■To the electors of Cumberland County.- Fellow-Citizens:— l offer myself to your con sideration as a candidate for the office of'Recorder and Clerk of this county, and respectfully solicit your support at the next election Yours, &o Sept. 19, 1839.—te, ORPHANS’ COURT SALS. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans* Court of Cumberland county, will be exposed to pub lic sale, on Saturday the 12th £ayof Qctobernext, at 12 o’clock, noon, of said day, on the premises, the following plantation and tract of lirndj situate, in Mifflin township in said county, about 5 miles north-west of tho borough of Ncwvillo, bounded by lands of Henry Knettle, Henry Railing, Jonas Landis, and lands of George Greigor, havingaone and a half story LOG HOUSE, LOG BARN, and other improvements thereon erected, with a gopd and never , failing spring of water near tho house, with an JMpplc Orchard^ and other fruit trees, containing about 174 AOKIjSi to bo sold by the’acre and measured—about 35 acres thereof being good meadow, and more may bo made, with a sufficient quantity of timber land: 0 there is a good stream or run of water passing through said farm; the land is slate, of good qual ity, and handsomely and -conveniently situated, and well calculated as a stock as well as a grain 1 growing farm; being late the estate of Isaac Knet tle, deceased., The title is indisputable; the sale to be made on tho following terms: tho one third of tho purchase money to remain charged on tho land, the interest thereof to be paid to the widow annually during her life, and at her decease the principal to bo paid to those entitled; tho one third of the residue, to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, and the balance in two c(|ual annual pay ments, from the first day of April next, without in terest; tho interest on the Widow’s third to com mence on the Ist of April, 1810, when possession - will be given; the rent for. the present year is re served by the widow and the heirs. The whole - of tho-unpaid-purchnse-money to- be secured by recognizance in the Orphans’ Court: joHn.sensebaugh, Administrator of Isaac Knettle, dec’d. Sept. 11, 1839.~3t. Valuable Meal Estate FOR SALE. SWILL offer for sale on Friday the 18th of Oc tober, 1839, on tho premises, the following de scribed FARM, situate in Allen township, Cum berland county; about I mile from and 4 from Mechanicsburg, adjoining lands of Ro bert Nancy M’Cue and others, having thereon erected a first rate two story BKICK HOUSE, <3 Bauble Frame Barn , d=«;!_ WAGON SHED AND CORN CHIB. U_fJ.lL Also, a Distillery, lately the property of Henry Longncckcr, dec’d, containing 133 acres, about 30 of which are woodland—the residue cleared. The above property is one of the best in the county and worthy the attention of persons wishing to pur chase. *■ ON TEE SAKIE DA'J, By virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court, I will expose to sAle on the premises'the following Farm; situate in Aljen township, I mile from Shcphcrds towh and 4 miles.from Meohanic'aburg, adjoining the above described farm, Abraham Waggoner, Christian Mussulman and others, containing 118 acres, about 25 of which is woodland, the residue cleared, having thereon erected-a two story S T 0 N E H 0 U SE, A DOUBLE LOG BARN, and the necessary out houses. There'is a limestone, spring rising near the door of the .house on this tract. ALSO, A WOODLAND TRACT, situate in Monahan town* ship, \ork county, adjoining *\ndersonstown, a bout 3 miles from t|ie above described farms, con taining 30 acres* covered with first rate chestnut and other timber. This tract would be valuable to the owners - of the above described farms. J. K. LONGNECKER, • Administrator of H. Longnecker, dec’d. Sept. 19, 1839 st. herilf*s Sales. , By virtue of sundry Writs of Venditioni txponas to me directed issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the borough of Carlisle, on Friday the llth day of October A. D. 1839, at 10 o’clock, A. M- the following described real estate to wit: - - AL ’ tract of “lam 1 situate in Miff lii) township, Cumberland county, contain ing sixty acres more or less, adjoining lands ofLudwick Miller, Samuel My eVS.’TGeorgc Simmons and others, having thereon erected a one story Log House. and pther outhouses. Seized and taken in execution as the pro perty of Samuel Etler. \. Alsorlorol - ’• * -- 1 S; » - /, iriorol ground situate In the borough of Carlisle-, containing 120 feet' in depth on Bedford sheet, and 120 feet in breadth on Locust alley, adjoining tots of the heirs of Joseph Knox,-dec’d. and Peter Gilmore, having thereon erected * large double two story Stone House, a two story Frame-Home Sa-Frame Stable, Seized and~ faßen in execution as the propeftyof John M’C'arlney. And all to be sold by me, ' JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. , Sheriff’s Office, ) -Carlisle, Sept. 16, 1839. 3 FOR SALE. The subscriber'will sell the large and commodious house in which-he now resides, on the Main street, in the borough of Car lisle. The lot'is sixty feet front on Main by two hundred .and forty feet on Bedford street. Thebuildings are large and in good repair v and_well. calculated for an extensive boarding establishment. There is a well of excellent water with a pump in the yard, and large stabling attached in the rear of the lot. . The terms will be moderate and' made to suit the.convenience of the purcha ser, and ail indisputable title given. Apply upon the premises to J Sept. 19, 1839.—8 t. To the Citizens of Cumberland county. The subscriber, being solicited by a num ber of his friends to offer himselfas a candi date for the offices of Recorder of Deeds, Clerk of the courts of General Quarter ses sions, Oyera'nd Terminer,and Orphans’court, announces to the citizens of said county, he will stand a poll at the nest General elec tion and respectfully solicits their votesi -Should he be elected he will endeavor to dischargetheduties ofthe office with } JOSEPH BAUAIAN. Digkinion township,.Sept. 16, 1839. BLANKS FOK SALE. ir JAMES NOBLE. Also, a lot of ground situnto in the borough of Carlisle, bounded and describ ed as follows,' to wit; situate on the north Side, of Pom fret street in the aforesaid bo rough, bounded south' by said street, north by Church alley, east by a lot late of Mrs. Agncss-Steel decM., and onthe-west'by-lots o( James H. Devor, Gilbert. Scaiight, and James Cornelius, containing thirty feet in breadth on Pomfret street aforesaid, and two hundred and'forty feet in length, to. the a foresiud alley, be the same more or less, hav ing two Dwelling- Houses thereon erected: Also, one other lot situate on the south side of Pomfret street, extended in said borough,, bounded north by ,said street, south by the Seceder Church lot, east by a lot of Mrs. Shugars late of Mrs. Logue, and west by a lot of George Murray, containing sixty feet in breadth, apd two hundred and forty feet in length, be the same mure or less, having a Frame House thereon.erected, “together with all and sin gular the buildings and improvements &c. in your bailiwick, you cause to be levied as well a certain debt of five hundred and for ty dollars With interest from the 16th day of May A. I). 1833, as also seven dollars and fifty five cents for costs, which said sUm of five hundred and forty dollars, with the in terest and costs aforesaid, Frederick Watts Esq. Executor of Andrew Carothers dec’d., lately in our county Court of Common Pleas before qUr Judges at Carlisle to wit; on the Ist August A. D. 1838, by the consideration of the same Court recovered against the said William Keith, of the aforesaid two certain lots or pieces of ground with the appurte nances to be levied by the defaults of the said William Keith, in not paying, the said sum of five hundred and forty dollars, with the interest thereof at the day and time when the same ought to have been paid ac cording to_ the, form'and effect of an act of Assembly in such case made and pinvi,lo.| »- - Jeizr J and taken in execution as the pro- - perty of IVilliam Keith-. And all to be sold by rile, * JOHN MYERS; Shtriff. Sheriff’s Office. <5 Carlisle, Sept. 16, 1839. S PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Cumberland County, and of-the last will and testament of William Carothers dec’d., we will expose to public sale on the promises' on Tuesday the 15th day of Octo ber 1839, at 12 o’clock noon. A first rate farm of limestone land containinglSO acres in Westpennsbpro’ township, Cumberland County; bounded by land of l)an?l. Sherban, John Fishburn, Andrew Showers and others, having a LARGE DOUBLE HOUSE andhOGBARN thereon erected, and also a TENA NT HOUSE.J There is excellent wafer that never fails and an orchard on the premises. The land is all cleared and un der good fence aiid cultivation,'except about 15 acres, and the whoic lies immediately upon the Cumberland Valley Railroad, and the State road between Carlisle and New ville passes through the same, Terms made known, on the dar of sale bv ' GEORGE'HIEKES, ■ Executor of Wm. Carothers, dcc’d, BENJAMIN MYERS, Guardian for the minor children of said dec; _Sept-. 19, 1839. 4t j Estate of Jacolpdfaibley, deceased, '• n o'Ttscxe.- LETTERS testamentary on the estate of Jacob Weibley, latoof North Middleton township, dec’d., havobeen issited to the subscriber. Ail persons • haying any dabs against Said estate are herejby requested to present them proberly authen ticated for eettleraenq uid-those indebted to the Same to make payment immediately/ GEORGE BRINOLE, Administrator of Jacob Wfeibley, deo’d, •Sept. 19, 1839.' . , / J.D. ELLIOTT. SHE niFP’S - a ALUS. ■ By virtueof sundry writs of Levari Fa cias to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of, Cumberland county, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the borough of Carlisle, on Friday the llth of October, 18S9, at 10 o’clock, A-. M. the following described real estate to wit: All that messuage, plantation and tract of land, situate in the township of South Middletonin the county of Cumber land, bounded and described as, follows, to wit:—-Beginning at an ash oak tree on moun tain cieek, .thence by lands of the .heirs of Charlies M’Clure, dec’d, south.fourteen and a half degrees, east thirty three perches to a. post, thence across said creek by lands of John M’Clure and the heirs of Joseph Knox dec’d., (called the 1 Paper Mill tract,') south seventy five degrees and a half, west thirty perches to mountain stone, thence along the Hantver and Carlisle Turnpike Road, north nine and a half degrees, west fifteen perches and two tenths to limestone, thence by the same land of M’Clure and Knox’s heirs, south eighty nine degrees, west fifty five perches and seven tenths to a white oak, thence by the same land, north one and a half degrees,; cast forty four perches and seven tenths to a post, thence by the same land, north nine degrees, west twenty five perches and six tenths to a post, thence by lands of William Moore’s heirs, north fifty five degrees, east seventy eight perches to a, black oak, thence across said Turnpike by the same land, north forty three degrees, east one hnndrcd and five perches to aspan ish oak, thence by land of the heirs of Philip Reichter, dec’d, south fifty four degrees and one fourth, east thirty three perches and seven tenths to a black oak, thence by the same land, .north thirty.two degrees, cast twenty one perches and seven tenths to a stone heap, thence by land formerly oP»Ja c_ob Job, south sixty three .and-aJialf del grecs, cast twenty six perclies and seven tenths to a hole on the bank o( mountain creek, thence up said creek by its several courses and distances to the place of begin ning, containing 108 ACIB.ES AND 85 PERCHES and allowances, together with all and singu lar the buildings, woods, water courses, rights, privileges and appurtenances, what soever thereunto belonging, or in any way appertaining: having thereon erected a two story Log House, and two one story Log Houses, and a large Brick Hank Darn. Seized artd taken in execution as the pro perty of William Barber, jr. and Sampson Mullin Purchasers Attend ! Pursuant to an order of the Court I6r that purpose, the undersigned will sell at public sale. at the Court House, in the borough of Carlisle, on the 11th day of October next, at 10 o’clocli A. M. the following des cribed property, a parfof the real estate of Samuel Ncidig of said borough, to wit: All-that certain unfinished T WO STORY FRAME HOUSE & LOT OF GROUND, situate upon the south east corner of Han over & South streets in said borough, bound ed by Hanover street' on tlie east, South street on the north, the Presbyterian grave yard on the cast, and a lot of Geo. Mathews on the south, containing sixty, feet in front, and 240 feet in depth, be the same more or less, subject to a right of way nine; feet wide at the foot of said lot granted toGeo. Math ews by deed dated ?ofh March 1837". Terms of sale: ;one half of the purchase money in hand, and the residue on the Ist of April 1840, to be secured to the satisfac tion of the’committce. J. W. EBY, Committee. Sept. 19. 1839, Head Quarters, Ist Brigade, 11th Div. P. M. 7 Carlisle, 9th September, 1839. BRIGADE ORDERS. A GENERAL COURT MARTIAL will be convened at the public housd of Capf. Wm. Moudy in-Carlisle, on Monday the Slat day of. October next, at 3 o’clock, P. M. for the trial of Major Samuel Alexander, Major John M’Cabt nev, and Lieutenant Alfred. CriEioii, all of the First Battalion of Cumberland Volunteers, and such other prisoners as may be brought before said court, upon charges exhibited against them by Lioutcnant Coloncl Willis Foulk, commanding said Battalion, as specified in his Complaint dated the 25th of Match last. . Tho members comprising said Court will bo de tailed as follows, viz: President, Lieut. Col. John Tresler, 3Dth Reg’t. 'Lieut. Col. Robert M’Cov, lJ3th Reg’t. Major Wm. Wallace, Idt Reg’t Volunteers, -g Major Jacob Rehrah, 2d Bat.-Cumb. Vol. .g J Major Tnos. Craighead, 86th Reg’t. E | Major Samuel Brenizer, 86th Reg’t. g 'Major JeremiaiSDrExler, 39th Reg’t. Capt. Wm.:Moudvs Ist Bat. Cumb. Vol. LCapt. Michael Wise, Ist Bat. Cumb. Vql. ■Two orderlies will He detailed from tho Ist Battalion Cumberland Volunteers to attend said Court. Brigade Major Edward Armor, will giyo such other orders as may be necessary to form said court. ' • •, WM. CLARK, Brig. Gen, Edwadd, Armor, Brig. Maj. The Hon. Charles. M’Cluro has been ..detailed for said court, and will officiate as Judge Advocate. By authority of tho commanding General. . , ED WAR© ARMOR,' Btig.Maj. PUBLIC SAL 13. "WJ Y order of the Orphan’s Court of Cumberland BJeounty, I will expose to Public Sale on the premises in South Middleton township, on Satur day the sth if October, at 12 o’clock, noon, all that large and commodious ——aiA*£JEß-N-iIOUSE, and 12 acres of land, situate on the Trindlc Spring Road, about three, miles east of Carlisle, having also thereon erected a first rate ’ ' . “ STONE BANK 3AHN, and other improvements. Tho land.fc limestone of the best quality and under good fence, and two small orchards on it of- good fruit, with an excel lent well of water at the door. To be sold as the property of Jonathan Kitzmil ler, dec’d: Terms will be made krfown on the day of sale by JOSEPH CULVER, Guardian for the Heirs. August 22, 1830. First rate Farm for Sale . riIHERE will be •exposed to public sale on the M. promises, in Westpennaboro’ township, Cum berland county, on Wednesday the 1 Glh of October , 1839, at 12 o’clock, noon. A ill'st rate farm of limestone land, situate upon the Conodogirinnett Creek, a bout eight miles west of Carlisle and two miles north of the Railroad, bounded by lands of Daniel Doner and Samuel Bowman and the Creek, con taining one hundred and fifty acres, about ten acres of which are in timber, and the residue under ex cellent fence and the highest state of-cultivation. The improvements are a M&WO STOR I’ STOJTE HOUSE, AND A Mouse and stone Kitchen, a double Log Bam, Wagon-shed, Comscribs, a Stone House and Distillery. There is al so on the south side of the farm a two story BRICK TENANT HOUSE, Stable and well of water. There are about 14 acres of meadow landtof the very best quality, and the whole abounds with locust limber. Terms of payment: SSOQ when-thn Bnie is mnrif.- the residue oT one half the purchase money on the Ist of April next, and the balance in three equal annual payments without interest to be secured by a lien on the land. ROBERT LAIRD, Administrator with the will annexed of - JAMES M’PARLANE, deC’d, I will also sell at the same time and placc, by an order of the-Orphans’ Court of Cumberland county, as the property of Robert M’Farlane dec., A TRACT OP WOODLAND situate in Franlcford township, about three miles north of the above described farm bounded by land of F. Zeigler, Washmopd’s heirs and others, Con taining about four acres and a half. . Also the un divided half of another tract of woodland in the same township, hold in common with George M. Graham, bounded by land of Mrs. Johnston, Brown and Brittain, Peter Myers and others, ‘containing twenty-six acres more or, less, which is also situ ate about three miles north of the first described farms. Terms of sale; one half on the, Ist of April noxtj and the balance iii one year without interest. ROBERT LAIRD, - Administrator of Robert iPFarlatK.dtc'd. August 23, 1839. - ■ TO THE PUBLIC. THE subscribers .have now growing, about thirteen thousand MORUS MULTICAU EIS- MULBERRY TREES, from roots and cut tings this, season,, measuring from oiie to six' feet high, with many strong branches ta each, which they will sell low for cash, to bp delivered to pur chasers at the proper time of taking up. soldo trees this fall, or next spring, as will best suit theNpur nncanv - - 1* JACOB SQUIER & CO. < Carlisle, August 39, 1839. ,' tf Stray Heifer. ' €AME- to, the plantation of Rio 'ammi&i m Monroe town ship, Cumberlandcounty, on orabont rY-' nl the 15th July, a dark HEIFER with*6Kf£s£esi a white face, about two years old. .WiTha owner is .requested to come, prove property.v'pay. charges and take heraway, or she wUf.bq:dißpo3cd ofab cording to law. H - - JOSEPH WOLT. Septembers,lB39. . . 3t- Job Printing executed .atTiis office. VALtTASLSI PLANTATION For Sale. THE subscriber will of private sals thbt valuable plantation- situate m Cumber* land bounty, about 5 miles west of’Oarllsl© on tlio turnpike Icading to, Chambessburg, and nearly'in sight of the rail road, qmdining land's of John Paul, Ex-Govcfnor Ritner and otheVs, containinglGla crcs of first quality limestone land, of which about 60 acres is well timbered; ) {The improvements ara A GOOD LOG HOUSE . ' and LOG KITOHENf with a LOG BARN—also a never* failing well- of near thb door, which, with a trilling expense, could.bo mado. to supply every field with water—-also two excel lent orchards of choice fruit trees. For terms apply to the subscriber ono : mile cast of Carlisle, near the rail road. ' • September, d, 1839. ' . 'N. B.’—l have also several other first rate forms and mill properties for sate. . 'IVI. F.. Public Sale. WILL be sold ,by the subscriber, at public vendue, mi the premises, on Saturday the 12/A uf October next, at brio o’clock, P. M. A LOT OF'OROTTWD . situate in East Pennsborough township, Cumber land county, bounded by lands of Elizabeth Whis r let, Widow Tritt and qthers, containing TEN A CRES AND FORTY PERCHES, more or less, all cleared and in a high state of.cultivatibn. The improvements are a one and a half story •-- x q EO« HOUSE, Ms 53] A COOPER SHOP, AND LOG BARN, a young-thriving Apple Or chard of choice fruit, and fi never failing spring of water at the door. The above mentioned tract of land is of a good quality and is in a healthy neigh borhood, within one and a half miles of Alexander & Penrose’s mill and about halLa mile from Whar ton’s tavern. An indisputable title will,be given. Terms of sale will be“madb known on the day. JOHN MILLER. Sept. 5, 1839. Stray Sheep. Taken up by the subr sefiber, residing near Stoughstown, Cumb’a coun- A ty,on the 23d of August,FlVE SHEEP» (no marks.) Said sheep have been in the neigh borhood since April last. The ow'ner is requested to come forward, prove prop* erty, pay charges and take them away, or they will be disposed of according to law, * JAMES STOUGH. September 5, 1839, 3t ELECTION PROCLAMATION Whereas'in "amf by an actrof the"'General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania entitled .“An act relating to the elec tions of this Commonwealth,” passed the 2d day of July Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and- thirty nine, it is made the Uuty of the Shenlf pf every County within this Commonwealth'to. give public notice of the Gdjieral Elections and in such notice 'to enumerate. . ■l. The officers to b&olectcdT » ■* . <? 2. Designate the place at which the elec tion is to be held. I John Myers, High Sheriff of the County of Cumberland, do hereby make known and give this PUBLIC NOTICE i to the electors of the County of Cumberland, that on the second' Tuesday of Oclobtr next (being the Bth day of the month,) a General Election will be hcKl at the several election districts established by law in said-County, at which time they tVill vote by ballot for the several officers hereinafter named, viz: TWO PERSONS to represent thb County of Cumberland in , the House'of Representativesyif Pennsylval - ■j ONE PERSON •Sos the office of Prothonotary of said Coun tJr*. 1 ONE PERSON for the office of Register of Wills of said County. ONE PERSON for the offices of RecOrder.of Deeds, Clerk of the Courts of General Quarter Sessions Operand ‘erminer, aniTDrphans’ Court o said Countv, ONE COMMISSIONED for the Countv of Cumberland. ONE DIRECTOR OF THE POOR and of the House of Employment of said County, and ONE AUDITOR to settle the public accounts of the County Commissioners &c. And the elections in the different election districts in said county will be held at the follqwing places, viz; 1 The election in the election district com posed of the Borough of Carlisle, and town ships of North Middleton, South Middleton, Lower Dickinson, Lower Frankford, and Lower Westpennsborough, will be held at the Court House in the borough of Carlisle. The election in the district composed of Silver Spring township, will, be held at the Public House of Joseph Grier in Hoge'stown, •in sfiid township. • _ • ; The election in the'district, composed of Eastpenhsborough township, will be held at the Public House of Andrew Kreitzer in said township. The election in the district composed of New Cumberland and a part of Allen town ship, will be hcld atthe Public Houseof John Sourbeck, in New Cumberland. The election in the di-trict composed of Lisburn and a part of Allen township, will be held at the public house of Peter M’Cann, in Lisburn. . z The election in the district composed of that part of Allen township, not included in the New Cumberland and Lisburn-election districts, will be held at the public house of David ...Sheafer, in'Shepherustown in said township. ■ —'. . The election in the district composed. ;of the borough of Meclianicsburg,lwlll be held at thc public house of John Hoover, in said borough. ■ ' * Tne election in the district composed of Monroe township, will be held at the public house of Widow Paul in Churchtown, la said township.. • 1 The election in the district composed of i M. FISHBURN, Agent for Jonas Fisfiburn. And by the first and second sections of he same act it isdirected, “That it shall be he duty of the constable or constables, of each'township, ward and district, at least fen days before the day herein after appoint ed for the election of inspectors,To give pub lic notice, by six or more printed or'written' advertisements, affixed at as many of the most public [Maces therein, of the time and place of holding such election.” In case of (he neglect, refusal, death or absence from the county, of the constable dr constables, of any township, ward or district, the supervisors of the township or district, or the assessors of the ward, as the case may be, shall perform the duties herein before re quired to be.done by such constable or con stables, under the like penalty. Provided, That the said supervisors or assessors shall not be required to give?more than five days notice of the time and place for holding such election.” And' by the 11th section of the same act if is directed that the election'of judges and inspectors shall be conducted by the officers now required by law To hold the elections for inspectors and assessors, and the same shall be conducted in the manner now scribed by law. And by the 3d clause of the Iflt.li section of the same act it is provided, “That every person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or appointment oTprofit or trust udder (he government of the United States, or of this State, or of any city or in corporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, wh.oj.s, or.ahall be,, employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary de partment of this State, or of the U. States,; br of any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of congress, and of the state legislature, and of-the select or common council of any city, or commission ers of any incorporated district, is by law, incapable of holding or exercising, at fhe I same time, the office or appointment of judge* inspector or clerk of any election of- the ! Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge or other officer of any such election; shall be eligible to any office to be then vpted for. Given under my hand at Carlisle,This sth day of September, A. D. 1839. JOHN MYERS. Sheriff. WLL be sold at private sale, a valuable plantation of first rate slate land, situate in Newton township, Cumberland county, about half mile north-west of Newville, bounded as fol lows, viz: On the west by lands of John Sharp, on the-eastby John Davidson, on the south by John 'Williams, and on the north by the Connodo gninet creek, containing 140 notes, more or less, about 40 of'which.are in.excellont meadow and a bout 30 acres in woodland. The improvements are a one story and a half and a DOUBLE LOG BARN—also, a well of excellent water noar the door. The whole is un der good fence, and in a high,state of cultivation. An indisputable'title will be given, andtdrmd will bo moderate. . ~ Persons desirous of purchasing con bo shown if by applying to Mr. Thomas Ghizzem residing in Newville, or-to fho jirstlianiod subscriber residing in Diokinson townsbipr V v . SAMUEL STUARtf • ANN STUART/ ; " ' . August 29,1839,. , N.B.—lf not sold before the sth day of 6cto« per next, it will on that day be rented to tee.high*' est bidder for the term of one year. ' ~,r-' Upper Dickinson township, will be held at Weakley’s School House, in said township. The election in the district composed of the borough of .Newville, and townships of Mifflin, Upper Frankford.UpperWcstpenns-: -borough, and that part of Newton township, not included in the Leesburg election dis trict herein.after mciitioned, will he held at the Brick School House, in the borough of Newville. ' > The election in the district composed' of the township of Hopewell, will bo held at ■the School House in NewburgTn said town ship. - ■ , -' The election in the district composed of the borough of .Shippensburg, Shippensburg township, and that-part of Southampton township, not included in the Leesburg e lection. district, will be held at the Council House, in the borough of Shippensburg. " And in and by an act of the General As sembly of this Commonwealth, passed the 9d July 1839, it is .thus provided, “That the qualified electors of parts of Newton and Southampton townships in the county of -Cumberland, bounded by the following lines anti distances viz:—Beginning at the Adams county line, thence along the line dividing 1 rtlfe townships of Dickinson and. Newton to ■ the turhpike-road, thence along said turnpike to Centre school-house, on said turnpike, in Southampton township, thence to a point on the. Walnut Bottom road at Rcybuck’s, in cluding Ueybuck’s farm, thence a straight direction to the saw-mill belonging to the heirs of George Clever, thence along Kry shir’s run to the Adams county.line, thence , along the line of Adams county to the place of beginning, be and the same is hereby de clared a new and separate election district, the general election to be held at the public house now' occupied by Wm. Maxwell, in Leesburg Southampton township. And in and by the 9th section of the first mentioned act of Assembly passed the 2d of July 1839, it is directed that, “The qualk Tied citizens of the severarwards, districts and townships, shall meet on the Friday next preceding the second Tuesday in October next, at the several places now prescribed by law for holding the ward, district and township elections, and each of said quali fied citizens shall vote by ballot for one per son as judge, and also for one person as .in spector of election; and the person having the greatest number ot votes lor judge shall be publicly declared to be the judge of elec tions, and the two personl-Phaving the great est number of votes for inspector, shall be publicly declared td.be inspectors of elec tion. But when any, township has been dr shall be divided in forming aq election dis trict, judges and inspectors of .the election shall be chosen in the manner prescribed in the seventli section of this act.’,’ And by the rth'section of the same act it is directed that, “Where any township has been, or shall be, divided in forming an elec tion district! the qualified citizens of eacln part of such divided township, shall sever ally elect in the manner and at the time and place aforesaid, two inspectors. for each of said several flection districts, and shall also elect one person to serve, as judge of the elections in each district, to perform the duties enjoined by the sixth section of this act; Valuable Farm ibr Sale. DQUBLE LOC} HOUSE* To the declare of Cumberland County. Fellow Citizens — l offer myself to your con sideration ns a.candidate for thb office of Prothon otafy of this county, and respectfully- solicit your support at the next election. Yours, &o. f „ ■ WSI. M. PORTER. Carlislo lOth. Sept., 1959. ' To the citizens of Cumberland County. The subscriber being solicitcdiby a number of his friends to’ offer himselfasa volunteer candidate for the office j)f REGISTER, announces to the citizens of said county, that he will stand a poll at the next general election; and respectfully so licits their votes; and should ho bb elected, pledg es himself to discharge the dpties of said offioo with fidelity. Yours respectfully, ' JOHN HALBERT. Carlisle, Sept, 19,1839. - Cumberland Valley Rail Road Company, NOTICE. An Election foriProsidcnt, Treasurer, Secretary and four Managers, for the .Cumberland Valley Rail Road Company, will be held’ at the public house of Col. George Ferrec in Carlisle, on ths first Monday (Seventh day) of October next, be tween the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 1 o’clock P. M. Stockholders claiming to vote at said (lection will take notice that by the act creating said Com pany it is provided that “no person shall bp per mitted to vote at said election unless he or she shall have fully paid ail the instalments or the shares of stock by him or her subscribed.” r .. J. W. EUY, Secretary, Carlisle Sept. 9, 1839. PUBLIC SALE. WILL be sold on the premises, oa lhe 12/A da;/ of October next, the following described real es tate,'to^wit: Sjot of Oronnd) Containing 7 acres and 10 perches, formerly the foporty Of John .Carey, dcc’d.; situate in Silver ring‘township,. Cumberland county,, one mile orth of Mechanicksburg, on the road leading to the Silver Spring, having thereon erected a small' Log house, log stable and an orchard >of‘good fruit. The whole is enclosed witlrgood fence* Terms,will bo made known on the day of. sale by w * . JOHN HOUSER. Sept. 12th, 1839, -ta. VALUABLE real estate FOR SAIiB. fN pursuance of the last will and testament of George Zinn, sen. deceased, will-be sold rn the premises, in VVest iVmisborough township, Cumberland county, on Thursday the 31«/ day of October , Jl. XL 1839, ul. 10 o'clock ihlhetoie noon, that valuable - r . Warm of E/imestone JLattd, situate.ii) West Penn.sborough township, hound ed by lands of Samuel Dear, David Ferguson, Jacob Be)tg)i(inv.#TV—Keep, and others, con taining seventy two acrcg, more or less, sixty of which are cleared, and tlw balance well covered with timber, late the estate of George Zlnn, sen, deceased. This, property is in a high stale of cultivation, with fine improvements! the -im provements are a two story BRICK HOUSE, ||fl|k And Double Do g Dura* flßwwß and also a fine Apple Orchard and Well of water near the door. ' * Also, one other Tract of first rata Limestone Lam], situate partly in West Pennsborougli township, and partly in Dickinson township,'Cumberland county, bounded by lands of Jacob-Beltzhoovcr, * .John Lefcvrc, Esq., John Trego? nd others; con taining 89 acres, more or Tt'ss, having thereon . tieeted a DOG,HOUSE, and Stone Am* BANK BARN, Stable, &c. ‘Phis prop-|mmJ erty is very advantageously locapd, in ajl2fl*2L pleasant ami healthy neighborhood, within 7 miles of the borough of Carlisle, and A miles from the borough of Ncwville, and $ mile from the Cumberland Valley Rail Road,'uml with the Harrisburg,.Carlisle ami Chambersburg Turn pike passing through it, it is well watered by the Mount Rock spring. f'Also, a Tract of Woodland, situate in Dickinson township, Comber land county,-containing 33 acres, or less, bounded by lands of John Lefe vre, Esq., John Woodburii and others. used with the above tract. •Mlso, that tvell hstotsn ESricU TAVEHN STAND, containing one.acre of land thereto, situate part ly in West Pennsborough and partly in • Dickin son townships,Cumberland comity, having there on erected a large twp story _ n MS St ECU SSOUSE, IBrick K3f chess, ' and targe frame Stable. This property, is situ ated on the Harrisburg, Carlisle and Chambers burg Turnpike, leading'irom Philadelphia to Pittsburg, and about 7 miles from the. borough of Carlisle) the Mount Ruck sprrtig rises on this property, t In short, it presents, inducements to ~jrersous wishing to engage in the tnercffdllle bu siness and keeping public entertainment, George Zinn, jr. is part owner of tins three last described properties, but his interest will he sold along with that of Geotgc Zinn, sen. An indisputable title will be given bv • GEORGE ZINN. Jr.? - GEORGE BEETEM I S'“' r^u '? r * August 8, 1830. ISt VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE subscribe rs offer at private sale the fol lowing described real estate, situate.in the township of Newton, Cumberland,county,'oh the state road, about two and a half miles west of Newville, adjoining.the Green'Spring, contain ing 185 acres, more or less’, patented land, about 140 acres cleared, 90 of which is limestone land, 12 acres of good timothy meadow an A.the re mainder first rate sla'e land, all in a high state of cultivation, .the residue covered with thriving timber. The improvements are a it VMSTO STORY log sorss,'’ MmM® with a stone end attached thereto, aMarge, stone ■BARN, a well of Water with a pump therein at the door. Also, a tenant house. ' - v , An indisputable title will he given. For term I apply to tile subscribers living on the premises. ; JOHN MILLER, 1 JOSEPH MILLER. ■ 6l* August IS. 1859. WHEAT WANTED. THE .highest cash price will’ho paid frr Wlieat at the Cumberland .Mills, at all lilts, and lor Clour inade at snid'mill. GEORGE CRIST. AugusVSS, 1859. Silk, Scotch Gingham $ Cotton . Umbrellas and a large assortment of plain amt figured Parasols for sale by ■ ARNOLD y Co. At theirjitjnre in MychPiiicFburj” ' ARNOLD & CO. £A T their New Store in Jf?eiam'eaßurgt, have just received a large, assortment Of summer goods, consisting of Cnssimcres, JDriUlngs, laden and Hempan Cords, Nankeens. &C.&C. ' ' OR SAXE, a jot of Dearborn ’Tyre, of the best quality. V;>‘ Ilamilthn if Gner t August 1, 1833. -<
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers