the 11untingd Journal Z. A. NASH, IIITNTIN1;10\ r► IT111, 1 : FRIDAY diroula.tioil LARGER Paper in the luniai, Entered at the Po.t Offiee l o .. lloo;, , grimi. Pa., UN Second CiTift# {Tail Republican State Ticket. TOR JLDGE Or THE SUPREME COURT: Hon. HENRY GREEN, OE EASTeN FoR AUDITOR-GENERAL : Hon. JOHN A. LEMON, OF BLAIR Republican National Convention, A National Convention of the Republican party will meet. at Chicago on Wednesday, the second day of June next, at 12 o'cloek noon, for the nomination of candidates to be supported for President and Vice President at the next election. Republicans and all who will co-operate with them in supporting the nominees of the party are invited to choose two delegates from each Con gressional district, four at large from each State, two from each territory, and two from the Dist of Columbia, to -epre,ent thetn in the qonvention. J. D. CAMERON, Chairman. THOMAS J. KEOGH, Secretary. THE TIME APPROACHING. During the past ftw weeks we have sent bill to tht,se in arrears fi.r subscriptior. notifying them that unless they squared up by the first of March we would strike their names from our list, and collect , the amonn•s due ns by law. Those who did not re ceive bills can ascertait: how their accounts 6tand by cxamiaing the address tabs on their papers, and we hope that all will do this and pay up. The first of March is almost here, and if any of our atrous fail t.) receive the JGCRNAT. after that date they will know the reason why. Our own safety compels us to take this course. It we sere able to furnish the paper for nothing we would take pleasure in duiug s, but not being able we will have to cut the acquaintance of these who fail to res pond to our demands for paymt'nt We •have waited until Rirbearance has ceased to bo a virtue CHICAGO had a $350,000 fire on Sat urlay night. HON. JNO. CESSNA, of Bedroid, Las been selected Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee. An excellent select ion. GEN. GRANT and party left Havana on the 13th inst , for Vera Cruz, on a special train, and when .tarting from La Union station the engine min:k a cow and the train went off the track, injuring no one except the fireman. Two of the Raber murderers, Brandt and Hummel, are bound to swing unless the Bard of Pardons interfere, the Su preme Court having refused them a new _trial. Since the decision was rendered the prisoners have been put 'no separate cells. f`IIAnTF• LANE Bainbridge. Lan easter c unty, aged tit) fitly y, rs, %/Lk , recently removed these 'row Mary hild. i.n Monday warning killed his wife, arid then gave rison to his three children ,ind t. ok a quantity hint-elf Only chill live s. and its feet are so badly I:sta.-it vat h tilought it tuns- die THE Village Record, published at West Chester, the place where the second can vention idea originated, tap that "ni friend of Mi. It ai" can tAciale f,ir a Ivo ment the ide' of any h,eti nal blow at th, unity and harmony of the Republican party. Another state Couv,ntion is not to be thought i,f " And so say we. THE Pennsyivania It ,tiro Co , npany i IsiAs that unAchants whose goods were Cstroyel on its road at Pitt...burg during the riots shall pay the freight the same as if the goods had gone through to their destinutim. The amount or freight wil be added . by many of the claimants to their damages against Allegheny county. THE United States District Court, sit tine in Pittsburgh, has virtually discharg el Peter Herdic, of Williamsport, iron his millions of debts. The Court decide , Oat it has been shown that he had rot concealed any of his property, and that lie acted fair and square in all of his ming actions relating. to his bah t up! cy This will put Poser on his pins agalt;. "STRAWS SHOW." &e —At the W 4141 Primary tneetiogQ in Chantb..rsburu, on Friday niorkt last, the v,,tcts..f the Sre..n I Ward resolved at the close to take a vote for President. the rtsult whs 49 or Blaine and 1 fur Grant. 'flys (,n,- vot e was cast by 111ttj. Pow , ' o) of the Franklin RepoOory, who wa 'Airman of the up etioa, and alt, s-ty, he was the black sbe , p it. the fl TUE Detnocratic rebels of ziou.ll Caro lina have a scheme on foot to deprive the majority of the eolorcd voters of that sate of the right to vote. An extra session of the Legislature is to be held tied a WI in troluced requiring every voter applying- for registration to write his name. The bill is the offspring of one Edward McGrady, and is one of the most unrighteous schemes ever concocted for the di-franehisemeni of voter.. If this bili should b c •ure a law, tho-e who pretend ro kre.w it that not wore than twenr per cent of he colored vote would he polled aec , i ding to its pro visions. This will be easkrearlied out than the shot tzun rule. THE editor of the ilarri,burg. Intbpeit dent has been arrested and held for trial at the AT ril term of the Dauphin county courts, for publishing what he purported to be an '-early history of Mrs Zell' now under sentence of death. That paper said that while married to Jacob Window maker, who was sentenced to the Eastern Penitentiary a few years ago for a km term, she was known as the "Queen of the Sheet Iron Inn," a tesoit tutlawN who operati•ii in the surrounding country. Sub. seq , iciaiy, according to the article, she lived with Zell without riming securcti divorce from Windowmaker. li.e arrest was it.a.1..! on information of 1011. THE MING ELECTION THEY'VE GOBBLED US UP ! Editor, X` AND REPUBLICANS SHOULD FEEL ASHAMED ;(). ISS 11 I .1 t " .1 i t , and n-su:ted iu Abe air.] s , r coutpleto route the Repub is rr, !! i,:aty o:,iy .at ittg two cituucil Li I :C11..01 liiße!or out of the wreck. Tais le•ult eras brought abouht l,y theaction of the weak-kneed 11 who were eaj,led into voting and by the Judas Ise:aiuts who proftssed to be for the ticket while ticy were secretly working for a portion, ir not all, of the Democratic can didates ()diets, who have heretofore boasted of their party fealty, worked openly against some of the candidates on our ticket, and when the polls closed had the b:azen efftoutery to boast of the part they had . play ed. The llepublicanshave no one to blawe for this but themselves, and we hope that the result of Tuesday's election will leach thew a lesson that will not soon be for- gottun, and from th;s time henceforth they will vote s,,hd for the tviminees of the party, The foll•ming figures tell the tale : BERGEs,:, Ist. W. 21 W 1•. 3,1 W. 4th W. Total Phi!ip Di own, D 1.3 131 t• 9 69 354 John Major, It TS 113 94 i 4 344 COCNCI L, Jams C. Long, R eot .A. Po J 11. R Brumbavgl),ll lell.l I o, e.., 1) ... 1,a,..p, 1 , Raultnau, ] Inc J. w SCiIOoL DIRECTIIR: I. A. LoreP, John A. Paul, ..... It Di. Speer, 1) • bet row, D JUS7I(7:: (4 TII 6 PEA Tame. , Ii Ily, Henry W. Miller, R... CONSTABLE. J*. We.furtu k. D. W. F. Bothur.t, R HIGH CONSTABLE, Ai:MO Ferrol', D Samuel Cute, Ass►ssona. W. Buchanan, D s 141 67 S 1 375 M. L.'haffner, I: 1(4 96 :•1 :329 S. T. Clement, D.. 3 y.... 79 1:10 71 T. 1). Newell, D, 2 y...... 56 127 69 O. B. Armitage, It, 2 y... ) 0 120 15 .1. 31. 3!aguire, 11, 3 y... t'4.l 115 91 FIRST WARD. Jnd , —W. A. Fleming. R., S 1; E. Blake. D., 80. Ins. tors-3. B. Bailey, D., 81; N. B. Cwbin, D., So. Regis:ering Assessor—John R. Flenner, R., 8l , J. R Pm; m, D., TV. SECOND WARD. Judge—A. McCoy, P., 129 ; J. F. Schock, R., 112. lavecturs—David Rohm, P., 7'29; Robert Allen, 113. Registering Assessor—l. D. Massey, D., 131 ; J. D. Carothers, R , 112. Judge—J. FI Tioltzinger. R., 96; M. Fetterhoof, D., 69. Inspectors—ll . Robley, R., 96 ; John Free, D.,68. Registering Assessor—K. Lefford, R. 93; Theu. ➢icFar land, D., 70. Judge—B. F. Herneame, D., 68 ; W. 11. Wright, R., G 3• Inspectors—Robert Waters, D., 81; G. L. S. Rater, R. 51. Registering Asseseur—S T. Clement, D., 88 ; S W. Col lum, R. 44. The Blaine boom is growing in New York. The Snyder county Tr;bune has ruu up the Blaine flag to its mast-head. Col. Hooton, Chairman of the Republi• can State Committee last year, declines a re appoattment. It is more than probable that Vermont's ten delegates will go to Chicago instructcd for Senator Edtnunds fur President. Some of the Republicans of this town. who have been jn the habit of casting "c• etnpl , mptitary" votes had their eyes .t en , d o,t Tae,hy and they now sly that they will take no m re u,is d tickets in Th , !toile Record calls Hon. John C. of Bedford. "the big Indian Chief of 111,. Biani-h." We hope be fa., the campaign closes in November Mr. Cessna will have many plitical so alp l eks dangling from his belt. The Chic go Inter 0-•ean published a double leaded edit rial a few days ago, de- Hying that 11.. n. E. B WaShburrte was a candidate fOr the Presidency. The paper asserts that it, makes the announcement at the reqnest of Mr. \Vashburne The New York Tribune has been paling our State, through the county committees, on the Presidential question, and out til twenty seven counties that were permitted to choose their own delegates twenty three of them have instructel for Blaine. The New York Tribune, whose pre dictions are very Blaineish, says "Wash burne is at present the principal dark horse, in t' , e Republican race," but adds, "it is a year in which dark horses stand an uu..!oulnionly good chance to 'get left.' " It was amusing to see some of the local politicians (?) trying to show off on Tues day We watched one fellow at the Sec and Ward polls, who has hardly sense ,notigh to know whto be is hungry, strut ,ut the ptvement in front of the .itiod. , w with t• .e v .pity of a pea• ock and the itnpu&nce of he devil. Soptatse the Republicans nominate GPn eral Grant for Pre , ithtnt ; suppose the in• dependent Repaid cans nominate a candi .late of 1101 r 0.11 ; qt2!);:0 4 0 Tilden cap till es he len] wratic ; suppose the •inti Tildenites run John Kelly; then suppos.• Bitter takes the 6eld as ca Aida, e—w-uldn't ther. he I.oli , ic, enoigh ahrt , a , l in tit's glorious av-ks the N. Y. Tribune, to make thitnts lively t his summer ? II n= W. J. & J. C. 1-IAZILCT have purchased S. Wolf's Clothing store, No 414 Penn st., consisting of 3Ft. Jilt. 7 52" •• IVX 1 3 1. 3C) 3EI 1-1 orrizili\i-c+ 5 • Hats and CaPs, Trunks, Valises, &c. Fall and. Winter Clothing AT COST ! We intend to SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY OTHER CLOTHING HOUSE IN HUNTINGDON, believing that we can suit you both in goods and prices, and, therefore, we would solicit a share of the pub lic patronage. Everybody is invited to call and examine goods and learn prices. W. HAZLET & BRO. feb2o 91 13,.z $9 4$ 3i19 SO 121 - ;;;) 324 79 11'2 y 5 $3 369 79 1!17 t7l 67 ;$lB 74 133 7t) L 5 331 7 7 . 1 4 )9 74 t 3 3;,1 101 1:',9 112 59 414 55 92 89 79 . 315 117 1 74 15 4.,; ) 4'l t.l 4$ o;rs 75 in So 14 Si) 398 ;i2 304 ,;1 1.0 103 1:11 (.9 6q 372 ;1 113 91 i, 7 322 TS 358 rnma wAr.D. FOURTH WARD. The Poli tiphone E\ir fl lvi II GEITS, I FURNISHING GOODS) Among Our Exchanges 1),.. I'. II 1 . .:111 , r NV! y or•l,re l the publicatii.ii of a new paper in I.•rk, the Peach - co/ American, (1.3, ot+ d to Ett•ineering, Muslim!' u , nig and B.iliding. W 3 are in tueeipt a the p pio WWII it it, partied; ir makv-up pi] (I i:11. ;11 , (1 C ,fl(v/OS int,!c•tiru..,r I:s edit is a pr,...:i,••1 114. and his pub!i:ati-ti %ti I wii, i:s %cay into popular CAvor J. B. McFadden, who wls associated with J. W Scott in the publication of the Osceola. 1:,r,,,71c during the past yed! has leased the printing material from Mr. Brisbin, and assumed sole control of the paper. Having had considerable news paper experience, and understanding the wants of the community in which his pa per is published, he ought to be able to make it go, and at the some time rope in a fair share of shekels. \V hope he may be successful. We are in receipt of a copy of the Free Pre.s, an independent paper just started at Lewistown, Pa., by \V W. Trout. csq. The paper is a quarto in form, with "pa tent inside," six columns to the page, and, barring the `•patent" part of it, looks as if a master mechanic had charge of its make up. The initial number is quite readable, but we think the newspaper business in Mifflin county is already over done to such an extent that the proprietor of this new enterprise will not make a FA-tune out of it. As a matter of cow se we wish it sue- cess TITE llarrisbutg Tetgiwidt says that Fitz John Porter's restoration to the army is male a party measure by the DJmo cratic leaders, who are now bent on ac complishing this measuae, not exactly be cause of their personal regard for Porter, but in approval for his treachery which cost the Union army thousands of lives and the Government millions of dollars during the war. And besides, it will be an insult to the Northern people, which is always a great thing to do on the part of the Southern leaders of the Damoeratic party ;6 VY ;:, 345 T. J. POWERS, a weathly cotten-seed oil manufacturer, at St. Louis, Mo., killed himself in his room at the Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, on Thursday after noon of last week. For six months the deceased bad been unable to sleep, and was in the city for medical treatment. His friends charge the act to insomnia. He was one of the Centennial Commissioners from Mississippi, and is reported wealthy. New To-Day PRICE WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. THE FULL AND COMPLETE LECTURES Col. R. G. INGERSOLL, No. 1. "THE MISTAKES OF MOSES," No. 2. "SKULLS." No. 3. "GHOSTS." No. 4. 'HELL." No.,ERTY OF MAN, WOMAN & CHILD.' No. 12 "Col R. •G. INGE KsOLL'S Vindication of nos Paine," Lecture held in Chicago, Jan. 20. ISSO. 11110 E 5 CENTS EACII Col. Ingersoll and His Chicago Critics, A Lecture by the Rev. jitllloB K. Applebeo : Price 15 Ceuts. Full report of the Grand He-Union of Soldiers and Sailors of the late war, held at Chicago, Nov. 12 to 15 1878 including all Speeches and those of Col. H. G. Ingersoll, Col Win. F. Vilas, Sam'!. L. Clemens, (M..ak Twain's Speech on Babies). 'Life and Trip Around the World of Gen. Grunt. Price 15 Cents. -L:tet Speech of Senator Zich Chandler," and Biographical Sketch, with Large Portrait of Mr. Chandler on Cover Page. 5 Cents. Any of the above sent poet-paid on receipt of pr;ce. Address : L W. 8LA1• 4 1./ELL, Feb.2o 31.1 101 Randolph Chicago, Ills. New Advertisements A u inToR'S NOTECE. tEvote of JOH' GREGI)ItY Notice is hereby g ven that the. unders.gned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Plea of Huntingdon county, to distribute the funds in the hands of Thomas W. Alyton, Esq , Assignee, for the benefit of creditors of John Gregory, aris ing from the sale of estate assigned fot the benefit of creditors as aforesaid, will attend at his office in the borough of Huntingdon for the purpose of his appointment, un FiflD %Y; the sth day of March next, when ant, where ail persons in terested in the fun I for distribution, are requir ed to appear and present their claims, or be for ever thereafter bebarred from sharing in said lund. I►. CALDWELL, Auditor. Feb.l3 ADMINIS I BATOR'S NOTICE [Eotate of SAMUEL RIDER, Dee'd.) Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned—whose post,ffice address is Warriorsmark—on the estate of Samuel Rider, late of Warriorsmark, dee'd., ail persons knowing themselves indclAcd are requested to make im mediate paytnent, and t hose having claim:; to pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL RALSTON, Administrator. feb 13* A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. APIL [Estate of ROBERT FLEMING, dec'd.) Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned—whose postothee address is Petersburg—on the estate of Robert Fleming, late of Jackson tp., deed., all persons knowing them selve.- indebted are requested to make immediate pity merit, and those having claims present them duly authenticated fur se tletuent. HENRY RUDY, Administrator. NVANTED.— The milli-rsigued is de ,•l engagi:l4 tiie s r‘i,es of a cool pc.,ent Blicketuitil. A single wan pre (erred. call on or addre,l If. PHILLIPS.] NeVe)town, Main county. Pa. le, bit -4 com S 1S ',et] at, Price 25 Cents. New Advertisements. RECEIPTS A ND EXPENDITURES , $F .DON COUNTY from the 6rh it iv' .1 in r.rr. 1579, to the Orli day of January, IbrU: lII7CEIPTS. fro,, G. A. Nliner, • ..1 sul Ids J, 1 t iouF years. County 1Vt..1 ui Gdiee'llrs of 1579. and prvrious years. State t:tx 281 35 -- 7351 59 Received for the Year 1879 —atimts tax. Alexandria borough 429 36 Barren township Brady " ..... ... Broo I Top C;iy borough B2 46 i'aclooi towiiship CAS? Cas,ville borough Clay township 451 33 Cromwell township Coi,!wont borough 64 36 Dublin township .... 275 46 Dudley borough B2 90 Franklin township Henderson township Hopewell township 216 35 Huntingdon, Ist Ward 1159 83 • 2nd Ward. 1867 09 " 3rd Ward 715 97 4t 4th Ward 220 40 Jackson township lOl7 12 Juniata townshi • ...- .. Lincoln township 343 54 Logan township 326 12 Mapleton borough 159 71 111,,i rig township 1067 73 --- Mt. Union borough Marklesburg borough Oneida township 287 52 Orbiso , ia borough 3OO 36 Penn t., .viiship B3O 03 Porter , "wnship 1156 2i; Shade it tp borough • Springfield township 340 90 Suirley township Shirleyshurg borough 194 70 Saltillo borough Tod township 533 52 Tell township. 236 77 Three Sprins borough 9l 84 raion township Walker township Warri”rsmark township 2013 14 West --$23581 41 State tax for 1879 from the same townskiipi Rectired front JaNtice4 for Year 1879. Alexandria bor. Saml. Hamer_ 156 10 Barree twp., R. A. Ramsey 1422 04 Brady twp., T homes Marlin 549 85 B. T. City bor.. C. K Horton 152 15 Carbon twp., Pat Madigan 721 27 Coalmont bor., G. Retsterer..:— 56 34 Cromwell twp., J. B. Shenefelt 1.67 15 Case twp., J C. Shaffer 275 00 Clay twp., John M. Drake 250 00 Dublin twp., Wm. .%. Hudson 290 03 Franklin twp , John M. Leech 2022 95 Henderson twp., Jesse Henry BO 62 Hopewell twp., John Enyeart 244 39 Hunegn let Wd, J 0. Murray 300 00 " 2d Wd, " " 700 00 " 3d Wd, S. W. Cullum. 300 00 " 4111 Wd, " " 226 05 Jackson tp., Wesley Thompson 1192 80 Juniata twp., John Hawn lBB 'OO Lincoln twp., H. Richardson 72 48 Logan twp., Henry Rudy 1057 07 Mapleton bor., A. W. Swoope ll3 84 Morris twp., Peter Tippery 667 50 Mt. Union bor., J. G. Stewart 284 47 Oneida twp., Henry Wilson__ 347 71. Orbisonia bor., J, B. Shenefel' 259 13 Penn twp., Jacob Haffiey 4OO 00 Porter twp., J. E. Robb 2025 49 Shade Gap bor., H. C. Zeigler 3O 65 Springfield twp., Sam'l. Weight 305 30 Shirley twp., G. W. Cornelius ll5O 00 Sbirleysburg bor„ " •.` 150 59 Tod twp.,Jonathan Evans 73 85 Tell twp., James Rhea 9l 09 Three Springs bor., E. G. Hoek 57 05 Union twp., S. P. Smith 287 31 Walker twp., Roes C. Hauck... 595 30 Warriorsm'k tp , J M Stoneroad 1161 80 West twp., Ilenry Davis 1230 00 -- 20659 27 State tax for the year 1879 from tli same townships 173 10 173 10 Redemption money received 750 Money Reeeircd on Unseated Lands. County tax lO 90 School tax l4 40 Road tax lO 80 Interest BO Borrowed Money. From Sterrit Cummins 4750 00 From Jackson Harmon lOOO 00 ___- From Adam Krugh 2500 00 From G. A. Miller From Kate Cummins From John W. Russell From Eliza M Cummins 350 84 _.... .... _ _ From Abram Mier!) . From Union Bank lOOO 00 From Laura A. Wilson From Nancy C. Barr lOO 00 From Matilda Wilson 5OO 00 From Ruth C. Odare ' -- 18864 27 Riddlesburg Coal & Iron Co for county tax, per transcript-- 11 45 J. D. Hicks for county tax, per transcript lO 93 31. Orlady for D Allgood, for county tax and costs . . 324 W. M. Brown, transcript for county tax and ousts 2 24 Stewart Foster, for 'county tax and costs 6 22 H. T. Miller, tax and costs 2 05 Patton Cox, f tax for year'? 4 sfl Itee'd of W. ti. Smith, J R. Smith and John DeArmit, fur lat!it g rabbits out of season. 187 We'd of T. B. McMahon, for profanity , 54 Reed of different parties for phi) ing de on Sunday—. 400 --- 53 04 Total receipt. EXPENDITURES. Paid on inquisitions on dead bodies Pal • on Colnty Institute 177 70 Paid Registering and Assessing 768 27 Paid Election rders lO9l 22 Paid County Auditors foryr'79 324 00 Paid Court Reporter, W. G Waring 366 75 Paid Road and bridge views BO3 00 Paid Grand and Traverse Ju- Tors. Tipstaves, &c 4680 06 Paid Constables for tnatting re- turns, fees. mileage, he 1056 30 Paid on Commonwealth prose cutions, Proth'y, Att'y,Sher iff, Witnesses, &e. Paid houst rent for election purposes 3O 74 Paid Jury Commissioners and clerks Paid refunding orders 7i 75 12923 45 School Tax on Useated Laude. Michael Hyper, Shirley twp 213 George Hawn, Brady twp l5 47 &mad Myton, Barre° twp 39 12 B. Greene, Oneida twp ... 33 J. Jones, B. T. City 2l 12 Road Tax on Unsealed Land,. Joseph Bough, Shirley twp 2 97 J. T. Carothers, Brady twp 6 90 Paid Directors of the Poor fur ttse of Alms House 12000 00 I'a i 1 Commissioners trtveliug expense. , 156 00 Coutistiseionen' Salary. W. 11. lic,son • 295 00 Bonj Isenherg James Smith 359 00 T. 1). Newell, clerk , 350 00 Commissioners' Attorney for professional services - Road Damages. Samuel llatfield Hannah Swoope John Cunningham Win Neff A B. Miller James Allen James McClure James Stewart John Stewart K. J. My ton Otih:e lees on same Miscellaneous. Saml. 11. Irvin, Sheriff, board ing, clothing and conveying prisoners to Western Peniten tiary a'd serving jury notices,s22Bo 18 11. P. Decker, janitor at Court House For gas consumed at Court House For fuel fur Court 11oue and jail. For building an addition at .d repairs at jail 4260 93 Dr. R. R. Weistling, fur medi cal attendance for pri,oners at jail 5B 50 H. I'. Decker, cleaning vault in Prothonotary's office 2l 00 A. P. Huey, for labor in Pro- thonotary s office 6 00 II P Decker, forwhitewasll44, !ea wrig mattreggiis at 11.Jusi• 8 61 For whiterash rig mulgeti 22 00 J. L imb.rgon, painting bridge across Aughwick creek 5O 00 .1 Lainberguo, for painting toll bridge ut Huntingdon lull 00 452 88 Repairing County Bridges. Nicholas Ryder. Jackson Lomberson John L. Smith 2O 35 John Baker lO5 00 A. Green il4 25 Jacob C. Isenberg l9 00 S 11. I , er:berg }',7 for building 11.,nt portion of bridge at Birmingham C. S. Palaver. I,r building abut ments on bridge across Black Log Creek C. S. Palmer, for building bridge across Black Log Creek Michael Garner, on account, for building bridge across Iron, h ereck lllO 1111 11 it. ael I7.:trner, on aireount. for building bridge in Penn township 6997 6 Borrowed money paid in 1879..14091 50 luterest pd. on borrowed money 1791 10 Al. Tyhurst J. R. Durborrow is Co, J. A. Nash S. E. Flemiug k. Co -- 1291' 10 State Lunatic Hospital.. For boarding, medical attend • ante, clothing, etc.. for the insane Allegheny county, in case of V .. A. Reese, insane 23 65 Support of convicts at Western Penitentiary Attorney's commission for re covering overpaid State tax. 821 97 Nancy Keim, washing for pris- oners James Irvin, watchman at jail 150 00 Blank books, stati , :nery, post- age, etc _ . 314 16 Redemption money, S M Wood- - . cock lB 80 Repairs to Court House l7l 48 Boarding Jury, JW. Hough_ 30 00 J. C. Jackson, auditing ac counts of Prothonotary and Register and Recorder 2O 00 Win. C. Foster, damages for breaking through bridge in Oneida township J. ii. Westbrook, special serv ices as detective lO 00 G. A. Miller, for State tax paid on county bond. l2 00 T. D. Newell, for making of militiamen, recording the same, etc 1. P. M'Elwaine, traveling ex penses 2 35 W. M. Williamson, for certify ingjurors Redemption money l5 99 Premiums for ki ling foxes, hawks, skunks, owls and wild cats 571 74 -- 571 74 County Treasurer Commission on $59,853.26, at 2i per cent. 1496 33 County Treasurer, for collect ing as per Act of Assembly... 700 00 Balance in hands of Treasurer, 9249 02 In testimoney whereof the undersigned Com missioners hare set their hands and seal of office. JAMES SMITH, W. H. BENSON, BENJ. ISENBERG, Commissioners. We, the undersigned Auditors of Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, elected and sworn, do cer tify that we have met, did audit, adjust and set tle according to law, the account of A. P M'El waine, Treasurer of Huntingdon county, and the orders of the Commissioners, and receipts for the same for and daring the past year, and find a bal ance in his hands of nine thousand two hundred and forty-nine dollars and two cents, ($9249 02.) Given under our bands this twenty-first day of January, A. D. ISSO. Attest OUTSTANDING BALANCES DUE the County, at the lust settlement with the Auditors for the year 1879 : 44 19 i< TOWNSHIPS .3 Q . 3 bg rl and COLLECTORS I 0.- 6. pi. .. 1 1 " . BOROUGHS. ? 4 4 ?4 14 .1 83 1873 Brady township.. George Eby $ 43 91 $9 83 Jackson " .. J. L. McElwaine 51 84 482 1 , •74 Union 0 .. Andrew Wise 32 86 299 1 , 75 .` al6 at 1176 Juniata " .. Wm. Geiseenger 41 76 549 Orbisonia boro.. Thomas Kelly... 94 73 Tell township JG. McClure*...! 64 74 16 93 Union " Andrew Wise 57 09 1077 Iluntingdon,3d wS. W.Collom • 137 43 725 Juniata township Wm. Geissengerl 23 68 321 Orbisonia b0z0.... Thomas M. Kelly 36 46 Shirleysburg bor J. N. Goodman.. 26 36 ..... ~ West township.... John P. Murphy 1105 27 18781 Alexandria boro..' C. Grading I 68 07 235 Barre township. Wm. Stewart.. 71 04 Cromwell " ...' B. F. Chilcoat.... I 857 40 70 Coalmont b0r0.... Samuel Brooks... 22 88 245 Dublin township J. E. Harpers 331 41 !Hopewell " 10. W. Putt......... I 143 43 288 .... 1 Iluntingdon.3d wS. W.Collom 252 34 390 Jackson township Elias Musser 153 34 820 Orbisonia b0r0.... Thomas M. Kelly 322 17 14 80 Shirleysburg hor IJ no W. Lightner 34 (19 380 Walker township!Joseph Isenberg 91 09 1879 Alexandria boro..lSamuel Hamer* 118 90 ' Barree townhip... I Robt. A. Ramsey 476 21 1 0rmly " ITtiomas Marlin' 180 38 Broad Top City .IC. K. llorton. 44 83 'Carbon township Pat. Madigan*... 148 77 Cass " ' JC. Shaffer lO6 591 Clay " John M. Drake 82 16 eassville b0r0..... David Clarkson* 72 821 05 Dublin township) W. A. Hudson. 136 38 Dudley boro' Wm. Browns.... 121 18 294 Franklin Cw'shipl John M. Leech* 329 70 Henderson " IJesse Ii nry* 392 81 Hopewell " John Enyeart.. 42 42 Iluntingd'n,let w John 0. Murray 291 61 , 67 24 " 2d w.l " " * 555 25 28 61 " 3d a.l S. W. Collom*... 341 55 285 " 4tb w " " * 392 15 Juniata township John Hawn 73 65 141 Lincoln " 11. Richardson* 340 17 ..... Logan " Henryl Rudy 279 54 Morris " 'Peter Tippery* 229 73 Marklesburg bor Jacob lathy 152 93 50 l'enn township... " " i 5(13 83 725 ..... Saltillo borough. Philip Fishers 1 47 60 Shade Gap ..1 H. C. Ziegler. 27 60 ' Springfield twp 'Samuel Weight. 17 31 Todd township- . IJonathan Evans* 518 71 'Tell " . Janieslthea* 315 35 Walker township Ross C. Houck* 447 94 West " Henry Davis 187 98 Warriorsmark tp Jno DI Stonerod* 364 19 335 I 1 511471 42'294 13 71298 61 ince paid ip pert, Lace paid in full. to following Balances are considered worthless as the ,ctors are insolvent (and the time having expired in Ali snit can he brought against sureties on bonds) prior tie at which present Commissioners came into Aka: ..1 t.l TOWNSHIPS and ... BOROUGHS. I:B72l(rirn township Jolin Cue ty. cAta . !Levi Evauo 1873 !C:rbo in i township t.roow nsh . John Canty ...... •Cal,se ' 6 Henry! Taylor Also, Judgment No. GO, January Term, 1878, as it ap peared in last settlement, amounting to $462 09, is Con sidered uneolleetable. COUNTY INDEBTEDNESS. Monty Borrowed and Bonds hued by the Com• 98 77 Borrowed money Bonds iss..ed JOAN LOGAN, ) JAS, H. DAVIS, 1. Auditors. E. PLUMMER, ) Attest: W. S. MITI:RV, Clerk. ASSIGNEE'S SALE Valuable Real Estate [Aebiited Ebtate of J. C. RODDY.] By virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, I will offer at pub lic sale, at the Court House, in Huntingdon, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1880, 20 00 10 00 300 00 65 00 50 00 180 00 17 00 75 00 75 00 55 00 2 90 14434 40 TWO LOTS IN SHADE GAP, Huntingdon county, Pa., fronting 130 feet, more or less, on Main street, and extending back at right angles thereto 160 feet, more or loss, to lands of Joseph Hudson's heirs, having thereon a two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, s large two-story FRAME STORE ROOM and WAREROOM, FRAME ■ STABLE and outbuildings. This is a fine opportunity for a business man. Also, the undivided one sixth of a farm in Dublin township, bounded by lands of James Harper, William Morrow's heirs, and others, con taining TWO HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, having thereon a two -1111: story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. , a DOUBLE I , ARN, and other im provements. TERMS OF SALE:—One-third of the purchase money to he paid on confirmation of sale, the bal ance in two equal annual payments thereafter, with interest, the whole to be secured by the judg ment bonds of the purchaser. E. S. McMURTRIE, Assignee of J. C. Roddy. Fehß-3t MINING STOCK FOR SALE. The Carbonate Gold and Silver Mining Compa ny of Leadville. Col.,own more valuable Gold and er ;Vines than any other Company in the mate. The stock is ten dollars per share, fully paid up, and nonassessable. They now offer a limited number of shares for sale through the un dersigned, at $l.lO per share. References and information cheerfully given. Direct all orders and communications to B. M. BOYD, 144 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., P. 0. Box 1064. [f6 -1y• New Advertisements -- 15882 60 Printing. 333 40 154 2i 372 55 380 95 -- 11445 35 JOHN LOGAN, J. H. DAVIS, E. PLUMMER, Auditor.. W. S. TIPPERT, Clerk. COLLECTORS. 9I i 4 tc, 1 114 26 $29 67 I 42 11 8 15 117 22 126 77 11 37 is 400 36;549 19 c•'4356 52 1000 00 $25356 52 at one o'olook in the afternoon, New Advertisements SELLERS' fIOUGH SYRUP! 50 Years Before the Public ! Pronounced by all to be the most Pleas ant and efficacious remedy now in use, for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hoarsetess, tickling sensation of the Throat, whooping Cough, Ete. Over a Million Bottles sold within the last few years. It gives relief wherever used, and has the power to impart benefit that cannot be bad from the Cough Mixtures now in use. Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents per bottle. 2443 77 SELLERS ' LIVER PILLS are also highly recommended for curing Liver Complaint, Constipation, Sick Headaches, Fever and Ague, and all Diseases of the Stomach and Liver. Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents per box. R. E. SELLERS & CO., PITTSBURGH, PA, Oct.lo ly. APPEALS.—PIaces and Times for Holding Same.—The undersigned Commis sioners of Huntingdon county, give notice to the taxable inhabitants, non-residents, owners and agents of real and personal property, taxable for State and County purposes, within the county of Huntingdon, that an appeal for the benefit of all persons interested, will be held for the several townships and boroughs within said county, be tween the hours of 9 o'clock a. to. and 3 o'clock, p. m., as follows: Henderson township, Union School House, Tuesday, February 3d. Brady township, Mill Creek, Norris' Hotel, Wednesday, February 4. Union township and Mapleton borough, Ma pleton' Thursday, February 5. Mt. Union borough, Mt. Union, Friday, Febru ary 6. Shirley and Shirleysburg, Shirleysburg, Satur day, February 7. Tell township, Nossville, Tuesday,Febroary 10. Dublin township and Shade Gap, Shade Gap, Wednesday, February 11. 2788 90 Springfield township, Meadow Gap, Thursday, February 12. Cromwell township and Orbisonia, Orbisonia, Friday, February 13. Three Springs borough, Three Springs, Satur day, February 14. P,nn township and Marklesburg, Marklesburg, Wednesday, February 18. Lincoln township, Coffee Run, Thursday, Feb. ruary 19. Hopewell township, Cove station, Friday, Feb ruary 20. Coalmont borough, Coalmont, Monday, Febru ary 23. 2540 39 $59853 26 Carbon township and Dudley borough, Dudley, Tuesday, February 24. _ _ Broad Top City, Broad Top City, Wednesday, February 25. Tod township, Chestnut Grove School House, Thursday, February 26. Cass and Cassville, Cassville, Friday, February 27. Clay township and Saltillo borough, Saltillo. Saturday, February 28. $71298 61 Oneida township, Centre Union, Tuesday, March 2. Jackson township, McAlevy's Fort, Wednesday March 3. Barree township, Saulsburg, Thursday. Mar. 4. West township, Wilsontown, Friday, March 5. Logan township, Petersburg, Saturday, Mar. 6, Franklin township, Franklinville, Tuesday, March 9. Warriorsmark township, part Warriorsmark, Wednesday, March 10. • Warriorsmark township, part Birmingham, Thursday, March 11. Morris township, Waterstreet. Friday, Mar. 12, Walker township, McConnellstown, Monday March 15. Porter township and Alexandria, Alexandria, Tuesday, March 16. Juniata township, Hawn's School House, Wed nesday, March 17. Huntingdon, Ist and 2d wards, Commissioners' Office Thursday, March 18. Huntingdon, 3d and 4th wards, Commissioners' Offices,Friday, March 19 Whre and when all persons who consider them selves aggrieved by the triennial assessment of valuation of their property, professions, occupa tions, etc., are hereby notified to attend and state their grievances, if they think proper. JAMES SMITH, W. 11. BENSON, B. ISENBERG, Jan.l6. Commissioners. THE BEST OFFER YET A Good Newspaper at Cheap Rates and a num ber of good books into the bargain. A copy of Worcester's Large Quarto Dictionary and other nducements to club-getters. THE WEEKLY PATRIOT • Is a journal devoted to Literature, Agriculture, Politics, Science and News. It gives all the news of the week in condensed form. Pennsylvania news is a special feature. Each number contains a completed story, selected poetry, wit and humor, articles for the farmer, mechanic and house wife, reports of markets, editorials tin current topics and general miscellany. Price $2.00 per annum. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS FOR HSU. Every new subscriber to the WEEKLY PATRIOT who will send us Two Dollars cash in advance, and every old subscriber who will pay his arrears and send Two Uol!ars in addition, will receive one copy of the WEEKLY PATRIOT for one year and a copy of each of the standard novels, "Jane Eyre," by Charlotte Brenta, and "Daniel Deronda" by George Eliott, postage prepaid on paper and books. TO CLUB-GETTERS. Ten copies of WEEKLY PATRIOT one year to one P. 0. and an elegantly henna eery of "Lem. riere's Classical Dictionary" to club-getter Fifteen copies of WEEKLY PATRIOT one year to one P. 0. and an illustrated copy of "Alacaulay's history of England" with maps, in 5 vols., cloth, to c üb-getter...... 22 50 Twenty copies of WEEKLY PATRIOT one yr. to one P 0. and a copy of finest illustra ted edition of Worcester's Quarto Diet on ary (publishers' price, $10.00) to club gette These rates are strictly cash in advance. Re mittances should be by P. 0. money order. DAILY PATRIOT. $7.00 per annum. Address, PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO., jan3o. Harrisburg, Pa. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of JOSEPH M'CilY, Deed . . The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or: phans' Court of Huntingdon county. to near and determine exceptions to, and make distribution of First and Second accounts of Edward J. and Howard J. M'Coy, Administrators of Joseph M'Coy, late of Walker township, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 25th day of February, ISSO, at 10 o'clock, a. m., when and where all parties inter ested will appear and present their claims or else be debarred from coming in for a share of the fund. It. A. 011. BISON, feb.B-St. Auditor. ssTPNP HATS ! SPATES THE SQUARE -DEALING ::.CLOTHING HOUSE is now receiving a full line of LInST S'EALES FIATS for AI en, 17..ung Alen and Children Al., a splendid assortment of SAMPLES fir Dress & 13 us! es SUITS. ' Suits made to order a specialty. Good Fits Guaranteed. Store nearly opposite the Post Offies, "S.LVH S3IA.LS ONIUdS N' 4 times, . , pre...lg trained men for business. Our Institution offers un surpassed facilities to young and middle aged men for obtaining a Practical Education. A short time only is required to complete the course of study. Expenses light. Individual instruction. Students can enter at any time. No vacations. For cir,uta - 3 address P. DUFF at SONS. Pittsburxh. Aar D u ifs Bookkeeping, published by Harper & Bros.; printed in colors: 400 pp. The largest wu k nil the science published. A work fur bankers, railroads, business men and pract,..,' ..:ceountants. Price; 83.00, postage 20 cents. Oct3-DPo.k eb. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [Estate VANN WARY HICKLE, deed.] 1 Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned—whose postoffice address is Altoona—on the estate of Ann Mary Hickle; aec'd., all persons knowing themselves indebt ed are requested to make immediate payment. and those having claims to present them duly authen ticated for settlement. Jan.30,'80: 4 , OTICE TO TRESPASSERS.-No tioe hereby given to all parties not to trespass on the lands or premises of the under signed, in Walker township, either by hunting, fishing or otherwise, as the law will be rigidly en forced against all persons so doing. The destruc tion of fences, the hauling of wood and gravel, and other depredations impel me to this step. JOHN M'CAHAN. A_ -r-, For Mens', Yo übhs, S ops', and Children's Wear. We detertuicef t.: -I•: ;: -•••• ;•= • ' • r, iu f•i••• i1,1r1 • 4 t•o:' thIS 1 4 (.3,01 the must desirable stock of G.r tis ever ph4,.:1 i,!,• • Tilted - by tb , fitt•-• 1.• I II;; reliable workin,n—wt Buying es , rything far dawn, ke e rinz a sharp lookout for advantageous purchases and a close watch over axpeuse, we have tit,en enaoled to eTnet complete revolution of old prices, and institute a new era of low rates, much lower than her,tofore, awl than those asked elsewhere for inferior goods NO MATTER w it AT GARMENT A NTED, NO MATTER WHAT THE STYLE WANTED, NO MATTER WHAT THE MATERIAL WANTED. NO MATTER WIIAT THE PRICE WANTED, NO MATTER WHETHER FOR MEN, NO MATTER WHETHER FOR YOUTHS', NO MATTER WHET ER FOR BOYS, NO MATTER WHETHER FOR CHILDREN, We have Clothing of eve•ry gra,le, to fit, everybody, (.1 the most reliable quality, at prices to suit every body. We are fully determined that no ona shall leave our store without be'n.: perfectly satisfied. Our well established reputation is a guarantee of this, and we will see that it is fulfilled. Each gar ment we sell is fully guaranteed, and as we are determined not to be undersold by any one, we prem ise every purchaser a genuine bargain. We only ask a trial. Come, see, compare, examine. Test our goods and prices. Be perfectly satisfied before buying. Retnemher the place. Samples with plain rules for self-measurement sent to any part of the United States on application.. 518 and 520 Market Street, and 511 and 513 Minor Street, PHILADELPHIA AprtllS,h,ls79 lyr. STAPLE AND FNE GROCERIES, No. 603 WASHINGTON STREET, Ladies' and Cents' Gold Watches, Gold Chains, JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, Ear Rings, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Necklaces' LOCKETS, CROSSES, RINGS of all KINDS, THIMBLES, &C It Describes Royal Paiikees, Rare Curiosities, Wealth and Wonders of the ladies, China, Jayao, etc. A million People want it. 'this is the best chance of your life to make money. of - catch penny" imitations. Scud foreireulars and extra terms to Agents. Addre4s sATIONAL Prianuttx,; Co., Philadelphia. lisnt • and Mineral Lands in =oh Farms Shenandoah Valley of I.? Va., fir sale Send ::ramp for catalogue. STAPL ES, GEATTAN L Co., 111111118JObtlEg, Va. 711717 A YEAR and expense:4 to Agent, Outfit Frey Address P. O. VICK ERA', Maine ADVERTISEIS by addr , '"ing GE). P. ROWELL & CO., pg 10 Spruce St., New Y,k. can learn the exact cost ut auy proposed tine of A 10V KIITISING in American News papers. r . 100-page Pamphlet, 10c. MICHAEL }TICKLE, Administrator. New Advertisements qnmr , 7 : , 7, 4 Ft , la , '...'re_p3 G ttuf i rii4 ~~~ 'l.i rAg 0...A0 11113Uti MOTH! NC N i~i~_:1 GARITEE, MASTEN & ALLEN, SEccosurs to BENNETT CO. TOWER HALL GLOTHING BAZAAR, = l. v7Mil A. MIST M WOOD AND WILT 0\ W ARE, CONFECTIONS NOTIONS, &c., &c., Jan. CD NEW GOODS FOR THE CLAW:AY TRADE, Black's Jewelry Store, 423 Penn St., Huntingdon, Pa. CA.l_ll_2 .A -E. A FULL LINE OF PLATED WARE, Castors, Pickle Stands, Cake Baskets, Ice Pitchers, Mugs, Child's Sets, &c. New Advertisements A vegetable preparaticin and the uut sure remedy in the world tor Bright's liksea.-, Diabetes, and ALL Kidney, Liver, and Urinary Diseases. stal - Testimonials of the hi g hest crder in proof of these statements. iiirerFor the cure of Diabetes, call for War. ner's Safe Diabetes Cure. iiiirFor the cure of Bright's and the other diseases, call for Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. -- It is the best Blood Purifier. and stimulates every function to mote healthful action, and is thus a benefit in all diseases. It cures Scrofulous and otherriklln Erup tions and Diseases, including Canters, Ll oers. and other Sores. Dyspepsia. Weakness of the Stomach. Constipation, Dizziness, General Debit lON etc., are cured by the Safe Bitters. It is unequaled as an appetizer and regular tonic. Bottles of two sizes ; prices, 50e.. and 81.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly g ives Best and Sleeptothe so fferi ng, (cures Headache and Neuralgia. prevents 'Epileptic Fite, and relieves Nervous Pros tration brought on by excessive drink. otier ' work, mental shocks, and other causes. Powerful as it is to stop pain and soothe ills , turbed Nerves, It never injures the system, whether taken in small or large doses. Bottles of two sizes; prices, 50c. and (P.M I WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an immediate and active stimulus forma -..-- f r '••-• t f 11,0 I;OTRITI Ea, V.TOT,IT it ti '4 l jl. iitit ~.. .: - rniz*:' Pure Fresh Milk. Nis Samuel Neal, 415 Washington st., near llagey's store,has established a REGULAM MILK DEPOT, and will keep constant:y on hand all kinds of Pure Milk, Cream. &c., at the very Low- e , t Cash Prices, p;)t - litiving no other parties employed to sell milk for me in town, airangements have been made whereby families not wishing to send for it will be s upplied at their homes. FOR RENT.-A STORE ROOM IN Shirleysbarg, Huntingdon county, 50x35 feet,loeatod in the business partof town, is offered for rent. Possession given at any time. Terms moderate. Apply at Greene ,S; Oreg. rv's store, I Huntingdon. 1,. W. NET'4. An um FACTS MAGNIFIcE . NT by firge ca=b eapital—facili --uip..rteti I , y a full corps of skilled artists and NiA COM PLI'..TE STOCK OF .i i t L.:::P.T.IINLY UNEQUALED, DEALER IN SUCH AS NEW YORK MERCURY FOR 1880. In enteritis upon a n-w year, which has every indication of an immediate future favorable to , the advance of iiheral enterprises, the proprietor of the New YonK Meitceay proposes to have s new tile, as if were. infused into this so long rep resentative metropolitan weekly repository of Literature, Dramatic and Musical specialties and general news. Always a pungently original and eadles,ly - varied epitome of the most attractive, literary novelties, artist.•.s information, social encies, choicest regular Nontributtonsand bright eta journalistic departments of the day, it is in tended that it shall he made yet brigher and more comprehensive in general by the addition of strik ing:y new teatures aad the aid of an increseedt t •ree of first-class writers. Any current number of the paper now will serve to show the progress of these invigorating and rejuvenating improve tnents, at once recalling to thousands of readers the most brilliant past epochs of their favorite weekly's veteran career and eclipsing all prece dents therein. The NEW YORK bizecutiv for the year l$SO will he far trongcr than ever in its great standard specialties, SPLENDID SERIALS, OFFICIAL DRAMATIC INTELLIGENCE, COMPLETED STORIES AN". POEMS. STRIKING SOCIAL NEWS awl its unusual unrivaled array of the best of eon tributions and fresh ideas in every line of interest ing reading; and it is designed that inimitable new speci.ilties in ORIGINAL HUMOR. TOE ROMANCE OF REAL LIFE, SOCIETY'S WIT AND SPARKLE, LITERATURE'S NATIVE STRENGTH and the grandest work that lihoral inducements can obtain from the most celebrated foreign as we ll :,s Dative pens shall he among the futute characteristics of th 3 paper. the !rate e sutli tborougla . box. ix HUNDRED DRAMATIC CORRES PONDENTS, lonic.! in all seething of the Union, and in the great dratneie ottitres of Europe. till fourteen col umns in each week's issue of the NKW YORK Mss cuity wirh a ll th e I •test news in ruu,ie, the drama awl all the various ields of amusement. No one wit., is inter sied t t the:itreal literature can do avi hour the Nivw AlEtteukr. The NLW TURK Nlgseunr, with its 56 columns• aarsetive na.ting matter, will continue to be. is , ued at. V:ight Cents a copy, and sold byalleewa t.►en and periodical dealers ►n America To mail orscribers our terms fur ISSO will be (sash in ad vanee):—Single copies (postage paid), THREE!. DOLLARS Pit. ANN 13,31. Write plainly the name of post-office, county and' State. Specimen copies sent free to all applicant* Address WILLIAM CA ULDWELL, Proprietor of the• NEW YORK MRRCURY, fei,l 4t. No. 136 Fulton Street, New York.. A FARM Private Sale I The un•lrrsiv*.od will sell, at private sale, him Farm, situate in Penn township, Huntingdon county. Pa., one mile north-east of 31arkleabarg, oil the road leading from Huntingdon to Bedford, containing ONE HUNDRED & SEVENTY-ONE acres, eignty-fi%e acres of which are cleared and under a good otate of cultivation, being the beet and in Woodcock Valley. The improvements are A LARGE FRAME HOUSE, Large Bank Barn, and improved outbuildings. There is good water and large quantities of choice Iruit on the tarn. Persons desiring a good farm should call and see this ono at once, or address ABRAHAM MYERS, James Creek, P. 0., Huntingdon county, Pa- Jan 9-2m*. A on the Liver, its diseases and their treatment Fent free. Including treatises upon Liver Complaints, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, iousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Ma laria. ,t c., aldress Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway- New York City, New York. Dan3t:)-3t New Advertisements HUNTINCDON, PA. New Advertisements. FORTY-SECOND VOLC.II TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, - .: ~ - A Household Need. CD 1 CD = CL, - I!=3 Pk--
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers