terms of publication. a 2 00 per annum, in advance—or 50, it not paid Vitliin the year. No subscription taken for a less term than six' , „_inonths,_aud;WblLuiH| ‘ ImotPdiate relief, ,n and sdbsequehlly' a'peffect . ' * ySewatit^Coxiiitttfeitsil ■<:!• G^Gautipn.—Be.pamcular in 'pnrchasinK to Aii'l he hltewise pmicUlHr' )ppb>:a‘nlhg,them «t 100 Chatham st< w Vofki ~laraßeoU,S .. .r■ “ ”? —Carlisle. £. BY G. SANDERSON & E. CORNMAN.J Whole Ho. 13 ld« fcR. GOODE’S CELEBRATED F 13 IKE A LB Pl&fcS. These Pills are 'strongly'’recommended’to the notice of the ladies as a sate and efficient remedy in removing those compluintspcculiat* to their sex, IVfJni. wantUf exercise, or general Debility of tlie Jihd- Irregularity oMhe Mciise&t at the same 1 time strengthening, cleansing, and giving.tqne to the Stomach and producing a new and healthy action tbrmigboutiiie systepigenerally. They create Appetite, coirect IhdigtSVion, re move Giddiness, and -Ntryctos Heiidache’, and are eminently lisefiitln those flatulent complaints which distress Females so much at the “Turn* of Life.” They obviate cnsUveftess, and coun terirrt.ull Hysterical and Nervous Affections, likewise alfurd soothing and permanent relief in Fluor Alljus, or V/hites, ami in the most obsth nate cases of Chlorosis, oV Green Sickness, they invariably restore the paWid and delicate female to health and vigor. ■’ - . - These Pills have gained the sanction and ap probation ut the most eminent Physicians in the United States,' and many mothers pan likewise testify to their extraordinary efficacy. * To mah vied females, whose expectations of the tender ed pledges of connubial happiness have been defeated, these- Pills may be truly esteemed a blissful boon* They soon renovate all function-; al clehility-Vand to directions,)' .obviate all morbid action. . They dispel that ful some and disagreeable sensation common to fe- | inalesutjeach monthly return, likewise the at-! tendant-pains in'ilie back, side-, or loins; they' generaliytoUnleract the naUSea/vomiting, other nervous affections in chlorosis, or green sickness’, in a few days, (and if continued accnr-; ding to directions,) soon effect a perfect cure,— Nothing is so signally efficacious in recruiting the pallid and sickly female (who Im been during, her life irregular and sensitive) as the FEMALE PILLS, EciOare o/Vounterfeits . c (Cj'Cnntinn.—Be particular In purchasing to see th.at the label of.lbis Medicine contains a no tice. nf its iv/fry according to Act'of Congress.— And'be likewise particular in obtaining them at jpp Chatharn st., New. York, or.-fro mt h e regu- I ir agents, , - i HAMILTON & GUIRB. Carlisle.’ Du; \VM, EVANS’ SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEE THING, To Mothers and JVtirses. .The passage outlie teeth through the gums produces troublesome and dangerous symptoms. It Is kpown by mothers that there is great irri’- tation in the mouth and glims during this pro. cess. The guiiisswelh the secretion of the saliva Is increased, thfc child-is seized with fr«qtftni ami.sudden fits of.-crying, watching, starting in its_sleep, and spasms cf peculiar parts; the child sluieks with extreme violence, and UiVusts.hs’ fingers into its nionVh*-lbtbeSeprrcurs;n‘y-syrnp-' tnms are not'spcedily alleviated, spasmodic con vulsions universally super* ene, and snrm cause the'dissohition of ths ihfantv If,mothers who have their little babes Afflicted with these .dis tressing .symptoms would apply the celebrated Symp, which haspreservid hum!reds of infants when thought past recovery, from, being suddenly attacked with that fatal m .lady convulsions. ' This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As sunn as the Hvrup is rubbed on Ihv-gnms, tfie child will recover. This preparation is so imm. cent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that n<: child ; will ia fuse to let its gim'ts be rubbed with it— . When infants are at the age of four months, i hough therein no appearance of Iceth, one lx t tie of the syrup should be used on the gums to open the pores. Parents should never be 1 with out the syrup in die nursery where there ate voting children, for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gums, the Syrup Immediately gives ease,’by opening the pores and hesdii.g the irumsj thereby preventing Convulsions, Fevers, &c. J3eu)afe of Counterfeit a. ■ Odr*Cnntfon.—B»» particular in purchasing to see that the label of this medicine contains,'! no tice of its entry atcorUinq to jict of t'ongre&a.- "Am > r|u*"lik'c\vfsF‘ piirlici»)aT‘iniihtmFihrjTtltehT7at" 103 Chatham st., ttew York, or from the Regu lar agent*], ■ ; Hamilton &-Gitnsii, Carlisle. DR. WM. EVANS’ Camomile &' Aperient Pills. Another,very severe case of Inflammatory Rheumatism cured by Dr. Evans'’Medicine.— Mr. Joh n,-V .Carrnll, of tlle ruiintv ofw es r Ches ter, t, to her father, that perhaps : in, promising the hand of his daughter to thes i liberator of Italy; it would induce him to de-_ i clard himself. 'The Emperor was pleased i with' the idea. So groat a. herb oould not bttt be a nobfe knight; what vassal would under • stand so well the lance and the sword?, there- - fore, he need fear no mis-alliance in offering the hand of the princess-. She had admirers, . thfiugh mute; she was the daughter of ah emperor besides'. Isabelle was grace itself, and though lie'r lips remained Closed, yet her . eyes were very expressive-. Bref. a- senes chal, not scrupulous as to. the means, bo he could attain the end, concluded to pass him self oft* as the anonymous hero. lie also had seen Robert hide Ids armour, near the foun tain. In the night he stole 'them, and the next day,-clothed, in the glorious armour, he presented himself boldly before the Empff&n ,‘Give me your daughter,' said he,;*il Was I who defeated the • Saracensi’ The Voyal Emperor, thoilgh greatly astonished—fof the sehesclial did not pass for.a vcyjr brave man —saw no reason to doubt it; there was cer -1 tainiy the arms'of the .liberator, Hra daugh ter tried, to 'explain to him by signs that it 1 was a deception; ha.-would not listebjtn any delay, for his word was .engaged.. ‘To-mor- . ; row, thou-shalt marry the seneschal —such is my.'pleasure I’ During all this intrigue’, poor Robert found Ids vow of dumbness more . difficult to keep than ever. He also had not been able to see thb princess without loving her; but'lds pfenahee Was nut finished, ami in making hiinsclf known he Would lose all the fruit of-diis past expiations; Twenty times' he was on the point of yielding.to, Satan, and casting a lie into the face of the perfidious seneschal; twenty times he thought it would be a good bargain to buy Isabel at the price of damnation; but the reniembrailce" r/f> bia>. mother gave him strength to resist these tcmptatu'nis; she also would be damned, wore ' he to break his vow and place himself under the fatal influence Which presided over hit early years-, . -Atfast the dty oaUie—rthe fetal day which was to shine upon the mafriageof trie prin cess'with an impostor. The unfortunate lady knew not hoiv to write—in'that age, few did; she had no means of making the truth known to lifer father; she Wept, she prayed, she wished, to die; but obedient as a worthy daughter of a chivalrous age, she dared hot violate her 'father’s orders. ;A» a victim devoted.to the sacrifice,-she suffered herself to be conduct ed to tbs temple,.where the Pope, himself . waited to bless her marriage. The senes chal was in the intoxication of triumph; all thcimpei’Tal knighthood gatheaed aepund him; all the imperial banner* of the holy empire were lowered before the.future spouse oflaa bel. Robert Wai there also, in his rags, but in the eyes of'the princess, more beautiful in his rags- than the seneschal under his mag nificent vestments. The solemn mass was commenced, the Pontiffturned to thefulurfe spouse, lie was about to pronounce the irre vocable sentence, when suddenly, by a mir acle of divihfe goodness,lsabel recovered her voice! ’Father, father,’ she cried,‘it wes not the seneschal who saved Italy, it was Robert!’ and she fell fainting at the feet of the Pupa. Great was the confusion of the, disconcerted seneschal, greater still that of the Eniperor; in learning, that a poor dumb creature had a right to the hand- of Isabel.—• He made Robert approach. ‘Who art thoiif * said- he: ‘thou,, who from the dog kennel, fhrowest thyself victoriously into the field of battle? Thou who after losing thy own iba- - son; scemcst to rob my daughter of Robcrtdrcw himself up:with pride; his noble blood of .Normandy boiled in his'reins; lie is ahemt 1 to take his name at this disdainful course; for Isabel and glory; be is oh the eye of forgetting his Vow, of penance; but at sight-, of the sovereign pontiff he conquers,his pndc and liis 10ye... ‘Holy father!’ hecried,falling. on. his knee? before’ the altar: ‘Jesus! .my God! you sec what 1 do; w.hat 1 sacrifice to remain faithful to mV vow, to purchase the pardon of myself anti mother.’ ‘And thou shalt be rewarded my son,’said the Pope: T releafce you frorif your vow. Emperor of the Romans, and you Barons of Germany and Italy, recognise in this mendicant vagabond the.heir ofasovefign race, Robert, of Kor? mandy.- —His penitcncc has expiated his old.- ; crimes; his exploits in defending Rome a-' 1 gainst the Saracens have, merited-the'glory of this hour. Robert, I unite you to Isabel- VILLAINY STEEPED IN GALL, - Some wretches on Sunday morning last paid a \dsit to the Powder-magazine of Pe ter Halocman, Esq. and by the aid of Oil, Barrels, Shavings, and other -combustible materials,, attempted to fire, the building.'— This building, is the of ‘ at the time contained jive Tf the'ignition had taken.'place, the explosion must 'have • beeb tremendous, and our whole> town per chance completely ,destvoyed;i—for the af» tempt was made at the dead; bL ;, t night—a ■■ bout one o’clock in the mrirnlrig. ? L> , , ;■ Different motives have been atslttttcd fcr ; the attempted perpetration of a deed:.-which at least, in.any of its bearings;: was one of danger to those concerned in at; but wo think - the true motive: will be found in-the-caption. of 'this article—neverthelesaydvhatevor the motive, the act speaks for itself. . . ; JCJ“ At r. IlHldeirian offers • a reward of ONETIUNDRED DOLLARS for infqriha tinn.that will leaTto ddteduqn Aconvi'ctioo. Columbiu Spy ., " . THE subscribers hdfs iww growhiff. abbot thirteen thousand' MORtTS MUmOAtt- TjIS MlIIillEl!R\ : ’tings Uris, season, feat *. high, ■with many strong branches to oohfeiwhiA; they trill Sell low for bash, iobe chasers at the proper time'of miff : trees' this fall, or next springy 'chaser. 'I s Angost.29 f ~- ■“