The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, November 29, 1856, Image 4

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Joe Clinton was the captain and leader
lit school. He was at the head of all the
deviltry Inad mischief going on. lie was
one that glorified in a clever trick done by
whatever means, and at whatever expense
or risk. Such a character all reprobate
when absent, and yet join with him when
present. The following is n fair sample of
his numerous exploits.
During the holidays he took his gun and
Was found by the keeper of Sir Andrew
Bagnal, shooting on that worthy "Baronet
`:Young gentlemen," said the keeper.
`•I would be glad to see your certificate."
"I don't happen to have it along with
"Then, if it is nit along kith you,''
said the keeper, "you tau.t go along with
"Very well," said Joe, "I will."
They went up to the nail, and the keep
er advanced to a side door, but Joe walked
coolly up to the front door and rung the
"Conic army, I tell you," cried the keep
er in aunmcmcnt: "thl4i3 the door of the
justice room, and I wonder at your ;Lupo_
"IVonder ae 1111.W.11 as you please," sail
The lzecper itrr.rnaChed tot an•.iv.
when the servant at the ra:ne time ..polied
the door
"Is your master in?" ashcd
"Yes, sir," said the servant.
"Then give Joseph Clinton's relpeet to
An immediate invitation to enter was
brought. ITe found the old baronet in his
easy chair, who, unable from his infirmities
to rise, yet shook him heartily by the hand,
mistaking him for his father, whose name
too was Jeceph.
"Very glad to see von, Mr. Clinton. very
glad, indeed. And how is Mrs. Clinton?"
"Why net very well, I thank you," said
Joe, "and I was thinking a rabbit or a
leveret would do her good, and I knew T hail
only to mention it to you—"
"0, you do me great honor, Mr. Clinton,
great honor. I heartily thank you. AVltat
ever game Mrs. Clinton likes, only lot me
know and she shall have it—pour dear lady.
I am very sorry, very sorry indeed. And
how many children have you Mr. Clinton?"
"There are seven," said Joe.
"Seven! Seven children! Why you look
very young, indeed, to have seven chil
"Sir Andrea- rang the bell, "Call John,"
said he, and the keeper came.
"John, go with Mr. Clinton and kill
whatever he likes, and carry it home for
The keeper made a profound bow, and
Joe shaking hands very heartily with Sir
Andrew gave him his best thanks, and set t
o it with the keeper, who went along out
wardly civil but inwardly most terribly cha-
grmect. 00C tea uun n gum rtntnu, mitt nun
out for most of the day, and laughed in his
sleeve as he saw the poor fellow laboring
after him, under the load of hares, rabbits
and pheasants, to his father's house.
Some can scent a dun at any distance, and
can can dodge him effectively. It is a knack
acquired by long experience. If the dun,
however. by his experience, becomes ex
pert, the dunned stands a :dim chance of es
We heard a story the ether day of old Dr.
of Portsmouth, which is to the point, a• ,
regards amateur dunning: for there was a
wide difference between the amateur and the
Dr. G. was a man of great integrity end
worth, and his budne.s habits were on the
square, exacting everything that was his
own and paying every man his due. lle
held a note against n gentleman of liamp
ton for some considerable amount, and
wherever hr met him the Doctor was ready,
note in hand for the payment of an instal
ment. It breameat last, an ag mining dread
with the debtor about meeting the Doctor,
particularly, at the time when troubled with
a disease known in the financial parlance as
''shorts." Itut whenever he met him the
Doctor's dun would be anticipated by his
debtor's movement fur his pocket book,
and frequent payments wore made without
toeing the note at all. Ile knew that the
Doctor was honest and t',at it would he all
right, and ccer.d paymcot. were thus blind
ly made.
A great dearth of funds =ale him mote
shy of meeting the Doctor, and to he prs.ed
through the town his eye; wandered in all
directions to catch a glimpse ”f his dread
and avoid him if possilde. lie quecelcii
awhile, and out gcneraled the aid ,5,
ral times; but fate does not ulways favor the
brave, end the Doct,.r front a distant posi
fon. saw his v.ctirt ti. his Lers•i to a rst
and enter a store. made ail tho
he could, arid entered tl,e store just as his
debtor docl,: , d lv Lind a rice
"Di•ltl't I ,ee M
n . :l:ed the Doctor.
"Ire .li , l own , shop.
kn per. " I 11.14 gnr :",rnewliere
The Doetc.r r...t in a hurry,
and conlil wait a , wen as n t; he a,c hit+
horse at the deur am: thet,lht, hr
Lac:, Lerere T:.e roan re:nained,
and the ull Doctor r.aited a log time. .'.t
lout be motit out. Slo.rtly rift,tr Mr. --
himself went out. ~ : tepp:ng into
Ma wagon when the .:arte,l at :tin)
from a (I,,orwav
"Well Mr. , a . Ol iie , ‘•ou neeln't
doige me any more. i hat note has been
paid up these six menthe. and I hale been
truing to see you that I might pagans back
twenty dollars that .nu over paid inc."
say`The Into Lord Gardstor.e, himself a
valetudinarian, took tho pains to inquire
for those persons who had attested marvel
lous cures, and found that more than two
hh-ds of the numder died very shortly after
they had been cured. S'r Ito - oert Walpole.
Lords Bolinbroko and Winington a-ere kil
led by cure mongers.
In 1798, in Redruth, England, as n wor
thy pastor was returning from a visit to his
flock, late in the twilight, be saw before him
a strange nondescript, as a black ram, with
eyes flashing fire, and breathing very hard
running furiously towards his shins. Prov
identially he sprang aside, and before h's
assailant could turn upon him, he had run
such a distance as gave hope of deliverance,
when he came full butt against a man run
ning in the opposite direction.
“Run for your life! back! buck!" cries the
"Have you seen my steamer!" asked the
, trftnger
"I've seen the Evil Spirit himself! run
"By Jove!" emelatineit the stranger, "hew
far ahead is be?"
The tone of this question, and the Compa
ny of a human creature, hi some measure
dispelled the fright of the faithful man, and
assured him that he, if any one, should hart
courage to face the powers of darkness; so
he turned and ran after the stranger, who
as he thought, by mistake, had taken the
wrong direction. They s.:on came, up to the
object of their pursuit, which bad got into n
hitch, and was roaring terrifically. To the
astoni-htnent of the parson, the stranger
rind dragged the ficry monster to the
"She got away from me, sir. I wa.4 giv
ing her a try; the Lit of road Leing gaud foi
"Olt ga.ttl tte—: then?
Prn v, what is site?''
'A steamer, sir, her. She l 4 a lit
tle experiment of mine, g d up to try wheth
er Mr. Watt's laca of rtap,ing„ coaches ht
steam can be carried out. I think it con, if
capital. Crtll be got for it.'
"Indeed, indeed! Pray. my dear .tar, o
may you be?"
"I ant William Murdoch, nt your sez%ice;
a mechanical engineer, superintending tho
erection of pumping engines for Boultonn
IVatt, in the mines hereabouts."
Great was the relief and satisfaction of
the parson on discovering, what he
agined to he something bro . '‘e loose from an
I unsafe place, wasbutn bit of honest mancrai'u
a lunatic eoncoit it might br, Lot harmles ,
except when it too away; awl might fright.
en children, perhaps hurt them.
This miniature engine was the optimal
ment of the idea of locomotion on roads by
st eam.—Th if road Adrocate,
There is one oli. , racter which is peculiar '
Stn//ours Ohre Tor Cores all Diseases of Me
in the meteoric stone, and which proves to I Throat and Lungs.
be of bight significance, sir.: its substance l
OLIVE TAR is applied and inhaled, and
composed of various mineral ingredients I i „ R I I I: . ,: I II I i 5,..,
„T l :' "l L_ Apr i s b ,. ~,,,,,,,,.,,, „,,,,,,,,, p at.
which are identical with inittters 4/f familiar 1 i i . -,. .... , . -5c ...., "en e',;".'r it earls cane, iis7r 1,
imade of 0t..•t1 .11k. lo ,Ittelt ..111c1) n 110. Ist% er of col- f i
occurrence upon the earth: but amidst these
ion 6iiiiii,4. ili-i, coy, the bolltitz wolt flint itl , lll. i
iron is found in great abundance as it is :i . i . i,?,!. '", :ii r , " e • lll l' L ' e ' r. d i ' ,l ' t " i ' i l ei " ..:l > iii i r7i=s d i,T;l: . e " r:;i l a . i t ia la s : I
never found upon the rutin that is, in a nit - I ` ' I I I- 1 0 7, " j ‘ 1 11 . , ' , ' ; ' ,, 1 ;rP;„1117, " :„ " „ i ;. ' ,. e r 1 ,, ". ,,r: r „ i„,„.1 o r 1,„, I '
tire or nearly metallic or uncombined state. ' (",7:1.4'. er 4." ..1 her r' i,i,"".) pour 11" the '''''' r r""" 1 - 11,
On the terrestrial surface iron is always I semi iii•iillt ~ ' i . .1 ‘ 1 1. 0 2 15 c!r!:1 ; c 1 ;;:l 'o : t 1:11 : ,.;i:• t r i :: '1 ‘ r te t 7.1 .o %:1 1 ' !
from which it ,r;:i7 i ' i - i ' i l l "fii • 'Ni i ril g l i . ,' " al .. \!l s ti' ' ti 'i l.!'. ' t . i . t h; 'l ' g ' \ ' : 'i i i '' ith."'l'd
mingled with diverse matters,
t........ ir.,1,.........„...,,i I, •,,.f ~1‘,.., it it, .r.,... I . 1 7 - 11 , 0n , vt1te (Jaye • Tar e.uly for toil:0E1g by iiie
(wired as a pure metal. The omnipresent I 1 A......' , .....1. " " ri " l " .l i i ' v z i .. . P lll n! i rr T. , ^ll '
l and corrosive oxygen of the air alone lire- liii " iil:: ' ,..l: l- i s iilli k i , ' i l ii . i t e " t r i . iii7) i",. :i i i ' il l" ,li 4 iii- ' l.;: ' e r" o7i P i.:• "* ; ;l :i ' r
vents it from maintaining such condition „h.,'
. ...11 , nr:tic Inwltgilly. soul n• 11 rt.,. It will to. ~,.
'I It , (Well Stlk Pla-t., -Itotild It , 0t..t11...11,1 *,
long; this tali; and eats it away. Oxygen
. " ,. . 1 , 1. (. I ::: l. . n i i i . ';:: 1'..,. '“10 .01 .. -, ...v• 1........ e e ..- e -
and iron hate so irresistahly strong an at- , 0 0- ' : , 1 1,, 0 " ;! ,11 3 ,1 : !11 :: 171 : 1'1' :' '' t . t -6 : : . 111 . ' "'
11) 1.;11.0111, 10 ,hr nl,t,veill,eliOn. ille verT wo t
traction or affinity for each other that they' form. of t 10...... . ,- of Ilo• T:troolt or L0n,... 0 not"•c r o -4 .. I
invariably combine When they are left to- 1 1.1„`,,,'1,":.:',1,.,"1.',1„1::',,,11T:;;.1L,,1,'„11.i`,',1.:..t.....1::,,...'1.,.,f,T,,,, Y ,
gether. The: (lien, the uanszyilised and , (' "i'e li 7 . . ~,, c . : s , e • , di ic l,l ttl ott , C 10 ti.. t. , :tltbokt r o ;
Ipurely metallic condition of iron in the wro- 1 s ' ,.;:; .i i ': -. " o'i r,' .e. Tai ~,,,,n - sot penetrate , . lbc .0,1 n; 1
life proves that it comes from n. situation in ',,1.1.1ri";',.."",-,:",„IIIII„(3',`17;;;..:::,,:‘,II,r"1"ti'"'"""'"'" II
.i. ii art. docelly ,
\Thiel there was 110 OXy1.1011: I.lllltl is from be- ! "11 , e ,1 1 , r‘ ' ..1. , \ :, 1 i * A r1 n — ,',L., 1w i 1 , 1 ;,...,V.1 . :,.:: . 1, t 1 " , ' 4 ' , ' . " x " 1',,. 4 1,1,,„
yond the bound , of the atmosphere, and that r "" ... , 1 m..
" . " 7 " 11 " . .... s
" ..I pin'', T h. - . 1 . .... -
11,111 rs II i,, , ,r t•tar '•11 .t, 10.0. N.,. 01 1:0, .1. it,
is therefore, :altogether unteriestrial. , rimi I,lllllli I • ,i-i s, I.t•rt• tilts a, Tar Or Olt, C. Ttir ,
Ointment i• npolo,l
, I
, 5,”11,..:-... (U.l.t• Tar dot.* net t•onlato not 1011101111
I"You arc rather a crooked character, Mr. :::i l ii . ill . i . : - .i . „ ' . "' i '. il ' i " i ' i 1 1 e7, " ;,.::i 4 iii1 1 1, ' 1 i ti:e " Vi i it u s ' i;
Jones. " "Rather, sir: lint not quite so " ,,;,1, 1 - , (alive Tar ~. ~,.,„„r,..,,,„. i i
t. ty a proe....s I
crooked as a tree I once ki.ew. It was the , r 1 i:I : ',I II I?, ,I ' , "' ‘ ' , " ::::. ' , l , i 1 .: ; , , ,.. ', : 1 : 11 ,, ,, '"' A " .1.. . 1 " i n r r e ‘ .. 7 .1
tallest Luttertitit let Cr Sail - . Standing clue r ,, ,, .'!: , , , , , , . , , :, i . 0 , 0•. ,,,, d io d 1 .,,
1 :10 , ... , nit,. loolottz 110. 1 . I
to it oneday in a thunder storm, I saw a silir- tsiii.lss ....... s ili- P illi ' i ' i iniiiiili.ii enl i ,: , " W'11.1 1 .1 ' ;. 2 1 1 . : I
rel on ono of its topmost branches. The I ;.. ‘ , 1' 1 1 ; ' ,.T.,1,. " ;; 1 : 1 11 ' ,7„ '“ ,•1 ' ,1 r , " ,, ` ,1 t t 1;r1 . ;„1 r ...!. r ,,, e , n g " , ' ;;, " g ' ,1 1 , '' I
lightning struck the conic branch, about I -1.0 1",1'...-Iv i
three feet chose him. and the squirt 'l start- A 'MA Rs'nt,hot:s R Ems:Dy Fort A MAR.
ed.—The lightning had to follow the grain.' VP:1,1.01,1S Alt K'!
or court e, and the squirrel (tent straight . 11 1 . , :i i!. .". ' 1 3„ : A 4? , 7 1 )1P . 1 4Zi1.: P A 1L T ig.T. T v i i .. I
down. So crooked was that tree, sir, that By the aid ef a ini,roscepe, We. see millions of
the squirrel, by my watch, got to the hot- little <Tennigs on the sail - ace of our bodies.—
i t n o t in a ei ‘ rt, when rubbed on
torn preci i -ely three minutes before light- T h h e r° : ' , g in 4 , li r s c e ar il i s ,, ° ,
fling. " "That ' s a lie: - exclaimed the land - part. Diseases of the K nine; , 7, ail or
isori l l d
ers ot
was. • the liver, affections of the heart, nitlaniniat ion
lord. "A licl—true mi any story ever
I afterwards saw that tree cut down and ° it i. .,. ( m h' ; ' , L n ` r ,I%,A,:„l'huryna' :e
cured. a"
g 1'
1 '‘' , e C r . a-
1 ' h t s o ' a
u . e m a r by
made, into rail; for a hog pasture. The hogs knows that salt passes lieely through bone or
would crawl through teener times a day, meat of any thickness. .1 his healing ()int
end so crooked w ere them are rails, that I in h
hone or far
tl i e n ili t s e. part r'ad 1 0 1 l the penetratesl
„i e body, tt''aa curing gh n).
every lime tin hogs got out they found them - the most ilai, ,, erons inward complaints, that
selves back in the pasture again:" cannot be reached by other means.
11t_An amusing incident occurred a few BUTIC HUAIORs. — No remedy has ever done
days s ' nee. A cer t ain lady hail tern much
an much tor the cure of disases ,
of the skin,
whatever folio they may assume as this 0 int
anneye Iby the r i n . zing of her door boll by !Tient. No case et Salt lilieuin, Scurvy, Sore
ru;syll'ermc liw . ;•1 tiro vicinity. and (totem- Head., Scrofula, or Eiysilielas, can long wit [.l
o l , t . s er in m llll: n . nC o : ,
ta llie r
t i i n te veLit l ar be has inst . -
m i nod 1, , he le lie r, T.0:0 , a fOOl of ht ;:•:ng
to tine le tr. In the c me ,. of the f , ' e nomi. I the pi incipal hospital., dispensing ibisi(l)tilnatg
her mlniiiter ~.tile 1 ts .- - c her. di e.sed in his I mer.t, giving advice as to its application, and
spry. •6•,t i „.,,,,0.r . i i ,,
. 1 .,,,:,ead,.,1 the .e,,,,,, , has thus berm the moans of restoring countless
numbers to health.
and gently drew the bell handle, when the i SORE LEGS, SORE BREASTS, WOUNDS
la le shouted ftom the entry: : AND U LC ERS.—Snine of the most scientific
surgeons new rely solely nit the rise 01 this
I rye you boy, if I catch
_yeti, Eli wrh, g '
wonderful Ointment, w'Oeil having to cope
1 with the worst cases of soles, %rounds, ulcers,
glandular swellings, and tumors. Professor
Holloway has, by command of the Allied Gov
ernments. dispatched to the hospitals of the
East, large shipment s of this Ointment, to be
used under the direction of the Medical Staff
in the worst eases of wounds. It will cure
F.1.11'1.1C11 ,- . -- A ne 'i g,libor of our- not long any ulcer. glandular siseffmg. stiffness or con
traction of the joints, even of 20 years ' stand
ii,trodtlced to his son, a: , , , iit six scars
age, a little lirielie - , who hail
. joist arrived irg PILES AND FISTULAS. These and other
in this . world, which .MI agree in abusing, similar distressing complaints can be effectu
ally cured if the Ointment be well rubbed in
1.11; none like to part with, mien in exchange
i over o,vin t oy it a,
h a L a otherwise
fi , r a better. The I. iv looked at his infant a printed aff.. al ed
and directions
brother in some little perplexity, and then BOTLI THE OINTMENT AND PILLS SIIOLLD DE USED
raising, li:s eye to leis father inq IN TUE FOLLOWING CASES.
uired— Buni ons,
Piles, Sprains,
"Where ilia you get it( Barn.
' Bought him, my Rheumatism, Scalds,
son, " exclaimed the father, with a laudilde Chapped hands Salt Rheum, Swelled Glands,
gravity. Again the Chilblains, Skin Diseases, Stiff Joints,
hay looked at the bade,
Fistulas, Sore Legs, Ulcers,
and after a short time sagaciously asked. Gem, Sore Breasts, Venereal Sores,
' • Wiiy didn't you phi k nut it White one faith- I Lumbago, Sore Heads, Wounds of all
.-. I :/.. rn y fino./ ' Mercurial Sore Throats, kinds.
_ i Eruptions, Sores of all
—lt is said to i •kinds, a
be a custom among certain tribes in Siberia, It ‘ h i e ftid lS e ia n n e l f
an ct e or N ie .e s ,s o . f
y P o r r o k fesso a r
Holloway, ' .7ld at
, an
that when a woman is married she must 1 231 Stra, London, and b ' y all respectable
herself prepare the wedding dinner, to which I druggists and Dealers of Medicines throughout
the United States, and the civilized world, in
all the relatives of both parties arc invited. I at
h 25 ere i
cents, C 2 t cents, and $1 each.
If the dishes are well cooked, her credit as I Ts a considerable saving by takin
a good housekeeper is established, hut if I the larger sizes.
N. B.—Direction• for the guidanceof petite:
otherwise, she is disgraced in that capacity
l in every disorder are affixed to each box.
for ever. 1 Dec I.n, 165.5.1 y.
von: rit,k!"
Ti.e affrig'.o.7ll gentleman inunefliately
ra , liel aolva the step% throuzh a r- mall
of you 11,.; SVVI mpz, a tel Ira; not Leen
..:.1c in li,•r,.°
riqw IVOI - LI) IT NOM:. IlEICE?
L 0033. TO YOUR. nuirr.s..r.sTs!
T OSEPII FENDBICII & BROS', take this occa•
clot. to renew the expre..ion of their thank, to
the public for the generous patronage extended to
them lathe pact, and couch a continuance of the some
in the future. Brine o. branch at the Old and Well.
known Bolttmore Tolmeeo Warehotmc,lss Forreg
,trees. Baltimore, the firm here hove unu•unl Meili
kir, for ca rrymg on the bn•tne+, in the be-t moniker.
their neeortment of
- - - -
embrareu every varieiv nutd brand. 12 per cent. will
be nosed no the pun-hit-sr Iny giving u+ a call, as we
•errant to %ell at eitv mice,
300,000 &gar s, of Thirty ; five Different Brands,
rangootly ou h•md. whneh we plelitze ourw•ive• to
+ell at ttn• lowe-t city price. SNUFF and TOBAC
CO of all kind-al the Ireve-1
We, the Vies Unoltllttß, Inane tolVillittegeg that are
not po'sesred by any Tel:deco firm in the United
.7 tate..
Any nrticlea gold by no nenv he Teltiened if net Ing
good an recommended, w•ltcu tine money avill be
JO-lEl'll. CllARurn. FRANCIS. lIF.RMAN nail
JOHN FIINDHICII, Front Streei,thi door above
Colairdniu, . July 10. lblien.
200 !.GENTS war m.=
$310,000 worth of Farms and Building Lots,
I 1 Tile Gold Region of Virginia, (Culpepper
comp y )10 he Orr-.
en the 17/11 of ereptendrer.P".:o l . Mr the benefit of Pori
:toed Female Academy. s:lll.ertpuone only ten rlok
eaell; I nil thedelivery O.
doe 11er .1 Evers -rd.-entree trill get n 11.0 lu, 1.0!
Ir n 1' Viilllll 11 0 In
:um-% .11111 :tie litill/re
tell n-lur W-it •tifili•lo.111 leserved. the
orcren-r iii The Celle. Of ~..11•4•11 will rompeloolle for
die apparroli low Coper. moo :1-I:ed. Ally. b- •crunq
vii :it. 'or me lablztu! performance 01 contiacts
tol prorio-c,
..vollt• 0 al obtain Qllll-eriber-,
In v.: horn lhe nor, Ineo.llloeemeol. will he :toren
,0111•• ill.ll 111 , ) 111:11.1111, per
moor!, 'Arlvero-oor wOl be rlone for every ageill
nr,•il.h• nor fail 114111i . tiliiii, Solo.criplions,
‘dercre-. . nppl) In 11.1;
I - 7.01111r emnny.
Jill) It! 1,56
ILALL ILOAD. tow; CE: Tit.46lX.S.
91111: 1•11.-voyet ',lllllll. oil lice alcove r.
1..,11100t ,lilruunfo' 0:1 :1114
813 e. Ti.ut-tla. the 312111.1 Nlll, I
Vcrl. for Wll4lO-, 111. tool‘'oloollo.t ni It A.
Coolo,on '',•r 1 utl. and 11.flotooc .11 7 :11 N.
Nrt:ve. In 11,1:1,10 , e II 2l'. 31
.0•11.1. Vol k '•1 I I A. :NI • 0.011 1111•,1 (11,01 of 11. e tr• 11 11
1 . 1.011.1 1 . 0111.000 e
1(0101,100 I 0110 4. nt P NI . tool
wr.gi0.,1•.• it: 1 111 I' NI . tor fork. nod llnhirnort,
11,1 ovio co 11...111110re lo 7l' . .11 - 1001.
Zr:,::: I.ani•a‘ter and t.,./ el one,
inn, dully to 14:111111”..•.
I.enve York for COlOllllO 1 011 lilt' MCI,II of Tt du
frolic 13.11,11n0te.01 7 13 .31 . 01 . 1.1Ve 01 Coll:011d 1.01
111 01110 10 1 011,11 ,111. lie 1.1011 t. 110
I•11-,er and I' 11::114.'',101 t.
eoltma'l..t :or Yo:!. tc. P. 7.1 .
1 - wt. p IT
7 4 c—e0ver N - ‘lll, for It tit,
11101, 0 %.I y long al I .\ 7.1 , 111 11.1114 111 11.11t1-
mom 01 NI
Trnlio. .11.,1 ~,,, meet with Ihe 1,011, tLm !Pave:
•I II 11 oig 01
1' NI.
1 . ;:rAll Sunday trams cli•conlinned
F. 11171rFlr11.
A 4010.
Cultind•ot \I.I
Vie :Olean what vie Say,
000 :;f 0 1:1 r LA , II j rz l;l t•d ‘ p
baud 171 lull SI 1..N1t5.01 - 111,1
eity pro••••--ot
-zot: Or re l.'. Culloild exatoolc for y
11:N1)111C:11 & I'S,
rront i ef. Reemtd door thievel.ll4.ll-1.
rooks From the Trade sales.
j_MURRIY, YOUNG & CO., are just receiving
a large and select simply of Books and Station
ery from the New York and Philadelphia Trade sales.
This addition to their already large stock will make
it the largest stock n filch has ever come to Lancas
ter. Having bought our Mock at the lowest possible
rates we teel satisfied that we can meet the wants of
the public in every respect, and at the losses' prices.
We are eontinually in receipt of the new Publimis
lions, as i-sued. We also have, in the Centre Square
branch Cr News Depot, all the popular newspaper
and magazines for sale. Subscriptions will be token
Mr any of them nt the cartons publisher+ , published
rates. look to }oar interest and see whether you
would not nave money hr encouraging the Cheap
Nov. 1. loal-tf, Lancaster City.
THE undersigned has constantly on hand
and for sale.
Rat amore Company and Diamond White Ash,Lump,
Egg. Stove. Range, and Not Goal—the Lump ts equal
if not auger tor to anything in the country for smelting
Red Avh. Lump. Egg. Stove and Nut, of the beat
gun lily. (rain the Slonnooki I region;
Shoot Mountain Soave, and Trevorton Egg Cont—
our excellent sorticle for domestic rummer use;
Pone Grove Lump, Egg and Stove Cool—a superior
article for dromeatie and tieum purposes ,
month and Pittston White and Red Ash, Lump
and I:gg rvr Coal;
itroad Tap and Allegheny MlUMinOtli Coal, of the
beat confine.. for lolackainithlng;
The a:neve general u-gorlmenl of Coal. convutnem
.11111 ihe noddle are invited to moll and examine. and
hear the price.. I ant prepared to furni.h the :Move
by the Dom, Car or -iotgle Ton. ut my %%lour, foot of
C• 111.11 Lla-um. Colombia, l.nnea.ler ennui p, Pa.
Mao, Coal and Iron received and :shopped on corn
m t .o.non. J. G. lIESS.
Columloia. June 7,5t.r..1 y
.I_ 74ll ,, Q ,, N k fr r:L S . ,T ile ß d E r E e T op t et e q ° 2t ll ll: ll .l b n i !ilf
-tlle pill.-
lie that he ha , opent•il :a the above
place, a large nod splendid u4snrisneut of Mole. and
Shoes. eomprisinc.
to which he would invite Intention. Having made
hiq selection% tin thin branch of the b00m..: with
care. end from il, large‘t whole.n'e the
city of Philadelphia- he feel. confident amt all who
want good :Miele , . wilt call rind examine Inin stock.
iia• ohm large mid lormitiful sir-anitinent of
IND CHILDREN, cowl-lint; of I 111111 Foxed Cid-
Fl , lleil MOrOCCO Ent:melt. d St.rtug
hen Putodtec.. Itaholt Cloth Caner- NI liar.. Kid rte ,
stud tat (het ail the lair•' cly:e. nose it o-n.
Al-o all k out. of I1oy•'. nod Nit., , * Blot.
of every und dr•cripttno. nod it fine
a--uitnu • at of Meti.. ac Patent (nosy
Top Cloth, S.C.llllzieat variety.
The colt-et the r hope• ha•mrcc.
o. ni rim .1 -It, te .1 tile Ihtltott'lu , ' I•ue wad+ , . 1,
not lied 10 c It Mid CA•1:1111:.: the 'Z0,114
Columbia, April 11,1F4G Is
ii.l wiz i 3 CxC7OC3 3:
THE undersigned arc now receiving and
.11 hr opening drug the nett week.itt 11lelr
4101, 111 1.11Ct1.1 %met. oHnn.ll, Ike C011.111110.l D11111..11
,il,lllarae n,•nrinient of Good, t-attal..le fur the
tu..l-nn eott.i-litta in pat: of
(:0009.av Ve.t.
Iltaelr and Fanry Sulk., logeihvr siith a great
variety nf WS,
110121.;f:FURNISIIING GOODSI'..I. n.
:%111•11,.'fickintT, Clienks, Oil &e.
(..R0CE1111... , of every deseripituu—lre-h [nod of
(:lu , . ware, C•111WI• 8111111., looking Ula t ,e4, Ofug.
get-, Mailing..
lu net evert thing kept la a w , ll-regulated
Call awl sre 01, assortaaa. as \le (eel satisfied
that Anne Win go away disappninted, aq We
tend arr the rel.) ei.abled w uell gond- .t the very I.OIA
I.:ST Fit. till ES% 11.1(01AN.
Practical Gardener and Florist,
Cherry Wert, Columbia, resperlfully in
) forms his. friends and the public generally, that
lie bas on hand and for salt it choice Sapid./ of
ShruLs.A, . suitable for pleasure ground , and gar.
den , . A choice collection of constantly blooming
roses, of every shade of color, of the:no-I hard:• kinds
SURE ri ROUNDS AND GARDENS with taste. nail
does all blink of planting and pruning. in town and
conntry,willt skill and rare. on reJsoonlile terms.
Ire Invites attention to Iris NURSERY. where a
large variety of all kinds of blooming Plants In sea
son, may it all limes be seen.
Columbia, April 5,
,‘ ND as I may not see you all,l take this
IA opportunity to any that I Iwve removed my -lore
no line rorner of Front and l.nru.t .iiect%, at %villein
place 1 um prepared to sell you as fine
n. von can get in thin or on y other ploro, nntl
ni .1/0/ price- n. any gentletnno who a )edge of n
rend and ne1,115-fint4hed Ilot, wnold tick.
If you w ant 11 11,1116;0M, lint, I'll tell you whoa in do,
Go down in onNirt,'... nod he Mil put ou thoough.
Now,frieltd, I don't mean to brag, I,u: 1 tlook I'tn 501110
11 - Doiet forget the Warr, gigii o , the BIG FIAT,
COMPT of mid 1, • Outt111111.
Columbia, April 2', 1 , 32. 1. TR I:DENICIC.
THE subscriber would inform his friends
and the public generally. Ont he eontillair., to
manidacturr, tutu hap, for -tile
ud, ItsSeerentrie.., 1)1111144
II ntl Tidde,. Ca rd. Piet and Genf reTable.,
French. Field. High mid Low l'o•1 kr
wolf every other article of Culdnet Wale,
whirl: he will .ell an the navel
IVOI . hI/IVII HIV experienCed and Lopalde. 10.111 IIV•
IV. War 11111.. d ellUtli If /101 , 11PVI'll/V to ally -OW 111
the place.
equal to no lit Ole elite..
iil,ll enn alera‘• lie fofoundal
hi.e•l.lau eill. ti
Ur made. and stilieral• ill lowa nr come
lry attended al chnit aortae Ile ie.peei tally .ola u.
4 -butte of puldie paltati4ge, eon ;deal that Inc can
reader geaerlkait.isirtina.
Colombia. April It!,lrlf.ti. CA , PA T 1 SI:11117.111'.
T.5311 - Vti r M'X7SLIVZ
TIII: e•l4oril linvoqr lie : -iere Lori!. peril.
pied lip lo- loodier. In Lora-I Oppo.llr Ihr
Molls. a oil !meow. -'orbited nuh boo ui
' , Jr. I , L. IIAI:\I Al,
ender foto of Vic 11.1.1:\I.1 N. ‘Pliere uv
ore, 111 , veri
lo iv good. eno-o.lsir or
aorene.w.ire. GI,- wore C. 'roe,. lot Closll 4 .
Polito shr . &•• . 01l m 1.11•11 her ore delermoied
al lie VI:11V WV: Ab WC 111.
li•I Cll
Vr.r . ...ill be able to compete tii pnere 0111: an) Mote in
11 r...preun;') . -Mica a call num .ur friend ., and
11r g.'lmerally
rmi-try Pro: ore always taken m t e hi A imst mar
tr ,..,.
C 40110111,31. April 5./A:;(1
Shaving andllair - Dressing Saloon.
TIII: undersigned having Nl:nowd to
toil- It iv grpownte tine Wn-lungton llotel, ur
vile , 'Mention to SlllOOll. where .11 11,t,...0,..c.”
rt•r•rjse ACLES> AND EASY 1.1114VE. and have their hair
COI oral di C . ...te1l 111 the nest innsinnmalnie and ex
qua-rte manner. There is something soothing in a
gr,oal .;111ve anst tlnt disposed to doubt it. l et them
I Wllll%Oll drtnno•trole the farl
wu.t..tAm cLuticarrT.
Columbia . April 5. I Q 55•11.
3=l,3ol~asm3m. ISI V
1 - 1 r.n m A :s: JEWS and others. are hereby notified that
mach of this article is sTtiI.EN from the iatiTerent
iron uorks in this vicinity; and this nonce is given that
they may not hereafter excuse themselves on the
ground that they ',sere not ant arc of tiring RECEIVERS
sTot.):N 1;00D5..., ii they are so roved, they Nall]
recce, the tall peatolt, tot o rII as bervilt of the law.
V. Haldeman 41, Co: Etzle. Item era:. Co: Nloa•eltnan
Wais. .% NVrizla. Brooke: Small &
Kaotfotatt. Shaeffer aSa. Co : Eckert S :11) era.
Julie :11. I <Ai.
rICI.CIMATED GERMAN' 111TTIMS. for the cure
Liver Complimit.U)-pep-m. Nervou. Drlo.lo •
Chronic Dinrrhira. Di•ra•e ot the Kidoe). nod 01l
th•en••••• arpone front a oi-ordered liver or riontoch
Price 7 rein, rot title vi
cC0111:1.1'. h Dr.T.I.E.TT% 4
Fn'niiv ~lrcbrwr More, Odd Pellow't Ilnll.
Colombia, iictober 13.
.5( )1 . 1 REAMS WRAPPING PAPER! The sub-
NJ •Crtilef rterlVed the above amount.
Di gond quo l i ly rind thitrrent .. t rer...vr7protor
Willeh la otTerrd r Clip for it A• 11 Or to rXellaugr for
goad rattan Hatt=.
Metchntit.. plett., natter!
renole'r Curti Starr. Coluntldn.
Au, ..':.f.
GARDE EcGllrs,
THROWING a stream of water 0 to 60 feet.
I Coat Iron Lilt and Force Pampa. Horn Door
rll,lllll Drill, Improved Wheat Drill, vO4l
Otto and Grew Seeder attached; Flown of variant.
pattern• and eters; Square and Expanding Harrow!.
(lore'. Poten Premium Hoter Worker—piarticle
ju...t received. t
Al.O. °Mir t articles for the farrn and
gurden, in their proper *town
Implement and Seed e tor... 7th and Market. Phila.
NO. 72 North Second Street, opposite the
Mount Vernon Holm, Philadelphia.
Gold Lever Watch* , full jewelled, 19 1. case.. $29;
Silver Lever do . d0.,*12; Silver Lepine do.. 99; Quer
tier, SO, to 97; Gold Spectacle. .4,50 10Silver
do , $1,50; Silver Table Spoon.. ,
per sett, $l4 to t 919 ;
Silver Desert do., do. ' 99 to 911; Silver Tea do., do.,
91.75 to 97.5% Gold Pens and Gold Cases, 93,25 to
95; Gold Pen. and Silver do , SI; together with a va
riety. of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb. Guard and Fob
Chain.. All Goods warranted to he as represented.
WatchPi and Jewelry repaired in the best manlier.
A bm. Ma.onic Marks, Pin.. Ac., made to order.
N. Et —All orders Rent by mail or otherwitie, will
be punctually attended to.
September 27, 18.56-1 y
2. .our "I' co 13 .ex .13 .13 co ,
Have constantly on hand and for sale low,all kinds of
selected with special reference to Manufneturet sl use.
All articles sold, warranted to be as represented,
and every opportunity afforded for examination.
Purchasers at at distance can send their orders, and
rely upon being as faithfully served as if the oods
were selected in person. (Oct. 1, 1850-Gm
WHOLESALE AND RE- -, -.k-„L,L.,-.:.
TAIL, at the "PHILA. .„;.,, ,, Y...7--,..--a
DELPfliet WATCH AMU JEW- '' _-!... .....,.----
ELRY *TORE," No. 96 North Second street, corner
of Quarry, Phll'a.
Gold Lever Watclte., full•jcweled,l6 car
co=re, 529 00
Cold [Aquila. l'l caret caves, 21 00
Silver Lepine, fullleweled, 12 00
Silver Lepine, jewels, 9 00
Supsrlor Quaruers, 7 00
Gold Spectacles, 7 00
Fine Silver do. 1 50
Gold Bracelet., 3 at
Ludic , ' Gold Pencil.. 1 00
Silver Tea Spoons, .01, 5 00
[,old Pen., with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00
(told ranger Ring., 3 CM to $ . 5.01 Watch gla..sen,
pl. in ItU et, patent !inlet trd; other armies in
proportion. All (Aal:, warranted to be what they
are Id for.
On hand , ona. Gold and Si:ver Levers and Lepines
cull lwacr than the above pricer.
Philadelphia, Septembl.r 27,1, —ly
Agricultural Implements.
FULL assortment of Goods for Übe fall
trade. entwi.ting of Lune and Guano Spreadem
Ilay Noec of varinu , patterun and ores,
Portable Grain Mill., both large and &mall, Barn
Boor Rollers, llot-s Powers and Threshers. Gram
Mle, Corn Sheller.. (for band mid horse power, ea
pshie of .liel , ii.e 1::UO bushels of corn tun day,) Pen
peek', Grain Mill-. Double M iehig:ut Plows, Expand•
lag liunow al-o. No. I Veruvlalk GUaliO, Super-
Phosphate of LIM , . and oilier fertilizers.
Implement and Seed Store, 7th and Market, Phila.
September IS.IO.
Evans' Fire and Thief Proof Safes.
OR Merchants, Lawyers, Farmers, and
other, having Book..Popera. °rotifer valuable.,
to preserve from FIRE or BURGLARS. Day &
Newell's (11ohb'•) BANK LOCKS.
A. CA Ill) —Tut: FIRE PROOF SAFE." that preserved
our Book, Paper , . &c., during the 'Great Fire at
Flares tholdtutr..,* %vas purchased of Oliver Evans,
IG S. 2nd at., Philadelphia. GETZ & BUCK.
Premium Ventilated RerrezeratOrS, for ennling and
preserving Meals, Butter, Itrilk,lVater and all articles
for culinary purposes.
WATER I , ll.ttuts. for purify lug Brackish or Muddy
Water, whether etTecteil by rams. limestone. marl or
other entices, eat: lie had separate or attached to the
Refrigerators—a small quaintly of ice cooling the
whole. in the warmest weather.
PORTAISLE SIIOWSH UATIIS, for the use of warm or
cold wider.
‘Vtrs:a Contra... Mr Hotel, Stores and Dwellings
Srottß for moving Doxes, &t.
SEAL. COPY ING do, DnucioNT do.
No Cl South 2.1 Rt. 2 (Mors below Chesnut
fr- - C...tribli.lied in 1.25. fob 9_l y_
(IF every description, suitable for railroads,
&c.. for weighing Ilay, Coal, Ore, and Merchan
dise ce o rally. Purehit-et, rim no risk. every Scale
guaranteed correct, and if, after tnnl, tot tound satisfac
tory, can be returned without charge.
ni obi -laud e.tablialied for more
twenty years, corner 01 IN aitel
• Pholudelplun A iniorr & CO:.
Sept. 11. '36-3m Succc“ors to Ellicott SI Abbott
JOON FAREIRA, No. 2SI Markrt street,
above I.lllladelphtu, Importer, Manufac-
In rer and Orator in all kinds and analitie. of l'uncy
Fur. for ladle. nod eliildrrn. .1. F. would coil the
Wl.'lllloll of ladle. Mill others to mnnetv.e ausort•
meat Ilemg the direct Importer and Manunieturer o
all any Fors, I feel confident in anyttig that I Cllll
niter the greatest inducements to those in want and
at the -nine time will have one of the largest assort
ments to -elect from.
StoreLeepers and the trade will please give tan a
call before purelta-ing, Its my '%% holesule depari•
mem well supplied to meet the dentinal for every
article in the jar lute, and at the lowest potable
M.lnuf.tettitels pr.res. JOHN REI A ,
tleptesither 13, 1-.56 -Inn Zit Alarket stteet.
•'SS C'he.mut street, l'hiladclphia.
(i. W. uLI.LIV , SLPl:arcrESuc\l.
9L•i y 17.
Country Merchants and Physicians,
T)ESIROCS of buying pure mid (trap Drugs,
v...0,c;1a.f. Putty , 14)e Woad,
e . find it to their tote rent to purchase at the
Whole.tale Itrog Warehritte. S earlier Fourth
'tr ee ), i.shert- it full -apply is kept COI,
.1/11111) on hand, 101 d at the ver) lowest cash
S A VI DO M A YO, Druggist.„
Sonth-Weßt corm, Foil h am! Vine •1., 19111 a
It —Par:lrak, silleiniOn paid to pltacuun+ •
ord. r, -.•lrrttag Ill« pa r..-1 drug+, and not :K4 1110-I
dol advantage ou I.:Collitt of muu•quuau:nu•r
mnh tlu•tr value, 1,14 l invariably selling, at loaea
May In. (Q. 36 iv
Non's and Boys' Clothing.
VTERIBUIIi should embrace this opportu
_Li may to lin,. Clothing for Itttri nod
C help Clothlog 1-:=1141.11-lonrot. corner H ARK FT
and SI vIiNT, = PFET*, I'III 1.A1W.1.1 . 111A, ertthracing
rhotee of tht• hr-t, 1116.1 sit.d
Dr,. and I Coat., I labit Cloth do.. gooey Drill
to ,Twerd.,& wlth n ereat variety of
eon-Polo:. of Suck Cola,. Jackets, Monkey
Jacked., Veg. nut! Round Jackel•, mute of Twerd,
Lunen Drilling. Cloth. A Innen. Ken.eysucre,
. &c.
eort.troorg or Slort.., Sinek.r. tlnodkcrrhirf•. &c.. n 1
or %sloth Rip OlrefeJ RI the u cest pntsible Cash Prices,
Cl.< lip as any otlier Clothing Store in the
It - w•ho de.i is Boy a' Clodung are earnemly
mullet to CXIIIIIIIIC the r•IOCIL.
rd• Country StorcLecpers can be accommtetnted at
tap 107 Tar. G1:01WI: CULIN.
S corner of nnerLei and Second ,iteelq
PWladelphre. Aprd yf., 1,56.1 y
No. 26 South Second Street, Philadelphia,
IMPORTER, Manufacturer and Dealer in
Druc.. Medicine,
l'atat..oll.. Color.. %Vlaite head. French and Ameri
can %Vint.. Zum. Window Gla.t.,Gln.sware. Variii.h
e.. lit utAte..llitetrumentn, Ground Spicce,Whole
including Borax, Intim., Glue, Shellac. Potat.ll, he,
Ate -A c . All order., try Mall or oilierwt,e, promptly,
attended to.
Country Merchant. nre incited to cull and examine
our stork, before elwwherc.
Goods win to any of the wlitirve• or Railroad Sta.
nor,.. Price. low and good. warranted.
Plulndelphia. Nlarch y.
FIRST-RATE SULKEY for sale very low.
rmy ui ff. other.
."lumbist. June 21. I S:l6
Attention, all ye who Suffer.
TTNIVERSAL SILTS, for the cure of Chilblains,
Chi nr Cracked ❑ands, Burns or Scalds,
Cut• nr Wounds. old Sores. Pimples on the face,
Breaking riot awl Sores oil children. Chafing. Burns.
Feiiters, Felons, Ulcers, and all diseases of the
The Proprietor n "lot valualtle •rticle ha. each
contidenee tot in eve.) ea... where it doe. not
lye fall •atlk . _mum. he Will lake it back and refund
the money. Only 25 [trill. per box. Prepared and
Sold only by sAml. FILBERT.
Golden Mortar Done and Chemn:al Store, Frontstreet.
Columbia. May 31, ISM.
rrlIE sabscriber takes this method to inform
the poke, that he 01 prepared to lurnigli the
m qoaotomex coact purchaxerx. at the •bottext notice.
Thro Lime ix particularly adapted for plastering and
white•waehtng. It will be delivered if dexired.
February 24, 1555-tf Wrightsville, York county.
Lramis FOR SALE.
J. S. & E. L. IiEFIOT,
Prac:1:12.4:243. EL33.C3.
No. 18 North Wharves, Philadelphia.
ALL consignments to our address, will receive our
prompt and personal attention. Vie refer to
Philadelphia Merchants generally.
September 9.7,18564m0s
CANCERS, Tamers , Weis Vleers, Scrofula,
White Swellings. &c..cured without Surgical op
erations, by Dr. Louneberry.
Dr. L.'s pamphlet, (24 ed.) on the treatment and
cure of Cancers, Tumors. etc.. will be sett to any ad
dress (free) on receipt ale postege stamp.
Mice 1181 Walnut street, Philadelphia.
September 6, 1856.3m0s
CLOTH SIEVES, Course, medium and fine in
mesh; large, middle-siAe and small in diameter. Me
tallic Cloths or woven Wire, of the best qualities,
various sires of mesh, from Nos. 1 to 80 inclusive,
and from one to six feet in width. They are num
bered so many spaces to a lineal inch. and cut to
suit. The subscriber al.° keeps constantly on hand
750r08a:11.64, For Coal, Sand. Ore, Lime,
Brain, Brevet, Guano, Sumac, Sugar. Salt, Bone,
Coffee, Spice, Bergs, Dyed.Btuffs, ikc. Together with
an n.i.sortment of Bright and Annealed Iron Wire.
All of the above sold wholesale or retail, by
54 N. Front St., Plulaira.
Philadelphia, May 31, 1856-10 m
GROWERS of Grass and Tobacco, use Lei
flutes Super Phosphate of Lime. 52,50 per bbl
or SlO per ton.
Use Leinau's American Fertilizer, 51 .50 per bid., o
$25 per tort. There has been received three diploma
from Pennsylvania. New lock and New Jersey Stet
Agricultural Societies. and Crystal Palace .Associa
lion fbr the above Fertilizers, which have been it
successful use for the past five )enrs. Orders curio
sing the cash. or drafts, mailed and registered. scat
be proinptly attended to by G. A. LEINAU,
Proprietor, No. 19 South Front st., Phila.
May 31,15543.41
STATEMENT of the Assets of the Company on
January 1,1 S G.
Publislicii in conformity with the provision of the
sixth section of the Acta AS,, or Apr 115110542.
Being first mortgages on real estate, in the
City and County of Philadelphia, except
530 950 inAlontgomery,l3ucks, Schuylkill
and Allegbeny counties. Pennsylvania, $1,456,97336
Purchased at Sheriff's' sales, under mort
gage claims, viz:
Right houses and lot, 70 by 150 feet, on the
South-west corner of Chestnut and Seven
teenth streets,
A house and lot, 97 by 71 feet. on North side
of Spruce street, West of Elevenin street,
A house and lot, 21-7 by 100 feet. on West.
side of Penn Square, South of Ilia!' street, g
Two houses and lots, each IS by SO teat, on
South side of Splice street, near Sixteenth.
Five houses and lots. each 17.9 by 90 feet=
Nos. 159, 101, 103,105 nod 107 [Selwyn
Three houses and lot. 49 by 51 feel, on East.-
side of Seventeenth street. south of Pine g
.A . t root,
A lot of ground. 17 by 57 feet, on the North
„, 2,454 45
east corner of Twenty-second and Spruce
lintel and 10t,50 by SIL feet, on the Southeast—
corner of Chestnut mud Beach , Iteeis
Five lion-es and lot, 42 by bit feet. on the -6.
North stile of George street, West of Asll-'b
ton street.
Seven houses and lot. 20 by 117 leer. on the'
East stde of Beach street, south of Chest
nut street,
A house and lot. IS liy 50 feet, No. 96 Fitz
water street. East of - Ninth street.
A ground rent of S3o.issiting, out of a lot 13.4
liy 40 feet. on North sale of Otter street,
40 feet ‘Vert Or Lepord street,
Temporary Loans, on Stocks as Collateral
',security, 107,902 95
810,000 Alms House Loan, 5 per cent. (Int.
200 Shares Bank of Kentucky.
17 ” Northern Bank of Kentucky,
100 " Oman Bank of Tennessee,
l 3 " Ins/Seance Company of the State E
of PentisylVanta,
. Cost
200 " Southwark Railroad Commute, :
37 Commercial and Railroad
300 " Pennsylvania Railroad Co.,
til " Franklin Fire Insurinice Co,
2 " Mercantile Library Company, ea
24 " Union Canal Company, Fr
10 '• Schuylkill Rail toad Company,
Notep and 13111 A receivable, 5,40700
Un•ettled Palmier, 7(3 50
163 64
Ca,.11 in halal:. of Agent., c',614 62
Lose• pool during the year 1856, $237,574 40
By order (tithe Hoard,
Attest CIIABLE. G. 14 MCERO• Secretary.
THOS. LLOYD, Agent, olumbia.
February 9,1856 ly
One Price Wholesale and Retail Cash
Boot and Shoe Store, .
No. 76 S. Second St., corner of Carter St.
THIS establishment has been enlarged and
unproved. and is supplied ,s ith the largest anal
hest retail stock in the city, principally of his own
tnamilacture, with a choice assortment from the best
Eastern markets; embrarieg Indies'. Cents.
and Children's Boots, Shoe and Gaiters of
every description, style and qua bays. embra
cing the best styles and qualities in this or
tiny other market. This stock cannot be excelled for
qualtiy, style Rail cheapness.
Each article is marked nt the very lowest possi-
Itle price, from which no deviation will be made. No
extravagant siiiientents as ill be needed, and none
made to effect sale•.
Goodyear'e.Gums in all varieties. Pure Gams, so
coarce in the market, al cu) son hand.
The puhltr nre re•pecifuliy invited to call.
Plohirlelplon. 9Tn reli 19.11 , 56.1, -
Wholesale and Retail Tea Warehouse,
No.G.:i North Lyh th st , (above Arch, Lase Srdr,) Phila.
Dealer in Tea &. Coffee Exclusively.
$-Z-Families lire respectfully invited to
give him a trial.
Nlttrell 6, 1656.1)-
FIRE moors.
5.... -- ,-- -,,-...•
'.i Fp. l• . .!,-i'
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TIIE Salamander Safes of
Philadelphia agiiiind the world.
Evaaa Wat.on.No sin South
PoUTIir .street, Philadelphia,
have had the surest damonitti
,uon In the following cern ft-
I eater. that their InniturtietUre
,of Salamander Safe. in, at
--length fully warranted the
reprenentations which have been made of them. tic
rendering nit undoubted security against the terrific
Messrs F:VANS h WuTroN:—Gent•:—lt affords us
the highest •mtstitctiott to stale to you. Ilia. owing to
the very protective qualities of two of the Salaman
der Sates whieli we purchased of you some few
months since. .:tired a large portion of our Jew
elry. Books, Paper•, &c , exposed to the calamitous
fire in Itausteud Place, on the morning of the Ilth
When we reflect that these Sales were located in
the fourth story of the building we occupied, and that
they tell .uh•equeutly silo a heap of burning ruins,
where the va-t concentration of heat caused the
bruits plate• to melt, we CllllllOl but regard the preser
vation of the valuable contents as most cons lacing
proof of the great security afforded by your Safes.
•hall take much pleasure n n recommending
them to men of business as a are relna nee fire
tzIMONt , at 111 W.
PIIILAMILPIIIA. April 12, 1.z56.
Messrs. EVAN 3 S. IVArtrox—l have to offer )nu my
testimony in favor of the great security afforded to
my entire stock ofjewelry, hooks.papers.rke . during
the recent disastrouA conflagration in Ranstead place,
from the far• that the same were contained in two of
the Salamander Safes manufactured by) nu.
Having fallen from the Flith story of the Artisan
Building, where they were previously placed and ex
posed to a vu.i treat for a long time, the preservation
of the valuable dep....its seemed to every one w•ho
witnes-red the opening and interior exsanination, a
matter of profound astonishment.
To all who cony require a perfect protection from
the ravages of bre. I shall not hesitate to recommend
the u=e olyour Safes. as I consider they have now un
dergone the moot try invest. N. E MORGAN.
Messrs. Eves- & %VAT-mg—Gentlemen — No doubt
you will be deeply gratified to learn the good condi
tion in which I de-covered my book, policy of insur
ance. certificates of stock, and other valuable docu
ment•, when on Friday la ti I opened the safe made by
Walt my knowledge of Its great exposure, both to
the intensity of the heat from so hot a fire as that
which destroyed the Mitsui, Building, as also from
the force of the fall front its former elevated petition
in the third story, 1 could entertain but slender hopes
prior tons intenor inspectlon,that the contents which
I once so highly prteed'would eve, be of any service
to me, but ■s these fears are now happily removed, I
feel at only due to say to you, that I can henceforth
recommend the use of your Safes to all who may
wteh to feel it confidence so the perfect Recently which
such means provides against so frightful an element.
EDWARD GASKlLL,Booklkindet.
Constantly on hand Patent Powder and Thief Proof
Locke for Wanks. Store.. he.
PhalatielPhia. May 10, 1850-ly
ViITU FAMILY FLOOR, by the barrel, for
Pale by B. F. APPOLD & CO,
lumbia, June 7. NM. 1,2 and G Canal Yarn.
The Greatest Medical Discovery
- 1 - )11. 'KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discovered
in one of our common. pasture weeds a remedy that
xrtrzursr snip of 81:1110X011.,
from the worst scrofula down to a common pimple.
lie has tried it in over 1100 cases, and never failed ,
except in two cases; (both thunder humor.) He bits
now in possession over two hundred certificates of .
its virtue, all within twenty miles of Boston.
Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore.
One to three bottles will cure the worst kind or Pim,
pies on the fare.
Two to three bottles will clear the system of Biles.
Two bottles are warranted to core the worst canker
in the mouth and stomach.
Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the
worst case of Erysipelas.
One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor
is the Eyes.
Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the,
ears and blotches among the hair.
Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt,
and running ulcers.
One bottle will cure scaly eruption of ile skirt.
Two to three bottles are warranted to cure frit.
worst case of ringworm.
Two to three bottles are warranted to core the most
desperate ease of rheumatism.
Thee to four bottles are warranted to cure the sale
Five to eight bottles will care the Worst case of
A benefit is always experienced from the first botiie.,
and a perfect curets warranted when the above quart.
ttty is tolsen.
Reader. I peddled over a thousand bottles of this ta t
the vicinity of Boston. I knew the effect or it in every,
case. So sure as water will extinguish fire, so sure'
will this cure humor. I sever sold it bottle of it but
that I sold another; after dtrial it always speaks for
itself. There are two things about thin herb that ap
pear to me surprising; first that It grows in our pas
tures, in some places quire plentiful, and yet its value
has never been known wild I discovered ii In ICAO—.
second, that it should cure all kinds of humor.
Ln oraer to give some Idea of the sudden rise and •
great popularity or the discovery, I will state that in
A pri1,1353: I peddled Band sold about six bottles per
day—in April, 1331, I sold over one thousand bottles
per day of it.
Some oldie wholesale Druggists who have been in
business twenty and thirty years, say that nothing in
the annals of patent medicines was ever like it—.
There is a universal praise or it from all quarterr.
In my own practice I always kept it strict' pfor hla , •
mor.—hut since its introduetion as a general family
medicine, great and wonderful virtues have beer ,
found in it that I never suspected.
Several rases of epileptic fits—a disease which was
always considered incurable, have been cured by w
few bottles. 0, what a mercy if it will prove effect-.
unl in all cases of ,that awful malady—there are but
few who hove seen more of It than I have.
know of several cases of dropsy, all of them aged:
n eo ptc, rumd by it. For the various diseases of the.
Liver. S:Ck Ilea:11•Che, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever and'
Ague, Pain in the aide, Diseases of the Spine, and'
4 p .o atli e i r e ) a .
t the
d a n u e rrhet c iel medicine even
has good Y d i o n ne di t a r s e "or
No change of diet ever necessary—eat the best s t all
get and enough of it.
DIM MONS FOR U.E.—Adults one table spoonful per
day—Children over tea yearsolessert spoonful—. Chi
ldren from five to eighty ears, tea spoonful. As no di
rections can be applicable to all constitutions, take
stament to operate on the bowels twice n cl o y.
Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY', Ho. I.lo'
Warren street, Roxbury, Mass. Price, 51,00,
Wholesale Agents. New York city, C. V. Clickner.
31 Barclay street; C fl. Ring,l92 Broadway; Rushton
& Clark, '17.5 Bt did way; A. 13. & D :ands, 109. Fulton
Sold in Rochester by J. Bryan & Co.. Wholesale-
Agent., No lid state street; also by L. Post &
leer sale is Columbia by R. Williams ; andlllcCorkle
& Deficit.
June gs, 1050-Iv.
51,7Y1.46 71
PIIILADELTITIA. A pril 12, 1F56.
PHILA ortrui A. Apr:l li. 1856
, -
Are Curing the Sick to an extent ney,er
before known of any Iliedieine.
INVALIDS, read and judge for yourselves,
JULES 11AUF.L. Esti . the well-known perfumer,
of Chestnut street. 'Philadelphia. whose choice pro
duct+ are found at almost every toilet. sax F:
ruin happy to say of your Cathartic Pills, dint I
have found Them a beater family medicine, for common
use, than any oilier within my knowledge. Many of
Imp friends have realized marked benefits from them,
and co inside with me in believing that they possess
extraordinary virtues for driving out diseases and
curing the sick. They are not only effectual, but safe
and pleasant to be taken—qualities which must make
them valued by the public. when they are known."
The veaerithle Chancellor Wardlaw writes from.
Baltimore. 15th April, I PSI:
'.1./m J. C AYKR—Sic I have taken your Pills with
great benefit. I . or the listlessness. languor. loss of ap
petite. and Dillow* headache, which has of hire yearn
overtaken me m the spring. A few doses of your
Pills cured me. 1 have used your Cherry Pectoral
Many . years to my family, for coughs and epid,i with
1111011!ing Your Make medicines winch core;
rind I feel it n pleasure to commend you for the good
vou have done haul are doing."
• John R. Beatty, Esq., Sec. of the Penna. Railroad
CO., tar
"Pcnn'a R R Office. Phil'a Dec. 13,1551
"Sir: I take plea-ure in lidding my testimony to the
efficacy 01 your medicine.. having derived very mu
terml benefit from the u=c of both your Pectoral and
Cathartic Pills. I am never without them in my
famay. 'tor shall I ever con-eat to be, while my
mean= will procure thenn''_
The widely renowned S. S. Steven.,M. D , of Went
WIMil N. fl. writes:
"Having used your Cathartic Pills in my practice,
I certify from experience that they nee an Invaluable.
purgative. In cased of disordered functmat of the
liver, enaing headache, indigestion, cans-eller., and.
the great vi i arty of diseases that follow, they are a
-lter remedy than nay other. In all crises where
purgative remedy is reoutred, I confidently recommend
these rills to the public, as superior to nay other k
have ever found. They bre sure in their operation,
and perfactly safe—qualities which make ahem an in
valuable article for public use. I have for many years
known your Chrrry Pectoral as the beat cough medi
cine iu the world; aid these Pills are in no wide infe
rior to that admirable preparation for the treatment
of diseases,"
Read .his from the distinguished Solicitor of the Su
preme Court. who-c bnllinnt abilities have made him
welbknown, not only in thin but neighboring Stales.
New Orleans. sth April. 1554,
“Sir: I have great satisfaction in assuring you that
myself arid family have been very much benefitted by
your medicates. Sly wife wad cured, two years
dither. of a severe and dangerous cough, by your
Cherry Pectoral. a nil since then has enjoyed perfect
health. Sly children have several times been cured
from attacks of the Influenza and Croup by it. It is
an invaluable remedy for these complaints. Your
Cathartic Pills have entirely cured me from a dys
pepsia and cativeness, which has grown upon me
for some years—indeed, this cure Is much more im
portant, from the fact that I had failed to get relief
Iron, the hest Pil).Willll6 which 0114 section of the
country affords, and from any of the nuateroue retne•
dre• I had when.
"You seem to us, Doctor, like n providential bless
ing to our family, and you may well suppose we ars
not unmindful of tt. Yours respertfully.
Senate Chamber. Ohio. April sth, ISM
"Da J. C. AYKR—llonored Sir: I have modes thor
ough trial of the Cathartic Pills, left me by your agent,
and have been cured by them of the dreadful Rhea
mati.m under which he found me sullferins , ' The first
dose relieved inc. and a few subsequent doses have
entirely removed the disease. I feel in better health
now than for sonic years before, which I attribute en
tirely to the etTeets of your Cathartic Pills. Yours
with great respect, L UCI US D. 51 ETCA C.F."
The above are rill from persons who are publicly
known where they reside, and who would not male
these statements wvihout a thorough conviction the;
they were true.
l'repared by UR. J. C. AYER & &0..
Practical and A nn 15 tient Chemists. Lowell, Mass.
SAMUFL FILBERT, AVM/ for Columbia, Pa,
July .5, ItZG Smos.
TIIAN FICTION! A certain cure for all Rhea
mane Pains. flout condemn but try it, it cannot
and Arabian Pain Extractor, for man amd
Copyright secured according to law.
nio WILL IT CuEle—we answer—ltheumains
when every thing falls, Cramp% Chilblain%
Burn.. Scald., Sprains, Head Ache, Tooth Ache,
Brui.ex, Sore.. Ring Worm, Toter, St/.1
Jointz., Contracted Cords. Fresh Cuts, Ulcerated
Sore., rind all Scrofulous Diseases where externall
remedies can be used, Sore Throats, Stiff Necks, le,
Sweeny, Spay ni„ Fistulas. Poll Evil. Wiridgalls, Ul
cers, Chplic, Sprain•, Collar and Saddle Gall., atone
Bruises, Still' Joint., Vertigo, Splints, ■nd Running
frrNone genuine but those bottle• baying the
words "E C. ALLEN'S Concentrated Electric Partr,
or Arab= Pain Extractor. Disler Pa," blown in the
bottle. Look out for Counterfeits, don't forget to ntk
for Allen',.
Letters concerning the ram to be addressed to E.
C. Allen. LanetiFter. P 4.
For *ale at R. Williams' Dreg Store, Front street
Agent for Cotunibta.
April id, 19564
HOLLOVAT'S Vegetable Vermirage Confer
[ion, Thts is a very palatable remedy in an
agreeable form, such as children will crave. It is
purely vegetable in its composition. and prepared ac
cording to the latest improvements in Pharmaceut heal
Chemiory, by which we are able to separate the act
ive ponc,ples or medicines from their nauseous and
bulky siccompenimento and present them in a more
concentrated and reliable form than in • crude state.
More reliable. far iii the crude state it is impossible
to judge accurately of the properties of any medicine
and often nauseous dose. are swallowed without pro
ducing the desired effect. to this confection we have
the active principles of themom effectual Vermifuges,
tree from their unpleasant taste and odors, and more
safe and certain in its effects.
These Confections, while they are powartoty ssppaa
cifie against worms, are mild and harmless in all °thee
eases. For Elie at
Family Medicine Store, Odd relieves Mall.