The Huntingdon Journal J R. -DUlt2'3R HUNTINGDON, PENN'A WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1875. Circulation LARGER than any other Paper in the Juniata Valley. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. GOVERNOR MAJ. OEN. JOHN F. HARTRANFT STATE 'TREASURER HENRY RAWLE, or Eri, REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. ASSOCIATE JUDGE: HENRY R. SHEARER, of Shade Gap. PROTHONOTARY THOMAS W. MYTON, of Huntingdon REGISTER AND RECORDER : 'WILLIAM E. LIGHTNER, of West, TREASURER : H. CLAY WEAVER, of Huntingdon DISTRICT ATTORNEY : GEORGE B. ORLADY, of Peter burg COUNTY COMMISSIONERS : BARTON GREEN, of Oneida, ANDREW G. NEFF, of Porter. DIRECTOR OF THE POOR: CHAS K. HORTON, of Broad Top City. AUDITORS : JOHN W. MATTERN, of Huntingdon, WILLIAM H. REX, of Mapleton. REPUBLICAN MEETINGS WILL BE HELD AT THE FOLLOWING NAMED PLACES : WEDNESDAY, Oct. 27. Orbisonia, (afternoon and night) Mass Meeting, Warriorsmark. THURSDAY, Oct. 28. Shafersville, Madden's School House and Saltine. FRIDAY, Oct. 29. Huntingdon, Grand Mass Meeting. SATURDAY, Oct 30. Spruce Creek, Mass Meeting. At the Mass Meeting to be held in Huntingdon, on the 29th inst., a fine silk flag, will be presented to the township bringing in the largest delegation in proportion to its vote. J. G. ISENBERG, Chairman. J. HALL MUSSER, Secretary. GRAND MASS MEETING AT HUNTINGDON! LET IT BE A GRAND SUCCESS ! Do not fail to attend the grand Mass Meeting at Huntingdon on Friday next. We expect it to be the grandest display that has ever been witnessed in the town. It will be addressed by eminent speakers in the afternoon and evening. The Torch Light Parade in the evening will be a grand affair. Remember, the township bringing the greatest number in proportion to their vote will receive a handsome banner. HE IS HONEST ! If you want the Register and Record er's office intrusted in responsible hands, vote for Lightner. BRAINS WILL TELL ! Geo. B. Orlady is a man of brains and elucation. He is a splendid business man and will make an accomplished District Attorney. Vote for Geo. B. Orlady. HE HAS BEEN FAITHFUL ! Mr. Myton has served the public faith- fully. He has made a splendid officer. There is no respectable reason why he should be turned out. Vote for Myton. /I 0 IS THE FRIEND OF THE POOR ! Lightner's uniform kindness to the un fortunate soldiers, and everybody who has had any business with his office has made him a general friend. Vote foi Lightner. HE IS SPOTLESS ! dace the opening of the campaign there has scarcely been a derrogatory word said against our candidate for State Treasurer. He is a pure and noble man. Vote for Rawl. LIGHTNER IS THE COMING MAN ! Lightner is liked by everybody. He is universally considered a clever fellow. He his made a first class officer. Lie will be reelected by about 1500 majority. Eve rybody votes for Lightner. CHOOSE YE! In. Henry R. Shearer, our candidate 14r Associate Judge, the voters of Hun tingdon county have an honest and capa ble man—a man open to the appeals of justice and honesty. In Adam Heeter you have a man full of prejudice and hard ness of heart. Vot*,for Shearer. PONTIUS PIOLLET ! Middle men, you who are directly af fected by the grange movement, remember that Victor E. l'iollet, the Democratic candidate for State Treasurer, claims to be a granger and as such he is the represen t 'live of an interest that is subversive of your interests. Will you vote to extend his influence and thereby enable him to ush you out? If you do, you are very olt,elfish. Vote for Rawle. PIOLLET IS A DEAD-BEAT ! The Democratic candidate for State Treasurer is just the man that every cor ruptionist and "dead beat" in the State would want elected State Treasurer. He 'v uld make the taxes of our farmers ben efit his friends. Farmers, do you want a free and easy gentleman of this kind at the head of the Treasury ? If not, vote Ca. that spotless gentleman, Henry Rawle. VOTE FOR MYTON The Democratic candidate for Prothon otary, Lewis M. Stewart, does not amount to a row of beans as a private citizen. He clever does anything for himself or any body else. Why should the honest, hard. working farmers and laborers of Hunting. don county provide an asylum for him to devour their taxes ? If we are not badly mistaken they will not do it Vote for hard-working, honest Tommy Myton. air WORK FOR THE TICKET. LitOMB OR His Mois 1:1)!TOR The Gay Lothario Speer is Wedded To! TILE CASSVILLE BUSINESS TOO APPARENT ! The Man the Democrats arc asked to Endorse HONEST, MORAL DEMOCRATS, READ The Altoona Tribune, of the 7th inst., contained the following astounding notice, "BARIUNG UP TAB WRONG TREE.-011 Thursday last a man who, from his prominence in life, ought to be a gentleman, followed two ladies around the streets of Ilollidayburg, and after their arrival hero on the train continued his objectionable conduct, stopping when they stopped, and ogling them in the most ungen tlemanly style. The ladies who are the wives of respectable citizens, were so annoyed that they made complaint to the husband of one of them, and upon being approached and ques tioned as to his motives, the stranger gave some impudent answer, for which he was knocked down by a gentleman who accom panied the husband, and would have received a severe dressing bad it not been for timely interference. The offender was then arrested and taken before the Mayor, where after some quibbling lie gave his name and residence, both of which, out of considerations of charity, we withold." This, we have no hesitation in saying, refers to Prof. A. L. Guss, editor of the Huntingdon Globe ! The account, as above copied. is put in the mildest possi ble form. The conduct was simply outra geous. The ladies belonged to the most respectable families in the city. They were followed to their homes by this man, and when his conduct was questioned by the husband of one of the ladies, lie impudent ly answered, and as a punishment he was TWICE KNOCKED DOWN, and then FORCIBLY TAKEN BEFORE THE MAYOR. We relate this matter simply to show our Democratic friends the char acter of the man that they have tied to, and are asked to endorse. Democrats, the Cassvillo Soldier's Orphan School Scandal is enough to sink the Great Eastern, and as a proof positive of this man's immorali ty this matter comes right in the heat of the campaign. There is no doubt in re gard to the truth of it. If you have any doubt, write to any respectable citizen of Altoona, and by return of mail it wid be veriefid. ADAM HEETER WANTS THE MON-. ITOR AND ITS EDITOR BURNT ! Democrats, Spbt the Incendiary ! Adam lleeter dare not deny the follow ing facts, which we stand ready to prove by undoubted Democratic authority : In Richard Ashman's store, at Three Springs, when Albert Owen was conducting the Monitor, the Democratic organ, the ques tion of its course, and the propriety and necessity of wiping it out was being dis cussed, in the presence of Adam fleeter, the present mongrel candidate for Associ ate Judge, on the Fusion ticket, and oth ers, and the said fleeter did then and there, advise the burning of said Monitor office with its editor on the top of the pile ! This is the kind of red hot Radical, gen tlemen of the Democratic party, you are now called upon to cote tor; this is the man who wanted Democrats and their pa per burnt. Let him deny this if he has the courage, and we will prove it to the satisfaction of everybody. But Adam fleeter has never changed. While be has changed his party front often, and will change oftener, if he lives, everybody who knows him will certify that it is charac teristic of him, to the present date, to hate Democrats. THE MONITOR MISREPRESENTS ! The Monitor persists that we re ferred to Mr. Smucker when we charged that there were those in the Republican party who were guilty of ingratitude.— We say now that we did no such thing.— As far as we know Mr. Smucker has shown his gratitude for favors at the hands of the party. Our position is that the man who has received the honors and emolu ments of office at the hands of the party is an ingrate if he does not stand by the party as long as its principles arc not changed ; and we hold further that no man, with a spark of honor, will hold an office at the hands of a party and refuse to support its nominees. Before nominations are made he has a right to his preference, but as soon as they are made, he is bound to sup port them or get out of the way, and leave some man who will use his influence and the influence of the office he holds, occu py the place. If the men who seek offices will not work for the party after they have been favored there is some thing wrong in the party discipline. This is all. POOH 1 POOH !! BAUGH ! ! ! The Democrats can't go the Cass- vine Business. The Guss-Speer Fusion stinks in the nostrils of all honest and true Democrats. They spit upon it and swear they will never touch the unclean thing. They say that if Mr. Speer wants to make the Cass ville business respectable he can do it on his own hook, as for them and their houses they will have none of it. "HE WOULD SKIN A LOUSE FOR THE HIDE AND TALLOW !" As a man of charity and generosity Johnny Griffith. the Fusion candidate for Director of the Poor, is not a success When poor Peter Diggins was laid up un able to work, and the charitable neigh bors were keeping bint and his family with the aid they were receiving at the Alms House, Johnny made it a point to get the Poor Directors to cut off their relief. He is a hard-hearted, tight fisted old codger. Vote for Horton. THE BOOT ON THE OTHER LEG ! Guss is very anxious to have Mr. My ton, a one armed soldier, turned out of the Prothonotary's office. The principal rea son assigned is that Mr. Myton has served one term. When Guss had served some seven or eight years, as the Principal of the Soldiers' Orphan School, he got as mad as a hornet when be was removed.— He has been howling about it ever since. Vote for a competent and honest man— vote for Myton. " THE COONS !" We heard two or three Democrats and apostate Republicans say that they intend ed "to vote fifteen Black Coons for Ash Miller," the Democratic candidate for Treasurer. Colored men, resent the in sult by voting the Republican ticket solid. H. Clay Weaver is your friend, and when he speaks of you he don't designate you as "D—D NIGGERS" or "BLACK COONS." Vote for Weaver. IT'S ALL ROSH ! Thomas W. Myten has conducted the affairs of his office so well that the only thing that the Democrats and Fusionists urge against him is that he has been in office long enough. Two terms are always conceded to the Prothonotary. Mr. Speer who urges this matter so strongly, is very anxious for a third term in Congress. It is mere stuff. A competent officer ought to be preferred to an incompetent and in• experienced one. Vote for Myton. SW - VOTE FOR HARTRANFT. E. Scott ill Favor of illlin, HE MAKES THE FIRST PROPOSITION, The .M.mitof ane try ! u con'. cy the impression that the union of the two wings of the party was accomplished in opposition to Mr. ;eott. and his friends.-- Every earnest friend of Hon. John Scott, in Huntingdon county, was in favor of a union of the party. Mr. Scott himself advocated it, and, if we are not mistaken was the author of the proposition that first appeared in this paper in favor of a union of the two wings. Mr. Scott desired the success of the Itepublioan party and it was only a question as to how a anion should be brought about. We challenge a suc cessful contradiction of the facts now stated. lIEETER TO BE A DEMOCRAT ! Speer Wants Him for a Judge ! Heeter is circulating among Dem. ocrats, that he is on the way to become a full-grown member of their party. This, of course, is not made use of among Re publicans, but we have the fact established that he is using this argument among Democrats. The question is, what will Heeter end in First a Know Nothing, —and he don't know much yet—second a Republican, third Know Something or Peoples' League, and now Fusionist, to be hereafter Democrat if the weather suits. One thing only is certain—Speer is deter mined, at all hazards, to get this man on the Bench, and no doubt he would be use ful to Speer in that position. But how with the people ? SOLDIERS, LOOK AT THIS ! When Mrs. Thomas Clark, the widow of a brave soldier, who was killed at An tietam, was receiving the Relief of $7 per month, Johnny Griffith, the wealthiest man in Tod township, who was on the Re lief Committee, had it cut down to s3,and the poor woman had to go and work, took cold and died and left a whole houseful of children. Vote for Horton. CLEVER, BUT NOT COMPETENT 1 The Fusion Candidate for District At torney is incompetedt to discharge the du ties which devolve upon this office. If he were elected Mr. Speer would be the Dis trict Attorney. We take this from the fact that ho is now Attorney to the Bor ough Council, and in all cases submitted in him he applies to that gentleman. Vote for Orlady. EARN YOUR BREAD BY THE SWEAT OF YOUR BROW ! - G. Ashman Miller, the Fusion candi date for Treasurer, is in many respects, a very worthy man, who is well established in life, and has filled one or two offices of trust. Mr. Weaver, his competitor, has never filled any office, and the farmers say they love a toiler, like one of their num ber. They will vote for Weaver. THE CREDULITY OF THE MONITOR There is no accounting fur the credulity of some people. The idea of it chattering about the defeat of Myton and Lightner Rest easy, and possess your souls in peace; both of these gentlemen will be elected by at least 800 majority. Stewart and Cun ningham may as well go in now and pull their holes in after them. " THE D-D NIGGERS'." We trust the colored Republicans will bear in mind that this is the language used by the leaders of the Democratic par ty when speaking of them. Don't vote for a man on the Fusion ticket. The Re publican who accepts a nomination at the hands of the Democracy puts himself out side the party, and is au apostate. Vote the Republican ticket solid. A FEAST FOR BUZZARDS! Democrats can you Stomach it ? The Democrats are now asked to endorse the Cassville business. The Republicans dropped it the first opportunity. This is what the Guss-Speer Fusion means, noth ing else. Democrats, can you stomach it? THE LITTLE COCK ROBIN ! Cyrus L. Pershing has no experience in the Executive Chair and no executive ability of the kind necessary to conduct the affairs of a great State like Pennsylva nia. Gov. Hartranft has been tried and his ability is universally admitted. Do not exchange a good man for an untried one. Vote for Hartranft. VOTE FOR WEAVER The farmers know how bard it goes to pay taxes, and they generally like to have their say in selecting the proper man to take care of them after they are collected. Henry C. Weaver is an honest hard-work ing man, who knows how money comes and how to take care of it. The farmers mean to vote for him. THE CASSVILLE INFAMY I The Democrats must carry it ! The Woods men were only too glad to unload the Cassville business, and now Speer has taken it up. The Guss-Speer Fusion. Democrats, will you carry it ? OH ! WHAT PENURIOUSNESS ! "Let her take in sewing and make her own living" was the heartless assertion of Johnny Griffith when Mrs. Reed, a sol diers widow, applied to him for relief dur ing the war. Can you vote to put this man into the Alms House? WHAT DAD GRIFFITH THOUGHT ! Dad Griffith was au excellent stay at home patriot during the war. He is re ported to have said. "Let the Democrats go to the war we need the union men at home." Democrats, how do you like his patriotism ? Vote for Horton, HE IS TOO LAZY TO WORK Wilbur F. Cunningham, the Fusion Candidate for Register and Recorder, wears good clothes, does nothing, and now wants the farmers to Pension him on the Recorder's office. They will not do it. They intend voting for Lightner. HE IS HONEST AND COMPETENT ! Henry Rawl, our candidate for State Treasurer, maintains a spotless character. He is one of the best financiers in the State. lie is universally admitted to be a competent man. Do not fail to vote for Rawle. PLAYED OUT DEAD BEATS CRY REFORM 1" Whenever an old political dead beat has lost all political standing in his party, as a last resort he takes up the cry of "re form." Piollet belongs to this class. Vote for Ilaw)e. THE SOLDIEU-STATESMAN John F. Hartranft has made one of the best Governors our State has ever had.— His record is as clean as a new sheet of white paper. Vote for John F. Hartranft. S6r VOTE FOR RAIVI,E, SOO tittli ttEE: iS no Ciliiiil, ir 1 :,. VOTE TIIF V; NOT.; , _ TICKET SOLID, The Republican who cut.; the ticket uati;:e ( lucre is s.itie 111,111 on it whom he does not like makes a great mistake. We made concessions, and formed a union to save the Republican party in Huntingdon county, and we arc not fighting to elect any particular individual, but for the whole ticket, to give Republicans the Su premacy. For the supremacy of the re publican party in Huntingdon county, vote for your bitterest enemy. Don't Ecratch a time; vote fur principks, not risen. CARRY THE NEWS TO MARY:" Republicans, are you ready ? Have you talked to your lukewarm neighbor anti urged hita to do his duty on Tuesday ? Let there be no doubting Thomases in onr ranks this year. See every voter in your district, and be certain that he goes to the polls and votes the ticket without a scratch. We have a solemn duty to perform, and let us discharge it like men who value the rights of American citizens. A fire along the whole line, and we will put to flight the combined minions of Locofocoism and apostate Republicans. Let the band play ! Fix bayonets!! Charge! SPEER'S COCK AND BULL STORY ! It Is Too Thin ! We were told by an employee in the Globe office, early last week, that Mr. Speer bad written two communications for the Globe; the one an address to the "Friends of Senator Scott," and that they would be published last week, consequent ly we were prepared to anticipate them. Republicans, what do you think of Mr. Speer's efforts to get you to vote fir Fus ion? Will you do it? Nary a time. A FRIEND OF MORTON ! The Mxtitor is very much alarmed lest a Woods man be elected Director of the Poor. It did not appear to be very much alarmed about this matter last Fall when it urged Democrats to vote for Aaron W. Evans. Is it quite sure Johnny Griffith, tight fisted, old, three cent Johnny, is not a Woods man ? Perhaps it is afraid Aaron W. Evans and C. K. Horton will be able to run the institution ? Nay be they will. We are voting fur Republicans straight this fall. _ _ GLORIOUS REPUBLICAN MEET• INGS! The meetings which have been held throughout the county have been attended by large numbers and there is more en thusiasm than we have known for years. Our people mean to poll every Republi can vote in the county and old mother Huntingdon will show to the world that she is united and that the party united can vote up a majority equal to her best days. Hurrah ! Hurrah ! Hurrah ! SHEEP IN THE SHAMBLES! Republicans, don't let Guss sell your manhood for Democratic money. He is in the pay of the Democratic party, and for a time has promised to have his corpor al's guard of Republicans vote for Pershing and Monet. Cut loose from the charletan, and vindicate your manhood by voting the Republican ticket from Governor to Aud itor. Don't allow yourselves to be sold like sheep in the shambles. THE PARTY ON ITS FEET AGAIN! Cheerful and glorious news reaches us from every point. The Republicans are aroused and they arc determined to make things, give, go or break. Men who have not taken any interest in polities for years are working like beavers. Speeches are being made by the yeomanry and work is going forward with hip and hurrah ! That's the way to do it. Don't let up until the votes aro all in ! ••LET US HAVE A CHANGE." 1 .111,3 Monitor feebly takes up this cry. It was the burden of its song last year and many voters responded. And what was accomplished ? Twelve months after we are no better off than we were when they voted for a change. The Democrats carried everything before them and they have only tightened the strings. That's all. The Sheriff is the only man in the community making money. THE JU - DASISCARIOTS ! An apostate Republican is worse, by far, than the most blatant Democrat in the land, and the man who will play Judas to his party should be held in everlasting con tempt, and his name handed down to latest posterity as unworthy the respect or coun tenance of honest men. Spot the Iscariots who have sold out to the enemy and occu py a place on the Fusion ticket. SMART SPEER ! The Watchman is sorry that R. Milton Speer did not go to Ohio to speak for Al len. We are sorry that he did not. Such speakers as Speer are the men who elected Rise-up William Allen to stay home. Speer votes Democratic straight, but ad vises Republicans to go for Browne and Pennypacker. Smart Speer.—Bellefonte Republican. HIS GOOSE IS COOKED! W. F. Cunningham, the apostate Re publican on the Fusion ticket for Register, is becoming desperate since defeat stares him in the face. Even "the d—d niggers are going back on me," says William. Colored men, resent the insult by voting to a man, for Lighner, who is honest and worthy. TEMPERANCE MEN, READ ! We publish, on our first page, a review of R. Audley Browne's speech in this place, on the 14th inst., to which we in vite a careful perusal by the Republican Temperance men in our county. It pre sents the question in its proper light. VOTE FOR ORLADY ! Voter, in Geo. B. Orindy, our candidate for District Attorney, yon have a gentle man eminently qualiued for the position by education and practical knowledge.— He is worthy, competent and reliable.— Vote for Orlady. HE IS KIND-HEARTED ! There is no larger-hearted, more chari tible and kindly disposed man walks the earth than Henry Clay Weaver. This worst side is always seen at a glance.— Everybody knows this, and will vote for Weaver. lIE IS A CORRUPTIONIST ! Victor E. Piollet , a regular dead beat politician, who has been into all sorts of jobbery and corruption, is the Democratic Candidate for Treasurer. Vote for an honest man. Vote for Rawle. SPEER'S LETTERS FALL FLAT. Speer's efforts to create a disaffection in our ranks have so far fallen as flat as he is himself, politically, at this time. That Jack in the lion's skin don't frighten any body. ebe' VOTE FOR SHEARER . t 1 , 7 Oii.-nt4Ar it 1 11, • itl . •• • 41 I ,11 t ki f l I! What an 1 inest ": - !'-.,. ; - .i--.:-..-. , Pii:..n Thiliin \Vt.! take plca.oin-.• ••1 ; ; rlr rustler s the ittat:l7 ;7lrti or .1. M'Calsari my.. thi3 o;t the Temperance ritic , .•ri ,- in. and :ritst that its publication opmi CI • cy.sof tle” , e Teutp. , rance itepublicans who ;;.re about to aid in tlw election of Cy-NEI L. I%x:thing by casting their rntei; for tlic 'remperanc! candidate. Read the earl : Ens. LocAz, : Sqmetitnettgo you published a list of the names of persons—withoot Illy know ledge or e.msuat-- de?!ar—l. 7idb , .taa,e, that they weol.l v.)tit c,, e f.r Governor, at the approachin, rcnerAt and which list in:At:tied toy humble name. Since then,Mr. Pershing been aunounce , l n: the canidate of the lenders or the democratic perry. as their candidate for governor, ‘tith .hone his tory, during the rebelli,n, I li. e ,:oceknowlerly.c. Upon more mature eon:iderati9n I em resolved Ce vote fur Governer llartratift for ra-electian to the gubernatorial chair. He is an honest, tritd,sober man, eompetent: , o discharge the duties of the said office. I am and hare L^en for many years a deter mined friend of temps:ranee; but I cAnnet, nor will not, directly or indirectly assist in the election of Pershing, at present a judicial office-holder, by casting my rose, at this particular period. for the Prohibition candidate. Mr. Browne, rex, stands no chance at this election. I request you to publish thc,e few lines because you published the card with my name to it soum time ago. lem no hypo , :rite, nor am lin accord. with Rum, the stealthy and publilcnem7 orris all JOHN K. McCAIIAN. Huntingdon, Oct. 25, 1375. THE DIFFERENCE IN THE MEN, Adam Heeter approaches Democrats and says, "I am with you soul and body; I am no more a Republican; stand by me at the polls." Then he meets a Republi can and says to him, "I no as good a Republican as you are; I intend to vote fur Titter:mit and others on the Republi can ticket." Thus he goes, day after day, with his finger in his mouth, and thus he talks to all lse meets. Not so with IL R. Shearer. He declares to all that lie is a Republican to the core, and as such lie either will be elected or defeated. In this there is manliness and honesty. THE ANTI-FUSION DEMOCRATS GREATER THAN GUSS' SQUAD! A Bad Investment for Speer ! The Detuocrats who won't go Fusion are greater, by Ecures, than the squad following Cuss Speer didn'r make a ten strike by iovestiug that little game. If you want to make a decent Democrat . wad just mention the Orphan School Scandal. 'that is to) much. - .6augli I THE CASSVILLE STINK Democrats Can't En t Buzzard ! We hear daily 14 , u:runts who say they cannot stand the Cassville busi ness. They are determined to vote for the Democrats on their ticket but when they are asked to voto t; u• tivy mean to cheoso their men. - An Insult to Mr. Scott's Friend, ! There are a large number of Dem ocrats in Huntingdon county who have been and are the warm personal friends of Hon. John Scott. We ask them whether they can brook the insults of thelfunitor? How can you rote for the Ouss-Speer Fu sion ? Vote to resent the insult. - -4.-- --- IT STINKS OF TREASON In voting for Cyrs L. Pershing, fat Governor, you voto to ehmte to power a party that brought wn.r and deviation up. on our country, and where it is in power to day,(in New York for in tance),the grandest system of fraud and corruption is practiced in the history of the world. Vote for Hartranft. - --......116. ...IND , • -401....-•- FARMERS, "GO FOR IIIM" Victor E. Piollet, a broken down "dead beat" politician, imposed upon the far mers and succeeded in getting in to the grange movement. After doing so he took advantage of his position amung the grangers to have himself nominated for office. Farmers, spot him ! Vote for Rawle. A SUGAR PLUM I Hector, as a Director of the I'o•ir was not a success yet it is said he made it pay, and continues to receive nice little favors down there. The tax-payers know how well they have had to pay. They think they have had enough of Hecter and mean to vote for Shearer. VOTE FOR MORTON ! Charles K. Horton is a kind, generous hospitable gentleman. Ile is the right man to take charge of our only charitable institution. Ile will fill the office of Di rector of the Poor with fidelity. Ile is a vigorous young man while his opponent is superapu:Ltetl. Vote for Horton. GOOD AND TRUE MEN Every good Republican any many sound Democrats will vote for Barton Green and Andrew G. Neff. They arc capital men for the place. Tax-payers know that their interests will be fully protected in their hands. HE IS WITHOUT CENSURE ! Not a word is scarcely uttered against the Administration of John F. Ilartranft. His conduct in the Executive chair has been singularly free from censure on the part of his bitterest opponents. Vote for John F. Hartranft. READ ! READ ! ! READ! ! Ilead the communication of our corres pondent from Morris township, ir you would learn the standing of L. M. Stewart at home. Let every honest voter, who is opposed to having the Prothonotary's office turned into a saloon and club house, vote for Mr. Myton. SPOT THE RENEGADE ! Adam llecter is an office seeker. Ile is to-day trying to break up the Republi can party merely to secure the office of Associate Judge. The man so devoid of principle and manliness should be over whehuingly defeated. Vote for Shearer. TAX-PAYERS, LOOK TO YOUR IN- TERESTS Every tax-payer in Huntimrdon county can trust Barton Green and Andrew G. Neff. They arc competent, responsible and trustworthy citizens. Vote for Green and Neff. VOTE FOR SHEARER! Henry E. Shearer is pronounced a fair and square man by all who know him.— He is honest—he is capable. He comes fully up to the Jeffersonian standard.— Vote for Shearer. HIGII, LOW JACK! If you do not want the Prothonotary's office converted into a gambling establish- ment, vote for Thomas IV. Myton. SPLENDID ACCOUNTANTS. Nattern and Rex are both splendid ac• countants They are men of experience and integrity. Vote for Mattern and Rex. VOTE FOR MYTON. 'EFL T 1 !le t ; ‘T : =. .•- - (: ;f:: ,•: • , !: 'V .‘ I I LN lIONE.iT AN►). \ 'RN! r~ !1. ~ 19. T , i/-~~ ~:t~ 11E71AT It S:IFAREn —Thi, I:entices:ln head.] the indepctplent county ticket 3i emir:date f. - )r Ass:lrnb!y. He ii a hoopits- U.i!. cL,n-er gon!.1 , :m1l f! - )fri a'id i yr4 , !l ,n n!!• whi r % 1 ' .1 • v,,te !.! every i:II:! 7 , •” I ••:7 • , i * the e m in ty mid ~h. 111,1 !p , e!.'..!,..1 ninj.lrity The he i 9 how‘At, f g ..,1 11 f1 si-tilf4e, mil will Imo L h, of elturtay t:m ! :,. t in he4t wi ter. SHAME: SHAME'' r7trieitins, R .4-uf 1.141rk ! The Gh,be calls tlw Republican ticket "ring-boned and Apavine-I." heoluse Mr. Myton, a one-arm:a s , 4lflier. and Mr. Lightner, whom it bath pleased GOD to afflict with lamenes!. hapro to he eindi dates upon it. Is it an offence for whieb Mr. Myton should be priniAied becalm he lost his atm while fighting his country's battles? Is it an offenc,-: for whic% Mr. Lightner F liquid be punished becans? he was horn a cripph, ? No I a thousand times NO! and no one but the craven who runs the Glob, would be the author of such epithets. Let every honest voter show his condemnation of such demagogue ism by voting for Myton and Lightner. who have been faithful lad efficient offi cers notwithstanding physical infir mities, and fur which they are not respon sible. THE ALTOONA MIRROR HEARD 7ROM. It Knows Nothing About Law. The editor of the Altoona Mirr , ,r is a very clever gentleman, but he knows notb• ing about construing an act of Assembly. The act he quoted ciefirly does not require a year's practice trio, an attorney is eli gible to the oili,!e itf I.E:strict Attorney. This is the construotion of erery decent lawyer in the State. And ft,4 far as real deuce 18 COTICCTIIt 1. Orgf.: B. Oriady, Tag., has resided in Huntingdon comity for twenty•tix years. and has never made a residence any wher • t !,e By becoming a student is the State does not change th , !yr of the land. HARK FROM THE TOMIM The candid.tki ;h.; seem to be bowc.: grief. Can't expect thew, howi;ver, ti? be "gay anti hap py" when their funerii is se near at hand. Tue.4ay next wii; be the last day of their political existence, and the last sad rites will be perferw'd by P;irson Petriken, Dr. Speer and Rev. A. L. Gnts. Gm, will deliver the funeral oratioe, and in the course of his rot:mks tell the moaners what he knows vb.-.l:t Soldiers' Orphans and his experience in in Altoona Mayor's Ciffice. The exereisei will c!nse by Mr. :steer, iH a r.ic i•we,:v:r by far than the last nutegof the iiy;tig swan. rarbling the solemn and appr;priate "Slowly and lAdly we lay them down From the field of their sw.twr.fresh and gory:* PROOF POSITIVE OF EF FORTS TO BEAT STENGER. Speer's business partner, David Bar rick, offered \Vcister tickets to his tenant, Mr. James Sale, of l'et?rAburg. who was a delegate to the Democratic Convention in 1874, and urged Lim to vote them, telling him that Speer ;cos bound to loot Stenger. Mr. Sale refused to go back on the nominee of his party. Stenger Dem ocrats, we relate this circumstance to ena ble you to pay back that little debt. Speer has spent thousands of dollars to bring about Fusion. now punish him by striking down bis pct. A BIT OF i'ONSISTENeY Ai an evidence of the utter incapacity of the editor of the Giro' to run a politi cal paper, we would mention the Get that in one column he charges Geo. B. Orlady with wanting to rotten egg Dr. Browne, the Temperance candidate for Croverrsor. and in another column he asserts positive ly that Dr. Orlady is urging Republicans to vote for Browne. The fellow gets so muddled' he don't know which end is up permost. And then he publishes anything without any regard for truth whatever.— This matter refutes itself. CONTRADICTING A STATEMENT IS NO IMPUTATION OF PERJURY. Both the Giobr and ilimitor try to con vey the idea that we charged Henry R. Shearer, some years ago, with perjury.— We never did any such thing. Any law yer who knows anything about the defini tion of perjury knows better than this.— Merely contradicting a sworn ,tatement does not impute perjury. Lawyers know this very well : the editor of the Gh,he can be excused. He is not responsible for his ignorance, or seireely anything ebb. BRING OUT THE AGED AND IN FIRM. Have your wagons ready to haul out those who are unable to work. Leta man be selected to look after every case io each election district. It is no trouble to hitch up a buggy or a spring wagon and drive a mile or two out of your way to take out your aged or infirm neighbor. When the labor is divided up, the matter can be very thoroughly done. The Vigilance Com mittees ought to arrange this. RAW HEAD AND BLOODY BONES! The editor of the Glot.e says that he and Speer are not candidates and, there fore, thinks that we ought not to touch up the Cassville and other matters. Are Woods and Orl idy candidates, pray ? Sure ly he has taken up all his space abusing them. But, than, we are willing to g) before the people on this issue. We will see whether they will endorse the Ca,:sville Scandal. A DEN OF SHYLOCKS: If L. M. Stewart were to be elected Pro thonotary that office would he converted into a shave shop by the Shylocks who hover over the dockets, and watch f►r their unfortunate fellows in distress, with keener relish than buzzards do a carrion carcass. Re-elect T. W. Myton, and these vultures will be toiled in their expecta tions OFFICIOUS, VERY : The Altoona Mirror is particularly offi cious in telling the people of this county that Geo. B. Orlady is not ciligible. That he is, is known to every Attorney of this Bar, as this county has always been his residence,. The fine legal qualities of the Jf.'rror editors are misdirected in this mat ter. Ile is not only eligible, bat COM PETENT, and WILL BE ELECTED. ntut l Ner r , porti ar the , iter;lrot Itertinzs !tel.! throughout tie clarity `met reached os. but *win* tn tie ernirtimi saute of our mhos*. we are iambi, In p ii them 1110" VOTE FOR LIGHTNER. I air VOlll PUS 'RAVEL to D. ' 1 10 linrfr!'; Ai a -art i) .1111 'P a ; F 314 : r• r, E ; . • . . ..• : . I C.itzre-. time i have 4.see t. 41,JUS ~ est.: ..1 th.own Awl IMO I•Siat iw Ilantowetl.swensney pnisasea. rm./1 • the. Ilk•assirrate s., doe le i ;WI ticket with *km. Away IPPIIII PO fractury. Ii wa. a eery bawd jab. bat I !succeeded. Neal cane a freallit Nigaik ti) make a ;chiseling Goa win of idea anti-Amon wiox ‘sr rise Itialbiessa piny. Aii ibis reinire.l !nw.• I gip* Sal palifiassi foragatyrwrit thml ;ev , 011e1r.11 ;ft way I . en elect i• n i•a•npat,:n. 4111.1..1 'i: • .111 In r• a rn. 'n •• 317, 7 3 POTH3NOTARY 'V. •-r.vll - • h x►r , ; f anA in reply to the ert:c a in Lie libiesitne. of Lat week. wit:. the ',i.e., enteies, are say that the Caere resorede, wbieb weeps, to every nee. show that *eve a set s shadow of troth ki the ellsorpe wpm& egoist* Mr. Myteet. flay show silt the judgeseat on whieb Me. Pridteelt iv mid to have issued execution sad to have pissed his writ in the Sherif, hasis. 11011. MP e•-rer to this day Asa on *Asensio* lama em it! We defy say sae to slew. by Ey ma ends.. or otherwise, that Mr. .4chsall hr ere/ rollee.ed a lye per *Anal the knowlecke of the *seta To *ma the troth effeetually. let any onto." OA not either of the Editorstho WOO the oriA,,r „r the .WorriPne's artiele, sad alb hi m go h,nj t ► the Debase. mei thew I verify rh. '- ehirzes. Woad sabre 4 there go: No : They are er nvieted wicked, deiiherste and risalienset by the ree,rl4 themselves. If any Astor n'y4 are willing to testify to the teeth 4 the iiPioilor ritarges.theere Attersays.wbe arc "the i.. , wer behind the :ham,. see willing to testify either to abet As" beam to be false, or to whet they de ass Mee to be trite ; an-f. in either men wbaseer they may be. 111.-v ire morally Oki of the same hla.rk , i'eurre 7r is re feed tem plitnentary to Mr Wyfor. that his pelican, enemies eta n trut:if II ehorx • 4 in competency or .lifthr-00l t., loring senitrit him bat mast orajore up. in .heir fever ish brains. there false chants 'ad zit* theta to roe rritii;e •n 0)• h pubiie will rEeoi: • :h. as aqtyrot ;was :whea t:on. :o -n•-• ,it / us ,or al. feel disprerd V! the enirges angina Mr. 313t00 or Mr. .4eloork. male by the f;hbe t g..) to the records and sel- 1.4 ti. and to take tips , Editors of t popcni.tioalc Jed ask Aron there to prove the !roil of thew thew : These rune ivor hold Sir. Myton up to pubtie ridies'es bees be ea ,`a,- t ie of Tn t teir rita:itro;ty they eisscgi ;at, !!..• , r Ir. pension Figure. -vAI even l in the nerostlie of these Tors; Editors. S•ilrFere and Totem 7 I. T. W . My tow who ,f the at Mae- ; in the front of ::re Lrettre se num- ; eeliorAvills. ho! i a arm tors ft on has ad, by a rebel soot, is it it deservio; of s pots who ? Which of these asessedlt Editors who abuse Mr. Miais sessaas I of the pumice its ',Zriftretieffit tg, ernuperkAut him firr the leas et bile arm, , would es,eitange aloe of their arts/ foe Bat, issleed. they are of sorb metal Chet they would more readily give se arm the !temp mkt• the* for Asir oseatry's !..• . Thl.4 is true fietosetatie dieseg ire : If the zinalenten cenkl. soldime. they , -z o oid moor, .weep away all per patoolooko : Basest ties inerilt to Mr Myron inedresr selves at the polls • The lenders 4 the Fisoioe piety see working drirperitely to eieet their earl date. Stew art. Prothonotary. foe Ala rat of estabeisbintr a Deal Homo For the post three years the illiamibr's "Bole," and its other svpiri . ag pasospesrs. have not been able to me n is about the Prothrosotary's ells, is tastlily as they were previously atValanlllo4 to and they are staking s desperate "tires to secure their Ines pm** three. Stewart world probably waked' his lase a Wow plat e. anti a gambling ashows. and by a little concerted anion e• the rat erdhsav inside and those natoiat. Mate rusenv might be able to do a handsome basimalot business and to have things quit* to their likinc to some other Sibilant norm. Some of them are sow fondly mooing el a return of the good old tionen. trust the good Name of she paerie twiill not permit a waskliag lie Sorrow av I. placed in the Pradossaary dim ha doe evident advantage sad bandit of hi 1.11110. agers outside. *. THE PATT-9 OWNER IT What's Sass for a Delleffili IS Sass for a Republican The Gh.he sad .16 , 1ettor 3111 my mach distressed over the prneret that Xt. Myton will be elected Presbosstary, and cry oat with ma voice ass "ba has al ready been twice elected so dies in Sew tingtlon sosasty." This is s stvangis sL fence for Democrats to ens as a reason why Republicans should sew far a Cop perhead sad spies. • sederaer. Is is • itti. the iscousistent Sir the men who labseed o zealon•ly far the re-Loasisttine Sr Apses Fir the thcri time in •aeee ago, and who arl sow the strut:Dents t.. secure the game est era year, to ( out agaiwst a =3O bemuse he has committed the or nee of aliewiat bits 'elf to be elected to *ice twice is his hfe time Mr. Mytow was re sosineterl is compliance with a rootage as old se the county itself. whit& is that where so oil. cer has faithfully performed the dories of this °See poblie coevewiewee issemare that he should be re-eleeted. That 311 r. ny lon has perforated the duties of *is adios with &Mity derm;s nut es the Anis tiou or denial of any pare ; ia the unanimous verdict all who have demo business with the oil !e tiariaz the lam three years :500 REWARD We are authorised by Mr. Mtn teal that be will give geoid and seamiest setts lily to pay to either of the visors et the ibriilor, or any other permits is Resting- don COUntf. Or elaeleberie. the ;um Or Sr* hundivel 40:lars for a single ease is whieb he examined a note for the Ike per eiret. dame and then gave it to Mr. Mimi. et any other per•on. to ester. sales, he was expressly anthorised to do so by the pines' - tiff. or fir any ease in which he remised a cent a+ attorney fee; that Iran sot mewed before his election 29 Prothrereary, oe fror a single rase is which he Itswerisgfy pr aline.' any one ;.-• enter jedgmest es note left in the elks to he catered. TO TEE POLLS! TO THE POLLS Let every Repartees velar in the ens ty turn out to the election en Terealley next. and TOO the tither raid_ Bove conveyancel4 ready to bed the sigh and lame to the polls. Got NM every vote. assi a gloriosa. victory Maki yea TILE RILICON 1.101111 , art' .1 :,lba .o/ r j vi.trt !yet * rise emirs* in- BRIG FITI.T '.:+,t - NAN,» • 4.4 71 . P. 41 "woo or Pob-of op • --1 • • - Go,- . 1114, roil 4 ..4. • ; 7 :481.11 , 1". M ! i ltll.4V: -• 1 11 ,,1 11111 Pisk . P.l", 1.11111.141.11.4. 11 vsev.• Wildifig wss SA4 a r mot Is bow 111`. 'avn4ll4 iterir -pwoinfwary. volt *wee rerailA 11,4 priespiisiport.. pod imp& the pineal Wisprsy nor elm le lbw pity aregiew row vetirowswi lov is 0.41.41, 1.4 illisorry Vier tte. •re. 4.... +l* .ref. fee . .i be ilbenei ellowebere. • Mimes iodise sheme up dim spew as 4 aleiree bey Moe" Ai es are iso see was de eiplir Iterdblism sj4 k seeded do Illese leis-s. ism atm : , .fee, firm s I+s , sris Ara, yr , ssupssoi psesekist, lito• ~- troirisr !les ?trawls. is ...lespft Sloss Lim s firs smeqs.. , . 41.* Ito tirvistri m p Posomerse 'sit :to -to sir* , 111sufts sin* * 4.01 Itswry tbs.. sadFilosigs 4 1.-si T 34 •ocrio I \ry...4 felnellillilink See if OP UR sue belly epr , bask Tlet ;eft r twin . ~ la ie Tibor , lbw* ensegb Gee me lab f.e ws 11 emit Teeeby eieeiez Sr defuse win emy yeses purr!' A r fIWSW °Mr ri rIN Ambwese ' D..111nr,71. &AIM Tema.....e. hey siebersA reer. oitime epp. riit!;ve 264 arrime al tie,+ ors.• held bet nue. 41. e. 5T prcp,.eefe.-ite -b•re;.42 vole. %mew freesed f v sr. peraiee be sew app. ow. eis4 ef h. Eves 1111111114 yrs* Tomb, be sill eunie awe tie ise meratell. Vase Iler Wooer. * Ler. free. leselbseirleml a see 16-44 !It- -se 4-4 -46 P rogifie LA NOR fog Tai iramarintry • Nal !Cei-z!Pe 4. Sala oller. RepsVeNkatt. isiter4Pr. r : 1. - 44.4. 1611..1 , the et% 4. t;44. , -"irk... ornit.-4 D . iso• : •'.. ••• , :avereas v.) yiir(Ass:A 7 1♦ sop invilisig f she .-Trygoorf tortikamnpirry in rive • -,14..• erawital. suipi !s , t Ode" :ti.or Tiow till Nfif l'ff% iN J Chahar, Jiebase. a. Iwo Cam& ft.w.. Fntrict _ties:wry. I 11017 i++./ Ir '%.* Its 4- IMO 11, 1.1 tn. ne' .ittinenry !To Mt I.26:ilsosesio lir As plow irtiosperr U. Cl t 4 sw4 Niro if 40.-4 16▪ I , t i r e israr is la • ; f p-ram. V /10714 raivx TUX.% I.P 1 117: 'TALL' Tbe Pair* fieitot oi , mo boo 'oar. owe by Tarwiry ors, Too api;• Sorely bo • a mos lo.;.1 NW dant No am Missed is sior 4;aroosipiors aria W. berm Aim .171 the no: ?our boa Am ionn doom boobrii mob. !v.'s, avooy owe B.r th. rigr7 0 04.04111 •1114114 fp," ! - k•-. 1 , :r.inD VII Wl::Dial:4 Se* tint so iregai aloes atro rribl— %sod Mom we./ Zsamieer awry Oirbak ileums - DelWeeesebe appossarvasso ery bog frooollabool 640 s slowerlyieboeb if obey in willow* a duo seeid aka obey mow sisoillief Wires ye" Laws sash aria aid. toe Ins. HZ SO tits X. VA AS doe abase is for samsser 4 tb.. Also Weep. .4 iamb doe tssimpase eas e" Ina- thisPessibly r_ Ilhass i• fistemi raw hirresor T -es for Boras. Tovooty Mosmos Myna,WWlboolO bo llo.oloobot a.e11••• 'lst las revel bissilf • "spobie. evr,slot and fossil Cibbit 19110.114. e Ikersore be Me soresisid lOW, of Isp Seas. witlb est& pad mom sad auseme 04- must tow eyes Ow lets were approw4 Ms it fir dielbes ttrw rum age - my dwy ems Sod ow hell vela bee. s.c 1. •• • imidist. AoselbilibiL boom tame.. wbe eorelhily essmidire oboes lir Sec! as 1 Sees Isieely •••••••••• sr , 1 of elssor or illissmisikis lairasis Minn lalloppebst am is tibmpir • ssi sells. rid vlile sootooros to at N. est=brims ono* iallapene MI 10 ND si Wee poring. los amp mai stiles kw. of amessey. ma s isepom vide is poupperily OM =Om sotto ea. lbw IF volagerres of iv mad mosiossa Illtimoor be is ommosposimingoompy sorverios sod prodigury. Boa . owe osllbr them so vibe OP la frooroosoos o4bos -• Noe poem Ito &sew Om 11••••• Imr its poilline Os bialbros ad Mut - 4111010111.11M0 di me emir gessisly. gioiog lies • lair Wafts on ova pew. amil • direirise dissaysd n. • Aboogrogol rowel Ow oboe iv debt Illoommo is iroitai .44b ma wire wow 4.1.- pond to mist tot bops rookoso* aid ti.. twit , tie woos sorry. is Iwo koplopol tireabassies of aserair. ofoolismo awe Illnompoe ems Apir moo pomp . awl lbw londoollbio lam s rbitrf Vosisoloop. _ _ ikonsmor bur it • apiprowereasiv•l far i•••••• 11. by Sur So amo• ingurboot me oar Sbes•—boriair Wye beeeslbt epee • Om. tilled die arra Vsob h. some boulb. sod se drovissibo wooer am 4 se•••••••.• mime clew or ebdiess. fie. ir a sus. bee elatarmo sa Isom portbsbbr. owl bir swim a preerod by • M. swab lbw artradity sad Time. Illeaore obis oisobry ono oo - lbws wool dimie ombloomind bib OPP. Tim. sof rt moolory. lb Rik %OW. pmer mew. sod Aye rwirraly err powmoroy vbe Rib off doe soodoo. lksessse bits sessilos silt be • fills" *I tie peaty *hid sisessissii *us iplemessui pissms is esr Guiewsl os. sod s Mew Iris s wii ass ONO As ger .0 pow sad asuilillib 411400111111110 sad moss. Dessest hie ar.. vssfill be • triomplb silo Imespy at islaulguis. s vary se ear +web serer lioaddly booboos prospowit?. 11114 :esseliewe amody r sprollsolse. Ilsownsee Odor sibs limb ow &Ova law ant sisisly Ow• ate ssispislimil !lab ills reads is *air *aim 440 oreirsois silo ressipsmes. sea seenity pram tans "sir fano 111 lad liersare 11.. iitartiss Aim year wilt or Sr TO prowess • Deurrevoris sumram one yew Mire. a all Owe As war biabsty. Ar Courimaii Eif our klairredesse. tar sbmite Imo e ansisimi easisistratide dirgeosoll sir lest . imam mai rilOt Illamese wive *so fires of lib parry Nape sell- MAt. ter deft el dim Same Ns bow arefemsk stela gado, dist el Mr Deunerary rs wee eserimer -Ares...- ri tessurp * ob. Seim um se lot AIM% lekirs. ere • bowies as ger agrievilimpal Maionlik bee boss abollehod seer Allspoldler are s. asd owe* it solarsi sow Or Desseenso is as wow Illissuor fr adbee of s asillhor. awe dhow Swiss •Ir s meal •••111 Mimi.. as ~NT swear sir IWO, peony. ele riles. Illseume M iv tree re tamp fisimml prom 'igloo of s serselluse groareffssetb—Aliwer _ _ _ _ jailor amf agaidia•--.1111. erpoons my do* sona? awl Ism ea ram* Ilitiott Wear* alimell me as ire lions• re se war ap•oti be** • nip! Ilkomerime • "''as -vimry poriess essidertampoille serfs lisaimpil i iseilause. Itsamsso Or ial taw so 4 Paissaparamie— laratimarr taw Weft iv tor klienellell.-4P- Amid lir is lam ef air awl Palbowill Ar re. possprOly Ao *taw et premp.—Platbsiva VOTIII PV ©Warr • So - st 11.........
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers