is and hie sisters tis acleron conclave. great grief 'VMS over,,the stapoiy bil had onbsided„tse clouds ,Etta passed J..aiay. "The fonerwl,w::ents" ar . e.ri about to -"fuzaisla a wedt-7:-ng feast." stagustßs was, ...1.;112A to be "Married:" AniaboF! bands in inatioulate horror, looked calmly on the cur* . ,f,at.t4 widower. 4;1‘.1.T. atyj never marry again?" Leited - .. 4 1. -- 8; angry nt these mute &al• ut,Kratiuns of surprise. Did sou not say so dear tro:liQr?" e!er. i of triteriy tnibeoneeired rnlbh to corn plitnen t Itocher,b Lt-toory, I.AL:it 1 wilily revere, an.l I can _..t better do bo titan by marrying agnip.". Stir. months and two wi•Pki,'" .11 !Ili be I a m an nn-urn forever?" .aßketi gl,que, indig,nr.ntl3. -eon a umn mourn at alil" gsketl - tlyra, spe.iking for the first tint. kt we rte.:" sister," sighed Anabel, as cortege drove (*nun the church .J.,ur on the folluwing yh.ursthy, and the face of Miss Vdlers peeve," out of the ‘%ind.w . c-f the bridal coe,zl:; it is the will in the tin .iase that .ifricts lle has rna.le another cet es of: withuut a shilling. Ile ha; gone air, fiio, without giving we new burlal di:Z.:V:oons. Of coarse he IA ishes to cover hie Glee with dear .I:4clicl's handkerchief; I hall send it later "Certainly," reipunded Myra, quietly; '•lie migh? , übe it HOW." 6lit eaumbia -gpti. k f .. .. 4 :3-num DI A S.ITUILDAY, INIAIICII IS6O De". : Sr.r. Ncw ADVERTIntIIENTS OF A. M EAtimis, ODD FELOWS' RAM, IS To-1)AV..., I'_, t _. Sl.l.Gcr'cuuol..--Ilr.,Cl~H•~es' toi 3 uuth ul Luth sexeb, will open on the it;th, k tecunti Monday) of April. Particular atter. , Lion paid to the morale of the pupils. Jtt....h .1, /66.0-3 E. Executive Cominittee of the Columbia Bond of Trade, for S'ho Month of March. GEORGE BOGLE. 11. C. FoNLIEGS.IIII.I 011.18. J. I'c:4.). Rev J. W. Nevin, P. 1)., ,preach in the Goma!' Ite.fortned eltuieh, uF tine Once, un next Sabbath :naming and erasing, at the usual !wars. itntut - .ll.s.—We request those of our sub: scribers who may change, or have changed, their places of residence, this season, to ICria cf such removals, that the Spy may be sert-ed prorarrthy mid at the proper places. ELECTION.-At the rriday nest the citizens of the South Ward will 1 called upon to vote fur u Ju,tice o: the Peace. By our advertising columns it will be been that D. E. Bruner and Johu W. IrJusion ant.ounce theluielves as Sur that. otilt.e. fluty many ta,at, will op pear l,efore the day, we eaunot giterts. 1.',1 a' free tig,lit, and the best :van a ins. rAim. Acc:331.N1.-011 1154, Munday tom.- I,irfs a bun of Mr. !sane Duel:, a boy of about twelte years ef age,was rem over by a train or coal ears, beirogillg to tha Shaw itee ,)n the TOMlice Railroad.— 'the 1001 oit4 riding utt the train and jump ed in the eta above the Pensisylranut itaiiroad. In jumping he fell. and rolled under toe ettr. Both legi were crushed, and the bay fzurv. , A•cets rt.] y trterwal tl4. 47t1r.:17.,41Nc lIU aorOttS tncrciutnts aro 100;tilitittig to al, their 11.1%* spring stock. and to com pete in a spirited manner. Our business inert generally are alive to the advantages 4 judicious advertising. and our eilunins ore a very Lair directory to the business of torn A. now Grocer*' store has bton npcned Ly Fkidenum and Jackson, in I. .cost street, 14ott d-oar Ithnre Ifaldgman's stare. They oci;ertise in to•days -,cpy an extensive stuck of every thing in their line, at reduced pri ces. Thu new establishment is neatly and completely fitted up, and the stock is entire ly fresh and first duality. They advertise th:g;arand &C., at sery low rates. roudersmith is cleat to the occasion. and puts his groceries—Eugars, Syrups, Coffees, 6.c.,—at a remarkably kr?: figore. See his advertisement. Ito anneunees tt -new stock of handsome goods as forthcoming nest -ruck. I. 0. & 11. F. Bruner have receive.; an other supply of new Spring goods, which they offer it rates as low as arc compatible with honesty r.nd a decent subsistence.— They a&k Abele friends to give them a call. Rambo scents tl - e battle, and puts bia su gars down to the lowest mach. A. M. :Id .' ertisot a surprising new stork, rrmit.-Jr. Front St., above Walnut, Cotumbia, Pa. THE.ubscriber keeps constantly on hand a large and varied ate,sortment of Confectionery, Fruit, Cakes, re. lie invhesattentlon to his ICE CREAM SALOON, Which Ile Has Just Opened For The Season. Soda NVoter from the Fountain.. Ile keeps Fruit Cake Ludy" Coke. and a variety of smaPer cokes tilway.4 fresh. linaillome Cakes of every aescriptioli, wnh choice Confection, carefully prepared fur Part:es, Balla, dm. Columbia, March 31,1.560, Ropes, Ropes, Ropes. 400 coils just received and for sale, at whole sole rime reatili, size and length, to suit par chasers, at my store, near the out-let lock. Match 31, It 6a, l'110:: WELSH. A FREI 4 II supply or Rxtro oud Plain How, Shout rlerr.Side.,Me•a Pork :And Lure - at rodurril pore-. Morel] 31, 1.930. TliOS. IN-ELSIE A Game that two can play at, We wilt sell good Brovim Sugar at 0; cts.l Bright Yellow Sugar at 8 cts. Rest Relined White Sugar at 10 cts. Prime Rio Coffee at 14 and 15 'els. Good Syrup at 50 cts. per gallon. Choice Flavored Teas at 50 . cts. LOOKOUT FOR NEW GOOOR from New York next week, and Great Bargains may be expeeied at ii. C. FONDERSAIITtns 111.31 iO. People'o Ca.ii Store, Columbia, Every Description of Lumber, DINE and Cypretis Shingle., Dre•eed Flooring,. WeutherboArding, Window ttu..ll, ticket., anal everything in hi• line of hu,iurs4. fie i•;L.i receiv ing his Spring Stock of Lumber. and lied on hada u !Arne and complete utt,oriment of DRY LUMBER OF EVERY QUALITY. Of f ice and Wureltnuie in Front street, tetween Lo cum ...d Union, COIUMIIIII. at. Columbia. March ram, rstio: Ft. XMT .01.- C c 131 X:11 I Vl7£ have just ;melted from the Eastern 3larkets. u V very select as-ortment of DRY GOODS. Cloth*. Ca.simier4, &c.. die ; LGIANII.,. Delainus, Prints, &c ; klats.;Caps. &c.. c ; Duals and SIIOCS. Sc; Grocinnrs—Fre.ll and Fair. . . Call and see for yourselves that our present quality and sti le urn un•urpas-ed. _ _ . 1 O. & R F. BRUN ER. N. II —Oar Goods will Le Po low that our Friends Mil-11101 C.Xptel five per ceet o 0 hir rash :111wch Oh 11,60 I. 0 & H. F B. `]lie can . mostlrdrdially recommend IlishW • v rkiolv"nie. "Evidences of clinstinnity" ai, one of the hest work: on II at cut ject that we have ever seen—truly Et:cow/kat and filled with the Spirit of Christ. We would bee all who Ilse, trot the work to buy it and study it. mid make its important trod, their own, as a shield isenai-t the Evil tine nod his followers. Jotts 1.. ii saws. Minister of Pleb . , p.rigu, Church, (101 , .1.. 4 GRIMES. Pastor Presbytecisn Church, Columbia, CLAWOES, .1. IL IMcsoes, lls. T. J Ahtss. G. W. :icon'. COLUMBIA, hlarch 2:111. led°, This handsome driTarsbook cannot he bought feed' , cents at any other time. The may agent seat out by a wealthy gentleman to aid the animism: cause, stops but once at a town Fanners, nod those who live back from the business street,. had better send immediately to Mr. AlcOluite's shoe store and obtain tins excellent book, that they will never regret buying, as it is a great favorite of the people—particularly of ie ladies. Columbia. !porch ill It 1860. 1860. NEW CAM GROCERY STORE. TILE subscribers have just opened all en tire 13111,.k of New [itocr•lte+, every article of which is Fresh and Nits. and being determined to ',cep goods of the be-t quality. and at the very lowest cash prices, hope to tic-veva and receive a share of to vet 111111 1 . 6•10111. SUGARS, 6.1, 7,8, 10. MOLASSES, Of., 121•, .!6. Great can has been taken at selecting the freshest and rut est tea,,lh liltr k, Imperial and Voting li) soil. COFFEE. Extra strong scented Ilia, Extra Browned Rio, E.l l'urkey Coder. Extrn•ugar eared Hams, extra sugar cured Dried Beef, :Shoulders and Mackerel No. L land 3, in bet rick and hair burrel•, mid by retail, Herring— smoked and in pickle, Sdlinoit. • SAl:l'.—Ground. by the .ateir and by retail; hoc Aslnnn and Dairy, in .mall bag.; SC)' Yeliow. White and Country, PRIYrE CHEESE, FRESH CRACKERS. Ortomea, Lemon-. Itaoqii+, Prune, he , Ac QUEENS WARE AND-GLASSWARE, A tar;,' uom complete al •1401111111rIlt. OS NDLES.—Atlmminime. 4 perm ttml TalZovl. SPICES, &c., &c. Groom] Cmnomat, Clove-, All spier. Pepper—red and block. Ramis um! Vella w M 11.1,. rd, Mace, Crenin of 'ra mar, eoppenis, Nu:lnese. Saltpetr, $ll/Ve Watch:lig. Valley Soup•, Candle-wig bond.. ke . Bed :711511N. Clothe. Lille, Pure•Clder Vinegar, Potatoes, Corn Browns, Knives and Forks and Spoons. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. All the Be-t Leiter and IVrtti rig Pape,. Nice l'en, Ink, Ink Se. sardine.. Sweet Corn. Hammon y. Split Part., Va nua. 1.1ean. , 4, freak Sweet 0,1. to .Itort. every article to be bound ui a first C;roceiy Store. Illt 1.1)1::%1 N l JACK , UN, Cheap Grocery and Provi•oli :store Columbia. March 31 1;60. THOS. W. •EVINti rtspettfully un- WWI ..... lila! the% ha Ve now oneit. LARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMEENT OF SPRING DRESS GOODS, Comproinig the elew e-i and ha no tied 1h,% i•, in rill kv of all Vied.; Shawl., Gieandinel, Lierrgee. Thin Rohr., G, o' de Puts Cloth. Favllia de Chilli, Traveling Goods., Chatizee, Reneges All:Juts, Embroiderier, tilovev, hdli le., together wnh till the Latest Novelties thathas appeared this season. Cu-totters the city icill final it advniitime• out. to c/umine thi4 stock, a. T. W. & Co's Conn nes for procuring the hinidsoramit goods at the mo-t reriamiable prices. are unequalled. Nnet 818 and 820 ST . yin [Atka, P II I A, oppmine the Girard 1110 roll 31, !AGO Ito GREAT BARGAINS IN SILKS! 1111105. W. EVANS & CO. ore offering on immense .1. mock of - - NEW SPRING SILKS! Al a.Gteat Sacrifice. These Goods have been pur• chased at Auction, at the depreciated prices, and will be retiiited nt LESS THAN COST OF IMPORTATION! Nos. 818 and 820 Chestnut Street, opposite Girard House, Phdadelphia. March 31, lE•fil3.3t Tlll. C. •D. 110TTENSTEIN has removed Lis office to the frame buitditig next below Itte clianic's flow, on the North side of Locust street, nearly opposite Holdetnan's store. Hi♦ residence is to Front street, oboes Union,—the house formerly occupied by Mr. Nelson Sutton. Patients apply inr ot the office at night will find a per son in attendance. Columbia, Morel f'.l, IPGO. T' partnership heretofore existing as Welsh &Ch. lei, ha+ tills day been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm, and those having claims against said firm, will preient them to Thomas Weleli, for settlement. THOS. IV E1,t.11. HARRY L. UIILER. Columbia, March 21,1860. _ _ Senry C. Blair's Philocome, A CONVENIENT and admirable dressing for the hair. it prevents the hair from falling off, rendering its growth healthy and vigorous. Directions for use achompauying each bottle. For sale by. R. VI ILL.TAMS, Mar:l3 24,196 p. Front street. FOR MAKING SOAP. superior article Of 12 Soda Ash Oil band and for sn'e by R. WILLIAMS, !larch 24.1900. Froct cruet. C. BETTER GEORGE BOGLE% DEALER IN Second Arrive of NOT SECTARIAN., IT 'FRUIT SPRING GOODS. Silks, Silks, Silks! REDIOV.&L. DISSOLUTION. .&N1 _ _ SPiliterDlD 07/7t/ILIXTBERIZIES. WILMOT ALBANY,' sl,oo per 100 LONOWORTH'S PROLIFIC, 1 , 00 " lou HOVEY'S SEDLING, 75 uo PEA BODY, 75 lOO LARGE EARLY SCA R LET, 0 100 The above are the pricey 0: five of the best Straw berries at the I lillside Ntu , ery. Columbia, Pa. If we had the Hoo Urea fieedlius; we would class it with our:2s cent kinds. Our prices generally for Nursery Stock, comport, with H. E. Hooker's aro do the prices of Strawberries. (See H. E. Hooker's advertisement in last week's spy ) S. H. PURPLE. March 24. 1136041 WATCHES GIVEN AWAY. A GIFT' fettled from two dollars to one hundred &tiara given with every book sold ut retail prices. At least one Watch Is guaranteed to every twelve book.! These Inducements are offered by the Suffolk Exibunge Company,ll6 Washington street. notion, the most extensive and the most !db. eral Girl COUCefli in existence. Send for neotalogue. Those who have patronized other Gift nooses nre particularly requested to acquaint themselves with our terms. Our inducements me unrivalled, and put all others in the The following urn some of the gifts to purchasers of boot'.: Enelieh Lever Gold Watches. bunting cares. Patent " - 4441 Ladies ". open face. Detached Lever Silver Watelle., hunting cases. Lepine Silver IVatelic.. open face. G-,1,1 Loam., variousr.izes. Ladle.' and Gento Gold ClIalul,w (11611 ' Aqui- Ladle,' and LitlltS' Gold Sleeve Buttons and bled,' all potter.. Gent.' [amm Pin., new and rich styles. Gold Pencil. and Pens. Ladirie nod Gent= Gold Ring.. Gold ‘Paten Key. , and Belt Pins. A great variety of Ladies' :rewelry. Fin. and Far eionprpitng all the sty let now worn, suell as Cameo. Pilo-ale, Gold Stone, Lava, Florentine, &c. Gold Bracelet's all style.. The List of Book,. romps ire= n great niiscrlinent of ctand.ird works in every department of literature, in• the-nng to Ow young and old. Do 1101 fad to amid fora eatalnaut 1%-tt vogues mailed free to any ad dress. Apia): In VE`Ol-11 - EXilli A NSF: COMPANY, 110 kVa-tangion street, Boston. C W ELDRIDGE, TMU Sorer. Ma re h 21.19211 lI COURT PROCLAMATION. \IME:11, the Ito. GENOA . G. LONG, ton. A. L. ErAYR4 nun Faunae DitisrriN. Av.oeinte Judges of the Court of Onto. mon Pleas. in and for the county of I,llllelikter. and As-i•tinnt Ju-nice. of 111.. Court of Oyer and Terminer; and Get tern: Jail Delivery, at lid Quarter Szes-ions of the ?cave, in aid for the county of Lauren-ter. hove i.tu , O their Precept to tee directed, requiting me, among other things. to loathe Public Proclaination throughoat my Ihnl iwtek. that a Court of river and Terminer and General Jail Delivery; Also, .11 Court of General Qattrier Se--inns of the Pence and Delivery, mil commence at the Court lion-e, In thw :city of Lanca-ter. in the Commonwealth of Venn-SI. vanin, on the IRD MONDAY In A PRI!. (16th) 1900 In pursuance of which precept. PUBLIC NoTleE IS DERE BY GIVEN. illhe Slayer and Aldermen of the city of Lancaster. in sold county. and the Just tires of the Peace. the Coroner, *lid COIPM,Ides o' the said city and courtly of laineaster. that they be then and there in their own proper poreoae, With their rolls, record- and egaminution,,nnd inquitotiont, :urn their other remembrances. to do tho-e Bungs which to their offices appermin, in their helthif and alth oil shore who wail pro -cultic it 'apt the prisoners who are, or Own lie. In I he the said et unity of I•miCanter. One to be Melt uud there to prot•ecuie licatet-t them its shall beet-t. Dated at Lancuster the Itith day of February ISSO BENJAMIN F. ROWE, tthenit. N. 11,—Panctnal attendant, of the Jurors :Ind Wit nesses will hereafter he expected and required on the first iltry of the sessiOtr.. Nideratett awl Justtees the Peace are required by an order of Court. dated Nov. 21. ISti. toretarn their rrettgill,dlil, lu rmnurt EVOIne. Clerk of I.4.onrlrr tses-iatt., with, one urok from the day orrm.i nelnlit In to•eli de /111111 thereof, the ANL, ittates' cents will no: be al lowed. Nlareh 24. I eta/. Show Oases for Sale TCVO fine 3l ode nt,how Ca-en cheap for ra,h Suilahlr for a 1/^a¢, Fatal, or Dan 110.01 , 41,e. A Iso. a good (I wear, very lone. Eaciu:se at the oh., of thin paper Colunitola. March 17. 1id0.3l Columbia Insurance Company. THIS Company is autl►orized by its charter to 111•11 re in the country. or in borough-. oumn.t Itc-rt or damage Ity fire, our the romanl toe ant, length of time. Itiq:ted or perpetual, either tor a Cush premium or premium note. PREMIUM ROTE SYSTEM There uho ioaure ihr n premium note 1.1.1!! be he pored for five eta., aml , 111..jtet to Et..sebrinceh. ai ea.e of losoee. CA.SI.I SYSTEM Those who in-ure for a cash nreiniutn ,ill be ln -ur••d fur any 101111 not exece.liag live not to any 31., v. meat, (Joe per eent.preamun w.II be charged ott 1 . 1.1.11 erupt r 3 tut Abe I,lin of live DI:POSIT SYSTEII. Fonm property wlll he fur the term of ten ye:tr.., tor it deposit of tilt Le per trot. of the amount tinned, Me whole ;4111011UL of the pft.11.11.1111 emir to he returned tat till. expiration of Mr polity, rrithcat no crest. or the puler) to be teneweil tar ten ) ear,niiii. GU) any e.tpene.e m the 01/1 , 0/1 9(14 in-nicer. The Company ml5ll to employ II number of gomi Agents. Woo will lie fur:m.llml 1.1.t,h the niece—any blanks and 111,41110101, by eallmx :he offiee of the Company. inn the Borough of 1'C11.1.1/r1l111:4, or addre.eing tine Seeretnry by mod. C. S. RA 1.:IT1IA N. Pre , Mlent, MICH.% Kr. II A 10012.1:. Viet, Pre.olent, GEC). YttU ili. Jr, peerehity. 111 STRICKLER. Trett..uier, J A COU 13.' 3 31 L'IIAN. %V' VA TT Vl'. MILLER. HENRY R. KNOTWELL, JA.13011 SEITZ. HENRY E. l% OLP. Coll,mlrill. Lancaster to., Penn'a 13,1E43, Muir!, 11-60. COAL OIL! • T tig•uip•r•rther keep• n enn.ta tit ..tupply of the Rut Kerosene Oil; nl.O, Coal 04 „Lamps, of every rtko ety .111 U It CCUJC- 01 alirCIC:1 1 11:111CMS. &c. Ste. JONAS 1.01.0 , 1 street, below Second, Columbia, 771,01 17. h •NEE'S NOTICE. WIIEREAS, John D. lilingler and wife, of the Iti nth tt n nil have made a volt, thr) na..i g nittent In the nottle". 4 shetl. reelthn g in Co lumbia, cola!! the•r estate. real, per-on.ll oml tor th e benefit of the eretittori or the •oul Klm a kr. IltiA is therefore to gi Ye in all to , n i d John I)lieglor. make. payment tinmetli all'l3". attd Calm. , to re•vitt the same wubout propi ILIA • 114 ,1110111.11 for settlement. A1.17.'60 lit JONAS 51YEIIS. As-iguee. New Stock at the Goldenlaor E hare just returned from Philsdrlpitia unit etc York. with a large mut eted Sleek or fie•ll 0. ug.., Medicines. Cheiiiic•ii.. and everything tu.titil - v L.•pt in it Well rondo. led Iliac: store. viz: Spalding'. Glue, Cox'. Ge not or. Vorototte. Ilan It% Trtropherou-. Wi•tart• Couttli Lort ittox Tteelo.s. it iih Ilru•k. N and Leiter Paper. Cove lopen, Pent , . Ink. &e , .1. S. DELLITIT & BRUSHES! BRUSIIES!!--IYe have replenished our stork ui Hui, Ntall.Comb. Ilat Cloth, ancl Shoe ftrunhe, We Halter our.elve. ihni our am. ..ori mew of I.lro-lies exceed• any Other in the 'WWII Call unit .er for 3 oar..elf and he convinced. before , cl.ewhcre J. S. DELLErI'Ik. CV , t:olden Mortar Drug Store. prone nl met. ARE YOU GOING FISHING? Call at the Golden Monne Drue more aid procure the line oud hook, ov !hero you Will find an hirOltOleill or 11001,.. Loma and Lioks. FISII FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. Columbia. itlitrelt e,1660. rill II; above reward will he paid for rite tsrpielien-loti A. and conviettno of the person or pereolia who de titeed the monument on Cemetery lot 01 Mr.. J. A. Luuman• [March 10. ?500.% • Hams and Shortldets 1 .- Vl : a•z o r p e o c ti e n i v d e . d o li6r u si m il . f i rgrn y o . 7 k er County, N. linnio. 500 pounds of Shoulders. I. 0 & H. F. BRUNER. Match 10. 60. Corner Union mid Third sir. ritIVA.TE SA.IIII TIM subscriber otters at private sale the. folios, lug property, situated in the Borough ol Co:: luinhia, viz: go. 1. A Blacksmith Shop, situated on thia river track of the Pennsylvania Railroad. below'lVai• nut •trees, together with a full set of Ittparksmithing Tolle. No. 2. A Lot of Ground on Second street s between Locust and Widow. on which t. erected a two.story frame Dwelling Douse. No. 3. A Lot of Ground on Second street s between Union and Perry. on which I. erected a one and•n-half-r!ory Prame Derell , nir Nu. 4. A Lot of Ground on Fourth streets between Perry and Mill, on which i- a two-story Frame r Dwelling Howie. . No. 5. cro Lots of Grouud-crn Fifth street, south of Union, on whtch are two two-story Dwel 7 line !rouses. • • No. 8. Tixo Lots of Ground on Fifth street s titian een Union and Cherry on which are erected twp two-story• from, Dwelling nolabee. No. 7. Four Building Lots situated on Union sweet, comer of Filth No. 8. Six Building Lists situated on Fiftlt street, between Union and Cherry. rot terms, ice., apply to IL Loeuet meet, Columbia, Pa. The subscribers offer at private sale the following property, situated in Said borough, viz: Three Lots 01 Ground on union street, Smith of Fifth, on whia are 'emceed three two-.wry frame Dwelling House. with one-and-a.:lmltatory back buildings. For tenor, an.. apply to If. PFA H LER, as above, or H. SUYDANI, rola. 'larch 10.1* tf Corner Front and Vaion Sts.