•"There are sometimes circumstances Which not only palliate but justify f duelling.”]— Reader, what think you?- Can you believe that in this moral and reli gious community, there are individuals so lost to all sense of the obligations imposed upon them by the laws of God and man, as to publish such a sentiment to the world?— What,'to take awaythc life of a fellow man in cold blood; in other Words to commit foul and unnatural murder merely to gratify a hellish and fiend-like disposition ! " If such' sentiments are inculcated by the press, ’tis *time that'the sober and reflecting portion of the public’ should sese to it, and prevent the spread of such pernicious and destructive doctrines. But, that our readers may not supine we are contending with imaginary evils, we refer them to the Carlisle Herald of the 10th inst. where they will perceive a bold and undisguised attempt to screen the notorious blackguard, Henry A. Wise, one of the murderers of the lamented Gilley, from merited odium and disgrace, from which we have selected the sentiment which heads this article. We are the more aston ished at the position assumed by the Herald, from the fact that the. nominal editor and principal controllers of that sheet are (pro fessedly) members of the Church, and, con sequently, bound by the solemn covenant they entered into at the time Of their admiss ion, to take the Holy Scriptures as their rule of faith and practice—a book which no where, so far as we are acquainted with its contents, justifies duelling ‘under any circumstances.’ .The prime mover in the bloody scene which resulted, in the death of an amiable & talented man, who, in an unguarded moment, accepted-a-ehullcnge,-and brought deep and indelible disgrace upon the Congress of the United States, may be a man of talents and “great plvyaWkcowage”' for. aught we' know to the contrary; but that he is possessed of “mo,ral coilrage,” as, the Herald rvould make its readers believe,, we most unhesitatingly deny. True moral courage is notto be found in a professed duellist, no rhorc than genu ine piety in those who advocate and encour age the barbarous practice of duelling—and it ill becomes a party, professing to be in possession of “all the decency and all the -respectability” of the country, to permit its organ to advocate a cause which is a disgrace to the age, and should be frowned down by every well wisher of the country. As to Henry A. Wise,, who appears in the eyes of the editor of the Herald, to be the beau ideal of excellence, we have scarcely a word to say. His character, iriorally and politically, is sunk so low in degradation and infamy, that no effort of ours can fasten any odium upon him which does not already attach to his name. Accursed of God and man, he has the foul mark of Border bran ded on his forehead; “a fugitive and a vaga bond upon the face of the earth,” he is unfit society for any but the most abandoned of all God’s creation—and if he had his due, he would ere this have been elevated to a post of honor, a spectacle to Heaven and earth. If the editor of the Herald can find any thing to admire in such a man, we have no objection; but we do most solemnly pro test against his wicked attempt the murderer up as an exemplar to the commu nity at large, and particularly to the young and rising generation- New York Election. —The official re turns show that Varian’s maj. for Alayor is. 1067. The democrats carried 24 out of 34 common- Council. The whole number of votes polled was 41,113—nearly 2000 more than were ever beffire given irTthat city. ' Rhode Island Election. —At the recent election in this State no choice was effected for Governor and usik or seven members of the Senate—none of the candidates having a majority of all.ihe votes given. • The demo crats have gained six representatives, and probably elected the State Treasurer'. The following is the reported Vote Tor Governor: Sprague (Federal) 2554 . Burges (do) ’ 430 Bullock (democrat) 2375 At the next trial for Governor, &c. a plu rality electa agreeably to the constitution Of that State. " *K—~ France and Mexico.' —The treaty con cluded on the 9th of March, between Admi ral Baudin and the Mexican authorities, lias been ratified by the French government. f |C7*The Report of the School Directors of the.Borough' on the state of the finances, &c., and the sum necessary to be raised for school purposes tiie ensuing year, was hand ed in too late for publication this week. It shall inournext..-4. Accident at fhe Inclined Platie. —We learn the rope at the Inclined Plane oh the C olumbia Bail road, broke abou t /o’clock yesterday morning, just after the passenger cars.had passed. Four.burthen cars, loaded ■with -flour were at the time, and rushed down from-near the top of the plane with tremendous velocity. - The cars were of 1 course destroyed, as well .others which arrested their progress and were standing at the foot .-.of the plane.; The West Chester stage, full of passengers, was on the bridge ■ •careerrof the cars .met'with an impediment,,, the. de struction,of; life would probably haye becn very grtatf Hut juckUy ,rfp; personal-injuries were sustained. .The:new.tope 'ordered by the superintendent of- Motive' Powfcr,’ has not yet been received from the manufactur ers; but is daily expected. Pennsi/lvanian. ' MARRIED: v On Tuesday, evening, last, by the Rey. Henry Aurand, Mr Ephraim CoßNjuAh, ju nior editor of this paper, to Miss Barbara Shrom, eldest daughter of Mr. J oseph Shrom, aH'Orthis Borough. ■’ , On the same evening, Mr. Conrad Lami son, of this borough, to Mrs. Mary Black, of North Middleton township. - DIED: - * On Saturday last, Mr. David Hippenham mer, pf this borough aged about 45 years. . Suddenly, on Saturday- morning Mrs. Morrison, who heard the morning gun in health—s O’clock; but was a corpse an hour afterwards. 1 On Tuesday morning last, in this borough, Miss Mary Bixler, in the 19th year of her age- ' . DYEING & SCOURING. THE subscriber respectfully ipfor&s the pub lic that she continues to cleanse Clothes of grease, stains, &c. in the best manner and with out injuring the cloth. She will j£lso attend to ; DYEING' 1 '" 1 -- all kinds of Yarns, Cloths, Silks, Bcc. Bcc. any color which may be desired, on the most accom modating terms and with despatch. Her residence is a few doors east of Mr. A. Richards’ store, Centre’SqnarefCarlisle. JANE McMURKAY.* •ly April 25,-1838, Domestic ,lttnchmeut. WHERE AS iirpursaance ofanact of" the General Assembly of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, an Attachment hath been gran ted by the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace in and for the countyof Cumberland, at the instance of John Wunderlich and Peter S. Artz, trading [lately] under the firm of '-Wunderlich & Art*,* against Robert Stockton of said county, whereon certain goods, chattels and effects, of the said Robert Stockton have been attached, and are now in the custody of Benjamin Reynolds and John Carey until they shall be disposed, of ac cording t®law. Notice is ,therefore~herebygi ven to tho creditors of the said Robert Stockton, to appear at tfie office of the subscriber, in the borough of Shippensburg, ort Friday the 51st day of May next, at $ o'clock, P» M, then and there to discover and make.proof of their de mands, agreeably to the directions of said act of. Assembly, JACOB SNIIJpR SliTppensburg. "April 25, 1839. 3 JOHN MOORE. BAHBBB& HAIR DRESSBU. RETTIINS his sincere thanks to the public for the encouragement heretofore recciv-; c*d, and re«pectfttlly informs thocitipon»-o/Cttr« liclo, tllQf lie liw !.»• ‘*>■••l known Eating Room and Oystef Cellar,"two doors south.of. W. S. AUcn*s hotel. His system ofHalr Cutting is superior to any Barber’s in the borough. , Woollen Cloths Scoured in first rate style, done immediately at request. By strict attention to business and an caynest desire to please, he hopes to receive> a liberal share of public patronage. Carlisle, April 25, 1839. Estate of David Hippeharrwier, deceased. NOTICE. THE public will take notice that letters of ad ministration have this day been issued to the subscriber on the estate of David Hippe hammer, late of the borough of Carlisle, Cum berland county. All who have claims or de mands against the estate of said decedent are requested to make the same known to the sub scriber .without delay, and*allwhoare indebted to said estate are required to call and settle the same immediately. HUGH GAULLAGHER, Jieaidencet Carlisle . April 22.1839. - 6t MILITARY NOTICE. IHAVE received a supply 6f Macomb’s & Cooper’s Military Discipline, sufficient to furnish all, the’ Field Officers and Volunteer Captains In the Brigade,"antfsome of th? Militia' Captains. These books pan be had by those en titled to receive them, on application at hW of fice. Wi FQ.UJL.fC/ Brig. Inspector, Ist Brig. IXtb Div, P.M* » .Brigade Office, ? - * Carlisle, April, 25, 1839. S' ATTENTION Carlisle Light Infantry 1 YOU are order<;d,tb-parade- oh your usual ground, cqmpletely equipped, in summer, uniform, on Monday tlie sth and Tuesday the 14th of May next. T. SPOTTSWOOD, 0. S. N. B.—An adjourned bourtdf Ap peal will be held on -Monday the 6th- ’ T. S. April 25,1839. ' , ATTENTION Cumberland Greens. ■ O’O'IIBBIiLiIWD dsissrs ;; - ~ ATTENTION. YOU are ordered to parade at tlic.puhlic house of Jacob Trego, on the Walnut Bot tom Road on Monday the Gth dayJbf May next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. _ A Court of Appeal will be held at'the same time and place. You will also parade at Mount: Rock for review and in spection on Wednesday the ISth of May, ! .with arms and accoutrements in good order. ■; - ■ : Byorder of Capt. MIIiIiER. Flour from-wagons in BaUitndre $7 00 t vi t: (n it t t t v . Copper, Tin and Sheet iron THE subscriber hereby informs the public that he has commenced the above mentioned business, in all its various branches, at the old stand, recently occupied by Fridley & Lyne, in LoUther street, a few doors east of Leonard’s store, where he will nt all times ,be ready to ac commodate his friends and Customers at the shortest notice and on ; the most accommodating terms. The highest /trice will be given for old co/t/ter, ftemter and lead,. ALEXANDER S. LYNE, Carlisle, jlfiril 25, 1839. To Jflillers fi • Manufacturers• BOWS'S IMPROVED DIRECT action water wheel.. THE public are informed that the subscriber has bought the right of the above water wheel, for the State of Pennsylvania. It is com i sidered by those having them in use, as one of the most important-improvements that has ever been introduced. Persons desirous of seeing the 1 wheel, can do so, by calling at the foundry of DAVID COCKLEV, Lancaster. The an nexed certificates have been given as a alight; testimonial .of its value; they willspcalc tor ihem'-i selves. 'All communications addressed to the suberiberin Lancaster, Pa., wiJPbe promptly at tended to. . April 11, 1839 r.Copy.] This is to certijy, that I have put in one of Howd’s Patent Cast Iron Direct-Action Water. Wheelst-in the .place of a Reaction-Wheel; that the Direct Wheel does pot flood the tail race as much hy three inches as the reaction did, and that I can grind seven'bushcls with the direct .action wheel an hour, and drive two run of stones, where 1 could not grind four bushels, in the* same lime with'the reaction and drive one run of stones. ‘ ' PfcTER FAHNESTOCK, Ephrata tp. Lan. co. Oct. 1838. -.-This niay certify, that I been- engaged in putting in S. B. Hbwd'scaist iron direct ac. tion Water Wheel, both in the Stale of New York and in Michigan, nnd can give ifas my decided opinion that with 8 feet head or under, rightly put in, it will do more business with the same water than any other water wheel which T have yet had any experience in, and in refer ence to back water, is secoyd best to none that I have'ytt tried. In reference to guarding a gainst ice; there can be no better operation, and it is very easy to be kept In repair. STEPHEN AILES, Millwright, Alloway, September 3,,1838. Tills may certify that I have had in my Mill one of Mr.■ HaukUa fat* •apnlfUf One j'Cnr. -Il.ld --X I hayebad abaction in the sameplace—lhave. nlsp.bKd WheelepVUriioh*Wheel, yet X .think Mr. Howd’s will dotnore business with lesswa ter than any other I have tried. It does well in back water. I have had from sto 6 feel h£ad. I think we could do as much work with half the water as we used to do with the under shoot wheel, which has also been in operation in my mill. LAWRENCE RILEY. Lyons, September 3, 3838. This may certify, that we have used one of S< Howd’s patent water Wheels since December last; by the side of a re-action wheel, and we think that Howd*B*vrill do double the business; tvith the same watfer that the re*action wheel wijl door very near. We never have but three Feet head, and can grind with hat eight bushels per hour. We arc subject to back-water. This wheel will do as good business under back wa iter as the re-action, and we recommend it to the attention and patronage of the public. SIMON BURTT, REGIMENTAL ORDERS^ FIRST Batulion 23d Regiment Pennsylva nia Militia,parade at Mount Hock on Wed nesday the 15th and the SECOND Battalion at Shippensburg on Thursday the 16th day of May next*Battalion to be formed at 10.o*clock, a.m. By order of James Chesnut, Col, Comd’g, • HENRY B; REBUCK, Adjutant. ' April 17”, 1839. '• AT an election held on Saturday the 6th inst . for-Colonel of the 23d Regiment, Penn'a Militia, JAMES CHESNUT was elected by a majority of eight votes, viz: * J. Chesnut had 89 votes, :S. J. Hemphill, 81 •' • ; J. Sponsler, 25 ** i. W. FOULK, Brigade Inspector. t April 12, 1839. ■ ’ First Begiralent of' Cumberland VolunteQrs. V , Parade at Newville on Friday the lfth May next, at 10 o’clock .completely equipt for inspec tion. . • . ■ ‘J. KELSO, Adjutant.' .April 11. 1839. ■ . Vou are. ordered Jmradeat the Ca re Springs on MOn ty the 6th and. in iHialeonTuesday ie 14th of Mny,.at ) .o’clock,; A. M. impletely: equipf, summer uniform. By order of '; ’ A.Ir^MBERTOU,' ~ Captain. April 95,1839.- Estate of Jacob Fried, deceased. M OTICB., E is hereby given .that'letters of Ad- _ , ministi'aUon on the estate of ; 3acob Fried, Jate of Allen township, Cumberland county.de ceased, have been Issued by the Register offaid dpunty.td the subscriber' who resides in the said tbwnship. HHpersona having claims or demands againStthe estate of the, said decedent nrp TeJ quested to make known the same without delay, aiid those indebted to make payment to v, r JOHN MATEER, Administrator • j'MarcK 21, 1839. ' • . > Umbrellas, and-Parasols* - SiikyScotch, Gingham and Cotton Umbrellas. Also,-plain and figured. Parasols, for saleTSTTeapi by - ■ -dmbld & Co . ■- Nankeens! ; ; , Oeorgiahhdindia Nankcensforhftlfc'lOSrtiy 1 April 4 - - Arnold I? Co, MANUFACTORY. IMPORTANT MICHAEL M’MATH Alloway, May 5, 1838, MILES S. LEACH NEW GOODS! - ANDREW RICH ARDS, h now opening a splendid assortment of i Spring anti Summer -Cf (i)tf D ; Sy ;:r - f ' jll the south-east corner of Market Square, well known pa. Bred in's Corner, and recent , ' ■' 7y ioccuJiietCSy Geo; iV. Crabb, COMPRISING IN PART Blue, Black, Blue Black, Invisible Green, Ada lade and Brown' ’ >• •: ! ; CLOTHS, Ribbed, Striped and’ Plain CASSIMEKES; a splendid assortment of Blapk,Bluc-black,Green, Mause, Fawn, Slate, Gro de.Naplc, Gro.de Swa, Gro de Sein, arid Hpss Italian SILKS; Florence assorted colors, with a splen did assortment of Raigues', Figured Silks, a va riety Of Prints and Chintzes,, new style Lawns, Mouslindelaines, Ginghams, Painted, Cross-bar red, Striped; Jaconett & Cambric Muslin, a fine assortment of -• . ' : ■ CALICOES, a superior assortment of Veils and Handker* chiefs, a general assortment of Summer, figured and plain Satin VESTINGS, Summer Cloths, Satiincts, plain and striped Linens, Irish Linens.Vclvct Cords, Beavertcens, Checks, Cotton Drillings, Tickings, &r. A general assortment of Leghorn, Tuscan, and colored Nun Bonnets, Palmlcaf and Leg horn Hats. ■ * . . .. A general assortment of Gauze, Mantua, Love and Satin Ribbons, a splendid assortment -of Hpsiery and Qloves., • «. aP.OC3P.IEC: Rio, Forth Rico; Coffees, Su gar, Sugarhouse and Orleans Molasses, Young Hyson, Imperial and Black Teas, and Soap. His present stock of Goodshavc been selected with much care, and will be sold at such pneds as will not fail to give satisfaction to thp.se wU.hr Ing to purchase. " He is very thankful for past favors* and hopes by strict attention to business, and a disposition to please to merit and receive a liberal share of puuhc patronage. Carlisle, April 18> 1839, ... If NEW GOODS. JUST received and now opening at thfe store of the subscribers, corner of Hanover and 'Leather streets, Carlisle;,’ a gcriefal assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Spring Chintzes; Cajicoes, Ginghams,^£awns, ‘MuslihdelainCs, Challies, Veils, Bonnets, - Rib bons, Cndct Cloths, Cassiinercs, and fine Sati nets, ; Also, a first raid assortment of Domes tics,such a$ brown and bleached Muslins, Tick ings, Tubjfe Cloths;-with a.great-variety ptstuffs for Gentlemen's Summer wear, such as Summer Cloth, French Velvet, Drillings and plain Lin ens of all kinds, Velvet Cords, Benverteens and Nankeens—-Stocks, Cravats, Breasts and Col lars, Gloves and VES TINGS. Also a good as sortment of * ; Queensware and Groceries, atl of \yhich will be sold low and on accommo dating terms. The public are respectfully in vited to call and examine before making their purchases, and they will be sure to getbargains. HAMILTON & GRIER. . Carlisle, April 18. rr.- s-trr-*': , .. NEW COAC H MAKING ESTJMnX,tsn.i£EJYT, IN CARLISLE, PA. THE subscriber having jiist arrived from the east with some of the pest, workmen could be. procured; is now prepared to finish work in the most fashionable style and of the best materials. He will manufacture any thing in'that line of business, such ns ‘ OARS, OOAOHBS, GIGS, SULKYS & CARRIAGES, of every description. He has now in his employ probably one of the best Spring Makers and Coach Smiths that is now in the state. His charges shall be moderate and his work will all be warranted. Repairing done in. the neatest manner and with despatefu w . The.subscriber humbly solicits the patronage of the public, for which he wi H tender his most sincere thanks. ' ■ - : . FRED’K A, ; K,ENNEDY. Car/is/e, Apri/78, 1839.. tf WOOttEN FACTORY. THE- subscriber returns thankstolm friends mid former customers for past favors, and would respectfully inform, the public, that he continues to. carry on the Fulling Mill of Mr. J. .Burkholder, in South Middleton township, three and a half miles south Cast of Carlisle,' where he will manufacture : o'L'6ts£sV Oassimeres. Oassinotts, Blankets. «Stc. WOOL, will be purchased at themarket price for cash, 1 or on the shares to, manufacture blank ets. Wool Carding -will lalsp be attended to ns usual. .The mill is in good order, being suppli ed with the best Cards and apparatus.; He pledges himself to do work in, the best mariner, ifnd hopes to .receive a liberal shave of publicpatronage.’ ' * r.“ ~ BENJAMIN ELLIS. April 18, 1839.' V . 6t TBS TKOnoUGH BRED BOBBE, . •. ■: .•VPSSPaR- PARLEY.” - A -fllk'-' t/1- Will sland the ensuing sea. • atCarlisle.'on the terms set ]S / 'Cm iwAimfl* PeterParleyisofthe very first racing blood. He was got by iGscar’ —his" dam ‘Betsey Wilkes’ .was by the celebrated ‘Sir Archie’—his grand (lam by ‘Bedford’—his great grand dam by‘Dare Devil’—his g. g, grand dam by ‘Lamplighter’—his g. g. g. grand._dam by Syms’ ‘Wilaair.’ The above, pedigree is authentic as will be seen by a ,reference to the American Turf Register;' '-- ■' 1 " i " • Eor further particulars applv to JOSEPH HERSHE, Grcom. , =-?earlislc, April 4pl 839. 3m FORWARDING & COMMISSION . mu: .q, : CARjttari. i.uhty, HAVE erected a Warehouse on the RAIL UOAd, at the west end of High slrent, cltrcctly'opposjte pickirtson they, can at all times receive and forward merchan dize and produce to Philadelphia, Chambers burgandall intermediate places, having placed Cars on the road which will run regularly be tween.'Carlisle and Philadelphia, by which Goods and Produce of all description#,will lie forwarded with care and despatch. ' Goods will be received at the Warehouse of Joseph S. Lewis,Jr. St Co., corner of Broad and Vine streets, Philadelphia, and forwarded to Carlisle, Chambersburg, and all intermediate places. Carlisle, 4pril 4, 1839. 3m JOSEPHS.LEWIS, JR.& CO. Commission <St For warding Merchants, 5. IK. corner Broad & Vine sit. Phila'dcifthia, ARE prepared to receive and effect sales of . aU produce, merchandize, Bcc. which may be entrusted to their care. Liberal advances will be made on consignments until sales are ef fected. Produce and merchandize left at the Ware house of Messrs. Murray & Fleming,-Carlisle, shall receive prompt attention, and all merchan dize, &c. left with us will be forwarded to Car lisle, Chambersburg, and all intermediate pla ces,,on th'e railroad, with care and 1 despatch, At the lowest ratesof frcljghti • , April 4f 3839* ‘ . .' . ; : ' 1. 3m NOTICE. THE books of Dr. Theodore Mvers dcc’d., have been placed in the hands of Jacob Sljuler, Esq. for settlement. Those having claims against, or those indebted to said defect ed,-are requested to call immediately for settle ment. S. A. MYERS; .Administratrix of said deceased. Carlisle,. April.H*. 1839**rr3n)0- DENTISTRY. 88. H. EBAUr.H, will be absent from Car lisle until about the 10th of July next, al which time he expefets to return anil wait upon thofee who may favor him with a call, ns usual.. . April !1, 1839. . tf DR. J. p. NEFF, BURS-BON DENTIST, RESPECTFULLY informs the ladies and gentlemen of Carlisle and its vicinity that he sets Artificial Teeth in the most approved manner. He also scales, plugs and separates tectli tp arrest decay. - - Ur. N-prepares a tooth powder, which whi tens the teeth, without injuring the enamel, col ors the gums a fine red and refresjiesthe mouth. The tooth-ache will be cured, inmost cases, without extraction: and an odontalgic wash is prepared for healing sore gums an 4 fasten the teetn. Ladies and gentlemen are requested to call Via W*t AA rvf . 1 (I* corruptible leelli, which Will never decay or change‘color. nnd are-free from all unpleasant odour,' durable and well adapted for chewing, inserted in manner and at fafr prices. All persons wishing Dr. N. to call at their dwellings will please to leave n line at his resi dence, No. 7.Harper*s Row, when he will punc tually attend to every call in the line of his pro fession. From a long and successful practice, he hopes to give general satisfaction. Carlisle, April 11, 1839. , 3m* REGIMENTAL ORDERS. The first fialtallion 86fh Regiment Pennsylvania Militia, will parade at Mi Mechanicsburg. on Monday the 13th, m ’d l ' lc Eccon( l Battalion at Carlisle, on Kmß Tuesday the 14th of May next. HVtjß Battalions to be farmed at 10 o’clock, ■?l? A.M. \M LEWIS HYER, jjV Col. Corrid’g. 86th Reg. P. Mi April 11, 1839, NOTICE. THE public will! take notice that letters of ad ; ministration on the'estate of Jacob Williams, late ol North Middleton townsliip deceased, have this day been isstied'to the subscribers who re l quest all persons having claims' or detnanda a gamst-the estate of the said decedent, id-mate knoiyn the same to them without delay, and aJI who are indebted to,said estate to call and settle the same without delay. DAVID WILLIAMS, Residing in N. Middleton township. . JOHN WIIiLIAMS) ,i ■ Residing in Newton-township. • April.B, 1839. -. . 6t CHARLES BZ’CLURE, - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,.--.'' WILL practice in the. several Courts of Cumberland’, Perry and Juniata. Office in Main street, Carlisle, a few doors west of the Post Office. c ' a March 21, 1839. - ' " ‘ ’ tf t Carlisle Artillejr^. fßTjOliare ordered to parade on your H ushal'grouiKl f completely eqiiipt, in summer uniform.,on Monday the'dth and TUesddy the l4th of May next. JOmrß. KERNAN.'O.S. N. B.—No.member will be received on parade who is npf provided with-;a new cap and uniforrn'accordipgto tlte 'late.regulation of the company. > \CarUjile, April 11,1839. VJ. ■ ATTENTION , .ADJIMAKTINE GUARDS, - T° U ar Jj ordered May next at 10 o’clock. on the 6th of May at thehouseof Col. Wm. H. Woodburn. ROBERT BLEAK, Capt. . April 11,1839. tp FOB SAtF. A lofof prime Western Bams, One new Tillberry,.. -. . Two sets brass mounted Harness, Two good young Horses, suitable for farmers’ use. Also, a great variety 61 Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Ve. HAMILTON. Sc GRIER. • i Carlisle,-March 25, 1839, Flfl’V WOOD CHOPPERS v-:| 'WANTED, ' AT DICKINSjON FORGE, Six miles south-west of Carlisle, to whom liberal 6 Apr1{ 1 18,1839. ipumivjjvg fc r,HMJYTMjya.. The Trustees of the Carlisle Female Sem inary have engaged Mad’lle Victoria in: St. Omer'.' Io 'give in Pencil anil Crayon Drawing and Painting in India Ink and Wider Colors. Mad’llc de St ti mer was a pupil of the Royal drawing school ofParis, and obtained the second prize, ined al oif that institution. . v,- .■ ■ , Application may be made- to her at (he rooms of her sister, Mrs. Brown, Jcacher in the French' and. Music department of; the seminary, at the residence of Mr. Charles Barnitz, South Hanover street, Carlisle. Price of instruction per quartet;, S 6 00 •By order of the Board, JOHN REED, President. Carlisle, April 15, 1839. 31* ARNOLD A CO. Jit their New Store in-Mechanicsburg, Have just received and are now opening a large and splendid assortment of entirely NEW GOODS, to which they respectfully invite-the attention of those who are desi rous of purchasing new anddicap goods.— Their stock consists in part of Muslins, Tickings, Drillings/ Summer Stripes, Mix tures and ail kinds of goods suitable for'gen - tlemen’s wear, blue, black, brown and green SUMMER CLOTHS, Linen Drills, Hempen Cords, Honey Comb Ribbs, Victorines, Gambpgetts and Newark Stripes, a large, assortment of • BUMMER VESTINGS, (.Marseilles, Silk, Satin. Vel vet, Plain arid Figured,).’ Lawns* Challies, Chintzes, Bombazcens, Linen Cambric Handkerfchiefs, Fancy Silk-,'. Gauze, Blond and Herflai Dress Handkerchiefs*'-India, Swiss,-Mull and JacOnet Muslins, plain, figured and"cross-bar?d Corded Skirts, &c. CHINA, GLASS & QHEENSVYARE. , together with a general assortment of. Groceries, (Hardware & Ocdarware. Their goods (jave been selected with care in the cities of New York and Philadelphia, & at the lowest prices, and in offering them to the public (hey feel confldefll in saying that for quality and cheapness they cannot be surpassed by any other establishment in the state. JC/"Country produce will bp taken in exchange for goods. , • April 18. DYEING AND SCOURING! ; jane daemon, Respectfully informs the citizens of Car lisle & its vicinity.,that she will Scour Gen tlemen’s Clothing and llye ivool, yarn, and Ladies dresses, any color which they may desire. Her residence, is in East street, a tew itoortf south; of the Rail Road Bridge, where all orders in her. line’of business will be thankfully received and promptly attend ed to, Carlisle, April 1C,..18,39. ..St sohool mbb*ht®. ; J 1 general meeting of the taxable inhabi tants of (he Borough of Carlisle, will be held agreeably id a resolution of (he Soar'd of School Directors of said District, at the Court House, on Tuesday the 7th day of May next, at two o’clock P. M. which mccting shull be duly organized, and decide by ballot how' much and what additional sum shall be raised for the purpose of carrying on the Schools for the ensuing year, agreeably to the several acts establishing common schools'. . JINDREIV BLJim, Pris’dt. fames Hamilton,'Secretary.. Carlisle, Jlpril 1 8,1839. ' Springfield Light Infantry! You are ordered to parade in t Springfield bn Monday the 6th, and in Ncwyille oh Friday the j rth-ofJVlajyreit,. ; coniplctcly e-; quipt in Summer uniform. "By order of,the Capt. ’ : JOHN REDDICK, Q. S. 1 N. B. No member wili be ad mitted on parade who is.noluni formed accordiiigto 'the late re gulation of the company/ ' April 18, iBS9; , : ; Mount Jlock, 1 hde pe n den t ;Liglit Infantry!' : • "■ : . •: You are ordered" to parade at Newville, on'.Saturday.ih'e 4fh day of May next, .at aOvo’clock, A. M. The members, are.re , quired to appear in complete n nlforin .with arihs ihTgood. order. Anailj ournedeburt of; appeal will be held on said.'day by the ' officers, where’nli interested are ' requested to attend obabide what ■'follows*'’' ' ovl. <:;s\r ■ JOHN BIiEANj Capt. April 18j,18Sj>;- CARD. PR. MYERS,/ FJFORMS his friends ami thepublic, that- lie has resumed the duties of his profession, and will give his Undivided attention tp the practice of its several branches. - His office is in the stone house adjoining his drugstore and one door from the-Post Office, Carlisle, Feb. 28, 1839. V.. Snv ■ Estate of John Blessing. stlu deceascE NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of John Blessing,'sen. late of-East Pedns boi ough township, Cumberland county, deceas. ed, having been issued to the subscriber residing' in saidt-township; This is therefore tanotifyoll persons in any way-indebted to said estate, tor make-payment immediately; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for.sctllcmcnt without anv delay. tJAVID HU3\IE, Mmlh atrotCT; —March 31r1833- , ■ ;6f~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers