ftHAjf _WAR . j '• . milii aubsoribcrsi located in tlio f room lately X 'occupied.' by Mrs. Faust’s Grocery store. ■ of tlio Railroad Depot, have just opened * an entire now stock' of Hardware, to which they woWcalUllo attention of their friends and the public gijivJrally.*. Th'6 stuck, which la largo nud rnriod, was selected Willi especial reference to ho wants of tlio public, and 'cohost in.part of ho foUowlngi .sV. 7 ' . ' / ■Bu\lding Hariiwaro of,all kinds, snch.-oa locks,' latches.; hinges, bolts,-'screws, • nails, &c.', and every article of hardware .used in building and repairing. V-‘ Glass, Fatty, Faints, Brushes, «c., of.the most approved quality and on the most reason able tonus. Tho attention oi the Cabinet makers Is Invited to our assortment of Varnishes, Veneers, Knohs, RCaotts, Mouldings, &C., wUlcluvih-'Oe found oqiml to any In the country. Saddlers and Conchmalt'ors, will Und In thoir department nil tlio articles us ually reqnirotl in Ibuir Jino of business, suen as Steel Springs ami Axels. „„ , The assortment o t IFALL I’/U’EJZ embraces a complete variety of new niul clioico patterns, of ovc*ry quality and at such prices iva cannot Also, Boldovs, Win fail to give satisfaction' . dow Shades, bo. W Jlonsokoepcrs arc Invited to cal! and examine *ottr stock of CuUkJvy,'Plated ware, Spoons. La- Coffee Mills, Candle Sticks. Sunders, SJio ‘ veil, Tongs, Walters, Stair-rods, Hollow-wine, Brass and lron ; K.ettleS, Sad lions, &c., which B, t..ivo an cmii.-s) Fresh Arr'wnl of Hardware variety ot all llio ns tides adapted to tlieir lino | r .-,jj£ ~uiW c rlbor havingreturned from the city, of trade, usually found in “ hiudmue store, i|u wo u!*l call the attention of his friends and .such as iho public generally, to the large aud well-sc- Plows, jToS’lf.S, Sj>«ulo.Bj 1 lectea assortment of Shovels, lioes, Rake*. Humes. Traces, Haller- HARDWARE, chains, be., all ui the \ cry lowest rales, to h loch Licli he has just received, consisting In part of S' lior-1 Building Materials, ally to our stock n( Plains. Levels, snrh as Nails, Screws, Hinges, Bolts,Paints, Saws, Braces, Buts, Ang-r.s, Hammers, Fife'*. I 0| LS) &c. Tools, Including edge-tools of every Knsps, &c., which hc know to he of a supeiior description. Saws,Planes,Files, Hasps, Ua«- 1 (jiiaiity. murs, Vices, Anvils, &c. Glass of every do iron and Steel uf ull kinds constantly on hand scrlption and quality—common glass of dilfcr and for safe cheap. out brands, white polished American glass, Then coino fiiemlrf and give ns a call and ex- 1 Trench glass of all sizes, double thick glass of amnio our Goods. Wo charge nothing for j a |j sizes, ground enamelled glass, &c.-, &c.— showing them, "ml from a strict attention to a. general assortment of Shoemaker’s and Sad -I.mines* and a d* sire to accommodate, we hope dlcr'B Tools, together with Morocco, lining and »o meiit a lihm.U share of } our patronage.—| binding skins, sboo thread, wax, pegs, lusts, linii'i lorget the place, West Main street, two i harness mounting, saddle-trees, &c. Coacii dooia west ot the Railroad Repot. _ 1 Trimmings and Coach-makcr’smatcrlals. Cab- STAVMaN & SONS. I inet Makers will find a largo assortment of Cai lisle, April 3, 1850. . I varnishes, mahogany and walnut veneers, mould ings, rosettes, hair clolh, curled hair, &c. &c. •. A Uuumu Life Saved. j Wliltc Polish Paint. mmnpu'*!;' A new article for making a beautiful, u bile ami J. A. RHODES. E*‘i-- e “ r 1311 * • , brillia.nl polish, for dining rooms, parKus. tie. yun, medicine to sell *»' f Pbllc ......o„„ B „ I. •- r’r - 7,-ts rssr ■ ”«»>uu™ °, r r^ lu mv bead aud bowels, and produced a peima- , • v,.n iiß n ... „ . ...» * b l.ent euro in a short lime. - • « • rnu “r " “"j 11. M.Co.«w J ,..v„ cl I.rcn Inking ,nc- , ° ldl n kild «. ■ l “" c 7 a " d ■ Wosli.ns; &o>.]», ■uciwofa, goad a doctor n, ~„ bav. iu our «.™ Sl.reh and J «rem, Orack.r. and Choc.., county, ..,.1 lake, any quanlil, of quinine and I ™l>enor .|nall , of Chewing and.Smok.ng To fl.edieB n.lhont n„v good ri.sull, from o slh bacco Spaniel, and Ua fSpanisl. Sogars of va- Jkug.isl to 17.1. JircViuljcr. B„l awing bo, v M>“““ brands, Fish and Suit, 20 bb . olNo. li niavlv .1 operand on my in oilier, 1 got a bottle ' ““ d 8 6 bb I of new Picketed Ilentig. .1 liiloJea' leu rand Ague Cure, «l.,eh effec-l C'>i»?. O'™ aad «“ c ™ s " aao ., S, “"° “" <1 ted a permanent euro b, using Ino-tl.irds of a Crockery ware, Coder H ate, Tubs, Buckets, bottlo” b . Umrna, Butlertubs, Brooms, &c., with a great S. li: Conttus was not l.ere, but boll, 11,c v “lif!* ot,l ' r "ttelcnloo numerous to Insert, other brothers sav Ids ease was the same as U. , 8U Bscr ‘'’" ’"'“'"I 8 ,0 k fP ®" >'«»d But- M’S. 1 sold the medicine to boll, the same dev lor - “ , ’ d . l o< a loea,..iicata, and all other and the cure ..as as speedy f.nm the same small eountrj produce, to supply the town. Don . ■inantitv, and I might so spenfv. Yours ivilb , “ rgo 11,0 corner l ‘“ a ' y „ o< '^' dod by A N ’ , W ' respect,' A. ilia r. snoop. I"; , " d *- A „ A „ S - SENBR, Agent. The nlmve siieaks for itself tu.„i p ruo (- „ 5 barllslc, April LO, 1850. _ 'I is, it is of no belter tenor than the \usl mini, j BOOK AGEtKCV. '.or of like certificates I have already publish-) rriUE subscribers have established a Book .d, and tho still greater amouiit lluU is coutinu- Agency in I'biliidclphln, ami will furnish ally pouring in to me. [ any book or publication ut the retail price free One filing more. Last year I bad occasion 1 0 j- postage. Any persons, by forwarding tho ;o caution the public in these words ; j subscription prioo of any of (bo $8 JUngiudnes, “ i notice one Jinn »ho have taken one of mi I B „ c j, U a Harper’a, Godcy’s, Pulunni's, Graham’s, kvneril circulars, substituted (he name ol theii j j.” ran | { Fashions, &c., will receive the nostrum fur in a medicine, imd then h ilh brazen . , n ;,g,i Z i llct , / u r one year and a copy ot a splendid impudence end their pamphlet mth the ex cm- i,(j l( ,g ri ,pi, portrait of cither Washington, Jack in uion, 1 Let ilie propi ieloi of mi) other medi- I BOU or day ; or, if suhscvlbing to as 2 and asl iu sn\ ns much if lie dales,* ’* Ac. I M a g a ztj, e> they will receive a copy of either of .Vow I lake pleasuie in saying that tho \ ibo three portraits. If subscribing to 50 worth ■ 'in relerrod lu'liie same “Ur. Christie’s Ague 0 f Magazines, all three portraits will bo sent I •: iisam” that la m«ntloncd m the above cerllll- g ra n 9 . Music furnished to those who may uisli! i ate. , it. There arc several other industrious people Envelops of every description aud size In large -ho arc applying to their poisonous trash all or Bina p .juantiltus furnished. Seal Presses, hat 1 publish about my Fever and Ague Cure, j)j QB} sent to order. >r Antidote to Malaria, except the certificates Every description of Engraving on Wood ox if cures, and the certillcato ol the celebrated CCU ( „j t ji neatness an . i., in fa* Buildings. Newspaper Holdings, Views of Ma •or of its perfectly harndess character, which c ii|uo r y, Book Illustrations, Lodge Certillcatcs, *4 attached to every bottir. These w ill always jj u8 | neB9 Cards. Ac. All orders sunt by mail servo to distinguish tnj mouicino Iroin imlta- p roni pHy attended to. Persons wishing views ' onB - JAS. A. RIIODL. , oftheir buildings engraved can send a Daguer- Proprietor, I lovnlenco, H. L rco tvpo or sketch of the building by mail or ex- For sale »>y Wm. A. Kelso, Carlisle, aud by e v luggists generally. Persons at a distance having saleable articles April 21, 1850 dm would find it to their advantage to address the ' subscribers, as we would act as ogoats for the kSt—X—P 0 O D sale of the same. FIRST ARRIVAL OF SPRING, GOODS. Tin: subscriber has ju>t received ft very laige assortment ol New Spring Gopds, to which he invites the attention of purchasers, an he it pre- P ired to soil ftt an* h prices Ihul they may save /nun '2D to -3 per rent, on former prices. Ills stock embraces all the ilill'erent Kinds of Goods iid.iptotl to the season, such as CLQTIIS, Cas sinwres, Vestings, (,’otton i’ant SfnilV, Linens, Liueti Checks, fvc. D/ r v (tDDih, Such ns Black and Fancy Silks, B.iure di i Lalnos, Lawns, Challica, Bareges, B-miba/.hies. Alpacas, India Silks, fcc. //onturfs am/ //iMons. Bonnets of all Kinds,such as Satin Straw, Swiss Straw, English Double aud Split Straw. Hlb. bona ol nil kinds and colors very cheap. JioMrrr/ and (tlures. Mena’ and Boys’ white, brown and mixed half lloso. Ladles’ while, black, brown, shite and mixed lloso; Men's \Yonion’s and Children's (Jlu\o and Mitts of nil kinds. Domestic Goods, Muslins, Chocks, Tickings, Oanabnrg, Bugging, C ilicoes and Ginghams. C'urpcfs, Mi/fnijr*, nnd Oi/ C/o(k.i. A very huge hit of O’arpfU of all kinds, such as Volvnl, Tapestry, Brussels, Three Ply, Ingrain mul VenUluiii MaUlngs'of all widths ut white and colored} Oil Cloths of all widths. /loots and Shoes. Women’s & Children's shoos of all kinds at vur> low prices. Groceries. Such as Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Spl eos) at! of which will ho sold cheap, at the old ■it&nd lit North Hanover street, 0 doors north ■*fthe Bank, whore thankful foiMho liberal put ronago ho has heretofore received, he hopes for u continuance of the same. PHILIP ARNOLD. Carlisle, April 10, 1850. Wulclici, Jcwliy and Hlivor WARE AT CONLYN’S. TUG public are invited to call and examine the largest amHiandsomeut stock of JBL watches, jewelry and SILVERWARE. ever brought to this place. Having purchased Ihl B atock for cash I am determined to sell ut prices that "cantbe beat.” All goods sold by me, guaranteed (o bo as represented or the money refunded. Old gold and silver taken In exchange*: „ THOMAS CONLYN. Carlisle, May 1,18 W. New‘Goods I Wd'iyOoddff 11 * • Baugainb, BauOalss. : ' ' 1 * ~ - ■ •THE subscriber liaa’jiist ’returnedfrom’Now-; York and Philadelphia, and jiow opening an Immense stock of the most splomild Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to. Carlisle* Dress Goods. Tho Ladies will find a largo assortment of bowbr Ufnl dress good* of tho newest styles. ’• . ‘ijjiuuoJDEitiKs.—Over 700. needle workcu Collars, Fiouncings, lusertlngs, icc.y in great variety. r ,. Bonnets and Ribbons.— mm com plete assortment of Bonnets, Bonnet Ribbons, and Artificials. , Cnrpcliilg. y>\ Entire AW stock of Imperial,'-Ingrain, Vopjiion, nnti Stair Carpeting. ► Domestics. —A largo slock of Muslins, Checks, Tickings, Bagging, &c., at Ibo very lowest notch. T boots And shoes. • A lull assortment of Ladies, Gent’s, Misses, Boys, and Childrens Slices, al! kinds and pikes, Willis’ Hue Morocco and Kidd for Ladies and Misses, in tho assortment. In short, every ar ticle in the Dry Goods lino will bo found In the assortment, best quality, newest styles, and at the lowest prices. , ’ -Quick Sales and Short Profits. All in want of handsome nnd cheap goods will do well to.call at the old stand,East Main street. CIIAS. OGEIBY. Cnilisle, April 10, 1850. DVR AM & PIERCE, AO South Third Sheet, Pkila., Pa. J. 11. KTKAU. T. UATrIEUCK. Nov. I»W ly The Temple of Fancy Open ! AND will be at his old HcUd Quarters in North Hanover street, during the Christina) unit New Year’s Festivities, with one of the lar gest assortments ol CHOICE CONFECTJONJJUES over ofliired In this place, consisting in part o! Tine Candy Toys and Fruits, Jelly Cakes, Bon bona, Cum, Chocolate and Fruit drops, Rose, Vamillu and Burnt Almonds, French and Ex ploding Secrets, &c. FRUITS AND TOYS of the latest Importations, such as Oranges, Le mons, Raisins, Figs, Primus, Currants, Citron, Soft and I’aper Shelled Almonds, Filberts, Cream, Cocoa and Ground Nuts. Toys and Fancy Goods of every quality and price, consisting In part of flue Wax, Kid, Chi na, Crying and other Dolls, Sewing and Card Baskets, Fancy boxes, Flower Vases, Motto Cups, Tea Sets, Masks, Drums, Guns, Air Pis tols, Accordcons, Trumpets, I Chess-men ol Bono and Wood, Dominoes, LoU 'to and other Games, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils I and Port Mommies, tkc. Also a flno lot of Fq -1 urily Groceries. . PETER MONYER. Deciinbcr 13, 1806. Wliftto Hull Academy, Three milt» vest of Hamburg. THE eleventh session of this Institution will commence on Monday, the 6th of May next. Parents and Guardians are respectfully rcmies tod to inquire into the merits ofthe Institution. the location is retired, pleasant and healthful, and the course of instruction embraces the ordi nary and higher branches of an English educa tion, together with the Latin, Greek, French and German languages, and Vocal and lustra, mental music. TERMS i •*’ Boarding, Wnslilng ami Tuition In Hi« English branches, and Vocal music pur session, (21 weeks) . SQO 00 Per circulars containing particulars, address ». denlinger; ~ . . JJarHiturff, Pa. March 18, iB6O. . OUR HOUSE. TUB subscriber, having leased tho above well-established Hotel, situate In North Hanover street, Carlisle, will take possession of the samo on tho Ist of April, and give his on (ire attention to those who may bo pleased to favor him with n call. THOMAS COSTAMAONA. 1 Carlisle, March 27, 1669. ■' DKUCS/CIIEIIUCAIS, Confeetionaries. and;* FarfCy Goods; fpHE undersigned, has Just roplonls^ed-'hi* I stock of Goods, and ns b|s Drags and Ohctn ioiils have boon selected with - great hods •prepared to flUall otdcrsprdmptly., Hlafrlohds may rely upon the genuineness antTpurity of - His stock of ' ■ Confectionaries Is large, and selected with special reference to the Holidays; and will afford any variety por bona may desire In JIo has a largo assortment of French, German, and Domestic ! Fancy Gaudies. His FRUITS are all fresh and of tho very best quality. *llls assortment of FANG* GOODS U largo and onbraces almost every thing ntfcea suit for the toilet and family. Ho intiles cinl attention to his Fancy Work Boxes, For. Folios, Port Monies, &c. Quick sales, shor proflfs, and Strict consistency in trade, shat characterize our business'.' U. J. KIEFfER Carlisle, December 20, 1855. aHMir Wu.TYRwnT, Jno. H. McFEtmcn, Jno.O, Hosier, ••’■ • Thomas Brown. W BIGHT, HUNTEK & CO., S. W. Oor. ol Ninth and Walriut' Streets, Philadel phia. Load and Iron Pipes of all sizes. Bath Tubs of Copper and Ivon. Dot and cold Sho w OldSuts and-Brass Coohs of every description. Force and Lift Pumps of Irbn an 4 Brass. Hydraullfc Bams, all sizes.— Hydrants and Lead Work of every description. All materials and-work in our Hoo at low ratos, Has lieou before the public more than 120 years, • ond worranferf. uid is deservedly popular in the euro of December 20, 1856—df tißi fey Ip mm Suavms, Suvohh-, Uimrlione, Windfalls, Polo ‘Evil, Callon*. Cracked Heids, Gall of nil kinds, Fr-hli Wounds, Sprains, llnußes, Fistula. Sit fast, Sami Cracks, Strains, Lameness, Fmm- doted Feet, ScmtrheBorGrca.se, Mange, Foot . f U<>t in Sheep, Garget in Cows, Rheumatism, ■’’’ Rites of Animals, External Poisons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boils, Corns; Whitlows, Bums and Scalds, ChillblainB,'ohftp p«?d Hands, Cramps Contractions-of the Mus cles, Swellings, Weakness of the Joints, Calctkl Breasts, Sory Nipples, Piles, Ac.. .. Esf’F a,n phiets gratuitously furnished by agents ‘with Testimonials of its utllitv. All orders addressed to the Pruprietprs, M. IL Tri-mtu i Co., Locbport, N. Y. by Druggists nm) Merchants gen erally,''through the United Slates, ibiliaU Posses sions, and other Countries. by S. W. Havcrstlck and Bcntz & Uro,, Carlisle; J. A. Weakley and W. & J. Green, Dickinson; L. Kauffman, Mucbuuicsburg: 1). Strnhm. New Kingstown; Goswllur &.Zook, Shephcrdsdown; l.ielil Sc Snider, N cwburg; A. M. Leldigh. Boil ing Spiings; Mm. Loyd, Lisburn; J. C. Mi.l). Allick, Bhippcnsburg. To Iho rai-ailng I Comuiuuily. The nttoation or Punncra is solicit ed to WAKEFIELD’S land' Corn Planter, ’hia la the simplest, est, and cheapest ini. I’ovement of the age, •lee only $5, with a ritfen guarantee, that will give perfect sat- ! faction, or tho money ! turned, so that you I ill run no risk in try* I ig it i we have a largo umber of the most ru* I »cctab!o references, | Muir can bo seen nt ir Storv W«- ; ing stock of Homes, -...a. ..v>a, _ ..a, lloca, Rakes, &c., which is very largo ami complete, and will bo sold at the very lowest prices. A large assort ment of homo made Chuins of all kinds, cod* slant)}- in store, at manufacturers prices. JOHNP.Z.^ASON'. Worth Ilanovcr street, Carlisle. April 10, 1850. IHONI IUONM Tho subscriber has tho to announce to ibo public that-h\s largo and extensive "Warehouse Is completed, and tilled with one ot the largest and best assort ments ot Hammered and Hulled Ivon ever offer ed In tills place. Those in want of Iron, would' do well lo examine the stock before purchasing elsewhere. HENRY SAXTON. September 20, 1856. ESTABLISHED 1705 Cl N. UOIUNSON & SON. Manufacturers '•of Looking Glasses, Portrait and Picture Frames,and importers of French Plato Looking Glasses, &c., No. 218, UhesmU at., above Ninth at., Philadelphia. At whose establishment may always bo found an extensive assoitment of Piers, Mantles, Hall ami Clumber,Glasses, of every description, fiom the plainest to the most ornamental styles, richly ornamented gilt Tables, Brackets and Tripods, importers and dealers In first class European Engravings, Oil Paintings, Drawings and other works ol art. Old frames rogiltcd and old Glass taken in exchange for newj dam aged Plafes resllvered, &c." Country merchants and others, having orders for any article connected with the Looking Glass and Print business, can have them execu ted at the old establishment, at the shortest no tice and lowest prices. All goods bought at tlda establishment for transportation are packed in tlie best manner. March o,lBso—]y DU. GEO. 8. SCAUIGUT, DENTIST. Fi'om the Baltimore College of (JWSffiSiL Dental Surgery, is now prepared -LX7 to Insert Artificial Teeth of ©very description, and to perform all tho other various duties pertaining to tho practice of bis profes sion. Office at tho residence of his mother East Louther street, 8 doors below Bedford. Reference—Dr. G. Z. Brotz. Carlisle, March 20, iB6o—tf WE call tho attention of tho public to tho portable Garden or Flro engine for wa tering gardens or extinguishing Arcs—on Excel lent article, neat cheap & convenient. For Sale at 11. SAXTON’S, November 2,1856. Wall Paper, Wall Paper. JOHN F. LY’NE & SON have tho pleasure of informing tho public that (hey bavo at last completed tho enlargement of their store, and aro now receiving tho largest and most va. ried assortment of Wall Taper and Window Blinds, over opened in Carlisle, which wo will soil at tho lowest prices. A’caU,(romthosowant> ing Paper Hangings Is solicited, wo are confl dont that all can be supplied front our mam moth block, at tho old staQd,Nor(h Hanover at. April 10, 1860. Estate Notice. *|* ETTEHS of Administration on the . estate A-i of Foronlca Weaver, late of Upper Allen twp., doc’d., have been Issued by tho Register of Cumberland county, to ‘tho subscriber, re siding In said township. All persons Indebted ’are requested to make immediate payment, and those having clolms to present them for settle* ment, to M. yl ,ieS W - CoCKLlN ’^ m ’ r - Tur, Xar.Xnr. JUST received and for aale, 100 ken lest quality TAIlf also, ft largo lot of patent wheel Grow® for carrlogea, wagon*, &0., at tho old aland, East Main street March 27 ■... rLAinmiD ac a»ehiX* 1 moncoll»j'OOi..'A r aow building: ha» icon &c. With incrciUicii bieiutiuiior insEruCtiull,’ and" Brill)lo BCcotutup^ationß,. tois - Jnatitntlba nregcnta meet 'inducements to parents ffbo do. ilro trio phy■!improvement of .their sons*->•..> -•>*../*;: ;>• ••. nn , Terra* per session* : • * . tpuo uu for circular* with fall information address R; K. BuUiNO) , Principal and Proprietor. . Pfainflold, Caiab. co., April 10; ISM* Useful aud Rainey Goods. AT the Tea store ol thosubscrl hor. Is just* received a Anc assortment of • vgars French China pud Decorated I ana; w7r/i- S*Svcles> among which-may bo found Rich TBT ya»c* t Colognes, Jewel Boxes, Cups and Saucers. Card Baskets, Inkstands. Toy, Tea and Dinner Sols, China Dolls, and other .Gilt ftnd Plain articles, ugeftil as well as suitable for tho season. ", . • Also, a general assortment of GROCERIES and Spices adapted to tho season, all fresh and of tho best quality', together wlth a lot of new Bethlehem Buckwheai t yf oitm quality in small. Cranberries, Citron, &c., for sale by’ ' J. W. EBY. Carlisle, Doc. 27,1855. Plumbing & Gas Filling. South Tl'crt Cor. qf Ninth and Walnut Streets Philadelphia . Splendid Jewelry* Wntchci, &c. THtfsubscvlbor respectfully informs tho clti zoDs oi Carlisle and’tho public generally,' that bo,has iuskopefurd a largo and splendid as sortment of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, of every stylo and quality. His store’ls 'situated oh tho N. E. cormif'bf tho Public Square, in tho room formerly occupied’by S; Elliott, ono door post of G. IV. Hitner'a 1 dry goods store. His ’stock will consist oi'every article usually kept by.watch makers and jewelers, viz,GOLD WATCHES of every stylo and quality, 1 prices from $25 to $125. Silver Watches '<«aßPfrom $6 to $45. Gentlemen’s Gold fob, Vest, and Neck Chains; Gold Keys and Seals; Gold Studs and Vest Buttons, Breast Pins, Box Rings, Ac. Ladies Gold-Neck Chains, .Gold Cbaihiins, Gold Lockets, Druast Pins,Ear-rings, Ear-drops, Cuff Pins, Gold Pens and Pencils, Gold- Thimbles, Gold Bracelets, Silver and Pearl Card cases. Jet Bracelets, Ac. A largo stock of Finger Rings, Silver and Plated Ware, Fruit Dishes, Card Baskets, Tea Setts, Plated Cups and Goblets, Napkin Rings, Ac., with many other fancy notions. - - All goods warranted to bo what they are sold for. ttF*Particul.ir attention paid to tho repairing of Gold. Watches, Jewelry. Ac. All work war ranted according to quality. Tho subscriber hopes by strict attention to business and a do siro to please, to receive a liberal share of pub. Ho patronage. \V. D. A. NAUGLE. Carlisle, July 19,1855—tf NEW GROCERIES, NOW open and for sale at the “Marlon 110 l Family Grocery Store, a largo and general assortment of articles, useful and fancy, embra. lug, in part— - Maracaiba and Jaffa Coffees, Green Rio and Roasted Coffee, Jenkins’ best brand of Teas, iirowti And Clarified 7 Sugars, White aud I'w^crriofc •X>«VrcrtJS«d UlldcrttfrittHi -« ■ Bromo, Cocoa and Chocolate, Rico and Com Starch. Farina and Essence of Coffee, Lovering’s finest Syrup, Orleans Baking Molas ses, Spices, ground and unground; Mace, Citron, Vanilla Bean, Cjy—,-Ofaeftera. Candles, &c. SOnr ’ ken ' B Valley Coal, broken vvfvJand rcscrecnod,prepared oxprcsslyfor family use and under cover, so that I can fur nish it dry and dean during tho winter season. I have also on hand and lor sale, tho Luke, tidier Coal, from tho mines of Boyd, Rosser & Co., and Sh&roohin Coni, from tho mines of Cochran, Pealo & Oo„ all of which I will sol) at small profits for cash, and deliver to any part of tho Borough . WM. B. MURRAY, November 15, 1806. DENS LOW & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WIIOLESALK UKALOnS IN AM. KINDS OV FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LEIF TOBACCO, MANUFACTURED Tobacco, and Foreign and Domestic Sugars, 21 South Front street, Philadelphia. Importers uf lino Havana Begors of tho choicest giowths of the Vueltn abajo. A largo assortment of which oro kept constantly on hand, and for solo at a small ad vance <;ii cost of importation. Consignments respectfully solicited, on which liberal advances will bo made whon de sired. v N. D,—Special attention given to orders for purobaso on commission, of Tobacco, as also of overy description of Merchandise,for account of parties living at a distance from this market. 07* Solo Agent for F. A. GooUo’s Celebrated Gorman Smoking Tobacco, comprising thirty different varieties. April 10, 1860—ly TRUNKS and Carpet Bogs. A largo lot o/ Travelling Trunks and Carpet Bags forsoro cheap by PHILIP ARNOLD. April 5, 1855. Wall paper by t;ic Tpu. JUST received' a largo «>«orlniont of W X oper, which will bo sold very *•’ March 27, j|, Sluuvlf, "! A LARGE lot or Crapo 8c Oaßju xA. of every ahaclo and color, Jopt freoh fVom Now York., Call mid qo Shoti. —A full OBBOrtmont of did!. ~oco and Kid Shook cmdlToota, MliadsandOhildrcns Shoe* la groat variety, JuatardcoWad at tho cl.oop.loroor CHA3, OOItBT. April 8, IWitk r TV/TOKEY Wautqd In payment for sub LTXflcrlpttoD,ady«rllqlng andjob-work, } i •» 63000 Reward—CSi'catlSace. 'I'HE great race between the Clothlng -1. of Carlisle, resulted in thccomplctc trluhlnb of thejiew store of ARNOLD £ SON, in tno store room lately occupied by • 'VVJso Camp bell, comer bfNorth,HunbvqrahVo Buy to you try }■ '■ ---IT, “Keifler’s Anti-dyspeptic,” and you will i bo convinced of its great superiority orcr every IT 0 other preparation, ‘ We could give you certiticatcs corroborating our asmilon, butU'-r} ’ ’ single trial is worth more than a 17. >•. Is prepared and sold at the Drug store of _ • . • 11, J. KEIFFER, f.“ !* South Hanover street, a few doors south o/L. the Conrt-houßo, j^v* Carlisle, June 15,1861. TDK subscriber respectfully informs, i Mends ami the public generally, timt he h removed his Cap Store to his new bull Ing In Main street, where ho will be glad to u his okl customers and friends. He. has now \ hand a splendid assortment of Hsu i Vabgy ■ all descriptions, from the common 1Y« the finest Fur and Silk Hats, and prices that must suit every ono who has an e to getting the worth of his money. lli« gjj Moleskin and Beaver Hats, aro unsurpnaied T lightness, durability and finish, by those of ri other establishment in the county. Boys' Hats of every description constantly hand. Call and examine. FANCY GOODS, FJFT LOOKS, *c. ; fIH SVT. lIAVEIISTI’CK, hflk'jtut r«c«h