The Huntingdon Journal J R. DURBORROW, HUNTINGDON, PENN'A. WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER29,IB7S. Circulation LARGER than any other Paper in the Juniata Valley. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. GOVERNOR: MAJ. GEN. JOHN F. HARTRANFT STATE TREASURER : HENRY RAWLE, of Erie. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. ASSOCIATE JUDGE : HENRY R. SHEARER, of Shade Gap PROTHONOTARY: THOMAS W. MYTON, of Huntingdon REaIgTER AND RECORDER W ILLIAM E. LIGHTNER, of West. TREASURER H. CLAY WEAVER, of Huntingdon DISTRICT ATTORNEY GEORGE B. ORLADY, of Petersburg. COUNTY COMMBSIONERS : BARTON GREEN, of Oneida, ANDREW G. NEFF, of Porter DIVATOR. OF THE POOR : CHAS K. HORTON, of Broad Top City AUDITORS : JOHN E. SMUCKER, of Huntingdon, WILLIAM H. REX, of Mapleton. ;AN COUNTY COMMITTEE. The following named persons have been 4wlleetati, far the various districts, to serve xen the Republican County Committee for the year , 1875 : Alexandria—David S. Henderson, Stephen Hamer. liarree—Job Slack, I. B. Miller. Lirmingttem—John R. Thompson, Joseph lladson. Areal Mop City—llphrains Mean, William J. Ammerman. Jlrady—J. G. Allison, A. P. Burnham. Carbon—John S. HaMay, M. B. Breneman. l*tm A. Park, J. Calv.n Shaer. = P iro—lilos. D. Clarkson, Dr. J. F. Thompson. —lll/Misi L. Glasgow, Richard Hudson. Goalmonts.Tiloalas Thompson, Reuben 11. Crum. Cromwell—Willtain B. Gilliland, Lemuel Beers. Clymens, Frank Stitt. Rrivaklia—D. 11. Thompson, D. R. Miller. Benderson—George F. Hetrick, Isaac Long. Hopewell—David H. Helsel, Robert Edwards. Huntingdon, let Ward—n. A. Orbleen, J. W. Matters. " U Ward—John N. Maguire John C. Miller. " 3d Iraqtee Port, or., A. J. Africa. " ell Isaac R:ld, Chas.Kershaw. Jackson—John& 1114..JaCluotiHatfie ZiOnsout Juniata—James Park, J. P. Snyder. Llanoln—Jobn H. Donaldson, John Fulton. lairkoton—H. H. Swoops, J. H. kfcConaby. liasklasburg—A. M. Gruen , George B. Brumbaugh. Morrie-4*mnd H. Beck, Alward W. Grains. Mt. Onion Borough—T. A. Appleby, T. U. Harrison. Mt. Union Dktrict—Wni. X. Myers, Win. Shaver. Oneida—Daniel Kyper, James Poster. Ortsieunka—ldinuad B.Osbison, Thomas Id : Kelley. Peon—Jacob H. /sett, Adam Came. Petersburg—Theodore.Banner, Thomas Brininger. Porter—Peter N. Isenberg, Robert Speer. 8* R. McOarebsy, Calvin Greene. Shade flap—Wm. V. Lae, H. C. Zeigler. :Mg—Robert Bighstus, H. S. timelker. *burg—John A. Kerr, George Leas. Sprit's&ld—Cyrus J. Brown, Newton Madden. Tell—John A. Blair. Levi Piper. Three Springs—Richard Ashman, Dr. T. Z. Jones. Union—Ralph Cretsley, David P. Pheasant. Walker—Howard Robb, James Ward. Warriorsmark—Saiunel Ralston, Hay. White. West, (Upper Henry Holtrapple, Henry Davis, jr. West, (Lewev}4. M. Snowden, Cassius M. McClure. Ammo G. ISZNBERG, Chairman. J. VALI MIINER, Sec County Committee Meeting. -.A meeting-of the Republican County Com mittee will be held at the Court House, in Houti , on THURSDAY, the 30th of Septe , inst., at 1 o'clock, P. M. A full attenctufiie is requested, as business of impor tance will be transacted. J. G. ISENBERG, Cbm'n. J. BALI Wens, Seep. MONEY WANTED ! Within the last two weeks we have sent out in the neighborhood of five hundred duns. To these about thirty or forty have responded, but the great mass have not yet paid any attention to them. We need the money badly or we would not have sent out the request to pay up. Since the first of July we have set whole weeks in our office and did not take in more than $lO, while we were having an actual es pease of $6O per week. This has been extremely mortifying and annoying to us. We incurred expenses that were unavoid able, and when the time for payment has been reached we found ourselves without money, while thousands are due us. The sums generally due us are so small that the great majority of those who owe us could pay if they made a little exertion. We urge all who are indebted to us to make an effort to pay up and help us out of the drag. We have an excellent paying list ; there is no better, and we appreciate their teouble in raising money, but our neeessi. ties compel fts-to urge them to pay a little sooner than they may have contemplated. We are making acme fine improvements— some that are a credit to the printing, bu einem in Huntingdon and a lasting credit to the town—and they must now, with oth er indebtedness, be paid for. Come, help us. Don't get mad when you read this, but say, "Well, I feel proud of my paper, and I feel like helping the men who have the enterprise and spirit to keep up with the times. I will pay 'up the old score and a year in advance." That is the way to say it! t f SS. The Democratic Convention, in New York, adopted the hardest kind of a hard asoney Platform. The thirds and Soffit, in the Democratic party, will soon be is well defined as those of the Harda and Sets, of New York, of some fifteen or . . . elOteen years ago. The Appointment of Hon. Hen drick B. Wrigkt to the Chairmanship of the Denicitittic State Committee, proves that IVSliaCe alet dead yet. Speer, we thought, was to have this little acknowl edgement for his good offices, but Wallace eoeldrs't see it. • •Wallace had withdrawn Ross at 12 o'clock, on Thursday eight, of the Demberatie Convention; and named some other friend, Speer's hat would have been savedgud Tom Collins would have gone homeserestfallen. It would have been the other side that would have been ju bilant. - 14. Petnotrats, you who live up Sha ver's Cropki reMember that both the Mon itor att . dflfobe are reviling your neigh bore, abd3ll4t they are so prejudicing the mind* ofDoreratii •against the that it- will Ate-attatly.lexpossible for you ever to sectmeianiy offices.- Put a stop to this sorter thing by voting for those who were reared in yeinr midst. Yon shotild feel proud that your neighborhood has been so highly honored. OUR LIBEL CASE. In March last we published an account of an affair which occurred on the Bedford and Bridgeport Railroad, in which con ductor Buchanan, of that road, figured rather unfavorably. Some of our readers will no doubt remember the circumstance. Subsequently we were asked to retract, without satisfying us of the incorrectness of the matter published, and we refused to do so. A prosecution was then com menced against us, in Bedford county, and we were compelled to answer. At April Ses sions, owing to sickness in our family, we were obliged to ask for a continuance to the September Sessions. And last week found us at Bedford to make defense. The case was called on Wednesday morning, after an effort or two, on the part of the prosecution, to settle matters by us making a retraction and paying the costs. We stood ready at any time to make a re traction in case we were satisfied that we had committed injustice, but we had con cluded to pay no costs unless judicially ins. posed. - - EDITOR Mr. Cessna conducted the case for the prosecution with all the force he usually throws into a matter of this kind. Messrs. Spang, Points and Elliott ably conducted the defense. The prosecution opened by a simple recital of the facts charged in the alleged libel, and called Mr. Buchanan to the stand and offered the JOURNAL, of' the 3rd of March last, containing the alleged libelous matter in evidence and, after call ing Mr. Oster to prove that it was circu lated in Bedford county, rested. Mr. Points opened for the defense in a brilliant speech of fifteen minutes dura tion in which he entirely surpassed him self. His brief effort called forth many hearty con2ratulati)ns and real compli ments. He paid one of the most beauti ful tributes to the press that it has been our privilege to listen to or read fur many years. At its conclusion Mr. Crewitt was called to the stand to prove the truth of the matter charged in the alleged libelous article. The defense offered to show, by the witness on the stand, and others to be called, that the facts as set forth in the article in question were true, and that Mr. Buchanan, being a man in a public capacity, the truth thereof could be given in evidence, and that over and above this it was proper information for the public; and that it was not maliciously nor negli gently published, or, that if it was not true, the defendant hail made use of due dili gence to ascertain the truth thereof and clearly put himself' within the rule estab lished by the New Constitution. The ar guing of these propositions and looking up authorities, took up several hours. The Court finally agreed to admit the evidence. We shall not attempt to repeat it here, because we propose to print the whole matter in the next issue of our paper. We are indebted to Gen. Elliott for an accu rate report of the testimony. Mr. Spang dosed the case for the de. fence with one of his usual splendid efforts. There are few mi n, if any, in the State who are superior to him as criminal law yers, and he and his colleagues fully ap. preciated the importance of this case. It being the first of which we have any knowledge that tame fully under the pro visions of the New Constitution. Cessna closed for the prosecution. Judge Hall delivered an able charge, the gist of which was : "And if a railroad conductor would act "as this proaccutor was charged by this " article with acting, and an editor was "well assured of the truth of the charge, " we think a plain statement of the naked " facts of the ease, undistorted, nod uncol " °red, would be proper for public infor " mation." The jury, of courts; were left to say what was proper information fur the pub. lie. The verdict WWI 'NOT GUILTY, sad the prosecutor and defendant pay costs equally between them." We think this was a righteous verdict. They thought, no doubt, that we deserved half these costs for not exercising more caution. We shall lay the whole matter before our readers next week and they can make up their own judgment in regard to it. We are happy that we have been able to render a service to the entire newspaper fraternity of the State in resisting this prosecution, and Judge Hall's construction of the New Constitution should be univer• sally bailed as the inauguration of a more liberal policy towards newspapers in this State. ' lee We have received from D. M. Boyd jr., the General Passenger Agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, a very handsome volume printed on heavy tinted paper, and splendidly illustrated with drawings by Thomas Moran, James Hamilton, T. B. Schell, T. 0. Darly, J. D. Woodward, G. Perkins, W. H. Gibson, and engraved by James W. Lauderbach, entitled "Tar PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD : its origin, construction, condition, and connections, embracing historical, de. scriptive, and statistical notices of cities, towns, villages, stations, industries, and objects of interest on its various lines in Pennsylvania and New Jersey," by our old friend and former townsman, Col. William B. Sipes. The whole is written up in the Colonel's very best style, and few men possess better descriptive powers than he. We - thank Mr. Boyd for this favor and assure him that we will ever preserve anl appreciate it. . oft. When'the present License system was adopted by the Legislature every Anti-Local Option county insisted upon the Governor vetoing the bill, while the temperance men in these counties insisted upon him signing it. Now the temperance men in the Local Option counties condemn him for'doing what every temperance man in ibe Anti-Local Option counties wanted him to do. They and the liquor men stars 1 on the same platform. mg_ The Monitor thinks we are like the individual who persists in voting, from year to year, for Andrew Jackson, because we are annually obliged to pay more or less attention to Mr. Speer. We are well aware that Mr. Speer is not running as a candidate, but while he is not running as a candidate, the Monitor is only too well aware that ho is running things gener ally. THE GLOBE AND MR. WEAVER. The Globe, of last week, after considera ble,splurging finally slides down very grace fully from the grave charges made against the Republican candidate for Treasurer.— The "Woods Temple" theory seems to have been abandoned entirely, and as for the "carpet bagger" story, there is a very lame attempt to bolster it up by say ing it is only necessary to quote what we admitted ; but the Professor forgets to give the entire sentence, and only quotes so much of it as suits his convenience.— We said that he was in Virginia at one time, while engaged in his occupation, and under the employ of a company, "build ing railroad bridges." The portion in italics he omits, so as to leave him the only possible chance of misconstruing the meaning of the sentence. In addi tion to this we said "he was never there in any other capacity, except during the war, when, if we rightly remember, he was in Virginia on the hunt of rebels in the service of his country while his com petitor was at home assisting his Demo cratic friends in the North in getting np a "fire in the rear." Now there may be some difference between an intentional misrepresentation and a wilful lie; but if there is, it is so infinitessimally small that we cannot see it. Again he undertakes to say that for two years after he took charge of the office he "sent the Globe to him in West Virginia." Now he took charge of the office in January, 1863, and it will be observed that he places Mr. Weaver back here again in July, 1874. There's a screw loose somewhere, Professor. Bet ter look at it again. He says however, that if it had not been for a certain reason he knows that he would have moved his family there. Well new that might have been the case with almost any of us, if we could have bettered ourselves by the change.— Wonder if Mr. Weaver is the only man that ever meditated a removal from the County or State ? We will venture, Pro. fessor, that you have had such thoughts more than once yourself, and you remem• ber that you had your heart, at one time, very much set on a nomination for the same office. You remember when you re marked that you would have no trouble in beating Miller as he could not be a very strong candidate or he would not have been beaten so often. But one thing he says is undeniable, that he was there a long time. This reminds us of the story of the boy who asserted that he had seen a hun. dred pole cats, but finally, when rallied on the improbability of such a story came down to one, and was not quite certain about that. We would advise the Pro fessor now to stick to this last story, and not fall another pole cat. But, truthful or untruthful it matters little about what the Professor says about anybody; his tongue is no scandal and his reputation for falsifying is so well established that noth ing he can say, will be liable to injure any. one in the least. Let him only have rope and he will hang himself. WHO MAY VOTE. IT is well to remind our readers that, under the New Constitution, every person offering to vote must show : 1. That he has been a citizen of the United States at least ono month. This will cut of all persons naturalized after the 2d day of October in the present year. 2. That he has resided in the State a year, or, if formerly a resident and re moved therefrom, shall have returned six months preceding the election. This is the same provision that prevailed in the Old Constitution. 3. That he has resided in the election district where he offers to vote at least two months immediately before the election. 4. That be has, within two years and at least a month before the election paid a State or county tax assessed at least two months prior to the election. Let no man move from one ward or dis. triet immediately before the election and expect to vote. The date of holding the next election is Tuesday, November 2d. Thursday, September 2d, is the last day on which voters can be assessed. Frzday, OCTOBER Ist, is the last day on which they can pay taxes. Saturday, October 2d, is the last day for taking out naturalization papers. ter The real or ostensible editor of the Monitor, at a loss for something tangible to prove that the JOURNAL is not always strictly independent, repeats the story of an interested contemporary, that we sanc tioned and advised the action of the State Convention in admitting upon an equal footing both sets of delegates from this county. Mr. L. S. Geissinger, and others, know whether this is so or not. We wanted Mr. Woods and Mr. Weaver, if admitted, to be admitted conditionally. The State Convention wanted to do the nest for the party and took another course, and we denounced the action in justice to our constituents, and there the matter ended. air It is said there is an engine house in Harrisburg that has walnut floors and doors, and that one of the editors of the Bellefonte Watchman, while under, the in• fluence of an appetizer, was informed that this was Gov. Ilartranft's horse stable, and now the Democratic papers have a terrible tale of extravagance. What a pity it is that some men will throw them selves 'away by indulging in the too fre quent use of the ardent. le_ One-half of the postmasters, in Huntingdon county, are not sufficiently interested, in the party that has appointed them, to take their county paper or papers. How can the Republican party expect to succeed with such office holders ? If we were disposed (as we are not) to lift these people they would think it very harsh treatment, and yet what right have they to fill the offices of the party without manifesting some interest in its success ? n PAY YOUR TAXES TO-DAY. THE DOG STAR RAGES. Since reading the leading editorial in the Globe last week, we aro not prepared to endorse the genuineness of the Pro fessor's Hydrophobia receipt, as there are such strong symptoms of that disease man ifested in that article as to warrant an at tack at almost any time, or at least to cause apprehension in the minds of his friends. It may be the result of a meon stroke, but from the fact that the spasms seem to in crease with every allusion to (Shaver's Creek) water the symptoms of the former disease are rendered still more alarming. Here is a specimen of the insane ravings with which the article is principally made up. 'Dog I Wag ! Tail 1 Wag Dog I Shavers' Creekers ! Dr. Orlady I Literatti !I Shavers' Creek Court House Ring I Shavers' Creek I Orlady I Dog Tail! Wag Dog ! Orlady ! Shavers' Creek 1 Sun and Moon ! Orlady I Shavers' Creek I Dog I Tail I Shavers Creek Ticket ! Shavers' Creek ! Pure Water ! !! Woods Tail! Orladys Tail 3000 voters ! Jim Walls and Billy Dunn I I Woods and Orlady 1 Anti•Or lady Ring Tickets I Wagged by the tail 1 Fighting Cocks I Fusion Ticket! Shavers' Creek Tyranny." &c. &c. &c. These freaks of the Professor's have heretofore been regarded by his friends as a kind of harmless lunacy which injured no one, but latterly the symptoms are assuming a more alarming feature, and we would not be surprised to hear at any time that he had gone off with an attack of rabies. If it were only snakes and rats that were troubling him we might at tribute it to some other cause, but as the mania seems to run in another direction, we are inclined to regard it as something more serious. ON A TOUR. Prof. Guss and Wilbur F. Cunningham were last week on a tour through Trough Creek Valley, and we hare no doubt had a good time generally. They took with them in the buggy•box a small wicker covered bottle full of the Hydrophobia remedy, in order to guard against accidents and started for the classic shades of Cass vine, to the merry ditty of "over the bills and far away." They found the weather fine and the skies bright during their journey, but the water was very bad, and had to be mixed with the hydrophobia medicine in order to prevent any deliterious results. The Professor lectured in the evening on 'Woods' Temple" and Wilbur tested the quality of the liquor, an article of which he is presumed to be a most excel lent judge. go_ Mr. Speer has set out to elect Adam Heeter. Ile means to do it by fair or foul means. He will sacrifice everything from Prothonotary to Auditor to accom plish his election. Why is he so much interested in lleeter ? There is deviltry at the bottom of it. Speer is setting his pins to run the Bench. Honest yeomen, will you allow an attorney to arrange mat ters for himself in this way ? Is the seat of Justice to become the mere creature to do the will of a scheming demagogue who practices at the bar ? Strike any such attempted interference until it bring the : 09%. Since our repeated thrusts at , the sameness which pervades the Monitor and Globs the editors meet at their respective offices alternately in the forenoon and af ternoon and compare notes. Democrats desiring to see the editors of the Monitor will call at that office in the morning, and at the Globe in the afternoon; and those having business with the Professor will find him at the Monitor office in the morn ing and at home in the afternoon. It is a very convenient arrangement but consumes more time than editors ordinarily have to bestow. sar Next week we will commence a School Department, on the first page of the JOURNAL, under the supervision of Prof. J. Irvin White, Principal of the Hunting- don Common Schools. We hope that teachers will take au interest in this mat ter and assist in making it interesting.— We will send the JOURNAL to teachers during the winter for the sum of one dol. lar. Stir The attention of our readers is called to the speech of lion. Ed. McPher• son on the outside of this paper. Ile is one of the best posted men in the party and he talks by the book. Read his ar raignment of the Democratic leaders and then hand it to your neighbors. It is an able exposition of the issues involved in the present campaign. se. The Monitor is very much alarmed lest we create dissensions in its ranks, and tries to create the impression that the late slaughtered candidates are supporting the Fusion ticket. Not much Is Conrad supporting the Fusion ticket, pray ? Is Isenberg? Is Stoneroad ? Now stick to the truth and answer. Vr Hundreds of extra Monitors and Globes are being sent broad cast over the county to everybody who can be induced to look at them. Republicans, what are you doing to contradict this contagious matter.. E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. Gives tone to the stomach, improves the appetite and assists digestion ; excites the bowels to healthy action, expelling all the foul humors that contaminate the blood, corrupt the secretiori and offend the breath. It excites the liver to a healthy action and strengthens the nerves, imparting that glow to life that proceeds from perfect health. Thousands in all walks of life, testify to the vir tues of this excellent medicine in correcting the derange ment of the digestive organs. Get the genine. Sold only in El bottles. Ask for B. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron, and take no other. DYSPEPSIA. DYSPEPSIA. , DYSPEPSIA. R F.Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron, a Burp cure for this disease. It has been prescribed daily fur many years in the practice of eminent physicians with unpamielled sue- COSS. Symptoms are lose of appetite, wind and rising of food, dryness in mouth, headache, dirsiness, sleeplessness and low spirits. Get the genuine..Nok:sold in bulk— only $1 bottles. Do you want something to strengthen you, or a good appetite ? Do you want to get rid of nervousness ? Do you want energy, sleep well, or be cured of dyspepsia, kidney or Uverdbmase ? Try E. F. Kankers Bitter Wine of Iron. Erarybattla guaranteed to do as recommended. Sold only in $1 bottle. Depot and °like, No. 59 North Ninth St. Philadelphia, Pa. Get the genuine. Sold by all druggists. Ask for Kuukel's Bitter Wine of Iron, and take no other. TAPE WORM REMOVED ALIVE. Removed alive with head complete, in from two to four honrs. No fee till removed, E. Y. KUNKEL, 259 North Ninth St., Philadelphia. Seat p Pin and Stomach Worm' also removed. Call and see ; advice free, or send for cir cular. Ask your druggiat for KUNKEL'S WORN STELTP. Price, $1 per bottle. feepB-laii m„ New Goods arriving daily at Hen ry & Co.'s. No takee I No takee I Looke all same ! That is, come in and examine my goods ; it i? no trouble and costs nothing. [laving just returned from the city where I purchased a fine assortment of men's and bcys ready made clothing, gents furnishing goods, hats, caps, overcoats, woolen underclothing and in fact everything that is generally kept in a clothing store. Our stock is complete. I sell goods at low prices. lam prepared to accommodate all who may favor me with a call. I sell for cash and cash always gets better bargains than credit does. Come and see for yourself. Don't forget the place. Three doors east of the depot you will find Montgomery's clothing store HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP RAIL ROAD—Report of Coal Shipped: TonS For week ending Sept. 25,1875 Same time last year 3,944 Increase for week . Decrease for week Total amount shipped to date 282,290 Same date last year 935,886 Increase for year 1875 Decrease New To-Day. Nrarrp,rte, . - - TRADESMEN'S INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE, OF PITTSBURGH. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. OCT. 6th to NOVEMBER 7th, 1875. PREMIUMS VALUED AT 850,000. NOTHING EXCLUDED. Every Department will bo filled with the most Interesting Inventions and Arts of the Age.— Music, by first-class Bands, will be in attendanee from 10 A. M., until 2 P. M., during the entire Exhibition. Unparalleled Attractions in Every De partment, Magnificent Buildings, Great Crowds in Attendance, ALL KINDS OF FARMERS' PRODUCTS it LIVE STOCK .pir• Reduced Fares on all Railroads. "15• Z [5ept.29,1875-Im.] 586 PHILADELPHIA TRADE SALE OF CAR lAGES, ON THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1873, AT TEN O'CLOCK, AT HERKNESS' BAZAAR, NINTH AND SANSOM STS., PHILADELPHIA. Wein NOTICE. In consequence of the severe depression in the Carriage Trade, the stock on hand at this Estab lishmtnt has increased to such an extent, that we find it netessary to hold a GRAND CLEARING SALE, before the approach of winter. The sale will be without reserve, and the oppor tunity offered to get good bargains will he such as rarely occurs, partiaularly in view of the near approach of the Centennial year, when the supply on hand will hardly equal the demand. Carriages arranged for examination the day previous to sale. ALFRED M. HERKNESS CO., Sept.29-11] Auctioneers. FOR SALE. Two thousand heavy Wagon Spokes, two Wegons, (six horse) several Coal Beds, (six horse) a stock of Charcoal, best quality; a lot of Logs and some sawed Lumber, mostly wagon stuff, &c., &c. Terms strictly cast' Inquire of J. W. MUMPER. Barree Forge, Sept. 29, -1875-3 t r • 1.., New Advertisements. IKE HILDEBRAND wIIOI,ESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR STORE 1N BARTOL'S BUILDING, EAST END OF WEST HUNTINCDON, In the vicinity of' Fisher's Mill, BRANDY, WHISKEY, WINE, GIN, ENGLISII SCOTCH ALE, BROWN STOUT DUBLIN PORTER GINGER ALE, CHAMPAGNE, CLAR ET, N. E. DIUM, JAMAICA RUM, IRISH and SCOTCH WHISKIES, FRED LAUER'S BEER, ALE and PORTER, bottles for family use. Always on hand the following celebrated brands of Whiikies: BLUE ROOM, WILSON'S, LTANI'S, DAUGHERTY'S KOOKEN'S (of Birmingham), CALE'S COURBON of KENTUCKY. Fine Old Southern APPLE JACK. bledicinal Lions a SPECIALTY. August3,7s4f. .ten/ 6 PITTSBURGH. PA. For upwards of twenty years the leading busi ness College of the United States, affords unequal led advantages for the thorough, practical educa tion of young and middle aged men. Students admitted at any time. pir - For particulars, ad dress, J. C. SMITH, A. M., Principal. The "IRON CITY COLLEGE is the only institution of the kind, in this city, that we re commend to the public patronage."—Presbyterias Bonner, Pittsburgh, Pa. KEEP IT HANDY. TILE RELIABLE FAMILY MEDICINE. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera, Summer Complaint, Cramps, etc., quickly cured by the use of JARDELLA'b Compound Syrup of Blackberry Root and Rhubarb An old, well tried remedy, entirely vegetable, pleasant to take, quick and certain in effect; can be depended on in the most urgent eases ; may he gives to the youngest infant as well as to adul..s. It contains NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM It is a pleasant extract and readly taken by children. It has often saved life when physicians had dispaired. Keep it in the house and use in Limo. All we ask for it is a trial. Don't let your dealer put you off with something else. Buy it. Try it. Sold by Druggists and Store Keepers throughout the State. Prepared only by UAL, SELL k BRO., 2000 Market St., Philadelphia. Julyl4 3mos. .. 3,152 200 AND STRAWBRIDCE & CLOTHIER In their Enlarged Establishment, ARE OFFERING A VERY EXTENSIVE and ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT SILK AND DRESS GOODS, CLOTH AND CASSIMERES, BLANKETS AND QUILTS, HOUSEFURNISIIING LE ENS, BLACK M 011.% I its. NIUSLINS AND SHEETINGS, BRILLIANTINF.:4. FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, All our prices are fixed, and admit of no deviation. N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET SIXECIS. New Advertisements. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. (Estate of JOHN writs, doe'd.] Letters testamentary having been pealed to the subscriber, living in Tell township, upon the estate of John Snyder, deeeaseil, late amid tow-- ship. All persons knowing themselves iselebtid to said estate are requested to make payment with out delay, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement JOSEPH 11. SNYDER, [Sep 22 Gt. E ter ut , pr. _ BLo D tan T d h . e f im. is f t : w whole I,p: ern will be diseased. 1,11 cannot purify a stream while the spring is corrupt: neither can yon impart good health to ate batman body while the blood is conveying the seeds of disease to all parts of it. Therefore, PURIFY the BLOOD, and nature will heal the disease. e• tne,ly has ever been discovered which hot effe,rel PCP great a number ,f peewits...l cures as I,INDSTn"s Improved Blood Searcher. It is 4 national r•lontation Gar the cure id' Scrofulous a ffection, Cancerous Forma- lions, Erysipelas, Boils, Pimples. Ulcers, Sore Eyes, F..ealtl Head, Tetter. Salt Rbeum. Mer curio!. and all Skin Dis•?ases. The remedy is a Vegetable Compound, sad eas not harm the most tender infant. Ladies who snif fer from the debilitating diseases kaolin as Feast* Complaint*, will find speedily relief by using this remedy. Beware of counterfeits. The genuine has our name—R.. E. SELLERS Jt CO., Pitts burgh,—oa the bottom of each bottle. For sale by all druggists and country dealers. John Read a Sons, Agents for Huntingdon. [Sept. 15, 1875-3 m.) NVANTED-AGENTS.-MSN AIID WOMEN, in every city, tows and musty, to canvass for Wm. Redhefer's PATENT LIGHT NINO RECIPROCATING IMPROVED CHURN AND EGO BEATER. Sells at sight sad pays Large Profits. Seed for circular to manufacturer, W. H. CHICK A CO., ll l N. Second St., Saiat Louis. sepS-::m \VA NTEI) Agents for a First Class Life Insurance Compa ny, working tinder the non forfeitng law of Maim chtmetts. With good, reliable taea liberal ar rangements will be made. Address, with reference, WM. L. GARRETT, E . ,:outh Fourth St, SepS-103 Philadelphia. MORTON, BLISS A CO BANKERA, 3 BRA)Ap sT N. T. Iwoe Circular Note and loner. of Credit ter Triteatera; Woo Coemutereiel Credits available is all parts of the .0114 Negotiate Loans, MORTON, - - LONDON. HOTTING(' ER A CO, PA 111 4 . HOPE It CO~ $3 SAIIPLE and big poi to mole mint Monts erywhpre. Addosto VII ['RION PURI I ISR IRO Co., Nowork, N. .I._ PLEASANT AND PROFITABLE " lisaatiful f " " "U, bow lovely 1" " What are they words ? are initlaustiose by Moos wile sas Ms Urge aiiirs4 flew Chroacoe produced by the lessgeaa sad /merits. Chen. ;no Publishing Co. ?bog aro all periled pas of art. Ile fleeces resist the lase/r..s Ile buy wimps am" we Of Chromes. Canvasser,. agssle, sad pollormie sail MIMI out of employment!, will MN Mr Or Ma opals" Ow offered to sake strawy. he OM preeulaNk ir.ll Amp *,r conlideatial circular. Adams P. 1811W1 Cri,, 738 Waiddagben Serest, Doeses, $5O TO $lO.OOO Hai bees Invested he Stesk Privihippe wed paid 900 CE PE N R T PROFIT. ••clew to Do ft," s Book oe Well St, Nee Nee. TUNBRIDGE lOO.,%Mee* owl Brokers, 2.,1,1. S7 7 A week gairsoteed to Male sod • resole /genii, in th«ir toenail. OnenTlO NOTHING to try it. Particular. O. CO., Augusta, Me. TEA s__ Tbe eboiced tiro worid—looporlero' Priceo—Lsrpoli_ Crogory to Amovleo— crewing—Adeline wanted r;very - where—beet iselnenutenas --(lnlet waste time—send tor circular to WIPP. WILLS. 43 Veiny street, N. T., P. 0. 1011 12P7. HOWE/NITILFAIUNG Q AGUE CURE U Price $l. Sold by Druggists. $5OO REWARD IF IT 'AIDA TO CURE. DR. C. D. 110 WE, Sussc t FALLS, N. T. MOST EXTRAORDINARY Tenn, of Aelltertiriag sr* nlivred firr )14rInoporrr..• the Mate of PENNSYLVANIA. Rpm! for lilt of vipers and relastsler of rano. Mil.. ORO. P. ROWELL • CO., •DVIIIITIRESO A4:I43TP, No. 41 Park low, New Tort. Urns To Ellll.lll or rine run. [ 1144 t QUARTER BONDS OF TAN INDUSTRIAL EXUIBITION CO. FIVE D0L1.1113 EACH. 85.00 EACH. Will buys quarter Bond of The lodsstrial Ksbibi tion Co., of New York. Each Quarter Bond participates is Four eerie@ allotments every year, Instil it is redeemed. The following Premiums show what any Bend may receive. A quarter Bond worid rereire ewe quarter of the below named premium. JANUARY A JULY. Cub. 1 premium of ...............1101,000 1 premium of 1 premium of 1 premium of 1 premium of 10 premiums of OH web —.. ..... —.. 5,000 10 premiums of 200 each 27 premiums of 200 each .. 2.700 48 premiums of 50 each MIPS 900 premiums of 21 each ..... ---.... 13,200 Total lllso,ooo APRIL A OCTOBER. Cash. 1 premium of 1 premium of 1 premium of MINI 3 premium of $l,OOO each 300 10 premiums of 5 00 each 10 premiums of 200 each . 20 premiums of 100 each 44 premiums of 50 each 2.900 3900 premiums of 21 each ll,OOl Total fISO,•N The Company is not respoasibla for any mosey sent, except it be by check, Postal order, draft or express payable to the order of The ladastrisl Exhibition Co. Circulars sent on application. Address, INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION (•0„ _ . 12 East 17th Street, New York City, Sept. 8,11875.1 The oldest awl best appointed Isstitation for obtaining a Business Education. For eircul.irs addrees P. DUFF a FONA. Pittahuritil. Pa. Rept.l -enm -3mo. OF BLACK (*ASH MERE-i, 111.A('K MERINOEs. BLACK .11.1).1cAs, TAMISE4, CRA l'Es Samples cheerfully sent on applientioss. PHILADELPIIIi New AfivertisementA. •ENRT A t"►► . C. mr3s.,‘, COTTAGEPLUEIIII,CO X , orrr %."Tr ROO %NT MINI sty t< .re 4 •• . DOORS, B MI MS, ilOO RIN 0, kith, ilitditig PLASTERING LATti, SHINGLES, rut lICTIPIr .L 1111,111T11111111 MAW COMMON AND FANCY PICKETS, FRAME STUFF am' all kin& of Nilo 1111 Wei Sit Pin hi.,. this so* via esito-11041 MEW 11110. w.... ail limb at.llmip Vlllllll 411111111111. Siam Th. ar.robero of the rottsir Maisie/ Mil ro. Iletsi.. she Wommo elbAbr s frikler lbeispr larxrly inter.-sto4 is 'b. Leaohor meows@ or Ail bra& of amp rilmosS orellisk resit Clearilef.ll sett reotro ...ratio*. they win sit sill isimmodifsomit OW lOW WOW as Ito tins.* hoop ..notsetly , howls WI soppily of Hs BIM wawa, ant mow et 701sPe very lie st WHITE pntn, Phrwisir jibes ~area{ • Skar alimillONll 111 ..• in*. `ma Op art. I am so+ peopswe ar 411. tea ••• well sefterted, sea parties f•••••iirg so witb a• nammo imp ageginiga ,ier win nireive ommitigui, sad ail ~lt l:1' A Q. 4 NTRID Is osellserrase. I also es /WNW. sa WIMP ellsillall 11.111 s Niko fht tiro prouret at Wary a Cie. ear• Sea WM & ASST. g. IL PIIIIRT. 1.... t. liffiyi.M.l. Ss Ilk IMO •ftwis. lisetistios. Pa., A•pt. I. 1471. —.—....- --- WNW FARM TOR QALT.. The redirsignel will ell. se ado, vlprier• rill LW. Pink 'serf awe sal TEme on the presume. •• 11.0.41.^. sfh, N gig TOWEL it :Awe!, p. All NefiNlke 116 ••■••• A ' , snip, situated in neon berm** isms, in ow ime wand . don eveaty, 1711 meles. 36 at ellen ese I. • SSW reipemer• ektaret lied seem esltivseirs. lbw Wane Onnel t r , timber hied, bevies 'lmage • new Dien Dom Nast' fee, a Wanderbields4 Ili.em and "eller -- ninsessary netbnildlein frairlirTlON Ain, at tbn moo time ewe pima Ife, mew .A. V Illrf Ann fee nesaw Timber Lead eie tie wit Ad. 4 Whet. Mk it LAS4II b ONO •penen We enalknest e in mid seereebip. V.* Ilkineaniplea. • now illeimurp. denlibilener• Abs, MO wet of Tion9iw Lied allt the owl lids ire teem iblemer. warreimiripereare of ?memo 211•••••••. This tree .tN yield mime ewe 9,, b. & a,. 290 ~do of barb. sod fres 46406 t• 0011.1910 foggfigage de fibavif nr dennan. het of rake pee sew thinlivr. t. er +.~ rase are mirsior • Mr ••• TERM - —(Peelle-4 4 tile pie.6o.• no•••• Vie paitswesi. plaer nrompmeibm• the 'April. 1476, sad tii• bal•••• • :pe two re • equal morsel pays..,,. MON R. 99112911111171. - e rNIATA 1101-48. BEDFORD, PION'A. Ibis well-Inwirs besot bow rompity bum leses4 by M. sirdorrivie4, vie, bevies boil Me orsperl sew of s maiet sa yaw buiplog • 11“11-dior betel. rorpretterty ~ls Mr pievessir of Ow CZ. • 'perk! 4ff.n.S.he gill by girds h. Anupproests will be asap by *VIA reamer sae bore mensle .1 .1 boom Barrie" 01 40 pr Av. Illoorderr Wire by flor duly, irwli. imrell or 00,75-yj NA ST J. SI IL WgDDING CARDP : motional, I. WI hove .00 reeeivo.l the largeol the Wiwi etylee wow krooght t.. Flootiorloo. Wobovo dor boo.' ono foofoo of typo. Rooprbolliz ike dlok, omit al 4.fy onorfitios 7o e Rim Conk pot op will erre now, by "Wiwi 1:= At lowa fifty ..wt .booloor Moo Pholoolberboo or Now i. , rlt. spi-tf.l J. R. PT *BORROW A rn, f o LTEAM EN' INIP: AM) AGKIrrl, PL , F4r7.111 N... 1 st. Ws•Wer.o !krt. , . II eartisirima. J. A. POLUWIE. Pr"Prill". Manufactures soul Ilitwiebrs Itorbiirrry r..r ail - Ibis& of roorobior wort. Sporial sttostioo gives to Wiwi; lop • Asap r 1 of Marolooory. doolgood flor osoll mooolivoloono. &rood- hood Itookoor mod liseeksery as toe prima Droving, for Xrrobiforry woe Parilorom for rooliforp ado so order. INC; MIR a. 41 XACNIXIST ow .p. nod CTI.- IN DKR-4 booed ow eisbout swiss hoop boi. soy part of the onostry. Agree lbw Smeary'. Tholgrof • C... $111..1011a0 mod Ilaebissek. vibe Wad sea animpisistyfamielb milk of goofy Mod. Naopioitsi soollooskoo see tboroegfty o•dovolood Moir Irma. oadolkatiory worile v ill ohm" be poodoood. A glasehard Spob. UMW Ihr mks so a vy Ow. A priril-tt. Naas IJAZ m. Swine Croat w Castro LA orywr day, female Saadayl, lisariag fermate email id IP 'AWL A. a.. sad ratarsias al 3 drfaefk r. s. 4iwyel•l3) L SaIIASPOILL. CONFESSION OF A VICTIM. robliebod as otarsioir oat Rev tie bowel et Tome( Men awl attars lobo m&v from Nemirow Debility. Loop Mooliosell. .rt.. eke' bio nom of roll ewe, after ommillorgoise sod sod espoont, aaJ staileil free on meeivise roolovoill dimmest, oellelope. Miami NATIIIII3IIII. T - VA 111„ P. O. Res MX Dooolifys. N. T. Jowls *a CARD' ERZ. BATT it BIRWIND. Wholesale Groe•ry COMM ISSION MERCHANTS, 134) 'Sarni 3, Plimorr. ()ler ir.,r rate !ergo owl ir.ti wowed seal Ns seis e ?RA*, swap. ac. We meter a specialty of rO/7111 sod SI RL T. Ow !:seer DRIPS are henry peer. me mimeo. Laser re eines Alt rose mere acute. We spereplip maws • MAIL ORDERS and II then stab re nes& amp ewe at es leo priest as et pieties eere permiat re sake their emu seleetiess. WI 'elicit COSSIENSRETS .f nenorra, nnr faeilitios Isr diryeeterg tehielt ~Wm SD OD , siasin the very highest ..thee prism Desalt& lyr. r). W. IRPLT KU 1 - Trirg smart .1 Ir 411rIlta • 2.0.16 , 4.1 .111' VW. • Lasiwo vairstoesery igisses• tip esiirrtirmr_ levelly suer radowilum ilhp I. .1.16., 411. lair 4 imaiziehmft LUMBER. 3,.,,0• 47seirr. WYDDI34.; CARDS : WIDIIIIII3 INTIrILAPIRS. sod W 111101314 ►Arias. 511.1W1.. 4 , IPIL 4 ' 4.%1"441- 1..1D1F-4* 51174. •I EIL DR KT'S firms. 11' PSIKRT AND 1..W7. 4 AND LACE f - 1 - RT.4 !X 74. New all ruiner leaw•Weee 11010111410, sena wanes sole mob. nowswirie dllor holhel • :aim* mine r mow le Owe swailbraimmos4 iii. T. NM IUCL 4.4. gigs maw Wsliellit Oda 11•11-i STAMTPI4 ! tail Popsy ones A MIT/ A Oft 111111 JOS; =PAL AGIMP" w.tyr y ibir nom an* re 1111.1/ MOM * / algae • gal. 4 IMAM WV- It;OW. As ~swim moriplbilli ••••••• •••••••dlloom r :2= obit 164411 to to r e • air 1100.49. iparemili row .•••••• i•romps. ••• Awe saw &Mop or 441•110 kirougbeg worliwposiMP le • era 0•95•111.11••••• partook ••• ••1•1•141 oppy Ow am fiporgrep m1:1111 111101eIrT 'OP Mt erne/ /11110111410e1r, P4llll=lll. A busollall maim sift inommad MO mg awe Aine agpsinagA, ONO warp nosegeolles IMO, MID awe imam Our dame. tit. Pam* Ilkarawft isiellarolbey Itimary estaistklib Age osiestio 16. osiAlsatee awfilftry 41.4/111, wow 114/~ NI wry"R. uory a eik hsVA Illommr. ill. Spr fiLMIFT11111•; ?Me L. Itii.ll 41 , D11 IIN llXFSNiwits 110. .....groll up J.i 'ILI .1 IntOWN Toby* persons. re 11•1110411/011P. %IP. diP llgellp yaw so loop CAMPOS FUIIIIITIMIE Thee ear of air App der. der. forrarry irremod - 1116••• • 1,- %pm/7 b. bar Aorabiaami wit* A bir tires Corp. 111114 LIENIII aim he pimps' M tn !11l eallinren. so sae sinsphor .s Ellisiels. Moies %.= • vest "orbs? 4 - Risollos. Ihstio , llsraiSse, Maw itiamania... .s/.. Sepia fame • Itaarvis Ilbammi Paw we inkia., we. empoll auk% 011...ibw: wingette Ow Sias ame ailbre smillesis Roos ftr: efts amts. Essoliksms a ime. sb ig oseltrolate rimi or my - is bob Sim Carpel soil rsielisie Itsgszomasik - iIVTIFIN TM PACT ?fog es I ItrT LOW /pt gam am& ale moo wwwWwill. 0 • 0101 .111 0 1 1 . 11 •Eft ow MD as NNW foe paw. so N. wag ill 11111, ► WWI of looroo N. W itle Mk Par illiosat lie. row Swab :1 1 16. I oar it rein. 1.. ...i. OW Papirr _4 I b peat wiNiker=h , rob. Ilk J % _._ siimbiew 7 P•miim B •• Serra., 0 0 O. Aveitare V. 10.1 , 11 P es aim, .40 • moll Vie vf : 4 *NC IV; 11)11.0111 AT 111117 se4 isvie• speameinip up Am fbaroltor five Apo.* thrlioni iilk 9 MS I.bsior? Re% I Plumper. reanawiresalle. I • lb " Strosaf Camemb. a a a ' lassitaf Pia ••• tiwaikw. he WI Or J4PrILIIAL MOIL. ejr=llllllolllllll9 INNIS H e WIN lIS nallillWilliNOlNlA K1A11111.6 ' ins firllP lair Cr. to gra. 'VI • 31 , • JD . ▪ be a • IS .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers