VOL. 41. The Huntingdon Journal J. R. DURBORROW, PUB-ISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. (Vice in new JOURNAL Building, Fifth Street THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL is published every Friday by J. R. DUB/SORROW and J. A. NASH, under the firm name of J. R. Duasounow SI CO., at 82,00 per annum IN ADVANCE, or $2.50 if not paid for in six months from date of subscription, and /3 if not paid within the year. No paper discontinued, unless at the option of the pub lishers, until all arrearages are paid. No paper, however, will be sent out of the State unless absolutely paid for in advance. Transient advertisements will be inserted at vwxtva AND A-HALF CENTS per line for the first insertion, SEVEN AND A-HALF caters for the second and rive curve per line for all subsequent insertions. 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Johnson's Elements of Agricultural Chemistry...— 1 50 Kern's Practical Landscape Gardening* a. l5O King's Beekeepers' Text Book-Paper 40c.........c10th 75 Klippart's Wheat Plant*...... .... At- ... .._ 175 lakey's Village and Country Howse 6 00 Leavitt's Facts about Nato.- .-. 1 75 Leuchar's How to build Hot-Houses 1 50 Lewis' People's Practical Poultry Keeper* 1 50 Long's American Wild Fowl Shooting* 2 00 Loring's Farm-Yard Club ofJotham* ... ...... ... 3 60 Loth's Practical Stair Builder* lO 00 Lyman's Cotton Culture 1 60 Manual of Flax Culture* --..... 2O _ __ Marshall's Farmer's Band Book*. Merrick's Strawberry Culture.. 1 00 Mlles on the Horse's Foot 75 Mohr on the Grape-Vine 1 00 Murray's The Perfect Horse• 4 00 PRESIDENT HAYES. J. A. NASH, READ BEFORE THE FIRST REGULAR SES SION OF THE I+'ORTY-FIFTII CONGRESS, DECEMBER 3, 1877. fellow Citizens of the Senate and Rouse of Rep• resentatives. With the deepest gratitude to the bountiful giver of all good, I congratulate you that at the beginning of your firsf regular session you find our country blessed with health, and peace, and an abundant harvest, and with en couraging prospects of an early return of general prosperity. THE PACIFICATION OF THE COUNTRY To complete and make permanent the paci fication of the country will continue to be, and, until it is fully accomplished, must re main the most important of all our national interests. The earnest purpose of good citi zens generally to unite their efforts in this en deavor, is evident, and found decided expres sion in the resolutions announced in 1876 in the National Conventions of the leading poli tical parties of the country. There was a widespread apprehension that the momentous results of our progress as a nation, marked by the recent amendments to the Constitution, were in imminent jeopardy ; that the good un derstanding which prompted their adoption in the interest of a loyal devotion to the general welfare, might prove a barren truce, and the two sections of the country once engaged in civil strife, might be again as widely severed and disunited as they were when arrayed in arms agaibst each other. The course to be pursued—which,in my judgment, seems wisest in the presence of this emergency—was plainly indicated in niy inangural address. It pointed to the time, which all our people desire to see, when a genuine love of our whole country, and of all that concerns its true welfare, shall supplement the destructive forces of mutual animosity of races and sectional hostilities.— Opinions have differed as to the measures best calculated finally to secure this great end.— This was to be expected. The measures adopted by the administration have been sub jected to severe and varied criticism. Any course whatever which might have been en tered upon would certainly have encountered distrust and opposition. These measures were, in my judgment, such as were most in harmony with the constitution and with the genius of our people, and best adapted, under all cir cumstances, to attain the end in view. The beneficent results already apparent prove that I these endeavors are not to be regarded as mere I experiments, and should sustain and encourage us in our efforts. Already, in the brief time which has/"elapsed, the immediate necessity, no less than the justice of the course pursued, is demonstrated, and I have an abiding faith that time will furnish its ample vindication in the minds of the great majority of my fellow citizens. The discontinuance of the army, for the purpose of holding local governments in two of the States of the Union, was no less a constitutional duty and requirement, under the circumstances existing at the time, than it was a much-needed measure for the restora tion of local-self government and the promotion of harmony. The withdrawal of the troops from such employment was effected deliberately and with solicitous care for the peace and good order of society, and protection of the property and persons, and every right of all classes of citizens. The results that have fol lowed are indeed significant and encouraging. All apprehension of danger from remitting those States to local self-government is dis pelled, and a most satisfactory change in the minds of the people has begun and is in pro gress in every part of that section of tke co , ..ntry, once the theatre of -unhappy civil strife, subsisting from suspicion, distrust, and aversion to concord, friendship, and patriotic attachment to the Union. No unprejudiced mind will deny that the terrible and often fatal collisions which for several years have been of frequent occurrence, and have agitated and alarmed the public mind, have almost entirely ceased, and that a spirit of mutual forbearance and hearty national interest has succeeded.— There has been a general re establishment of order, and of the orderly administration of justice. Instances of remaining lawlessness have become of rare occurrence ; political tur moil and turbulence have disappeared ; usefnl industries have been resumed ; public credit in the Southern States has been greatly strengthened, and the encouraging benefits of a revival of commerce between the sections of the country lately embroiled in civil war, are fully enjoyed. Such are some of the results already attained upon which the country is to be congratulated. They are of such importance that we may with confidence particularly await the desired consummation that will surely come with the natural progress ofevents. APPEAL FOR THE NEGROES, It may not be improper here to say that it should be our fixed and unalterable determi nation to protect, by all available and proper means under the Constitution and laws, the lately emancipated race in the enjoyment of their rights and privileges, and I urge upon those to whom hitherfore the colored people have sustained the relation of bondsman, the wisdom and justice of humane and liberal local legislation with respect to their education and geiieral welfare. A firm adherence to the laws, both National and State, as to the civil and political rights of the colored people now advanced to full and equal citizenship, the immediate repression and sure punishment by the national and local authorities, with the irrespective jurisdiction of every instance of lawlessness and violence toward them is re quired for the security alike of both races, and is justly demanded by the public opinion of the country and the age. In this way the restoration of harmony and good will, and the complete protection of every citizens in the full enjoyment of every constitutional right will surely be attained. Whatever authority rests with me to this end I shall not hesitate to put forth, while whatever belongs to the power of Congress and the jurisdiction of the courts of the Union they may confidently be relied upon to provide and perform, and to the Legislatures and the Courts and the Executive authorities of the several States I earnestly appeal to secure by adequate appropriation and seasonable means within their borders these common and uniform rights of a united people who love liberty, abhors oppression, and reveres justice. These objects are very dear to my heart. I shall continue most earnestly to strive for their attainment. The cordial co operation of all classes of all sec tions of the country and of both races is re quired for this purpose, and with these bless ings assured, and not otherwise, we they safely hope to hand down our free institutions of Government unimpaired to the generations that will succeed us among the other things of great and general importance to the people of this country. RESUMPTION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS, I cannot be mistaken, I think, iu regarding as pre eminent the policy and measures which are designed to secure the restoration of the currency to that nominal and healthful condi tion in which, by the resumption of specie payments, our internal trade and foreign commerce may be brought.into harmony with the system of exchanges, which is based upon the precious metal as the intrinsic money of the world in the public, judgment. That this end should be sought and accomplished as speedily and securely as the resources of the people and the wisdom of the Government can accomplish, there is a much greater degree of unanimity than is found to concur in the specific measures which will bring the country to this desired end, or the rapidity of the steps by which it can be safely reached. Upon a most anxious and deliberate examination which I have felt it my duty to give to the subject, I am but the more confident in the opinion which I expressed in accepting the nomination for the Presidency, and again upon my inauguration, that the policy of resumption should be pursued by every suitable means, and that no legislation would be wise that should disparage the importance or retard the attainment of that result. I have no disposi tion, and certainly no right, to question the sincerity :Jr the intelligence of opposing opinions, and would neither conceal nor un dervalue the considerable difficulties and the occasional depression which may attend the progress of the nation towards this primary condition to its general and permanent pros perity. I must, however, adhere to my most earnest conviction, that any wavering in the purpose or unsteadiness in the methods, so far from avoiding or reducing the inconvenience :50 _ .C. ----4C7475 ~ • ..-. . „ . .• 4.. C. ... . • .. . , . , • .. . _.g . . . ._ • e ~. . Journal. ... MESSAGE - OF - CONGRATULATIONS, inseparable from the transaction from an ir redeemable to a redeemable paper currency would only tend to increased and prolonged disturbance in values, and, unless retrieved, must end in much disorder, dishonor, and disaster in the financial affairs of the Govern ment, and of the people. The mischiefs which I apprehend and urgently deprecate are con fined to no class of the people, indeed, but seem to me most certainly to threaten the in dustrious masses, whether their occupations are of skilled or common labor. In that sense to me it is of prime importance that these labors should be consolidated in money in itself of a fixed inexchangeable value, by being irrevocable, measured by the labor necessary to its production. This apportionment of the quality of the money of the people is sought for and can be only gained by the resumption of specie payments. The rich, the speculators, the operating, the money dealing classes, may not always feel the mischiefs or may find casual profits in a variable currency, but the misfortunes of such a currency to those who are paid salaries or wages are incalculable. THE SILVER QUESTION, Closely connected with this general subject of the resumption of specie payments, is one of subordinate, but still of grave importance : I mean the readjustment of our coinage s/stem by the renewal of silver dollars as an element in our specie currency. Endowed by legisla tion with the quality of legal tenders to a greater or less extent, as there is no doubt of the power of Congress, under the Constitution, to coin money and regulate the value thereof; and this power covers the whole range of authority applicable to the metal, the rated value, and the legal tender quality, which shall be adopted for the coinage, the cousid eration of which should induse or discourage a particular measure connected with the coin age, belongs cleerly to the province of legis tive discretion and of public expediency.— Without intruding upon this province of leg islation in the least, I have yet thought it the subject of such critical importance in the actual condition of our affairs, as to present an occasion for the exercise .of the duty im pose.' by the Constitution, on the President of recommending, to the consideration of Congress such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient, holding the opinion, as I do, that neither the interest of the Government nor of the people of the United States would be pro moted by disparaging silver as one of the two precious metals which furnished the coinage of the world, and that legislation which looks to maintaining the volume of intrinsic money to as full a measure of both metals as their relative commercial values would permit,would be neither unjust or inexpedient. I must ask your indulgence to a brief and definite state ment of certain essential features in any such legislative measures, which I feel it my duty to recommend. Ido not propose to enter the debate, represented on both sides by such able disputants in Congress, and before the people, and in the press, as to the extent to which the legislation of any one nation can control this question even within its ow❑ borders, against unwritten laws of trade, or the positive laws of oth6r Governments. The wisdom of Con gress in shaping any particular law that may be presented for my approval, may wholly supercede the necessity of my entering into these considerations, and I willingly avoid either vague or intricate inquiries. It is the only certain, plain, and practical traits of such legislation that I desire to recommend to your attention in legislation, providing for a silver coinage, regulating its value, and im parting to it the quality of legal tender. It seems to me of great importance that Congress should not loose sight of its action as operating in a twofold capacity, and in two distinct directions. If the United States Government were free from a public debt its legislative dealings with the question of silver coinage would be purely sovereign, and the Govern ment under no restraint, but those of Consti tutional power and the public good as affected by the proposed legislation, but in the actual circumstances of the nation, with a vast public debt distributed very widely among our own citizens and held in great amounts also abroad, the nature of the silver coinage measure as affecting this relation of the Gov ernment to the holders of the public debt be comes ah element in any proposed legislation of the highest concern. The object of the public faith transcends all questions of profit or public advantage, otherwise its unques tionable maintenance is the dictate of the highest expediency as well as of the most necessary duty, and will ever be carefully guarded by Congress and the people alike.— The Public Debt of the United States to the amount of $729,000,000 bears interest at the rate of 6 per cent., and of $708,000,000 at the rate of 5 per cent., and the only way in which the country can be relieved from the payment of these high rates of interest is by advanta geously refunding the indebtedness. Whether the debt is ultimately paid in gold or silver coin is of but little moment compared with the possible reduction of interest one-third, by refunding it at such reduced rates. If the United States had the unquestioned right to pay its bonds in silver coin, the little benefit from the process would be greatly overbalanced by the injurious effect of such payment if made or proposed, against the honest conviction of the public creditors, all the bonds that have been issued since 1873, when the only un litnited legal-tender tnetalic currency of the country are justly payable in notes or in coin of equal value. During the times of these issues, the only dollar that could be or was received by the Government in exchange for bonds was the gold dollar. To require the public creditor to take in repayment any dollar of less commercial value would be regarded by them as a repudiation of the full obligation assumed. The .bonds issued prior to 1873 were issued at a time when the gold dollar was the only coin in circulation, or contem plated lay either the Government or the holders of the bonds as the coin in which they were to be paid. It is far better to pay these bonds in that coin than to seem to t .ke advantage of an unforseen fall in silver bullion to pay in a new issue of silver coin, thus made so much less valuable. The power of the United States to coin money to regulate the value thereof, ought never to be exercised for the purpose of enabling the Government to pay its obligation in a coin of less value than that contemplated by the parties when the bonds were issued.— Any attempt to pay the national indebtedness in coinage of less commercial value than the money of the world involves it violation of the public faith, or works irreparable injury to the public credit. It was the great merit of the act of Nlarch, 1869, in strengthening the public credit that it removed all doubt as to the par pose of the United States to pay their bonded debt in coin that the act was accepted as a pledge of public faith. The Government has derived great benefit from it in the progress thus far made in refunding the public debt at a low rate of interest. An adherence to the wise and just policy of an exact observance of the public faith will enable the Government rapidly to reduce the burden of interest on the National Debt to an amount exceeding $20,- 000,000 per annum, and effect an aggregate saving to the United States of more than $300,000,000 before the bonds can be fully paid. In adopting the new silver coinage to the ordinary use of currency in the every day transactions of life, and prescribing the quality of legal tender to be assigned to it, a consideration of the first importance should be so to adjust the ratio between the silver and the gold coinage, which now constitutes our specie currency, as to accomplish the de sired end of maintaining the circulation of the two inetalic currencies, and keeping up the volume of the two precious metals as our in trinsic money. It is a mixed question for scientific reasoning and historical experience to determine how far and by what methods a practical equilibrium can be maintained whjch will keep both metals in circulation in their appropriate spheres of common use. An absolute equality of commercial value, free from disturbing fluctuations, is hardly attainable, and without it an unlimited legal tender for private transactions assigned to both metals would irresistably tend to drive out of circulation the dearer coinage, and disappoint the principal object proposed by the legislation in view. I apprehend, therefore, that the two condi tions of a near approach to equality of com mercial value between the gold a❑d silver coinage of the same denomination, and of a limitation of the amounts for which the sitver coinage is to be a legal tender, are essential to maintaining both in circulation. If these conditions can be successfully observed, the issue from the mint of silver dollars would afford material assistance to the community in the transition to redeemable paper money, and would faciliate the resumption of specie pay- HUNTINGDON, PA , FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1877. ment, and its permanent establishment. With- out these conditions I fear that only MISCHIEF AND MISFORTUNE would flow from a coinage of silver dollars with the quality of unlimited legal-tender. Even in private transactions any expectation of temporary ease from an issue of silver coinage to pass as a legal-tender at a rate materially above its commercial value, is, I am persuaded, a delusion, nor can I think that there is any substantial distinction between an original issue of silver dollars, at a nominal value materially above their commercial value, and the restoration of the silver dollar at a rate which once was, but has ceased to be, its commercial value. Certainly the issue of our gold coinage reduced in weight materially below its legal-tender value, would not be the less a present debasement of the coinage by reason of its equaling or exceeding in weight a gold coinage which, at some past time, had been commercially equal to the legal-tender value assigned to the new issues. In recom— mending that the regulation of any silver coinage which may be authorized by Congress should observe these conditions of commercial value, and limited legal-tender, I am governed by the feeling that a barely possible increase should be given to, the volume of metalic money, which can be kept in circulation, and thereby every possible aid afforded to the people in the purpose of resuming specie pay. merits. It is because of my firm conviction that a disregard of these conditions would frustrate the good results which are desired from the proposed coinage, and would embar rass with new elements of confusion and uncertainty the business of the country, that I would urge upon your attention these considerations. I respectfully recommend to Congress that in any legislation providing for a silver coin age, and imparting to it the quality of legal tender, there be impressed upon the measure a firm provision exempting the public debt heretofore issued, and now outstanding, from payment, either of the principal or interest, in any coinage of less commercial value than the present gold coinage of the country. THE CIVIL SERVICE. The organization of the Civil Service of the country, which has, for a number of years, attracted more and more of the public atten tion, so general has become the opinion that the methods of admission to it and the condi tion of remaining in it are unsound, that both the great political parties have agreed in the most explicit declarations of the necessity of reform and in the most emphatic demands for it. I have fully believed these declarations and demands to be the expression of a sincere conviction of the intelligent masses of the people upon the subject, and that they should be recognized and followed by earnest and prompt action on the part of the legislative and executive departments of the Government. In pursuance of the purpose indicated, before my accession to office. I endeavored to have my own views distinctly understood, and upon my inauguration my accord with the public opinion was stated in terms believed to be plain and unambiguous. My experience in the Executive chair has strongly confirmed the belief in the great advantage the country would find in observing strictly the plan of the Constitution, which imposes on the Executive the sole duty and responsibility of the selection of those Federal officers who, by law, are appointed, not elected, and whichl in like manner assigns to the Senate the complete right to advise and consent to, or to reject the nominations so made; whilst the House of Representatives stands as the public censor of the performance of official duties, with the prerogative of investigation and prosecution in all cases of dereliction. The BLEMISHES AND IMPERFECTIONS in the Civil Service may, as I think, be traced, in most cases, to a practical confusion of the duties assigned to the several departments of the Government. My purpose, in this respect, has been to return to the system established by the fundamental law, and to do this with the heartiest co operation and most cordial understanding with the Senate and House of Representatives. The practical difficulties in the selection of numerous officers for posts of widely-varying responsibilities and duties, are acknowledged to be very great. No sys tem can be expected to secure absolute free dom from mistakes, and the beginning of any attempted change of custom is quite likely to be more embarrassed in this respect than at any subsequent period. It is here that the Constitution seems to me to prove its claim to the great wisdom accorded to it. It gives to the Executive the assistance of the knowledge and experience of the Senate, which, when acting upon nominations as to which they may he disinterested and impartial judges, secures as strong a guartinty of freedom from errors of importance as is perhaps possible in human affairs. In addition to this, I recognize the public advantage of making all nominations as nearly as possible impersonal, in the sense of being free from mere caprice or favor in the selection, and in those offices in which special training is of greatly increased value. I believe such a rule as to the tenure of office should obtain as may induce men of proper qualifications to apply themselves industriously to the task of becoming proficient. Bearing these things in mind, I have endeavored to reduce the number of changes in subordinate places, usually made upon the change of the general adminis tration, and shall most heartily co-operate with Congress in the better systematizing of such methods and rules of admission to the public service, and of the promotion with in it, as may promise to be most successful in making thorough competency, efficiency, and character the decisive tests in these matters. THE WORK 02' THE CIVIL-SERVICE COMMISSION. I ask the renewed attention of Congress to what has already been done by the Civil-Ser vice Commission, appointed in pursuance of an act of Congress, by my predecessor to prepare and revise Civil-Service rules in regard to much of the departmental service, especially at Washington. It may be difficult to organ ize a better system than that which has thus been provided, and it is now being used to a considerable extent under my direction. The Commission has still a legal existence, al though for several years no appropriation has been made for defraying its expenses. Believ ing that this Commission has rendered valua ble service, and will be a most useful agency in improving the administration of the Civil Service, I respectfully recommend that a suit able appropriation, to be immediately availa ble, be made to enable it to continue its labor. It is my purpose to transmit to Congress. as early as practicable, a report by the Chairman of the Commission, and to ask your attention to such measures on this subject as, in my opinion, will further promote the improvement of the Civil Service. OUR FOREIGN RELATIONS, During the past year the United States has continued to maintain peaceful relations with foreign powers. The outbreak of war between Russia and Turkey, though at one time attend ed by grave apprehension as to its effect en other European nations, has had no tendency to disturb the amicable rmations existing be tween the i,wo contending powers. An attitude of just and impartial neutrality has been pre• served, and I am gra►ified to state that in the midst of their hostilities both the Russian and Turkish Governments have shown an earnest disposition to adhere to the obligations of all treaties with the United States, and to give due regard to the rights of American citize , s. 1.33- the terms of the treaty defining the rights, immunities, and privileges of consuls between Italy and the United States, ratified in 1868, either government may, after the lapse of ten years, terminate the existence of the treaty by giving twelve months' notice of its intention. The Government of Italy, availing itself of this facility, has now given the required notice, and the treaty will accordingly end on the 17th of September, 1878. It is understood, lir , wev er, that the Itallian Government wishes to re new it in its general scope, desiring only cer tain modi4cations in some of its articles. In this disposition 1. concqr, and sball hope that no serious obstacles may intervene to prevent or delay the riegotiationef asatisfactory treaty. Numerous questions in regard to passports, naturalization, and exemption from military service have continued to arise in cases of em igrants from Germany who have returned to their native country. The provisions of the treaty of February 22, 1868, however, have proved to be so ample and so judicious, that the legation of the United States at Berlin has been able to adjust all claims arising under it, not only without detriment to the amicable relations existing between the two govern ments, but, it is believed, without injury or injustice to any du'y-naturalized American citizens. It is desirable that the treaty origi nally made with the North German Union in 1868 should now be extended so as to apply equally to all the States of the Empire of Ger many. THE PARIS EXPOSITION Thu invitation of the Government of France to participate in the Exposition of the products of agriculture, industry, and tine arts, to be held at Paris during the coming year, was submitted for your consideration at the extra session. It is not doubted that its acceptance by the United States, and a well-selected ex hibition of the products of American industry on that occasion,will tend to stimulate interna national commerce and etnigration,as well as to promote the friendship between the two coun tries. EXTRADITION WITH GREAT BRITAIN A question arose some time since as to the proper meaning of the extradition articles of the treaty of 1895 between the United States and Great Britain. Both Governments, how ever, are now in accord in the belief that the question is not one that should be allowed to frustrate the ends of justice, or disturb the friendship between the two nations. No seri ous difficulty has arisen in accomplishing the extradition of criminals, when necessary. It is probable thit all points of disagreement due tinA,be settled,and, if need be,more explicit declarations be made in a new treaty. THE FISITERY COMMISSION, The Fishery Commission, under Article XVIII to XXV of the treaty of Washington, has concluded its session at Halifax. The re sult of the deliberations of the Commission, as made public by the Commissioners, will be communicated to Congress. TRADE MARKS, A treaty for the protection of trade marks has been negotiated with Great Britain, which has been submitted to the Senate for its con sideration. AFFAIRS IN MEXICO. The revolution which recently occurred in Mexico was followed by the accession of the successful party to power, and the installation of its chief General, Porfiro Diaz, in the Pres idential office. It has been the custom of the United States, when such changes of govern ment have heretofore occurred in Mexico, to recognize and enter into official relations with the de facto Government, as soon us it should appear to have the approval of the Mexican people, and should manifest a disposition to adhere to the obligations of treaties and inter national friendship. In the present case, such official recognition has been offered by the oc currences ou the Rio Grande border, the ree -1 ords of which have already been communica ted to each house of Congress, in answer to their respective questions of inquiry. Assur ances have been received that the authorities at the seat of the Mexican Government have both the disposition and the power to prevent and punish such unlawful invasions and dep redations. It is earnestly to he hoped that events may prove these assurances to he well founded. The best interest of both countries require the maintenance of peace upon the border and the developement of commerce be tween the two Republics. It is gratifying to add that this temporary interruption of official relations has not prevented the attention by the representatives of the United States in Mexico to the protection of American citizens, as far as practicable, [Por has it interferred with the prompt payment of the amounts du: from Mexico to the United States, under the treaty of July 4, 1868, and the awards of the Joint Commission. While Ido not anticipate an interruption of the friendly relations with Mexico, yet I cannot but look with some soli citude upon a continuance of border disorders as are exposing the two countries to incita tions of popular feeling and mischances of ac tion which are naturally unfavorable to com plete amity. Firmly determined that nothing shall be wanting orrmy part to promote a good understanding between the two nations, I yet must ask the attention of Congress to the ac tual occurrences on the border, that the ryes and property of our citizens may be adequately protected, and peace preserved. THE CUBAN QUESTION Another year has passed without bringing to a close the protracted contest between the Spanish Government and the insurrection on the Island of Cuba. While the United States have sedulously abstained from any interven tion in this contest it is impossible to feel that it is attended with incidents affecting the rights and interests of American citizens.— Apart from the effect of the hostilities of trade between the United States and Cuba, their progress is inevitably accompanied by com plaints, having more or less foundation, of searches, arrests, embargoes and oppressive taxes upon the property of American residents and of unprovoked interference with American vessels and commerce. It is due to the Gov ernment of Spain to say, that during the past year it has promptly disavowed and offered reparation for any unauthorized acts of unduly zealous subordinates whenever such acts have been brought to his attention. Nevertheless, such occurrences cannot but fend to excite feelings of annoyance, suspicion, and resent msnt, which are greatly to be deprecated be tween the respective subjects and citizens of two friendly powers. THE VENEZUELAN AWARD Much delay, consequent upon the accusation of fraud in some of the awards, has occurred iu the distribution of the limited amounts re ceived from Venezuela, under the treaty of April 25, 1866, applic ►ble to the awards of the joint commission, created by that treaty. So long as these matters are pending in Congress the Executive cannot assume either to pass upon the question presented or to distribute the fund received. It is eminently desirable that definite legislative action should be taken, either affirming the award to be final, or pro viding some method for re-examination of the claims. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA, Our relations with the Republics of Central and South America 9. cta with th Empire of Brazil have continued without serious change, further than the temporary iuterrtiption of diplomatic intercourse with Venezuela and with Gautemala. Amicable relations have already been fully restored with Venezuela, and it is not doubted that all grounds of mis understanding with Gunter - Imill will speedily be removed. From all these countries there are favorable indications of a disposition on the part of their governments and people to reciprocate our efforts in the direction of increased commercial intercourse. THE SAMOAN ISLA.NO3. The Government of the Samoan Islands has sent an envoy iu the person of its Secretary of State, to invite the Government of the United States to recognize and •protect their independence, to establish commercial rela-. tions with their people, and to assist them in their steps toward a regulated and responsible government. The inhabitants of these islands, having made considerable progress in Chris tian civilization and the development of trade, are doubtful of their ability of maintaining peace and independence without the aid of some stronger lower. The subject is deemed worthy of respectful attention, and the claims upon our assistance by this distant community will be carefully considered. OUR FOREIGN TRADE. The long commercial depression in the United States has directed attention to the subject of the possible increase of our foreign trade and the method of its development, not only with Europe, but with other countries, especially with the States and sovereignties of the Western Hemisphere. Instructions from the Department of State were issued to the various Diplomatic and Consular officers of the Government, asking them to devote atten tion to the question of the methods by which trade between the respective countries of their official residence and the United States could be more judiciously fostered. In obedience to these instructions, examinations and reports upon its subject have been made by many of these officers and transmitted to the Depart ments, and the same are submitted to the con lideration of Congress. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. The annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the state of the finances, presents important questions far the action of Congress, upon some of which I have already remarked, The revenues of the Government during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1877, were $269,- 000,386.62. The total expenditures for the same period were $238,660,008.93, leaving a surplus revenue of $30,340,577.69. This has substantially supplied the requirements of the sinking fund for that year. The estimated revenues:of the current fiscal year are $265,- 500,000, and the estimated expenditures for the same period are $232,430,643.72. If these estimates prove to be correct, there will be a surplus revenue of $33,069,356 28, an amount nearly sufficient for the sinking fund for that year. The estimated revenues for the next fiscal year are $269,250,000. It appears, from the report, that during the last fiscal year the revenues of the Govern went, compared with the previous year, have largely decreased. This decrease, amounting to the sum of $18,481,452 54, was mainly in custom duties, caused partly by a large fall ing off of the amount of imported dutiable goods, and partly by the general fall of prices in the markets of production of such articles as pay ad valorem taxes. While this is felt injuriously in the diminution of the revenue, it has been accompanied with a very large in crease of exportation. The total exports dur ing the last fiscal year, including coin, have been $658,637,475, and the imports have been $492,097,540, leaving a balance of trade in favor of the United States amounting to the sum of $166,539,917, the beneficial effects of which extend to all branches of business. The estimated revenue for the next year will impose upon Congress the duty of strictly limiting appropriations, including the requisite sum for the maintenance of the sinking fund within the aggregate estimated receipts.— While the aggregate of taxes should not lie increased, amendments might be made to the revenue laws that would, without diminishing the revenue, relieve the people from unneces sary burdens. A tax on tea and coffee is shown by the experience, not only of our own country, but of other countries, to he easily collected without loss by undervaluation or fraud, and largely borne in the country of pro duction. A tax of ten cents a pound on tea, and two cents a pound on coffee, would pro duce revenue exceeding $12,000,000, and thus enable Congress to repeal a multitude of an noying taxes yielding a revenne not exceeding that sum. The internal revenue system grew out of the necessities of the war, and most of the legislation imposing a tax on domestic products under this system has been repealed. By the substitution of a tax on tea and coffee all forms of internal taxation may he repealed except that on whisky,spirits,tobacco,and beer. PROTECTION OF THE REVEEUE. Attention is also called to the necessity of enacting more vigorous laws for the protec tion of the revenue and for the punishment of fraud and smuggling. This can best be done by judicious provisions that will induce the disclosure of attempted fraud, by undervalua tion and smuggling. All revenue laws should be simple in their provisions and easily un derstood. So far as practicable the rates of taxation should be in the form of specific du ties, and not ad valorem, requiring the judg mont of experienced men to ascertain values, and not exposing the revenue to the tempta— tion of fraud. My attention has been called during the recess of Congress to the abuses existing in the collection of the customs, and strenuous efforts have been made for their correctiou by ExecUtive orders. The recom mendations submitted to the Secretary of the Treasury by a commission appointed to exam ine into the collection of customs duties at the port of New York contain many suggestions for the modifications of the customs laws to which the attention of Congress is invited. It is a matter of congratulation that, notwith standing the severe difference caused by the war, the public faith with all creditors has .been preserved, and that, as the result of this policy, the public credit has continuously advanced, and our public securities are regarded with the highest favor in the markets of the world. I trust that no act of the Gov ernment will cast a shadow upon its credit. .REPUPIDISO THE PUBLIC DEBT The progress of refunding the public debt has been rapid and satisfactory. Under the contract existing when I entered upon the discharge of the duties of my office, bonds b earing interest at the rate of four and a half per cent. were being rapidly sold, and within three months the aggregate sales of these bonds had reached the sum of $200,000,000. With my sanction, the Secretary of the Treas ury entered into a new contract for the sale of four per cent. bonds, and within thirty days after the popular subscription for such bonds was opened, subscriptions were had amount ing to $75,496,550, which were paid for within ninety days after the date of subscription. By this process, within but little more than one year, the annual interest on the public debt was reduced in the sum of $3,775,000. THE SAVINGS OF-THE PEOPLE. I recommend that suitable provision be made to enable the people to easily convert their savings into Government securities, as to the best mode in which small savings may be well secured and yield a moderate interest. It is an object of public policy to retain among our own people Ole securities of the United States. In this way our country is guarded against their sudden return from foreign countries caused by war or other disturbances beyound our limits. OUR FOREIGN COMMERCE. The commerce of the United States with foreign nations, and especially the export of domestic productions, has of late years largely increased, but the greater portion of this trade is conducted in foreign vessels. The import ance of enlarging our foreign trade, and especially by direct and speedy interchange with countries on this continent, can not be overestimated, and it is a matter of great moment that our shipping interest should receive to the utmost practical extent, the benefit of our commerce with other lands. These considerations are forciblyurged by all the large commercial cities of the country, and public attention is generally and wisely attracted to the solution of the problems they present. it is not doubted that Congress will take them up in the broadest spirit of liberal ity, and respond to the public demand by practical legislation upon this imporent subject THE NEZ PERCES WAR. The report of the Secretary of War shows that the army has been actively employed during the year, and has rendered very import ant service in suppressing hostilities in the Indian country, and iu preserving peaoe and protecting life and property in the interior, as well as along the Mexican border. A long and arduous campaign has been prosecuted with final complete success against a portion of the Nez Perces tribe of Indians. A full account of this campaign will be found in the report of the General of the Army. It will be seen that in its course several severe battles were fought, in which a number of gallant officers and men lost their lives. I join with the Secretary of War and the General of the army in awarding to the officers and men employed in the long and toilsome pursuit, and the final capture of these Indians, the honor and praise which are so justly their due. THE LABOR DISTURBANCES. The very serious riots which occurred in several of the States in July last, rendered necessary the employment of a considerable portion of the army to preserve the peace and maintain order in the States of West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Illinois. These disturbances were so formid able as to defy the local and State authorities, and the Nat onal Eseouti e was called upon, in the mode provided by the Constitution and laws, to furnish military, and I am gratified to be able to state that the troops sent in response to the calls for aid in the suppression of domestic violence were able, by the influence of their presence in the disturbed regions, to preserve the peace and re store order without the use of force in the discharge of this delicate and important duty. Both officers and men acted with great prudence and courage, and for their services deserve the thanks of the country. THE RIO GRANDE TROUBLES. Disturbances along the Rio Grande, in Texas, to which I have already referred, have rendered necessary the constant employment of a military force in that vicinity. A full report of all military operations in that quarter has been transmitted to the House of Representatives, in answer to a res olution of that body, and it will, therefore, not be necessary to ante; into cietails. I regret to say that these lawless incursions into our territory, of armed bands from the Mexican side of the line, for the purpose of robbery, have been of frequent occurrence, and in spite of the moet vigilant efforts of the commander of our forces, the marauders have generally succeeded in escaping into Mexico with the plunder. In May last I gave orders for the exercise of tha utmost•vigilance on tLe part of our troops for the suppression of these raids, s i nd the punishment of the guilty partieS 14 well as the recapture of property pthleo by them. General Ord, oommandiug in Texas, was directed to invite the oo,operation of the Mexican authorities in the efforts to this end, and to assure them that I was anxious to avoid giving the least offense to Mexi co. At the same time he was directed to give no tice of my determination to put an end to the in vasion of our territory by lawless bands intent up on the plunder of our peaceful citizens, even if the effectual punishment of the outlaws should make the crossing of the border by our troops, in their pursuit, necessary. It is believed that this policy has had the effect to check somewhat these depre dations, and that, with a considerable increase of our force upon that frontier, and the establishment of several additional military posts along the Rio Grande, so as more effectually to guard that ex tensive border, peace may be preserved, and the lives and property of our citizens in Texas fully protected. REDUCING THE ARMY Prier to the first day of July last, the army was, in accordance with law, reduced to the maximum of 25,000 enlisted men, being a reduction of 2,500 below the force previously authorized. This re duction was made, as required by law, entirely from the infantry and artillery branches of the service, without any reduction of the cavalry. Un der the law, as it now stands, it is necessary that the cavalry regiments be recruited t• one hundred men in each company, for service on the Mexi'an and Indian frontiers. The necessary effect of this legislation is to reduce the infantry and artillery arms of the service below the number required for efficiency, and I concur with the Secretary of War in recommending that authority be given to re cruit a!1 companies of infantry to at least fifty men, and all batteries of artillery to at least sev enty-five men, with the power, in cases of emer gency, to increase the former to 100 and the latter to 122 men each. I invite your special attention to the following recommendations of the Secretary of War : First, That provision be made for supplying to the army a more abundant and better supply of reading matter. Second, That early action be taken by Congress looking to a complete revision and re publication of the army Regulations. Third, That section 1,258 of the Revised S'atutos, limiting the number of officers on the retired list, be repealed. Fourth, That the claims arising under the act of July 4. 1864, for supplies taken by the army du ring the war, be taken from the offices of the Quer— t2ruaaster and Commissary Generals and transfer red to the Southern Claims Commission, or some other tribunal having more time and better facili ties for the prompt investigation and decision than are 'possessed by these officers. Fifth, That Con gress provide for an annuity fund tor the families of deceased soldiers, as recommended by the Pay master-General of the Army. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. The report of the Secretary of the Navy shows that we have six squadrons now engaged in the protection, of our commerce and other duties per taining to the naval service. The conditions and operations of the department are also shown. The total expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1877, were $16,077,974.51. There are unpaid claims against the department chargeable to the last year, which are presented to the consideration of Congress by the report of the Secretary. The estimates for the fiscal year commencing J uly 1, 1873, are $16.233,32440, exclusive of the sum of $2,314,231 submitted for new buildings, repairs and improvements in the several navy yards. The appropriations for the present fiscal year, com mencing July 1, 1377, are $13,5V2,932.90. The amount drawn trom the Treraury from July 1 to November 1, 1877, is $5,343,037.10, of which there is estimated to be yet available $1,029,128.30, showing the amount of actual expenditure during the first four months of the present fiscal year to have been $4,312,509.10. POSTOFFICE DEPARTHgtiT. The report of the Postmaster General c mtains a full aed clear statement of the Postoffice Depart ment. The ordinary revenues of the Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1877, including receipts from money-order business and from offi cial stamps and stamped envelopes, amounted to the sum of $27,531,535.26.• The additional sum of $7,013,000 was realized from appropriations from the general Treasury for various purposes, making the receipts from all sources $34,844,885.20. The total expenditures during the fiscal year amounted to $33,186,322.41, leaving an excess of total receipts over total expenditures of $1,058,502.82, and an excess of total expenditures over ordinary receipts of $5.954.737.18. Deducting from the total receipts the sum of $0,326,184, received from international money orders in the preceding fiscal year, and deducting from the total expenditures the sum of $163,818.30, paid on liabilities incurred in the previous fiscal years, the expenditures and receipts appertaining to the business of the last fiscal year were as follows : Expenditures, $52,122.- 504.24; receipts (ordinary from money-order busi ness and from official postage stamps), $27,468,- 323.42; excess of expenditures, $4,881,180.42- The ordinary revenues of the Postoffice Depart ment for the year ending June 30, 1879, are esti mated at an increase of 3 per cent. over those of 1877, taking $29,031,098.28, and the expenditures for the same year are estimated at $30,427,771, leaving an estimated deficiency for the year 1879 of $7,393,672.72. The additional legislation recommended by the Postmaster-General for the improvement of the mail service and to protect the postal revenues from the abuses practiced under existing laws, is respectfully commended to the careful considera tion of Congress. ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S OFFICE The report of the Attorney-General contains several suggestions as to the administration of jus tice,, to which I invite your attention. The pres sure of business in the Supreme Court, and in cer tain Circuit Courts of the United States, is now such that serious delays, to the great injury and even oppression of suitors, occur, and a remedy should be sought for this condition of affairs. Whether it will be found in the plan briefly sketch ed in the report, of increasing the number of Judg es of the Circuit Courts, by means of this addition to the judicial force, or of creating an intermedi ate Court of Errors and Appeals, or whether some other mode can be devised for obviating the diffi culties which now exist, I leave to your mature consideration. THE MILE PROBLEM. The present condition of the Indian tribes in the territories of the United States, and our rela tions with them, are fully set forth in the reports of the Secretary of the Interior and the Commis sioner of Indian Affairs. After a series of most deplorable conflicts, the successful termination of which, while reflecting honor upon the brave sol diers who accomplished it, cannot lessen our re gret at their occurrence. We are now at peace with all the Indian tribes within our borders. To preserve that peace with a just and humane policy will be the object of my earnest endeavors. What ever may be said of their character and savage propensities, of the difficulties of instructing among them the habits of civilised life, and of the obstacles they have offered to the progress of set tlement and enterprise in certain parts of the country, the Indians are 'certainly entitled to our sympathy, and to a conscientious respect, on our part, for their claims upon our sense of justice. They were the aboriginal occupants of the land we Low possess; they have been driven from place to place; the purchase money paid to them, in some cases, for what they called their own, has still left them poor. In many instances, when they had settled down upon land assigned to them by compact, and began to support themselves by their own labor, they were redly jostled off and thrust into the wilderness again. Many, it' not most of our Indian wars, have had their origin in broken promises and acts of injustice upon our part ; and the advance of the Indians in civiliza tion has been slow because the treatment they received did not permit it to be faster and more general. We cannot expect them to improve and follow our guidance unless we keep faith with them in respecting the rights they possess, and unless, instead of depriving them of their oppor tunities, we lend them a helping hand. I cordi ally approve the policy regarding the management of Indian affairs outlined in the reports of the Secretary of the Interior and of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. The faithful performance of our promises is the first condition of a good un derstanding with the Indians. I cannot too ur gently recommend to Congress that prompt and liberal provision be made for the conscientious fulfillment of all engagements entered into by the Government with the Indian tribes. To withhold the means necessary for the performance of a promise, is always false economy, and is apt to prove disastrous in its consequences. Especial care is recommended to provide for Indians set tled on their reservations, cattle and agricultural implements to aid them in whatever efforts they make to support themselves, and by the establish ment and maintenance of schools, to bring them under the control of civilized influence. I see no reason why Indians, who can give satisfactory proof of having, by their own labor, supported their families for a number of years, arid who are willing to detach themselves from their tribal re lations, should net be admitted to the benefit of the Homestead act and the privilege of citizen ship, and I recommend the passage of a law to that effect. It would be an act of justice, as well as a measure of encouragement. Earnest efforts are being made to purify the Indian service, se that every dollar appropriated by Congress shall rebound to the benefit of the Indians, as intended. Those efforts will have my firm support. With an improved service, and every possible encourage. ment held out to the Indians to better their con dition and to elevate themselves in the seals of civilization, we may hope to accomplish, at the same time, a good work for them and for ourselves. raBEIIT DIPRIDATIO,IIS. I invite the attention of Congress to the impor tame, of the statements and suggestions made by the Secretary of the Interior, concerning the dep predations committed on the timber lands of the United States, and the necessity for the preserva tion pf the fores, It is believed that the meas ures taken in pursuance of existing law to arrest these depredations will be entirely successful if Congress, by an appropriation for that purpose, renders their continued enforcement possible. The experience of other nations teaches us that a coun try cannot be stripped of its forests with impuni ty, and we shall submit ourselves to the gravest consequences unless the wasteful and improvident manner in which the forests in the United States are destroyed be effectually remedied. I earnestly recommend that the measures suggested by the Sec retary of the Interior, for the suppression of dep redations apon the public timber lands of the Uni ted States, for the selling of timber from the pub- lic lands, and for the preset vation of the forests, be embodied it 4 a law, and thst, considering the urgent necessity of enabling the people of certain States and Territories to purchase timber from the public lands in a. legal manner, which at present they cannot do, such a law should be passed with out unavoidable delay. DESP:ItT LANDS. I would also call the attention of Congress to the statement made by the Secretary of the Inte rior concerning the disposition that might be mad• or the desert lands, not irrigable, west of the one hundredth meridian. These lands are practically unsaleable under existing laws, and the suggestion is worthy of consideration, that a system of lease hold tenure would make them a source of profit to the United States, while, at the same time, legali zing the business of cattle raising, which is at present carried on upon them. THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. The i report of the Commissioner of Agriculture contains the qualifying announcement of the ex traordinary success which has rewarded the agri cultural industry of the country for the past year, with the fair prices which obtain for the product of the soil, especially for the surplus which our people have to export. We may confidently turn to this as the most important of all our resources for the revival of the depressed industries of the country. The report shows our agricultural pro. gress during the year. and contains a statement of the work done by this Department for the advance ment of agricultural industry, upon which the pros perity of our people so largely depends. Matteis of information aro included of great interest to all who seek, by the experience of others, to improve their own methods of cultivation. The efforts of the Department to increase the production of im portant articles of consumption will it is hoped, improve the demand for labor, and advance the business of the country, and eventually result in savino , some of the many millions that are now annually paid to foreign nations for sugar and other staple products, which habitual use has made necessary in our domestic everyday life. THE CENTENNIAL E:l The Board on behalf of the United States Exeou. tire Department, at the International Exhibition of 1876, has cuncluded its labors. The final report of the Board was transmitted to Congress by the President near the close of the last session. A. these papers are understood to contain intereatiug and valuable information, and will constitute the only report emanating from the Government on the subject of the Exhibition, I invite attention to the matter, and recommend that the report be published for general information. DIOTRICT OF COLUMBIA AFFAIRS. Congress is empowered by the Constitution with the authority of exclusive legislation over the Dia triot of Columbia, in which the seat of Government of the nation is located. The interests of the Dis trict, having no direst representation in Congress, are entitled to special consideration and care at the ban is of the General Government. The Capital of the United States belongs to the nation, and it is natural that the American people should take pride in the seat of their National Government, and desire it to be an ornament to the country.— Much has been done to render it healthful, con venient, and attractive; but much remains to be done which its permanent inhabitants are not able, and ought not to be expected, to do. To irupo,e upon them a large proportion of the cost required for public improvements, which are, in a great measure, planned and intended for the convenience of the Government, and of the many thousands of visitors from all parts of the country who tempo rarily reside at the capital of the nation, is an evident injustice. Special attention is asked by the Commissioners the District, in their report, which is herewith transmitted, to the importance of a permanent adjustment by Congress of the financial relations between the United States and the District, involving the regular annual con tributions by the United States of its just •propor tion of the expenses of the District Government, and of the outlay of all needed public improve ments, and such measures of relief from the burden of taxation now resting upon the people of the District use iu the wisdom of Congress may be deemed just. Tree report of the Commissioners shows that the affairs of the District aro in a con dition as satisfactory as could be expected, in view of the heavy burden of debt resting upon it, and its very limited means fuseetsessary expenses. The debt of the Distriet follows: Oid fended debt, $3,379,691 96 ; 34W3 bonds guaranteed by the United Sin-tee - 113,743,250 ; total bonded debt; $22 122,941 96. To which should be added certain outstanding claims, as explained in the report of the Commissioners, $1,137.204 52, making the total debt of the Distr ct $23,310,146 48. The Commissioners also ask attention to the importance of the improvement of the Potomac River, and the reclamation of the Marshes border ing the city of Washington, and their views on the subject as concurred iu by the members of the Board of Health, whose report is also herewith transmitted. Both the commercial and sanitary interests of the District will be greatly promoted, I doubt not, by this improvement. Your attention is invited to the suggestion of the Commissioners and of the Board of Health, for the organization of a Board of Charities to have supervision and control of the disbursements of all moneys for charitable purposes from the District Treasury. I desire also to ask your especial at tention to the need of addiog.to the efficiency of the public schools of the District by supplemental aid from the National Treasury. This isespocially just, since so large a number attending these schools are children of employes of the Govern ment. I earnestly commend to your care the in terests of the people of the District, who are re intimately associated witlf the Government estab lishments, and to whose enterprise the good order and attractiveness of the Capital are largely due, and I ask your attention to the request of the Commissionere for legislation in behalf of the interests entrusted to their care, and the appro priations asked for. The care of the reservations belonging to the Government within the oity by the Commissioner of Public buildings and Grounds are also commended to your favorable consideration. THE WASHINGTaN MONtatiNT. The report of the joint commission created by the act approved August 2, 1375, entitled—"An act providing for the completion of the Washing ton monument," is also herewith transmitted, with accompanying docisment& The Board of Engi neer of tmrs detailed to examine the monument in compliance with the second section of the act, have reported that the foundation is insufficient. No authority exists for soaking the expenditure necessary to seoure its stability. I therefore rec ommend that the commission be authorised to ex pend such portion of the sum appropriated by the act as may be necessary for the purpose. The present unfinished condition of the monument, be gun so long ago, is a reproach to the nation. It cannot be doubted that the patriotic sense of the country will warmly respond to such prompt pro vision as may be made for its completion at an early day, and I urge upon Congress the necessity and prorric•ty of immediate legislation for this purpose. TVCUNICAL ACUOvLS, The u; , •dem of legislation upon the part of Con gress in aid of the States for the education of the whole peopie in those branches of study which are taught in the common schools of the conotry, is no longer a question. The intelligent judgment of the uonntry goon still further, regarding it as also buth c.,nstt•utional and expedient for the General Government to extend to technical and higher cduoation such aid as is essential to the general welfare, and to our due prominence among the enlightened and cultured nations of the world. The ultimate future, whether of administration or finance, or true nationality or sentiment, depends upon the virtue and intelligence of the people. It is in vain to hope for the success of a free govern ment without the moans of insuring the intelli gence of those who are &source of power. No lees than one-sevenths,: the entire voting population of our country are yet unable to read and write. It is encouraging to observe in connection with the growth of fraternal feeling in those States in which slavery formerly existed evidences of in creasing interest in universal education, and I shall be glad to give my approval to any appro priate measures which may be enacted by Congress for the purpose of supplementing, with national aid, the local systems of education in those States and in all the States. NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Having already invited your attention to the needs of the Distri,:t of Columbia with respect to its public school system, I here add that I believe • it desirable, not so much with reference to the cal wants of the District, but to thegreat andla;t ing benefit of the entire country, that this system should be crowned with a univsrsity in all respects in keeping with the National Capital, and thereby realise the cherished hopes of Washingtha on this subject. NATIORAL MUBRUXAND LIBRARY. I also earnestly commend the request of the Re gents of the Smithsonian Institute that an tale quote appropriation be made for the establishment and conduct of a National Museum under their su pervision. The question of providing for the pres ervation and growth of the Library of Congress is also one of national importance. As the deposi tory of all copyright publications and records, this Library has outgrown the provisions for its se commodaticns, and the ereetioa on such site as the judgment of Congress may approve, of the Ire proof Literary Building, to preserve the treasure and enlarge the usefulness of this valuable collec tion, is recommended. I recommend also such legislation as will render available and efficient, for the purpose of instruc tion, so far as is consistent with the public ser vice, the cabinets or museums ofinvention, of sur gery, of education, and of agriculture, and other collections the property of the National Govern ment. The Capital of the Nation ebeaW be loam thing more than a mere political center. We should avail ourselves of all the opportunities which Providence has hers placed at oureet►mand to promote the general intaWymes of the people, and increase the conditions roost estorsble to the. swollen and perpetuity of coy 'attitudes". (Signed B NO. 49.
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