UY G. SANDERSON 8j E. CORNMAN ] VOLUME 26, NO 60, Te tits of Publication. , Tho Amorican _ Is published eyery Thursday morning, in the white frame building, (rear of the court house,) at Two Dollars per annum, payabletjjpdf yearly in advance, or two dollars and ntty cents if not paid within the year.. No subscription taken fora less term than six months, mul no discontinuance permitted .uniil all arrearages arc paid. A. failure to notify a discontinuance a'f the expiration of a term, will be considered a new engagement. Advertisements will be thankfully received; and published at the rate of S 1 00 P er square for three insertions, and 25 cts. for each subsc* quent insertion. Those not specifically ordered will be inserted till/forbid. Handbill* , Blank's . Cards , &c. neatly executed at short notice, and at moderate prices. - AGENTS POR THE VOLUNTEER. The following Gentlemen will please act as agents for this papers subscriptionsrecei veil,mid money paid to either of thtfseindividualswillbc ucknoSvledged by us. John Moobk, Esq. Newvillc. Joseph M. Means, Esq. Hopewell township. John Wunderlich, Esq. Shippensburg. David Glever. Esq. Lee’s I*! llnads, John Mehakfv, Dickinson township; Abraham Hamilton, ngestown. George F. Cain, Esq. Mechnnicbburg. Frederick Wondeklich, do. James Elliott, Esq. Springfield. Daniel Krysher, Esq.'Churchtown. J acob Longnecker, E.Pennsboro* township. George Ernest, Cetjar Spring, Allen tp- —-a— S,.CENE WI T H A PIRA T E. Ix. the moiViVi/jfiiiilBl3,l .was on. my way from New York to the Island of Cura coa, on board the American ship Pal lick Henry, commanded by Capt. Tuttle. AVe had a fine passage, and,'were looking.for ward to the end of our 'voyage in about a week. I was the only passenger, and of course was throw.D in a great measure .on my own resources for amisement, the chief of which was testing the powers of an ad mirable glass, of Loudon lianufacturc upon every vessel that, showcd'.itself above the horizon. Our Captain was.kind and civil, but there appeared a nvyscry about him that he did not like to beprhd into, and our communication had in consciucncc been re- ,served. - • In about latitude twenty degrees, ana longitude,sixty degrees fifteei minutes, we were running alone with a fini fresh breeze abeam, and all our weather Sudding sails set.’ I was sitting alone in tin cabin, rum inating,upon the changes ot aene and so ciety into which I had been fofced so con trary, to my inclinations, —and wondering whether the happiness of a qdet and do mestic life was ever to fall to ni; lot, when the Captain came down and told-ne that, as I was so fond of, using my glass, I here was a vessel just appearing on the lirizon -to, wind-ward, an(L-that I might go and sec what she was, for he could not male her out at all. I went ion deck, and mountd on the main-top, and began my scrutiny. 'Well, what is she?” asked the Captain loin the deck. “I can hardly make her ou-j but I think she is a schooner.” “ Ay—what’s her course ?” “ South-west by Suth, I think; about the same as ourselves.”. I re mained jin the top for a few rhinute, and continued looking at the stranger. She. seems-fonder of the sea than I am,” Con tinued, “ for she might have her topsailand. top-gallants, and studding-sails to bool all set, instead of slipping along under her W cr sails.” The Captain made mi anshr, ■t was looking hard at her with his cyl— now perceived through my glass a wife Ick above her foresail, flapping againstae jst; —“ Well;-.she must- have heard n r 1 there goes her fore-topsail.” The cap. now went to the companion for his glas, ' and after looking attentively at her for.: short time, “what’s that?” he asked; “a that her square-sail she’s setting ? I can* very well see from the deck.” I looked again: “ yes, ’tis-her square-sail; as I’m alive, she’s changed her course, and is bear ing,down upon us.” But by this time the . Captain had- mounted the rigging, and was —..standing;_Kejva3_eyeihg thedia tant vessel keenly. ’ After having apparent ly satisfied himself, he asked me to go with him to the cabin, as he wished to talk with -mealbnc. We descended the dcckrand I followed-hint to the cabin. He motioned tne to take a seat 1 , and after carefully shut ting the door, “ I rather expect,” said he, “ that fellow’s a pirate.” ■ “ Pirate?” I ask ed in alarm.- “Yes, I say pirate, and I’ll tell . you why. In, the first place, you see, he’d, no business to be sneaking along in littl’e sort of a Way, as' when we first saw him; who ever, that had, any honest,busi ness to do,, would allow such a.breeze to go by without showing more' canvass than a powder monkey’s old breeches to catch it? Next,-you see, what the- mischief lia» he to do with us, that, as soon as he clapped eyes on ms he must alter his course,-and be so -. anxious to get outdiis snuarc-sail ? Again, hc looks just like one of those imps of mis chief, with', his low black hull and tall ra- king masts.' Bntit’s nojise_.talking-;-I-.tell~ . you. heta-a-pirate, and that’s as true as my name’s Isaac Tuttle.. And now the only thing is, what shall we do ? The Patrick Henry, ain’t a Baltimore clipper,’ and- that ’ere fellow '.will walk up tq-iis like nothing. •But I’ll tell you what strikes me : if let them rascals 'aboard, it’s inpst likely''we’ll all walk the plank; so we’d better try. to keep ’em out. We h’aipt got- blit an old rusty carrqnade and two.-six-ppuhder; and I don’t believe there’s a' ballon' board, we came off in such-, a hurry. Then; there’s two, muskets and an old" regulation'rifle Aimßl C A A VOiIITKE R. dow.n’in my state room : but they ’haint becn'fjred T don’t know when, and I’d as lief stand afore ’em as behind ’em. But our ship’s as handsome a looking craft, as you’ll see ; and couldn’t we look wicked like now, and try to frighten that cut-throat looking rascal?” .1 confess I was at first startled at the Captain’s opinion of the , strange sail, and his reasoning left me hardly a hope that his judgment was not correct; but Ins cool and collected mannfcr impressed me with confi dence in Ids management, and I told him he knew best what we should do, and I would second him as I best could. He walked up and down the cabin twice; then .rubbing his hands together, as if pleased with his idea; “I have it,” he cried; “I’ll just go on deck to, put things' ifl, order, and’in the meantime you’d better amuse yourself with looking out your pistols, if you have any, for if lie won’t be content with a look at us we’ll have (6 fight.” I hurriedly took my fowling-piece and pistols from their cases, for I fortunately had both; and though I somehow refused to allow inysclf to believe* there would be any occasion for there use, yet 1 loaded them all with ball, and in each of the pistols put a brace; this done, I went on dock, where' I found the Captain- surrounded, by his crew, telling them hi/ suspicions, and his plan of action. But,” said, lie “ may be we’ll have to fight; if them-villains have a mind to try us, they’ll send a boat on-board, and I want, tb know if you’ll'help me to keep ’em oil'. -You sec it’s most likely, theyUl ...make,you walk the plank,.'whether you light or hof.lf jhcy'get on board; and I,.calculate, if you do Justus 1 tell you, we’ll, frighten ’em.” There was a hcariy “ Ay, ay, sir,” to this short ami pithy har angue. “Thankee, thankee, hoys,” said the Captain,; “ now we’ll not show anoth er stitch oficanvass, but -sccm-(o take no more notice of that fellow than if wo didn’t see him ; and if he does try to come aboard, then we’ll show ’em what we can do.” Our Captain was about fifty years old, rathcj 'short and stout, but muscular ; 'bis face was bronzed with time and tempest, and bis locks, which had once been black, were frizzled by the same causes. lie was an old sailor and a staunch republican ; and as some of his men told (ales of fight in which their Captain Ijad borne apart, I'pre sumed he bad served, when a young man, in the navies of the States. „i Tlic crew were busy, in Obedience to liis .orders, cutting up a rofetbpgSTliuitinast into logs of about four feet Ion"-; these were-im ; mediately painted black ; wtb a round spot in the centie of one end, sb as to bear a to lerable resemblance to pjeccs of cannon, and with two old-six pounders, were placed, one at each port, ori our deck five on a side; . but the ports were to be- kept closed until the Capt. gave the orders topped them, then .they were to be thrust out about a foot. A plat-form was then made jMMtfhe top of the long-boat, which was fixifa[HS|en the fore and main-masts, and the cqrHHSp, or four teen pounder, washoistejl upSHmese things ,bcingj,arrangcd, the below, and mp'erew mustered in knots, to wonder and (ffik.' ivhat was to be done. In (ffioneanfime. we bad been standing on ,our iSjfJfrse; and had not shifted or hoist ed a as if perfectly re gardless of xß| ; scho(jper. Not so'with' her, however; for besjdcs,aJarge square sail and square-.topsail she had run out small forc-topmuyajsrtudding sails, and onward she came, rigISHHHLa pretty smart breeze, yawning side, at one moment sinking sternvreßmosr into tlie trough of the sea, as-an enormous wave rol led out from under her, and at the next for ced head logg onwards by its successor, wliile a brojur. white.sheet of foam', spread out around her, giving beautiful relief to the getblirck color of her hull 7 testifying how she was going through the water. 1 ;ould, riot help thinking of Hie Captain’s ox ression, for she certainly did “ walk-up to s like nothin,” and as there appeared to be stjnuclr time to lose, I went down to the .ibinto aasume riiy weapons The. Captain ?.s there arranging some papers, and a bdt h was before him, into which we had put nitter.' “ May be,? ! -said he,-—something’ll h^en“to - me; for if ’em~ bloody ;pirates wdfbe cheated, I will be the first to suf fnriipd natural enough, too, fur all the rais phtithey’ll suffer will be by my orders, jp s |ecause 1 did’nt like to be over-hauled hko.nT'-old tarpaulin by every rascal who cho6.s' to say heave to, in the high seas. Buthver mind ; only, should you escape, just the bottle and letter over-board, if yolliink you can’t deliver it yourself.” Noyl had never seriouslyconsidered the priability that I might also be killed in, an broaching melee, for. I thought that the Cahill intended to his ports and slit his sham guns, and that, of course, the scht lel - would fake fright. "But when he hegat 0 lalkfh sucli>' serious strain, I began to ; el very uncomfortable; arid not being naVally a'warribrjALwishcd-myself anywhere.] ge tfan on board the .Patrick Henry; '-j-:, C rc I was,, however, without a chance of sC apcs and , I suggested to the. Captain ,tli. it wjuld, be as well, for me to PVt a tie bottle also, in case of any aCciderijo boh of us, which; whs agreeif to ,; and Wejt(.aoEd.tliat if either survived arid had:the \npolunity, the letter of the unfortunate shitil be safely., forwarded to its (;lfter this little, piece of preparation,_.ll|'..lptain s - took, me by-tlie Imnd.' “ ’Tis iyAl said he; “ are you wil ling to share WitVfe. the post of ilariger ? Do not suppose Py unaccustomed to the- “NOT BOUND TO StYEAU IN THE WORDS OF ANY MASTER.” Horace. CAKEISEE, Pa. THURSDAY, JUNE 2.7, 1839. perils of a sea-fight; no, young man ; I’ve supported the glory of the thirteen stripes in many a gallant action, and have witnes sed the death of tlrose honored and esteem ed as the sons of .liberty. Yet they. were, fighting for thcir. cnuntry, and it was their duty to hold their lives cheap ;'but you are my passenger, and should bounder my pro tection—yet I to share my danger. I wish some one to 1 stand by me on the plat form, and help me to manage the swivel. Hands arc scarce, and'l don’t know wiierc else to place you.” The hardy fellow’s eyes glistened ns he majle the proposal, to which I, of course, instantly agreed. “ Thankee, thankee,?’ he replied, and relapsed inti) his former character. ’Twas strange! ha had always appeared on board his vessel! as a common Yankee Captain, with little to ft ay, and with a rough uncouth manner but little removed from his men. Yet he as once, though evidently inadvertently, assumed the air apd manner of a' polished gent|c;inan; and it certainly struck me that thJ latter character appeared more natural in lint than, the former. There wits' evidently a Mystery about him, and I determined to flnJ it out when'more opportune circumstance! should occur. .■ >. / Wt' went On deck," and the men were still hanging about waiting for the ordjrs of the Capt. to. make them start.- These "pere soon given.- The cooperand the carpoiiter were ordered to bring up all hatchets and other offensive and defensive weapons,'’and with the muskets' and rifles, they were distribu l.led among the.crew ~-wbii -received.tlvcir or ! decs to use them in repellingamjattempt oil j board. I I ■ The schooner had now come inwn within ;half a mile of ns, when she supdenly took j down her.square sail, and hauljd her wind, to have a look at us. I dare sor she did not I know what to m.ake of our semiing indiife - rence. Presently-a cloud opinokc burst from her side, and a ball canu/skipping over the water, and passed asterl of us. “ I thought so,” said the Cap!./ “ now, lads, 'show.her our stfip’es.” " A ipll of bunting (lew up to the end of our niiszen peak, res ted an instant, and out into the The simKr drifted away from the ijehooner, and shcjrnn up at her ! gaff the cpsign of tl>c Cohmbian Kepublic. | “ Thiil’S' , ’tcrnally the wayAith them black guards; they’re always nuking a fool of some republic;’’ Scarcelypvcre the words out of his mouth, when anithcr column of smoke burst from.the scliotuer, and another liall came skip—skipping song towards us, but, catching a swell, it mnged in, and we saw no more of it. “ Tfat fellow now, 1 fake it, is a good shot, stave’ll not wait for another. Clue up the njlnsail, boys; haul aff (be weather main-bjtccs ; clue up the fore-sail ; luff her, m;f. lull" her a little more—steady,” burst |om our Captain’s mouth: the orders wee obeyed with the quickness of a well-difiplincd crew, and our ship was hove to. f ‘‘.Now, my lads, take your stations, foupo each port on the' weather side, but do ndiin’ till I tell ye.” The’ fnen took tl\eir Rations, ns directed, round each log on thetveather side, and 1 followed the Capfgin l the platform where "our carronnde was mputed.. .It was load ed to the muzzle witphits of iron, musket balls, lumps ofdeadend various other mis siles, for the Capt. hii conjectured truly— there were no balls p board. The schoon er hove to, and a Jiat was lowered, and crowded with men.lit approached rapidly, [ eight fowgs. The muzzle of our carronade was deposed as much as possi bly and mide' to bju - on the water about fifty yarcls/roin thfehip. The, Capt. stood with Ids speaking-fumpet in one bumf, and a hand spike, witliy'hich.hc shifted the po sition of the gun iprequired, in the other. The schooner’s.-hot approached,-and -was pulling tqget" along, side. •Npwj sir, keep steady, awbeymy orders coolly,” said the-Capt., iaan under-tone. “Boy, fetch the iron tbiils heating in the galley— run.” The-boyhn, and returned with the iron rod heated i one end, which was han ded to me. “ Vhen I tell you to fire, fire, value-yog. rlfe.and-those-on board.’-’ The Capt. nowAit his speaking-trumpet to his,mouth, and/,riled the boat, which - was within a hundr|) yards of‘us. “'Stop—no nearer, or I’ll Bow you all out of the wat er—keep off—Jeep oft’, or I say. I’ll .” At that ihstan|he man at the bows of the boat who appqred to take the command, gave an nrdcrand a volley from several muskets was ped at ius. I heard the balls hit about inland turned to look for-the Capt. to reccpir ; ®r order to firei He was on one knee |hina the cannon, and holding it byHlie br|ch. .“ Why, Capt. ! what’s the matter? jb you bit?” He railed, thing—theyft coming.” He gave another hoist to the gn, cast Ids eye hurricdly-rtlong its barrel—f‘/zic, and bc quick!” I. nee ded not a spend bidding, for the boat iwas ciose nlougSae. , Tlfe smoke burst from the touch-hole itith a hissrand for aninstant 1 thought thtf-un had missed fire.-but in the next it cxplded with a tremendous'report, that deafend me. “Throw open your ports boys, atntfihbw them your, tceth,”-i:oared the Capt. /trough Ids trumpet, and his Voice sounded luleously unnatural. In an instant evcry poiSwas up, and qur guns protruded their imiiiles. I had fancied that I'had | heard a pash, followed by wild screams, immediacy upon the discharge of thc can non, butftie report .had deafened me : and tlie'slnpsi, which was driven back in Any face; hadso~shroiided me, that-I could not see ; the , .mearthly shout of the Capt. had also for'.diq ; moment driven the idea, from my mint! and*! now grasped my gun to re- pci boarders. But my hearing had not de- ] ccivctl ype ; for, as the smoke was borne, I away to the leeward, the whole scene of de struction burst upon my sight. 1 The cannon had been most truly pointed, and its con tents had shivered the hapless boat, killing, or wounding, almost every person in her. The longest life time will'hardly efface that scene from my mind. The stern of the boat had been carried completely away, and it was sinking by the weight of the human beings that clung to it. As it gradually dis- j appeared, the miserable wretches struggled forward to the bows, & with horrid screams and imprecations battled for a moment for' what little support” it might yield... The dead and the dynigVere'floating and splash ing around them, while a deep crimson tinge marked how fatal had been that discharge. Ropes were throwfwiver, "and every thin"- done to save those that were not destroyed by the.cannon shot, butonly throe out of the boat’s: crew of twenty four were saved ; the greater part went down with the boat to which theyclung. ” . , .1 The whole scene of destruction did not last top minutes, and all was again quiet. The bodies of those who had been shoe did not sink, but were driven by the wind and sea against the side of the ship. " From some the blood was gently oozing, and float ing around them; others, stiff in thecon vulsion in which they had died, were grin ning or with horrible expression. One body, strong and muscular, with neat white trousers, and a leathern girdle in Which were stuck two pistols, floated by, but the face was gone"; some merciless ball -had so disfigured Tiii’n, Unit all trace of human expression was destroyed. He was the pi rate Captain. ■ • - But where was the schooner? She lay fora lew minutes after’ the destruction l of her boat; aiSjl whether ahu med at our ap .pcarancc,'Of "horrified at the loss of so many of her men, l l know not, but she slipped her fore-sail, anil stood away as close to the {wind, as possible.’—AVe saw no more of her. The, excitenTent of the scenes we had just passed through,-prevented oiir-missing thf Captain; but so sopn as (lul schooner bore away, all naturally expected his voice- to give some order for getting again under way. But no order came. , "Where was he? The musket discharge from (lie boat, with the unearthly Voice that conveyed the orders for the ports tube thrown open, flash ed across my mind. 1 ran to the platform. The Captain was there lying on his face be side the gun that he had pointed with such deadly effect. He still grasped the speak ing-trumpet in his hand, amll shuddered as I .beheld its mouth piece coveted with blood. “ The Captain’s killed!” I cried, and stoo ped to raise him. “ I believe I am,” said lip ; “ take me to the cabin.” A dozen rca- dy hands wore stretched to receive him, and he was taken below, and carefully laid on h sofa. “ Ay,” ho said, “Ji heard (he crash ; my car knows too well ’the crash of shot against a plank to be mistaken, and my eye has pointed too many guns to miss its mark easily now. But, tell me, is any one else hurt ?” “No, thunk heaven,” I said ; “ and I hope you are not so badly hit?” “Bad enough. But cut open my waistcoat; ’tis here.” A mouthful of blood stopped his utterance, but he pointed to his right side. I wiped his mouth,'and we cut off his waistcoat as gently as possiblg,.; Jliiere was no blood ; but on removing li'is shirt, we dis-. covered about three inches oh'the right of the pit of the stomach, a discolored spot, about the’, size of half-a-crown, darkening towards its centre, where there was a small wound. A musket ball had struck him, ami from there being no out-ward bleeding? I feared the worst. We dressed the wound as well as circumstances would permit, but externally (he wound was- trifling—the fatal wound was within.- The unfortunate suf- fercr motioned for all to leave him but me; and calling me to his aide, “ t'feel,” said he, “that! am dying ; the letter: —promise me that you will get it forwarded—’tis to my poor widow.' Well, I’ve tempted this death often and escaped, but ’tis hard to be struck by-a—villian’s band. —ButGodVwill be done'.” ,1 promised that I wotild person ally deliver the lettcr/for that I intended re tUrning toN. Y'oTk from Curacoa.' “Thank you truly,” said the dying man; “ you w|ll then see my Helen' andjny child, and can tell them that their unfortunate husband and father died thinking of them. This' ship and are mine, and-will belong to my family; Stranger, I was not always whatl how seem. But.l could not bear that the Yankee slipper should be known las he who- once—— ’ A .sudden flow of blood prevepted him from finishing-the.sen tence. ,1 tried to relieve him byA change of posture, but'in,vain; he muttered some'in coherent'sentences, by which his mind see med to dwell upon foriner scenes of battle for the republic, and of .undeserved treat ment. ; He'rallied for one instant, and with a family, and the name of Helen, on hislips, he ceased to breathe. , The body ofour unforlunate Captain was next day committed to the waves, amidst thq tears of us all. Our voyagewas prose cuted to ah end .without further interruption. I did not forget the Widow of the dying man: how faithfully I fulfilled them, and how I have been rewarded,'or how satisfac lory to me, was the'-previous history of the poor- Captain, need not be~tdld. -Suffice if to say .that I am'" settled in Elm Cottage, Bloomingdalc, and. am., the happiest son-inr law, hii'shandaiid Father in tlic United States. ‘To(o much oT ilie-gond thing,’ as the pismire said Ven he fell into a hogshead of molasses.' The Perverseness of "Women. There is an old story of a man, who had married a young lady, and who had a friend somewhat sceptical as" to the obedient ten dency of tho wife’s disposition, much to the dissatisfaction of the Benedick, who strong ly asserted and warmly asseverated that his will was law, and that she never, by any .chance, disobeyed any wish or injunction of his. ' " . 'fclnve you ever tried her temper in that respect?” said the friend: “.have you ever desired herfpositiveiy not to do. any partic ular thing? for that Is my point,'since you tell me site never refuses to do whatever you desire her to do.” “No!” said the affectionate, husband: “I never have found Jtccasion to desire her not to do any thing, but—” . ' 1 “That’s it! as the.old women say,” cried the friend; “female' obedience is proved by negatives; tell her not to do any particular thin", give her ho particular reason why, and sec if she does not do it.” , “Ridiculous,!” 1 says the husband. “Try.”’ said the friend. “IVell,” replied. the.husband, “agreed 1 we are both going avyay for the day; what proof shall I put her to? whatshalll tell her not to (lb? may she not 1 play her harp? must shcmot-sing-or- : draw? or7Tih Tact fell me, what you bvaut me to prohibit her from doing, and I stake my life she does it not.” “Oh, no!” said the friend, “drawing and singing, and playing (lie harp, are tilings which she might-abstain from without a murmur, Or-,-what is more essential to the afi'air, a wonder; because she had 'sung, and played, and drawn a thousand times; it is an injunction not to. do something she has never , done before —for instance, toll her when wc go, not to climb some particular hill, fur particulars reaaonj which you do not choose to. give Iter; or, by way of carry ing the principle but to the fullest extent, warn her not to attempt to ride on the dog’s back.” ■ n “'Neptune’s back P’ said'the husband.— “Yes,” replied the friend, “on the back, of this most valued- the bravcst.and failhfullest of his breed.” “Ride on a dog’s back!*’ exclaimed Ben edick, “how can you be so absurd?“-as i f—” “Ah! there it is,” said the friend, “as if ■—now, take my word for it, if you issue the injunction, .without giving her any- reason; Harriet will break it,” The most incredulous of men rejoiced at the idea, Vvhich he.felicitously.ridiculed, and resolved upon trying the experiment in order to establish his Harriet’s superiority of mind; and his friend’s exceeding silliness. ' ' He parted from his Harriot, and withten* der fondness she clung round his shoulder, as ho said in quitting her. "Harriet, dearest, we have sclikim been separated since our marriage—d shall be back- ,soon—take care of yourself, love— but just attend to one thing I am .going to say, dear; don’t fry to ride upon Ncpttine’s back while we are .away,” “ What!” said the laughing Harriet, “ride upon Neptune—ha, Tm, ha! what ah odd idea!—is that whafypu warn me against?— why, wliat a ridiculous notion! why should you (ell me that? What nonsense!” “That, my dear,” said the Husband, “it is' a secret; all I beg of you is, not to ride upon Neptune.” “Hide upon Neptune.L”-repeatcd the lady . and she laughed again, and they parted. • When Benedick jintl his friend returned to dinner, the laughing Harriet did not as usual present herself to receive them; there was a sort of gloom, pervading the house; the footman who opeued the door looked “dull;" the buffer who came lnto the hall look ed as white as his'waistcoat; the lady’s own maid rushed down stairs, evidently to prey veiit a scene. ' • ‘ ' “Whcre is your mistress?” said Bencdick. “Up stairs, sir,” said the maid, “there is nothing the matter, sir—nothing in thc world sir—only my mistress has had a fall.—quite a Jittle fall on the walk in the flower garden —and lias cut her face the least hi£ in the be well to-morrow,” . —-* t X’WH , itcnrcdick; ,s “Humph!?? said the friend. And. up-stairs ran the anxious husband... “What has happenedexclaimed he, catching her to his heart, and seeing' her beautiful countenance a.'little marred—“how did this happen?” . ' t * . Harriet cried and hid hcr%se- The - explanation; never-came V*l&>gcther clearly before the-friend orifhe famuy: but "the accident was. generally thought toliavc arisen from Harriet’s having endeavored to take a ride on Neptpne’a.back ! , - v*,; i. ■ AGRICTETJUREv * “I am a truS-lihofor'. I .earn that I eat, get that I wear, «We no man a hate, cnvy'no man’s happincss.iglad. of bthdr. men’s good, content with,lny-haygi, and the greatest of my pride is, to see, my ewes graze and my lambs:BUck.’’-i-iS7iaispenrc. 7 We'haye come to tuc conclusion, ture’s truest noblcmanria the mail who earns his bread by"the sweat qf. his face, upon Kip own bought and ppid for;-plantation., -An indcpcpdantFarmcr-may -stand upon the house-top, qnd -say to hiraselfas.-JSclfcirk did— • - ' "lam a monsrch of all ,1 survey " ' ’ ; J\ly right there is none to dispute,;. .. , " ' From the centre all 'round 'to.the sea,;, : . ; lam loi’d of the fowl, and the brutc's’*-'-- < jsj' lie is truly a p r title more secure than that ofjittnd ;preser- Baron,—more easily ECp-'T'and through-tlie; vctl, hot by c r -' ~ " 1 ' . [AT TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. MW SERIES—VOL. 4, NO 2. shedding of blood, but by the lawful labor of ’. the hands. ■ His houaais.his castle, his acres" are .I 8 dominions."', His gardens are his parks,—-his grass plats his lawns, and his forests liis groves. His battle, sheep and poultry arc his sjubjecta, and he becomes, at" pleasure, either the executioner or The mul tiplier of such subjects. Tell us if the King upon his thrpne. has more power worth’;pos sessing." His happiness, we know, is less, as he increases Ins toils, cares and sorrows": in proportion as the cultivator of the soil diminishes his. . . ... In the spring time he bows, and in the au tumn he reaps. Providence has, assured him that spring time and-‘Harvest shalFfipt - fail, and he has the assurance of the ,Giver’ ‘ of every; good ' and'perfect gift, that as/hb -- "sows so shall he reap. ' .His, grounds are • watered in the season of drought, with the’t chins and dews of Heaven, and in the damp season the sun shines to cheer, invigoratoj:.- and give promise to his labors. The severer tasks of the.summer are-succeeded by-the; ■ lighter labors of the' winter. Ait'we have said in the words of Will Shakspearc,. ho ;• “earns that he. eat,- and gets that and his_ Philosophy is that of-the shepherd : who said that - “good pastures • make fat - sheep.” He maysay Truly, and with ’an ,: honest pride— '• ■ . ---;----- “I eat my own lamb, . . i My chickens and ham, ' I shear my own fleece and I wear it-” What could a man want more;—and who 7 can ajfafmer.-capablo-of enjoying life, pos*- ' '-; scssed of Ins farmhouse* his farm,’ and his ; necessary ■ implements,;(if husbandry, ever ■ • sigh for ay residence within the enclosures of, .7 a city,—choosing bricks andmortar, fur the . elbowroom of a spacious farm house,—the" smoke Und dust of the tojvn.fof the village;, —the thrpe, or four story brick house for-tile V granary 'dr the haycock;—the purest air of 7 heaven for the atmosphere, of a thousand . smooky houses,' and ten thousand unwhole- V some How could a. farmer make. . such a choice as this? would pause for a.reply, did we-not know that the only, an- - swer - which—cou I d -bo-devised;- after '- the longest study; would be the unsatisfactory . ■ one, that something better was anticipated p only,—for it would bo a miracle almost; for, a man to find himself ■happicrr'Dr in better , circumstances, after a change offesidence ', froimlhe country to the - The true Klysian,—the real, Paradise on .. earth is the country,—thc'grccn, fruitful,- . beautiful country. The city for the taSk'T ' master' and his hard-worked servant; but-the country for the man who wishes for health and leisure,—contentment and a longlife;-;;:'/ —; —“Tin l shepherd's homely curds, ■ Ills cold ihin drink out of his leather bottle. His wonted sleep under a Ircsh tree’s shade, ; , All which tit-cure and sweetly he enjoys*;' l :': Is tar beyond a Prince's dedicates— !, His viands sparkling in a goiden enp; ; ( ■■ His body couched in a curious bed,’ i : b-. b The ancient Romaris venerafedthe and in the earliest and purest times if uie' .i - republic, the greatest praise which coujdbe V given to ah illustrious cha pact e r,_\vas to’say tliat he was a judicious and hiis-c band man. —Portland \Silvcrffserz ... ... . Lopli at this• and weep it j ' . ''Frailty, thy name iswoman •"—Hahilt-i't 1 ■Mj case-llardenen / ChaHbitfe'-liii& .’i; again.flcjlJVom my just authority dnd : nrq-,’ -•! lection, without advising nie or.'.cohsulting:’’' ■■ me on this doubtful and im^Udo ; is it the first offence of this kind that sll alias :ii,v committed; for. nine years past 'she' ,has an* nually served me the same trick ani ahvayi about this time of the year, which I~ account for, I have had Job-like paiiehce>'r ; i and have forborne thus far to' tell of the shame she lias cast upon let all whdm ithnaiy concern/.'knowf/.tliat '' from this day forth I will debts of .her contracting. ' Walter Caovcir. . N., B.—This is.the tenth Hints sl»o; V:: Vi away—nine times .have I takenjicf in and if she . ever takes d-i -d. : Pleasure.—Writers of: .cvefylage'^ayfiSr^ l ' endeavored to show that pleasure’ and not in the objects'pftcred’fOf'oUr tnejil J }, if. the ..cry thing becomes capWjJi: of' distress w»U almost a/name. ; E&ry occurrence pi&stee. view,like-fhcfigarc3ofa^moce3sion,fSQmc*i ; may''terawkara,.othersill-oresB^,'Tj|,ut3f)ngP"i : j|& but a fool is;for. thisenraged witlr the ter'of the ceremonies. ' “I say Jack,' can’ give its alitde;atl» vice upon a ..soft subject,” faced city' touch-mernot the jolly:old-souled butcher, who ynlS carefully, :r;Sii and scientifically carving up the lifeless,re?; - mains of a fihe. fat bullock. ,“^fay '—what’s broke?” “AVhy—wl^-rl’ni;’.in-' l.ove with a gal,, and. can’t" ;cohtrivc hbw gain- the- crittur’s/affb'ctionf?’' ’VVylli" don’t! look sb' ,calf-ish—only stake y6ursclf: K friend, and I .tliink by /scndiilg tender-lines: (loins) you. can-supi•;** Isinackat the chops.’ . " v 'J' -’ ■ ! “ p .alldic Sfates;Tanc irvcd Idbfcijigc&ftj leaned; baotsiu . “Q“‘te new. pnes,- hav^ ,‘‘-JVc\v:tines! why lor ■’ bless'iyPu ne wMpfs"beill Igime arihgu r ‘Dots \x , fts'.j:auc. ':-*yX£
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers