1 'he Huntingdon Journal. Peabody Medical lasiitute No. 4 Buifin.ch 6t., Boston, (OppoO, • Ii THE SCIENCE LIFE Or. SELF-PRESERVATION, MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD Gold Medal Awarded to the Author I the "National .31,dical _issuciation,'' March 31st, 187 C. - "CST published by the PEABODY mrDicAl, iNsTr tJ a new edition of the r,.!••bmted eirtitiM the "THE SCIENCE Of : or, ri ELF PRE: EUVATION." It treat upon MANao,,n, bow 1,4, ho , regained and how perpetuate.] ; a: et cure of Exhan tea Impotentey, fret:: Spermattorrhoea, or Seminal Luse uali.Nervens and sicalDebiit Forebodings, Mental Depres,tion, gard Countenance, Ceti fusien er A ry, Impure State of the the E1M01:73 OV bum or the indiseretbl mature years. It tells you all about tio. Mori ogy, the Physology of Mart is i te, Physiall Ceutra.,ts, Trae _ sion of Marriage, Conjugrl Precept awl Physical Infirmity, Its Ont. , awl Core, tween the Sexes, ~f Expi,,i-a Miseries of Impudence, Anci:•1:1, MEANS or Ctrar, Cure of I;:idy and Milid. 'l'itre Petx PLES OP TREATMENT. A,lre=s to Patients and Invalid Read era, The Author's Priticii.ks. The price t I ihis ,oh, only n.OO. This Book also conta;r. YORE FIFTI PRESCRIPTIONS for the ithgl'e nainai and other diseases, oath one Worth 21:Jit than the price of the book. Als(l,auoth,•r va:o ly ENTAI 2tril royal t j U. Price ooly Ltare!y enough aV4 11,1 iu wabstantiai to pay for 'Rialto, "The Book for young: and toiddied-a;fod men to readjust now, is the 6eietwo of Lir , , or Self Preservation. Thi author has returned from Einivo in excellcht health, and tA again the Chief Consulting Flip:Watt vt ttie Peabody lostitoto, No. 4 1.;,.!f10ct, Str,t, it., Lepublie.in Journal. "Tito Science of Life in all vonnytr extiariainary'work oti - Phsgio:ogy ever ion Herald. "Hoy) nestled in the le ttoin of Pandora's I , nx and hor pinnies her wittg, anew, since the of those 'mina. klu works, rahlioltaal .I.'euttotly Mtilical Institute "v.-1 4 )oh are batelii,,g til"lls.l4ldri 1111,3 V to lirdid tic 1113.134 ilitiVastsalihocitiotiel life."-Philadalphia •'lt nhould to mad by th voting. even the tint and only over cot ical ;Van in this canatry, a ilrofi x a.y jr. ;turit.s,;l3,4l, Thu pres , aitpti,ei was noti the itutia of tti occuirruto 1:7 the law, et P: j.iumals throughout ilre cent Medal is of solid gold st , t witi: ti,re ti: Bred India diamonds of rare brilliancy • "Alta nether, in its excention and the ri , lnc terials, awl s:ze, this it docidelly the in si. nntireai medal ever taruck in this country fur any purpose wit ever. It is well worth the inspection of Numismatist it was fairly won and worthily luestowed.".—Massachu. setts Ploughman, Tune 34,11/6. Atsi— Catalogue tent on receipt of Ce. far Postage. Either of the above works sent by mail on receipt of price. Address I'EABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, (or W. IL PARKER, 31. D., Consulting Physician,) :s.;o. 4 Bel finch St. Boston, Mass., opp. Revere House. N. D. The anther Call bo consulted on the above named diseases, as well as all diseases requiring skill, secrecy and experience. Oince hours, 9A. Bt. to 6e. Sr. fang. 4-ly Medical YEGETINE Purifies the Blood, I:etiolates and Invigorates the System. -ITS• MEDICAL PROPERTIES ARE AI.TERATIVE, TaNie, 231. VENT AND DIURETrI TEcttiNg is made exclusively from the juices of careful ly-selected barks, roots and herbs, and so strongly concen trated, that it will effectually eradicate from the eyu tem every taint of Scrofula, Scrofulau3 Manor, Tuns 077, C'ancer, Cancerous Humor, Erysipelas, Salt .Rhettm, Sy philitic Diseases, (linker, Faintness at the Stomach and all diseases that arise from impure blood. Sciatica, In- Jtommatoryitnd Chronic Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gout and Spirted ttnnplaints, can only be effectually cured through the blood. For Ulcers and Eruptive disuses of the Skin Pustule: , Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Teller, Sculdhead and Ring worm, VEGETINE has never failed to effect a permanent cure. For Pains in the Back,Kidney Complaints, Dropsy , Female Weakness, Leucorrea, arising from internal ul ceration, and uterine diseases and General Debility, Vso vrrrsn acts directly upon the causes of these complaints. It toVigorates and strengthens the whole system, acts up on the secretive organs , allays inflammation, cures ulcera tion and regulates the bowels. For Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Habitual Costiveness, Palpita tion of the Heart, Headache, Piks, Nervousness and Gen eral Prostration of the Nervous System, no medicine has ever given such perfect satisfaction as the VEGETINE. It purifies the blood, cleanses all of the organs, and possess es a controlling power over the nervous system. The remarkable cures effected by VEGEIINE have indu ced many physicians and apothecaries whom we know to prescribe and use it in their own families. In act, YEOETINit is the best remedy yet discovered for the above dbrases, and !, the only re Hub!, Blood Purifier yet placed before' the public. PREPARED LY H. K• STEVENS, Boston, Mass. What is VEGErnix !—lt is a compound extracted from harks, roots and herbs. It is Natures Remaly. It is per fectl3 Mushiest@ from any bad effect upon the sytitem. Iris nourishing and strengthening. It acts directly upon the blood. It ',lnlets the nervous system. It gives you good, sweet sleep at night. It is a great panacea fur your aged fathers and mothers; for it gives them strength, quiets their nerves, and gives them Nature's sweet sleep,—as has been proved by many an aged person. It is the great Blood Purifier. It is a soothing remedy for our children. It has relieved and cured thousands. It is very pleasant to take: every child likes it. It relieve and cures all diseases originating from impure blood. Try the Vrox ?telt fair trial Ttn' your complaints ; then you will say to your friend, neighbor and acquaintance, "Try it :it has cured me." • VEGITINi for the cmnplaints fur which it is recommend ed, is liaribg $ larger Sale tbrougluntt the United States than agy &II& eve medicine. Why ? regetiue will cure these complaints. VALUABLE; INFORMATION. IIoSTON, D. Gentlemen—My only object in giving you this testimo nial is to spread valuable Information. Having been badly alllicted with Salt lthetint, and the whole surface of my skin being covered with pimples and eruptions, many of which caused me great pain mid annoyance, and knowing it to be a blood disease, I took many of the advertised blood preparations, tuuong which was any quantity of Sarsaparilla, without any benefit until I commenced tak ing the VEGETIvA.and beiore I had completed the first bottle I saw that I bad got the right medicine. Conse quently, I- followed on until I had taken seven •bottles, when I was pronounced a well man,and my skin is smooth and entirely free from pimples and eruptions. I have nev er enjoyed so good health before, and I attribute it all to the use of Vrorrrnit. To benefit those afflicted with Rheu matism, I wills ak* mention also of the Irian IN r's won derful power of curing me of this acute complaint, of which I have attffered so Intensely. C. 11. rei'KER, Pas. AO Mich. C. R. It., tug 611 Washington Street, Neaten. VEGETINE IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, COME TO THE OFFICE JOB PRINTING If you wnat sale bills, If you want bill heads, If you wint letter heads If you want visiting cards, . If you wiint business cards, If you witnt blanks of any kind, If you want envelopes neatly printed, If you want anything printed in a workman like manner, and at very reasonable rates. leave yonrorders at the aLove named office. M. WILLIAM., • . . :viAIzf , FACTITRLIA OF MARBLE MANTLES, M ()NUTIiENTS. HEADSTONRS, HUNTINGDON, 'PA. PLASTER PARIS CORNICES, MOULDINGS. &C ALSO SLATE MANTLES FURNISHED TO ORDER. Jan.. 4, '7l. -A- S AND GA MES (WALL RINDS Just received at the JOURNAL Store. ALSO, WRITING DESKS, WORK BOXES, • " ALBUMS, Sze. CRANDALL'S BUILDING BLOCKS, MENAGERIE and GYMNASTS PARLOR . CROQUET, dx., LEND 25e. to G. P. ROW ELL & CO., 17 New York, for Pamphlet of 100 pages, con taining lists of 3000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising. [mchlo,l6y farm anb ilousOlob. LtEATMENT OF STIYINq HORSES.- -4 hying generally arises from tim _ hut sometimes it is united with cunning, and induces the ani mal to assume a fear of some object for the sole purpose of finding an excuse for turning aside. The usu al cause for shying is doubtless, the Presence of some object to which the horse has not been accustomed, and if he has defective eyes, which renders him short-sighted, it will be difficult to convince him of the innocent nature of the novel, object. There are enaless peculiarities in shying horses, some being dread fully alarmed by one kind of object which to others is not at all formi dable. The best plan of treatment which can be adopted is to take as little notice as possible of the shy ing, and to be especially careful to show no fear of its recurrence when the "alarming" object appears in the distance. When the horse be- pus to sliov► alarm, but not tiil then, the driver should speak encourag ingly to him, and, if necessary, with a severe tone, which may be even by the 1160 of the whip, if his on ward-progress cannot otherwise be maintained. itocninial and dint . - Gh,,tit) flag f Mow: from ~l:wl ::ud ?, nernt lye I'lly,;‘,l 011 , 1 , 1ing Perc, 111 Cimitsel us The principle which should be carried out is to adopt such meas nres as will get the horse to pass the object at which he shies somehow or other, and this should be effected with as little violence as *possible, always commanding in an encouarg ing tone as soon as the purpose is gained. Nothing has so great a tendency to keep up the habit as the plan so common among ignor ant grooms of chastising the shyer after he has passed the object of his alarm. If he eau be persuaded to go quietly up to it, and examine with his muzzle, as well as with his eyes, great good will be effected. lint this can seldom be done with moving vehicles, and heaps of stones or piles of sand are generally only alarming from detective vision, so that each time they assume a new phase to the active imagination of the timid Animal. Punishing bits only Make a high-couraged horse worse, and the use of"over-checks" rarely. ; if ever, prove beneficial.— n the oy Med and th, tetgniti .r ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES or LlME.—Soils that are light and deficient in vegetable matter are made worse by lime. Let one for instance take a piece of Jersey land —light enough to satisfy anybody— and lime it, and he will have as poor a piece of land to operate on as any one could desire to experiment with. A piece of sand saturated with iron rust or oxide of:iron, could not be poorer. And this is true of lime on any kind of light land. Lime tells to best effect on heavy lands always, but only here when in connection with vegetable matter. Indeed, take a, particular view of things irrespective of any chemical language or. chemical theories, we should say tnat lime simply acted as an agent in preparing vegetable matter to be food for- plants. In form language it "eats" the vegeta ble waste and half digests it, and it is in better condition to be made use of by the roots of the regular farm crops. Thus, if we are about to plow up a piece of sod, we lime it a little before we plow it down, or we lime a piece of stubble for the same reason. The lime affects the vegetable material in the soil, and the plants feeding on it are able to get as much profit from it in one year as from the unlimed land in two. Lime indeed adds nothing or but little to the richness of land but makes the natural richness more available. In other words it is an excellent aid in land already rich, but the poorest thing possible for light land, if by light land is under stood poor land.--Germantown 7ele graph. RULES FOR FARMERS.-1. Take good papers and read them. 2. Keep an account of farming operations. 3. Do not leave implements scat tered over the farm exposed to rain, snow and heat. 4. Repair tools and buildings at a proper time, and do not suffer a subsequent three-fold expenditure of time and money. 5. Use money judiciously, and do not attend auction sales to buy all kinds of trumpery because it is cheap. 6. See that fences are well repair ed, and cattle not grazing in the meadows grain fields or orchards. 7. Don't refuse correct experi ments, in a small way, of many new things. 8. Plant fruit trees well, care for them, and get good crops. 9. Practice economy by giving stock shelter during ' winter, also good food,jaking out all that is un- sound, half-rotten or mouldy. 10. Do not keep tribes of dogs and cats round the house, who eat more in a week than they are worth in all their lifetime. A PERFECT FARMER.-TO be a perfect farmer, a man should com bine reading, observation, and prac tice. A man may work in the fields all his life and be a poor farmer. We should gain knowledge by reading and study, and also by what we see around us, and then this knowledge must be put in practice. Our views if they will not stand the test of act ual experiments are worthless. All sound theory is based upon practice and all sensible practice is the re suit of well grounded information, whether learned by our own obser vations or from the experience of oth ers. That theory that will not stand the test of experience is worthless, and that practice which is not based upon sound theory is equally worth less. NINE hours' work in the field, now that we have so many labor saving implements, is enough for horse or man. Two hours rest at noon will be well for the horses giv ing them time to eat, and opportuni tf to digest their food. The tenth of the time thus taken from work will be more than regained in the better health of the animals, and their ability to work the other nine hours. Dr. Swayne's Medicines TO ALL! DR. SWAYNE, The biteorerer and Compoutoler of the fa rlatto,ll DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of IV lid Cherry and other valua b le preparations, entered nisei his prs .rf.:- Nional career with the Important advanta., ora regular Medical Education in one of the oldest and let schools in Philadelphia, and, perhaps in the world. Ile sub.- euently arced so &Wald term of pi:wilco in the Philadel phia Dispensary, and for many years attenst.4 also in the hospital. In these institutions he eejoyea the most am ple opportunities of Obtaining an insight into diseases in all their various forms, as well as fur ascertaining the best methods of their treatment. In offering, therefore, to the people of the United Staten the fruits of his extennive pro fessicmal experience in the medical compounds as the lest results of his skill and observation, he feels that he is but proffering a boon to every flintily throughout the land, resting, as he does, confidently, in the merits and effica cious virtue of the remedies be herewith commends. The vast amount of testimony from all parts of the world has proven "DOCTOR SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY" the most efficaciousremedy known,and it is admitted by our must eminent physicians, and all who have witnessed its wonderful healing properties. The WILD CHERRY in all ages of the world, and in all coun tries where it is known, has been justly celebrated for its wonderful medicinal qualities; but its great power to cure some of the worst and most distressing diseases among us was never fully ascertained until the experiments of that ekillful physician, Dr. Swayne, had demonstrated its high adoption, in combination with Pine Tree Tar, and in other equally valuable vegetable ingredients, which, chemically aombined, renders its action tenfold more certain and ben eficial in curing all diseases of the throat, breast and lungs. DR. SWAYNE'S WILD (MERRY COMPOUND strikes tot the root of all diseases by purifying the blood, 1-,toring the liver and kidneys to healthy aetion, invigor ating the nervous and shattered constitution. ANOTHER HOPELESS CASE CONS ClIPTION! CURED BY Dr. Swaync , s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry ADAMOWN, Lancaster Cu., Pit. SWAYNF, k SoN. Gentlentett:—About two years ago my wife was suffering from consumption, her enigh at times wan very distressing, awl during her skkn,- had the best medical attendance in thin and adjoining coun ties. Her case was pronounced hopele4s by all of them. I was induced through the recommendation of your agent, Dr. Isaac 11. Miller, it West Brecknock, licks county, Pa., and who can verify these facts, to try Dr. Swayne's Compound syrup of Wild Cherry. Afterusing it tier some timo,.she was entirely cured, and is now as well as ever, and fully able to perform her usual labor. lam so fully satisfied that it la to your preparation that I :on indebted for her restoration to health, that I grant you full liberty to give her case publicity, in the hope that others now Suffering may derive benefit from her experience. ..... respectfully, lIENIiY 11101 IN, PitiCE ONE DOLLAR—Six BOTTLES FIVE DoLLAIIS. Prepared only by SWAYNE & SON 330 iVorth Si :r1 S f rrrt, Plaladelph;il ALE. PROMINENT i) VEGISTS• A Good Family Medicine. If yon are Bilious, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If yon have a Sick Headache, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If your Tongue is Coated, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If you have a Cold, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS To prevent and cure Chills and Fever,take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If your Bowels are Costive, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS Persons of a full habit, who are subject to Headache, Giddiness, Drowsiness, and Singing in the . Ear, arising from too great a flow of blood to the head, should never be without them, as many dangerous symptoms will be car ried off by their use. LIVER COMPLAINT. That dreaded disease from which so many persons suffer, is frequently the cause of HEADACHE, INDIGESTION AND DESPEPSLi, is speedily relieved and often permanently cured by their use. Fevers are prevented by the use of Blood Purifying Pills, as they carry off, through the blood, the impurities from which they arise. For Costiveness there is nothing so effective as Swayne's Tar and Sarsaparilla. Pills. Price 25 cents a box ; 5 boxes for $l, sent by mail. Address let ters and orders to DR. SWAYNE S; SON, =North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For sale by all Druggists. ITCHING PILES Is generally preceded by a moisture, like perspiration, distressing itching, as though pin worms were crawling in and about the rectum,particularly at night when undress ing, or in bed after getting warm. It appears in summer as well as winter, and is not confined to males only, but it is quite as frequent that females are sorely afflicted, par ticularly in times of pregnancy, extending into the vagi na, proying distressing almost beyond the powers, of en durance. Cases of long standing, pronounced incurable, have been permanently cured by simply applying SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS, DR. SWAYNE Sox. Gentlemen :—Whe box of Ointment you seat me by liken itnred me.entitely of Itsbing Piles, whicki suffered wiWfor live tears. Encloged find fifty cents for another boi for a. friend of mine. ANDREW J. BEACH, Farmwell Station, Londoun Co., Va. Dn. SWAYNE at SON :—Enclosed please find one dollar for two boxes of your Ointment for Itching Piles. These are for some of my friends who are afflicted with this dis tressing complaint. The box you sent me a year ago, (used about one-half of it,) and I am glad, yes X am proud to say, it made a perfett cure. I think its edictal , phould be published throughout the length and bmadth 'of the laud. Ton can publish this ifyou think proper. DADID GROSIMICKIJI, Ladiesburg, 14ederick Co., 11d. READER: If you are suffering with this annoying com plaint, or Tetter, any crusty, scaly, itchy, skin disease, go to your druggist and got a box of Bwayne's Ointment. It will surely cure you. Price 50 cents a box. 3 boxes $1,25, 6 boxes $2.50. Sent by mail to any address, on receipt o the price. Preparedonly by Da. SWLYNE Sox, 830 11. : 11ixtb St., Phila. HAVE YOU TRIED IT? Life, "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Growth, "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." • "London Hair Color Restorer." y Beaut "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." for the "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." HAIR. "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." lEEP TOUR HEAD AND HAIR HEALTHY LONDON HAIR RESTORER I—lt will restore gray hair to its original color. 2—lt will thicken thin hair; cause a new growth. 3—lt will restore the natural secretions. 4—lt will remove all dandruff and itchings. s—lt will make the hair soft, glossy and flexible. 6—lt will preserve the original color to old age. 7—lt will prevent the hair from Wittig off. B—lt will cure all diseases of the scalp. It restores both the luxuriance and color of the hair, and is as harmless as water. Premature blanching or fa ding of the hair is greetly to be regretted, and that every body wants tobo beautiful is proof enough that it is wise and right to Woo, by etery ettper meta; but there is nothing more important to tide end than beautiful hair. Now to prevent the failing of the natural coloring clatter in ik or re-excite the Toots of the hair to growth Again, flaking has ever been introduoed to the American people that equals the LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER. Dr. Dalton, of Philadelphia, says of it : The London Hair Color Restorer is used very extensively among my patients and friends, as well as by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 CENTS PER BOTTLE ; SIX BOTTLES FOR $4. Sent by Express, to any address, on receipt of price. Address orders to Dn. Swami & So r, 330 N. Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa., solo Proprietors. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. apr 21, '7O-ang 25, '76.] Planing Mill HENRY & CO C. MUNSON, (;OTTAGEPLANINGMILL CO blANI.IFACli•;;;;;,: , AND PEA SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, E'LOOREN G I Brackets, Noultiillis Stair-Raiiillis PLASTERING LATH, SHiNGLES, COMMON AND FANCY FiCKETS, FRAME STUFF and ztil kinfi; of LT_LMBEI: The meml,ei - s of ti., (,4f!a.r: , Planing 7 , `1;1 Co. being largely ii:tereAol in Clearfield and Ctiatto elantic.;. tii,y will at times keep :qipply of thz: very beet I4l` -r! well seasoner!, and pariies favoring MI. with :in der will reer.ive proopt attentive, tat,' worl4 GUAQANTEED Tull,ler salisfaction. Office for the pre.9ent at Henry .E Co's. Store. S. E. HENRY, Sept Huntingdon, Pa., Sept. 1, 11•75. 1117a,rfaV. Pianos and Organs ARION PIANO FORTE A l'•Z 1)- Estey's Cottage Organs. '!'":".'-' -1 4 - , ---- d..,=t , ,:- .. . - -7.:.:,.. , :-., : -€':- 7.7- ; ...-...:.--F.R. i 4 . 1 afill_E '' . -ES'27 -ig r I ----.;-- : -- )9 . k. - . :4 % - 41 .. ....- , E y ft , A. ~'"'" l' .74°:1 -.., .:' E. t ------ d . .. WO R ' ' ~,t . AD .: - - :04 , Lc ) , --," .. A t .' , ' .„.,'• , -,,,,_ ONE THOUSAND JAPE AN i) SOLD MONTHLY. NEARLY OR QUITE DOUBLE THAT OF ANY OTHER MAKE THE SWEETEST AS WELL AS THE MOST POWERFUL ORGAN IN THE MARKET. Also the PATENT AMON PIANO, WITII FOUR NEW PATENTS. E. M. BRUCE & CO., No. 1308 Chestnut St., deelo,7s] PHILADELPHIA. Jewelry. SOMETHING NEW. TWO LARGE STORES MERGED INTO ONE! EXPENSES DECREASED, PRICES REDUCED and greater convenience secured to customers, JAXES A. BROIVX Takes pleasure in announcing to all who want to buy CARPETS & FURNITURE That having become sole proprietor of the Fur niture store formerly owned by "Brown t Ty hurst," he has combined with it his large Carpet Store and THE LADIES Will be pleased now to find the CARPETS, as well as samples of FURNITURE on the first floor, without climbing stairs. My stock comprises a great variety of Kitchen, Chamber and Parlor Furniture, Mattresses, Picture Frames, Brackets, and the largest stock of CARPETS in Central Pennsylvania. Flogr and Table Oil Cloths, Win dow Shades, Wall Paper, Carpet Chain, all colors; needles for. Howe and other machines. Estey Orgaps;, also. Howe sewing machines at cost. I Mknixfecture part of my goods in.both the Carpet and Furniture Department, and please NOTICE THIS FACT, That as I BUY LOW FOR CASH, and having made this new arrangement, reducing expenses, I can sell at such Ow 'prices as will make it the in terest of buyers lo call at" , j 4. No. 525 , Penn Street. Until iNfarch 10th, I offer AT COST, for cash, Wall Paper and a g-eat variety of Carpets. Feb.lo. JAMES A.I ItOwN. ,Stationery. CHEAP! OFIFIAP! ! egIEAP!! PAPERS. 1 .-/ FLUIDS. N.--/ ALBUMS. Buy your Piper, Buy your Stationery Buy your Blank Books, AT THEJ OUR.LV.IL BOOR tt, STATIONER Y STORE. Fine stationery, School Stationery, Books for Children, Gaines for Children, Elegnot Pocket Book, Pass Books, And an Endies - Variety of Nice Things, AT TILE JOURNAL BOOK & STATIONERY STORE 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 SPLENDID 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 13Esaaatiea a Z..2->cz.Z3•ll l z , 25 25 25 25 25 25 9 5 25 As Low as 25cts. a Box, 25 25 25 25 25 25 AT TIIE JOURNAL STORE. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 D. W. BOLT J• F. STENEIt. Fruit of the Loom 4-4 Muslin at' Calicoes, hest niaki 1O per yard. per yard. Smithfield, 4-4 Muslin at 10 cents Pacific Lustre , per yard. per y:trd. All other good in same pro- ! portion. Full stock of Dry 6., L9w PRICES Still LOWEII. ANOTHER G n E.I I HUNTINGDOE BRANCH OF B. OPPFNHEI Standard. Rulos : ONE PRICE.: GOOD EZCEANCIED. =NM" Paer..;.61272. Always get your money's worth ' am l more i huyin97 of w, pus! in .-or no , !uriL.- r ... .' •; --. thing, as we always, most cheer, fully, return the tritiney on return !,,s - ,„„,.!... - TO WHICH! FACT t\i'WA7.l-"Ij.jUS PER SCAB WILL TLISTIer:Y. Huutirig.lon, Pa , .1 ;tile 9, 1-;if..l. \'l\L 1' ' !~/'~~ i t Oil7l, 4 4 7 .1 ; • - c B 0 Our stoc Wy. Give us a call and r: «' Tw© Trotting Buggies, Lap and Shaved Shingles. and White Pine Flooring, :?_oofing Lathe, Hemlock Lumber of all kinds, belonging to OSCAR 13IR,:i_\TP_A_U3\_., June 16, 1876 Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Soap:. and Dye Stuff, Great Reduction in Prices Fifth Street Drug Store. Have now the 1ar,2(2,4 and the • I •teck ~ f YSi 47), (A) ";r:) . ...:f - Cr \lort, `c T t . r .41.41:1 * .. 44 4. 4 ;e4 tj ,1,/j. 1.,) PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS. PITRE WINES AND LIQUOItS CHOICE PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS, HAIR, CLOTHES AND TOOTH BRUSHES, COMBS. SHOULDER BRACES'. TRUSSES, INSTRUMENTS, AND ALL ARTICLES FOUND IN A MST-CLASS AND WELL-KEPT DRUG STORE. PHYSICI.II.)NS 9 Will receive special attention, and long experience enables them to compound meth dines carefully and accurately. The only place in town where the " BOSS" CIGAR can be hail. Try then) 10 1 11EIRAC 411D111E NW 31IE 11X - MC 11L.1111:11 1 1LILT Huntingdon, August 11, 1875.—y Over 300 Modifications. TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF EVERY BUSINESS FAIRBANKS & EWING. 715 CHESTNUT ST PHILADELPHIA , December 24,'75-1p FOR MAIN PIZINTIM.:, FANCY PRINTING, GO TO 'HIE JOURNAL OFFICE Dry Goods B. OP "cec 1 T f 11 &- Br , • IT I idJ z...) ; t7 - r - rl 1 i ' ;' )* d ,„ (; - Te - 2,; to .1 t 1 • • -1 1 - • p F. / - Gent z' Furnishi , e 1 -• A c 24 - • - ek is ail well a:::;o - ftel. goMS will be forced off at that astonish piin:ha;:crz Two Houses for Rent Cheap. For sale cheap One Two-Horse Wagon, 1 'TOP 131T0-0- .. - cr. , ONE SPRING WAeOf Also, a tine lot of will be fired for CASH at a reducti,,r -AT THE C. FLEMING & CC. IN HUNTINGDON ('‘)VNTY for medicinal pnrlm and an elegant as:;orttnent of Notion.: Y t: r : 3 ~J i~~, WM. MAIWiI • S RRO \c'J. MAflC'rl ALSO PRESC " TIONS We may Eery keg V, - sad 31arekl.io; COLORED PRINTING DONE AT the Journal Office at lohilaclelphia priest. It‘ - _ Is-‘%. - 077_, 'Li I only rent.. I t) qualit r. n II .111,;!,.;( 21) - I,o* y.; I.9 ;tril . Y G 0, 01 5 - P1C , 61. 4 .` 4 11.0..4 .11*.T1 V pt ,on 4ind•i IiEDU('TTON IN l'1:11 . IN AT MER & SONS, • , ; ; g ~; i , ••• A•Ar- A O i 4-271 i~ t~- I , A , SA. I s eity % ,o, -rt i B0 (, T NID tioC 4 . Ht:' AND (*AP.; Ail , of vA 7 -71 ho prives. D.'s : * Civet the or+ stead In •ho, Daisets•C 4 1 11 emst , ,nsitrt au.! :he pt: 44.111.r.5.,1 are isk.:l•4 ;se. L )1 . rotto - 74 %ND, :411.'7..4. rnii? friert.i ars I that se las ride "I . ' 1 "":" •."'"l' IN F. ► 4:4 TH V P - Mar THAT Rnett• ant 5, -t. •..l•* easlifroia. RA:J. /UST 111113 RD 'Sash M is ?verse -4 to ssql a :rate 'raw tilos miry •Alier establishment ;a t—ata. &ring a urns - 4 PI , EN !AP' " I". riftlE op s eiti)Ctirk 4 tboratalat.r, art" Aiming Sal rap.-'- ill %T eller, hp , trattrrt Itttrissqf •S:it :s sort.-11 t-tsristt e'AN'7 RICIT in libnyeas , :r. bite trig' a eall. st taw IN ell PNE.-4:4 .15D 417.11.471 CHEAP BOOT %NIP :zTooRF., I.L AND AXIL .1•1 , t 1 111rNITE'Z.7- 1 /1. C• 1!. ~ M l4l. a-rt mat. ;!".s stt-st sr : 1 iamb!, aiattan• Jan. 4. I i • DI :V: 1. 4 u •Fran•• a ts I. KID citab'.w F.r Me, a3l boy, ar ati v.irriasmt .of I I 1).-4 4 .111. gi.)Ol,S ishieh aril vs .Li nnso-wrs a 4 tre issrket w s4asit Yir or , vv was selects 4 wi:h ;resat --arin anal r -ma vuael s;l -iv wstabeiohmaray. Pitt • St!rZ, ns••••as.r work. 1,4 ~ riarant,Fo.l in (J~~~IN Df..►►.rlC .. LE:THE:Z. <Hui: J,a.r,t- YALE Business EfitHEl rEi• in.tirn 1. loestP.l st Nov the e•fAiritt..l grit •II Triww , tes. inki4 Ow, 4 Tia. Colley% pre-ezeintistir tint ib-rt 1r.... prior ties! of its had in as , nn-stry : r •hir MERCANTILE TR IINING h,rl •1. •7 '... toe ate is hy;••• ‘• • .1•••- , ••• • • 0v.r.,...• +it Prot P C toprid:-P. Gook priapi.P . rb, at,i .0! Pa ramp. ,11 ans,oes 4 imy• •in 4 .1141 firm, awl t. ke. I 45. - 64.e.4. 1;0 ra.6'4.• I.f • 3••• S .Abo itsnet ger Pa. .1...#1•• rffor , a { 7 •••••aania I. 1114 •eter ettleteehlr NW , * tteelhip 3,14 tn.:stens ID 0:1:•: , •,, 44:13...• . 12 ,eipg so.{ -%* S.• • np Cot the rw.if,,,,,tp .-s• • • • plser.e.l I hi* STElDL''ffq Pll 117'3 r fAr•Arr nr sins , 1 r• t h ari;SCRIIIF: : 1 1.: 7 kj Old, 12.60 i•,~ !, 11' )018 t it Co fs ttL u i t on (i . A NS 77. z. :: : , -,.. • ~: _ :~ r -= _ ~, G. 1N70r , !: & CO.. Cam° fi WSW ty. irrt.i. Orstemr: 119 "wit, • . "P .41111111....... alllllol.l, TEE 7i_ . l. N t: t~ t - NEW .4TOCE. ITil .V : t :..►:►l ire 2-s, • T. ' .I.n. ). *7 .., s i :::.' T; Vii Hli.!, r.li. 7 .1„. Ll' i• _ , YOUNG MEN. •iss, '7 11oW To im) 1"F rzh - T.:: F 7 PArkhirt! ~,1 e,_ vr. 'l-'1 P. 3 • Ti4)v; .r'► Ft) YALE BUSINESS CGLEEVE, t .4 f I r raj I its to. i.ini mover_ first* I r•-..ss-. filer k 4a fin MU. ro . 4br TOT T - ~y 1 11.4 tae. a aiftl6.l%• -- 110,0011110 so 11.^- hr! veintior 0 Vll4ll,looo.o46CanaPrippow. ✓.. riarnirin r. 4 u.trz. r. , ••fr4 11 IP MOW •..~,. as 4 ....nth 'of birlnk W L. UM VIM T arT eitILIP algal • 7 am Gz_tNr) Dr.rfn an. a. i• . 4;7 7 : - , iy b•+ - a.su ; ~!i{► 41tr: G r . sorkS 7 1 )i: Tfir 7-41 X Vii": ittNTTNGDerg BAZAR D.;• 0 , PI , sip.e.irr vv. • s .avvp te.4 .11 mterws4ao.4. verb, ..."....40,1•1 ~...~3. i l ~)' 0 ;0 ,y)s nitootmt R '.°R I '4 4 • -; :vino f v 1 Li. a 74 :el ,t,elF.Rliie. rgt)V ISH t:i.4 I sm. groAtii sad ?rimer , . -girt • Varo„ !Ciliel sod Vaoli , • •-•-• •. 1 1, re ii-,u'•se&.", •• 8 ;• , 1117.C0T011l CO. XX irTD P. 4 `I 1W 4 1 0 11 X. wet 4.0 r Air Pm* lam Ike weir 46, bw, 0/04r. TINA* rers...)l or • .... 11.111.0 ,11 1 «r` "7 *V. Irlt WIL I IIII7 SS. P 414'Y 11111111111111. Prtzrfpasio. Vv.§ or- vir .9 -for -row oftllP ssal s I. • vow lis swi4 Inisoor 't •••• • 4.-4 ova or ores. •e :=lll-araor At # t 444.4fte 4 , I 4.44 •••••ert. mod uproar dr..• $ , "v. 11410 1 ." 4 star asellik "61 s pr ••• ►F • 41: R 4 `our'44 Sri s• - T Is Wow" I*4lllll,ollllftrril 6111.0"4 *Mt .111.10, r• 1•11.11,0" A 110,;* *A !Mr ..gros r r ~v?'• .1 arrr:4 + • idOS ,7111 lore a I; e) Y ',WI3 > P. -Mile. i.7'. -t * TI 0 .1:4 qr EVIZA'Ar ASE T. •1r :Nor ...er lan& .26 &win :3D 4 1P.E- 1 IT9. kr-s. 114 It • 1•••• - v.ve 4lar • j r TRY t , "an amii i:.•:1,1 3- -rnaiir Cinthinc- [l. I,II:F.Y.NRRIMA , IFN AND sny-4 ,* ,•• •*••••• ...*** of N. 4111 s pier. • .A 31,1111-71.4 as sr-Ara it it , 711? '6 Si a • a iistaler ?It ILBII3II7ILP . n :~ te I .+tt~.~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers