American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, July 14, 1853, Image 4

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Mrs. of her capital.editorials
for the Boston OlivQ.Dranch, pte»enla-lhe follow
ing striking, contrast between two homes and .two
hu&bKn‘dB'*'‘ 11 '■ /
U l‘'Wla.h'l 1
coipe,h6tneV. TiredV, Yes! thal’d always 4 the cry.
1 never get tired—oh,'no!. Oualdmere to pleaso
—clerks accounts tocaelup! Hash!
1 shall hale that child. Now walk* the floor and
BppU, Wat",; BUI, hunt up my slippers. Mary,
draw up the rocking chair. Other men have those
things ready for them. There’s Saunders, he
tak^a-comfort. His wife is as handsome as she
was the day she married. If there’s anything I
hate, it's a faded woman. Light the lamps and
giye.rpb my newspaper. If 1 can’t read hero in
peace I’ll go over to Saunders's,”’
*<Mary, dear, how. Ureduyou look. Give mo
that great strapping boy. r. No .wonder your arms
ache. Oh! never mind me. I’m always O. K.
at home. yotikribW. ' .Takh the rocking Chair your
self,, and jufct,bo. comfortable. Ain’t ! tired 1—
Why, yes* lam—a little, but (hen I’ve feasted on
fresh ait andeunshine 10-day, which you hav’nl.
Besides,.! don’t have aach a lump of perpetual
motion as-this to manage. - .
“Bless my soul—.how do you live these hot
days! Never mind the room! everything looks
well enough—you included—except that, you are
looking a trifle belter than well. How do you
manage to keep so young and pretty,bonny wifyl”
Well might the smiling answer be, “i/ie fresh
ness and fullness of my husband's love keeps my
heart green.”
A Model Husband*
Governeur. Morris, in his will, mado a short
time before his death, after settling wife a
libera! allowance, says: “And in case my wife
should marry, give her six thousand dollars more
tu defray the increased expenditure which may at
tend'-that connection.”
Now had that boon my husband, I would nol
have married again if U had most killed me lo
live single. Dear, generous old soul! Provid
ing for bis wife’s little wants that way, after he
was gone! It makes my eyes as rod as a rabbit’s
to think of h.
No! I’d have worn black lo the li pof my nose
and kept guard over his dear old ashes the rest of
my mortal pilgrimage. He should have had a
fancy tombstone -all carved over with cherubim
and 1 seraphim. I’d have tied a piece of black
crape on the pump-handle, and—but “six thous
and dollars” ana a new husband! An awful
temptation for a lono female; but then the dear de
ceased old man ! Oh, 1 wouldn't have done it ai
least, 1 don’t think 1 would. (Hope nobody would
ask me, at any rale!)
What do yon suppose possessed the old gentle
man to be so uncommonly disinterested? It makes
roe suspicious. It’s my opinion on second thought,
that he was a judge of female nature. Thought
if he gave her leave to perpetuate matrimony, she
wouldn't want to. Shrewd old “fogie!” I’d have
pat that “six- thousand dollars” in my pocket, and
Governeor Morns No. S’, in my affection quicker
than a flash of chain lightning! I'd have obeyed
his last “will and testament” to the letter. I’d
have been as happy as a humming bird in a lilly
cup, drowsy with honey dew—see if 1 wouldn’t.
Fanny Fern.
Benjamin Franklin.—The following is an ex
tract from the lecture of the Hon.Georgo Bancroft,
lately delivered before the New York Historical
Society :
“Nol half of Franklin’s merits have been told.
He was the true father of the American Union.—
It Was he who went forth to lay the foundation of
that great design at Albany, and in New York be
lifted up his voice. Hero among us he appeared
as the apostle of the Union. It was Franklin who
suggested the Congress of 1774; and, but for hts
wisdom, and the confidence that wisdom inspired,
it is a matter of doubt whether that Congress
would have taken effect. U was Franklin who
suggested the bond of the Union which binds
these States from Florida to Maine. Franklin
wad the greatest diplomatist of the eighteenth cen
tury. He never spoke a word too soon; he never
spoke a word 100 much; ho never failed lo speak
the right word at the right season.”
New Trick. —Captain Stansbury, of the Topo
graphical Engineers, on the the valley of iho Great
Salt Lake of Utah, speaks of the trick resorted to
by those crossing 1 the plains. Immediately along
side the road, was what purported to be q grave,
prepared with more than usual care, having a
head-board, on which was painted the name and
age of the deceased, the time of his death, and
part of the country from which he oarao. 1 after
wards ascertained that this was only a deception
arose—to conceal the fact that the grave, in
stead of concealing the mortal remains of a human
being, had been made a safe receptacle for divers
casks of brandy, which the owner could carry no
further. He afterwards sold his liquor to some
traders further on. who by his description of its
locality found it without difficulty.
Violets.— -Some years since, the hounds of a
noble duke, who kept one of the finest packs of
his day, “came to fault” at the outskirts of a love
ly garden, where rose a bank of the sweetest flaw
era known in nature (violets) —those flowers on
which poets have bcon rapturous in every age,
and on which naturalists, in their turn, have al
most risen into poets. The dogs, it seems, were
also poetical on the occasion in question. The
perfume of the fox could not retain the mastery of
their faithless nostrils, in presence, as the French
would say, of this victorious aroma; and whilohis
pursuers indulged In forbidden beguilements Rey
nard stole away, and carried tils betraying odors
to a safe distance. The Duke asked h<s hunts
man what could hove puzzled so fine a pack in so
fair a chase ! The official, in a snblimo burst of
professional rage, scratched his head and made
answer, “Why your grace, it must be those con
founded slinking violets, 1 think !”
Female Society.—Some wilier has very elo
3uenlly said that there is nothing under heaven so
clicious as the possession of pui«, fresh, immu
table affection. The most felicitous moment ol
mao’s life, the most ecstatic of all emotions and
sympathies, is that In which ho receives an avow
al of affection from the idol ol his heart. The
springs of feeling, when in thoir youthful purity,
are fountains of unsealed and gushing tenderness
the spell that once draws them forth in the mys-1
tto light of future years and undying memory.—
Nothing In life is so pure and devoted as a wo
man's love. U matters not, whether It be for hus
band, or child, or sister, or brother, it is the same
pure unquenchable flame, the same constant and
immaculate glow of feeling, whoso undeniable
touchstone is (rial. Do but give her one token of
love, one kind word, one gentle look, oven if it be
amid desolation and death—the fooling of (hat
faithful heart will gush forth as a torrent, in des
pite of earthly bond or mercenary tie.— lrving.
Wo overboard a poor weatherbound individual
who was caught in the rain, humming (o himsel
in a door-way :
’Twaa over thus from childhood's hour,
That chilling fate has on mo fell;
There always comes a sopiting shower,
When I halnl got no umbrell.
A drunken follow recovered from a dbngorous
illness, was asked whether Ire had not boon afraid
of meeting his God V*
“No,” said ho, “1 was only afeard of t'other
chap,” •
A business man of out acquaintance Is so scru
pulously exact |n all of his doings, that whenever
be pays a visit, he will always insist on taking a
receipt. ■ .
Ab winged lightnings dart from tho clouds when]
Jupiter has unbarred thalt bolts,so doosqfatdorkls
ran like blazes when a big dog Is after him.
Mr. Hobbs, did you say that my wife was a
pobT house-keeper V*
' “No sit I ,—but 1 dip toll aq Intimate friend that
Vbtl hfid hoi had a clean shirt on for ton weeks."
editor says ho hoard a young lady at
a table ask for "hen fruit”—moaning eggs.
ibor ht
THE subscriu., 103 just returned from the city
with a large and splendid assortment o f Hard
ware, to which bo invites tho attention of hlscusto
cmrs and the public generally . His stock comprises
every article, usually found in Hardware stores.
Housekeepers, Builders, Carpenters, Saddlers,
Coachmakers and olh’ois, would do well to gi v o mo
a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am deter
mined to sell'at' the very lowetf prices. Call and
March 2d, 1853'.
English & American Hardware.
THE subscriber having just returned from tho
Eastern cities with a foil and handsome assort
moot of all kinds of Hardware of the very best mule
ers and welleoloctod, is now opening at theChoap
Hardware Stand, in North Hanoverstrcet,ncx(door
to Scott's hotel, whore ho invites all that are in want
of good and cheap Hardware, to give him a call and'
see and satisfy them solves’of the truth, as wo ate de
terminod to sell at a small advance. Small profit
and quick sales is the order of the day.
To Builders,' Carpenters and Others.
Afullstockof white, mineral and japaned knobs
locksandlatchos, hinges, ecrofts, window sash and
shuttorsprings, strait-necked and barrelled bolls, of
every kind; mill, cross cuj and circular Sawfi; hand,
panel,ripping and back Saws; bright,black and blue
augurs;chiselB,broad, pointing, hand and chopping
Axes, of different makers; hatchets, planes & plane
bits,steo land iron squares, files, rasps,brads spikes
all sizes.
To Saddlers and Coach Mahers
Our stock consists of a complete assortment of arli
closin your lino of business, such as brass,silver &
jupanod mounting, carriage trimmings, broad pastor
ing and seaming laces, fringes, plain ond figured can
vass. oil cloth, top lining cloth <ksei go lining, white,
red, blue and black patent leather; Dashers, silver &.
brass plate. Door hair, rosotts, hubs, follows, spokes
bows,clipticsprings,iron axids, malleable castings
To Cabinet and Shoe-makers .
A fall stock of shoo kit and findings, boot moiucco,
French kid, straits, morocco «k lining and binding
akinsjlasls,tacks, pegs, hammers, pinchers, French
morocco, superior copal varnish, japan and black
varnish, mahogany and maple vanccrs, moulding,
beading,resets, glass, mineral and mahogany knobs
of every size and stylo.
To Blacksmiths , Farmers and Others.
11 tons of assorted bar iron, warranted of (hr brs
quality. A splendid assortment of bar end rolled
iron, hammered , horse-shoe, scollop, plough,broad
and narrow tire,rolled, borec-shoo bar, band, round
and square iron; cast, shear, spring, English end
American biistersteel, English wagon boXcs. car
riage boxes in setts, an vile, vices, files, rasps, horse
shoe nails, &c.
To Housekeepers.
A beautiful-assortment of cheap Fancy goods, such
as waiters,trays, plain «Sc fancy knives,forks, batch
er knives,steels,britlania lamps,brass candlesticks,
brittama and silver table and tea spoons, plated but
ter knives, preserving kettles, smoothing irons, iron
and lined tea & oval boilers, iron frying and bread
pans,washboards, tabs, churns, buckets,iron pots
wash kettles,and stow pans, Sic.
Carlisle, May 7,1851
The ElepUaut Has Arrived,
And is now to be seen at LYNE'S , in North Han
over Street ,
WHERE bo has just opened a Mammoth stock of
HARDW ARB, which makes one of the largest,
most complete, and cheapest assortments ever offer
ed to tho public. I now invito all persons in want
of good Hardware at reduced prices, to give mo a
call as I can accommodate all from a needle 10, an
anvil,and at prices to suit the limes. Recollect a
penny saved is two earned, and 1 consider a nimble
sixpence better than a slow shilling.
To Housekeepers, —A groat assortment of house
keeping articles, such as brass and enamel preserv
ing kettles, frying pans, bake pans, woflleirons,
smoothing irons, shovels, tongs, waiters,trays,forks,
knives, carvers, steels, butcher knives, spoons,plated
tea and table spoons, pocket and pen knives in great
variety, razors and razor straps, scissors.sbears.iron
and brass, polished steel and common sbovclalatnd
longs, shovels, spades, forks, rakes, hoes,tubs, water
:ans, painted buckets, wash boards,improved patent
[stern pumps and lend pipe.
Zirus/ies.—A largcassorlinonl of whitewashing!,
weeping, horse and pointers brushes.
Iron. — A large stock of hammered bar iron,rolled
iron of all kinds, hoop iron, shed iron, round, square
and bandiion, English wagon boxes, ond steel of
I kinds.
Paints, oil, varnishes,l urpcnline, glue, &c
Glass of all sizes.
To Shoemakers.-- A full assortment of Morocco,
Linings, Bindings, patent Goat Skins, Lasts,Shoo
thread, Pegs, Knives, and Tools of all kinds.
Blake's Fire Proof Paints of different colors.
To Carpenters. —Afull assortment ofploncs.sows,
chisels, gages, squorcs, braces, bills, bench screws,
augurs and augur bills, hatchets, Ac.
To Couchmakcrs and Saddlers.—A first rate os
rtmonl of Carriage trimmings, such us laces, tas-
Is, fringes, drab cloth and ssuinclt, head linings,
tation ■ nainelod leather, patent leather curlln oil
cloth, plain and figured; Dasher lions, Lamps, Axles.
Springs, Malable Castings, Bent Felloes, Hubs,
Dows, Philips' patent boxes foi wood axles, fine
brass, silver plated and Japan harness mountings,
Saddle trees, Whips, ond cvaryarticlo used by Bod
dlcis very cheap.
Carlisle, March 24, 1 863,
Wall Papers.
THAVE just opened the largest assortment of
Wall Papers over opened in Carlisle, consisting
of about 10,000 pieces- of the latest French ondl
American designs, ranging in price from 6 cents to
$1 76. Also Window Popcrs, Fire Screens, plain,
gicon and bluo papers. Persons wishing to pur
chase any oftho above, can soro at loasl 25 po, cl.
1,, calling at JOHN P.LYNE’B
Hardware Store, North Hanover St.
M rch 24,1 853.
Attention Shoemakers!
1 1 1ST receiving and opening o splendid assort
,J menl of Lnata by Iho aolt or aingly. l.adica French
and Hlock Kid. Also Madras, Dope and Tampico
Morocco, American and French Calf Skins, Patent
Leather, Pink Lining,Binding Skins,Thread, Pegs,
Awls, Bristles, nnd a full assortment of Tools gon-
ally used by ShoomokcTß.
Remember the place—Eost Main street.
March 24, 1863.
To Builders and Housekeepers.
THOSE who are building oraboulcommonolng
housekeeping, will bo sure to find at all .limes an
assortment to soloot from.- Locks of all sorts and
sizes with braes, argillo, mineral and while knobs,
with Japanod of plated furniture, butt hinges oast
and wrought, wrought and strap iron ningoq,
screws, window glass from oxlo to 20x28, bolts,
& °Vo who are about getting married and going to
housekeeping—lots ofpxqlly things to please, pupli
as fancy waiters and trays; Ivory handle knives
nnd forks in sells and dozenth common knives and
forks, butter knives with, plaited, and Ivory hah
dies. frVlncr and broad pahs, shlooihlng Irons,
tubs, churns, &o. HENRY SAXTON.
Carlisle, March 31,1853. ». .
To Saddlers,Coachmakers
\ complete assortment Of saddlery, japan, brinta
i i\ and silver mounting, all kinds of carriage trim*
I mingb.Bufch as damask,rattinet,lace, testate.fringe,
1 drab and blue cloth, rod plush, plain, figured and
onamcUeil canvass, patent and imitation leather,
plated dishes, lamps,, mil. castings, bent felloes,
hubbs, epokcß, boughs, bammeredand rollodlton,
i oraUslzesoontla'ntlyon hand.
March 3, 1868. U.BAXT6n.
. Al Ogilby'a WhotesaVe 'and Jteidii EmfioHum.
' AM now receivingmy GbcdnOßUpply of SUmWict
Goods, and,will sbll thdtu'bff 'cheaper thin' any
oilier house in thb county. .
It is impossible to enumerate —suffice it to say,
that our stock of \
is immense, embracing oVcry. article of Dry, Goods, pricoa’astonisbingly low. .
The Ladies pro particularly requested to examine
our new slock-of elegant Dross Goods, Crop© Shawls,
Bonnots,jßibbona, &c.
In Gentlemen’s wear wo have a full assortment
of Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Veatings, &c«
Carpeting and Malting,
of every description and price.
Also, a now and large assortment of Ladies and
Children’s elegant Gaiters, Jonny Lind a nd Busk
ino Shoes, at very low prices.
Recollect the old stand, Bast Main street.
May 26, 1963.
A LARGE Spring Arrival, which surpasses in
[\ quantity, quality and price, any that boa ever
been opened in Carlisle, consisting of all hinds of
Hardware, Shoe Findings, Coach Trimmings, Sad
dlery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Nails, File**
Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Springs, Axels, Bows, Fel
loes, Veneers, Cedar ware, Farming Utensils, Bor &
Holed lion, Stool, &c., with a thousnnd other arti
Having purchased very largely of heavy Goods
previous to the advaneb in the prices, I am enabled
to sell at the old prices. Persons in want of Hard
ware are invited to call and examine my stock and
hear the prices, and they will bo convinced where
the cheap Hardware is to bo had.
My stock of Wall Papers is unsurpassed by any
1 other in the borough.
Thankful for past favors, a continuance of l» c
same is solicited.
April 7. 1853,
Scythes! I
I HAVE just received 25 doz. Groin and Grass]
Scythes, manufactured for my own sales, which
arc fur superior to‘any other Scythes brought n>
this market. I hovo been selling this 01 tide for the j
last four years, in which time they have thoroughly ,
proved their superiority over all othois. 'I be coily
attention of cradle makers is invited to this article.
The attention of Farmers is also solicited to®
new patent Scylho Snclb, which does owoy with
the common heel ring and grass noil, and has been
prononneed by all who hovo examined it to be a
great improvement. A large lot of 2,3& 4 prong
fo s, wooden forks, shovels, hoes, &c.
* pril 28, 1852. JOHN F. LYNE.
(Cheaper than the Cheapest, and in enc
j less variety. Call and see them !
SW.HAVERBTICK has just received from
i city and is now opening a splendid display
1 Fancy Goods, suitable for tbo approaching Beam
lo which be desires to coll the attention of h n
friends and the public. His aseoilmchl in ihi
line cannot bo surpassed in novelty andclcgnnc,
and both in quality and price of the articles, canal
fall to please purchasers. It would bo impossible t
enumerate his Holiday Fancy Gocds, which com
1 prise every variety of fancy a (tic lee of the mosinov
c> styles, such as
Ladies 'Fancy askets,
Fancy Work Boxes, with sowing instruments.
Terracotta Work (a recent novel.)
Paper Macho Goods,
Elegant Alabastorand Porcelain Ink-stands on
Fancy ivory, pearl «k shell card cases.
Port Monnaics of every variety.
Gold pens and pencils.
Fancy paper weights,
Pupcterics,with a largo variety of ladles fan
Motto seals and wafers,
Silk and bead purses,
Ladies* riding whipsolegantly finished,
Perfume baskets and bags,
Brushes of ovciy kind for the toilet,
Roussel’s perfumes of various kinds,
Musical Instruments of all kinds and at all pripq*,
with an innumerable variety of articles elegantly
finished and suitable for holiday presents.
Also, an extensive and elegant collection of
comprising tbo various English and American Ax*
HuiLs for 1953, richly embellished and illustrated
Poetical Works, with Children’s Pictorial Books,for
children of all ages, than which nothing can bomdre
appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. Hisds
sortmeni of School Books and School Stationery is
so complete, and comprises every thing used in Col
leges and the Schools. Ho also calls attention to
his elegant display of
Lamps, Girandoles, &c.,
from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Ar
cherand others, of Philadelphia, compiling every
ntyU of Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps,for burn
ing either Urd. sperm or elherial oil, together with
Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, &c. His assortment
in thislino is unequalled in’lho borough.
Fruits, Fancy Confectionery, Nuts, Pre
served Fruits,&c., in every variety and at all prides,
all of which are pure and fresh, such as can be con
fidently recommended lo his friends and the little
folks. Remember the old stand, opposite the Bank
December 10,1852, •
THE subscriber would respectfully announcoUo
the citizens of this place ond all persons visiting the
same during the Holidays, that ho has now on hand
and will continue to bo supplied with the latest nov.
iitias op to the close of the season, comprising in
of the choicest varieties, such as Floo Candy Toys,
Jolly Cakoß, Bon Bone, Gam,Cordial, Lemon, Choc.
oUlo, and fruit drops, tobc, vanilla and burnt olmonds,
Trench and exploding Secrete, also, all the comon va
-1 ricllcß, oil of which wll bo sold wholesale or retcril
\ at low rates at j
in North Hanover street, a few doors north of kho
Bank, whore wo have just received FRUITS ind
NUTTS of the latest importations, aoeh as oranges,
lemons, pruene, citron, curranlß, soft
and paper shelled almonds, filberts, cocoa, cream de
ground nuts, also
Toys and Fancy Goods ,
of every kind from all ports of Europe, manufactured
of wood, glass, china, papler-mochlc, tin, india Tub.
bor xinc, &c., each bb fine wax, kid & jointed dolls,
sowing and card baskets,work and fancy boxes,
flower vases, motto caps, tea setts, music Uoxcb, port
monies, battle doors, grace hoops,, masks, drams,
truns. trumpets, dominoes, lotto, and other games,
&0.. fancy snaps and hair oils of every variety. In
connection with the above a lorgo slock of
family groceries.
aucli aa Lovorlng'scrushed, pulverized and brown
Sugars, coffee, molasßOß, Blnrch, indig, ealcratus,
orcoo and black toßfl, epiccs, holler, water and soda
crackers, matches, dec,, and as wo “Strive to Pleaeo
“1 loro invited to oiamino our stock.
Tho subscriber rotains bis thanks to tbo public for
tbo patronage horctolhro bestowed on him, and liopco
by a desire to ploaso to merit a conlinuanoo of tbo
IF you desire a complete assortment of Goode to
eolocl from, call in Enel Main street, whore, you
e n be supplied with Hair cloth of all breadths, sofa
and chair springs, Mahogany Veneers from JTi cts
to *2 per sett, Whlhul and Maple Veneers. Mould
ings of all broadllm, Besets, Varnishes, Ac. I Incite
their particular my Varnishes andocory
thing else uaod in their llne-
MarchS, 1083
SUPERIOR Havana Segars. A lot _ of ropoHor
Havana Sogers, such os Magnolias, La SulUnos,
Neptuno. Victoria,, Esculspio, &c. Also Golden
Leaf, Luclous Sunory and Eidorodo Tobaecojust
r, ««J.Uta ch t .p.l° r »f A OAIioTHEHS>
KrUs Kinglet Old Hall,
To Cabinet Makers.
A HOUSE) of entertainment is now opened for
the jroception of, city boarders by the week or
otherwise, inclined to,make the beau*
liful and healthful tov?& of Carlisle a summer ro
ttoat; and for the acpommodallon of travelled who
may feel disposed to coll. The undersigned shall
spare no pains- to supply his table with the host the
seasons canaflbi'di • JOHN.McCARTNEY.
N. B. Sovbial. Houses dd Lois are offered for
sale on reasonable terms. J.McC.
Apri 14, 1853—3 m.
THE undersigned would respectfully inform tho
Ladies of Mcchanlckburg and its vicinity, that ho
has just fitted up, opposite his old stand in said
borough,a .
Ladles’ Shoe Store,
designed expressly for their accommodation, and
freo from.the annoyances to whioh they- have here*
toforo been subjected. This store will bo under tho
solo charge and supervision of his sister, and Ladies
may rest assured that every attention will be paid
to their demands. A full and constant supply of
ready made work, from (ho best of eastern manufac
tories, in oddilion to his own, will bo found alwoys
on band, consisting in part of Ladies' Fine Kid
Slippers, Fine Gaiters, of all colors, cushman tics,
toilet and enume led shoes, Jenny Lind’s, French
Buskin, Union lies and pumps of all descriptions,
Misses’ col’d Gaiters of all kinds, children’s fancy
Kossuth boots, Gaiters, Tlds and French Morocco
shoes, double and jingle 'soled, &c. t &o
Ho would also inform his old friends and the
public generally, that he 'still continues to keep on
band and manufacture to order, at bis old stand, all
* kinds of
such as Men’s Fine Calf skin Boots, from
00 to 85 00; French Morocco from $3
to 84 50 j .Coarse Boots, $2 50 to $3 00. AH rips
will bo repaired without extra charge.
Thankful for tho patronage which has been exten
ded to him heretofore, ho hopes by strict attention
to business and a desire to please, to merit and re*
I ccivo a continuance of the samo.
> Meohanlcsborg, April 14, *s3—6m.
Spring Styles!
WM. 11. TROUT, has jusl received and opened
the Spring Stylo of Hale for 1852, an elegant
article, to which ho invites the attention of the pub.
lie. Ills Hate arc of all prices, from the most ele
gantly finished to the cheap common article, and of
every variety of style now worn. Ho continues to
and keep always on hand
o full assortment ofHATS and CAPS
,fo! men and boys, and ho con sell a
cheaper and bolter article than any other establish
mcnl in town. Those in want of good, .veil mode,
and elegantly finished Hate, would do well to call
before purchasing elsewhere.
The attention of citizens and strangers is porllcu
larly 'invited to the beautiful Spring Style of Hals,
i just received, a really handsome article, and warran
udlobojpsl as good, as it is neat and tasteful in
Remember that the largest and best assortment in
town may olwaye bo found at TROUT’S, Irvine's
[ Roto, rear of the Episcopal Church.
Carlisle, April 29,1852.
Extensive Furniture Rooms.
WOULD respectfully call the attention of house
keepers and the public, to the extensive stock
of splendid FURNITURE, includ-
nig every variety of Cabinet-ware
an d Choirs, which ho has now on
hand at his Rooms, corner of Honover ond Louther
streets, opposite John Hamer’s store, Carlisle.
Ho is confident that tho superior finish of the
Workmanship, and elegance of stylo, in which his
articles are got dp, together with their cheapness,
will fccomm* nd them to every person wonting Fur
niture. Ho has also made arrangements for manu
facturing and keeping a constant supply of every
article in his line, both plain ond ornamental, ele
gant and useful, at prices which cannot fail to suit
purchasers. Ho would earnestly invito persons who
Arc about to commence housekeeping, to call and
examine his present elegant slock, to which ho will
constantly make additions of the newest ond most
modern styles.
COFFINS mode to order at the shortest notice,
for fawn ond country. .
December S 3, 1852—1 y
N. D.—Two good Journeymen Cabinet makers
can find constant employment at the above estab
lishment. Two Apprentices—hoys about 16 or 17
years of ago—will also bo token, if application ho
made soon. J F
Coach Trimming, Coach Painting,
Saddle and Harness Making.
rpHB subscribers respectfully inform the public,
JL that they have opened a now shop in North
Hanover street, a fow doors north of Glass' Hotel,
where they are prepared to make ovary article in
thoirlineof business as cheap,
and as substantial as can
<T be had ony where iu Cumber*
land county. They, aro now prepared to Trim
and Paint Coaches at short notice, and on the most
reasonable terms. They have also on hand, and
will manufacture to order, Single and Double Har
ness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, dee.
Having had considerable experience in the above
business, the undersigned flatter themselves that they
con give satisfaction to all who may favorthem with
their custom.
With moderate prices end a desire to please,they
solicit a flhoio of public patronage.
Carlisle, Juno 24, 1852—1y*
THE subscriber having just returned from the
J. city, oilers to his customers and the public in
gccral, a largo and well selected assortment of
Candies, Fruits, Nuts, &c., -
which for price and quality cannot bo beat. Wo
havo constantly on'hand and manufacturing GAN
DIES of a superior quality, consisting of Stick
: Candles of all kinds, mint, lemon, chocolate and
|Oum Drops, Fruits and Nuts of oil kinds, such us
Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Dales, Prunes,
Almons, English Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Filberts,
Cocoa Nuts,California and African Ground Nuts.
Also, a largo ossortment of Willow Cradles,
Cabs, Coaches, dtc.; Accordoons from 26 cents to
$lO, Butter, Sugar and Water Crackers, Caven
dish, Congress, Mrs. Miller's dc Goodwin's Fine
Cut Tobacco, and a variety of other goods.
From the liberal patronage heretofore extended
to him, ho hopes to receive a continuance of the
Remember the place, oppoello Manioir Hall,
Carlisle, April 38, 1603.
The Best and Cheapest Family Coal in
the Market.
TONS of Superior Coal* from Rausch
Gap, Dauphin counly, and Gold Mine
Gup, Schuylkill counly, for sale by E, Diddle, jr.
at tho Waro'houflo property formerly owned by S.
M. Hoover, at prices from $3,25 to $3,50 per ton.
March 17, 1853.
Limcburncr’s Coal.
1 Limoburnor’s Coal, of tbo best
IUUU quality, just receiving and for sale by
E. Diddle, jr. Only $9,40 per ton.
Farmers living alongtliollnoof thoCumborlontl
Valley Railroad, can navo ttio coal delivered to
them at any point of the route. Orders by letter,
promptly attended to.
U / . E. BIDDLE, Jr.
March 17,1853—1 f __________
Lalna Clothe.
A Large assortment of fine Lama Cloths,for lady'
drcBBOB, which will bo sold very cheap.
Fob 24,1859. N. W. WOODS, Aegnt.
POLISH for Linens, &o. A superior article of
Starch Polish, for Imparting a fine nolieh to
muslin, collars, cambrics, &o. For sale at the
store of J. W. EBY,
Carlisle, Juno 9,1663.
Tin* mc behold many females, scarce in the meridian of life
broken in heeUh and sphiu with a complication of diseases
and ailment*. depriving them of the power for the enjoyment
of life at an age* when physical health, buoyancy or spirits,
and lUppy serenity of trtmd, arising from ecoudulon of health,
** Nlsuiy hersuffering* at'flnt—perhapsyears
before, perhaps during girlhood, orlhe first yearn ofmamage—
wore In their origin ao light a* to pa»* Unnoticed, and of course
Wlaen too late to bo benefitted by our knowledge, we lJok
back and mourn, and regret the full consequence* of our
,K W™atwonld we not often dr# to poise**, In early life, (ho
knowledge we obtain in after yean 5 And vrh&l days and
night* of anguish we might not have been spared, it me
knowledge we* timely possessed. Ill*
To behold the sickness and sufferingenduredby many a wife
for many yean, from causes simple and controllable, easily
remedied"—or better still,—not incurred, if every
Possessed die information contained lu e little volume, (with
iu the reach of all) which would spare to herself
And to her husband the constant toil and anxiety of mind,
necessarily devolving upon him from sickness, ol the wife,
without giving him the opportunity of acquiring that com
petence which hi* exertions are entitled, and the possession
o( which would secure the happiness of himself, Vrife, and
By becoming In lime possessed oi the knowledge, the want
of which has caused the sickness and poverty of thousands.
In view of such consequences, no wife or mother is excu
sable if she neglect to avail herself of that knowledge hi
respect to herself, which would spare her much suffering, be
the means of happiness and prosperity to her husband, and
confer npon her children that blessing above all mice—healthy
bodies, with healthy, minds. That knowledge I* contained in
a little work entitled
Private Medical Companion.
mormon or diseases or homes.
One Hundredth Edition. Wmg.,pp. 250. Price, 50 cM
[OK n«E PAPER, EXTRA DlHSltta, $1 00.]
FiYtt published in IBt), anil it i« not
Considering' that EVERY PBJIALE,
acquire a Cull knowledge of the nature,
character and causes of her .complaints,
with the Tarious symptoms, ami that
nearly *
should hare been sold. ....
ll 1» Impracticable to convey fully tho various subjects
treated of, as they are of a nature strictly intended for the
married, or those contemplating marriages, but no female
desirous of enjoying health, and that beauty, consequent upon
health, which is »o conducive to her own happiness, and that
of her husband, but either has or will obtain it, as has or will
every husband woo has the love and affection of ins wile at
heart, or that of Iris own pecuniary improvement.
Have been SENT BY MAIL within the last few mouth*
py py uq py KJV pf
m y Cijft m m tijf £|f
’-Tt” Base and Shameful Fraud!!
violation op copyright;
Flagrant and barefaced, has been anmptilionily issued, with
the same form and site, exactly the same Title Pads, and
exactly the same
But another name substituted for " Dr. A. M. Mauriceau,"
and " Boston” for.*' New York,” and the words,
felnTEltCD according to Act of Congress, in the year 1817, by
lu the Clerk's Often of thfc District Court of (he Bonthem
District of New York.
The contents, the subject matter, and reading are
Printed on poor, brownish, dirty paper, with, a paper cover.
It eau be known alio from (ha miserable and illegible wood
cut* scattered throughout its pages. The copyright edition
contains none.
if there are any in die trade so iost to shams and common
honesty as to be willing parties
No lets than the legal owner of the property in copyright,
they will be prosecuted, and steps will be taken to expose
them to die public.
A copy will be sent to each bookseller or firm, (with the
terms upon which they will be furnished,) upon receipt ol
hit or their business card ofaddrest.
Uiiy no book nnlm Dr. A. M. Matmecan, 119 Liberty at-,
N- Y., »» on the title page, and the entry in Clerk’a Office on
lit. back ofllie title pagt correspond! as herein, andbtiy only
of respectable and honorable dealer*, or tend by nail, and ad*
dressip Dr, A. M. Mauriceau.
fall title jwge, with contents, together wun a few page*
treating of Important subject! to erety married female, Mill
be sent, free orchargo, to any one enclosing a letter stamp lit
a prepaid letter, addressed as herein.
CTOn receipt of Fitly Ceuta, (or One
Dollar for the fine Edition extra binding.)
MEDICAL. COMPANION” U sent (msd/ed
/Wl) to any part of the United States. All
letters must be post-paid, and oddrcaacd to
DR. A. M. MAURICE AU, Uox N« w
York City. Publishing Ofilcc, No. 1 £U liberty
Street, Now York*
For sale by Blanch dc Crop Harrisburg,! Sworl
Dloomsburg, J 8 Worth Lebanon, C W De Wit
Milford, J W Ensmtngcr Danhoim, II W Smith
Huntingdon, 8 Me onald Uniontown, J M Baum
Now Beilin, H A Lanlz Reading, IS T Merso
Cranesvillo, N Y; R P Crocker Brownsville, Wonts
dt Stark Carbondale, Eldrcd dt Wright Willioms
port, 8 Tuck Wilkcsbarre.Q W Earle Waynesboro;
U Crosky Mercer,B Loader Hanover, 8 W Taylor
Ulico,RP Cummings Somerset, T D Peterson,
July 20, 1852—3m*
Storrs’Chemical Hair Invigorate?
ARE YOU BALD 1 le your hair falling offl
Or is your head covered with Dandruff or
Scruffl If so, then make a fair trial of Storrs’
Chemical Hair Invigorator. Hundreds of persons
in all parts of the country whoso heads wore entire
ly bald, havo had their huir fully restored to its orig*
inul perfection by the use of this valuable article.—
Read the testimony.
Now York, Jan. 1,1851
Mr.Sfonns. —Dear Sir: Mr.Smith,of Newton,
L. 1., obtained a bottle of your excellent Hair Invig.
orator for his little girl, about four years old, her
head being entirely bu!d;no hnirof any consequence
having grown on her bead from birth, and surprising
as it may appear, after having used but one bottle,
a-complete head of hair was produced njarly trio
Inches long of a fine healthy growth.
A. D'oolittle, M. O. No. 141, Grand 81.
Philadelphia, Moy 10, 1860.
Mr. Sxonns —Sir: After being bald for a number
of years, and having used numerous proportions to
no effect, your Chemical Hair Invigorator has pro*
ducod a fine head of now hair, and'l hardly know
how to express my gratitude for the benefit IJiavo
received from your valuable Article.
J. Wadsworth, No. 10, Orchardist
The following testimony is from Mr. MeMokin
editor of the “Saturday Courier: 1 '
“Storrs’ Hair Invigorator. —lt gives us much
pleasure, unsolicited, to record our testimony in fa
vor of the groat pleasantness and entire efficacy of
Storrs’ Chemical Hair (nvigoiotor. On recovering
from the recent severe attack of illness, wo discover*
cd that our usual healthy and abundant crop of hair
was rapidly falling oft, and chancing to have on
hand a sample of the above article furnished by the
manufacturer many months previously, wo used but
a single bottle, as directed, and found it to operate
like a charm, in entirely checking the fall and croat
ing a nbw and healthy notion of (ho scalp.”
Wo could give many other references to some of
oar most respectable citizens,’but would ask all who
aro troubled with Dandruff, aro bald, or are losing
their hair, to givo Storrs’ Chemical Ilairlnvigorator
’ a trial, and one trial will do more to convince you of
our claims for it than all thetostimony of others that
I wo might produce.
Caution. —Ask for “Storr’s Chemical Hair In
-1 vigoiator,”anJ novorlot dealers persuade youto use
• ony olborartiolo as a substitute. Price 25 cents a
bottle. •
Proprietors and Manufacturers.—C. P. Auet &
C0.,N0. 120, Arch street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Curlisto’by S. W. llavorsllck, Sami.
Elliott,and Ko)flo,and by doolorsgonorolly.
October 28,1862 ly
on. jronnr s. spriggs.
OFFERS his professionalsorvicos lotho people fo
Dickinson township and vicinity. Residence—
On the Walnut Bottom road, I milooastof Centre
February 8, 1058, ly*
r*lre : Insurance,
THE Allen and EasUPennsborough Molutl Fi
Insurance CorapOhy of Cumberland-, county, loco
poratcd by an act of Assembly!.is, now. folly organ
izod, and in operation under the management of m
following Managers, vllt .. .
Daniel Bailyi Wm. R. Gorgaj, Michael Cocklinr
MclcHoir Drenndmun’i Christian .Slayroan, John c*
Dunlap, Jacob H. Cooverr&bwls'Hyor, Henry Logan!
Benjamin. H. MussolyJacob Mumma, Joseph Wick,
orshum, Alexander C&tboart*
Tlio rales of insurance ara as low and favorable
as any Company of the kiad'ln tho State. Persons
wishing to become members ara invited to mako op.
plication to tho agents of the company who ate wil.
ling lo wait upon them at any time.
BENJ- H. MOSSER. President,
Henry Logan, Vice President.
Lewis Hter, Secretary, • .
Michael Cooklin, Treasurer,
October 7,1852.
Cumberland County.—Rudolph Martin, N. Cum
berland ;C. D. Herman, Kingstown; Henry Zaar
ing; Shiromanslown; Charles 8011, Carlisle; Dr. J.
Ah!, Churoblown; Samuel Graham, Wcslpcnnsboro’i
James M’Dowoll, Frankfqrd; Mode Giiffitb, Sooth
Middleton; Samuel Woodbur.n, Dickinson, Samuel
Coover, Benjamin Ifavoratick.Moohonicsburg, Jobs
Shorrick, Lisburn, David Cjover,Bhophordstown.J
York County.—John Bowman, DMlsgnrg; Pelef
Wolford, Franklin; John Smith, Fsq-, Washington f
W. S. Picking, Dover; J. W.Craft,Paradise.
Harrisburg. —Houser 6c Locbmdn.
Members of tho company having polices about (d
exp ro can have them renewed by making applies*
lion loany of tho agents.
3 miles t oettof Harrisburg, Pa.
THE Fifth Session of this flourishing Insthe*
tion wil commence on Monday tho 2d day of
May . next. Parents and Guardians are respect
fully solicited to inquire into tho merits of this
Institution before sending their sons or wards
elsewhere. Tho eittmtlpn is retired, pleasant, health
ful, and convenient of access. The course of itu
struclion will embrace tho different branches of a
thorough English education, together wth the La
tin, Greek, French, Gorman, Spanish end Portu
guese languages, and Vocal & Instrumental Music.
The Principal will be orsisted by four well qualified
teachers, viz: two in tho English branches, one In
Penmanship, and Drawing, and one in Music and
Modern Languages.
Boarding,washing,tuition in tho English
branches,and Vocal music per scs*
sion, (6 months,) $6O 00
Ancient and Modern 5 00
Instrumental music, \ 10 00
Foi circulars and other information,address
Whitt Hill, Cumb. Co n Pa
M-irch 10,1863.
rpilE 14th Session will commence May 2d. The
X buildings (ono ordeted last Full) aro new and ex*
tensive. The situation is all that can bo desired for
hoaiiltfulnces or moral purity, Removed from the
excitement ofTown or City, the students may hero
prepare for college, mercantile pursuits, &c. AU
tiio branches are taught which go to fu/m a liberal
education. A conscientious discharge of doty has
secured the present flourishing condition of tho In
stitution. Its future success (under Frovidcnco)
shall bo maintained by tho same means.
Terms—Doard and Tuition per session, 050.
Far Catalogue with full information, address
R. K. BURNS, Principal Proprietor.
Plainfield Post Office,
Cumb. Co. Pi.
March 30, 1653.
'I'M! E Subscriber is now prepared to exhibit to
X Merchants and Milliocrß his usual heavy stock
of Ladles' and Misses'
artificial flowers
Palm.leaf, Panama and Every Variety of
Tor Gentlemen, which for Extent. Variety and beau*
ty of manufacture, as well qs uniformly cloae prices,
will be found unrivalled.
No. 41 South Second Streol,
Fob. 10—3rn
Blinds and Shades.
BJ. WILLIAMS, No. 12 North Sixth Street,
( a few doors above Market street, Philadel
phia, is the most extensive ami best manufaftturer
ot Window Blinds & Shades In (ho UnHed States
ami has taken the highest premiums at alt (ho ex-
hibitions: he buys the best materials by wholesale
cheaper for cash than others pay for inferior Arti
cles by retail; and can, therefore, sell superior Ve
nitian Blinds and Shades, as cheap as others ask
for Inferior articles. Painted Window Shades in
great variety, of beautiful designs and superior
quality. Duffand Whifo Linen Shades. Blind
and Shade Trimmings, Fixtures, &0., wholesale
and retail at the lowest cash prices. Store Shades
painted and lettered to order. Reed Blinds at
manufacturer's prices. Old Blinds painted to
look as good as now. Purchasersby calling will
bo convinced that ho sells a superior article, and
guarantees full satisfaction. A liberal discount
made to dealers. “Wo study to please.”
No. 10 North 6lh St.,Phila.
April 7,1853—3 m ,
■ Stoves! Stoves!
THE subscriber has made arrangements with
the host manufacturers of Stoves in Troy. Al
bany. New Yoijtv Philadelphia, &c., by which ho
can odor Inducements to persons wishing to pur
chase Stoves equal to tho maqufaclurers. Among
his oßsorlmonlof
will bo found the host and most approved patterns
adapted for burning either wood or coal, all of
which are warranted. His
Parlor Stoves,
embrace now and beautiful styles, and such as
cannot fail to please all tastes. In addition lo
those, ho has on hand a largo assortment of HIKE
PLATE S'IWES, which ho feels satisfied will
plonao purchasers.
Persons dostrous of procuring a good store will
do well to examine my slock, as It will bo their
advantago to glvo mo the preference.
Carlisle, Sept IG, 1852.
Mineral Waters, Sarsaparilla, &c.
THIS subscriber would respectfully announce
to the citizens of Carlislo, and the community a(
largo, that ho has commenced the manufacture of
Mineral Waters and Sarsaparilla, o( the very
best flavor and quality, ond the bottling of Po'rlcr.
Ale, and Cider. Ho is fully and amply prepared
to furnish all orders promptly and with despatch,
and hopes by strict attention to receive that pa
tronage duo to onldrprizo, which ho respectfully
asks. GKO. W. BRANDT r
Carlisle, March 10, 1853—Cm
To Farmers.
ANOTHER lot of Iho celebrated York Ploughs,
just received at manufacturers* prices, tiom
s6s to $Q‘ Also, on hand Craighead Ac Plank's
Plough, at their prices.
Oorli arch 81, 1868.
Such as Sleeves, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs,
Swiss and Jaconet Edging and Inserting. Ate.,just
received by PHILIP ARNOLD.
April 7, 1653. ....
Mas Dc Tihins.
JUST received another case of splendid Gold Med*
al Do Laias, which wo are selling at 12J worth
10*. N. W. WOODS, 'Agent*
Doe, 20,1652.
PARASOLS. Jubi received a largo naaoriwent
of Pataoola, plain and figured, whloli will
Bold very cheap.
May 6,1853
N. W, WOODS, Ag».