At a meeting of the County Cora- [ raissioners, on January Ist, 1873, the I following appointments were made for the ensuing year: President of Board— David Deitz, Clerk— J. B. Floyd. Attorney—R f. O. Herman, Mercantile Appraiser— Peter Calvert. Physician to Jail— E. A. Grove. Janitor— Gen. Geo. Taylor. JCceper of 'down Clock —T. Conlyn. Jacob Rhoads, , ' David Deitz, J. C. Sample, Commissioners. “ Tjhp to China.”— The above- will be the subject of an interesting and en terlhlning lecture to be delivered by Mr. J. P. Robertson, a student of Dickinson College. Mr, Robertson' will speak from bis personal knowledge of China, gained by a voyage to that country by the way of Cape of Good Hope, The lecture, will no doubt be replete with personal remin iscences of the ocean voyage and life among the heathen inhabitants of the East. Wo bespeak a full house for the young gentleman, as the subject is new, and all should be anxious to learn some thing of our opposite neighbors. Every body go. , Panther Killed in Somerset Coun ty;—A correspondent of the Somerset Herald, eays: On the 7th ult., Mr; S. Custor, residing in Paint township, near Scalp Level, discovering some of bis sheep killed by a large quadruped, a par ty was soon in pursuitof the animal, and following down the hill toward Stony Creek, they finally reached his habita tion. They drove him out, one of the party fired, wounding him, but not fa- tally. He soon entered the rocks again, when they tried to smoke him out by putting in live pounds of sulphur and fire, but the animal , kept bis position. So, after penning him securely in they left him until the next day. Then, with the aid of sixty men, after laboring until four o’clock in the evening, to their sur prise, succeeded In killing a large mule panther, weighing one hundred and three pounds. A Welcome Visitor.—During tho lust week or two quite,a number of our old friends and sub scribers haVe called at our oJDco to see us, some to pay their subscription, others to wish us a ** Happy Hew Year." Among this number Was our whole-souled and abiding friend, Moj, T. J. Kerr, of Meohanicsburg, a man '* whoso heart In is his hand and his hand open” at alt times to his friends. MoJ. K. Is the travelling agent for tho house of John Woodsido & Co., liquor merchants of Philadelphia, and, wo are glad to learn. Is doing a good business for his clover employers. Long life to him, for a war mer heart never; beat In tho breast of man. fecHOOL Slates. —Among . other re forms now.beiog agitated, is one which meets our approval, in a war upon screeching slates. Some of the objec tions urged against their use is that they are noisy, -hurtful to the eyes, and as. sist in forming a bad cbirograpby which it takes years of pen practice to .over come- Their place is to be filled by an elastic, light paper slate, upon which ink can be used, and from which it can be removed as often as needful. The total abolition of slates will be a joyful move • for teachers as pupils, and the day which witnesses the sharpening of the last slate pencil should- be marked with, a white stone by every teacher whose teeth have been set on edge by the horrid sound. Report of S. B. Kieffer to the Board ol Health Carlisle, Jan. 1, 1873. Gentlemen In,accordance with your instructions, X met the Board of Direc tors of the Poor to day, and have the pleasure of reporting the following facts: I was met in the spirit of kindness, and I desire to say, that a more gentle manly and well disposed set of men will rarely be found in a similar board. Prank, honest pnd sincere in the dis charge of their duty, they were ready at once to second any suggestion which might be regarded as necessary for the well being and comfort of the unfortu nate sick under their care ; and this made my task at once easy and pleas ant. In this same disposition X found Mr. Snyder, the Stewart, to share fully in every respect. It seems to be, for them all, the occa sion of sincere regret, that any cause for complaint should have arisen in any quarter, and they disavow, either personally or collectively, any willful or intentional neglect of the interests of those concerned. On the contrary, the Board assure me, that ample provision was made from the start, on the open ing of the hospital, for the supply of anything the establishment might require ; and from that day until now, they supposed everything to bo work ing well, especially as no complaint had reached them from any quarter. The steward assures them also, that every requisition that had been made, either by the physician or from the hospital, had, been promptly and cheerfully supplied. To all this, the physician in charge bears full and ample testimony, As touching the nurse, they state that they furnished the best they had in the establishment, and one who had not only given satisfaction before, but had received the commendation of persons under her care, both for her kindness and efficiency. It was stipulated that she should be liberally paid for this special and extra service, but for considerations of prudence, the money was withheld until the close of her duty in the hospital. No complaint of inefficiency or unkindness had ever reached them, and they supposed everything to be working well. It is the occasion of deep mortifica tion and regret, t on their part, moreo ver, tliat reports and representations should have gene forth, even through the public press, seriously reflecting upon the management of the hospital, while not a word of protest or com plaint had reached the Steward or themselves. In the nature of the case, they allege, and truly, if cannot be expected that either they or the Stew ard should visit the hospital, so as to take its supervision personally, and must therefore, depend entirely upon the suggestions and requisitions of those in charge. If, in these requisi tions, those In charge have in any respect failed; it seems to me the facts already stated! shoqld exoner ate both, the Directors and Steward, from negligence and blame. In accordance with your suggestion, the Board has agreed that, if they can be found, two good nurses, a male and a female, shall be employed for the present; and should the demands of the Hospital require it, this force shall be increased according to circumstances. They have also directed that the physi cian’s visits shall be more frequent—at least three times a week—and that the Steward shall furnish for the Hospital, on the requisition'of the physician, anything, in kind, quantity or quality, which in his judgment is necessary. It is directed, moreover, that hereafter the cooking for the Hospital shall be done in the same building; and it is thought that at present, at least, this can be done by those who may bo in charge. It is their desire that the Board of Health shall interest themselves in securing such nurses as may be satis factory, but stipulate also that any appointments made, shall bo subjected to the approval of the Steward. Respectfully, Yours, S, J 3. Kieffkr, M. D. Crowded Out. —A largo lot of inter esting reading matter—locals, goifera! news, &o.—have been crowded out of this issue. They will appear next week’ W. P. Stuart, of South Middleton twp., will sell at his residence, Thurs day, Jan. 23d, 2 extra fresh, cows, Heifer, 2 year colt, good family car riage, buggy, sleighs, harness, House hold and Kitchen furniture. ts. Tribute oi? &espect. The Union Fire Company, at a meeting held Jfon. 1, 1873, unanimously passed the follow ing resolutions: Whereas , It has’pleased God, in His inscrutable providence, to renmv from our midst, by death, one of our oJ»Jp«>, moat active and efficient members, Mr. Samuel Wetzel,-Sr., and for a number of years our vice president. Therefore, Resolved, That while we lament the loss we hnvo sustained, we recognize the baud of Providence in removing from our midst one so universally esteemed, und one whose Christian conduct was an example to us nil. Resolved , That we hereby lender our heartfelt'sympathies to the deceased's relatives In their deep affliction, and as sure them of the high esteem in which bo was held hy his fellow-members. Resolved* That wo inscribe a page to hia memory on our book of minutes, and that qur ball bo draped in mourning for sixty days. < Resolved, That a copy of those resolu tions be sent to the family of the deceas ed, and published in our town papers. \V. E, MILLER, C, H. Hepburn, Tom A. Riley, Committee. The Delaware Tragedy Professor West, who is incarcerated in the jail at Now Castle, Del., for the murder of the colored man, and afterwards multilating his body, appears to take things cooly, as the following extract from a letter from him to a friend in Wilmington will show. He says : ‘‘l have made a full, clear and unvarnished confession of all I did, much of which I do not remem ber. I have but little fear of the final result, as the public cannot bo governed by passion till the time of my trial, and ifreason prevails I shall be acquitted. I have Smithers and Digby employed.' My previous character is much in my favor, although the newspapers make me a perfect devil; but that is to their' advantage. I should have delivered myself to the Sheriff at once, but for my wife’s delicate health, and the age and health of my,parents, I was afraid the announcement of being in jail might produce serious results before the cir cumstances could bo explained to them. I have a good feather-bod, plenty to eat, and that which is good—to be in jail and, everything considered, I urn com fortable. This is a page in my history I least expected. lam innocent of any crime before my Creator, and I trust It may bo made so to appear before mine.’' During the recent cold weather seve ral kitchen boilers have exploded in various parts of the country, and In some cases with fatal consequences. The occa sion, direct or indirect, was tho intense cold weather. The water should be turned off, both above and below, at night, and the faucets left open as to run off all that is left in the pipes- This will give a free circulation of air through the pipes, and may prevent freezing, and the consequent bursting of pipes. In kind ling the morning fires, also, great care should bo taken not to expose the water pipes in the stove or rang© to an intense and sudden bout. These pipes are apt to be burned out or clogged uu with deposit before one is aware, so that the circula tion of water is very defective.' In such cases the chances of explosion are very much increased. An additional precau-- tion is to let the water off from the boiler at stated intervals. Two much care can not he exercised, as it requires but a very little freezing of a very little water to derange the whole system of plumbing in a bouse. The cold water pipes can be easily managed if the water is thoroughly ruuivff. The most danger is to be ap prehended from the hot water pipe, and the prudent housekeeper wishing to avoid a very serious plumhiug bill, and perhaps worse results, will use every precaution with regard to those .while the cold weather lasts. Harrisburg and Potomac Raid road.—Says the Harrisburg Patriot : Twenty-seven miles of the road have been .already graded' on the main line and on the Petersburg brunch up th o Dogwood Into York county. The road from Dogwood run West to Mount Holly Gap is ready for tho ties and iron. The main line Will run to Wuyoaborro', In Franklin comity, connecting there with the proposed Washington county rail road extension in Maryland, gaining ac cess hi the Baltimore and Ohio rail-road aud the (Jumberland coal traffic. The branch road up Dogwood run to Peters burg is to he extended twenty miles fu r-- ther to Idttlestown, connecting there with the Frederick and, Idttlestown rail road in Maryland. It is claimed that this mute by way of Fredericoburgshort ens the distance from Harrisburg to Washington by fifteen miles. The buil ding of tho bridge across the Susque hanna, a lew miles below Harrisburg, between New Cumberland and Bridge port, lias already been decided upon. The building of this road will prove es pecially of great importance, as it tra verses a region abounding iu excellent iron ‘ores, aud einoo the Reading rail road company has secured a number of tho choicest iron properties along the line of the now road an early completion of the Harrisburg and Potomac railroad may he looked for Tiiduououbked Fine Wool Sheep.— Mr. John Campbell, of Canada Wesi, has imported from England and Canada West, the best lot of Sheep over offered for sale In this country. They are of the Idncolnehlre and Leicester breed. They are largo when full grown, weigh from 150 to 350 pounds, and shear ten to twenty pounds of the high- from oat priced wool. It is the lirst-olaas ooml i£ wool. The farmer who raises these sheep cun always dud ready sale for his wool and mutton. I have known weathers to sell for mutton from $2O to 550. This la a rare ohanoe for the farmer to start a floek. Tbo second crop of lambs will bring them down ,to the common price of 0 ommon sheep. Then the far mer has a flock that lie will be proud of, and not ashamed to show them with his neighbors. People are not aware of the great demand for this long-combing wool, or the different kinds of goods manufactured from this wool. There are twenty-flve combing factories In the United States, and use a year. All good worsted goods are made from this wool. Those sheep are now on the farm owned hy Mr. T. Wiol ert, a half-mile west of Carlisle. Farmers and others are invited to call and see them, as they will only remain a few days. John Campbell, 1 Uoudon, C. W. A Nuisance.—The juvenile practice of skating ou our sidewalks is one fraught with so much danger to the walking public, especially to those with tottering limbs, that It should be instantly discon tinued. Also, the constant running of sleds packs the snow ou the pavements, and renders walking so slippery, and un safe that pedestrians are,in imminent peril of falling and receiving injury.— When an amusement ceases to he inno cent and harmless It ceases to bo proper diversion and should be abandoned. JURY LIST. The following Is the Mat of Jurors for January Term of Ourt, commencing Monday, January 13ih, 1873 : Grand Jurors. James Brooks John Bnsehoro • , Samuel Bretz Andrew D. Buchanan Benjamin Corbet D. S. Croft Daniel 8. Dunhnp Samuel Ensraluger Geo. Elchelborgor - Joseph Foreman Robert Green . Christian Holler Joseph Hoiser . . Samuel Hess . Curtis Knst . ' Samuel W. Moans JohniOrris . . D. J. Plsllo William Patton Peter Uobuck Walter Stuart Josiah Webort Philip Zelgler Thomas Zimmerman Traverse Jurors* FIRST WEEK. Philip Beldlo . . Monroe Charles W. Bcidlo , . Shippensburg E. A, Brady . . . Carlisle It. A, Buohor . , . Mechanlcshurg Adam Bowers . . , Nowvillo Oenrg6‘ W. But tor If ■ . . Mechanlcshurg .George H. Clover 1 • , Southampton Peter Calvert . . West Penaborough David L. Clark . • . , Monroe David Crisswell , . Shippensburg Samuel Cooper , , . , Peuu Jobn.W. Davidson . , Mlfllla Jacob Dorshelmer . . Mechanlcshurg Jonas Eiohelberger . East Pennsborough • ■ 11. F. Goyer , . , Monroe Alf. M. Graham . . Fraukford R. M. Graham , , . West Pennsborough Samuel Green . . . Penn Isaac Holkos , , Shippensburg Levi K. Hock . , Southampton Edward W. Horst .* , Mochahlcsburg Gooigo Kutz . / . Middlesex James Magonlgal . . Carlisle George Martin. Jr. . . Dickinson Henry R. Mullen , . South Middleton D. H.. Miller , , . Southampton Jacob Myers, . South Middleton Henry Myers . . . Newton Luther M. Myers . . , Carlisle Joseph W. Ugllby. . . Carlisle Wm. Putt . East Pennsborough Jesse Rhlnohart . . . Carlisle John Rinehart, - . . . Carlisle David Reesldo . . South Middleton Martin Stlokoy . . ■ , Hampden Christian Btaymen . . Carlisle George Shrader , • . Mechanlsburg John 8. Snavely . Sliver Spring Samuel Welgle . South Middleton Daniel Wilson' , Middlesex David Wlddera - . South' Middleton John Webbert . , Mechaulcsburg Robert H; Wilson , . . ' Mlflliu James Weakly , , Dickinson Jacob Zng . , . South Middleton Jonathan Zelgler . North Middleton John Zearlng , ■ Upper Allen Jacob . . • Middlesex Traverse Jurors. SECOND WEEK, Poler Brubaker Darnel Brown Abranam Beotoxn E, Beatty J. D. Colston..; Jacob Coovor .. Joseph Cramer K, R. Craighead...^.... John W. Cook John Dalhonsen, Dadld D0n0r..... Christian Eshlemau, James F. Ewing George Fortney John Ferree John Grablll,.; John Gish Simon T. Halo George Hall David Holland Philip Howe ; Jesse Hettrlck William Jacobs David Jacobs Jahn S. Kelso George Kissinger David Long William Lusk John M. Mossier David Myers ; Zebulon Mull Benjamin Ott, Br Bain’l Oiler Henry Pilgrim..... Philip UeigUtor Francis Rituor .. Robert Sharpe Adam Seusoinau John. D. Bhollenberger. H. W. Sibbott George H. Stewart John Simmons Adam Shollonberger.... John Umborger John Wilson, Jr - : Jacob M. Weigle..... Henry Welker Henry Zolglor Traverse Jurors. THIRD WEEK. Robert Allison John Royd George Clay.... Solomon Chrintlolb. C. B. Clark Samuel Diehl William Daner.... John B. Eberly,... James Finney, Samuel H. Qould .1. A- Graham, Charles Garvei Harvey Gntshall Mode Griffith.. Bit Hertraan David Hays.... Samuel H. Korr Jobn-A, Kellei James Miller.... Solomon Mohler..,. John Morrison James M’Cartor:. Peter Mfnlcii John G. Miller George Nauglc... John Newcomer Adam Orris A. S. Pague Samuel O. Rhonda..,. Samuel Spangler George Starry. Edmond Shnpley John Sites Alexander Tarman David Voglesong W. 11. Woodburu Meclmnlcsburg West Peunsborougli SUlppensbnrg ..... Hopewell .....NewvlHo Chapped Hands, face, ■ tough” skin pimples, ringworm, salt-rheum, and other cutaneous affections cured, and tho skin made soft and smooth, by using .tho Juniper Tar Soap made by, Caswell, Hazard & Co., Now York.— Bo.certain to get the Juniper Tar Soap, as there are many worthless imita tions made with common tar. The PuitEa\ and Sweetest Cod- Liver Oil is Hazard & Caswell’s, made on tho sea shore, from fresh, selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients whe have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians havo deci ed it superior to any of the other oils in market. Nov. .28, 12w. BUSINESS NOTICES. IF you want Coal that will give you Batlalac tiou go whore a fall stock of all the standard Coals are Icopt. .None recothmonded but tho best. Call at yards of A. H, BLAIR & BON. Priroo Honey, Vinegar, Sweet Cider, Ameri can Sweltzcr Cheese, at Humrlch’s. -53-Tho •‘DOMESTIC" excels In light work, and beats nil on the heaviest. wish it dlstinctiy understood that I do not sell Pittsburg but COLUMBIA OIL, which I guarantee to equal Pittsburg OU In every par ticular. GEO. B. HOFFMAN. N. B.—The trade supplied lower than by any otaor bouso in Carlisle, and if oil does not prove satisfactory return at ray expense, £3- You cannot afford to purchase a sewing machine without iirst giving tho “DOMESTIC” a careful examination. J. W. OGILBY, Agent. SSrLast Noliec.—AU unsettled accounts on tho books of A, 2L JJLAIR will be left fox collection after December 10, 1873. 155?- Tho “ DOMESTIC” 13 tho “ King” ol Lock Stitch Sowing Machines. jC®- Only soo and you will buy tho light run uing “DOMESTIC.” Nice fresh Cheese at Means’, No. 78 S'JHano vor street. MayO-tf. :• Fall and Winter. COYLE BUOTHEUS, Wholesale Notion House, No. 2i South Hanover Street. Carlisle. 1572- During the season they intend to keep In stock a general lino of Woolen and Buck goods, Gent's Underwear, Ladles, Gent’s, Misses’ and Childrens' Hosiery, Scarfs and Wristlets.Gent’s Buck Gloves, Gauntlets and Mitts; also, will have constantly on bands a line of Suspenders, Head Nets. Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Cotton Hosiery, Neck Ties, Fancy Bows, Paper Collars, Cuffs, Stationary, Tie Yarn, Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Drugs. Soaps, Hair OU and Perfumery, and au endless variety of nick-hacks In general. io3* Potent extension and castors on every " DOMESTIC. M Just received,> fresh lot of Cranberries, Co coannts, Oranges, Almonds, Ac., at iinmrlcn’s 45r*Having recently purchased a Popper Mill I am now prepared to offer a pare article of ground Popper, which I can warrant to bo pure as It la ground under my own supervision, and will forfeit tho sum of TWENTY DOLI*ARS lor the slightest detection of adulteration: GEO. B,>HOFFMBN. 44 and'BB Pomfrot Bt 28nov72tf HOW TO GO WEST. —This is on Inquiry which every one should havo truthfully an* sworod boforo ho starts on his Journey, an'd o * littlo caro taken in examination of Routes will In many cases save much trouble, lime and mo* novj Tho “C., B. & Q« R. It,,’ 1 running from Chicago, through Galesburg to. Burlington, and tho “1., B. &W. Route,” running from Indianapolis, through Bioomingtoh to Burlington, havo achieved a splendid reputation In tho last two years as the leading Passenger Routes to the West. At Burlington they connect with tho B. & M. R, B, and form the great Burlington route, which runs direct through Southern lowa to Nebraska and Kansas, with close connections to California and tho Territories; and passen gers starting from Carlisle, on their way West ward, cannot do bettor than to take tho Bur lington Route.; * ' This line has published a pamphlet called “How to go West,’ 1 which contains much val uable Information; a largo correct map of the Groat West which can be obtained free of charge by addressing the General Passenger Agent a & M. R. R., Burlington, lowa. Lower Allen . Hampden i. East Pennsborough . , Newton . Dickinson Southampton Nowvllle . . Carlisle . . . Lower Allen Southampton West Pennsborough . , Middlesex , . . Carlisle . Sliver Spring . Silver Spring . . Shippensburg . Frankord . . Newton . . Newvlllo Southampton . Dickinson . Soathmiddletou . . Monroe « » ' . Carlisle The People’s Stamp of VAiiUE.~ThoGovern ment endorsement, -which legalizes the sale of Plantation Bitters, Is not tho only'stamp affixed to that famous Vegetable Tonic. It bears, in addition to that official sanction, the mill more valuable stamp of public approbation. This In estimable voucher of Us rare properties as a Tonic, Corrective anti Alterative, Is of much earlier dale than the Government .credential; for .mil lions of sick persons had pronounced it the Grand Specific of the Age long before Congress thought of taxing proprietary medicines. It is unnecessary to repeat, In detail, the properties of this wonderful Vegetable Invlgovant. The best reference that can bo ollorod to those who. desire tho full particulars of Its virtues, Is tiro General Public. Ask those who have tried It os a remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, bilious ness, Intermittent fevers, nervous debility, rheumatism, sea sickness, low spirits, or loss of vital power, what Plantation Bitters has done for them; and bo governed by tho response they make to your inquiries. The Gem op the Toilet the world says Is So sodont. It renders the teeth pearly white, gives to the breath a fragrant odor, extinguishing tho 111-humors which usually flow from a bad and neglected set of teeth. Bozodonl Is so convenient; .and produces a sensation at once so delightful that it makes It a pleasure to use It. Spalding,b Qluo'wlll mend your ways. MYERS—GROVE.—On the 21th ult.,ln Me chanlcsbure. by Rev. John Ault. Mr. Jacob Myers to Miss Anna Grove, both of York county^ BOWMAN— BZSHOP.-On the same day, by the same, Mr. Jacob Bowman of York county ,to Miss Mary Bishop, of Upper Allen township. . Carlisle .East Pennsborough . Carlisle —Carlisle South Middleton Upper'AHon Southampton South Middleton Monroe BAUMAN—UILLBR.—On the same day, by tho same. Mr, Joseph Bauman to Miss Sarah Miller, of Upper Allen township. BOWMAN—BOWMAN.—On tho same day, by the same, Mr. Reuben Bowman of Miss Sarah J, Bowman of Upper Allan twp. RIPE^-MUMMA.—On the 3lst ult., by tho same, Mr. Jacob L. Rife of East Pennsborough township, to Miss Lizzie Momma of Upper Al len township. I Frankford .West Pennsborough Silver Spring Newton Shippensburg :...-Lower Allen Snlppensburg Shippensburg Penn •West Pennsborough Shippensburg Dickinson* Middlesex Silver Spring ;...Mochanlcsburg Penn -Dickinson Mcohanlcsburg Newburg ..East Pennsborough ...Dickinson MilUln Southampton ..Muhin . VOGLESONQ—THOMAN—On the same day. by the same, Mr. David R. Voglesong of Silver Spring township, to Miss Sarah Thoman of Mid dlesex township. MIDLER—RANKIN.—At the residence of the bride's mother, at Shlppensbuig, on tho 7th Inst., by tho Rev. Dr, Taylor. John R. Miller, Esq., of Carlisle, to Miss Carrie 0., daughter of the late Dr. Wm. Rankin, of the former place [Wo congratulate our young friend. He had been running Into bachelorism quite long enough, and It was right and eminently proper la him to reflect and. report, and to take to him- - self® “helpmeet”—a young lady woTthyot his everlasting love. Wo wish Mr. Miller and wife long life, prosperity and happiness. 1 ....Hopewell .South Middleton Silver Spring ..Frankford Carlisle MilUln Southampton Shippensburg Silver Spring ....Hopewell Lower Allen Middlesex Shippensburg Hopewell Middlesex DOYLE.—At tho residence of his son, A. J* Doyle, Omaha, Neb,, on Friday, Dec. 20th. 1872, Elisha Doyto, In his 83d year. The deceased was a former citizen of- Carlisle, and was known by our oldorpeople as “Justice Doyle.” Ho was n soldier In tho war of 1812. GIVEN.—At the residence of his father, in Carlisle, on tho morning of December HI. 1872, of consumption, Robert H., only surviving son of Robert aud Sarah Qlveh. JACOB LIVINUSTOin, Wholesale Xobacco <C Segars, , Carlisle Mifflin Frankford Mifflin Carlisle Southampton ..North Middleton .Lower Allen .Lower Allen Carlisle Newvllle Penn .Silver Spring .South Middleton Middlesex Sblppeusbxrg •Kouiu Middleton Carlisle Dickinson Upper Alien Dickinson No. 27 North Hanover Street, Prices as low as in Philadelphia or Baltlmo April 25,1872— ly, DeHaven & Bro. AO SOUTH THIRD ST. PHILADELPHIA 3 o'clock P M. Phila. % Dec. 17, 18 2 .Carlisle Praukt'ord .New Cumberland ..South Middleton .: Penn Silver Spring Now'U. 8.6’8 oflBBl, Hi% U.S. O’sof’Bl. . 117 % ■ •• 'B2, not culled 1 “ ’B2,lst called 111#* " 'B2, 2d call Carlisle .West Peunsborough Dickinson ..Monroe “ ’82,3d call IU'A “ ’Ol. 'B5 112& " ’t>s, ne 115% «• ’B7 •• •. my* “ ’OS HO “ 5% VOID'S, U. 8.30 Year 0 per oonl. Cy., 112% Gold. 111% Silver, ’ 108% U. Pacific Iv. K. Ist Uort. Bonds, 83j* Centrol Pacific R. R. 101 % Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds 78% CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET- Corrected weekly by J. ff. Boiler it lira. £!aulisme, January 8, :873 $0 50 8 CO S 00 FAMILY FLOUR SUPERFINE FLOUR BYE ELOUB - WHEAT WHITE - WHEAT RED BYE - CORN NEW COHN OATS - - • CLOVERSEED TIMOTHYSEED - FLAXSEED CARLISLE PROVISION MARKET. OorrecUti -weekly by Qeo, D. Bojjman & Son Caiilible, January , 1873. 8 r* BUTTER EGGS LARD TALLOW BEESWAX - BACON HAMS - . • do SHOULDERS do SIDES BEANS pur bus. RAGS DRIED APPLE. UNPARED PEACHES PARED do PITTED CHERRIES , Keto gUjherUsemettts. Important Notice 1 All Advertisements and Communica- tions to insure insertion in this paper must be handed m by 1 VEtiDA Y noon Advertisers make a note of this. T IST OF SALE 3 TO BE CALLED I i ByN.n.MOORE.AUOTIONBEII: January 23 Wm. P. Btuart,South Middleton. February 0, 1873—Mra. John Boyer, Dickinson. *• 15, T. Q. Wolf, South Middleton. “ 18, Adam Fuget, Fraukford. 11 ID, J. Qlnter, North Middleton. “ VO, James Btuart, 8. Middleton. “ 21. George Kahn, 8. Middleton, •' 22, John Trltt, Penn, *• 21, Sam’l Spangler. Dickinson. •• 25, Louis Bishop, Penn. “ 20, Sam’l Fiokes, Dickinson. “ 27 Jacob Goodyear Dickinson. “ 2S David Wlduors 8. Middleton. March l J, L. Handsbew Penn. •* 3 Henry B. Keeney h; Mlddlc’ti. i George Shafer Dickinson, “ 5 Allck Bishop Penn. *• 0 John Doner Penn. “ 7 F-.W, Soarlght B. Middleton. “ 8 Jacob Shank Adams county. 10 Dan’l Rife South Middleton. 11 Wm. Adams West Ponnsboro, 12 J. A. Shotron B.‘Middleton. “ Id Nathaniel Martin Dickinson. ** 14 David Marta Dickinson. A, H. BLAIU. 1573- »• 17 Wm. Ferroo Penn. '• 18 Jacob Whenry -N. Middleton, " 20 Keller Mell South Middleton. “ 21 David /.ug Poun. “ 21 Adam Fuget Fraukford twp, “ 2fl John Hah Carlisle. “ 21) Pierson Clark Penn, Jnn 0 73, SPECIAL NOTICES. MAR JR, 113 J), D 13S D. Carlisle, Pa, CLOSING PRICES. MARKETS, .1 00 to 1 7ft 03 & Neto aitorrtfejments gHOES AND HATS j -A-t Cost ! The subscriber intends* to close out his entire slock of SHOES & HATS AT COST. His assortment is qulto largo, em bracing Women’s Misses’.and Children’s Shoes, OF ALL KINDS As ho does not Intend to keen SHOES for boJo hereafter, ho will positively sell his entire stock at COST I Ho also wishes to close but his HATS, oud will soli them also at cost. , Great Bargains can now bo had by those wishing SHOES AND HATS. - John Elliott* Jau-i-73-3m No. S 3 North Hanover Bt. Carlisle, Pa. Selling off at Less Than Cost! At Madame Rote’s, 3S S. Jlanover Street, Carlisle, , Tho FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS. Wo will sell HATS, BONNETS. FEATHERS,'. ' VELVETEEN, SILK VELVET. CORDED SILKS • AND SATINS, and all Millinery Goods without tcaocve, AT AND 13E1.0W COST. N. B. Combings made Into Switches. Qhlg- Son«, Curls, «to. -W© will do up Combings a( ulfPrlco, and Insure oar work, Jaa973—lt NOTICE Tn the matter of tbe estate of J. W, Cornman, late of Silver Spring township, do censed. i. The auditor appointed .by the Orphan s’ Court of C'amborlau d county to distribute the balance In the hands of William Bonsoraon, surviving Admlmotrator of the said estate, will meet the parlies Interested for the purposes of his ap pointment at his office, la Carlisle, on Wednos day, the sth day of February, A. 1)., 1R73, at 11 o’clock, A. U. F. E. BELTZHOOVEII, . l)Jan7JWlt Auditor, A SSI GN EE’S .NOTICE. Whereas, _£\ John Planlc, of Carlisle. Cumberland coun ty .Ta., by voluntary deed of. assignment; beat ing date December 20, 1H72, conveyed to the un dersigned uu Uls property, real, personal and mixed, for the benetlt of his creditors. -'-Notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said party, to settle the same without doluv, and those having claims will also present the same Immediately. • BENJ. PLANIf, HENRY SAXTON. As.tirpiet.t, JgXECtJTOR'S NOTICE, .Jano,73-3t Notice is hereby given that letters testa mentary on the estate of Henry A* Myers, Jato of South Middleton township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Paportowu. All persons knowing themselves to bo indebted thereto, are requested to make payment Immediately and those having claims will present them for settlement, ■WM. B. BUTLER, ■ JPxecutor, 3/ano.t» fUUscfUanfons. TVTOTICE.—Notice la hereby given that 1 1 Ibo following named persons have filed ap plication for Hotel, Liquor; Restaurant and Re tailors’License, under the several'Acts of As sembly relating thereto, In the office of the Cleric of the Court of Quarter Sessions ol Cum berland county, which sold application will be Presented to said Court on Monday, the Kith of anuary, 1873; • hotels: Lewis Zltzer, West Ward. Carlisle. John Hull, Eastward. •• Elder Rogers, Lower Alien. Win, Goodlienrt, Newton. Win, 8011. New Cumberland. Jobu Dechaut, Meclmuicsburg.- Patrlok McAnulty, BhlpponiiUurg. : Geo. W. Wolf, 'South Middleton. RESTAURANTS. John Yftisor, East Ward, Carlisle. Philip Prltch, East ward, Carlisle. Mary Eckert, East Ward, Carlisle. . Ernst J. Krause, East Ward, Carlisle. Adam Hoffman, East Ward, Carlisle. SuoM.Sidles, Eastward. Carlisle Win. H. Walker, West Ward, Carlisle. John Orris, Mechanicsburg. \V. 8, Dunlap, Newvlllo. . W. F. Klluk, Newville- Geo. K. Duke, Shlppenaburg. Rachael Shoop, South Middleton. Henry Sperrow% West Penusboro. Frederick Brockarnakor, Sliver Spline Henry H, Peck, Praukford. - RETAILERS. 1 John D, Mock, Carlisle, a. A. Haverstlck,’ Carlisle, Jacob Miller, Mecba'nicsbnrg. J. U. Miller, Newvlllo. J; A. Graham, Newvllio. John I. Ealfor, Carlisle. Jos. WJsler, Now Cumberland. ■All licenses must bo lifted within fifteen days after being granted or they become void, GEO.S. EMJG, Clerk ol Quarter Sessions, Cumb. Co. nix i!i Due 10-3 t. PROTHONOTARY’S NOTICE.-No tlco is hereby given that the following trust accounts have been filed in my ofilco for exam ination and will bo presented for confirmation to the Court of Common Pleas'of Cumberland county, on Wednesday, January loth, iwa. vlz; 1. The account of John Bohb, trustee of Catha rine coovor,, 115^ HO# H6‘i i| The riccount of James Olcndcnln, assignee of Ellas Whislor. ;{. The account of Jacob C. Lehman, assignee 0/ Washington Wolf. 1. Tho account of R f M. Henderson, commit tee of B. K. Jamison. 5. Tho account of Abm. Boater, sequestrator of Huuoverami Carlisle Turnpike Company. 0. The first and final account of William and Matthew Galbraith, assignees pf Daniel Bobb, D. W. WORST, Prothomiaru. 124 0031* T>BO 0 L AMATlON.—\Vliereaa the JT Hon. BenJ. P. Junkln. President Judge of tuo several Courts of Common Pleas of the coun ties of Cumberland. Perry, and Juniata, and Justice of the several Courtsof Oyer tmdTgrrma* er and General Jail Delivery In said counties, and Hons. R. Montgomery and H. G. Moser, Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, In the said county ol Cumber land by their precept to mo directed, dated Uth day. of Nov. 1872, imvo ordered - the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General'Jail delivery to bo holden at Carlisle, on the 13th of January, 1873 for.threo weeks, being Hie 2d Monday, at lu o’clock In the forenoon, to continue two weeks. NOTICE Is hereby given to the Coroner, Jus tices of the Peace, and Constables of the said county of Cumberland that they are by thosald arecepta commanded to bo, then and there In heir proper persons with their rolls, records and Inquisitions, examinations and all other remembrances, to do those things which to their ofllces appertain to bo done, and all those that are bound by recognizances, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall bo la the Jnll of said county, are to bo there to prosecute them as shall bo lust. • JAS. K. FOREMAN, Sheriff. FOB BENT.—The five acres of land, on the Harrisburg turnpike, at the east end or Carlisle. The field Is now in grass. Also, the Kink with a small dwelling houso, stable, lea house, Ac. Also, an acre garden, one-half in strawberries. For trucking purposes or for hording cattle these properties are particularly adapted. The Illnk can with but little trouble bo converted Into a drove yard. Apply for In formation toTheo. Cornmau. Esq., or the under signed, < ELIZABETH POTT3. 2jan73—tf TTISTATE NOTICE. “ “Notice Ja hereby given that letters of Admin istration on thecatatoof BaldoaerEokert.late of the borough of Carlisle, Uec'd., have been grant ed to the uudoraigneu. maiding in tno same place. All persons Indebted to tno said estate are requested to make payment Immediately, .and those having claims against the estate will also present them for settlement. ' BARBARA ECKERT., Administratrix, 2|au73-Gt EXECUTOR’S NOTlCE.—Notice la hereby given that letterß testamentary on the will ol Hamuol lleuder lato of North Mid dle-ton township. Cumberland county, have beon Issued to the undersigned Executor, residing In the same township. All persons knowing themselves Indebted are requested to make payment without delay ; and those having uhilms will present them forsetttoment. Wit, V. HM'IGEK, iiteculor. 10Uec72—(it A CEMETERY being now XV under tho direction and control of tho sub kunber, all persona desiring to purchase lots In U lor burial purposes, or wishing any informa tion, can bu accommodated by culling on her nt her n‘hi<Jvnce, on East High street, nearly opposite the lionir House, or by calling ut the ollicc of tn'o lute Win, if. Penrose, in Uheem’g Hull. V. M. PENROSE. Un«v72lyr» EOil RENT.—Tbe desirable dwelling house, south of the Market house ami ad ilug luhoil’H store, la for rent. Inquire of 'US dec7iMJt C. IN HOFF, THE CHEAPEST! THELARGEST The Best Display cf Holiday Groods! Im. T. GREENFIELD’S, The BEST BLACK SILKS at tho LOWEST PBXCES. the new shades In DBESS GOODS, at Popular Prices. Tho Largest Stock of REAL POINT LACE, THREAD LACE, and DUCHESS LACE COL LARS, HANDKERCHIEFS In every style and price, for Christmas Presents! Beautiful Assortment of Undersleeves, Neck Ties, &o Special Bargains in Low Priced Dress Goods ! Largest Stock of PUBS, at prices that defy competition. nue/MiT sneis wws weak. SUITS MADE TO ORDER AT SHORT NOTICE! I will offer BARGAINS la BLANKETS. TICKINGS, MUSLINS, CHECKS, CALICOES, HOSIERY and NOTIONS, CANTON FLANNELS, .Ic., during the present month. Wo havo just opened the best Bargains in SHAWLS, over offered in this market. In fact my stock is now complete, and it will repay any one who desires a bargain to call and examine for themselves. Dn0.12. HOLIDAY GOODS, D. A. SAWYER, , N.B.Cor.Public Square 0 Has opened a large and choice assortment of goods suitable for Cliristmas Presents I Embroidered, Plain, Hemstitched and Mourning Handkerchiefs, Em broidered Linen Sets, Linen Collars and Cnflto. Real ana Imitation Lace Collars and Handkerchiefs, all the latest designs, atlow prices, Handsome Nubias. Scarfs. Tle« Nan klns,Tldlesl.QlOYoB, &o. ■ H ■ * 1 GREAT BARGAINS! In Ladies’ and Children’s Purs ! GRAND CLOSING OUT SALE OP FALL & WINTER DRESS GOODS I will offer great inducements to buyers for the next sixty days in DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, PUBS. BLANKETS. MAR- ' SEILLES* QUILTS, . Cloths and Cassimeres, To reduce our stock. As all our goods have been purchased at CASH PRICES you will find It to your interest to examine our stock before purchasing else where, as wo defy competition in prices, and you can save money. 19 Dec 72 D. A. SAWYER, JJR CROOK'S WINE OF TAR t .‘D years of a public test has roved Dr. Crook's WINE OF .‘AR to have more merit than ny similar preparation over flered to the public. It Is ch In the. medicinal quail -38 ol Tar, and unequalled r diseases of the THROAT N D performing to most remarkable cures, tflectually cures aliCouglis id Colds, it has cured ho any cases of 'Asthma and ronchltls that it has been renounced a speclgc for iese complaints. For Pains i the Breast, Side-or Bank, ravel or ICldnoy disease, seases of tho Urinary Gr ins, Jaundice, or any. Liver jriiplnlut It has no equal, Restores tho Appetite* Strengthens iho System', • . _ „ Restores the Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, . Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Prevents Malarious Fevers, Gives tone to your System. sUan73-7lyr fJHE Medicine of the Million ! PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS » The Exciting Cause of Sickness. The blood Is the life sustaining agent, it furr nlshes the components ol llcsh, bone, musific, nerve and integument. The stomacu is Us man ufactory, the veins Its distributors, and the in testines the channel through which the waste matter rejected lu Its productions Is expelled. Uppn the stomach, the circulation and the bow els, these Pills act simultaneously, relieving in digestion. purilylng thollulds, and regulating the excretions. The National Complaint. Dyspepsia Is the most common disease among all classes in this country. It assumes a thou sand shapes, and is the primary source of In numerable dangerohs maladies; but whatever Its typo or symptoms, however .obstinate Its resistance to ordinary preparations, It yields readily and rapidly to this searching and uner ring remedy. Bllloum Affections. The qnantltyand qualltyof the bile are of vital Importance to health. Upon the liver, the gland which secretes this fluid, these pills operate spe cifically. Infallibly rectifying Its irregularities, and effectually curing Jaundice, Bilious,Romlt tanta, and all the varieties of disease generated by an unnatural condition of the organ. Bowel Complaints. Unless the bowels perform their functions properly, the whole body suffers. Tens of thou sands ale annually, of Dysentery, Dlarrhcna, Chronic Constipation, and other diseases of these waste pipes of the system. ,Tho effect of the Pills upon all Intestinal disorders, whether casual or epidemic, is a phenomenon in medi cine. By following the printed directions, the most alarming cases of bowel complaints are promptly controlled. ' A Word to Females. The local debility and Irregularities which are especial annoyances of the weaker sox. and which, when neglected, always shorten life, are relieved for the time being, and prevented for the time to come, by a course ol this mild but thorough alterative. Mollowatfs Pills are the best remedy known in (he world for the following" % diseases: ASTHMA, BOWED COMPLAINTS, COUGHS, COLDS, COSTIVENESS, CHEST DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA, ' DIARRHCEA, DROPSY, DEBILITY, FEVER AND AGUE. HEADACHES, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, PILES, INDIGESTION, INFLUFNZAa* INFLAMMATION, INWARD WEAKNESS, LIVER COMPLAINTS. LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, STONE AND GRAVEL, SECONDARY SYMPTOMS, WORMS OF ALL KINDS, *«*Sold at the Manufactories ol Holloway & C0,,78 Malden Lane, Now York, and by all re spectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout tho united States in boxes at 25 els., U 2% cents, and 81 each. CAUTION.—Tho trade mark of a loiter II in a circle is on each box of Pills 01 Pot of Ointment. Tins secures the genuine. Doc 10 1872—ly—cow The oldest and roost reliable Institution for obtaining a Mercantile Education. business roon ns instructors. For.lnformation, write for a circular to P. DUFF & SON, Pittsburg, Pa. 170c723m IN PARTITION ! To the heirs and legal reprosontalives of Mary U. Keep, late of the township ol Penn, poo d. Take notice that in pursuance of a Writ of Partition and Valuation Issued out of tho Or phans* Court of Cumberland county, and tome directed an Inquest will bo held on the real ea lato of said deo’d., to wit: a house and lot of ground In the borough of Carlisle, bounded on the north by L. F. Line, on »he east by Jacob Jones, on tho south by North street and on the west by an allov, containing l’i> feet in front by 120 feet In depth, more or less, on Friday, Do* cember the 27th, 1872, at fl o’clock, p. M.. on the Promises for tho purpose of making partition and valuation of the real estate ol said dec'd. HilEßtvif’B OfVick, > JAM. K. FOREMAN, Deo. 2nd, 1573-'Jt i Sheriff. NOW READY AT NO. 18, EAST MAIN STREET. L. T. GREENFIELD, 18 East Main Street. CARLISLE, PA, THE NORTH AMERICiN Mutual Life Insurance Compa Of Philadelphia^ ALL kinds of policies written upon the most favorable terms. Premiums wo paid annually, semi-annually or quartevlv.- All policies ar<s NON-FOUFEITABLE afte TWO ANNUAL payments. . No extra rates foi females. No charge for policy fee or stamps.- Policy holders share In the profits, .Dividends declared annually after two payments on the contribution plan. SiOO.OOO deposited with the Auditor General of Pennsylvania as security for policy holders, Cumberland Countv Branch.— The Compa ny has appointed a Board of Trustees, composed of the following well known citizens of-Cum berland County; B. M. Biddle. R, B. Kieffku, M. I\ Charles H. Mullin. Wm. a. Mullin. John M. Wallace. . Wu. A, Lindsay. William Kennedy. E, M. Biddle, Wm. Kennedy, . ■ latest. Secy, A Treaa, The trustees are all policy holders In the com nauy, and their duties are to supervise and conduct the business In this district, with an horlty to Invest a'certain proportion of the romlums collected in this district, within the nine, thus making, it emphatically and practl pally a HOME COMPANY. A. C. BELLOWS, General Agent. A. CUIST, special Agent. .fan 251872 I—vr gHEETFP'S SALES. Friday, January 10th, 1873- By virtue of sundry whits ofven dltiout Exponas and Levari Facias l«sued out of theCourtof Common Pleas of Cumberland ttouuiy. and to rno directed. I will expose to sale at the Court House, tu the borough of Carlisle, on the above day, at ton o’clock, a. m., llio fol lowing real estate, to wit; The Dickinson Mission Chapel, viz j That lot of ground situate in the borough of Carlisle, bounded on the North and East by Spahr broth ers, on ibo South by cast North street, and on the .West by north East street, containing Hfiy feet by seventy feet, more or less, having there on eroded a Brick Church building. Seized and taken in execution os the property of Dickinson Mission Chapel. ALSO. A lot of ground situated lu the borough of Newburg, Cumberland county, bounded on the North by Main stieet, West by High street, South by an alloy and on the J. Ste vlok's saddlery, aontalnlng sixty feet In front by two hundred feet in depth, having thereon erected a Dwelling House with storeroom. Seized and taken in execution as the property of L. S. Elsenhower. ALSO, A lot o( ground situate lu Hopewell township, Cumberland county, bounded on the North by Andrew Gross, on the East by James Graham, on the South by Jacob StonfTer and on the West by J. W. Detwller, containing ninety acres, more or less. Seized and taken In execu tion as the property af Martin Kunklo. ALSO. A lot of ground situate In Hopewell township, Cumberland county, bounded on the West by Ellas SioutTer, on the North by J. W. Detwller,on the East by J. W. Detwller, and on the South by Jacob Stoufer, containing 10acres, more or less. Seized and taken in execution os the property of Martin Kunklo, ALSO, A lotofground situated in Upper Allen township, Cumberland county, od the road lead ing from the Lisburn Hoad to Mootmulcsburg, bounded on the East-by If. Springer, on the South by Nolsley & Urlch, on the West by Sher man <& Coble,and on the North by Daniel Miller, containing one acre, more or less, having there on orecteua two-siory Frame Dwelling House, Frame Stable .m ■ other outbuildings. Seized and taken In L i rollon as the property or Dan iel Rudy. ALSO, £ If of ground situate lu the borough of Carlisle. • mborlaud county, bounded on the North by .North street, an the West by Bedford street, on the South by D. Slpe, and on the East by John Forthman, containing 27 feet on North and UL feet on Bedford street, more or less, hay ing thereon erected a two-story plastered Dwel ling House, (double), Seized and taken In exe cution as the property of John Hall. ALSO, A lot of ground situate In West Penns boro township, Cumberland county, bounced on on the North by Funk, on the East by a pnblic road, on the South by Miss Glenn, and on the west by Dr. Ahl. containing 50 acres, moroor loss, having thereon erected a two-story ,House. Seized and token in execution os the property of N. H. sawtello. ALSO, Thodefendant Interest In a let of ground situated In the borough of Carlisle. Cumberland county, beginning at a post corner of Logun Lane and a 10 feet alley, thence by the former North 4% degrees. West twenty-seven and slx tenth porches to a post* thence by lot of Peter Spahr, south fifty-live degrees. East thirty-one and live-tenths perches to a post: thence by a lot of J. Helser, South three and three-fourth degrees, West twenty-seven and four-tenth perches tothoplaooof beginning, containing 5 acres ana nine perches, being divided Into 84 lots on which aro erected 19 frame and dwelling log houses. Seized and taken Into execution os the property of N. W. Sawtelle. ALSO. All that certain messuage or five lots of land In the townsdlu of Lower Allen, Cum berland county, bounded on the North by C. Hartzler's lauds, on the East by J. Kulsoly, on the South by the Slate road leading from Har risburg to Gettysburg, and on tho West by J, Nelson. Seized and taken In execution as the properly of George Thorloyl ALSO, All thattwo-Btorlod Fromo and Weath er-boarded Dwelling, 10 leot deep by 21 feet front, located on a lot or piece of ground altaated lu tho borough of New Cumberland, Cumber land county, on the north side of Main Street In said borough, bounded on tbo North by an Al ley, on tho linst by a Public Alloy, on the H mill by Market street, and on tho west by lauds of Kndolph Marlin, atul so much other ground im mediately adjacent thereto os may be necessary for the ordinary and useful purposes of the same. Seized and taken in execution os tho property of Geo. K.Toomy, owner or reputed, owner and contractor. And ull to bo sold by mo Subiuvk’b Office, > JAS. K. FOREMAN, Carlisle, Deo. J 0,72. J • Sheriff. COtiuITIONS.—Ou all Bides o< *5OO ©rover, $5O will bo required to be paid when iha property u oil; and 835 on all salon under ISW, fllisrcllancons. £Dand)i) & (Ho’s SliDcrtiscmcnlc, TIT ANTED.—A reliable and Intelligent man of IV good address, u> engage In a. desirable and lucrative business producing fro hi 51, WO to So,ooo per year. Address 8. B. FORD &Cu., Now York: Boston; Chicago; or San Francisco. Ojanlw TO BOOK CANVASSERS.—A now way of run ning a book.' Can sell thousands per week. Address Murray Hill Publishing Co., ISO East 28th-aL, Now York City, PJanlUw TITANTED,—If you wish to buy a sowing ma il chine for family use, or act as agent, address Woshlngtonßowing Machine Co., Boston, Mass, 9jan73-4w PSYCHOMANCY, or SOUL CHARMING. How either sox may fascinate and gain the love A nnecUonsof any person they choose instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can po&aet-n free, by mail, for mo., together with a marriage guide, Egyllan Oracle, Dreams. Hints to Ladies, Wedding Night Shirt, Ac. A queer book. Ad* drossT. WILLIAM A CO.,Pubs.,Phlla. S'Janlw WANTED For best selling pic tures, maps, and charts. Also, for our sewing and linen thread. 5100 to sa>ocleared by .Rood. active Agents, Apply at once to D. L. iOGnernsoy, Concord, N; 6. PjanVw WAR RE N p AN GE Ist Premium Double Elevated Oven, Warming Closet, Broil ing Door Fonder Guard, Dumping and Shaking Grate, Direct Draft. FULLER, WARREN &:Co; 239 Water Street, Now York, BJanlw Oelf feeder base O tewart JL) artier I IMPROVED, UNRIVALEDrtnd UNEftUAEEI), Burns aay filzo of Coal Fuller, Warren 4 Co., S3£ Water street, N: V PJanlw JUKUBEBAI The Great South American Blood Puri Her is unequalled by any known remedy, it win eradicate, extirpate and thoroughly destroy nlj poisonous substances in the Blood and will ef fectually dispel all predisposition to billions de rangement* Is there wantoi action Inyottrlivcrand spleen*’ Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes Im pure by deleterious secretions, producing scrof ulous or skin diseases, blotches, felons, pustule* canker, pimples, ao., Ac. ' Have you a dyspeptic stomach? Unless dU gestlpu Is promptly aided the system Is debili tated with loss ot vital force, poverty ol the blood, dropsical tendency, geuorol weakness or lassitude. Take It to assist digestion without reaction ; It.wlll impart youthful vigor to the weary sufferer. Have you weakness of the Intestines? Von urplu danger of chronic diarrhoea or the dread . ful Inflammation of the bowels. Take it to al lay Irritation, and,ward Qff tendency to lullam-' inntlons. Have you weakness of the uterine or urln.-m -organs? You are exposed to suffering In its most aggravated form. Are you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish,or de pressed In spirits, with hend-ache, back-ache, coated tongue and bad tasting mouth? For a certain remedy for all of these dlseanon weaknesses and troubles; for cleansing ami purifying the vitiated blood und imparting vig or to ail the .vital forces ; for building upland restoring the weakened constitution use JTJJTOBEBA * which Is pronounced, by the leading medical authorities of London and Paris "the most pow erful tonic and alterative kn6wn to the medical world.’.* This la no new and untried discovery bot has been long used by tho leading physi clans of other countries with u-onderful remedial results. Don't weaken and impair tho digestive organs by cathartics and physics, they give onl.C tem porary relief—lndigestion, flatulency and dys pepsia with plies and kindred diseases are sure to follow their use. Keep tho blood pure ami health Is assured. - Price One Cellar per bottle JOHN Q. KELLOGG. 1« Platt street, N, V.. Solo Agent for tho United States,. Send for cir cular. • ’ 2Snov4w J\o AGENTS want absolutely the best selling /books?. Send for circulars dt Vent’s Unit rldged Illustrated Family Bible. Over uott pages, 10 by 12 Inches, 200 pages Bible Aids, Ac. Arabesque SO 25 Gilt Tdgo, I,clasp. 53'25 Fuji Gilt, 2 clasps, 811 00. “Belden, tho While Chief.-’ for winter evenings. 3fith iOOO ready. Tho Amer ican Farmer’s Borsoßook The Standard, -Uah 1000 ready. Epizootic Treatments. «frc. C. F; Vent, N.V.&Cincinnati, Vent & Goodrich, Chicago. 23noviw . BEE TO BOOK AGENTS. . AH EUCAHTLV BOUND CANVASSING BOOK, lor tho best .and cheapest Family Bible over published, will bo sent free oi charge toanv book agent. It contains noasly 500 fine Seri |i lure illustrations, and agents are meeting w/Mi unprecedented success. Address, stating expe rience, cto. &wo Will show you what our agents are doing, National Publishing Co. Philo Pa SlocWw AGENTS can not do better thtfU secure at» agency' for T. S. Artnur’a great work THREE YEARS IN A MAN TRAP. a companion to the famous TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM ! Nearly 30,000 copies have been bold r and its. popularity is still on tint increase. One single agent has sold upwards of 1000 conies Secure territory at once. J. M. KTODIMUD A Co., Publishers, Philadelphia. lUnovlw WANTED for tho LIGHT IN THE EAST. The most comprehensive and valuable religions work over pubilshek; also, for our now illustra ted Family Bible, containing nearly 500 flue senpturo llluatrations.and Dr.'Sralth's complete Dictionary ot tho Bible. Send for Prospectus & Circular*, and wo will show agents say of this, the best and cheapest Family Bible, and how are selling it. Address NA TIONAL PUBLISHING CO;, Ph 11aPa 28nov l\v ■QIAMOJTJD & JtUJii’ FURNACES. >. ,/otvorlnl and Economical healers. JAMj’.S A. LAWSON, Paten lee. Puller, War ren C Co., 230 Wnler St,. N. Y, 210c112w A QHBAT OFFER! HORACE WATERS. A Broadway. N. Y,*avlU dlsnoso of 100 PIANOS, MELUDIANS, and ORGANS, of Mx makers, Including Waters’ ut verv "OW Prices tor Cash-or part cash, ami iiui nnco.ln small monthly instalments, New 7-oe tavo first-class Pianos, modern Improvement for 52.75 cosh. Now ready a Concerto Parlor Organ, tho most ceautlful style and po rlcct tom ever made. Illustrated calaloguosniullt'd. sheet Music &, Music Merchandise. liHnovhv DnW’T BE DECEIVED BUT UOH coughs. JL/VAii i JL colds, sore throat, hoarseness ami bronchial difficulties, use only WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS. Worthless Imltationaaro on tho market, bni the only scientific preparation ol Carbolic Acid lorLiing diseases Is.when chemically combined with other well known remedies, «s In thes.' Tablets, and all parties oro cautioned agaln-t using any other. b In all cases of irritation qf the mucous men. brano these tablets should be freely used: their cleansing and healing properties are astonish- Bo warned, never neglect a cold, it Is easily cured In Its Incipient slate, when It becouir. chronic the cure is exceedingly difficult, u*,. Wells Cathode Tablets os a specific. JOHN ,0, EE Df.O(JQ, 18 Platt Bt., N. x. Bole agent tii the United States. Price 25 cents a box. Send for circular. 2Snov-4w A GENTS! IT SELLS QUICK A MON.' A all classes. Old people, the mlddlo-sced those who are Just entering life, and youth <>. both sexes buy and read with tho greatest pruli:. MY JOLLY FRIEND’S SECRET DIO LEWIS' last and best book. tl.e«\ MONeWit? 0 KrCatCSt 6UOCCra ‘ """ Send for our circulars, etc. which are sent free Geo, Maclean, Philo, 2Snoviw TM, l ,« s A"?! ll “ g book in the market Is Till; SIItUQGLES of Petroleum V, Nasby I U is Illustrated by THOMAS NAST, tho great est of American Artists, aud contains and intro ductlou by Hon. Charles Sumner, • Agents wanted lor this and other popular books Ad dress I. N. Richardson «k Co., Boston; Mass., and' St. Louis, Mo. 28UOV1W WANTED AGENTS. $2OO per month to soil tho AMERICAN FAMILY KNIT- IiNQ MACHINE, tho simplest and best la tho v'orhl. Address American Knitting Machine Co., S<5K Washington St„ Boston, Moss, i&nvdv.- 1 GENTS WANTED.—Address for tho most terms over offered. THE DISCOVER . DISCOVERED. Dr. Livingstone lu Africa- Ills Adventure The Stanley—Livingstone Expedition to Africa Large octavo volume. Just Issued* Contains in cidents of tho Wonderful Career ol tho Grout Traveler, tho Country, Animals, Natives Hunt ing. Ac. Full account of this most Interesting part of tho globe. Gullit sent for SI. Address UNION PUBLISHING CO., Chicago, Ills-Phil Fa.; or Springfield. Muss. 28aovi'y ‘ QUEAP FARMS! FREE UOMEai ' On the line of tho UNION PAOIFfCRAIL ROAD. 12.000.000 acres of tho beat FurnHoiramt Mineral Lands In America, 0,000000 Acres in Nebraska, la tb>riutlo Val ley now for sole. ~ Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, , for Grain growing and Stock Raising unyurnn«sK. ed by any in tho United Slates. Choapor lu prlce.more Jhvomblo terms nivon and more convenient lo market than can tin found elsewhere. FREE HOMESTEABB FOR ACTUAL SETTLERS, Tho best location for colonies—Soldiers eno. tied to a Homestead ol ICO Acres. . Monti for tho now DcKcrlpUvo Pamphlet with now mops, published in English, German’ Swe dish and Danish. mailed tree everywhere Ad- O.P.UAVIM, ainovW Lima Oom'r U.P.K.U.Co.;o'maUii^iob Oft TO $-0 VE.llbAYl Agentswantedt All ot working persons. of oltber box. young or old, make more money at work forua in their spare momenta, or ull the time, than at anything else. Funiculars Iroo. Address G. BUU»ou * Co M Pnrtluud, Maine, 12sopt721y
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