The Huntingdon Journal. ;';;II►.1'; :IArTER OS EVERY PANE W. L. I.'o ULK :at(' WeSt :1,...; , ,etat ion Jto I:SA 1.. Ile, htt Ling to Newspaper Sabserip 4 And Arrearagee,. I.w .i... , ,rstinnaorn of their peri vo.itilie L, inu4 them until • ~,.~id. v_•l ~.~ . T refuge to take their periodical• fr••ur the odi •,• to witi,ll th , •y are they are itedd r. •;ro,,thi.• ,1 it ii tit , •y 44% 0 nettle.! their halo, and brilar ed ttr,•rrt 4. 1 I Itt t :•• rtitt ...Steer I,l:tres ultlinitt informing ”I..tio•r+ o":1t to f:,rtster a:p1111 1••• hoti, ~6 1.4.1 r...1..it411,14.. T Ord .- tuft.! 41., Pik.. 1 , 111 IL • 411;• 4., 4.1 . rmi•witel mud Itlavlu4 thew an +i!ti„, i't. t•V,.1.11,••• or intentional fraud. ~:• • ti,p r.• ..•iv•••• I ,,,, papernii..l 1111k...4 .Ifl tor .t, whotii• : ~ 1 ..1.1.., 1 it or not, id held in ii•••!. 7. ll•oiloirrib. ic.y in u.l ranee, they are boorol to give 71 )ti , • , • i , u4hsh. - r, at the end of their Bute, if they /to riot wivh r. continue taki ux it; otherwise the put. lisher i• aut hqriz.ll to send it on, and the rulmeriber will la. revoriliW notil an expr., n. itice, with payment at 'ill arrears, ie eeot to the poblimher. UNTINGDON POST OFFICE, and eltaing 'tithe Mail, I•,11,,wo: uf Ar arri v.. Fr oil 7;4/ i t . in., 51.1 p. m., p. m. ..3') a. la., 9.2; 1. 111 . 4.1 ,, p. awl P.,1.4.1,,,urgt) :furdingdon and Br Tiip it R.) 6 p, unit cloned mail from 11.4Piril at 4..25 a, m. rei.l Con prop4i.'ii Mills, jV.'rrlucnrlaye anal r ittiritipo at 12 m. (Wednex hip and Saturdnyo) at 11 a ai ',r tit! at 9.06 a. m., R. 17, p. Weer at 11.40 a. m.„ (el.mtnl mail to P.lterAbnrg,) ! n• , . •a., 7.45 p. Sc 13. T. B. R.) at 9,";+1 a. tn., and anon] tnai; :.1 B,,II;;rd at 7.4:; p. nt. " ant Conprop , t's ,amrday.,) at I p. in. " Church (Wednftsdaya and fiatunlaya,) at I p. ('m'e open fv , llt 6.30 a. in. to f1..3d p. tn., except Sundays and legal ys, when it will be open from Ba. m., 9 a. m. REDUCTION ! 17 mil further notice, we propose to insert specials, or locals, in our local col umns—not among the items, but distribu ted through the local matter—at TEN CENTS per line, eight ordinary words constituting a line. No charge, however, will be wade for less than fifty cents. tf LOCAL AND PERSONAL Brief Mention—Home-made and Stolen The public scboola opened on Monday. The Ream triplets, of Cambria county, are all dead A new Frliedule is contemplated on the Huntingdon And Broad Top. The Monitor and Young American offices have been u I wile s—moving r hote:s propose to reduce their `'.ouie of c ,ce will, the times. Iluralug,it, county was well reprzseuted at Itepubtinn ;State Convention unsiiine of Saiiday brought an .. ) :i:ef.; of atatiurst J tlic tiou 10e,i2 r who failed to move hit week luta JI lay had a wet time of it. d most contemptible creature living is who is a profe. - .,,i0ual ilc-w.4moriger, cc, at oe,i3olia, has blown V. IL %via idle from six a:•tet occupied by the Yottag °elation will be tk(licated on Christia SAturla, Ali cool' i)ay never produces very nineli wii in Uuntingdon. Tie wits, unfortunately, have never leenzed here The Baptist cungregatiou have at last coil clud.:d to b:i;;,1 ou the old site, and the old structure wiii be taken down YAs6 Hattie 6peck, of the 3rd Primary school, has Leen on the sick list and was no ab:(‘ to open her schwil ou Monday We learn with pleasure that the sprightly local editor of the Johnstown Tribune is con valescent. lle had a severe attack of fever. The Ebensburg Freeman has discovered a vein of "irresistible humor" in Judge Dean I— tlcPike has just recovered from a grum attack of quinsy Always keep on hand, as delay iucrcases suffering. If you have a cough or cold use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup., It will cure you.— Price, 25 cents. "Itev. J. S. McMurray, who has labored so assiduously auloogst his people for the past three years, took his departure for his new field of labor on Thursday. Elisha Shoemaker. esq., of Oneida town ship, has been severely ill. His death was reported on our streets last week, but we are happy to say that it was unfounded: The finest assortment of picture ornaments or aiorning lie 3 fancy work and any thing that a highly-colored head, picture, or motto will adorn, for sale at the JOURNAL Store. tf. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company is procuring stone fur ballast out of Jack's Mountain, in the Narrows, at Mann's Axe Fac tory, at the rate of twenty car loaiS per day. A fire broke out, on Thursday night of last week, in the tannery of Munson, Holt & Co. at Philipsburg, and the entire establishra ent,with bides and leather, valued at $BO,OOO, was de stroyed. How much more satisfactory it is to have the same price for the same garments to every body, as they do at Wanamaker b Brown's Great Clothing Ilouse, at 6th and Market, Philadelphia. The Lewistown Sentinel tells us that our old friend, A. J. Spanogle, esq., formerly of Pat tonsville, Bedford county, is about to locate at Nossville, county. Good! He is an excellent man. • The dreary incomprehensible weather, of the last two weeks, caused more dullness and general thriftlessness than the hard times, and between the former and the latter little, if anything, was done. Rev. E. C. Stockton proposes starting a music class, in this place, and for thispurpose there will be a meeting in the lecture room of the M. E. Church on next Saturday evening. The public are invited. The water has been let into the canal at this point, but we see uo similar statement from below. Quite a large amount of repair work has been done at different points along the line during the winter. A locomotive exploded at Sandy Ridge, on the Clearfield !;ranch of the P. R. R., on Fri day last, which caused the death of four men. The names of the killed were James Campbell, Wm. Miller, John Shannon and Harvey Waters, Thos. C. Burchinell, late of this place, now carries a punch find has "Train Agent" con spicuously placed on his cap as he waddles through the cars on the Western Division of the P. R. R. "Punch, brother, punch with care." Rev. F. B. Riddle, the new appointee or the First M. E. Church, of this place, is one of the best men in the Conference. he was elected a delegate to the General Conference which meets in Baltimore. We welcome him to Huntingdon An item is going the rounds of the press to the of the jovial McPike, of the Cam ria Freeman, is about to sell his paper fo the purpo3e of accepting the poFition na fore man on he Altoona Tribune. The last Free- man t APRIL 7, 1876 Our townsman, Joseph IVatson, esq., pur chased the Altoona Orera House, at Sheriff sale, on IVedne.,lay of last week, for $21,000. Mr. Watson 1:041 a taor!za SZO,UOo. The original 11 I , :tlfi tO 11.Lve lwe,l :7,;44,4g) will' w:iitle Mr. (;:i U~Y, iI :f tt2 ff'JfJ%:' , J i a ilwrow;11 i.tve , 4tig• ui9,i. “f' pr volvoi ? There is a great deal of talk in regard to the fellows who roldo:d poor Jivi Walls of Huntingdon. Tiny have Imo: converted and Jim is about crazy enough to think they ought to refund his money. I onversion does not work upon thieves in that way.—Oaceola In dustrial 27qt. t., Cuutiuuo their tub- There were many ehang,!; Gf re:•iuince dur ing the last week. Iteofs himulcd consider ably. For the Crst for five years, there is a larger number leaving the town than are finding their way hillier. This is owing to the fact that our maouractories e not in as flourish a cendLion as they ou;rilt to be. The Flinting , lon Pr2sl.yiery will meet at Bell's Milt; oa tip.; second Tuesday of April, nth in,t . Persons desiring to attend from this piace earl return on the Atlautic arriving at this place at 7.30 p. tn., or on the Philadelphia Express at 11.11 p. tn. Both trains will stop at Bell's Mill-. The News Boy 3 on the trains ere te.!king of appointing News Age!,ls. Ii will be the bu siness of the Agents to carry the periodicals and Sell the.] and hand the 9y4, u•hn f u li ow at a respev.tahie distmice, t7;e proceeds. After which they will jointl.y invelt the fends in peanuts at the. Ent furl: minute s!aliOu .lr". kiddie, wife of Rev. P. Ridd:e, ap pointed to the charge of the M. E. Church, of this place, died at Sunbury, at 8:30 A. If., on Tuesday last, and was buried from the resi dence of her brother, Mr. Packer, on Thorn day last. We deeply sympathize with the bereaved husband in his groat affliction. The Fire Clay buildings of S. & B. R. Hatfield, of Alexandria, located on Warriors' Ridge, were burned down on Monday night of last week. The origin of the fire is unknown, bat it is supposed to have resulted from some careless tramp seeking shelter from the storm. We are sorry to hear of this loss on the part of our friends. J. TIALL MUSSER, Pottnasttr. Nathaniel Shull escaped from the Lewis town jail, on the night of the 28th ult. He was arrested at Pine Grove, Centre county, about six weeks previously charged with stealing axes from Mann's Axe Factory, near Lewistown. He bad at one time worked in the Factory. The axes bad been stolen in an unrioisbed condition. A new Schedule will go into operation on the Pennsylvania and Huntington and Broad Top Railroads on the 16th instant. If we arc not incorrectly informed the Day Express will stop at this place regularly thereafter, and the morning train on the 11. & B. T. 11. R. R. and B. & B. will run to connect with it, cominldi— rectly through from Cumberland and taking dinner at this place. Good. Ladies, now i$ tie time to -buy your pat inns of spring styles'at the JOURNAL store.-Z- We are selling large numbers daily. The Dotn , !stic Patterns are universally admitted to be the best in the market. We refer with pleasure to Mrs. Libkicker, Miss Mary Bum bang!), Mrs. Madara, Miss Sade Search or any other Dress.-maker in town. Any pattern not on band promptly ordered. tf. For tl.c purp97 , e of enlightening the Local helps we would inform it that the printing bill, as reporios4 by the printing committee, two months ago,XA not apply to this county, nor to any other county that has a special law upon the subject, consequently no one cared aliout it. Yet the Local News inveighed against it issue after issue 1 There is no accounting for the stupidity of some people. Men's We have been shown a connected draft of the Sarah Furnace lands, located in Union township, Bedford county, and Greenfield township, Blair county, copied by our young friend, W. W. Dorris, esq., of this place, and photo lithographed by the Graphic process. The plot includes 27,000 acres of land. Mr. Dorris has shown much skill and ability in re ducing the many, very many, plots into aeon nected map. It will be a very great conven ience, in all future reference, to these lands. The Bill repealing the special act, fixing the mileage of the Poor Directors at four cents and authorizing bi monthly meetings, has passed both branches of the Legislature, and, we sup pose, has b3ea signed by the Governor. This is all well enough, but now we want an act to make it the duty of the steward to go canter ing about the county for the purpose of at tending to the wants of those in indigent cir cumstances, and a.further provision prohibit ing relief to any one who can be taken to the Alms-House. It is the army of promiscuous paupers, many of them frauds, scattered all over the county, that swells the expenses.— Let this evil be corrected. See that the next Legislature does it. MONTGOMERY has just received a large stock of Spring goods from the east, bought from manufacturers at the lowest cash price, con— sisting in part of Men's and Boys' Ready made Clothing, Hats, Neckties, Fine Shirts, Suspenders. Trunks, Satchels, &c. Also, a splendid assortment of Ladies', Misses, Chil dren's, Gents', and Youths, fine SHOES and GAITERS, (button and lace). Fine Calf Boots and Shoes, which for quality and price is not equaled iii town. Call and examine my goods and prices before purchasing. Bring your cash and you'll get bargains. Cloths and Cashmeres—G-4 and 4-4 wide— in endless variety, for men and boy's wear, just opened at HENRY & CO'S. THE SOCIABLE.—The Sociable, at the Presbyterian Parsonage, on Tuesday evening last, was a new departure in Huntingdon life. Huntingdon, in our recollection, has never been remarkable for its sociability, but Tues day evening last demonstrated fully that we have as much of the social element as is usu ally fuund in towns of the proportions of this Place. The congregation, to the number of several hundred, assembled at the parsonage, on the evening named, and united industry with pleasure, and spent the evening most agreeably. A large amount of carpet filling was stitched, after which a general assault was made upon tables groaning beneath the weight of good things contributed by the ladies.— There was a special effort upon the part of all to make the evening pass off pleasantly and profitably, in which they were eminently suc cessful. The ladies who had the matter in charge—those with the Martha Washington caps—deserve great credit for tteir efforts to please. May they live long and prosper. The Rev. Mr. Hollifield did everything in his pow er to make every one feel comfortable and happy, though be himself complained of indis position. His efforts were successful. We hope this departure will inaugurate an era of better feeling and sociability in our midst for years to coml. Ladies, if you want a beautiful, all-wool, cashmere dress pattern, in any color, at prices ranging from 85 cents to $1.25 per yard, go to HENRY & CO'S. MONTGOMERY won't be undersold. If you want a suit of clothes that's the place to go. Bring your cash and you'll get bargains. denies the rnmor, ri iris method of utt!izing permanent tring anskex 0.9 high 43 one Immlred and forty r „V(ls Trr YELLow.SPIt N6S Rin3BERY.—We last week gave an account of the Yellow Springs Robbery, since then a correspondent gives us the following particulars : Tito store-room of S. J. Fox lately occupied by B. S. Rumberger, at Yellow Springs, Blnir county, was entered on last Friday night a we..,k ago, and robbed to the nowoot of ?otine ow! 'Hundred and thirty dollars, the partico lure of the affair are these : ( to Friday night about half pa=t one o'clock as 11r. W. 11. Patterson Wail moulting home from a party he noticed a peculiar light in the stom mow. He immediately orolsed the cit ii:,n.; who surroncoled the s , ore nod drected din 4t it rpr firthr.l eron t he gteol, nireWll all amiind Ltitt the robbers load their e'Acape. After tinati :g aroned sitv;ilie a trail tvas found in the new tallen snow, and W. ff. Pittterson and W. Pox started in pursuit with a lantern and a revolver. They bad not ridden far when they found, by the trail in the snow, that the party had consisted of four persons. They co,peluded that more help would be needed Lid accordingly procured the assistance of Ross Black and S. Goodman, but neither of them had any fire arms. The chase now com menced in real earliest. They bad ridden about four miles when they were warned of their near approach by the smell of burning goods, the burglars were aware of the near ap• proach of their pursuers and had ran to an old deserted house and burned a portion of the stolen goods, Patterson's party made an ex amination of the house but fOund tl►e party had made their c.ic,tpe, finding their trail they made not pursuit, and a few hundred yards distant overtook them in a piece of woods and demanded their surrender, which they refused to do, but finding a revolver in close proximi ty to their heads two ofthc party were brought to terms—the rest of the party escaping. These two were taken on to Shatfersville and left in the charge of Messrs Davis and Beck. Patterson and Black now started back in hunt of the rust of the party ; after tramping through the woods for a mile or so they caught the third under a tree, and started back for Shaf fersville, on their way back they crossed the track of the fourth, Patterson now started in pursuit of him with revolver in one band and lantern in the other, and finally captured him near Spruce Creek. p;,A Irr The parties gave their names as John Thighs, James Kelly, John King and Win. Powers. All were rigge in a full suit of the stolen goods. They were taken to Hollidaysbitrg and placed in jail where they await their trial. HISTORY OF THE COUNTIES OF PENN SYLYANIA.—Tbe Philadelphia Press speaks of the "ll:story of Bucks County," which is about ready for publication, as a most interesting work, and gives a statement of the ground it covers. Although it seems to be remarkably full and complete, yet it will not surpass, in these respects, the "History of Huntingdon County," now in course of preparation by Mil ton S. Lytle. The latter will include every thing in relation to the county that is said to be contained in the former, and many subjects which the Press does not mention. As to the general utility of these histories of the coun-, ties of the State, we take the following extract from the article of the "The necessity for these county histories, which will not only be the sketches of the general but also of the individual progress of the people, should be felt and acted upon all over Pennsylvania. There is not a county in New England which cannot point town excel lent historian and biographer, and led by such examples as the volume to which we refer, Pennsylvania will soon be abreast of most of the other Staten." Dragging out Existence The nervous, weakly invalid does not enjoy life, but merely "drags out existence," as the phrase is. ITnfittcd for the active pursuits of and incapable of partaking of. its pleas ures, to which health alone can giro a zest) di. - iinctined to social intercourde, awl a prey to melancholy, the valetudinarian is indeed an object of pity. Yet there is nothing in all this that cannot be retuediel by that genial alternative tonic and uervinc, Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters, which supplies deficient stamina, braces the nervous system, and over comes those bodily irregularities to which nervous weakness is roost frequently attribu table. Diseases of the kidney and bladder, imperfect digestion and uterine troubles are fertile sources of debility. This eradication however, becomes a matter of certainty when Hostetter's :! 4 tomach Bitter? are systetnatically used for that purpose. T:ie Bitters likewise annihilate and prevent fever and ague and debilitating febrile complaints of a malarial nature. ap-7-lm. GOOD-Bye !—itev. B Riddle, in charge of St. Paul's M. E. Church, in this place for the past two years, preached his farewell sermon on last Sunday evening. Those who were present speak of it as one Of the most eloquent discourses they have ever heard, and that in that grand effort he exceed- . ed himself. The congregation may wait some time betore they get a pastor of equal ability or one more earnestly devoted to his work. It is true, he is somewhat brusque in his way, and not sufficiently patronizing in bis man ners to suit some people, but he is endowed with a large degree of moral courage, is well posted on general subjects, bas the scriptures written in his memory, Breaches good,.prac tical sermons, and many regret to give him good bye.—Danville (Pa.) Record. EVERTRODY goes to the . Cottage Planing Mill Company, at Hunting don, for their Bedsteads, Chairs, Sinks, Doughtrays and Refrigera tors. They warrant every piece, and their prices are down, DOWN, DO WN. Samples can be seen at HENRY & CO.S' Warehouse. April7-4t. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.—There will be a meeting of the Huntingdon County Agri cultural Society in the Court House, Hunting don, Pa., on Tuesday evening, April 11th, 1876. A full attendance of members is re quested, as business of importance will be brought before the Society. By order of J. R. PATTON, Sec'y. Pure, fresh-ground, NOVA SCOTIA PLAS TER is infinitely superior to any other article of that kind, and invaluable as a fertilizer. It can be obtained ONLY of FISHER & SONS at $l2 per ton. PICCADILLY Collars and Cnffs, (linen and paper—latest styles) at MONTGOMERY'S BAZAAR. I. 0. R. M.—The following chiefs have been elected by Arrapaboe Tribe, I. 0. R. M., to fill the stumps of that tribe for the ensuing Grand Sun : Sachem, Herman Lorenz ; Sen. Sag., Stewart Allen ; Jr. Sag.,— —V. P., W. It. Crites ; C. tif R., J. Oliver Gipple; K. of W., D. E. McMurtrie. D. E. APMurtrie was chosen as Representative to the Great Coun cil. Every reader of the Young America "pulls down his vest" and "turns in his toes" before reading it. Fifty cents per annum. Published weekly by 0. 0. Leabbart, Huntingdon, Pa. Samples, free. A very fine assortment of Men's, Boy's and Children's Clothing arriving this week at ENRY & CO'S. Prices down, down, down. MEcKTIES and Scarfs (latest styles) at MONT GOMERY'S BAZAAR. SIXTY kinds of Chairs and Rockers, at the M,LOWEST CASK PRICES, at J. A. Brown's Carpet and Furniture Store, 525 Penn St. Buy where you can select from variety. Also, beautiful Chamber and Parlor march24-3t Suits LOBBY suits at MONTGOMERY'S BAZAAR for $l2 A full line of handsome, cheap and fashion able Stationery at the Journal Store. EDITOR JOURNAL :-In my communication of the 18th instant, I uncovered some of the un ' lawful doings, as well as the extravagance, of our County Poor Directors. Having allowed them another week of grace• to think out and prepare something by. way of apology, or an swer, to the grave and startling charges pre ferred against their official conduct, thus far they maintain a stubborn silence. If they claim to shelter themselves behind their offi , - cial dignity and plead that they are fettered, their lips sealed, because of holding office, what excuse can the last out going Director have ? He is now like Sampson, shorn of his locks, back in private life and just like other men. Can't bc tell us something about that $15,- 028 56 ? •And also who were, naming in de tail, the dear preferred friends who sold the Directors merchandize, provisions, etc., and how you come to subject yourselves to a pro &ecution, for you are all guilty alike. It won't do to plead ignoranCe of tie laW.: You have it at the Alms-House, and men so keen on the scent ftir effiCeought to know the law, and will be held accountable for every violation. Now, for your comfort, and by way of refresh lug you,. memories, I will just refer you to an, Act of the Legislature suited to your cages exactly. Act of May 15, 1874, reads as fol lows: " I :Lily Director or the Poor, in any county of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 61tall .cell or fultin,ll any provisions or other matter or thing for the support of the poor under their charge, or for the construction or improvement of property under their contr.!, eahjcets the said offenders to a tin, of Fi500." Gent!cam), you had better prepare to dis gorge somo of your ill-gotten gains in your uncalled attcntions to out-door paupers. The proof is at hand, in your own record I In loolcing at the products of the farm the last year, contained in the Directors' Report, one cannot but seriously wonder what conies, of all this large income. Of wheat we have (320 bushels ; 1906 bushels of corn in the ears ; 726 bushels of potatoes ; 1000 heads of cab bage; 17 bushels of beans; 5 bushels of on ions; 2800 pounds of pork and beef' beSides a large quantity of tomatoes, beets, lard, oats, hay, fodder, rye, etc. Now according to the computation in our National Statistics, six bushels of wheat is the average quptity. for each man, woman and child in the United States ; at that rate we have for the average 63.5 in-door paupers 9 bushels and 76-100 fo r each, not including the "Stewardand hie hady," and in addition to the 9"16-100 bushels of wheat, we have for each pauper 11 43-100 bushels of potatoes; and 15 75-100 beads of cabbage, upwards of 44ths of pork and beef, besides .corn, beans, tomatoes, onions, beets etc. Nov any one can see, by their own show ing, that the products orthis farm are more than sufficient to maintain all the inmates, in cluding .the Steward's family, hirelings and all (with the exception of beef and pork.)— But then it is rumored around that there are a great number of Poor House pets about Shir ley and vicinity. Their Report giyes them the euphonious sobriquet of "Tramps." Well, they must live too, and this accounts for a very large depletion. of the magnanimous Steward's larder. . Looking back at the Poor House Reports for 1864, the Directors say, "about 220 meals were supplied to sundry wandering wayfaring tramps during the year." The Report of 1876 charges the county $477.60 for 3184 meals! but then this is a year prolific of tramps. Sal aries of Directors for the year 1874 as follows Samuel Peightal, $112; James Henderson, $110; S. J. Ilackedorn, $ll2. Now compare these with the salaries of the present Board, who are required to meet only every alternate month. For the first ten or twelve years the average expense to the county for keeping up all expenses at the Alms-House vas less than $7,000, and much of that expense was incur red on account of the Institution being new. The House had to be furnished with a large number of iron bedsteads and of bedding, and a host of other expensive articles of furniture ; the farm had to be stocked, and this could not, nor was it desirable, be done all in one year, but was accomplished gradually, and it was expected that after the House and farm were furnished that then the Institution would be nearly self-sustaining. The farm looks as though it was productive, taking the Report for a guide. But, alas ! have we not all been deceived ? Last year their Report gives us $10,809.67. The present year's Report shows a draw from the County Treasury of $l5, 028.56 We boys used to say, when some extraordinary feat would be performed, "that is a pretty good jump for a bull calf." Well, this old saw, rough as it is, seems wonderful ly appropos in the case before us. A jump of $5,000 in one year! The Report, the figures, all show it. It must be so. If not who will explain ? Mr. Editor, if this thing - goes on at this rate for two or three years more, won' t the Poor House machine become an overgrown elephant on the hands of Huntingdon coun ty? This tramp business, and keeping such a host of out-door paupers, all over the coun ty, Doctor bills to pay, why, Mr. Editor, if those unfortunates were brought in __to the House built for them, those bills that eount by the thousands could be all saved. Then at least $5OO would be saved to the county if those delectable Directors would only attend to the business for which they were elected. The county has to pay the Steward a very nice salary of $673.99. You will see it under "Salaries." Then the county keeps him, his family and many friends—and their name is legion—al scott free. If we must have out 'ALEX. PORT, Pres't. [2t A FACT WORTIT KNOWING.—Are you S are rin g witli Nnsu pirOn;t i oit g Colds settled on the breast, or any di-else of the Throat and Lungs ? If so go to your Ihiggi.'t's S. S. Smith .4 Son, arid get a bottle of Boscueu's thena.tx Svaur. This me,licine lia , ; lately been introdueed from Germany, and is own ItletliA. The people arc going v,1141 over its tuccees, and druggists all over our country are writing 11.1 ter il4 won derful cures among tho:ir en.stomerA. If you wish to try Ps superior virtue, get a Sample Bottle for n eetoi;. Large rim. bottle 75 relits. Three doses will relieve ai,y ease. Try it. aprl lIUNTINGDON ANl► iiROAD TOP RAIL- RoAD—lleport of Coal Shipped: Toritl For week ending April 1 , ItS7►; 5652 Same ti,nelastyear Increase for wee!: Decrease for week Total amount shipped to date" • 69,091 Same (late last year .' . 83,611 fikereasn for year 1875, Deeretwe A SURE CURE FOILS/UT AND.STOIALCII WORMS Dr. Ilutchinson's Vegetable Worn: Destroyer Price, 25 cents a box. For sale by Druggists and Storekeepers. A. W. Wright Si Co., WLolesale Druggists, '3larketand Front Streets, Philadelphia. [nova—Gm _ _ _ RHEUMATISM, NitUttaLOlA, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATIC GO lIT, SCIATICA,ISIIIVOI'S and KIDNEY DISEASES, gWlTatileed elll.l by Dr. Finales IiIIEUMATIC REMEDY. JOHN READ St SONS, S.A., agents for Huntingdon county, Mayl9-Iy. Mae,. E. 31. Simt,Nsom, formerly E. M Africa, has just returned frOm Philadel phia, with a handsome assortment of hate, choice goods and novelties of the season. All are invited to call. Corner of Fi th and Penn Sts., Ilantingdon,.Pa. tf. A full line of interesting Games, for the lit tle folks, and big ones, too, at the Jouaarm. Store. • Come and look at them and bear bow @heap they are. If. VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. "TAX PAYER" AGAIX COTTAGE HOME, March 31, 1876, side paupers cannot Mr. Logan see to their! Wants? He is the persnnirtn) is mid fortbst f service. Under the head of "Sundt, expen ses of the ;louse" you can see Mr. Logan has a bill f,r travelinq expen.3e3 of $66.23. A pretty ',lee birth when ell his expenses are pnid by 17n,-,le :lam. No marvel that he has become a j.aarr. pretty little - salary would :donomt tempt TAX-PAYM:. S E XPL.I NA TION WANTED. PORMER Towson's., April 1, IP7G. Earron JOURNAL—Dear Sir:—Wby is it that no one orthe leaders of this little "Tammany King" t!litt are now managing the affairl of our ciouity Aline-Elonse will answer wfsx- Payer ?" ,We hare been - waiting, fur weeks, for sonic one of the king to undertake it, but so far we have been disappointed. "Tax-Pay er" has certainly run them upstairs like Boils -Tweed, and they are afraid to come down.— Will no one Coll3i. to Ow front, an?' help them out of their diffieulties? Where are the men of the Globe and Monitor who promised us if we would help them elect those honeat men Poor Directors we might depend on reform, so far as our County Alms lion-c was concerned? One of those Directors promised the people, before he was elected, th be would engage to reduce the expenses of that Institution $5,000 a year himself. Where is he now ? ' Where is Professor Gass, who cnn offer an apology for almost anything? Will he not answer "Tax-Payer" for those poor fellows so they can come down stairs ? We will wait. JUSTICE. 0830 ... 4203 J 6370 Zitt par. • lIALL—SCHZIEARMUND.--On the aOth ult., by the Rev. .1. R. Focht, which in hi. 692nd wethliug, Mr. William Hall to Mina Maggie Schmearmitad, both of thin place. Philadelphia Cattle Market ,The cattle market was moderntively active this week and prices were firmer; 2,300 head arrived and sold at 7474 c ; for dxtra Pennsylvania and western steers 6(61e, for fair to good do. and 41 @s}e per ft> gross, for common. sheep were Heiner; 7.000 head sold at s@Sc per lb gross as to condition. Hogs were rather firmer. 3,000 head sold at $12.50(, ; 13.25 per 100 Dm nett. New Advertisements SEEDS. KNOX FRUIT FARM AND NURSERIES ! SEEDS. MORE LIBERAL OFFERS WERE NEVER MADE than the tniiowin , ! SU — WE WILL SEND BY MAIL, post-paid, SAFE CARRIAGE GUAR ANTE P: P, 18 Flowering Plants for 1.10: Verbenas, I'Double Petunia, 1 Abel Coleus, 1 Salvia, 1 Tuberose, Fuchsia, 1 Feverfew, 1 Monthly Rose, Heliotrope, 2 Crysanthesuums, 1 Perlargonium, Geranium, 1 Ageratum, 2 Basket Plants, WITH Varieties Raspberries for 10 , . WITH DIRECTIONS FOR GROWING. , 6 Naomi, 6 Philadelphia. 3 Clarke, 7. Hornet' 8 Grape Vines for 110: 2 Concord, Hartford, I:ogers' Hybrids, 26 Packets of Choicest Varieties of 1 Martha, 1 Cruceliag. Flower Seeds for 1.10 ALL ONE YEAR OLD EXTRA VINES i See list in Carntogne or Vetretahtee anti Flower CUT OUT LISTS AND SEND WITH ORDDRS. I Seecio, free to tiny att.lrern. thIV" Our handsome Catalogue of Prnits and Flowers, containinz full directions for cultivation, will be sent to all who send address. liNdX FRUIT CO!'•IPANY, BOX 115. PENN - A. J. F. GMLIIES, JAI). 0. SLE.W.VONS, Bus. ibinver. March 10, IQ:6.—avow New Advertisements. ]E XECITfOIt'S NOTICE. Ed.te of .1911 N DAVIS, SR., derrivoq.l Letters testamentary having ite , ln grrinteil to the undersign, , i, living near Waten;t7eet, P. 0.. oh the estate lor D 'vie, Sr.. late of Morris township, ils,a.sed, all persons knowing tlitln sidv, intlf-hted 19 f•Atatli will make immediate payment and th,051 having ela;nis present them duty authenticated for settlen,ll:. ANI M.; 11. DAVIS. Exector. March3l-61 PRETTY AND LTSEFUI, ARTICLES ir!OrLI:ILNA 1., :4 7. 1 1 i()RLE , . Hand somel (Ornamental: The eheitpes and fine i I Picture , : ! Gold Pens Stationery, for Ladies' ?in the count} • ;.: 1 I THE I di /I:II.NAL I STORE.' We mat Ivory keg o. 'Warrant, and v. parinta. and Whit Asses unsurpeened March3l,lB76. ,t fr LIMITED MAIL ! PURE HAVANA FILLED 1 TIIE BEST CIGAR YET Only 5 Cents ! FOR SALE AT THE JOURNAL STORE ATTENTION, BLACK HILLS MEN I pr 7 c i e nfl ir o o o m r iirp tu ea; . tig of best makes, at all Shot Guns tre D i o , u h bl i e uad tL i n g il , $3 ip t !l; 2o, Tuzzle, and Revolverss, 6 or 7 - shooters, for ball and cap or metal cartridges, s3,f) to $23. Call and see or write for illustrated price list. DRKAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, 285 Liberty ,Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. March 24-4 t GIRARI) AVENUE 110 USE, C. TRICKER, Proprietress. Corner of Lancaster and Girard Avenues, two squares from the Centennial Grounds, PHILADELPHIA. [mhlo-tf MONEY SAVED BY BUYING YOUR STOVES, TINWARE, HOUSEFURNISNING GOODS, &C., BUCHANAN & SON'S, 503, Penn Street. ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK done at the shortest notice, SEEDS! SEEDS! Send your address at once to Mess-s. J. R. and A.:31 URDOCH, Nurnerytnen, Florists and Seedemevo No. 112 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa., and get their new Catalogue of RELIABLE VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS just issued, also of Fruit and Ornamental Trees in great variety. [febll-3m $5 to BWI per day at home. Samples wor th 'duwl free. STINSON & Co., Port land, Maine. [meh 1 0,'78y FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, GO TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE -FOR FINEAND FANCY PRINTING Go to the JOURNAL Of6oe. PRUADELPIIIA. April 5 GREAT OF ! AT Till Goods. following ' fuieneso [whlo-2m gUNTINGDON 111ARIL78, C.,rrnetoft Weekly by A•nn A ea n•JT .IMA! ,f: iILN►IIN.YOP. P*. April 6, •oW So rill n. Ylowr 1 , , it, Flow Dolv It,l % fotn Kirk p.r ,•r•I . ...... . ...... tr, N., pi, 8.. Awnx im•r 1,9.4 Mann per ttait,l.... 2,4 Lluv•rt,..l? 4.4 f 1.1,1 • . A Warn.' eor I,'"rn ......... 1.,, rn 2,11 40;1.1 r. , 0011tn% 1/11..1 A pop. v. Pt. Urtrrl Chem. I 1 it , • Dried 11.41 PLtsta fear hors .74 1.1,4 ...... HI.I fb• {fano pnsokffil tilioubler 81 , 1 e Hay 111 ton Lord 1 ft, nPw... ..... I.Orpir (lots new... Pntano.. . . 3:4am, Flamer 1t tun gr , pn npw eproT Vri(fS4 ipu PE. POWELL fE RANK ElO4 AN D RISORIMS. X". 12 36UT11 Tiffin) 87211117, PNir.Ar Agri 1, MIL if' S. ItAi, r 11. and N.--......- lhnec . Mk . 1, 4, “ “ 1 1 , .:4 1111,;i, " " " '65, J. and J ....... ... ... ... 111 , . ITO .. .. .. . 6 1 - , .. .. .ii, 1s A 4 66 II ...NR, 64 . ...... :' 111-1040, 1040, cnnpmi..... ......... .............—. 11$s 119 • Pacific 6'.1. cy ............ 1:00, 1 ,4 12434 New 6*, , , Reg. IFIAI . ...... 117" 11/4 " " r. 1881 lng 11 , 0 1 ,; Gold ll3-.., 11.0 i Pennsylvania —. .. .... ..-- Ws, $7 Reading ow?, sa Philath•lphia A Erie - 4 21 Lehigh Navigatiun •,..) 3013.6 Valley Rh i tit)* United R. R. of N. Ji I3P i 1.1P31, Oil Creek l4 3 - 14. Northern . Central Transportation 4.. nehon i n C. k A. Mortown 'a. Ike MIN New Ad vertisemento. 4 Varieties Strawberries for 1.10: 26 Jueunda, "Onr No ink"' TI rhea. I),,wnin z , 12 Burr's New Pine. frff Ad vertimemento. e irtillY LIST—APRIL TERM, 1976 Of:AND Jill" - P.1tRst. J.)lin Vamlerrnaer, f;umer. walker. DlanchArd 31iller, dr"ver, West. ilenrylsay.a. tanner. We.t. Henry Snyder, former, Walker. Jahn David, farmer, Union. Samuel Itimpelitro, minor, Parser. John Gilliland. farmer. Dublin. C. K. Horton, rarprnter, Boatai T., City. 11.8. Mari kin. laborer, Lincoln. Samuel A. 'Steel, asayer, II untin;:.l.ll. David Render. farmer. Tell. Bell farmer, liarrre. Hear; Snare. carpenter. Iluntinyolon. Samuel Peilrhtil. Lamar, Walker. luhn 31rIliiivagli, physician. 1 untinvion, JaciM A fr;ca, tmrrh- • r, llnntingrton. David Waldsintrh, farmer. flmeela. Joim Crovrnov,, miller. Jarke.... Alain heiLtr.l„ timer, PO• ter. julin 31. 1. ouch, ruill wright, rranklin. farmer, 11.4rlecuai. henry 111. Li 110 . 1, Miles Quarry, merchant. sled. Asp. TRAVERSE JUR4 iILS—VIIIST WEEK, Philip o‘.4nell, farm-, rae-i Samuel Winer. Iliorlemin. Aden tirubb. 'armor. Penn. Samuel iarnier, Andrew Harmer, Walker. 6i111. , 11 Itai•r, farmer, 111.m.ler.on. caftan Kno•le, farmer, Krter. William %arm,. mill Henry Swoope. farmer, Porter. A uguatue Greene. kuu,Fr , I Henry Hawn, farmer, Walker. Martin Gatc,, larmer. Warrinritna^k John Euyeart, fernier, eh I r;ey . thivkt Fanier, merchant, Brady. Hobert Barr, fernier, Jeekain. Jackson White, harmer, rnion. Jacob If. 'sett, fernier. Penn. John Lai,orte, farmer, Franklin. E. J. Green. iientist, Hunting 1.•o_ It. M. flee i ft, farmer. W tit. Adam Glierett, cabinet funk,. Ceeseilk-.7 Michael B .ring, 1: met, I 11i... Abraham farmer. Julimt.i. John Silrertlwrii. firmer. Tell. lireffus Miller, merchant, tisiotined--n. Troutwine, farmer, Harm., Oliver Cook, miner, Tell. Abraham Johnston, (earlier. Penn. John Arcby, farmer, Franklin. Philip Brown, cabinet maker. Huntingdon. John C. Miller, farmer, Huntingdon. Wealey Crotaley, farmer, Case. W. W. Foust, teacher, :iuntitigion. Samuel Linn, farmer, Springfield. Samuel Hemphill, carpenter. Huntibtvl-n. G. W. Hampson. shoemaker, Three Spri 1.40. Lewis G. Graham, plasterer, Huntingdon. David Dunn, gentleman, Huntingdon. Geo. W. Fleck, mason, Huntingdon. Adam Bagehaw, farmer, Juniata. Joseph Foreet, farmer, Barrer. A. B Shenefelt, farmer. Juniata. Thomas hlauoe, farmer, Warrionsmark. Michael f reswell, gent, Alexandria. Abram Carothers, ion keeper, Cromwell. Samuel Douala's. fanner, Shirley. William A. Hunter, druggist, Mount Union. Jacob Walter, farmer, Morris. TRAVERSE JGRORS—SECOSD WEEK. Robert McNeil, farmer, Tell. Mordicai Gaghagan, blacksmith, Hantin;don. Theo. Waite, merchant, Morris. Caleb Greenland, farmer, Clay. David Brode, farmer, Carbon. Jamee Horning, farmer, Went. L. W. ' , leaner, miller, Broad Top City. 8. B. Donaldson, carpenter, Carbon. George Port, butcher, Huntingdon. Job Slack, merchant, Barree. John Numer, farmer, 'ienileryori. J. H. Stoufer, laborer, Mount Union. James Gifford, farmer, Tell. Joseph Gilliland, farmer, Barree. Samuel Irvine. manager, Frankiiii. George Lincoln, farmer, Walker. John X. Luca, Termer, Shirley. Wm. 1.. Lincoln, fanner, Walker. John Buniniell, miner, Shirley. James Wray, justice ef the peitee, Samuel Wagoner, farmer, Clay. Wm. McClain, farmer, West. Henry Cook, minor. Broad Top City. Reuben Dnff, farmer, Barre, John Iferncene, fernier. Shirley. Wm. Lewis,tuercbant. flunting-ion. J. U. Jones, fanner, Tell. Castleton 31(clIvaine, mason, Franklin. John B. Shenefelt, IRrmer, I •romwell. George Mountain, farmer, Juniata. Sterrett Cummins, farmer, Jackson. A. B. Gibbon y, manufacturer, Jackson. Daniel Kyper, fanner, line-hie. A-lam Marti,,, blacksmith. Jackson. Ephraim Yengling, fanier, Carbon. Judson Mcllroy, laborer, Huntingdon. NOT CE. The PhiMelphia & klieg lailroa4 Compaq Hereby gives notice, that ON or BEFORE the FIRST OF MAY NEXT, They will open a Passenger Station in Fair mount Park, upon the line of the Junction Rail road, in close proximity to Memorial Hall and oth principal buildings of the CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBI TION. And that regular passenger and excursion trains will thereafter be rue between the new station and the various points upon their several railway lines. The attention of citizens of Philadelphia looking for Summer Residences. and of stranger, desiring to secure houses or lodging in the vicinity of Phil adelpbia during the period of the Exhibition. is called to the fact that, from nearly all plows opus the railroads of the Company within twenty et' thirty miles of the city, passengers will he able to reach the Exhibition without change of ears is as short a time as it will require to make the trip by horse cars from many points in the city. SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAINS WILL RN RCN FOR THE THEACCOMODATIONOPSCHOOLS, SOCIETIRS OR OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. For information apply to C. K. HANCOCK. General Ticket Agent, No. 227 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, and to the several Local Superin tendents, or the undersigned, J. E. WOOTTEN, General Superinte4deet. March 17, MS.—St SN A DAY at home. Agents wasted. Owtll I and terms free. TRUK i CO., Augusts, Maine. [nieblo;76y LEND 25v. to G. P. ROWELL tt ro.. Li New York, for Pamphlet of 1011 pages, con taining lists of 3000 newspapers, amt estimates showing coat of a4vertising. inchlo,76y New Ativerti,=empnt.4 Ni is yhr rr`q •• n, • ept.p..etept, •lot i•rll• , wing arum,. p.r.n.q. bac. r!wir Amt. in the. geti.tor'• Kilt !h.• r...-..nn• • n!T aI• t► .••I art, n r..•... • •• • 1. • • ' h.t.l 1• :le If nn Ow. . .w• iplarld...7. •4. • lth in of Aprit t,;4. , h. wit .! .4 dr • 11.7.. w, • 1,1 • V. L•.s -.f . , • . . rp t. • 1.. 2. A • .11 N. V. ••• "•. , ..-.Plias • /Pry .1 :.• •. la A . gr.•ll W a.. -•- h it , •l•ir .."1,1%,"... he, , vf -. r . gb; a. • 1.11 X. P. 'V war- . tr.sf-r i R W I. 13) A , ••••4611.41 Son , ofr.r -pi g's 'y G. F.olllot, • sisirmv , -0114 M4Phe.. tat, st 7,..6 fmr••ll4. *wet. ••i•I 0••••7 o•liso immoor rib. mg../ I. )1 • ' • • - . r:. .•• •, - , r. , f • • r ••( n sn.r Pi••••••••• Lot* t trn,•:•,,,•••••• .( 4 fttrk, •••irn•it.p. •.n1• li.en•%•r. •If .1 * I{ .• , t-i• I ! r•Trn. mew... .4.04 ,• r W.errig, • 1 .•••".t...5• fli• I rase %. 1114.1 nap ... rh. I Inv renr. do• .44 P....v.4 1160 Treat Aownsest of Min Weailltiem ',grew J 3.11-r •Is— .iv? :,.s. ~ ..r.mmog. rs I I. E,,ro sn. ?•n2l ler , •ifign •rf tr.,. in 4 W spat. FAmpanewra , ef •iff ears "-it AI. I a•i-r fat. of W a, i ►•t lean. Ward. oa. If add Isakartero. 9. r.,.• .an.{ i nal J ~age X 10,4 awl JArre.i W it I. F. va , atore 4 linwa.. li.ararta. Aratra of W.l'd.r 4ietrti.sti.wo sr aos..l. 4. il«i Ny Jame. War* mi. 4 arri Nee.. /,). •nn , iniwf.r•lhe .s4lusneWers• trig of W. ; risy 11. Fir*. to—nivot •I X R *stew kigninri.Prator m aw ,. lee •?to. .7.1. 4ar , f. 17. F. nIT ••••,, • Ciainirs •.r .S I. 'l4 11,tnr!rvi..n, •fr , f. I.:. ~f 4.lastriiatreins 4f 11311 , !:, 14••••,. - - 11. A •I:ra —.in , .f . I.olFri.. r.e., , 4 i • •-• a `i ATT.. MIA 4 P..vo trawn43..p Aerailitlivi.ll P. • •al arwal Whop. Illavar+l. Rs...eters of W. Rstimi. so lim4 by Wimd rotibealwith dltatrihorieir sepserset r...1.1ett. 4 Ja.ltomi. sho I.ot w,ll ~ f E• 111.... 9...10. t....sohip. 17. A. enrolee ..! .14... w Taylor. Trio.... ova .h. rsl .4.30, of ^Nzlip ray:..r. tato 41.4 ',rev •l.c* I. .-l-••••••zs! C,ordian na A.... 1 pot i 9. A , ....rnt ..( forie..rsifr.r ✓ fie.irge Ifs;lnven. W.. t...rsa.b9p. -kW 2*. Acentin , Sensor! I. P14.-movei, of rite lon wilt A , f gays* intemetset. WV of If Mau toTttitip. .4 , ....ant AI ills nt-tf.... 4•lvessivisershwa ;,. t. s. Wlttiaut .tbit tow ~00h of Af .4 twits,serse.-. 1.0.ry. 4 H.q. 22. i:iisnle•n•tstp Aetssons of loose 1116640114.14 Itswirs. Mow 4144 4 J. Rrnwn. I3r• of newtv t.Aittsoitss). 24. A•n-nonr 1. A. lie Phorrars. l.fiwne.mersiPsor of thr p.t.ste of i•armino.l ir • Plir• rlO, 110. berme, ..( 25. Arronne ..nwenin .%44111 rye tsf thr ••••3.11 , nf I..wn ft•introwsiorr. -Wm of raw, gOWn.hip. _ _ Zit F; , t , aged final .4" , ....5er 4 TA. . seal 7Taisrp4 Comma*. .%.inetwiwritAty 'Pop 'ate fir zistotioi *towyrt. •••• ..• - derraae , l. Wine 44/AA, Itrytee 11-unp• ,A. worn. 4:it,* -0 Hsi/sr.-no. K • ;1.7r* . 4 C.rir•rr. Mlllll , , n. 31..n42. 17. A. 1, :7 '117.1 1 :le 1W:el/in .4 .art.i orxeraht wit *part Mir th. prny;4 l •. 6 .• .1( fi. Ay, •,If I ight if I frt. s. i.ent 1104 ill 4{1.• 4 !by (Tort .4 tb. orrrhan.o no If ••••,111,,_ will I - W...11,..timr. trim! K. 11*:4 • A. ft ^ao—a, . 1 • • - •- Iw...wt.', 41:: 4 , 1 - p .• 144 ••••••v.istr. 4. a.. ✓ •••110 X..r/pret Via*. 1777 ••73•.,7 •••f• 73- p.n.-n*B .1.•••• ••, I r • '..r , W L. • • te...••• 4 -m••••. r r.g../yr"iirPt. • ••. •7 • . . . . llrn ; ~ Wharton & Chaney. peNinl it wapt nr! , rich article:4w TUBS, BUCKETS, Ctii Clic. Fair Oil Goa '. 7 :1M8 BETIMES. T.fI:I.L CUTLERY' Lill COFFEE MILLS, Clothes Wringers, Los t Picts, aliTiS, G.‘IIDEN flf•Es, cf)IIN Steel Shovel Moulds. Fur : 4 in:l-1.. and Oonhle-Shovel GRIND STONES. SPOKES AND FELLOW, CURY COMBS, WINDOW GLASS-all Sizes. Cook Stove:4. IfeatinK Store., Plated Spooni and Forks, Carpenter Tonto, and many other article:4, can hr ob tained at the Hardware:4,ore of WHARTON & CHANEY, at Philadelphia whole!4ale prices. Feb.2s-3m(),,. DISSOLUTIIIN NtYTICK. Tbr partnership,. in the, run o-o, -4 the leek heretofore cox loin* evoker the eases of Love. A Monier. 11111.4 ny raster) concerto . tb• lot instant. The uw.1 , 1 , 411..1 .111 ••••10 hove • lbo preriive hi!. pr0f...6,w It 01. ..111.• lyt..y by Ln•ell A 31111.19er, Yw. 30,01 r ova Ar (lon. an.2,.1 47.;_:11n. NTEW aIO('ERY. CONFECTION A ItRY AND lelt CREAM AAUn►ll_ e. LoN.: ha. just ..'wet. at his reesinsee. is writ liustincion, a sew tirnsery. Ceslibsevessry and tee Cream tislisse, Nen weerytbioir persitio in; to tile,. brawebow of essay ves be boil. lies Cress firnistse4, at elovrt astiser. tw fatoiltoo et parties. Hie moos are vernier to soy rtbrot is tolls. The patroller. tbr poblir is rroporfiftly solicited. U.S4 as Teas, Coffees, Chnenfato Z Ids " igs", 8-rups, Spices, ZIM•6I, Kim. Meilit,. Kook Siesse. French Matard. Poke. - - - leantse4 Frau, Paehes. Dryad Aps• Praisi, Carrara. Pew, t tdried eons Mesl, %%measlier. r,.+ Mesa, Maltby l'Amessok Blessers . 7 wawa re. Olommli. NORWOOD ". 4; Braises. BeebAss:i'ssimeres, Sevin 7 . I sad everytbiest iw thitiraiory hoe • ramirciur EOM., .111 1111 , 1110•11%. PLA• Oppu.ire City flail. Perk. Roe *l4 3 1 . 0 Pont- offs.. NEW YE.4141i. All M.iern imprevrneettr. hoefolieg tie•ster. Reoses $1 per lay sal arreveit. T. J. ►RISCN I RIMS. ►ropri•swee. Jelyti-lyr BOOK-RINDING. us.l.r‘igreeel I. strut far fibs La•euren 1116.4-Biwiery. and .113 Maid rigellorty left's% miiistives. mem eft- Ow Ibiedise. and Teton% no* wort seetly, volletistieley sa4 Amply bac tiAlrs L. 11111WEBATO111. Wasliegium amt. das.24,7i.tfl limllleales, Ps. True•Dere --• ....111110”/ OM. 411• I.. 1 04 "WO MM. • a►. .1. 0•44... p. 4. * 111A200 VTR LOX to*. Illsewerops. g.. 104 11 •rweimp. avow w. eimporma 4~ ;ft vair;vvirr 14P Pr art" - ir LEVI •• r r W' 'weft. Ow firtype. 7 / 1 .41111.41, TwarporP. , sit p_. nip Irprair. 1111* 011111rAis;•• .ClllO JIILR %r: w LIU •Iler 4.4 Lair Romeo 1111..iip. -'l.' • 'l.*. 1110•Oper. Ades "OW. 0111011.100 Pam 4 amogno.inw Illemeureo 11~11/10, }1 LUSA, 'MAIM CUP . .oe livervlb sr OMP Amu& .:b. .PS[ imps Nimm e dhow vow ios tosser usi 4 t. Pork alesiopoon.. Goo. novo.. oats 11 1 -issos Os 4 1 011111*.0. - gellirve 41M0111401116 AsOf woe Starermo +iv few WM/ 11111111. 16011Histiour MI rasa Oat if w. Obistate ease fie Ow irOnis 01 Are IMO 111111•4411 P Simi de •-swer • 4 *Er Othisqp 111 Sbre&Onisio. Am' seri 1 1111111101110 /yr arisboaradl eleisibporw, Poo 1b0.006 44110 c. ova 111 , 4111 sis Maw Drsaress ii•ste M -Uwe. tom Apirell tr P., fa Pm ani 1111~ 4047. ~a /iimip swas.• .' w ONNINIDOSI .4* Ira mom.. &ow ba, oast &di rlbigsAkr. ler Sow loft. •1 Powwow Nano emir milaresti b asa remise Ilisopeßia 1111wminit, Ikon's* Issaiss IMO" lowan. caw +s wry, -sureft irsoftr "Amor up. Fe Any itrimer. 1.• sr.* Wad R;ter ONO rar/.11 11110.11 r mon. lbw. Ira," ow?. APO,* Pviiiase ibilpill.lllo Wawa /6. ffaika. yle Ihmsgrot. T Tageo. from di,. glib Palma Wore or AO, mom Ilkshirpres• IkellitemsftWis Appopia. *op 1111•84011 Iktossamit a zi Aar apiphipftwees :mow Ilosprowit, A* s. ellv call Sims lloWlheem AN". Rama, ow ilhorao- yip Alissbot. eamosw rs , ib.40.04 4ilbir Mak ammailain. 711kili• bwly. _ A.. Took 41110.. 14 WO fbamikraw. aim, OR ) 4 PIIIMP 440•11.• *MOM alleiniallltim am - Sir Prommum. nem ilhompumerp ••rent: Twiwe 0140.• A ONO -maw rqpremo likese7 mew gam/ ids 4 triiillin Limo 01~ ibrilk. ~Ow 1. SOO& mit4 egad Atreoll. : 'Aft Alma /bp& womb? W.lll/ and Iliedir IPPenria Pee mem or ...dr Swop &am dymmi..= up IikPAIWIPPP. W it 4iimmip. 4.Pe. Pam AI "Albert 4so. *sr, , bovelp ApialLW* tot. pIIMIWTWANIA RAIL MAP favaterms..... witarew ;RITE•.. R.-re.frr. r • vit a 111. a. it a. WA. S s i• • • ft _ imskfte-v. _ r .4• 11 : Ok _ _ is 4 •se • . ti 31, MIS V s • . 0 : i 4 •• ill•••••■•1111 - •18 • • al • lilt . • of a sir lb* Pone.%peon" INIPM• ellepillogftp• • ••, ••11 = " 1, awllams WM** 16. hp. liernmk rte. Jaw, IMINPas •• .4 taxi erliam• .1 ihigalilik sea tit • jarvr:ss3 , lol .13D Xllo.tar -I SA 111110011. M X4 I,ye. V. 1104 ~Pow SW wMt 0.11 WV... awe drprrt f.amwe 1.1 orin'ili %X 1) I if tawi so a ► f. 111 , la rounsamil I. 104 Saw I 41 STUTZ. IU. MVO WWI ants was iilolllllllllo Maw 014 ,_. imeesit reurear ft., es aware awe Avir•wye Coal ewe and MM. re. pertiok Ihemislbio mowllibee Amy Woos The ~se 44 heripompl ddlo IPONir ore W aalos. Ifsekiirorp • apopeary AID volt speslll6.lmmuil mr• Emoilb•wit ✓ Sem" imelM•dis K. 1. 114L1. 3111-^F.R. R. ALLEN I.hrlrt.r. Mllit 31. INK 320 PRIM std stil be A.m.* we me awe imgmlue see es woe boa lbw, welt reiso_ he port ea titre weislatiarg is pipe .1 AR DE, let TTT 11411101 M. 111.111MaIrt Ma natant, fiend walk tbr Ims• reftwor atop *1.400. *vow rimaist, %me iss", W.* 'owl flumr. amp ftionnek AWNMum Join% ROO MO • NEW rirreope 4' Owl Ails illasymig. Om& rot ire • issivllhoot ammiturs• at Ent 1••• INI•ses•••• Osialrat W. MIL-, lIV' CITTIRK • 11011111111111 TIMILIIrry) 41 101101. Plrr Pim. mum si Isms' . lllMilia S.. NS. Owl! MINN% Sisaselloo. Pa< rirmern-it. MIIINCIIIIIII MU TIM 1011: MAIL IL , ewer MAP • jasa VOWS!) PIIISTIP• 141 MB NIP lemosee OM= Plibdirmaraliar tALLIEORIS IF ft It effrl• WM 1011111,111. liellrePAV ”kir awe vsaistraort arsirisdriPaire lt • ,•iiNr. ••••• .t •'S orgr; pm rs.e. a . • • ..0110..5. - ~ar..9u1 •••••••■•whow funs • • •••• • wompllime • .41 • - gr 11 4 11...4 -- • • 4 , -,« "ler ale 4.. sort • 411.... P ., • «,•11 1 1 1.10 , Ww* rilr, • .1•Off rt AM) CALllnfill U - ; r ieN ..I off -of MOIII. ..wt. 40 711— " 1"1 " . • 111011.,.. a, a .4„ , • faavidla fa•••-•-• •••• Multi:' • 0- ;I Vti t •it.t 4 41 1 70 I. r X Wri•tX.b ASORT PZIZS La! ar. iriewee. 6.441011111 W. "MOM re AVM OWN! *MP W%., fle4 di imer• • 4.•ellhre wet rue Samoilik Itor old alikainewaie krona T 2 . 1. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers