VOL. 40 I;ia Huntingdon Journal. i. !I. DURBORROW, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS, (),7.fce in law JOURNAL Building, Fifth Stree TD R HUNTINGDON JOURNAL id published every Frol ty 1.3 , .1. it. DUIIid•RROW and J. A. NASH, under tie firm tame of J. It. Dttanonaow & Co., at $2,00 per aonnm TN AOC kNCE, or $2.40 if not paid for in nix months troin date of Aqb,eriptiou, and *3 if not paid within the . . . . . N paper discontinued, unless at the option of the pub until :111 ArreaVait, are paid. paper, however, will be sent out of the State unless .—diately paid for in advance._ • ' • . . Tran,lent advertisem,lits will be inserted at TWELVE it A-Mkt? CCNTS per line for the first itbertien, SEVEN A N VLF CENTS fir the So...island FIVE CENTS per line sii!pseituent insertions. IZ •inartelly ni l Nearly business advertisements 1. 1. • inserted at the following rates: &I eln j 9/u Iyr 1 ; I 4 sii/ 5 6 0)1 1 /col 900 18 001527 $36 ••.1 0 S 04110 12 001.,.1c0l 18 00 36 001 50 65 !Po :10 00:14 00110 00;ncol 34 00 50 001 65 80 4 : s 0,1.14 00j20 00118 0011 col 36 00 60 001 80 100 Ali Re,..lstions of Associations, Communications of I i individual interest, all party announcements, a,:lives of Marriages and Deaths, exceeding five lines, w, I! 1., Charged TEN CENTS per line. isn't ether notices will be charged to the party ttnvin;: them itmerted. t , lvettisiag Agents must find their commission 'outside , :1 fi a advertising accounts are due and collectable advertisement is once inserb,d. .1 , A13 PRINTING of every kind, Plain and Fancy Colors, aoile with neatness and dispatch. Hand-bills, Blanks, Pamphlets, &c., of every variety and style, printed at the ',hottest notice, and everything in the Printing Ime will be executed in the most artistic manner and at ti,:• lowed rates. Professional Cards• CALnWELL, Attorney-at-Law, No. 111, 3rd street. • Office 1'0; bluffly occupied by 31r-sars. Woods & [apl2:7l Ir.. A.B. TtRUMMAIMIT, offers his professional services t., the onimmiity. Office, No 523 Washington street, 0. .or tr,t of the Catholic Parsonage. fjawl,7l 1 4 ' •'. STOCKTON, Surgeon Dentist. Office in Leister'B 1. in the room formerly occupied by Dr. E. .1 4: reen,, IluLtingdon, Pa. [apl2B, '76. P.;). B. MILADY, Attorney-at-Law, 405 Penn Street, ilantingd or, Pa. [n0v17;75 [1 i,. 1:0813. Th•ntist, mire in B.T. Brown'm new building, I . No. Penn Street, iluntingdon, Pa. [ap12.71 (•, W. BUCHANAN, Burgeon Dentist, No. 228. Penn 11 . Street, Huntingdon, Pa. [mchl7,ls TI c. 31AODF,N, Attorney-at Law. Office, No.—. Penn 1 . street, Huntingdon, Pa. [apl9;7l j.II::I2KLINSCIf?nZ, Attorn eyat-w e iu r ia l:lpaprompttentitn glvent all!gntns ne,,, °Mee, 229 Penn Street, corner of Court Ronne fd0c4,12 MATE, Attorney-at-Law, Ilantingden, .1. Office, Penn street, three doers west of ::rd jjan4,'7l W. 31 ATTE ItN, Attr,rnepat-Law and General Claim • . Agen t, Huntingdon, Pa. Soldiene claims against the t; ,, v-rone•nt for lescic•pay, bonnty, widow.' and invalid pe0..,04 at t,toloci to with great care and premptnees. (f- rice nn l'enti Street. [jant,7l I R. DCEItORROW , Attornepat-Low,lluntingdon, Pa., O. will praetire In the several Courts of lluntingdon eolinly. Partirolat attention given to the settlement of ..i.txt•., of dee/Nicola. OM ee in the JOURNAL building. 1;. Att.rney-st-Law and Notary Public, 11. Huntingdon, Pa. °Mee, No. Z.:O Penn Street, oppo .ite MOIR, [febs,'7l I, A, 1;i0; 4 0N. Attornsl-et-Law. Patent. Obtained. IL. P.nn Strtet, linntingd.n, Pa. !'nly3l,*7l Q PLENUM), Attormiatt-Law. Huntingdon, Pa., O. 011,0 In ilontOff buildinsr. Penn street, Prompt oud cAreful audition given to all lepl In!.‘inea. IVILLIAM A. YLE3IING, Attorory-at-Law, Hunting don. Pa, fpecial attention given to cAlections, an. 1.11 other legal baain.ai attended to with care and prdoptt“.. Office, No. 221, Penn Stre , t. 15p19;71 Miscellaneous. HEALTH AND ITS PLEASURES, - OR - DISEASE AND ITS AGONIES: CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. lIOLLOWAY'S PILLS. NERVOUS DISORDERS. What is more fearful than a breaking down of the Der voas system? To be excitable or nervous in a small de gr., is must destressing, for where can a remedy be found? 11, •re is one:—lrink but little wine, beer, cr spirits, or far better, none; take no coffee,—weak tea being prefera ble ; get all the fresh air you can ; take three or four P:lts every night: eat plenty of solids, avoiding the use of slops; and if these golden rules are followed, you will be happy in mind and strong in body, and forget you have any nerves. MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS, If there is one thing more than another for which these l'ills are so titmuus, it Is their purifying properties, es pecially their power of clensing the blood from all im purities, aNd removing dangerous and suspeuded were done. Universally adopted as the one grand remedy fur female complaints, they never fail, never weaken the sv,tem, and always brings about what is required. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPETITE These feelings which so sadden us, most frequently art' a from annoyances or trouble, from obstructed prespi rition, or from eating and drinking what is unfit for us, thus disordering the liver and stomach. These organs must be regulated if you wish to he Wen. The Pills, if tak.-a according to the printed instructions, will quickly reetore a healthy action to both 'her and etomach, whence follow, as a natural conseqence, a good appetite and a clear head. In the East and West Indies scarcely any other medicine is ever used fur these disorders. HOW TO BE STRONG. Never let the bowels be confined or unduly acted upon. It may appear singular that Holloway's Pills should be recommended for a run upon the bowels, many persons supposing that they would increase relaxation. This is a greet mistake, however ; for these Pills will immediately correct the liver and stop every kind of bowel complaint. In warm climates thousands of lives have been saved by, the use of this medicine, which in all cases gives tone and vigor to the whole organic system, however deranged,— health and strength following as a matter ofcourse. The appetite, too, is wonderfully increased by the use of these Pills, combined in the use of solid in preference to fluid diet. Animal food is better than broths and stews. By removing acrid, fermented, or other impure humors front the liver, stomach, or blood, the cause of dysentery, diar rhoea, and other bowel complaints is expelled. The result is, that the disturbance is arrested, and the action of the bowels becomes regular. Nothing will stop the relaxa tion of the bowels so quickly as this fine correcting med icine. DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS. In all diseases affecting these organs, whether they secrete too much or too little water ;or whether they be addict.-1 with stone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over the regions of the kidneys, these Pills should be taken according to the printed directions, and the Ointment, should be well rubbed into the small of tLe back at bedtime. This treatment will give almost im mediate relief when all other means have failed. FOR STOMACHS OUT OF ORDER. No medicine will so effectually improve the tone of the stomach as these pills; they remove all acidity, occasioned either by intemperance or improper diet. They reach the liver and reduce it to a healthy action; they are won derfully efficacious in cases of spasm—in fact they never fail in curing 111 disorders of the liver and stomach. Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, Headache, Indigestion, Inflammation, Jaundice (Liver Complaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Ague. Asthma, Bilious Complaints Blotches en the Skin, Bowel Complaints, 'olics, Omestipation of the Bo wel Consum ptian , Debility, Dropsy, Dys;oilery, Retention of Erysipelas, Urine, Female Irregu- Scrofula, or King's larities, Evil, CAUTION!—None are genuine unless the signature of J. Ilaydock, as a b ovnt for the United States,surroands each lox of Pills and Ointment. A handsome reward will be gi% en to any one rendering such Information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicine,, or vending the same, knowing them to be spin ions. _ . _ *** Sold at the Manufactory of Professor HOLLOWAY & Co., New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers to Medicine throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, 52 cents, and $1 each. AI- There i 8 considerable saving by taking the larger N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patiente in every disorder are affixed to each box. npr. 28, 187iieow•-ly. WEDDING CARDS ! WEDDING CARDS !! ,vc jtii:t received the largest assortment of I.lte,t styles el WEDDING ENVELOPES, and WEDDING PAPERS, •ccr I,rought to Huntingdon. We have also bought ec•.o fontes of type, for printing cards, and wo doty competition in this line. Parties wanting Cards put up will save money by giving us a call. At least fifty per cant cheaper than Philadelphia or New York. sp 7-tf.] J. R. DURBORROW & CO. J. R. DURBORROW, - - - J. A. NASh. The Hunting don Journal , J. A. NAS EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, THE NEW JOURNAL BUILDING, HUNTINGDON, PENNSYLVANIA 1 6m lAm $2 00 per annum, in advance; $2.50 within His nionths, and 83.00 if 00000000 00000000 SUBSCRIBE. 00000000 ;;;vm TO ADVERTISERS Circulation [augb,74-Ihnos ADVERTISING MEDIUM The JOURNAL is one of the best printed papers in the Juniata Valley, and is read by the best citizens in the county. It finds its way into 1800 homes weekly, and is read by at least 5000 persons, thus making it the BEST advertising medium in Central Pennsyl- vania. Those who patronize its columns are sure of getting a rich return for their investment. Advertisements, both local and foreign, solicited, and inserted at reasonable rates. Give us an order. ugggu JOB DEPARTMENT sZ c, S cr 0 a) , sore Throate, Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symp. toms, - - Tic-Douloureux, Tumors ,—. . Veneral Affections Worms ofall kinds 'Weakness from any cause, &c. COLO. le' All business letters should be ad dressed to J. R. DURBORROW & CO., Huntingdon, Pa. Printing. PUBLISIIED -IN No. 212, FIFTH STREET, TERMS not paid within the year 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 0 (1 00000000 PrwantsslVE REPUBLICAN PAPER, o o 0 o 0 0 0 o g6O - 7= FIRST-CLASS 5000 READERS Three year 01d........ Tao year old colt One du Filly, 5 3 care old C4ll t, 2 years old Colt, 1 year old Colt. 6 tnontlos old or under. Brous' ware WEEKLY. R' sm z ..1 C-11 0 9: Cr 1 3.4 1-7 - : rz . • !IT' .0- I n Is s F a W tO CD = C. _co fro K a> 0.. g 0 OQ 1 PRI: :CIAL' ~- Premium List. PREMIUM LIST REGULATIOir For the I7Lh Annual Exhibition or The lint. C. Agricitual Society, To be held at Huntingdon, Tuesday, Wed. ne4lay, Thursday and Friday, Octo .1.(1, 4th, sth aad 6th, 1876. POItT, I':iai;l Ifrit. J. ; erehEry—b. i!. Crout..r; t. L. 11,,i,1 ; Arrangenicntrt —Geo. 1' Ft J. IV. firvcnlanri, B. urLr iy. t\ - ; 3lcDonald, John Miller. ~: ~rrr.•~n,1r...1 JOHN DLA 111, M. A. WILSON REGVLA7IONS-1.11.t,ck arlcleg eff“red for exhild tton inu,t he entered on the 110"Zikb and on the Fair Gron , t.l by 12 o'clock. a. in. of NVedneiday, in order to Jo admit to•' f, competition, and remain until tl:e of tiro fair . Friday e,ening. Premiums w:11 be awarded on Friday afternoon. Awarding Committees hare the pr;wer to supply v, cancies, and are requested to furnish detailed reports. Prices of tickets for membership $1.50. Single admis sion 25 cents. Ring tickets 25 cts. &GOES:IONS—The Association presents the following carefully revised Premium list, believing it will compare very favorably with those of fernier years, and relying upon the public spirit and liberality of their fellow cit izens to sustain their own Fairs, and thus elevate the In dustrial arts and agricultural improvements in our county. The committee of arrangements take pieaeure in saying that, through the liberality of the citizens of MuntingdGn anti vicinity, tiny have enough fund. in their bands to pay all the expenses of the coming fair, and have a cow aideruble :anoint over towards premium,, &e. CONDITIONS. All trotting races to be mile heats; bc•t 3 in 5 in hat I,es ; not less time 5 to ent, and 3 to start, and will trotted tinder the rates of the National Association entries most be made in accordance therewith. In race of ot:ltpononent under the authority of rule IS the rare or mesa stall be trotted or run on the first goal day following omitting Sundays. In all heati where eight or more, horses Mart, the .lie lance will be 15try.trils. • Heat. in each .174'a races may he made alternately. Entrance fee, ten per cent. of whole premium. Any horse clistanch:g tlir. w:11 wily be entit;ed to the Sr.: premium, ex,:piiug mule ray,, which ehall be free. . Oww•ro t.; thorwlgUrf e 1 st,i: will be required to a certified iwdigrce of tip:dr ~tuck. No entrance except on trials of speed. Exhihitorn are required to hav, their tstock and artic;e.t entered 011 the books at the office before they area:l:nate I. the ground. Any persons having any stock or articles for exhiliithiti can enter them at any time iirerieni to the commencerceii of the Fair, by notifying the tiecretaries of the same, aspi in en ti.,ing they will Le required to furnish no full infor mation as fro:maple with regard to the agr, pcdigr•e, treat ment, Ac., of alt animate. Frei:dunk P..al I in no cane he gi% en wic•re the animal or article k unworthy. • - No prerniunii; will be paid until tw , nty darn after lice Fair,and all iireniiums o nt for will I , - paid a writ ten order to tie Treainrer, to be let:third by trim 'c a simrher for the earae. All premiuirri to Le dr•uoand-if within eix mouth» after they are awirded, atter time they will te, held as donstion kr the rt,elety. TRIALS OF SPEED. Second Ivry. 2 o'r!nek p. m.—Trotting Rare—r., liorsea that have never trotted better than 3.2 , 3 Purß, iz.lS to tint ; 815 to gr., ; tr. third. &wild race. half tittle Muth. Lott tic,, r;:ne 01. 1.5 to fire:; t., ;QZ to t::i. To roma • fr immediately after mating rare. Third laq.-11 ,'clock as. r.i.—Troti;ug race 1%.", I i r;kdon c,unty h , ,r,e74 ooty. Prirte to fitst to 15 to Mirth Third 14y.-2 p. an. Tr , ,tt:ag rare.—Frp. all. Puree VX.t. Vca to firm; Via to ; tln to Third lie...y.—Latikit riding match. Immediately after trotting match., baly who inari,n.f. , 4 her ho: o, 14,4 uni Apt Twat grarvfnlly. t 5 M Brig, 1:11 , 1;ng al.ip Ps second. fourth Day .--2 o'clock p. m. —Troltsti4 rare, three minute r,0..e, t4O to first ; /15 to eecond ; to third. tr. Ming, race. Half mil, iu :hr., , b find; 83 to itec.tol; 42 to third. J,14. (Ur , r. Class 1.-11 orre4. 6uperiutend,n 11,0;i4;. Bred 4tallion . , Dot tie et, Three year ofd - 7 tr ) TWO you' •rhl Riding horse Gelding, 2 year old. ..... ........... ....... .... ... . ....... Filly. . ... . .... . . . , ...... .. . . Colt, 6 moutles old or under.. Family bone .. 7 (A• Committee--G. F. Gai , e, Dr. Sidney Thompson, U. t; Metcalf. Common Stock. Supt,rinterident—JOSlN LLOYD Irraught istal• lon 00 Draught horse 5 00 Riding lu , rse Pair matched honks lO 00 Family horse 5 06 mules 6 00 Cummitt,e—Samuel Ilenry, Jas. MU:Limo', 9ul. 11. Is enberg. Class 2—Neat Stock. Supprintmtleut—U. B. LEWIS. Short horns. Alderney. Bull slo 00 Bull Cow 8 o.i'lleifer. Leifer. CAlf 3 UO'Cu!f 3 CO Devon. I Common . ....... .... lo 00. Work oxen 6nO . ....... ... 800 1 B ull 5OO .. ..... ..... 5 OUicon 4O 3 00illeifer 3 00 (Calf 2 00 Bull Cow heifer , Calf Cuminitteo—lsaac M. Neff, A. E.:ltmearmulid, Thos• [Tamer. Class 3—Hogs. Superintendent—THOMAS WESTBROOK. Chester white boar *s n 0 Berkshire " Essex China Poland . 1 Chester White sow awl pigs 5 00 Berkshire Essex China Poland " Common Boar :t op Common SOW and pig-. Conantitte.,--John Zenitnyer, John Warfel, Jacob F. linurer. Clas 4—Sheep. Superinteudent—FßANß LOVE Native buck ss 00 Bakewell buck Southdown Luck Leicester Luck 5 00 Merino buck 5 00 Cotswold buck 5 00 Ewes, native not.less than 4 4 00 Ewes, Bakcrceil " Ewes, Southdown " Leicester Merino Cotswold Committee—R.lA. Titeyey, D. Mope' t, Arch. Hutchison. Class s.—Agricultural Implements. Euperinteudeut—AND. DEIFFENBACH. A Diploma will be given for the best of each of the fol lowing articles : Threshing machine, Separator, Vegeta ble Cutter, Feed Cutter, Hay or Straw Cutter, Corn Shel ler, Horse Power Corn Sheller, Hand Power Corn and cob crusher, Cider Mill and Pries, Horse Hay Rake, Hay Ele vator and Carrier, Grain Drill, Reaper, Combined Reaper and Mower, Stump Extractor, Subsoil Plow, Corn l'luw, Cultivator, Clover Huller, Ox Yoke, Hand Lawn Mower, Farm Roller, Garden Roller, Farm (late, Farm Fence, Corn Planter, Smut machine, Portable Hay Press, Pump for Wells, Churn, Grain Cradle, Scythe and Scathe, Spading Fork, Wind Mill, 34 dos. Grain Scythes, 34 doe. Grass do 14 dot. Axes, 34 doz. 3lanure Forks, 1.4 doz. Long Ilan:lied Shovels, I/ doz. Short Handled Shovels, 34 doz. Spades, doz. Corn Hoes, Square Harrow, Rotary Harrow, Dram Pipe, Farmers' Wheelbarrow, Roll Cutter, Potato Digger, Welder, Meat Chopper, 3 ,4 doe. Hand Rakes, doz. Hay Bakes. Collection Farmers' Tools. Committee—Job Slack, T. P. Love, J. M. Mcliintrick, Class 6—Flour, Grain and Seeds. Superintendent—BENJAMlN GIidIFIUS. Beet display of Grain, not less than 6 varieties and _ and 1 bushel each 5 00 Best Bushel Rye Best Fultz Wheat 1 bushel 1 00 Best Wabash " '. . 100 Beet Lancaster " .• Best Blue Stem " " Best Tappahannock Wheat 1 bushel 1 00 Best Tonzelle Wheat 1 bushel 1 to Best bushel and other one variety Winter Wheat lOO Best " Spring Wheat lto Bost display of Wheat, not less than five varieties A bushel each 5 00 Best bushel of each Barley and Buckwheat each 5O Beet 2 bushel Corn in oar 1 00 Besi 1 stalks of Corn, with ears on 1 I . :J Best Bushel Oats 5O tC 0 PI CU CD K ....ca Best display of Grass Seals not less than three varieties V, bushel each 2 00 Best half bushel Timothy Seed 1 (Hi Best " " Clover Seed lOO Flour awl Meal—Best barrel of Flour Diploma or lOO Be , t 1 / L bi Sack of Flour Diploma or :,, Best 1 / 1 .1 Sack of Rye Flour Diploma or , 4 ho Best bob .% Sack of Cornmeal Diploma er lO .. . ..... .. . ~ . • Ileftt 50 Oat uwal Best " " " Buckwheat " Bed 50 " " " Graham Flour Diploma or Committee—Geo. Eby, Robt. Crowuover, Win. LONVi, Class 7—Domestio Department. Superintondent—lßA JENKINS. Butter and Cheese. Best Butter, alibs. or over Beat Salted Butter, keg or firkin, not less than 3 mon tits old Beet Cheese. Bread Best loaf Wheat Bread Beet " Rye " Best " Corn " Best " Bran " Beet half-dozen Tea Biscuit ~,, I:. i ,t. .; .t •.r 11U£C11i\ u JA:.•;. cAr ()THEP. .. ‘,..pe (.1 11,4 - x p , ._t .T:. 1;,..,1 1; f ~~;i~ v•I••.t • , 1.• ••': ' yaro- , I Ir. • .. . 5 3,;!,...„ B•.• •t• 4'- 1 1 0;. 1:•,• !"•...•1 •,••••., .... .........,, ..... I o,i !.. • . I • „. L.) f"..• ' 1 • : 7, • lo„, • ;4 •.• 1;0 ;, t • —Zepliyr \Voris k ~'. 7 .•T . H • . • : j • • . • . . - • •.'',• , ••. • ~. • 0, ;!Iri. J.,i,:t Matter:l, Mit* 74;... , 1 , • ''..: ~ (.."4.11, , ::,/, ;•, -- :.!, t i . .Y..f.tni L'ffilaoiti- • - •;. • :.; i; , Dtet Ott.,tisar, • •I, •,; 4 . 4 VI4 ixst C , . Best Chair Bret pair or Ilt,rits Best pair 'Worker: • , t;, It-et Sofas ellnill , / 11 .... ...... hq Beftt Sofa Ti , ly Lamp nr T , ,i1.4 ........ ........ Bert 14.c:stmt. of N , .ttii..; an• ) , • kt , ii) &itch. ..... ...... ............... . ....,...... !Ai Beat pair , d Pi Beg kr:it Gr (Vilt l tif , Italia 0 , 4 i• each ICO Latia.-t Imlay to C 14,1 8.-t rd Eak ti7li Ltedt plow! Ca!leu Quilt 1 ho Best White tlKilt 1 111 Bed Trdurpolo.d Beet Alidint Qt;111 I ito Ewa pieced Wonted Quilt Best arty curer klbd pieced Quilt Befit lionty-tuade Shirt (10u..1-uusd , ) Beet /klathlne wade Shirt Bert Darnit.g cr Put,ltiog Bed stitched Shirt-1t:4,0t, machine Bed etitel,l Cullrr. L. istiodAtte . . 6.1 Bs4t collottiots Plate Sot in* 1 oh To the lady who dlutli tht• beet ateciutens of ft.trttiug and Patching nu out less then three artirlcs Fancy Leather, Cone, and Shell Work. hargt,t dieplay of Leuther Work... ................. $1 00 olitpla,y of Conte W 'Awl! Work 1 00 Beet g,nt•cai Orinmehti trail.; from preitt.,l and sheleturtizod leaved.... 1 oo Gcncral Fancy Work. e 7 oo 300 . ...... 5 00 3 a• 3 Ou ...... 2 00 8 Bert Wax Flowers Best Was Fruit.... Beet any other wax designs Largest display of Wax dosios Beet Phantont Flowers B.dt Bead Work, any kind Best Hair Work, any kind Bert Fancy Boa Beet Lamp shade Best Hangine-Basket, any kind Fancy Franco 13,1 any other• Fancy Work ronuitte‘‘—W. 11. DoArtultr, Mrs. T.ll. Cretner, J. M. Bosnian. Clasa 11.—Fruits. Superintendent—J. C. JACKSON. APPLES—Greatest divlay fall varieties :2 00 winter " Beet plate of each of the following named varieties, not less than 6 eacli, ',mealy labelled, 'EZI to wit: An tilian Strawberry, Autumn Swlar, Cooper, Courelthill tt 1,4 tilig,l'al I Pippin , Gettysburg, inuaap, Jerdey Sweet, Rawley, Nlaidens' Blush, Red Juneating, Republican Pip pin. President, Porter, Tbonipkins. Winter Varieties—American Golden Russet, Baldwin, Belletlour, Domino, Dnoven4 Wi:a tor Sweet, FallltUde, Fal lawater, King of Thompkine. Loly Mother, liubbardston, Neneueli, Newton Northern Spy, Pecks Pleasand, Hawke Gannet, Ranib,, ithorio ',land Greening, Roxber ry Rtbiset, Swaar. Spitzenliurg (Esupus), Seek-no further, White:. Paradise, York Imperial. PEALS—U vastest dieplay fall varieties s2 00 " winter " Beat half pack Seckele 75 cents. Beet plate of I; of the following varieties, properly labelled, 50 cents, to wit: Belie Lucrative, Borate Die!, Beurre Bhtirgeau, Duchess d'Aug n'eme, Doyenne Boueock, Doyenne White, Flem ish Beauty, tiowoll,Lonise Bonne d'Jerevy, Meade LOIIiEC, Serkel, Stevens, GCIIII , ,Ve, Sheldon, Urbauiete. Winter Varieties—lleum, d'Aremberg, Ea ter Beurre, Colazibia, Duyetme 7,:,.nvean, (nod Moro.an„ Lawrence, St (21,rmain (Princee.), Vicar of Winitield, Winter Ncilis. Pettrs—Cattilla, Pound Angora. Peaches, Pluws, Grapes and Quinces, PEICIIES---(ireattst diviay, not loss than 5 vari eties ........................... ..................... ...... $1 00 Single variety 5O PLUMS—Greate-it dieplay, net loas than 10 epee-- 111 PM of earl sl. oo Single variety 5O CItAI'ES—GI eatee..diq : lay or native grape., 4 clue- ties of each, !ftl , el;el 2 Cpl '23 cents for the bebt Litnibes uf the following varieties: Adironda , , Agawam, Aliens' Hybrid, Concord, Crevelling, clinton, Catawba, Delaware, Diana, Enniulan. Franklin, lowa, Isabella, Israelbt, Hartb.ifil, 3lartba, Rebecca, Rod gers' N. 4, Salem, Walier. Foreign grapes, not le, than 3 bunches 1;0 QUlNCES—Greatest display varieties, not le,s than 5 each 1 0.1 Half peck of one variety 5O Connnittee—Col. &din Htlyett, Harry Neff, Robert Graf- Class 12.—Potatoes and Roots. Superintendent—L. M. STEWART. All articles in tide :I:Tartu:one intt,t bay° been grown by the exhibitor, on his own laud, and all entries must be full 1110.11 re. POTATOES—EarIy Rose, one peck 5O Late Prince Alert, 50 ;•ickey, " ..... . 50 Unmet chili, " Pearliblow, White Pearbblow " Comloton',4 surprise Extra early Vermont Brownell's beauty, peel; wetlllrig• raked by exhibitor, tiot lrni than two were:, from ,codb•Ot 5O Sweet Pot'stoe.: .. 50 ONlONf.—Willie, one-half peek 5O . . . 0111.01 Set,, t wo tir.aris 5O Entabalm,rme Mange! wert.,l ............... ..........-. ..... 5 . ) DEETS—Long trd, one I.ecli. Flat . . 50 Sugar Parsnips:. artichoke. ••• comini: ice—Job:l Nln‘riy, A:l•4lins P. White, John Rhodes. Superinterrle 'KILLER. Cab NI go, six heads ...... .......... ...... .......... ...... $1 00 Cauliflower, fear howls . . ... . ..... ..... 1 Olt Wang—Lit., snap unit sow, tour quarts Celery, 6 roots, 6 cucumbers, 3 egg plants 51) Tomatoes—Trophy, Early smooth rod, or any other variety, one-half peck... ..... ............... Pi. Pumpkins, four specimens ........ . ...... ............... 50 Squashes—Boston marrow, hubbard, marblehead, four specimens 6O Peppers, (0), watermelon, muskmelon, cantaloupe, 12 xuartynia... ........ ............ ................ Commlttoo—J. C. Wright, Shad. Chaney, M. M. Logan. - A., ?.'i'.. ~.1-# 'I I custard::: Uti,rant \ Ht! 'cl F: 1:::~ jfq :0,1 in C rr~, I'~ 3 , 0 c, 1 ,•:;11 .. ray h NI:(1 rrl nu) i 7 !; BeL 3.11,4 • ; • •• ; , A 717 t ;r! L.ctbyfe, nr elarol a , • ' • Chu ;ii 13.—Vegetubles. ~':~_. _~~ .. ~~ Li. _ .:..T::. _. ,•FFI , . I ~: i. : -. -_~6~...r. i i;...::•c:... , L ..~ -i i;i i; j 1'.., L. ;: •1 i!I ~ ; , 'olocal . ;;.• t• Pri I:, . , ••• t •• , }'. .• I• i ..... . :• •, 1'• • ri L It • i - ,L. $2 rn 7 ,'•ltt--T. , U) `lff,L, 7vr , ..; t. • - • •;: I %.•T •• #. • . .1: .~ ,~•~ir • I I . 1 I 111 :it•• 74 41 , .1, • 11,0 I , Air pr•q..pr,y:.• : duo: , :43 }'air. i ‘' • j_i r; L s . I ;_ ' Ii I 111 I ", I 1 1 411 . ."_; 1 -.• oicl iNeic) Cart Schurz made a two hour; speech in Milwaukee Mo.blay evening. The South i= prepared to tre.it for pace on the same terms :Ls iu 1641. If Tilden wins it will be in order the ineoin-ing Baltimore and Ohio Railroad train : Hap , . 121 ; Tilden 30; Co,,per, 3. Put ou the bra:, •. lion. if. D. Pa...ne a7cept:4 the Democrut:c nomination 'ibk 1:,)m the Cleveland The Democrat,: of the Si::th Nlis , nari con gressional tliArict have 110 M aed CnarlCS H. Morgan I,r re-election. The Baltimore Gazette thre:tten.3 to oppose "Minute Alen" to the Iloy3 in itie. Th.lt of talk is at least eleven years too late. ~.. $2 00 ... 101 ... 1 00 ... 00 ... 1 01 I)enaocratic papers are changing tit it A fortnight ;17, ;hey bragge‘l and WI:. to-day - they threaten or app 11 t'ur cute Wonder ;f want,: 'Tamp , notainaßA for Uovernor caruL•.l "for tile Bele of till cutsUe York i'd.Ziune. • The .. .7..N , ,00hera ti!a , .•• • 'one a;.(,. goin elect.finyeft . ftnd Tile pie" had 1, accov , a) a Li=-: in and help swell their Lejority; Mr. 13;aitio is W :nal: 1.1!.1 'A Indian:l, ;vit., !! :...• gravel rally nt the on the 21.;11i • meeting:. North Carolina ,•• ;,,. :1- dignant at tie sending of I', the South, but in Ja!y, lE , A, Vance. Inc re/Ocl Governor, how their cansliilate fur Got - yr:or. sent armed L•oitlier.; to the pulig. t., keep deserters from votiog or idridug t:1.! election. The Nlacon, G..•• 1' ; Detziaer.tt- it-, but it is :hat Gov ernor liayes is ' Ic :11 , 1 isrqic, , , '..• of any wan wilt) . • • '..• ordinary ;.: - ed to nieet." Wendell Phillips thinks great th:ug u: r• • high-stepping Southern:l-, whom he dcsceili,. as a shrewd, able, unmatched politician, and prophesies that, though we ••;;. ;:im on thP bathe field, he will be::t box." It will occur to most pc:_y:: ; have met Lim Ott the hatcc ;;; I.: in O 1 hadn't bi:aten him at Lox in Has South Carolina received its "burl of money" already? It would em so froto the Beaufort correspondence 0, Xelea, which says : '''fills is • :H• t i :: that the I.L.quocratic p t;e .idv tage here of being financially bitter prepared to wage an e:eztion contest than its adversa ries. The Republicans are all (lead hroke, and there is no money :unong them. Our re sources this time will enatde us at least to hold a baud with funds necessary ti conduct the catopaigit with vigor." Tug Confederates have evidently tinder takem to carry the entire South for Tildc:t. It is a large contract, but they are 111:1,I;i11:?: Way. Last Friday the clerk of the Iti,trl.•t Court of the pars '.t of lied River, Louisatn.t. the friend of Twitchell and altnot the lo,t white Republican left in the parish, was ibot down. in Coushatta by anuther tiisotised 'stranger," his horse killed under bier aid himself badly wounded. The advice of the New O a rlens Democrat to the people in that country to act with coolness and discretion. leaving the negroes alone and going for the white leaders, appears to be faithfully follow ed. This is the fourth Republican parish of that State in which; the leading white officials have been shot since the campaigue opened. The tax collector of Carroll parish was badly wounded a few weeks since, and deputy tax collector of Vermillion parish killed. These facts conclusively shots - that Tilden is as clay in the hands of his party, whose rec ord is daily written in blood all over the South. Ills election would only insure a more terrible proscription of Republicans in that section than. the country has yet seen. rri•.• 1 ! :. ;.., . -t '.5 i ,:~::~:- ;~ ~. .? ~'w ~r ', \.____ A = F... I GO% 4 IEN One of thz ••1- I ,cihe , .l Officer; ;n Vle speaks for thm .. ~ ~. ' :S[. r I . ~ 1 1 . J i 1' t ;. thu..r..l 1 ...4.• i' I!' - ;~ i,~~ i'.r iJI r:r : • , ‘• ''rid trz,, 17.1 . - 14:stinigtrisionn. •• r• • • I yo,i , a e lpriiim..• , . an •.tri.art frnrii F. I:. 0;,)n - en in the . ...I ' re , riii!y r ~f ;in :n :I :ty. 11:IS !WPC l xtt • r)..r.inervie i.r. St;c• . • ! • ! with a xperifir , tl 7 , rat, 1. Ir. - ; • '' , - ot . t is i %Ire r, ~.. -•;.• ttr . ::it• Irert. . ' I a '~~.~ ~~~ ~, r ,1 •!. 1 Mr. ( f I . . .~ .V. 9%, II tr.,l or it• s ; t p,:ri ~ . .., 1 . ftr..l • i. . • - .;.1".. ; ; • ' . •i • • ••• " • . 1 , • - e , I. : • I . . , . . , %V :J. M.tu, i'.l. , p.tp...T. hr NV. :1. t..) the %.•ry lieort of I i! .. 1,• t‘o,ll/VC;iIZ trt:l7 :H, , matter :14 ole .„,, .1! ‘.../.0:;;, Ivy: heTp 11r. Til.i.• . Ft, C -4 from first . .. ~ sii i •port .•1a,4 of cit t z • •1?.). , : !,t„. it. . law requir,..l. t • raoi:Ly niakit,g false returns an a di ,il:er. or he n.r lecting duty Ili an official. ;,y defalcation ! An honest ("ristruction or the law re.i tired enort citizen to n;.iko re!nra of i = actaai r-- ceipt in PICC..3z !la I. la• , Ic.laetni!. If Mr. "r did not d, tliis. and if either he placiriz L t:rise r0:1,5i ruction upon the law. or he riakin; no r..tucn, he kept hack in,u,ey a li:ch the law requirc.l hint to pay. he doiratided Ore Gi..- , Yetinient. tletratoled New York by false returns and iiy neglecting liis dgtrss an otrwial. It his former as-niciate. Mr. Tilden. defrauded the United States in a ay,: neither inure nor less ocrnoral wcon,z. alssitrd to elect Mr. Tilden President awl leave Tweed a fug'itive is lands. There ig another ni:ttt. , in thi. , woriiiv of notice. The ras, ret,irn o. i ns ur,tr Milt', .I,y Govern ir wa4 evi dently taken by the .IsseA,tor in nmking np an est;ntate of lii income in sul•serrient yearz, during which Tilili.n reftFt , i to make a return. So that he not only ilefrita.,l the )rern meta in lit'.', hilt mi=lt..l .1,: , ..;.;0r :V.. , In undervaluation for the yi,rs f.‘l:.minz. !Ht.; perpetuati,,:z. eluven yeArs, originally don • to the Government. THE speeches of Carl Schurz in Ohio !MT!' brought large numbers of hesitating Germane into the Republican ranks. Several hundred joined the Hayes Clubs in Cleveland imm.•ii ately after his meeting there. • - ",91.1, ' §. • ! ynir iet!,r •,1 nt,n it anturrsh.t..,4l.- 7 - V: .fat—hntn. •••• • ;4.44e t ?Po. 11P114 ••$••••• • it. t 'inter '..z l vf eh. .:••,•.• t7I :,• el? Ir. 1.. r.- frnm Xrat4ors w.qtr• -, 4 4 ."f"r• 1. ..1 , 113330fit..5er3 Inane, t • . sin -Rip.. ' l " .. 7 71/il: .111 .1”, • ra T "3 , 0 pd..* - 7 Rrrst. e , , 73 •• 'ti•^S !-, I..w+ crns ..•••• 74. 2 11 1 2: • 1 .n $ • ..I.tn•l . . if t • ~.-. ~ ~ ~ .- m't.• r..: ti..V.: 3 Of pail t.. 7 of theta nnect- h ti:esc•r aw 4 : .11 tisr I !• . Q: ' • 7 sr .1_ - lart 4;.• r • A 19.-419- ' : v•r-oftsent e i r •:*1 ‘r U. :4 fel' ►_.•n • 1!.. ' • ;$ f'- T'•• 1 :~ .1 ' c• .r -1,, NA; I) • • • . r • . ! 7 I:W . .111"y th 111,... 1 . . • ... , •inzy treviTtrer Lutrrl.•. r, rolurne.ltwol.y rh,)n+.tn•l .::.r• *tow - 1 .•.,tr7 fn►m Ole • ii•• :4 1 41. Tit— w,.1 lirtv• h.v.,•‘t Dwn., ,- 1• ••, r. r*,,, 7. , 11,1ic thieve:. rit-thr,kat. •n,ll >as wr ...:4. red-handled :rh.l4. it ri !Awry," beltnnz th, flu,- of : 4 mane! .1 ' hernu4o they know tiro if he .honhf Ar k•:r Pre3Oient the woe; 34, I tripii.‘l•4 by f .:1- t r Ir 4 Of Wit ROOM .111 hie t i n. ins, ...I •h.r. ...ti:•I tyrain b.. in r/1,,t,1•tn •.. !t,.• rlll,l l ll a 'it • .•• hetwern This is tUe ur ne.•ti,ut the !Lew Tart Tri l 4/1. Two mor• Scare 'read. is Ilassaritn4etta. 11r rhar!ea Franc -14 %dams in Conoretieut, Yr. Mehard D. Ilobhard. R I...,teltia•efts .4n.1 4 -, I tie , : • i , • • . 1: . •re •I, r 11! ?1,1 Sr L.,- ,*.• •.! ••• yr 1 iipp , :tr:lll.• • her he •of Is °ars. 1... t every vote!. in ear h ^!:;prior *PAPP* put to liimAcif this tirit 7 Wbu sad • bag sr* the men who are sappmiiror these notstiaees Are they such men as ynta wroodl to see in vwer ? That is the real • ti - an:; ; , I virvvy Jpect.la . - r ~ ~ ... .. - + ♦-...~• ~—.---s ..• ri the vim ' -I1 . • , I-•••a s • z - - !nor !• .4 • -• • t • r 4 . t , • - • - ..~ f .. . _--:. r • • -T.•-*Nrs , wir 144 , • 4.pat •-. cm. - iqrsi • vvr z .. ~. . ;_• ' • •4. - • -;• ' • ~- ~ I ~~ -, •• r•. s•,,•••••: • I ! . - • .• • • . for : r Kr. iv. ..., rile. • sr. pi : 1.. • is. -1- T. 'env .t sa.l "7w 1-vh- -- :113 ~_ ~_ i! 441. wv • • • •-- T _. i t -• '* 't_ .'i ~„ ‘. go for Tilden. ~. ~~- ~~ .. .. 1 - fo, Sa.f _ - . ~~-. ;. .. a SA 11 . .1 .•?•,kt f .... --r ~ ~; ~ • ~ ~ A Fon, f i tiv . • , :,1117 so r •• r••••rvaakkea. - • t tibert •-H Az... • arum • *firer j . • +smug._ si. • T .rte a*. - UPI. • .ors %la *rirtry vat 1 *".• ''IMO .1/4 •IPT 11... ••• .9....lberit ir • • .4 ••••••••gas aclawrwor„ aim l e. sow A -•.• :.*want tar sirs IMMO gay Iter•resan. and. •wati - v sr. rorsta•na..l _ -.1Vare•••;•. e.-4 ••.-.1 •,••••••• •• if.Vs/ Tllba• warty w.f • -a an • !' r tr! *0 • I, -• 1 trs4 *gam • • e sr.••••• Von, •e •••- • , 1. 4 1 , 1•41 71.10.M.P. • •1 t pc • bro, 50111.41.440 • . 11P.• 111727k7 taut T^ 6.-T • ••• • •—.l' mainiarty ;I•• • --1.-It • in.aisome 4 g• .. - . - *lbw Ir• %won a.% swot 110 , . • • , 10 1 6 , 4/Wkilfra 4 .r far ,;- • • it•thorsiti • • • • • - • • oil,' • -0-• • er.v t ;It . s••• Titt....l, 0..4 I • r • - 4 .• • ae►.# • •...; ~ 1 11 ,P*T.ft! * tit •• tterik •e • .14 • .• • - •—,•••r• • • • • 91. •ita 'I .1111114106,04 , glietyt toy •OW . - .46 of SIM IR iv • !Mk • • 0 - • 4 ‘., • -f :aer n tlllll4 • ;4 ar ^ •; r • •• - -:- • • - ••4 1 4,1 .2 lour 11- • al •" • -` =, arm ow. ' fteirsolke. imp .1",. • -ineteetell :a re • ; - ••• t t: . • • - ._. .. • V • M 119.1. , T - • - ••• 1. • -^s - •••• • . • -a... tn. :•nvoa• ; . t • , - rye - • • •1R! •fir/` • • . • t . .10 IMMO*. sett n N. ...it riir...P4 Ohm is is 3 , 7 sonterlllBll. AnAity !by -boot.. rotor • ?sm. 4 lA. -rg tOwyr •s• . . . .• Ad..* .ny wnsripstere • 0` , .. , ••••• ?sr ...rerr .4' siiPeusew 4ffse • 4 .Ib. *Mr .•:, Antis its. ,••••••*y prig"- ig lbw Now • !h.( imse..t so lbw • 1 .,1 son" ..ikssw pses.salliessur. • ••-:r storsti.. :•sossrs 4 yin - punt 4 - IV.. I-. 7.. rt erg owl - •_ • 4"..arow. twur , ,lP istx4 4 s 0nn...41 rnshrol 'sr s• on- ‘-‘ns ..s.rsorlii4l ..nos. ss4 - rs.rofisi vtrwis. 4 it, • f 4604 • 3 4••••• _ .••••• - shirt bars • .• Arse - gl o w - •tri a • , 1014i55e.... vs. • • .• •064«. arlbeepo sonsof lb* tureito... a qt.* pskiir sret....f• aresiime woo illowisr. •••• .Seer IMP 4,4lirasar -at -.lowa • ' , wogs 4 f 9.4 - • .41......01.10 .4r opriparsosit 4 ... . . • nsas4i4ssiss I sr.. .4 . ••••: • 7••••• - 1.• „ir 1-- i - • - • - 7•1 ^ • 1 • . • .• •••.'1; s..•f • .11* • 110 .••• "imp. pr, TiuLso • . 00••••Camill erssior, sp. - ? sr. -w• 0.4 •.• 1 1 %." mow ow" ~.. to, . • Avg- we 4 sir sts4 11.9.11101 , • -.or' 0 lb. p.p.. INN" • ,•• • is.. 5.M.., -I.v. • • ~ • -.4.•••••or --0.•••••b•-•••11. arero. • ..,,,•••• • oomph. -Ur • .1•0 •.44 , 111.11111.0 4 !;1.• •I •••triwitr7 .1.4 4 peco.ssi •••• , 1 - no impro ro. •1. r-• rirevamP4 sommoot • •••-0•1 Ives no. A* briewo7 Trommr,s4.4 sip*"..? vue".^1.40••., whey !IP 11111MIIrt. •hm. --C.0.? id` vaxim• owl 71.-...t.sys• 'ls. rent, 4 MR's. - •vigo eto stoop. n 11111.111.1. tigerire. _..—. 4 . ....- . 1 0— C :Jews illw Crivgicitt flaidlion k . • 1/... 1 / 2 Trisque.. 1.41.01 7 •• •• • • - fr • " if -1••• ow• 4. -••• • 7,4•1101* .-1 , 14, 'SP iftlimPmsr. -.1-• 4,2 "op,. 4 '1.4. 0.6 /A& r um. 4 1 •1, ifer.-#.4 Ars 4 sok4 sriss 4•P5.6.4 r irs , s. sorbs.. ems* Alms -44. as“ntllwess s 4 ,9 111 1 111P1PP °IPA "" 1 " .s.rrres...tr. frionssi W 'so sPIP • %%V'? lonvis "err *Wake *Psi* %Wm • erste? 4 tat* 211101 . 11610 , 1 re ewe semenoire • --- y s 4 A, IMPII~. to.Pny V' - • • - r yawl terssibt• Amy" . iNitarstory.j .43 t was 1-4. - kappod is "S.- vf T. , elk ••.t. *wipe grae.• wary *I TWOS if log ..smaired 116, •elt r‘••••••• a• v•-!imr-vt * - -ve r-•-•-•-•• ewe Cosily' ' • 1:g t 1411 , ,,e• N • agodhormill yds Clmokart tad J-wigys losagrow. Appn 1114• Miss • d riosiomr-s_ yrribprima e • *ries eriegised ,ansig tires mot site se -eases eV relery virl ISM 4111hess quo :as. • sands tar or& is Ss bone 4 sr lreertnerat iebess. less IPOsidees .1 Deserves war eppoissed. Se NW Or ass za .rife ea Sow air /-see I sus, Imo as so imimmairst 4 111. 1. /111ia. *or creme! Dewsterrvaie reebarassrs ► war 4lr •,, , ar 4 -,mobs sieir • eves ibis lererpre r. 1- • 1,4 *I. isopreies — VMS eresser %se ear. say • Sas bees is 41 4 • - I.e. 4 Itrperd.e. s4irrs Iligurtuume • TN• 0,04 flieltimpy vsiv. imam • peri.rewl JP. peeetieas -wee otwns*:.lK .Mf r •-,1.• - ' sue* reperwar.- •h -; Vaal sltr ••••••,:i.trirre Nirsf •:10ISt ve an I se euria*s. 1r 7 - -.el the :ettr- t- • !toe seity4 ate . . •If.• •• ' ...evil Ties v.v.,. Deveerreeror tweet *- merit hd , per? :tit. Sig I • spas. N. a wail - wens rlit • 1 hod se Om stir. I ?robot 'bat. 4sw=arg "aired ewe stlerria• draper pier heleitto bire,..h .4 the r,vii arrourgr. t WIMP O&M 11,;* lo pr. T.. rwrovrawssal awe Now the giviestee teem& wards imee, faro rims ea, awe email preekses eviidliwir 000~ 4 at, .4 , libmtesir4? .• riellerven.• j egad Atm 11. • MM. V 4.• f Ara. •Nore — rsirt••• • • . 4 'met • leir !as r s- lofts pmeste•-.• • 14 .. • 0r,11.4# !pr-oksityr lb* 4.. irem4 111, 14' M• ft .teipnw.ir tire N 14600.11111 eini seal% Tr frum.vme.pir all v• aft& bow Si- • Ply woo Asst., 40, apipsio tow doe ApnameemP Aor f,I rressillrerr ; ny *arr. OP I %MI 1.1 , *um. rm. og -bp •idel a_ 7 •-•.: •• •?' - • ire 4-41•• • • r• •••••1- 0140.1 voir h . • • Trtmaviii s+-1 Troth so fj - legrourre rwase. TN* mow isitials team/ 0w !Amapa. 3 =list Mebane • sad Irweribesses. lariehrgo Fty Laesswee.. N 0 :1 7 • -: 3,...... - ^ I S V i .• • ,1.4 .4, • '+~ n.- :t _ . . . .• • Etiso.r. i gold loge • to.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers