The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, December 07, 1850, Image 2

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"Hero shall tke Press, tke People's rights miguntatx—
Vaamed by Ilififtence—unbraid by gain."
Columbia, Pa., Saturday, December 7,1550.
Og".Mr. C. M. CLztvELL is authorized to re
ceive subscriptions for this paper.
13:7 - The "Past and the Present" will appear
in our no—.t.
=The President's \1..,-age and the report of
the reception of the Susquehanna Eng;no, occu
py so much room, that a c have necessarily been
obliged to itlll Inge upon our editorial columns.
Congress and the President's
The second session of the thirty-first Congress
commenced at V.'ashington on Monday last. Af
ter organizing, the President's Message—an ab
stract of which will be found In our paper—was
received and read. Being the first message from
Mr. Fa.i.monu, it was looked for with great anx
iety. It is a creditable paper, and meets with
general approval. There is one feature in it that
all must admire—its brev y ;—a feat ure that v% ill
induce mane to read it who would not do so if it
occupied too ye or fourteen ordinary columns.
Nothing of importance has been transacted in
either branch of Congress. Rev. 31r. By I LEIC
was elected Cliaplam of the Senate, and Rev. 31r. Chaplain of the House. Mr. I3EN rov, on
Wednesday last, gave notice of several bills—
among Ns hich was one for the construction of a
railroad from St. Lotus to San Francisco.
By our next sue Congress will hate got
rightly under may, m hen N% e will be able to give
condensed, though collect, report.; of the pm-
( ercht a.
Jenny !Lind in Italtisnore.
The distinguished "Queen of Song,
of our readers already know, will g:ve concert..
in Baltimore next week. As this will proba
bly be the last opportunity our citizens will
have to hear the sweet warbler, the facd.ties
afforded by the Baltimore & Susquehanna Rail
road Company will no doubt be embraced by hun
dred,.. The Company proposes to issue ticket.,
for the round trip. including a ticket of admis
sion to e:ther ‘,l the concerts, at the follow:mg
From Ilarrburg, to Baltimore and back, $7.50
Lanca , ter do.
" Columbia do. do.
‘Vriglitsville do. do. r.,00
<, York do. do.
Purchasers of tickets from Harrisburg and
Lancaster can come by any of the trains of the
Harrisburg and Lancaster Rad road to Colut»bia,
and thence by any of the company's trains to
Baltimore. The arrangements are p-rfect,
that purchasers need have no fear of being disap
DP 4 :I Etat - live Tornado.
Oar of the most destructive tornadoes passed
over the town of Cape Girattleao, below St.
Louis, on Saturday la-d, that has ever been ex
perienced in the Mississ ppi valley. It complete
ly denu d e-bed seventy or eighty 01 the finest
buildings in the place—among them the Catholic
and Baptist chinches—and the loss of life is so
peat that it is I mpossible to estimate it. Many
were buried among the ruins, vi bile others were
so crippled that they never can recover. It is
said that the town has been "literally torn to
pieces" and presents a most pitiable mpect.
A lunatic asylum situate about a mile front
Augusta, Maine, was destroyed by fire on Wed
nesday morning last, and from six to twelve in- ,
sane persons perished in the flames. Thefire
was occasioned by a defect in the chimney, and
was not discovered until it %%as too lute to , ace
the budditez. There were about one hundred
and fifty inmates confined at the time —many of :
Whom barely escaped.
C:7"At the u•cent el..cttons w Now Yolk,
l'enn , yls awn and 01110, the following :lumber of
VUteS Vl ere polled : New York, ' 1 :2 ,- 0 It"; Penn
sylvania, (tor Canal C.,111111,N1011,1,) ;
Ohio, 2ii:",,115. lf the rote may be taken as a
true Index of the popolation, Ilion New York
come. first, is .1.11.11 next, and Ohio lead--
in the rear.
C7fr The odour ot the llvldlrtotra Elitritiunt
is infori.ied that tt t. too late for us. to %tali ALd
dleto«•n for any of the fir', . About the conta
gion of wealth :pro ha e not yet exrrienced the
chseaso— more thau likely never shall, as we al
ways happen to escape fp:dew:cr.
c77—The York Ga., Company has deelai cd a
6,m:end of three per cent. for the last six months.
When Neill we be to Mak , ' a , on,lar an
nouncement for the Ce:e:lll,..t Ga. Company—
t hat is to be t
recolut.m. wa , otr...ird at a meeting of
York Divlsmo S. of he!d last week, that one
thousand doll.its br , uh-crihed by the Di ykion
towar4 the r=toMsliment of a Realling; Room
and Library in the borough of York. It has not
yet been act...1.11,mi.
C.:7.1. "guinea gold watch" Nva, stolen from
theofficeat the Star of 11. r th, at Bloomsburg,
Pa., on the night of the :Nth ult. Wlko ever
heard of a guinea :told witch m a printing office?
M glit have suppose t .t would be stolen.
Union that ' , MC(' the re
turn of Col. fir:vroN from W.,llington, and the de
livery of his .perch. the belief is gamin!! zrolind
that he will be re-chited to the United states
=Baltimore city employs one hundiod and
<eventy-four night watch, and sixty-,ix day po
lice, making an aggregate of two hundred and
forty persons—at a cost, as we notice by a re
cent report, of $D2,..4 7 ,2 .50.
f.... - .7*The steamboat Antoinette Douglass burst
her boilers on the Alabama river on the 20th ul
timo. Thirty Lc., and about seven hundred
bales of cotton Itero destroyed. The scene is
described as hating been most distressing.
f7The maridial found a colored woman in
:‘fiddle Paxton toixmiltip,D mir b in com i ty, lv t,
is one hundred and eleven years old. We be
lieve the noblest inhabotant" d.xeov"red ie the
tul;:ng of the (*erring ix n eolured p ercon ,
Town and County :Matters.
new engine arrived here on Saturday !act, by
the noon train of cars, in charge of Messrs Cuss.
GROVE and G. W. IltNist.r, a committee appoint
ed by the company for the purpose of bringing it
from• Philadelphia. According to previous ar
rangement, immediately on its arrival a proces
sion was formed—the Columbia on the right, the
Vigilant on the left, and the Susquehanna in the
centre—the whole under command of Col. DAN
IEL 11ERR, Chief Marshal, and S. F. LoeicAnn, K.
K. Bolen and J vacs S. Menitox, Aids. After
passing through part of the route, the process:on
halted at the coiner of Front and Walnut. streets,
where Col. llEnn introduced Dr. N. B. Wotrn,
who, on behalf of the Columbia File Company,
delivered the following reception address, which
was received with much applause:
A‘D GEN zu.E.lti:\ have the honor to rep
resent the senior company in the lire department
of this borough, whichhas been organized mime
than halt a century ; and hose been directed to
glee you a coidial welcome into our ranks as
firemen, and to extend to you, through your
speaker, the light hand of fellowship as citizens.
I I know I but reiterate the sentiments of our
1 company, when I congratulate `inn, gentlemen,
upon the success which has attended your enter
, wise in procuring your new apparatus. It is
truly an object of admiration, reflecting peat
I credit upon your taste ; and w orthy of the proud
lance it heal , hallowed as it is by a thousand
a s sociations. I congratulate ourselves and the
citizens generally upon this accession to our home
protecti‘e depaitinent ; for we feel confident,
1 II om the energy of diameter evinced by you. in
getting your machine, that we have secured a
powerful co-operative ally nn subduing destruc
, tion's wild nicer, when the day and the hour of
ealanidy conic exult ing in their desolation. It is
a source of heart-felt satisfact ion to our citizen.,
, to see so many of the young, active, and enter
, prising 11/011 of out hOl 0110 associated for the
common object—the 4111111111 On weal. The liber
ality of their donations, gum' to complete our
, organization, and to lender our exertiot s efficient
ui the hour of need, assures IN that our motives
are phiperly appreciated, and our labors win the
saides of their approbation.
It is but a few years ago, (fires being less fre
quent then than now,) that we had but IMP en-'
! gine in our town, w hich was considered Vite
sufficient for any mum gency that might misc.
That engine is now manned by those who looked '
upon it limn, more as an izi•troment of curin , ity
and folly, than all article of service and ;
and its appearance upon our streets attiacted a,
multitude Of spectators around it, who
a most
rea, to touch or tie, lie with it,
1.44 (Jul IC bt, bi u,
and he was a knowing one indeed who could ex
plain its uunius uperund I, or give the hys" and
the lieretores of its hidden chambers.
lint there has been a reiolution of sentiment
in the minds of our people, and a marked change
has come over the spirit 01 our dreams. Excel.
slurbeing the I:Ill.-Wall of the age, to stand still
would be to recede, is lieu the tide of time is pro
gressive. 11 I` are not behind the times in any
p a iticular. We have now in our borough four
engines, which will compare favorably with any
similar number in the inter:or of the eotilloole
wealth : our population has quintupled itsell since
then : our energies have been incited to action:
our enterprise has extended the limits of a vil-j
lage to the aroa of a city boonilary the resources
or a rich a n d fertile country around us have be
come partially developed: the earth has yielded
up its hidden treasures ; and its yellow dirt has
made wealthy our citizens; and our business
has increased in a corresponding ratio.
Compare. for a moment, Columbia as it is in
I`ssn, with Columbia as it wen in 152.1. Then I
we had no outlet for our is ealth, but that noble!
river there which sparkles in the sunlight, is hose
sloping banks were covered with a perrenidal
verdure, and studded with the fragrant walnut,'
the variegated sycamore, the bending willow,
and the juicy maple. Upon its placid bosom
wan holm , to our shores the Wealth of the upland
' whose channels it drained; is hit ,t the
unwieldy keel-boat received our marketable pro
. duce and descended to the bright waters of the
i sparkling Chesapeake. The fain row+ heights of
the weather-Neaten c rawupon Ciiignes and
Strickler., were rock-ribbed limits beyond which
oar enterprise extended not. The cart, the
pack-horse, and the "old Pitt team," (with its
merry chime of bells,) were our only means of
tramportation. The mail-boy blew his horn,
and the stageman cracked Ins whip to give ad.
Ve I t ISetiletit 01 their arms al. The stir - lace ot out
alley %l as yet unbroken by the contractor's
spade; railroads were unknown to our citizens;
canals were utiiplan ; steam CC as a chimera; and
to [rase intimated the probable 1' X lutol, CO at this
dayof au electric-telegraph, as it does exist ; men
here to-day, and within the sound of my voice,
would have voted the luckless wight a straight
jacket, and a gratuitous passport to a lunatic as
But the inventive genius of man has triumphed
over nature, and the trophies of his victories are
all around us. The earth as if stricken with the
wand of a magician, has hi oken up its fortresses
Indere his energy. Our torch is intersected with
improvements upon all sides. The
laborious steamer brings in its trains the luxu
ues every clime. Our canals, spread over
our lei tile ;state Irke bands of silver, hear upon
their bo-oun the golden freightage of the rallies
of the lar-off west, and pour their wealth into
the very hip of our cent rain'. Ilere, where the
o hippoorw ill and OVII Leo up their dismal con
certs w here the blushing day had sunk to rest, a
handy and an active population have reared their
habitations, and salute our ears with the bum of
industry. The haininer sounds of the ponderous
torte, the whirring wheel of the iron work-shop, ,
the blackening smoke of the to rnace flue and fuel
factory stack, all, all speak eloiluent of change !
But I need not enlarge upon the contrast, as
my time admonishes me to be brief. I will only
say that here and there remains an old feature
upon the face of modem Columbia the out lures
of which, however, arc so fauit, as to be as difficult
to trace, as the lineaments of boyhood in the
ellgged man. One feature still stands prorm
firmly forth, lvhich has partaken less of the mu
tability of things than those around it ; and at
the sound of whose name, remunscenses spring
up in the mind, which carry us back through the
vista of years to our boyhood days, when our step
was light and free, when our heart was love and I
gladness, and our soul was pure and sinless.
That feature will never change; for it is the
same now as when it received its first bright
impress from the hands of its Creator. in the
gushing joyousness of my youth, and in the vigor
of my manhood it is the same, unchangeable. It
is that majestic river whose channel was traced
by the forger of the great Architect of the world.
whose beautiful name adorns your engine and
I distinguishes your organization. As its waters
are the aggregate of a thousand mountain stream
frqs, so may the aggregate of friends to your
"Susquehanna" be a thousand; and that they
may blend together in unity of feeling, unity of
sentiment, unity of purpose and unity of action,
is the expressed wish and fn event hope of our
citizens generally, and the 4 . Old Columbia" par
ticularly, whom I have had the honor to repre
sent upon this occasion; and who will respond
to the sentiment of unity with their character-,
istic enthusiasm. I have done.
Mr. DANIEL R. CRAVEV, on behalf of the Sul
cinch:ulna company, replied ns follows :
DEJFARTMV,T-1 cannot hr expected to do us
tice to the flattering notice your representative
has been rI1•n,r11 to take of us, and the liberal
comments be has so eloquently made. I feel my
inability to do so. and believe it not to be in the
power of man. But allow me to say, that your
liberality does yourselves injustice. It is not
alone to the m.mbers of the Susquehanna Fire
Company that the credit of our orgam7ation is
due. Trim, a great deal of energy, ardor, zeal
and activity has been displayed in organizing
this addition to the fire department; yet to the
generosity of our fellow-citizens do we owe much;
for while your noble example (brothers of the
Columbia and Vigilant) assisted to raise within
our bosoms that zeal and ardor which laid the
foundation of our organization, and your activity,
your energy and your deportment which emitted
its principles to the members of this company,
and urged ns onward in the undertaking; the no-
ble and ever-to-be-remembered generosity of our
I citizens enabled us to complete and perfect that
lorganization. And we feel that we would be
doing a wrong to let pass as our deserts the
praise you have so lavishly bestowed upon us.
To your wish that our fire department may
ever maintain a unity of action and sentiment,
belies a us la hen I say that it is our most sincere,
, most fervent hope that such may be. And we
' i believe that there is not a heart that beats in the
I breast of a member of the Susquehanna but re-
I sponds to the sentiment. It would be strange
indeed, if, composed as we are mostly of laboring
Imen, neighbors and friends to each other, banded
together in one common cause, laboring together
with the same noble object, the protection and
preset - infirm of our neighbors' property—seeking
1 but the public good and the welfare of our little
city, risking and exposing ourselves at alt times
N% II bout hope or thought of reward, (other than
'the gratitude of the public and the esteem of our
i fellow-cif izens ;) st range indeed if ,a, e ..,hould" not
'be united. We feel confident, from the kindness
and good-will that have been shown us to-day,
that our department will labor together in her
; moray. And let us endeavor, w bile we perfor in
our duty, to perfiirm it with a spirit and char
acter that here at least--unlike the depart
ments of other towns, where continued dissen
sion and riots sink the appellation of fireman to a
, word of reproach—that here the name may be
' 1 . 1 hat it ought to be, a word of praise—a name
I which we may hear and use wit h pride and plea
sure. When men seek to imitate the lion, the
, tiger, and the bull dog, and extend the fist in pas
! sion instead of extending the right hand of fel
-1 lowslitp, they sink themselves to a level with
1 the animals they imitate, and cannot expect
aught else than the disapprobation and frowns of
their fellow-citizens. We know that there are
l many things occurring, w bile in the performance
of our dirty, calculated to create ill feeling;
many trifling matters that may lead to misun
-1 derstanding ; arid if they are not explained or ;
overlooked, may and often do lead to bitterness I
land .trite. But these can all be avoided, if the i
right spirit be exhibited; if the right feeling shall ,
pervade our members. We feel confident, gen-I
tlemen, that the good will and kindness shown i
us to day, in welcoming us as brothers into the
fire department, and from the generous senti- I
'agents uttered by your gentlemanly representa- I
tive, that rt e can and will work together as cr a
Band of Brothers." And we beg leave to assure
yon that nothing shall be wanting on our part to
conduce to so desirable a result. It only re-
remains for us again to offer you our thanks for
the honor you have done us by your handsome
reception. and to assure you that this day w ill
long be remembered by us as one of the bright
days that are so thinly scattered along the path
of life.
After Mr. CuAvn:‘; had finished—his speech
having elicited many cheers—the procession
passed through the route announced in the pro
gramme—the ceremonies having passed off w ith
great credit to the different companies.
By the accession of the Susquehanna to our
fire department, we have an auxiliary which we
are assured will be of great utility. At a trial
of the engine on Tuesday last, water was thrus, ,
a distance of about eighty feet, after having been
forced through two hundred feet of hose—thus
proving what can be done when circumstances
render it necessary.
The engine is a beautiful piece of machinery—
perfect in all its parts; and while it speaks loud
ly for the proficiency and skill of its maker
-1-IAnN3tAN, Boston—it reflects great credit upon
the enterprise and liberality of our citizens who
contributed towards its purclia,c.
REV. R. OWEN.—We have heretofore neglect
ed to notice the dissolution of the pastoral rela-1
Lon which had existed for several years btween
the Rev. R. OWEN and the Presbyterian church
in this place. lie resigned his pastorship in Sep
tember, since which time stated supplies have
been furnished by the Presbytery. During Mr.
Owes's connection with the church, he secured,
and still enjoys, the esteem and confidence of the
members, who, by a unanimous vote, desired
him to continue their pastor. Diffident almost
to a fault, his piety and learning will always
command re , pect, and result in the advance
ment of the cause in which he is a devoted labor
er. We only express the sentiments of the peo
ple of this place, when we say that his departure
is much regretted. Wherever his lot may be
cast, we hope that he may meet with that sue
, cesq, personally- and professionally, which his
qualifications so fully merit.
December 2, ISSO.
En. Spy—The following will show the amount
of receipts at this office for fiscal year end
ing November at), Isso,
Outlet Lock,
Section Boat A,
Total for 15.10,
Total for 1St:),
Increase over ISI9, $5,722,50
Number of Cars cleared, :5,b31
cc Svction Boat., 272
('anal Bouts, 7,709
'foliage on Railroa d s, 07, 0S Tons.
Passengers, miles travelled on
Railroad, 3,619,608.
rtwART A PEARCE, Collector.
DeConlber d, Isso.
ili. Cnows—The folloiaing, table exhibits the
number of cars and amount of freight weighed
at tbig office, for the fiscal year ending :ioth No
vember, V 319, and 30th November, 'h:,o:
1850. 1810.
No. Cars. Wt. No. Cars. Wt.
Dec., 1,513 0,371,100 1,211 4,187,300
Jan., 1,139 7,012,100 618 3,590,900
Feb., 903 no sO,OOO 735 4,596,500
March, 2.071 8,837,200 1,381 8,571,600
Apra, 3,860 21,015,100 4,243 27,103,200
May, , I,lBe, 21,577,200 3,676 20,108,100
June, 3,270 19,8717,300 3,371 19,157,800
July, 3.078 17,222,300 2,955 17,120,000
August, .1,001 21,128,500 2,271 32,331,200
Sept., 2,009 11,971,500 2,351 13,466,800
Oct., 3,162 20.772,200 2,658 13,621,300
Nov., 4,179 20,282,800 2,580 15,021,200
Total, 31,732 19.4,799,900 28,590 165,732,500
28,590 165,732,500
(over 1849.
6,112 29,001,100 c:ccess of 15'50
THOMAS WELSH, Weigh Master.
(17 - Prof. WENTWORTH, of Dickinson College,
will preach in the Methodist Episcopal Church
in this place, to-morrow morning and evening,
when an effort will be made to liquidate the
floating debt of the church. The members and
citizens generally are respectfully invited to
CAUGHT IN TUE ACT.-A man from Perry
county was arrested on Tuesday last, charged
with stealing a cap from the store of Mr. LEWIS
TT.EDENICK. He had a hearing before 'Squire
Bcooss,who bound him over for trial in the sum
of $lOO. Through the perspicacity of Lewis'
salesman—who was not napping at the time—
the theft was discovered.
117 - The American Press 45. Republican ap
peared last week in a new dress, looking very
well. It is now published by J. Wens & Sox.
By-the-way, we observe that a correspondent
of the Examiner 4- Herald suggests the senior
editor as a suitable person for transcribing clerk
of the Senate.
Er7 - Accidents are becoming as frequent on the
Columbia and Philadelphia railroad as they were
on the Reading road a few years ago. No less
than two occurred last week, by one of which an
engine and several new cars belonging to the
Central Railroad company were reduced to a
complete wreck.
117 Two young white men (of respectable pa
rentage) and a colored boy were arrested near
Strasburg last week, charged with horse stealing.
One of the number has turned State's evidence.
LL/ RC V. RUMAT:GIL I'6ll preach to-morrow
morning and evening in the German Reformed
Church in this place.
12:7 - Rev. J. MeCAnTnn, of Lancaster, will de
liver an address before Mount Nebo Temple of
honor on Thursday next, Thanksgiving Day.
n --- " The Senate will meet in the Nev School
House this evening at GI o'clock.
Editori.a.l Gleanitws.
-- The New Hampshire Statesman says:
"There is residing in Canter bury an aged couple,
Mr. Elijah Matthews and wife, who have lived
together 71 years last September, and in the
same house 60 years. The age of Mr. Matthews
is 91, and that of Mrs. Matthews OS. What is
still more remarkable is that no death has ever
occurred in the house since they lived in it."
CArT/ON TO Dvciis.—A Texas paper states that
a hotel keeper on Galveston Island lately made
the following slaughter among the ducks:
With the Ist discharge, I barrel, he killed 20.
Do 2d do 1 do do 12.
Do 3d do 2 do do 1.5.
Do 4th do 2 do do 33.
Thus, with six loads, killing 89 ducks, which,
as per sample furnished, are amongst the largest
and fattest of the season.
A SENSIIILE WomAN.—A gentleman in Boston
bought two tickets for Jenny Lind's concert, for
ten dollars, and presented them to his wife. She,
like a sensible woman, disposed of them to a
neighbor, and with the proceeds paid the bills of
the butcher and the milkman, and had two dol
lars left to buy shoes for the children.
VERY Goon AND Vynor Tat-c.—At the "Wo
man's Rights Convention," Mrs. Rose, of New
York, alluded to our Pilgrim Fathers, and the
pride and reverence with which they were often
referred to. But said she "Who has heard of
the Pil g rim Mothers?" Did they not endure as
many perils, and encounter as many hardships,
and do as much to form and fashion the institu
tions of New England, as the Pilgrim Fathers?
Yet they are hardly remembered.
— The Sandwich Islands were at the last ac
counts taking measures to have the Islands rep
resented in the World's Industrial Convention at
London. They recommend that exertions be
made to procure specimens of sugar, coffee, and
other valuable products of the Islands; also,
specimens of the native weeds and grasses.
Likewise, the products of native labor, as fine
mats, kapas, &c.
A VI:TERAN ComrosiTom—At a recent anniver
sary festi% al of Printers in Nashville, Tennessee,
a member of the craft, Lawson Barry, was pre
sent, who has worked at case, day and night,
ever since the year 1799, and who now daily
pertbrins as much labor in the printing office as
any journeyman printer in that city.
A Lo',n IntraisoNmcNT.—The Boston Trans
cript states that a man has, within a short time,
been set at liberty from the State Prison at
Charleston, after an incarceration of 15 years for
arson in the vicinity of Lowell.
C=7" Mr. Barnum has written to Buffalo, that
Jenny Lind will give one concert in Detroit, two
in Cleveland, two in Buffalo, one in Rochester,
one in Syracuse, one in Utica and two in Albany
before she leaves the country.
memorial has been addressed to the Le
gislature of South Carolina, asking for the estab
lishment of powder mill, cannon foundries, gun,
sword and pistol factories, as preparatory to its
declaration of independence.
man has been discovered in Kentucky
who takes a great many newspapers and always
pays for them in advance. The printers of sev
, oral States are already arranging to contribute
blocks of marble for his monument.
1 6,4 SO,OO
7,907,2 1
307 9...11,3 I
302,1 ..)9,S 1
Prior. WEBSTER'S FAITILY.—The report that
this unfortunate family had gone to Fayal, is in
correct. One of the daughters only has left, the
widow and remaining daughters continue to re
side in Cambridge, Mass.
=The compositors of the N. 1. Tribune put
the President's Message in type in forty-five
minutes Brier it was received at the office. Good
working that.
In — ln the seventeen principal battles of the
Revolution the American loss was 7,151; that
of the British 9,073.
I:GrA bill is before the Kentucky Legislature,
and will probably pass, prohibiting emancipated
slaves from remaining within the State under the
penalty of imprisonment.
12:7 - The St. Louis Inielligenrrr thinks that
Col. Benton indicates, by his speech, his inten
tion of becoming the NorMena candidate for the
next Presidency.
117 - The New York Tribune thinks that Gen.
Samuel Houston stands the best chance of being
the Democratic candidate for President in ]SS2.
Q:9—The Emperor of Russia is about to have a
tunnel bored under the :Veva, similar to that tin
der the Thames.
12:7 - The Indiana State Reform Convention
have adopted by a large majority a section pro
hibiting any further extension of the State debt.
C :7- Prince Albert intends joining the order of
Manchester Irnity of Independent Odd Fellows.
President's Message.
We make, for the convenience of our readers,
the following synopsis of the President's Message:
After asserting that nations in a state of nature
are equal and independent, preserving certain re
lative rights and duties, among the first of which
is the right of determining their form of govern
ment, and managing their internal affltirs accord
ing to their own will, the foreign policy of the
United States is declared to be, to maintain a
strict neutrality in the wars of other States, t o
cultivate friendly relations, to reciprocate every
generous act, and to perform punctually every
treaty obligation.
With regard to the domestic policy of the gov
ernment, the Constitution will be made the Pre
sident's guide, except in cases of doubt, in which
the decisions of the Supreme Court and the ap
proved usage of the government will be invoked
for its interpretation. All its provisions are said
to be equally binding, and the first duty of the I
executive will be not to question its wisdom, add
to or evade its requirements, or multiply its
The legislative power is acknowledged to be
long to Congress, and while no attempt will be
made to control or influence its proceeding s. the
veto will be unhesitatingly used in all eases
which require its exercise.
The power of Congress over subjects entrusted
to it, is admitted to be supreme; beyond that,
its authority ceases, and it is said every good
citizen will resist any interference of Congress
in those domestic affairs which the Constitution
leaves exclusively with the States.
The duty of the Executive is declared to be to
secure a faithful execution of the laws; and to
the extent of the power vested in him for the
purpose, the President avows his determination
to protect and enforce them at all times and in
all places, shrinking from no responsibility, and
meeting events as they arise, with firmness and
The appointing power is regarded as a sacred
trust, to be exercised with a single view to the
happiness and prosperity of the people; and the
effmt of the administration will be to elevate the
standard of official employment by selecting men
for public office who are known for their integ
rity, talents anti virtues.
No unfavorable change has taken place in our
foreign relations since the opening of the last Con
gress, and peace subsists between us and all na
The convention with Great Britain, negotiated
in April last, for facilitating and protecting the
construction of a ship canal between the Atlan
tic and Pacific oceans, has been ratified by both
parties, ratifications exchanged, and proclama
tion thereof duly made. It yet remains to desig
nate and establish a free port at each end of the
canal, and to agree on the distance from the
shore, within which belligerant maritime opera
tions shall not be carried on. On these ques
tions, no difficulty is apprehended.
The progress made by the company of our cit
izens who have acquired the right to construct a
ship canal through the State of Nicaragua, is re
ferred to; it is hoped the treaty above alluded to
offers guaranties enough to secure a speedy com
pletion of the work ; and the President promises
to favor such further negotiations as may be ne
cessary to harmonize conflicting claims to ter
ritory in that quarter. It is announced that an
Envoy Extraordinary, with full power, has just
been appointed by the Government of Nicaragua,
to reside at Washington, whose arrival is daily
expected; and it is hoped this will remove all
impediments to a prompt transaction of business
between Nicaragua and the United States.
In relation to the project of our citizens to con
nect the two oceans by a railroad across the Isth
mus of Tehuantepec, it is said that negotiations
are pending between the governments of Mexico
and the United States, to secure those who may
embark their property in the enterprise. Objec
tions entertained by Mexico to certain stipula
tions deemed requisite for the security of the
parties engaged in the undertaking, will, it is
thought, be removed by sonic modification of
terms. Fresh instructions have, to that end,
been given to the Ministers of the United States
in Mexico.
Although negotiations with Portugal respecting
the payment of claims against that government,
have not yet resulted in a formal treaty, a prop
osition of Portugal for a final liquidation of the
claims has just been accepted by our government.
It is expected that a convention for carrying the
agreement into effect will be immediately ne
The Commissioner authorized by Congress to
carry into effect the Convention with Brazil of
the 27th of January,. has entered upon his duties,
but it may become necessary to extend the du
ration of the commission. 'fhe sum stipulated
by the 4th article of the Convention to be paid
to this government, has been received.
It is hoped the su-pension of collecting disc riin
natio.; duties upon the vessels of Chili and their
cargoes, will impart fresh impulse to commerce
between the two countries.
No efforts will be spared to put an end to the
war between the parts of the Island of
St. Domingo.
The total receipts into the Treasury for the
last fiscal year, were $17,1g1,7 IS and OS cents.
The expenditures during the same period, were
$1:4002,108 00. The public debt has been re
duced, since the last annual report from the
Treasury Department, $19:5,270 70. Owing to
the large grants of public lands, recently wade
by Cone Tess for military bounties, little reliance
can be placed on them as a source of revenue.
$8.075,060 59 of the public debt are to be provi
ded for within the next two fiscal years, and it is
surrgested that the payment should be made
without resorting to new loans. To effect this,
increased duties on imports are recommended, in
laying which, the policy of so adjusting the Midi
as to encourage the skill and industry of our
country, is strongly and ably urged. A modifi
cation on the present tariff, by the imposition of
specific duties, sufficient to raise an adequate
revenue, with discriminations in favor of home
production, is advised.
It is urged also, that the provision in the pres
ent law imposing a higher duty on the raw ma
terial that enters into our manufactures, than
upon the manufactured article, should be renie
died. Recognming the extensive frauds upon the
revenue, practiced under the system of od color.
em duties, specific (Wilt's are recommended as af
, fording a perfect remedy for the evil; but in the
event that Congre , s should not concur in this
I view, it is proposed, as a partial mitigation of
the dilliculty, that the law he so changed as to
I require a home-valuation or appraisal of imported
articles, so regulated as to give uniformity at the
several ports.
The establishment of a mint in California
I is favorably suggested to Congress; and in the
meantime, it is thought advisable to permit
gold bullion, NA hich has been as:toyed and
stamped, to be received in payment of govern
ment dues.
The establishment of au Agricultural Bureau,
for the promotion and encouragement of Ameri
can agriculture, is recommended, and, also, the
employment, in connection therewith, of a rgin
erologist and chemist, to collect specimens of the
various native minerals, ascertain their respect
ive elements and properties, and examine and
report the qualities of different soils, and the ma
nures best adapted to improve their productive
It is thought the appropriation made for the
purpose, will suffice for the expenses of taking
the census; but provision for publishing neces
sary abstracts of the returns is suggested to
The recommendations of President Taylor re
lative to the construction of a line of communi
cation between the Valley of the Mississippi and
the Pacific, are reaffirmed and referred to the fa
vorable notice of the two }louses.
A law to authorize the appointment of com
missioners to examine, with a view to final ad
justment, the land titles in California, is advised;
and also the extension of our land laws, with due
modification., over that State and the territories
of Utah and Mexico. It is recommended, more
over, that, instead of retaining the mineral lands
in California under the permanent control of the
Government, they be divided into small parcel:
and sold.
Alluding to the Indian depredations on our
southwestern frontier, Congress is desired to
provide, as early as practicable, for raising one
or more regiments of mounted men, to protect
the people in that section. The establishment
of an asylum for disabled and destitute soldiers
is formally referred to.
Provision for a retired list of the officers of the
navy and army unfit for further services, Ike., is
earnestly urged, as also a revision of the naval
code of crimes and punishments, and the estab
lishment of such a system as shall be at once hu
mane and effectual:
The recommendations of the Postmaster Gen
eral respecting a reduction of inland letter post
age, are approved; and, under a clear conviction
of the constitutional authority of Congress to
legislate on the subject, appropriation for com
pleting such works of internal improvements as
are begun, and commencing such as arc deemed
to be of public and general importance, are strong.
ly recommended.
For the appointment of a commission to settle
all private claims against the United States, in
cluding a Solicitor to represent the party defend
ant, Congress is asked to make provision by law.
Congress is requested also, to provide for supply
ing the city of Washington with an abundance
of purewater, as contributing to the health,
comfort and safety of the city and the security
of the public buildings and records. The answer
of Texas relative to the propositions for settling
the di , puted boundary between the State and
New :Mexico, has not been received, but is daily
The series of measures passed by the last Con
gress for healing the differences growing out of
the slavery and territorial questions, are regard
ed by the President as a final settlement, in prin
ciple and substance, of the subjects which they
embrace: and Congress is advised to adhere to
them until experience shall demonstrate the ne
cessity of further legislation to guard against
evasion or abuse.
The message closes with an invocation to Con
',Tess to join with the President in thanks to
Providence for the blessings bestowed upon our
country, and a hope that Heaven will so guide
the counsels of the nation as that they may re
sult in satisfying the people, securing peace, and
adding new strength to the Union.—North Amer
PhilacP.elplata Correspondence.
PHILADELPHIA, December •S, 1850
FRIEND SPY-At this present writing, our
usually staid city is full of excitement, of one
kind or another. What with great singers, aston
ishing equestrians, wonderful stage performers,
President's message, reports of the heads of de
partments, elopements, news from Europe, pro
ceedings of Courts, &c., &c., we can turn upon
no side that we do not hear a Luz—a kind of bee
hive commotion, which is anything but agreea
ble to quiet people like your humble servant.
The Jenny Lind fever is almost over—thank
common sense" for that. She was announced
to sing at the Museum on Tuesday morning—
tickets ss,l3—but on the appearance and pros
pect of a slim house, the nightingale was sud
denly seized with a hoarseness that put an end
to the Tuesday morning concert. It is now
gravely announced by Barnum, that the grand
charity concert, to be given in Philadelphia, is
postponed until the return of Mlle Lind from her
southern tour. Of course it is. When the Lind
fever is over entirely, and tickets are down to a
dollar, then—yes then—the charity concert will
be given in Philadelphia.
There is very little of general interest here
abouts, in the...way of local news. Peter Scott,
charged with the murder of Cornelius Mooney, a
watchman of Moyamensing, who was shot one
night last winter, while on duty, has surrendered
himself into the hands of justice, and is now in
the county prison, awaiting his trial. The Gov
ernor offered a reward of $lOOO for his apprehen
sion, but none of our officers were smart enough
to catch him.
I have not heard President Fillmore'sMessav
much talked about among the people. The Whigs
will of course praise it—the democrats look out
for what can be condemned. Partizanship de
stroys all the better feelings of our nature, and
makes us blind to merit on the one hand, and to
impeirections on the other. Every body is
pleased with that part of Post Master Ilall's re
port n Inch recommends a reduction of postage
on prepaid fetters. Such a reduction is much
needed, and I sincerely hope that Congress may
give early attention to the matter.
Philadelphia is just now waking up to her
commercial interests. While New York has for
many years been going ahead with locomotive
speed, in all matters relating to commerce, Phila
delphia has been in a .omnatubulic state. But
we are shortly to have a line of ocean steamers
sailing between this port and Liverpool—thanks
to several of our enterprising merchants. The
building of the ships has already been contracted
for, and by the coming spring one of them will
be ready to leave for her port of destination.
[For want of room, we were obliged to cur
tail our Philadelphia letter.—En.]
11:7 'The I3ce h Neg,rei.s which exhibited in this
place several month , : ago is dead.
. t•IN. nn Arid - void Digestive Fluid. or GivOne.
A gre.ii Curer. prepared front Itenoet,
air the tom th : , 111111.11 It of the OX. altar threcticni+ollNr o l l
Id. big, the Ott ell I'll) ..doltonen!. Chemi.d. by J. S. Hough
ton. Al. IL. NO I I N tth I:oddh Philattelohin. l'n.
h. idt V.011114,1n: for Indigestion. 1/5 a
-11.1.mi. Jo:Immo, Idt er Coliipltillit.ooll.4.palion Mid be
bility. coring .niter owii method. by Nature's
own agent. bin (in.irie Juice. See adverticollielit
:mother t olonni [A inr.llQt
thn2-th tilt.. by the Rev. E7ra Fuin,. Ely, 1). 1), Mr.
Ilt.shl I. Ilt.t.ra. of Lancneter to All,‘ r•ALLIE KAINSU,
0: ithliniteillh//1.
In l'lttl.ttlelphit t , on the tnill ult.. by the Rev. Mr. Cm•
Dr. Jon., \\ A VLAN, to MISS SLISAN A. Canter, all of
On the .27:11 11.1. v the Rev. N. A. Keyes. GI/IMo
Rain, of Murtetta to Nit.... Aunt RA JONPA, of Safe Hurhor.
Nov. 14.1. y the
to M 0.% JO,F.POINE : , ,I. Sol - ritnucc, daughter of the Mu.
liev. Mr. Hunks, Dr. J AMES C. ATER
R 03.1 SOISIM gel, all of Lowell. Muss.
(hi the 21111, 1.11.. 1.) the Rev. J. J. :trine, Mr. Witd.hca
Vox ul
-tumt.. :thou 01 Nan thuntherland county, to )lAtt
ANN I I l:1.NO,, of Sate Ilarbor,
Lantunder county.
At \lollllt Joy. on the ihnli ult ,of Typhus Fever, PAU.
LL A.TLIL , ONL I:+q-, in the 35th yrnr of his age.
In Springfield, 11l , Olt the 16th ult . Mrs. Id•ar Lod E•,
It +le of Dr. B. 1.. F. Outman, formerly of Lancaster. ,
On saturilay. the UUtli ult., SA RAII ANN, daughter o f
William and Llizaheill Baldwin, aged 5 yearn, 4 mouths,
and It days.
Death spreads his withering., wintry sm.,
And beauty 1.1111iC6 no more j
! where are slow those rising charms,
Winch pleased our eyes before !
'lint once loved limn now cold and deed,
Each mournful thought employs:
We weep, our earthly comfort's fled, J.
And withered all our Joys.
areszcsx. zdvsrßu.zuc-vrec
ATIOLINt.4. Accordcons, FlutcP, Banjo,. GuitrirA• hr
r for only I.y
Or. , 7 . 'fi n - At his Ilerldr uarters and News DrP.I
T a coogregittionol meeting, held el the Presto) ter ten,
PI Church oil lust Tue..iln) evening, for the
rfeetthrr i'n.tor. the vote ainod as follows :
For the Rev. It. W. Dunlap, 15
For muted .uppltu, 06
Coloinlon. Deeditibm 7, Itlso-I.t purpose of