Ucotesßionai earns J.U. OItAHAM. I Ij. R. OHAIIAU, Jr J. 11. GRAHAM SON, Attorneys <§• Counsellors at law, Wo. 14 South IlnnovorSt.. Carlisle, Pa. Hon. J. H. Graham, lato President Judge of the Ninth Judicial District,' tins vo-mmed the practice of the lavy, and associated with him his son, J. H. Graham, Jr. Will practice In the Cbnrts of Cumberland, Per-y and Juniata Comi ties, [Dec.7,’7l-tf. P E. BELTZHOOVER, m Al TORWJST-AT~LA JV CARLISLE. Pa. Mj-Oflloo on South Hanover .Street, opposite Peutr/s dry goods store. •vc. 1.18(13. J'OS. BITNER,- Attorney-at-Lnw, No. 8 South Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa. <®-AU buslnees promptly attended to. Col lections a specially. ,170c1721y J* AM EH M. WEAKLEY, ATTOKXKY-A I’-LAW. office—No, 2-South Hanover St., Carlisle, Pa. April 25, 1872—1 y. JOSEPH G. VALE, ATTORIKY-AT-1. A W, Practices in Dnuphtuand Cumberland,counties. Oltlve In Court house Avenue, No. 3 Kramer’s Building, in the rear of the ..Jewelry eatable**- Carllslo* Pa. * \pul 25,1872—1 y. Dfl-iS, MARY L. HALL. Homoaopu thlo Physician and Mealcul Electrician Olllce Souih Hanover struct. Carlisle. All fe male diseases skillful* treated. Patienla at a ilisiuneo eon consult by mail. June il. 1872—1 y. ; DR. GEORGE 3. SEARIGHT, Dfn tist. From the Baltimore College of Denial Surgery, Office at'tho residence of ills mother \£a«t nouther Street, three doors below Bedford Carlisle, Penna, Dec. 1 181)5. TYR. .i. S. BENDER, M. D. Has removed his office to the South West cor ner of South Hanover and Pomfret Streets, di rectly opposite the 2nd Presbyterian Church. Carlisle April 18—'72—tf. fßiscellanpons uooooooooooonooooooooooo 00000000000000000 SSSS NEW LIQUOR STORE SSS aooooooooooooooooooo 000000000000000000000 oooooooooooooooooop'ooo 0000000000000000000 oo The undersigned ivomd respectfully oo oo Inform (no Citizens of Carlisle ami bo oo vicinity that ho still keeps on liauil oo non most Superior Stock of LKQCOICSoo ooooof (ho BKST Q17A1.1 TIES suck ns 0000 000000300000000000000000 00000000000000000 oonooDoooooqooooooocoooo 00000000000000000 Z°o°° Whiskies. Brandies. ooooooobocoooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOItuOOO •ODOOOOO P’i nc Wnoc 00000000 00000000 v3T.11.10j Mm JLIICOj 00000000 0000000000000000000000.0000000000000000000 ooooopooooooooooouooooo oooooooooooonoooop 000 Which he will sell at the LOWEST 000 0000 .Cash Prices. Call and test them, 000 00000000000000000000000 oooooooooooono'iooo S SIMON W. EARLY. = oooooooooouoooooooooooooooooooooor ‘rooooo ooln the Volunteer Building-. (Sir ,wer’soo ooold stand) Agent for Massey & Colllu'soo 0000000 celebrated PlitlnUa Ales, 00000000 oo 28u0v72t f 00000000000 oooooonoooonooooooo mOWN PROPERTY FOR HADE. — 1 The undersigned. Assignee nf Uobert M. Hihck, of Carlisle, oilers for sale Lbe proper iy corner of Pitt street and Locust alley. Tho house is a new two-story brick, and Is in good condition. The improvements uremodern, and tho entire property is a very desirable one. ALSO for sub , u vacant. LOT OK GROUND on Bedford street, ;I0 feet iu front by , 2l<) in depth, more or less, hounded by propcrlle so A, & M. Boyle, Brenueman and others. PETER SPAIIK, Hepf. 12, 1872-1 f. p To Farmers. Cannon Corn Shellers. Hand Corn Shellers, three sizes. National Fodder Cutters, from 51" to SKI D»*xter Fodder am) flay Cutters. Eureka Fodder and Hay cutteis. Fur sale by J2dcc2m F. GARDNER & CO. Hotel and storeroom for RENT! me Hotel iu the Morouigh of Carlisle, .known iw the “Ameilcan wotise,” imw occupied by John Hall, Ih olleruil for rent from Die Ist day of April, ’ALSO, the sloro-roora, on North Banovor street,-Carlisle, now occupied bv Wm, Crldley, for rent from the same date. Apply to C. E. MAGLAUHLIN. Carlisle. •fdec72t Fit FFII MEAT DAILY Edward J. Arney, JVorf/t Jlnnorer Street fi6j?*The citizens of Carlisle can he furnished with Beef, Pork, Veal, MuG ion,Lamb, Pudding,Sausage, ic.,daily ui bis residence, opposite John Mc- Bride's. Delivered to all parts of the town, epll-72. fpOR.RENT.—The building formerly Jj occupied by SamM U. dandy as a tin whop ami stove store, on Liberty alley,, is lor rent. Tills building is suitable for a number of pur oses. For terms unci further naitlculurn tu ijulreof J. M. WALLACE, I2deo No. IT West Main .St reet. rpHE Medicine of the Million ! PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. HOLLOW AITS FILLS '■ The Exciting Cause of Sickness. Tho blood in the life sustaining Agent. It fur nishes the componenta oi llesU, bone, muscle, nerve and integument. The atomacu in its man ufactory, the veins Its distributor?, and the In testines the channel through which the waste matter rejected In Its productions Is expelled. Upon the stomach, the circulation and the bow els, these Pills act simultaneously, relieving In digestion, purifying theiluids, and regulating the excretions. Tho National Complaint Dyspepsia is tho most common disease amo'ng all classes In this country. U assumes n thou sand shapes, and is the primary source of In numerable dangerous maladies; but whatever Us type or symptoms, however obstinate its resistance to ordinary preparations, it yields readiiy and rapidly to this searching and uner ring remedy. Billons AlleclioiiH The quantityand nualllyof the bile are or vital Importance to health. Upon the liver, the gland which secretes this lluld, these pills operate spe cifically. Infallibly rectifying Us Irregularities, and effectually curing Jaundice, Bilious Uornlt tante, and all the varieties of disease generated by an unnatural condition of the organ. Bowel Complaint*. Unless the bowels perform their functions properly, the whole body sudors. Tons of thou sands die annually of Dysentery, Dlarrluca. Chronic Constipation, and other diseases of these waste pipes of the system. The effect of the Pills upon all Intestinal disorders, whether casual or epidemic. Is n phenomenon In medi cine. Uy following the printed directions, the most alarming cases of howol complaints are promptly controlled. A Word to Fomalos. The local debility and irregularities which are especial annoyances of the weaker sox. and which, when neglected, always shorten life, are relieved for the time being, ami prevented for the time to come, by a course of this mild but thorough alterative. Holloway's Pills arc Hit best remedy known in the world for the following diseases: ASTHMA. BOWED COMPLAINTS. COUGDH. COLDS. COHTIVENEHH, GUW4T DIHEAHEB, DYHPEPHIA. DIAUUHUM. DROPSY, DEBILITY, FEVER AND AGUE. HEADACHES. .. , . FEMALE COMPLAINTS, PILES, INDIGESTION. INFLUENZA. INWARD WEAKNESS, LIVER COMPLAINTS, __ . xtl .. LOWNESS OE SPIRITS, STONE AND GRAVEL. SECONDARY SYMPTOMS. WORMSOF ALL KINDS, 1 • *,*Sold nt Iho Manufactories ol Hollowav it Co., 7« Malden Lung, New York,'and bv all 're spectable Druggists ami Dealers In Medicines throughout the united Stales in boxes ul ‘J. r >eis., cents, and 81 each. CACriON.-Tlio trade mark of a letter II in a id role Is on ivudi box of PUN «n Pol of Ointment. Tliisftectirea the genuine. Biartoinatt. JjtBTABLISHED 1840. Carlisle Hardware House. H., S AXTON & CO. Hrnut Saxton, l J. p, Bixi.ru. 11>. B. Saxt» * Building, Farm i-g and Mechanics’ Hardwui Tools and Mate.-.al), Nall, iron mJEhaoI of all sizes, shapes at . kinds. Uiv'*.* nd an I Mining Picks, ShovolaaF Materia Wether ill hro. First Natunr Buck >nd all other favorite brands in White Lo 1.4 and Colors, with a full assortment of 'lubi r .iors. pure raw and boiled JLlusocd Oil. Coach ami Furniture Varnishes, Glass, &c. Greasing and Duplicating Oils, Cement, Plas ter and silver Sand, Dupont’s blasting and sporting powder, Guns, Pistols and Ammuni tion. ‘Cedar Ware. Hope, Lanterns. Ac. House-Furnishing Hardware Silver-plated Spoons, Forks and knives. Ivory and Pearl-handled table and pocket Cut lery, Dodgers & Seymour’s lino Scissors and Shears, Fine Gilt Curtain Cornices and Bands. Brass stair Hods, white and black Curled Hair for Matresscs and Furniture, Green Heps, Hair seating, Ac., with a full line of Upholster Goods. Miscellaneous goods, such ns Clothes Wringers, tine bird Cages, Driving and Hiding Whips, itc. Sole agents for Plank’s Shifting Beam and Kolter Plows at his prices For Um/i. Bloomtlold •& Gibb’s Imperial Plows. Tim last mentioned are of a recent introduc tion into this section, which have the advanta ges of a Shitting Beam and Steel Shear, ot al most the sumo prices as the ordinary Cast Iron Plows, * Sole agents lor Palmer's Patent Iron Planes. Solo agents for Burnham's. Patent Weather Stripping. This coinulnca both economy and comfort, thoroughly preventing drafts oi cold air a u»m ter und dust in The price lor, stripping an entire house Is more than saved during tho winter by the economy ot luol; it taking at least one-third loss fuel to produce the same warmth Ills made In walnut, oak and plain white.to. both color and windows, so that It can bo adap ted to any house. - - • Our goods arc boliglit In large quantities iroin ilie manufactures, and with the aid of our long experience, are selected with the utmost care and supervision, and wo would invite all who wish to purchase the best goods at the lowest cusu rates to patronize us. Country merchants will certainly dud It to heir advantage to call or write us for quota ions be/ore purchasing. We remain, respectfully. H. SAXTON & CO., .Vo; 15 FAST MAIN STRK'I Carlisle. HARDWARE AND 0 V. T L li II Y, M ILL Llt <t HO tY JE ItS take this opportunity ui directing tho Attention ofthe community at large, and every person in particular, to their »«*<•« mly replenished stock e| JS! A M lII' W jL rn JSo They studiously avoided investing dur ng the high prices, and patiently waited the falling outofthebottom before attempting to refllltholr shelves, and how that things have been reduced to old time prices, as near as possible, they have Invested largely and are prepared to guarantee to their friends and customers as low prices as any market outside the cities. They especially Invite the attention of mechanics, farmers and builders. Our stock is complete and none neel fear meeting with disappointment In enquiring for anything in our line. We ha.-e the agency oi the WHloox «s Gibbs Sevang .nacVuiu* nud would respectfully sk all those whii‘ " a Marti.ne, tu examine th« Wlllnox * oibbs’jbo fore purchasing. All orders promptly attendee to, and good delivered to till parts of mo town free of charge Jan. 12 18721 v Satinet jßafter. ■ B. EWING, CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKE! WE.-ST MAIN STREET CARLISLE. 1»\. A splendid assortment' ot \ew for the Holidays, comprising Solas. - Camp Stool, .t.onnges, Centre* rattles, Hocking Chairs, Lining Tallies. Easy Chairs, -Card ■'rubles.' Reception Chairs, . Ottomons, Bureaus, What Nols. <Vo,, ,t<*. Parlor, Dining Room, KUek FURNITURE, of the latest styles COTTAGE FURNITURE IN SEITs Splendid now Patterns. BEDSTEADS AND MATTRESSES GILT FRAMES AND PICTURES in great variety. Purtleulai attention given loFunotals. Orders from town and country promptly attended to ud ou reasonable ».er ms. I ec.iT *1)oe Store. AND HATS j&jt Cost 2 The subscriber Intends to close out his entire stork of SHOES & HATS! AT COST. Ills assortment is <|iiile large,em bracing Women’s Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, OF ALL KINDS! Ah ho does not intend to keen SHOES for sale hereafter, lie will positively sell his entire stock at COST! Ho also wishes to close out his HATS, and will sell them also at cost. Great Bargains can now he had bv those wNhiug SHOES and HATS. Joint Mlliott , .lan l-7:i-:tm No. Tl Noimr DanoviciiHv Carlisle, Pa. JOHN W. STRdIIM DAVID STUOHM RUBLE Boot & Shoe House! We have just received our Bring stock of goods irom the Eastern cities, and they am now open for the inspection olThe public. We havo bought them to sell, ami at low prices lor CASH. Our stock consists <U BOOTS AND SHOES for Ladle#| Misses, Men. Boys and Children. In cluding every stylo In the market. Ladles Buttoned and Laco Gaiters. In great va riety of stylo. Turkish Morocco, Glove Kid, Pob bio Leather, Grain Leather and French Kid, LADIES’ BALMORAL HOOTS, Misses' and Vhtldren’h Buttoned and Laced Hoots; Men's. Boys’ am! Youth's Bools and Miooa of every description, irom a Htogy to a Hllppor. Our Immense slock has been ea< chilly selected, uud . Bargains will lie given to |michm'Ms, Give us a cull. Thuuklul lor past liberal patiomig.* oor friends, and the public generally, aftr-coidJally nvlted to cull and examine our stock. Uoiiumiher the {dace, No. PlHoiilh llanove titreot, one door Booth of 11. M. Hmllev’s cloth) store,’nearly opposite the Franklin House. ©ra <*soqUb. THE CHEAPEST! THE LARGEST ! The Best Display of Holiday Hoods! 1 *- L. T. OREKNFIELD’S. Tho BEST BLACK SILKS ut tho LOWEST PRICES. .Cl the new ; shades in DRESS GOODS, at Popular Prices. The Largest stock of BEAL POINT LACE, THREAD LACE, and DUCHESS LACE COL LARS, HANDKERCHIEFS in every style and price, for dhristsnsis Presents; I Beautiful Assortment of Zfudersleeccs, Neojt Ties, »&«,. «C - c. Special Bargains in Low Priced Dress Goods ! Largest Stock of PURS, at prices that defy competition. ■ - EILMKIT IT« iF.BM'I MIM. ' suns mm to order m short.notice'! 1 will oiler 'IIAROAINS In III.ANKETS.TIOKtt.OS, MUSLINS,CHECKS, CALICOES, HUSIEBY and NOTIONS, CANTON Fi.ANNFiLs, Ac., during the present month. We have jnst.opened the best Bargains in SHAWLS, ever oilmed in this inn|kot. In fact my stock is now complete, and it will repay any one who desires a bargain to call and examine for themselves. L. Dec. IY 1872. Grand I‘all 'jOponing. 1872. No. 18 North Hanover St Having n turned trom the FnsU in Mai U< t- « iihTt Large & Well-Selected Stedt-’-'ltooiis lam pieparrd offei BA IMA I .VS to nil who will favor us with a cail. Please examine the following before purchasing elsewhere, if you desire to save money Ladies’, Gent’s and Misses' KID GLOVES, Woolen and Cotton HOSIERY, all kinds, A complete assortment of ZEPHYR, GEUM/ NTOWN and FANCY YARNS, Also,.a full Hue of Jet and Plated” Jewelry, Bracelets, Neck-Ties, Chains, &c- J. EL WOLF'. Sept., 20, 1872. REDUCTION!! ■■At OGILBY’S! I ÜB6E STOCK Of ill FALL AND WINTER. GOODS AT (JKKATLY REDUCED PRICKS TO BUI T THE ITMILS TIIR PRTCFd of LNIIUKSTOCIv an* much below RECIULAII FIGURE*-' and [ JnvUeCOMPVRIRON with - any other house in the COUNTY, FULL LINK OK .mvimwin wmi DRESS GOODS. VELVETEENS, BLACK SILKS * WOOL REPPS. POPLINS, ALPACAS REPELLANTS CLOTHS, IN GREEN, BROWN, GOLD and BLACK MIXED, SINGLE and DOUBLE WOOL SHAWLS, BLANKETS, COMPORTS AND QUILTS, WOOL AND COTTON FLANNELS, ALL COLORS, „ TICKINGS, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, MSULINS, SHIRTING STRIPES AND CHECKS, CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, . OVERGOATIMG-S I In'iiYnfuhic “ ,I ‘* ‘■vi-1-y sunk. orßOOili sullnhli' r»r so.-Lsnn. EXTRA HARO A INS HEW FUBS FBR LAMES ANB MBLKREN, " RXT ’H K U RS, w I. OV K H A In D M U KK f. EBS! i N li LAU K A L Mil A S ! • rilll* 11 * U l " un<l w,liuh «».„«! bo htirpavsed inr WEIGHT. SHADE and QUALITY in every 3*T.O T’l’O KT ® 2 Complete vat loty of every article An immense Slock of LADIES’ & CHILDREN'S HOSE suitable for Henson. GENTS’A LADIES’ MERINO VESTS, SIIIRI'S A DRAW ICRS To close entire stock of ' TRIMS, OIL CLOTHS, ÜBIGS’ 11 (IiIILIIREfS SHOES! L will soli tliem BELOW COST! call, see and be convinced that all of above Isa fact and worth your attention. Nov - CHARLES OGILBY. . 17 WEST MAIN STREET. Carlisle, Pa. THE HOLID AY TRADE! Prices Reduced 2 New Goods opening at the Central Dry Gooils Store ! Great Bargains in all kinds of Ladies’ Dress Goods for the Holiday Season Handsome Falsely Shawls for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Very Cheap. .Ul kinds ol WOOI.KN HIiAWLS idienpur Umn uvur ul Iho CIONTIUI. Furs ! Furs I ! Furs !!! Furs !!!! from 81 00 a Holt up to the finest qualities of Mink Sables, at Iho Greatest Bargains in the Country. BLANKETS, FLANNELS of every description at Reduced Prices. a, it o v Gr ood s! o / New SI vies Ladies’ Noek Ties. New Similes Ladies’ Neek .Ties. Em l.rK«l HamiuSfs. llimo ila...lk|Mvl>j B l» 1 '‘V'V.lPin‘T,’?,mi kinds of Ladles' und Ocnllmni'i.'s ILindkerc.lilefs, pul up In hum ".Mi., sulnuuo roi l.’ln lslman presents. i.ADIKS’ BEAVER CLOTH ALL COLORS. LLACK and COLORED BE.AVER CLOTUS OVKIMXum Men's and Boys' Wear, nf all Kinds, Greatly Reduced in Prices I RJease do not fail to call’at the CENTRAL I)R\ GOODS STORE mid exmulni. till! lurtn-M mid In-sl Milm-li'd nlni-ls of Dry Oiii'cl ’lV.ll.f'.V.’.l Ini; uny imrchiiM H, ns we lire deleninned in lediii.-i tin «1'« k hi line in ik liiu 111 liimui»ln tl.e Hrlli MILLER A RUTTORFE, i»*e. t'J. NOW READY AT NO. IS, EAST MAIN.STREET, I. GftEiSNFIEID, 18 East Main Street, Uri» Cottas CARLISLE; PA No. 18 North Hanover at., Carlisle, Stobcs & Klntoarc AND TINWABiO ESTABLISHMENT, The partnership horetoforostlutf be tween Walker »fe Cloudy having bn dissoiv cd by mutual consent, 1 hereby nnnoouco to the citi zens of Carlisle and surronnUlnucomitry, that I have opened a Hew Sieve and Tinware Store la the largo frame building, on the corner of West High and Westfelroets, formerly qccupled by Cornelius Ji Bosh. Having a largo and complete stock of Stoves and Tinware on band selected with the greatest care expressly for this maricot, my customers are guaranteed satisfaction, both us regards quality ami price. Sheetiron and Tinware, constantly ou hand uud made up to order. My stock of Tluwuvo embraces everything usually kept In a lirst class tin establishment. ROOFING and SPOUTING promptly attend ed to. STOVES, lam now prepared to exhibit to the Winter Trade a largo and well-assorted stoekof the best patterns ot Stoves, Having the ngoncy of the following celebrated stoves, I am prepared to furnish them to parties so desiring: MOUSING GLORY, LIGHT HOUSE, LON-TON. . UOSKUUB, BEACON LIGHT EGG OFFICE and FA RIJ U S T O V E S. liiH .sele cilou of Cook Stoves omoiace ihe following: Wupc-iior, Noble Cook, Excelsior, . Nla am,, i. maker CUy, ami Coral. . • iS/ Jicpairs constanth/ on hand I uni agent lor » PA T 15'K T ,S Tis A M P[p E, lor heating mills, laolorles, itc., amt prepared tofumiahaud place them In position at shor notice. • Having an experience of 22 years'ln;this busi ness, I would respectfully Bollclt n share ol the public patronage, iceilug confident that I will give satisfaction. A. WOODS walker. lire. 22.70—tf soMicTin esu iNcw: under . iik huni UNOKUyiGNED, having fust Xi'btmi.od from the Cities with a largo stock ol goods, invtio ihe attention,ol all who desire satisfaction to call anti examine their lu r ae stock ol . Stove and Tinware Among the stock of stoves may be found the Anti-Clinker Base Burner, ANTI-CLINKER FIRE PLACE HEATER, t , 4 , r together with all the latest styles of PARLOR. DINING-ROOM and COOK STOVES, whlcb they challenge the trade ‘to coinpet' with Knives, Fork 8, b’pnoua, Ladles. ’ Lamps, together with Toilet Sets, Coal Buckets, Coal Sieves, Shovels and Tongs, Zinc and every va riety of Tin Ware and House Furnishing goods kept In a first class store Wo aro also prepared to furnish Pumps for Cisterns and Deep Wells ! and have lor sale the-Celebrated Genuine Cu cumber Wood Bump, - ROOKING. SPOUTING ANQ JOB WORK attended to promptly and on reasonable terms, Remember the place, the green fronton North Hanover street. Alow doors above Loutber. Give us a call as wo are determined not to be undersold by nnv other parties In tills place. Thankful for the past patronage we extend a cordial .invitation to all to pay ns a visit. ffginesmitie. S’ Mmpp Nog, G 2 and 04, . NORTH HANOVER ST., CARLISLE, Nov. I', 71 PA (ffitoccrics DOUBT YOU KNOW THAT John A. Means. keeps constantly on hand a large ami wbll se lected stock of Fresh A Mice Groceries I Having issued a declaration of war against tins high prices of Groceries, am! having my permanent headquarters at the old stand, No. 78 S Htmovor Streoi, where I have'constantly on hand and for sale cheaper than the cheapest, a Full Line of Groceries ! Q,(7EE.VSWAKE, GLASSWARE, UKDAUWAIIE, l-'LSII, , BACON, imiEU Mid CANNED FRUITS, CAN DIRS. SPICES," Ac., Ac, COFFEE ofthe host grades; SUGARS of the llnost qimDllcs; TEAS that do excel lu flavor; SPICES that are all pure, ami SYRUPSdoIIcJons for sweetness, Decanters. Tumblers, Fruit Jars Dishes, Ac., Ac. Fish of all kinds In season, Highest prices paid /or COUNTIIY PRODUCE Being uetermined to please all-my customers, I solicit the patronage o! the public, being thankful for past favors.' JOHN A. MEANS, 78 South Hanover Street, Carlisle. Pa. llnovTJ auo vttaus OLD ESTABLISHED HAT AND GAP STORE ! on NORTH HANOVER STREET, a few doors below Carlisle Deposit Hank, has on hand a largo stock of all the New York and Philadel phia Styles of HATS AND CAPS Silk hats from $5. to S(»,B0; Felt huts for men, hoys and children, of every quality and variety of stylo. Winter caps In.cloth, fur, beaver, co ney, uulra. Fancy Velvet and'cloth turbans lorchildion, Also a lire lot of Gloves, at all prices. Having a long experience In the business, I led conildont I cun please all who favor mo. with a call, lu price, style and quality. Hats of all Rinds Made to Order and old ones repaired promptly Out 211872 Heller. g>pertarles. SPECTACLES ’ I hi'tin Spectacles mo manufactured from MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES molted togoth or, mid arc called DIAMOND on account of iholr hardness and brilliancy. It fa well known that spectacles cut from Brazilian or Scotch pebbles are very injurious to ihu eye, because of tbelr polarizing light. Having been tested with the polurlscopo, the diamond lenses imvo been lound to admit llf leen per cent, less heated rays than any other pebble. They aro ground with great aclontlllc accuracy, are free from chromatic aberrations, and pro* duco a brightness and distinctness of vision not before attained In spectacles, F. C. KUAMEU. CAIttIHI.K, I’ll. Manufactured by tho SjuMicur Optical Manufacturing Comp’y. NEW YORK buy a palrunless you see the trade marlc<> JDni ©cobs & ©lotlj’mg, 18T2. 1812. THOMAS-A. HARPER, No 42 South IlanoTor St., Carlisle, HAS OPENED . The Cheapest Alpacas and Mohairs, The Cheapest Black SIlk«, The Cheapest Merinos and Cashmeres, • The Cheapest Australian Crapes, The Cheapest .Tam Iso and Wonl CoLuines, The Cheapest Jap. Poplins and Plaids. The Cheapest Wrapper Reps. mourning l nml Necoiul Mourning <>ooi|m. The Cheapest and best,Velveteens. - The Cheapest Water-proof-ClonlUbgs. The Cheapest Muslins and Table Linens. The Cheapest Canton and Wool Flannels. The Cheapest Blankets and White Spreads. The Cheapest Blankets and.'Tidbit Shawls. The Cheapest Underwear (Ladles and Gen Is.) The Cheapest Cloths and Cnsslmcres. FULL LINE OF NOTIONS & TRIMMINGS. Being determined to maintain my reputation for selling the best and cheapest Black Alpacas and Mohalis In this market,i have now opened a full line at low prices. Oct. 3.1872. FALL OPENING-! Wo have just returned from the city with a MAMMOTH,LOAD OP iH¥ CiiiS consisting In part ot CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Ladles’and Goal’s UNDERWEAR. A large as sortment of new styles of ■ LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, MOURNING GOODS In variety, Crapes, Rib bons, Ac. An endless number of latest style of ITnll and Winter SUtmlis, The "OTTOMAN SCARF,” handsome and all sizes. Cloth and Felt SKIRTS lor ladles and misses. Large Piles of DOMESTIC S Calicoes, Ginghams, Tickings, Muslins, Flan nola of all kinds and colors. mas&lsets, white and colored. UMBRELLAS*. Velv;e teens I Black and Colored, cut bias, for Trimmings, Tho laige&t’stock of . NOTIONS in the county. Wo have had advantages In the purchase of this Immense stock, not possessed by others whtoU will enable us to sell at LOW RATES! I’loaso call at the OLD STANDI” Sept. 20,1872. OPENING ! Dippers, French, English and American Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestings OF ALL Slt-ADES, FIGURES, QUALITIES AND PRICES SUITABLE FOR .MEN’S Shirts a Specialty. A line «l ®J-eait 9 si Fmr ntslitng- Goods al ways on hand. H.S. Ritter & Son Drapers A Merchant Tailors, No. ‘l4 WEST MAIN STREET, OARLIHEE, PA 210ct1572-tf CHEAP JOHN, has now ready on exhibition u stock or cvjOthknu i BOOTS SHOES, SHIRTS, NOTIONS, Ac., which ho will sell at his' Usual Low Prices ! USUAL LOW PRICES! USUAL LOW PRICES 1 ' Not necessary to say anything else, as every body ksowsthat ho cun get the BEST GOODS at the very LOWEST PRICES at CHEAP JOHN'S, . Court House Avo., in Franklin House. May2S- ly. 'miscellaneous. THE NORTH AMMAN Mutual Life Insurance Company Of SPMladelpMa. A LL kinds of policies written upon XjLtho mosbfavorablo terms. Proinlums mn r be paid annually, acml-anuually or nuartorlv.— All policies aro NON-FOKFkiTABLE ake. TWO ANNUAL payments. No extra rates foi, females. No charge for policy fee or stamps.— Policy holders share lu the profits, Dividends declared annually after two payments on the contribution plan. 8100,000 deposited with tho Auditor General of Pennsylvania as security for policy holders. Cumberland County Branch.—Tbu Compa ny has appointed a Board of Trustees, composed or the following well known citizens of Cum berland County; E. M, Biddle. s, B. Kzeffjsk, M. D. Charles ii. Mullin. Wji. a. Mullin. John M. Wallace. William Kennedy. . E. M, Biddle, Wm. Kennedy, .... . f* rcst ' , Secy, dr Trcas . Tho trustees are nil policy holders in the com pany, and tholr duties aro to supervise and conduct tho business In this district, with au horlly to invest a certain proportion of tho romlums collected in this district, within tho nmo, thus making it emphatically and practl pally a HOME COMPANY. 4 A. C. BELLOWS, General Agent. A. CRIST, special Agent. Jan 2 r »1«72 I—vr The oldest and most reliable Institution for obtaining a Mercantile Edi cation. tftf-Prucllcal business men us Instructors. For Information, write for n circular to P. DUFF & HON, Pittsburg, Pa. . !70071Wm T. A. Harper. A. W. BENTZ & CO, WEAR. Wm. A, Lindsay*. fHchlral. li §1 R. RADWAY’S READY'RELIEF CUBES THE WORST PAINS in from One to Twenty (Vllnutoo. NOT ONE HOUR after readme thD mlvei ti-'cnvjnt np«l any one SUFFER WITH FAIN, RAHWAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOL ‘ KVFHY FAIN. It wua Urn first ami U Tlio Only Pulu lleiuetly that Instantly stops mint excruciating p.-nns. allay? InflUninmltDn.s mid curca ConeeMhnia, whether of the Lungs, Stomneh, Bowels, or other glands or organa, h> one iimdlcnUon. IN FUOtf ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matte*.- how violent, or excruciating tho pain tin RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, Inllnn, Crippled, Nervous. Neuralgic, or prostrated with distune may Miller', RADWAY’S REAI3Y RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF TilE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THK BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BHEATIUNO. IIII,O .VJ, IMI l t' L 111 nul.AllHim, BALTITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUD, DIFHTHEUIA. CATARRH,INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD OHHAS. AGUE CHILLS. Thu implication of tin; Keenly Kollpl* to the parte parts where the pain or ohlicufty exlsU will utlonl earn Mini romlort. .tlltl i ,ijiii,11 c. Twenty drop* In half n timiMer of waW will In n u-v moments cure CRAMFB, SFASMS, So HR STOMACH HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE, IHAUIIHEA DYSENTERY, COLIC. WIND IN THE BOWELS mid all INTERNAL FAINS. Travelers should always carry ivhoiilo of IJoiiwii'’ • Ready llrliof with them. V few (hops in wider v. I nreveQt tdckiivsj or ]«diia from dminm ol vwder, It c seller than French Brandy or Bitter,, us a stimiik.yt. S.’EVEIt ANI> AUC7I2. . FEVER AND AGUE eared for fifty cm..-. Tlute : holaremuih.d aeeal In thiswmld tli.it will . are revu a id Acne, amt all other Malarious, Bllhnii, Se.iil I, T; nliold, Yellow, mid other Fevers (aided hv RAI'U'A V eiULb) so quick ns UADIVATM heady in:: n:i. Fifty cents jier buttle.' Sold hy Druggists. HEALTH S BEAUTY 11 STRONG AND E’HRE RICH BLOOD—I NCRMASI OF FLESH ANIVWEIGHT—CLEAR SKIN AN! BEAUTIFUL COMFLEN lON SECURED TOAU - DR a ' RMS WAY 9 € SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASToNfMEVG CURE. 6 SO QUICK. SO RAPID ARE 'fill! CHANGI THE BODY UNDERDOES. UNDER TIIE-i: FLUENCE OF THIS TltUl.Y WONDER!' I MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an (Increase in Flos! and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PUftiFiEu Every drop of tin) JUKSA ('A I!! I.MA •.* EXT communicates ihiuimh \hu I*►!«•••.;. i-A.i.-t. L’lin mid oilier tluldsi and Jiilcch *(flliu au-tem the vi,.- .-of hi - for R repairs lh(* wsidti-s of (lie i.oily v, ilh m-./.1 . -:i materia!. Scrofula, Svpldli.., <VJii^utnj.ili.ij, (.Uiiiiut: dlMjasc, Ulcci3 in tlm Tlno.it, Mouth, ’1 uumi:*. NmUm , . tuc Olmida and oilier parla of the system, Soli; E.e Strumous Dbcbarf-ia liom the Enis, ami urn v-'oi forms of SUln diseases, EiUf.llons, Fever Son-*, .Sen! Head, Kltm Worm. Sail Bheum, KrvsiiicliU Acne, Bine Spots, Worms In Urn Flesh. Tumnrs, Cancers In tli womb,ami nil weakening and painful di.-eliaim-a, N'lil Sweats, Loss of Sperm, mid nit wastes of tin* life jiri.u pie, uro within t\iu curative main 1 of Uds wonder ot 21. i. cm Chemistry, nml n few dnvs’ use will prove to an person using ll for either of Uuse fo.uu of disease ll poleiil power to cure'tiiem.- • If Iho patient, dally becoming reduced hv the waste and decomposition that is uu.Blandly loone/sing, mu ceeds In arresting thesu wastes, nml iui airs tlie samo wit I now nitucilal nnulu from healthy blood—ami this tin SAUSATAKILLIAN will and docs sevar-.. Nnt only dues tho SAUaAi-Anu.i.iA.s- IHsof.vExr exoc» ' all known rumciU.il agent a In tins euie of Cluoine, Scrut'u lons, Constitutional, and Skill diseases; but It la tlu onl. positive cure for Kidney & HSlnddcr Complaints. Urinary, and Womb diswiscs, Gravel. Hioiu tr i. Dropsy stoppage of Wider, Incontinence of (lilac. DC case. Albuminuria, and In Ull cases where ibeic me bile*- dust deposits, or the water la thick, cloudy, mixed wil unbalances like the while of an igc, or thrca. a like whit silk, or there Isa morbid, dark, bilious ..pneaiancc,am • while bone-dust deposits, and wbeii ibeie Is u.j'ii.l.lag burning sensation when jm, -ain't watu.mid p.un in ila Small of the Back and uloifg the Lulus, iV.cc, 3i.oj, VI/ORWJS. —The only known and amo It.mul' for It'orms—l'm, Tape, etc. Tumor of 12 ®row{!s Cured toy Stud-way"* Ke«osvea:L flKVsm.v. M .k**.i inly is. K'J. Dn. Tt»nw*v I ImVn lind Ovarl.ni Tumor in Urn ..vi.rau mu' InxviiU. All tliu Boctura »i*M *' llitru «a» no help for it.’ r ( IrUi i very thing that whs tvcoimm’ii.ful; tail nothiiiK lii'lpnt’mo. i • ww vo«r Iwsnlvonl, na.l lUougbl I would try U ; tmt I'M no lull! ni it* !>-<;ui!u I hod sutWroii for two!ye years. I to.ili Ax Lilli... of ihu Resolvent, and onj Imix of Riiiluuy'» (’ilia, ami iwu Pi l ties of your Itoa.lv Uulluf; hml ibeie U i.ot t> •tern of tumor l« b< seen or full, and 1 foul belUr, emarler. nml lir.ppkr tlii.n 1 bav for twelve yeure. . Tlrj'worst tumor was la dm I* it sil-.,fti.r . 'Web, over tlm cn/tu. I «.ntu llifs (<■ j... ' u„- I- ...... 10, You can nuULsli It it you diooio. • - - . llANNi.il p. (dv'.lV. DR. RADWAY’CI* mmi pwme rum perfectly tnnteless, elegantly - oated v:'h •.'•••■•i yum. purm*, regulate, purify, f'w# 1 , an' Mi tji't f«* •«. If.ul wayI*. 1 *. Sills, for tho cum of i.l dlsouie'-. .>i the Mpin.-cli, Liver, Bowels. Kidncvs, Bladder. Ix-ivi.n Di-esses. Headache. Constipation. Co.vli Vein ns. Lidice.-timi. Dysxw •slit, Wllwu-uieas. Billons l-Vvvr, Inllnmnmtiim of I he Bowels, IHlesjmunll l)i‘miigeinent'ofHii‘ lau-rinil Vis cera. •Warranti’d to effect a positive.cine. I'nreiy Vegelie ble.roiilnliilngno niercurv, inlneials.orilcleienoiisiiiugs, IST Observe tlm fulldwhig «yin]/lui..j UsUlll.:,; iium Disorders of Uto Blgc-slivo Oinanu: (Sm'llpatton, tawanJ i,f the 111.-od In tlir Mend, /.■Unity ui the Btnnuu'h, Nan..-,i, WimPim., I'ircu.t »i t'i-0.1, • Tuilnesj nr W’eicliHa the Sunaarli. -'om- Pjc. latnms, MnSvliigor .liiUeriagnl tlis PU of tin*. Sti.mm h. Swimndac Ilf (hr Hen.l, /lurrlM and Ditflenlt Ilrvathlni', Flulu rloe ni Uw lieari. Cl.nkiiui or Ruiroeilhig fv-nisaf.inis when In n Lvli.g IWlnrv, lUinncssol Vision, OeU or Wcln lwf.K-4 the Stobi,* P-vrr i.mt Bull Vain la the Head, IXilluleiicy m" Pir idrntWi. Vell-niH-s. of the Kkin Mid Eves, 6dn lu Ule Rl.ir, Cliei.l, Lnnb, mid su.tdeii Pltuht’o.ii I Iv.il, likirntng in the Ft.- ii. A few dotes of BADWAY’S TILLS will free the sys .cm fromall tin* above nm- .d ih nnlu.>, I'lic-., 2$ cents perhqx. BOLD BY nUHIiCISTS. UF.AD ANI> TBlfE.” s m .\ one letter stamp to BAIHV AY A CO.. No. 8/ Mnliiim L..ne, Lew- Ttirh. Information e.mlh . ;.mfs w U bwseLl vou. July 4 72—ly c3tn IS HART’S PINE TREE Tar Cordial! Mature’s Great Itemedij ! I-’OR THE Throat and liiiiig’N, It is gratifying to us to inform the public that Dr, L. Q. O. Wlsbart’s Pino Tree Tnr Cordi al, for Throat and Lung Diseases, has gaining an onvial reputation from tho Atlantic to the Pa cific coast, and from thoucb to some of tho first families of Kuropo, not through tho press alone, but by persons throughout tho States benellUed and cured at his cilice. While he publishes less, so say our reporters, he is unable to supply the demand. It gains and holds its reputation— First, Not by stopping cough, but by loosen ing and assisting nature to throw oil' the un healthy matter collected about tho throat and bronchial tubes, which causes irritation. . .&ccoml. It removes the cause of irritation (which produces cough) of the raucous mem brane and bronchial tubes, assists the lungs to act and throw oirtlie unhealthy secretions, and pmiilca the blooJ. Third, It is free from squills, lobelia, Ipecao and opium, of which most throat and lung rem edies arc composed, which allay cough only, and disorganize the stomach. It has a soothing effect on the stomach nets on tho liver and kidneys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching to every pun of tho system, and In Its invigorating and purifying effects it* has gained a reputation which it must hold above all others in iho market. NOI'ICIS. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial! Q REAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILLS! CE=l Worm Sugar Drops. Doing under my Immediate direction, they shall not lose Iholr curative Qualities by the use of cheap and Impure articles HENRY R. WISHART, PROPRIETOR. I'iiiiis of chime. Dr. L. Q,. C. Wlshaii's Ollico Parlors are open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays tram ft a.m.10 Up. m., for consultation by Dr, Win. T. Magee, With him aro associ ated two consulting physicians of acknowledged ability. Tills opportunity Is not ottered by any other Institution • In ihoolly. All letters must bo addressed to Ij. Q. C. WISHART, lu. D.. NO. 282 N. SECOND STREET, ' ' Philadelphia. &allro{rtiß. C UMBK A I L jjj CHANGE OF nou Rs WINTER A RRANGEiIENT On ana atlorTnuraany. Jnn ’ M: ns wm run WEHXWAUI) Accommoaatloii Train leaves Harrr«,„. M.. Mooban lesburg B.Ds,Carlisle 11 v nr 8 >* j Hl.fi, CbamberabnrB I S7. Tlil '> li oasflß 11.16, arriving at HagoSS&'SjVS Mail Train leaves Harrlsbnrv l M „ A ' U elmuicsburg 2.27. Carlisle Slfwvm st -i Hi ponaburg 4.02 ilbombersbarg Tss “n *•**, C 5.11, arrlylbg at Hagerstown 67iap V Gtte “awi! Express Train loaves Hnrriahn,. * Jhanloaburg 5.02, Carlisleß 82 wilvll? ?' M - M, arriving ait A Mixed Truin leaves Hnenrote-, Groencasne ..27, arriving af ffiSS “tj «, A. MIXED TRA.IN leaves rimmi, i'A5 p. 10., Wimamaon E-Si) \T«, ml,erBl, urß R , Lomlon 7:00, arriving at RtchmoSd^^^ P. m. EASTWARD Accommodation 7rafn lenvt>a ioll S aV Bf'PPonsbarg S^ofNowvin^sm 1 b ,” B5 .' 1 s*; ,a “ nts ™ YuiSZ Nowvllle 10.53, Carlislel Fm v’o. >* reasb, nß 10 ■! arriving at Hlrrlsbuig 12$ S GrfSStlo 2 mB Chrmbe™“ l P ret ? ,t '‘-- Jl A MIXED TRAIN ]6nV(-R'ltlnhm m „ Lmuion 7:10, AI ercers bu?g U °uo in 1 BMO, arriving at Oiininbersburg fl -Sa!ra Jlnmsn ‘‘ a^la^rom^hUaa^lnhi 1 West?* 01 * 0 ' Wu3b^us poiua' 0, t(. LULL, • &HJ’EUINTKNniiNI'’.S Ot'FICKI ’ Oita iKh’i'.. Pa , Jar. is. »7i* } 1 1871 i JJEADING RAIL ROAD! Winter Arrangement! Jloml.iy, J>3B«.ub(;r ’itnl. is;2. Trains leave Harrisburg for New Yorkflafni. ]owh: htOJO ana 8,10, am and 2,r0 pm; coup?. lug with trains on Pennsylvania Uallroad nnd arriving at Now York at 12,.‘J5, 3,60, and respectively. - ' Heturnlng: Leave-Now YoMcnl 0(0 am 1251 ami's 30 p-.u, Philadelphia at 7 30. aYamaml •i ov j> in, , Leave Harrisburg for Heading, PoUbvlllo Ta. imutua, Mlnersville. Asblaud.bfiamokln Allen o?m u ““d -Philadelphia at 63fiand aio am.aDd - 00 and 4 05 p m. stopping at Lebanon andtirln. clpal way stations; -the 405 p m train connect ing for Philadelphia, PottsvUJe and ColuS only. I* or Potlsvlllo. Bcuylklll iinven and a£ burn, via bchayJkill and Hallroad leave Harrisburg at 8 40 p m. inast Pennsylvania Ralhad trains leave Hcsd lug for Alio mown. Kaston and New York ta 7 .in and 10Hj am, and 400 p m. UettmiluY,leave Now York at 0 OB a m; 12 60 and 5 33 p m Siid Al loutowu at 720 a m and’ 12 25, 21U, 435 imtl nsi u m, 1 ■ \\ ay Passenger Train leaves Plilladelphiaal 730 a m, connecting at Heading with mdu on East I*oun Hit, returning leavesPollkvllleiui3'i p m, slopping at all stations. Leave fottsvliio at 000 810 ando Ida maud 230 p iu, Herndon at lo 00 a ra, Sbamokln at bid and 11 02 am, Ashland at 7 18ara and 12ainm. Mahauoy City at 7 63 a m and 12 54 p m.Tamamta at B 35 a ra and 2 lOp m lor Phllada, New York, Heading, Harrisburg, <to. Leave Pottsvillo via Schuylkill and Stibque lifthna R R at 8 05 -a m for Harrisburg, aud lih a in, for Plnegrovo and Tremont. Fottsvillo Accorao Train leaves PoUsvlllea 0 00 am. passes Heading at 7 40 a m, arriving al Philada at 1015 am; Returning leaves Phllada at 4 45 p m. passes Heading at 7 15 p m, arriving , at PoUsvillo at 0 00 p ra. 'Pottstown Accoramon Train liiayes Potlstowu at 0 45 a ra, returning leaves Pullada (Ninth ami Green,) at 130 p ra, Columbia R H Trains leave Reading at 7 30am aud'U 15 p m, for JOphrata, Lltlz, Loucaster, Col umbia, &c; retuinlhg leave Lancastorat »2Ja maud 330 p m. and Columbia at 316 am nml 3 20 p m. Perklomou R R trains leave Porlclomen Juni'- lion at 736 and y 00 a m and 2 65 and 6AO pin: returning leave Green Lane at 0 15 a m ja&wiO 4 20 p m connecting with trains on Reading Rtt. Pickering Valley R ll trains leave Phcenlx villa at 0 10 am, 3 10 and 550 pm; reluming leave Byers at G 35 a m, 12 45 and 4 20 p in, con necting with trains on Reading HR. Colebrookdalo R R trains leave Pottstown at 940 a m aud I 20, G 25 and 7 15 pm. retaruiDg leave Mount Pleasant at GOO. 800 and 1125 aw and 3 00 p m, connecting with trains oa Kenning ll 11. Chester valley R R trains leave Bridgporl ai 8 8U a m 210 and C 83 p m, returning,leavehowu iugton at 0 55 a m, hi 30 and 5 4Up m, coimeclin; with trains on Reading H H On Sundays: leave Now York at 630 p m Phil adelphia at 8 00 am uud 8 IS p m* (the bOO am train running only to Reading,) leave Fotfavi/fi at BCO a m leave Harrisburg at 530 a m ami '• W j) m; leave Allentown nt BSo p in; leave Reading at 715 a m and 1015 p m for Harrisburg at 73) a m for New York, and at 040 am and 415 p-m forPhllada. * , Commutation, Mileage, Season, School ana Excursion Tickets, to and from all points,alre duced rates. Baggage chocked through ; 100 pounds allow ed each passenger, J. E. WOOTim, - Asst Supt Eng Mach'if Reading, Pa, Dec 2,72 dt HEADING Railroad - SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, FREE OP TAXES, We are offering the Second Mortgage Bomb • of this. Company AT 85 AND ACCRUED INTEREST, lucres! Payable January ana July The Bonds are lu iOOOs, 500 s, and 100 s, Ana can bo REGISTERED Iroe of oxpeuK Tho Coal, Miscellaneous Freights and Pasaea* ser business are constantly Increasing. 'he increase for year ending Nov. 1, ‘ 1872, over year ending Nov. 1,1871, til,*#* The Increase for year ending Nov. if 1871, over year ending Nov, 1, 1870. 7D./<B_£- lucreaso in two years . slslo<4 55 Bonds, Pamphlets and information can talned of • • • 6 . „ Da, NO. 10 SOUTH THIRD STREET. PH HA R OYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LIVERPOOL. CARLISLE AGENCY, Oold #10,000,0«» CAPITA I. 81115,^ Capital paid up • • */«nld) 0,'600.00d In Iho State of Fire Premiums received In ISGM G ° “I'jS.J® Life Insurance Premiums in Z6«i , 5 Sjo,(w Total Premium?, nearly • t wolu; Fire risks taken at moderate premh* and losses settled and paid at the CARLISLE AGENCY SAM’L JK. HUMIUCH, Agent.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers