Tito Huntingdon Journal, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1875. READING MATTER ON EVERY PAGE W. a.. FOULK, Agent of the Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia Press Association, Is the only person in Pittsburgh authorized to receive advertisements for the JouusAL. Ile has our best rates. Laws Relating to Newspaper Subscrip tions and Arrearages. The following is the law relating to newspapers and sui,cribers, 1. tinhe.•ribrrs who do not give express notice tO the con trAry, are considered wishing to continue their sub- r pt. ion , 2. 1f subscribers order the discontinuance of their peri odicals, the pall:fliers may continue to e.end them until all arrearitges are pail!. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office to they are dirt.,:ted,thCy are lie] responsible until they have settled their bills, and order ed theta discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other places vithout informing the publishers, *d the papers are sent to the former di rection, they are held responsible. 5. The Courts have decided that "refusing to take periodi cals from the office, or removing and !caving them mi- called for, is prima funk eviden - ce of intentional fraud. Et Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it, whether he ha ordered it or not, is held in law to be a subscriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bonnd to give notice to the publisher, at the end of their time, if they do not wish to continue taking it; otherwise the pub lisher is authorized to send it on, and the subscriber will be responsible until an express notice, with payment of all arrears, is sent to the publisher. tar All persons desiring to transact business with this office, in the absence of the proprietors, or either one of them, are respectfully referred to the clerk in the store, GUSSIE ALLISON, who is fully, and the only other person, authorized to re ceive and receipt for monies and to trans uct any other business pertaining to the office or store. We make this announce ment because persons have, on several oc casions, refused to transact business with the clerk. J. R. DURBORROW & CO. REDUCTION ! Until further notice, we propose to insert specials, or locals, in our local col umns—not among the items, but distribu ted through the local matter—at TEN CENTS per line, eight ordinary words constituting a line. No charge, however, will be made fur less than fifty cents. tf LOCAL AND PERSONAL, Brief Mention—Home-made and Stolen. Cherries next, Pay your taxes. Whew but 'tis hot ! Shirt collars are wilting. Send along your job work. The fire laddies looked splendid. Vegetation languishes fir want of rain. "Laughing June" is with us once again. The Catholic church has been renovated. City salesmen are sicking the country shade Drunks were very numerous on Saturday night Painters, plasterer; and paper-hangers arc busy The Phoenix boys have - received their uni forms The bare-foot brigade are daily gaining new accessions Treasurer Montgomery is now handling greenbacks A large number of strangers were in town on Saturday. Our usual variety of lozal matter is crowded out this week. . The State ticket is well received in this neck o' woods A light frost was visible, to early risers, on Monday morning. Those ivory tablets, at the JOURNAL Store, are very handsome. The wind blew a perfect hurricane, on Saturday afternoon. The curb-stone rangers are out in full force these pretty evenings. Rev. Akers preached to our colored breth ren on Thursday Light. Come and see the pretty and useful articles for sale at the JOURNAL Store. Candidates are making their annual pil grimage through the rural districts. We publish quite a formidable list of appli cants for license in another column. The Placenix boys looked extremely well in their new shirts and caps on Saturday. Open air sermons should be inaugurated for the benefit of the curb-stone rangers. The wind played havoc with signs, fences, crinoline, and sich; on Saturday afternoon. Several velocipedes occupy our sidewalks every evening, to the great danger of pedes trians. A portion of the high fence, enclosing the property of Mr. Henry Roman, was blown clown on Saturday. It is not nice for a young bliss to make ugly faces at persons ou the streets. It is naughty, very naughty. Edwards' "Arctic Becr" won't freeze your "inards," but it will make you feel "mon sus.' good. Try it. The foundation wall for Port's new build ing is completed, and it is unsurpassed for strength and smoothness. Peddlers and peddleres3es were trump last week, and among the male portion of them there was one impudent cuss. A little son of L. B. Kline, esq., of this place fell into an empty cistern, on Saturday last and was considerably injured. Two trains a day now run on Broad Top ; which will be a great convenience to people living on the line of that road. A couple of organists ground out some mis• erable music through our streets, last week to the delight of Young America. Read the business specials that appear in the JOURNAL from week to week ; you may find something of great interest to you. Blair cbunty's public officers are all in jai —having removed their offices into that build. ing w hen they vacated the old court house. The crowd left Cemeterz Hill, on a double quick, in consequence or the terrific wind storm which passed over this place on Satur day afternoon. Ground has been broken for the erection of a large distillery and brewery, across the river, in Walker township, immediately oppo site Fourth street. Summers k Boring have their soda fountain in position, and are now prepared to slake the thirst of all who feel like indulging in that delicious beverage. Since the Osceola fire our people are again talking about water works. Huntingdon would be a second Osceola if a fire were to break out this dry weather. Wharton & Chaney, bless them ! think they have the neatest, completest and most exten sive hardware store in town. There has been considerable brushing up around there. By reference to the proper heading, the reader will see that our contemporary of the Orbisonia Leader, "has been, gone and got spliced." We wish him much joy and pros perity. A new firm has been started in the Clearfield coal regions, called "The Dale Coal Company," with their office at Huntingdon. Samuel Langdon, esq., has been chosen Treasurer and General Manager. • Huntingdon's guardians of the peace, police men Miller and Westbrook, took a goodly number of eels from the Juniata, on Thursday last, by means of a "stir net " Not any eels in ours, if you please. A chap who had put himself outside a quantity of bad whisky, tried to get up a fight, on Fifth street, on Thursday eve. The police were sent for, when he sneaked off, and thus saved a night in the lock-up. Don Piatt says that “the spirit of the Amer ican people is opposed to all splitting of names in the centre, and while we don't wish to be personal, we have heard that Providence is certain to overtake such splitters sooner or later." Everybody is complaining of the potato bugs. In wing Paris green to exterminate them, the poison should be mixed with the cheapest grade of flour, one pound of green to ten of flour. A good way of applying it to the plants is to take an old two quart tin fruit can, melt off the top and put in a wooden head, in which insert a broom handle. Bore a hole in the head, also, to pour the powder in, and then punch the bottom full of boles about the size of No. C shot. Walk alongside the rows, when the vines are wet with dew or rain, and make one shoot at each bill. MERCHANTS 1 MERCHANTS 1 !—WO will Sell you llardward of all kinds at wholesale city prices. my2G-Zt] FRANCISCUS HARDWARE CO. Num: Goods and Hamburg Edgings, a fine stock just received by GLAZIER & BRO. [mayl9-3t. DECORATION DAY.—Saturday last was observed as Decoration day, owing to the3oth coming on Sunday. There was not as much interest manifested in the day as heretofore, and very few persons from the country came to town. Business was not suspended—only here and there an exception. In the afternoon the Fire Companies, led by the Little Juniata, followed by the Pbcenix, Hook and Ladder No. 1, and Huntingdon companies, proceeded to the Court House, and there formed in pro cession, headed by the Silver Cornet Band, 'and paraded the principal streets and then proceeded to the Cemetery where an oration was commenced by Dr. George B. Orlady, but the orator bad scarcely enlisted the interest of his audience, whey a terrible storm of wind arose and dispersed the crowd and enveloped the town in dust and seemed for fifteen min utes to threaten everything perishable. There was very little rain fell, and comparatively little injury done. The oration was postponed until 7f P. M., at the Court House. We have heard it highly commended by all who heard it. The stampede from the Cemetery was one of the most precipitate, perhaps, ever seen here, and yet, no one was badly hurt. WAN rED-10,000 lbs. tub-washed Wool, 9,000 " unwashed " highest market price paid in cash or trade at HENRY & CO.'S. PRINTS, Atuslins, Tickings, Flannels and Domestic Goods zenerally, in varied assort ment. and prices to suit the times at GLAZIER 1311.0'8. [mayl9-3t. FRANCISCUS HARDWARE CO., sells Glass, Nails, Oils, Paints, Putty, Locks, Hinges, Screws, &c., &c., lower than any oth er house. [my26-3t. ONE OF TILE MYSTERIES—A reasona ble reward will be given for the satisaetory solution of a question which has bothered us for years. Every one gifted with the faculty of observation must have noticed in his daily walks, squads of three, four or a half dozen individuals—day after day the same faces and forms—loitering in front of stores, hotels, or on the corner of the most traveled streets, ap parently engaged in no other business than that of common gatherings and disseminators of town gossip and scandal; or as watchers and commentors on persons—especially fe males—who pass by. Now, as we cannot suppose this to be a business that pays, the question we want solved is, "How do these idlers manage to support themselves in the style they put on ?" It is a secret worth know ing. We know many hard working people who would be glad to take a respite from toil occasionally, if they knew how to earn their bread without labor. A FINE stock of Spring and Summer, Dress Goods, just received, by GLAZIER & BRO., which they are offering at low figures. Go and see them. [rnayl9-3t. We are selling Bar Iron, Round Iron,Square Iron, Steel Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, &c., &c., cheaper than any other house in the country. my2G-3t) FRANCISCUS HARD. CO. STRANGE BUT TRUE.—It is natural for people suffering with Consumption, Coughs, Severe Colds, or any other disease of the Throat and Lungs, to put off from day to day buying an article that they know has cured their neighbor, friend, or relative, yet they have no faith in it until it is too late. If you will go to your Druggist, S. S. Smith & Son, and get a bottle of BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP, your immediate cure is as certain as you live. It has lately been introduced in this country from Germany. and Druggists and people ev erywhere are elated over its success. You can get a sample bottle for ten cents and try it. Regular size bottle 75 cents. [ap7eovv-18m FARMERS ! FARMERS! !—Franciscus Hard ware Co. sells the best plows in the country. Call and see them. Every one guaranteed to give satisfaction. [26may-3t. BOOTS and Shoes, fine and coarse, good stock, at reasonable figures, just received at GLAZIER & BRO'S. [mayl9-3t. \tiny does the "Domestic" Sewing Machine continue to have a ready sale while other ma ch in es are a drag on the market in these times of stagnation and panic ? The answer is just here : Because all experienced sewing ma chine men, and everybody else acknowledge the superiority of the "Domestic" over all other machines. And people knowing its en periorities, and seeing its merits will buy it and the investment is one that pays and is never regretted. nov.4tf. • Pon Building Hardware of all kinds, go to Franciscus Hardware Co., where prices aie lower than any other house in the county. play26-3t. To reach the highest standard of health na ture demands the utmost regularity of the bowels : a slight deviation brings many incon veniences and paves the way to more serious dangers. We can reccommend Dr. Bull's Veg etable Pills as the best medicine for the needs of the digestive apparatus. If Johnson's Anodyne Liniment is half as val uable as people say it is, no family should be without it. Certainly no person, be he a lawyer, doctor, minister, or of any other profes sion, should start on a journey without it. No sailor, fisherman, or woodsman should be without it. In fact, it is needed wherever there is an ache, sprain, cut, bruise, cough or cold. Mits. E. M. SIMONSON, formerly E. M. Africa, has just returned from Philadel phia, with a handsome assortment of hate, choice goods and novelties of the season. All are invited to call. Corner of Fi th and Penn Sts., Huntingdon, Pa. tf. Everybody wants to know all about Mor monism. By purchasing Mrs. T. B. 11. Sten house's book "Tell it ill" you can be grati fied. tf. IF you want to buy a Child's Carriage, very cheap, go to 26-3tl FRANCISCO'S ITARD. CO. .a....._.,. w~L MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION.—At a meet ing of the citizens of Huntingdon, in the Court House, on Saturday evening last, M. S. Lytle, esq., offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we hereby constitute our selves a "Memorial Association," the purpose of which shall be the proper observance of Decoration Day and the making of the neces sary arrangements therefor. Resolved, That we proceed to elect a Pre sident, a Vice President, a Secretary, and an Executive Committee. Resolved, That these officers shall be elect ed for the term of one year, and the annual election shall be held on each thirtieth of May, immediately after the decoration ceremonies. Resolved, That during the first week in May of each year, the president shall call a meet ing of the officers of the association, who shall determine what preparations are necessary for the next succeeding decoration day ; and shall hold such further meetings of the officers of the association as shall be deemed proper. Resolved, That said officers shall also ap point such committees of arrangements and sub-committees as may be required to perform the work; these appointments to be made at least three weeks before decoration day. In pursuance of the resolutions the follow ing officers were elected : President, 11. C. Weaver ; Vice President, M. S. Lytle ; Secretary, B. F. Isenberg ; Exec utive Committee, G. B. Orlady, T. W. Myton, R. M. Speer, John H. Hight, J. 11. Boring, J. It. Simpson, B. X. Blair, W. K. Crites, and John Flenner. Adjourned. JOHN WILLIAMSON, Cbm'n. B. F. ISENBERG, Sec'y. One hundred Packages Havre DeGrace, Dry Salt, and Roe Herring, and Potomtv. Shad just receivad at HENRY k CO.'S ICE CREAM.—Owing to my superior facilities, lam i*cpared to manufacture and ship Le Cream to any part of the county twenty-five per cent. cheaper than any other establishment in the State. E. C. SUMMERS, may26-3t.] Castilian Garden. One hundred barrels of Rosedale Cement at , HENRY & CO.'S. ADVERTISED LETTERS. —Letters re maining in the Post Office, at Huntingdon, May 26th, 1875 : Miss Jane E. Cook, L. Cohen, Mrs. Rebeck, Jane Decard, B. Garber, Miss Nancy Jane Lar- kins, Miss Eliza Lewis, George Smith, Rankin Streets (2), William Shaver, Seward Thomp son. Persons desiring advertised letters forward ed must send one cent fee, for advertising. .1. HALL MUSSER, P. M. Farmers and "Horse Men" are continually inquiring what we know of the utility of Sheri dan's Cavalry Condition' Powders, and in reply, we would say, through the columns of the Joutorm. that we have heard from hundreds who have used them with gratifying results ; that is also our experience. Much money is saved by buying your Drugs, Patent Medicines, Tooth Brushes, Hair Brush es, Soaps, Perfumery, &c., &c., at the Drug Store of J. C. FLEMING & CO. Save money by buying Hardware at my2C-3t] FRANOISCUS HMO. CO, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, LubinAu°, RHEUMATIC GOUT, SCIATICA, NERVuta and KIDNEY DISZASIM, guaranteed cured by Dr. Finun's RHEUMATIC REMEDY. JOHN READ k SONS, Soie agents for Huntingdon county, Mayl9-Iy. FROM SHIRLEYSBURG, SIIIRLEYS.RURG, May 20, 1875, EDITOR JOURNAL : ROBERTSDALE PIC !SIC PARTY. Having been one of the party on the above excursion, I feel like having something to say on the subject. The party consisted of sixty six persons, or thirty•three couples in all. A representation from Saltillo, Three Springs and Shirleysburg participated. A very pleas ant time was anticipated, which was fully re alized by all the party except myself—l hav ing to return in about an hour. I am very much obliged to the gentlemanly superinten dent of the E. B. T. R. R. for his unmerited kindness in permitting the special train to return through to Shirleysburg to convey the parties from that place to their homes on the eve of the above date. Robertsdale is a beautiful and romantic place—a place that would, no doubt, be mucl► admired by parties from a distance. With its pure mountain air, its crystal tounts and ro mantic scenery, it has very few equals, let alone superiors. I would say to parties from the East and 'West, North and South, who have not visited this place of unsurpassed ro mance and beauty, that it would amply repay them to visit Robertsdale and surroundings. We had the pleasure of beholding the smiling face of our old and much esteemed friend, David Bair, a man of more than ordi nary talent and gentlemanly deportment. Many thanks to him for his cordial reception. I have a word to say about the gentleman (not knowing his name,) who attends to the ticket and telegraph office at the above men tioned place. I cannot find language strong enough, or appropriate enough, to do him justice for the kindness and interest he ex bibited towards me, and in fact to all, of the party. Ile is every inch a man, and has our cordial good wishes, with many thanks for his acts of kindness. The pie-nic was a grand success, and all moved off nicely. Tha party partook of a splendid dinner in the woods near Roberts dale, prepared by the ladies belonging to the party, after which all places of interest were examined—for instance, the Coal Mines, and many other places of interest to parties who have never visited them before. I would suggest the route from Three Springs, on the line of the E. IL T., to Robertsdale, over which we travelled, is unsurpassed in romance and beauty to those who are fond of romantic scenery, of which I am passionately fond.— The party consisted of ministers, professors, students, and ladies and gentlemen princi pally of Three Springs and Saltillo. As I am a poor writer and a worse compo ser, I will leave the field for some more able correspondent to finish. With thanks 'to all the party for kindness shown to the parties from Shirley, I am Yours most respectfully, HUNTINGDON MARKETS, Corrected Weekly by Henry .t Co WIIOLESALE PhiCES, ILUNTIVDON, PA., June 1, 1875. Superfine Flour *s 50 Extra Flour 6 tro Family Flour, Red Wheat .... White Wheat Bark per cord. Barley Butter Broome per dozen Beeswax par pound 2 00 7@B Beans per bushel, Beet Cloveneed 14 64 pounds Corn 11 bushel on ear Corn shelled Corn Meal IA cwt 2 0 Candles 7 It) l 2 l/_, Dried Apples IS lb. Dried Cherries lb Dried Beef l5 Eggs l5 Feathers 75 Finance and Commerce. PHILADELPHIA, May 29, In this city local business at the banks and on Third street is suspended, but in New York the holiday will be observed on Monday. This is an awkward arrangement, as it necessitates the transaction of business on New York account as it will on Monday in that great city on Philadelphia account. Gold opened in New York at 116±, and fluctuated frequently between that figure and 116±. The shipment this morning to Europe comprised $650,000 gold coin and $220,000 silver coin. Total, $1,170,000. Government bonds are in demand in New York and steady, prices sympathizing closely with gold. The New York stock market is very unsettled and weak. Erie being particularly so, owing to a serious decline in the price in London to 16±. Our stock board is of course closed, and there are uo transactions to record. Bartiagto. CYPHER—KENSINGER.—May 19, by Rev. J. S. McMurray, Benj. F. Cypher to Miss Ellen Ken singer, both of Saxton. . COONS—JOHNSON.—On the 25th ult.. at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. S. C. Alexander, Mr. R. J: Coons, one of the edi tors of the Orbisonia Leader, Huntingdon coun ty, Pa., to Miss Mollie A. Johnson, of Dry Run, Franklin county, Pa. GHEER—RENNER.—At the residence of the bride's parents, in Petersburg, on the 27th ult. by Rev. W. A. Clippinzer, Mr. Thos. P. (Meer, of Bell's Mills, Blair county, to Miss Adda Benner, of Petersburg, this county. Mrath e l , • e Petersburg, on the 26th ult., Francis Wilson, aged griout 26 years. The de ceased w•as a member of the M. E. Church. Ilis end was peace. TAVERN LICENSES. The following named persons will apply for license, at Argument Court, on the third Mon day, (21st day) of June, 1875: Henry Leister, "Leister House," in the Borough of lluntingdon. His vouchers are: A. Porter Wilson, !Gnaw; Miller, Wm. I. Steel, Geo. T. Warfel, John Leister, Henry Snare, Benj. Jacob, E. C. suinnier, Also, Valentine Browi the Borough of Hunting( Joseph Watson, John Africa, George Thomas, D. E MeMurtrie, .facol, Leonhard, D. W. Diven, Also, Adam Zeigler and George Long, "Jackson House," in tho Borough of Huntingdon. Their vouchers are: John S. Killer, Thus. Jackson, Wm. 11. Fisher, Val. Brown, George Thoma. 9, Goorge Jackson, D. E. McMurtha, Also, Jacob Zillius, Th corner of Washington an, vouchers are : James White, Luden Long, D. IL Major, Samuel Prough, William Hicks, Port Prough, J. H. Summer., D. W. Summers, Wm. T. Kyler, Patrick Clugher, Alex. Trimble, Cyrus Couch, Edward Pope, John Moore, John Richardson, J. R. Cunningham, P. R. Rupert, John S. Kennedy, Also, James Mantis, "1 the Borough of Mount TJ Henry Hlmes, A. R. Price, J. R. Faust, William Harris, Elijah Milts, George W. Weamoq, John C. Rose, Also, R. F. Ilaslett, ". Creek. his vouchers an Perry Ginter, 11. B. Mytinger, P. K. !tarnish, L. M. Stewart, 11. Chamberlin, Alex. Richardson, Thomas M. Benner, Also, James Chamber mark T,wnship. Ilis v, Thomas Wilson, David Funk, Robert L. ilendrson, Daniel Chamberlain, Jacob Keifer, Timms Goats, D. B. Kong, Peter Kooken, Also, Henry Smith, "The Smith Irouse," in the village of McConnellstown, Walker township. Ms vouchers are: M. Orlady, Wm. Kyper. William S. Lincoln, Abraham States, John Fraker, Oliver P. States, John Robb, Also, Frederick Mobus, for licence to keep an Eating House or Restaurant, in the Borough of Huntingdon. His vouchers are : D. E. McMurtrie, Frank Gerlock, Valentine Brown, James Miller, Thomas D. Newell, D. W. Diven, W. H. Thomas, A. Schmearmund, David Sturtzmstn, Magnus Koch, George Thomas, James li. Clover. Also, Thomas M. Benner, for license to keep an Eating House, in the village of Spruce Creek, in Morris township. His vouchers are Daniel Fetterboof, Samuel Hamer, J. E. Graffius, Leopold Bloom, Samuel Sprankle, Wlll. Dawnley, Also, Julia Ryan, at Dudley, Carbon townshi John Cypher, John McClain, Daniel Kane. Daniel O'Brien, Colr Shea, D. F. Horton, John Mulvihill, J. A Griffith, Luke LJ illgrove, Also, A. Gleason, for tielot less than one q BaiMet, in Carbon towbs M. P. Barson, Thomas Mulvihill, John Ronan, Edward Dalton, Michael Dalton, Cornelius O'Shea, John Donahoe, Wm. Kennedy, Also, William Brown village of Dudley, in vouchers are : Luke Hillgrove, James Began, Thomas Maher, Patrick Harrigan, Wm, Parker, Jeremiah Norris, Thos. H. Ackard, Felix Toole, P. McGowan, Andrew Gleason, Also, Henry Z. Metcalf, Brick Hotel, in the vil lage of Mill Creek, in Brady Township. His vouchers are : Thomas Martin, Isaac Odenkirk, Porter Henderson, John H. Thomas, John McDonald, W. T. Boring, S. L. McCarthy, S. B. Grove, D. It. Simpson, Francis Holler, K. P. Benton, John Goodman, Jonathan K. Meta, Isaac Wagner. Also, Henrylfess, "Far in the Borough of Peters A. Graffius, Itenj. Roberts, Thomas Franklin, Levi Ilanely, Martin Geisler, John Ross, Also David F. Horton ; bon township. His vow Daniel Dooley, Thomas Maher, sr., John Kennelly, Tomes Regen, Luke Hillgrove, William Parks, Jr., J. R. Gould, William Brown, Also, John J. Martin, His vouchers arc : J. F. Mears, S. H. Houck, John D. Lewis, B. F. Gehrett, Isaac Swoope, Jacob Hoffman, John F. Griffith, J. Mountain, Also, Samuel Dickson, (nigh of Huntingdon. II George Thomas, George Jackson, Vat. Brown, D. E. McMurtrie, Frank Gerlach, Peter Gerlach, Lunen Morningstar, Wm. Morningstar, Also, Michael Broadbc Clay township. Ills you William A. Crum, John H. Hoffman, L. M. Green, A. Lane, Frank McCabe, Wm. 11. Heck, Jesse Sechrist, John F. Stake, Wm. S. Shue, Lewis Masemer, Also, George W. Brigg Moonlit. His vouchers ai W. T. Browning, M. D., G. W. C. James, M. D A. Krueh, A. Carothers, J. S. Burket, Enoe McMullen, Samuel Miller, R. C. Templeton, J. H. Kennedy, J. Broadbeck, A. W. Sims, G. A. Saner, Win. A. Briggs, E. E. Royer, H. T. Davis, C. It. Wagner. Also, Henry Wilt, "Franklin House," in the Borough of Orbisonia. His vouchers are: J. D. Wicks, Solomon Grove, G. A. Saner, A braham Carothers., C. Enyeart, H . C. Marshall, J. S. Bucket, C. R. Wagner, It. C. Templeton, G. W. C. James, M. D., Amos Starr, J. Knigh, Michael Stair, J. Broadbeck, A. Knigh, John Flynn. Also, Georce Thomas, "Railroad House," Bor ouga of Huntingdon. His vouchers A. B. Zeigler, L. J. Koch, Thos. Jackson, Jacob Leonhard, Val. Brown, Geo. Jackson, F. Moebus, Martin Kippert, A. Schmearmnnd, A. Johnston, Thos. D. Newell, Magnus Koch. Also, George B. Kelly, for license to keep an In■ or Tavern, in the borough of Coalmont, in the house known as the "Coalmont House." His vouchers are: Levi Evans, Conrad Peters, John Richards, Richard Owens, William Bill, William Horton, • G. W. Hamilton, Frank P. Hamilton, Gervas Reisterer, A. Hickes, George Wighaman, James Sutherland, Thomas Hicks, J. Reed. Also, T. H. Hildebrand, Borough of Huntingdon, whole3ale license. T. W. MYTON, PROTHONOTAitY'S OFFICE, I Clerk. May 24, 1875. N env To-Day Win lain`, , 11. Greenberg, Wm. Lewis, — (leo. Schafer, W. Buchanan, Jacob A frica. gin, "Juniata House," in ;don. His vouchers arc: Henry Africa, F. Mohns, Peter tier , ltteh , Joseph B. Priest, A. Sehmearrnuna, Henry Hazzard. A. Schmearmund, Ira Jenkine, !Leary Hazzard, Frank Gerlach, Peter Gerlach, R. E. Thompson, H. Thomas. hree Story Brick House, id Sixteenth streets. His Adam Scbmearmund, Robt. Broadly, Jacob Holl, Samuel Allen, P. McLaughlin, Geo. A. Mitchell, William Hell, A. H. Martin, Joseph Zillium, Henry Parker, Daniel Pope, Wm. Richardson, John Relchner, Wm. Heffner, J. B. Richardson, David Straight, Thomas Moore, Gilbert Allen, The American Hotel," in rnion. His vouchers are : John Dougherty, John A. Clayton, William Foltz, James K. Thompson, T. F. Posth wait, Josiah Monn, James Harris. Keystone Hotel," Spruce W. S. Tlppory, Wm. Delany, Samuel limner, E. R. Ifurnphreyn, John Bulb+, A. G. Slick, rlin. hotel in Warriors 'ouehers are : Jeremiah Black, Daniel Geist, Martin Itinger, Isaac N. Cox, Darius Wilson, Christ. Wilson, Henry 11. lirtton, James 11. Chamberlin. J. G. Vantlevander, John Heffner, Samuel Peightal, Cunningham Martin, J. A. Fi.)lse, • Thomas Hamer, William G. Leal;hart. George Davie, llowell Merriman, A. G. Slack, W. B. Keller, F. I'. Slack, R. F. Illtelett. the Exchange Hotel, in p. Her vouchers are : Patrick Burns, James B. Cody, Owen Donahue, William Brown, Wm. Kennedy, Martin Maher, Patrick Shields, Felix Toole, l E. Dalton. license to sell in quanti luart, in the village of ihip. His vouchers are: Patrick Shields, Daniel O'Brian, S. Simingdinger, John Mulvihill, L. Simingdinger. B. F. Deflbaugh, Felix Toole. , "Brown House," in the Carbon township. His S. IL Miller, B. F. Deflubuugh, D. P. llorton, Daniel Dudley, Michael Cody, William McGanigal, Edward Dalton, - Patrick Shields, Jeremiah Sulivan, ;John Ehrenfelt, J. C. Gorsuck, J. G. Carothers, B F. Wolfkill, J. G. Long (AL D,), John H. Rupert, Daniel Detwiler, John H, Boring, James Wilson, !David Etnier, Sacob Musser, H. S. Musser, George D. Metz, Jno. K. Metz. mer's andDrover'sHotel," hurg. His vouchers are : Thos. Brinninger, David Barrick, Gustave Aultmau, Elias Fair, Henry flelfright, John Hallman, , village of Dudley, Car hers are : Ed. Dalton, Martin Maher, Conrad Aker, Michael Caseiday, B. F. Defibasgh, Patrick Shields, P. Harrington, C. K. liertuu. orough of Broad Top City. 'Daniel Flonner. William T. Pearson, Casper Runy, W. J. Ammerman, Elias Brown, henry Cook, M. J. Martin. "Farmers' Hotel," Dor— is vouchers arc : Jacob Leonhard, Martin Kippert, W. H. Fisher, W. H. Thomas, A. Schmearmund, F. Moehus, Ira Jenkins. :ek, village of Saltillo, in iehers are : A. K. Wagoner, E. S. Walker, John B. Mooreland, Wilson Averill, George W. Long, Philip Systihn, William Shope, Valentine Ai:ismer, Josiah Gimmell. V, i❑ the Borough of Or. .re : Nov To-Day. '\JEW GROCERY, CONFECTION EllY ANi► ICE CREAM SALOON. C. LONG has just opened. at his residence. in West Huntingdon. a new drocery, Confectionery and fee Cream Saloon. where everything pertain ing to these branches of trade eon lAt had. lee Cream furnis - ocd. at short notice, to families ur parties. lfia rooms arc superior to any others in town. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. [jc2-y THE LAVA PEN Is taking the place of the common Sleet r'en wherever used. It will not corrode; it wilt write as smoothly as a gold pen ; it will outlast a dozen steel pens. Sent by taail for S:3 a grus; or 2Ue a dozen. The Trade supplied by FRYSINGER BROS., Lewistown, Pa., Genl. Agents for Juniata, Militia, Huntingdon, Centre and Snyder counties. [june2-3t.] 154. m Advertisements. CAUTION ! All persons are hereby warned not to pur chase, receive, or have anything to do with a cer tain promissory note, made by me, in fiver of Mrs. Elizabeth Gates, dated the 24th day of March. A. D.. 1875, for the sum of one hundred and fifty ($150) dollars, payable one year after date, as I have not received value therefor and will not pay the same unless compelled to do so by law. may2B-3t] WILLIAM 11. FISIIDURN. NATHAN GREENBERG ) Has just received the largest and finest assort ment of Spring Goods IN HUNTINGDON. CALICOES, MUSLINS, DRESS GOODS, and all KINDS of TABLE LINEN, SHAWLS, BED SPREADS, and also a very fine assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, TRIMMED HATS, STRAW GOODS, RAM BERG EDGING, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, TIES and RIBBONS. Alpacas, 25 cents; Alpacas, colored, 25 cents; Shawls, $1.25; Table Linen, 35; Bed Spreads, $1.25; 4 pair Ladics' llose, 25 cents; Ladies' Trimmed Slats, $1.50 to $5 00; Ramberg Edg ings, 5 cents per yard. 512 Penn St., Huntingdon. April 2S-Gmos. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The best quality of Limestene Land, situ ate in Franklin township, Huntingdon county, one-half mile from Colernin Forges and 3 miles from the Penn'a Railroad, containing 145 acres; 125 cleared and the bal ance well timbered with good white pine suitable for building. The improvements are agood large stone house, large frame bank barn, nearly new, with wagon-ehed and core-crilis attached There are two good springs of water, one iu the bare-yard, the other convenient to the amine, with a good spring house. A never-titling stream of water rune through the farm, which makes it very valuable for clock raining. The farm is under good pest-fences, and in an excellent state of cultivation. Payments made to suit purchaser. Any person wishing to look at the property can do to by ca/ling on Samuel {Vera, living on the tarm. BEN.. F. SPRANIELE. Spruce Creek, May 12, '754m.* - 111 t) RIDGES TO BE BUILT AND RE PAIRED.—The Comrnisioners of Hunting don county will receive proposals, at their office up to one o'clock on Friday, the 4th day of June, 1875, for building and repairing the following named bridges : Ono to be - built in Clay township, near G. W, Corbin's. Length, 65 feet. One in 'West township, across Shaver's Creek, near John Gregory's. Length, t feet. One to be rebuilt at Shade Gap, near Lupfer's Tannery. Length, , t 9 feet. To be repaired—The bridge at James Creek. near Isett's 'llte bridge at Paradise Furnace. The largo bridge across the Raystown Branch at Entrekin's. Plans and specifications to be seen at the Com missioner's office, By o:dcr of the Commissioners. HENRY W. MILLER, Mayl2- Clerk. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL The Politlevl, Personal, and Property Plits °,._l, Of the United States—How to exerri-e and how to preveree thein. .11 . 9 Theophilne Pufl-eons, LL. U. Containing a commentary on the Federal and State Constitutions, giving their history and ori gin, and a full explanation of their principles, purposes and provisions; the powers and duties of Public Officers; the rights of the people, and the obligations incurred in every relation of life; also, parliamentary rules for deliberative bodies, and full directions and legal forms for all business transactions, as making Wills, Deeds, Mortgage , , Leases, Notes, Drafts, Contracts, etc. A Law Li brary in a single volume. It meets the wants of all classes and sells to everybody. JONES BROTIIERS & CO., Phila., Pa. May 12-4 t BLoon Ia n The d i f BLOOD isp n i s r a t h e the hFnEI e isystem will be diseased. You cannot purify a stream while the spring is corrupt neither can you impart good health to the human body while the blood is conveying the seeds of disease to all parts of it. Therefore PURIFY the BLOOD, and nature will heal the disease. No re medy has ever been discovered which has effected so great a number of permanent cures as LINDSEY'S Improved Blood Searcher. It is rapidly acquiring a national reputation fur the cure of Scrofulous Affection, Cancerous Formations, Erysipelas, Bolls, Pimples, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Scald Head, Teller, Salt Rheum, Mercurial and all Skin Diseases. The remedy is a Vegetable Compound, and can not harm the most tender infant. Ladies who suf fer from t l- 3 debilitating diseases known as Female Complaints, will find speedy relief by using this remedy.. Beware of counterfeits. The genuine has our name—R. E. SELLERS h Co., Pitts burgb,—on the bottom of each bottle. For rale by all druggists and country dealers.— John Read tt. Sons, Agents fur Huntingdon May 12, 1875.-3 m STAMPING Having just received a fine assortment of Stamps from the east, I am now prepared to do Stamping for BRAIDING AND EMBROIDERING. I also do Pinking at the shortest notice. MATTIE G. GRAY, May 3,1875. No.-115 Mifflin Street. JUNIATA HOUSE, JULIANA STREKT, BEDFORD, PENN'A This well-known house has recently been leased by the undersigned, who, having had the experi ence of a number of years in keeping a first-class hotel, respectfully solic:As the patronage of the public. Npetial attention will be 9iren to transient boarders. Arrangements will Le made by which persons can have meals at all hours. Boarding $1.50 per (lay, Boarders taken by the day, week, month or year, rnys/75-y] MARY J. RIFFLE. FOR RENT. A good Store Room with Basement, on Cor. 14th and Washington streets. Apply to PILGRIM OFFICE. F0b.24-tf. FOR SALE. Desiring to give all my attention to the manufacture of Iron Work and Machinery, and not having sufficient room in my present location for all the necessary attachments of a Machine Factory, I will sell my ENGINE AND ALL MY WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY, and will give the use of the building for some time. My machinery is suitable for the manufacture of Carpenter work, Cabinet work, Wagon work, Chair work, and many other kind:, of wood work. To a good and responsible party I offer easy terms. J. A. POLLOCK, 1004, Washington St. ap2S-Im] Huntingdon, Pa. ENGINE FOB SALE. One new Horizontal Engine, cylinder 12:20 inches. Any person wanting an Engine of this capacity will do well to see us before buying else where. We desire to sell and realize our money out of this Engine, and as an inducement we will offer it considerably below the cost of an Engine of this kind. W. H. H. NIVLING it CO., [apl4-tf] Founders .t Machinists, Tyrone, Pa. INITIAL PAPER AS LOW AS Twenty-five Cents a Box AT TIIE JOURNAL STORE. WEDDING (7,1 it DS ! Wk:DDING CA : NVe have jtve rverive.l the 1.trg,.. , nr the Irtest ,t• ever brought to liuntingdo We hare al:t. bought new fontes of type, for printing cards, and we defy competition in this line. l'artiel wanting cards put up will gave money Ili a At least fifty per cent (+caper than Plitia•klphia or New York. np7-tf.l J. It. DCRI.:O:IanW A Co. THE BEST Wimat GITZEForp 0„;,..A..z.z, if SCHOOL GETZES I . PA. p . L O7-1 Se for tae Partor Orrin. %/1i;n:,,,y7.,,4,7,1:pr,:ce. 52.50. r z March BRUSH HOUSE BROOM FACTORY ABDIEL McCLURE .Et CO., PITTSBURGH, PA., Dealers in Straw and Manilla Wrapping Papers. Flour and Groceries, Sacks, Twines, Woodem-wars, &c. Call and examine goods and prices. or ail dress the firm. Mareb24-3mos. T Smoking T Smoking T 0 0 A A A C C C C C Superior 0. 0. 0. smoking We desire to eloae ont a .mall lot of SMOKING TOBACCO AT COST. and invite attention to the following' recioceflpriee lief: Common Durham, 11A, 8 eente,retails for 10 eta. It 4/ ft ) 5 II " 20" Johnny Reb, " " " 10 a Pioneer, i If 15 " " 20 u Commonwealth, 3 " 1r " •4 Farmers' eboicr, k " 9 " 10 ef Miners' PA # " im> " " XX smoker, 4 " Call at the JOURNAL STORE. SHINGLES! SHINGLES "31DE-CUT." Eighteen-inch Sawed Shingles, Nos. I and 2, in large or small lots. Lew. for cash. For sale by ISETT L WRAY', Aotistown P. 0., Blair county, Pa. (Bell's Mill• Station). apl7-4r. J. L. DUYSEATIf Jong J. L. DUNSEATII Sc CO.. PORK PACKERS, PROVISIONS, LAID OIL AND RE FINED LARD, 301 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. P.% SUGAR-CURED HAMS, DRIED REEF. Feb.24-3mo• AGENTS WANTED. At the rate this work is now !eking it will attain a eale of before the canvass is complete. Presbyterian ministers without charge, or those in ill health who wish to regain it by open-air exercise. stu dents, laymen, and others who desire to obtain lucrative employment in a most respectable o eeti . pation, are solicited to apply for an agency to sell '‘TTIP, HISTORY tIF THI PRESBYTFRIAN CHURCH TiIIanUGHOUT THE W01:1,1)." A beautiful large oetavo volume, illustrated with steel and wood engraving*, whieh every Presbyterian family will want to possess. Prim in cloth, $4. French Morocen, $5. Half Turkey Morocco, $7. Full Turkey Morocco, $9. Appli cations for exclusive territory should be made sr. once. Address DE WITT C. LENT A CO, Jan.2o-9us.) 451 Breezes St., New York. NORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, ;c 4 Ap r "A PkV - wort or promo• Dime& Dec. 23,1874. JOHN WHITISOIS. MAL n. I b. CTIPICIII WHITESIDE, REED & CO., Dealers is FOREIGN AND DOMRSTIC HARDWARE IRON, NAILS, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, VAR NISHES. ETC. COOKING. ECLIPSE, NATIONAL EXCEL SIOR, STAR. COTTAGE, SPEARS. A3IERI CAN CO'S, PENN CO'S. CONTINENTAL CO'S, IN GRBAT VARIETY. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE, QUEENSWA RE, GLASSWARE,STONEWARE, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Bats and Caps, STAMPING ! BACON, FISIL SALT, DRUGS, IC., AC., •C., A full line always os baud. Sole Agents for the following Companies: STONY CREEK WOOLEN MANUFACTI7R ING COMPANY., whose Doeskins. Plaids, Jew. Tweeds, Flannels, ike., will be sold by the piece at Factory Prices. TAYLOR A CO.'S CELEBRATED CUCUM BER PUMPS. SINGER CO'S SEWING MACHINE. J. 11. WALKER'S Manufactory of LEATHER of all kindA. DR. J. MeSIMPSON'S Celebrated Mediciae. All of which are offered at the lowest prices WM/Lt.:SALE OR RETAIL. at the South Eat Cur. of Itidgley and Elliot St.., ORBISONIA, PA., GRAIN TAKEX IN EXCHANGE. NOTICE.—After this (late, we intend ass king our business a strictly C 1 1:111 one. and shall sell goods at very low r.tes. All persons indebted to lis are requested to call for settlement. Feb. 2 1,1b75. SOMETHING NEW. TWO LARGE STORES MERGED INTO ONE' EXPENSES DECREASED, PRICES ItEDI - CitD and greater convenience neared to euetotaoro. JA DIES .1. BROWN Takes pleasure in announcing to all who want to buy CARPETS & FURNITURE That having become sole proprietor of the Fur niture store formerly owned by "Brown A Tir horst," be has combined with it his large Carpet Store and Will be pleased now to find the CARPETS, as well as samples of FIT RNITI7RE on the teat foot, without climbing stairs. My stock eomprises great variety of Kitchen, Chamber and Parlor Furniture, Mattresses, Picture Frames, Brackets, and the largest stock of CARPETS in Central Pennsylvania. Floor and Table Oil Clotho, Win dow Shades, Wall Paper, Carpet Chain, all eelerie needles for llowe and other maehines. Estory Organs: also Howe sewing Nubia,' at cult. manufacture part of ley goods is both the Carpet and Fornitere Departao-at, aad please NOTICE THIS FACT, That as I BUY LOW FOR CASH. and baring made this new arrangement, redueing espouses. i can sell at such low prices as will asak• it t►e in terest of buyers to call at No. 525, Pena Street. . Until Mareli led, I offer AT COST, for rash, Wall Paper sad a great •srbty et Carpels. Feb.lo. JAMES A. 110,111. SUBSCRIBE FOR TEI JOURNAL. Oa S2.N s year. New Advertisements. WEDDING ENVELoPE,:. and WEDDINii AN{► Cheapest in the city No. 362 Penn Avenue, and dealers in 100,000 COPIES STOVES : A complete assortment of GROCERIES, &C., TINE LADIES New Advertimmarai& 8D Y YOUR STATIONERY AND A 1 iITICLILA IN TIS tr LINK IT JOURNAL STS. Chow lai ne Choi! Competition Defied I The otneit hart.l is , ere ..f the ;scree sold nom +varies) PT or hrmegbt t. 'loather...a. Is "eli tists of PIRIF.: 4 . TINTED. REPP. ALFAANPRIA PA prm I Jo. TINTED. WiiVE PAPIMIIIIP. A "'RAMC,' Then •r• sows of the Iwo Psystris• sismihs. tared is Iltarop*. Tbsy srs rotates. blp east kw tbs. tbsy sr: wbolessitsll is woos of &F AS**, et tits I"siss. T. the we've Ste •etietss ire *44 tb. follogrisig PAPETRIEN : STELLAR. N PRA. V ERN.Y.I. 5R PLUA ULTRA roDLIN A .411017. 1,056 MIAOW SENTRA. TALL VICTORIA. RRIGITTON. HARVARD, ALEXANDRIA COURT. cOURT I.I.NRA R. CENTENNIAL. • INITIAL PAPITRIEN. IRVINI:. i'LEOPATRA, DIA WIN P. ST JAMES. REV KILL ?MM.'. rspetrieir far the Chi Wm. BIJON. LITTLE PRINCE. C ‘LIKDONIA USDINE. AND A LL DV .08 IP AIIADILf. QUADRILLE NOTIM ONION P. PER, ANTIQUE. num !Asti Trvnty kirois of 11)311111gariAL sii oder NOTE Perm LETTER and CAP Paper io 1 3nes 11 111 1 t i. Cities. PACKET NOTE. urrnisksm MON. sod Aimee emery style awl= use. IN4I REM CAP. awl R( LL. CA P. RECORD CAP. IMO; all kiwis Immo to beasem sure; Finest awl brie alleillisk BILL HEADS, LET TER HIRAM. Note Bomb. ST AT E3IIIICWIN. CA IR DS, ENV RLOTIDI by the sin lose w sae @wiry Atyl; :ad variety of piper. Al shadtpand eolwre se well at MI..P. PENCILS, aed INNS. 131( STANDS of every paters acid idyls PA PER KNlVESopieathaliartichta PAPER WEIGHTS that .111 prove a joy forever POCKET BOOKS. large soul sumal. every style. cavils, from a fifir east* ?a anima Islam rvIES FOR NOTRA AN.o PAMIR* Esamise this st.ich, it asistaist be .sressimpil is ebi, eassisty. GAMES. GAMt',S. 4:AMES. G.tMK.4 ranee) to keep tie .44 woo ream el the ~ice setzbborhood iteeployeqi !browbeat every we slag of )tut year. There ie seas the boob tbe Grave owl the Gay. A ease fee evarybeaty 7 BLANK ROOKS. LEDOKR 4 , DAT BoOK, liTs- I'TK Rooll i 1 RIORA D r TIME BOOR" Br TORN* BOOKS. oßDltit ROME& COMM SITION BOOKS, RIC!!! ri srt SOTS WNW All kiwi. of COPT BOORS. A tarp aimorcumrasiot LATIV. Amapa, lbw Ark se4 Ust 1b sa ?ism BOOK SLAT +, tM morn Oise apt ersemarto. S L ATE PIINCIL4, CRATONS. ass. bulimia. Bla.‘NIC: 4 of ern y X.Yrib4 be met OW okra pool dm liberal. !loom loot one tube e+ misio Airs kayo a or if flirty. ALBUMS. QIITE AN .1 REWARD CARDS that ean't he boot. ?boy aro the Imoinumos• thiag out. They mato lbw la-orta al soft mite lest for joy. PrcTran by tb• &N o. largo Nal mail okr. lisairameso $ Cbrears. Alms. • few C• 10111111 tbs• caper , ANN pietarse. BUILDING BLOCKS lied ?state. O. AWN, Lairsts.. tirVTINGDF,N. LIMO reewor barteg awe failtirmilfaat Awe OM wok parseirik Sod waft i• Asir senisitaip co amilaik the deft ..moismare 010 lbw poribm 10 go assillume AIR. SNP dips Aka vim* soduillibsiory podium.* ear faresik aware pparpeelim 1111.111111=6 . 11 WM& a airsewelbs. ri.t3l .4310 AtilLlCCir °Li Tr a.; c. EMPILEIWIT nervier. tees. INAlkosi.• Illameagilmb 4. P.4141W. 71.„ Ppiegrbow asearf...'m- • Oraresokee 11111041110.47 111119 a blob 4 essio*Mor owe. grow aste.l.• .io•• syr • deogleaur ratialmory. Arriposil i•• gone ogsgbiligeos Awmg411.5•4 lisegkom tar* Milleirry greggrpONS Psorisegy ibe ea* Pirimpor •rilloor owl. so emir iN4IIIIO sir* 1111101111311/88T gee gp. me* OM INDEIL4 two/ we 01111,11 arwlnß Sow 11•1111/ peot of AO gsgagarp. Awe, Orr Ihrildirt • Oa. 110•0011* aggliggga% egbe ogeggesplollpflesib slag ge bogy bet firObylog solineur A. tbroggilly gobbles* Aber OW* olielbremp obi assero r podlimill Illoggegge toils Wee 114.11.10 • gerybeir prim irofelSgi. joinrrnm. wirni.4l4ll A. Doan* is PIT- 40041111. IPPPTirtIIO. 11011 MIR IMO amf PAM aut. 4 Snell" tel. sov.ll/41sort OLD LONDON DOCK Get air dr wit Or P=lre almi l i tmaso pomegarwa. origami. 41111 me AIM Ala our lattailaft Oare lior Mb, ehugoliilmt dillefter *mak o 011111111111 P AMP illiseslirkei es. Ilmme Sp • 41114004, pummt eat. am, .4•80•1• ss simpionaampsaa I. r. IMIESIIIO a nk ear Alleisaß am Pa Ala tlik Pg. - G RA nrg DZAliall 6 itOr IV. fir szNAir A M. TriIWINO. MAW sr_ 11:I PM am% 117/77.8511/ 1 00. Apr.lll-01 HRT'f 011111111 r, 4 .llllllllMDtwlllllllllllllllla 40 To Moor isimieses4 i Asp err 44 . taitester Prat ST It witurr ardimell perpoir our .11br 11.% MET'S Pr BS ST IL Prfte• MP fir Est Nat oell Alp le rima sem so aim paustompft V. sew bad& Weft • • - n ryWi PIIMILLIII. 1.11111111111111. prigs - 1111 J, SOWS. impies rtst ursassime 411111. 4•4 vim atuiewills4l mt. ~my TONir arlUti 111111111111 A imed law ?woo LW.- avrT •, RV Swill) Met 4 1.96/0. heysl.lg:‘ ovs.• se r • BM ralleilli PUN= RINI a* 10111 .vi w rot, vformaisz lIINII7IAIf CONPAXT Aral p.m..., it IMO • liwornory emir Walk* Ibis sb• eared/ ,prod .rellowir• mom& Tbio Lir is imined w • - ale it SW ilbeirissil Or spirini beit dr Leglalkaitiole 0110 Aerie., Soo tverr bwrib b. goer w,.i» Nummilim 46011.11. • or Oti.oo l . we 140,01.0. 4M Pftweisior Allimeamit, Air 7^ -, -;eh Strips b. 1.1 1% A. al. szt Cievehre *rm. 11611 espimilmmo. MS lir MOB Free a obwrip. or, opplimilles. , For bonds mil ow w•y. Illasessikara, 11kyr te a, PISA WAIL 4010111114. ...:: "4 &at. SOUP 164. Ilisueis by Amin "ai Stow To. OW inNW gobrated Loewe , . sr r A. llistry 4111ider. " 4 4/ Iw 6001111 nos ins Man. raw sad mil alkornill Mill 4 WATCIIIIII. MAXIM JIMMUIT, CRAMP. 4rAitillia MOM RINGS. *r.. sr_ Jvist somenred is T. W. SLACIVP. Aft ram Strees. SOUP sea 11111,1111 1111111/1/14 lIIIIIINSIM me Peso warm& 1 1 / 1 01111111111111 IMO • 1•1111111181111711. mar Mai am -de Use eine Or edit as AMINO alb mow Amoolimummt OWL A AO i... 4 OMR MVOS mai Min sIIII4I4CLIIO sio4 ITU 41114111111111111 Airtmom somilloreeso aw p. bane gamy ossim WIMP. 11110110. a 1 111111nairr anisip sal pmesially oupolialL 1111 qua aillAwilt W 4111111.1110. Ow 4 rik• IMIS W/O/ft Pam" amok Ihraloglsra ba*T4t Glto L TRAMP, & CO. WIWINNI. OmMOPS/ 35112D8, GRAIN, fl .11. as wow, mint wok rennsima, Ps. : CiaIPIMIRIP : /11011=1. 01:11.1180111r! Day yaw Porn youreillimer year IWO .0/116 WIND L ENOS 011111111110
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers