ANDWiVES. Mrs. of her capital.editorials for the Boston OlivQ.Dranch, pte»enla-lhe follow ing striking, contrast between two homes and .two hu&bKn‘dB'*'‘ 11 '■ / U l‘'Wla.h'l 1 coipe,h6tneV. TiredV, Yes! thal’d always 4 the cry. 1 never get tired—oh,'no!. Oualdmere to pleaso —clerks accounts tocaelup! Hash! 1 shall hale that child. Now walk* the floor and BppU, Wat",; BUI, hunt up my slippers. Mary, draw up the rocking chair. Other men have those things ready for them. There’s Saunders, he tak^a-comfort. His wife is as handsome as she was the day she married. If there’s anything I hate, it's a faded woman. Light the lamps and giye.rpb my newspaper. If 1 can’t read hero in peace I’ll go over to Saunders's,”’ * this market. I hovo been selling this 01 tide for the j last four years, in which time they have thoroughly , proved their superiority over all othois. 'I be coily attention of cradle makers is invited to this article. The attention of Farmers is also solicited to® new patent Scylho Snclb, which does owoy with the common heel ring and grass noil, and has been prononneed by all who hovo examined it to be a great improvement. A large lot of 2,3& 4 prong fo s, wooden forks, shovels, hoes, &c. * pril 28, 1852. JOHN F. LYNE. (Cheaper than the Cheapest, and in enc j less variety. Call and see them ! SW.HAVERBTICK has just received from i city and is now opening a splendid display 1 Fancy Goods, suitable for tbo approaching Beam lo which be desires to coll the attention of h n friends and the public. His aseoilmchl in ihi line cannot bo surpassed in novelty andclcgnnc, and both in quality and price of the articles, canal fall to please purchasers. It would bo impossible t enumerate his Holiday Fancy Gocds, which com 1 prise every variety of fancy a (tic lee of the mosinov c> styles, such as Ladies 'Fancy askets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sowing instruments. Terracotta Work (a recent novel.) Paper Macho Goods, Elegant Alabastorand Porcelain Ink-stands on trays. Fancy ivory, pearl «k shell card cases. Port Monnaics of every variety. Gold pens and pencils. Fancy paper weights, Pupcterics,with a largo variety of ladles fan stationery, Motto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses, Ladies* riding whipsolegantly finished, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of ovciy kind for the toilet, Roussel’s perfumes of various kinds, Musical Instruments of all kinds and at all pripq*, with an innumerable variety of articles elegantly finished and suitable for holiday presents. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of Books, comprising tbo various English and American Ax* HuiLs for 1953, richly embellished and illustrated Poetical Works, with Children’s Pictorial Books,for children of all ages, than which nothing can bomdre appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. Hisds sortmeni of School Books and School Stationery is so complete, and comprises every thing used in Col leges and the Schools. Ho also calls attention to his elegant display of Lamps, Girandoles, &c., from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Ar cherand others, of Philadelphia, compiling every ntyU of Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps,for burn ing either Urd. sperm or elherial oil, together with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, &c. His assortment in thislino is unequalled in’lho borough. Fruits, Fancy Confectionery, Nuts, Pre served Fruits,&c., in every variety and at all prides, all of which are pure and fresh, such as can be con fidently recommended lo his friends and the little folks. Remember the old stand, opposite the Bank . S. W. HAVERSTIOK. December 10,1852, • JACOB SENER THE subscriber would respectfully announcoUo the citizens of this place ond all persons visiting the same during the Holidays, that ho has now on hand and will continue to bo supplied with the latest nov. iitias op to the close of the season, comprising in part J. P. LYNE of the choicest varieties, such as Floo Candy Toys, Jolly Cakoß, Bon Bone, Gam,Cordial, Lemon, Choc. oUlo, and fruit drops, tobc, vanilla and burnt olmonds, Trench and exploding Secrete, also, all the comon va -1 ricllcß, oil of which wll bo sold wholesale or retcril \ at low rates at j in North Hanover street, a few doors north of kho Bank, whore wo have just received FRUITS ind NUTTS of the latest importations, aoeh as oranges, lemons, pruene, citron, curranlß, soft and paper shelled almonds, filberts, cocoa, cream de ground nuts, also Toys and Fancy Goods , of every kind from all ports of Europe, manufactured of wood, glass, china, papler-mochlc, tin, india Tub. bor xinc, &c., each bb fine wax, kid & jointed dolls, sowing and card baskets,work and fancy boxes, flower vases, motto caps, tea setts, music Uoxcb, port monies, battle doors, grace hoops,, masks, drams, truns. trumpets, dominoes, lotto, and other games, &0.. fancy snaps and hair oils of every variety. In connection with the above a lorgo slock of family groceries. aucli aa Lovorlng'scrushed, pulverized and brown Sugars, coffee, molasßOß, Blnrch, indig, ealcratus, orcoo and black toßfl, epiccs, holler, water and soda crackers, matches, dec,, and as wo “Strive to Pleaeo “1 loro invited to oiamino our stock. Tho subscriber rotains bis thanks to tbo public for tbo patronage horctolhro bestowed on him, and liopco by a desire to ploaso to merit a conlinuanoo of tbo aamOi IF you desire a complete assortment of Goode to eolocl from, call in Enel Main street, whore, you e n be supplied with Hair cloth of all breadths, sofa and chair springs, Mahogany Veneers from JTi cts to *2 per sett, Whlhul and Maple Veneers. Mould ings of all broadllm, Besets, Varnishes, Ac. I Incite their particular my Varnishes andocory thing else uaod in their llne- MarchS, 1083 SUPERIOR Havana Segars. A lot _ of ropoHor Havana Sogers, such os Magnolias, La SulUnos, Neptuno. Victoria,, Esculspio, &c. Also Golden Leaf, Luclous Sunory and Eidorodo Tobaecojust r, ««J.Uta ch t .p.l° r »f A OAIioTHEHS> HARDWARE. JOHN P. LYNE. “WE STRIVE TO PLEASE.' 1 Confectionaries KrUs Kinglet Old Hall, P. MOMYEIt To Cabinet Makers. H. SAXTON. CARLISLE. PA. A HOUSE) of entertainment is now opened for the jroception of, city boarders by the week or otherwise, inclined to,make the beau* liful and healthful tov?& of Carlisle a summer ro ttoat; and for the acpommodallon of travelled who may feel disposed to coll. The undersigned shall spare no pains- to supply his table with the host the seasons canaflbi'di • JOHN.McCARTNEY. N. B. Sovbial. Houses dd Lois are offered for sale on reasonable terms. J.McC. Apri 14, 1853—3 m. TO THE EADIESOEItIECHANICS . HERO. THE undersigned would respectfully inform tho Ladies of Mcchanlckburg and its vicinity, that ho has just fitted up, opposite his old stand in said borough,a . Ladles’ Shoe Store, designed expressly for their accommodation, and freo from.the annoyances to whioh they- have here* toforo been subjected. This store will bo under tho solo charge and supervision of his sister, and Ladies may rest assured that every attention will be paid to their demands. A full and constant supply of ready made work, from (ho best of eastern manufac tories, in oddilion to his own, will bo found alwoys on band, consisting in part of Ladies' Fine Kid Slippers, Fine Gaiters, of all colors, cushman tics, toilet and enume led shoes, Jenny Lind’s, French Buskin, Union lies and pumps of all descriptions, Misses’ col’d Gaiters of all kinds, children’s fancy Kossuth boots, Gaiters, Tlds and French Morocco shoes, double and jingle 'soled, &c. t &o Ho would also inform his old friends and the public generally, that he 'still continues to keep on band and manufacture to order, at bis old stand, all * kinds of W GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, such as Men’s Fine Calf skin Boots, from 00 to 85 00; French Morocco from $3 to 84 50 j .Coarse Boots, $2 50 to $3 00. AH rips will bo repaired without extra charge. Thankful for tho patronage which has been exten ded to him heretofore, ho hopes by strict attention to business and a desire to please, to merit and re* I ccivo a continuance of the samo. | EDWARD LAMONT. > Meohanlcsborg, April 14, *s3—6m. OATS ANO CAPS! Spring Styles! WM. 11. TROUT, has jusl received and opened the Spring Stylo of Hale for 1852, an elegant article, to which ho invites the attention of the pub. lie. Ills Hate arc of all prices, from the most ele gantly finished to the cheap common article, and of every variety of style now worn. Ho continues to and keep always on hand o full assortment ofHATS and CAPS ,fo! men and boys, and ho con sell a cheaper and bolter article than any other establish mcnl in town. Those in want of good, .veil mode, and elegantly finished Hate, would do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. The attention of citizens and strangers is porllcu larly 'invited to the beautiful Spring Style of Hals, i just received, a really handsome article, and warran udlobojpsl as good, as it is neat and tasteful in appearance. Remember that the largest and best assortment in town may olwaye bo found at TROUT’S, Irvine's [ Roto, rear of the Episcopal Church. Carlisle, April 29,1852. Extensive Furniture Rooms. JACOB FETTER, WOULD respectfully call the attention of house keepers and the public, to the extensive stock of splendid FURNITURE, includ- nig every variety of Cabinet-ware an d Choirs, which ho has now on hand at his Rooms, corner of Honover ond Louther streets, opposite John Hamer’s store, Carlisle. Ho is confident that tho superior finish of the Workmanship, and elegance of stylo, in which his articles are got dp, together with their cheapness, will fccomm* nd them to every person wonting Fur niture. Ho has also made arrangements for manu facturing and keeping a constant supply of every article in his line, both plain ond ornamental, ele gant and useful, at prices which cannot fail to suit purchasers. Ho would earnestly invito persons who Arc about to commence housekeeping, to call and examine his present elegant slock, to which ho will constantly make additions of the newest ond most modern styles. COFFINS mode to order at the shortest notice, for fawn ond country. . December S 3, 1852—1 y N. D.—Two good Journeymen Cabinet makers can find constant employment at the above estab lishment. Two Apprentices—hoys about 16 or 17 years of ago—will also bo token, if application ho made soon. J F Coach Trimming, Coach Painting, Saddle and Harness Making. rpHB subscribers respectfully inform the public, JL that they have opened a now shop in North Hanover street, a fow doors north of Glass' Hotel, where they are prepared to make ovary article in thoirlineof business as cheap, and as substantial as can