The lluntin it) adon Journal J a. DURBORROW, HUNTINGDON, PENN'A WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1875 Circulation LARGER than any other Paper in the Juniata Valley. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET, GOVERNOR : MAJ. GEN. JOHN F. HARTRANFT. STATE TREASURER HENRY RAWLE, of Erie. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. ASSOCIATE JUDGE : HENRY B. SHEARER, of Shade Gap. PROTHONOTARY: '1"2.0;.V./W W. MYTON, of Huntingdon 13.Xa31 AND RECORDER: Tk? ILI,IAI E. LIGHTNER, of West. TREASURER H. CLAY WEAVER, of liuutingdon DISTRICT ATTORNEY : GEORGE B. ORL.A.DY, of Petersburg, COCNTY COMMISSIONERS : BARTON GREEN. of Oneida, ANDREW G. NEFF, of Porter DIRECTOR OF THE POOR: CH AS -K. MORTON', of Broad Top City, AUDITORS : JOHN E. SMUCKER, of Huntingdon, WILLIAM 11. REX, of Mapleton. REPUBLICAN COUNTY COMMITTEE. The following named persons have been selected, for the various districts, to serve o i n the Republican County Committee for the year 1875 Alexandria—David S. Henderson, Stephen Hamer. Burree—Job Slack, A. B. Miller. Birmingham—Jahn R. Thompson, Joseph Madden. Broad Top City—Ephraim Mears, William J. Ammerman. Brady—J. G. Allison, A. P. Burnham. Carbon—John S. Haley, M. B. Brenenian. CesE—W illiam A. Park, J. Calvin Shaffer. Cassville--llon. D. Clarkson, Dr. J. F. Thompson. Clay—Samuel L. Glasgow, Richard Hudson. Coalmont—Thomas Thompson, Reuben 11. Crum. Cromwell—William B. Elilliland, Lemuel Beers. Dublin—William Clynians, Frank Stitt. Franklin—D. M. Thompson, D. R. Miller. Henderson—George F. Hetrick, Isaac Long. Ilopewell—David H. Helsel, Robert Edwards. Huntingdon, let Ward—B. A. Orbison, J. W. Mattorn. 2,1 Ward—John M. Maguire John C. Miller. 3d Ward—James Port, sr , A. J. Africa. ' • 4th Ward—lsaac R. Hatfield, Chae. Kershaw. Jackson—John B. Smith, Jackson Hermon, Juniata—James Park, J. P. Snyder. Lincoln—John H. Donaldson, John Fulton. Mapleton—H. H. Swoops, J. E. McConahy. Marklesburg—A. H. Crum, George 11. Brumbaugh. Morris--ilamdel H. Beck, Edward W. Graffine. Mt. Onion Borough—T. A. Appleby, F. 11. Harrison. Mt. Union District—Win. X. Myers, Wm. Shaver. Oneida—Daniel Hyper, James Foster. Orbisonla—Edmund B. Orbison, Thomas H. Kelley. Penn—Jacob H. Isett, Adam Cense. Petersburg,—Theodore Renner, Thomas Brininger. Porter—Peter M. Isenberg, Robert Speer. Saltillo—C. R. McCartbey, Calvin Greene. Shade Gap—Wm. V. Lee, H. C. Zeigler. Shirley—Robert Bigham, IL 8. Smellier. Shirleyeburg—John A. Kerr, George Leas. Springfield--Cyrne J. Brown, Newton Madden. Tell—John A. Blair, Levi Piper. Three Springs--Richard Ashman, Dr. T. Z. Jones Union—Ralph Crotsley, David P. Pheasant. Walker—Howard Robb, James Ward. Warriorsraark—Samuel Ralston, Hays White. West, (Upper)—Henry Holtzapple, Henry Davis, jr. West, (Lower}—J. M. Snowden, Gamins M. McClure. JOSEPH G. ISENBERG, Chairman. J. HALL MUSSER, Sec'y. 50...0ut of a body of seventy-two min isters at the Juniata Valley Camp Meet ing, only twenty-one were willing to go on the record in favor of the Oakland Tem perance Resolutions. The majority of these, it is said, were Democrats. 05,- We want it distinctly understood that Col. Wm. L. Fonlk is our only au thorized agent to procure advertisements in the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny and that we accept no other advertise ments from any other agent in that local ity. ,tom The Globe predicted all along that its friends would have no decent attention in our Convention, and now when it finds that all its predictions failed it calls the action of that body—" Cringing Coward- ice." Some people are determined not to be pleased. .From all parts of the county the in formation comes that Henry R. Shearer " leads " well. IC ho did pull in a " Mule ticket " three or four years ago, he is square up now, and, with his companions, will knock the hind sights off that other hybrid concern at the approaching elec tion. ne t . The old files of the JOURNAL have been searched over by the Monitor and Globe to find something that was said against Henry R. Shearer, but they only found a "Mule's Nest." They just cackle the least bit ; but then Democratic roosters never cackle very much, and latterly "crow" less. te_ Democrats complain to us daily of the domineering character of the Speer Ring, and swear they mean to strike down the Grasshopper ticket, but they have not the courage to do it. While they compose a large majority of the party they have nobody to lead off, and Speer tramples their wishes under his feet. bor This is what the Globe says : "The Republicans of Huntingdon county must stand up to a man for our party on the State Ticket. Though we join with the Democrats in the local county issues, we must manfully sustain our party in the State. Let there be no defalcation here. Let Hartranft and Rawle have the full vote of the party in this county." And then the professor winks with both eyes, and goes around the corner and "Shpeaks mit Shpeer." sea— The Professor is very much con cerned in regard to our connection with the JOURNAL. He predicts that our lease will expire in April next, and the Lord only knows what all. Possess your soul in patience, Professor. We don't run on a lease that has any such limitations, or any limitation whatever. Mark that, now. But we can tell you exactly when your lease will expire— When Speer is done with you! Put this in your pipe and smoke it. THE Republicans of Huntingdon county availed themselves of the review of their division of militia to have their first mass meeting of the season. Governor Har tranft was there and offered a few timely and excellent remarks, after which others addressed the large audience present. It was remarked that the meeting was one of the most enthusiastic held for many years. The old factions in that county are arranging their misunderstandings, and it is entirely possible for the Republicans of that county, if they carefully organize, to give Hartranft and Rawle a majority of 800. A fine spirit and readiness for work are the characteristics there.—Pittsburgh Gazette, Sept 11th. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION The Democratic C;ilivc,litian, which :2, EDITOR sembled at Erie, on Wednesday List, eoiti. plated its labors, after repeated s!ortny seE . s i Gns , on Friday morning last, at three o'clock. The principal hone et' conten tion was the currency plank in the plat_ form. The hard money men evidently se cured the majority of the Committee on Platform, but the soils had the Conven tion by overwhelming numbers, and after much stormy debate, the Committee report ed the following, which was adopted over whelmingly : "Seventh. That the contraction of the mon. ey currency and circulating medium, here to fore made by the republican party, and the further contraction proposed by it, with a vi.2.w to the forced resumption of specie payments, has already brought disaster to the business of the country, and threatens general bank ruptcy. . We demand that this policy be aban doned, and that the volume of money be made and kept equal to the wants of the trade, limy ing the restoration of legal tenders to par in gold to be brought about by promoting the in dustries of the people and not by destroying them. "Eighth. That the policy initiated by the republican party of abolishing legal trade,s., and giving the national hapks the power to furnish all the currency, will increase the power of an already dangerous monopoly and the ,:normous burdens now oppressing t-ne peop'.e, without cant. penaating advantage, and that all the national bank circulation slion:fi be promptly and permanently retired and la legal tenders be issued in their place. "Ninth. That the pubbc interest demands that the government should cease to discredit its own money, and should make its legal tenders receivable for all public dues execo where respect for the ohligatious of contract; requires payment in coin. "Tenth. beinands tne ex.,in,:tion of to present national ti e in their stead of a system of free bunks of discount and deposit, under such regulations as the states respectively may prescribe, and no paper money except such as may be issued directly by and upon the faith of the federal government, affording practically a currency based on the gold and silver and other prop erty of the whole people of the country." The positions assumed here are quite popular in Western Pennsylvania, and were thought neees3ary to help Ohio out in October, but thinking men cannot sc. how the ncinwratic party can give any real relief that the Republican p.irty does not stand pledged to give them. A terrible factional fight was waged in the Convention between the friends of Wallace and RandA, which resulted in the complete overthrow of Wallace and his friends' It was this bitter factional fight that nominated Cyrus L. Pershing, of Schuylkill, for Governor, and Victor E. Piollet, of Bradford, for State Treas urer. Pershing was. one of the best, if not the best man, before the Convention, but he is not a popular man and never will be with the masses. His position on the Temperance question will injure him fear fully with the Democrats and the Plat form upon. which he is placed puts him in antagonism with the monied interests of the State. The nomination of Victor E. Piollet, is not the most popular. He has been regarded as a Harrisburg Rooster and many things will be brought out du ring the campaign that will prove very damaging. The ticket is regarded on all sides as a weak one, and would never have been made if the factional fight had not com pelled the Convention to strike out in this direction. Hartranft and Rawle will have an easy victory. THE Erie Democratic Convention was run by R. MILTON SPEER, the oback•pay grabber," who received such a set back in the Democratic Convention last year. He was mainly instrumental in securing the nomination of his old chum PERSHING, and his gratification at his success is not concealed. lie openly declared in Erie that he had his "sweet revenge" on WAL LACE, and loudly affirmed that BILL WALLACE was a United States Senator without a constituency." We leave out the profane expletives that accompanied the above declarations, but they were rough and emphatic.—Pittsburgh Gazette, Sept 11th. ON Tuesday afternoon, of last week, the Republican Convention of Bedford County convened in the town of Bedford, and placed in nomination the following ticket : Associate Judge, Geo. B. Amick : Pro thonotary, E. M. Alsip ; Sheriff, J. A' Henderson; District Attorney, J. H. Jor dan ; Treasurer, Adam Ikes ; County Com missioners, L. Browning, G. L. Cowan ; Poor Director, W. H. Avy ; Auditors, Job. Robinson, Tobias Snyder; Coroner, Emanuel O'Neal. This ticket is stated to be an excellent one. pm_ Speer came home from Erie in much better mood than he came home from Wilkesbarre, though his general appearance was not very much improved. In the jubilation which followed the over throw of Wallace his old white hat came out badly wrinkled. On the return here the whole party looked as if clean shirts were out of order in a Democratic Con vention. The Globe, of two weeks ago, spoke of our ticket as being "ring-boned and spavined." This was a thrust at Thos. W. Myton, who lost an arm at Chan cellorsville, and W. E. Lightner, who is unfortunately crippled for life. Let the patriotic people of Huntingdon county rise up and rebuke the reviler of a wounded soldier and an unfortunate gentleman. le., We learn, from a reliable source, that W. F. Cunningham, esq., the candi date for Register and Recorder on the Democratic-Guss (Grasshopper) ticket, is representing to some of our colored voters that be is a straightout Republican. Come, Wilbur F., none of that now ! You can't fool anybody in that way. ta.. We have received the first number of the Republican Banner, a campaign pa per, edited and published by H. H. Wil son and T. M. Moore, at Mifflintown, Pa. It is devoted to the cause of Republican ism, and will no doubt prove a valuable auxiliary in the campaign now opening. m5.,121. Clay Weaver received the nom ination for Treasurer, and now the Demo cratic organs bemaul him. Welt, well, if it had been McDivitt, Clabaugh, Garner, Colegate, Km* Gillam, or Giffin, it would have been all the same. The Guss party just represents forty-six votes. This was the whole num ber of delegates, and yet they got half the Democratic ticket. " Was there ever the equal of this abject. cringing cowardice ?" MR. WEAVER A POLITICAL CAR PET BAGGER. The (, b,br, being evidently very hard up for material out of which to manufac turo something to injure Mr. H. C. Wea ver, the Republican candidate for County Treasurer, has been industriously engaged in circulating a report to the effect that Mr. Weaver has not been always a citizen of the county, and ringing the charges on it fur some time, and accordingly we find it repeated in a communication in that paper last week, in which he is styled "a political carpet-bagger, who left here for Virginia a few years ago in order to pro cnre an office." Now, to those of us who have known bin Weaver all his life, as a citizen of our county, this might be regarded as a very fiat joke, but to those of our readers who may ha be acquainted with him we have only to say that the man who makes such an assertion, or admits such a report, as. serts or admits what he knows to 'be A BALD-FACED LIE, manufactured ou or the entire cloth. Mr. Weaver is a cit izen of our county, born and raised here, and has never lived or voted any where) else. lie was in Virginia, at one time while engaged in his occupation, and un der the employ of a company, building railroad bridges, but never in any other capacity, except during the war, when, if we rightly remember, he was in Virginia on the hunt of rebels, in the service of his country, while his competitor was at home ass:sting his Democratic friends in the South in getting up a "fire in the rear." Mr. Weaver is well and favorably known as one of our best citizens, an honest, hard working mechanic, and his enemies are perfectly welcome to the advantage of anything they can truthfully say to discredit, but when it becomes necessary to resort to such bare-faced lying we must protest, and if it is continued we will be under the necessity of presenting some very plain and truthful reasons why his opponent should not be voted for. The Glubc also attempts to manufacture some capital out of the fact that he is en gaged in building Mr. Woods' house.— Now, Mr. Weaver is, we believe, engagad in working on Mr. Woods' house, but has no contract fur the building of it as the Globe asserts. lle is simply employed there as head-carpenter, and is working by the, day, but if this be a crime we sup pose he ought, to suffer for it. It is the first time, however, thh we havo heard of a man being censurable for earning his daily bread by his daily labor, but the Globe, being very hard up for material, we suppose must have the advantage of this. THE DEMOCRATIC • NOMINEES. The Johnstown Tribune, published at the former home of the nominee for Gov ernor, says that Cyrus L. Pershing, has been nominated for Governor on an infla tion platform. This nomination was made, not because Pershing' was considered the proper man, but because the friends of the prominent candidates spoken of could unite on no person who had a political character. There are some people here who imagine he will make a strong candi date, but he has not been so before, al though he has been benefited by dissen sions in his own party, just as he was at Erie last night. He was elected several times a member of the Legislature from this county, but there never was a time within our recollection that the Democrats could not elect their nominees, provided he received five-sixths of the party vote. He had been whipped for Congress, for Judge of the Supreme Court, and for Judge of the District Court of the South ern District of Cambria by an overwhelm ing majority, and was only elected Judge of the Schuylkill District Court because there were divisions is the party there.— He has profited greatly by office, and is considered worth about $75,000, although no man who knows anything about his practice here believes that it averaged $l,- 800 a year, and he had no other source of income, except his profession and his pol itics. He is a cunning, close-mouthed lit tle man, who can worm himself into more places, say less, do less, and make more money by this course than any other man on the continent. Ile is considered very thin material. The nomination of Victor E. Piolette for the office of State Treasurer was a fit ting final to the doings of the Convention which attempted to be on both sides of the financial question, and which nomi nated Cyrus L. Pershing for Governor.— He is somewhat noted as a breeder of Short Morns in Bradford County, bettor remembered as Charles R. Buekalew's right-hand man in the Columbia County draft riots of 1864; as the President of the Fishing Creek Confederacy, and, in short, a traitor whom nothing but the misplaced leniency of the Government kept from spinning at a rope's end at the close of the war. iter Ten years ago Thomas W. Myton was a citizen of West township, this county. Since then he has scarcely spent a month in it altogether, and yet the Globe per sists in saying that he is a citizen of Shaver's Creek. But then the Globe is hard up for something to say zgainst this worthy man. Miscellaneous News Items. There was a severe rain storm in the southern part of Wisconsin, last Wednes day night, and great damage was occasion ed. At Concord, N. 11., Edward Lee and Lewis Massey, two children, were killed on Thursday, while playing, by tha caving in of a sand bank. Dispatches from the seat of the Indian outbreak in Nevada indicate trouble, but probably exaggerated, though troops are being forwarded. Robert Gilmore, colored, was shot dead in Brooklyn on Wednesday, by patrolman Joyce, from whom he was attempting to escape. Anatomist Nash, of the University of Pennsylvania, reports a bear movement in skeletons, which are usually worth $3O, but are now quoted at $35. Mr. Henry, of Beverly, Canada, has a cat that remained on his farm two years while he was absent from the country, boarding herself. Last week she tackled a black snake seven and a half feet long and killed him after a terrible combat. The steamer 3ltrrtin Wiener, from Shields 14 Hamburg. is believed to have been lost, with all her crew. E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. Give, tone to Mc stomach, improves the appetite and 1158164 i digestion ; excites the bowels to healthy action, expelling all tiro fonl humors that contaminate the blood, corrupt the secretions and offond the breath. It excites the liver to a healthy action and strengthens the nerves, imparting that glow to life that proceeds from perfect health. Thousands in ali .valks of life, testify to the vir tuc, of this excellent medicine in correcting the derange ment of the digestive organs. Get the geitino. Sold only in $l liottlee. Ask for B. F. Rankers Bitter Wine of Iron. and take no other. DYSPEPSIA. DYSPEPSIA. DYSPEPSIA. E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wi , e of Iron, a sure cure for this disease. It has been prescribed daily fur many years in the practice of eminent physicians with unparalel led suc cess. Symptoms are loss of appetite, wind and rising of food, dryness in mouth, headache, dizziness, sleeplessness and low spirits. Get the genuine. Not sold in bulk— only $1 bottles. Do,you want something to strengthen you, or a good appetite ? Do you want to get rid of nervousness ? Do you want energy, sleep well, or be cured of dyspepsia, kidney or liveirdisesea e ? Try E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. avorybottle guaranteed to do as recommended; Sold only in $1 bottles. Depot and office, No. 259 North Ninth St. Philadelphia, Pa. Get the genuine. Sold by all druggists. Ask for Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron, and take no other. TAPE WORM REMOVED ALIVE Removed alive with head complete, in from two to four hours. No fee till removed, E. F. KUNKLL, 259 North Ninth St., Philadelphia. Seat, Pin and Stomach Worm' also removed. Call and see ; advice free, or send for cir cular. Ask your druggist for KUNKEL'S WORK SYRUP. Price, $1 per bottle. feepB-1m New To-Day. BLOOD! • The if it. BLO OD is the LIFE, s a y n a temw ill i h m e p d t i r e e a , s t e h de w h y o o l u e cannot purify a stream while the spring is corrupt; neither can you impart good health to the hnman body while the blood is conveying the seeds of disease to all parts of it. Therefore, PURIFY the BLOOD, and naturo will heal the disease. No re medy has ever been discovered which has effected so great a number of permanent cures as LINDSEY'S Improved Blood Searcher. It is rapidly acquiring a national reputation for the cure of Scrofulous Affection, Cancerous Forma. tions, Erysipelas, Boils, Pimples, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, reald Head, Tester, Salt Rheum, Mer curial, and all Skin Disvases. The remedy is a VegetalAn Compound, and cen not harm the most fender infant. Ladies who suf fer from the debilitating diseases known as Female Complaint*, will find speedily relief by using this remedy. Beware of" counterfeits. The genuine has our name—R. E. SELLERS & CO., Pitts burgh,—on the bottom of each bottle. For sale by all druggists and country dealers. John Read & Sons, Agents for lluntingdon. . [Sept. 15, 1875-3m.] ar.(l PITTSBURGH, PA. For upwards of twenty years the loading busi ness College of the United States, affords unequal led advantages for the thorough, practical educa tion of young and middle aged men. Students admitted at any time. Or`For particulars, ad dress, J. C. SMITH, A. M., The "IRON CITY COLLEGE is the way institution of the kind, in this city, that we re commend to the public patronage."—Presbyterian Banner, Pittsburgh, Pa. New Advertisements. IKE HILDEBRAND Has opened a first-class WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR STORE IN BARTOL'S BUILDING, EAST END OF WEST HUNTINGDON, In the vicinity of Fisher's Mill, and directly opposite Henry & Co's Store, where he has constantly on hand BRANDY, WHISKEY, GIN, WINE, ENGLISII SCOTCII ALE, BROWN STOUT AND DUBLIN PORTER Champagne, Claret Wine, New England Rum, famaca Rum, Old Holland Gin, Irish and Scotch Whiskey. FRED LAUER'S Celebrated READING LAGER, ALE AND PORTER, on draught by the quart, gallon or keg. Fink & Boyer's Celebrated Ale on draught by the quart or gallon. Newark Lager Beer on draught Satur day evenings. Bottled Lager for family use. Modicinal Liquors a SPECIALTY. WILSON'S CELEBRATED RYE WHISKEY. stir Packages delivered in town, free of charge. Store open from five (5) a. m., till ten (10) p. m. [aug.4'7s-tf. K EEP IT HANDY THE RELIABLE FAMILY MEDICINE. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera, Summer Complaint, Cramps, etc., quickly cured by the use of JARDELLA'S Compound Syrup of Blackberry Root and Rhubarb An old, well tried remedy, entirely vegetable, pleasant to take, quick and certain in effect; can be depended on in the most urgent cases ; may be given to the youngest infant as well as to adults. It contains NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. It is a pleasant extract and readly taken by children. It has often saved life when physicians had dispaired. Keep it in the house and use in time. All we ask for it is a trial. Don't let your dealer put you off with something else. Buy it. Try it. Sold by Druggists and Store Keepers throughout the State. Prepared only by lIAN SELL lc BRO., 2000 Market St., Philadelphia. Julyl4-3mos. CONFESSION OF A VICTIM. Published as a warning and for the benefit of Young Men and others who suffer from Nervous Debility, Loss of Manhood, etc., giving his rules of self cure, after undergoing much suffering and expense, and mailed free on receiving a post-paid directed edvelope. Address NATHANIEL MAY FAIR, P. 0. Box 153, Brooklyn, N. Y. June3o-6m CARD! KIRK, BATT & BERWIND, Wholesale Grocery AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 130 NORTH 3D STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Offer for sale a large and well selected stock of Groceries, TEAS, SPICES, &c., Ac. We make a specialty of COFFEE and SYRUP. Our Fittest DRIPS are lteary BODY, FINE FLAVOUR, LIGHT IN COLOR AND FREE FROM ACIDS. We specially solicit MAIL ORDERS and fill them with as much care and at as low prices as if parties were present to make their own selections. We solicit CONSIGNMENTS of PRODUCE, our facilities for disposing of which enables us to obtain the very highest market prices. [june3o-iyr. IS CORDIA_ LEV STRAWBRIDCE & (U-IBMIMIEL.,..If.J. 1:*T.7131..1 MNLARGZI)) New Advertisements. 117 - ANTED-AG ENTS.-M EN AND T WOMEN, in every city, town and county, to canvass for Wm. Redheffer's PATENT LIGHT NING RECIPROCATING IMPROVED CHURN AND EGO ItEATER. Sells at sight and pays Large Profits. Send for circular to manufacturer. W. 11. CHICK .It. CO., 11l N. Second St., Saint Louie. aepB-3m L IVERY STABLE FOR SALE- A RARE CHANCE ! Having gone into other business, I will sell my LIVERY STOCK, at a bargain, and if desired the half-interest in the real estate. It is the old stand where henry McNlaniga! built the commodious stable, and is centrally located. Only a small cash payment desired, and the remainder to suit pur chaser. For further information call at the Jackson Milts . Il EOIU LONG. Sept. S-3t. .A. N Agents for a First. (71aes ny, r , orking nn,ler tin. 11,:u f0rf..1,4 law of Nl.i,su• chose:As. With gowl, rdialde 10.-n lil,nral ur rungement2 will bt made. Addruss, with p•feren,e, L. GARRETT, 152 South Fourth St., SepB-1m Philadelphia. T WENTY THIRD ANNUAL EXHI BITION PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, for 1875, will be held at LANCASTER, PA., Principal, SEPTEMBER 27, 1875, To Continue Five Days. .. Bookssof Entry will close September 20. No Entrance fee charged. 4; Competition is co-extensive with the United States, and the citizens of the several states are cordially invited to compete for our prizes. For premium lists and other information apply to either of the undersigned. GEORGE SCOTT, President. D. W. SEILER, Recording Secretary. ELBRIDGE WCUNK CY, Corresponding Secre tary. [Sept.B,lB7s. MORTON, BLISS & CO., ......._ ........... __ _. _. BANKERS, 3 BROAD ST., N. Y., Issue Circular Notes and Letters of Crrdit fur Travelers; also Commercicl Credits available in all parts of the world. Negotiate Loans, AND DRAW =CHANGE ON MORTON, ROSE & CO., - - - - LONDON. 110TTINGU ER & CO., HOPE & CO., $3 SAMPLE FREE and big pay to male and female everywhere. Address THZ UNION PUBLISHING CO., Newark, N.J. PLEASANT AND PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. " Beautiful 1 " " Charming! " "0, how lovely !" " What are they worth 1 " tc. Such are exclamations by those who see the large elegant New Chromos produced by the European and American Chro mo Publishing Co. They are all perfect gems of art. No one can resist the temptation to buy when they see the Chromos. Canvassers, Agents, and gentlemen and ladies out of employment, will find this the best opening ever offered to make money. For full particulars, send stamp for confidential circular. Address F. GLEASON it CO., 738 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. $5O TO $lO.OOO Has been invested in Stock Privileges and paid 00 CE E NT. PROFIT. "How to Do It," a Book on Wall St., sent free. TUMBRIDOE & CO., Bankers and Brokers. 2 Wall at., N, Y. Q week guaranteed to Male and Female Agents, in their locality. COSTS NOTUING to try it. Particulars Free. P. O. VICKERY A CO., Augusta, Me. The choicest in the world—lmporters' TEA S--Prices—Largest Company is America— staple article—pleases everybody—Trade continually in creasing—Agents wanted everywhere—best inducements —don't waste time—send for circular to ItOBT. E 43 Vesey street, N. Y., P. 0. Box 1287. llowll,B NEVER -FAILING AGUE CURE Price Si. Sold by Druggists. $5OO REWARD IF IT FAILS TO CURE. DR. C. B. HOWE, SENEC• Fel.Ls, N. Y. MOST EXTRAORDINARY Terms of Advertising are offered fur Newspapers in the State of PENNSYLVANIA. Send for list of pi.pers and schedule of rates. Address GEO. P. ROWELL A CO., ADVERTISING AGENTS, No. 41 Park Bow, New York. REFER TO EDITOR or TIM PAPER, [ling 1041. QUARTER BONDS INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO., F IVE DOLLARS EACH. 85.00 EACH. Will buy a quarter Bond . of The Industrial Exhibi tion Co., of New York. Each Quarter Bond participates in Four series allotments every year, until it is redeemed. The following Premiums show what any Bond may receive. A quarter Bond would receive oue quarter of the below named premium. JANUARY & JULY. Cash. 1 premium of 1 premium of lO,OOO 1 premium of ..... ... 5,000 1 premium of. 3,000 1 premium of l,OOO 10 premiums of $3OO each 5,000 10 premiums of 200 each 2.000 27 premiums of 200 each 2,700 48 premiums of 50 each 2,400 900 premiums of 21 each Total $150,000 APRIL A OCTOBER. Cash. 1 premium of $lOO,OOO 1 premium of 1 premium of • 5,000 3 premiums of $l,OOO each 3,000 10 premiums of 500 each 5,000 10 premiums of 200 each 2,000 29 premiums of 100 each 2,900 44 premiums of 50 each 2,200 3900 premiums of 21 each 81,900 The Company is not responsible for any money sent, except it be by check, Postal order, draft or express payable to the order of The Industrial Exhibition Co. Circulars sent on application. Address, INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO., 12 East 17th Street, Sept. 8Z1875.] New York City. /ze, ) The oldest and best appointei Institution for obtaining a Business Education. For circulars address P. DUFF lc SONS, Sept.l-com-3mo. Pittsburgh, l'a. TO THE PUBLIC. N. W. CORNER EIGHTH MU) MARKET STREETS. OF THE OF THE .$150,000 Total AN INVITATION P - Y - TO ria--3:p, TO VISIT AND INSPECT THEM ESTA,BLISIIMENT, New Ativerticnientl lIENUY C. Mt'N!,,,N, COTTLGEPLARINGELCO MAN! FAITUREES AND PEA I. ERs SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, FLOORING, Di'ackcts, Stair-Railiais, PLASTERING LATH, SHINGLES, COMMON AND FANCY PICKETS, FRAME STUFF aro! all kinil= of LUMBER The nintilier, of the Cottage Planing 31;i1 Co. being largely interested in the Lumlinr interest ;n Clearfiebl awl Centre eotintie., they will at tll tittles keep ennstantly on Intl !amity of taw very best WHITE PINE, well seasoned, and parties favoring TIA with a• or der will receive prompt attention, and all work OITAQANTEED to rehder satisfaction. Office for the present at Henry * en'4. Store. S. S. HENRY, Sept. Huntingdon, Ps., Sept. 1, Mi. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned, appointed Auditor by the Court of Common Pleas, of Huntingdon county, to make distribution of the fund arising from the sale of the personal property of A. Clay Helmer son, will attend to the duties of his appeistmeet, on Thursday, the 16th day of September, 1375, at ten o'clock a. ot., in the offlon of Simpson • Armi tage, in Huntingdon, when and where all moons claiming a share of said fund will prevent their claims or otherwise he debarred from a share thereof. Bept.l-31 TRAYED. X— , Came to the residence of the subscr. iber, in Franklin township. en or near the first of May, 1875, two RED STEERS, one a light-red. Um other dark-red. The dark-red bas a white Mar ea its forehead, no other noticeable marks. Said steers are raising two years old. The owners are requested to come forward, prove prnperty, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of according to law . Sept.l-3t. B. B. ISETT t SON. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell, et puldie wale, on the premises, on FRIDAY, NO VEMBER 81h, 1875, at 10 o'clock, p. m , A Farm, situated in Union township, Hinting. don county, containing 179 acres. of which are cleared and under cultivation, the balance good timber land, having thereon a new Dank Ran. 40:50 feet, a Weatherboarded House, and other necessary outbuildings. Also, at the same time and place 200 acres of Timber Land on the west side of Sideling Hill, in said township. Also, 209 acres of Timber Land on the east side of Terrace Mountain. This tract will yield about 200 cords of bark, and from 500,000 to 600,0410 feet of yellow pine saw timber. TERMS :—Une-thi•d of the purchase messy on the Ist of April, 1 , 176, and the balance Zia two equal annual payments. MILTON R. DRENIIMAN. Aug-25,1875-te. JUNIATA HOUSE, JICLIAXA STRUT, BEDFORD, PENS'A. This well-known bons, has recently born leased by the undersigned, who, having bad tbe esperi coca of a number of years in keeping a first-class hotel, respectfully Polie.ts the patronage of the public. Special attention will be gleen to trnwsiont boartleee. Arrangements will be made by which pereens can have meals at all boars. Boarding $1.50 per doy. Boarders taken by the day, week, month or year. my ,'7b-7] MARY J. RIFFLE. WEDDING CARDS ! WEDDING CARDS ! ! We bare just received the largest the latest styles of WEDDING ENVELOPES, sad WEDDING PAPERS, ever brought to Huntingdon. We have also bought new fontes of type, for printing cards, and we defy competition in this line. Parties wasting Cards put up will save money by giving es s At least fifty per cent cheaper than Philadelphia or New York. ap7-tf.] J. R. DURDORROW Z CO. `TEAM ENGINE AND AGRICUL ►K./ TURAL IMPLEMENT FACTORY. No: 1004, Ws.hington Street, Huntingdon, Ps., J. A. POLLOCK, Propr etor. Manufactures and furnirbes Maellinery all kinds of machine work Special attention given to fitting up a cheap Haft of Machinery, designed for small manufacturers. Second-hand Kngincto and Machinery at kw prices. Drawings for Machinery and Patterns for castings made to order. ENGINES and MACHINERY set up, and CYL INDERS bored out without moving from bed, is any part of the country. Agent for Kreider, Zindgraff A Co., Millwrights and Machinests, who build and completely fornisb mills of every kind. Employing mechanics who thoroughly understand their trade, satisfactory work will always bo produced. A Blanchsri Spoke Lathe for sale at a very low price. A ITAGE LINE From Spruce Creek to Centre ovary day, I except I•unday), leaving Sprite, Creek at 'clock, A. C.. and returning at 3 o'eloek, r. u. j Luy,-7013] 11. MeMANWILL FOR I'I,AIN PRINTING, FANCY PRINTING, G 0 TO TIIF: JOURNAL OFFICE EXI N DED CLOTHIER EX Et "'lf 01t . : 4 NIPTivE. r W f. ; • 10 , 1 1 •1P1 . ..irstnentary h6T TTz cru6T, . Ole =.BhTerit,or. .1,714 r . !lbw rate .1' J.Thet Witty. !ate r.rwisighTis„ •II thessei : r.. 'Twit I! TT, sor. hal• T;Pli ag • - Tam. v:li pr.onT: • r • - I :•Tr orttl,oriet. 1). W. 114 , 1. T .1 F. STEN 1i4! 4 T. %ROI KICK. PR •4 Tli %I. Si STE ISM SUER. Watches, Max ; Jewelry si Soda. 21.11 Adver Plew.f W If' *PO. t; •i 4 I .‘ - pla i n with oirt I i ••Ir•r ."Ibastsa. 6;1 itie.l4 few 447. V KAI AP. COS Wateb.4 an i 7ren !Vona , . wpftreity. MI rapair'.ne.l... at at..r• an.l es. *. • .1110. 1.1 till. III': WATelt, N.. 1.1-1 .4t. anig I 4. 4 1 4TA)li'ING : QTA O MPIN : filarial; jest * S e J.+•.rtta.•nf impre frees the eat*. I ant rt...., prepsre , ll .4tworep i c fee BRAIDING AND 11111101DICI I Woe 4, risking at lbw therewil sesior. 1.. MATTiII O. 11111.4 T. Xsy3,lB7:r. Xs. 413 Mao Slow. FRENCH. ZOTIL, Oppo.ite rity II sit, Purls, alit N. sod !tiro net- NEW YrIRK. All 31.ivre I opmvwsmrses. awrksaise Itlimsear. Reese $1 per day sad ispwswic 1. J. YR Mill • Bar*, Ir.p•w..a hilyV•lyr NEWGROCZAT, CONYECTI ZIT AND ICS CItAIf 9/41/0311. J. R. SIM P3ON, A editors. C. LIMO bas jest apse& at his tedesese. is West Ilaatisolaa, a ere timers. Cselleptisessy sad gee Craws Salessa, ob.?* ovorytleet pogeoko iag to these lieassolies at teats .as to Its& L. Cress reinstalled, at Aare sari... la hisaslias pastime. His rosiest are gparsriar to say saiises la taws. Ms putrefies, of rate rabies is terreteratty jet- GREAT OFFER. FATED To RR IMRE, Jean forgelwe't gnat sturv. priest I a 11.1046 tars. I. 7 i TW KNTV SUMIT ITORIL 4 . a tie', variety 4 iseollattootto omega wort si sty pope ripies 4idly TEI STEEL PRODUCTION:I : far oiled.* .4 fa oroov pietorro:..rigiost vorgrovorogo orortb.sll.lo. Afl tbo ahoy* seot stilt N curns AND 1103“, tbo post irootrotod troidity osolgo liar, T 10 310:11111.4 ow trial. for ottly Object : to istrothoot tbor paper to am soborriboro. Prier rodeos.' to noly fl A per year. Stogie mow bor. sis ettots--rtooo fry*. .4t over stow& or by sad. thug is.loritowets to agars owl oftsbo. TU4 tics row rovroorir. Pohholoro, 39- 11l Port Play*. Noir Tort. Moto mot. is oboe roper roe row tisi• s.lritrtionrot. itG ENTS W.% STEP. At taw nit* this ',orb is arntat Sin snails a sal* of be tire the esterase us remplote. Prestitoriss minister* without eberge. or those so till bowl* wit., wish is Mr.* it hy epos-air eserriok olio dents, lapses. swi others who sinews to obesis Iserstive esployeeest is • most reepseeshie ewes patios. Sr. soliwitesi to apply kr me assort tie ssii '*Tll/1 HISTORY OF Tit PIRIIITTIMISH Cil 1.7 RCM THROCOMOCT THR WORLI.-* A lesaliful large maw, velem. illoptimiled wits steel and weed wagewsisr, obsei wary Preekyterias wily sill wawa Sto posesse. Prim i• oval, St. Preach 11••••••• • SS. 11•1117•Ary Moviimpo, IT. P.ll Teri.? 311ftr••••, M. Appal, calms* f r •iteleriv• birrretevy obeeki b. Sean , et Address DI WITT C. LIM? A Cf). la-1.211-tur.) I i Br am* et.„ .Ikre , Tore. somrnmo MEW. TWO LARGE STORES XERNED INTO ONE' EXPENSES DRCRICASID.PRICILY 'sorra) ..a greater essveitiesett seetereei to essAleseirro. Takes plirasarsi is 2110111•111e1 LU waist hay CARPETS & FURNITURE That haviag Neatest ssis pv.priator et Ma ?sr sitar* stare farsorty agraiod - Jr.iva AI 71 hare. - h. baa asmiamai wit► t he. large Carpel ▪ an.i Wili he pirase4 mow to 11•4 tile, CASIMIR. ea well ad ample* of ft RNiTT'RRw tba Rose Soar. elisbi.R stairs. Illy etorit eacepriant a treat variety et IK Clamber sad Parlor Farnitary. Mattresere, Peter* Vraease. Sourbeea. awl Ow largest *seek et CARPS?, wi Ceoleal Peeasylvaaia. Mar sal T.ila Oii Clod* Irset dew Awl's. Wan Paper, Carpel Claim. allealare: needles for Rein aemil odor aterbione. Sae, Omani ; Abe Setae erreriteg easebirses el was. I emailafaetere pare of sr/ rem/ is WO do Carpet awl Waraitsee Deportsese. awl plasm NOTICI TIIL4 TACT. That so I MA' LOW TOR CAPRI. sod booing wok Ibis DOW orroogoosont, poilositog orpossoo. 1 cam nil at 'web km prima ao 'nil Saabs ot H. OD tempt or hoyors t• call al Na 525, Pm Stmt. Slarrb letb, I oier AT enOrT. 0. ,asb. Wall Paper alai a greet variety d C Feb. I 1.1 MLA 4. 11110 1? FOR SALK. A Homo, mol Lot. No. 47, to Thompson', adJitioo t. Illostimpios, will by soll ota sonionm Ma terms. Poommism irises oo thy int 4 hp* nest. Apply at this oar, boo. NPR Afiverti:4Pmenl4. 7^Y ITN I W.I 1. L. I 111 .v,. 41A', p -vi Sr.. dot TIM 1111111/0111111111 Kat NUMBER POUR. Initial Paper OILY 25 CENTS A BOX A? Till JOURNAL IN. foe en PI 10 JANES _I. BROWN TR 1.111.11111 Nv•lir .Viv, BUY -irouß, STATIOMUIT 41D I Li. I 111111 , Li. [ll TA VT IT TTIT WINK MIE. ChM 11 6 NO ' Competition Defied ! ra. ••••4 • •••.• .4 .11.. egiviw es 4 1..44 - 1 1 1Name. , •44. • ',or • vir PIRIF.: I VITY 11 R K PIP U.FX.IIIMItI • r • MTN TINTP.P. Irtoc •LL Thos. sop .oar of lbw On. Thor lap OD twee •%-gmo iellP wilftew I+ • vow. 7.1. 'lbw .a•- • r.irj TR II t; ~fkl.LAg. Va.‘. V KIM Nit rt.rA rLTR.s O 11001111 MP 01rT MUTUAL lUL virfrmi F:xi•MTIN %111111XID tt % %ED ALXNANINII rwo• ;CT cm - IT LIN, %X rENTE37.I Val.. f, rirrTiir utyjNo; rUgerIPPATRA. : 4 1 JAVIV KRTIUUL P mprtriont %.• 4s• 1.1171.11: Pltrirx. r‘UtOrni.t. rXIMNIt. ASP ILL SW 4111.1101110 WAIIIIILIX MIMI PA MIR. A:97l4Ft HUM WWI Twomey bee& 4 ('PM= .dbet NMI Piper. LIKTUR tad r.t P Piro is low roe Slim PAMIR sorra. LAM. :MR -3114 tlr. sod ohms ovary co* mai varivey se sr. CONGIUDIP CAP. si LIMB. II L.L. CAP. IMMO CA? WIZ/ oil his & booms is Immisois sow nail* asia oraiots. RILL MILISA. LW? TM II IL& PR, !last Ili. 17 11011112117 P. • KW. ILII V UMW by As am hal to suit refry styli; and goviety 4 ppm a Amillow sod esimre se lea sr we. PIM PENCILS. mai MU. EON !ANDS ern, roars ape . PER KNIT= 1' I MIR W . lam iptil rye* s joy limporvw POCK ItT 1111*VILA, Imp mei ..mill. -, *Vb. ~ism Imes • Aar ammie Is isessall Aim evslts Pot 31rrtti .1131.• r arum lasseise i aessa.4 too •era • AP 0:.111104 1:1,1111L4 assurb so boor OW OW mai pass st abboi. boOrbborbood osorlbrosil abspoirboor wary vow Nor at Ito yam /moo so most Ihr bomb NW amps owl lb, thoir. .II _ Iby oewarbodr BLANK BOOKS Ur.411111/1„ ',ST •••11111. <WO IMP.IIIO. Sty E7ll 1110441. inrasium vs X" TIIIIP 1101011-4. SEWill= IMMO" MIMI WNW esiere , OMNI MOM MILIIITT dad SIM 11111041.4 11111 wi sIIONIT 1111111111111. AI low alswasseit 4 nano. kW Or di am. MSR. .met Ihr ~me. SLAIN PtgletLil, C maw? Ilhodk ILA X KA •If elinry 111 , M1L4 amoll Alor. awl lb. Illiberel. 4 .aso ?WM ftlho s ansi • dthof .alas se er air* 4.0 4 orgy. ALM' Mk grrrs %N KKR ARP CARDA OW awl be bait Thor se 4ov latsimarme Alai wit. /try =aft biliPIP• et mow us» bop Ibir jig. b• trip awl am/ det Ihmilomr•• ▪ Plows... U... • lbw Owe wpm pop •.e pirialimma Rl* 1 LIM V; 1111./WKII :ha tabs or tbo limo of fee VMS/ Yin. broollw • awe sow llow R. imislka lbw Is soullos avispillisii to Nor +.4 we Ass as Wm iso bona ISO a to as mai p.a. toss sme OW OP Old me Or MINS pm amt. rf 4 is sisfilhiss is wir ass M sill to &A emsoss I.i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers