110, olr. J1:41 nor.c. If Nw-11 , 1r, 11164 Nlet:renr)'•• Tter p.n tlrulars ail the w C ...ic---41ver. • of t•y of 11, 1145.•1 Scan-her—nye) t. 1.41 In: bun,: at. ”lal . to he had of oily 01 the 112Cnis m 1 rooptit tnr. I.staolatorF (nettle rn-lahafoe are and lie.ef the Peatata Ru Ithaal Depot, llnitid e) otah re Pea 11(.1.Ieo II e• ref .V. ho Amotot, lett•botc. AGcNT. FLbli Cot Front -i.e.... Dr. XV. S McCort.,, 0,11 11.01. . a ad 1. taa. betlett la Co ..I...oitten ,talottat Drag 'tore. Front :. 4 rirt. 15, leGft•Gtn The Nutual Life Insurance Company OV NEW 1 10111.11 E, AssErs: SIX: MILLIONS.OF DOLLARS, ornarEDlN FIRST MOCTGAGgI OV MATE, AVtiRTII OVER $13,000,000. m il pr env um. ure I °souk 11.1, in tun., n•i,er Con, / the Viv Wend • h the bee. ORVI.TRIt. Th. n •orletly Mtatuni ensin.,l) Then . vt , nn nO p:ofits I/Lions to he ‘.l au red. R ‘TCIIFOIID STA R S. W. corner I oath noci %Y.gintol worm, T/IlloAut:LrtitA FIF.FP.I2I7.VCCS: Thonaa• Rohn., Job. WO .I. Slobleral I. Puerto .I:rnrc. /I Smart, °row. S troud, /F: John H Myere. J Toher I.ranong, Jo , rh P.oter.on„ ‘Vninon Invioh,:, John AL Atwood. A nliwq. retro . . 'llona, 11. Powert.. I•earr. %T. Toland. Wonam Alegre. 'I inns W,,t.,nn. inn‘j every 1110 , 11Trillorn may be had gray mon oppluikuo tt. It 1 , 11141) 1, K. IT D. of D I 111:1 * NI IR. II 1) lrsJ. 1-:r. FRESH GROCERIES. H. cor. now und 17:11LAISti, ..\%.,. 607 Chcslaut Stied 511,11% I.S GOOSE FEATHERS bkIAS./INABLE FALL GoODS Mil=ll2ll LINDSEY'S 131 P VEU 1:$ 21.1 11041.1. RI .•umnt,r Digordrr, l'asltt,nr• %Ali Ith-nen =9 SUGAR:C;" CitED .01,Tt6er ;9:I• B ,Ullph'lll. I••c`r ' S9. Sri7 , Hat:, n h:el.l heCarl rc coui , niaul f ir.l • Vrow. ar.i '71,• Nov Dr. •Dr Eser.weiiils Tar arid Wood Zia: tlaa. Pectoral, - ! TS the BESTitiErtif!ilVErimll4 . world, far Cr Cilrenf entitlitt i.J Colal-. c0..!..1:14. r thinn,DttlL.A.lll3 l'alp , 'ltt nit: c flew ll4pilter, 1. all for aliet. , •.l/14/•C it•is ,, ter • • s afire etC wiil• all •;.n.t•rpt i the ant) t•;11••1..11:d U :i1.•:1 rrt,:;•ltt)tif •.• &tor , xunirtt.i3n. uccu! nO.arlf .1 In the tl.,lit a' 1,17 , :. Aaihnia rangprepar ed . .. 3 rll eoral 1 • 1. a . 1, ' r r. 10! no, of g V, • Nr , rIV,ICV• .c•• .n• •UN •-• • tannic..4'••••ra•t•- '0 0:i .12 , 11•• , • I' :•• erilete.llo :Le titi:lo , l4 1 . / . • t:•• a• - t • :•• Uf — Try rt :ler! !•0 rwtt.tir , cd 1%.,1 it ItioCait of Ilroari..l ;;;,„. Prier for: COO , .r 0•1;•• I.I:II;NWEIN * S A HO \IATIrI Vl7 a remedy for thar.har. I. 1/3 . ..ra1e,),..1" •• t r • be-.aorl a!! Bo 4a..1 Aft:allot:4 Try I, I'ro •-'S • par 1.0 , 14•,, I Ci .. " 11.4 11.,:iri.v.r are 1 . r. - : ire.; n,•') '••• IN. A. 1;11 , 1•::\ tVIII N. Drov.:l-; N Coiner and at• I• 6 e by every ler•roe:al.le pfllg . ;l-1 and .:tr Morlieme lit rouallout lice Star. Jalle 16 tooll ly DYSPEPSIA RETAMinr. IPr. Dariuslam , s AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRI r I rinv inethcinc luau been u•trel by the "public for 5 ear., with mere:,-i ny favor. I, is It e 011101.1,1. Is cure Dy