The Huntingclon Journal. Z. A. NASH, HUNTINGDON, PENN'A - JUNE 4, 1880. FRIDAY, Oirenlation LARGER than any other Paper in the Juniata Valley. Entered at the Poet Office, at Huntingdon, Pa., ae Second Crave Mail Matte;. Republican State Ticket. FUR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT: Hon. HENRY GREEN, OF EASTON. H)lt E►TTOR-CENERA T. Hon. JOHN A. LEMON, OF BLAIR WE have waited two days, thinking that we could give the National ticket in this week's JOURNAL, but are compelled to go to press on Saturday morning without be- ing able to do so. At present writing it looks as if the Convention might be ea• tended into next week. The "bosses" are causing this delay with a view to carrying out their selfish purposes, but we believe they will be finally defeated. So mote it be Tun Democrat and Register rushes to the defense of Mr. Africa and attempts to smooth over his partisan appointment of enumerators in Juniata count. "A CITIZEN" in Dublin township is wrothy at Supervisor Africa for having appointed a lady enumerator for that dis trict, and threatens vengeance against the Democratic party when its candidates ask the suffrages ofthat people SINCE Denis Kearney's release from prison he has again assumed the leader ship of the Greenback party of California, and will go as a delegate to the National Convention of that party, which fact is sufficient to damn it in the estimation of all respectable and law abiding people. - A CORRESPONDENT in last week's Mifflin town Register, in a long-winded article, urges the nomination of our townsman, Hon. R. Milton Speer, for Congress. Just as you please, gentlemen, the Republicans of this district are not particular who you nominate, for we have made up our minds to defeat Lim. TnE recently appointed Receivers for the Reading Railroad Company have ob tained permission from the Court to bor row $1,000,000 for the purpose of paying the wages of employes and to meet the ac cruing interest on mortgagee. When the road gets in smooth working order again it is thought that its earnings will be am ply sufficient to inset all current expenses. AT THE Republican primary elections recently held in Lancaster county, the names of Hon. Galusha A. Grow, and Col. M. S. Quay were presented to the voters as candidates for United States Senator, and the returns showed that the former gentleman was the choice of the Republi cans of that county by a large majority.— Bedford county, at the convention last week, passed a resolution expressing their preference foi the same gentleman. THE New York Herald's table of Dem ocratic delegates to the Cincinnati Con vention counts 434 now elected, and 304 yet to be. A full Convention consists of 738 delegates—none being given to the Territories or the District of Columbia— and a two-thirds vote being required, 492 are necessary to a choice. Tilden is now credited by the _Herald with 184; Morrison, of Illinois, with 8 ; Bayard 37, Seymour 40, llancock 84, Thurman 49, Randolph 18, Field 5. Hendricks 7, Eng lish 2. AN old gentleman named Chisholm, out in Cleveland, the other day, gave a dinner to his five children on the occasion of the recurrence of his birthday, and after they had gorged themselves to repletion with the fat things spread before them, he made their hearts glad and their purses plethoric by presenting each and every one of them with forty thousand dollars. We have no doubt his children enjoyed that dinner and wished the old gentleman many recurrences of his birthday, partic ularly if he does in the future as he did on this occasion. THE Court of Inquiry, which has been in session for several weeks investigating the case of the colored cadet Whittaker, rendered its final report on Saturday, and found that Whittaker was guilty of bind ing and maiming himself. He was at once arrested, by order of the court, and put under guard in his room. The verdict is based solely on the evidence of the "ex perts," who allege that the note of warn ing was written by Whittaker himmelr, and upon a slip of paper torn from a sheet upon which he had commenced a letter to his mother. We look upon the verdict as an unjust one, and one that cannot be sus tained by the evidence. The perpetrators of the outrage, in order to cover up their tracks, and cast suspicion on the injured young man, could easily imitate his chi rography, and just as easily steal from Lis room the scrap of paper upon which the note of warning was written, and our belief is that that is just what they did do. The Secretary of War should promptly refuse to endorse the finding upon such flimsy and unreliable testimony. Prof. Greener, who arrived in Washington on Sunday, looks at this verdict correctly : "Of the Whittaker inquiry and the findings of court he says Whittaker has been pre judged on suppositions, assumptions, in sinuations and expert testimony, upon which, according to military law, little if any reliance should be placed. He says the academy dexterously shifted its respon. aibility by having Whittaker call for a court of inquiry instead of having it come from the President. By doing so they placed Whittaker alone in the position of an accused, while had the President order ed inquiry the whole corps of cadets, Whittaker included, would have been pla ced on trial. Professor Greener intends to follow the case up with the Secretary of War, as he has already been assured by Secretary Ramsey that an opportunity will be afforded him to criticise the methods of procedure and the findings of the court." THE CH;CAGO CONVENTION. After several days of turmoil and con fusion the convention was called to order at 1:05 P. M , on Wednesday, by Senator Cameron, Chairman of the BPpublican National Committee, and was opened by prayer by the Bev. A. E. Kitteridge, of the Third Presbyterian church of Chicago. The Hon. Geo. F. Hoar, of Mass., having been designated as Temporary Chairman by the National Committee, was then con ductal to the chair and tusk charge of the convention as its presiding officer, and iu doing so he returned thanks for the honor conferred. In a speech of considerable length he reviewed the history of the country and of the Republican party. The appointment of the necessary com mittees was next in order, which was done by the different State delegations naming the members of these committees. The committee on Permanent Organization, by a vote of 31 to 9, named lion. Geo. F. Editor. Hoar for Permanent Chairman. As it was impossible for the Committee on Creden tials to report for some time the conven tion adjourned until 11 o'clock Thursday morning. At the hour designated the convention reassembled, but adjourned again until 5 o'clock, for the same reason, and when it met at that hour the commit tee was still unprepared to make its report, when an adjournment was made until 10 o'clock on Friday. • Friday's sessions of the convention were occupied in contesting the ground by the opposing factions, which resulted in a victory for the anti• Grant element. The unit rule has been abrogated, and this (Saturday) morning, the indications are that either Blaine or Edmunds will be nominated. THE Southern people have made up their minds to two things : First, that the National Government must not in any way interfere with them; and second, that the National Treasury must supply the means to improve their avenues of local commerce, to create revenues off which they can live and build up a good busi ness out of the disbursements of that money in their midst, and while this is being done the effort will continue in the South to defraud the Government out of every dol lar of internal revenue due it. As long as the Democratic party can control the legislative or the executive department of the Government these things will go on. THE Supreme Court of California, be fore which tribunal Mayor Kalloch appeal ed his case on a demurrer, sustained the general demurrer against the impeachment proceedings by the Board of Supervisors and dismissed the cases. The same tribunal rendered a decision in the Kearney case, releasing him from prison. The hearing was on the writ of habeas corpus appealed from the Supreme Court of San Francisco, where the decision of the Police Court, putting Kearney in the House. of Correc tion for abusive language, was sustained. SPEER, of Huntingdon, and Stenger, of Franklin, both expect to run for Congress. So the Democrats say. They also say that E. D. Parker, of this place, will be a can didate. With Parker as a candidate, and the Crawford County System before the party, the Democracy in Juniata will shake itself at the primary election almost to a man.-3(i lintoten Sentinel. THE Tyrone Semi-Weekly Times is the name of a new paper just started at Ty rone by Holmes & Wooden. It is quite a readable little sheet, and if 300 subscribers can be obtained it will be published regu larly, and if not its publication will be dis continued. A BRUTAL prize fight was fought near McKeesport, in thin State, at daylight on Monday morning, between a couple of im ported bruisers named Flest and Danly. They fought sixty six rounds in two hours and ten minutes. The first named brute was declared the victor. RICHARD B. CONNELLY, one of the Tweed ring, and a fugitive from justice, died at Marseilles, France, on Sunday. TRY it; keep trying it, and try it again. We say this because we believe that the health, happiness and prosperity of the people depend upon the proper use of these medi cines, which have proved so successful in eradicating disease and defeating death. The medicine so effective in its cure of diseases is the great Southern remedy, Simmons' Liver Regulator. Try it ; we believe that the first trial will be satisfactory. State News. There are sixty three cheese factories in Crawford county. Some of the letter carriers of Erie ride in carriages in the service of their route. Foxes are very destructive to young lambs in parts of Beaver and Washington counties.. The blowing in of a blast furnace at Kittanning, on Friday, was a holiday oc casion at that place. In many parts of the State the Y. N. C. A. expel members who sign petitions for tavern license. Bishop Kerfoot and his entire family, with the exception of Mrs. KerThot, are down with the scarlet fever. Seven hundred and fifty trout, weigh inp, over eighty pounds, were caught in Forest county by three boys in one day. A half acre of wheat wax burned near Pottstown the other day. The lire was caused by a spark from a locomotive. At noon, Thursday, one flash of light n:ng knocked a boy down, started a team to run off and struck a house at Kittan ning. There is . considerable excitement in Economy township, Beaver county, over which seems to be fair prospects ur getting oil in paying quantities. An Elk county man in 18G2 lost his poeket book containing $49. A short time ago the conscience-stricken finder ac knowledged his sin and turned over $7O, principal and interest, to the loser. Judge Kirkpatrick of Allegheny coun ty, in a late charge, said that with the ex ception of building and loan associations, he did not know, in his judgment, a great er fraud upon the community than there so-called "beneficial associations " Some bogus census enumerators made their appearance near Skippackville, Mont gomcry county, and tried, unsuccessfully, to induce different citizens to put their names to blank papers. The real enunie rators have begun their work, and will nut ask anybody to sign anything. ADDITIONAL LOCALS READ AND REFLECT.---Ideal awl e•in• st.itutionitl treatment for ail Catarrhal affections. Dr. Ju-eph Briggs' Catarrh Specifies are offered to those afflicted with acute, chronic, ulcerative or dry catarrh, cold in the head, hay lever, relaxeil palate, sore throat, hoarseness, Ito, of N41;0., catarral deafness, noise in the head, and al affec tions of the teal cavities and throat, wi , n • guarantee that they are cb:' , ll,lr, betto.r, to efficaciiius, curing qui, with wort r Ise than a and MOM I131,1,0:e reduced wish , Price $1 64 , per p iekage. furnished ti responsible parties ofl •'IIO 4.0:0, 110 11:1V: . ere authorized to Wend the money If purchasers are not satisfied. Tha Specifics are constitutional as well as loe.d. will 1, paid if they fail to cure when used as directed. $lOO fur their (qua! as a cure. $5OO if anything poisonous or deleteri ous is found in their composition. $l,OOO will be paid) if in any respect Dr. Josiah Briggs' Catarrh Specifics are found different from representation. Hero is an opportunity for those diseuuragcd by repeated failures to try again On a guaranteed cure. And the timid who fear deception may venture to try these Specifics without a feeling that they are to be humbugged, as there is no risk to run. Warranted cheapest, best and most agreeable. If not found satisfactory, demand your money and it wiil be returned. Sent by mail on receipt of price, $l.OO, or six bottles for $5.00. Address Dr. Ja , eph Briggs, Newark, New Jersey. Sold by John Beat 1 Suns, Huntingdon Pa. rmayl4 ly. Itching Pies—Symptoms and Cure The symptoms are moisture, like }respira tion, intense itching, increased by scratching, very distressing, particularly at night, as if pin worms were crawling in and about the rectum ; the private parts are sometimes af fected ; if to continue very serious results may follow. Dr. Swayne's All-Healing Ointment is a pleasant, sure cure. Also for Tester, Itch, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ery sipelas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all Scaly, Crusty, Cutaneous Eruptions. Price 50 cents, 3 boxes for $1.25. Sent by mail to any ad dress on receipt of price in currency, or three cent postage stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne & Son, 330 North Sixth street Phila delphia, Pa. Sold by ail prominent druggists. n0v.28 ly. Rev P. N. Granger, of St. Albans, Vt., and Presiding Elder of 'he St. Albans District, in a letter of recent date, says : "I will say that my experience with Kendall's Spavin Cure has been very satisfactory indeed. Three or four years ago I procured a bottle of your agent, and with it, cured a horse of the lame ness caused •by a spavin. Last season my horse became very lame and I turned him out for a few weeks when be became better, but when I put him on the road he grew worse, when I discovered that a ring-bone was form ing. I procured a bottle of Kendall's Spaviu Cure and with less than a bottle cured hint so that lie is not lame, neither can the bunch be found." ' Strange but Wonderfully True. People have limped around the earth Or at and groaned beside the hearth, Blaming the tate that gave then birth, And gave them corns and bunion. Many and various mixtures have been tried Sweet oil, perhaps, has been applied, Or herbs gathered from the mountain ails; But nothing used is pleasing. When Dr. Briggs, with conscious pride, And earnest zeal his mind applied, The science deep to open wide. Of soothing and of healing. Ile took of many substances known That would heal or still a groan, And soon composed by skill alone His miraculous Bunion Balsam. Tormented with bunion, corn or bruise, Thousands of sufferers heard the news-- The remedy that meets their views Is Dr. Briggs' Bunion Balsam. For sale by John Read de. Sons, 410 Penn St., Huntingdon Pa. [uayl4-Iy. --.......-...1.111.. "FEW OF THE ILLS OF LIFE" are more prevalent and distressing than bil ious disorders. The symptoms are low spirits, want of energy, restlesness, headache, no ap petite, sallow skin, costiveness and other ail ments which show the liver is in a diseased state and needs regulating, and the proper way to do it is to use "Da. SWAYNE'S TAR AND SARSAPARILLA Ptu.s." Their effect on the liver and Wood is wonderful, removing pim ples and all eruptions, leaving the complexion Mir and fresh as in youth. Price 25 cents a box of thirty Pills, or five boxes for $1.00. Sent by mail on receipt of price, by Dr. Swayne & Son, 330 North Sixth street, Phila delphia. Sold by all leading druggists. nor - . 2S-ly. SONNY CORN TO FATHER. BUNION.— Come, Father Bunion, we must be up and away. Yes, Sonny Corn, I see Briggs' Bunion Balsam is to be urged against us, so avant ; I follow, and we will do all we can to punish the next person un wise enough to wear tight boots. We can defy everything but Briggs' Bunion Balsam and Sure Corn curd. To this wonderful remedy we must surrender as we cannot withstand irs silothing, softing, and healing effects. What makes it still worse for us, all druggists keep it for sale, and are authorized by the proprietor to warrant it to banish our entire race. So corns or bunions, of high or low degree, beware of Dr. Briggs' Bunion Balsam and Sure Corn Cure. Sold by John Head S Sons, Huntingdon Pa. WOMAN'S WISDOM —"She insists tbAt it is more important, that her family shall be kept in full health, than that she should have all the fashionable dresses and styles of the times. She therefore sees to it, that each member of her family is supplied with enough Hop Bitters, at the first appearance of any symptoms of ill health, to prevent a fit of sickness with its attendant expense, care and anxiety. All women should exercise their wisdou in this way."—En. [june4-2t. • HEADACIIE.—Dr. Briggs' Allevanter will instantly relieve nervous or sick headache, neuralgia, catarrh, sore throat, dyspepsia, heart burn, palpitation, flatulency, sour stomach ; in fact it is the greatest restorer of the age, counter acts or neutralizes a'l poisons, reduces inflamma tion, banishes pain from any part of the system, has marvelous and perfect control over the nerves, increases the action of the heart without exciting the brain, will cure all tnalarious diseases, subdue fever, equalize the circulation, stimulate the wealtened and diseased frame. Sold by John Read 4; Sons, Huntingdon Pa. [mayl4-Iy. Taylorville, Pa.., writes Ma. A. NEIGER. . . My mother, an old lady of sixty yearii, fered for thirty y ears with Rheumatism, to such an extent that she was at times entirely lame. We procured from Messrs. Ludwig Bios., Druggists in Scranton, Pa., a bottle of Sr. Jacoas OIL, used it according to directions, and saw our efforts crowned with perfect ILICCCS-S. BnIGGS' LUNG AND THROAT HEALER. —Throat and lung diseases are considered most fatal of human affections. Thousands of our fellow beings are carried to their early graves and final rest every year by the prince of terrors "Consumption." Dr. J. Briggs' fhroat and Lung Sealer wit conquer the fell destroyer and restore the invalid to health and happiness. Sold by John Read Sons, Huntingdon Pa. [mayl4-Iy. THE VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Michigan, will send their celebrated Electro Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write to them without delay. Nov.2l•ly. Go to MONTGOMERY'S for Alpaca Coats for men and boys. [may2l-3t. New To-Day, / k SSIGNED ESTATE (W DAVID C 1, WILSON. ASSIGNEE'S SALE -or Valuable Real Estate. Ey virtue of an alias order of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Huntingdon county, the undersigned Assignee of David C. Wilson, wilt expose at pub lic, sale, at the Court House in Huntingdon, on FRIDAY, JUNE :25th, A. D. 1880, at One o'clock, p. m., of said day, AM that certain tarn in West township, Hunt ingdon county, adjoining lands of Adam Lightner on the north, William Livingston on the east, James Davis on the south, and David Sheasley on the west, containing 167 ACRES, more or less, 150 acres of which are cleared, and the balance well timbered. The improvements are a STONE DWELLING HOUSE, LOG lAN • FRAME BARN,and other outbuildings, orchard and cider press. The farm is located four miles from Petersburg, and is within one mile of church and school house. This land will he sold as a wh,le, or in parts, as may best suit purchasers. TERMS OF SALE :—One-third of thepurchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the balance in twu equal annual payments, with in terest, to be secured by the judgment note of pur chaser. HENRY DAVIS, JR., Assignee of David C. Wilson. o.ltage, Pa., June 4, ISSO. 61 eu KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY ever discovered, as it is certain in its effects and does not blister. READ PROOF BELOW. From Rev. P. N. Granger, Presiding-Elder of the St. Albans District. Sr. A 1,114149, Vr., Jan. 20th, lSBO.—Dr B. J. Kendall If Co., Gents:—ln reply to your letter I will say that my experience with "Kendall's Spar. in Cure" has been very satisfactory indeed. Three or four years ago I procured a bottle of your agent, and with it, cured a horse of lameness caused by a spay in. Last season my horse became very lame and I turned him out for a few weeks when he became better, but when I put him on the road he grew worse, when I discovered th .t a ringtone was forming, I procured a bottle of Kendall's 6pav in and with less than a bottle cured him so that he is not lame,neithercan the bunch be found. It-spect fully Yours. P. N. GRANGER. PEIV:EVERANCE WILL TELL. Srort , :yroN, March 16th, 1860.—8. J Kendoil t Gn ,Genta:—lnjustico to you and my self, I thi.,k I ought to let you know that I have removed two bone spavins with "Kendall's Spavin Cure," one vary large one, don't know how long the had been there. I have owned the horse eight months. It took ILO four mouths to take the large one off and two for the small one. I have used ten bottles. The horse is entirely well, not at all still, and no bunch to be seen or felt. This is a wonderful medicine. It is a new thing here, but if it does for all what it has done for me its sale will be very great Respect_f u_ y OUTS, CRIS. FL PARKER. KENDALL'S Seievirr CURE is sure in its effects, mill in its action as . it does not blister, yet it ie penetrating and powerful to reach every deep-sea ted pain or to remove any bony growth or other enlargement, such as spavine, splints,curbs,callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all en large roents of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man, and for any purpose for which a liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the beet liniment for mien ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positiveproof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such un qualified success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. ALL Ducoatsys have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors, DK. B. J. KENDALL tt CO., Enosburgh Falls, Vermont. For sale by J. Read & Sons, Huntingdon. Junt4-Iy. FARMERS LOOK HERE! CHARION OF TIE WEST LOUI-3LE SHAKE FANNING-MILL. SIMPLE DURABLE IT HAS NO EQUAL ! This Mill will take every grain of COCKLE end CHESS out of Seed Wheat; all the SOR— REL out of Timothy Seed, and all the PLAN— TAIN SEED out of Clover Seed. Th s Mill has two Shoes working in opposite directions; has MORE SCREEN SURFACE than the old-fashioned mills, and will go in a door three feet wide. Send stamp for prices. Agents wanted. Address, W, I, BROWN, Manufacturer, NEW LISBON, OHIO. June 4, ISSO.Im. Health is Wealth. DR. E. C. WENT'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, Impotency, Involuntary Emissions, Pre mature Old Age, caused by over-exertion self abuse, or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order re ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only when the treatment is ordered direct from us. Ad dress JOHN C. WEST tt CO., Sole Proprietors, 181 and 183 W. Madison SL, Chicago, 111. Sold by S. S. Smith 14 Son, Huntingdon, Pa. [june4-ly. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of SAMUEL GREEN, dee'd.] The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court of Huntingdon county to make dis tribution of the balance in the hands of Samuel Weight, Administrator and Trustee to toll the real estate of Samuel Green, late of Springfield township, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment, on TUESDAY, the 15th day of June, ISBO, at 1 o'clock, P. u., at the office of Myton & Schock, Attorneys, Huntingdon, Pa., at which time and place all persons are required to present their claims upon said fund to the Audi tor, or be forever debarred from coming in fur a a share of the same. May 2s, ISSO NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the Commissioners' Office, in Huntingdon, up to lo o'clock on SATURDAY, JUXE 12, 1880, for building a covered or combination Bridge across Aughwick Creek, near Maddensville, in Spring field township. Contractors to furnish all the material, including Excavations and Masonry. Abutments to be six feet at the bottom and eleven feet above low water mark. Wing walls to be eight and ten feet long. Length of span, 110 feet; width of roadway, 14 feet in the clear. General plans and specifications to be seen in the Commissioners' Office. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any ur all bids. May 28, 18S9, SSIGNEE'S NOTICE. . [ENtate of WM. B. SHAFFER Notice is hereby given that Win. B. Shaffer, of Union township, Huntingdon county, Pa., and Margaret his wife, by deed of voluntary assign meat, have assigned all the estate, real and per sonal, of the said Wm. B. Shaffer, in trust for the benefit of creditors. All persona indebted to the said Wm. B. Shaffer will make prompt payment to the undersigned, and those having claims or demands will present them, duly proven, without delay. GEC). B. °READY, may 14-fit. Assignee. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Arm_ [Estate of BENJ. F. RAKER, Deceased.] Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned—whose postoftice address is Trough Creek—on the estate of Benj. F. Baker, late of Tod township, deceased, all persons know ing themselves indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. A. S. BAKER, apelP] Administrator. Mutual Aid Society Pniviir.ti• OrricE Chartered hp the Legislatu•e, March 11,1869. JOHN B. sT E MA N, President. GEORGE A. MARK, Secretary. Cash Assets Assets subject to assessment ...$20,090,0011 Death claims paid to Jan. 1880 51,651,599 2,02 J certificates issued in 1679, aggregating $l,- . 093,000 invurance. The class, assessment, and class renewing sye tem originated and successfully pursued for over a decade of years by the U B. Society, hascaused a radical reform in life insurance, reducing its cost to the minimum, and thereby placing its benefits within the reach of all. The payment of $S on application, 5 annually for four years, ants thereafter $2 annually during life, with pro rata mortality assessment, graded according to age, secures to wife, children or assigns the sllO2 of one thousand dollars. Healthy persons of both sexes may become members. Certificates issued in sums ranging from $5OO to $lO,OOO. Agents wanted. Send or apply for circulars giving foil informa tion to W.. W. WITIIINGTON, Agent, Petersburg, Pa. Or to D. S. EARLY, Gen'l. Agt. Con filth street & Railroad, Lebanon, Pa.' [may 21,80-Iy. New To-Day New Advertisements J. F. SCHOCK, Audi or. JAMES SMITH, W. H. BENSON, BENJ. ISENBERG, County Commia•ioners, IT. B. -OF- Pennsylvania. LEBANON, PENNA, THE pEOPLE _ A t , . EIINTINGDON AND VICINITY We respectfully call your attention to our "New Open ing" at Fisher & Sons' Old Stone Corner, Penn and Fifth streets—room formerly occupied by B. Jacob—where we have started a NEW STORE, with a large new stock of TIR• 64 SrgssiCOOT:I, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, FANCY AND WHITE GOODS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, and a general assortment of Merchandise, which we propose selling at very bottom prices and make it to everybody's interest to call. We will be glad to show you our Goods and prices, and feel confident we can make it your interest to deal with us. We propose making this the "LEADING STORE IN TOWN." Our Males One Low Price Only; Our Representation a Positive Guarantee as to Quality. HERMAN' BROS. Huntiugdou, Pa., April 23, 1880 THE BEST GOODS at the LOWEST PRICE! MACKEREL XIV ASLINTSF 4QIE3F.AL.PeraIik3IO"S2". V Pa = r ic ti r CII l-'IAP. OD _L-Ifik_ lEL. 11E. . P. YORK et CO., ONE DOOR ABV. THE POSTOFFIGE, AND W 3 PENN St., HUNTINGDON. Marchl9, NEW W. W. da J. C. HAZLET have purchased S. Wolf's Clothing store, No 414 Penn st., consisting of 31E1. 30 2C) "52" -XVIEJESLIa 30 0 1.1 0 a l II I I\T Ci- 7 GENTS. ) FURNISHING GOODS; Hats and CaPs, Trunks, Valises, &c. Fall and Winter Clothing AT COST ! We intend to SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY OTHER CLOTHING HOUSE IN HUNTINGDON, believing that we can suit you both in goods and prices, and, therefore, we would solicit a share of the pub lic patronage Everybody is invited to call and examine goods and learn prices. fevo W. W. HAZLET & BRO. - MORE SPACE WANTED ! HIE SPACE BELONGING TO THE SQUARE-DEALING CLOTHING HOUSE Is occupied this week and can't name the half we would like to tell you. My counters are stacked with NICE, FINE, WELL-MADE, SPLENDID-FITTING READ—MADE CLOT-liiNG, FOR cIIILDREN'S 9 BOYS' YOURS' AND MEN'S WEIR. My goods have been selected with the greatest care and bought at the very LOWEST Cam PRICES. I have a splendid assortment of llitis M OF LATESTTHE Boysandil STILES, Ch FOR p Youth , Children. A COMPLETE LINE OF SHIRTS OF ALL KINDS. A SPLENDID STOCK OF FINE FANCY NECKWEAR Of the Newest Styles. Also Callus CM Sill Hallifirclitofs IiIItIONORT Scarf-Pins, Suspenders, Shoulder Braces, Working Pants, &c. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF SAMPLES OF GOODS FOR SUIT'S MA_ TO Or MEASURES TAKEN AND FITS GUARANTED. Ready to Please ; Willing to Try ; Come See my G-003S, and Learn my Prices Before you Buy. Don't Forget the Place: Store Nearly Opposite the F ostoffice. T. W. AIONTGOI\II -1 :11Y. aprl9. F, The Central Grocery rj, I S:rell 1.1 - E3 =l=2, 0- az M.A_O-ITI P , 505 Penn Street, HAVE THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF Groceries, CANNED FRTTITS, Etc., EVER BROUGHT TO lIIINTINGDOIIs_sT Rp,,, COME AND EXAMINE GOODS AND HEAR PRICES ! -- - - UY YOUR SCHOOL BOOKS I COLORED PRINTING DONE AT at the Journal Store. I the Journal Office at Philadelphia prioe3. New Advertisements. IS.. .INT3C3 HERRINGS Zia_ 1 1 45.1 - IC. I ffja I\l I 1 LO Coffees, Teas, LtaW 11 IF.I .1. Jellies, BLACK'S JEWELRY Thu Largest Asi.ortzkient tit" Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVERWARE AND SPECIALTIES IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA American Watches, liwtra).(l Itratchcs, Elgin Watches,l Springfield Watches, Hampden Watches, Fine Swiss Watches, Repairing. ORDERS BY .71/1:1/L PROMPTLY MtOdd To. Particular ATT paid to May2l. ELEGANT CLOTHING! OUR SPRING sown surts ARE REMARKABLY BEAUTIFUL, AND THE PRICES ARE WONDERFULLY LOW. WE HAVE THEM FOR $6, $7.50, $9.50, $11.75, $13.50 TO $l5. lire 11a-ire also, the Largest Stock of Yollths' anti Boys' ClothiliE---Yory llaildsomo Styles. PRICES : $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $B,OO, to $l2. COME AND SEE THEM AT THE NEW YORK HARRY 413 PENN STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA. May2l FURNITURE, CARPETS WALL PAPER, ETC., J. A. BROWN'S STORE has been so great that he has not the time to pre pare an advertisement for this week's paper; be has only time to say that he has the Largest Stock of Goods LOWEST PRICES, IN THIS NECK O' WOODS. 10E30. SUMMER GOODS. 18E30. WM. REED, Huntingdon, Penn'a., has received a very large and well selected stock of DDDDDD RRRRRR YYYY YYY GGGGGG 000000 000000 DDDDDD SsSSSS DDDDDDD RRRRRRR YYY YY GGGGGGG 000000 A 000 0000 DDD, DDD FSS SSSS DD DD RR RR YY YY GG GG 00 00 00 00 DD DD SS SS DD DD RR RR YY YY GG GG 00 00 00 00 DT) DD SS DD DD RRRRRR YYY GG 00 00 00 00 DD DD SSSSBS DD DU RR Wit YY GG GGG 00 00 00 00 DD DD 16S DD DD RR RR YY G'l GG 00 00 00 00 DD DD SS SS DDDDDDD RR RR YY GaGGASIGG 0000000 0000000 DDDDDDD SSSSSSS DDDDDD RR HR YY GGGOGG 000000 000000 DDDDDD SSSSSS To which he asks your attention. Prints, Percales, Cambric s, Lawns, Ginghams, Laces, Dress Goods, All kinds of Black Silks, - -- - LINEN GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, PARASOLS, EMBROIDERIES, ZEPHYR SHAWLS, FANS, &C. Stock complete in every department, and prim; guaranteed to be the very lowest. Airing your city sam ples along to compre. — act Repeetfully Your, Huatingdon, May 7, ISSO. WILLIAM REED. SO_NCS,One Cent Each. _., .•. ..),:. ~. „.„.. ~.., r„, ~.,.4 , t,. 'i . , Ii•r: • i ~ ,i E ,r. ~" ...; .1,7, 1-:°- ~... A'i 0 ao .. E-. ... , ...3 Tg 6Q =r..t • • . -AA t : 4 ~. g z . „ -; 2 0 -=? 0 1: ~. ai !II <ist.',! 5 , .....=. - 4. -. Lic,1,0 5 0 5!,11. - :- - d ~ -t .1..-= -,-,.. -1° f. 7:3 17.( 3 ., 0 ..,.., .5... fi.. 4' .- 8,i1.2.12 1., c 4 72 -=.--....-.: .ei „- 4 . 7„52:2 ~2.9. .„-T1....-- , r4t ,. E" 1 2 .' ?... 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We will send ten of these Songs, your own selection, for 10 cents. fifty for 30 cents, and 100 for 10 cents, all post paid, by mail. Remember, we will not send lass than ten of these:ions by Mail. Send one-sent or tiaras-cent post age stamps. Order Songs by the somber. U. Sa MANUFACTURING CO, 116 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. AGENTS WANTED TO SELI. OUR GOODS. May 7-Im. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. l Estate of JOHN He MATH, deed.] Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned—whose post office address is Wa..erloo, Juniata county—on the estate of John McMath, late of Tell township, deceased, all per sons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for set tlement. SAMUEL MCMATII, Executor. Apr3o*.] New Advertisement. IN GOLD AND SILVER, KEY AND STEM-WINDING C.E3Lgi3MEEi. Very Large and Varied Assortment of Ladies' and Gents.' Gall & Plated Chills, Rims, &c. AGENT !OR TEM RIMY CILEBRATED 1 7 1. C) .313C-IPC:IO3Ft. ID QUICK-TIME WATCH. CLOTHING HALL, COHEN, Agent. Tsm RUSH FOR -AT AT THE ADVERTISERS By addressing BED. P. ROWELL & co., 10 Sproce St. New York. can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of ADVERTISING in American Newspapers. Ate' 100-page Pains lit, 100. $7 77 LE.A RA rit,opirol"),.Am2ilv - , Augusta, Maine. STORE, 423 ,PENN ST., r t>or. csa 9# 90
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