The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, March 31, 1860, Image 2

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    is and hie sisters tis acleron conclave.
great grief 'VMS over,,the stapoiy bil
had onbsided„tse clouds ,Etta passed
J..aiay. "The fonerwl,w::ents" ar . e.ri about to
-"fuzaisla a wedt-7:-ng feast." stagustßs was,
...1.;112A to be "Married:" AniaboF!
bands in inatioulate horror,
looked calmly on the cur* .
,f,at.t4 widower.
4;1‘.1.T. atyj never marry again?"
Leited - .. 4 1. -- 8; angry nt these mute &al•
ut,Kratiuns of surprise.
Did sou not say so dear tro:liQr?"
e!er. i of triteriy tnibeoneeired
rnlbh to corn plitnen t Itocher,b
Lt-toory, I.AL:it 1 wilily revere, an.l I can
_..t better do bo titan by marrying agnip.".
Stir. months and two wi•Pki,'"
.11 !Ili be I
a m an nn-urn forever?"
gl,que, indig,nr.ntl3.
-eon a umn mourn at alil" gsketl - tlyra,
spe.iking for the first tint.
kt we rte.:" sister," sighed Anabel, as
cortege drove (*nun the church
.J.,ur on the folluwing yh.ursthy, and the face
of Miss Vdlers peeve," out of the ‘%ind.w .
c-f the bridal coe,zl:; it is the will in the tin
.iase that .ifricts lle has rna.le another
cet es of: withuut a shilling. Ile ha;
gone air, fiio, without giving we new burlal
di:Z.:V:oons. Of coarse he IA ishes to cover
hie Glee with dear .I:4clicl's handkerchief; I
hall send it later
"Certainly," reipunded Myra, quietly;
'•lie migh? , übe it HOW."
6lit eaumbia -gpti.
k f .. .. 4 :3-num DI A
De". : Sr.r. Ncw ADVERTIntIIENTS OF A. M
EAtimis, ODD FELOWS' RAM, IS To-1)AV...,
I'_, t _.
toi 3 uuth ul Luth sexeb, will open on the it;th,
k tecunti Monday) of April. Particular atter. ,
Lion paid to the morale of the pupils.
Jtt....h .1, /66.0-3 E.
Executive Cominittee of the Columbia
Bond of Trade, for S'ho Month of
011.18. J. I'c:4.).
Rev J. W. Nevin, P. 1).,
,preach in the Goma!' Ite.fortned
eltuieh, uF tine Once, un next Sabbath
:naming and erasing, at the usual !wars.
itntut - .ll.s.—We request those of our sub:
scribers who may change, or have changed,
their places of residence, this season, to
ICria cf such removals, that the Spy may
be sert-ed prorarrthy mid at the proper places.
ELECTION.-At the rriday
nest the citizens of the South Ward will 1
called upon to vote fur u Ju,tice o: the
Peace. By our advertising columns it will
be been that D. E. Bruner and Johu W.
IrJusion ant.ounce theluielves as
Sur that. otilt.e. fluty many ta,at, will op
pear l,efore the day, we eaunot giterts. 1.',1
a' free tig,lit, and the best :van a ins.
rAim. Acc:331.N1.-011 1154, Munday tom.-
I,irfs a bun of Mr. !sane Duel:, a boy of
about twelte years ef age,was rem over by a
train or coal ears, beirogillg to tha Shaw
itee ,)n the TOMlice Railroad.—
'the 1001 oit4 riding utt the train and jump
ed in the eta above the Pensisylranut
itaiiroad. In jumping he fell. and rolled
under toe ettr. Both legi were crushed,
and the bay fzurv. , A•cets rt.] y
trterwal tl4.
47t1r.:17.,41Nc lIU
aorOttS tncrciutnts aro 100;tilitittig to al,
their 11.1%* spring stock. and to com
pete in a spirited manner. Our business
inert generally are alive to the advantages
4 judicious advertising. and our eilunins
ore a very Lair directory to the business of
A. now Grocer*' store has bton npcned Ly
Fkidenum and Jackson, in I. .cost street,
14ott d-oar Ithnre Ifaldgman's stare. They
oci;ertise in to•days -,cpy an extensive stuck
of every thing in their line, at reduced pri
ces. Thu new establishment is neatly and
completely fitted up, and the stock is entire
ly fresh and first duality. They advertise
th:g;arand &C., at sery low rates.
roudersmith is cleat to the occasion. and
puts his groceries—Eugars, Syrups, Coffees,
6.c.,—at a remarkably kr?: figore. See his
advertisement. Ito anneunees tt -new stock
of handsome goods as forthcoming nest
I. 0. & 11. F. Bruner have receive.; an
other supply of new Spring goods, which
they offer it rates as low as arc compatible
with honesty r.nd a decent subsistence.—
They a&k Abele friends to give them a call.
Rambo scents tl - e battle, and puts bia su
gars down to the lowest mach. A. M. :Id
.' ertisot a surprising new stork, <d unprece
dented completeness. garnh., does not let
the public forge: hint. knows the val.
ue of nthertising, and, wltat's more, he
Inows holy to advertise; scrilv, we believe
he has his reward!.
George Bugle anCOFnCei 1119 lii:Catlet.9 in a
I.lis stuck of lumber will Le fuun.l
full and complete. Custumers viii bud
Mr. B. n fair awl square man in 11:1 . t7atus-
Thomas Welsh advertises a large supi;:.!
.tif topes, just received, and a stuck of 1/oat
,Stores:-Cams, Shoulders, &c., pt Ibis store
near the diitelet. Locks, Justice Welsh an
nouuces the removal of his off ce trona the
flue .Front to the first house on the South
mid* of Walnut street below Second.
iteriAto call the attention to the adver
t:lsm:pen:Alf M. M. Rolaces Sale on Satur
day Ile offers the building lots on
the smith side of Locust street beldw 'Third,
between ..the properties of Mrs. Young and
Joseph I.7lmer. Thu lute for sale arc advan
togeouily located, aul sh.uld meet with
ready sale. Mr. R's terin.:l ere liberal, and
c hope lie may find a porch.tser.
Pub Li*ary
ii.t.thestipe Lodge Lecture, ea last Sat
e-64y evening, Mr. S. W. Mifflin, suggested
that the.cletzens of Columbia. should meet
together c.itd discuss theadvisability and
feasibility'af establishing a Public Library
in our town. lie iotrodteed the subject and
advdeated rite undertaking in a few words,
referring the audience to the Spy fur a ful
ler and mere distinct call fur the necessary
action. We willingly giveirahlicity tunny ef
fort, in -however elementtiey a stage, having
the proposed end in view; ail I alien advocate
it .enenestly, trusting to - the merits of the
Amaze fur success. We must premise that
the introduction of this proposition at the
lecture dues nut necessarily connect it with
crepe Lodge. The audiences attending these
lectures have been made up of the persons
most likely to take an interest in a public
library, and therefore the occasion of the
last lecture of the series was deemed a fit
ting one for broaching the subject. The de
sign is, so far as it has been matured, to es
tablish a
,permanent institution, indepen
dent of ail societies or sects, to be a' Citi
zen:: L:*.trar.y. for the use of the town; a li
brar; furnished with good standard books,
uf interest and fur reference; a regular
re.tling room, well supplied with first-class
gapers and periodicals.
!lie design commends itself: how shall it
be executed: We have been desired by in
terested pat ties to cull it meeting for the pur
pose of taking preliminary steps, and this
I evening lots been suggested as the most lit-
ting,:.tiote--nut to let the subject sleep. We
therefore request nil persoriU faro: of an
effort to establish a Public Library in Co
lumbia, to meet at the Town Hall this ire
; oing at 11. o'clock. Att meeting of
this kind is of COW'S:: nectiSsary, and we
hope there will be good a attendance. The
best means will doubtless be resorted to fur
; securing the co operation of all citizens
vorable to the enterprise. In advance of
, of the meeting we offer a suggestion as to
the most effectual method of getting the sub
ject fuirly “before the people." Let a lee
! tore be given at Old Fellows' 11,111, which
• shall nppcal directly to the audience, in favor
,of the founding of nu institution that Cu
lambi so much needs; the subject to Le
; open to discussion and remark, as in the
flop Lodge Lectures. This would bring
together a large proportion of the persons
most, interested in the proposed Library, in
: eliding ladies {rip, cannot attend town meet
lugs at the 't.'owit Jinn; the project would be
fairly considered, aid ativoca:ed: we take it
; fur granted that no man would - rise to op
pose it. A refuial of coutributions is the
only firmof opposition to be feared; and
surely an enterprise that meets—as this
must meet—general approval, is in a fair
WdY towards accomplishment.
in a h.tstill w":tten notice we cannot be
coherent or argotnentail'iti. We: jot dawn a
few facts, irregularly and as they tai::rgest
themselves, and leave it to the good seuso of
our readers to decide that the cause we are
advocating is a good one, and worthy of gen
oral support. We can only be earnest in
; axprossing u hope that success may crown
the enrts 11u Le made, anti that Columbia
j may soon lave (..eitsion to be justly proud
;of tke enterprise and liberality of leer
xens in establishing a //mai r,ifnary oLicL
may Le the nucleus of a great one.
Tice COM:111111 ROLLING MILL—We hare'
the satisfaction of informing our readers
that the Columbia Rolling Mill will be put
into immediate operation. Workmen will
unite about the middle of next %reek to put
the Machinery in thorough repair, and we
may rpeedily expect to see the Mill resume
its busy life. This 14 gooknews to our la
buriug and mercantile public.. The busi
ness to he added to our town c OP: mi
-1 cal of work at an estabhshment like the
Mill, will form an im:rwtant item,
r.aal we trust that success may insure it,
pertahnenue. Thu new firm, Maltby
Case, will prosecute the work in earnest,
and we shall nut be sorry to see the Ili itpNiial
of energetic spirit into our community. Dy
referenee to our advertising columns it will
be seen that twenty-five dwellings arc re
quired. This will fill up about all the va
cant dwellings of the place. _
In this connection we may mention that.
the good (tirert of an organization like the
"Board of Trade" has teen felt in the mat
ter of the re-eitablishment of the business
cf the Plelling Mill. The purchasers. en
tire strangers in our town, were meek ed rev
the Marti of Trade . C,mtmittee fur the mouth,
and aided in preliminary tarangernents, put
in communication with many citizens and
furnished with any information required.—
The committee fur the mouth of April will
be appointed at the regular monthly meet
ing, neat week, and will appear in Satur
day's py.
PAR tDr..--The Columbia. National Band
will appear in new uniform cr nmday Oth
trox., and invite the Firemen Ly a card in
evr column+, to join in a parade on the oc.
casion. The member+ of the Band Intro
worked faitbfolly to perfect themselves as
musicians. iind by their perseverence have
succeeded in urliforminz themselves. They
will new make a good appear ince, and with
their skill as performers they may be re.
garde,' ae a credit ti our town. The uni
form 11:1:4 Leen procured at no inconsi her
alds expense to each individual member,
and the Band deserves the support and
' uncourag,einclit, wherever they tun be ex
tended by employment, of all Columbiana.
The parade will d.mbtless be a handsome
turn-out and display,
Exusnrrios.—An interesting Exhibition
will be gii en at ridd FeNowt,' Ball on next
Thursday evening. ly :he pkipile of the
Male nigh School, tbe chargo of the
ttacher, Mr. D. 11. prubaker. The proceeds
wi11.1.0.1 for th benefit of the Cad,ete of Tem-
Thu exercises promise tube varied, and
will exhibit the proficiency of the pupils
in at least one branch of situdy—declaina
th.m. Mr. Brubaker has dot.tod time and
attention to the preparation and perfection
of the boys in their parts, and 1,1-,:t hope will
be repaid fur his care and trpuLle -by ample
success oh the part of his pupils. .0f course
the huitsc will be ocerllowinz. The pry
gratntuu is different Prow that of the Cadets'
A. 7.1 I.UPOIXTAN't Marrma.—ktneetial: of
the iron N.anufaetn.l , ers of Penneylvestia,
irrespective of party was held'at La Alarm
House Philadelphia, on 22nd inst., whileh is
oflmpottunee to-our State and`tbe-Country
generally, and of particular•interest'fu our
town and neighborhood. Vre,give.below
the list of officers elected, inatiding in any
fumiliarntimes of Iron naerviof Columbia and
'vicinity,' anethe resolutions in regard to the
Variff, adopted by the meeting:
Chlarman,—lleury M. Watts, Philadel
Viir-Preiictents.—Samuel J. P:esres, Phil
adelphia; J. B. Morehead, Mcrion Furnace;
Edw. YitrtlleS-;Pdttsville; John M'eMalltls,
Reading Furnace; Joseph IVhitaker, Dur
ham; Nathan Rowland, Kensington, Phila
delphia; Thomas I. Potts, Swede Furnaces;
J. Miilhollend, Itending Furnace; llolker
Hughes, Franklin cieunty; F. S. Hector,
, Leesport; IL Brooke, Chester; C. Brooke,
IChester;1 Chester; S. F. Eagle, Marietta; Charles L.
-Wood, Cambria; C. B. Grubb, Lancaster;
James Myers, Columbia; 1. B , ..Grubb, Mount
Hope; G. Dawson Colemen,•Lebanon; T. J.
Wood, Conshohocken; T. C. Wood, Consho
hocken;Maris Hoopes, Culemanvilic; Charles
R. Parson, Irondale; Charles E. SMith, Fair
mount; Wm. Wood, C. M. Clinger, J. V. L.
De Witt, Chulasky; Stephen Cultvell, Phil
adelphia; Joseph Cabot, Philadelphia.
Secretaries.—Dr. E. Haldeman, Chiquos
Furnace; Attd - rew Wheeler, Philadelphia;
H. R. Knotwell, Chestnut Hill Iron Ore
Company; John Wistbr, Duncannon; A. H.
Musselman, Marietta Furnace; William M.
Sey fort, Reading; C. L. Bailey, Harrisburg.
The following, committee' On resolutions
rms applinted:
C. ?:Kauffman, Columbia; Henry McCor
mick, Harrisburg; Isaac Eckert, Rending;
Edward Brooke, Birdsboro'; Edward M.
Clymer, Reading: S. Miles Green, Hunting
don; Edward S. Buckley, Philadelphia.
This committee reported the following
resolutions, which were unanimously adop
Resolved, That this rretinfs, apprai•e and
commend the hill recently introd now! into
the 11Juse of Representatives by the Com
mittee of Ways and Means, proposing to
substitute specific for :id-valorem duties u pen
rut eign ;kali:and other articles imported into
the tinited
Resolved, That rid rr.garti the sereentir
section of said i ill, relating to iidn and the
manufactures of iron and steel, as satisfac
tory and fair to all parties interested ill their
manufacture, and that the duties fixed upon
the principal items in the section do not
vary materially from 30 per centum of their
average value during the last six years, end
ing June 30, 1850, and are therefore based
updh a'r4E-: revenue standard.
Resolved, 'i s bn tbe'enal!trvicest of this bill
will enable the Americ:is tnthuflfcturers
to compete fairly with the foreigner, and
that it will tend to prevent those enormous
fluctuations in the price of iron, which have,
under the ad-valorem system, been so disas
trous to our honte industry; inflating prices
by increasing the duty when least needed,
and deprtesing them by reducing the duty
when most required.
Resolved, That we earnestly serve t our
Representaives in both branches of (..O;:giesrs
to use till honorable means to pass this bill
without delay; it being its accordance with
the views repeatedly expressed by James
Buchanan, President of the United States,
in his annual messages to Congress.
Resolved, That a copy ,:f the proceedings
of this meeting be forwarded to the Presi
dent of the United States, awl to each mem
ber of Congress. Adjourned.
Ibtoccutlmis 6 ^ Cut - N.:AL—A Special
Meeting of the Boum CJuneil was held
March '2O th, 1.67)0:
Members preset—Me9srs. Bruner, Srene•
math, Hershey, Meehesue'•, 'Welsh, Watts
end Fralev--President.
Mr. liershey offered the following r,..t01a
tiun, which was adopted:
eve?rt , /—'l'htt the Collector of Ilainaigh
l'exes fur the Scar ISL.°, be allowed lite
per cent. on all 'I axei he euilccts previous
to January Ist, MI, and two per eent. on
all he collects after that date. That be be
required to pay to the Iltoroug,ll Treastt or,
on or before each Stated Meeting of Town
Council, all tuuneyi he may have collected
at.suc4 thee, and that he be further reci.lit ,
et: to i,ave the duplicate settled on or before
March Ist, iSfA.
Mr. 13rcuenan offered the fullawing rose
Iles°lmi—That all persans paying their
Borough Tax for the year 1860, un ur be
fore June 14t, (nest,) shall be taloa-ad a
discount of fire per cent.
On the adoption of which the yo.ts and
nays were called, with the following result:
Yeas—Messrs. Brauer, Irreneinac, Her
shey, McChesney and Fraley--
Mr. Bruner otTerel the follostlng ma:da
Rcsoirc..l--That the Chief Burgess is here
by requested to borrow fur the wie of the
Borough, the sum of $900; and, that the
Borough is herelsy pledged for the puyment
of the same when duo.
Mr. Welsh moved to amend by striking
out the curls "Chief Burger_'" and insert
"Borough Tre.tsurer," which as disagreed
to; the reset-alien Was then adopted.
Mr. Welsh muti•cd that ‘rhon wa adjourn
it be to meet on 'russirity erehing„ipril
3rd. whivh motion was agreed to.
Mr. Watts mined that a Committee of
two be appointed to ascertain if ground can
be purchased for "Potter's Field" and at
ci,hat price, which wit+ agzreed to; and the
President appointed Messrs. Watts and
Welsh said Coalmine°.
Mr. Welsh moved that a Committee of
thrte be appoinnid to drat' up an Ordinance
giving proper names to all the Alleys with
in the Borough, which was agreed to:: and
the President appointed Messrs. Webb,
Hershey and Breneman, said Committee.
Mr. ISrendnan moved that the Committee
appointed to have the second story of the
Town Hall fixed up fur a Council Chamber.
bo authorized tu du oo immediately—agreed
Mr. Bruner moved that the Treasurer be
authorized to pay the Bonds and Interest
held by Conrad Swartz, with the first tuenoy
he receives—agreed to.
On Motion, Council ntljourneti.
AllcaL IY2. F. LLOYD, airk
t a meeting of Hope Lodge, No. 443,
1. O.G. T., held on Tuesday evening, March
•'7th, 1860, the following resolutions were
Resoled, That Hope Lodge hereby len
der a Note of thanks to .1. VV . Fisher, Esq.,
Dr. W. S. McCorkle, A. Caldwell, Esq.,
Rev. Edward Apr letoo, 11. B. Essick. Esq.,
J. 11. Mifflin, D. It. rrubaker, Prof. Brot.,ks,
Mrs. J:S. Gable:tad 31. D.Wickershatn. For
their kichlness in lecturing fur tho !lupe
Evenings, free of charge.
Resolved, thAt. 4. copy at these resolutions
be seat to each of the Lecturer.% and also be
eublished in the •' Columbia Spy," dad
Lancaster "Eaating .Express."
CuArars P. Srr.EiNtn, W. S.
Latrip IN -OLDEN 'l'lmes.—Two- of the com
mittee fur recommending a locate's for the
new penitentiary reported in 'favdi• of San.
dusk=y. It has - been. surmised' that . cons
mitte.4, viewing with alarm theincrett:se of
convicid, sought some way to : Prevent * that
increase, and, is the Cowrie of their travels:
having heed holV'liVarcei in old times were
obtained, tookthe hint from the moral of
that tale, and immediately decided upon
Sandusky. The story alms thus:-
Many years since Cleveland numi;ered
emongher villagers a noted wag, wthonesole
idea of the chief end of man was to tell
good stories. Our old settlers very well re
member Ca:ll6Boughton, who built the St.
Clair 1100se, :aid kept tavern there. Mr.
8., had it hired man, who had come from
the East. This man . •in a-very confidential
tray, came to Boughton one day, and asked
him what the law in Offic-was relative to di
vorce. B. replied that there trot only was
no law allowing n man to get a drvoree from
his wife, but that the Constitution absolute-
Jy forbade such proceeding. "What on
earth then," asked the suffering husband,
•"can a man do who can't live with his wife;
how can he get rid of her?" "Oh!" said
-Boughton, "that is the easiest thing in the
world. I'll tell you. Pretend to your wife
that you want her to take a short trip into
the country, and-get her on board a vessel
bound for Sandusky city. When there you
can ger her boarded for one dollar and fifty
cents a week. Mirke her believe that you
must gu down to Mount Vernon or Wooster,
and that it will be more comfortable fur her
to remain at Sandusky. Pay her board two
weeks in advance, that would be three dol
hors; don't pay for any longer, for that will
be long enough; go off on your business,
and your wife will never trouble you again.
One week in Sandusky is enough to sicken
bet, and and they always bury strangers by
the end of the second week!" The tired has
band followed Bough:on's advice, atxl• dt
the end of two weeks was a free Tian.—
Cleveland Ihrultit
,13.3 - The chick in the bower of the Cathe
drat of Strasburg is not only a monster
in size, but is the most wonderful
piece of Mechanism in the world. It is one
hundred feet high, thirty wide, and fifteen
deep. About twenty feet from the bottom
'is the dial, on-each sidti of which is a cherub,
holding a small mallet in his hand, while
over the dial is a small bell; the cherub on
the left strikes the first quarter that on the
right the second quarter. Fifty feet above
the dial is a colossal figure - of Time, with a
bell in his left hand and a scythe in his
right. A figure cf a young man in front
strikes the third quarter un the bell in
Time's left hand, and then turns and glides
with a slow stop around behind Time, when
out comes an old man with a mallet and
places himself directly in front of the great
Reaper. As the hour of twelve comes, the
old man deliberately strikes, with much
power, twelve times on the bell. lie then
glides slowly behind Time, and the young
man again comes out and takes his position
ready to do his duty when called upon by
the machinery. As soon as the old ruin
has struck twelve and disappeared, another
set of machinery is set in motion, some
twenty feet high lr still, where there is a
high cross with tire image of Christ upon
it. The instant twelve is struck, a figure of
one of the Apostles walks out front' behind,
conies in front, turns facing the close, bows,
c.nd walks on around to his place. This is
repeated, until twelve figures, representing
the twelve Apostles, as large as life, walk
out. bow, and p:nß•on. As the last appears,
WI enormous game cock, perched on the
pinnitede of the clock, slowly Caps its wingq,
stretches forth its neck and crows three
tintes, no loud as to he heard oet.ide. the
church to some llistanoa. teed with hfs like
naturalness. Then all is as still ;sail.
tt:G_We are authorized to announce SAU
LUM :.‘/AUTIN. City, :t candidate fur Clerk
of Quarter Se inn, sul t ieet to the tfeciedou
•;;;' the People's County Convention.
CLE:RR OF OraIIANS' COUr.T.—Wo aro no
iliormed to announce Ilescv PINKERTON, City
as a candidate for Clerk of the Orphans' Court,
subject to the decision of the People's County
DR. 11•L.tNT vcßmirtxtv.
N;w l'untc. September 13, 1652.
rilW 1. , to certity that my child. three years old,
was trouts's t a till worms some six months. I had
tried severs! kinds of medicine, hot none of them done
any good! and it wag not until I tried Dr. iflline's
celebrated Vertnifuge. prepure3 fry rienttng Ilro•.,
that she found any relief. I gave her the contents of
one bottle. winch brought front her a very large quoin
lily of worms, but they were so completely cat to pieces
it "as impossthle to count them. My daughter in flow
doing well; indeed, she is complete!) restored to lienlth.
I therefore take pleasure in recommending h to parents.
I would 4oy, by all means keep a supply of Otis vfflu•
aide medaciste constantly in your housea. I have known
ninny cl midterm to dio suddenly filen the !free:- di a ot•nts
It sire nC: g.ilfreqa.•;tt !rappers that elithlihtl lire
treated for croup, shen the mind coualliug to
caused al ogenter by ilia Irritaf ion of worn., There
fore. I sny again keep it always in, tho 1,:olf-e; It mints
but little, and may be the Meal.s of saving life, tint at
any rate it es ill bare physiet um' bills.
:1111:-.% LANE, NJ. 333 Eigth street.
ga7 Purelto.ters will Ls careful to tn.:: for Dr
facture,' by FI.,b;MINCI DUOS., of Dictators, Pa. All
other Verabroges to comparison are tvoithlerv. Or.
Wl.alic'r genuine \'rrmifuge. also, Lit celebrated
Liver Pall., can now Ire had at all re4peetable virus
storey. Nolte treoUlaft v,0,0ul the vignitture oT
Its %wader:ill effects and consequent popularity—
per!mtio uo attrele to the history of the Maieria Medico,
ever acquired the l'utroitace, was subjected to
the snfn•• number of severe andditl•reut tests, and met
with so few• failures as the ltelhrtg • l.inimeut. It has
j linty been styled a PanuiJen for all mental Wounds
Cuts. ci welling% Sprains, Dirtnees,or Eruptions on Mast
or Ilea-t. It is nu fur a medicine of surprising Virtue,
that Phy-u•i.ns are compelled to prescribe it. and bent
some num:terabit cotes of Chronic and Distorted Rl:ca
n:sox cases at has naturally attracted much attention
from the first •cientifie minds of the age. No family
can afford to he without a battle of the :Basilan Lim-
Illerit ut the !muse. Beware bt initiations.
The grimier 44 .a 1 1 reepeeroble deolerg ie all
parts of the world.
ItALLN Z. PALM, Proprieters, New York
Feb. lz:
The heavens were illuminated en it?h evening of
Atign.t tt•nb., 1 3J, by the most splendid Aurora
ItoreJli• ever tern in the Country. Rays of para.
voluted htLi tla.laed acre.o the ploy, and file change.
Were ltroaniful Pit the extreme. Ai cm. lone a Flip:
oitserver tete:irked. that 'he Meinled he could .ce the
form ilemmelvert ono the Ml:owing
worn, 8.5 14 hl year V.. rrurrit. al the /*row% Strlll , !
I tall of ito,kl.ll; & Walmn. No.. 0:03
Che.mut .1.. otor, %i!1, i~I:Iladr spills.
plenther In I
Our readers clay remember we have on
several occasions spoken in very eulogistic
toms of a preparation which - Br. Suns S.
Ffincx, of 108 Baltimore street,• Baltimore,
Md., has discovered for the cure of Epileptic
Fits. Now, in doing so, we have been acts=
ated by the very best motives, viz: the alklyi
ation of human suffering: From circumstan
ces which have lately come to our knowledge,
Wettest!. tbere is a class of persons who are not
disposed to try-this remedy in a common sense
manner: We elude to the fact of selecting a
particular case in a town where, perhaps r there
are six or eight cases, and trying•tt on one
case. Now, perhaps, the case selected might
be the only one of the whole number that if
would not cure. This is neither doing them
selves nor the medicine justice. If a dozen
persdus"Weie stricken down with cholera in
one town OT neighntsTheciA, would they all send
for a physician, OF would only one employ
him and wait to see irlie cured - the first pa
tient? That plan of prOcedute would be most
absurd. So in the case of Dr. Hances Lemedy,
every one who has Fits should try it for a
reasonable length of time. It Wilt' not cure
in a day or week; nothing worth doing can be
accomplished at once. What is easily done,
is as easily undone. The growth of time is
enduring. From the most respectable testi
mony we have es:hulloed, we feel assured that
by it proper perseverance in this remedy, nine
cases of Epilepay out - of ten may be cured.
The Pills'are sent by mail, free of postage, to
shy part or the world. Price: one box, $3;
two, $1; twelve, $2l. You will find the ad
dress above.
The great standard medicines of the preeent
age, have acquired their great popularity only
through years of trial. 11:i6ounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in all cases; and the
people have pronounced than worthy.
Liver Complaint, Syspepsia,•J`Sundlce,
Dtbilftyf of the Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disordered
liver or weakness of the stomack and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured 11
The Balsamic Cordial has
reputation aurpasaing that of any similar pre
paration extant. It will cure, WITHOUT FAIL,
the most antra and long-standing
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performed the most astonishing cures
seer known of
Contriited Consumption.
A few doses will also at once check and
cure the moat severe Diarrimma proceeding
These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M.
JACKSON & CO., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and arc sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 76 cents
per bottle. The signature of C. M. JACKSON
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called EWERYDODN'S ALMANAC,
you will find testimony and oommendatory
notices from all parts of the country. These
Almanacs are given away by all our agents.
ro. 11/ I Li, uggiat, 91111 e Counlry.
Apn: 9,1,69-Iy.
.1 esperteneed nuns Ono female physician, has a
:editing Syrup for children tecteing w•hiclt gi curly
Gtcib:¢ta•s the prom's of ICOIIIII7, Lj• softenin the
gums, reducing nil inflammation—will allay all-rain,
and is sure to iegulitic the bowels. Depend upon it,
mothers, it will give rest to) au r.clve-, mid relief did
health to your infant-. Peri l ed!y sale in all rase•.
tier advertisement m another column.
Oct.g9, Psso-ly
la„We arc authorized to announce S.W.
P. born; Fulton, as a candidate fur Sherill,
hubject to the accisiun of the People's
County Convention.
rt - 4
Oe the ^uth of Match. 15130. by the Rev. G. \V. Seolt
Mo. IhAAC 110GESPonixn to Altss SAILAU WeY:CE, all
of Colutolim,l.iiocasier County. Pa.
War TED!
rprin rtdt•m ibers tonic abut 21Tonani-lloudes. Apply
Ito (;EOlt E Ett(SLE, on Front street _
M ucott 31.1 h4ll
, .
FOR . 1 / I .7ST.CC I; OF E PEACE.
rvlll.l..uhr,nr!brr will be a . eaudolale In, Ihe office of
J. Jo-tier of the l'enee. tor the hower Wield ot ti e
I3orough of , Coltonlo t ut the elrettoo. nn I , ,ntrly. Apt
re-peetlully soltett, the support of 1,44 yel
low cio7e.l-. 1). I. 6RLIN1:11.
Colombia. Match 31. IFGO It
THE subscriber Witt ben candidate (or election to the
office of .11.1 s 01 , to the South
ward of the borough of Columbin. on I RIDAY, the
Sth C April. I Hin. Ile respectfully tasks the sup t iort
of the voter. of the town.
JOIIN W. liousToN.
Itlmrch 31. I:4P.
T'' ComPp.dioua 1:RIP Dwr,ra.
G now occupied l.y Rev. J. P. Hama.
niou git en in Nlay.
Apply to AI ns C s. LAIRD, or
00 , 1i1111.10. :11-1, E A 11‘,1-Slilt.
Gef rho Male high School. of
(D. It. ItrolJaker'-)will one nii Exhibition to Odd
e Ilan, an a xt einirdny Ceetung, April Slh, for
Ole bale fa of It e-ing Star Seedou. No 3U, eadet- of
'l•••inperimee. 'Clue . le. e ises will cro,sat of
dialogue. uru•ic, &c suppor: of the public is
.3 , ltireion le cents. The exercises Intl: coin
e 11
Colurnbia 11 roll 31, 10.1 t
TM: Colitrabi Naironal Bawl s Ii oppoor in their
J. NEW UNIFORM on MON DAY. Apra 9th. They
invite the Vire Gnnpfine.♦ of Columbia to min them
on thy nriove nreu..ton, a u parade through the
atteei• of the borough.
Marzlr :11.'60 I t Ito Onorr. or ComaurrEr.
Tiir. Office und Iteutdence of the rubscriber taut
been removed to south side Of V. Onto street, first
house below Set.Oed stret't•
WEI:311. Justice of the Pence.
arid Ptre and Tale luminance Agent.
''l=32Ell - DO - OS
Et EAT ARRIVAL or New Goods. Groceries tell
ettea v er Stan ever 6.
A. AI. nANietrs
Forted) , Grocery Store, Uild Fellows , Hall.
Atsrelt 81. IQ6O,
NICE MO COPFLIE selling at 121 rent. per pound
-ramlTy Grocery 'Stott, oda 1- elimes`
Columbia. March 31. 1-110
Covering's Syrup!
Selliug for 15 cents per quart at
Family Grocery Store, Odd Fel,ow,' 11.411
alarel, 31. watt
G oal St nip Molasses selling at: cents I Rtrj at
' , amity Grocery More, Odd Fcllcrtos'
Colombia. Alstreh 31. I no.
White Sugars.
B est Snow White :sugar nt IU cents. at
Ferrite Grocery Store,Odd Fellows' Hull
Ma rrh
Alr arlieo of Coffee, oud of Goe,st flavor. Try
MorbhP."lT+3;o"ro"ry Store, OJd Fellows' llall.
Nice, sub; R (orb catt:s 11 pound, at
Grt,ery Store, Odd 1% :tars' Holl
Cultunt.L. Nlttr..ll
DmistiitaßLz BUILDING um
0.11 . ' LOC UST STREET.
On SATURDAY: bIARCII3tet, MO, Will be :did a
ppublic *elm, at the public bonne of Daniel Herr, in
the kirrough of Columbia, those
Lying on the mull side or Loma etroet, camel ning
front of 30 feet, (more or less.) bounded on the we,t by
briek dwelling of Mrs Young, mid on the east by brick
hotel, properly of Joseph Ulmer.
These Lots are very desirably located—would an
swer fora Store or Dwelling, or for two Store Reims.
r -- Terms: Four months' Credit.
Sale to commence at 7 o'clock Y. M.
.Al. Al. ROIL REIT, Agent.
Columbia M'cli 31, 15607 L.TREDNICK,AuCtionter.
C. xtmilvEzys
Front St., above Walnut, Cotumbia, Pa.
THE.ubscriber keeps constantly on hand a large
and varied ate,sortment of Confectionery, Fruit,
Cakes, re. lie invhesattentlon to his
Which Ile Has Just Opened For The Season.
Soda NVoter from the Fountain.. Ile keeps Fruit Cake
Ludy" Coke. and a variety of smaPer cokes tilway.4
fresh. linaillome Cakes of every aescriptioli, wnh
choice Confection, carefully prepared fur Part:es,
Balla, dm.
Columbia, March 31,1.560,
Ropes, Ropes, Ropes.
coils just received and for sale, at whole
sole rime reatili, size and length, to suit par
chasers, at my store, near the out-let lock.
Match 31, It 6a, l'110:: WELSH.
A FREI 4 II supply or Rxtro oud Plain How, Shout
rlerr.Side.,Me•a Pork :And Lure - at rodurril pore-.
Morel] 31, 1.930. TliOS. IN-ELSIE
A Game that two can play at,
We wilt sell good
Brovim Sugar at 0; cts.l
Bright Yellow Sugar at 8 cts.
Rest Relined White Sugar at 10 cts.
Prime Rio Coffee at 14 and 15 'els.
Good Syrup at 50 cts. per gallon.
Choice Flavored Teas at 50 . cts.
from New York next week, and Great Bargains may
be expeeied at ii. C. FONDERSAIITtns
111.31 iO. People'o Ca.ii Store, Columbia,
Every Description of Lumber,
DINE and Cypretis Shingle., Dre•eed Flooring,.
WeutherboArding, Window ttu..ll, ticket., anal
everything in hi• line of hu,iurs4. fie i•;L.i receiv
ing his Spring Stock of Lumber. and lied on hada u
!Arne and complete utt,oriment of
Of f ice and Wureltnuie in Front street, tetween Lo
cum ...d Union, COIUMIIIII. at.
Columbia. March ram, rstio:
Ft. XMT .01.- C c 131 X:11 I
Vl7£ have just ;melted from the Eastern 3larkets. u
V very select as-ortment of
Cloth*. Ca.simier4, &c.. die ;
LGIANII.,. Delainus, Prints, &c ;
klats.;Caps. &c.. c ;
Duals and SIIOCS. Sc;
Grocinnrs—Fre.ll and Fair.
. .
Call and see for yourselves that our present quality
and sti le urn un•urpas-ed.
_ _ .
1 O. & R F. BRUN ER.
N. II —Oar Goods will Le Po low that our Friends
Mil-11101 C.Xptel five per ceet o 0 hir rash
:111wch Oh 11,60 I. 0 & H. F B.
`]lie can . mostlrdrdially recommend IlishW
• v rkiolv"nie. "Evidences of clinstinnity" ai, one
of the hest work: on II at cut ject that we have ever
seen—truly Et:cow/kat and filled with the Spirit of
Christ. We would bee all who Ilse, trot the work to
buy it and study it. mid make its important trod, their
own, as a shield isenai-t the Evil tine nod his followers.
Jotts 1.. ii saws. Minister of Pleb . , p.rigu, Church, (101 ,
.1.. 4 GRIMES. Pastor Presbytecisn Church, Columbia,
CLAWOES, .1. IL IMcsoes,
lls. T. J Ahtss. G. W. :icon'.
COLUMBIA, hlarch 2:111. led°,
This handsome driTarsbook cannot he bought feed' ,
cents at any other time. The may agent seat out by a
wealthy gentleman to aid the animism: cause, stops
but once at a town Fanners, nod those who live back
from the business street,. had better send immediately
to Mr. AlcOluite's shoe store and obtain tins excellent
book, that they will never regret buying, as it is a great
favorite of the people—particularly of ie ladies.
Columbia. !porch ill It
1860. 1860.
TILE subscribers have just opened all en
tire 13111,.k of New [itocr•lte+, every article of
which is Fresh and Nits. and being determined to
',cep goods of the be-t quality. and at the very lowest
cash prices, hope to tic-veva and receive a share of
to vet 111111 1 . 6•10111.
SUGARS, 6.1, 7,8, 10.
MOLASSES, Of., 121•, .!6.
Great can has been taken at selecting the freshest
and rut est tea,,lh liltr k, Imperial and Voting li) soil.
Extra strong scented Ilia, Extra Browned Rio, E.l
l'urkey Coder.
Extrn•ugar eared Hams, extra sugar cured Dried
Beef, :Shoulders and Mackerel No. L land 3,
in bet rick and hair burrel•, mid by retail, Herring—
smoked and in pickle, Sdlinoit. •
SAl:l'.—Ground. by the .ateir and by retail; hoc
Aslnnn and Dairy, in .mall bag.;
SC)' Yeliow. White and Country,
Ortomea, Lemon-. Itaoqii+, Prune, he , Ac
A tar;,' uom complete al •1401111111rIlt.
OS NDLES.—Atlmminime. 4 perm ttml TalZovl.
SPICES, &c., &c.
Groom] Cmnomat, Clove-, All spier. Pepper—red
and block. Ramis um! Vella w M 11.1,. rd, Mace, Crenin
of 'ra mar, eoppenis, Nu:lnese. Saltpetr,
$ll/Ve Watch:lig. Valley Soup•, Candle-wig
bond.. ke . Bed :711511N. Clothe. Lille,
Pure•Clder Vinegar,
Corn Browns,
Knives and Forks and Spoons.
All the Be-t
Leiter and IVrtti rig Pape,. Nice l'en, Ink, Ink
sardine.. Sweet Corn. Hammon y. Split Part., Va
nua. 1.1ean. , 4, freak Sweet 0,1.
to .Itort. every article to be bound ui a first
C;roceiy Store.
Illt 1.1)1::%1 N l JACK , UN,
Cheap Grocery and Provi•oli :store
Columbia. March 31 1;60.
THOS. W. •EVINti rtspettfully un-
WWI ..... lila! the% ha Ve now oneit.
Comproinig the elew e-i and ha
no tied 1h,% i•, in rill kv of all Vied.; Shawl.,
Gieandinel, Lierrgee. Thin Rohr., G, o' de
Puts Cloth. Favllia de Chilli, Traveling
Goods., Chatizee, Reneges All:Juts, Embroiderier,
tilovev, hdli le., together wnh till
Latest Novelties thathas appeared this season.
Cu-totters the city icill final it advniitime•
out. to c/umine thi4 stock, a. T. W. & Co's Conn
nes for procuring the hinidsoramit goods at the mo-t
reriamiable prices. are unequalled.
Nnet 818 and 820 ST . yin [Atka,
P II I A, oppmine the Girard
1110 roll 31, !AGO Ito
1111105. W. EVANS & CO. ore offering on immense
.1. mock of - -
Al a.Gteat Sacrifice. These Goods have been pur•
chased at Auction, at the depreciated prices, and will
be retiiited nt
Nos. 818 and 820 Chestnut Street, opposite
Girard House, Phdadelphia.
March 31, lE•fil3.3t
Tlll. C. •D. 110TTENSTEIN has removed
Lis office to the frame buitditig next below Itte
clianic's flow, on the North side of Locust street,
nearly opposite Holdetnan's store.
Hi♦ residence is to Front street, oboes Union,—the
house formerly occupied by Mr. Nelson Sutton.
Patients apply inr ot the office at night will find a per
son in attendance.
Columbia, Morel f'.l, IPGO.
T' partnership heretofore existing as Welsh &Ch.
lei, ha+ tills day been dissolved by mutual consent.
All persons indebted to said firm, and those having
claims against said firm, will preient them to Thomas
Weleli, for settlement. THOS. IV E1,t.11.
Columbia, March 21,1860.
_ _
Senry C. Blair's Philocome,
A CONVENIENT and admirable dressing for the
hair. it prevents the hair from falling off, rendering
its growth healthy and vigorous. Directions for use
achompauying each bottle. For sale by.
Mar:l3 24,196 p. Front street.
FOR MAKING SOAP. superior article Of
12 Soda Ash Oil band and for sn'e by
!larch 24.1900. Froct cruet.
Second Arrive of
Silks, Silks, Silks!
_ _
WILMOT ALBANY,' sl,oo per 100
The above are the pricey 0: five of the best Straw
berries at the I lillside Ntu , ery. Columbia, Pa.
If we had the Hoo Urea fieedlius; we would class it
with our:2s cent kinds.
Our prices generally for Nursery Stock, comport,
with H. E. Hooker's aro do the prices of Strawberries.
(See H. E. Hooker's advertisement in last week's spy )
March 24. 1136041
A GIFT' fettled from two dollars to one
hundred &tiara given with every book sold ut
retail prices. At least one Watch Is guaranteed to
every twelve book.! These Inducements are offered
by the Suffolk Exibunge Company,ll6 Washington
street. notion, the most extensive and the most !db.
eral Girl COUCefli in existence. Send for neotalogue.
Those who have patronized other Gift nooses nre
particularly requested to acquaint themselves with
our terms. Our inducements me unrivalled, and put
all others in the
The following urn some of the gifts to purchasers of
Enelieh Lever Gold Watches. bunting cares.
Patent " - 4441
Ladies ". open face.
Detached Lever Silver Watelle., hunting cases.
Lepine Silver IVatelic.. open face.
G-,1,1 Loam., variousr.izes.
Ladle.' and Gento Gold ClIalul,w (11611 ' Aqui-
Ladle,' and LitlltS' Gold Sleeve Buttons and bled,'
all potter..
Gent.' [amm Pin., new and rich styles.
Gold Pencil. and Pens.
Ladirie nod Gent= Gold Ring..
Gold ‘Paten Key. , and Belt Pins.
A great variety of Ladies' :rewelry. Fin. and Far
eionprpitng all the sty let now worn, suell as
Cameo. Pilo-ale, Gold Stone, Lava, Florentine, &c.
Gold Bracelet's all style..
The List of Book,. romps ire= n great niiscrlinent of
ctand.ird works in every department of literature, in•
the-nng to Ow young and old. Do 1101 fad to amid
fora eatalnaut 1%-tt vogues mailed free to any ad
dress. Apia): In
VE`Ol-11 - EXilli A NSF: COMPANY,
110 kVa-tangion street, Boston.
Ma re h 21.19211 lI
\IME:11, the Ito. GENOA . G. LONG,
ton. A. L. ErAYR4 nun Faunae
DitisrriN. Av.oeinte Judges of the Court of Onto.
mon Pleas. in and for the county of I,llllelikter. and
As-i•tinnt Ju-nice. of 111.. Court of Oyer and Terminer;
and Get tern: Jail Delivery, at lid Quarter Szes-ions of
the ?cave, in aid for the county of Lauren-ter. hove
i.tu , O their Precept to tee directed, requiting me,
among other things. to loathe Public Proclaination
throughoat my Ihnl iwtek. that a Court of river and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery; Also, .11 Court
of General Qattrier Se--inns of the Pence and
Delivery, mil commence at the Court lion-e, In thw
:city of Lanca-ter. in the Commonwealth of Venn-SI.
vanin, on the IRD MONDAY In A PRI!. (16th) 1900
In pursuance of which precept. PUBLIC NoTleE
IS DERE BY GIVEN. illhe Slayer and Aldermen of
the city of Lancaster. in sold county. and the Just
tires of the Peace. the Coroner, *lid COIPM,Ides o'
the said city and courtly of laineaster. that they be
then and there in their own proper poreoae, With their
rolls, record- and egaminution,,nnd inquitotiont, :urn
their other remembrances. to do tho-e Bungs which
to their offices appermin, in their helthif
and alth oil shore who wail pro -cultic it 'apt the
prisoners who are, or Own lie. In I he the
said et unity of I•miCanter. One to be Melt uud there to
prot•ecuie licatet-t them its shall beet-t.
Dated at Lancuster the Itith day of February ISSO
BENJAMIN F. ROWE, tthenit.
N. 11,—Panctnal attendant, of the Jurors :Ind Wit
nesses will hereafter he expected and required on the
first iltry of the sessiOtr.. Nideratett awl Justtees
the Peace are required by an order of Court. dated
Nov. 21. ISti. toretarn their rrettgill,dlil, lu rmnurt
EVOIne. Clerk of I.4.onrlrr tses-iatt., with, one urok
from the day orrm.i nelnlit In to•eli de
/111111 thereof, the ANL, ittates' cents will no: be al
lowed. Nlareh 24. I eta/.
Show Oases for Sale
TCVO fine 3l ode nt,how Ca-en cheap for ra,h
Suilahlr for a 1/^a¢, Fatal, or Dan 110.01 , 41,e.
A Iso. a good (I wear, very lone. Eaciu:se at the oh.,
of thin paper
Colunitola. March 17. 1id0.3l
Columbia Insurance Company.
THIS Company is autl►orized by its charter
to 111•11 re in the country. or in borough-. oumn.t
Itc-rt or damage Ity fire, our the romanl toe ant,
length of time. Itiq:ted or perpetual, either tor a Cush
premium or premium note.
There uho ioaure ihr n premium note 1.1.1!! be he
pored for five eta., aml , 111..jtet to Et..sebrinceh. ai
ea.e of losoee.
Those who in-ure for a cash nreiniutn ,ill be ln
-ur••d fur any 101111 not exece.liag live not to any 31., v. meat, (Joe per eent.preamun
w.II be charged ott 1 . 1.1.11 erupt r 3 tut Abe I,lin of live
Fonm property wlll he fur the term of ten
ye:tr.., tor it deposit of tilt Le per trot. of the amount
tinned, Me whole ;4111011UL of the pft.11.11.1111 emir to he
returned tat till. expiration of Mr polity, rrithcat no
crest. or the puler) to be teneweil tar ten ) ear,niiii.
GU) any e.tpene.e m the 01/1 , 0/1 9(14 in-nicer.
The Company ml5ll to employ II number of gomi
Agents. Woo will lie fur:m.llml 1.1.t,h the niece—any
blanks and 111,41110101, by eallmx :he offiee of the
Company. inn the Borough of 1'C11.1.1/r1l111:4,
or addre.eing tine Seeretnry by mod.
C. S. RA 1.:IT1IA N. Pre , Mlent,
MICH.% Kr. II A 10012.1:. Viet, Pre.olent,
GEC). YttU ili. Jr, peerehity.
111 STRICKLER. Trett..uier,
J A COU 13.' 3 31 L'IIAN.
JA.13011 SEITZ.
Coll,mlrill. Lancaster to., Penn'a 13,1E43,
Muir!, 11-60.
T tig•uip•r•rther keep• n enn.ta tit ..tupply of the Rut
Kerosene Oil; nl.O, Coal 04 „Lamps, of every rtko
ety .111 U It CCUJC- 01 alirCIC:1 1 11:111CMS. &c. Ste.
1.01.0 , 1 street, below Second, Columbia,
771,01 17. h
WIIEREAS, John D. lilingler and wife, of
the Iti nth tt
n nil have made a volt,
thr) na..i g nittent In the nottle". 4 shetl. reelthn g in Co
lumbia, cola!! the•r estate. real, per-on.ll oml
tor th e benefit of the eretittori or the •oul Klm a kr.
IltiA is therefore to gi Ye in all
to , n i d John I)lieglor. make. payment tinmetli
all'l3". attd Calm. , to re•vitt the same
wubout propi ILIA • 114 ,1110111.11 for settlement.
A1.17.'60 lit JONAS 51YEIIS. As-iguee.
New Stock at the Goldenlaor
E hare just returned from Philsdrlpitia
unit etc York. with a large mut eted
Sleek or fie•ll 0. ug.., Medicines. Cheiiiic•ii.. and
everything tu.titil - v L.•pt in it Well rondo. led Iliac:
store. viz: Spalding'. Glue, Cox'. Ge not or.
Vorototte. Ilan It% Trtropherou-. Wi•tart•
Couttli Lort ittox Tteelo.s. it iih
Ilru•k. N and Leiter Paper. Cove
lopen, Pent , . Ink. &e ,
BRUSHES! BRUSIIES!!--IYe have replenished
our stork ui Hui, Ntall.Comb. Ilat Cloth,
ancl Shoe ftrunhe, We Halter our.elve. ihni our am.
..ori mew of I.lro-lies exceed• any Other in the 'WWII
Call unit .er for 3 oar..elf and he convinced. before , cl.ewhcre J. S. DELLErI'Ik. CV ,
t:olden Mortar Drug Store. prone nl met.
GOING FISHING? Call at the
Golden Monne Drue more aid procure the line
oud hook, ov !hero you Will find an hirOltOleill or
11001,.. Loma and Lioks. FISII
Columbia. itlitrelt e,1660.
rill II; above reward will he paid for rite tsrpielien-loti
A. and conviettno of the person or pereolia who de
titeed the monument on Cemetery lot 01 Mr.. J. A.
Luuman• [March 10. ?500.% •
Hams and Shortldets
1 .- Vl : a•z o r p e o c ti e n i v d e . d o li6r u si m il . f i rgrn y o . 7 k er County, N.
linnio. 500 pounds of
Shoulders. I. 0 & H. F. BRUNER.
Match 10. 60. Corner Union mid Third sir.
TIM subscriber otters at private sale the.
folios, lug property, situated in the Borough ol Co::
luinhia, viz:
go. 1. A Blacksmith Shop, situated on thia
river track of the Pennsylvania Railroad. below'lVai•
nut •trees, together with a full set of Ittparksmithing
No. 2. A Lot of Ground on Second street s
between Locust and Widow. on which t. erected a
two.story frame Dwelling Douse.
No. 3. A Lot of Ground on Second street s
between Union and Perry. on which I. erected a one
and•n-half-r!ory Prame Derell , nir
Nu. 4. A Lot of Ground on Fourth streets
between Perry and Mill, on which i- a two-story Frame r
Dwelling Howie.
No. 5. cro Lots of Grouud-crn Fifth street,
south of Union, on whtch are two two-story Dwel 7
line !rouses.
• •
No. 8. Tixo Lots of Ground on Fifth street s
titian een Union and Cherry on which are erected twp
two-story• from, Dwelling nolabee.
No. 7. Four Building Lots situated on
Union sweet, comer of Filth
No. 8. Six Building Lists situated on Fiftlt
street, between Union and Cherry.
rot terms, ice., apply to IL
Loeuet meet, Columbia, Pa.
The subscribers offer at private sale the following
property, situated in Said borough, viz:
Three Lots 01 Ground on union street,
Smith of Fifth, on whia are 'emceed three two-.wry
frame Dwelling House. with one-and-a.:lmltatory back
buildings. For tenor, an.. apply to
If. PFA H LER, as above,
rola. 'larch 10.1* tf Corner Front and Vaion Sts.