THE COLUMBIA SPY. "Hero shall tke Press, tke People's rights miguntatx— Vaamed by Ilififtence—unbraid by gain." Columbia, Pa., Saturday, December 7,1550. Og".Mr. C. M. CLztvELL is authorized to re ceive subscriptions for this paper. 13:7 - The "Past and the Present" will appear in our no—.t. =The President's \1..,-age and the report of the reception of the Susquehanna Eng;no, occu py so much room, that a c have necessarily been obliged to itlll Inge upon our editorial columns. Congress and the President's Illessage. The second session of the thirty-first Congress commenced at V.'ashington on Monday last. Af ter organizing, the President's Message—an ab stract of which will be found In our paper—was received and read. Being the first message from Mr. Fa.i.monu, it was looked for with great anx iety. It is a creditable paper, and meets with general approval. There is one feature in it that all must admire—its brev y ;—a feat ure that v% ill induce mane to read it who would not do so if it occupied too ye or fourteen ordinary columns. Nothing of importance has been transacted in either branch of Congress. Rev. 31r. By I LEIC was elected Cliaplam of the Senate, and Rev. 31r. Chaplain of the House. Mr. I3EN rov, on Wednesday last, gave notice of several bills— among Ns hich was one for the construction of a railroad from St. Lotus to San Francisco. By our next sue Congress will hate got rightly under may, m hen N% e will be able to give condensed, though collect, report.; of the pm- ( ercht a. Jenny !Lind in Italtisnore. The distinguished "Queen of Song, of our readers already know, will g:ve concert.. in Baltimore next week. As this will proba bly be the last opportunity our citizens will have to hear the sweet warbler, the facd.ties afforded by the Baltimore & Susquehanna Rail road Company will no doubt be embraced by hun dred,.. The Company proposes to issue ticket., for the round trip. including a ticket of admis sion to e:ther ‘,l the concerts, at the follow:mg rates: From Ilarrburg, to Baltimore and back, $7.50 Lanca , ter do. " Columbia do. do. ‘Vriglitsville do. do. r.,00 <, York do. do. Purchasers of tickets from Harrisburg and Lancaster can come by any of the trains of the Harrisburg and Lancaster Rad road to Colut»bia, and thence by any of the company's trains to Baltimore. The arrangements are p-rfect, that purchasers need have no fear of being disap pointed. DP 4 :I Etat - live Tornado. Oar of the most destructive tornadoes passed over the town of Cape Girattleao, below St. Louis, on Saturday la-d, that has ever been ex perienced in the Mississ ppi valley. It complete ly denu d e-bed seventy or eighty 01 the finest buildings in the place—among them the Catholic and Baptist chinches—and the loss of life is so peat that it is I mpossible to estimate it. Many were buried among the ruins, vi bile others were so crippled that they never can recover. It is said that the town has been "literally torn to pieces" and presents a most pitiable mpect. KOrcadful. A lunatic asylum situate about a mile front Augusta, Maine, was destroyed by fire on Wed nesday morning last, and from six to twelve in- , sane persons perished in the flames. Thefire was occasioned by a defect in the chimney, and was not discovered until it %%as too lute to , ace the budditez. There were about one hundred and fifty inmates confined at the time —many of : Whom barely escaped. C:7"At the u•cent el..cttons w Now Yolk, l'enn , yls awn and 01110, the following :lumber of VUteS Vl ere polled : New York, ' 1 :2 ,- 0 It"; Penn sylvania, (tor Canal C.,111111,N1011,1,) ; Ohio, 2ii:",,115. lf the rote may be taken as a true Index of the popolation, Ilion New York come. first, is .1.11.11 next, and Ohio lead-- in the rear. C7fr The odour ot the llvldlrtotra Elitritiunt is infori.ied that tt t. too late for us. to %tali ALd dleto«•n for any of the fir', . About the conta gion of wealth :pro ha e not yet exrrienced the chseaso— more thau likely never shall, as we al ways happen to escape fp:dew:cr. c77—The York Ga., Company has deelai cd a 6,m:end of three per cent. for the last six months. When Neill we be to Mak , ' a , on,lar an nouncement for the Ce:e:lll,..t Ga. Company— t hat is to be t recolut.m. wa , otr...ird at a meeting of York Divlsmo S. of he!d last week, that one thousand doll.its br , uh-crihed by the Di ykion towar4 the r=toMsliment of a Realling; Room and Library in the borough of York. It has not yet been act...1.11,mi. C.:7.1. "guinea gold watch" Nva, stolen from theofficeat the Star of 11. r th, at Bloomsburg, Pa., on the night of the :Nth ult. Wlko ever heard of a guinea :told witch m a printing office? M glit have suppose t .t would be stolen. Union that ' , MC(' the re turn of Col. fir:vroN from W.,llington, and the de livery of his .perch. the belief is gamin!! zrolind that he will be re-chited to the United states Senate. =Baltimore city employs one hundiod and