The Huntingdon Journal. farm Aoustiplb. "Go Work Upon a Farm." (Sidney llurbert, in the Seini-T, The song I sing to you to day Is not to learn a trade ; - For I am sad the truth to say— That song aside is laid. The mills are running on half time, The shops give forth no noise, And it is bard to find a dime Among the 'prentice boys. . C 110 RU S The song that I shall sing to you Your troubled hearts will claim ; If you have nothing else to do— "Go work upon a farm." The stores arc filled with idle clerks, Because the times are dull; And he his duty plainly shirks— When shops and mills are full— Who seekes to learn a trade, or tend The counter of a store, In hopes the future yet will send A fortune to his door. CIIORUS---- Ah, vain are all such hopes as these, That surety end in harm ! Don't seek to sit 'neath shady trees— "Go work upon a farm." Oh ! why should men in cities pine, Or idly stay in town ? Why loaf about, and crossly whine That "things are upside down ?" Can this bring bread to wife and child And make the future bright ? Can this turn the weather mild, Or furniih heat and light ? C lICIRUS- • Such men should listen to my on; , And in it find a charm ' • It tells them how to get along,-- "Go work upon a fent." Lam man starve for want of bread— The product of the soil— For all can still be amply fed, Who will but share the toil— The honest manly toil, that brings The harvest season round, When glad the farmer gaily sings, Because of fruitful ground. This, then, shalt be the song we sing, The whole world to alarm, And loudly let the chorus ring— "Go work upon a farm." Value of Road Dust, [From the Country Gentleman' During the dry season of late summers, every country resident should secure sev eral barrels of road dint. -Ilia worth many tiares - itt edst-its aribserbent:- Thoie who keep poultry secure by its use a val uable:fertilizer nearly as strong as guano, with none of its disagreeable odor. Place an inch or two of road dust in the bottom of the barrel ; then, as the poultry house is regularly cleaned, deposit a layer an inch thick of the cleanings, and so on al ternalL ?leach till the barrel is full. The iiiirAeileaeh layer- is the more per; foot will be the intermixture of the in gredients. If the soil of which the road dust is made is clayey, the layers of each may be of equal thickness; if sandy the dust should be at least twice as thick as the lay ers of atoppings• Old barrels of any kind may be used for this purpose ; but if pre. viously soaked with crude petroleum, or coated with gas tar, they will last many years: If the contents are pounded on a poor into fine powder before applying, the fertilizer may be sown from a drill. Road dust is one of the most perfect deodorizers of vaults—converting their contents also into rich manure. Place a barrel or box of it in the closet, with a small dipper, and throw down a pint into the vault each time it is occupied, and there will be no offensive odor whatever. This is simpler, cheaper and better than a water-closet, and never 'f63ezes or gets out of order. Mix ing the road dust with an equal bulk of coal ashes is an improevment, making the fertilizer more friable. Principles of Good Farming. The better to retain important facts in the memory, I am ever fond of reducing the principles of good farming to brief maxims gutzglp,9ompirsing into a single short sentence the gist of many a page. Thus I carry about the mental pabulum to be digested at the handle of the plow or hoe. The following are some of these principles : First.—The farmer-who would succeed well, and derive pleasure as well as profit froin his calling, must manifest an active and abiding interest in his vocation. It takes heart-work to make hand-work pleas ant. Second—The farmer must study how best tslncrease and mantain fertility to There is no inertia w ; there west -he progress'? either for ward or retrograde. Third—The farmer must strive to in crease the quality as well as the quantity of his crops. It is the quality that de termines the price. In this, "Excelsior" should be his - unvarying motto. Fourth—The farmer• must seek with a watchful eye to improve his market facili- ITAllrgirdniportation that eats up the profits. Fifth—The art of raising better stock is not as well known as it should be. Keep no more animals than you have the facili ties to feed and care fur well. Sixth—The farmer must seek to im prove his social, intellectual and financial condition. A Perfect Farmer. a 1 .7 ; To kis:perfect farmer, a man should combine reading, observation, and prac- ) RV' mq Work in the fields all his life at be a poor farmer. We should gain:intiwiedge by reading and study, arid' also by what we see around us, and ,then this knowledge must be put into practice. Onr views, if they will not stand the test of actual experiments, are 'Worthless. All sound theory is based upon praetieetandiall sensible practice is the result of well grounded information, whether learsea by our oirza observation or from ; ie exgerienee4;,others. That theditividefewin iiorgitlallicPtest of ex perience is worthless, and that practice ,wjtich is not based upon sound theory is equally worthless. ----~i-- FOR CORNS.—To cure corns, lay pleas of raw fat pork upon them. The corn will disappear in a few days. Dr. Swayne's Medicines LIFE, GROWTH, BEAUTY. LONDON HAIR COLOR itEStORER. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a Dye; wakes harsh hair soft and silky; cleanses the scalp from all impurities, causing the hair to grow where it has fallen off orbecomo thin Can be applied by the band as it does not stain the skin or soil tho finest linen. As a Hair Dress. ing it is the most perfect the world has ever pro. duced. The hair is renovated and strengthened, and natural color restored without the application of mineral substances. Since the introduction of this truly valua,ide preparation into this country, it has been the won der and admiration of all classes, as it has proved to be the only article that will absolutely, without deception, restore gray hair to its original color, health, so ftness, lustre and beauty, and produce hair on bald heads of its original growth and color. This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed article is complete within itself, no washing or prepara tion before or after its use, or accompaniment of any kind being required to obtain these desirable results. HERE IS TIIE PROOF OF ITS SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE Read this Home Certificate, testified to by Edward R. Garriyucs one of the wont competent Drijgints and Chentists of Philadelphia, a man whose veracity none can doubt. I am harpy to add my testimony to the great value of the "London Hair Color Restorer," which restored my hair to its original Color, and the hue appears to he permanent. lam satisfied that this preparation is nothing like a dye butoperates up on the secretions. It is also a beautiful hair dressing and promotes the growth. I purchased the first bottle from Edward B. Garrigues, drug gist, Tenth and Coates street, who can also testify my hair was quite gray when I commenced its use. MRS. MILLER, No. 730 North Ninth street, Phila.; Dr. Swayne & Son, Respected friends:—l have trio pleasure to inform you that a lady of my ac quaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with the suc cess of your "London hair Color Restorer." Her hair was falling rapidly, and quite gray. The col or has been restored, the falling off entirely stop ped, and a new growth of hair is the result. E. B. I/ARRIGUES, Druggist, cor. Tenth and Coates, Phila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 22d, IS7l.—Dr. Swayne Son: Last win ter while in Trenton, N. J., I procured six bottles "London hair Culor Restorer," which I like very much, in fact better than anything I have used in the last nine years. If you please, send me one dozen bottles C. 0. D., care of W. S. Fogler 416 Son, Druggists, No. 723 Tremont street, Boston. Respectfully yours, ADA BAKER, No. 59 Rutland Square. "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing," Ras completely restored my hair to its original color and yonthful beauty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant growth. MRS. ANNIE MORRIS, No. 616 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Dalton, of Philadelphia, says of it: 'the "London Hair Color Restorer" is used very ex tensively among my patients and friends, as well as by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 cents per bottle; six bottles $4. If not sold by your druggist or storekeeper we will send it by Express, to any address, on receipt of price. Address orders to Dr. SWATNE & SON, 330 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Penn'a, sole Proprietors. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. THE LUNGS. CONS ITNIPTION! This distressing and dangerotwoomplaint, and its premonitory symptoms, neglected cough,night sweats, hoarseness, wasting flesh fever—perma nently cured by "DOCTOR SWAYNE'S COM POUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY." _ _ _ BRONCHITIS—A premonitor of Pulmonary Consumption, is characterized by catarrh, or in flammation of the mucus membrane of the air passages, with cough and expeetoration, short ltreath, hoarseness, pains in the Wiest. For all bronchial affections, sore throat, loss of voice, coughs, DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A SOVEREIGN REMEDY. Hemorrhage, or Spitting of Blood, may proceed from the lyrynx, trachia, bronchia or lungs, and arises from various causes, as undue physical ex ertion, plethora, or fullness of the vessels, weak lungs, overstraining of the voice, suppressedevac nation, obstrnctioa of the spleen or liver, &c. Dr. Swayne , s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry strikes at the root of disease 'by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action and invigorating the nervous system. The only standard remedy for hemorrhage, bron chial and all pulmonary complaints. Consump tives' or those predisposed to weak lungs, should not fail,to use this great vegetable remedy. Its marvelous power, notonly over consumption, but over every chronic disease where a gradual alterative action is needed. Under its use the cough is loosened, the night sweats diminished. the pain subsides, the pulse returns to its natural standard, the stomach is improved in its power to digest and assimilate the food, and every organ has a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, out of which new recreative and plastic ma terial is made. Price One lagllar ; six bottles Si. If not sold by your druggist or storekeeper we will forward a half dozen, freight pahl, to any address, on receipt of price. Prepared only by DR. SW DYNE & SON, 80 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia sOLU BY ALL PRO3fINENT DRUGGISTS ITCHING PILESt PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES ! YOSITIN ELY CURED by the use of SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most dis tressing of all diseases Pruritus or Prurigo, or more commonly known as Itching Piles. The itching at times was almost intolerable, increased by scratching, and not unfrequently become quite sore. I bought a box of "Swayne's Ointment," its use gave quick relief, and in a short time made a perfect cure. I can now sleep undisturbed, and I would advise all who are suffering from this dis tressing complaint to procure "Smcayne's Oint ment" at once. I had tried prescriptions almost innumerable, without finding any permanent re lief. JOSEPH W. CHRIST, (Firm of Roedel k Christ,) Boot and Shoe House, 344 North Second Street, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Sicasne's All-healiny Ointment is also a specific for Tetter, Itch, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Erysip elas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all Scaly, Crusty, Cutaneous Eruptions. Perfectly safe and harmless, even on the most tender infant. Price 50 cents.— Sent by snail to any address on receipt of pricy. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE & SON, 330 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. SOLE PROPRIETORS AND MANUFACTURERS OF SWAYNE'S PANACEA. Celebrated all over the world for its remarkable cures of Scrofula, Mercurial' and Syphiltic Com plaints, and in cases where Syphiltic virus of the parent, causes a development of Syphilis or Scrof ula in the child, nothingbas everprov_ai so effect ual in completely eradicating every vestige of these dangerous complaints, and all diseases arising from IMPURITY OF TIIE BLOOD. Describe symptoms in all communications, and address letters to DR. SWAYNE & SON, Phila delphia. No charge for advice. SENT RY Ex- PRESS TO ♦NY ADDRENS, on receipt of price. $2 00 r,or bottle; three bottles $5. [april 21, 187 d. William March & Bro.'s Cheap Store AVM. MARCH 1776. WM. MARCH &BRO., Grand Opening of Latest Styles and Lowest Prices. We will announce to all our friends, and to the public generally, that we have received the second supply of all kinds of goods which we will offer for CASH for 30 days to come, at a reduction. All who want to save money these panic times, see what our prices are, then come and see the goods for yourselves and be convinced that we mean to do what we say. The Attention of the Ladies is Especially Directed Reduced Price List. 1500 yds Calico, Gets 500 yds Brown Muslin 4-4 7up 400 " Bleached " 4-4 8 " 200 " Ginghams, 7ets Paper and Cambric muslins, Bcts Ticking good, 4-4 Iscts Black Alpaca, good, 25 up " very " 40cts Colored Alpaca " 25cts Black Grenediiies, 10cts Figured " 15cts Hannanas 25cts Grass Cloth, lOcts Poplins, plain and plaids, 12cts up Skirting, 18cts up Table Linen, 30cts up Bleached Damask, 65cts Towels good, 3 for 25cts Napkins per doz. 75cts Parasols, Silk and Cotton, cheap. Embroidery per yard, Gets up Victoria Lawn 18cts " Swiss " 18cts " Window curtains, 25cts " Shawls, cheap Black Thibet Shawls,s2.oo up Corsets, white and coored, 50ctf3up Ladies Collars and Cuffs, 30cts up Ties, pure silk, all colors, 20cts up " " Lace 20cts up Linen Handkerchiefs, 10cts " bordered and hem, 25cts Ribbon, all colors, per yard 3cts up, Ladies' Lasting Gaiters, $l.OO up Button Shoes, $1.75 up Large lots misses' & childrens' shoes. Ladies' white hose 3 pr. 25cts " " good per pr. 15cts Childrens' white & colored hose, per pr. scts HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR WOOL. Two Houses for Rent Cheap. June 16, 1876. - - - - Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, and Dye Stuff Great Reduction in Prices Fifth Street Drug Store. DR. J. C. FLEMING & CO. Have now the largest and the most carefully selected stock of PURE re ND FRESH DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS CHOICE PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS, HAIR, CLOTHES AND TOOTH BRUSHES, COMBS, SHOULDER. BRACES, TRUSSES, INSTRUMENTS, AND ALL ARTICLES FOUND IN A FIRST-CLASS AND WELL-KEPT DRUG STORE. PHYBICI e N 39 Will receive special attention, and long experience enables them to compound triedi. dines carefully and accurately. • The only place in town where the " BOSS" CIGAR can be had. Try them. it l. lEirLiC4D - 111.7 - 3104 111E1C3V Huntingdon, August 11, 1875.—y Miscellaneous - IV/ utoe This is a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely illustrated, and containing an elegant colored Frontispiece with the first number. Price only 25 cents for the year. The first No. for 1878 just issued. AD' pick's Flower Veyetahle Gorden 35 cents; with cloth covers 65 cents. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N.Y. Jan. 7, 1876-No. 2.] CARD! KIRK, BATT & BERWIND, Wholesale Grocery AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 130 NORTII 3D STREET, „ 46 Offer for sale a large and well selected stock of Groceries, TEAS, SPICES, &c., &c. We make a specialty of COFFEE and SYRUP. Our Finest DRIPS are heavy BODY, FINE FLAVOUR, LIGHT IN COLOR AND FREE PROM ACIDS. WO specially rolicit MAIL ORDERS and fill them with as much care and at as low prices as if parties were present to make their own selections. We solicit CONSIGNMENTS of PRODUCE, our facilities for disposing of which enables us to obtain the very highest market prices. [june:3o-1 yr. MCI YS AND GAMES OF ALL KiiDS TO Just received at the JOURNAL Store. ALSO, WRITING DESKS, WORK BOXES, ALBUMS, &c. CRANDALL'S BUILDING BLOCKS, and GYMNASTS PARLOR CROQUET, &c., CENTENNIAL TO OT-1, Pins, sheet, GENTS' WEAR. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, 10 per cent. cheaper than any other store in town. White shirts, fine, 75cts up Colored " 40cts up Collars, linen lined, 15cts per box Cuffs 44 li 18cts " " Ties, black and colored, 12cts up Suspenders, 15cts up Hose, 3 pr. for 25cts Overalls, brown and blue, 50cts Coffee good, 22cts " best, 25cts " roasted 30cts Sugars, cheap Syrup, very good, per gall Gscts " best, l‘ t 4 80cts i. 0. Molasses 44 85ets Baking molasses, 40cts Prunes, 3 lb 25ets Peaches, 1 lb 20cts Rice, 3 lb 25cts Coal oil, per gall. 20cts A lot of Queensware, Tinware, etc., cheap, to close out. A large lot of lumber, such as, Hemlock, Yellow and White Pine boards, Roofing and Plastering Lath, Lap and Joint shingles, Flooring, Posts and Railings, A large lot of all kinds of moulding, half price. 2 two-Horse Wagons, 1 Top Buggy, 2 Trotting Buggies. -AT THE IN lIUNTINGDON COUNTY. ALSO for medicinal purposes WI an - elegant assortment of PRESCRrYTIONS 2, 2 Miscellaneous - . Fe 16) A DAY at home. Agents wanted. Outfit , Q and terms free. TRUE do CO., Augusta, . _ Maine. [inchlo;76y TNEAND FANCY PRINTING FOR the JOURNAL Office. Go to 10S. MARCH 1876. sets GROCERIES Dry Goolls. _ • H 147, 7NT T T 14] I _ Fruit of the Loom .1- t Muslin at Calicoes, lu only i; tents 101 tier yard. per yard. Smithfield, 4-:1 Muslin at In cent:, Pacific Lustre 2!) rents per yard. per yard. All other good in same pro- portion. Full stork of Dry Uoods, Low PRICES Stilt LOWER. NOTII Ell GREAT HUNTINGDON BRANCH OF B. OPPENHEI Standard Rules : ONE PRICE. GOODS EXCHANGED. Always get your mone y', ; worth • and more by buying of ::till in thing, as we always, most cheer fully, return tln money on return TO WHICH FACT Piltii•AL - ROUS PER Huntingdon, Pa., June 9, IRN. GEO•WOODS & CO.'S PARLOR ORGANS so P. 4 These remarkable instruments possess rapacitic; for musical cffctts and expression or ' , fore a!ta7nc,i Adapted for Amateur and Professional, and an ornament in any 1,1r1 , ,r. r Beaeff u l New Styes, now ready, - - - - • GEO. WOODS & CO.. Cambridgeport, Mass. WAREBOONS: 608 Washington St., Boston; 170 State St., fhleago; SS Ladrate 11:11. Loadea. THE VOX HUMANA _A leadinc; Musical Jortrnal of .elected and valuable »wring. I matter. By mail f..t $1 T. , :r year. ur ten env:a nornrcr Each number contains from $2 to $3 worth of the finest selected music. GEO. WOODS & CO., Cambridgrport, The Celebrated Kentucky Thbacl ► GIANT TOBACCO WORKS ! IYITJSSLEMAN & CO, Louisville, Ky., Manufacturers of all kinds of CHEWING TOBA CC( a!:" the evich rnt GIANT AND IRONSIDE _NA J To he had in Pittsburgh at R. & W. JenitinFon's. John Fullerton A :on, J. W. Taylor, Martin Heyi, T. J. Wallace, J. M. Sichel & Co., Poerstell A Co., Carter Brothers , . Dilworth trother.. T. C. Jenkins, Knox & Orr, C. Atwell & Co., S. F. Picking. Ilerz. , g I:neh,naTl, Pretf.fd.l Bro.. Henry Dallmayer, also all other Tobacco and Grocery House,.. rjark7-.4n. Planing Mill HENRY .1; CO C. MUNSON, COTTAGE PLANING MILL CO MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, FLOORIN G, Braciots,lofilillgs Stair-RRilius PLASTERING LATH, SHINGLES, COMMON AND FANCY PICKETS, FRAME STUFF and all kinds of LUMBER The members of the Cottage Planing Mill Co. being largely interested in the Lumber interest in Clearfield and Centre counties, they will at all times keep constantly on hand a full supply of the very best WHITE PINE, well seasoned, and parties favoring ua , ith an or der will receive prompt attention, and all work GUAQANTEED to rehder satisfaction. office for the present at Henry k Co'fi. Store. S. B. HENRY, Supt . Huntingdon, Pa., Sept. 1, 1875. Pianos and Organs ARION PIANO FORTE -AND Estey's Cottage Organs. Fri e iii-,2% II RI mom* .; ' t gI *1 a L . • j EsTrEq-- - ;;* T% L - 6 ONE THOUSAND MADE AND SOLD MONTIILY NEARLY OR QUITE DOUBLE THAT OF ANY - OTHER MAKE TILE SWEETEST AS WELL AS THE MOST POWERFUL ORGAN IN • THE MARKET. Also the PATENT ARION PrANO, WITA ]OUR NEW PATENTS E. M. BRUCE & CO., , No. 1308 Chestnut St., PHIL ADELPH TA, decl 0,75] FILENCHS' HOTEL, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Opposite City Hall, Park, ourt house and New Post-Offiee, NEW YORK. AN Modern Improvements, including Elevat4 , r, Rooms $1 per day and upwards. T. J. FRENCH .l BROS, Proprietors. July2S-Jyr Piano, D. w. iioLT .I• F. STENEIt T. WILDY BUCK, PRACTICAL WATCH:II MEX. Watches : Clods, Jewelry an Spectacles: X. 40,51 frqii st.,ll,foin.,r,oN told and Silver eased W3Pelo-s, 4;o1.1 Rine— plain am! with sets--hold and Silver Chains. and all kinds of Jewelry, VERY CHEAP. Elgin Watches and Seth Thomas Clocks a speci3lry. All kinds of repairing done at short notice, and ~ n reasonable terms. Look for the name on the 1:Ii: WATCH. No. -10 1 ., Penn SP. FITSI.FID !HD! WM. M. PARKER, MERCHANT TAILOR, tritri.i , in 1,9 , 11 at. th:it het:,: ..I.clie.l 3 ,h PENN STREET, .f. h• - i•• •'..r4 . , ;•.n.i if fiteni4h everything in at the itel in •' • nearest I.lslUu ;\IIJ 'f'VLr Wo i ___-o 111 kin la of CI'STONI 1%.1;11: I' IR• INI; arol ftffi xuarac. tecd. CALL AND EXAMINE E. R t,,t-R-4:1.% (11-114:AP pHEAP :! OHEAP:: %-/ PAPERS. FLUIDS . 1.-1 ALBUMS. Bay your Paper. Bay your Stationery Buy your Blank Bookp. .1T lIIEJ , irmv.IL 1;0 1 )1: f srA TP).VER 5M.717, Fine Stationery, 5..h00l Stationery. Books for Children, siamea for Children, Elegant Fluids, Pocket k, Pass Bookft, mil on En,ll , ss Foriely of _Vire ris;mys, AT THE JOT - RNA L Ronk d sTATIoNIR r smiles 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 222aUaUza a iPalaxiou. 25 25 25 25 25 25 As Low as 25cts. a Box, 25 25 25 AT THE JOURNAL STORE. 25 21 25 25 25 25 25 .1 5 2 5 25 25 25 S .2. S o L z. _ :. 01 3 EF. 3 7. r. x 1 s ,g 1 Al •••• a.. - 3 7.• - n Z ....... to -., = ..-1 Jrwelry AID DE tt.r.R Merchant Ta lor, and m Stationery SPLENDID 25 25 25 25 I►ry ALEE k\r - LEA llt►lcur I'l:ii►l,, s„r la,L, 11/ rent = 1..• r ti 31 - . 1 Lin•sit. , . tin.• qualit v. 25 rent rwr y:1111. I 1;.0,t-; 51,.w.4 R RIP 1.1 /I P.M MER & SONS, I.T.ONEY =MIMED. cur ni. ►I:111'!►'T htiv Irv! the wpiivz SONS WILL TESTIFI'. • l>toptA, Shoe:: :►ml Lentlt.r 'pF: 1 110V1 , :io Tfl \*IiITII • .• • m : • If. .1., ~..r..E.1 t• ~ T I 11,~ } FI . I •••• a! j~~t:~.~il ‘ti; U Illy 7 -•••••70..• •it W w b,. • • tri eri;77.7..•4 •- ••• .7711 s •7- la •7•77 , •••• • ham say re 7..77,7 g a irraresesi AI( 0 ••••IV• 7 7.11. 7 1,7717. 77.77,77,77 -ti • , 177 , ••• •7477777••• • 44, , t ...r• rh^r•••• 4,0 ?are,' er. .I\!n. snrpm•'.. I tl.l Ciii.‘r I J . 4 Ij ,;:~; 1: ;i W:f.i.l l I ‘Fl:af• 114. p 3,• •.t 1 1,14 rzr • ..••••• -• /TIWIt! • r Ittl•Yr4. L. It, X Filil ~1 1, ) F.A. • ; arr. ..trp!? 41*.8 .. ..T.. St hi,. an ft.... an .f !I .1N IPS( E lUMOI4 7 1 Iff hint. w!lwill now hay, Me rat , . A• tow lio..ritet .rOl adriset Ny ob.* with ^am se./ i Ave all 5 , 17 -.•o4l.ltionre. if • eriftwit r•st•i Milefftrfilfe ..r#. arrf • ,, t , ...r• 4 sitl.fibreipm criran.e , •l •-• a , t r 4.-. JMIN ‘111.1.%g Jan. 1.'7 r '•, 1; iii:7er A :Cm Dle..k r.vr. I : Ev'e:ity CEITHEI: .4 11s1Z FINPIN.:4 IND f:ELTIN.; H ILL sTRKET. -ran LI,: C.4l*-1,•• YALE Business GR% Myr ITIt)% CUM. Thi. i...sfird sr Niv thi oolebrsto.l rost !ohrs:ne, awl pi.. .11. i. l'"Ilogro. I. pro reurlos•ly Noor oroi pre, ties! of it 4 kind ii •Ihrt MERCANTILE TRAINING ~; .- YOUNG MON. "Te.teh ionye tiger wi 4.11 tbiary w,ti whim :hey ewe il► rW T$ Ix) IT. Ity •'f 02.1 y .1-. by actual hoS13• • ••Irr , le• - • is Lust. Prof. R C. Loverido. - Prisri pale. E H. Parkii3rst. Tummy rill'* 1)•••at•!e Vat., Korpist, 1111•• • 1%-nrrAn•Sep. Arithireeene. r.•.msiew•a/ .••rm•, .•n ilu-ine••. %cry \ : 4 1NE. 4 :4 DEPAI:TMVNT it TI) W) ni :Z1NE.474 en•ien , malls .nrstr. Nego•mr.o. bus. in•l frns ..1111.4 . Nilo* etuoirere. •..1130 Ho ..pes• s vet se,.ant is tb.. sr.y. 11. 0:e. 'ogre owl tdr t• dio , inest•• and alts on•iirsue ist.• fui. pee nrirlhip itn.l enc.:rat in ir li•s-4...11....aniumi. he. e... • 804 •• • • • bi• emu up vi ttui p .if •./ 22 I set., Navin; ps..r l •• hit ,iipi"ma. ZTUDEII3 CAI ESTER I? OT 111 r. F•r f u rther ,n 6. 1, aft inn fv•ZiritSt ten's. ...O nt.. as of ottraore, pries .4' ...out. Jie. f4l!►r YALE UWE= COME, NEW HAVEN. rt)NN 11 ;----7 LIMITED Mill! PURE MAMA FILLED ! 1 FT ILE IT T:IF .1411 i:N IL -TIME C H 0111. ; Ti ?THE PrIICN ‘L •)VEICE yeti( Y.' 14 l'l l .tN If on want 4•10 li p.ta want ball bawl*. If y.. 11 wan! lettwt If you want •issti•ir if von want hoellooo •ari•. If 7,1 omet Mambo of say If y..ts watt eavt.lopraasall, prtat.l. If 7}l want anytbiag preview... la a ve.fltasaa like manner. and at • .1. y mtg.. !VOW • yourat , it., at the WM. WILLIAM: 4 . 11.%1111 , trTritItit MARBLE MANTLES. MoNi'mEvni. II EA DeITON Al' . ITITNTINGDfiN. PA PLASTER PAW CoßNlcgts. aC 7 AL9O X NILES Fr RN ED TO 0 IR D F R. 4. .7? 25 25 r~~•:... '••••mi. .4 Re"'pool.* • • fr 1••••• 't rn • 'id y 7lrr :gm a I. '7 plows, r.W )RE 4 T , PRE IN . {if Pt •. 'C .s I 14. re rsJ ft %From. w7T.r.r%. trverro V t R Y •►/ !if - NTINc..)O)N. I).*. ~...,,; ;;Tti;7 - 1 Only 5 Cents ! :Litimr• (N'4, * 1'1.4 iv. Tr .vr Is t•ir. 11: per v ir►f :slw3v , krj►t •M fultui AT 82, 70 X1322152=Z1T, irtir!.• ~ I. pyrint .... "'verb far i•C B. otrri.3olllllß A : 4 1 #71:4 Dry-Cpmiefe and Gr orwri.... iPv.meoi i f.:— vil y Iff •;* pi )10•4 I b •• j %.' nig .41 Ilk fl RIBA' waw.•. II NOV p.m • I vrir- DR IG. t•Pr." 4 if IN/ •;1111Pir 4 • PKT 4 i if • r 4. 00 Ma VIP ArKPIK.4 ••••• - , ell. , sir le Iwo *oft s,vw r i* TriON toe T ,Vitt• -40 v., imr lbws! aph. Awn :ape... • RANI. XS •f or f. r lOW •,b riii: FT TN •T .1 +T•w'K r,44141 , 4 TN 1' T RR %T kit r %NIP AEK P Y• I,e. 11, G LAME4 F:itsr .•1? 11.1[114 :1 - ar - itz IL 111111P111113,..if G.4Prei N. in. et 4, Ra,.,r4 4IP lOL 4 , R.tri ir • Oil 411.111 mid lupe f;aiwitßiK.4 pgr►v 1:110,74.4 •jr EL 4W A I F. W 'AU I N.: 7.. , 4•010111_ re. Pk 1" G•s)Eps p•K miLuoti • 1 tat :1rr..47 MG NTrin DWI NAZAR. N;..4 w•.114. ~.~►.+ nip* •••".., .4.11.4~ • qr.! Minryin.4 s ars. ari 'wig. ar.....w0 , “ ......selhav ge.4lb. ..abirmataqi 70 pore f .40,Dtg Nines to 04r :I. IfICEA 4 714frtf)7671 ►or %Ll. L174: 4 GIC• PRt)V fr:s %ND 411. Q. ii %TA.•'. %P+ WWI KR I" an t .it B.l,elar• *1.04 iv • 4~ T've poefor so. irrseall To -oil . trues.. am* pew« fienprt ?ivy pi... -wimp Ir.orb mai V.* ogose... W... Mew .010 m. ha rump. 11.10:3 R•a.IT -magi" f int hms. F 1 LI. X 1 P - r csTrit ►;4w►r' IL ~ I":F.ENBERG 4 4 "T' , Rt. • lows Mlier, OMB , • sib wawa., .41m VS. 1.4.1. an.. sioripse ..411 50....• .......mmase 'IE ANL , ►Ti kat. 12. 7.0 irieri m pera rm. pr... sumehrli el SLACK "*T. , ITM , A., s•.• saris. allialiaisk *Cwt.' X. FS WS c 10.11111krne 111 F I 4 . 11111111111 V. ir,fl bees& so setL lee sere ere s r• pieseerty well II mil area& air. If rie ease • pod see .4 Agar Fail 4:2111111114,11_ If t wart • gr. 4 h+i.i► Irf !~s• 7 yews ip►, Cal al S. 412111L2111111111*. tr r e ova, asof. .7 al * 411 it y.. *vet a rood 7 -sS ose. r•ii sit 11 '3 I :f rust • 41.-4 law/a alb at a 4111111113111N11.i. v- woo* • let..• kiss «w.f. 7 era ~ a. •11111 SUM/ 4 apbll bp liar -rw4. C s a Is 4L L 4glrs 1,4 tlt SA trill so AretL74.l-4:1- Bail fing L..c. Fill►tl'f: BEILDtIe. LON ?*'" fa*/ 71..* Lerns. * F 4.1 avertsOm% • fop, NW. tv• .1.4111 V 1114141 R Nin~.ry►. FOR ILL itiP*4 fp* cp• 1" TISK Jorlll Ai. • RriLIWS•: FOR I't trli PIItINTIN. tNeY ritiNT7N.; .i 4, 1 0 ) 11 - 11. torricK way 1 lIPP. PIIIIVTIs
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