American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, September 02, 1858, Image 4

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The New York IVeekly GOLDEN PRIZE is
one of the largest and best weekly papers of the
day. An Imperial Quarto containing eight
pages, or forty columns, of entertaining origi
nal matter; and elegantly illustrated every
A Gift worth from 50 cents to $5OO, 00 in
Gold, will be presented to each subscriber imme
diately on the receipt of the subscription money.
One copy for one year. . . . .$2 00, and 1 gift.
One copy for two years. ... 3 50, and 2 gifts.
One copy for three years. . . 5 00, and 3 gifts.
One copy for live years. . . . 8 00, and 5 gifts.
Three copie? one year.' 00, and -3 gifts.
Five copies one year 8 00, and 5 gifts,
Teh copies one year 15 00, and 10 gifts.
Twenty one copies one year 30 00, and 21 gifts.
The articles to he distributed are comprised
in the following list:
2 Packages ofGold, containing $5OO 00 each.
5. do. do. do. 200 00each.
10 do. , do. do, 100 00 each.
. 10 Patent Lever Hunting Cased
20 Gold Watches
50 do.
100 do.
800 Ladies Gold Watches 35 00 each,
200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches 30 00 each.
500 Silver Watches $lO to 25 00 each,
1000 Gold, Guard, Vest afad Fob
Chains 10 to 30 00 each.
Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear
Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons,
Bings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Sil
ver Thimbles, and a variety, of cither articles,
worth from fitly cents to’sl6 each.
Immediately on receipt.ot the subscription
money, the subscriber’s, name will bo entered
upon our subscription book opposite a number,
and the gift corresponding with that number
will be forwarded, within one week, to the sub
scriber; by mail or express, post, paid.
K?” All communicationsshould be addressed
■ , “DEAN&, SALTER.”
48 and 49. Moffat Building, 335 Broadway,
New York..
*,* Specimen copies sent free. Agfa wanted,
April 1, 1858—1st of mo. ly .
.Kew Stage Route,
THE subscriber has started a tri-weekly lino
of Stages between Carlisle and Landisburg,
leaving Carlisle every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, immediately on the arrival of the after
noon train of cars from the east. Returning
leaves Landisburg at 8 o’clock a. m., every
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and arrives
at.Carlislo at 1 o’clock p. in., via Perry County
Warm Springs, Shermansdale, Sterrott’s Gap,
and Carlisle Sulphur Springs. On and after
Juno 15th, the line will bo run daily tor the ac
commodation of passengers going to the Springs.
Fare to the several points as follows,,viz
Carlisle to Sulphur Springs/ $ 50
; “ Sterretf s Gap, 75
. « Shermansdale, 87
« Perry County Warm Springs, 1 00
« Landisburg, 1 00
Landisburg to Warm Springs,
« ShertnansdAlo.
Stejretf’s Gap,
<i . Sulphur Springs,
a " Carlisle,
The above line will regularly carry the mail
to'and'from the several points above designated.
’ 1 have also a well stocked LIVERY STABLE,
from which I am at all times ready to furnish
Horses and Carriages to those who will favor me
■with their patronage, on the most reasonable
terms and in the very best stylo.
Carlisle, May 27, 1868—2 m
A Soiall Tract of Land with Improve-
merits at Private Sale.
SITUATE in Carrol Township, Perry county,
about 1 mile from Mickey’s tavern, contain
ing 15 acres, more :or ;leas, about 14 of which
are cleared, in a. state of cultivation and
under good fencW ' The iriiprovementa affe a
•RSo 'story Log weathprboarded hquso,
Log Barn, Wagon Shbd.Gra-
and other out-buildings'.. There
JSjUjHtis a good well of water in the yard
•with a puraf) in it. There is a thriving Apple
Orchard of choice fruit, arid Peaches, Pears,
.Plums and Cherries in abundance.
The property is now owned and occupied by
George Brunweii, and will sold upon such terms
as to offer great inducements to purchasers.
Tor further particulars apply to the owner on
the premises, or to
Real Estate Agent and Scrivener
Carlisle, July, 1,1858—6 t
Teachers Wanted.
WANTED fifteen Teachers, 13 males, and
2 females, (or West Pennsborougb Dis.
trict. Examinations to take place at Plainfield
school house, on thoTSth August, at 9 o’clock.
By order of the Board.
July 29, 1858—3 t
TVTCmcplis liereby given, that tho following.
X v persons have filed with the undersigned,
their applications for License, under tho act of
31st of March, 1856, and its supplements, which
'applications will be presented to tho Court of
Quarter Sessions, on Monday, the 28d of Au
gust, 1858.
David Martin, E. W. Carlisle.
Charles Brewster, Newton.
George Fackler, Lower Allen.
Snyder Eupley, South Middleton.
B. J. Kieflbr, E. W. Carlisle.
John S. Lynch, « “
Samuel C. Huyett, «
J. A. Kelso, Newton.
John H. Criswell, Shippensburg-
Daniel Eckels,E. W. Carlisle.
D. S. CROFT, Cl’k. of Q. S
August 6,1858—36
GEORGE KEXGIiEE, 1 Alias Subpama
v>. 1 Sur Divorce.
SUSANNA KEIGLBY. f No. 1, April T.,
) 1858.
Cumberland County, as.
-v Subpoena Sur Divorce to No. 1,
g SEAS. jJanuary Term, 1858, and alias fl'.ib-
V to No. 1, April Term, 1858,
Saving been issued and returned that the said
Susanna Koigiey could not bo found in the coun
ty of Cumbeflandaforcsaid. Now you.thesaid
Susanna Kefgioy, are hereby required iJappear
en the 23d day of August, 1858, the lirstt day of
the next term to answer the complaint of the
said George Keigley, in the said subpoena and
alias subpoena contained.
Sheriff’s Office, »
Carlisle, July 22, 1858 f
J. W. ». GIIbELES,
ATTORNEY at law. East Main Street,
opposite the Jail.
Carlisle, Foti. 18,1858—-tf
M.°u&pUon. d aUW omcCin I,ayraent 01
Large and Extensive Jlrrivak tof
Spring and Summer Goods.
AT the Now Store, corner of North Hanover
and Louthcr sts. Tho undersigned returns
thanks for the patronage bestowed upon him by
tho public, and at tho'samo time respectfully
announces that ho has just returned from Phila
delphia, and is now opening a new lot of Spring
and Summer .
Dry Goods and Groceries,
consisting in part ns follows, and which ho is de
termined tb sell at tho lowest, cash prices.—•
Silks, Ducal Cloths, Challies, Alpacas, Delaines,
De Bagos, lustres, poplins, lawns, ba'ragos, bril.
liants, skirting, French and Scotch Ginghams,
prints, gloves, hosiery, collars, handkerchiefs.
Shawls and Mantillas,
of every stylo and quality; Staple and Domestic
Dry Goods, cloths, cassimores, vestings, flan
nels, muslins, tickings,.stripes, checks, calicoes,
cottonadcs, linens, sheetings, nankeens, drills,
MarseiUes Quilts, colored and white Carpet
chain, Parasols, Umbrellas, a largo and splendid
assortment of ■
Bonnets, Hats, Caps, Boots St Shoes.
-A superior lot of Fresh Groceries, Tegs,
Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Spices, &c., &c. Hav
ing selected my entire stock with the greatest
care and at tho lowest cash prices, X can assure
my friends and the public generally, that I will
do all in my power to make my establishment
known as tho
Those who wish to purchase will find it to
their advantage to call and examine my stock
before purchasing.
I will pay the highest market price for But
ler, Eggs, Rags, Soap and Dried Fruit.
April 15. 1858. .
Plumbers & Gas Fitters,
100 00 each.
75 00 each,
60 00 each.
50 00each.
Directly Opposite the Court House, in Church
Jllley. '
Lead and Iron Pipes,
Hydrants, ?
Hot and Cold Shower
, Baths,
Water Closets,
Force and Lift Pumps,
Wrought Iron W ol’d.
And every description of Cocks and Fittings
for Gas, Steam, Water, Stc, Superior Cooking
Ranges, Healers and Gas Fixtures, put up in
Churches, Stores and Dwellings, at short notice
and in the most modern stylo. A.U materials
and work in our line at low rates and warranted.
Country work and jobbing promptly attend
ed to.
■Carlisle, May 29, 1856.
/?AA TONS Lyken’s Valley Coal, broken
t/VF vF and rescreened, prepared expressly for
family use-and under cover, so that I can fiir. dry and clean during the winter season.
I have also on hand and lor sale, the Luke,
tidier Coal, from the mines of Boyd, Rosser &
Co., and Shamokin Coal,.from the mines ot
Cochran, Feale & Co., ail of which I will sell af
small profits for cash, and deliver to any part of
the Borough?'
August 7,1856
joinx p. ly»e & soivs
THE public are requested to call and examine
our stock before making their purchases,’
as we are selling goods at the lowest,prices. We
have everything you may want in our line, and
in such quantities that wo can supply ail who
may favor us with their patronage. Carpenters;
cabinetmakers, wagon and coachmafcers. paint—
---.1,, .... f'f... .V........ laborers
and the public generally, will find a full and
complete assortment of goods to select from a.
such prices as will be sure toplease all. Try usi
North Hanover street, Carlisle.
April 23,1857.
$ 25
. n
i oo
Cumberland Valley Bank.
William Ker, Melciioir Brbnneman,
Robt. C. Sterreii, John Dunlap,
Rioh’d. Woods, ■ John S. Sierrett,
John C: Dunlap,
THIS Bank, doing business in tho name’of
Ker, Bronncman & Co., is how fully pre
pared to do a general Banking Business with
Money received on deposit and paid back on
demand without notice. Interest paid on Spe
cial deposits. Certificates of deposit bearing
interest at tho rate of five per cent, will be is
sued for as short a period as four,months. In.
forest on all certificates will cease at maturity
provided, however, that if said certificates, are
renewed at anytime thereafter (or another given
period, they-shall bear the same rate of interest
up to tho time o( renewal. Particularattention
paid to the collection of notes, drafts, checks,
&c., in any part of tho United States or Cana
Remittances made to England, Ireland, or
tho Continent. The faithful and confidential
execution of all orders entrusted to them, may
bo relied upon;
They call the attention of Farmers, Mechan
ics and, all others who desire a safe depository
for their money, to tho undeniable fact, that the
proprietors of this Bank are individually liable
to the extent of their estates for all the Dcpo.
sits, and other obligations of Ker, Brcnneman
man & Co.
They have recently removed into their new
Banking House, directly opposite their former
stand, in West Main Street, a few doors east of
tho Railroad Depot, where they will at all times
bo pleased to give any information desired in
regard to money matters .in-general. ’
Open for business from 9 o’clock in the morn
ing until 4 o’clock in tho evening.
H. A. STURGEON, Cashier.
Carlisle, Dec. 18, 1356
HAVING bought the entire stock of Grocer
ies, formerly owned by John G. Williams,
end removed Hie same to Adam Sonseman’s
nnw Store-room, directly opposite the Union
Hotel, on West High street, I have employed
C. P. Egbert, to assist in the business of the
same, and will keep constantly on hand a good
assortment of
Groceries, Queensware,
and every thing in the lino of a Grocer. I
would respectfully solicit a share of the patron
age of our immediate friends, ns well as that of
the public in general, whose favors shall be re
ciprocated in the most satisfactory manner by
giving them the worth of their money.
Carlisle, March 18, 1858.
NHANTOII, Merchant Taiioh, West
• Main Str&et, (opposite the Railroad office,)
has Just received a new and elegant assortment
of Cloths, Plain, Black and Fancy Cassimors,
and a variety o( Plain and Figured Vestings, all
of which he will make up to measure in fashion
able stylo, and on reasonable terms.
Orders attended to promptly, and the fit
ting, of all garments guaranteed, or no sale.
Carlisle, June 8.1858.
WINDOW SHADES—The finest, largest
and cheapest assortment of window shades
can bo had at the new store of
Carlisle, May 28,1858.
GREEN and Blue Window Shades just re
ceived at J. P. Lyno & Sons’ hardware.
April 8, 1858.
Cast Iron Sinks,
Bath Tubs,
Bath Boilers,
Wash Basins,
Hydraulic Rams, &c.
& c., &c.
Tamlly Coal*
11. A. Sturgeon.
Somcllilng rVciv.
Saddles, Harness, Rol)c8, &c.
A lot of superior largo Buffalo
Robes for solo, at the now Sad
<Bcr Shop of Samuel- Ensminu
directly opposite “ Marion
Hall,” Carlisle.
I have also m superior Draught Collar, never
before used in this country. Those Collars are
made of the best material, tho stuffing being
curled hair, and made by hands who work Tit
this branch exclusively. They are very elastic
and comfortable to tho'Shoulders of the horse.
I have a very fine lot of HARNESS, made by
the best workmen of Philadelphia, and of the
best leather they are able to gut up.
I have also any quantity of my own made up
work, made out of a superior quality of leather
flnishodiu tho city.
Thankful for former favors, I respcotfhlly so
licit a continuance of the same.
January 7, 1858.
805 Chestnut Street, above Eighth,
(Late of No. 45 South Second Street,)
ARE now receiving their Spring importation
of Silk and Millinery Goods, consisting in
part of Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Satin
and Taffetas Ribbons, Gros Do Naples, (Glace
and Plain,) Marcolincs and Florences, Black
Modes, English Crapes, Malino and Illusion La.
oes, &c. Also, a full assortment of French and
American Flowers. ;
March 18, 1858—2 m
I HAVE removed my store from tho old stand
to Hamilton’s new Building, corner of Main
and Pitt sts., directly opposite the Methodist
Episcopal Church, where I will be pleased to
see all my old customers and as many new ones
as will i'avor hie with their patronage. I am
now receiving a lot of new Goods, and will sell
them as cheap if not cheaper than any house in
the county. Como one and all to the new store
and secure good bargains.
Carlisle, March 11,1858.
Drug, Chemical, Confectionary, Ffui
THE undersigned has just 'replenished his
stock of DR UGS and MEDICINES, which,
having been selected with great care, he is sat
isfied . are Fresh and Pure. Physicians’ pre
scriptions will be promptly and faihfully attend
ed to. Orders from merchants in the country
willjbe filled with care and on the most reason
able terms. - All official preparations made
strictly in accordance with the U. S. Pharma
such as Cinnamon, Cloves, Alspice, Corainder,
Pepper, Ginger, Mustard, Baking Soda, Wash
ing Soda, Cream Tartar, Nutmegs, YeastPow
dcr, Mace, Citron, Sweet Marjaram, Thyme, &c.,
&c., fl esh and pure. : He has oh hand all the
different Patent Medicines of the. day.
Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Currants,
Prunes, Almonds, Filberts, Walnuts, Ground
nuts, CreamnUts,.Chesnnts,'American, German
and French Candies, and Candy Toys of every
variety. Thoss wishing to make wholesale
purchases Can hero bo supplied with the best
quality of Confectionaries and, at lower rates
than at any Other house in the country. Ho has
also a full assortment of
consisisting of Wood and Tin of every descrip
tion, such as Dolls, Doll Heads, Horsey, Wag
ons, Birds, Moving Figures,Fancy Work Box
es, Masks, Cords, Drums, Chairs, Whips,
Trumpets; Whistles, Dressing Stands, &c., &c.,
to bo sold Wholesale and Retail, and in price,
competition defied. ,
Fort ilonnaies, Purses. Pocket Books. Fine
pocket Cutlery, Shell and Pearl Card Cases,
Needle Books, Port Folios, Cabas, Gorman,
French and American China iV'arc, Inkstands
and trays, Card Rooks and Baskets, Jett Breast
Pins, Necklets and Rings, Combs Puff, Long,
Side, and Buck Guttapercha Combs. Hair,
Clothes, Hat, Button, Nail, and Tooth Brushes,
Sewing Silks, Patent Thread and Spool Cotton,
Buttons, Ike., &c..
FancT oilet and other Soaps, Pearl Pow
ders, Extracts, first quality Hair Oils, Pomades,
Shaving Soaps and Creams,Tooth Paste, Balm
of a Thousand Flowers, Tricophorens, Tooth
Wash, Hair Invigorators, and Hair Dye. T h
above have been selected with care and will all
on examination, speak for themselves.
On hand tho best lot of Segars and Tobacco
thrt has ever been brought to this town. His
Segars will convince the smoker on trial of the
purify of the material of which they consist.—
Ho has on hand those only which are imported
and which he can recommend as such. -Wo
need not speak of tho true Gorman Scgar as
tney have already gained for themselves a rep
utation, that they so richly deserve. Ho also
keeps (lie common article of Segars to suit the
trade; Tobacco such as Eldorado, Plain Con
gress, Twist Plain, Fig Leaf, Cavendish, Con;
gross, and Fine Cut Tobacco and Snuff, the best
. Feeling thankful to tho generous public for
their liberal patronage, a continuation of the
same is solicited, at our permanent loeation in
South Hanover street, directly opposite Han-,
non’s Hotel, and next door to Mr. C. Inholf’s
Grocery. . B. J. KDIFFER.
Carlisle, Dec. 17, 1857—6m',
Fresh Arrival,!
Fancy Goods ( Gift Books, &c.
S W. HAVERSTICK has just received from
• the oily and is now opening a splendid dis
play of Fancy Goods, suitable for all seasons, to"
which ho desires to call the attention.of his
friends and the public. His assortment cannot
be surpassed in novelty and elegance, and both
in quality and price of tho articles cannot fail
to .please purchasers. It would bo impossible
to enumerate his
Z'- .
which comprise every variety of fancy article
of tho most exquisite finish, such as—
Papier Macho Goods, elegant alabaster ink
stands and trays, fancy ivory, pearl and shell
card cases, ladies’ Fancy Baskets, fancy-Work
Boxes, with sewinginstrumonfs, I’qrtMonnaios,
of every variety, Gold Pens and Pencils; fancy
paper weights, papotorieS, and a largo variety of
ladies’ fancy stationery. Motto seals and wa
fers, silk and bbad purses, ladies’ riding whips,
elegantly finished, ladies’ fine cutlery, perfume
baskets and bags, brushes of every kind for the
toilet, Roussel’s perfumes of the various khids,
musical instruments of all kludb and at all prices,
together with an innumerable variety of articles
elegantly finished and at low rates. Also, an
extensive collection of BOOKS, comprising tho
various English and American Annuals for 1858,
richly embellished & illustratcdßoetical Works,
with Children’s Pictorial Books, for children of
all ages. His assortment of School Books and
School Stationary is also complete, and com.
prises every thing used in College and the
Schools. Ho also desires to call the particular
attention of families to his elegant assortment of
Lamps, Girandoles, &c.,
from tho extensive establishments of Cornelius,
Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising
every stylo of. Parlor, Chamber & Study Lamps,
for burning either Lard, Sperm or Etherial oil,
together with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens,
&o. His assortment in this lino is unoqualed in
tho borough. Also,
Fruits, Fancy Confectionary, Nuts, Preserved
Fruits, tfc.,
in every variety and at all prices, all of which
are pure and fresh,such as can be.copfldontlyr
recommended to ids friends. His stock em
braces everything in the"lino of Fancy Goods
with many other articles useful to housckocpcs
which the public are especially invited tp call,
and see, at the old stand opposite the jpeposit
December 24, 1,857.
Bankers and Beal Estate Agents,
' Sioux City, lowa.
Collections made in an parts pr lowa,
Nebraska and. Missouri! money invested,
taxes paid, and title’s investigated, for non-resi
dents. Mr. Hedges ' being Treasurer and Re
corder of the Sioux City Land District, gives
us’superior advantages, in the investigational
titles, payment of taxes, Sc. Letters of enquiry
promptly answered.
Refer to Hon. A. Leech, Deceive! of Public
Moneys, Sioux City, Iowa; Fichlan & Lucas,
and Charles ParsonS; Bankers, Keokuk, Iowa;
Sargent & Downey, Bankers, lowa City, rev/a j
Jas. H. Lucas & Co., Bankers, St. Louis, Mo.;
Gov.. A. P. Willard, Indianapolis, Ind. i 'Shop
paid & Hod riel), Win. Glenn & Sons, R. Ster
rett and Ira Wood, Mas. of Trans., C. H. & D.
K. R. Cincinnati, Ohio) John Carlisle S Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio; Lynn, Shrob S Co., N. Holmes
& Son, Bankers, Pittsburg, Pa.; J. W. Wen',
Cashier; Harrisburg Pa.; Hon. F. Watts, J. B.
Parker, Esq., John B. Bratton, Esq., Bontz &
Bro., Hon. John Stuart, Carlisle, Pa.; S. Wag.
ner, Cashier York Bank, P. A. & S. Small,
York, Pa.; Hon. Jesse D Bright, Washington,
D. C.
November 12, 1857.
Gknebad Land Agents,
Leavenworth City, Kansas Territory •
WILL buy, soli and locate lands in Kansas
and’ Nebraska Territories, lowa g- West
ern. Missouri, buy and sell lands, loan and invest
money, buy ,and sell drafts, give information re
specting the country, and do a general agency
business. ■■
Reference —John B. Bratton, Esq., Carlisle;
W. M. Beefom, Banker, Carlisle; Hon, Jas. H.
Graham, Carlisle; Ker, Brennoniah & Co., Bank
ers, Carlisle; W. M. Henderson, Esq., Carlisle;
Geo. Sanderson, Esq., Lancaster Pa.; John A.
Alii, Member Congress,Newvillc, Pa.; Win. S.
Cobean, Newvillc, Pa.; Hon. M. Gockiin, Shcp
herdstown, Pa.; Henry Reiman Son’s, Merch
ants, Balt. Md.; E. J. Blake, Esq., Cashier of
Mercantile Bank, N. Y-r Snyder & M’Farlane,
TtSaTEstato Agents, Minnianopolis, Min. Ter.;
Wm. Kilgore, Esq., Attorney &.Reiil Estate
Agent, Sterling, III.; H. W. Maleer, Esq., Hen
ry City, 111.; Ex-Gov; J. Ritner, Cumb. co., Pa.
E. W. Clark & Co., Bankers, Phila.; Gov. Pol
lock, Harrisburg; Pa. H
March 5,1857—1 y
Clotiling-, Clothings„
STEINER & BROTHER, at the corner of the
Market House, on the Public Square* have
opened an immense stock of •
Bcady-madc Clothing,
suitable lor the iircaont season.- The stock con
sists in part of
Cloth, Cassimerc, Jean,' Frock, Dress and Sack
Coats. Soys and Youth’s Coats of differ
ent styles and qualities. ■ -
Plain and Fancy Cassimerc, Cassinol, and Oor
. cltiroy Pants;
Satin, Silk, Cassimerc,Sattinettand other Vcsts
of different patterns ami qualities'.
Overcoats of all sizes, quality and price, to; suit
Also, Stocks, Cravats', Pocket A Neck Hand
kerchiefs, plain and fancy Shirts, Under Shirts,
Drawers, Stockings, Suspenders, Umbrellas,
Carpet Bags, etc. ,
Customer’s orders niade up in the most-ap
proved manner, of warranted materials. The
Cutting Department is under the management
of practical and experienced workmen, and in
every case satisfaction is ( guarantied. .
The aim of the subscribers is to give every
customer satisfaction, by furnishing'Clothing
unsurpassed in finish and'durability, and at pri
ces defying competition.
■ Carlisle, December 17, 1857.
llcßca’s Celehraidd
LIQUID glue,
article ever invented) for,
.•v store and office, surpassing in utility
■.\ every other glue, gnjn, mucilage,
paste or cement ever known.
A.-JjTTATS- ready for' application ,* adhesive
-/jL'tytf pupori.blofh, leather, furniture, porce-'
lain, china, marble or ghisa. .
For manufacturing Fancy Articles, Toys,etc.,
ithalrno superior, not only possessing greater
strength than any other known article, but .ad
heres more quickly, leaving no stain where the
parts are joined- IS: ever Fails.
Within the upwsirdsof 250,-
OOO'bottles celebrated Liquid'.
Glue have been sold, and the great convenience
which it has proved in every case, hasdeserved
ly secured for it a demand which the manufac
turer, found it, at times, meet;
acknowledged by all who have used it, that its
meritSTiTO’lar above any similar article or imi
tation ever offered to the,public.
This GLUE is extensively counterfeited
observe the label (t Mcßca’s Celebrated Liquid
Glue, the Great Adhesive Take no.other .
Twenty-five Cents a Bottle,
Manufactured and Sold, Wholesale and Re
ail, by .
WM, C.' Mc.REA, Stationer ,
No., 907 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
Liberal inducements. offered to persons
desirous of selling the above article.
■ September 24, 1857 —1 y . ,
fPHE twenty-third session (5 mon6.).will coni-
J: mence Nov 2d.’ A new building has been
erected containing Gymnasium, Music Room,
&c. With increased facilities for instruction,
and ample accommodations, this Institution,
presents groat inducements to parents who de
sire the physical and mental improvement ot
their sons.
Terms per session, $7O- 00
with full information address
, . R. K. BURNS,
Principal and Proprietor
Plainfield, Climb, co., Oct. 1, 1857.
Cobneb op Punno Squabe, opposite Market
House. ■
PALL arrival
WE invito llie attention of the public to our
largo and varied assortment of Goads,
which will bo sold as cheap as at any other es
tablishment in Carlisle. We have every variety
of Hats, for Men, Boys and Children, made of
excellent material and of every grade and price.
Also, a splendid assortment of Straw Hats,
Caps, and Infants’ Hats, ready trimmed. All
kinds ot Cloth and Glazed Caps, from 25 cents
Our stock of Boots and Shoos cannot bo ox
celled, and wo invito our old friends and cus
tomers, as well as others, to call and examine
our stock, as we feel confident of our ability to
Ail kinds of Ladies’, Misses’ and Childrens’
Gaiters, of the best material, constantly on hand.
IT. B.—AH rips sewed gratis.
Carlisle, Dec. 24, 1857.
VERY IMPORTANT. Spratt’s Patent Self
Sealing Cans for preserving Fruits, Green
Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, &o. Every Parmer and
Housekeeper should bo a purchaser. For sale
at city prices, at the cheap hardware store of
Aug. 27. 11. SAXTON.
taw iVoticc.
REMOVAL.-— IV. M, PENROSE has remo
ved his office to. tho rooni formerly occu
pied by him on Main street, a few doors east of
tho Methodist Church, whoro ho will promptly
attend to all business entrusted to him.
August 27, 1857—tf
Umc Coal.
THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand a
largo supply of Coal suitable for burning
Lime, which ho will dispose of on reasonable
terms. IV. B. MURRAY;
Carlisle, Nov. 10, 1867. “ '
the times
Carlisle Marble Yard.
South Hanover St., opposite Bentzs ’ Store,
THE subscriber has on hand a largo and well
selected stock of
UcadrStoucs, Monuments,
TOMBS, &c., of chaste and beautiful designs,
which ho will sell at the lowest possible rates.
Doing desirous of selling out Ills stock. Head
stones finished'thorn three dollars upwards.
Brown stone, marble work, mantels, Sic., for
buildings, marble slabs for furniture; &c., con,
stantly on hand. Iron railing for cemetery lots,
&c., of the best Philadelphia ’ workmanship,
will bo promptly attended to.
Carlisle, March 27, 1856.
New Ware.
A GENERAL assortment of China, Glass
and Qucensware, has just been added to our
former stock. Every variety of Tea.or Dinner
sets, either China or Granite, may be selected
from our assortment of the latest style and fln-
Majfsish, as well as Plates, Dishes, Cups and
(tS/saucers, Bowls, Pitchers, Teapots, &c,
Also, Toilet setts of various patterns,
together with Baisins, Tooth boxes, and other
necessary articles. A fine selection of French
and German Ciiina FANCY ARTICLES, em
bracing the useful as well as ornamental—among
which are highlygiltanddeconltedCoffee-Cups,.
Vases; Mugs, Toy sets, Fruit Stands,'Fancy
Boxes, &c., as well as Glassware in every vari
ety. All for sale at the lowest market price,
and to all of which wo invito a call from our
friends and customers; . .
Carlisle, Doc. 23, 185 G.
Saxton’s Spring- Arrival! •
THE subscriber has just returned from the
eastern cities, and would call the attention
of his friends ,and the public generally, to the
largo and well selected assortment of Hardware
which ho has now oihjtand, consisting in part of
stteii os nails, screws, hinges, bolts, locks, glass
of every description and quality, white, polish
ed, American, French, enameled and double
thick of all.sizes; paints, oils, varnishes, Ac.
Tools, including'edge tools of every descrip
tion, saws, planes,-; braces, bits, augurs, squares,
gauges, files, rasps, tianiniers, vices, screw plates
anvils, blacksmith helloes, &c.
Shoemakers and Saddlers, will find a largo as
sortment of tools of every description, together
with ladies and gentlemen’s Morocco lining,
binding, patent and French calf skins, awls, shoe
thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mountings, col
lars, girthing, whip stocks', doer hair, saddle
trees, Ac. .... '•
' Coachmakers Tools anii trimmings of allkinds,
such as hubs, spokes, felloes, shafts, bows,; floor
cloth, canvass, cloth, damask, fringe, lade,
mass, axles, springs, -bolts, clips, Ac.
. Cabinet-makers will find a largo assortment ol
varnishes,, oak, walnut, and mahogany veneers,
knobs of all kinds and sizes, mouldings, resets,
hair cloth, plush, curled hair, chair and sofa
springs, Ac.
will also find a largo assortment
of knives and forks; Britannia and Silver plated
tabic and tea; spojttns, candlestick's, waiters,
shovels, tongs,'iron and brass kettles, pans, Ac.
together with Cedorware of all kinds, such as
tubs, buckets, churns, Ac.
Agricultural Implements, embracing plows of
all kinds, cultivators; lines, shovels, rakes, forks,
o]itvsno, &cr.' ' -' ■
Iron, a’large stock, which I am, sellingat city
prices. f .
Remember the old stand, East Main afreet.
Carlisle, March 12, 1857.
Suited to tlie Times.
Bools and Shoes'of every description, Gents, La
dies and phildren’s Gam' Shoes, Trunks,
■ Carpet Bags and Valises.
ON account of the hard times, BAINBRIDGE
has determined to make a great reduction
in tho price of Boots and Shoes to persons hav.
hfg ike Cash. ■
■n&n A largo assortment of Gents, Ladies and
fij Children's GUM SHOES, which he wMI
1 «r»seU lower than they have ever before been
sold in Carlisle. A very largo assortment, of
Winter Boots and Shoes,
of tho best material and workmanship, and which
he will sell lit remarkably low. prices,, so as, to
suit tho times and give satisfaction to" the pur
chaser. '
Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises,
cheap for cash. -Also, Boots and Shoes of every
description made to order, both neat and dura
ble, and from 10 to 20 per cent. JowoE,than else
where. , All rips sewed gratis.
Bont,mistake (lie place, North Hanover st.,
opposite Benia’ Store.
.Carlisle, Nov. 20, 1857,
i John lice,
OFFICE in tho rear of Court House, in the
room formerly occupied by Hugh Gaullahor,
? Carlisle, May 21, 1857—tf
CHOICE Cranberries, Buckwheat, Hominy,
Raisins, Citron, Maco,Currants,Cinnamon,
and all other Spices and Goods suitable for tho
season. Thoy-aro-trosh iturl,pure,.and.just,re-
ceived and for sale at ‘‘Marion Hall” Grocery
and Toa Store. "• LBx.
Carlisle, Nov. 19, 1857.
TO THE LADIES ! Wo have just received
a fresh invoice of those beautiful fail style
all woo] Delaines, which have already received
tho approbation of all who have seen them, to
which we invito your attention.
Also, 1 case of now style Stellor Shawls. Call
soon at the cheap store of
September 10, 1857. BENTZ & BRO.
Pig- Iron. '
1 O Tona Cllarooal (Forgo) Pig Iron for sale
JL” at tho warehouse of
Fob. 4, 1858,
. * JLlvcry Stable.
THE subscriber, having pur-
the Livery Stable of jgEjJJ
CT/A Mr. Noncmacher (formerly vfjPy
Hilton’s,) informs his friends and the publicm
general, that Ids stock of Horses is large, and
liis Carriages, Buggies, &c., not to bo excelled
iu the, county. By strict attention to business,
and a determination to give satisfaction, ho
hopes to merit and roceivpn liberal share of pa
tronage. Terms easy, to suit tho times.
Carlisle, Nov. 19, 1857.
BEECHER’S Matchless Cordial, for Cholera
Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Summer Com
plaint of Children, Dysentery, and Dinrhtoa, for
sale at B. J. Kiefibr’s.
Soda, Water and Butter Crackers; Sea Seed,
and Currant Cake, Jumbels, fresh at Kiefibr’s.
Burping Fluid and Alcohol, fresh at Kioffef’s.
FreslfPruens at 16 cts. per lb., at Kiolfer’s.
Thermometers of-all sizes, makes and finish,
just rocoivodat Kiofibr’s cheap drug store.
Carlisle, July 1, 1858. .
of Bituminous Coal, from tho celebrated
“ Lemon” Mines, receiving and for sale by
Septembo S, 1857
tai itila 2 s l HODllau
THIS extensive establishment is now in com
plete order, and supplied with thobeatma
chinery for executing Work in every department.
The buildings have also been greatly enlarged
this spring, and stocked with the newest and
most improved tools for tbo manufacture of
Doors, Window Frames, Sash,
Shutters, Blinds, Mouldings, Bracket 3 <md all
other kinds of Carpenter work. Wo invite.
Builders, Carpenters and others to call and ex
amine our facilities for doing this description of
work. U3^~ The best materials used, and prices
as low as at any other establishment in the
county or elsewhere. " ,
Steam Engines Built to Order
and repaired ns heretofore. Engines have been
recently built for Vf. M. Henderson & Son, in
this borough, B. Bryson,& Co., Allen township,
AM & Brothers, Newvillo, Shade & Wetzel,
North Middleton, and others, at whoso estab
lishments they may bo seen in daily operation,
and to whom we can refer for evidence of their"
of every description, from the smallest to the
heaviest pieces, executed at short notice, for
every kind of machinery. A large variety of
mill castings now on hand. Two skillful Pat
tern makers constantly employed. REPAIR
ING promptly attended to for Paper Mills, Dis
tilleries, Grist Mills, 'Factories, &o. , Turning
and Fitting AIHI Spindles, &0., done in the best
stylo. 'J '
Threshing Machines and Horse
v ’ 'it Powers,
such as Boyil Gear Four Horse Powers, Hori
zontal Gonr'Four.and Two Horse Powers, Corn
Shelters, Crushers, Iron Hollers, Plough Cast
ings, and other articles for farmers, on hand or
promptly made to order.
Burden Cars Built
and repaired. Our facilities for building Cars
are now more complete than heretofore, and en
ables us to furnish them to transporters on the,
railroad oh accommodating terms, and made of
the best materials'. Orders solicited and entire
satisfaction guaranteed. ■
The' long experience in the business of the
senior partner of-the firm, and tiro completeness
of our machiubry in every branch of the estab
lishment, warrant us in assuring the best Work
to all who favor us with their orders. The con
tinued patronage ofour old friends and the pub
lic is respectfully solicited.
J. W. EBY.
May'2l, 1857—1 y
THE Allen and East.Pennsboro’ Mutual Fire
Insurance Company of Cumberland coun
ty;'incorporated by an act. ot Assembly, is now
hilly organized, and in operation under the
management of the following Managers; viz :
Benj. H. Mosser, Lewis Hyer, Christian Slay
man, Michael Cbcldin, J. G. Dunlap, W. R.
Gorgas, Daniel Bailey, Jacob 11. Coovcr, Alex
ander Cathcart, Jos. .Wickorsliam, J. Eichef
berger, S. Eberly, J. Brandt.
The rates of insurance areas low and favora.'
ble as any Company ot the kind in the State.-
Pcrsons wishing to become members, are invi
ted to make application to the Agents of the
Company who aro willing to wait,upon thofn at
any time. , _
• C'liiiriiTKs SrASJtA's, Tice Pros.
Lewis Hyer, Soct’y,
Micsset. Gooknrs, Treasurer.- .
Jahnary 7, ’5B.
Cumbberldnd County. —John Sficrrick, Allen;
Rudolph Martin; New 'Cumberland; Henry
Zearing, Shirumnnstown; Sam’l. Wood-burn,
Dickinson; ..Henry Bowman, Oburehtown ;
Mode Griliitli, South Middleton; gam*!. Gra
ham, W. Ponnsboro’; Sanrl. Coovcr, Meohan
icsburg, J. TV- Cocklin, Sbeplicrdstown ; D.
doover, Shoplierdstown ; C. B. Herman; Silver
Spring; Benj, Haverstick, Silver Spring; Cbas.
York County.—W. S. Picking, Dover; Peter
Wolford, Franklin; Jus! Griffith, Warrington ;
J. P. Deaidorff, Washington.
■Harrisburg.— Houser & Locfimnn.
Members of the Company haying, policies
about to expire, can hare them renewed by
making application to any of tbo Agents.
I Hardware tMardWa rtf'!
JOHN P. LYNE-A SOM, have Jjfit received
their Fallstock of Hardware, which is nmi.
anally large, and in connection with their for
mer heavy stock makes it one of the largest and
most varied assortments ever offered to tho pub
lic. They have everything that the! Farmer, the
Builder, the Mechanic, or the public may want
,iii their, line, and which they are selling at the
very lowest prices. They solicit a call from the
public before making their purchases, as they
are confident they can offer such inducements
to the buyer that will fully reward him for his
Feeling thankful to the generous public for
their former very liberal patronage, a continua
tion of tho earne rs solicited, at our old stand in
North Hanover street; Carlisle.
October 9,185 G.
Carlisle Deposit -Bank.
SPECIAL Deposits will be received at this
Bank, incorporated by tho State of Pennsyl
vania, for as short.a period as four months, and'
interest paid at tho rate oP Five per cent, per
annum, and tho principal paid back at any time
after maturity, without notice. Interest ceases
after tho expiration of tho time specified in the
certificate, unless renewed for another given pe.
riod of four months or longer, in which case tho
interest is paid up until the time of the renew
al. Bank opens at 9 o’clock A. M. and closes
at 3 o’clock P. M. By order of tho Board of
Directors. •
W. M. BEETESI, Cashier.
December 25, 1850.
SOUTH Hanover Street, next door to the
Post Office.
N. B. Will bo absent from Carlisle the' last
fen days of each month.
August 10, 1835.
From the Baltimore College of Cental Surgery .
Office at the residence of his mother, East
Loufber street, three doors below Bedford.
March 10, 1857.
Watches, Jewelry and Silver
THE public arc invited to call and examine
the largest and handsomest stock of
over brought to this place. Having purchased
this stock for cash I am determined to sell at
prices that‘“c«tt’t be beat.’’ .. . , ' J
All goods sold by mo', guaranteed to be ns
represented or the money refunded. Old gold
and silver taken in exchange
Carlisle, May 1, 1850.
Paper, Printers’ Card & Envelope
No. 405 Commerce Street , Philadelphia,
Cash buyers will find it tor their interest to
January 7, 1808—ly
Job Work done at Jhis office on
short-notice. ’ !
Iron and Brass Castings
Fire Insurance.
mi. I. C. MOMISJ
Hovels Llama Uau .
THE testimony of Prof. Booth and Dp \
cklohaving prevtpusly boon nui m,,
following is now added ; p mhshed, tt, a
Fiom Prof. McOlpskoy, formerly Vrue
Theory and Practice of Medicine ,f°<" »l
male Medical College of PennsvlM • l 0 fe
lato Professor of Surgery in
College of Medicine, &c.* 0 Anic 'ic.u )
Puiia., Nov 07 ,L ,
■ Mr. Joseph E. Hoover —A trial o/v ’ ,
Hair Dye will convince tbo most ■ 'MI *
it is a safe, elegant, and efficacious'.,! ■ lca| ’ ,lls >
Unlike many others, it has in sovcrn| l!^“raliol1 ’
proved serviceable In the cure of son IDS,aDC CB.
oils eruptions on the bend, and I hnv cu, !" | r
tation in commending it to those ten,r .- 110
ah application. Very respectfnii,, ‘ 1,r,n 6 such ,*
J. F. X. McCLOSKEr » n "H
475 Race St I
Hover’s Writing Inks, lncW,?„ v “,l 8,, ' ;
Writing Fluid, and Hover’s Indelihufi
maintain their liigh character, which B ™v4|
distinguished them, and the extensive n
first created, has continued unintemimcdSl
the present. * “otp*
Orders addressed to-the manufactory W 11
416 Race street above Fourth, fold II
Philadelphia, will receive prompt nttenti™/ -I
, JOSEPH E. HOVER, MamZfZ 1 ' 1
- December 17, 1857.
■ Itc:il EsUilc Agency, " ■
Removal.— a. l.sponsler;*,., »
tale Agent, Conveyancer uni Scrimn u
removed to his now office, on Main street s
door west'of the Cumberland Valley -Rai£
Ho is now permanently, located, anti|,„ !( , n .
hand and. for sale a very largo amount of S.,t
Estate consisting of Farms of all sizes, imnm?
ed and unimproved. Mill Properties, ToivnVa
petty of every description, Building Lots «1 „
Western Lands-and Town Lots. He will my
his attention, as heretofore to the Nogolia(i n !
of Loans, Writing of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills
Contracts, and Scfivening generally.'- n '■ ’
■ Carlisle," Oct. 22, 1857. " ' ,
Family Groceries,
ANEW and Fresh supply of all the articles
belonging to a Grocery and Tea Store k.
been received by the subscriber, viz : 1
Old Java & Rio Coffee, (green & roasl
ed) variety of Brown, Crushed and Pn'ier
ized SUGARS, at greatly reduced pricti.
Syrup and Orleans Molasses,
of finest’qualifies, at prices to suit the ijmts—
besides .which are Teas, Cheese, Chocolhtti
Farina, Corn Starcl), Rice, &c., as well ns ’
All kinds of China, Common, Earthen, IConJn
and Hollow-ware. While wo are thankful In
past support, we solicit a continuance of lib
favors. - J..VV. EBY.
Carlisle, Nov. 19, 1857.
$•5000 Reward—Great; Bate.
LHE great race between the Clothing Stores
of Carlisle, resulted in the complete triumph
of. the new store of ARNOLD. 4- SON, in the
store room lately occupied by Wine Camp,
boll, corner of North Hanover and Loalliersfs.
It is now conceded by all and every one that
they stand pre-eminent among the clothing deal
ers in Carlisle, having succeeded in convincing
their friends, that they can soil Clothing made
and got up, according to the latest styles, from
20 to 25 per cent, cheaper' (fern any other house
is possibly' able to furnish .therm ■ They -have
now ‘On hand a largo and splendid areoitmont of
1 Ready-raadfir ©lothtDei
Furnishing Goods, Cloths, Cassimefesanil Test
ings. Also, Hats, and Caps, and every tiling in'
-their-line for Meri and. Boys.’ Their mdlenah
were selected with.the greatest care; purchased
at the’ lowest cash-prices, and at such houses
duly, who never deal in anything like audios
trash. Their friends may therefore-rest assured
that articles purchased of them will ami must
give satisfaction. Clothing raa-do at the slml
est notice in tbo most .fashionable stvkv'havfns'
for that purpose secured the services ot aw ex
perienced Cutter,- and laid in a splendid imut
mont of Cloths,’ Gussimerts, To»tingy,^. c .,n'Ci!s
for beauty and durability cannot be surpassed:
Todho citizens of the survonnd/ng country ive
.would say, give us-a fair .‘trial. AH ad ask Is a,
fair look at oar stock and ire will not fail to con
vince .you that our Clothing is better made, of
‘better materials, better trimmed, cut.with more
taste, and’last though not least, cheaper tlntn
you have over bought' elsewhere. Also, a large
lot of Trunks, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, ■
All hail creation far and near, . _ ,
-Of Anxoi.n’s Store you shall hear; *
Let' pealing drums and cannon's roan
Proclaim the nows from shore to slloiS);.
Groat bargains siire, are on tho wing,
Karo wonders then we now will sing r
M first wo’ll speak of Clotiuko rare,--.
Such trophies, sure will make yon siar«>
01'broad and narrow olothso cheap.
AVe’ll take a moment’s time to speak.
Delighted too yon can’t but bo
With-'prices and (bein'quality; ,
Dress apd Sack Dbatk—aye. Vestings too*
What bargains now for all oi' yon!
The Gents will onr compliments receive,
And call they must the Wonders to believer
In Pants wb have n7l‘kinds of styles,
One dollar and 1 upwards, piles on pill;?.
In' S'mwnor' Goods —'for soon ’twill comc j *'
tWll giro you bargains all for Inn.
Frocks and Over-coats so very fine, -
Great wonders you shall see in every lino,.
Hosiery, Suspenders, Under-shirts lor ally,
AH kinds of Gloves to ploaso allwbo oalw’
But wo cannot stop, to enumerate.
We have bargains both good and- 1 great.
OWstock foo in the Furnishing line
Is plentiful, cheap and fine.
ARNOLD £ SON’S Clothing Raft
April 12, 1855,
Great Reduction in Prices!!!
Jit Sentz $ Rro’s. Cheap Slort.
M Sentz Sg Sro’s. Cheap Uteri.
25 ct. MOUS DELAINS selling for 20 cl».
JU Sentz $ Sro’e. Cheap Store.
-Fresh arrivals every-day, of Cheap goods
Jit Sentz $ Pro’s. Cheap Slort.
Tho place to get yonr money back is
Jit Sentz § Sro’s. Cheap Store.
All Colors Carpet Chain, at 25 cents
• At Sentz % Sro’s. Cheap Store.
October, 29,1857. ' ' _
New Goods.
WE are receiving this week a very jWo® 3 ”.
select assortment of Goods which i' ,
offer at very reduced prices, as they have
purchased exclusively for cash. ' t 0
Wo have a word to say, in this con ” < j' r ;,oofi;a
-tlipso who have accounts standing o " _ n(lvlU ita-
Xn order to give our customers all 10
ges of the low prices of goods, we aß|
to pay cash in the city. Thor®* o ,' , We( j to us,
earnest and sincere appeal to all }'v* .. e ( lir n no
to make immediate payment, ana 1 i owe si
will conilnuo to sell our Goods at tne
Carlisle, Dec. 3,1857
HAVING returned to “fidget
professional services to the PJJ > v Oppo
oial. Oftico in North Pitt street, nearly IP
site his former residence. Terms mo
Carlisle, April 1, 1858—Cm
Terrible Sensation* t
RECEIVING to-day at Leidich &
new store, (formerly occupied by
ilitnor), aiargp and varied assortment 01
Dry Goods, Ladies’ Dress
now stylos, and at very low prices. ,J~
Silk Mantillas greatly Under regular pr>® ,
Ranging from ¥1,60 to $12,00, Embrohhj. s
Cambric, Jaconet aud Swiss Sets and
Undorslßoves, Edgings, Ihsertings, &o. ,
Ladies, Misses' and Children’s Hoopei
Doable Expansion Shirts!’ ‘Those Skirts''
over worn receive the Highest prnisd for
grace and durability'of wear. I Wo rospcc
solicit fho attontibn'of the-public. _
Carlisle, July 15,.185?. ■ ’ ■ ‘ -"L