THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. -THE GOLDEN PRIZE. ' ' THE GOLDEN PRIZE. - i THE GOLDEN PRIZE. , THE GOLDEN PRIZE. , THE GOLDEN PRIZE. TJHE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. ILLUSTRATED I ILLUSTRATED! ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. ILLUSTRATED WEEK. ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. ILLUSTRATED EVERY ,WEEK. ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. SPECIMEN'COPIES SENT FREE. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE., SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. THE CIOLBEIV PRIZE. ILLUSTRATED! ILLUSTRATED! The New York IVeekly GOLDEN PRIZE is one of the largest and best weekly papers of the day. An Imperial Quarto containing eight pages, or forty columns, of entertaining origi nal matter; and elegantly illustrated every week. A Gift worth from 50 cents to $5OO, 00 in Gold, will be presented to each subscriber imme diately on the receipt of the subscription money. One copy for one year. . . . .$2 00, and 1 gift. One copy for two years. ... 3 50, and 2 gifts. One copy for three years. . . 5 00, and 3 gifts. One copy for live years. . . . 8 00, and 5 gifts. AS» TO CLUBS Three copie? one year.' 00, and -3 gifts. Five copies one year 8 00, and 5 gifts, Teh copies one year 15 00, and 10 gifts. Twenty one copies one year 30 00, and 21 gifts. The articles to he distributed are comprised in the following list: 2 Packages ofGold, containing $5OO 00 each. 5. do. do. do. 200 00each. 10 do. , do. do, 100 00 each. . 10 Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watches 20 Gold Watches 50 do. 100 do. 800 Ladies Gold Watches 35 00 each, 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches 30 00 each. 500 Silver Watches $lO to 25 00 each, 1000 Gold, Guard, Vest afad Fob Chains 10 to 30 00 each. Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Bings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Sil ver Thimbles, and a variety, of cither articles, worth from fitly cents to’sl6 each. Immediately on receipt.ot the subscription money, the subscriber’s, name will bo entered upon our subscription book opposite a number, and the gift corresponding with that number will be forwarded, within one week, to the sub scriber; by mail or express, post, paid. K?” All communicationsshould be addressed ■ , “DEAN&, SALTER.” 48 and 49. Moffat Building, 335 Broadway, New York.. *,* Specimen copies sent free. Agfa wanted, April 1, 1858—1st of mo. ly . .Kew Stage Route, THE subscriber has started a tri-weekly lino of Stages between Carlisle and Landisburg, leaving Carlisle every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, immediately on the arrival of the after noon train of cars from the east. Returning leaves Landisburg at 8 o’clock a. m., every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and arrives at.Carlislo at 1 o’clock p. in., via Perry County Warm Springs, Shermansdale, Sterrott’s Gap, and Carlisle Sulphur Springs. On and after Juno 15th, the line will bo run daily tor the ac commodation of passengers going to the Springs. Fare to the several points as follows,,viz Carlisle to Sulphur Springs/ $ 50 ; “ Sterretf s Gap, 75 . « Shermansdale, 87 « Perry County Warm Springs, 1 00 « Landisburg, 1 00 Returning. Landisburg to Warm Springs, « ShertnansdAlo. Stejretf’s Gap, . 1 Sur Divorce. SUSANNA KEIGLBY. f No. 1, April T., ) 1858. Cumberland County, as. -v Subpoena Sur Divorce to No. 1, g SEAS. jJanuary Term, 1858, and alias fl'.ib- V to No. 1, April Term, 1858, Saving been issued and returned that the said Susanna Koigiey could not bo found in the coun ty of Cumbeflandaforcsaid. Now you.thesaid Susanna Kefgioy, are hereby required iJappear en the 23d day of August, 1858, the lirstt day of the next term to answer the complaint of the said George Keigley, in the said subpoena and alias subpoena contained. JACOB BOWMAN, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, » Carlisle, July 22, 1858 f J. W. ». GIIbELES, ATTORNEY at law. East Main Street, opposite the Jail. Carlisle, Foti. 18,1858—-tf M.°u&pUon. d aUW omcCin I,ayraent 01 NOW FOR BARGAINS I iiiin Large and Extensive Jlrrivak tof Spring and Summer Goods. AT the Now Store, corner of North Hanover and Louthcr sts. Tho undersigned returns thanks for the patronage bestowed upon him by tho public, and at tho'samo time respectfully announces that ho has just returned from Phila delphia, and is now opening a new lot of Spring and Summer . Dry Goods and Groceries, consisting in part ns follows, and which ho is de termined tb sell at tho lowest, cash prices.—• Silks, Ducal Cloths, Challies, Alpacas, Delaines, De Bagos, lustres, poplins, lawns, ba'ragos, bril. liants, skirting, French and Scotch Ginghams, prints, gloves, hosiery, collars, handkerchiefs. Shawls and Mantillas, of every stylo and quality; Staple and Domestic Dry Goods, cloths, cassimores, vestings, flan nels, muslins, tickings,.stripes, checks, calicoes, cottonadcs, linens, sheetings, nankeens, drills, MarseiUes Quilts, colored and white Carpet chain, Parasols, Umbrellas, a largo and splendid assortment of ■ Bonnets, Hats, Caps, Boots St Shoes. -A superior lot of Fresh Groceries, Tegs, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Spices, &c., &c. Hav ing selected my entire stock with the greatest care and at tho lowest cash prices, X can assure my friends and the public generally, that I will do all in my power to make my establishment known as tho “ HEAD QUARTERS FOR BARGAINS.” Those who wish to purchase will find it to their advantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing. I will pay the highest market price for But ler, Eggs, Rags, Soap and Dried Fruit. J. A. HUMIUCH, Jn. April 15. 1858. . . FOOTE it BROTHER, PRACTICAL Plumbers & Gas Fitters, 100 00 each. 75 00 each, 60 00 each. 50 00each. Directly Opposite the Court House, in Church Jllley. ' Lead and Iron Pipes, Hydrants, ? Hot and Cold Shower , Baths, Water Closets, Force and Lift Pumps, Wrought Iron W ol’d. Tubes. And every description of Cocks and Fittings for Gas, Steam, Water, Stc, Superior Cooking Ranges, Healers and Gas Fixtures, put up in Churches, Stores and Dwellings, at short notice and in the most modern stylo. A.U materials and work in our line at low rates and warranted. Country work and jobbing promptly attend ed to. ■Carlisle, May 29, 1856. /?AA TONS Lyken’s Valley Coal, broken t/VF vF and rescreened, prepared expressly for family use-and under cover, so that I can fiir. dry and clean during the winter season. I have also on hand and lor sale, the Luke, tidier Coal, from the mines of Boyd, Rosser & Co., and Shamokin Coal,.from the mines ot Cochran, Feale & Co., ail of which I will sell af small profits for cash, and deliver to any part of the Borough?' August 7,1856 A LARGE SPRING - ARRIVAL AT joinx p. ly»e & soivs . . CHEAP STORE. THE public are requested to call and examine our stock before making their purchases,’ as we are selling goods at the lowest,prices. We have everything you may want in our line, and in such quantities that wo can supply ail who may favor us with their patronage. Carpenters; cabinetmakers, wagon and coachmafcers. paint— ---.1,, .... f'f... .V........ laborers and the public generally, will find a full and complete assortment of goods to select from a. such prices as will be sure toplease all. Try usi . JOHN P. LYNE & SON, North Hanover street, Carlisle. April 23,1857. $ 25 . n mo i oo Cumberland Valley Bank. PROPRIETORS, . , William Ker, Melciioir Brbnneman, Robt. C. Sterreii, John Dunlap, Rioh’d. Woods, ■ John S. Sierrett, John C: Dunlap, THIS Bank, doing business in tho name’of Ker, Bronncman & Co., is how fully pre pared to do a general Banking Business with fidelity. Money received on deposit and paid back on demand without notice. Interest paid on Spe cial deposits. Certificates of deposit bearing interest at tho rate of five per cent, will be is sued for as short a period as four,months. In. forest on all certificates will cease at maturity provided, however, that if said certificates, are renewed at anytime thereafter (or another given period, they-shall bear the same rate of interest up to tho time o( renewal. Particularattention paid to the collection of notes, drafts, checks, &c., in any part of tho United States or Cana das. Remittances made to England, Ireland, or tho Continent. The faithful and confidential execution of all orders entrusted to them, may bo relied upon; They call the attention of Farmers, Mechan ics and, all others who desire a safe depository for their money, to tho undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this Bank are individually liable to the extent of their estates for all the Dcpo. sits, and other obligations of Ker, Brcnneman man & Co. They have recently removed into their new Banking House, directly opposite their former stand, in West Main Street, a few doors east of tho Railroad Depot, where they will at all times bo pleased to give any information desired in regard to money matters .in-general. ’ Open for business from 9 o’clock in the morn ing until 4 o’clock in tho evening. H. A. STURGEON, Cashier. Carlisle, Dec. 18, 1356 HAVING bought the entire stock of Grocer ies, formerly owned by John G. Williams, end removed Hie same to Adam Sonseman’s nnw Store-room, directly opposite the Union Hotel, on West High street, I have employed C. P. Egbert, to assist in the business of the same, and will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Groceries, Queensware, and every thing in the lino of a Grocer. I would respectfully solicit a share of the patron age of our immediate friends, ns well as that of the public in general, whose favors shall be re ciprocated in the most satisfactory manner by giving them the worth of their money. _ WM. L. HALLER. Carlisle, March 18, 1858. NHANTOII, Merchant Taiioh, West • Main Str&et, (opposite the Railroad office,) has Just received a new and elegant assortment of Cloths, Plain, Black and Fancy Cassimors, and a variety o( Plain and Figured Vestings, all of which he will make up to measure in fashion able stylo, and on reasonable terms. Orders attended to promptly, and the fit ting, of all garments guaranteed, or no sale. N. HANTCH. Carlisle, June 8.1858. WINDOW SHADES—The finest, largest and cheapest assortment of window shades can bo had at the new store of J. A. HCJURICH, Jn. Carlisle, May 28,1858. GREEN and Blue Window Shades just re ceived at J. P. Lyno & Sons’ hardware. April 8, 1858. Cast Iron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Boilers, Wash Basins, Hydraulic Rams, &c. & c., &c. Tamlly Coal* WM. B. MURRAY 11. A. Sturgeon. Somcllilng rVciv. PGRoceR Saddles, Harness, Rol)c8, &c. A lot of superior largo Buffalo Robes for solo, at the now Sad Unlike many others, it has in sovcrn| l!^“raliol1 ’ proved serviceable In the cure of son IDS,aDC CB. oils eruptions on the bend, and I hnv cu, !" | r tation in commending it to those ten,r .- 110 ah application. Very respectfnii,, ‘ 1,r,n 6 such ,* J. F. X. McCLOSKEr » n "H 475 Race St I Hover’s Writing Inks, lncW,?„ v “,l 8,, ' ; Writing Fluid, and Hover’s Indelihufi maintain their liigh character, which B ™v4| distinguished them, and the extensive n first created, has continued unintemimcdSl the present. * “otp* Orders addressed to-the manufactory W 11 416 Race street above Fourth, fold II Philadelphia, will receive prompt nttenti™/ -I , JOSEPH E. HOVER, MamZfZ 1 ' 1 - December 17, 1857. ■ Itc:il EsUilc Agency, " ■ Removal.— a. l.sponsler;*,., » tale Agent, Conveyancer uni Scrimn u removed to his now office, on Main street s door west'of the Cumberland Valley -Rai£ Depot. Ho is now permanently, located, anti|,„ !( , n . hand and. for sale a very largo amount of S.,t Estate consisting of Farms of all sizes, imnm? ed and unimproved. Mill Properties, ToivnVa petty of every description, Building Lots «1 „ Western Lands-and Town Lots. He will my his attention, as heretofore to the Nogolia(i n ! of Loans, Writing of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills Contracts, and Scfivening generally.'- n '■ ’ ■ Carlisle," Oct. 22, 1857. " ' , Family Groceries, ANEW and Fresh supply of all the articles belonging to a Grocery and Tea Store k. been received by the subscriber, viz : 1 Old Java & Rio Coffee, (green & roasl ed) variety of Brown, Crushed and Pn'ier ized SUGARS, at greatly reduced pricti. Syrup and Orleans Molasses, of finest’qualifies, at prices to suit the ijmts— besides .which are Teas, Cheese, Chocolhtti Farina, Corn Starcl), Rice, &c., as well ns ’ SHAD, MACKERAL AND HERRING. All kinds of China, Common, Earthen, IConJn and Hollow-ware. While wo are thankful In past support, we solicit a continuance of lib favors. - J..VV. EBY. Carlisle, Nov. 19, 1857. $•5000 Reward—Great; Bate. LHE great race between the Clothing Stores of Carlisle, resulted in the complete triumph of. the new store of ARNOLD. 4- SON, in the store room lately occupied by Wine Camp, boll, corner of North Hanover and Loalliersfs. It is now conceded by all and every one that they stand pre-eminent among the clothing deal ers in Carlisle, having succeeded in convincing their friends, that they can soil Clothing made and got up, according to the latest styles, from 20 to 25 per cent, cheaper' (fern any other house is possibly' able to furnish .therm ■ They -have now ‘On hand a largo and splendid areoitmont of 1 Ready-raadfir ©lothtDei Furnishing Goods, Cloths, Cassimefesanil Test ings. Also, Hats, and Caps, and every tiling in' -their-line for Meri and. Boys.’ Their mdlenah were selected with.the greatest care; purchased at the’ lowest cash-prices, and at such houses duly, who never deal in anything like audios trash. Their friends may therefore-rest assured that articles purchased of them will ami must give satisfaction. Clothing raa-do at the slml est notice in tbo most .fashionable stvkv'havfns' for that purpose secured the services ot aw ex perienced Cutter,- and laid in a splendid imut mont of Cloths,’ Gussimerts, To»tingy,^. c .,n'Ci!s for beauty and durability cannot be surpassed: Todho citizens of the survonnd/ng country ive .would say, give us-a fair .‘trial. AH ad ask Is a, fair look at oar stock and ire will not fail to con vince .you that our Clothing is better made, of ‘better materials, better trimmed, cut.with more taste, and’last though not least, cheaper tlntn you have over bought' elsewhere. Also, a large lot of Trunks, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, ■ All hail creation far and near, . _ , -Of Anxoi.n’s Store you shall hear; * Let' pealing drums and cannon's roan Proclaim the nows from shore to slloiS);. Groat bargains siire, are on tho wing, Karo wonders then we now will sing r M first wo’ll speak of Clotiuko rare,--. Such trophies, sure will make yon siar«> 01'broad and narrow olothso cheap. AVe’ll take a moment’s time to speak. Delighted too yon can’t but bo With-'prices and (bein'quality; , Dress apd Sack Dbatk—aye. Vestings too* What bargains now for all oi' yon! The Gents will onr compliments receive, And call they must the Wonders to believer In Pants wb have n7l‘kinds of styles, One dollar and 1 upwards, piles on pill;?. In' S'mwnor' Goods —'for soon ’twill comc j *' tWll giro you bargains all for Inn. Frocks and Over-coats so very fine, - Great wonders you shall see in every lino,. Hosiery, Suspenders, Under-shirts lor ally, AH kinds of Gloves to ploaso allwbo oalw’ But wo cannot stop, to enumerate. We have bargains both good and- 1 great. OWstock foo in the Furnishing line Is plentiful, cheap and fine. ARNOLD £ SON’S Clothing Raft April 12, 1855, Great Reduction in Prices!!! Jit Sentz $ Rro’s. Cheap Slort. NEW GOODS!! CHEAP GOODS!! M Sentz Sg Sro’s. Cheap Uteri. 25 ct. MOUS DELAINS selling for 20 cl». JU Sentz $ Sro’e. Cheap Store. -Fresh arrivals every-day, of Cheap goods Jit Sentz $ Pro’s. Cheap Slort. Tho place to get yonr money back is Jit Sentz § Sro’s. Cheap Store. All Colors Carpet Chain, at 25 cents • At Sentz % Sro’s. Cheap Store. October, 29,1857. ' ' _ New Goods. WE are receiving this week a very jWo® 3 ”. select assortment of Goods which i' , offer at very reduced prices, as they have purchased exclusively for cash. ' t 0 Wo have a word to say, in this con ” < j' r ;,oofi;a -tlipso who have accounts standing o " _ n(lvlU ita- Xn order to give our customers all 10 ges of the low prices of goods, we aß| to pay cash in the city. Thor®* o ,' , We( j to us, earnest and sincere appeal to all }'v* .. e ( lir n no to make immediate payment, ana 1 i owe si will conilnuo to sell our Goods at tne prices. Carlisle, Dec. 3,1857 CEO. Z* BBETZ,. DENTIST, HAVING returned to “fidget professional services to the PJJ > v Oppo oial. Oftico in North Pitt street, nearly IP site his former residence. Terms mo Carlisle, April 1, 1858—Cm Terrible Sensation* t RECEIVING to-day at Leidich & new store, (formerly occupied by ilitnor), aiargp and varied assortment 01 Dry Goods, Ladies’ Dress now stylos, and at very low prices. ,J~ Silk Mantillas greatly Under regular pr>® , Ranging from ¥1,60 to $12,00, Embrohhj. s Cambric, Jaconet aud Swiss Sets and Undorslßoves, Edgings, Ihsertings, &o. , Ladies, Misses' and Children’s Hoopei Doable Expansion Shirts!’ ‘Those Skirts'' over worn receive the Highest prnisd for grace and durability'of wear. I Wo rospcc solicit fho attontibn'of the-public. _ '.Hi ’I -LEIDICH & SAWTI4M Carlisle, July 15,.185?. ■ ’ ■ ‘ -"L BBNTZ & BRO).