American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, November 07, 1839, Image 1

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    terms of publication.
a 2 00 per annum, in advance—or
50, it not paid Vitliin the year.
No subscription taken for a less term than six'
, „_inonths,_aud;WblL<Jiscohtiiiuance permitted until
arrearages are paid. A.-failure .to notify a
Aistoniiiiaance at ‘theexpiration of a term, will
cotttMe'rei a new engagement. / .
00 per square for the
three first insertions, and twenty five cents for
every subsequent onc:\
IHscases of the Aitomach, or NerVes;
'Such a Dyspepsia, either Chronic or Casual, tin 7
- der the'wiirst Symptomsuif ristlcssncssrLiiw-'
ness of Spirits, and General 'Emaciation; Con
sumption, whether of the Lungs or-Liver: j.iv
fr Aifectionsi both Uijiary.'■& Spas-,
modic; Costivencss-, Worms of every variety!
Rheumatisms- whether Acute or Ghrnniri' to:
gtilher with Gout, Scrofula, Pains in the Head,
r Back, Limbs,‘arid Side, Typhus Fever, t Scar-,
let Fever, Putrid Sol e Throat, Fever ft Ague,:
. . Spasmodic Palpitation of the Heait and Arte:
c i-ies, NervoUs li+itabilityr Nervous Weakness,
Hysterics, il’ic Hbtdoureuxi Cramps, Female
'Obstructions, ’ Heartburn, Headache, Cough
the Common dr-Humid, and the Dry or,the
Whooping; Asthma, Gravel, and Dropsy.
The Blood has hitherto been considered by
Empirics and others, as the great regulator of
The human system, and s\ich i« the devoted of
the adherents to .that erroneous doctrine,: that
\hey content themselves .with the simple posses
sion of this fallacious opinion,'without enquiring
inti the primary sources from whence, Life,
Health, apd-Vigor emanate, and, Sfite'- versa %
»ain, sickness,.cliseaseand death. * Not so with
l)u. Hunt, whose extensive research and prac*
Vical expedience sn.eminently qualify him for the
- profession of which he has been one of the most
' useful ujemhers. contends —apd a. moment’s
Vcilecthm will convince any reasoning mind of the
correctness of his views—that the storivaclh liv
er, and the aWociated organs are the primary
txnd great regulators jjf health, and that the blood,
in very many instances fs dependent oi) these or
gans, and that unless-luecHcine'.reach'es’THE
Hoot OF THIS - DIgKAUIiV K\K'm/terfictui
■anodynes nsuaUy. prescribed, serve, foils
to cover the ravages of dee]f-rooted maladies.—.
. \Jadcr r tlvese convictions, at, the expense of yeais
i close doctor has.disgpvercd y.
medicine whose are m:esi»ti-
Ide, ahtl acknowledge of
its being a radical cure in the various diseases
. .already enumerated, ev«.» if applied in the most
'critical cases, but Ire dues nOt pretend to ascribe
- To ' , ’
•a supernatural agency, although from positive
proofs within the knowledge of hundreds lie is
Jhrepafed to shew, that when eVcrV other <?arth*
-ly remedv has been given up, ■ '
have never been known to. H»»■'•effecting two
very gratifying results, that of.raising from the
-bed of sickness and disease those who have test*
fd their flficacy., 4 aiid'thUs amply rewarding Dr.
Hupt for his long and anxioUs SUuly tO attain tills
'jierfection in the Ukaling Art.
The extraordinary success which Tins attend -
ed the use of - Hunt’s Botanic Pills, is
the best crVterioirof their superior yirtuqs.
They have been the means of raising a
host of languishing patients from the bed
. is clearly evinced in the
* following
7b Or. Hum:
D<ar Sir—Believing it a duty I owe you as fl
Successful practitioner, as well as tlxfte who may
be similarly afflh.ted, 1 take pleasure m acknow
ledging the benefit I have derived from the' use
of your valuable merHrihe,
Alter much suffering from Fever .o,id Ague, du*
ring the spring and falli for the last four
ftncj the pecuniary injuries attendant on the in-'
disposition of one on whose exertions a large fa
mily was depen lant for support, and having
Without success tested- the skill of medical
advisers, at ay expense t could not well afford.
In the fall of 1838, finding the’’premonitory syrup*
toms*of the disease approaching, I was .induced
by a h iend who had tried vour medicine, to pur
chase a package of your Botanic Pills, and now
have the happiness to infoi'm you—arid through
. Vou.-those_who may be similarly afflicted*»-that
they counteracted the disease, nor ImvfcTbeen
troubled with since and iby confidence, con
tinues to uphold pie. in the belief, that your Bo
,lanic Pills,are. the,'most -safe, the cheapest, most
efficacious, and radical cure for that tlintrcß&ing
disease Fever and Ague AIT I can forthepfe*
sent offer you for the blessing yon have been in
strumental in conferring on nuvis my assurance
. of unceasing gratitude and esteem.
__. Newark, N.-J., July 31, 1839.. - *
Dyspepsia, of Indigestion, EffeilUftUy
Cured. ■
Mr. Wifi,Tucker, having lately been rcstor
' ed Io n sound state of health, through the effica
cy of Dr. Hunt's Botanic PHts, thinks in
dispensable duty to state cei-timi lads relative to
the disease under which tie hadsolong,suffered.
The symptoms were a paiiiful with
-constant rejection of'fniid,.head-ache; palpita
tion of.flie.heart, lowness of spirits, a trduble
; some drv cough, dizziness, tigbliiessalthecbest
, ntid difficulty of breathing, almost constant pain
’ in the able, loins, anti shoulders,' accompanied
, With’ much laiigilor aml debil.iiy. These afflic
" tions,'together with *io unusual degree of flalu-"
. lence, brought oh such astute of extreme wealt-
Uesvas to prevent himfrom attending to his bu
• siness, and his health appeared lost beyond re
covery. His friends and relatives became a
. larined at the melancholy prospect, and strongly
" recommended Hunt’* 1 Botanic-Pills—-they were
- Administered, audio a few days tiston
rhahing relief, and finally, realised a pcgfect resto
afation to sound health.; -- -; , .
:.r. wiluam tucker, :
'■ of Couriterfei’s.
O^Caution;—Be: particular fn purcjiasing to.
sec that the label of this medicinecontuinsn no
' tice of \ts enlrij according lo Act of.
And be likewise particular in obtaining them at
1.00 Chatham st., New York,' or from the regu
lar agents, / "‘,l
■ „ | & Gntisjt, Carlisle.
i)R. WM.'EVANS 5
- $7?Jf Meyert-caae of:. P/Ita cured nC 100 Chat-
•; Town, New Jersey. waa scyt?**t*ty.
yyiifo Piles tor '..Hail Wl/re*
tpnieilicines of almost every
also the-advice nf iseveral erhitllhent.Physicians;
* ,ut tieyer'. found the slightest relief* from. any
source, whatsoever, until he.called onpi.Evans,
:Ov???'jplVHtham stfeei,’N, .:y, : , and. Jjrorurcd
frbm’him, from' wldph,he;.R>uiH|
‘ ImotPdiate relief, ,n and sdbsequehlly' a'peffect
. ' * ySewatit^Coxiiitttfeitsil
■<:!• G^Gautipn.—Be.pamcular in 'pnrchasinK to
Aii'l he hltewise pmicUlHr' )ppb>:a‘nlhg,them «t
100 Chatham st< w Vofki
~laraßeoU,S .. .r■ “ ”?
—Carlisle. £.
Whole Ho. 13 ld«
F 13 IKE A LB Pl&fcS.
These Pills are 'strongly'’recommended’to the
notice of the ladies as a sate and efficient remedy
in removing those compluintspcculiat* to their
sex, IVfJni. wantUf exercise, or general Debility
of tlie Jihd-
Irregularity oMhe Mciise&t at the same 1 time
strengthening, cleansing, and giving.tqne to the
Stomach and producing a new and
healthy action tbrmigboutiiie systepigenerally.
They create Appetite, coirect IhdigtSVion, re
move Giddiness, and -Ntryctos Heiidache’, and
are eminently lisefiitln those flatulent complaints
which distress Females so much at the “Turn*
of Life.” They obviate cnsUveftess, and coun
terirrt.ull Hysterical and Nervous Affections,
likewise alfurd soothing and permanent relief in
Fluor Alljus, or V/hites, ami in the most obsth
nate cases of Chlorosis, oV Green Sickness, they
invariably restore the paWid and delicate female
to health and vigor. ■’ - . -
These Pills have gained the sanction and ap
probation ut the most eminent Physicians in the
United States,' and many mothers pan likewise
testify to their extraordinary efficacy. * To mah
vied females, whose expectations of the tender
ed pledges of connubial happiness have been
defeated, these- Pills may be truly esteemed a
blissful boon* They soon renovate all function-;
al clehility-Vand to directions,)'
.obviate all morbid action. . They dispel that ful
some and disagreeable sensation common to fe- |
inalesutjeach monthly return, likewise the at-!
tendant-pains in'ilie back, side-, or loins; they'
generaliytoUnleract the naUSea/vomiting,
other nervous affections in chlorosis, or green
sickness’, in a few days, (and if continued accnr-;
ding to directions,) soon effect a perfect cure,—
Nothing is so signally efficacious in recruiting the
pallid and sickly female (who Im been during,
her life irregular and sensitive) as the FEMALE
EciOare o/Vounterfeits .
c (Cj'Cnntinn.—Be particular In purchasing to
see the label of.lbis Medicine contains a no
tice. nf its iv/fry according to Act'of Congress.—
And'be likewise particular in obtaining them at
jpp Chatharn st., New. York, or.-fro mt h e regu-
I ir agents, , - i
HAMILTON & GUIRB. Carlisle.’
To Mothers and JVtirses.
.The passage outlie teeth through the gums
produces troublesome and dangerous symptoms.
It Is kpown by mothers that there is great irri’-
tation in the mouth and glims during this pro.
cess. The guiiisswelh the secretion of the saliva
Is increased, thfc child-is seized with fr«qtftni
ami.sudden fits of.-crying, watching, starting in
its_sleep, and spasms cf peculiar parts; the child
sluieks with extreme violence, and UiVusts.hs’
fingers into its nionVh*-lbtbeSeprrcurs;n‘y-syrnp-'
tnms are not'spcedily alleviated, spasmodic con
vulsions universally super* ene, and snrm cause
the'dissohition of ths ihfantv If,mothers who
have their little babes Afflicted with these .dis
tressing .symptoms would apply the celebrated
Symp, which haspreservid
hum!reds of infants when thought past recovery,
from, being suddenly attacked with that fatal
m .lady convulsions. '
This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds
when thought past recovery, from convulsions.
As sunn as the Hvrup is rubbed on Ihv-gnms, tfie
child will recover. This preparation is so imm.
cent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that n<: child
; will ia fuse to let its gim'ts be rubbed with it—
. When infants are at the age of four months,
i hough therein no appearance of Iceth, one lx t
tie of the syrup should be used on the gums to
open the pores. Parents should never be 1 with
out the syrup in die nursery where there ate
voting children, for if a child wakes in the night
with pain in the gums, the Syrup Immediately
gives ease,’by opening the pores and hesdii.g the
irumsj thereby preventing Convulsions, Fevers,
J3eu)afe of Counterfeit a.
■ Odr*Cnntfon.—B»» particular in purchasing to
see that the label of this medicine contains,'! no
tice of its entry atcorUinq to jict of t'ongre&a.-
"Am > r|u*"lik'c\vfsF‘ piirlici»)aT‘iniihtmFihrjTtltehT7at"
103 Chatham st., ttew York, or from the Regu
lar agent*], ■ ;
Hamilton &-Gitnsii, Carlisle.
Camomile &' Aperient Pills.
Another,very severe case of Inflammatory
Rheumatism cured by Dr. Evans'’Medicine.—
Mr. Joh n,-V .Carrnll, of tlle ruiintv ofw es r Ches
ter, t<wn of North Cnstle, New York, had he,en
severely afflicted with inflammatory rheumatism
for fourteen months with violent pains in his
limbs,' great beat, excessive thirst, dryness of
skin, limbs much swollen, was not able.without
assistance to .turn .in lied fo/six weeks. Had
tried-various,remedies to no effect. Was advis
ed hyiafriehd of.his to procure some of Dr. W.
Evans’ medicines of 100 Clihdihm'street,_iN..V,,.
w Inchhe i rnmediiVtely sent; fort and after, taking
the first dosß.fdund great relief, and in Continu
ing-its use according to the directions for ten
days, was perfectly cured. Allows me'to refer
any person to him for the . truth of the above
statement. . -
lliware.of Counteifells.
OT'Cailtioh.—He particular in purchasing to
see,that the label of thisnu-difine rnntainsia no
tice of its entry according toA't of Congress.—
And he likewise particular in obtaining’them' at
100 Chatham st.. New York,, or from tl)c regu-.
lar agents, • , '. 1 •' ’ ,y
Hamilton & GitiEtt, Carlisle.
Oct,. 10, 1839; - \ , '
~ ‘ These Pills .ire composed 'of- Herbs.' wliicb
exert a specific action upon the Heat t,, give an
impulse or strength to the lirterial svstcini tlu 1
blond ih quickened ai'd equalizeS jn its tfrcula:
tibitstlirough all the viessels, vSdjethgrotthe'Skin,
thep:vrtßsituate(linierniilly,br theextremities,
ami aa ajj the secretions of thehndy are clra'wn
from tire blond, thereJs a consequent
every secretion, anti a qulckeped : actimi'of |(lie
.ibsorbehtjpid cxhalenti or illsehargEik veisela.
Any'mcirliid.actihri.'wjiicl)' ptay Have-taken p|are'
is corrected,salt obstructions al-e reinovt tK' the
blomlis put-ifu-d. add the hod yreMi mesa health*
Till 'state, y.-"' :r ■, ■ d■_'■" r '•
Jiewdte Of. CoUnlerfeita. ; •;
Q^Cauttoia—Be particular; im purchasing to.
see thaPßfebifiel of tins metlicine rniitaina ii nn*i
tice'of its entry.according't'ol]dci'!6/ Congreat.'—'.
Ami Be like'\vise.parlicuhirln (iht!uijiug r tlierii ar
100 Clvatliaiti st',. New lfork,’or from tj)e reguv."
far agents,' V- ■ '-I .rs. ■. ■
- <r: " MAiiii.l'oN & Carlisle. U
Of whom miiybehad,-'. -
Dr. IVm. JSvnna’Cn molhileiS, ji/iMentPilk.
Do- Soothing Syru/i. --
Dr. Hui‘t* Botanic. Pillat . .
D6\ Pave* md :Jigut Pith. ' : '• ' -r-
Octobar 10,1859. ;■
Carlisle, JF*rt, tfhnrsdayJl’ovembery* 1839.
P O R T R if . ,
The Forsaken to tkd False Oho.
I dare, thee to forget me!
Go wander where thou Wilt; !
Thy hond upon the vessel’s helm,
Or on the sabre’s hilt;
, AVvay thou’rt free! o’er land and sea,
.Go rush to dangers brink!, 1
- But oh, thou cart’st not fly ftdm thought 1
. Thy Curse will bo-—(o think.
Remember me—remember all,
TMty lohg enduring love,
. That link’d itself to'perfidy,
The vulture and the dove!
’ Remember in thy utmost need,
‘1 never once did shrink,
Butclung to thee confidingly .
Thy .curse shall be —to think..
Then goi that thought shall render thee
- A dastard in the fight;
That thought, when thou art tempest tost, ‘
Will fill thee with affright!
In some wild dungeon ipay’st thou lie,
And counting each cold link
’ That binds thee to captivity, • •
- Thy curse shall be— -to thin!,'.
Go seek Iho iiltrry bahquel hall-,
Where yijungef maidens bloom, *
. Tho thought of me shall make thee there,
. . , Endurpu deeper gloom;
That thought shall turn tho fesUvc cUjt
; To poison while you drink, .
And while false smiles are on thy check,
Thy curse will ho —to ihinh. 1
’ Forget, me! false"one, hope it not! . ' ,
When minstrels touch the string,
The memory of other days ,
Will gall thee while they sing;'
The airs 1 used to love, will make
Thy coward conscience shrink,
Aye', every note will have its sling,
Thy curse will be— to ihinh.
. Forget me! No, that shall not bo !"
I’ll liaunt thce in thy sleep-, ■
That overhang the deep;
Thou’lt shriek for aid ! my fceblearm.
Shall hurl thee from tho brink,
And when thou walrst in wild dismay,
The curse will be— ty ihinh. '
From the Fallimore. Sun
In good old times, there lived a duke and
duchess of Normandy—the one brave and
generous, the other?good and beautiful, who
held their court within the-walls of Rouen..
They had fetes and galas every day; the
neighboring baron's, and Still more the vasl
- failed not to admire the happiness of
the august couple. When alone, however,
and in the solitude of their the
noble cobple were not happy: for they were
childless!, In vain the Churches overflowed
with their gifts; in vain from all parts the
pilgrims and monks came to sell their pray
ers; nothing caused c.elestial grace to des
cend oh their Oniony niiie days
devotions, aims and ether good Works were:
equally barren. Already die moons of love i
had fled with youth; already ripe age growl- j
ed forth its first threatenings of torpor; eigh-:
teen years had rolled round since their mar -1
riage; eighteen years and no heir yeti j
, One day the d.nke sought to banish, his
chagrin in the chase. Lost In the depths of i
the soul murmured against the de- j
crecs of God; T see well,’’ said he, ‘God'
loves me not,'he' is deafto my vows, he des-1
pises my; good Works and my payers, 1 1
have uselessly solicited the-: intercession of;
the saints; none of tlicth hear me, hone plend
my cause before; God!- left me
but to address iliysulf to the Devil*’?
At this: word the good nobleman trembled;
he crossed himself devoutly,, and, tortured
with remorse/ he tried fo driVe far from him
this unholy thought; but lie could not sue-j
need; once entered into his mind, it clung’
there ; it beset him without ceasing, and on •
his return to the' feudal' tnnlisioli it wcnt
w ith him. ttis distress was so great that the
duchess;remarked it ; she qustioned him so
closely that he avowed the infernal tempta
tion. Now, instead of being frightened in
her.turn, instead of having recourse to;her
rosity or invoking her guardian angel, the
imprudent duchess, who was 'dying with
anxiety to become a mother, immediate!v
criedv 'Ah, well,, let be sol Since God a
bandons us. let the Devil cotne to obr aidi-
Let the child be born, and. the Devil may
do'with, him afterwards as lie pleases!’
-lif about nine months the Child Was burn,
butsoinesignsnotequivocal of-reprobation
accompanied this much desired birth: At
first the duchess.had felt, within lier'n strange
fire, as though all hell brooded in her bosom..
Then the day of the birth all natu re appear
ed :in convulsions, r frightful clouds had Veil
ed the_ sky. tlie-thumlef,-roared..within terri
ble iioisc, and from the four eardiiial ppiits,
the. ;winds set loijse; upon;-the (lucal xastleV;
had shaken, to. its.very foundations, -t■.
However, theducheas.whonlready repent
ed Of her fatal Vow, wished to have the nevv
lyibdtn ;babe,baptised.' Theycaroled,;) t fin
great pomp to the-cathedral of Rouen j (lie
prieslsawuited the retinue on th&pdrcl.ii; the
bells rang merrily. the heralds lhrew picccs
and threw themselves in-lljevoirt to gather
thepittanceißnt.scarcelyliadtliey present
ed it to die' baptisraal. the infant
‘ to?, whom rljiey; gaVe ?th|Shiame of ?Roberc,
"our country——right or wrong. l *
foamed, il fcried;it would riotsulfer the
priests to approachit, it tried'To avoid the
holy water; in short it showed itself so wick
edtliat allthe people dismayed,.turried;frorii
the chOrjch, murmnring'in a low’voice, ‘Our
children Will have a real deyU fph a sover-.
1 " ' , /■■■
In fact; the- little Robert showed Tiimself
mote arid more the Devil as he grew. t)f a
remarkable strength for his years, and provi
ded With teeth from his birth, he bit and. so
ill-treated Ink ntlrsc that they were obliged
to make hiift Stick With a'long tube, arid be
Served by strorig men-. When they l walked
with him,in the streets; he escaped from the
hands lof. the squires and varlcts to throw
himself on tile elut'dren Vif his age, whom, lie
pursued with such good blows With his fist;
feet and stones, that soon none dared to en-.
counter him, and the cry of ’save who can,
hev-c coriiris Robert l the. Devil, 1 preceded his
steps.. 11l weeds grow apace, says'the pro-,
ycrb’tand wickedness also. The poor moth
er wept bitterly over the perverse inclina
tions of her son ; she imposed upon herself
rude penance to obtain from God grace for
this qursed. child, but she uohgf to see, that
her impious vow had been heard on high;
she ought to be One of the first to suffer for,
this son so dearly bought. Robert was not
ten years old when his mother dare riot ap
proach him; one year after, a murder was al
ready placed between Heaven and him: in
an. excess of fury :he had struck with his
dagger and extended dead at his feet the
venerable priest who superintended bis edu
cation ' , - ,
When life had attained the age of man
hood, they hoped that the generous spirit of
chivalry would subdue this atrocious'charac-*
ter. His Father resolved in consequence to
make him pronounce his vows and put oh
.thcgql(len_.spuclu-presence, ofalithe. barons
of the country. ' He htinounced solemn
jousts, and invited the ' most noble ladies of
France and Normandy to command preside
at these fetes, pfMioncr'and beauty. - Uut
Robert showed himself no less irreverent to-'
wards them than towards his father and the
holy order of chivalry: he lenthimself with a
bad grace,-and with disdain, to the different
fornialities of his reception; in short," in the
tournament of.which he was the challenger
he would not take the - tqlors-of any lady.—
Always glooitiy and ferocious in the hiidstof
the lists, he defied" by turns the" most valiant
champions, not in courteous combat, but to
the utmost-rigoiygranting no mercy whcn lic
threw them in the.duStrin spite orth'e' pfay
ers of many sensible ladies who tried vainly
to save the life of, the chevaliers. To com
plete the scandal, when he had killcd'mnny
young and . gallant chevaliers; he stripped
himsclfof those ensigns of chivalry so recent
ly obtaihed and so crdell v paid for, he strip
ped them oft', and trampling them under his
feet, he broke a passage through the dismay
ed crowd;’then, ns if to insult still farther
the noble re-union, he put himself at the
head of a troop of vagabond outcasts, and
went with them to infest the highways and
scour the country
Thus descending voluntary from the cha
: racter of a prince to that of a brigrand,.thc
young Robejt delighted in committing tjie
• greatest crimes. He way-laid, on their re-,
turn from Rouen, those proud lords who
had come to assist at the fete of his father,
and perhaps to enchain him'; he awaited them
at the border of a forest, but it was to mas
sacre tlieir escorts and,outrage them.' Here
a castle is-reduced to ashes, there a holy
| churcli is'profiined; every where in the henu-
I tiful dtichy of Normandy the name of Robert
; the Devil is synonymous witlrmurder; sa
■ crilegb and violence.
j One day he overtook- in the forest seven
I poor pilgrims. Without respect to their
: stalls or habits, he ran, to them; ‘You arc
; saints,’he said to them ; *ah, well rejoice,
f for-I am going to makc martyr's of you I’ and
he alew.theui nil.- . ,
I_. : But. 'harrilV-Lwas-this’ mUrder'-bUhiimtled
[ than Robert, for the first time in his life, be
gan to be horror-struck., What is lie in fact P
lAn object of horror and dismay to all the
“cqltntry; at sightofhim populations tremble,
i life churches are . Ilirhßelf does
nqt-inspire more dismay; -Astonished' by
thisremorse, Sohew to-him, he- tried to es
cape from it by-flying to some crimes: he ur
ged his horse across the plain to seek some
l -fresh occasions for murder and violence, and
|he learned from a shepherd,'near the envi-
J rons'of the chateau d’Arques, that a great
ladywas coming there in a noble pomp. To
gallop to: tlie chatehtiyto attack it, to kill the
sentinels and to rushj sWord in hand; into the
apartments, is to Robert the work of ' a mo
ment. Tlie lady whom he sought, fell bn
her kneeS at his approach; she wept, she
prayed, and Robert, on arriving close, to her,
Heard Jj'er ci-y ‘My God! I am justly slain by
him for whom Isinned. Letthesacrifice'df
iriy life redeem hissoul.’ Moved by the Voice,,
which he believed to have heard beforu Rob
ert dropped his sword; hi I dripping with blood;
arid which lic Wasbut justpreparingto bathe
in new blood; he raised, tlie long '■black veil
which covered the unknown,, and fell oil: his
knees on recognizing his, mother! i 1;;
. *My mother, pardon, me !weep no more
over my ,crimeB,;VJmptherr l. wish-toi repair
them. , Oh. wliyf ain lso carried away by
evil :.I, your son pL the descendant of:.So
many piousand glorified
ingjintdntears and b her breast,; the
informed Robert of the im
prudent vow she had! made, to obtain, his
but at the same time touched at
this revelation, the 'young, man swore- that
his life should not be purchased bythe re
morse of a mother. ‘No,* , said he, ‘I ’wish
not to be damned 11 do not. wish my mother
to. carry.’rbeniie.'tlietribunhrof vGodttherc--
sponsibility of my damnation!’ and, break-!
■i ng hissword he threw’ tho pieces at the fee*
of the Duchess. .Hblore off/his ; bloody,
vestments, which gave hsm;.more the airof a
botcher, than bf irprince.and covered with a
bair-clotHi-! lit WbW and; the.sfafTj of
returned to!
New Sorlos~Vol. 4, N 0.21.
the, brigands; his 'companions-.. 'Oh secipg
him thus accouired/they lost their accustom
ed respect for (heir terrible-captain. In'
vain Robert conjured tnelh fojloW-his Cxatn:
pie j-invaln, he 'sought to persuade them to
repent with.hiroj , these miserable creatures
remained the reperifarice of the man
who had'guided them to murder. ‘The devil
makes a hermit of bimself.’ sajd they, laugh
ing; ‘ah/well, let us treat him as he treated
the pilgrims this morning.’ And forthwith,
emboldened by the absence of that redoubt
able sWord, with Which Robert knew Sowell
how.,to exact obedience, they all fell on the
new convert, crying. ‘To -■death,- to death,-
the. traitor!’ • But Robert awaited them
With a firm foot. ‘Wretches,’ said lie, ‘since
you will not return-to God with me, goto
tliC'.devil without me!’ and the pilgiim.’s
staff : became iri'his band an invincible arm,
arid.he wielded it until all the brigands had
.received chastisement for their crimes. Af-.
ter this act of severe justice, which spared
the executioner tliat busincss, Robert made
the first sign of the cross that he had ever
attempted; then he started for Rome to de
mand of the holy father absolution of all his
crimes. ....
'..Living oil alms.' sleeping on Hie earthy
fasting and incessantly praying, he crossed
France, tile Alps, anil the plains of Itly,'and
on Ash Wednesday he entered the capital of
Christendom. The day, was suitable fora
confession. Robert presented himseif.before
the Pope, t ‘Who art thou?’ demanded'the
Pontiff. .‘The greatest of sinners, replied
the pilgr'dti. ‘Oh! holy Father, have pity on
me; impose on rno vdiat penance you please
■ —dispose'of my life, but have pity! You
see at yourknees Robert the Devil.’ At
this redoubtable name, facing this accurs
ed one? whose horrible rertown had so often
frightened the chiiyel\ provoked the; ana
themas of the ludy , clioirj thlj"gfi6nPope
trembled; and at first could nofhelp shelving
a little' fear, but the wicked man was now
kiieelifig liumbly, and his, much dreaded arm
had no ather, weapon than a rosary; instead
of armour, a pilgrim’s- tobe, soiled and
covered with dust, was wrappeed around
that body, stained by so may murders and
acts of violence. The Pope soon recovered
his majestyj. he ordered ‘his guards to
withdraw', and-fill! of confidenceln God, he
feared not to remain alone with Robcfl While
he made, his confesion.
This confession was so dreadful, that-the
Pope .dared not take on himself immediatel y
to aosolve the author oi
‘Go‘? said, he; go my son, find at Jlloiitalto,
some league! from here towards the moun
tain, a holy hermit, confessor to myself; re
peat to him who thou has confided to me; we
will both pray to God for, and he will show
us upon what to decide.’ ' *
Robert immediately started, and at night
hc-arriyed at the cell of the hermit, who was
no less frightened, by the narration of crimes
than the Pope. He passed the whole night in
prayer with the repenting pilgrim. Towards
morning, as his eyes, yielding to fatigue, be
gan to gl nW heavy, he saw suddyuly abright
light fill, his dark cell; •an angel .appeared,
who in a sweet voice said*/‘God does not
refuse the penitent sinner, but he
must purchase" it by penance! Fix one on
Robert which will be in proportion to his of
fences!’ At these words the agcl disap-;
peered, the cell again obscure, but
doubt had quitted the mind of the hermit’;
he recovered from his- pious ecstacy, and
made a sigh, to Robert to kneel before him.
.Heaven, by my voice, promises thee reinia,-
sdon of all thy crimes; pride and debauchery
have been the-prihcipal.; it is then by humil
ling and mortifying these senses that thou
canst merit jiardon. Renounce thy rank and
its prerogatives. Eveitlhis pilgrim’s habit is
too good for thee. Quit it, clothe thyself
with rags of'misery; be deaf and dumb.—
Thou art- unworthy to sleep under the roof
of men; thou must seek thy bed among the
..dog9;,it, i3_frnai._what;.i3... thrown .to thee Jbr
food that thou must take enough to sustain
an existence Which should drag along Until
it'vplcasc God to dispose otherwise. At this
price-thou-canst at some day obtain absolu
tion’,’ .. ■
. ‘God be praised. ’ .said .-Robert; ‘this pen
ance is lighter than’.l- deserve.; Be assured,
rily'-Father, that I will perforni it to the
very letter.’ And entering into Rome, the
heir of .the R.uke ofNdHhandy was deaf and
dumb, threw himsclfinto the'dirt and follow
ed by the shouts of the tliildreii,of the town,
sleepmgunderthestarry canopy. & disputing'
with the dogs.for their disgusting food. At
this time . the Emperor came ,to Rome ac
companied by Ids daughter, an ‘accomplish- 1
.princess,beautiful as bn.angel;.liUf complete
ilumb as Robcrt feigned to be. This con
formity'of misfortune inthrested the uufois
tu.ngle lady in his behalf, particularly as she
thought she remarked in him sbine thing of dis
tinction .which contrasted with his' misery.—
Iter way to 1 the chapel; she dropped’ iieFght
deprosary. Robert; lyho was then eating
ivifh the Bmperor’s dogsi ran, pickcdit Up;
qnd presented if to the prhlcess with -the ex-;
quisite grace of a chevalier, From that mo
ment her interest for him was redoubled. ■,
: Suddenly an army of Saracens invaded
Italy; the Emperor, advanced;to'meet them
with his knights; ;they, ate' defeated; and the
miscreants advance' bi= rapid journeys to
wards' the, holy,city,.!/Alt .seems lost; the
Romans of the Pope and ,the' Gormans of the
Em perot-have equally yielded, when a war-'
• ribr appears : \yho : alone re-establishes the
combat.; lie ib clothed in - whitef dcath-fol
lowa r eveiy.iblow;“ift'a;Few moments he has
dispersedthe host of barbarians. . But after
: the victory ho could not befoumlpin vain
the Emperor and the Hope proclaimed, that if
heiwould present himselfvmoifavdr shoul<|,be
refused 'to him! no, one. knew w hat had bc
come.of him; only the young princess,,! who
remained at themiperialVpalace. remarked
the disappearance of l her pbor protege . the
evening of the'combat, and the next ; night,
sh'e hadisoon him returu /cbvcred with [a'
!wHte!*rmor»: tvtiob Se hid witty care. n«ira
John Moore, Esq, Newville „
Joseph M. Means', Esq,. Hopewell township,
John Wunderlich. Esq. Sbippeiiabiirg. ,1
William M. Mateßß, Esq, Lee's Hoads.
John Meiiaffy, Dickinson township; ‘
Joiix Clekdenii, Jr. Esq., Hoßestowlu
GeOrgk P. Gain, Esq. MecUanicsbur^.
James Elliott, Esq. Springfield. ‘
Daniel Keys UKR.Esq. Clmrchtown.
Jacob Longnbcker, Bsfl. Wormleyaburg-..
George Ernest, Cedar Spring, Allen tp.
; fountain in tile palace garden; Guided by
a mysterious instinct of the heirt, she made,
■ kno\Vb, by sign6>, to her father, that perhaps
: in, promising the hand of his daughter to thes
i liberator of Italy; it would induce him to de-_
i clard himself. 'The Emperor was pleased
i with' the idea. So groat a. herb oould not bttt
be a nobfe knight; what vassal would under
• stand so well the lance and the sword?, there- -
fore, he need fear no mis-alliance in offering
the hand of the princess-. She had admirers, .
thfiugh mute; she was the daughter of ah
emperor besides'. Isabelle was grace itself,
and though lie'r lips remained Closed, yet her
. eyes were very expressive-. Bref. a- senes
chal, not scrupulous as to. the means, bo he
could attain the end, concluded to pass him
self oft* as the anonymous hero. lie also had
seen Robert hide Ids armour, near the foun
tain. In the night he stole 'them, and the
next day,-clothed, in the glorious armour, he
presented himself boldly before the Empff&n
,‘Give me your daughter,' said he,;*il Was I
who defeated the • Saracensi’ The Voyal
Emperor, thoilgh greatly astonished—fof the
sehesclial did not pass for.a vcyjr brave man
—saw no reason to doubt it; there was cer
-1 tainiy the arms'of the .liberator, Hra daugh
ter tried, to 'explain to him by signs that it
1 was a deception; ha.-would not listebjtn any
delay, for his word was .engaged.. ‘To-mor- .
; row, thou-shalt marry the seneschal —such
is my.'pleasure I’ During all this intrigue’,
poor Robert found Ids vow of dumbness more .
difficult to keep than ever. He also had not
been able to see thb princess without loving
her; but'lds pfenahee Was nut finished, ami in
making hiinsclf known he Would lose all the
fruit of-diis past expiations; Twenty times'
he was on the point of, Satan, and
casting a lie into the face of the perfidious
seneschal; twenty times he thought it would
be a good bargain to buy Isabel at the price
of damnation; but the reniembrailce" r/f> bia>.
mother gave him strength to resist these
tcmptatu'nis; she also would be damned, wore '
he to break his vow and place himself under
the fatal influence Which presided over hit
early years-,
. -Atfast the dty oaUie—rthe fetal day which
was to shine upon the mafriageof trie prin
cess'with an impostor. The unfortunate lady
knew not hoiv to write—in'that age, few did;
she had no means of making the truth known
to lifer father; she Wept, she prayed, she wished,
to die; but obedient as a worthy daughter of
a chivalrous age, she dared hot violate her
'father’s orders. ;A» a victim the
sacrifice,-she suffered herself to be conduct
ed to tbs temple,.where the Pope, himself .
waited to bless her marriage. The senes
chal was in the intoxication of triumph; all
thcimpei’Tal knighthood gatheaed aepund him;
all the imperial banner* of the holy empire
were lowered before the.future spouse oflaa
bel. Robert Wai there also, in his rags, but
in the eyes of'the princess, more beautiful in
his rags- than the seneschal under his mag
nificent vestments. The solemn mass was
commenced, the Pontiffturned to thefulurfe
spouse, lie was about to pronounce the irre
vocable sentence, when suddenly, by a mir
acle of divihfe goodness,lsabel recovered her
voice! ’Father, father,’ she cried,‘it wes
not the seneschal who saved Italy, it was
Robert!’ and she fell fainting at the feet of
the Pupa. Great was the confusion of the,
disconcerted seneschal, greater still that of
the Eniperor; in learning, that a poor dumb
creature had a right to the hand- of Isabel.—•
He made Robert approach. ‘Who art thoiif *
said- he: ‘thou,, who from the dog kennel,
fhrowest thyself victoriously into the field of
battle? Thou who after losing thy own iba- -
son; scemcst to rob my daughter of
Robcrtdrcw himself up:with pride; his noble
blood of .Normandy boiled in his'reins; lie is
ahemt 1 to take his name at this disdainful
course; for Isabel and glory; be is oh the eye
of forgetting his Vow, of penance; but at sight-,
of the sovereign pontiff he conquers,his pndc
and liis 10ye... ‘Holy father!’ hecried,falling.
on. his knee? before’ the altar: ‘Jesus! .my
God! you sec what 1 do; w.hat 1 sacrifice to
remain faithful to mV vow, to purchase the
pardon of myself anti mother.’ ‘And thou
shalt be rewarded my son,’said the Pope: T
releafce you frorif your vow. Emperor of the
Romans, and you Barons of Germany and
Italy, recognise in this mendicant vagabond
the.heir ofasovefign race, Robert, of Kor?
mandy.- —His penitcncc has expiated his old.- ;
crimes; his exploits in defending Rome a-' 1
gainst the Saracens have, merited-the'glory
of this hour. Robert, I unite you to Isabel-
- Some wretches on Sunday morning last
paid a \dsit to the Powder-magazine of Pe
ter Halocman, Esq. and by the aid of Oil,
Barrels, Shavings, and other -combustible
materials,, attempted to fire, the building.'—
This building, is the of ‘
at the time contained jive
Tf the'ignition
had taken.'place, the explosion must 'have •
beeb tremendous, and our whole> town per
chance completely ,destvoyed;i—for the af»
tempt was made at the dead; bL ;, t night—a ■■
bout one o’clock in the mrirnlrig. ? L> , ,
;■ Different motives have been atslttttcd fcr ;
the attempted perpetration of a deed:.-which
at least, in.any of its bearings;: was one of
danger to those concerned in at; but wo think -
the true motive: will be found in-the-caption.
of 'this article—neverthelesaydvhatevor the
motive, the act speaks for itself. . .
; JCJ“ At r. IlHldeirian offers • a reward of
tinn.that will leaTto ddteduqn Aconvi'ctioo.
Columbiu Spy ., " .
THE subscribers hdfs iww growhiff. abbot
thirteen thousand' MORtTS MUmOAtt-
TjIS MlIIillEl!R\ :
’tings Uris, season, feat *.
high, ■with many strong branches to oohfeiwhiA;
they trill Sell low for bash, iobe
chasers at the proper time'of miff : trees'
this fall, or next springy
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