American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, June 12, 1856, Image 4

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. j '• .
milii aubsoribcrsi located in tlio f room lately
X 'occupied.' by Mrs. Faust’s Grocery store.
■ of tlio Railroad Depot, have just opened
* an entire now stock' of Hardware, to which they
woWcalUllo attention of their friends and the
public gijivJrally.*. Th'6 stuck, which la largo nud
rnriod, was selected Willi especial reference to
ho wants of tlio public, and 'cohost in.part of
ho foUowlngi .sV. 7 ' . ' /
■Bu\lding Hariiwaro of,all kinds,
snch.-oa locks,' latches.; hinges, bolts,-'screws,
• nails, &c.', and every article of hardware .used
in building and repairing. V-‘
Glass, Fatty, Faints, Brushes, «c., of.the
most approved quality and on the most reason
able tonus.
Tho attention oi the Cabinet makers Is Invited
to our assortment of Varnishes, Veneers, Knohs,
RCaotts, Mouldings, &C., wUlcluvih-'Oe found
oqiml to any In the country.
Saddlers and Conchmalt'ors,
will Und In thoir department nil tlio articles us
ually reqnirotl in Ibuir Jino of business, suen as
Steel Springs ami Axels. „„ ,
The assortment o t IFALL I’/U’EJZ embraces
a complete variety of new niul clioico patterns,
of ovc*ry quality and at such prices iva cannot
Also, Boldovs, Win
fail to give satisfaction'
. dow Shades, bo.
W Jlonsokoepcrs arc Invited to cal! and examine
*ottr stock of CuUkJvy,'Plated ware, Spoons. La-
Coffee Mills, Candle Sticks. Sunders, SJio
‘ veil, Tongs, Walters, Stair-rods, Hollow-wine,
Brass and lron ; K.ettleS, Sad lions, &c., which
B, t..ivo an cmii.-s) Fresh Arr'wnl of Hardware
variety ot all llio ns tides adapted to tlieir lino | r .-,jj£ ~uiW c rlbor havingreturned from the city,
of trade, usually found in “ hiudmue store, i|u wo u!*l call the attention of his friends and
.such as iho public generally, to the large aud well-sc-
Plows, jToS’lf.S, Sj>«ulo.Bj 1 lectea assortment of
Shovels, lioes, Rake*. Humes. Traces, Haller- HARDWARE,
chains, be., all ui the \ cry lowest rales, to h loch Licli he has just received, consisting In part of
S' lior-1 Building Materials,
ally to our stock n( Plains. Levels, snrh as Nails, Screws, Hinges, Bolts,Paints,
Saws, Braces, Buts, Ang-r.s, Hammers, Fife'*. I 0| LS) &c. Tools, Including edge-tools of every
Knsps, &c., which hc know to he of a supeiior description. Saws,Planes,Files, Hasps, Ua«- 1
(jiiaiity. murs, Vices, Anvils, &c. Glass of every do
iron and Steel uf ull kinds constantly on hand scrlption and quality—common glass of dilfcr
and for safe cheap. out brands, white polished American glass,
Then coino fiiemlrf and give ns a call and ex- 1 Trench glass of all sizes, double thick glass of
amnio our Goods. Wo charge nothing for j a |j sizes, ground enamelled glass, &c.-, &c.—
showing them, "ml from a strict attention to a. general assortment of Shoemaker’s and Sad
-I.mines* and a d* sire to accommodate, we hope dlcr'B Tools, together with Morocco, lining and
»o meiit a lihm.U share of } our patronage.—| binding skins, sboo thread, wax, pegs, lusts,
linii'i lorget the place, West Main street, two i harness mounting, saddle-trees, &c. Coacii
dooia west ot the Railroad Repot. _ 1 Trimmings and Coach-makcr’smatcrlals. Cab-
STAVMaN & SONS. I inet Makers will find a largo assortment of
Cai lisle, April 3, 1850. . I varnishes, mahogany and walnut veneers, mould
ings, rosettes, hair clolh, curled hair, &c. &c. •.
A Uuumu Life Saved. j Wliltc Polish Paint.
mmnpu'*!;' A new article for making a beautiful, u bile ami
J. A. RHODES. E*‘i-- e “ r 1311 * • , polish, for dining rooms, parKus. tie.
yun, medicine to sell <m onsigmneiri, -no cujo limjN ._ A , argo Btock comprising all Kind.,
no pay I take pleasure m sUlu.g its cftcels «« I |u tlBo . * b
r ported to me hj three brothers who live *n Kemember the old stand, East Main sheet,
i Ini plucc, and their testimony lau lair specimen 1 (^ lir (j s [ e jj g VXTON
"I 1 «n I ■. ■ Alir.l 8.185(1.
, W. S. Coskm» told me—'• I bad taken nine ‘
bottles of Christie’s Ague Balsam, and cotiliu- i jjciv miililv Ci OGf i'v, Provision
mdlv run dofl;& while using it until my.lungs and ; und Variety Store
•» ,i “,!;p | v ,u '° r rrsrsrsn 1
..."J m" “J, a " d a ™j*-T * othorar
i- i , ,i ... ,u t,, i v..rnr l ,c ' ts ,0 pu,t ll| e trade, Hindi bo oilers to the
‘ nVAi« mf'cc “d Lot I ■"«'«■. A »>*»' f Pbllc ......o„„ B „ I.
•- r’r - 7,-ts rssr ■ ”«»>uu™ °, r r^
lu mv bead aud bowels, and produced a peima- , • v,.n iiß n ... „ . ...» * b
l.ent euro in a short lime. - • « • rnu “r " “"j
11. M.Co.«w J ,..v„ cl I.rcn Inking ,nc- , ° ldl n kild «. ■ l “" c 7 a " d ■ Wosli.ns; &o>.]»,
■uciwofa, goad a doctor n, ~„ bav. iu our «.™ Sl.reh and J «rem, Orack.r. and Choc..,
county, ..,.1 lake, any quanlil, of quinine and I ™l>enor .|nall , of Chewing To
fl.edieB n.lhont n„v good ri.sull, from o slh bacco Spaniel, and Ua fSpanisl. Sogars of va-
Jkug.isl to 17.1. JircViuljcr. B„l awing bo, v M>“““ brands, Fish and Suit, 20 bb . olNo. li
niavlv .1 operand on my in oilier, 1 got a bottle ' ““ d 8 6 bb I of new Picketed Ilentig.
.1 liiloJea' leu rand Ague Cure, «l.,eh effec-l C'>i»?. O'™ aad «“ c ™ s " aao ., S, “"° “" <1
ted a permanent euro b, using Ino-tl.irds of a Crockery ware, Coder H ate, Tubs, Buckets,
bottlo” b . Umrna, Butlertubs, Brooms, &c., with a great
S. li: Conttus was not l.ere, but boll, 11,c v “lif!* ot,l ' r "ttelcnloo numerous to Insert,
other brothers sav Ids ease was the same as U. , 8U Bscr ‘'’" ’"'“'"I 8 ,0 k fP ®" >'«»d But-
M’S. 1 sold the medicine to boll, the same dev lor - “ , ’ d . l o< a loea,..iicata, and all other
and the cure as speedy f.nm the same small eountrj produce, to supply the town. Don .
■inantitv, and I might so spenfv. Yours ivilb , “ rgo 11,0 corner l ‘“ a ' y „ o< '^' dod by A N ’ , W '
respect,' A. ilia r. snoop. I"; , " d *- A „ A „ S - SENBR, Agent.
The nlmve siieaks for itself tu.„i p ruo (- „ 5 barllslc, April LO, 1850. _
'I is, it is of no belter tenor than the \usl mini, j BOOK AGEtKCV.
'.or of like certificates I have already publish-) rriUE subscribers have established a Book
.d, and tho still greater amouiit lluU is coutinu- Agency in I'biliidclphln, ami will furnish
ally pouring in to me. [ any book or publication ut the retail price free
One filing more. Last year I bad occasion 1 0 j- postage. Any persons, by forwarding tho
;o caution the public in these words ; j subscription prioo of any of (bo $8 JUngiudnes,
“ i notice one Jinn »ho have taken one of mi I B „ c j, U a Harper’a, Godcy’s, Pulunni's, Graham’s,
kvneril circulars, substituted (he name ol theii j j.” ran | { Fashions, &c., will receive the
nostrum fur in a medicine, imd then h ilh brazen . , n ;,g,i Z i llct , / u r one year and a copy ot a splendid
impudence end their pamphlet mth the ex cm- i,(j l( ,g ri ,pi, portrait of cither Washington, Jack
in uion, 1 Let ilie propi ieloi of mi) other medi- I BOU or day ; or, if suhscvlbing to as 2 and asl
iu sn\ ns much if lie dales,* ’* Ac. I M a g a ztj, e> they will receive a copy of either of
.Vow I lake pleasuie in saying that tho \ ibo three portraits. If subscribing to 50 worth
■ 'in relerrod lu'liie same “Ur. Christie’s Ague 0 f Magazines, all three portraits will bo sent I
•: iisam” that la m«ntloncd m the above cerllll- g ra n 9 . Music furnished to those who may uisli!
i ate. , it.
There arc several other industrious people Envelops of every description aud size In large
-ho arc applying to their poisonous trash all or Bina p .juantiltus furnished. Seal Presses,
hat 1 publish about my Fever and Ague Cure, j)j QB} sent to order.
>r Antidote to Malaria, except the certificates Every description of Engraving on Wood ox
if cures, and the certillcato ol the celebrated CCU ( „j t ji neatness an<l dispatch. Views of
v'homlst, Dr. J nines 11. Chilton, ol > . i., in fa* Buildings. Newspaper Holdings, Views of Ma
•or of its perfectly harndess character, which c ii|uo r y, Book Illustrations, Lodge Certillcatcs,
*4 attached to every bottir. These w ill always jj u8 | neB9 Cards. Ac. All orders sunt by mail
servo to distinguish tnj mouicino Iroin imlta- p roni pHy attended to. Persons wishing views
' onB - JAS. A. RIIODL. , oftheir buildings engraved can send a Daguer-
Proprietor, I lovnlenco, H. L rco tvpo or sketch of the building by mail or ex-
For sale »>y Wm. A. Kelso, Carlisle, aud by e v
luggists generally. Persons at a distance having saleable articles
April 21, 1850 dm would find it to their advantage to address the
' subscribers, as we would act as ogoats for the
kSt—X—P 0 O D sale of the same.
Tin: subscriber has ju>t received ft very laige
assortment ol New Spring Gopds, to which he
invites the attention of purchasers, an he it pre-
P ired to soil ftt an* h prices Ihul they may save
/nun '2D to -3 per rent, on former prices. Ills
stock embraces all the ilill'erent Kinds of Goods
iid.iptotl to the season, such as CLQTIIS, Cas
sinwres, Vestings, (,’otton i’ant SfnilV, Linens,
Liueti Checks, fvc.
D/ r v (tDDih,
Such ns Black and Fancy Silks, B.iure di i
Lalnos, Lawns, Challica, Bareges, B-miba/.hies.
Alpacas, India Silks, fcc.
//onturfs am/ //iMons.
Bonnets of all Kinds,such as Satin Straw, Swiss
Straw, English Double aud Split Straw. Hlb.
bona ol nil kinds and colors very cheap.
JioMrrr/ and (tlures.
Mena’ and Boys’ white, brown and mixed half
lloso. Ladles’ while, black, brown, shite and
mixed lloso; Men's \Yonion’s and Children's
(Jlu\o and Mitts of nil kinds.
Domestic Goods,
Muslins, Chocks, Tickings, Oanabnrg, Bugging,
C ilicoes and Ginghams.
C'urpcfs, Mi/fnijr*, nnd Oi/ C/o(k.i.
A very huge hit of O’arpfU of all kinds, such as
Volvnl, Tapestry, Brussels, Three Ply, Ingrain
mul VenUluiii MaUlngs'of all widths ut white
and colored} Oil Cloths of all widths.
/loots and Shoes.
Women’s & Children's shoos of all kinds at vur>
low prices.
Such as Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Spl
eos) at! of which will ho sold cheap, at the old
■it&nd lit North Hanover street, 0 doors north
■*fthe Bank, whore thankful foiMho liberal put
ronago ho has heretofore received, he hopes for
u continuance of the same.
Carlisle, April 10, 1850.
Wulclici, Jcwliy and Hlivor
TUG public are invited to call and examine
the largest amHiandsomeut stock of
JBL watches, jewelry and
ever brought to this place. Having purchased
Ihl B atock for cash I am determined to sell ut
prices that "cantbe beat.”
All goods sold by me, guaranteed (o bo as
represented or the money refunded. Old gold
and silver taken In exchange*:
Carlisle, May 1,18 W.
New‘Goods I Wd'iyOoddff 11 *
• Baugainb, BauOalss. : ' '
1 * ~ - ■
•THE subscriber liaa’jiist ’returnedfrom’Now-;
York and Philadelphia, and jiow opening an
Immense stock of the most splomild Spring and
Summer Goods ever brought to. Carlisle*
Dress Goods.
Tho Ladies will find a largo assortment of bowbr
Ufnl dress good* of tho newest styles. ’• .
‘ijjiuuoJDEitiKs.—Over 700. needle workcu
Collars, Fiouncings, lusertlngs, icc.y in great
variety. r ,.
Bonnets and Ribbons.— mm com
plete assortment of Bonnets, Bonnet Ribbons,
and Artificials. ,
y>\ Entire AW stock of Imperial,'-Ingrain,
Vopjiion, nnti Stair Carpeting.
► Domestics. —A largo slock of Muslins,
Checks, Tickings, Bagging, &c., at Ibo very
lowest notch. T
boots And shoes.
• A lull assortment of Ladies, Gent’s, Misses,
Boys, and Childrens Slices, al! kinds and pikes,
Willis’ Hue Morocco and Kidd for Ladies and
Misses, in tho assortment. In short, every ar
ticle in the Dry Goods lino will bo found In the
assortment, best quality, newest styles, and at
the lowest prices. ,
’ -Quick Sales and Short Profits.
All in want of handsome nnd cheap goods
will do well at the old stand,East Main
street. CIIAS. OGEIBY.
Cnilisle, April 10, 1850.
AO South Third Sheet, Pkila., Pa.
Nov. I»W ly
The Temple of Fancy Open !
AND will be at his old HcUd Quarters in
North Hanover street, during the Christina)
unit New Year’s Festivities, with one of the lar
gest assortments ol
over ofliired In this place, consisting in part o!
Tine Candy Toys and Fruits, Jelly Cakes, Bon
bona, Cum, Chocolate and Fruit drops, Rose,
Vamillu and Burnt Almonds, French and Ex
ploding Secrets, &c.
of the latest Importations, such as Oranges, Le
mons, Raisins, Figs, Primus, Currants, Citron,
Soft and I’aper Shelled Almonds, Filberts,
Cream, Cocoa and Ground Nuts.
Toys and Fancy Goods of every quality and
price, consisting In part of flue Wax, Kid, Chi
na, Crying and other Dolls, Sewing and Card
Baskets, Fancy boxes, Flower Vases, Motto
Cups, Tea Sets, Masks, Drums, Guns, Air Pis
tols, Accordcons, Trumpets,
I Chess-men ol Bono and Wood, Dominoes, LoU
'to and other Games, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils
I and Port Mommies, tkc. Also a flno lot of Fq
-1 urily Groceries.
Deciinbcr 13, 1806.
Wliftto Hull Academy,
Three milt» vest of Hamburg.
THE eleventh session of this Institution will
commence on Monday, the 6th of May next.
Parents and Guardians are respectfully rcmies
tod to inquire into the merits ofthe Institution.
the location is retired, pleasant and healthful,
and the course of instruction embraces the ordi
nary and higher branches of an English educa
tion, together with the Latin, Greek, French
and German languages, and Vocal and lustra,
mental music.
TERMS i •*’
Boarding, Wnslilng ami Tuition In Hi«
English branches, and Vocal music
pur session, (21 weeks) . SQO 00
Per circulars containing particulars, address
». denlinger;
~ . . JJarHiturff, Pa.
March 18, iB6O. .
TUB subscriber, having leased tho above
well-established Hotel, situate In North
Hanover street, Carlisle, will take possession of
the samo on tho Ist of April, and give his on
(ire attention to those who may bo pleased to
favor him with n call.
Carlisle, March 27, 1669.
Confeetionaries. and;* FarfCy Goods;
fpHE undersigned, has Just roplonls^ed-'hi*
I stock of Goods, and ns b|s Drags and Ohctn
ioiils have boon selected with - great hods
•prepared to flUall otdcrsprdmptly., Hlafrlohds
may rely upon the genuineness antTpurity of
- His stock of ' ■
Is large, and selected with special reference to
the Holidays; and will afford any variety por
bona may desire In JIo has a largo
assortment of French, German, and Domestic
! Fancy Gaudies. His FRUITS are all fresh and
of tho very best quality. *llls assortment of
U largo and onbraces almost every thing ntfcea
suit for the toilet and family. Ho intiles
cinl attention to his Fancy Work Boxes, For.
Folios, Port Monies, &c. Quick sales, shor
proflfs, and Strict consistency in trade, shat
characterize our business'.'
Carlisle, December 20, 1855.
Wu.TYRwnT, Jno. H. McFEtmcn,
Jno.O, Hosier, ••’■ • Thomas Brown.
ol Ninth and Walriut' Streets, Philadel
phia. Load and Iron Pipes of all sizes. Bath
Tubs of Copper and Ivon. Dot and cold Sho
w OldSuts and-Brass Coohs of
every description. Force and Lift Pumps of
Irbn an 4 Brass. Hydraullfc Bams, all sizes.—
Hydrants and Lead Work of every description.
All materials and-work in our Hoo at low ratos,
Has lieou before the public more than 120 years, • ond worranferf.
uid is deservedly popular in the euro of December 20, 1856—df
Suavms, Suvohh-, Uimrlione, Windfalls, Polo
‘Evil, Callon*. Cracked Heids, Gall of nil kinds,
Fr-hli Wounds, Sprains, llnußes, Fistula. Sit
fast, Sami Cracks, Strains, Lameness, Fmm-
doted Feet,, Mange, Foot
. f U<>t in Sheep, Garget in Cows, Rheumatism,
■’’’ Rites of Animals, External Poisons, Painful
Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boils, Corns;
Whitlows, Bums and Scalds, ChillblainB,'ohftp
p«?d Hands, Cramps Contractions-of the Mus
cles, Swellings, Weakness of the Joints, Calctkl
Breasts, Sory Nipples, Piles, Ac..
.. Esf’F a,n phiets gratuitously furnished by agents
‘with Testimonials of its utllitv.
All orders addressed to the Pruprietprs, M. IL
Tri-mtu i Co., Locbport, N. Y.
by Druggists nm) Merchants gen
erally,''through the United Slates, ibiliaU Posses
sions, and other Countries. by
S. W. Havcrstlck and Bcntz & Uro,, Carlisle;
J. A. Weakley and W. & J. Green, Dickinson;
L. Kauffman, Mucbuuicsburg: 1). Strnhm. New
Kingstown; Goswllur &.Zook, Shephcrdsdown;
l.ielil Sc Snider, N cwburg; A. M. Leldigh. Boil
ing Spiings; Mm. Loyd, Lisburn; J. C. Mi.l).
Allick, Bhippcnsburg.
To Iho rai-ailng I Comuiuuily.
The nttoation or
Punncra is solicit
land' Corn Planter,
’hia la the simplest,
est, and cheapest ini.
I’ovement of the age,
•lee only $5, with a
ritfen guarantee, that
will give perfect sat- !
faction, or tho money !
turned, so that you I
ill run no risk in try* I
ig it i we have a largo
umber of the most ru* I
»cctab!o references, |
Muir can bo seen nt
ir Storv W«- ;
ing stock of Homes,
-...a. ..v>a, _ ..a, lloca, Rakes, &c.,
which is very largo ami complete, and will bo
sold at the very lowest prices. A large assort
ment of homo made Chuins of all kinds, cod*
slant)}- in store, at manufacturers prices.
Worth Ilanovcr street, Carlisle.
April 10, 1850.
IHONI IUONM Tho subscriber has tho
to announce to ibo public that-h\s
largo and extensive "Warehouse Is completed,
and tilled with one ot the largest and best assort
ments ot Hammered and Hulled Ivon ever offer
ed In tills place. Those in want of Iron, would'
do well lo examine the stock before purchasing
elsewhere. HENRY SAXTON.
September 20, 1856.
Cl N. UOIUNSON & SON. Manufacturers
'•of Looking Glasses, Portrait and Picture
Frames,and importers of French Plato Looking
Glasses, &c., No. 218, UhesmU at., above Ninth
at., Philadelphia.
At whose establishment may always bo found
an extensive assoitment of Piers, Mantles, Hall
ami Clumber,Glasses, of every description,
fiom the plainest to the most ornamental styles,
richly ornamented gilt Tables, Brackets and
Tripods, importers and dealers In first class
European Engravings, Oil Paintings, Drawings
and other works ol art. Old frames rogiltcd
and old Glass taken in exchange for newj dam
aged Plafes resllvered, &c."
Country merchants and others, having orders
for any article connected with the Looking
Glass and Print business, can have them execu
ted at the old establishment, at the shortest no
tice and lowest prices. All goods bought at
tlda establishment for transportation are packed
in tlie best manner.
March o,lBso—]y
Fi'om the Baltimore College of
(JWSffiSiL Dental Surgery, is now prepared
-LX7 to Insert Artificial Teeth of ©very
description, and to perform all tho other various
duties pertaining to tho practice of bis profes
sion. Office at tho residence of his mother East
Louther street, 8 doors below Bedford.
Reference—Dr. G. Z. Brotz.
Carlisle, March 20, iB6o—tf
WE call tho attention of tho public to tho
portable Garden or Flro engine for wa
tering gardens or extinguishing Arcs—on Excel
lent article, neat cheap & convenient. For
Sale at
November 2,1856.
Wall Paper, Wall Paper.
JOHN F. LY’NE & SON have tho pleasure
of informing tho public that (hey bavo at
last completed tho enlargement of their store,
and aro now receiving tho largest and most va.
ried assortment of Wall Taper and Window
Blinds, over opened in Carlisle, which wo will
soil at tho lowest prices. A’caU,(romthosowant>
ing Paper Hangings Is solicited, wo are confl
dont that all can be supplied front our mam
moth block, at tho old staQd,Nor(h Hanover at.
April 10, 1860.
Estate Notice.
*|* ETTEHS of Administration on the . estate
A-i of Foronlca Weaver, late of Upper Allen
twp., doc’d., have been Issued by tho Register
of Cumberland county, to ‘tho subscriber, re
siding In said township. All persons Indebted
’are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having clolms to present them for settle*
ment, to
M. yl ,ieS W - CoCKLlN ’^ m ’ r -
Tur, Xar.Xnr.
JUST received and for aale, 100 ken lest
quality TAIlf also, ft largo lot of patent
wheel Grow® for carrlogea, wagon*, &0., at tho
old aland, East Main street
March 27
■... rLAinmiD ac a»ehiX*
1 moncoll»j'OOi..'A r aow building: ha» icon
&c. With incrciUicii bieiutiuiior insEruCtiull,’
and" Brill)lo BCcotutup^ationß,. tois - Jnatitntlba
nregcnta meet 'inducements to parents ffbo do.
ilro trio phy■!improvement of
.their sons*->•..> -•>*../*;: ;>• ••. nn
, Terra* per session* : • * . tpuo uu
for circular* with fall information address
R; K. BuUiNO)
, Principal and Proprietor. .
Pfainflold, Caiab. co., April 10; ISM*
Useful aud Rainey Goods.
AT the Tea store ol thosubscrl
hor. Is just* received a Anc assortment of
• vgars French China pud Decorated I ana; w7r/i-
S*Svcles> among which-may bo found Rich
TBT ya»c* t Colognes, Jewel Boxes, Cups and
Saucers. Card Baskets, Inkstands. Toy, Tea and
Dinner Sols, China Dolls, and other .Gilt ftnd
Plain articles, ugeftil as well as suitable for tho
season. ", . •
Also, a general assortment of GROCERIES
and Spices adapted to tho season, all fresh and
of tho best quality', together wlth a lot of new
Bethlehem Buckwheai t yf oitm quality in small.
Cranberries, Citron, &c.,
for sale by’ ' J. W. EBY.
Carlisle, Doc. 27,1855.
Plumbing & Gas Filling.
South Tl'crt Cor. qf Ninth and Walnut Streets
Philadelphia .
Splendid Jewelry* Wntchci, &c.
THtfsubscvlbor respectfully informs tho clti
zoDs oi Carlisle and’tho public generally,'
that bo,has iuskopefurd a largo and splendid as
sortment of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, of
every stylo and quality. His store’ls 'situated
oh tho N. E. cormif'bf tho Public Square, in tho
room formerly occupied’by S; Elliott, ono door
post of G. IV. Hitner'a 1 dry goods store. His
’stock will consist oi'every article usually kept makers and jewelers, viz,GOLD
WATCHES of every stylo and quality,
1 prices from $25 to $125. Silver Watches
'<«aßPfrom $6 to $45. Gentlemen’s Gold fob,
Vest, and Neck Chains; Gold Keys and Seals;
Gold Studs and Vest Buttons, Breast Pins, Box
Rings, Ac. Ladies Gold-Neck Chains, .Gold
Cbaihiins, Gold Lockets, Druast Pins,Ear-rings,
Ear-drops, Cuff Pins, Gold Pens and Pencils,
Gold- Thimbles, Gold Bracelets, Silver and Pearl
Card cases. Jet Bracelets, Ac. A largo stock
of Finger Rings, Silver and Plated Ware, Fruit
Dishes, Card Baskets, Tea Setts, Plated Cups
and Goblets, Napkin Rings, Ac., with many
other fancy notions. - - All goods warranted to bo
what they are sold for.
ttF* attention paid to tho repairing
of Gold. Watches, Jewelry. Ac. All work war
ranted according to quality. Tho subscriber
hopes by strict attention to business and a do
siro to please, to receive a liberal share of pub.
Ho patronage. \V. D. A. NAUGLE.
Carlisle, July 19,1855—tf
NOW open and for sale at the “Marlon 110 l
Family Grocery Store, a largo and general
assortment of articles, useful and fancy, embra.
lug, in part—
- Maracaiba and Jaffa Coffees,
Green Rio and Roasted Coffee,
Jenkins’ best brand of Teas,
iirowti And Clarified 7 Sugars,
White aud I'w^crriofc
•X>«VrcrtJS«d UlldcrttfrittHi -«
■ Bromo, Cocoa and Chocolate,
Rico and Com Starch.
Farina and Essence of Coffee,
Lovering’s finest Syrup, Orleans Baking Molas
ses, Spices, ground and unground; Mace, Citron,
Vanilla Bean, Cjy—,-Ofaeftera. Candles, &c.
SOnr <fcnccna« r are, ffl
mbracesalargo and general
best white Granite, a Iron Stoneware; Liv
erpool and common vrafo, enabling the customer
to select in setts or pieces of any stee necessary,
and of tho different styles, together with a vari
ety of Fine White and Gold B ind, English and
French Chlnasotts ot T«a ware, and other varie
ties of useful and fine fancy China ware, includ
ing Trays, Plates, Vos.-s, Fruit Dishes, Coffee,
cups, &c. &o.
embracing bowls, dialifes, molasses cans, sugar
bowls, a large selection of fine fluted tumblers,
wine and egg glasses, and other useful articles.
among which arc tubs, chums, water pales, roca.
surca, market baskets, (ravelling baskets, as well
as other covered and uncovered baskets. Also,
Table Oil of tho finest brand, Sperm and other
Oils; Tobacco, Cigars, Soaps, &c. A small lot
of choice MAGRAUEL'of No. 1 quality. Also,
a trimmed Mess Macksrel—both in handsome
assorted packages of halves, quarters and kits—
with oil the other varieties of a GROCERY and
Wo fool thankful for the patronage heretofore
bestowed on us, and invito a continuance of like
favors. . J. W. ED Y.
Carlisle, January 0,1855.
THE subscriber has- just returned from the
city and is now opening, next door to Charles
MagUuchlln’a hotel, in North Hanover street,
a splendid assortment of new and cheap
comprising Bonnets,'Ribbons, Cloths, Oassl
mores, Ginghams, Lawns, Calicoes, Du Lalncs,
Muslins, Chocks, Tickings, Hosiery, Gloves,
white and colored Carpet Chain, &o.
Gaooiaiea, of all kinds, and best quality.—
Also, a largo stock of superior '
All of which ho will sell as cheap os any house
in town.
Butter, Eggs, Rags, Soap and Dried Fruit
taken at market prices.
N.W. WOODS, Agt.
Carlisle, April 17,1850.
Very Impok* uiit to Purchasers,
THE subscriber bus Just opened the largest
and most splendid stock of Spring and Sum
mer Goods, over brought to Carlisle, consisting
of an Immense stock of
Irish Linens,* Frohch' Worked Collars,
Undorslcbvos, Floun'clngs, Uandkorcldofa, &c.,
purchased from the Importers in Now Yoik,
and will bo sold at pi lees to defy all competition.
Also, a largo nssofhimht of. black and colored
Silks, Borage do laioos, Borages,. Lawns, Bon
nets, Bibbons, Ac. and Mieses Flats
of every quality. ] ■
Oomo oneand all before purchasing olaowhoro,
and you will savo money.
Carlisle, April 8,1800.
B, JT. UlGl pEB, Druggist,
TIT AS moved his store from (he former aland
to his now building immediately opposite,
and avoiding Mr. .0.. jnboff's Store. Having
modo every arrnngo'mput to preserve Ida medi
cines tVosb and having replenished
fiis assortment of carefully selected drugs, ho
Is now again prepared to attend to business
with care unf promptness. His assortment
will lurnUb almost jorery: thing that may be
callod.lor, either byilbb physician, or tho fond
ly, for domestic use. ,j Tho greatest 'care and
precaution will ho ln (he coroponn.
ding of prescriptions and dispensing of medi
cines. nis. ftssortment of confectionaries * and
fancy goods is very general, and'will enable i
purchasers to suit themiolrc*
rpttß tbiß method of inform
'X l a S hlsff feuds.:kitd the publlcxgonoraliy, that
ho continues tb Garry,od tho Cabinet-and Under*
faking Bwjne«,at hla-stand,
street, next door to Havorstick'a drug, etoro,
and nearly opposite the, Carlisle Deposit Banter
CorriNS made at tbo shortest notice and at mod
erate prices. Having provided himself with a’
new and lino Hoarse,.ho w)ll attend fhnorals in
town ahdv country, personally, without any cx
tru charge. Ho’wlll also, carry
on the Cadwbt Making in all
its various’brandies, and will
constantly keep dn hand Bureaus, Secretaries,
Work Stands, FarlOV Ware, Upholstered Chairs,
Sofas, Ottomans, Sofa Tables, Card, Side, Din.
Ing and Breakfast Tables, Chamber Ware, suoh
as French Field, (high and low posts,) Curtain
and-Jomiy Lind Bedsteads, Woshstands of dif
ferent kinds,'Wardrobes, Vonitlan Blinds, and
Chairs of all kinds, and all.o,thcr articles usual
ly manufactured in,this lino'of business.
• His workmen are experienced, eastern city
workmen, and bis work is mado In the latest
city style, arid all under his inspection, and ol
the best materials; all of which Is warranted to
bo good,- and will be sold low for cash. Ho In
vites all to give him a, call-before purchasing
elsewhere. For the liberal patronage hereto
fore extended him, ho feels indebted to his nu
tnorous customers,‘and assures them that no
efforts will bo spnfeft in'future to please them in.
style, manufacture and price. . Give us a call/
Remember the place, nearly opposite the Bank.
April 10,1855. DA.VID.SIPE.
Read! Rend!
Tyrß, DAVID SIPE, of Carlisle, has been ap
-ITXpointed Agent'for tho county of .Cumber
land, for tho salu of FISK’S PATENT METAL
LIC BURIAL CASE, which Is'superior to any
of thc-feind now In use, fur ordinary Interments
one! transporting the dead.- It .prevents imme
diate decomposition and obviates the necessity
of hasty burials; for, being perfectly air-tight,
it prevents any unpleasant odor from escaping
and can be kept from day to day, until it suits
the convenience of the friends of the deceased
to Inter. Wo might offer hundreds of certifi
cates in corroboration of these facts, but tho
following will suffice:
Certificates from Clay, Webster and others ,
Washington, April sth.
GKNTtEStKN—Wo witnessed the utility of your
ornamental “Metallic Patent Burial Case,” used
to convcy-tho remains of the lafe Hon. John 0.
.Calhoun to tho Congressional Cemclry, which
impressed us with the belief that it is the best
article known to us for transporting tho dead to
their final resting place. With respect we sub
scribe ourselves. Tours, Ac.
11. Clay, - Lewis Cass,
; Daniel Webster, D. S. Dickinson,
Jem. Davis, W, R. Kino,
J. M. Beuhien, 11. Dome,
W, P. Manouk, 'D. R. Atcuinson.
Tho above described Burial Cases can, at all
times, be obtained of tbo subscriber, at his
Waro-rooms nearly Bunk, North
Hanover street, Carlisle. :«* •
May 17, 1855-
Carlisle Female Seminary.
MR. A Mrs. CLARK, who have been for sev
eral, years engaged In teaching,respectful
ly announce to the citizens of Carlisle and vi
cinity, that on the Ist of April, 1850, they will
open in Lonthcr street, in tho house lately oc
cupied by Dr. BJumcnlhal, a Seminary for
young ladies.
Tho Institution will bo both a boarding and
day school, in which all tho branches necessary
for the complete education of youug ladies will
bo taught. Assistants of tho highest character
forqualificatlonsand morality will be employed,
in accordance with the wants of tho Institution.
The government will bo conducted on strictly
Christian principles, while soctfltfmiism wilt be
as rigidly excluded.'
Tho Principals flatter themselves that their
long and successful experience ns teachers, ns
testified by the recommendations in tbeir pos
session, will cnabW-thcm to establish an IriMiln--
tion of the highest character fot young ladiOs.
They are fully pcrsfmded that such an insiltu-'
tion will bo sustained' hero by the citizens and
neighboring country, and hope that tholr confi
dence may not be disappointed. %
A department fur younger children will bo
Immediately organized.
- Terms per session of font months.
Boarding, Including fuel, lights & wash
ing, $5O 00
Primary Department, 8 00
Higher English, 12 00
Ancient Languages, each 0 00
Modern “ ,8 00
Ornamental branches at Professors charges.
No deduction for absence after entrance ex
cept in case of protracted Illness.
ftf/erence* —lion. Fred. Walts, J. B. Parker,
Esq., Rev. C. P. Wing, Rev. A. 11. Krenmr,
Rev. J* B. Morse, Rev. Jacob Fry, Rev. W. W.
Ells, James Hamilton, Dr. C. E. Blumenthal.
Carlisle, March 20,1850—]y
Steam Dollar for Sale.
r PIIK Subscriber offers for sale a new Steam
I Boiler, eighteen feet long & thirty Inches In
diameter, with one fourteen Inch flue, apply at
the Paper Mill at Papertown.
Feb. 7,1856.
Valuable Properly for Sule*
THE two story Brick llouso and Back-build
ing, with a pump, cistern, and all necessary
out-buildings attached, situate in North Hanover
street, in Carlisle, la offered lor sale. Tho sit
uation is a good one for n private residence or
for business. Tho toons will easy. Apply to
J. R. WEAVER, Agt.forE, Bullock .
July 20, 1855—tf
Family Coal
TONS L >’ ken ' B Valley Coal, broken
vvfvJand rcscrecnod,prepared oxprcsslyfor
family use and under cover, so that I can fur
nish it dry and dean during tho winter season.
I have also on hand and lor sale, tho Luke,
tidier Coal, from tho mines of Boyd, Rosser &
Co., and Sh&roohin Coni, from tho mines of
Cochran, Pealo & Oo„ all of which I will sol) at
small profits for cash, and deliver to any part of
tho Borough .
November 15, 1806.
MANUFACTURED Tobacco, and Foreign
and Domestic Sugars, 21 South Front
street, Philadelphia. Importers uf lino Havana
Begors of tho choicest giowths of the Vueltn
abajo. A largo assortment of which oro kept
constantly on hand, and for solo at a small ad
vance <;ii cost of importation.
Consignments respectfully solicited, on
which liberal advances will bo made whon de
sired. v
N. D,—Special attention given to orders for
purobaso on commission, of Tobacco, as also
of overy description of Merchandise,for account
of parties living at a distance from this market.
07* Solo Agent for F. A. GooUo’s Celebrated
Gorman Smoking Tobacco, comprising thirty
different varieties.
April 10, 1860—ly
TRUNKS and Carpet Bogs. A largo lot o/
Travelling Trunks and Carpet Bags forsoro
April 5, 1855.
Wall paper by t;ic Tpu.
JUST received' a largo «>«orlniont of W
X oper, which will bo sold very *•’
March 27, j|,
Sluuvlf, "!
A LARGE lot or Crapo 8c Oaßju
xA. of every ahaclo and color, Jopt
freoh fVom Now York., Call mid qo
Shoti. —A full OBBOrtmont of did!. ~oco
and Kid Shook cmdlToota, MliadsandOhildrcns
Shoe* la groat variety, JuatardcoWad at tho
cl.oop.loroor CHA3, OOItBT.
April 8, IWitk r
TV/TOKEY Wautqd In payment for sub
LTXflcrlpttoD,ady«rllqlng andjob-work,
} i •»
63000 Reward—CSi'catlSace.
'I'HE great race between the Clothlng
-1. of Carlisle, resulted in thccomplctc trluhlnb
of thejiew store of ARNOLD £ SON, in tno
store room lately occupied by • 'VVJso Camp
bell, comer bfNorth,Hunbvqrah<CLouthorßts.
It is
they stand pre'-cmtabntbnfpfi£thoclothingdeal
ers in Carlisle, having enccoedod frn convincing
their friends, that t hey 1 cait sell‘ Clothing made
and got up, according to the latest stylos, froth
20 to 25 per cont. cheaper than any other houso
is possibly able- tq famish them. They have
now on hand a large and splendid assortment of
Ready-made Clothing* ,
Famishing Goods, Cloths, tytsslmerosand Vest,
tags. .Also, H«ts and Gaps, and overy thing in
their lino for Men and Boys. Their materials
were selected with tho greatest care, purchased
at tho lowest cash prices, and at such houses
only, who never deal in anything like auction
trash: Their friends mny thoreforo rost assured
that articles purchased of them will and must
give satisfaction. Clothing made at the {hott
est notice ini tho most, fashionable stylo, having
for that purpose of ah vex
perienced Cutler, and laid in a splendid assort
ment of Cloths* Cassimcrcs, Vestings, £c., which
for beauty and durability cannot ho surpassed.
To the citizens of tho surrounding country wo
would say, give us a fair trial. All wo ask Is a
fair look at our stock and we will not fail to con
vince you that our Clothing is better made, of
better materials, better trimmed, cut with more
tatjtb, and last though not least, cheaper than
you have over bought elsewhere. Also, a largo
lot of Trunks, Carpet Bags,.Umbrellas, #c.
All hail cvcatiop far and near,
, Of Anjjotn’s Store you shall hear;
Lot pealing drums and cannon's roar
Proclaim tho nows from shore to shore;
Great bargains sure, nru on the wing,
Karo wonders then wo now will sing s
At first wo’ll speak of Ctorjuso rnro,
Such trophies, euro will make you stare,
Of broad and narrow cloth so cheap
Wo’!l take a moment's time to speak.
Delighted too you can't hut bo
With prices and (heir quality;
Dress and Sack Coats—aye, Vestings .too,
What bargains now Tor nil of yon!
Tlio Gents will onr compliments receive,
And call they must the wonders to bcllovo.
In Pants wo have all kind# of styles.
One dollar and upwards, piles on piles.
In Summer Goods—for stain ’twill comer—
Wll give you bargains all for tun.
Frocks and Over-coots so very fine,
Great wonders you shall see in every lino,
Hosiery, Suspenders, Under-shirts lor nil.
All kinds of Gloves to plunso nil who call.
But wo cannot stop to enumerate,
We have bargains both good and great.
Onr stock too in the Furnishing lino
Is plentiful, cheap and flue.
ARNOLD $ SON’S Clothing Vail .
April 12,1855.
i'HE Allen and Fast Pennsboru’ Mutual Fire
Insurance Company ol Cumberland chmity,
incorporated by an actof Assembly, is now fully
organized, and in operation under tjio manage,
ment of the following Managers, viz :
Daniel Bally, .U’m. K. Gorgas, Michael Code.
Un, Mclehoir Brennemnn, Christian Sluyman,
JuhnC. Dunlap, Jacob 11. Coover,Lewis Uyer,
Henry Logan, Benj. 11. Musser. Jacob Mamma,
Jos. Wickcrslunn and Alexander Cuihcurt.
The rates ol Insurance are as low'nnd favora.
bio as any Company of the kind in the Slate.*—
Persons wishing to become memberd are invi
ted to make application to (fie Agents ol the
Company who are willing to wait.upon them at
any (lino.
llkn»t Loqax, Vico Pies.
Lewis llxeu, Secl’ry,
Michael Cockle, Treasurer.
Aug. 10, '66.,
Cumberland County. —Rudolph Martin, New
Cumberland; C. B. Herman, Kingstown; Ilonry
Zcaring, Shirenmnstown; Charles Bell, Carlisle;
Samuel Graham, Westpenusboro’; Jaa. M’Dow.
.ell, Frnnkford; Mode'Griffilh, South Middleton;
Samuel Wbodbuni,-Dickinson; Samuel Coover,"
Bcitf.llaverstick; MechanicflhuVgV John- Shor
,rJck; Lisburn;,Davhl Cooyer,Bhcpb’erdstqwn.
.'Yoik County.—-John Bowtuiin/DfUab'urg; £.
Wolford. FjauUhh ; John Smith,';Efcrj..--Woshl :
Ington; W. Picking,.Dover; J. \W Craft,Pa
radise. •
. JJanisburg. —Houser & Loclunan..
Members ol (he Company liavlngpollcles/xbout
to expire, can have them renewed by making
application (o'any of the .Agents.
SOUTH Hanover Street, next door to thu.
Pont Office.
N. fi. Will bo absent from Carlisle tbo last
(on days of each mouth*
August IG, 1855.
Trusses! Trusses!!
Truss akd Brace Estaulisiimkxt,
S, If'. Cor. of Twelfth and Race Sts., Philn.
Importer of duo French Trusses,
extreme lightness, ease and
durability nidi correct construction.
Hernial or ruptured patients can bo suited by
remitting amounts, as below:—Sending number
of inches round tho hips, and stating side af
Cost of Single Truss, $2, $B, $4, $5. Double
—ss, $O, $8 and $lO. Instructions ils to wear,
and how to effect 4 cure, when possible, sent
with tho Truss.
Also for solo, in great variety,
Dr . Manning's Improved Patent Molly Brace,'
For tho euro of Prolapsus Uteri j Spinal Props
and Supports, Patent'Shoulder Unices, Chest
Kxpandors and Erector Unices, adapted to all
with Stoop Shoulders and Weak Lungs; English
Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, Syringes
—mule and letnaio.
Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants.
August 2, 1866--ly
Valuable Town Property
SITUATE on East High street In tho Bor-’
uugh of Carlisle belonging (0 tho heir? of
Jumea Thompson, du'ed. Consisting oi two
lull town lots adjoining each, containing GO (out
in front and (wo hundred and fifty feet In depth.
Tho tmprovomentsaru a largo ami commodious
STORY FRAME HOUSE, adjoining. Tho
former bolng very largo and conveniently ar
ranged, would bo admirably adapted for n
Boarding House, or a pleasant k comfortable
private residence. Tho out buildings mo con
venient and In good repair.
The lots are covered with excellent fruit trees
and choice shrubbery. V
Tho owners are nonresidents of our Borough,
and are very desirous that tho property should
bo disposed of.
1 ho terms therefore will be inado advantage*
ous to purchasers. Enquire of
«... w Scrivener,
Carllslo, March f ■
AN (or sale by Win. A.
Milos,WMO strooh opposite tho Telegraph
Office, Q®lUto. ‘ . •*
uoioval. .
TVR. J.K. SMlTUhnoremovcd bis office nnd
JL' residence Into the hpnso formerly occupied
bv Mr. B. J. Kol/Tor as a Drug Store, South
lUnoyor. street, next door to tho Golden
Uorto,” llnnnon’s Hotel.
April 10, 3850— it 9 •
Hami, Dried Boots Tongue** |tc»
RECEIVED this day. direct from Cincinnati,
Sugur.ourod HAMS, Sugar cored BEEP.
®ADOK, SJPE/3 Sq 4
SIIOULDEES, low forCfllsb at ■
April 17,1850. ' ' MVII #AM3y
' ■ '• -V ?y.9* 1
U. : S Insurance, Annu{ly &
, company, : y
S, AVconwr Third and Chestnut Sit
‘ , CiPirAi^^SO.QOO.
rtDTOttEt! fa received on,deposit di
J.TJLamount deposited Is entered In
bbokandgfvontotho Depositor, or.
rod, o certificate win bo glvem V
AH suras, largo and small, oro rbeofvpd ***
pa * d ’f^ 10 * on demand, without n* .*£.
. Intorpst 1« paid of «,»;«<« of Bn pof cenf" }M
fntT,T lng ? om ,h 0 ia * <“ a«P»«lf. ■nndcoaV. fe|
the Soney “ s ’’ pr " : vl ? us wlthdrtwil 9 t|||
On the first day of Janvmry, ln c;iel] Tear to- vissl
interest of each donnslt la paid, tothoaopMlimla®
or added to.tho principal, as' ho may prefer. - ' ||||
Tito company havo now upwards of 3,61)0 d 8
posltors In tbo city ofJPhlladolphia alono. | r ?
Any additional Information will bo given bv fr : V*’i
addressing the Treasurer, :..- • *
I Directors.—Stephen It. Crawford, President)
Lawrenco Johnson, Vico President? Arubrw*
: W. Thompson, Benjamin W. Tlngloy, Jacob j,,
jFlorance, William M. Godwin, Ponl B. God-^ : - s
IdaVdi'Geprgo McHenry, James Dcvcroux, Guv
tavus English* ' u\/\\
Secretary and Treasurer*— Pliny Fisk. p‘,
Teller and Interpreter.—i.C. Oohhchln B ej, SC&&'
September C,1865—1y . . W®
’ AUention Dytpcpilcsi ’
THOSE of you who have been afflicted
years, with this loathsome disease, andnbv
havo been using almost every nostrum
tho public without relief. >Vo Buy to you try }■ '■ ---IT,
“Keifler’s Anti-dyspeptic,” and you will
i bo convinced of its great superiority orcr every IT 0
other preparation, ‘ We could give you
certiticatcs corroborating our asmilon, butU'-r} ’ ’
single trial is worth more than a 17. >•.
Is prepared and sold at the Drug store of
_ • . • 11, J. KEIFFER, f.“ !*
South Hanover street, a few doors south o/L.
the Conrt-houßo, j^v*
Carlisle, June 15,1861.
TDK subscriber respectfully informs, i
Mends ami the public generally, timt he h
removed his Cap Store to his new bull
Ing In Main street, where ho will be glad to u
his okl customers and friends. He. has now \
hand a splendid assortment of Hsu i
Vabgy ■ all descriptions, from the common 1Y«
the finest Fur and Silk Hats, and
prices that must suit every ono who has an e
to getting the worth of his money. lli« gjj
Moleskin and Beaver Hats, aro unsurpnaied T
lightness, durability and finish, by those of ri
other establishment in the county.
Boys' Hats of every description constantly
hand. Call and examine.
SVT. lIAVEIISTI’CK, hflk'jtut r«c«h<i|B|
• from tho city, ami is now opening a
i did display of Fancy Goods, suitable-JJt-r
I present season, to which he desires to'e*iltk r
! attention of Ms friends and ftie public. Him. &•{■s
1 Bortmcnt in this lino cannot ho surpassed In
vclly and elegance, and both In quality and pr!a' wm
of tho articles, cannot fail to please purcfiassK. ;fl3
It would d)c impossible to enumerate Iil» ( '
Fancy Goods, f jjpj
which comprise every variety ef fancy
of tho.most exquisite shape, such as l||||
I’nipcr Macho Goods,
'Elegant alabaster and porcelain inkstands iibV
Taney ivory, pearl and shell coni casts.
Kadies' Fancy baskets. *. H
Fancy work boxes, with sowing Instrument ‘M
Port Mommies, of every variety. fj&j
Gold pens and pencils, fancy paper w«d|Mt jff
. Popcterloil, cndalargovariety ol ladies’
. !jlotto souls and wafers, silk and head fttriir
Ladies’ riding whips, elegantly finished, Li
d|e^ f fluo cuttlcry. ‘ !
'Po'jfthnlo baskets and hngs. .
: Brushes oi every kind for tb« toilet. ,
Koiissul’s Pcilumcs of tho vurluns kind#. .
. Musical Instruments, of all kinds atld oL
prices, togetlior with att innumerable varUt’
articles elegantly finished end suitable Tot* I
ilhy : presents, to which he Invites special at
tlim. 'Also, an extensive collection of U(
*::: books,
comprising the various English and Ami
AnnnalH fur 1635, richly embellished and
tmto PoctlcaMVorka, with Children'* Flctsi.
Books, lor children of all ages. HU uMorliuti'. .
of School Books and School Stationary It
complete, and comprises everything used In O!'
leges and the schools. Ho also culls
to his elegant dislay of , - , •
LatnpN, Orhindolci,
from the extensive establishments of Cornoflu ‘
Archer and others, ol Philadelphia, compriihl
every stylo of Parlor, Chamber & Study Lsren
for burning cither laid, sperm or ethorlal dli,*A rftiiwßj
gether with flower vases, Fancy Screens, iiX
His osaortmon. In this lino is unequalled In *1
borough. ‘
Fruits, Fancy Confectioniy, j
Nuts, Preserved Fruits, &c., in every variety »i { : w
at all prices, all of which aro pure and fresh, »»(Vsjj
as can ho confldonly recommended to his #Hn& ’
and tbo little talks* llciucmbor the old slaC
opposite tho Bank. ’ ‘ Jlrt
Carlisle, December 21,1851. . r t -^
Near the Cvrniy of Fourth uud ll'o/uut
IfADßismrita, Pa. fUjllfi
HAVING now completed my nor shWvivfS
urn prepared to furnish Blinds ol" the U rf f t
styles cheaper than city prices. , Owing
Increase of my business, 1 have been obl/ffW.
procure the necessary machinery to Vw
thopi on a larger scale: and can sell «hc»pL-. !
than ony other establishment, and warrant
to wear as well ns any that cun he made In fr • d ■.
United States. I rcll*r to the tallowing gBvl\ v.,
men, churches and corporations, whose onto, ' ‘ *
I had the pleasure to fill to their entire latlifv,'
Hon. {.. "".j
— :
Farmer! Take ffollcc. . t
THE subscriber has Just return*!r.'ijJSifi
oily, will) ono of tlio largest .••orltnMfceß
ilnrdivaro over brought to thlo pint*-, *|J?a-dS
Just received 80 dojTHsmoa with
fastenings, Iron ond Steel Hooks,
prlco from 44 $1,60, Also, 800
straight end twist link Trace Chains, front
*1,28, Homo-mado Irnoos of nit kinds i »*•■ ■■ -|
lot of Bproads, Fifth, Breast, Butt, CsrtJ V-M : I
Halter and tog Chains. A very largoJ
Shovels, Porks, Spades,' Hoes,'j,. S
short, ovory thing and any thing wanted W i jj
*irinor, st the old Mn ; ,yc
Carlisle, ftUroh 20 ; 1880.
Carlisle, March 23,1853,
Venetian Blind Factory,
Wm. M. Piatt, Speaker of the Senate of ft
13. S. Goodrich, Secretary of.tho Uonmi'sN
Jacob A. Shtndlo, Washington city.
K. Banks, Auditor General of Pa.
Oon. Roumfort, Philo. county, Pa.
U. Church A Lovl Murkle, Cmnb. co., P»
Robert J. Ross, Esq., Philadelphia.
Ohambor-burg Church—Her. IV. F. F/»l
Bedford Church—Rev. Benedict.
Churchtowu Church—J. Murphy.
Kingstown •< Kov.‘ 0. NUlcruun
Newport ** M. Thatcher,
niiminolatown “ 11. L. Hummel,
Middletown <» Daniel Kcndlp.
Paxton *< W, Rutherford,
Catholic ■« Bov. Mahor.
Lutheran u Rov. 0, A. Hay*
Methodist « Mr. Stromingciv
Ilouso Representatives, Col, Jack..
Senate Chamber, 8. T. JodCs.
Supremo Court Room, Gon, Milled
Col. J. 11, Brant, Harrisburg..
Hon. W• F. Murray, **
Col. Wells Oovorly, *»
March 10, 1850-(ira
I /• VI