I Pc- its No, 4 Buifinch St., Bostoa, (Opposite kePtc ) THE SGIENGE OF LEA ; Or. SELF-PnESERVAI lON. MORE TITAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD. Gold .llethg. Award,q to tiv Author hy tit, ••Nutional .11rdif , a1 Aesociation," March .31st, 1576. UST published 'by .1 PELOT)Ii MEMeAT, 'ISsT JTI:TE, a nett - raition of the e.,lebrat.l uork e:it if le.l the "THE SCIENCE OF LIFE; or, SHIA' h treat upon 51..enionu, how 10-t, how regained and how perpetuated ; enure and cure it Exliam -10.1 Vitalit), Impotentcy, Premature Decline in Man, :,;;iermatercleem or Semimll Les,e4 (nocturnal :del ,liar- Idria, Gh.auy Energy, }I:1g ho1 and L,,e of Menlo I, ai, I all di,e,see:tri.dtig frota iete4 or eXCeAti ul 11,1 , ,S..rvilus and Nip:, Menta! 1), gar.lluichanc, litiptireStat , 1h EL You It ten, yon all about the Morale or Generative ogy, the Mycology of Marriage, of Wedlock and Otispring, Physical C.,ntnims, True Moctality, Euipiricimo Perver sion of Marriage,. Conjugal Precept and Friendly Conned, Physical InGrmily, Its Causes and Cure, Relations _Be tween the Sexes, Proofs of the Expansion of Vice, The Miseries of Impudence, Ancient, uorance and Errori, MEAN:: of Cunt:, Cure ofilly and Mind. Tart: PRINCI- Pi.Li OF TREATMENT, AMIN., to httiolltS out invalid Read ers, The Author's Principles. The price of this hoick:is only $l.OO. This Book also contains MORE THAN FIFTY PRESCRIPTIONS for the above named and other diseases, each one Worth note than the prier of the book. V:01111.10 wor's ttrating ly, 4,11 'MENTAL ANP N 1 I:VOI.SIPEASES; t i:Li - yid) e l:, ,nun ity for priptii, t;.r youtc *Mt t»5 otileOtfrgoll Merl to rear' IllAt •ieliee of , or rt•ir . - wan., has rotizri isi e•icell• 11,1 t an ih, (.'ommliitiL7 .442 h. PY4b.dY 4 I:al:lath Stavit.' fart , Vius, ibtionz "The Life iK extraonlinal) 4. I .yond all cataparipttlll6 mo,t pabltßllell7—./7.,?: ton 11.-i'arr, "Ibite naitiud iii.t.lielbottoin of Pandora's lox and hope pinnies her wings anew, sinee 11ro i§suing: of then valua ble works, published by the Peabody 3103ical Institute, wiiiiikare teat:Meg tbon,andi how to avoid the maladies tlittAlOthe citadel of lifr."—Phikiel4ltio - Amptirer. t'llibi , ulll be read by thei. , ysltutz. ills middl,aged tad even this o:.l.',—Se l,,rk ?Whiny. tiNt .01 only 31. 1.4 i es, concernsd open any Mod ica] Man in title o. , lntry, as a rv,:ognitiou of skill :uul protessi L mal ~,,,, 0 0 1.1 ,,, `111 , 41 1110 :111014, Of th,,• werk , , 1N7t.1. The pre.ottatten Wa4 te•ticed ai thu t ito., f its ocenrrow.., hy the I.luPton l'resA, and tilt leading journals thrunghont th, comary. This Inagnift cent Modal ih of :rpm with funro than cue hunt tired India rare "Altogether, in Iti execution and the ridtlO,s of it, m a. and Ace, Oh, i.i ,l r idr lly the 111 St medal ever t,truck in this country for any purl ever. It is well worth the inspection ..f It was fairly min awl worthily bestowed.".— sells Plougle4o, June 341886. 4e• CatalOgne sent on receipt of Cc. fir postage Either of the abort , works sent Icy . wail on receipt of price. Adifti.sit "PEABODY • MEDICAI INSTITUTE, (or W. 11. PARKER, M. L., Consulting Physician,) No. 4 Bid finch St. Boston, Mass., (.1, p. Revere house. N. B. The author ran he consulted on the above named diseases, as well as all diseases requiring skill, secrecy and experience. Office hours, 9A.M.to 6 P. 3t. [aug. Medical VEGETINE Strikes at the root of diseaBo by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidnus to hcoUb.y lb eraut.Ej.stein. VEGETINE Is not a vile nauseous compound, which simply purges the bowels, but a safe, pleasant remedy which is sure to purify the blood and thereby re stetb - VEGETINE Is now prescribed in cases of Scrofula and other diseases of the Wood, by many of the best physi cians, owing to its great success in curing all dis eases of this nature. VEGETINE Does notleivoivs invalids into false hopes by purg ing and gt:eftiwg fiptitihui appetite, but assists nature in dee - ring a:mrpuridting the whole system, leading the patient gradually to perfect health. VEGETINE Was looked upon as an experiment for some time by some of our best physicians, but those most in credulous in regard to its merit are now its most ardent friends and supporters. VEGETINE Instead of beinz a puffed—up medicine has worked its way up to its present astonishing success by actual merit in curing all diseases of the blood, of whatever nature. VEGETINE Says a Boston physician. "has no equal as a blood purifier. Hearing of its many wonderful cure', after all other remedies had tUiled, I visited the labratory and convinced myself of its genuine merit. It is prepared from barks, roots and herbs, each of which is highly effective, and they are compounded in such a manner as to produce as tonishing results." VEGETINE Is acknowledged and recommended by physicians and apothecaries to be the best purifyer and cleans er of the blood yet discovered, and thousands speak in its praise who have 'been restored to health. PROOF. WHAT IS NEEDED. Bemis, Feb. 13, ISTI. Nr. 11. It. STZTENS:—Dear Sir—About one year !•;nce 1 found myself in a feeble condition from general debility. Val STINE was strongly rec ommended to me by a filend who had been much bentated by its use. I procured the article and . . feherstiolieerersi4elll4ei l / 2 - was-restored los health and discontinued its use. I feel quite confident that there is no medicine superior to it for those complaints for which it is especially prepared, and woulditufttillir 4, , md it tt ; those' Alist feel thaktitylbef in t f name tin to per foet7eaTtn. Pespec fu ry yours, • U. .I. YHTTINO ILL. Firm of S. M. Pettingill * Co, 10 State St. Boston. CINCINNATI, Nov. 2L, 1572 Mr. 11. R. STNVENS :—Dear Sir—The two bottles of VEGETINE furntehed me by your agent, my wife has used with great benefit., For a long time 14 ho has been triiutiled with diz siness and cos/imam; tbefie troubles are now en tirely removed by the'hie'of YEGETINE. She was also troubled with Dyspepsia and Gen eral Debility ; and has been greatly benefited; • TILOS. GILMOUR, 2201 Walnht St. FEEL MYSELF A. NEW MAN NATICK, 3lass., June let, 1872. Ma. IL It. STEVENS Dear Sir—Through the advice awl earnest per suasion of Rev. E. S. Best, of this place, I have been taking VEGETDIE for Dyspepsia, of which I have suffered for years. I have weed only two bottles sod airesuly feel mysclf a new man. Respectfully, J. W. QAUTE.II. ReliAjt. from O 'PractiCal Vhcmist Apothecary, BOSTON, Jan. 1, 1874 , Dear Sir—This is to certify that I have sold at retail 150 dozen (1852 bottles) of your VEGE TINE since April 12 1870, and can truly say that it has given the best satisfaction of any remedy for the complaints for which it is recommended, that I ever sold. Scarcely a day passes without some of my customers testifying to its merits on themselves or their friends. lam perfectly cog nizant of several cases of Scrofulous Tumors be ing cured by VEGETINE alone In this vicinity. Very respectfully yours, A. OILMAN, 463 Broadway. To 11. R. STEVENS, Eso. _ _ , - fang 25-1 m VEGETINE IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE FOR YOUR JOB PRINTING If you want sale bills, If you want bill beads, If you want letter heads, If you want visiting cards, If you want business cards, If you want blanks of any kind, If you want envelopes neatly printed If you want anything printed - in a, workman like manner, and at veity .reasonable Yates, leave yourordera at the above named office. wm. WILLIAMS, MANUFACTURER OF .MARBLE MANTLES, MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, &C., HIINTING,D.ON, PLASTER PARIS CORNICES, MOULDINGS, &C ALSO SLATE MANTLES FURNISHED TO ORDER. Jan. 4, 11. LEND 25c. to G. P. ROWELL & CO., V— , New York, tor Pamphlet of 100 pages, con taining lists of 3000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising. [inehlo,763, r._.• ti , u 41 1 ; t t!k 1 , 4 ;; ;7 (1:•Zi: - i.t t. •,..4-itonl:Jiing to find the praesi. ors at t!i:4 (I:4v htate !we., ;;; ,dze honey ? A. goo,i toattnen stand of ices, having but to will iherelve their -;tock of from One to two pounds in 12 boars' fair work. What chance is there here fur a tligestil'e process ? Place three pour vi,; of loaf _ , 11;4 , 1r syrup within elsy 01 t-iand at, 8 p. in. ; it wilt !to t.tkcit up und storeti anay hc f;re rutiri:se noxt, (lice thus Nflei barrehi I JOUliCi conib the former was elenr.r dirt. 'rho honey beeoming exhause;l, I then fed the leets durilr!.; the rest Or the Eta with loaf :4yrup. Upon examination next spring 1 found the comb cells filled with wA graini.ll loaf sugar, PNekelv iiLe tk.t i bad diss,lvt:i to the bees With. (;t;._•r comb cell.; were partly filled with enb.t ho%ey awl partly with ground Principles of Good Farming ~i•i_<,! Tho bditer important f....ts llie : Ao4ffiory, I t r f;rl , l l,i reduei ig the principles oi . ,t 1 i'lrffling to brief a sin- 4Vth- I carry about, the mental trainattm to Le or hoc•. The f 1 : 1. The fitruior who %;•ciil,l str.,e,;eil and deiive p!..asure is wcil a s profit frail!! leis calling, tuusi th3ni:mt an 'atttive and abiding interest in hi+ v,eation. 1L take heart work to mak; !laud work pleasant. 2. The fArn.ier must. bzudy how bust to inerean and maintain fertility to 11;;;"3 soils. There is fio inertia in a...f . :ulture.'` There must be proges=, either forward or retro grade- uni,mat i,ts s,acq,u• 3. The farmer must strive to increase the quality as well as the quantity of hiS crops. It is the quality that determines the price. In this "Excelsior" should be his unvarying motto. 4. The farmer must seek with a watch. ful eye to improve his market facilities. It is. transpurtatiQu that eats up the profits, 5. The art of raising better stock is not as well known it should be. Keep no more animals than you have the facilities to fed and care for well. , •- _ 4 ; G. The farmer must seek to improve his social, intellectual and financial condition. PORK AND GRAIN.—The difference of opinion as to the quantity of pork that may be produced T.. 4 a bushel .or gxain is surprising. -• The - Most elaborate expe riments were_ made at : the Michigan Agri euKural College to d4ettnine Ofie quistiop. In almost all the experiments which have been tried, corn-meal alone has been uia, and the pigs_ showed at Sliort intervab disorded digestion. At the Michigan Ag ricultural College . the weighing of the pigs and fool were carriel out with grea t accuracy, bet the pigs were at times so dainty in their.:. eating that jt .alai' ilet de termine the real value of a bushel of corn when fed in connection with fibrous fund. It merely - determined the value of:corn meal feed pure and simple. But this has its, Tann, fctr.it shows what May In expec ted when the pig's stomach is abused. These experiments . showed about ten pounds average increase of live weight to a bushel of corn-meal. As desirable as rotation in office may be it cannot! be more ao than judicious rotation of crops raised on the farm. No matter how fertile the soil, it is conceded that ccrnstant cropping with nc, two or three, kinds of graiu, will wear out the land. All good firmers concede that a proper rotation of crops, including the grasses, should be followed. Chemists inform us that the nutriment of food-pro ducing. plants is taken in part from the soil in solution _through the roots, and partly `frem .the air through the leaves, and therefore, that suitable food ninit be provided, or a manifest deterioration will result. The good farmer, while he aims to, produce the largest crops at the lest expense, will also be, careful to keep up the fertillt of afe - soil *by a judicious ro tation of crops, supplemented by the ap plication of manures :to the land.—.Rurid World. THE QUINCE AS A MARKET FRUIT.-• A writer for the Country Gentleman, who seems to have considerable Experience with this fruit, gives the following items and advice : The trees should be planted twelve feet apart each way, requiring 325 for an acre ; trees four years old some times bear from one peck to one half bush el; the price of the fruit in New York varies fr3tu six to ten dollars per bushel. At this rate an acre should yield two hun dred and twenty five bushels, worth in market $450. It would seem that the greatest drawback is the trouble front the borer, which kills many of the trees and so weakens the others that they fail to yield remunerative crops. This enemy is most destructive upon dry upland soils. The best varieties are the Orange and Pea's Mammoth. A fitilure of crops is predicted in Ore gon for the coming season. - The early fall rains were too slight to prepare the ground for plowing. The great storm that set in iu November and continued till December, with &.earcely a day's inter mission, astoDii,::ed the oldest settlers, and the ground became so wet that little or no plowing was done. It is generally still too wet to be put in order. Oregonians have boasted that there has never been a total failure of the crops there. A little strong soap lather mixed with the starch will prevent flat irons sticking tl linen. •br !way i ~~~~ ~ C.rty Lives I.li .1 t X,llll Lluit tin' the burrehi, ouly ;;LA of ptany ply I at ciao liana.: or 11E3 p;ov; thtte ATATJ ! 7 , ..t•\ j. I 7 _ = _ ..;;;11,1 „.);. wt, ~1 ~~ i 1;~~~.,::~: ytently sited litittrtul teem of practice in iie pieix Dileeisary, and for many years attendod also in tile Hospital. 1.11 these institutions he enjoyed the most am ple opportunities of obtaining au insight into diseasos in all their vim - ions thrills, as wolf us for a‘wertaining the best methods of their treatment. In offering, therefore, to the people of the United Shttes the fruits of his extensive pro fessional-experienee in the medical compounds as the best results of his skill and observation, he feels that he is but proffering a boon to every family throughout the land, resting, as he does, confidently, in the merits and effica cious virtue of the remedies he herewith commends. The vast amount of testimony from all parts of the world has proven .clit 74 ill, WA 1 N et *WOUND SYRUP OF WILD CIiEIZILY" the most efficacious remedy known,and it is admitted by our mart eminent physicians, and all who have witnes , 4 , l its wonderful healing properties. The WILD CHERRY in all ages of the world, and in all coon.- hies where it is known, lets been justly celebrated for its wonderful medicinal qualities; hut its great lower to care sonic of the worst and most distressing distance among us was never fully ascertained until the experiments of that ekitlful phyFiciall, Dr. Swayne, had demot.tratt4l its high adapt ion, it, cuml•ituttimi with Pint, Tree Tar, and in other equally valuable vegetable ingredients, whkth, chemically combined, renders its action tenfold more certain and ben- in 'c l aim: , all . tit:oases of the throat, breast awl laligg. HR. SIVAYNE'S WILD CIU COTIPOUND striiti, at tho - root orall tliseam.4 hy purifying tho blood, ro,toring fin , liver aml kidneys to healthy at•tion, invigor ating the nor'/nue and bhattered tutiou. - ANOTHER, UOPELESS CASE -CY CONS'iPTION! L CI latll BY Dr. Sway Ile't4 Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry ADAMSTOWN, LtlleaSter CO., Pit. DR. SWATNE R FoN. Ocaneg lol:—Alont two yvarS ago my m if, was suff . front consumption. her tough at times was very distri,:ing, and during her sickness had the hest medical attendance iu this eel adj.' g coun ties. Der can was pronounced hopeless by all of them. I was induced through the recomMerolation of your agent, Dr. ]taac IL Miller, of West Brecktmck, Berks county, Pa., and who can verify these facts, to try Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup .S Wild Cherry. Afterusing it for some time, she was entirely cured, and is HOW as WWI as ever, and fully able to perform her usual labor. lam so fully satisfied that it it to your preparation that I am indebted far her restoration to health, that I grant you full liberty to give her ca, publicity-, in the hope that others now suffering may 'derive benefit frmn her experience. Yours, roTectfully,EN It Y ft. MORN. Peke ONE DOLLAR—SIx D6TTLES FIVE DOLLARS. Prqored only by DR. SWAVNE dZ; SON, Norih. 5V.411. &rod, Philadelphia 801.1, CV AI,I. PRQMINENT DRUGGISTS. A Good Family Medicine. Tr yen i'Ve ',HMI's, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If you have a Sick Headache, take SWAYN.E'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If your Tongue is Coated, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If yon have a Cold, take SWAMIS'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS To prrvent and cure Chills and Fever,ta k SWATISE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If your Bowels are Costive, take SWATNES Tar and S arsaparilla PILLS Persons of a full habit, who are suldeet to Headache, Giddiness, Drowsiness, and Singing in the Ear, arising from too great a flow of blood to the bead, NhOul l never he militant them, as 10011 dtmgenius symptoms will lie car ried Off 'brtheir nee• LIVER COMPLAINT. That dreaded disease from which so many persons suffer, is frequently the canoe of IIEADACIIE, INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA, is speedily relieved and often permanently cured by their use: Fevers are prevented by the use of Blood Purifying Pills, as they carry off, through the blood, the impurities from which they arise. For Costiveness there is nothing so effective as Swaync's Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills. Price 23 cents a box; 6 loxes for sent by mail. Address let ters and orders to DR. SWAYNE & SON, 830 North Sixth Stre,t, Maudelpbbt. Forsalobyall Druggists. ITCHING PILES Is generally preceded by a moisture, like perspiration, distressing itching, as though pin worms were crawling in and about the rectum,particularly at night when undress ing, or in led after getting warm. It appears in summer as well as winter, and is not confined to males only, but it is quite as frequent that females are sorely afflicted, par ticularly iu limos of pregnancy, extending into the vagi na, proving distressing almosilclond the powers of en durance. Cases of long standing, pronounced incurable, have been permanently cnred by simply applying SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS. DR. SWATNE &S. Centlemen:—The hoz of Ointment you seat nit, hy mail cured me entirely of Itching Piles, which I suffered with for five years. Enclosed find fifty cent; for another box for a friend of mine. ANDREW .1. BEACH . , Farmwell Station, Londuun Co., Va. Dn. :WAYNE & SON :—Eneloi.eil please find one dollar for two boxe a of your Ointment for Itching Piles. These are for sonic of my friends who are afflicted with this dis tressing complaint. The box you sent me a year ago, (usd about one-lutlf of it,) and I am glad, yes I am prom! to say, it made a porfect cure. I think its efiltacy I.e publblied throughout the length and breadth of the hued. You can publish this if you think proper. DA DIP GROSSNICKLE, Ladiesburg, Frederick Co , Md. READER: If you are suffering with MN annoying com plaint, or Tenor, any lithely, scaly, Itchy, akin disease, go to your druggist and get a box of Swayne's Ointment. It will surely cure you. Prico Si) cents a box. 3 boxes 11.25, 0 boxes $2.50. Sent by mall to any address, on receipt of the price. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE & SON, 330 N. Sixth St., Phila. HAVE YOU TRIED IT? Life "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "Gordon Hair Clor Restorer." Growth, "London Hair . Color Restorer." .•London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Beauty -London hair Color Restorer." "London hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." for the "London Hair Color Restorer." "Loudon liair Color Restorer." lIAIR. "Loom, hair Color Restorer." "Gordon Hair Color Restorer." .;14;f. soiP T ,, ra NEW AND HAIR DIV,THY.:, ~, 1LOIEltI)N Jilin - RESTORER: 14111 rVagray hair toiorlginalVolilr. • ti -06 thiuiztir ;rse a newtgrowilt, 4 3 ill re. Ile trainntl toeefetiont 4—lt will remove. all ,lisndruff and itching. s—lt will make the hairsoft, glossy and flexible. 6—lt will pregorveboll age, 7—lt will :,revent the haitfrout.falling off. - S—lt will cure all diseases of the scalp. It restores both the luxuriance and color of the hair, and io es harmless as water. premature blanching or fa ding It the•hair is greatly-to be regretted, and that every body wants to be beautiful is proof enough that it is wise and right to be so, by every proper means; but there is nothing more important to this end than beautiful hair. N.ow to prevent the failing of the natural coloring matter in it, or re-excite the rotds of the hair to growth again, nothing has ever been introduced to the Imerium people that equals the LOZTDON HAIR COLOO,i4ESTORER. InkiPalton,of Plaotolphia, says Orin the - London Hair laf Restorer is tlfiP4i very ex tonsivelyaiaong my psti ems stoltrit.nds, iiixon as by my6elf. I therefore speak from ex patience... . , • 75 CENTS PER BOTTLE ; PIE BOTTLES FOR 4. Sent by Express, to any address. on receipt of price. Address olders to DR. SWA TNE & SON, 330 N. Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa., sale Proprietors. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ntr 'Mang 25, 'MI til 0 FMB PLANING CU CO :+;.:N UFA, *:11 RFT,' AND DNAIARS IN SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, FLOORING, Brackets, fliceldieu Stair-Railing PLASTERING LATH, SHINGLES, COMMON AND FANCY PICKETS, FRAME STUFF and all kinds of LUMBER The members of the Cottage Planing Mill Co. being largely intere,ted in the Lumber interest in Clearfield and Centre eountie,, tiny Mill at all times keep constantly on kiwi a full supply of the very best WHITE PINE , well Peasoned, and parlies favoring us with an or der will receive prompt attention, and all work GUAQANTEED to rehder satisfaction. Office for the present at Henry do Co's. Store. S. E. HENRY, Supt, Huntingdon, Pa., Sept. 1, 1575. Pianos and Organs ARLON PIANO FORTE -AND- Estey's Cottage Organs. zi ,c e -- ' 2 - • * 11.46 : :` - 41ig - t'-`. ~ •,. ~ t ',.• I TITE , .E 15•2731.-- i •J-.EACO --.-" c w . A I LEADS iib, l4 l, F: 11 2 . . s':-. . 7, ,t t 1 id. `4, , ..M4/140124:te r .ek:', . 0., N i a1..:k t7 -,i*Art 4- 11 ONE THOUSAND MADE AND SOLD MONTHLY. NEARLY OR QUITE DOUBLE THAT OF ANY OTHER MAKE. THE SWEETEST AS WELL AS THE MOST POWERFUL ORGAN IN THE MARKET. Also the PATENT ARION PIANO, WITH FOUR NEW PATENTS. E. M. BRUCE & CO., No. 1308 Chestnut St., declo,7s] PHILADELPHIA. Jewelry Furniture and Carpets SOMETIIING NEW. TWO LARGE STORES MERGED INTO ONE! EXPENSES DECREASED,PRICES REDUCED and greater convenience secured to customers. JAMES A. BROWN Takes pkasure in announcing to all who wont to buy CARPETS & FURNITURE That having become sole proprietor of the Fur niture store formerly owned by "Brown & Ty buret," he hag combined with it his largo Carpet Store and THE LADIES Will be pleased now to find the CARPETS, as well as samples of FURNITURE on the first floor, without climbing stairs. My stock comprises a Fteat variety of Kitchen, Chamber and Parlor urniture, Mattresses, Picture Frames, Brackets, and the largest stock of CARPETS in Central Pennsylvania. Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Win dow Shades, Wall Paper, Carpet Chain, all colors; needles for Howe and other machines. Estey Organs; also llowe'sewing machines at cost. I manufacture part of my goods in both the Carpet and Furniture Department, and please NOTICE THIS FACT, That as I BUY LOW FOR CASH, and having made this new arrangement, reducing expenses, I can sell at such low prices as will make it the in terest of buyers to call at No. 525, Penn Street. Until March 10th, I offer AT COST, for cash, Wall Paper and a g-eat variety of Carpets. Feb.lo. JAMES A. BROWN. Stationery. CIIEAP ! OEII4IAP ! OHEAP!! PAPERS. N- 1 FLUIDS. ‘...1 ALBUMS. Buy your Paper, 1.14 your Blank AT TIIEJOURNAL BOOK cf STATIONERY STORE. Fine Stationery, School Stationery, Buokr forehildren, Eames for Children, Elegant Fluid, = Pocket Book, Pass Books, And an Endlcss 1 - frriety 01 ..N7re, Things, AT TIME JO rre.v.t BOOK f ST.I TIONER F STORE 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2 5 2 5 25 .25 25 SPLENDID 25 25 25 25 25 25 UulfitlaMia Glai)Cf)l2.. 25 25 25 25 25 25 As Low as 25cts. a Box, 25 25 25 AT THE JOURNAL STORE. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 J• P. STENfIt F.:lit of the Lo 10 per yard. iitsr yard. All other Lou, PRICES Styli lAPVER. HUNTINGDON' BIIANCTI B. OPPENHEI MEP) & O; , Stancia,nlßules: 01TE ;JOODS 1.10177 ~,.7 2 71 : : Always get your mono:: more hy !is. anti , •711- - thing, as we always, most (Alcor F 1 lly. return the ,•n TO WE! FACT i4UI 7 -IFT.::' -. . - 7 - ; PER SONS TEST:rf. Iluntingdon, Pa .J une 1 . )47: Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, and I)yr Stuff., Fifth Street Drug Store. PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS CHOICE PERFUMERY AND TOILET HAIR, CLOTHES AND TOOTH BRUSHES. COMBS. SHOULDER BRACES TRUSSES. INSTRUMENTS, AND ALL ARTICLES FOUND IN A FIRST-CLASS AND WELL-KEPT DRUG STORE. PHYSICIANS' Will receive special attention. and long experience enables them to compound dines carefully and accurately. The only place in town where the " BOSS" CIGAR can be hail Try tb, lit'lltira_lEiC JOE Mai 111.7 - RIC IV IF.AIIIOII WILT OP Huntingdon, August 11, 1875.—v Iluy your Stationery Over 300 Modifications. TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF EVERY BUSINESS FAIRBANKS & EWING. 715 CHESTNUT ST PHILADELPHIA. December 24, '7s—ly 23 25 25 25 FOR 25 25 FANCY PRINTING, GO TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE ~'-" Vv r ini”n! AVM. :11.A1C1 776. 4 - 1 rif * 7-1 1.1 A IA • - 1; \Jr-, 71: ere", ki .1 .4: • 11 v iu.. , In order to) mak. ;_t room f,,)r .r;;; 1 . ofFers to (:!o.zt. out - tbc ID N - o rzi Co' NS, r r, La Gents' Furnishing Goods, ,r f-,?Trrr-rT.NG Boots and Shos, k !1••;( (JASEL :Fc.TPcILAsEL&ds Our stock is all well zv,:oitt.d. Nearly ..8004) wurl, goods Nvill be forced ntl . at prieeN that will astoniA the purchasers. ):Cy- Give 11:: a. call Wili "y Sat 14V Two Houses for Rent Cheap. One Two-Horse Wagon, 1 TOP BUGO-Y, Two Trotting Buggies, ONE SPR!NC WACON, Lap and Shaved Shingles, Yellow and White Pine Flooring, Roofing Lathe, Hemlock - Lumber of all kinds, belonging to OSCAR CIRRI\TPA.-CTIVI, will he offered for CASH at a reduction t ti June 16, 1876 Great Reduction in. Prices DR. J. C. FLEMING & CO Have now the 13r,..rest anti the most eirefully sett. etc d stork ~!. PURE AND FRESH DRI_J•6,-; IN 11UNTIN0 - ;DON COUNTY and an elegant as6ortmtnt PLAIN rizINTT NI ;, A,_`" 11 - 74 , • . A • • t v;:rd 1,1. - •' :1 i't ~ “1. ;.1 :li'• 10'4 .I.V01111:1; E T I. EP:4 Cheap Stoi Cl, ;., i~~nT~ill!'Rt !~~ C÷ 0 r7 - lUkR::r r _ w r Hats vim %Ars, Mull', if) vc:IN, \\'L Nr,‘l;Cri Fnr 'ale cliedp Also, a fine tot of `,V M. MAR('II ) -AT THE .11.-1) lbr medicinal purpose,.. PRESCRIPTIONS Weide lEverry keg 'Warrant. asa and Wltitaidos avosigusal I, CCOLOREDNUNTING PONE AT the Journal O. st prices. TVS. 1 r.‘.-.7 ; 1 SOAPS. r GEO. WOODS & CO.'S PAR AL,Oli ORGANS I. - L 1.~ M ~ ... -z - L: ..- = e -.70 'I el, c "; -- Adapteri f. yew-. • odak. • alualnrat - :CEO. WOODS 6 CO.. Carridgeort, amass. W A FLEW; "• : .COS 114.0. art 170 .? At- 41.. • v-aip. r swere- THE VOX Filf.',NA. .r; n% If 1L o'. I. r 1• 11 p a r RIPIw . •9/tq r•:. el:y a : .44.: •p I.i-:%i'lil.:l .l.'.:► 1 "••". • t rost..mor. to I r .; AT .-:ll.ll:Fi7i:* 4 'i-:W ••Till:F 1141: ...1.4.-riker rn*Ti^" , in;•) , .• oui ! 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V ,y r 0. , TO TI ) I i 1:*1 ) Mt' '4; *4.7 t••••• •-• ••••. •• Prof R C 1. !I elrk:i I••:;..etin .% I 'try • . • -tr,•• i.r• h F. higt tlip!mns. = COY E' T'.. 77 : STUD YALE BUSINESS "OttEGi. :•!•:-.'," 7: • • • •• • . FINE ‘N \ • AL - 00 to the I ,rots= •ftl , • F.% i T 124 FM ilogrOT 21=27P- a=1T11:71 • 'I,. 7. - rte)-• zartfr . .. ivr nPoirto fro. 'fp,- , • , GEO. IMOVIS 110) . 'Aire% Caillwilipret. -__ - - • ~ ' r:~t~► p 11 } GR •:‘1 r'ri et - IT.:l* rn Jf :Fr • ' PK FN Dro ftr yw.;•4li•-4 ;N • FIE.I eNlr.w. 4 .I'ITP t ( ir t.r7 j ia. S G , 1110. 1 1. t 1177.11. Ti 1 • . ► r• ►r •, ;17.94 (T f• 7. Vri .j 1 ' t~.. r~. 4 - -•- ,•104 4 in.s t,rn►Vrr, .1 f Oio•••• ;.i •T't i :fl M* ; if.) 7:11T :N'T F. iii Ri'%7 °. i.f. Nr. ! 1 1CX P air", ri , i 7F41 yireT • X RAJ tIC „,,ii v e ity,,or Gls vow ore 4. X:10.41 •N:~J Pi 7 4* - . O T , vial —am ;•• ~.~..~y.: • 4 , -,•••• +WI.* i . s .•,141‘ .'r+l • -. ..*Prawf F: evi xv , r=rr r.F.F.N Bv.ilo, 1 . r r V') 30.1-4 101 l .1 row* • 1.0"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers